The Journey of Great Lent - Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
The Journey of Great Lent - Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
The Monthly Newsletter of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Dayton, Ohio MARCH 2016 VOLUME 12 ISSUE 31 The Journey of Great Lent Fr. Alexander Schmemann IN THIS ISSUE: The Journey of Great Lent 1 Parish Registry 3 Liturgical Schedule 3 Ministries and Organizations 4 Faith In Action 5 News and Notes 6 Stewardship 8 Calendar 11 --------------------------------------------------------------------- The True Vine is a monthly publication with special editions of The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 500 Belmonte Park North Dayton, OH 45405-4797 Office Hours Mon. – Fri. 9 a.m. – 5 a.m. Tel.: 937-224-0601 When a man leaves on a journey, he must know where he is going. Thus with Lent. Above all, Lent is a spiritual journey and its destination is Easter, “the Feast of Feasts.” It is the preparation for the “fulfillment of Pascha, the true Revelation.” We must begin, therefore, by trying to understand this connection between Lent and Easter, for it reveals something very essential, very crucial about our Christian faith and life. Is it necessary to explain that Easter is much more than one of the feasts, more than a yearly commemoration of a past event? Anyone who has, be it only once, taken part in that night which is “brighter than the day,” who has tasted of that unique joy, knows it. [...] On Easter we celebrate Christ’s Resurrection as something that happened and still happens to us. For each one of us received the gift of that new life and the power to accept it and live by it. It is a gift which radically alters our attitude toward everything in this world, including death. It makes it possible for us to joyfully affirm: “Death is no more!” Oh, death is still there, to be sure, and we still face it and someday it will come and take us. But it is our whole faith that by His own death Christ changed the very nature of death, made it a passage — a “passover,” a “Pascha” — into the Kingdom of God, transforming the tragedy of tragedies into the ultimate victory. [...] Such is that faith of the Church, affirmed and made evident by her countless Saints. Is it not our daily experience, however, that this faith is very seldom ours, that all the time we lose and betray the “new life” which we received as a gift, and that in fact we live as if Christ did not rise from the dead, as if that unique event had no meaning whatsoever for us? [...] We simply forget all this — so busy are we, so immersed in our daily preoccupations — and because we forget, we fail. And through this forgetfulness, failure, and sin, our life becomes “old” again — petty, dark, and ultimately meaningless — a meaningless journey toward a meaningless end. [...] We may from time to time acknowledge and confess our various “sins,” yet we cease to refer our life to that new life which Christ revealed and gave to us. Indeed, we live as if He never came. This is the only real sin, the sin of all sins, the bottomless sadness and tragedy of our nominal Christianity. If we realize this, then we may understand what Easter is and why it needs and presupposes Lent. For we may then understand that the liturgical traditions of the (Continued on page 2) REMEMBER TO SPRING FORWARD TH MARCH 13 THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2016 | Page 2 (Continued from previous page) Church, all its cycles and services, exist, first of all, in order to help us recover the vision and the taste of that new life which we so easily lose and betray, so that we may repent and return to it. [...] And yet the “old” life, that of sin and pettiness, is not easily overcome and changed. The Gospel expects and requires from man an effort of which, in his present state, where Great Lent comes he is virtually incapable. [...] This is where Great Lent comes in. This is the help extended to us by the Church, the school of repentance which alone will make it possible to receive Easter not as mere permission to eat, to drink, and to relax, but indeed as the end of the “old” in us, as our entrance into the “new.” [...] For each year Lent and Easter are, once again, the rediscovery and the recovery by us of what we were made through our own baptismal death and resurrection . A journey, a pilgrimage! Yet, as we begin it, as we make the first step into the “bright sadness” of Lent, we see — far, far away — the destination. It is the joy of Easter, it is the entrance into the glory of the Kingdom. And it is this vision, the foretaste of Easter, that makes Lent’s sadness bright and our lenten effort a “spiritual spring.” The night may be dark and long, but all along the way a mysterious and radiant dawn seems to shine on the horizon. “Do not deprive us of our expectation, O Lover of man!” FLOWERS AND ITEMS FOR GREAT LENT AND PASCHA As our journey through Great Lent to Holy Week and Pascha begins on March 14th, we prepare to celebrate the glorious Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (May 1 st). An important part of Great Lent is the need for flowers and other items at the many services conducted in Church. Some of the items have been donated. We are seeking donations for these flowers and other items: -Virgin Mary Icon for the Salutations (3/18, 25; 4/1, 8, 15) -Sunday of Orthodoxy Icon (3/20) -Annunciation Icon (3/25) -St. Gregory of Palamas Icon (3/27) -Daffodils for the Veneration of the Holy Cross (4/3) -Veneration of the Holy Cross Icon (4/3) -St. John Climacus Icon (4/10) -St. Mary of Egypt Icon (4/17) -Jesus Triumphant Entry to Jerusalem Icon (Palm Sunday) (4/24) -Garland Flowers for Iconostasis for Holy Week (4/24) 4 Garlands @ -The Nymphios Icon (Palm Sunday Eve & Holy Monday) (4/24, 25) -Candles for Holy Wednesday Afternoon Unction Service (4/27) 7 Candles @ -Candles for Holy Wednesday Evening Unction Service (4/27) 7 Candles @ -The Mystical Supper Icon (4/28) -Candles for Candelabra on Holy Thursday (4/28) 12 Candles @ -Devotional Candles for Holy Thursday (4/28) 12 Candles @ -Flowers for Candelabra 2 pcs (4/28) -Flowers for Banner of the Resurrection (Lavaron) (5/1) -The Resurrection Icon (5/1) -St. Thomas Sunday Icon (5/8) $ 50.00 ea $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $250.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $150.00 ea $ 50.00 ea $ 20.00 ea $ 20.00 ea $ 50.00 $ 20.00 ea $ 20.00 ea $ 50.00 ea $200.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Free will offerings for flowers to decorate the Tomb of Christ (Epitaphio) will also be accepted. Easter Lily donations will also be accepted at $20 per plant. If you would like to donate icon flowers or items for any of the above dates, please contact Carol McDougle at the church office- 224.0601. Please make your check out to the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church and write “Icon Flowers” along with the corresponding date. Your generous contributions toward icon flowers and other items enhance the worship during the Lenten Season and are greatly appreciated! THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2016 | Page 3 Liturgical Schedule for the Month of March 2016 Matins 8:15 am th Sat. Sun. Sat. Sun. Sun. Mon. Wed. Fri. Sat. Sun. Divine Liturgy 9:30 am st 5 1 Saturday of Souls 9:30 am Divine Liturgy w/Memorial th 6 Meatfare Sunday Judgment Sunday th nd 12 2 Saturday of Souls 9:30 am Divine Liturgy w/Memorial th 13 Cheesefare Sunday Forgiveness Sunday Spring Parish Assembly th 13 Eve of Great and Holy Lent Vespers of Forgiveness 6:00 pm th 14 GREAT AND HOLY LENT BEGINS - Clean Monday 7:00 pm th 16 Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts 6:00 pm th st 18 1 Salutations to the Mother of God 7:00 pm th rd 19 3 Saturday of Souls 9:30 am Divine Liturgy w/Memorial th st 20 1 Sunday of Lent- Sunday of Orthodoxy Procession of Holy Icons at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy st Mon. 21 Great Compline 7:00 pm rd Wed. 23 Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts 6:00 pm Feast of the Annunciation of the Mother of God (Parish Feast Day) Thurs. Fri. Fri. Sun. Mon. Wed. th 24 th 25 th 25 th 27 th 28 th 30 Great Vespers with Artoclasia 6:30 pm Feast of the Annunciation nd 2 Salutations to the Mother of God 7:00 pm nd 2 Sunday of Lent St. Gregory Palamas Great Compline 7:00 pm Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts 6:00 pm Memorials In March th Parish Registry 6 Funerals February 5, 2016 +Sarah L. Kourt 13 yrs 6 13 14 20 27 th +Sarah L. Kourt +Nicholas "Nick" Karras +Katherine Bacas +George Kourt +James Karras +George Bacas +Chrisoula Polizus +George Karras +Nick Kourt +Frank Karras +Vasiliki Karras +Christine Karras +Bessie Argeroplos 40 days 1 yr 3 yrs 7 yrs 25 yrs 29 yrs 30 yrs 31 yrs 31 yrs 40 yrs 41 yrs 50 yrs 25 yrs Oratorical Festival Classes meet / General Assembly Lent Begins Sunday of Orthodoxy/ Classes go directly to class at 9:30 a.m. Procession of Icons will take place following The Divine Liturgy, Holy Communion Classes meet THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2016 | Page 4 Ministries and Organizations VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL MEETING st VCS committee meeting will be Tuesday, March 1 at 6:00 p.m. in the Athenagoras Room. TH 2016 PARISH SAINT JOHN CHRYSOSTOM ORATORICAL FESTIVAL MARCH 6 th Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival will be held Sunday, March 6 after the Divine Liturgy in the Church Hall. GOYA The March GOYA meeting has been cancelled due to the Oratorical Festival. We look forward to seeing many of you participate. Please make sure to give any extra stamped envelopes from the ad sales to Thea Tessy or Thea Missy. PHILOPTOCHOS MEMBERSHIP MEETING rd Philoptochos membership meeting will be on Thursday, March 3 at 6:00 p.m. in the Athenagoras Room. th March 24 annual Vespers on the Eve of the Annunciation includes a fellowship reception following services. COMMUNITY SANDWICH MAKING th Community sandwich making 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 7 in the Community Center everyone is welcome to participate. DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE th Daughters will meet on Tuesday, March 8 in the Athenagoras Room Side A at 6:30 p.m. AHEPA No official AHEPA Chapter meeting scheduled for March. JOY/HOPE JOY/HOPE will meet on Friday, March 11, 2016 6:30 p.m. - Carnavalia Night – Costumes - Carnival Type Stations GAPA th GAPA will meet at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 15 in the Athenagoras Room. YOUNG AT HEART - MARCH th Young At Heart Senior Citizens’ Luncheon will be Thursday, March 17 at 11:30 a.m. in the Memorial Center. Any organization, or individual(s), interested in sponsoring the March luncheon, please contact one of the YAH coordinators: Becky Heddings (937)432-9232, Mary McDonald (937)878-6007, or Toni Moraites (937)291-0962. PARISH COUNCIL th Parish Council will meet Thursday, March 17 at 7:00 p.m. in the Athenagoras Room. 10th Annual Spring Charity Luncheon Saturday, May 7th is the day of our popular Spring Charity Luncheon which will be held at our new location, the Dayton Country Club. Did you know that it won First Place at the National Clergy Laity Conference for 'Best Fundraising Technique’? Ladies of all ages enjoy this special day with a delicious lunch, over 100 auction items and most of all- fun and fellowship! Doors open at 11:00 am with 1 hour before lunch to decide which auction gifts are worth your ticket! Look for your invitation in the mail the end of March. If you have not attended in the past, contact Michelle Zois at [email protected] to be added to our invitation list. THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2016 | Page 5 FAITH IN ACTION PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS MARCH 2016 MARCH MEMBERSHIP MEETING Our next meeting is an evening 'carry in 'meeting for those members who cannot make the day meetings. The meeting is Thursday March 3rd at 6pm at the Community Center. If you did not sign up for a food item at the last meeting, please bring an appetizer. Following our edible treats, there will be a short meeting. "THINK SPRING" FLOWER&VEGETABLE ORDERS March CCM: The deadline for flower and vegetable orders is Sunday, March 6. Pick up is at the church on Thursday, May 5th, noon until 4:00 p.m. Order forms are in the Community Center lobby. Full payment due at the time of order. Please call Mary McDonald 2725962 for more information. The flower sale benefits Hospice of Dayton. GREAT VESPERS RECEPTION The Great Vespers of the Annunciation reception will be held March 24 in the Community Center following the service. Members are asked to bring treats to share at this lovely reception, which not only includes our church but surrounding churches as well. Contact Diane Briggs [email protected] or sign up at our March evening meeting. PALM SUNDAY LUNCHEON The annual Lenten luncheon is Sunday April 24. Bring the whole family to this wonderful luncheon which benefits Holy Cross/Hellenic College Theological Seminary. A reservation table will be in the Community Center following the Divine Liturgy in April. Contact Theona Russell, chair for questions. [email protected] SPRING CHARITY LUNCHEON MAY The 10th annual Mother's Day Luncheon is Saturday May 7. The luncheon will be held at the Dayton Country Club. We are accepting monetary donations and auction items. Invitations will be mailed the end of March. Michelle Zois is the contact person for donations, auction items and to add someone to the invitation list. Don't miss this wonderful event shared by ladies of all ages. A LEGACY OF SERVICE Thank you to Harriett Ellis, chair, her team of wonderful men and all Philoptochos members who made delicious loukoumades for the annual Day of Caring in February. The money benefited local Dayton charities. FEED THE HUNGRY: 2016 NATIONAL PHILOPTOCHOS INITIATIVE Dayton Mobile Food Truck: The next date is Tuesday, March 15 . Meet at the Lakewood Apartments on Wilmington Ave. at 12:45pm to distribute food from the Dayton Food Bank to individuals in need. If you can volunteer please contact Cynthia Barron at [email protected] COMMUNITY REWARDS Krogers Community rewards Program: You must reapply each year at Follow the instructions for renewal. Our code is 10287. Meijer Stores or You must use either a Meijer credit card, cash or debit card. Applications can be filled out online or at Meijers. Our code is 432555. GFS gives us store credit for future purchases. Our code for the cashier is Philoptochos 2024816. Questions? Contact Sandy Alex [email protected] “Let us observe a fast acceptable and pleasing to the Lord. True fasting is to put away evil, to control the tongue, to forbear from anger, to abstain from lust, slander, falsehood and perjury. If we renounce these things, then our fasting is true and acceptable to God.” -From the Aposticha hymn in Vespers of the first Monday in Lent THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2016 |Page 6 SPRING GENERAL ASSEMBLY SET FOR SUNDAY, MARCH 13TH The regular Spring General Assembly will convene on Sunday, March 13th, following the Divine Liturgy. A quorum of 60 parishioners in good standing must be present for the General Assembly to proceed. The amendments of the Parish By-Laws, adopted by the parish at the October 25, 2015 Regular General Assembly, have been ratified by the Metropolis. This means, that in addition to the regular agenda items, we will have to fill both a nominating committee and an election committee for the upcoming Parish Council Elections in November. Also, a special project will be presented for deliberation by the Assembly. Please make every effort to attend. A brunch will be offered to those participating in the Assembly. PARISH NEWS AND NOTES MEMORY ETERNAL Our deepest sympathies are extended to the Kourt family in the loss of +Sarah L. Kourt. May her memory be eternal. APPRECIATION – THANK YOU The Makaronada Trivia Luncheon on Godparent Sunday was another success. AHEPA would like to thank all those that attended the event and helped prepare and serve the food, including our church staff for helping set up the event. The local AHEPA chapter appreciates the support from our parish and looks forward to the event again next year. The GOYAns would like to thank Father Mark, their parents and the entire Annunciation community for their support during the basketball tournament. Everyone had a wonderful time as we welcomed many GOYAns from other churches. NATURAL CHURCH DEVELOPMENT MARCH UPDATE Due to demand, the Health team has extended the number of Focus Group Meetings planned in the first round of discovery. To date, almost 100 parish members have participated in a Focus Group meeting trying to identify our weak scores in Loving Relationships identified by the survey taken in July. Support is growing to identify what can be done to increase our strength in this critically important area. Past meetings have identified several opportunities where parishioners have expressed interest in leading a small group to identify and formulate a solution to these problems. Our current plan is to schedule 2-3 more Focus group meetings to include all who have not attended as well as some day time Focus groups to be held at the church for our Young at Heart community. Please contact Jane Speros to find a common and convenient date for those groups to be held. Those signup sheets will be available in the Memorial Hall each Sunday. We urge you to sign up as these will most likely be the last of the Focus Group meetings before we begin the implementation process. There is still time to participate if you have not already done so. We have scheduled three more Focus Group meetings beginning in February and March, and will schedule more if requested. The next scheduled meetings are: March dates yet to be determined Church for Young at Heart group You can sign up after church on Sundays, or by calling the church office at 224-0601 THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2016| Page 7 STEWARDSHIP UPDATE MARCH 2016 Last year the stewardship committee asked parishioners to increase their stewardship by 2%. Our 2015 figures are not final as pledges continue to come in, however, to date: The average pledge increased by 12.3%, with overall revenue increasing 4%. Thank you for listening to us and for your increased stewardship. This year we have asked all stewards to increase their pledge by 10%. We made this request as part of our plan to move towards a festival free budget. We also made the request to make up for the shortfall in our festival revenue. To date 1/3 of our stewards have made their pledge. The average pledge is $1124.00. How wonderful it would be to maintain that average throughout the year. Historically, the average pledge declines throughout the year. Let this be the year we increase our average to meet and exceed our goals. All parishioners should have received their 2015 year end statement, and the stewardship committee thanks you for fulfilling your stewardship. If you have not fulfilled your 2015 commitment, please do so at this time. It is also a good time to send in your 2016 pledge card. Your gift of time and talent is also much appreciated. Annunciation Stewardship Committee (2016 Stewardship Continued from page 8) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Saloom Michael Samonas Mr. & Mrs. Charles Scott Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Scoumis Mr. & Mrs. John Searles Mr. & Mrs. Nick Shissias Martha Simopoulos Igors Skriblis Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Speros Mr. & Mrs. Elias Spyrou Mr. and Mrs. Nick C. Stamas Evanthia Steffens Evangeline Stelyn Christina Stiakakis Gilbert Thurman Mr. & Mrs. Nick Tolias Mr. & Mrs. John Torges Dr. & Mrs. James Tsatalis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tsocaris Mr. & Mrs. Pete Tsolometes Ioannis Tzanidis Mr. & Mrs. Chris Tzouras Dr. and Mrs. John Urse III Carol Valen Mr. & Mrs. Gus Valen Emilia Verdes Soula Vlahos Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Vradelis Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Vradelis Stephanie Waszczak Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Weikert Adam Winters Dr. Antonia S. Winters Mr. & Mrs. Philip James Winters Rena Wright Lynne Zaharako Stella Zaharako Andrea Zavakos Mr. & Mrs. James Zavakos Mr. Robert Zavakos Demetrius C Zonars Nikki Zonars SATURDAYS OF SOULS - ΨΥΧΟΣΑΒΒΑΤΑ “Among the Saints give rest, O Lord, to the souls of your servants in a place where there is no pain or sorrow or suffering, but Life Everlasting.” March 5th, 12th, and 19th ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Requested by___________________________________________________________ Parishioners wishing to have the names of their departed love ones read during the Saturdays of the Souls are asked to fill out the above form and return it to Father Mark or the church office. THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2016| Page 8 2016 Stewardship Program “Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.” WHAT STEWARDSHIP MEANS TO ME - by Bernie Gearon The key to understanding stewardship to me is the idea that I never really thought of it as stewardship. From an early age, I just thought of the things I did at Church as my commitment to the Church family. Since our local community’s high school mascot was the Spartans, our local church and community was a reflection of our Greek culture. For me then, it was an easy translation: going to Sunday School, Greek School; serving as an Altar Boy and as a worker at the Festival; and going to Church every Sunday was expected as part of my commitment. As I grew older, attended college, served in military and became a professional in the field of education, lessons learned in the Church – taught by my parents, friends, and extended adult Church family – instilled in me that being an Orthodox Christian is something special. It’s part of what made me who I am. Knowing how Orthodoxy fits as part of our human history on Earth also makes me realize how carrying on what we now call stewardship is important. Whether it’s doing things in the Church’s ministries, paying your monetary stewardship dues or offering your abilities, stewardship should be a commitment that is given as a gift to the future, representing what the Church means to the Lord, our religion and our culture. ~ 2016 ~ The list of Stewards reflects those who have made their 2016 Stewardship Commitment or contributed to their 2016 Stewardship Commitment as of February 15, 2016. We thank them for their generosity and loving support. We invite you to join with them and support, joyously, the ministries of the Church. You may obtain information and Stewardship Commitment Cards from the Church Office, or you can speak to a Parish Council Member or Fr. Mark. Dr. & Mrs. Fayez Abboud Mr. & Mrs. William Cochran Kally Adams Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Coleman Drs. Abdulla & Malak Adib Mr. & Mrs. Larry Couchot Maxine Alex Mr. & Mrs. Angelo County Mrs. Spero M Alex Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cunagin Vasilios Alimonos Tom Daskalakis Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Tom G Daskalakis Mr. & Mrs. Paul Angelopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Davell Elayne Anton Melissa DeBernardi Mr. & Mrs. George Argue Nick Demetre Kevin Austin Mr. & Mrs. George Demetriades Mr. & Mrs. Evan Bambakidis Mr. & Mrs. George Demosthenous Mr. & Mrs. John Barron Jr. Ariana Derksen Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bliss Dr. & Mrs. James Derksen Evelyn Boosalis Marika Dimitriou Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bouris Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Douglass Mr. & Mrs. James Bourne Mr. & Mrs. James Ellis Angella Boyd Fr. Mark & Ginny Emroll Mr. & Mrs. James Brandenburg Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Federle Mr. & Mrs. Michael Breed Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fischer Nancy Breen Mr. & Mrs. Donald Forman Mr. & Mrs. James Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fote Kay Brown Anastasia Gabbard Mr. & Mrs. Doyle Burke Dr. Arthur Gardikes Annika Burns & Bob Feldmann Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gearon, Jr. Bob Cade Alexandra Ghazal Stephan Calondis Harriet Gounaris Mr. & Mrs. David Casey Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Gounaris Louis Castleman Mr. & Mrs. Jon Gromek Mary Castleman Julie Grubbs Mrs. P. Stanley Castleman Eileen Gustin Donald Hanel Mr. & Mrs. Dimitri Chagares Mary Haritos Demo Christon Christine Kambas Aphrodite Kanistros Pia Kanistros Rosalee Kanistros Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Karaba Mr. & Mrs. Alexandros Karabinis Tina Karambelas Lula Karras Mr. & Mrs. Mark Keilholz Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kididis Mr. & Mrs. George K Kordalis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Korpi, Jr. Robert Lavoie Mr. & Mrs. Gus Liapis Dr. & Mrs. Bryan Ludwig David Luke Sr John Lusa Mr. & Mrs. Panayiotis Makaritis Audrey Makris George Malacos Jeffrey Mallas Peter Manavis Tom Manavis Ms. Juanita Bartlett & Mr. Gary Manos George Marinakes Maria Mavrouleas Mr. & Mrs. Jay McAlpine John McDonald Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Keith McFarland Connie Mellas Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Milstead Mr. & Mrs. Mike Mokas Mr. & Mrs. John Moraites Mary Moraites Chrisoula Morris Mr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Moulas Cleo Mullins Rickey Newman Renee Nicholas John Nickolas Chuck Oliver Maria Panagouleas Nicolette Panagouleas Mr. & Mrs. William Pangos Mr. & Mrs. George Panson Mr. & Mrs. Chris Papakirk Mr. & Mrs. Jim Parker Mr. & Mrs. Taki Parker Judge John Pickrel Mr. & Mrs. Jared Poeppelman Mrs. Vasilios Polychronis Mr. & Mrs. Demetri Preonas Mr. & Mrs. Alan Price Becky Pulos Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pulos Dr. & Mrs. John Raab Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Raucci Mr. & Mrs. Nick Regopoulos Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Retzios Lori Vavul- Roediger Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Russell Mr. & Mrs. George Saloom (Stewardship List Continued On Page 7) THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2016| Page 9 42nd Annual GOYA Basketball Tournament nd The 42 Annual GOYA Basketball Tournament took place on Presidents’ th th Day Weekend, Feb. 12 through the 14 . A total of seven parishes from the Metropolis of Detroit participated in the festivities. The following churches were represented at the Tournament: Annunciation Church – Buffalo, NY; Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas Church – Cincinnati; Holy Trinity Church – Ft. Wayne, IN; Holy Trinity Church – Carmel (Indianapolis), IN; Nativity of the Theotokos Church – Plymouth, MI; St. Nicholas Church – Troy, MI. The participants enjoyed great fellowship and wonderful hospitality from our GOYAns and their families on Friday evening. Saturday’s basketball games were competitive and well-played. On Saturday evening, everyone great fun funatatthe thedinner dinnerdance. dance.OnOn Sunday morning, everyone had had great Sunday morning, the the (Photo Courtesy of Linda Bouris) Divine Liturgy was moving and inspirational for all, as we gathered to Divine Liturgy was moving and inspirational for all, as we gathered to worship God and witness our common Orthodox faith. Mrs. worship God and witness our common Orthodox faith. Mrs. Eva Konstantakos, the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries Eva Konstantakos, the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries of our Metropolis of Detroit offered a beautiful sermon. The of our Metropolis of Detroit offered a beautiful sermon. The weekend ended with a delicious brunch and the Championship weekend ended with a delicious brunch and the Championship games. Our GOYAns represented our community with dignity. games. Our GOYAns represented our community with dignity. A great big “Thank You” goes out to our GOYA Advisors, Basketball Tournament Co-coordinators, Coaches, Parents, Annunciation A great big “Thank You” goes out to our GOYA Advisors, Basketball Tournament Co-coordinators, Coaches, Parents, Annunciation maintenance staff, and the support of our entire Annunciation parish family for a great weekend! maintenance staff, and the support of our entire Annunciation parish family for a great weekend! 2016 GOYA Basketball Tournament Results Sportsmanship – St. Nicholas Church Troy, MI Girls Division st 1 Place – St. Nicholas Church nd 2 Place – Annunciation Church rd 3 Place – Holy Trinity Church Troy, MI Dayton, OH Ft. Wayne, IN Girls MVP for Annunciation Georgia McFarland Boys “A” Division st 1 Place – Holy Trinity Church Ft. Wayne, IN nd 2 Place – Nativity of the Theotokos Church Plymouth, MI rd 3 Place – Holy Trinity Church Carmel (Indianapolis), IN Boys “A” Div. MVP for Annunciation Enhyeb Andebrhan Boys “B” Division st 1 Place – St. Nicholas Church Troy, MI nd 2 Place – Holy Trinity Church Carmel, IN rd 3 Place – Holy Trinity – St. Nicholas Church Cincinnati, OH Boys “B” Div. MVP for Annunciation Richard Roediger Photos courtesy of Linda Bouris THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2016| Page 10 How To Make The Lenten Season More Meaningful The Season of Lent is at hand. What are some of the things you can do to experience this God-given time more fully? Here are a few ideas to incorporate into your Lenten journey: * Attend Lenten Services- Come and participate in the beautiful services that our Holy Orthodox Church prescribes for these days. The services of Great Compline, Pre-Sanctified Liturgy, and Salutations are conducted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during Lent. These are sacred opportunities to intensify our relationship with God, thanking Him for the grace and mercy He so richly pours out upon us. We are encouraged to devote time in prayer and song to our loving Father. * Participate in the Sacrament of Confession- The Sacrament of Confession offers the opportunity for us to repent of our sins and to reconcile ourselves to God and each other. During the Lenten Season, the Church encourages her faithful to be reconciled, restored and spiritually renewed. * Practice the disciplines of Fasting, Prayer and Almsgiving- These spiritual disciplines provide the energy to sustain our walk through Lent. Make a sincere effort to pray daily and fast as directed by your priest or spiritual father. Donate your time, talent and treasure to the Church and those in need. * Read the Scriptures and Spiritual Writings- Follow the Lenten Scriptural guide. The Season of Lent highlights the Books of Genesis, Proverbs and Isaiah. Ask your priest or spiritual father about spiritually edifying books. May God bless our Annunciation Parish Family with a blessed, spiritually uplifting Season of Lent! LENTEN LUNCHEON APRIL 24, 2016 "Benefiting Hellenic College/Holy Cross School of Theology" Catering by Michael Jannidies, The Spot. Taking Reservations starting March 14, 2016 Late reservations will not be accepted after April 17, 2016 More information to come. SUMMER CAMP DATES It’s time to start thinking about warmer weather and summer camp! Here are the dates for the 2016 Summer Camp season rd th MDSC (Dayton Week) Week July 3 to July 9 Dayton Camper Code is “dayton1539” St. Nicholas Camp July 24 to July 30 Ionian Village th th Session 1: June 19 – July 8 Campers who have completed Grades 8 – 12 Session 2: July 17 – August 5 Campers who have completed Grades 8 – 12 Spiritual Odyssey: June 1 – 11 Open to Young Adults ages 19 – 24 VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL COMING SOON! We will be offering a Vacation Church School program this summer with the theme “Going for Gold”. This unique week-long program will bring a fun-filled and exciting experience for kids that will include Olympic-themed games, crafts, songs and more! The th VCS program is for K-5 Grade fall of 2016. Please contact Christina Harsch ([email protected], 937.478.4177) if you are interested in volunteering your time or talent! ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 6 7 MARCH 2016 WEDNESDAY 2 6:00pm VCS Mtg. Athenagoras Room 7:00pm Choir Practice 8 9 THURSDAY 3 FRIDAY 4 5 Div. Lit. w/Memorial 11 12 6:30pm JOY/HOPE 9:30am 2 Saturday of Souls Meatfare Sun. 8:15am Matins 9:30am Div. Lit. ORATORICAL FESTIVAL 6:30pm Community Sandwich Making 5:30pm Greek School 13 14 Cheesefare Sun. GREAT AND HOLY LENT BEGINS 8:15am Matins 9:30am Div. Lit. Spring General Assembly 6:00pm Eve of Great Holy Lent Vespers of Forgiveness 7:00pm Clean Mon. 5:30pm Greek School 6:30pm DOP Mtg. Athenagoras Room 7:00pm Choir Practice 15 16 1:00pm GAPA Meeting – Athenagoras Room st 9:30am 1 Saturday of Souls 6:00pm Philoptochos Membership Meeting 10 SATURDAY nd Div. Lit. w/Memorial 17 18 19 11:30am Young At Heart 7:00pm 1st Salutations to the Mother of God 9:30am 3rd Saturday of Souls Divine Lit. w/Memorial 7:00pm Choir Practice 7:00pm Parish Council Philoptochos Refreshments 23 24 25 6:00pm Lit. of the Presanctified Gifts 6:30pm Great Vespers With Artoclasia Feast of the Annunciation 7:00pm Choir Practice Philoptochos Reception 6:00pm Lit. of the Presanctified Gifts Daylight Saving Time Begins 20 21 1 Sun. of Lent Sun. of Orthodoxy Great Compile 7:00pm st 8:15am Matins 9:30am Div. Lit. 22 5:30pm Greek School Procession of Holy Icons at the conclusion of the Divine Lit. 28 2 Sun. of Lent 7:00pm Great Compile 8:15am Matins 9:30am Div. Lit. 8:15am Matins 9:30am Div. Lit. nd 7:00pm 2 Salutations to the Mother of God GAPA Refreshments 27 nd 26 5:30pm Greek School 29 30 6:00pm Lit. of the Presanctified Gifts 7:00pm Choir Practice 31 MARCH 11 CARNAVALIA NIGHT – COSTUMES – CARNIVAL TYPE STATIONS Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 500 Belmonte Park North Dayton Ohio 45405-4797 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Dayton, Ohio Permit No. 934 Change Service Requested