The Germanna Advantage - Germanna Community College


The Germanna Advantage - Germanna Community College
The Germanna Advantage
Annual Report to the Community
Germanna Community College
As a public,
comprehensive community college,
Germanna provides
accessible, quality
educational and training
opportunities that meet
our communities’
changing learning needs.
The President’s Message
Dear Friends of Germanna,
In February of 2007, Dr. Frank Turnage retired as President after 20 years of leading Germanna Community College, doubling its
size in the last 10 years and increasing our ability to serve the students and communities of Central Virginia. We all thank him for
his stewardship, and I’m delighted that he remains with us as part of our faculty. I also thank him and Nancy for their friendship and
hospitality to Linda and me.
It is a challenge following a highly successful man and president, one who is beloved in the college and throughout the community.
However, the ground has been prepared well and it is an honor and privilege to serve as Germanna’s fifth president. We have the
challenge and opportunity of building on our past success.
As I have gotten to know our Germanna family in my first year here, I’ve been impressed by our faculty, our staff and our
Smart people work at every college. The Germanna difference, I think, is heart.
Dr. David A. Sam
It’s the heart to always put the needs of students first.
It’s the heart to reach deep down and to do more with less at a time when the economy has required us to tighten our belts.
It’s the heart to make the “Democracy’s College” concept a living reality in how we serve our students and our communities on a daily basis. We are and must
continue to be the open door for members of our communities to gain and keep full participation “in the social, economic, political, intellectual, and cultural life of
their communities,” as our new college vision states. This remains our fundamental challenge and opportunity.
The area is growing faster than we’re growing. And we’re growing faster than our budget and resources. At the same time, an economic slowdown loomed in
2007. And yet we must carry on in order to meet the current and future needs of students, businesses—and of the region as a whole.
As we faced the challenges posed by rapid growth and a state budget shortfall, we pushed ourselves harder than ever for our students, who numbered over
10,000 in 2007-08.
Our faculty, staff and administrators are personally invested in our communities, so they have a personal stake, as well as a professional one, in providing a quality
education that’s accessible to everyone.
Look across your office, walk down your street, go to your child’s ballgame, and you’ll meet one person after another whose life has been changed for the better
by Germanna.
The vast majority of our students are local. They aren’t merely making a pit stop here for a few semesters, learning skills they plan to apply elsewhere. Most of
them grew up in this area and see no reason to leave. Others have come and fallen in love with this place, deciding to stay and raise their families here.
They want good jobs close to the home—and we want to help them prepare to fill those jobs.
They have a sense of belonging here, of caring about what happens here—and so do we.
They want the area to thrive—and so do we.
Our students are the area’s workforce, its entrepreneurs, its nurses, its teachers—quite simply, its present and its future.
Helping businesses in our area compete in a changing world is one of Germanna’s most important missions.
Germanna is proud to be your community college. “Community” will always be our middle name. Regardless of the challenges we face, we will continue to be a
vital resource and a willing partner in the education of our young people—and our not-so-young—in the economic and workforce development of our region, and
in the quality of life of our communities.
Because of what I have learned about our people in my first year here, I have no doubt that we will succeed in that endeavor.
Together, this last year, we have recommitted to our mission and values. And we have promised the following initiatives, in support of the college mission, in
support of the Virginia Community College system goals, in support of the needs of our local communities, of the Commonwealth and of the nation in this global
•We will better focus on fostering learning in everything we do.
•We will better reach out to serve all those who need us in our service region.
•We will develop ourselves to better meet these challenges and opportunities.
•We will seek the support of institutions and organizations through the resources you can provide or the partnerships you offer.
•We will be accountable to our students, our communities, to the Commonwealth, to each other, and to improve ourselves as we seek to improve our students.
To do all this, we need your continuing help. We need partnerships to better make use of the limited resources we have. We need those willing to invest in us to
help us reach out to those left behind, to develop the leaders, citizens and employees for our future, to grow new programs and services needed by our communities
and employers.
And when we succeed, our students succeed. And so do the communities we proudly serve.
Dr. David A. Sam, President
The Germanna Advantage in
Table of Contents
Student Achievement................................................. 2
Student Statistics........................................................... 3
Educational & Faculty Excellence........................... 4
Faculty Recognition & Leadership.......................... 6
Community & Partners............................................... 7
Germanna Community College Board.................. 8
Milestones and Future................................................ 9
Educational Foundation, Inc ................................. 10
Educational Foundation Leadership................... 11
Educational Foundation Scholarships.................12
Who We Are Germanna Community College is a public
institution of higher education in the
Virginia Community College System. As
a comprehensive community college,
Germanna provides quality, accessible, and
affordable educational opportunities for the
residents of the City of Fredericksburg and the
counties of Caroline, Culpeper, King George,
Madison, Orange, Spotsylvania and Stafford.
As a public, comprehensive community
college, Germanna provides accessible,
quality educational and training
opportunities that meet our communities’
changing learning needs.
Germanna Community College is recognized
as the region’s leader and preferred
partner providing excellence in accessible
educational opportunities and related
services to our communities. Our quality
learning experiences enable students to
participate effectively in the social, economic,
political, intellectual, and cultural life of their
communities. Germanna, a dynamic learning
organization, is the premiere gateway to
personal and community development.
Germanna Community College
Service Area
Germanna Community College is accredited by the
Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools to award the associate degree. Inquiries
regarding regional accreditation or Germanna’s accreditation
status should be sent to the Commission on Colleges at 1866
Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, telephone
number 404-679-4500.
In addition, the AAS nursing program is accredited by the
National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (61
Broadway, 33rd Floor, New York, NY 10006; telephone number
800-669-1656 x153). The AAS nursing program, the practical
nursing certificate program, and the nurse aide program
are approved by the Virginia Board of Nursing (6603 West
Broad Street, 5th Floor, Richmond, VA 23230-1712; telephone
number 804-662-9909).
Our values influence our thoughts, guide
our decisions, mold our policies, and help
determine our course of action. Student
learning and success are at the heart of all that
we do.
College Strategic Initiatives:
Germanna Community College has
established strategic planning initiatives
considered critical to achieving its Mission and
realizing its Vision.
Germanna Community College - Annual Report to the Community • 2006-2007
The Germanna Advantage in
Student Statistics
Germanna Community College
2006-2007 Enrollment by Program of Study
Associate of Arts & Science
Associate of Applied Science
Career Studies Certificates
Career Studies Certificate
63% AA&S
AAS 13%
GCC 2006-07 Demographics
Part time
Full time
Under 18
60 & Over
Over 77% of students enrolled at Germanna Community
College are in an Associate Degree program. Graduation from
Germanna Community College with an Associate of Arts and
Science degree provides guaranteed admission to nearly 29
four-year colleges in the Commonwealth of Virginia, with
more agreements under review or pending.
Certificate 4%
3373 693
Germanna Community College
Annual Headcount
Annual Full-Time Equivalent
1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
GCC Annual Headcount
GCC Annual Full-Time
Germanna Community College
2006-07 Total Enrollment by Region
Caroline County
Culpeper County
King George County
Madison County
Orange County
Stafford County
Spotsylvania County
Caroline County
Culpeper County
King George County
Madison County
Orange County
Spotsylvania County 3805
Stafford County
Fredericksburg City
Germanna Community College - Annual Report to the Community • 2006-2007
The Germanna Advantage in
Educational & faculty Excellence
Dual Enrollment
Classes in High
School Saves Money
Nineteen-year-old Nicole Caine
earned 14 Germanna Community
College credits last year as a
senior at Stafford High School.
The credits transfered to West
Chester University of Pennsylvania,
where she is majoring in computer
science. As a senior, Nicole took
two biology classes, recieving
4 credits for each and two english classes, earning three
credits each.
2007 Chancellor’s Award for
Teaching Excellence Finalist
J. Gayle Wolfe, Professor of Psychology, Germanna
Community College was a finalist for the 2007 Chancellor’s
Award for Teaching Excellence. She was selected to
represent Germanna Community College to compete for
this prestigious system-wide award. She was noted for her
exemplary accomplishments in her disipline and Germanna
Community College.
Tech Prep
Jeff Bloomer, Director of Tech Prep, in addition to the daily
operation of Tech Prep, including administration of grants,
activities and visiting Consortium sites to monitor Tech
Prep intiatives and providing assistance to school divisions,
created Career Choices workshops for secondary and
Collection Review & Development
college representatives and Kuder softwar workshops. He
Project at the Locust Grove
has planned and delievered two summer camps for rising
8th graders, attended conferences, meetings and Stafford
In preparation for the National League for Nursing
County’s Business Leaders Forum and served on various
Accreditation Commission, the library staff completed an
advisory councils, all promoting Tech Prep, succeeded
extensive collection review and development project at the in creating new articulation agreements (Automotive
Locust Grove Campus library. The NLN visiting team was
Technology and Engineering Technology) and updated
complimentary of library resources in their report, which
Accounting and provided assistance with the CISCO review
recommended continued approval of the nursing program. and update.
To further enhance resources for nursing students, Ms.
Bowers worked closely with both Germanna Community
Dr. Linda Larkin
College nursing faculty and VCCS colleagues to select
additions to the current collection of nursing E-books. This Dean of Learning Resources, retired in January after 10 years
project helped keep Germanna Community College’s name of service to Germanna Community College. Dr. Larkin was
responsible for opening the first virtual library in the VCCS
at the forefront of E-library work.
at the Fredericksburg Area Campus in 1997 and a combined
virtual library and computing center at the Joseph R. Daniel
“The College Muse”
Technology Center in Culpeper in 2006.
A college literary magazine, “The College Muse,” was
established and
Employees Years of Service
distributed Fall semester
2007. Ms. Bowers,
Patricia S. Lisk
20 years
with the assistance of
Jeffrey N. Yowell
Facilities Maintenance
20 years
several faculty members,
Canice M. Graziano Dual Enrollment
10 years
guided the project to
Marie E. Messier
10 years
completion and worked
Gail L. Banks
Business Office
5 years
with the Trustees of
John R. Donnelly
Instruction - Dean
5 years
the Wallace Collection
Rita F. Dunston
5 years
in London, England,
Ann S. Lyons
5 years
to secure the rights to
Michael Read
Instruction - Biology
5 years
use a painting from
Anita L. Sutton
Instruction - Info. Sys.
5 years
their collection for the
Brent T. Wilson
Instruction - Automotive 5 years
magazine cover.
The Writer by Gabriel
Metsu c1662.
Germanna Community College - Annual Report to the Community • 2006-2007
The Germanna Advantage in
Educational & Faculty Excellence
Workforce Development Services
Virginia Outstanding Faculty
Chancellor’s Awards & Recognition Award
In May 2007 staff from Germanna’s Workforce department
were awarded Workforce Development Services Chancellor’s
Awards and Recognition for the northern region.
Recipients included Christy Davis, Project Coordinator at
Fredericksburg Area Campus, for her efforts in setting up
the high tech testing center at Joseph R. Daniel Technology
Center; Barbara Fiori, Adjunct Instructor, for her work in
customized training and the development of Workforce’s
first on-line class, Customer Service in the Tourism Industry;
and Mike Burkhart, Adjunct Instructor, for his commitment
to excellence and the development of many successful
noncredit classes.
Kevin Cogley, director of the Engineering Technology
Program, was recognized for his work within the program
developing articulation agreements with local high schools,
garnering grants to purchase state-of-the art equipment,
enhancing the curriculum and promoting the program to
Kay Loving, Germanna’s Career Coach at Caroline HS, was
recognized for her efforts in helping Caroline County HS
student’s transition to college. Through her dedicated
efforts she has changed the lives of the students that she
works with, by helping them plan for the future.
2006 President’s Award for
Entrepreneurial Government
Germanna Local Government Academy won the 2006
President’s Award for Entrepreneurial Government awarded
by the Virginia Municipal League (VML). Virginia Municipal
League is a statewide, nonprofit, nonpartisan association
of city, town and county governments established in
1905 to improve and assist local governments through
legislative advocacy, research, education and other services.
Membership includes all 39 cities in the state, 156 towns and
16 urban counties.
On February 8, 2007, members of Virginia’s General Assembly joined SCHEV and sponsor, Dominion, in recognizing
the twelve 2007 OFA recipients during a special ceremony
at the Library of Virginia in Richmond. Dr. Patricia Lisk,
Professor of Nursing at Germanna Community College, was
a recipient of the Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award. Dr.
Lisk was one of only two faculty at community colleges in
the VCCS to receive this award this year. This prestigious
award recognizes innovation in the classroom and dedication to teaching.
Dr. Lisk has been recognized with other awards in the past.
She was a recipient of the 2006 Award for Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Technology at the International Conference on College Teaching and Learning for
her innovations in traditional and online nursing education.
She also received the VCCS Technology in Education award
for her work in the development of the Commonwealth
Nursing program.
Dr. Lisk has been a member of the faculty for 21 years. In
her tenure at the college, she has integrated cutting-edge
technological advances into the educational and clinical
settings thereby fostering students’ success, professional
development and life-long learning. Dr. Lisk is a tireless
advocate of online education. With the ongoing nursing
shortage in Virginia, the need for an accessible, high quality,
online nursing program became apparent. The first associate degree online nursing program in Virginia has admitted
the first cohorts of students. Dr. Lisk developed numerous
online modules, computerized activities and streaming
video modules to augment the delivery of this curriculum. She is a recognized leader promoting the mission,
the development and the vision of the Commonwealth
Nursing program (CNP). Dr. Lisk has been instrumental in
the development of two innovative clinical environments
for nursing students. She transitioned an area lab into a
Wellness Education Center. Physical assessment tools and
nursing documentation systems were created and instituted. Each semester, nursing students provide individualized
wellness assessments, screenings, and wellness education
to hundreds of clients from the college’s surrounding communities.
Most recently, following grant funding, Dr. Lisk has converted traditional nursing labs into virtual hospital settings
where students independently supervise, manage and provide nursing care to groups of human patient simulators
(Sim Man, Noelle Maternity Simulator, and Sim Baby). Programmed with increasingly complex learning experiences,
these simulators provide realistic nursing experiences
allowing students to think critically and make astute clinical
judgments in a safe, controlled learning environment.
Germanna Community College - Annual Report to the Community • 2006-2007
The Germanna Advantage in
Faculty Recognition & Leadership
Business - Podcast Mode
Tom Howlin, Associate Professor of Business has taken his
online BUS100: Introduction to Business course to podcast
mode. The course became the first at the college to use
podcasts as a teaching aid. Mr. Howlin digitally recorded
certain key lectures in his traditional class and then used RSS*
technology to podcast those to the online group. (*RSS stands
for Real Simple Syndicated, necessary for podcasts publishing.)
Student response is enthusiastic.
Nurse Aide Program Approved
In January 2007, the Virginia Board of Nursing approved the
Germanna Community College Nurse Aide Program. Since
then two Nurse Aide Groups have been trained. The first
courses were offered in January and the second were offered
in June 2007. The Nurse Aide Program is unique for several
reasons. It begins with an eight week program meeting
Monday thru Friday from 4-6:15 pm and on completion of
which the successful student has earned 7 college credits
and is eligible to take the State certification Nurse Aide
Drafting & Animation Contests
Examination. Additionally, Nurse Aide Program students are
Germanna Community College was the site for a special event able to continue and take additional courses that would lead
in March that was coordinated by adjunct instructor, Mr. Kevin them to have up to 14 college credits and be in line for entry
Cogley. Held at the FAC, SkillsUSA Virginia district XI drafting
into a Practical Nurse or Registered Nurse Program.
and animation contests brought over 30 talented high school
students to the site. (SkillsUSA was formerly the Vocational
Biology - VABE President
Industrial Clubs of America, VICA.)
Mike Read served as President of the Virginia Association of
Biological Educators (VABE).
English - Historical Series
Rob Sherwood, while assigned to the English Department,
has an active interest in local history. Mr. Sherwood has
organized a lecture series on the history of the region called
the Germanna Historical Legacy Series. This series is now in its
fourth year. In 2006-07 there were five presentations by local
historians and archeologists scheduled as well as a walking
tour of sites including Fort Germanna, the Enchanted Castle
site and Salubria
GCC’s first student art exhibition
In November 2006 Germanna Community College’s first
student art exhibition went on display at the Fredericksburg
Area Campus.
Mathematics - Math Cube
The math faculty, under the leadership of Dr. Yvette
Hester, Program Head, and Mr. Jack Gill, Developmental
Math Coordinator, created a Math Cube in Phase II at the
Fredericksburg Area Campus. The Math Cube is for students
taking developmental math courses, and acts as an open
lab for students in developmental math courses. The cube
is being piloted for now, but the math faculty is enthusiastic
about the experiment and believes that developmental math
drop-out rates will decline with use of the cube. Both full-time
and part-time faculty are working with the cube.
Published Psychology article
Dr. Abigail Norfleet James, adjunct professor of psychology
at GCC had an article, Gender Differences and the Teaching of
Mathematics published in Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia
Community Colleges, (Vol. 12, No. 1). She presented research
concerning gender differences in learning mathematics and
practical suggestions for teachers based on that research. Dr.
James, an expert on gender differences in education, is also
co-author of What Principals need to Know About Teaching
…Differentiated Instruction. Another publication Teaching
the Male Brain is in press. Dr. James presents workshops on
techniques for teaching in gender-specific classrooms to
teachers in the U.S. and Canada. She is on the advisory board
of the National Association for Single Sex Public Education.
Chancellor’s Faculty Professor
Linda McLintock, Assistant Professor of English, was chosen
to serve as the Chancellor’s Faculty Professor for 20072009. She submitted a proposal for a project designed to
benefit the College. Her proposal related to developmental
education. She noted that developmental education must
be embraced as a priority by each institution in the VCCS.
She proposed creating a Developmental Studies Program at
Germanna Community College to open new doors to higher
education for under prepared learners. Mrs. McLintock
proposed that such a program combine a core group of
specially trained faculty and staff working with an organized
RN Program Re-approved
collection of appropriate support services. The purpose of a
The faculty and staff of the College’s nursing program worked
Developmental Studies Program at Germanna Community
hard to prepare for accreditation visits. The State Board of
Nursing visited the RN program and awarded state re-approval College is to provide the best foundation for life-long learning
through 2014. While official results of the National League for for developmental students.
Nursing Accrediting Commission site visit for the RN program
Additionally, Mrs. McLintock was selected to participate in the
will not be available until July 2008, the very preliminary
VaCIE-VCCS Faculty Exchange program. She hosted Liesbeth
report given by the site visitors was very good. While the
Jongerius’ visit to Germanna Community College in October
report noted additional faculty is needed, the team noted
2006. The exchange will be completed in May 2008 when Mrs.
that the faculty is highly motivated and diverse. Tutoring
McLintock works at Ms. Jongerius’ college in the Netherlands.
availability and retention strategies and availability and use of The project that is part of this program relates to support
teaching technologies were also noted as program strengths.
services for developmental studies students.
Germanna Community College - Annual Report to the Community • 2006-2007
The Germanna Advantage in
Community & Partners
Spotslyvania Tech. Center Event
The Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce had
a program that provided a chance to learn about a new
enterprise - the Spotsylvania Technology Center (STC) - on
Friday, June 22 at Germanna Community College’s Fredericksburg Campus. The discussion centered on how this
initiative will transform the regional economy. The STC
is a uniquely structured collaborative venture designed
to bring together government, academia and defense
contracting businesses focused on high tech research and
development. This high tech center will create a partnering
environment for:
•solving difficult technical challenges in support of national defense and homeland security
•creating a mentorship program for local high school and
college students that provides advanced technology
training and skills development
•providing vital support to regional military bases
•furnishing state-of-the-art conferencing and technology
Germanna Community College, as well as some other area
institutions, have a letter of intent with the STC to examine
how partnerships can be of benefit to the institutions as
well as the area. Significant benefits are expected. Germanna Community College was a sponsor for this event.
Workforce Development has worked with a variety of partners to provide quality education and training as requested
for the community:
Eastern Service Region Partners
Eastern service region partners included: Local
Government Agencies; UVA Professional Studies;
International Association of Administrative Professionals;
Fredericksburg Regional Alliance; Fredericksburg Regional
Council; Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce;
Spotsylvania Economic Development; Library of Congress;
Town of Bowling Green; Caroline County Office of Economic
Development; NAACP – Spotsylvania Branch; Regional
Literacy Coordinating Committee – PD 16; Rappahannock
United Way Bay Consortium WIB; Virginia Employment
Commission – Fredericksburg Office; International Sports
Conditioning Association; Culinary Business Academy; and
Spotsylvania County Social Services.
Western service region partners
included: Library of Congress; Madison Chamber of
Commerce; Virginia Employment Commission; WIB
(Workforce Investment Board of the WIA), Career Partners
of Culpeper (working with Culpeper County Schools);
Culpeper, Madison and Orange Economic Development;
and Career and Technical Education Committee for Orange
County Schools.
Germanna Community College - Annual Report to the Community • 2006-2007
The Germanna Advantage in
GCC Community College Board
Message from Jerry Raines
During 2007, Germanna Community College experienced a significant transition in leadership
as Dr. Frank Turnage retired after two decades as President. The State College Board worked
methodically with the local Germanna Board to attract and interview candidates to find the right
person for such a critical leadership position. Germanna was extremely fortunate to interview
many qualified individuals from around the country and ultimately hire Dr. David Sam to fill some
pretty “big shoes.” As the Board has worked with Dr. Sam during his transition it is very clear our
future is in good hands!
It goes without saying, but we should all be very much aware and very proud of what a valuable
resource the College is in serving our eight localities. On a personal note, my wife and I will always
be grateful to the college as our daughter benefited from the Germanna experience, which
prepared her to transfer to Elon College, where she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in 2000
Germanna provides a quality education in numerous fields at an affordable price. This provides
both parents and students a tremendous alternative as costs continue to soar at four-year colleges.
I feel that with the addition of the Daniels Technology Center in Culpeper, Germanna has become the region’s premier
institution of higher education.
I encourage you to visit our campuses at Fredericksburg and Locust Grove, and our Culpeper center, to see for yourself
what we’re about. I’m confident you’ll be impressed. And I ask for your continued support of Germanna.
Germanna Community
College Board 2008
Jerry L. Raines, Chairman, Culpeper County
Dick Scheibe, Vice Chairman, King George County
David A. Sam, Secretary
C. Jill Johnson, Madison County
J. Mike Powell, Madison County
Sherry Gravatt, Caroline County
Doug Rogers, Orange County
David Rose, Spotsylvania County
Lyle Ray Smith, Stafford County
Linda Worrell, City of Fredericksburg
Germanna Community College - Annual Report to the Community • 2006-2007
The Germanna Advantage in
Milestones & Future
General Education Certificate
Academic 6-year & 10-year Plans
& 2-year Graduation Plan
Academic Services began work on Academic Six-Year and
Ten-Year Plans and Two-Year Graduation plan. These plans
were developed by the faculty, working with department
heads, and represents projected new programs and
facilities from 2006 through 2012. Eighteen new associate
degree level programs, 12 certificate level and 19 career
studies certificate level programs were listed. Classroom,
laboratory and faculty office space needs were projected
and reported. These plans are works-in-progress and will
need significantly more time to develop.
Germanna Community College now offers a new General
Education Certificate program as a retention tool for
retaining dual enrollment, program placed and nonprogram placed students who have completed a core
of general education courses in an associate degree
program. This certificate is intended to remind/alert
students who have completed the general education
core of courses that they are well on their way to earning
an associate degree at Germanna Community College.
The associate degree is the gateway for student transfer
to a senior institution via one of the many articulation
agreements currently available to VCCS students;
Germanna Community College personnel believe that the
General Education Certificate will encourage students to
complete the degree.
Institutes of Excellence
Project Grant
The College received an Institutes of Excellence Project
Grant to start a Fire Science Technology certificate
program. The College has been working in partnership
with local fire departments to bring this program to the
area. The certificate program in Fire Science Technology is
offered to provide students a broad-based knowledge of
the latest advances in the fire science field.
Germanna Community College’s Board has approved
a proposal making Radiology a specialization area in
the General Studies transfer degree. It allows radiology
students at hospital or non-traditional based programs
to earn an associate degree from Germanna Community
College. This program was designed at the request of
the Radiology Program at Mary Washington Hospital/
Germanna Community College - Annual Report to the Community • 2006-2007
The Germanna Advantage in
Educational Foundation
A Message from The Hon. John J. Davies III
Steve Jones provided outstanding leadership for the Foundation during his three years as
president. We benefited from his energy and foresight.
Our primary mission will always be assisting students, and the Foundation continues to make
scholarships a key element of its purpose. This year we provided over $117,000 in scholarships.
The arrival of Dr. David Sam has offered new direction and drive. We will celebrate his installation
as Germanna’s fifth president with his inauguration on April 4.
In 2007, we saw the possibility of expansion into Stafford. We hope to open a center in the county
this fall. The support of the business community is vital to this initiative.
In Culpeper, the Joseph R. Daniel Technology Center has grown rapidly and continues to receive
strong community support.
We will miss the late Bob O’Neill, who served as Germanna’s first Foundation president from 1994
to 1995.
Educational Foundation
Board Members for 2008
Germanna Community College
2007 Foundation Operating Expenses
All Other
Insurance 4%
Career Coach 4%
Architectural &
Engineering Services
Professional Services,
Fees and Licenses 8%
Personnel Costs 17%
The Hon. John J. Davies, III, President
George P. Snead, Vice President
Edward B. Hontz (Ted) Treasurer
Dr. David A. Sam, Secretary
Richard L. Brehm, Asst. Treasurer
Linda Beale
Earl Thomas Blalock, II
Darla Burton
Judy Carter
Joseph R. Daniel
Bruce L. Davis
Kent D. Farmer
Kevin Fastabend
Georgia M. Willis-Fauber, Emeritus
Gordon R. Humes
Barbara Kane
Constance R. Kincheloe
William J. Kinnamon, Jr.
Linda J. Moyer
Mary Jane O’Neill
Ruthan O’Toole
John (Mike) Powell
J. William Price, III, Emeritus
Jack Rowley
Linda F. Sealy
Harrison Simpson
Dr. Frank S. Turnage, Emeritus
C. Stephen Wolfe, II
Linda Worrell
Scholarships 53%
Germanna Community College - Annual Report to the Community • 2006-2007
The Germanna Advantage in
Educational Foundation - Leadership
Linda Fagan Sealy - 2007
Chancellor’s Award Winner for
Leadership in Philanthropy
Germanna Educational Foundation Board member Linda
Fagan Sealy received the 2007 Chancellor’s Award for
Leadership in Philanthropy from the Virginia Community
College System at an April 25, 2007 reception at the
Jefferson Hotel in Richmond.
She and her husband, Loren Franklin Sealy , contributed
substantially to the Workforce and Technology building at
the Fredericksburg Area Campus in Spotsylvania, and the
auditorium there has been named for them.
Linda Sealy was one of 23 receiving the award from VCCS
Chancellor Glenn DuBois, who said: “These men and
women have given so much to the schools that make
up Virginia’s community college system. It’s an honor to
recognize and thank them.”
Former Gov. Gerald Baliles saluted Sealy and the other
philanthropists at the reception for “their matchless
passion for the mission of community colleges and their
outstanding service in education on behalf of all Virginians.”
“To the extent that Virginians are hampered in pursuit of
their education, we all lose,” Gov. Baliles said, adding that
community colleges, along with all of higher education,
have had to rely increasingly on support from foundations
and philanthropic leaders.
Linda Fagan Sealy is the owner of Crown Homes and
a developer in the greater Fredericksburg region who
understands and believes in the value of supporting higher
education. As an advocate for personal and professional
development, she has supported many of the Germanna
Community College initiatives.
Dear Mrs. Sealy:
It gives me great pleasure to tell you that you have
been selected to receive the 2007 Chancellor’s Award for
Leadership in Philanthropy! As Chancellor of Virginia’s
Community Colleges, I cannot thank you enough for the
difference you are making in your community and the
opportunities you are helping us create.
In 2006, I created this award to recognize leaders across
the state such as yourself who have contributed to the
success of community college foundations. This annual
event is a small way to recognize what your efforts mean
to our colleges and the communities, families and students
we serve.
In order to thank you for your vision, generosity and
leadership, it is my honor to invite you to join us for a
luncheon reception on Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 11:30
am at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond.
You will be contacted in the near future by a member of
our Office of Institutional Advancement or your community
college. We want to ensure you have all the necessary
information to make this reception a memorable event.
Thank you, once again, for your leadership and
generosity, and congratulations! I look forward to seeing
you at the luncheon.
Glenn DuBois
She and her husband, Loren Franklin Sealy, contributed
substantially to the Workforce and Technology building
at the Fredericksburg campus and now the auditorium is
named after them. It has become the home of Stage Door
Productions, an amateur theater company.
Linda and her husband just announced their latest and
most innovative contribution to date. They are donating
$500 per lot for each of the 75 lots they own in The Townes
at Carmel Church. Linda has worked tirelessly to remove
barriers to higher education and now with this fund,
Caroline County residents have yet another opportunity to
meet their academic potential, whether through workforce
training or a degree program.
Currently serving a second term on the Educational
Foundation Board, Linda is a can-do individual who truly
believes in the power of education, and she doesn’t just talk
about making a difference in her community. She’s devoted
to making it happen.
Germanna Community College - Annual Report to the Community • 2006-2007
The Germanna Advantage in
Educational Foundation Scholarships
Fredericksburg Ambulatory (FASC)
George P. Beard, Jr. Scholarship
William C. Carpenter Scholarship
Captain William C. Carpenter Scholarship
Spotsylvania Lions Club Charities, Inc. Scholarship Assoc. of Arts & Sciences
Spotsylvania Lions Club Charities, Inc. Scholarship Nursing
J. Carlton Clore Scholarship
The Woman’s Club of Fredericksburg Scholarship
Raynold (“Randy”) Collier Glazebrook, III Scholarship
Culpeper Wood Preservers Scholarship
Byrd L. (“Jack”) Daniel Scholoarship
John J. (“Butch”) Davies, III Scholarship
OMWCF Dental Scholarship
Duval Scholarship
Dale Featherston Scholarship
Jefferson Homebuilders Scholarship
Anna Ruth Inskeep Scholarship
Mildred C. King Scholarship
J. Susan Langlois Scholarship
Kristin and Kati Lisk Memorial Scholarship
Willis Clyde Locker Scholarship
Bertha M. Seay Massey Scholarship
Giles H. Miller, Jr. Scholarship (Culpeper County High School)
Giles H. Miller, Jr. Scholarship (Orange County High School)
Freta B. Napier Scholarship
John A. Nere Scholarship
Mary Washington Hospital Nursing Alumni Association Scholarship
Henrietta Margaret D. Pattishall RN Memorial Scholarship
Pitts - O’Neill Scholarship
Dulcie H. Potter Memorial Scholarship
John William Price, Jr. Scholarship
The Reynolds Family of Orange Scholarship
Fredericksburg Savings Bank Scholarship (FASC)
Linda Fagan and Loren Franklin Sealy Scholarship
Viola M. Smith Scholarship
Henry and Iva Smith Memorial Scholarship
Pearline T. Soltes Memorial Scholarship
Ardiena Ann Tromley Scholarship For Teaching
Floyd White Memorial Scholarhip
WINGS Scholarship for Middle College Students
Ray and Joyce Zachmann Scholarship
Germanna Community College - Annual Report to the Community • 2006-2007
Germanna Investors
The Germanna Community College Educational Foundation extends its appreciation to the following contributors
who provided substantial support to the mission of the College. These gifts were received between July 1, 2006 and
December 31, 2007. Gifts received after December 31, 2007 will be reported in next year’s Annual Report.
$25,000 and over
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sealy
Samuel James Construction
Second Bank & Trust
$10,000 - $24,999
Culpeper Wood Preservers
Fredericksburg Savings Charitable
GenCorp Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Steve B. Jones
Joseph C. Kincheloe
Mr. and Mrs. George King Jr.
Mary Washington Hospital
Foundation Inc.
Ukrop’s Supermarkets Inc.
$5000- $9,999
Mr. Dale C. Coyner
Corbin Homebuilders Inc.
Cullen Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. “Ted” Hontz
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall E. Jenkins
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Rose III
Spotsylvania Lions Club Charities Inc.
Virginia Community College
Educational Foundation
Ms. Catherine E. Welch
$1000- $4999
Advanced Communication Solutions
Mrs. Betty Baldwin
Ms. Debbie Bennett
Dr. Jeff Bloomer
Mr. Thomas Bond
Otis and Mescal Burke Charitable Trust
C & G Management Co. LC
Cannon Properties Ltd
Century 21 Classic Real Estate
Cintas Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. George Colby
Community Foundation of the
Continental Teves
Culpeper Regional Hospital
The Honorable & Mrs. John J. Davies III
Mr. and Mrs. Duke M. DuFrane
Fredericksburg Host Lioness Club
Fried Companies
Getty & Associates
Jan Harris Gray
Hilb Rogal & Hobbs
Hunting Run Investments Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. James Jarrell
Johnson & Glazebrook Inc.
Mr. Ronald Holmes
Ms. Michelle C. Jorgensen
Mrs. Connie Kincheloe
Kiwanis Foundation of Fredericksburg
Lincoln Financial Group
Little Tire Company Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin
Farmer and Betty Meadows
Moseley Harris & McClintock
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McFarland
Judy and Mike Napier
Mr. and Mrs. James Perry
Piedmont Communications
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Potter
Prudential Simpson & Associates
Rappahannock Electric Cooperative
Mr. and Mrs. Josiah P. Rowe III
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Sam
The Silver Companies
Spangler Erkert & Associates
Stewart Wealth Management Group
Dr. and Mrs. Frank S. Turnage
Union Bank & Trust Company
Virginia Commerce Bank
Walter Grinders Inc.
Peter Williams
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wilson
Linda Worrell
84 Lumber
Allied Concrete
ATA Tire
Ms. Sherri Azaiz
Battlefield Ford Mercury
Beveridge Seay Inc.
Bingham & Taylor Corporation
Ms. Rebecca Blankenship
Blue Ridge Growers
Chalma Boher
Ms. Carole Boniface
Braggs Corner Industrial Centre LLC
Mrs. Janet R. Burhans
Mr. Daniel Caldwell
The Carpet House
Cedar Mountain Stone Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cherwek
Davis, Barrell, Will, Lewellyn &
Dominion Virginia Power
Drucker & Falk, LLC Realtors
Ms. Patricia R. Edwards
Exxon Mobile Foundation
Mr. Kevin A. Fastabend
Mr. William Fiege
Follett Higher Education Group
Ms. Pamela M. Frederick
Gayheart & Willis PC
Ms. Nancy P. Giguere
Hantzmon Wiebel LLP
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Herman Jr.
Dr. Yvette Hester
The Hilldrup Companies
The Holden Group Realtors Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglass C. Horstman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Hutchison
Dr. Jane R. Ingalls
J & J Real Estate Ltd.
Mr. Russell James
David A. Kindred
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kinnamon Jr.
Mrs. Rose B. Lee
Ms. Deborah Leeper
Mason Insurance Agency Inc.
McK Company Inc.
Mr. Gerald C. Miller
Ms. Nancy W. Noel
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Nowers
NSWC Federal Credit Union
John and Karen O’Donnell
Ms. Ruthan O’Toole
Parrish, Houck & Snead PLC
Piedmont Virginia Community College
Dr. Michael Read
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Ridge
Roxbury Farm & Garden Center
Thomas Sheridan
Signature Real Estate Group LLC
Sommerville, Carter & Wilkinson Ltd
Sullivan, Donahoe & Ingalls
Virginia Community Bank
W.C. Thompson’s Funeral Home Inc.
Germanna Community College - Annual Report to the Community • 2006-2007
Ms. Katherine Walker
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Walker
Mr. Edwin W. Watson
Dr. Deborah A. Wilson
Lois Wilson
Wise Services & Recycling LLC
Dr. Gayle Wolfe
Yates Properties LC
Airport Express of Culpeper Inc.
Ms. Sandra L. Allen
Mr. John F. Ames
Ms. Judy M. Amidon
Angela’s Properties
Ms. Carol Baetz
Bagby, Caldwell and Associates PC
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin E. Bailey
Mr. Gene Bailey
Bailey’s Properties
Mr. Charles D. Barrell
Mr. Randolph A. Beckham
Bennett Homebuilders LLC
Bennett, Atkinson & Associates
Best Western—Culpeper Inn
Mr. and Mrs. E. Thomas Blalock II
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bloom
Ms. Sandra Borders
Mr. Kenneth S. Burnett
Darla and Ollie Burton
Shannon M. Butler DDS, PLLC
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Cakouros
The Cameleer
Ms. Judy Carter
Century 21 Realty 1
Cherry Street Building Supply
Chrysler of Culpeper
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Chubb
City of Fredericksburg Economic
Mrs. Catherine S. Click
Clore-English Funeral Home
Mr. Irving Comer
Joseph Coppedge
Cosmopolitan Investments LLC
Country Mortgages & Farm Credit
Dr. and Mrs. Seth C. Craig III
Culpeper Engineering PC
Culpeper’s Farmers Cooperative
Culpeper Land Investments Inc.
Culpeper Motors LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Dammann
Germanna Investors
Ms. Cristina Dargan
Ms. Christy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dawson
Ms. Christina Dennis
Dr. John R. Donnelly
Ms. Rita Dunston
Mr. Jules L. Elliott
Environmental Systems Service Ltd.
ECS Mid Atlantic LLC
Euro Machines
Finish Line Construction
Mr. and Mrs. John Finn
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Flynn
Found and Sons Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Fowler
Ms. M. Carter Frackelton
Mr. R. Leigh Frackelton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Frank
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Fray, Hudson, Clark & Walker LLP
Fredericksburg Dental Hygienists
Ms. Paula Gentry
Germanna Political Science
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gill Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Gossweiler
Ms. Canice Graziano
Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Greene
Greystone TV & Appliance Inc.
Mr. James A. Grigsby
Ms. Barbara Hall
Dr. Kevin B. Handley
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn N. Hein
Herlong Associates Inc.
Carlene Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Hoag
Scott Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hogan
Mr. C. Richard Hollenbach
Houston & Associates
Dr. David F. Huddle DDS
Mr. Bennett Hunter
Ms. Johna Inskeep
J. W. Sieg & Company Inc.
Marion Jacobeen
Jefferson Homebuilders
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Jenkins
Ms. Sue S. Jernigan
Joan Brown Interiors
Johnson Commercial Real Estate
Johnson Realty Advisors Inc.
V. Rea Jones
K & M Equipment Rentals
Mr. and Mrs. Max Klotz
Ms. Deborah J. Koller
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krochalis
L & D Associates Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lang
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lanier
Ms. Ann Smith Lewis
Mr. Alexander Long IV
Ms. Kathleen R. Lukcso
Mr. Henry Lynn Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Matthews
Mr. Philip McCann
Ms. Linda McClintock
Mr. Charles G. McDaniel
McDonald’s of Culpeper
Melmar Painting & Drywall Finishing
Merchants Grocery Co. Inc.
Dr. Helen R. Mergenthal
Merrick Family Practice & Laser
Ms. Marie E. Messier
Miller Orthodontics PC
Russell Mueller
Neilson Builders Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. J. William Nutter
Ms. Robin S. O’Toole
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Parker
Ms. Alice Payne
Pelham Court Motors Inc.
Piedmont Door Service
Plow & Hearth
Quarles Energy Services
Kevin Reynolds Jr.
Reynolds Pontiac-Cadillac-GMC
Ms. Jacqueline V. Rorrer
Mr. and Mrs. Waldron Rosheim
Rosson Troila Motor Co. Inc.
Mr. Harold Scheibe
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Schubert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Schwab
H.B. Sedwick, Jr., Building Supply Inc.
Mr. Brian R. Shortess
Ms. Patricia E. Schrader
Mr. Joseph H. Shealy
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Smietan
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ray Smith
George Snead
Ms. Anita Sutton
Richard Tami
Mr. and Mrs. Trach
Ms. Annie A. Turnage
University of Richmond
Mrs. Doris Velona
Wachovia Bank
Ms. Evelyn Ann Walker
Walnut Hill Farm
Mr. and Mrs. F. Wister Weaver
Dr. Ann L. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Williams Jr.
Woodscape Apartments
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Woodward
Young, Nicholas, Branner & Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Young
Your Electrician
John D. Zaleski
Up to $150
Mr. and Mrs. David Abraham
Acres & Assets
Ms. Louise B. Adams
Mr. Phillip Agee
Ms. Shahnaz Ahmed
Mr. David Albee
Ms. Ann Alizio
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Allen
American Automobile Association
Dr. William M. Anderson
Mrs. Gloria D. Andrews
Ms. Susan A. Andrews
Mr. Larry Appleyard
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Argenzio
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Arndt
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Arnston
Mr. O’Connor G. Ashby
Ms. Mary Jane Atwater
Ms. Judith Ayers
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bacher
Ms. Lois Bailey
Ms. Paula Bannister
Ms. Donna Bareford
Ms. Marjorie Bareford
Ms. Dorothy Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes
Mr. John M. Barrett
Ms. Marie Barrett
Ms. Judith Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bartnick
Abdul Basit
Mr. Stephen Batche
Mr. Glenn D. Bates
Bates Body and Repair Inc.
Mr. Billy Bearden
Ms. Loretta Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Becker
Mr. George Beebe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beecham
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Belinsky
Ms. Gloria J. Benden
Mr. Daniel Benedict
Mr. David Benscoter
Mr. Frank Benser
Ms. Mary E. Berger
Ms. Samantha M. Bergeron
Mr. Richard Bergmann
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Beringer Jr.
Ms. Edith M. Bernier
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Berra
Mr. Vaughan L. Beucler
Mr. Mark A. Bienz
Jodi Biggar
Ms. Marue Biggs
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Birdsong
Mrs. Rosemary Blankenship
Mr. and Mrs. David Boher
Mr. and Mrs. Marie Bojinoff
Mr. Eugene D. Bolzan
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bond
Mr. Harry Allen Booth
Mr. and Mrs. James Bosket
Charles Boward
Ms. Karen Bowers
Sybil Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Branch
Michael Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bricken
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Brockman
Mr. Richard Brooking
Dr. David L. Brooks
Ms. Sandra Brooks
Brooks Chiropractic Clinic PC
G. Anthony Brown
Ms. Lynn Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Buccola
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Burns
D. and Mrs. Preston Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burton
Karen Bush
Ms. Pearleen Butler
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Buttimer
Ms. Kathy Brew
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Cadow
Marty Caldwell
Mr. Robert A. Calvert
Tomas Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Glen H. Cannon
Linda Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Capps
Mr. Thomas Carroll
Mr. John Castellarin
Ms. Barbara Chinn
Mr. J.L. Christopher
Classic Impressions of Griffinsburg
Ms. Mary C. Click
Ms. Patricia C. Click
Dr. Gilbert I. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Rawley T. Coleman
Germanna Community College - Annual Report to the Community • 2006-2007
Germanna Investors
Colony Pest Control
Jo Ann Colvin
Community Housing Partners Corp.
Ms. Dianne Condon
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Conrad
Richard and Susan Constanzo
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Cook
Dr. Brent A. Cool
Ms. Ellen Lynn Cottrell
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Crain
Ms. Barbara A. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cropp
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Curnow
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Cusack
Ralph I. Daehnke
Dr. Stanley D. Dameron DDS
Ms. Emily S. Daniel
Mr. J.T.Darby
Mrs. Helen Davidson
Ms. Linda Davidson
Mr. Roy H. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Davis
Ms. Joan G. Davis
Mr. John G. Davis
Ms. Donna J. Deats
Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. DeBlasi
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Decker
Mr. and Mrs. William Derryberry
Ms. Patricia E. Deutch
Ms. Peggy J. Dinkins
Jeremiah Dobbins
Mrs. Carol G. Donohue
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Doubet
Robert Dowling
Ms. J.G. Downing
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Downs
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn DuBois
Dr. Kay Dunkley
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Dunwody
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Duy
Jeffrey S. Earnhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Easles
Ms. Constance K. East
Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Eddins
Mr. Donald T. Edwards
Eleanor Cox Studios
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Engel
Edward Ervin
James Falkrenrath
Charles Farrar
Dr. Dale Featherston
Dr. and Mrs. A.V. Ferlazzo DDS
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferree
Mr. Nicholas A. Ferro
Randolph E. Fishback
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Fisher
Ms. Darlene Flemer
Mr. Douglas L. Flory
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Foote
Mr. Mark Ford
David Francis
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Frawley
Dwight B. Frazier
Fredericksburg Country Club
Mrs. Virginia A. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frey
Friends of Harvey Morgan
Mrs. Sara B. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gayheart
Dr. and Mrs. Ellis Gedney
Ms. Tammy L. Geer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Gegg
Marie Gigliello
Charles R. Gillette
Rob and Teri Givlar
Mr. and Mrs. William Gladstone
Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Bud Glass
Mr. John Goad
Mr. Donald W. Goding
Ms. Doris Goffus
Ms. Mary Goodloe
Mrs. Kenneth B. Goodrich
William Gravatt
Ms. Rose Greco
Ms. Leslie E. Gredler
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greeney
Hunter Greenlaw, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. William Greenup
Ms. Martha Greggs
Mr. Alfred W. Grella
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Grey
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian R. Gries
Mr. and Mrs. Irving O. Grimes
Mr. M. Wayne Grimsley
Mr. Ira D. Grinnan Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James l. Grove
Edward and Kerry Gryczynski
Mr. Daniel Grynaviski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gyory
Ms. Robin Hackey
Ms. Debra F. Haines
Ms. Brenda Haley
Jerry F. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hall
W.C. Hall
Mr. Christopher M. Hallberg
Ms. Patricia Hamilton
Ms. Mary-Linda Hampton
Ms. Victoria Hampton
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Hamrick
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hanahan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Handy
Mary Hannon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel I. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Hartwick
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hazen
Cynthia Hebert
Mr. Robert F. Hedelt
Linda S. Heflin
Richard Heinbach
Mrs. Susan Henderson
Ms. Jill Hennes
Mr. Curtis H. Hermann
Margaret Herndon
Dr. and Mrs. Kurtis Hess
Ms. Cynthia Hill
Dr. Suzanne Hintz
Ms. Jacque Hirsch
Edward Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hoffman
Ms. Martha Hoffman
Mary L. Hoffman
Mr. John D.A. Hogan
Ms. Kathleen Holcombe
The Holden Group Realtors Inc.
Holladay Property Serv Midwest
Ms. Anita Hollander
Christopher J. Honenberger
Ms. Ruth H. Hood
Bryan Hooper
Mr. Kenneth Hornug
The Honorable R. “Edd” Houck
The Honorable and Mrs. William J.
Ms. Lucy Howlin
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hulse
Ms. Lynn M. Huntsman
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie C. Hurst
Dr. Gary Hussion DDS
Mr. William Hutt
Tomas Huwe
Ms. Carol Iglesias
Susanne Irvin
Mr. Don Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight A. James
Mr. and Mrs. John Janney
Laura AJargo-Fowler
Mr. Benjamin Jason
Robert Jenks
C. Jill Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Johnson
Lynn E. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jones
Mr. Robert W.G. Jones
Ms. Sherri Jones
Victor Jurek
Mr. Richard D. Justice
Germanna Community College - Annual Report to the Community • 2006-2007
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kaila
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Kalbacher
Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig G. Kasischke
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kelley
Mr. John H. Kelley
Marie Kellow
Olive Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kelly
D.S. Kemp
Kemper Corp Realtors, Inc.
Mrs. Lillian Kendall
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneweg
Ms. Pam Kenney
Mr. Bobby Kent & Sons
Ms. Rochelle M. Kincaid
Mr. H. Larry King
Mr. Stuart F. King
Lincoln Klabo
Harm Kool
Mr. and Mrs. D.F. Kovarik
Ms. Karen J. Kranyak
Dave Kraus
Eric Krause
Ms. Mary P. Lancing
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Landis
Mrs. Susan Langlois
Mrs. Linda Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lawson
Mrs. Frances Lea
Mr. Miguel Lechuga
Mr. and Mrs. James Lee
Robert and Betty E. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lee
Ms Harriett Leithiser
Mr. David LeMay
Mr. James P. Lemieux
Mrs. Mary Ann Lewis
Ms. Roxy E. Lewis
Lewis Insurance Associates
Arthur Lieb
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lillis
Mrs. Lynn Lineberger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Link II
Ms. Melissa Carter Lipps
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lisagor
Dr. Patti S. Lisk
Nancy Lorenz
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lowery
Ms. Marilyn M. Lucero
Mr. Edward H. Lynch
Ms. Virginia R. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Macurak
Ms. Julie Mandese
Germanna Investors
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Mann
Ms. Kathleen S. Marcus
Ms. Lana Marr
Mr. Hilton G. Marshall
Mr. John M. Martin
Ms. Kimberley R. Martin
Mary Gail Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Mastin
Dr. H. Neil Matkin
Clyde Matthews
Walter C.J. Matthews
Mr. Gary Mauss
Stephanie May
Ms. Delois R. McCormick
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. McInnis
Carolyn McLennan
Ms. Paula McLeod
Page L. Meade
Ms. Nell Meador
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest U. Meier
Mrs. Helena H. Mell
Ms. Susan Mercada
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Mercer
Mrs. Mary M. Merchant
Mr. and Mrs. Neal C. Merchant
Jule Millard
Ms. Barbara Miller
Ms. Dawn E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Miller
Ms. Maxine L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Mistretta
Mr. John D. Mitchell
Ms. Julie B. Monaco
Ms. Margaret A. Moon
Hullihen Moore
Mr. Blasé A. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Murphy
Musatow Family
Pamela E. Nails
Mr. George L. Nance Jr.
Mr. Erik Nelson
Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. William Newman
Dr. John A. Nicolay
Ms. Sarah K. Nielson
Nowack Sales & Service Inc.
Robert O’Bannon
Mrs. Imogene K. O’Toole
James Ogletree
Ms. Bettie Blue Omohundro
Billie O’Neill
The Honorable Robert D. Orrock
Ms. Zoila Ortega
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ostlund
Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Ouellette Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Owens
Mr. Kenneth Owens
Mr. John A. Passeri
Marlene Passmore
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Pearce
Mr. Garry Penix
Ms. Minnie C. Perry
Mr. John H. Pfeil Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pfiel
Richard and Patricia Phillipo
Piedmont Communications
Ms. Vickie G. Pittman
Ms. Sandra Plummer
Ms. Joy M. Poole
Mr. Stig Von Post
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Potts
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Powell
Ms. Marjorie M. Poyck
Ms. Roberta J. Prees
Dr. John Presley
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Priddy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Priore
Mrs. Charlene Purucker
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Quattlebaum
Mr. Jerry L. Raines
Mr. Vincent C. Ramoneda
Doris M. Rankin
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rankin
Dr. and Mrs. Albertus W. Rappole
Carla Rascals
Katherine Rawls
Mr. M.R. Reamy
Mr. John L. Redd
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Redden
David and Diane Reddy
Remax Crossroads
Republican Women of Orange
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rodriguez
Mr. And Mrs. Edwin C. Roessler
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Rogers
Ms. Patricia Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rokosz
Mr. Terry Rooker
Mr. David L. Rose
Dr. John B. Rose III, DDS
Robert Rosser
Mrs. Bonnie C. Rowan
Jack Rawley
Ms. Patricia Robino
Mrs. Rose Robino
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rozelle
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rugless
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sakole
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sasser Jr.
Ms. Dorothy M. Sauvageau
Mr. James Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Saviola
Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Scelfo
Ralph Schobitz
The Honorable Edward T. Scott
Ms. Susan Secondhand Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sembach
Darlene Seyler
Mr. Paschal J. Sheffield Jr.
James Shorten
Shuman Builders Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Sickmann
Ms. Susan Skinner
Ms. Phyllis D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William Sokol
Dr. Sarah Sommerville
Ms. Karen Sorrell
Kathleen Spaine
Peter Spellerberg
Mr. Joshua P. Sproul
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Squires
Sandra Staley
Ms. Cynthia B. Starling
Ms. Debra C. Steckler
Sidney R. Steele
Dr. and Mrs. Francis Sugg
Frank Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Neil S. Sullivan
Ms. Tracey L. Sullivan
Mr. C.W. Swann Jr.
Ms. Suzanne Swinson
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Swisher
Dr. John Sygeilski
Ms. Brenda Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Tayloe II
Ms. Barbara Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor
Gwen J. Taylor
Ms. Helen Bass-Taylor
William Tehan
Mr. and Mrs. Henrick Thode
Thomas Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tierney
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Tomayko
Town and Country Garden Club
Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Trask
Richard Troast
Mr. and Mrs. Noah Turnage
Mr. and Mrs. Wells Turnage
Mr. and Mrs. William Vetter
Ms. Lorraine Vickermann
Ms. Marcia R. Vines
Properties Virginia
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wafle
Mr. and Mrs. Aric N. Wagner
Ms. Victoria Waldron
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walsh
Ms. Kathy Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warfield
Mr. George Wathena
Mr. Edward O. Watson
Ralph Waterford
Ms. Shirley A. Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Weedier
Ms. Marian Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wendehack
Ms. Jean Westmont
Dr. Belle Smith Whelan
Mr. Robert C. Wheeler II
Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Whiskey
Mr. Randal Whitehead
Mr. Jerry G. Whitlock
Ms Virginia M. Whittaker
Samantha Wilhelm-Krishnamurthy
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Willis
Mr. Russell H. Willis III
Mr. James C. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. David Witmer
Mr. and Mrs. Anton R. Woborill
Broyce Wray
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Wright
Mr. H.B. Wright
Mr. Robert Wright
Ms. Rebecca J. Wright-Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Young
Ms. Terry L. Yowell
Ms. Patricia Yuliano
Mr. Steven Zaidman
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Zandi
If we have accidentally
omitted any contributor,
please accept our sincere
apology and let us know
Germanna Community College - Annual Report to the Community • 2006-2007
The Germanna Advantage
Germanna Community College - Annual Report to the Community • 2006-2007
2130 Germanna Highway
Locust Grove, Virginia 22508
10000 Germanna Point Drive
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22408
18121 Technology Drive
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
Produced by Germanna Community College’s Marketing and Public
Information Office: Barbara Taylor, Director, Michael Zitz Beckham, Public
Information Officer, Barbara Marinaro, Public Information Specialist, Leah
Backus, Workstudy Student and GCC Faculty and Staff.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the 2006-2007 Annual
Report. Please contact the Director of Marketing and Public Information
Barbara Taylor at 540-423-9072 to report an error.