Rachel-CS-Artifact Report-Haftel Mocher


Rachel-CS-Artifact Report-Haftel Mocher
Rachel Gross, Cascade
Artifact Report
Hutterite History 11
November 25, 2011
Artifact: Haftelmocher
Date: about 50 years old
Materials: wooden frame, with metal parts
Dimensions: 3 cm long x 1 ½ cm wide
Historical and Cultural Importance
A Haftelmocher was used by Hutterites about 50 years ago for making eyes
and hooks to put onto clothing such as dresses and coats. This way of
fastening parts of clothing is very different from what we use now. One of
our Ankele said that the old fashioned ones are more suitable for the
Hutterites than the ones we today. According to our Ankele the buttons we
have now sei nit keisch, because they are used to the old-fashioned styles.
When snaps came into style they were not impressed because they thought
the snaps were too worldly.
My great-grandfather was responsible for making the Haftelmocher and the
old fashioned hooks for the members of Rosedale Colony. He made Haftle
by wrapping a small piece of wire around the pegs sticking out at the side of
the Haftelmocher, and shaping it the way he wanted it to be.