Govs Meeting for Parents 2012
Govs Meeting for Parents 2012
CITY & COUNTY OF SWANSEA GOVERNING BODY FOR CASLLWCHWR PRIMARY SCHOOL GOVERNORS` REPORT FOR PARENTS 2013 CITY & COUNTY OF SWANSEA Governing Body for Casllwchwr Primary School GOVERNORS' MEETINGS During the last twelve months there have been four full meetings of the Governing Body; at each meeting the Governors have received and considered reports on school organization, curriculum development, pastoral care, inter-school liaison, staffing, in-service training of teachers, notable events, school visits, evaluating data, sharing good practice and special education provision. The Governors delegate responsibility for many of their functions to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman or other designated sub-committees. These functions include:- Curriculum, Personnel, Short listing and Appointment of teaching and non-teaching staff, Hire of Premises, Finance, Performance Management, Data and other school matters. All governors have participated in Governor Focused Visits linked to a range of school priorities and as such have had a direct insight on how the school operates. Each governor has then, in turn reported back to the full governing body at the next meeting. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are always readily available for consultation with the Headteacher. Governors of Casllwchwr Primary School MR. J. BOWEN (CHAIR) L.E.A Mrs. N. WEEKS (VICE CHAIR) PARENT MRS. C. RICHARDS L.E.A. MR. G. ASHMAN CO-OPTED MR. J. BUTLER L.E.A. MR. D. BRAYLEY CO-OPTED MRS. C.ALLEN PARENT MRS. C. EVEREST PARENT MRS TRACY LEAHY NON TEACHING MR. T. PENNOCK COMMUNITY MRS S REECE ACTING HEADTEACHER MR. S. PRIDHAM EXECUTIVE HEADTEACHER Mr. Jeff Bowen represents the school on the Swansea Federation of School Governors. Matters Received by Governors Buildings/Grounds Considerable building work has taken place over the year with the extension of the new LIFE learning lounge. There has been new flooring ordered in the Year 1 and 2 classrooms and classrooms have been redecorated. An awning has been placed above the Early Years Department and a new Early Years area will be constructed over the summer holidays. Students During the school year we have hosted a number of students from Universities in Carmarthen, as well as students from Swansea Metropolitan University. We have also had work experience students from the school and from Gower College. School Policies The school and Governors produce a revised School Improvement Plan each year to target improvement in all aspects of school life. The work is ongoing and progress is recorded. Presentations have been given on whole school action points which include the school’s focus on using mobile devices to enhance teaching and learning, our Comenius Project and new teaching and learning projects. Self Evaluation and Awards We were nominated for two awards for NAACE for the Global community and Local Community- the only school to be nominated in 2 categories. As part of our self evaluation we are continuing working towards our Healthy Schools Lifetime Award.. The school is where the LIFE Programme began and we were honoured to receive the MJ award which is a prestigious council award. . P.T.A. The Governors are extremely appreciative of the ‘Friends of Casllwchwr’ (PTA) for its support and the provision of equipment and facilities which enhance the work of the school and the conditions in which the children learn. During the past twelve months the school has benefited from: the awning of the Early Years Department, payment to the school’s assessment system: INCERTS, and funds towards the development of the Early Years play area P.T.A. support includes: Pupils Christmas selection boxes Easter Eggs and prizes French Dictionaries for each Year 6 leavers T-shirts for Year 6 rounders match Finance The Local Authority allocates the school an amount of money which is determined by the number of children at present attending. With this money teaching and non teaching staff must be paid. Also books, stationery and resources which the children use throughout the school must be paid for, including new furniture. All repairs necessary have to be paid for out of this budget, as well as heating and lighting etc. The governors continue to support the use of funds to maintain a pre-nursery class in the afternoons during the Spring & Summer Terms. Overleaf is an up-to-date breakdown of the statement of actual expenditure for this financial year. Extra Curricular Provision Throughout the year the school provides a wide range of extra curricular activities including:Cricket Cross country Recorders Athletics Netball Cool Choir Rugby Football Rounders Fit Kidz Art Club Media Club Film Club Zumba Most of the activities are targeted for Junior School pupils, although Fit Kidz sessions, spy club sessions, recorder club and and Art Club run for younger classes at different times throughout the year. Football We have a girls` team and boys` Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 teams. One child organised the Loughor Summer football league and raised money to organised this. Of this we are extremely proud as it shows the initiative that our children have from evens like our financial capability week. Cross Country The boys’ and girls’ cross country teams again competed well in the area championships. One child has gone on to run in the West Glamorgan Championship. Rugby The Yr5/6 contact rugby team played many matches this year and entered several tournaments. Athletics We finished 2nd in the indoor and outdoor league and performed very well at the area sports. Netball The children have enjoyed many games in the Autumn Term and Spring Term. They have also played in tournaments. Cool Choir The school choir has performed in school and at Christmas sang at the Pengry Road Cub. They also entertained the residents of Maes yr Efail Residential Home. They performed at St. Michael`s Church, Loughor Welfare Hall alongside Tre-Uchaf Choir. Choir have also performed on Loughor’s Fun day and have represented the school during their annual summer concert. Visitors and Skillshare The school places a huge emphasis on inviting visitors into school to share their experiences and skills with our pupils. The Governors have been made aware of these visitors and the purpose of their visits at each meeting held. A full list is available upon request. There are many governors who have also been involved and actually led teaching and learning sessions and projects over the last year. The most prominent of these is Mr. David Brayley who worked with our Key Stage Two pupils this year, developing their Sports Literacy. Other visitors to the school include : Fiona Thomas (Google App Certified teacher) March 13th Paul Henwood (Child Protection Officer)March 14th Mad Science (Company) March 18th EMLAS (for Nursery Child) PSCO Jane Phillips ICT Advisors (Mr. J Mills, Mrs J Mills, Mr. S Jones) March 15th, 22nd, 27th STEM ambassadors ACT training (for TAs) March 19th Jose Cifuentes (Education Psychologist) March 20th Mr. John Butler (ex music teacher) John Aspel (Litter picking and recycling) March 25th Paul Godding (Maths specialist and app developer) March 26th Stuart Arthur (Head of operations at Box UK) Carley Grancourt (EWO) Croesty Primary School (Bridgend-KS2 staff) Huw Marshall (S4C) Sian Thomas (Welsh Advisory Teacher) Social Services Tilly McMorran (Behaviour) Liz Benton-Clarke The Minister of Education , Wales: Mr. Leighton Andrews Fraser Speirs (ADE and Head of IT in Cedard School of Excellence) Dylain Blain (Head of PE in Dyffryn Taf comprehensive) Mrs Fiona Thomas: Google Certified Teacher INCERTS team HWB advisors Education Department to speak to Mrs Reece Regarding implementation of mobile devices for the new Burlais Primary School. Mrs S. Ashman: Skill share regarding Indian Weddings Donations During the course of the year we have received a variety of generous donations from many members of our local community; these have been gratefully received and acknowledged by both the school and the Governors. Loughor Town Council have supported the school by paying money towards the Cedars School of Excellence return trip. Curriculum There has been an increased focus on Literacy this year with specific writing, reading and oracy focuses throughout the whole school. We have focused on a local initiative: The 8 Reading Behaviours and have embedded this through other curriculum areas as advised. The use of mobile devices has enhanced our entire curriculum and after our recent assessment review we are looking forward to exploring new avenues regarding our workflow and assessing pupils using digital technology. Our Financial Capability/Healthy Living Week was very successful again this term. It was lovely to see the pupils use their entrepreneurial skills and work alongside volunteer community members throughout the week. Staff Courses Attended The focus of professional development for all staff members has shifted away from courses to sharing good practice internally and between schools. In some cases teachers still attend external courses but with clear directives from WAG on the focus for training and the new SEG and PDG budget being ring fenced for Numeracy, Literacy and to reduce the impact of poverty, this is becoming less frequent. However, we have managed to secure funding for specific courses and staff have returned and shared good practice with all colleagues in order for us all to develop. Courses Include: Mrs S Reece: Literacy Coordinators Day Literacy and Numeracy Programme INCERTS training New Head’s Training Mr. J Norbury Literacy and Numeracy Programme Cluster standardisation and Moderation PE and mobile apps Mrs N Austin Literacy Coordinators day Cluster iPad project Restorative Practice @ Seaview Dyslexia course Miss K Mackay: NQT training Cluster iPad Project and pupil meet Numeracy Training Mrs L Poiner eLearning Manager Training HWB training Welsh standardisation First aid training Mrs Jones: Foundation phase coordinator training Assessment in the foundation phase Mrs Miller: Foundation phase coordinator training Substance Misuse Mrs A Jones INCERTS training Assessment for foundation phase Mrs M. Kivell First aid training INCERTS training Welsh Mrs R Smith PE course INCERTS training Mrs Allan: SENCO network meeting Dyslexia Network Meeting Restorative Practice at SEAVIEW Voice for Autism and Team Around the Family Teaching Assistants: Miss Gale, Mrs Ayres and ITEC ICT Diploma Other TAs: ACT Training (NVQ Levels ) All Staff Staff “Developing Leaders” Programme – 2012/13 Due to the lack of funding for teachers CPD from both local authority and national streams it is very important that we maintain the high quality of individual teacher development at Casllwchwr. Therefore, we have utilised money from the SEG grant and married each teacher’s professional needs with the needs of the school and also their performance management targets. This was done at the start of the Autumn Term when each teacher, along with myself, evaluated their previous years progress and needs and new targets were set. This process has now been completed and each teacher will evaluate the impact that these projects and training have had on both their own CPD as well as how it has brought whole school improvement. 2012/13 Programme Mrs S Reece: Whole School Assessment Review Standardisation and Moderation Developments School Data Review Embracing new SMT responsibilities as Assistant Head, mentor staff on our 1-1 KS2 roll out Lead 8 Reading behaviour training To provide a 21st Century training programme for our staff. Mrs A Williams Handover running of Comenius project successfully and lead 8 Reading Behaviours training prior to maternity leave Miss K Mackay Developing after school provision of Film club Mrs L Poiner Leading, evaluating and reviewing whole school changes to welsh provision and running the Comenius Project Mrs G Miller Healthy School Lifetime Award. Assisting with School media club Mrs M Kivell Foundation Phase development of writing by leading Pie Corbett initiatives. Purple Mash Blog- evaluating the program Mrs R Smith: Children’s Ambassador Programme and mento for staff apple training Running Media Club Mrs E Allan LA SEN work into the use of iPad on ASD which will impact on practice at Casllwchwr Liaison and Sharing Good Practice Mr Pridham continues to be part of the Minister’s Government Practitioner Panel which advises and instigates on education policy in Wales. Mr. Reece has attended Head teachers` meetings for the Penyrheol Comprehensive School cluster. . Mrs Reece has presented along with Mr. Pridham in the National Digital Event 2013 about the role of technology within the school. Mrs Reece was picked as one of only 8 practitioners in Wales to present in the National Learning Digital Event 2013 for Welsh Government about our mobile technology and the use to enhance the rest of the curriculum. Mrs Reece has also presented at the ‘Effective Leadership’ conference for Deputy Headteachers. Mrs Reece is the literacy cluster Headteacher representative. Mrs Norbury has attended Assessment and Maths coordinator meetings. Mrs Poiner has attended Welsh cluster meetings and Mrs Kivell has attended the foundation phase cluster meetings. Alison Evans has visited the school to speak to Mr Norbury about our current Y6 class entering the comprehensive next year. The pupils have also taken part in a letter writing exercise and will be visited by Y7 pupils in June and July. There has also been a transitional Welsh lesson with a member of staff from Penyrheol. As a school, we have shared so much good practice this year. We have trained headteachers, e-Learning Managers and children in Swansea school as part of the LIFE programme and as identified in the SIP. We have also shared good practice with iTeach, held conferences in North Wales, Presented at various workshops (e.g. the Apple Store, Cardiff) Professional Learning Communities As part of the Programme which began in Casllwchwr: LIFE, we have shared good practice with many. Mrs Emma Allan is currently collating the data and summarising the findings following a year long LA PLC, using iPads as part of a group of SENCOs. This programme is called the VOICE for AUTISM The Whole LIFE programme has been in itself the biggest PLC we have been part of and have led. We have integrated a project where the feeder schools share good practice. We have mentored Seaview Primary at every level with outstanding and measurable results. We also have a new North Wales Satellite where we have a PLC with schools from there and look forward to an exciting year ahead, monitoring the progress shared. Additional Learning Needs The work of the school concerning Additional Learning Needs has been carried out by Mrs. Allan, school SENCO and her team of Teaching Assistants, who liaise closely with class teachers and the Headteacher. Our targets, for work with ALN pupils have been achieved. 1. The Code of Practice is fully operational as laid out in our Whole School Policy. 2. Individual Education Plans, for pupils with a Statement and those at School Action and School Action Plus, are in place. 3. Parental and pupil involvement in the review of plans and the drawing up of new plans has been encouraged. As part of this process parental and the children`s views on pupil progress have been sought and recorded. As part of our evaluation procedures the views of all those concerned in implementing the policy as well as the views of parents, continue to be taken into account. Targets set in IEPs are agreed by the school’s SENCO , appropriate class teacher and the child. Identification of Needs:The school’s systems for identifying and assessing pupils continue to be effective in ensuring their needs are met. Assessment:Assessment of pupil progress is an integral part of the Staged Referral process. This involves a cycle of assessment, simple target setting, review of progress and appropriate provision. The help of outside agencies is sought whenever necessary. Different assessments are undertaken throughout the year to ensure progress is monitored. Monitoring:As well as Headteacher, Senior Management and SENCO monitoring, the ALN governor Mr. John Butler visits school every term for updates on progress with regards to the teaching of pupils with additional learning needs. Provision;As a school we are satisfied that we have been able to make our ALN provision appropriate for pupils with learning difficulties. As usual we continue to review our procedures for pupils with behavioral needs in the new school year. Monitoring and Record Keeping:All pupils with an ALN survey banding have IEPs in place and these are reviewed each term. To ensure progress there is close liaison between the ALN coordinator, the support teacher and class teachers. Use of Support Agencies:Outside support agencies are involved in the work of the school whenever necessary. In addition to the Education Psychologist, we have sought the advice and support of the Special Educational Needs Service with regards to Behaviour, Speech and Language, Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment, Physiotherapy and occupational therapy, social services and Team around the A family. . Pupils have been referred to the Educational Psychology Service and /or Integrated Support Service. Support colleagues have provided advice on drawing up appropriate targets for our pupils. Review of Statemented Pupils:Reviews have been conducted where parental views have been sought. As part of these reviews parents have received a full report regarding their child's progress. The Educational Psychological Service and Integrated Support Service have been represented in the review where appropriate. There has been full parental attendance at reviews. Allocation of Resources:Appropriate teaching materials have been purchased to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in this area of work. Pupils have been taught on an individual basis or as one of a small group, depending on the nature and extent of their needs. Pupils with greatest needs are taught on a daily basis, whilst others receive support two-three times a week. School Terms and Holiday dates 2013-2014 OPTHER INSET DAYS TO BE CONFIRMED THROUGH THE YEAR AND YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED ABOUT THIS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Bank Holidays Good Friday : 18th April 2014 Easter Monday: 21st April 2014 May Day 5th May 2014 Spring Bank Holiday: 26th May 2014 External use of the School The school hall is used by the following outside bodies with the approval of the school Governors. Brownies (Monday) Community Zumba Class (Tuesday) St.John’s Ambulance Brigade (Wednesday) County Councillor`s Surgery (monthly) Unauthorised Pupil Absences 2012- 2013 The chart below shows the percentage of days missed during the last academic year by pupils whose absences were not authorised. Reception 0.00 Y1 0.00 Y2 0.00 Y3 0.00 Y4 0.00 Y5 0.00 Y6 0.00 Many thanks for your continued support, Kind regards, Mrs S Reece