Journey of Faith and Friendship
Journey of Faith and Friendship
THE CONVENTUAL CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS Church of Our Lady of the Angels Pastoral Staff What ‘social welfare’ means for Catholics, not political parties Fr. Peter Kirwin, ofm [email protected] During election season, candidates talk vicar about what isn’t being done or should be Fr. Joseph Schwab, ofm [email protected] done for the “human rights” of others. deacon Injustice and controversy are the currency of Dcn. Hervé Lemire, ofm [email protected] in residence votes, and often it seems the loudest candidate wins. It’s no Fr. Alonso de Blas, ofm [email protected] wonder that few of our social ills seem to be resolved. liturgy and music As American Catholics, what does it really mean to care Brian Kinzie [email protected] x127 for the under-heard or un-served? What are our human rights? Norbert Zwickl [email protected] x126 catechesis and sacraments Americans tend to separate religion and politics, then define Patty Tafolla [email protected] x154 politics as anything to do with social welfare and governance. high school youth minister In fact, the Church has had a persistent voice concerning the James Whitaker [email protected] x122 social welfare of its members from the time of its inception. faith in action ministry (social action) From Scripture to medieval theology to the writings of Patti Sills-Trausch [email protected] x130 popes during the 20th century – the Church tells us that the Bonnie Wasniewski [email protected] x155 Laura Libertore [email protected] x156 sacredness of human life implies rights and obligations. Rights wedding scheduling and obligations come from our relationship to God and each Nellie Castro [email protected] x171 other. Our rights are claims to material and spiritual benefits Franciscan Renewal Center Administrative Staff in order to reach our fullest God-given potential. Pope Leo executive director XIII instructed that workers have a right to organize in unions; Fr. Joseph Schwab, ofm [email protected] John XXIII wrote that peace is needed for social progress; chief executive and general manager Paul VI taught that the arms race robs the poor; John Paul II Charles Brown [email protected] x175 advised that peace will not come without economic reform, executive assistant and finally Benedict XVI wrote that economic redistribution Rosa Rodriguez [email protected] x186 of wealth is valid. operations manager Regardless of where these views fall within political party Mike Slivers [email protected] x129 platforms, the central point of Catholic social teaching is that adult education, programs and retreats Pat Mullen [email protected] x160 humans are social by nature, not private. Catholic philosophy Sharon Taszarek [email protected] x162 views the individual as a member of numerous communities, meetings and conferences such as families, the states, and humanity in general – not just Sue Force [email protected] x173 one political entity. In contrast, a “State” is the place of political Indra Tilgass-Rodney [email protected] x164 authority with both moral responsibilities and restraints, and counseling and support groups Judith McHale [email protected] x134 needs to be called to account when it fails. We are obligated to finance participate in the needs of others because we are social, because Kris Cook [email protected] x159 God wants us to reach our fullest potential, and because when Lora Nelson [email protected] x151 everyone does, the world is better for it. volunteer opportunities Working for “the common good” means that our efforts Pat Bennier [email protected] x157 should ensure all people have a reasonable level of economic the vision and its sustainability security, safety, health care, religion, education, meaningful Sheri Baker [email protected] x188 Ryan Hill [email protected] x145 employment, recreation, cultural goods, and political [email protected] x147 Patricia Lee involvement. Each person and each political or economic Rachel Oesterle [email protected] x161 system needs to test its wants against the greater need of the [email protected] x150 Sarah Privée common good. If the “want” does not support the common Gordon Sims [email protected] x128 good in some regard, it can be considered immoral in that Executive Committee of the FRC Board area. We may be individual voters, but God wants us to be Alanna M. Mack, Treasurer Doug Olesen, Chair William Anger, Vice Chair Margie Camacho, Secretary social creatures each able to fulfill our best potential. rector Main Phone Number 480.948.7460 RENEWAL is published weekly by the Franciscan Renewal Center, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, 5802 E. Lincoln Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85253. Federal Tax ID 86-0720036 Printed by J.S. Paluch Company Inc. | Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. Fr. Joe For the latest news and general information, visit us at or call the front desk at 480.948.7460 Page 2 • RENEWAL • thec FAMILY CATECHESIS & SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Family Faith Activities August 24th • 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s Gospel we are reminded that the Church is built on the foundation of faith in Jesus Christ. Peter announces that Jesus is God’s only son. This is the faith that families, as the domestic church, have at their foundation. Children look up to parents as the rock on which they can rely upon. The way they see us respond to others, what we say, what we do, all of this will shape who Jesus is in their lives. With your family talk about people whose faith has helped you grow in relationship to Christ. Read Matthew 16:13-20 and discuss • • • • What question did Jesus ask the disciples? How did Peter answer? What did Jesus call Peter? What did Jesus give to Peter? Rock of the Church Activity Learn more about the Pope! Find photographs of the Pope, where he lives, who helps him, and what he does. Help each person to understand that our pope has followed Peter as leader for the Catholic Church. Rock Painting Give each person a large rock or create one even bigger rock for the family to paint together. You can make a cross, write “Jesus is the Rock”, “Jesus” or any other message of faith. Or use smaller rocks, paint the names of people of faith in your family and pray for them this week, then give those people the rocks with a thank you card for their faith example. Concluding Prayer Pray the Act of Faith together: Family Catechesis Open House and Registration This Weekend! Grab your coffee and donut, then join us in the Garces room to register for Family Catechesis, First Communion, Confirmation and First Reconciliation for the upcoming program year. Registration available after every mass this weekend and August 30th - 31st Back to School Blues? Here are some great activities to help your children (and you too, parents!) start the new year off on the right foot! For Young Families: Back to School Breakfast Devotions Start the new school year by adding God’s Word to your family’s breakfast menu. Like a good breakfast, incorporating this simple practice into your daily routine will help everyone start the day right! Teen Families: Homework Routines Young people who complete their homework well are more likely to enjoy going to school and do better! Work together to make this happen! Find more activities, prayers and bible stories at For more information about Baptisms, Sacramental Preparation and Family Catechesis, please contact Patty Tafolla at 480.948.7460, ext. 154 or [email protected] Page 4 • RENEWAL • thec CASA YOUTH MINISTRY Photo by Peter Jordan Coming up August 27th: In Presenza Di Prayer. Worship. Adoration. 7:00 pm in the Church Visit for more information September 21: World Day of Peace Peace Pledge - After all morning Masses, members of the Peace Committee & the Youth Ministry will have Casa Peace Pledge Cards. Aerial Photo - 12:30 pm - We will spell out the word JOY with the peace sign inside the “O.” Call or email to reserve your space. Wear blue! Peace Awards Brunch - 12:45 pm - reservations necessary, seating is limited For information on upcoming events, the latest news and forms , visit us at or call James Whitaker at 480.948.7460 ext. 122 Letters from the hospital from the Pastoral Ministry to the Sick and Homebound When did we find you sick or in prison and go to see you? (MT 25:39) Tomasita is very old, her last days in this world are certainly drawing near. “Quieres commungar, Senora?” “Would you like to receive communion?” Without a moment’s hesitation, Tomasita says “yes” to communion. Daughter, grand-daughter and great grand-daughter – four generations – join in prayer as Tomasita receives the Body of Christ, perhaps her food for the final journey. From new life visits with young mothers, to end of life visits, and everything in between, we experience the joys, and the challenges, with our brothers and sisters on their journeys through life. Come and join us in ministry to the sick and homebound. For more information, please call 480.948.7460, ext. 126 or email [email protected]. For the latest news and general information, visit us at or call the front desk at 480.948.7460 thec • RENEWAL • Page 5 FAITH IN ACTION MINISTRIES JustFAITH MINISTRIES For all those who are serious about participating in JustFaith this fall JustFaith Discernment Session Monday August 25, 2014 from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Serra Room in Piper Hall During the session, you will: • Experience aspects of a JustFaith session • Talk with a graduate one on one, learn about their experience and ask questions • Have time for quiet reflection to discern if this is the right time for you to participate • Learn all the details about the session starting in mid-September All spirituality is linked to some kind of action Rather than withdrawing from the world and its complications, Engaging Spirituality leads us deeper into our relationships and connections, to transform and be transformed. A 26-week formation program, Engaging Spirituality offers daily practices for living deeply (a contemplative life) and loving broadly (a compassionate life). Engaging Spirituality will start in October with informational sessions in September. One group of ES participants will meet on Sunday mornings; a second group is free to form and find another time. Stay tuned for more details in future bulletins. Contact Laura or Patti for more information. The Meaningful Work Seminar Formerly known as the Employment Healing Workshop Saturday, September 6th, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Mondays, September 15, 22, 29 and October 6, 6:30 - 9:00 pm The Meaningful Work Seminar is designed for individuals seeking a spiritual connection to their work. Seminars begin with a full-day session on Saturday, followed by four Monday evening sessions. Cost is $60 to cover materials. Scholarships are available. No online registrations. To register, first call the facilitator, William Pilder at 845.405.6408. After speaking with him, you can register at 480.948.7460. Please see the flyer in the lobby with details. The seminar leader, William F. Pilder, PhD, has over 35 years’ experience in the career transition field. He is an educator, entrepreneur and executive coach and has co-authored a series of eight books published by Prentice-Hall on the career transition process. Contact us at 480.948.7460 or email Patti Sills-Trausch at [email protected], Laura Libertore at [email protected], Bonnie Wasniewski at [email protected], Page 6 • RENEWAL • thec FAITH IN ACTION PROGRAMS WORLD DAY OF PEACE at the Casa Sunday, September 21 Aerial Photo: 12:30 pm, after the 11:00 am Mass Awards Brunch: 12:45 pm Come celebrate with us the International World Day of Peace at the Casa. The International Day of Peace, also known as “Peace Day” provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations and nations to create practical acts of peace on a shared date — September 21st. Peace Day was established by unanimous vote in the United Nations General Assembly in 1981. Then in 2002, the U.N. General Assembly officially declared September 21 as the permanent annual date for the International Day of Peace. Each year the Casa commemorates Peace Day with a variety of activities that are open to all. The Casa Worship times are: 7:30 am, 9:15 am or 11:00 am The schedule for Sunday, September 21: Aerial Photo, “JOY” 12:30 pm (sign up: [email protected] or call 480.948.7460, ext. 155) Sunday Brunch 12:45 pm - register by Sept. 17 Fee for brunch: $25, reservations necessary. Casa Peace Award 1:45 pm - 2:15 pm Presented to Fr. Eddie Fronske, OFM and Ruth Zemek Take the Pledge! After all the Masses on September 21, members of the Peace Committee and the Youth Ministry will have the Casa Nonviolence Pledge and Prayer cards in the hospitality area. Please sign up and take the Pledge for Peace and Nonviolence. For complete details, visit or email [email protected] Please note: In partnership with Pace e Bene, the Casa is pleased to be a part of the Campaign Nonviolence which is being honored from the September 21 to 27. On September 25, we will present the Dances of Universal Peace. Adam Burke, Certified Dance Leader, will give a slide show history of the dances in addition to teaching everyone some of the very unique and peaceful dances. Be the change you want to see in the world! To register for these Faith in Action Programs, call 480.948.7460 or visit thec • RENEWAL • Page 7 ADULT EDUCATION & PROGRAMS Healing and Wholeness: Enjoying Imperfection Friday - Sunday September 12 - 14 We live in a culture that stresses perfection, so we often end up feeling “less than” when we can’t achieve it. And yet, imperfection and vulnerability are what allow us to connect at a deeper level with God and with others to enjoy our imperfection and have it work for our good and the good of the world. Carol Mitchell, Ph.D. is a spiritual director and retreat leader with a background in psychology. She moderates a blog about spirituality: Tom Gorham, M.A., CADCII is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and an Internationally Certified Addiction Professional. Fees: Commuter $130; Single $215; Double $165 per person Henri Nouwen on Being a Wounded Healer: Ignatius of Loyola and Francis de Sales Friday, October 17 – Sunday, October 19 Saturday, September 6 9:00 am - Noon Wholeness through Brokenness Henri Nouwen was a broken, wounded soul, yet he never wallowed in his condition. He turned it into his greatest asset by becoming a healer to the wounded. He believed the path toward wholeness and healing is through a willingness to embrace our own woundedness. This retreat/workshop exposes us to what and how that may look like for our experience in concrete ways. Spiritual directors will be available to give retreatants an opportunity to share their faith journey in individual sessions. Wil Hernandez, PhD, Obl. OSB, is an author, spiritual director, and retreat leader who conducts presentations on the spirituality of Henri Nouwen across the U.S. and abroad. Fees: Commuter $130; Single $215; Double $165 per person This course explores how Ignatius of Loyola and Francis de Sales developed rich, creative spiritualities that continued to call the faithful to love, compassion and service as Francis of Assisi did. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the Catholic heroes of a pastoral, nonviolent approach to the faith. Dr. Thomas Donlan earned a M.A. in Religious Studies from Yale University and Ph.D. in European History from the University of Arizona. He is currently teaching at Brophy Preparatory Academy in Phoenix. Fee: $30 For more information or to register for any of these programs please visit or call 480.948.7460 Page 8 • RENEWAL • thec ADULT EDUCATION & PROGRAMS Following Jesus Contemplative Retreat Christ the Heart of Creation Reading the Gospels Through the Franciscan Lens In the Franciscan Footsteps of Thomas Merton Friday - Sunday October 10 - 12 This retreat focuses on the important ways that the Franciscan approach frames how we read the Gospel message as Good News. With the help of John Duns Scotus, we will consider the “breadth and length, the height and depth” of God’s love for us and for our world. Spiritual directors will be available to give retreatants an opportunity to share their faith journey in individual sessions. To maximize your retreat experience, we recommend overnight lodging. Mary Beth Ingham, CSJ is Professor of Philosophical Theology at the Franciscan School of Theology, Berkeley. She is an author and wellknown presenter on the Franciscan vision of Blessed John Duns Scotus Friday - Sunday October 24 - 26 Thomas Merton, as well as Francis of Assisi, one of his mentors, was an itinerant who found his spirit and spirituality in places of nature, human engagement and cultural exchange. The Casa is a home for all of this. Francis invites us to “create within yourself a place where God might dwell.” Dan Riley, OFM is a founding member of Mt. Irenaeus, Franciscan Mountain Retreat. He and his brothers live an open and gregarious contemplative life in the foothills of the Allegany Mountains. Fees: Commuter: $130; Single: $215; Double: $165 Fees: Commuter: $130; Single: $215; Double: $165 Twilight Retreat: Franciscan Spirituality - A Navigational Tool to Meet Life’s Significant Issues A Weekend Seminar with Ilia Delio, OSF Friday, September 19 6:00 - 8:30 pm Technology, especially artificial intelligence, is changing the contours of human life. We will explore some of these changing contours in terms of human personhood, including body, soul, spirit, human relatedness, the future of human life and the role of God. Father Dan Lackie, OFM, of the St. Barbara Province Our spirituality is the most important lens we will ever use, since it determines how we see and how we respond to every person and every situation life puts before us. With Franciscan spirituality as a navigational tool, we can meet the significant issues of our lives with the boldness of the Gospel. The application of the Franciscan vision is the centerpiece of our conversation. Fee: $20 (with dinner). Must register. Presentation only: $10. Dinner 6:00 pm. Presentation 7:00 pm. Artificial Intelligence and Future Life Friday - Sunday November 14 - 16 Ilia Delio, OSF is Director and Professor of Catholic Studies at Georgetown University. She has authored 11 books, including: “The Unbearable Wholeness of Being: God, Evolution, and the Power of Love” (2013) and “The Emergent Christ” (2011). Fees: Commuter: $130; Single: $215; Double: $165 For more information or to register for any of these programs please visit or call 480.948.7460 thec • RENEWAL • Page 9 Vision Corner Let your light shine at the RENEWING LIVES Breakfast Be a Table Host for the Franciscan Renewal Center’s 3rd Annual RENEWING LIVES Breakfast on Oct. 30, 2014 from 7 – 8:30 am! This is our largest, most inspirational fundraiser of the year that celebrates the Casa’s people and vision, and generates multi-year financial pledges to sustain our ongoing work. We’re looking for enthusiastic, passionate people to help the Casa by filling a table with ten friends at the event. Who in your life should know more about the Casa? Who would enjoy connecting with friends at this celebration? Shine your light on all that we do. To inquire about becoming a Table Host, contact Sarah Privée at [email protected] or call 480.948.7460, extension. 150. Since 1951, the Casa has been renewing lives through spiritual growth, healing and transformation, and serving others. “Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.” - Mt 16:13-20 You’re invited to a special Planned Giving presentation The La Verna Legacy Society: What Planned Giving does for the Casa Sundays, September 14 and December 14 Presentation offered at 10:30 am and 12:15 pm How would you like people to remember you? What work will still need doing after you’re gone? Learn how you can build a legacy that keeps the Casa going now and beyond your lifetime. This one-hour workshop covers the basics of Planned Giving at the Casa and is led by community members with experience in charitable giving, tax planning and financial management. Learn how your gifts – freely given by God – can ensure your needs are met and support the Casa. Free, no registration necessary. $357,887 generated by investment activities in 2012-13, 11% of the Casa’s total expenses D I S CO V E R T H E V I S I O N E V E N T S Thursday, 4 September 2014, 11:00 am Thursday, 18 September 2014, 6:00 pm Thursday, 2 October 2014, 11:00 am Thursday, 16 October 2014, 6:00 pm To reserve your space for a Discover the Vision Event, email [email protected] or call 480.948.7460, ext. 188 RENEWING LIVES Ourselves. Our Communities. Our World. For more information regarding the RENEWING LIVES initiative, or to contribute material to the Vision Corner, please call 480.948.7460, ext. 186 or email [email protected] Page 10 • RENEWAL • thec COUNSELING MINISTRY We Are Here for YOU… We welcome all who are interested in attending Counseling Support Groups No appointments required for groups listed below Monday: 6:30 - 8:00 pm: Divorce & Separation/Relationship Endings Tuesday: 5:30 - 7:00 pm: Grief Support Group 6:30 - 8:30 pm: Depression Support Group Individual Sessions Individual sessions are available mornings, afternoons and evenings, Monday - Friday, and require an appointment. To make an appointment, please call the Counseling Ministry at 480.948.7460 ext. 133, 8:30 am - Noon. If you know someone who is looking for help, answers, guidance or just needs someone to listen, please suggest our counseling ministry. Judith McHale, MA, LPC, Director of Counseling Ministry For more information about hosting your next non-profit event at the Casa, please call 480.948.7460, ext. 134 or [email protected] MEETINGS & CONFERENCES We offer non-profit organizations an exclusively serene gathering place for meetings, conferences, and special events. With spaces and lodging designed to inspire the mind and soothe the spirit, as well as exceptional food to nourish the body, the Franciscan Renewal Center is a wellness plan for non-profits that allows them to renew and recharge. • • • • Comfortable conference rooms of various sizes Private guest rooms with individual baths A/V equipment and high speed internet Full-service dining room featuring buffet-style meals • Poolside and courtyard area for relaxing under the sun or stars • Quiet places for reflection including the Meditation Chapel and Healing Garden • Views of Camelback and Mummy mountains Take a Google Virtual Tour of the campus at We appreciate referrals of churches, non-profits or government entities. Contact Sue Force, Director of Meetings and Conferences (see below). For more information about hosting your next non-profit event at the Casa, contact Sue Force at 480.948.7460, ext. 173 or [email protected]. Visit us at thec • RENEWAL • Page 11 COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD How to Submit Your Bulletin Information: E–mail: Drop Off: Fax: [email protected] at the front desk (Attn: Bulletin) 480.948.2325 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Condo very well kept, approximately 1,072 square feet. Walk-in closet, front and back covered patio courtyards. Backs up to greenbelt. Community pool. Cactus & 40th Street. $830 per month. Please contact Mary 480.948.1975 Beautiful housebroken black cat named Little needs a new loving home. Please contact Charlie Brown at [email protected] or 480.948.7460 Home Companion/Certified Caregiver: Excellent highlevel care in the comfort of your home. Honest, reliable, and flexible. Weekends, overnights and travel OK. D.E. Rupp 480.228.8406. Private Caregiver or Nanny available 7 days a week. Certified, 10 years experience, excellent refs. Margarita Garcia 602.374.9567 or [email protected]. Garden Helper Wanted: Willing to learn new skill sets, able to lift 40 lbs. For details call Francis the Gardener at 480.320.0616. Painter/Handyman with 17 years experience can make your ordinary home look magnificent for an affordable cost. Contact Frank at 480.720.9195 or frankpainter35@ Seeking FT/PT Nanny and/or Vacation Pet Care Position: In your home. Paradise Valley to Cave Creek, Carefree & N. Scottsdale. 36+ yrs exp. Teaching experience. CPR certified. Fingerprint clearance. References available. Cathy Fimiani 908.216.1093 or [email protected]. The Casa may publish requests in this space but it does not reflect our endorsement or knowledge of the people submitting the information. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Men in Spirit We are a men’s group in search of guidance and strength, bonded by common challenges and faith in a God who knows us and is always with us. We meet on the 1st Saturday of every month. Please join us for 7:00 am Mass, followed by breakfast and our meeting. Contact [email protected] to confirm upcoming meeting dates and discussion topics. The Casa Single Adult Ministry Widowed? Divorced? Never married? Single spiritual men and women of all ages gather to share their journey with like-minded people of faith. We meet at 6:30 pm on the 2nd Friday of every month and often organize outside activities to keep the group connected. Confirm upcoming meeting dates and join our mailing list at: [email protected]. AZ Males We meet at 7:00 pm on the last Wednesday of the month. The discussions typically focus on the teachings and philosophy of Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM. Visit to confirm meeting dates. The Casa Prayer Partners Ministry petitions prayers and prays for our human family. CasaPrayerPartners@gmail. Blood Drive Coordinator Seeking a person dedicated to coordinating four blood drives per year between September-April. Must be available to recruit donors the Sunday prior to the drive, and assist with donor registration the day of the blood drive. Please contact Pat Bennier, Director of Volunteers, by phone at 480.948.7460, ext. 157 or send an email to [email protected] for further details. Books and Blessings A bookstore and spiritual boutique at the Franciscan Renewal Center Monday - Friday Saturday Sunday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm 10:00 am - 6:30 pm 8:30 am - 2:00 pm 5:30 - 8:30 pm For the latest news and general information, visit us at or call the front desk at 480.948.7460 Page 12 • RENEWAL • thec Experience our Mission in Guaymas, México Pilgrimage for the Feast of Saint Francis October 2 - 6, 2014 Informational sessions August 23rd and 24th after each mass in Piper Hall The Casa’s ALL ACCESS PASS Is Back! Buy your tickets for this Raffle Fundraiser today. Imagine an entire year of attending ALL of your favorite Franciscan Renewal Center sponsored programs and special events for FREE! The drawing will be held on September 1, 2014 when one lucky individual will be awarded this unlimited access for Fiscal Year 2015: September 1, 2014 through August 31, 2015* Tickets on sale at the Front Desk $10 each or three for $20. ALL ACCESS PASS *Individual must still register for programs throughout the year. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS • RCIA Journey of Faith and Friendship Kristiana Fox 2013 - 2014 Candidate The RCIA program the Franciscan Renewal Center has been an amazing experience and I’m glad that I was a part of it. I have been coming to the Casa for over 15 years now and, over the years, have enjoyed attending a class, event or just coming to find peace and solace on the beautiful grounds. I was searching for a foundation for my spirituality and a community to become a part of and the Franciscan Renewal Center became that place for me. The RCIA program helped me to grasp more about what being a Christian Catholic meant and how to incorporate my spirituality as a part of it. It was an incredible process to be a part of, and the overwhelming support and friendships that have come out of it have made it an invaluable experience. I encourage other people who are considering it to take part in it. Are you being called to this journey of faith and friendship? For more information on how you can become a fully initiated member of the Catholic faith, please contact Kathleen Garast 480.483.3803, [email protected], or George Joumas 602.392.2012, [email protected]. For the latest news and general information, visit us at or call the front desk at 480.948.7460 thec • RENEWAL • Page 13 August 24, 2014 • 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time This Week at the Casa Sunday 7:00 am Family Catechesis Open House 9:00 am Just Scripture 5:00 pm Hogan’s Heroes Monday 6:00 pm Rosary 6:30 pm Divorced & Separated Support Group 6:30 pm Just Faith Discernment Tuesday 11:00 am Water from Rock 5:30 pm Grief Support Group 6:00 pm Rosary 6:30 pm Depression Support Group 7:00 pm Water from Rock Wednesday 10:00 am Arizona Bible Class 6:00 pm Rosary 7:00 pm Watercise 7:00 pm In Presenza Di Thursday 7:45 am Contemplative Prayer 6:00 pm Rosary 6:30 pm Mindfulness Drop In 7:00 pm Watercise Friday 5:45 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet Some of these events require advance registration. Please visit or call 480.948.7460 for more information. Readings & Mass Intentions August 24 - 30, 2014 Sunday IS 22:19-23; Ps 138:1-3, 6, 8; Rom 11:33-36; Mt 16:13-20 Pro -Populo Martha Garcia Charlotte Baca Anthony Colagiovanni Monday 2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12; Ps 96:1-5; Mt 23:13-22 Marjorie Geddes 7:00 am Tuesday 2 Thes 2:1-3, 14-17; Ps 96:10-13; Mt 23:23-26 Mr. Joey Bendotti 7:00 am 7:30 am 9:15 am 11:00 am 7:00 pm Wednesday2 Thes 3:6-10, 16-18; Ps 128:1-2, 4-5; Mt 23:27-32 William Hendy 7:00 am Thursday 1 Cor 1:1-9; Ps 145:2-7; Mt 24:42-51 Mr. Chris Bendotti 7:00 am Friday 1 Cor 1:17-25; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 10-11; Mt 6:17-2940 John C. Collins 7:00 am Saturday Next Sunday 1 Cor 1:26-31; Ps 33:12-13, 18-21; Mt 25:14-30 Teresa Valdivieso 7:00 am James Ross Goffney 5:00 pm Jer 20:7-9; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Rom 12:1-2; Mt 16:21-27 The intentions listed here will be the intentions of the priest and will not be announced to the gathered assembly. About the Franciscan Renewal Center Since 1951, the Franciscan Renewal Center – affectionately known as the “Casa de Paz y Bien” or simply “the Casa” – has existed as a Catholic retreat center in Paradise Valley, Ariz., to offer spiritual growth, healing and transformation that moves lives into the service of others. The Casa was founded by and is today an active religious community of the Order of Friars Minor – part of the worldwide Franciscan family, following in the footsteps of Sts. Francis and Clare of Assisi. The Casa is a wholly owned entity of the Franciscan Friars Province of Saint Barbara, based in Oakland, Calif., that works cooperatively with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix. Activities at the Casa include daily and Sunday Mass, retreats, gathering space for non-profit groups, licensed behavioral health counseling, as well as more than 50 volunteer ministries that give aid to the poor or vulnerable, empower individuals to improve their circumstances, and build community fellowship. Discover more at thec • RENEWAL
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