EAST ELGIN COMMUNITY COMPLEX INTERIM BOARD Wednesday, November 4, 2015 (immediately following the Joint Special Council Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.) Blue Line Room, East Elgin Community Complex Page 1. WELCOME - Chair - Mayor Currie 2. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA (a) 3. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 4. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES 3-6 (a) 5. 6. Minutes of the East Elgin Community Complex Interim Board meeting held on October 7, 2015. DELEGATIONS (a) 7 Confirmation of Agenda Delegation - Charlie Roloson, on behalf of Aylmer Spitfires Junior C Hockey. ACTION ITEMS (a) Councillor Barbour - request re the concession operator. Clerk's Note: The action taken by the Interim Board on September 2, 2015 will need to be reconsidered prior to considering Councillor Barbour's request. Moved by Councillor Wolfe and seconded by Councillor Oslach: That the EECC Interim Board defers making any decisions regarding the 2015 EECC Concession RFQ until such time as an EECC General Manager replacement is appointed. The Motion is Carried. The Terms of Reference for the Interim Board states: Reconsideration 4.7 Despite a previous decision, a Board Member may ask that a previous motion be reconsidered. Debate on a motion for reconsideration shall be confined to reasons for or against reconsideration. To bring the original motion back to the table for reconsideration, a majority of the Board is required. A Board Member who voted with the majority on the original motion must introduce a Page 1 of 19 Page EECC Interim Board - Nov 4 2015 6. ACTION ITEMS motion for reconsideration. In the event that the original motion was not decided by a recorded vote, the Chair shall determine that the motion to reconsider is being appropriately introduced. Report from the Administrators - November Interim Board Report. Action: Recommendation. 8-17 (b) 18 (c) (d) Discussion - Summer Ice for 2016. Report from the Administrators - On-Line Booking Request for Proposal (RFP) Results. Action: Recommendation. 19 (e) Discussion - for 2016 Budget Process - Appendix A of the Terms of Reference. 7. CLOSED SESSION 8. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment Page 2 of 19 East Elgin Community Complex Interim Board October 7, 2015 – 7:00 p.m. Blue Line Room East Elgin Community Complex The East Elgin Community Complex Interim Board met in the Blue Line Room, located in the East Elgin Community Complex, at 531 Talbot Street, West, Aylmer, at 7:00 p.m. with the following present: Aylmer Council: Mayor G. Currie, Deputy Mayor M. French, Councillor S. Andrews, Councillor P. Barbour, Councillor B. A. Laur, Councillor T. McDonald, and Councillor A. Oslach. Malahide Council: Mayor D. Mennill, Deputy Mayor M. Wolfe, Councillor M. Widner, Councillor M. Moore, Councillor R. Cerna, Councillor M. Wales, and Councillor C. Glinski. Staff: Malahide Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk M. Casavecchia-Somers, Aylmer Administrator/Deputy Clerk J. Reynaert, and Malahide Deputy Clerk D. Wilson. ___________________________________________________________________ 1. WELCOME AND CALL TO ORDER: Malahide Mayor D. Mennill assumed the Chair and called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. 2. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA: Chair Mennill confirms the agenda by consensus. 3. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST: No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. Minutes of the East Elgin Community Complex Interim Page 3 of 19 EECC Interim Board 4. October 7, 2015 MINUTES: Moved by: P. Barbour Seconded by: M. Wales THAT the minutes of the East Elgin Community Complex Interim Board held on September 2, 2015, be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. 5. DELEGATIONS: Delegation - Toni Sheils, on behalf of the B.A.D. Girls Hockey Association Toni Sheils, on behalf of the B.A.D. Girls Hockey Association, appears before the Interim Board and provides the following comments for the Interim Board to consider: (a) The Association is discouraged that the EECC Board and Councils have been unable to make a decision and stick to it. (b) They are concerned that they are required to submit a request for ice use five months prior to using the ice and yet, in recent years, they are not advised if that ice has been granted until approximately 2 weeks before the scheduled use. If ice requests are not granted, then they are reacting late in the process to secure the necessary ice somewhere else. (c) They need more flexibility for ice rentals especially during play-off season. They would like to be able to swap or exchange ice with other users, without penalty. (d) They would like to have immediate access to the ice schedule to determine ice time availability; and would like to have an up-to-date calendar of ice use on the EECC website. (e) They would to be exempt from rental fees for a table/space for early registration whether they have ice rented at that time or not. (f) During their annual tournament they would like to have use of the small community room at no charge. (g) They expressed concern that some of the lights in parking lot (on the east side) are not functioning and would like them to be either repaired or replaced. (h) They would like an ice allocation process similar to Thames Centre (Dorchester Arena) whereby the main user groups all meet together with the Arena Staff to develop an ice schedule together. This results in a more timely approval process. Ms. Sheils complimented the EECC Staff, particularly the EECC Administrative Assistant Lisa Dahm, indicating that the Staff has been very helpful and works to keep the lines of communication open. Ms. Sheils also indicated that the EECC facility is always kept clean and well maintained. Minutes of the East Elgin Community Complex Interim Page 4 of 19 EECC Interim Board October 7, 2015 Chair D. Mennill responded to Ms. Sheils comments by indicated that the Interim Board is working to try to make Complex more user-friendly. The Interim Board thanked Ms. Sheils for her comments. 6. ACTION ITEMS: (a) October EECC Interim Board Report: The Township and Town Administrators presented the October EECC Interim Board Report No. 33-15, dated October 7, 2015. The Town Administrator reviewed the various matters set out in the report, including: Status of the General Manager position; Status of on-line booking software project; Status of Website update project; Status of the anchor tenant RFP for property management company; Status of various EECC programs; Wi-Fi proposal for EECC; Family New Year’s Eve program; Operating budget comparison analysis; Hall Revenue (Imperial Hall) update; Capital Budget comparison; and Summer Ice analysis/update. Moved by: Ted McDonald Seconded by: Arthur Oslach THAT, notwithstanding that there is no 2015 Budget allocation for this project, the Municipal Staff be authorized and directed to proceed with the installation of Wi-Fi for the EECC building at an estimated cost of $5,200.00. Carried. The Interim Board asked the Staff to report back at the next meeting with additional information concerning the 2015 budget to actual variances regarding salaries and wages for Part-Time and Casual EECC Employees. The Interim Board agreed to consider at its next meeting to be held on November 4, 2015 whether to maintain or eliminate summer ice for 2016 season. The EECC Interim Board Meeting recessed at 8:45 p.m. and reconvened at 8:52 p.m. (b) EECC Interim Board Action Plan – Item for Action in October, 2015. Minutes of the East Elgin Community Complex Interim Page 5 of 19 EECC Interim Board October 7, 2015 A general discussion was held regarding the reserves for the East Elgin Community Complex. The Interim Board noted that the 5% surcharge on all ice and hall rentals at the EECC continue to go into reserves for future capital expenditures. It was the consensus of the Interim Board that this practice be continued. 7. ADJOURNMENT: Moved by: R. Cerna Seconded by: M. Wales That the EECC Interim Board meeting be adjourned at 9:50 p.m. to meet again on November 4, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. Carried. ______________________________ Chair, Mayor D. Mennill _____________________________ CAO/Clerk, M. Casavecchia-Somers Minutes of the East Elgin Community Complex Interim Page 6 of 19 ee Nancie Irving From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jennifer Reynaert Monday, October 19, 2015 4:00 PM Pete Barbour Greg Currie; Nancie Irving RE: Concession stand I will have this added for discussion at the next scheduled Board meeting. Jennifer Reynaert Administrator/Deputy Clerk Town of Aylmer 46 Talbot Street West Aylmer, ON N5H 1J7 519-773-3164 From: Pete Barbour Sent: October-19-15 7:18 AM To: Jennifer Reynaert <[email protected]> Cc: Greg Currie <[email protected]> Subject: Concession stand Can we revisit the plan to not consider searching for a concession operator until after the new manager is in place, at least to get circulation out? Pete Barbour Councillor, Town of Aylmer Res: 519-765_3793 Cell: slg-52o-o24o Councillor Barbour - request re the concession operator. 1 Page 7 of 19 Town of Aylmer A i/c II 46 Talbot Street West Aylmer, ON N5H 1J7 Ontario Canada yzjr..cr (519) 773-3164 Proud Heritage. l3righi Future. Report Title: 41-15 November Interim Board Report Date Submitted: November 4, 2015 Report Author: Jenny Reynaert, Administrator Michelle Casavecchia-Somers, CAO Recommendation: That the EECC Interim Board receives Report 41-15 from the Administrators as information. Background and Analysis: GM Position: The recruitment process for the EECC General Manager continues. Scheduling of potential interview dates is underway anticipating that such interviews will begin in early November. Web Site Overhaul Proiect: The contractor is still working on bringing over content from the current website. Once this stage is completed, the Staff will review the content and provide any new materials to be posted. The contractor will review the content for accessibility compliance once completed. Anchor Tenant Project Update: A Request for Proposal has been drafted and was forwarded to legal for review and comment. The RFP will be issued as soon as the legal review is complete. Wi-Fl for Building: Equipment has been secured and a plan developed for the installation of Wi-Fi in the building. Report from the Administrators - November Page 8 of 19 Co-Op Student: Staff has interviewed Co-Op Students from University of Waterloo. We are awaiting the results of a match through the system in place there, but we are anticipating having a student in place for January 2016. Operating Budget Comparison Analysis (attached): The budget comparison attached was printed on October 22, 2015, which results in a budget target of approximately 83% at that date. Our year-to-date actual percentage is 85% (see page 3 of the report). We are close to target as of nd October 22 Wages and Benefits Analysis (61111— 61992) When the 2015 Budget was drafted an overall reduction in labour and benefits was forecasted of $95,940. The majority of this anticipated savings was in the part-time wage category. The budget reductions were based on the following adjustments: • • • • • • • • Reduce hours of operation to 8 hour shifts and close the building on holidays and other regular days unless ice and facility rentals warranted being open Revise the administration office hours by one half hour per day Close the office during lunch periods when staffing was limited Discontinue having a customer service representative in the building over weekends and for tournaments Eliminate a co-op student for summer and fall terms Temporarily fill full-time LTD employee with part-time operators No ice rentals in June and July reducing hours scheduled for casual and part-time staff Lock off one compressor to lessen the need for “B” Ticket operators. There are now known year-to-date pressures to the above adjustments that were made to the budget which we anticipate will cause an overrun in staffing by the end of the year as follows: • • • • Administration office hours were not reduced Compressor lock off was delayed due to deferred budget approval Hall rentals are higher than were anticipated which will result in more part time labour use The unanticipated absence of the General Manager requires the use of more casual and part-time labour to assist in covering the administration office, planning and implementing programs, vacation and sick time coverage, and generally the Chief Operator and Facility Coordinator have been called on to assist the Managing CAO in the general running of the facility that requires part-time and casual staff to cover periods in other areas. Report from the Administrators - November Page 9 of 19 General Administration Operating Expenses (63110-67200) Generally we look to be on track when reviewing budget to actual numbers. There are a few areas that we have seen actual expenses exceed anticipated budget. We will be attempting to cover overruns in specific account line items in the overall operating budget. Training (63130)— First Aid and Working at Heights training are the two major expenditures charged. Furniture and Equipment (63265) A back drop was purchased for the stage and hose reels installed in EastLink arena that allows for electric drops from the ceiling for events similar to the Home and Garden Show. — Legal Fees (63311)— Unanticipated legal costs for reviewing for donor/naming rights, Terms of Reference review, and solar project review. The anchor tenant review is currently underway. Repairs and Maintenance-Other (63580) The cost to clean the parking lot for line repainting was more than anticipated. — Janitorial Supplies (63610) —The halls have been rented more than anticipated when the budget was drafted causing more expenditures in janitorial supplies in general (cleaners, paper products). Maintenance Supplies (63620) Ice paint, boom rental, hockey net repairs, and front end loader rental and other supplies that were required for work done for the summer ice closure period have contributed to overruns in this account. — Repairs/Alterations/Services (63630) Although this account is not yet over budget we are anticipating that it may be. The building is currently 11 years old and requires more for repairs and maintenance than previous years. We will need to make note of this for future budget periods. We have several expenditures that have not been recorded as yet including, a generator hose, snow pit weld repairs, heating unit for workshop, and heating units for dressing rooms. The estimate for these unrecorded expenses is $4,530. Additionally, we have some repairs that we are seeking quotes for including, boiler furnace repairs, emergency lights, and ice cube making machine. — We have experienced significant problems with our gas refueling system over the past two years. We have made repairs to the system to keep it operating in 2015. This system has a backup unit that is kept in house so that when repairs are needed to one, we switch it out and get the spare repaired causing no delay in our ability to refuel the ice resurfacer. At this time, we have only one operating unit. The cost to get the spare unit repaired is $2,500. We have delayed in repairing the spare unit because the parent company is no longer operating and due to the age of the unit it is difficult to find replacement parts. To replace the refueling system with a new unit we anticipate a cost of approximately $26,000. The Staff are currently reviewing options for the Board to consider during the 2016 Budget deliberations. Report from the Administrators - November Page 10 of 19 There is a significant repair required for the refrigeration plant reported for the last meeting estimated at $12,000. The billing has not been received to date. We are recommending that due to the significant cost this item be charged to life cycle replacement rather than repairs and alternations. We understand from the contractor that the timing of this repair may be closer to the end of the year or first of next year. Hydra (63640) This account is significantly lower than anticipated at end of October. The billings have not been received or recorded for October and we saved more than anticipated during the summer ice closure period. — Snow Removal Contract (64610) —We saw some significant snow events early in the year causing this account to run over. Revenues (53210 59350) We have recorded greater than anticipated revenues in hall rentals positively impacting revenues but negatively impacting anticipated expenses as noted in several areas above. Overall, revenues seem to be close to target. — — Life Cycle Replacement (63990) There are two components to this account. We typically budget $20,000 to cover significant repairs in the building. To date, we have charged $2,753 for a water heater replacement and $1,057 for chair carts purchased when original equipment could not be repaired. As mentioned above, we are recommending that the cooling system repair estimated at $12,000 be charged to this account as well. All totalled, Life Cycle Replacement would have $4,190 remaining to date. The other component of this account was the accessibility project we received grant funds for and carried over from 2014. We estimated this project at $20,340 and the expenses are offset with grant revenue $13,221 and a transfer from the reserve of $7,119. — Capital Budget Analysis Rink B Board repairs have been completed during the shutdown period and the billing has been recorded as $8,950. This is scheduled to be covered from the reserve. The Refrigeration Plant 6000E computer upgrade has been completed. The billing has been recorded as $34,469. We had budgeted $35,000 to come from the reserve to cover this. The Chart Recorder installation has been completed which allows for one compressor to be locked out, reducing the need for “B” Ticket operator hours. Invoicing for this item has not been received. We budgeted $10,000 to be transferred from the reserve. We have made application for the Parking Lot LED Conversion for government rebate under the Green Energy Act. The budget for this was $28,307. If the application is approved this project will proceed as planned. Report from the Administrators - November Page 11 of 19 The Parking Lot paving budget was $25000 to come from the reserve held in trust by both municipalities. Aylmer Public Works has completed preparation for the paving sites. We have experienced some delays in being able to schedule the approved paving company to complete this project. As reported last month, we are anticipating this project to be over estimates by approximately $7,500 based on the quotes received. The Town’s engineer will continue to monitor and investigate some options for remedial work for future consideration. Respectfully submitted, Jenny Reynaert Michelle Casaveccchia-Somers Report from the Administrators - November Page 12 of 19 EECC Ad Hoc Committee General Fund 10/22/15 Prior Year Budget 2014 DETAILED ANNUAL BUDGET 61111 61112 61820 61840 61911 61912 61921 61922 61930 61940 61950 61961 61962 61971 61981 61982 61991 61992 - Current Year Budget 2015 Actual 2015 Actual % of Budget FINAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES Salaries & Benefits Salaries & Wages Full Time Salaries & Wages Part Time Employee Assistance Program Self Funded Health Benefits Canada Pension Full Time Canada Pension Part Time Unemployment Insurance Full T Unemployment Insurance Part T Health Benefits Group Life Premiums Long Term Disability Premiums. OMERS Pension Full Time OMERS Pension Part Time RSP Pension Full Time Workers Compensation Full Tim Workers Compensation Part Tim Ontario Health Tax Full Time Ontario Health Tax Part Time - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Salaries & Wages 63110 63120 63130 63140 63212 63221 63222 63231 63241 63251 63261 63262 63265 63266 63281 63282 63290 63311 63330 63340 63510 63560 63570 63580 63590 63610 63620 63630 63640 63650 63660 63670 63811 Actual 2014 $391,581.00 147,866.00 1,000.00 $369,388.00 98,161.00 1,017.00 15,545.00 4,205.00 7,549.00 3,562.00 36,752.00 3,402.00 7,803.00 30,824.00 1,846.00 8,392.00 8,578.00 3,313.00 7,635.00 2,884.00 $355,815.23 205,433.97 901.08 (4,984.81) 13,838.04 6,350.44 6,837.92 5,393.94 22,491.68 3,254.02 5,711.46 26,004.71 7,742.28 7,974.13 7,992.12 4,590.87 7,144.23 3,979.42 682,737.00 Gen.Admin, Materials, Supplies & Recruitment Association Fees 2,700.00 Travel Expenses 3,500.00 Tuition Fees, Workshops, Traini 4,500.00 Meetings 700.00 Cleaning Linens, etc 250.00 2,000.00 Licenses and Permits Postage & Courier 2,000.00 Stationery, Office Supplies & P 6,500.00 Reference Material 200.00 Advertising 16,000.00 Telephone 8,000.00 Cell Phone 3,700.00 Furniture & Equipment 9,000.00 CablellnterneUCompuler Equip & Mtc 2,200.00 Protective Clothing 1,000.00 Staff Uniforms 1,000.00 Administrative Fees 12,000.00 Legal Fees & Expenses 1,000.00 Consultants 15,000.00 Audit 2,000.00 Equipment & Tool Purchases 500.00 Repairs & Maintenance Office 200.00 Repairs & Maintenance Communi 200.00 Repairs & Maintenance Other 6,000.00 Program Expense 20,000.00 Janitorial Supplies 10,000.00 Maintenance Supplies 12,000.00 Repairs, Alterations, Services 50,000.00 HydroCosts 265,000.00 Water Costs 3,300.00 Gas/Oil Costs 62,000,00 Property Insurance 26,000.00 UserGroup Expenses 10,000,00 - 77% 112% 89% 13,527.00 4,166.00 6,829.00 2,639.00 20,696.00 2,383.00 5,802.00 28,183.00 6,531.00 8,081.00 8,078.00 2,199.00 7,203.00 1,914.00 $284,589.24 110,174.03 908.60 334.60 13,011.70 3,263.51 6,630.92 3,172.36 17,462.92 2,991.70 5,171,23 22,852.39 4,330,80 6,920.77 8,929.58 3,471.24 6,046.06 2,350.33 686,470.73 586,797.00 502,611.98 86% 1,754.15 1,099.09 5,768.69 809.11 15.55 1,341.64 1,099.78 6,413.73 215.00 13,553.69 7,757.38 3,729.53 2,195.45 2,233.71 1,608.48 733.66 12,020.00 2,600.94 5,526.94 1,890.00 279.99 2,700.00 1,500.00 5,900.00 700.00 250.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 6,000.00 200.00 10,000.00 8,800.00 3,075.00 3,500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 12,000.00 3,100.00 500.00 2,684.05 541.00 6,846.25 377.28 262.80 1,911.16 716.83 5,046.58 309.92 4,007.43 6,391.51 942.01 5,771.20 1,759.67 700.43 610.82 10,000.00 7,537.48 99% 36% 116% 54% 105% 96% 48% 84% 155% 40% 73% 31% 165% 70% 70% 61% 83% 243% 13.06 8,444.68 32,745.11 13,250.82 9,838.59 54,670.59 231,130.09 3,268.74 52,677.83 26,624.36 18,203.72 500.00 200.00 200.00 6,800.00 20,000.00 7,000.00 10,000.00 45,000.00 240,673.00 3,000.00 50,000.00 27,000.00 10,000.00 345.83 7,768.78 30,985.41 7,325.85 15,052.02 34,686,11 130,189.50 2,146.65 34,572,75 29,610.97 5,307,79 173% 114% 155% 105% 151% 77% 54% 72% 69% 110% 53% 523,514.10 486,598.00 354,409.08 73% - - - Total Gen.Administration Expenses Report from the Administrators - November 558,450.00 Page 13 of 19 96% 78% 97% 120% 84% 126% 89% 81% 66% 86% 111% 158% 84% 123% 64110 64130 64140 64510 64610 64900 65530 65550 67100 67200 Contracted Services Computer Hardware & Software Disability Management Annual Maintenance Conlract Waste Coltection Contract Snow Removal Contract Service Agreements 3,000.00 1,000.00 2,400.00 10,000.00 10,500.00 32,000.00 646.98 940.00 2,40000 13,772.46 16,315.00 33,390.04 14,900.00 1,000.00 2,40000 10,000.00 10,500.00 29,000.00 3,549.56 695.00 24% 70% 8,943.15 27,185.00 24,922.63 89% 259% 86% Total Contracted Services 58,90&OO 67,464.48 67,800.00 65,295.34 96% Rents & Financial Services Debit & Credit Card Fees Cash Over and Under 5,500.00 5,330.91 1,085.99 3,000.00 3,395.73 113% Total rents & Financial Services 5,500.00 6,416.90 3,690.00 3,395.73 113% - Transfer to Own Funds Transfer to Reserves Transfer to Reserve Funds 720.07 7,119.00 7,839.07 Total Trfrs. to Own Funds 1,305,587.00 1,291,705.28 1,144,195.00 925,712.13 81% Canada / Ontario Grants Canada Day Grant Enabling Accessibility Grant (3,000.00) (3.000.00) (3,000.00) (13,221.00) (3.000,00) (13,221.00) 100% 100% Total Canada / Ontario Grant, (3,000.00) (3,000.00) (16,221.00) (16,221.00) 100% (55,000.00) (59.104.88) (55,000.00) (31,046.16) 56% (55,000.00) (59,104.88) (55,000.00) (31,046.16) 56% (90,000.00) (310,000.00) (30,000.00) (35.000.00) (10,000.00) (20,000.00) (40,000.00) (10,000.00) (10.000.00) (1,000.00) (1,950.00) (2,050.00) (3,000.00) (1,000.00) (5,500.00) (15,000,00) (3,000.00) (675.00) (2,090.00) (1,083.00) (5,000.00) (9,500.00) (5,000.00) (1000.00) (4,500.00) (6,500.00) (200.00) (10,000.00) (1,000.00) (3,000.00) (86,922.43) (283,431.05) (28,359.63) (31.285.94) (11.209.38) (20,713.21) (33,598.54) (7,507.37) (16.021.36) (994.37) (1,942.20) (2.030.40) (2,704.28) (1,189.52) (5,082.22) (12,591.18) (3,034.98) (669.87) (54,280.40) (215,225.19) (13,834.77) (9,408.33) (7,322.00) (17,573.66) (23,119.29) (5,760.04) (17,298.38) (326.04) (1,971.36) (2,045.96) (1,297.06) (900.00) (3,651.28) (9,193.62) (1,208.72) 69% 76% 92% 174% 60% 76% 116% 58% 108% 163% 100% 99% 130% 180% 104% 61% 40% (1,045.68) (78,500.00) (285,000.00) (15,000.00) (5.400.00) (12,200.00) (23.000.00) (20,000.00) (10.000.00) (16,000.00) (200.00) (1.971.00) (2.060.00) (1,000.00) (500.00) (3,500.00) (15.000.00) (3,000.00) (675.00) (2,090.00) (1,083.00) (1,098.82) 101% (6,723.90) (5,371.68) (9,100.00) (3,045.00) (5952.22) (2,110.61) 65% 69% (4,461.04) (8,235.37) (275.19) (9,840.14) (120.00) (2,620.00) (3,600.00) (6,000.00) (200.00) (10,000.00) (3,107.47) (3,066.35) (134.91) (7,018.44) 86% 51% 67% 70% (1,060.00) (1,060.00) 100% TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPEr% GENERAL FUND REVENUES 53210 53230 54700 Municipal Contribulions - Other Total Municipal Contributions 55101 55102 55103 55104 55105 55106 55122 55123 55124 55125 55126 55127 55128 55140 55150 55201 55202 55203 55204 55205 55206 55301 55302 55303 55304 55305 55306 55307 55401 55402 User Fees & Service Charges Ice Rental Resident Adult Ice Rental Resident -Youth Ice Rental Non Resident Ado Ice Rental Nion Resident Yo Ice Rental School Ice Rental- Jr. C Facitity RentalS Community Hal Facility Rental- Blue Line Roo Facility Rental Arena Floor Facility Rental Meeting Room Facility Rental -Office Facility Rental Storage Facility Rental Kitchen Misceltaneous Rentals Set up and/or tear down Advertising -Rink Boards Advertising Ice Resurficer Advertising Ice Surface Advertising Lobby Display Cas Advertising Clock Message Cen Advertising Promotional Mater General Admission Skating General Admission Figure Skat General Admission Roller Skat General Admission Shuffleboar General Admission Adult Shiny General Admission -Walking UserGroup Program Fee - Birthday/Tearri/Rec Program Fee March Day Break C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Report from the Administrators - November Page 14 of 19 55403 55405 55601 55671 56371 56372 56373 56374 100% 83% 134% 35% Program Fee BirthdaylTeam/Rec Program Revenues Miscellaneous Revenues SOCAN Revenue (500.00) (20000.00) (8,000.00) (2,000.00) (660.00) (38,310.21) (8,223.59) (643.46) (260.00) (20,000.00) (5,000.00) (1,000.00) (260.00) (16,558.32) (6,696.43) (350.50) Total User Fees & Charges (667,548.00) (635,818.19) (555,444.00) (431,830.17) Licences, Permits & Rents Lease Concession Lease Pro Shop Lease Dressing Room Lease Vending Machines (10.000.00) (1,875.00) (1,700.00) (4,500.00) (7.404.07) (1.675.00) (1,773.44) (3.936.11) (7.433.00) (1,875.00) (1.725.00) (3,000.00) (5,575.23) (1,375.00) (1.487.80) (2,780.23) 75% 73% 86% 93% Total Lic,Permits & Rents (18,075.00) (14,988.62) (14,033.00) (11,218.26) 80% Finance Charges (1000.00) (748.64) (1,000.00) (1.562.02) 156% Total Fines & Penalties (1,000.00) (748.64) (1,000.00) (1,562.02) 156% (491,877.61) 76°/s - - - - - Fines & Penalties 57220 58210 59220 59350 Other Revenues Investment Income Our Funds (720.07) Total Other Revenues (720.07) - Transfer To / From Own Funds Contribution from Reserve Funds Contribution from Trust Fund (10,000.00) Total Trfr. to / from Own Funds (10,000.00) (10,000.00) (7,119.00) (754.623.00) (724,380.40) (648,817.00) TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVE NET GENERAL FUND (REVE 63990 Life Cycle Replacement Net Life Cycle Replacement NET GENERAL FUND (REVE Report from the Administrators - November (10,000.00) (7,119.00) 88% 550,964.00 567,324.88 495,378.00 433,834.52 35,000.00 21,476.91 40,340.00 21809.54 54% 35,000.00 21,476.91 40,340.00 21,809.54 54% 585,964.00 588,801.79 535,718.00 455,644.06 85% Page 15 of 19 EECC Ad Hoc Committee Capital Fund 10/22/15 Prior Year Budget 2014 DETAILED ANNUAL BUDGET 63603 63808 - Actual 2014 Current Year Budget 2015 Actual 2015 Actual % olBudget FINAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES Gen.Admin, Materials, Supplies & Recruitment EECC 560.00000 Paving Total Gen.Adminislralion Expenses TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPElS $133,307.00 25,000.00 $43,415.95 1,g9730 33% 6% 60,000.00 158,307.1)1) 45,413.25 29% 60,000.00 158,307.00 45,413.25 29% GENERAL FUND REVENUES 54600 59220 59350 Township of Malahide Arena Grant (37.050.00) Total Municipal Contributions (37,050.00) - Transfer To / From Own Funds Contribution from Reserve Funds Contribution from Trust Fund (60.000.00) (37.050.00) (84,207.00) Total Trfr. to / from Own Funds (60,000.00) (121,257.00) TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVEr’ (60,000.00) (158,307.00) NET GENERAL FUND (REVENUE)IEXPENDITURE 45,413.25 NET GENERAL FUND (REVENUE)/EKPENDITURE 45,413.25 Report from the Administrators - November Page 16 of 19 DETAILED ANNUAL BUDGET- FINAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES Gen.Admin, Materials, Supplies & Recruitment 67,130.00 10,701.08 56,000.00 15,000.00 Note 2 10,000.00 Nate 3 25,000,00 Nate 4 - - 48,187.86 $18933.00 29,254,86 $ $ 60,000.00 60,000.00 Note 5 East 61gb Community Complex 531 Talbot Street West Aylmer, ON NSH 2T9 2015 DRAFT CAPITAL BUDGET Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Eudget 2013 Actual 2013 Budget 2014 77,831.08 6,000.00 Note 1 78,948.60 77,831.08 $8,013.60 65,935.00 Total Gen.Adminlstration Expenses 73,948.60 66 Cable/Intemet/Computer Equip & Mtce 10 EquIpment & Tool purchases 08 PavIng TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 77,631.08 GENERAL FUND REVENUES 73,948.60 NET GENERAL FUND (REVENUE)/EXFENDITURE Revised: 04/29/2015 - NOTES: Note 1: floor repairs Note 2: lire alarm panel repairs health & safety NoteS: scoreclock 24years old retrofit from old arena - - - - - Budget 2015 60,000.00 NoteS Note 6 45,000.00 Note? 28,307.00 Note 8 25,000.00 Note 4 $ $ $ 158,307.00 $ $ - $ 50000.00 - Note 4: parking lot asphalt paving repairs Note 5: Rink B board repairs (Note: this item was budgeted at $8,000 in 2013 and not proceeded with as the overall requirements are most likely higher. No action taken on item in 2014 as quote was higher than anticipated.) (Additional research to be completed) See attached engineer report) Note 6: skate tile replacement defer$5D,000 to 2016 Note 7: refrigeratIon plant replace 4000E computer system with 6000E $35,000 (4000E obsolete In 2015) (possible grant monies available Save on Energy Retrofit Program estimate at $17,234) Note 7: $10,000 refrigeration plant chart recorder lessen the need for B Ticket Operators NoteS: LED Parking Lot rights (possible government rebate of $4,500- subject to Hydro One approval) (estimate of $4,500 in annual savings in energy/hydro consumption) Page 17 of 19 Report from the Administrators - November Town of Aylmer 46 Talbot Street West Aylmer, ON N5H 1J7 (519) 773-3164 Report Title: 42-15 On-Line Booking Request for Proposal (RFP) Results Date Submitted: November 4, 2015 Report Author: Jenny Reynaert, Administrator Michelle Casavecchia-Somers, CAO Recommendation: That the EECC Interim Board awards the On-Line Booking Services contract to Maximum Solutions Inc. for a three year term at an annual cost of $2,700 U.S. dollars (est. $3,510 Cdn.) plus $3,000 U.S. dollars (est. $3,900 Cdn.) the first year for training, setup and configuration. Background and Analysis: An RFP was issued for on-line booking services and closed on August 11, 2015. Four submissions were received and reviewed by the Staff. While not the least expensive, the recommended vendor is Maximum Solutions Inc. based on the requested scope and description of work, the overall cost, and references. This vendor offers a web based product that has been utilized by other municipalities with success and was strongly recommended by those using the product. The initial contract is a three year term and then is renewable annually and may be cancelled with 30 days’ notice by each party. Respectfully submitted, Jenny Reynaert Michelle Casaveccchia-Somers Report from the Administrators - On-Line Page 18 of 19 rim Woo L/J)f APPENDIX “A” TO TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR EAST ELGIN COMMUNITY COMPLEX INTERIM BOARD AND COMPLEX MANAGEMENT STAFF The following table outlines the actions to be taken by the Interim Board prior to establishing a permanent joint Municipal Service Board. Timeline August 2015 and every meeting after Items for Action Develop an agreement for the permanent Board User inpu t S Determine how to approve the East Elgin Community Complex’ budget with a permanent Board August 2015 Appoint Board members to a budget sub committee Re-evaluate the job description of the General Manager of the East Elgin Community Complex Invite a user group to make a presentation to the Board (20 minutes) August 2015 September 2015 September and October 2015 Determine the type and level of service to be provided October 2015 Hold a discussion about reserves for the East Elgin Community Complex Invite a user group to make a presentation to the Board (20 minutes] Start to discuss the 2016 budget for the East Elgin Community Complex Discuss how to use rooms in the East Elgin Community Complex as well as the marketing of the rooms Discuss how to market the Complex October 2015 October to December 2015 November and December2015 January 2015 and February 2016 Discussion - for 2016 Budget Process - Appendix Comments • Start with the handout prepared for the July 9, 2015 session • Work on the agreement at every meeting until It is completed • Note: further actions may arise from this work • • • • • User groups include: Aylmer minor hockey. BAD girls, Spitfires, figure skating, seniors, etc. Need a staff report This will form part of a Business Plan for the complex Need a staff report This will form part of a Business Plan for the complex Need a staff report This will form part of a Business Plan for the complex Page 19 of 19