- Brütsch/Rüegger Werkzeuge AG
- Brütsch/Rüegger Werkzeuge AG
Mit Vollgas zum Erfolg! Our partner Plein gomme jusqu'au bout ! We want to be the best in the industry... Independent monthly publication for tools and standard parts Number 465, June/July 2012 TC: The change and renewal process has TC: Brütsch/Rüegger has close ties in Switzerland. How do you see the future of Switzer- been clearly illustra- land as a place to do business? ted in the last few Measuring technology EPHJ in Geneva from 5 to 8 June 2012 Brütsch/Rüegger Tools MITUTOYO promotion Futuro NIHS Swissof quality thread gauges Promotional Partner Sauber F1 Team SOLA level, Big X Servicebox Production technology FUTURO thread cutting and drilling QUICK knurl router FUTURO assembly fixture Promotional Partner of the Sauber F1 Team GRESSEL gredoc Mitlaufende Zentrierspitzen ROTOR Pointes tournantes ROTOR Assembly technology AKTION / PROMOTION 01.05.2012 – 31.07.2012 The mobile task force Worldwide novelty: Smartcel diamond bristles For hard-to-reach areas Multifunction key pany this year. In your opinion, what are the reasons for this positive development of the Standard parts Christian Rüegger: I see three key success factors: At least one member of our family has always company? Wartung Alle ROTOR-Spitzen erhalten bei der Fertigstellung eine Dauerschmierung. Entretien Les pointes tournantes ROTOR ont un graissage à vie. NEW: Large selection of roller bearings Flow rate and temperature Round centrings – front-mounted No lost parts “ROTOR” brochure Valid from 01.05.2012 to 31.07.2012 Personal Protective Equipment Reference number 01.06 Safety footwear BAAK ladies’ safety sandals SHOWA 265 safety gloves T-shirt and polo shirt PROMOTION Forum We want to be among the best in the industry... Interview with Christian Rüegger been part of the top management of the company, which has a significant impact on strategic and entrepreneurial decisions as well as the company culture. Since the middle of the last century, managers from our ranks also have the opportunity to assume responsibilities among the top management. Not as managers in the conventional sense, but as leaders exhibiting entrepreneurial thought and action. Thanks to this constellation and exacting financial policies, our company was able to CR: Switzerland is once again going through a challenging phase. A year ago the Swiss franc gai- ments in expanding ned significant strength very quickly. The continu- logistics and ware- ed strength of the franc and the weak economic house capacities in the Tools and Metals performance in the EU and EFTA regions are haneed for speed ving a negative impact on our key customer seg- business areas. What ments, the machinery, electrical and metal indust- were the reasons behind these investments and how does Recalls in thefacilities industry have increasedabroad sharries. Production may be relocated ply.the In medium spite of quality control, errorshand, are unover term. On the other the covered the application of new products industry hasinemerged from challenging economic Your partner for quality and innovation. Sommeraktion SINCE 1877 “Fixed Price and Stock List” price list Valid from 01.07.2012 to 30.04.2013 Reference number 02.06 Mitutoyo Mai bis Juli 2012 “Mitutoyo Summer Promotion” brochure Valid from 01.05.2012 to 31.07.2012 Reference number 03.06 Further catalogues from Brütsch/ Rüegger Tools at a glance ToolBook, Edition 17 The big tool catalogue with the complete product range on 2800 pages, incl. fixed Please note thelist. enclosed invitation! price and stock Reference number 04.06 the enclosed invitation (German only) to find See FuturoBooklet, Edition 2011 out what we offer to you where and when, and BEST TOOLS FOR ALL NEEDS. where attractive prizes are available to be won. The comprehensive catalogue for the exclusive You may register any of guests with the Brütsch/Rüegger Toolsnumber house brand. perforated in the05.06 invitation or by sending an Referencecard number e-mail to [email protected]. If you require additi- NormBook, Edition 3 onal invitation folders, please request them under Professionalnumber Collection 2010 We hope you will reference 61.06! Mould construction and stamping technology share the joy of celebration with us. Welcome! Reference number 06.06 Speedaholics – victims of the a midsize company in particular. We know thepast. need for raphases stronger than beforethat in the pid product innovations a source errors. Swiss companies generally ishave goodofproducts winemaker would say the wine is “not andA processes; they are innovative and have wellfully fermented”. The for the need for trained employees. As ancause industrial supplier, we CR: After successfully expanding our product ran- is easy toeye spot: product developarespeed keeping a close on In developments. We do ge with steel and bright steel in the Metals business area in 2011, we have taken another step towards becoming a full-range supplier of long ment, production and - time must be everything in our power to repair help our customers opsaved allprocurement along the line. While– and thistherefore has altimise their processes ways been thecompetitive, case, it has become more make them more which is crucial for goods for industrial applications. The leading lately. Demands are also being ourserious own future as well. stainless construction steel materials will be kept in stock along with a selection of heat-treated steel, insert steel and nitriding steel. With invest- be set uppast in less less at time. grass TC:toFrom the andand a look the“The present to will not for grow faster if you on it,” prospects theany future: what arepull the objecti- ments in a new cassette storage system and a mo- an old African proverb. Yet we think we vessays of Brütsch/Rüegger? dern train of machines for efficient processing, our capabilities have increased once again. This modernisation has also helped optimise our service offering. Our Tools business area is known as a full-range supplier covering the demands of our customers for C-parts and helping to reduce procurement costs. The expansion of our product range to far develop with great success. Secondly, cooperation with all employees was We iswould like by to share fun mutual day withappreciation our customers on 1 September 2012! and defined trust aand along with an impressive willingness to perform. In focus Pearls of wisdom finance such major projects? Interview with Christian Rüegger, CEO Brütsch/Rüegger Group Tool Courier: Brütsch/Rüegger looks back on 135 years of success in the history of the com- months. You have made major invest- Double treat! Contents placed on the market: production units have can exceed the natural limits of acceleration Working too fast comes with CR:with We impunity. don’t want to be among the largest but a price: rework. like a car. The encertainly among theIt’s best indriving our field. has lots of capacity and theyears vehicle Ourgine investments over the last few andcan our go faster. But for the a higher speed focus on expanding our driver, technical expertise and also means greater risk. in this context. The services have to be viewed further development of our structures to build an Interested? Go to www.brw.ch in athepriority. Tooleven more effective organisation is News/Publications section (PDF file), and request your personal copy (1 page in German) by quoting reference number 70.06. The company culture may suffer in hectic times when there are major changes. It is very important Two good reasons to celebrate with you to your heart’s content! for me to maintain the values that have led to our sustained success, even in an economically chalIn the vernacular, “one must make hay when lenging future. OneWhen important responsibility of the sun shines”. several good reasons company management is to ensure to celebrate fall together, that that is allpersonalithe more ties with integrity and a suitable character assume reason to party. With the 135-year anniversamanagement responsibilities in company.family ry of Brütsch/Rüegger, a the successful company has crucial reachedpoint: another milestone in The third and Brütsch/Rüegger its consistently history. In the Forum back), and Christian has focused on (see customers the Rüegger exploresofthe past,competencies. present andLisfufurther development its core ture of Brütsch/Rüegger Tools and tening to the customer and pursuing theMetals. innovatiThe new warehouse and logistics infrastrucve further development of our products and serviture in Urdorf and Regensdorf is another ces for their benefit have been key success factors. good reason to celebrate. Brütsch/Rüegger Tools underscores its claim to market leaderTC: Thenow slogan the future 135-year-anniversary ship and for in the with one of the is:most “Your partner for quality and innovation modern logistics centres in Europe. With since What that mean in concrete the 1877”. expansion ofdoes its product range and a moterms? dern train of machines, Brütsch/Rüegger Metals is poised to establish itself as a full-range supplier of long goods. CR: The slogan expresses the essentials of our misWesince want toyears celebrate these two milestones sion 135 in a few words: Partnership with you on 1 September the means doing something with 2012 others,under joining motto “Dopplet gfreut - Double treat”. Please forces with others for a specific purpose. This attinote the enclosed invitation! tude forms the foundation of our relationships with all stakeholders. Successfully through the centuries: with 16 employees Coming soon: Brütsch/Rüegger Metals Regensdorf in 1921 and with … (following planned facade refurbishment) ToolCenter Urdorf: An opportunity to take a guided tour of the most up-to-date tool logistics system in Switzerland! Allow us to show you the new cassette-based tower storage system and machines in Regensdorf! … more than 100 in 1993. Today the two companies employ a workforce of around 200. Coming soon: Brütsch/Rüegger Tools in Urdorf (the administrative building, currently at the completed shell stage) more than 100,000 catalogue items pushed our Further professionalising our processes forms a so- Formula 1and pit stop in Urdorf: Which to team of four warehouse logistics capacities their limit Don’t miss out: Fast and furious motor-bike in only the lid foundation for our expansion strategy.trial Not can achieve the fastest wheel change? Brütsch/Rüegger Metals outdoor storage area in Regensdorf over the last few years. This is why we built a com- do we want to expand our position as the preferprehensive new logistics centre with more than red partner of our customers and suppliers in Swit104,000 m³ of capacity and supplier state-of-the-art we also want to a competent Regensdorf – the full-range of long zerland, Celebrate in Urdorf andbecome Regensdorf! Quality refers to our products, services and the quality we– maintain working with our partners. Urdorf the newinTool Centre Naturally, the marketindustrial over decapartner for stakeholders abroad. goods! technologies. The two Brütsch/Rüegger subsidiaries in Urdorf The Toolbeing Centrepresent in the in Bergermoos area warehouse des consistently delivering good is im- Over the last three years, inrange othertowords By expanding the product includeduring bar and and Regensdorf are looking forward to your visit! of and Urdorf gives an impression of thequality next generatibright steel as well as alltimes, major Brütsch/Rüegger stainless construc- TC:AThank shuttleyou to take you backfor andthe forth runs every half on of logistics. Conveying technology, compact economically portant. uncertain very much interview! tion steel materials, Metals warehouse andnotconventional ware- has With regard totechnology innovation: having a monoinvested more thanBrütsch/Rüegger 60 million francs to ex-has hour. Both sites have put together a varied entertaken step towards becoming full-range tainment programme. The events offer something house technology have combined into a pand poly is both a blessing andbeen a curse. Competition its another infrastructure and thereby make athe comsupplier industrialWe applications. for the whole family. Highlights include the wild complex on keep 16,500 with 2,000 pany forces us tooverall remainsystem alert and on m² doing better. more for competitive. are proud toInvestments say that m of conveyors. The picking technology is paper- were made in a powerful new infrastructure at the motorcycle trial race over the pipes in the external It encourages the willingness to find and try new we generally finance investments from our own less by wireless data transmission (Pick-by-Voice), same time: the new cassette and tower warehouse storage area in Regensdorf and the pit stop with things. This makes renewal a continuous, natural funds, saved up over the years. Of course we are visual displays (Pick-by-Light) and multifunction system and a highly modernised train of machines wheel change speed competition in Urdorf. As process. Our innovativeness really is the elixir of also taking advantage of the favourable market scanners. We are offering four different tours of with automatic band and circular saws for proces- a “full-range supplier”, we offer everything from life. for the external financing. sing constitute highlights of theOur tourhealthy through Paella to Thai food to local Bratwurst! Details and this modern logistics marvel. Our new demo and environment Our customers are the fighting hardshop, battles their situationhalls is theofresult sound, intelligent the enormous our of Regensdorf company. times for all activities are found in the enclosed training facilities, ToolStore theof new Ser- financial own with national and international competitors. financial policies over 135 years, along with the invitation. Please register with the perforated card viceCenter and customer service facilities are also Put your dexterity to the test on the new overhead They depend on reliable, innovative partners with fact that- annual profits largely crane and with a bit have of luck you remained can win a incity or by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or being presented. break! At the demo terminal, we demonstrate [email protected]. an optimum price-performance ratio. the company over generations. how easy it is to order steel through www.brr.ch. Brütsch/ /Rüegger RüeggerTools ToolsLtd. Ltd. Brütsch P.O.Box Box | | CH-8010 CH-8010Zürich Zürich P.O. Phone+41 +4144 44736 73663 6363 63 | | Fax Fax+41 +4144 44736 73663 6300 00 Phone www.brw.ch | | [email protected] [email protected] www.brw.ch Measurement Technology EPHJ in Geneva from 5 to 8 June 2012 Alufix system leaves nothing to be desired Production Technology FUTURO thread cutting and drilling SPECIAL OFFER Welcome to our exhibition stand E39 at EPHJ from 5 to 8 June at PALEXPO GENEVA. Swiss made measuring equipment you can touch: SYLVAC digital dial gauges, specialty micrometers and callipers. We recommend the SYLVAC PS15, PS16 and PS17 measuring benches for the inspection of small parts with tolerances in the µ range. Combined with a measuring sensor and display unit or in combination with a LEICA microscope, they constitute the ideal solution for numerous measuring tasks. BRW 134560, BRW 134590, BRW 134595. New developments in the areas of digital display and the PC connection of measuring equipment will surprise you. Order the new 2012 SYLVAC measuring equipment catalogue. [email protected]. Alufix is a proven, modular clamping system of world renown, suitable for all dimensional measuring technology applications. The reusable components reduce your response time and therefore the downtime for your measuring machines. You use various materials, your components vary in size, mass and stability, you require tactile or optical measurement? No problem for ALUFIX Classic! Alufix is more than just an investment to meet current needs, it is mainly an investment for the future since all elements can be combined with other Witte systems and elements. (www.brw.ch / from BRW 145370) Contact: [email protected] NEW FUTURO TopLine tools stand for ultimate quality and performance. A family of THL-coated highperformance thread cutters is new to the product range. The high hardness and temperature resistance of this coating effectively protects cutting edges against wear, while the excellent gliding and lubricating properties of the hardlube coating ensure a smooth flow of chips. The result – higher production process security thanks to reliable, reproducible performance: • Metric:BRW 264100 (penetrating bore), BRW 264105 (bottoming bore) from CHF 24.45 • Metricwithinteriorcooling:BRW 264110 (penetrating bore), BRW 264115 (bottoming bore) from CHF 49.60 • Metricfine:BRW 264390 (penetrating bore), BRW 264395 (bottoming bore) from CHF 36.40 How do you inspect your turned parts? FUTURO 3D edge sensor Special measuring equipment and accessories to inspect your small parts can be found in the ToolShop under BRW 127430-31 (SABI plan tables), BRW 134860 (SABI horizontal measuring bench) and under BRW 115930 (SABI analogue micrometer gauge) as well as BRW 115380 (TAVANNES digital micrometer gauge), both with non-rotating spindle and universal plan table Ø 17 mm. They include cylindrical gauge slides Ø 2 mm as standard equipment; blade-shaped gauge slides are available upon request. [email protected]. The 3D edge sensor (BRW 337230) serves to precisely align reference surfaces or edges and to determine drill centre points centred on the machine spindle. The edge sensor is equipped with a luminous display and supports alignment accuracies of 0.01mm. The functional components are hardened and polished. The edge sensor is available with shaft diameters of 16mm and 20mm. It is offered at a price of just CHF 196.–. • Pipethread:BRW 264460 (penetrating bore), BRW 264465 (bottoming bore) from CHF 44.– • MetricwithfirstcuttypeE:BRW 264120 from CHF 28.15 In addition to the high-performance thread cutters, this promotion includes other proven FUTURO TopLine products such as the VHM-NC 90° spot drill BRW 250130 from just CHF 14.10, the VHM micro-bit BRW 255500 from CHF 7.55, the VHM spiral bit with interior cooling BRW 255550 (3xD) and BRW 255570 (5xD) from CHF 39.10 and the high-performance bit BRW 254145 from CHF 9.75. Benefit from our introductory promotion (reference number 21.06) until 31.08.2012. MITUTOYO promotion Pemamo honing products You can take advantage of the current MITUTOYO promotion up to 31 July 2012: attractive prices on world-famous measuring equipment with reductions up to 30%. Gauge block sets, measuring microscopes, dial gauges, callipers, altimeters, micrometer gauges, various special sets and more. “Promotion”: quality products at bargain prices. Don’t hesitate, act now and seize this opportunity for the benefit of your budget! Request our promotional brochure under reference number 03.06 Pemamo products BRW 285200 are a must for every workshop. Ideal for fabricating high accuracy bores or for post-processing after heat treatment. The set does good service in diameters between 1.5mm and 70mm. The honing sets are available from just CHF 2069.–. All sets without honing mandrels (for honing mandrels see BRW 285220, BRW 285240, BRW 285260, BRW 285270). Futuro NIHS thread gauges QUICK knurl router Diameter 0.30 – 1.60mm thread gauges to inspect interior or exterior threads. Plug thread gauges and ring thread gauges from Brütsch/ Rüegger Tools, everything available from inventory (www.brw.ch) – BRW 166060 – BRW 166074 plug gauges – BRW 166120 – BRW 166134 ring gauges Versions with anodised aluminium handle (green/ go, red/no-go), in the dimensions Ø 2.0 to Ø 20 mm Contact: [email protected] The QUICK knurl router BRW 475150 (available from CHF 1800.–) is designed for automatic lathes and turret lathes as well as capstan lathes. Suitable for producing cross, diamond and flat knurls. The tool is especially well suited for long, thin work pieces. Corresponding knurl routing wheels: BRW 475250 Ø 14mm + BRW 475270 Ø 21.5mm (copper, brass, aluminium, synthetic materials), BRW 475260 Ø 14mm + BRW 475280 Ø 21.5mm (stainless, high-alloy, high-strength steel). Count – but accurately! FUTURO assembly fixture You need the weight to one hundredth of a gram or in tons? Visit our Toolshop (www.brw.ch / BRW 172860 – BRW 173475) to find the right scales for your needs (pocket, compact, precision, counting and hanging scales, etc.) with the corresponding weights. For example, counting scales are used to eliminate time-consuming manual counting or shortages of small parts. We are happy to advise you: [email protected] / [email protected] The ingenious assembly fixture for tool fittings and modular tool systems. Brütsch / Rüegger Tools Ltd. P.O. Box | CH-8010 Zürich Phone +41 44 736 63 63 | Fax +41 44 736 63 00 www.brw.ch | [email protected] The TOOL BOY BRW 334220 is intended for the assembly and disassembly of tool fittings. Tools can be moved to the optimum position for every process step without reclamping. Since the tightening torque does not act horizontally but downwards, the TOOL BOY can also be mounted on a tool cart. The TOOL BOY is available from just CHF 460.–. Assembly AssemblyTechnology Technology NEW: NEW: Large Large selection selection ofof roller roller bearings bearings The The mobile mobile task task force force NEW NEW NEW NEW Electrical Electrical installers installers don’t don’t lend lend “their” “their” wire wire cut-cutters. ters. Which Which is why is why KNIPEX KNIPEX conceived conceived thethe new new – installation installation pliers pliers as as thethe ideal ideal complement. complement. They They areare equipped equipped with with thethe basic basic functions functions of of – thethe fourfour other other fundamental fundamental tools tools essential essential for for electrical electricalinstallation installationwork: work:needle needlenose nose – pliers, pliers, wire wire strippers, strippers, crimping crimping pliers pliers forfor endend sleeves sleeves andand cable cable shears. shears. – stronger stronger gripgrip without without damage damage Prominent – Prominent outside outside edge edge for for deburring deburring andand widening widening holes holes Burner – Burner hole hole for for gripping gripping round round parts parts andand cables cables Universal – Universal crimp crimp nestnest for for endend sleeves sleeves from from 0.50.5 to 2.5 to 2.5 mm2 mm2 Wire – Wire stripper stripper for for copper copper conductors conductors from from 0.70.7 to 1.5 to 1.5 andand 2.52.5 mm2 mm2 – Shear blade blade for for cutting cutting copper copper cables cables up up to to ThisThis quadruple quadruple functionality functionality is also is also ideal ideal if you if you – Shear travel travel a lot a lot in your in your work. work. Ø 15 Ø 15 mmmm (5 x(52.5 x 2.5 mm2) mm2) Advantages Advantages of of thethe KNIPEX KNIPEX installation installation Price Price CHF CHF 52.50. 52.50. pliers pliers BRW BRW 450015: 450015: – Smooth – Smooth gripping gripping surface surface for for gripping, gripping, pressing pressing flatflat andand round round moulding moulding without without damage damage – Easy – Easy on on work work pieces, pieces, profiled profiled handles handles for for a a Impact Impact driver driver bits bits + holder + holder New New80 80mmmmblade bladelength: length:TORX® TORX®bitsbits BRW BRW 429740 429740 sizesize T30T30 – T55 – T55 andand Allen Allen bitsbits BRW BRW 429730 429730 sizesize 4 – 419 – 19 mm, mm, hexagon hexagon drive drive 11 11 mm, mm, matching matching Impact Impact holders holders with with cross-hole cross-hole andand ringring groove, groove, for for machine machine screw screw tightening tightening BRW BRW 428090 428090 with with square square drive drive 3/8”, 3/8”, BRW BRW 429720 429720 with with square square drive drive ½”.½”. NEW NEW Standard StandardParts Parts NEW NEW Smartcel Smartcel diamond diamond bristles bristles Worldwide Worldwide novelty novelty Smartfilaments Smartfilaments natural natural fibre fibre bristles bristles with with 20% 20% diamond diamond coating coating 5.5...8 5.5...8 µmµm areare dimensionally dimensionally stable stable up up to 160°C, to 160°C, antistatic, antistatic, andand do do notnot melt melt or or lubricate. lubricate. TheThe diamond diamond round round brush brush BRW BRW 490693 490693 for for polishing polishing thethe hardest hardest materials materials is is suitable suitable for for drydry use.use. With With thethe universal universal shaft shaft BRW BRW 490694, 490694, it can it can be used be used as aascircular a circular or cup or cup bevel bevel brush. brush. Now Now thethe products products of the of the largest largest roller roller bearing bearing manufacturer manufacturer in the in the world world have have come come a step a step closer closer to you: to you: Brütsch/Rüegger Brütsch/Rüegger Tools Tools is an is an of- official ficial authorised authorised distributor distributor of SKF. of SKF. OurOur comprecomprehensive hensive selection selection includes: includes: thethe desired desired item item from from ourour newnew ToolStore, ToolStore, youyou cancan have have it even it even faster. faster. WeWe are are looking looking forward forward to your to your visit! visit! All SKF All SKF roller roller bearings bearings outside outside ourour standard standard pro-product duct range range are are available available in ainmaximum a maximum of three of three days. days. Request Request thethe roller roller bearings bearings documendocumentation tation under under reference reference number number 41.06. 41.06. • Groovedballbearings • Groovedballbearings • Angularballbearings • Angularballbearings • Taperedrollerbearings • Taperedrollerbearings • Self-aligningballbearings • Self-aligningballbearings • Axialgroovedballbearings • Axialgroovedballbearings • Y-bearings(radialinsertballbearing) • Y-bearings(radialinsertballbearing) • Y-bearingunits • Y-bearingunits SKFSKF andand Brütsch/Rüegger Brütsch/Rüegger Tools: Tools: Because Because quality quality knows knows no no compromises! compromises! Because Because time time is often is often short: short: order order by by 5:30 5:30 pmpm through through thethe Toolshop Toolshop www.brw.ch www.brw.ch andand getget thethe material material thethe following following morning! morning! If you If you pickpick up up Pneumatic Pneumatic hoses hoses NEW NEW Synthetic Synthetic hoses hoses withwith exterior exterior calibration calibration andand opti-optimised mised bending bending radius radius are are deployed deployed for for temperaturetemperaturedependent dependent operating operating pressures pressures of -0.95 of -0.95 to 10 to bar. 10 bar. BRW BRW 869600 869600 PEN,PEN, natural, natural, polyethylene, polyethylene, highhigh chemical chemical andand hydrolysis hydrolysis resistance resistance BRW BRW 869005 869005 PUN, PUN, blue, blue, polyurethane, polyurethane, highly highly flexible flexible BRW BRW 869007 869007 PUN, PUN, black, black, polyurethane, polyurethane, highly highly flexible flexible All All FESTO FESTO products products are are found found in the in the ToolShop ToolShop www.brw.ch, www.brw.ch, quick quick search search “Festo”. “Festo”. NEW NEW Flow Flow rate rate and and temperature temperature TheThe newnew flow flow regulator regulator BRW BRW 838795 838795 controls controls thethe flow flow raterate andand temperature temperature for for up up to to 12 12 zones. zones. Technical Technical characteristics: characteristics: brass brass manual manual control control valves, valves, PA PA viewing viewing tubes, tubes, installed installed in ain a highly highly robust robust housing housing (PA(PA with with 30% 30% fibreglass), fibreglass), temperatures temperatures up up to 100°C, to 100°C, flow flow raterate 0 to0 18 to 18 l/ l/ min. min. Includes Includes a thermometer a thermometer perper zone, zone, connecconnections tions (inserts) (inserts) – main: – main: R3/4”, R3/4”, zones: zones: R3/8”, R3/8”, rapid rapid reproducibility reproducibility thanks thanks to retaining to retaining collars collars on on thethe easyeasy to remove to remove viewing viewing tubes. tubes. TopTop prices! prices! Price Price CHFCHF 169.– 169.– (without (without shaft) shaft) Amazed Amazed byby innovative innovative technology technology ® ® Nord-Lock Nord-Lock - the - the problem problem solvers! solvers! TheThenewnewLEDLEDLENSER® LENSER®series seriesM7R M7RBRW BRW 561125.0100, 561125.0100, X7RX7R BRW BRW 561125.0200 561125.0200 andand X21R X21R BRW BRW 561125.0300 561125.0300 are are spectacular, spectacular, recharrechargeable geable torches. torches. X7R: X7R: with with twotwo optically optically synchrosynchronised nised reflector reflector lenses. lenses. YouYou cancan bundle bundle thethe lumiluminous nous fluxflux (500 (500 lm) lm) likelike a searchlight a searchlight or choose or choose circular, circular, homogenous homogenous near near range range illumination illumination up up to 45 to 45 metres. metres. With With Li-Ion Li-Ion battery. battery. TheThe charging charging station station is aistechnology a technology sensation sensation since since thethe lamp lamp “floats” “floats” beneath beneath it. it. ® ® Nord-Lock Nord-Lock retaining retaining washers washers are are THETHE reliable reliable screw screw locking locking devices, devices, even even under under extreme extreme vibrations vibrations or or dynamic dynamic loads. loads. TheThe pairpair of wedge of wedge locklock washers washers con-constitutes stitutes a purely a purely mechanical mechanical machine machine element, element, which which secures secures the the screw screw connection connection by means by means of aoflocking a locking principle principle instead instead of friction of friction andand is therefore is therefore superior superior to to conventional conventional screw screw locking locking devices. devices. Special Special offer: offer: 25% 25% discount discount untiluntil 31.07.2012: 31.07.2012: • BRW861315Throughhardenedsteel,coated • BRW861315Throughhardenedsteel,coated zinczinc lamella lamella • BRW861628INOXA4 • BRW861628INOXA4 SPECIAL SPECIAL OFFER OFFER SPECIAL SPECIAL OFFER OFFER For For hard-to-reach hard-to-reach areas areas Round Round centrings... centrings... With With thethe flexible flexible claw-type claw-type gripper gripper BRW BRW 448430, 448430, youyou cancan retrieve retrieve even even non-magnetic non-magnetic parts parts from from hard-to-reach hard-to-reach areas. areas. Thanks Thanks to to thethe integrated integrated LEDLED lamp, lamp, lostlost parts parts are are found found even even in the in the dar-darkestkest corners. corners. ...for front installation. round centrings BRW ...for front installation. OurOur round centrings BRW 832005 offer ways to save: • Time: Front 832005 offer twotwo ways to save: • Time: Front mounting saves time during initial installation mounting saves time during initial installation revisions •Money: centrings from andand revisions •Money: TheThe newnew centrings from Brütsch/Rüegger Tools interchangeable, Brütsch/Rüegger Tools are are interchangeable, i.e. i.e. in in of damage, is not necessary to replace casecase of damage, it isit not necessary to replace entire adjustment is also elimithethe entire unitunit andand tooltool adjustment is also eliminated. comprehensive product nated. YouYou willwill findfind ourour comprehensive product range under www.brw.ch – Standard Parts range under www.brw.ch – Standard Parts – – Centring Elements orthe in the Normbook Edition Centring Elements or in Normbook Edition 3 3 BRW 999020 from page 117. BRW 999020 from page 117. SlimSlim head head Ø 11 Ø 11 mm, mm, with with 4 claws, 4 claws, length length 560560 mm. mm. Includes Includes 3 batteries 3 batteries LR41. LR41. Benefit Benefit from from thethe promotional promotional price price of of CHFCHF 47.– 47.– (instead (instead of CHF of CHF 59.–) 59.–) Brütsch Brütsch / Rüegger / Rüegger Tools Tools Ltd. Ltd. P.O.P.O. BoxBox | CH-8010 | CH-8010 Zürich Zürich Phone Phone +41+41 44 44 736736 63 63 63 63 | Fax | Fax +41+41 44 44 736736 63 63 00 00 www.brw.ch www.brw.ch | [email protected] | [email protected] Personal Protective Equipment Assembly Technology Standard Parts Last Minute Who has Tools the best most quality attractive safety footwear? PB Swiss – forand highest standards SPECIAL OFFER Sicherheitsschuhe S1, S1P / Chaussures de protection S1, S1P Puma / S1P Puma / S1P Puma / S1P New selection: ball cocks SOLA level, Big X NEW Sicherheitsschuhe S1, S1P / Chaussures de protection S1, S1P Puma / S1P BAAK HUGO / S1P NEW BAAK HenRY / S1P NEW GeOX-Membrane Gr. 39 – 48 Gr. 39 – 48 Gr. 37 – 47 Gr. 37 – 48 Gr. 37 – 48 Gr. 36 – 48 534 002 534 003 534 004 534 078 534 079 534 010 (S 370 blau / bleu) Gr. 36 – 47 534 011 (S 374 rot / rouge) 534 109 118.– 123.– 132.– 123.– 64.– Puma / S1P HKS, sprinter / S1 Heckel Mac Wild Low / S1P Heckel MAC Speed / S1P UVeX xenova / S2 69.– Even more precise – thanks to higher contrast Shading the areas to the left and right of the bubble edge improves the contrast between the bubble and liquid by more than 4x. Features: Made of aluminium, ergonomic X-profile, bubble level with magnifying effect, light + charge-resistant, luminescent panels, measurement accuracy: +/- 0.5 mm/m Jalas, Challenger / S1 MAXGUARD S 370 / S 374 / S1P Gr. 37 – 47 534 001 534 012 (S 354 schwarz / noir) 175.– 99.– Sicherheitsschuhe S2 / Chaussures de protection S2 UVeX athletic / S2 UVeX module 2000 / S2 FUTURO / S2 Gr. 37 – 47 Gr. 39 – 48 Gr. 36 – 48 Gr. 36 – 48 Gr. 35 – 50 Gr. 39 – 48 Gr. 38 – 50 Gr. 39 – 47 534 005 534 114 534 054 534 055 534 204 534 206 534 207 534 220 123.– 138.– 89.– 69.– 125.– 125.– 125.– 66.– UVeX xenova / S1 UVeX athletic / S1 UVeX xenova air / S1 HKS Beta / S2 UVeX origin 2000 / S2 BAAK / S2 HKS AiR-CenTeR SXL 20 / S2 Solange Vorrat Jusqu‘à épuisement du stock ABOUTBLU TROPeA / S1 Gr. 35 – 50 Gr. 39 – 48 Gr. 35 – 50 Gr. 36 – 47 Gr. 39 – 49 Gr. 38 – 48 Gr. 38 – 47 Gr. 39 – 48 534 065 534 067 534 068 534 070 534 180 534 209 534 228 534 241 109.– 125.– 109.– 76.– 149.– 125.– 96.– COFRA, PeTRi / S1P FUTURO / S1P UVeX / S1 BAAK / S1 99.– Solange Vorrat Jusqu‘à épuisement du stock HKS AiR-CenTeR SL 20 / S2 FUTURO / S2 UVeX module 2000 / S2 UVeX origin 2000 / S2 Gr. 36 – 47 Gr. 37 – 47 Gr. 36 – 47 Gr. 38 – 47 Gr. 39 – 48 Gr. 39 – 47 Gr. 38 – 50 Gr. 38 – 48 534 169 534 073 534 141 534 076 534 243 534 280 534 267 534 269 92.– 49.– 119.– 85.– 99.– 78.– 129.– 129.– BAAK / S1 HKS elba / Solar / S1 FUTURO / S1 Heckel MAC Air / S1P Solange Vorrat Jusqu‘à épuisement du stock Gr. 38 – 47 Gr. 39 – 47 Gr. 36 – 47 Gr. 36 – 48 Stuco 22.386 / S2 Jalas Ultima, MGR / S2 534 077 534 080 534 110 534 098 Gr. 38 – 48 Gr. 39 – 47 Gr. 36 – 50 GeOX-Membrane. 598 479 598 470 598 474 Gr. 36 – 47 85.– 136.– 46.– 86.– 138.– 108.– 118.– UVeX module 2000 / S1 UVeX, motion light / S1 UVeX xenova air / S1 ABOUTBLU PROPeL / S1P Stuco 22.255 / S2 Stuco 22.486 / S2 534 246 177.– Article number: 174537 20% promotional rebate Sicherheitsschuhe Damen S1 / S2 / Chaussures de protection dames S1 / S2 Gr. 38 – 50 Gr. 38 – 48 Gr. 35 – 50 Gr. 36 – 47 534 100 534 103 534 104 534 106 118.– 78.– 109.– 88.– HKS AiR-CenTeR BL 10 / S1 Gr. 39 – 48 534 120 (schwarz/noir) UVeX xenova climazone / S1 NEW Gr. 35 – 50 534 139 144.– 129.– UVeX motorsport / S1 Gr. 36 – 48 534 151 (schwarz/noir) 139.– 534 150 (rot/rouge) 139.– 534 153 (blau/bleu) 129.– 129.– SARA / S2 MARY / S1 BAAK / S1 NEW OCUTS / S1 Gr. 36 – 41 NEW OCUTS / S1 Gr. 36 – 41 NEW Gr. 36 – 41 Gr. 36 – 41 Gr. 35 – 42 534 355 534 342 534 348 534 356 534 357 63.– 69.– 118.– 146.– 146.– PUMA / S3 ABOUTBLU ViBO / S3 Order today! Ocuts / S1P Gr. 39 – 47 534 173 (schwarz/noir) Sicherheitsschuhe S3 / Chaussures de protection S3 534 174 (braun/brun) Heckel MAC Crossroad low / S3 149.– Gr. 36 – 48 Gr. 39 – 47 Gr. 36 – 47 Gr. 37 – 47 Gr. 36 – 47 534 283 534 293 534 285 534 287 534 319 99.– 123.– 76.– 139.– 86.– ’ ab/des COFRA ZAPOTeK / S3 ABOUTBLU TROPeA / S3 334120 Sortiment mitlaufende Zentrierspitzen, Typ K Assortiment pointe de tour tourante, type K FUTURO / S1P 4 Heckel MAC Wild / S1P Stuco 29.750 / S1 Stuco 29.090 / SB Gr. 39 – 47 Gr. 36 – 48 Gr. 39 – 47 Gr. 38 – 47 534 259 534 164 598 478 598 480 49.– 94.– 135.– 118.– PUMA / S3 MAXGUARD S 350 / S3 MAXGUARD S 312 / S3 Heckel Mac Crossroad / S3 Gr. 36 – 48 Gr. 36 – 48 Gr. 36 – 48 Gr. 39 – 48 534 326 534 328 534 298 534 307 123.– 99.– 99.– 103.– 115.– Brütsch/Rüegger Werkzeuge AG / Outils SA Tel. +41 44 736 63 63 | Fax +41 44 736 63 00 www.brw.ch | [email protected] Which isinnovation the right one? most– strategic attractivesucbeQuality, andThe design cause it willof bePB well accepted? Or perfect the most comcess factors Swiss Tools. The combifortable because you will never want to take nation of functional and emotional demands. it off? Additional advantages: – 100% MADE IN SWITZERLAND procuring the right safety footwear, these and –In INNOVATION: Industry-specific custom fabriother questions come up time and time again. cation and special tools it is you who has to decide which –But UNLIMITED GUARANTEE: You will findsafety the shoes right for enterprise. To ensure serialare number onyour each tool, allowing youyou to have a wide to meetdate juston about your locate the selection final inspection the all homeneeds, Brütsch/Rüegger Tools offers one of the page www.pbswisstools.com. Every producmost ranges of the safety tioncomprehensive step is traceable back to rawfootwear. material. Lifetime guarantee on defects in materials or Safety footwear can only protect the feet against workmanship. hazards ifDEVELOPMENT it is actually worn. Providing –possible SUSTAINABLE employees with safety shoes that meet safety requirements important. tool If safety shoeswe are keep comAs a leadingis full-range supplier, 344120.0100 344120.0200 5 fortable anPBattractive design, acceptance almost thewith entire SWISS TOOLS product range and the willingness to wear them consistently are in stock. improved. Among many others, we offer the combined soft-head and ball peen hammer BRW At Brütsch/Rüegger Tools, you can choose the 452390. safetyinfootwear from a verysaves broadspace selection 2right hammers 1; reduces weight, and with over 100 different models under more money. 10 brands. –than Suitable for heavy-duty metalworking with flat polyamide / steel head. thework current –Order Delicate with safety precise, footwear fine impactsposter using under reference number 51.06 and find the the moulded polyamide head. rightproduct shoes. For even ismore shoes, in visitour www.brw.ch The range available ToolShop under www.brw.ch. You will find all PB Swiss Tools products by entering «PB» in the quick search field. We will gladly send you the new 2012 PB Swiss Tools catalogue – just send an e-mail to [email protected] HOWARD LEIGHT ear Small powerhouse inplugs action NEW SPECIAL OFFER Also available Brütsch/Rüegger Tools! HowBOSCH cordlessfrom screwdriver BRW 597125.0200. ard Leight earand plug dispenser (BRWto532231) and Small, handy powerful thanks Li-Ion techLaser Lite earplugs (BRW 532236) a refill nology. 2 speed levels for driving andin drilling, package of 200 or 500 pairs. The earplugs in 20 torque settings + drilling setting, motor brake livelyintegrated colours are visible. to the and LED easily lighting. WithThanks LED battery T shape, easy in andwith take10 out. lamp GLIthey 10.8are V-LI. Settoinput L-Boxx mm quick-release chuck, quick charger and 2 Li-Ion For more hearing protection articles, visit batteries 10.8 V 1.3 Ah. www.brw.ch PROMOTIONAL PRICE CHF 195.–, valid until 29.02.2012 NEW NEW Bestell-Nr. N° de Cde Mascot Batura / S3 Gr. 37 – 47 534 289 BAAK for ladies’ safety sandals Ready snow These new BAAK safety (BRW The ultimate snow ladies’ clearing tools:sandals Aluminium 534348) wereBRW developed wosnow shovel 551830,especially blade sizefor 410 x men who like to wear lightweight and com370 mm, price CHF 61.50; aluminium snow fortableBRW safety shoes.with Thanks to theto large pusher 551840, side edges proopenings and breathable microfibre material, tect floor surfacing, blade size 480 x 380 mm, the sandals are asled goodshovel alternative closed price CHF 56.–; BRW to 551850, safety shoes – especially during warmer with 4 lengthwise reinforcing ribs, the 1 crosswise summer months. to try on reinforcing rib, steelWould edgingyou andlike raised edge, the sandals? a free call us at blade size 620 For x 800 mm,shoe pricefitting, CHF 107.–. 044 736 63 55 – we are happy to help. SHOWA 265 safety gloves Precision mini-files NEW The SHOWA 265 (BRW 530241) isfiles a seamless FUTURO diamond escapement BRW knitted nylon safety with a very parti320498, 5-piece setglove in plastic case.thin Precision al nitrile coating. Extremely lightweight and mini-files for tool construction and precision flexible, this glove offers outstanding sensitivity. engineering. For work on the smallest profiles. With round steel handle, can be used without The SHOWA 265 safety glovediamond is availablemin-file in stock handle. Contents: 1 each from 320490 Brütsch/Rüegger Tools forneedle, CHF 5.– in BRW – BRW 320494 halfthe sizestriangular, S – XL. Forsquare the full and selection of gloves, round, round. Grain please visit www.brw.ch. D30, length 140 mm, stroke length 40 mm. 2 3 Rotierende Aufnahme, Ausheber und folgende Einsätze Contre pointes tournantes type K, extracteur et pièces interchangeables 2 ST 3 ST 4 4 ST 5 5 ST The gredoc quick-change zero point Our selection of shutoff valves encompasses new clamping system (BRW 411240) permits ball cocks in six versions: the rapid, positionally accurate mounting • BRW 838740 2/2-way Mini ball cock MF of work pieces without tilting. Test this Thread: exterior / interior innovative clamping solution. Available • BRW 838743 2/2-way Mini ball cock FF from CHF 625.– Thread: interior / interior • BRW 838746 2/2-way Ball cock MF with Our application technicians will also gladwing handle ly advise you on site. Thread: exterior / interior • BRW 838749 2/2-way Ball cock FF with Phone 044 736 63 63 or wing handle e-mail: [email protected] Thread: interior / interior • BRW 838752 2/2-way Ball cock MF with hand lever Thread: exterior / interior • BRW 838755 2/2-way Ball cock FF with hand lever Thread: interior / interior NEW Adjustment insert promotion 2012 Every year just after New Year’s Eve, it is high time to update the adjustment inserts in moulds. Since it is difficult to assess demand for the current year, we are giving you the opportunity to benefit from top prices by extending our promotion until the end of February! BRW 833800 insert for DATI® 1000 (standard), DATI® 1200, DATI® 2000, DATI® 2100 and 2200. BRW 833810 insert for DATI® 1300 and DATI® 1400 (short version). BRW 834035 insert for DATI® 2900 (with ratchet mechanism). Flyer: Reference number 42.02 NEW No lost parts Plastic parts scattered around the injection moulding machine? We have the solution: BRW 838760 mould curtain (set of 2). Space-saving, straightforward installation with 4 magnets. Fully preassembled, no moving wear parts, no damage when exceeding the opening stroke, also suitable for very short cycle times and clean room deployA hot BRWcycles. 838772 ment,helper up to 3 –million Available in 4 dimensions. Mounting extension: BRW Cleaning contaminated machine and tool ele838761. ments quickly and easily from hardened plastic is a All ball cocks have the following features: One-piece body design, full throughput, housing: brass-plated, ball: brass with hardened chrome finish, ball seal: PTFE, spindle seal: FKM, colours manual operation: blue / red • BRW 838740, BRW 838743: Application temperature: -20°C to 90°C, operating pressure max.: 30 bar, manual operation: nylon • BRW 838746 – BRW 838755: Application temperature: -40°C to 170°C, operating pressure max.: 40 bar, hand lever: steel, GEOMET® coating Unser Angebot richtet sich an Firmenkunden zur Nutzung zuberufl ichen oder gewerblichen Zwecken. Preisgültigkeit bis 31.7.2012, Preis netto, excl. MwSt., unverpackt ab Urdorf. Notre offre s‘adresse aux clients d‘entreprises pour utilisation à des fi ns professionnelles ou industrielles. Validité de prix jusqu‘à 31.7.2012, prix net, excl. TAV, départ Urdorf, sans emballage. 1 melting plastic, facilitating the straightforward cleaning of plugged nozzles, sprue runners and more. By activating the switch, the copper tip at the end of the flexible shaft is heated to 350°C within 10 seconds and can be used immediately. What hazard is where? Efficient in-house spring production What hazard is where, whatBRW protective equipment Spring winding apparatus 445890 for the do I needproduction where? Questions that oftenand come up in efficient of compression extenhectic times, and before it a hole drilled sion springs. From the you firstknow winding, theisspring without safety goggles. Warning, prohibition diameter can be measured and corrected and by instruction signs notify your of possible fine-tuning if required. The employees pitch for compressihazards. Forand a large of signs, the Safeon springs theselection initial tension forsee extension ty Booklet referenceinnumber 52.06 or visit springs canunder be regulated the same manner. www.brw.ch For wires up to Ø 0.2…1.5 mm. Promotional price CHF 2490.– until 30.04.2012. Brütsch / Rüegger Tools Ltd. P.O. Box | CH-8010 Zürich Phone +41 44 736 63 63 | Fax +41 44 736 63 00 www.brw.ch | [email protected] SPECIAL OFFER NEW Preis prix 641.– 01 / 02 / 03 / 05 / 07 / 10 Brüetsch/RüeggerWerkzeuge Brütsch/Rüegger WerkzeugeAG AG Tel. +41 44 736 63 63 | Fax +41 44 736 63 00 www.brw.ch | [email protected] [email protected] Request our new special brochure “Injection Moulding Peripherals and Mould Tempering” under reference number 01.02, we are looking forward to hearing from you! Multifunction key KNIPEX universal key, Twin Key BRW 423405. With 10 profiles! For closures in gas and water supply SPECIAL applications, OFFER air conditioning and ventilation, heating and sanitary, locking systems and electrical engineering. Space-saving 8-way design with magnet. Functions: 4 x interior square 5 – 11 mm, 3 x interior triangular 7 – 12 mm, skeleton 3 – 5 mm, half-moon 6 mm, exterior square 6 – 9 mm, Reversible bit: slotted 7 mm with Phillips PH 2. Size just 83 x 92 x 23 mm. Weight only 135g. Price CHF 31.20 New: Pressure / leak tester The handy workshop test device BRW 838798 for the straightforward verification of leak tightness and pressure tests is ideal for testing all types of (cooling) circuits. This handy device is supplied with a pressure NEWgauge, connection hose and water reservoir. A maximum operating pressure of 60 bar can be generated with the hand pump, which is usually sufficient for testing to reveal leaks before the start of production. Interested? www.brw.ch – Standard Parts – Mould Tempering Innovations and Injection Moulding Accessories NEW challenge. Our answer: BRW 838772 Documentation “New Injection Moulding Reference 42.06. ThePeripherals”: plastic softening gunnumber is a handy tool for Price CHF 81.50. SPECIAL OFFER MK Ausführung CM modèle 344120.0300 344120.0400 GRESSEL gredoc T-shirt and polo shirt PROMOTION A promotion to kick off summer! Benefit from our shirt promotion! Hot air hose for granulate dryer BRWshirts 838786 Polo and T-shirts at attractive prices: Material: Silicone-coated glass fibre yarn with steel coil BRW 536300 Polo shirt size S – XXL Application: Conducting air14.50 and gaseous media for CHF with high inherent or ambient temperatures, subject to elevated mechanical BRW 536310 T-shirt size Sstrain. – XXL Attributes: Highlyfor flexible, abrasion-resistant, CHF 9.80 lightweight, smooth interior surface, operating temperature -60°C 250°C, available in Ø 32, Promotion valid untilto30.06.2012 38, 41, 51, 60 and 70mm, sold in rolls of 4m. More injection moulding accessories? From Brütsch/Rüegger Tools of course, everything from a single source! 737.– Aktion promotion 578.– 663.– 909.– 818.– 1167.– 1048.– Mit Vollgas zum Erfolg! Our partner Plein gomme jusqu'au bout ! We want to be the best in the industry... Brütsch/Rüegger Tools Promotional Partner of Sauber F1 Team Servicebox Promotional Partner of the Sauber F1 Team Mitlaufende Zentrierspitzen ROTOR Pointes tournantes ROTOR AKTION / PROMOTION 01.05.2012 – 31.07.2012 Interview with Christian Rüegger, CEO Brütsch/Rüegger Group Tool Courier: Brütsch/Rüegger looks back on 135 years of success in the history of the company this year. In your opinion, what are the reasons for this positive development of the company? n erhalten bei der Dauerschmierung. ntes ROTOR ont un Christian Rüegger: I see three key success factors: At least one member of our family has always been part of the top management of the company, which has a significant impact on strategic and “ROTOR” brochure Valid from 01.05.2012 to 31.07.2012 Reference number 01.06 entrepreneurial decisions as well as the company culture. Since the middle of the last century, managers from our ranks also have the opportunity to assume responsibilities among the top management. Not as managers in the conventional sense, but as leaders exhibiting entrepreneurial thought and action. Thanks to this constellation and exacting financial policies, our company was able to TC: The change and renewal process has TC: Brütsch/Rüegger has close ties in Switzerland. How do you see the future of Switzer- been clearly illustrated in the last few land as a place to do business? months. You have made major invest- CR: Switzerland is once again going through a challenging phase. A year ago the Swiss franc gai- ments in expanding logistics and ware- ned significant strength very quickly. The continued strength of the franc and the weak economic house capacities in the Tools and Metals performance in the EU and EFTA regions are having a negative impact on our key customer seg- business areas. What were the reasons be- ments, the machinery, electrical and metal industries. Production facilities may be relocated abroad hind these investments and how does over the medium term. On the other hand, the industry has emerged from challenging economic a midsize company finance such major phases stronger than before in the past. Swiss companies generally have good products projects? and processes; they are innovative and have welltrained employees. As an industrial supplier, we CR: After successfully expanding our product range with steel and bright steel in the Metals busi- are keeping a close eye on developments. We do everything in our power to help our customers op- ness area in 2011, we have taken another step towards becoming a full-range supplier of long timise their procurement processes – and therefore make them more competitive, which is crucial for goods for industrial applications. The leading stainless construction steel materials will be kept our own future as well. in stock along with a selection of heat-treated steel, insert steel and nitriding steel. With invest- TC: From the past and a look at the present to prospects for the future: what are the objecti- ments in a new cassette storage system and a modern train of machines for efficient processing, ves of Brütsch/Rüegger? our capabilities have increased once again. This modernisation has also helped optimise our service offering. Our Tools business area is known as a full-range supplier covering the demands of our customers for C-parts and helping to reduce procurement costs. The expansion of our product range to far CR: We don’t want to be among the largest but certainly among the best in our field. Our investments over the last few years and our focus on expanding our technical expertise and services have to be viewed in this context. The further development of our structures to build an even more effective organisation is a priority. develop with great success. Secondly, cooperation with all employees was and is defined by trust and mutual appreciation along with an impressive willingness to perform. The company culture may suffer in hectic times when there are major changes. It is very important for me to maintain the values that have led to our sustained success, even in an economically chal“Fixed Price and Stock List” price list Valid from 01.07.2012 to 30.04.2013 Reference number 02.06 Mitutoyo Sommeraktion lenging future. One important responsibility of company management is to ensure that personalities with integrity and a suitable character assume management responsibilities in the company. The third and crucial point: Brütsch/Rüegger has consistently focused on customers and the Successfully through the centuries: with 16 employees Coming soon: Brütsch/Rüegger Metals Regensdorf in 1921 and with … (following planned facade refurbishment) further development of its core competencies. Listening to the customer and pursuing the innovative further development of our products and services for their benefit have been key success factors. TC: The slogan for the 135-year-anniversary is: “Your partner for quality and innovation Mai bis Juli 2012 since 1877”. What does that mean in concrete terms? “Mitutoyo Summer Promotion” brochure Valid from 01.05.2012 to 31.07.2012 Reference number 03.06 Further catalogues from Brütsch/ Rüegger Tools at a glance ToolBook, Edition 17 The big tool catalogue with the complete product range on 2800 pages, incl. fixed price and stock list. Reference number 04.06 FuturoBooklet, Edition 2011 BEST TOOLS FOR ALL NEEDS. The comprehensive catalogue for the exclusive Brütsch/Rüegger Tools house brand. Reference number 05.06 NormBook, Edition 3 Professional Collection 2010 Mould construction and stamping technology Reference number 06.06 CR: The slogan expresses the essentials of our mission since 135 years in a few words: Partnership … more than 100 in 1993. Today the two companies employ a workforce of around 200. Coming soon: Brütsch/Rüegger Tools in Urdorf (the administrative building, currently at the completed shell stage) means doing something with others, joining forces with others for a specific purpose. This attitude forms the foundation of our relationships more than 100,000 catalogue items pushed our Further professionalising our processes forms a so- warehouse and logistics capacities to their limit over the last few years. This is why we built a com- lid foundation for our expansion strategy. Not only do we want to expand our position as the prefer- prehensive new logistics centre with more than 104,000 m³ of capacity and state-of-the-art red partner of our customers and suppliers in Switzerland, we also want to become a competent warehouse technologies. Over the last three years, in other words during partner for stakeholders abroad. economically uncertain times, Brütsch/Rüegger has invested more than 60 million francs to ex- TC: Thank you very much for the interview! with all stakeholders. Quality refers to our products, services and the quality we maintain in working with our partners. Naturally, being present in the market over decades and consistently delivering good quality is important. With regard to innovation: not having a monopoly is both a blessing and a curse. Competition forces us to remain alert and keep on doing better. It encourages the willingness to find and try new things. This makes renewal a continuous, natural process. Our innovativeness really is the elixir of life. Our customers are fighting hard battles of their own with national and international competitors. They depend on reliable, innovative partners with an optimum price-performance ratio. Brütsch / Rüegger Tools Ltd. P.O. Box | CH-8010 Zürich Phone +41 44 736 63 63 | Fax +41 44 736 63 00 www.brw.ch | [email protected] pand its infrastructure and thereby make the company more competitive. We are proud to say that we generally finance investments from our own funds, saved up over the years. Of course we are also taking advantage of the favourable market environment for external financing. Our healthy financial situation is the result of sound, intelligent financial policies over 135 years, along with the fact that annual profits have largely remained in the company over generations.
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