November 1, 2015 - Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
November 1, 2015 - Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
Our Lady of Grace Roman Catholic Church Our Mission: We change lives through the Risen Christ By Prayer By Presence We pray every day for the success of our parish’s mission as well as for our own intentions. By Witness We love God and neighbor each day. We join our communion of faith for Mass every Sunday for mutual support and for the grace God offers us. By Support We share our gifts and we encourage one another. We Celebrate the Eucharist Vigil of Sunday: 5:00pm Saturday Evening Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am (Children’s Liturgy of the Word), 12:00 Noon (Choir), and 5:30pm (Except July 1 through Labor Day) Weekdays: Monday – Friday 8:00am and 9:00am • Saturday 8:00am Holy Days: See inside 666 Albin Avenue, West Babylon, New York 11704 Parish Office (631) 587-5185 Fax (631) 587-1427 Faith Formation Office (631) 661-9353 Parish Social Ministry Office (631) 661-9354 Day Care Office (631) 422-4681 [email protected] November 1, 2015 • All Saints Day Worship This Coming Week Mon. The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Nov. 2 Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 8:00 All Souls Day Intentions 9:00 All Souls Day Intentions 7:30 All Souls Day Intentions Thu. Weekday Nov. 5 Rom 14:7-12/Lk 15:1-10 8:00 Mario Commisso 9:00 Vincent Hagan Tue. Nov. 3 8:00 9:00 Weekday Rom 12:5-16b/Lk 14:15-24 Nary and John Stancanti Pellegrino Trapani Fri. Nov. 6 8:00 9:00 Weekday Rom 15:14-21/Lk 16:1-8 Jimmy Thanhauser Devotees of the Holy Face of Jesus – Living and Deceased Wed. Nov. 4 8:00 9:00 Saint Charles Borromeo Rom 13:8-10/Lk 14:25-33 Anita Allan John F. Kristoffersen (B’Day) Sat. Weekday Nov. 7 Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27/Lk 16:9-15 8:00 John Chao, Maria Chao, Enrique Cheng, Pasquale Pino The Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday, 4:00 – 4:45pm: Presider: Fr Gabriel Worship for Sunday, November 8, 2015 Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Kgs 17:10-16/Heb 9:24-28/Mk 12:38-44 5:00pm Vigil 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:30pm 5:30pm Presiding & Preaching Fr. Vin Fr. Vin Fr. Gabriel Fr. Gius Fr. Gius Fr. Gabriel We pray at this Mass especially for Jeannette Bell People of the Parish Jean Horan and Nicholas Bertucci Rosemarie Farina For Persons with Special Needs Salvatore Laurice The Sacrament of Baptism Saturday, 11:00am: Deacon Peter Baptisms are celebrated throughout the year on most Sundays and occasionally on Saturday. Call the Parish Office for more information or to schedule an appointment for a Baptism interview. This should be done as soon as practicable. The Sacrament of Matrimony Second Banns: Patricia Santorelli – William Southarland (St. Joseph’s) Arrangements for marriage should be made as soon as possible, but not less than six months prior to the intended wedding date. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick This sacrament is celebrated each Saturday during the 8:00am Mass for those facing surgery or those with major disorders. Other arrangements may be made by calling the Parish Office. Becoming a Catholic • Completing Initiation as a Catholic Any adult, teen, or child older than age seven who is interested in becoming a Catholic or in completing the Sacraments of Initiation as a Catholic (Baptism, Confirmation, Communion), is invited to contact the Parish Office. Our Parish Communion This week: Sunday, November 1: All Saints’ Day. Masses at usual weekend times. Monday, November 2: All Souls’ Day. Masses at 8am, 9am, and 7:30pm. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 2-6pm. Tuesday, November 3: Scripture Sharing 9:30am and 7:30pm. RCIA 7pm. Youth Ministry begins at 7:30pm. Saturday, November 7: Centering Prayer 4:00pm. Next week: Sunday, November 8: Mass for Persons with Special Needs 1:30pm. Monday, November 9: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 2-9pm. Tuesday, November 10: Scripture Sharing 9:30am and 7:30pm. RCIA 7pm. Youth Ministry begins at 7:30pm. Saturday, November 14: Centering Prayer 4:00pm. Upcoming: Tuesday, November 10: Discussion group on The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic, 7:30-9pm, Room 109. (First of four Tuesday evenings; also November 17, 22, December 1) Sunday, December 6: Craft Fair, 9am – 4pm. Regular Devotions: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mondays from 2pm to 9pm except holidays or when noted. Miraculous Medal Novena with Rosary: Mondays following the 8am and 9am Masses. Centering Prayer: Every Saturday, 4pm, Room 106. Holy Face of Jesus: Hour of Reparation First Friday after 9am Mass. Padre Pio Prayer Group: Second Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm. Scripture Sharing with Deacon Peter: Every Tuesday at 9:30am and 7:30pm (except during July and August). Our Pastoral Council Mr. Joseph Carbonette Mrs. Karen Elefterion Mr. Michael Engrassia Ms. Maria Russello-Chetti Ms. Haydee Santini Mrs. Samantha Stainkamp Mrs. Concetta Whelan Mrs. Annemarie Zaret Our Finance Council Mr. Richard Korcz Mr. Joseph Salzone (Trustee) Mr. Robert Scharf Mr. Thomas Villella Mr. William Whelan (Trustee) Our Ministries Ministries of Worship Msgr. Vincent Rush, Pastor Rev. Gabriel Miah, Associate Rev. Gius Garcia, Associate Deacon Peter DiGiuseppe Deacon Brian Miller Deacon Irwin Saffran Terence Purtell, Director of Music Parish Social Ministry Mrs. Ann Kristoffersen, Coordinator Ministries with Children and Families Mrs. Peggy Harnisch, Director Ms. Jeanmarie Florio, Day Care Director Mrs. Tischa Stanley, Angel Care Coordinator Ms. Doreen Scalise, Kids of the Kingdom / Summer Fun Coordinator Ministries of Administration Parish Services, Finance Mr. James Pisano, Facilities Manager As I See It By Fr. Vin Saints and Souls - II Monday is All Souls’ Day so let’s talk about Purgatory. Start with a story. Some years ago I walked into a wake service to preside, and since I didn’t know the deceased, I looked for a family member to give me a bit of background. One of the sons came up and said (I remember this verbatim, and you’ll see why), “Father, whatever you say don’t say anything good about my mother. She was a b**** and everyone knows it.” Well. Cue a very generic homily. So what happened to Mom when she died, and where was she as we spoke? From the son’s comment it seems likely that the process of sanctification or theosis hadn’t quite come to a successful conclusion by the time of that wake. There was still more work for Mom to do, apparently, to become the “best version of herself” that was God’s dream for her. Enter the doctrine of Purgatory. Having seen a bit of human nature over the years, I realize that the often-heard solicitous comment that “S/he (the deceased) is in heaven now” is meant to console the mourners – but we go off the tracks if we think it’s a reliable guide to what awaits us all after death. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that few people I’ve known have finished becoming “the best version of themselves” by the point of death. (And, while I’m working on it for myself, I strongly suspect that I won’t have the years left to finish the project either before I’ve shuffled off this mortal coil…) Our Church reassures us that this is where God’s mercy comes in. We’re not stuck with what we’ve made of ourselves at death. Nor do we get a second chance with another life. (Religious traditions that trust in reincarnation face the same problem I’m talking about but answer it differently: instead of Purgatory, they anticipate another few – or few thousand – lifetimes to finish up the work. We Catholics see it differently.) Now no one – including our Church – knows exactly what God has in store for us. Some theologians (including Pope Emeritus Benedict) have suggested that seeing God face-to-face provides an instantaneous (although painful) healing for what’s still broken in us. Other descriptions rely on our earthly experience that change happens with hard work over time, and that this is the better metaphor for how God helps us toward sanctification. (Think of working to change a bad habit.) Perhaps the greatest imaginative vision of this process is in Dante’s Purgatorio. A devout and very insightful Catholic and great poet, Dante understood a great deal about the soul’s transformation in this life and used that insight to craft his poem. In it, the souls in Purgatory are given two great gifts: they see clearly exactly what ails them, and are given the opportunity for undistracted work on healing that fault. Their sufferings are not punishments, but exactly the right remedy – self-imposed – for their distorted selves. For example: in the “Valley of the Rulers” Dante puts good kings; a commentator today says that would be the equivalent in our time of “anxious parents, over-burdened housewives and breadwinners, social workers, busy organizers, and others who are so ‘rushed off their feet’ that they forget to say their prayers.” Another commentator adds to that list, “overworked doctors, psychologists, priests, and ministers … indeed all those who take refuge from themselves in an unreflective pursuit of good, pouring all their energy into the redemption of society or the succor of other people, while blind to their own darkness.” In their Purgatory, they wait. They wait for a fixed span of time they cannot alter, until they learn the proper use of time, something they had failed to do in this life. But, Dante says, there is one thing that can help them along the way (and here he is fully basing his poem on Catholic teaching): The prayers of the living can shorten their span. Again the Holy Communion of the baptized comes into view, and God’s grace comes to them through others. On Monday, join us if at all possible to pray for the faithful departed. Masses are at 8am, 9am, and 7:30pm. And remember and pray for all those (like perhaps “Mom”) who departed this life without finishing their work of sanctification. We can help them along by our prayers. Until next week, peace. Faith Formation Congratulations to Our Catechists and Leaders! On October 20, 2015, several of our catechists received awards for service at a ceremony held at St. Agnes Cathedral. Lorraine Busamante received an award for teaching for 50 years! Her husband Frank has taught with her for 30 years. Lorraine runs the Special Needs Faith Formation Program here, and it is by far one of the best if not the best in the diocese. She has listened to the needs of her students and has a post Confirmation program that is truly one of a kind! Through her work, we have a Special Needs Mass each month as well. Nancy Gorman has taught for over 25 years. She teaches in both the Level 2 First Holy Communion program and our Confirmation Prep 6 Level. Theresa Forde received an award for teaching for 10 years. She teaches FHC Level 2, Levels 3 and 4 and Special Needs. All three of these ladies also volunteer at East Neck Nursing Home among other ministries. Additionally, awards will be given to JoAnn and Anthony Colletti for 30 years. JoAnn runs our teen Faith Formation Program. This has become such a vital program in the parish and helps those students that for whatever reason had little or no faith formation. Anthony teaches a sacristan class for our Level 7 students and assists JoAnn with the teens. A ten-year award will be given to Mary Ellen McEntee who teaches in Confirmation Prep 8, plus is in charge of Altar Servers at Our Lady of Grace. I am more than blessed to work with these incredible volunteers and am so thankful for their service to our children! This week in Faith Formation Classes this week – November 1 to November 7: Sacrament Prep Level 5 Fall – Tuesday – November 3, 2015 – 6:30 – 8:00pm Sacrament Prep Level 3 – Wednesday and Thursday – November 4 and 5, 2015 – 4:30-5:45pm Peanut Butter and Jelly – Conf. Prep 8 Service – Wednesday November 4, 2015 - 7:00 to 8:00pm FHC Level 2 – Saturday – November 7, 2015 times: 9am, 11am and 1:30pm. Confirmation Prep 6, 7 and 8 – November 7, 2015 times: 9am and 11am. Retreat Confirmation Prep 8 – November 7, 2015 – 1:00 to 4:00pm. Winter Hall Monitors and Catechists – Opportunity to Serve Would you like to share your faith with our Level 4 and Level 5 students? We need catechists and Hall Monitors who are willing to share their time each week in our Faith Formation Program. See Peggy if able to help. We do a background check and require a one-time Virtus class. Please pray about helping us in this vital ministry! Faith Formation Tuition We encourage all Faith Formation families to use WeShare for tuition payments. It’s easy, convenient and you retain all control over payments from the comfort of your home. You can find a link to set up your WeShare account on the parish website – You may set up either one time or recurring payment. Faith Formation Registration for Students with Special Needs Registration for our classes for students who have special needs is now underway at the Faith Formation Office. If your child was not baptized at Our Lady of Grace and will be new to the program, please bring a copy of their baptismal certificate. If your child attended last year and has not re-registered, please do so as soon as possible. Schedules will soon be going out. Parish Social Ministry CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING Rights and Responsibilities Election Day is Tuesday, November 3 – Remember to Vote The Catholic tradition teaches that human dignity can be protected and a healthy community can be achieved only if human rights are protected and responsibilities are met. Therefore, every person has a fundamental right to life and a right to things required for human decency. Corresponding to these rights are duties and responsibilities to one another, to our families, and to the larger society. U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops What Kind of Nation and World Do We Want to Shape? Today’s democratic societies…call for new and fuller forms of participation in public life by Christian and non-Christian citizens alike. Indeed, all can contribute by voting in elections for lawmakers and government officials, and in other ways as well, to the development of political solutions and legislative choices which, in their opinion, will benefit the common good. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Study the issues and implications. May the reflections of our faithful citizenship lead to less cynicism and more participation and civil dialogue on the issues. November 1 is All Saints Day and Food Pantry Sunday We celebrate those who serve in the pantry, the Outreach office and those who contribute food and financial support for the needy in our community. We pray for all of them. Monday November 2 is All Souls Day Into your hands, Father of mercies, we commend our brothers and sisters in the sure and certain hope that, together with all who have died in Christ they will rise with him on the last day. Prayer of Commendation A May we live consciously, be fully awake for the greatest adventure of our lives. As part of our mission for the people of our parish, we remember the deceased loved ones of our parishioners. The Parish Outreach celebrates their lives at three Bereavement Masses during the year. The next Mass is scheduled for February 2016. All are welcome. Do You Know? The HEAP Program, a one-time assistance with heat or utility costs will be available on November 16, 2015. You must be eligible for food stamps (SNAP) to qualify automatically. All others call the Suffolk Office of the Aging – 631-853-8255. EPIC, a program for elderly pharmaceutical insurance, provides co-pay assistance for Part D covered drugs. Gross Income under $75,000 qualifies. Please call 800-332-3742 for further information. SCAT – Suffolk County Accessible Transportation For individuals with disabilities (documented by their doctor) who cannot use regular buses. Cost is $4.00 each way. Call 631-853-8337. Parish News Let Us Welcome Our Newly Baptized into Our Parish Communion Chase Rylee Johnson Mason Christopher Ingraldi Jayden Louis Angelo Jason Mercer Aubrey Rose Kelly Austin James Jackson-Booth Please Pray for Those Who Have Died This Week Cheryl Ann McGreevy Rupple Louise Marie Bilancia James Cahalan Nancy Ruben St. Agnes Medal of Service Award Winner Bishop Murphy last Sunday presented the annual St. Agnes Medal of Service Award for 2015 for our parish to Barbara DiGiuseppe at a ceremony in St. Agnes Cathedral. Barbara has volunteered in our Faith Formation Program for 47 years including in our program for persons with special needs. Barbara also volunteers as a song leader at our monthly Special Needs Masses. Barbara has been a part of the parish’s adult choir for many years and is also a leader of song and a lector for parish Sunday Masses. We thank her for her generosity with her time and talents and join in congratulating her! Faith Formation Donations Pennies can make a difference. We again ask you to drop them off at the Faith Formation Office mail slot, the Parish Office, or in the Sunday collection (place them in an envelope marked for Faith Formation). Last week $50 was donated for the 2015-2016 year. The total to date: $152. Thanks to all who donate. Widows and Widowers News The Our Lady of Grace Widows and Widowers Group will be meeting on Friday, November 20, 2015, at 12pm in Room 109. New members are always welcome. For information, please call 661-5375. Calendar Raffle Winners 10/19/15 10/20/15 10/21/15 10/22/15 10/23/15 10/24/15 10/26/15 51192 51174 51036 51398 51256 51042 51071 **Tickets are now available in the Parish Office for the July-December Drawing.** Financial Stewardship Report (includes electronic giving) Offering target: $14,225 per week As increasing numbers of parishioners use WeShare and give monthly, weekly totals are becoming misleading. We have moved to a monthly report so monthly electronic giving can be included. For October: Target: $113,800 Actual: $114,899 Over target by $1,099 Thank you for your generosity! Ministries with Children and Families Family Ministry Our next Family Life Ministry meeting is Monday, November 2, 2015, at 7:30pm. Come join us! Everyone welcome - we would love your help and input to plan our events! Day Care News Our day care cares for babies from six weeks to five years old. Each age group has its own curriculum, which the teachers follow. Come in for a tour and see how warm and nurturing our staff is. Learn about all the interesting lessons the children are experiencing throughout our day care. This is our busiest registration time, and our policy is first come, first served. To register or set up a tour, please contact the director Jeanmarie Florio at 422-4681 or by e-mail at [email protected]. We are also looking for a lead teacher and a float. Please send a resume to [email protected]. Youth Ministry News Come see what our Youth Ministry is about- Faith, fun, food, fellowship, trips, community service projects, & dealing with subjects that affect your life as teens. All faiths/all teens 9th-12th grade invited to Rm. 212 every Tuesday 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Be a part of something unique!!” Advent Gathering - All Families Invited!! On Sunday, November 29, at 11am we’ll be making Advent wreaths! Advent wreaths are a wonderful way for every family to celebrate each week of this beautiful season of Advent in preparation for the birthday of Jesus! We’ll have coffee, tea, hot cocoa as well as some snacks! We hope you will join us! Ten dollars covers all supplies – wreath ring, candles and fresh greenery. If you were here last year, you can order just candles and greenery! Please use tear off below to reserve your supplies now for this day! For more information, call Peggy at 587-5185 x 220. Whatever the size of your family, come share this day with fellow parishioners! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please return this form and your money by November 16, 2015, to ensure we have enough supplies! Family last name ________________________________ number attending __________________ Phone # ____________________________ number of children attending ___________ (ages _______) Email ______________________________ We will be able to bring something for the dessert table - circle - Yes or No (cookies, brownies etc.) Ring, Candles and Greenery $10.00 each set _________ Candles and greenery only $5.00 _________ Please send this part of the form with your $10.00 in an envelope to the office or mail to: OLOG, 666 Albin Avenue, West Babylon, NY 11704. Parish News Lost Glasses? We have quite a collection growing in our lost and found. Any glasses that are not claimed will be disposed of next week, so please stop by the Parish Office. News from the RCIA Program Do you know someone who is interested in learning about the Catholic Church? Do you have friends and/or family members who have not completed their sacraments? It is not too late to join the RCIA Program. For information, contact the Parish Office at 631-587-5185. If you are a practicing Catholic and would like to assist with the program, please contact the Parish Office, also. Care to Help on Sunday Mornings? The religious article counter is in need of help for the 10am and 12pm Masses. If you are able to volunteer your time, please leave your name and phone number at the Parish Office, and we will contact you. Youth band Leader Wanted The Church of St. Joseph, Babylon, is seeking a liturgical musician who can lead our youth on instruments and in song at the Sunday 5pm Liturgy. Guitar and vocal skills are desired; music degree preferred, but will consider one’s experience and musical talent. Rehearsals are held in the church on Sundays, just prior to Mass. The candidate should exude spirituality, enthusiasm, social graces and enjoy working with teen and young adults. Send all contact information with resume and two letters of recommendation to the pastor by mail to: Msgr. Chris Heller at Church of St. Joseph, 39 N. Carll Avenue, Babylon, NY 11702, or via e-mail to [email protected]. Moving On Group Church of St. Joseph in Babylon, NY, is offering an after bereavement group for widows and widowers on Friday, November 20, 2015, at 7:30pm. The topic is “Change Your Thinking/Change Your Life” by Glenn Poveromo. For further information, please call Geri Olson at 631-661-8994. Attention all Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Our Lady of Grace is in need of some new ministers to visit the homebound. We have received six new requests this month and need volunteers to visit them. If you are interested in helping take Holy Communion to our family members at home and you are trained to be a minister, please fill out the form below and leave it in the Parish Office. Name: _______________________________________Phone:_________________________________ Email: _______________________________________ Please circle the day/s you are available to take Communion to the homebound. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday The Last Good Word Let’s Talk: by Flo Aubin Doreen Scalese Doreen Scalese is a very pleasant lady who has always enjoyed working with children. Doreen was born and brought up in Ozone Park, Queens, and attended St Mary’s Gate of Heaven Church. She and her husband, Glenn, were married there 25 years ago. Today they have two children. Nineteen years ago, the Scaleses moved to West Babylon and to Our Lady of Grace Parish where their children received their sacraments. Glenn works as a painter for Hunter College and Doreen became a stay-at-home mom. In 2007, Doreen became a counselor in the Angel Care Program and as an assistant to Tischa Stanley. The Angel Care Program has 156 children. There are 46 children registered in the am program and the children range in age from five to twelve years of age. Last year, Doreen began to run the Kids of the Kingdom Summer Program, and she was assisted by Debbie Fredericks. Doreen told me that she loves working with the children. They always bring a smile to her face with their cute stories. There are always many activities planned to keep the children happy in the summer such as: the aquarium, Wickhams Farm (to pick fruit) and to the theatre. There are about 12 counselors to supervise these outings. The children who attend these programs are very fortunate to have such caring adults working and watching over them. Donation of the Bread and the Wine The bread and the wine have been donated in loving memory of All the Souls in Purgatory for the week of November 1 through November 7, 2015. You’ve Read the Book; Now Join the Discussion! If you’d like to talk with other parishioners about the Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic, here’s your chance. We’re offering a discussion group open to all for four Tuesday evenings: November 10, 17, and 24, and December 1. Meetings will be from 7:30 to 9pm. Meetings are in Room 109 (except 11/17, which is in the church). No need to start at the beginning; we hope you will, but you can join the group at any meeting. If you haven’t yet gotten the book, copies are available in the parish office. So we know how many to expect, please call the parish office (631-587-5185), or e-mail [email protected]. Pray. Study. Give. Evangelize. Be bold. Be Catholic.