mobilising prayer for general elections 2013
mobilising prayer for general elections 2013
P R AY E R U N I T E D GE13 MOBILISING PRAYER FOR GENERAL ELECTIONS 2013 “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” ~Job 42:2 (ESV) For private circulation only CONTENTS Section Page 1. Ideas for Prayer Mobilisation 4 2. General Prayer Points 9 3. Appendices Election information to aid informed prayer 20 A practical guide to voting 53 “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14 (ESV) 2 THE CHALLENGE – PREPARING FOR THE SPIRITUAL RESET OF THE NATION THIS JUBILEE YEAR • PRAYER UNITED is calling all churches in Malaysia to mobilise prayer for the approaching general elections. This call to prayer is embodied in the principles laid out in the recent circular from the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) dated 18th July, 2012 entitled “VOTE WISELY; VOTE FOR A BETTER MALAYSIA.” • This guide serves to provide guidance and ideas to encourage every Christian, network, intercessory group and church to take an active part in upholding our country, MALAYSIA, in prayer, as the nation prepares itself towards the imminent general election (GE13). • We appeal to all Christians to remain faithful, that in our exercise of leadership and stewardship in obedience to God’s Word, that we exercise our duty to nation building to vote as well as to soak in prayer the nation’s well being; ahead, during, and after the general elections. • We believe that this election season is one of the most critical of our nation’s history as it will be held during the Jubilee year, a spiritual reset for the nation. This is not a coincidence. 3 SUGGESTED SEASONS OF PRAYER IN THE RUN-UP TO GENERAL ELECTIONS 2013 1 • From now until the announcement of the dissolution of Parliament; 2 • From the dissolution of Parliament to the announcement of nomination and polling dates; 3 4 • From nomination day to eve of polling day; • The polling day; 5 • From the close of polling, right through counting of votes up to tallying of final results 6 • From results announcement to the setting up of stable federal cabinet and state governments 4 SECTION 1 IDEAS FOR PRAYER MOBILISATION 5 MOBILISE PRAYER NOW! • The following are some suggestions of what you and your church can do right now to mobilise prayer:- • Be an Example. Set aside a minimum of 5 minutes daily in your personal prayer times to pray for our nation and GE13. • Cell Group/Home Fellowships. Get your cell groups and/or home fellowship groups to uphold the nation and the GE13 in faithful prayer every time you meet. • Sunday Services and Sunday Prayer Watch. Consider setting aside time during the Sunday service to pray for the nation and GE13 – for peace, righteousness and justice to prevail. • Weekly Prayer Meetings. Mobilise the congregation to come pray together at your regular prayer meetings to uphold the nation in prayer. • Combined Inter-Church Prayer Meetings. Bring parishes/ congregations/denominations together in the same constituency or town and come together to pray prior to the dissolution of Parliament. 6 CREATIVE PRAYER IDEAS • Fast for the nation. Set aside special times or days of prayer and fasting for the nation. • Set up a 24-7 Prayer Room or 24-7 Prayer Watch. Set aside a prayer room (e.g. in your church) to pray around the clock 24-7 in continuous unbroken prayer for the nation. Decorate the room with pictures and maps to help in prayer. Consider mobilising 24-7 prayer chains by getting groups or individuals to pray every hour through creating a virtual prayer room, and pass the “prayer baton” on. • Meet the nomination candidates, your future “ADUN” and “MP”, both the incumbent and contenders. Mobilise a group of Christians in your constituency to pray for your parliamentary and/or state seat by praying at the service centres of various political parties. Do offer prayer for the various incumbents and potential candidates selected for running in GE13. Offer to pray for the candidates. • Organise prayer walks or prayer drives. Organise prayer walks or prayer drives around our vicinity, constituency, local government buildings, schools, polling centres, around the town or city. • Organise inter-church 24-7 combined prayer meetings on the week of the election. Organise or participate in inter-church combined prayer meetings in our town or constituency, mobilising more Christians to pray continuously. • Pause for a short "closing prayer" each time after you finished reading or listening to news connected to the GE 13. 7 HISTORICAL TREND OF CAMPAIGN PERIODS ELECTION YEAR NO. OF CAMPAIGN DAYS 1986 10 1990 10 1995 10 1999 9 2004 8 2008 13 According to the Elections Commission, GE13 is expected to have a campaign period of at least 10 days. We suggest that prayer teams be ready to soak the nation in 24-7 prayer for at least 10 days and longer (possibly up to 21 days). 8 PRAYER IDEAS DURING CAMPAIGN PERIOD • Once the campaign period is set, we suggest that Christians to rally together in prayer in the following manner: • As polling day is very likely to fall on a Saturday, we suggest that congregations spend time to pray for GE13 on the preceding Sunday. • During the campaign period, assuming from Monday to Thursday, churches are encouraged to hold nightly prayer meetings, either in small groups or in church. We suggest that churches come together during that week for an interchurch gathering in all cities and suburbs – perhaps every night in a different church but all Christians praying in unity. • On the eve of the polling day, (e.g. Friday) we suggest a 24-7 prayer cover on an inter-church basis until the counting is completed. • Churches are also encouraged to organise or manage online sign-ups or prayer vigils so that Christians leaving to their hometowns to vote or having to serve at the polling stations, can participate in prayer as well. 9 SECTION 2 GENERAL PRAYER POINTS 10 PRAYER FOR PEACEFUL ELECTIONS & FOR GOD’S PURPOSES TO BE FULFILLED • Pray that God's plans and purposes for our nation will be established during this election season. • Pray that we will be a nation that follows God and is a blessing to the nations of the earth. • Pray for harmony and peace during and after elections, and for the safety of all candidates, officials and voters during the entire elections. • We ask God to overrule and stop any attempt at stirring up violence and rioting before, during and after the elections, and that peace and harmony will prevail for the well-being of all communities and for the nation. • Pray that the powers of darkness will be bound and have no freedom to advance the cause of evil, injustice, and extremisms of various forms during the election. 11 PRAYER AT NATIONAL & STATE LEVEL "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people." ~ Proverbs 14:34 1. Pray that the man and woman of righteousness, the person of God's choosing, will be elected in every parliamentary seat and every office at the state [ADUN – Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri] level. 2. Pray that every appointment as state, city and town councilors, members of Parliament, senator, mayor, minister and to the office of the Prime Minister, will also be persons of God’s choosing, men and women who uphold truth, justice and righteousness. 3. Pray for the formation of a government that respects people’s rights, upholds justice, incorruptibility, ethics and freedom to believe. 4. Pray for the formation of a government that upholds good stewardship, quality education, and wise management of national debt. 12 PRAYER AT NATIONAL & STATE LEVEL (Cont’d) "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people." ~ Proverbs 14:34 5. Pray for the election of men and women who are peacemakers able to foster unity, reconciliation and prosperity for all. 6. Pray for men and women of righteousness to be elected who possess the moral and political will to implement the breaking of institutionalized racism, oppression of indigenous peoples and mistreatment of migrants and refugees. 7. Pray against the election of any extremists of any kind who incite hatred and mischief and all forms of racial and religious divide. 8. Pray for members of the media, that they will publish news truthfully and with integrity, provide factual information and provide equal opportunity for all political parties to speak of their manifesto. Pray for unity-forming opinions to be delivered by the media – that they will choose to play a key role in peace and reconciliation, and not to stir up hatred or submit to rumour-mongering. 13 PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH "The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this." ~ Isaiah 9:7 1. Pray that the Church will be fully awakened, engaged and empowered during this critical season and understand the urgency and importance of this election and its implications for the advancement of God's purposes in our nation and around the world. 2. Pray for a zealousness to uphold God’s name and His glory to be lifted up in this nation. 3. Pray for the Church to be united, and to show love for one another during this season of prayer. 4. Pray for the Church to be a good corporate citizen, and encourage all members to do their national duty to vote and participate in the nation-building process. 14 PRAYER FOR ELECTION OFFICIALS AND SECURITY OFFICERS "The Lord abhors dishonest scales, but accurate weights are his delight." ~ Proverbs 11:1 1. Pray that every official involved in the election process – including the election officials, appointees, police, RELA and army - will serve with honesty and integrity of heart. Pray that they will exercise wisdom and act justly during the course of the campaigning, and uphold peace and order until after the elections are over. 2. Pray also for all elections officials, including polling and counting agents, as well as election observers, to serve diligently and honourably, ensuring accuracy and integrity in the entire election process. 3. Pray that the security forces will be impartial and provide protection towards all political parties, act fairly and maintain peace in the nation. 15 PRAYER FOR VOTERS "And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide ... by what his ears hear.” ~ Isaiah 11:2-3 1. Pray that each citizen will be convicted to vote for the man and woman of righteousness, the person of God's choosing. 2. Pray for every Christian voter to exercise his stewardship in nation building and duty to the country by coming to vote. 3. Pray that God's Spirit will overshadow each one as he or she makes a decision when casting their vote. 4. Pray for a spirit of wisdom, discernment and courage to fall on every voter, and not be unduly affected or influenced by irresponsible parties bent on distorting truth or cause fear, or fall prey to rumours, lies or money. Pray for a spirit of justice, for courage, and for love of the nation to be impressed on every heart queuing to vote on polling day. 16 PRAYER FOR PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCIES • There are 222 parliamentary constituencies up for contest this GE13. The following parliamentary constituencies are divided according to states which are provided in this section. • We encourage you to pray for righteous men and women to be raised in this GE13, by doing the following: 1. Cover your own state and the various constituencies in your state in prayer; 2. Adopt one state which is not your own to pray for; 3. Pray for constituencies in Sabah and/or Sarawak; 4. Pray for the constituencies in the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Labuan, where the Federal Government sits. 17 PRAYER FOR STATE CONSTITUENCIES • There are 13 state governments in Malaysia. Usually state government elections are held alongside parliamentary elections. However, in GE13, only 12 states are up for contest, i.e. Sarawak state is excluded. • Currently, of the 13 state governments, 4 are controlled by Pakatan Rakyat - Selangor, Penang, Kedah and Kelantan - Selangor and Penang being the richest states per capita in Malaysia. • We encourage you to pray for righteous men and women to be raised in this GE13 in every state government, so that state resources can be managed for the benefit of the people wisely and with integrity, and that the people will be cared for justly. • Please mobilise prayer in the following manner – 1. Cover your own state and the various constituencies in your state in prayer; 2. Adopt one state which is not your own to pray for; 3. Uphold Sabah and/or Sarawak; 18 SECTION 3 APPENDICES ELECTION INFORMATION TO AID INFORMED PRAYER 19 STATE GOVERNMENTS IN MALAYSIA 20 RESULTS MAP OF PARLIAMENTARY RESULTS IN GE12 IN 2008 21 GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS THROUGH THE YEARS No of Seats Won (%) Chart 1: On 100% stacked basis 100% 80% 2/3 Majority 60% 40% 20% 0% Chart 2: Actual no. of seats won No of Seats Won 250 21 200 19 150 100 50 0 30 74 24 22 29 30 53 45 82 15 49 89 95 135 130 132 148 127 162 148 198 140 Barisan Nasional Opposition ** Excludes Sabah & Sarawak 22 GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS THROUGH THE YEARS Chart 3: On Popular Votes Basis % Popular Vote 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Election Year GOVT OPPOSITION 23 Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur & Putrajaya WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN KUALA LUMPUR & PUTRAJAYA Jumlah Parlimen 12 Jumlah Dewan Undangan Negeri TIADA Jumlah Saluran 1349 Jumlah Pusat Mengundi 209 Jumlah Pusat Mengundi Awal 21 Komposisi Pemilih Kategori Pemilih Komposisi Peratusan Melayu 36.62% Jumlah 292,659 Pemilih Biasa Pengundi Awal (Tentera) 758,026 Cina India BP Sabah BP Sarawak Orang Asli Lain-lain 51.42% 10.51% 0.34% 0.36% 0.02% 0.73% 410,969 83,985 2,755 2,913 121 5,864 799,266 Pengundi Awal (Polis) Pengundi Tidak Hadir (Luar Negara) 24,979 Jumlah 15,845 416 799,266 Bilangan Petugas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Pegawai Pengurus Penolong Pegawai Pengurus Ketua Pasukan Penguat Kuasa Kempen Pilihan Raya Ahli PP-KPR Pembantu Pilihan Raya Kerani PP-KPR Kerani Pembantu Pilihan Raya Penyelia Pusat Mengundi Ketua Tempat Mengundi Kerani Pengundian Mengira Undi Kerani Penyemak Daftar Pemilih Kerani Undi Pos Pemandu Arah Pusat Mengundi (PAPM) Penyambut Tetamu Jurutaip Pemandu Buruh Jumlah Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 12 32 24 39 42 36 74 230 1,349 5,396 1,320 328 1,239 36 48 24 204 10,433 24 Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur & Putrajaya Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 25 Terengganu N EGERI T EREN GGAN U J um la h Pa rlim e n J um la h De w a n U nda nga n N e ge ri J um la h Sa lura n J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi Aw a l K om posisi Pe m ilih K a t e gori Pe m ilih Bila nga n Pe t uga s Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 26 Terengganu Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 27 Selangor N EGERI SELAN GOR J um la h Pa rlim e n J um la h De w a n U nda nga n N e ge ri J um la h Sa lura n J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi Aw a l K om posisi Pe m ilih K a t e gori Pe m ilih Pe m i l i h T i d a k H a d i r (L u a r N e g a r a ) Bila nga n Pe t uga s Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 28 Selangor Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 29 Sarawak N EGERI SARAWAK J um la h Pa rlim e n J um la h De w a n U nda nga n N e ge ri J um la h Sa lura n J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi Aw a l K om posisi Pe m ilih K a t e gori Pe m ilih Bila nga n Pe t uga s Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 30 Sarawak Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 31 Sabah & Labuan N EGERI SABAH & LABU AN J um la h Pa rlim e n J um la h De w a n U nda nga n N e ge ri J um la h Sa lura n J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi Aw a l K om posisi Pe m ilih K a t e gori Pe m ilih Bila nga n Pe t uga s Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 32 Sabah & Labuan Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 33 PU LAU PI N AN G Penang J um la h Pa rlim e n J um la h De w a n U nda nga n N e ge ri J um la h Sa lura n J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi Aw a l K om posisi Pe m ilih K a t e gori Pe m ilih Bila nga n Pe t uga s Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 34 Penang Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 35 N EGERI PERLI S Perlis Jum lah Parlim en Jum lah Dew an U ndangan N egeri Jum lah Saluran Jum lah Pusat M engundi Jum lah Pusat M engundi Aw al K om posisi Pem ilih K at egori Pem ilih Bila nga n Pe t uga s Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 36 Perlis Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 37 N EGERI PERAK Perak J um la h Pa rlim e n J um la h De w a n U nda nga n N e ge ri J um la h Sa lura n J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi Aw a l K o m p o s i s i Pe m i l i h K a t e gori Pe m ilih B i l a n g a n Pe t u g a s Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 38 Perak Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 39 N EGERI PAH AN G Pahang J um la h Pa rlim e n J um la h De w a n U nda nga n N e ge ri J um la h Sa lura n J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi Aw a l K om posisi Pe m ilih K a t e gori Pe m ilih Bila nga n Pe t uga s Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 40 Pahang Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 41 Negri Sembilan N EGERI SEM BI LAN J um la h Pa rlim e n J um la h De w a n U nda nga n N e ge ri J um la h Sa lura n J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi Aw a l K om posisi Pe m ilih K a t e gori Pe m ilih Bila nga n Pe t uga s Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 42 Negri Sembilan Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 43 N EGERI M ELAK A Melaka J um la h Pa rlim e n J um la h De w a n U nda nga n N e ge ri J um la h Sa lura n J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi Aw a l K om posisi Pe m ilih K a t e gori Pe m ilih Bila nga n Pe t uga s Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 44 Melaka Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 45 Kelantan N EGERI K ELAN T AN J um la h Pa rlim e n J um la h De w a n U nda nga n N e ge ri J um la h Sa lura n J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi Aw a l K om posisi Pe m ilih K a t e gori Pe m ilih Bila nga n Pe t uga s Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 46 Kelantan Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 47 N EGERI K EDAH Kedah J um la h Pa rlim e n J um la h De w a n U nda nga n N e ge ri J um la h Sa lura n J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi Aw a l K om posisi Pe m ilih K a t e gori Pe m ilih Bila nga n Pe t uga s Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 48 Kedah Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 49 N EGERI J OH OR Johor J um la h Pa rlim e n J um la h De w a n U nda nga n N e ge ri J um la h Sa lura n J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi J um la h Pusa t M e ngundi Aw a l K om posisi Pe m ilih K a t e gori Pe m ilih Bila nga n Pe t uga s Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 50 Johor Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 51 SECTION 3 APPENDICES A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO VOTING 52 DO YOU KNOW WHERE’S YOUR CONSTITUENCY? • To: 15888 • DaftarjBM.aspx New message: • SMS: Type SPR SEMAK <IC Number without space or dash> and send to 15888. SPR SEMAK <IC Number without space or dash> • Find out which STATE ( D U N – D E W A N UNDANGAN NEGERI) and PARLIAMENTARY constituency you will be voting in. send 53 WRITE THE DETAILS OF YOUR CONSTITUENCY HERE! • Once you know which constituency you fall under, do the following: • Find out the contenders for both the MP and ADUN – get to know their background and details • Pray for God’s leading on the man or woman of righteousness of His choice for your constituency • Pray for your state and parliamentary constituencies • My Constituency: Parliament: P____ _____________ State: N____ _____________ Voting Centre: ___________________ DON’T FORGET TO VOTE ON POLLING DAY! 54 Pray for Peace and Integrity in the Election Process at the Voting Centres Source: The Elections Commission of Malaysia 55 USE OF INDELIBLE INK GE13 will see the introduction of indelible ink for the first time, which will see the use of the indelible ink to put a marking of the left index finger of the voter before being given the ballot paper. Its use is to prevent repeated voting. This procedure will happen only when inside the polling station and will be done by the polling clerk before you are given the ballot paper. DO NOT allow anyone to put the ink on your finger prior to entering the polling station of your voting centre to cast your ballot. 56 BALLOT PAPERS All voters will be given two ballot papers – one for parliamentary and another for state constituency, with the exception for federal territories and Sarawak, which will only have one ballot paper for parliamentary elections only. DO NOT let your vote become a spoilt vote by putting in wrong markings. PENS will be provided (no longer pencils). Mark an “X” CLEARLY in the box provided for the party you wish to vote for. DO NOT let the voting clerk put markings on your ballot paper, or accidentally stain the ballot paper with indelible ink from your finger, as this could result in a spoilt vote. Caption: Samples of the ballot paper 57 VOLUNTEER AS ELECTION OBSERVERS • The following NGOs have been accredited by the Elections Commission as independent observers: • the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS); • Merdeka Centre; • Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (Asli); • Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M); • Association for the Promotion of Human Rights (Proham). • Among others participating as independent elections observers are Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections (MAFREL) and Pemantau Pilihan Raya Rakyat (PEMANTAU) • We encourage all Christians to be actively participating in the election process by also volunteering for any of these organisations. Bring your smartphones along on polling day to help video or take pictures and send directly to these organisations in your reporting and monitoring. 58 59 P R AY E R U N I T E D Prayer United is a movement of the leading prayer networks, denominational prayer networks and pastors’ fellowships in the nation. JOINT SECRETARIES: Chrisanne Chin (CCM) Andy Chi (NECF) NETWORKS IN PRAYER UNITED: (in alphabetical order) 1. 24-7 Prayer Malaysia 2. AG Prayer Commission 3. Council of Churches of Malaysia (Youth Network) 4. Kota Kinabalu Pastors’ Fellowship 5. Kuching Ministers’ Fellowship 6. Methodist Church Prayer Network 7. Malaysia National Prayer Nurturing 8. NECF Prayer Commission 9. Penang Ministers’ Fellowship "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." ~ Matthew 6:10 (ESV) Kindly contact your immediate prayer network for assistance or queries. For further matters, please contact the Prayer United Secretariat at [email protected]. If you require any other support, please contact: Rev Andy Chi| +6016-2030561 | Chrisanne Chin | +6012-2376102 | [email protected] [email protected] For private circulation only