Ships Set Sail - Village of Algonquin


Ships Set Sail - Village of Algonquin
May-October 2015
Celebrating 10 years
of Public Art!
Village of Algonquin
Public Art Program
Ships Set Sail made possible by
event sponsors. Thank you!
Captain of the Ship Sponsors:
A. E. I. M. “The Patch” “The Gem of the Fox River Valley” “CaTara” “S.S. Algonquin” Created by: Tara Storm and Cathy Neuhalfen Created by: Village Employees Algonquin.” Sponsor: Village of Algonquin Sponsor: CaTara Skin Rejuvena on Spa “Recognizing the history of the “The Peacock represents Rejuvena on, Rebirth and Village and important features that make Algonquin Renewal. It is known in many cultures as the modern an outstanding community. Represen ng the history day mythical Phoenix who rises from the ashes and is of Na ve Americans, importance of natural resources, reborn.” and evolving into the future.” B. F. J. N. “Fist Full of Dollars” “S.S. Tully Monster” “River Ethos” “The Great Nau cal Experience” Created by: Fire Sta on 2, Gold Created by: Harry D. Jacobs High Shi School Sponsor: Algonquin Lake in the Sponsor: Anthony’s Barber Shop Hills Fire Protec on District “Inspired by all of the pieces that make up the Fire Department, the sailboat prominent‐ “This piece was created by art teachers and students ly displays the center emblem of the patch that each at Jacobs High School. The sail depicts four different firefighter wears on their uniform.” images of the Fox River corridor, all atop a map of Created by: J.R. Cambell Created by: Laura Richards and Created by: Terrance Maule, Created by: Ken Simonsen William Turnbull Terrance Maule Art Sponsor: Rosen Hyundai Sponsor: Port Edward Restaurant Sponsor: E.J. Plesko & Associates , Sponsor: Zukowski, Rogers, Flood “Our nau cal atmosphere was Marque e Companies and and McArdle our inspira on with subtle hints Algonquin Square Apartments of Port Edward incorporated such as the Porpoise Sail‐
"A refracted city scape of historic Algonquin seen “This piece was designed similar to a racing sailboat, “Tullymonstrum gregarium, commonly known as the through a sail boat made of rushing Fox River water, boat and Lighthouse, along with other mari me fea‐
tures.” with the number 02 represen ng the year, 2002, when Tully Monster, is a prehistoric sea creature whose fos‐ uni ng light, the river and Algonquin eternally." Rosen Hyundai opened in Algonquin.” sils have only been found in the state of Illinois.” First Mate Sponsors:
C. G. K. O. “Sail into New Worlds @ Your Library” “Brain Storm” “The Hillclimb” “The Seahag” Created by: Amber’s Art Place Created by: David Engle Created by: River Arts Studio Created by: Deborah Morton School and Gallery Sponsor: Jim’s Auto Museum Sponsor: Algonquin Area Public Sponsor: Kenmode Tool and Sponsor: Algonquin Bank and “From 1906‐1912, the Village Library District Engineering Trust sponsored a pres gious na onal "Sail into new worlds at your library to explore, share, “Art students ‘brain stormed’ and designed imagery using symbolism to create a visual of how right brain and connect with your community." crea vity and le brain logic are inter‐connected…or not??” car race, the Algonquin Hill Climbs. These early cars raced up three hills Phillips Hill, Algonquin Hill (Hun ngton Dr.), and Perry Hill compe ng for the best mes. The sailboat depicts drivers and vehicles, includ‐
ing one view of 1911 Algonquin.” “We chose a ‘Steam Punk’ theme to provide character of its own, deligh ng the viewer with different tex‐
tures & interes ng elements to encourage fun, fantasy & imagina on!” D. H. L. P. “Prairie by the Fox” “Savour” “Noah’s Adventures” “Sale with Us!” Created by: Dundee Crown High Created by: Cathy Neuhalfen Created by: Jo Martenson School and Andrew Manaylo Sponsor: The Congrega onal Sponsor: Christopher B. Burke Sponsor: Savour Art Gallery Church of Algonquin Engineering “The inspira on for the Savour Art Gallery ship was to give onlookers a small feel for “The inspira on for our piece comes from prairie res‐
what we offer. We incorporated the works of one of “Elephants barely fit, woodpeckers and rabbits ran tora on efforts. Our boat shows na ve plants, ani‐
our na onal ar sts as well as wine corks for the wine amuck and some mes it got very cold. Eight amusing mals, and insects next to the Fox River.” we offer and gold glass for some of the art glass we scenes paint Noah in an brand new light.” carry. “ Created by: Kim Gilmore, Gilmore Marke ng Concepts Sponsor: Algonquin Commons “Celebrates the wonderful retailers of Algonquin Commons. One side of the piece shows a busy pa ern of retailers names in every size and shape, while the other side relaxes in the calm teal of the Commons' brand.”