April - Lebanon County


April - Lebanon County
Wednesday, April 6, 2016 1:30 p.m.
The Board of Commissioners held a workshop session, all members present. Comm. Phillips
The Commissioners met in an executive session to discuss personnel issues.
Thursday, April 7, 2016 9:30 a.m.
The regular meeting of the County Commissioners was held today all members present.
Comm. Phillips presiding.
The meeting opened with Observance of a Moment of Silence and the Pledge to the Flag.
The Commissioners asked for public comment. LTC Dale Waltman, Directorate of Personnel and
Community Activities at Fort Indiantown Gap (FIG), Annville, PA, presented an update of
training, activities and events taking place at FITG.
Abigail Jarboe, resident of the City of Lebanon, voiced her concern about Children and Youth.
Chief Clerk/County Administrator stated that he received an email response from the County
Solicitor as to a Court Order she received having her Power Attorney being revoked by
Children & Youth.
Tong Englebach, resident on Cypress Lane, Lebanon County, expressed her concern over the
high tax increase for Lebanon County. Mrs. Englebach stated that she and her husband are
on a fixed income, do not have much and will be struggling to pay their taxes.
The Commissioners approved the minutes from the workshops held March 9th and 16th and
the March 17, 2016 meeting.
Dawn Edris, 1st Deputy of the Lebanon County Treasurer’s Office, met with the
Commissioners to present the weekly Treasurer’s report for consideration.
The Commissioners approved the Treasurer’s report as read with expenditures in the amount
of $3,082,090.46. The gross payroll of March 31, 2016 was in the amount of $959,669.57.
Jamie Wolgemuth, Chief Clerk/County Administrator, presented the following bond payments
for consideration.
The Commissioners approved the transfer of $43,408.27 from the General Fund to the 2008
Bank Loan Fund held in Wells Fargo to pay principal and interest due on April 15, 2016.
The Commissioners approved the transfer of $145,863.77 from the General Fund to the 2006
Bank Loan Fund held in Wells Fargo Bank to pay interest due on April 15, 2016.
The Commissioners approved the transfer of $221,241.25 from the General Fund to the General
Obligation Bonds, Series of 2011 held in Fulton Bank to pay interest due April 15, 2016.
The Commissioners approved the transfer of $97,123.00 from the General Fund to the Bank
Loan of 2015 held in Fulton Bank to pay principal and interest due on April 15, 2016.
The Commissioners approved the transfer of $64,230.86 from the General Fund to General
Obligation Bonds, Series of 2015A held in Fulton Bank to pay principal and interest due on April
15, 2016.
Michelle Edris, Director and Leeanne Shank, HR Assistant in Lebanon County Human
Resources, presented the weekly personnel transactions and conference/seminar requests
for consideration.
At 10:05 a.m., the Commissioners called a recess in order for a Board of Elections meeting.
At 10:10 a.m., the Commissioners reconvened their regular meeting.
John Shott, Criminal Justice Advisory Board Planner (CJAB)/Grant Coordinator in Probation
Services, met with the Commissioners to present an Intermediate Punishment Grant Request
application for consideration.
The Commissioners approved and signed a Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and
Delinquency (PCCD), Intermediate Punishment Treatment Programs, grant application
request. The funds shall be used for the Drug and Alcohol Treatment Based Restrictive
Intermediate Punishment (Renaissance Crossroads) Programs and IP Electronic Monitoring.
The funds shall be used for PA Counseling to operate the Renaissance Crossroads Treatment
Program in Lebanon County. The amount requested is $1,598,260.00 for the period of July 1,
2016 to June 30, 2018.
Carol Davies, Administrator of Lebanon County Area Agency on Aging, met with the
Commissioners to present the five-year Cooperative Agreement for consideration. Mrs. Davies
stated that the most notable change in the agreement is language that would simplify the
mechanics of making any allowable payments to AAA in the event of another state budget
impasse. This agreement also now allows for nonpayment of up to 10% of the agreement as
administration charges in the event that reports are not submitted in a timely manner.
The Commissioners approved and signed the Cooperative Grant Agreement between the
Pennsylvania Department of Aging (PDA) and the Lebanon County Area Agency on Aging (AAA).
This multi-year agreement is used to provide $2,120,548.00 per year of federal and state
funding to AAA for the provision of PDA services for the five year-year period beginning on July
1, 2016 and ending on June 30, 2021.
Jamie Wolgemuth, Chief Clerk/County Administrator along with Lt. Colonel Waltman, members of
the Local Defense Group for Fort Indiantown Gap, presented a Strategic Consulting Partners
proposal for consideration.
The Commissioners approved and signed the Agreement for Services between Fort Indiantown
Gap Local Defense Group and Strategic Consulting Partners, 836 Tamanini Way, Mechanicsburg,
PA 17055. The service contract is for up to one (1) year, and Strategic Consulting will complete
a 5-step process for the FITG LDG strategic planning efforts at the contracted rate as follows:
Total Discounted
Price Per Task
Task 1: Develop Strategic Plan Strategy
Task 2: Data Collection and Analysis
Task 3: Facilitate Retreats
Task 4: Management Review Meetings
Task 5: Strategic Plan Report
Total Level of Effort
Dr. Jeffrey Yocum, Lebanon County Coroner, along with James Donmoyer, Executive Director of
Lebanon County Commission on Drug and Alcohol Abuse and Kevin Schrum, Administrator of
Lebanon County MH/ID/EI, met with the Commissioners to present the annual Coroner’s Report
for 2015.
James Donmoyer, Executive Director of Lebanon County Commission on Drug and Alcohol Abuse,
met with the Commissioners to present a contract amendment for consideration.
The Commissioners approved to amend the FY2016-2017 contract between Pennsylvania
Counseling Services and Drug & Alcohol to include Families joined Spanish speaking group at
the contract change amount of $1,950.00.
Kevin Schrum, Administrator of Lebanon County MH/ID/EI, met with the Commissioners to
present HealthChoices contract amendments for consideration. James Donmoyer, Executive
Director of Lebanon County Commission on Drug and Alcohol Abuse was in attendance.
The Commissioners approved and signed Amendment #3 to the Comprehensive Management
Services Agreement between Lebanon County and Perform Care. This amendment incorporates
the terms of the previously approved Amendment #7 of the agreement between the CABHC
counties and the Department of Human Services into the agreement. The Amendment is
effective as of January 1, 2016. This amendment does not result in increases with the existing
budget and will not cause MH/ID/EI to seek additional revenue from the Commissioners. .
The Commissioners approved and signed Amendment #8 to the HealthChoices Behavioral Health
Agreement between Lebanon County and the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services.
The Amendment is effective as of July 1, 2016. This amendment incorporates Pennsylvania’s
recently approved Managed Care Organization’s (MCO) Managed Care Assessment (“MCO
Assessment”) as part of the Program. This amendment does not result in increases with the
existing budget and will not cause MH/ID/EI to seek additional revenue from the Commissioners.
Jonathan Fitzkee, Assistant Director/Transportation Planner and Thomas Kotay, Transportation
Planning Consultant of the Lebanon County Planning Department, met with the Commissioners to
present various items for consideration.
The Commissioners approved and signed the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Policy
and Procedure for Consultant Selection on behalf of Lebanon County Planning Department.
These procedures shall be used for the orderly determination of the need to use consulting
engineering firms, qualification and selection of firms, and general administration and monitoring
of the engineering agreement. Three consultants will be selected from those consultants who
submit statements of interest to the following qualification selection committee members: Vote
Jamie Wolgemuth, Chief Clerk/County Administrator
Jonathan Fitzkee, Assistant Director/Transportation Planner
Dennis Firestone, Lebanon County Purchasing Agent
Thomas Smith, Cornwall Borough Road Foreman
The Commissioners adopted a Resolution to grant signatory authority for the Lebanon County
Metropolitan Planning Organization (LEBCO MPO) as follows:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Lebanon County Commissioners on behalf of the
Lebanon County Metropolitan Planning Organization (LEBCO MPO) and the Lebanon
County Planning Department (LCPD), which serves as the staff agency for the LEBCO
MPO, authorized the Chairman of the Lebanon County Commissioners to sign future
agreements between PennDOT and the County for the Unified Planning Work
Program (UPWPs).
By /s/ Jo Ellen Litz
Commissioner Jo Ellen Litz
By /s/ Robert J. Phillips
Commissioner Robert J. Phillips
Date: 4/7/2016
The Commissioners approved and signed the Master Grant Agreement and Resolution Page
between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting through the Department of Transportation
and Lebanon County Planning Department for the Lebanon County Metropolitan Planning
Organization (LEBCO MPO). This Agreement is for the Lebanon Valley Rail Trail Phase 9C
project in the amount of $250,000. The terms of this Agreement shall begin July 1, 2016 and
terminate on June 30, 2022.
Jay Wenger, Managing Director of Susquehanna Group Advisors/Financial Advisory and Benjamin
Ried, Esquire of Rhoads & Sinon, met with the Commissioners to request a resolution to support
tax-exempt financing through the Lebanon County Health Facilities Authority (LCHFA) for the Tel
Hai Retirement Community project. Martin Barondick, resident of Ebenezer, encouraged the
Commissioners not to go along with this request.
The Commissioners adopted the following resolution on behalf of Tel Hai Retirement
Community. This support does not prevent Lebanon County from supporting future request nor
does it obligate Lebanon County financially.
RESOLUTION No. 4-7-2016
WHEREAS, Tel Hai Retirement Community (the “Community”) is a
corporation not-for-profit organized and existing under laws of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and owns and operates health center
facilities in the Township of Honey Brook, Chester County, Pennsylvania,
known as the Tel Hai Retirement Community; and
WHEREAS, The Lebanon County Health Facilities Authority (the “Authority”),
a municipality authority organized and existing under the Pennsylvania
Municipality Authorities Act of 1945, as amended and supplemented, now 53
Pa. C.S. Chapter 56 (the “Authorities Act”), of the Commonwealth, proposes to
issue obligations aggregating not more than $40,000,000 in principal
amount, including tax-exempt obligations in one or more series and in an
aggregate principal amount not to exceed $30,000,000 (the “Obligations”) to
refund obligations of the North Lebanon Township Authority and the Dauphin
County General Authority issued to finance or refinance the construction,
equipping, and furnishing of alterations, additions, renovations, and other
improvements to the continuing care retirement community facilities of Tel
Hai Retirement Community located at or near 1200 Tel Hai Circle in the
Township of Honey Brook, Chester County, Pennsylvania (the “Facilities”), to
fund the costs of construction, equipping, and furnishing of alterations,
additions, renovations, and other improvements to the Facilities, and to pay
costs and expenses of financing, all of which undertakings herein are referred
to as the “Project”; and
WHEREAS, The Project will constitute the financing or refinancing by the
Authority of a “health center” for a “nonprofit corporation health center,” all
within the meaning of the Authorities Act; and
WHEREAS, Under the Authorities Act, the Authority may undertake to finance
a health center to be leased to or financed with a loan or loans to a nonprofit
corporation health center serving the public only if this County, as the
municipality that organized the Authority, declares by resolution or ordinance
that it is desirable for the health, safety and welfare of the people in the area
served by such health center facilities to have those facilities provided by or
financed through the Authority; and
WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
(the “Code”), provides that tax-exempt obligations may not be issued for the
benefit of persons other than state and local governments unless the issue is
approved by the “applicable elected representative” of the governmental unit
which will issue the tax-exempt obligations or, if such governmental unit has
no elected officials, then by an “applicable elected representative” of the next
higher governmental unit (with an “applicable elected representative”),
following a public hearing of which reasonable public notice is given; and
WHEREAS, The Authority has no elected representative, and this County, as
the incorporating municipality of the Authority, is the next higher
governmental unit with an elected representative, within the meaning of the
Code; and
WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners of this County heretofore authorized
the Authority to hold a public hearing on behalf of this County with respect to
the issuance of the Obligations as tax-exempt obligations for purposes of the
Project; and
WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing with respect to the proposed issuance of
the Obligations by the Authority as tax-exempt obligations was published in
the Lebanon Daily News of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, and The Daily Local News of
West Chester, Pennsylvania, a newspaper of general circulation in the area be
served by the Facilities; and
WHEREAS, A report or synopsis of the public hearing, including the public
comments made at such public hearing, has been provided to the Board of
County Commissioners of this County and has been duly read and considered
by the members of the Board of County Commissioners; and
WHEREAS, The Authority has asked this County to declare the financing or
refinancing of the Facilities by the Authority to be desirable for the health,
safety and welfare of the people in the area served by the Facilities and to
approve the issuance of the Obligations as tax-exempt
obligations under the Code.
1. The Board of County Commissioners of this County does hereby find and
declare that it is desirable for the health, safety and welfare of the people
in the area served by the health center facilities to be financed or
refinanced as part of the Project to have such facilities provided by or
financed or refinanced through the Authority.
2. The designation, appointment and authorization of the Authority as the
lawful agent of this County to hold the public hearing required by Section
147(f) of the Code with respect to the Obligations to be issued by the
Authority is hereby approved and ratified.
3. The advertisement of the public hearing held on behalf of this County is
hereby approved and ratified.
5. The Board of County Commissioners of this County hereby approves the
issuance of the Obligations for the Project as tax-exempt obligations under the
Code, and designates, authorizes and directs its Chairman or Vice Chairman to
execute and deliver on its behalf a Certificate of Approval with respect to the
Obligations, such Certificate of Approval to be substantially in the form
attached hereto as Exhibit A, with appropriate insertions.
6. The approvals granted by this Resolution shall not, in any way, pledge or
obligate the credit or taxing power of this County, nor shall this County be
liable for the payment of the principal of, or interest on, any obligations issued
by the Authority in connection with the Project or the Facilities.
7. Nothing in this Resolution is intended to be, nor shall it be construed as, an
approval of the Obligations or of the Project by this County for any purposes
other than (1) the exception for health center projects set forth in Section
5607(b)(2)(iv) of the Authorities Act (53 Pa.C.S. §5607(b)(2)(iv)), and (2) the
public approval requirement of Section 147(f) of the Code.
8. All prior actions of this County and of the Authority taken in conformity
with the intent and purposes of this Resolution are ratified, confirmed and
9. All prior resolutions or parts of resolutions, insofar as such shall be
inconsistent herewith, shall be and the same expressly are repealed.
10. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption.
DULY ADOPTED this 7th day of April, 2016, by the Board of County
Commissioners of the County of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, in lawful session duly
/s/ Jamie A. Wolgemuth
Chief Clerk
By: /s/ Robert J. Phillips
Chairman of the Board of
County Commissioners
Beth Hoch, Victim/Witness Coordinator in the Office of the Lebanon County District Attorney, met
with the Commissioners to present highlights of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week and to
receive a proclamation. District Attorney David Arnold attended this meeting.
The Commissioners adopted the following proclamation to proclaim National Crime Victims’ Right
Week in Lebanon County.
Americans are victims of more than 26 million crimes each year, and crime
can touch the lives of anyone regardless of age, national origin, race, creed,
religion, gender, sexual orientation, immigration or economic status; and
Many victims face challenges in finding appropriate services; and
Too many communities feel disconnected from the justice and social
response systems, and have lost trust in the ability of those systems to
recognize them and respond to their needs; and
The victim services community has worked for decades to create an
environment for victims that is safe, supportive and effective; and
Intervening early with services that support and empower victims
provides a pathway to recovery from crime and abuse; and
Honoring the rights of victims, including the right to be heard and to be
treated with fairness, dignity, and respect, and working to meet their needs
rebuilds their trust in the criminal justice and social service system; and
National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, April 10-16, 2016, is an opportune
time to commit to ensuring that all victims of crime are offered culturally
and linguistically accessible services in the aftermath of crime; and
The Lebanon County Victim Witness Program is hereby dedicated to
serving victims, building trust and restoring hope for justice and healing.
NOW, THEREFORE, WE, The Commissioners of Lebanon County, do hereby proclaim the
week of April 10-16, 2016 as “NATIONAL CRIME VICTIMS’ RIGHTS
WEEK” in the County of Lebanon.
Robert J. Phillips
William E. Ames
Jo Ellen Litz
Jamie A. Wolgemuth
Chief Clerk/County Administrator
ADOPTED This Seventh Day of April,
Two Thousand Sixteen.
David Eckhart, Managing Director of Phone Recovery Services, LLC, 886 Vaughn Road, Pottstown,
PA 19465 and Jay Wenger, Managing Director of Susquehanna Group Advisors, met with the
Commissioners to present a 9-1-1 recovery fee opportunity for consideration. Dilworth Paxson
LLP, 1500 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102, will file a Writ with the Court to preserve the
opportunity to research past shortfalls of up to six (6) years, depending upon the applicable
statute of limitations, in order to recover lost fees of approximately $900,000 per year. Dilworth
Paxson will also initiate a letter to telephone carriers asking them to open their books for an audit
of the fees remitted. Mr. Eckhart stated that phone companies are required to charge a
customer’s phone bill the approved 9-1-1- charge per line and collect and remit that to the proper
governmental authority.
It was moved by Comm. Ames, seconded by Comm. Phillips to authorize Phone Recovery Services
and Dilworth Paxson LLP, to proceed with the 9-1-1 Fee Recovery Program for Lebanon County.
Comm. Ames and Comm. Phillips voted “Aye”, Comm. Litz voted “Nay”. Motion carried.
Daniel Seaman, Chief Assessor of the Lebanon County Assessment Office, met with the
Commissioners to present Disabled Veterans Exemptions for consideration.
The Commissioners approved exemption to the following surviving spouse of a Disabled Veteran:
The exemption is granted based on information received from the Pennsylvania State Veteran’s
Commission for Real Estate Tax Exemption.
Colleen Stevenson
109 W Brookfield Drive
Lebanon, PA 17042
Linda Witmer
24 Newburg Drive
Newmanstown, PA 17073
Jamie Wolgemuth, Chief Clerk/County Administrator, presented the following items for
The Commissioners approved a grant funding in the amount not to exceed $10,000.00 to the
Lebanon Valley Exposition (Expo) Corporation. These funds shall be used by the Expo for the
purchase and installation of the switch gear needed to connect and disconnect the emergency
generator owned by Lebanon County Emergency Management Agency. The project estimated
cost is $9,275.00.
The Commissioners adopted the following proclamation to proclaim a disaster emergency in
Lebanon County:
WHEREAS, investigations made, at our direction, have disclosed that Winter Storm Jonas
damages has adversely affected a large area of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, resulting in potential
endangerment to the health and welfare of the residents and harm or damage to public and private
facilities, property, and services; and
WHEREAS, the emergency situation may be of such magnitude or severity as to render essential
the Commonwealth’s supplementation of county and municipal efforts and resources and the
activation of the Commonwealth and all applicable county and municipal emergency response plans;
NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the provisions of Subsection 7501 (b) of the Emergency
Management Services Code (35 PA C.S.A. Section 7101 et seq), we do hereby proclaim the existence
of a disaster emergency in the affected areas of Lebanon County, and direct all Lebanon County
departments/offices to utilize all available resources and personnel as is deemed necessary to cope
with the magnitude and severity of this emergency situation.
FURTHER, We hereby authorize that up to as needed in funds may be used in response to the
emergency situation. The aforementioned funds shall be used for disaster-related expenses incurred
by various departments/offices. These funds shall be credited to a special account established by the
County of Lebanon Treasurer. The time consuming bid and contract procedures and formalities
normally prescribed by law shall be waived for the duration of this Proclamation, mandatory
constitutional requirements excepted.
FURTHER, We direct that the emergency response and recovery aspects of the Lebanon County
and all applicable disaster emergency response plans be activated and that all county actions taken
to implement those plans to coordinated through the Lebanon County Emergency Management
Agency; and
STILL FURTHER, We hereby direct the executive officers for all the County of Lebanon agencies
and departments affected by this emergency to act as necessary to meet the current exigencies
legally authorized under this proclamation, namely; by the employment of temporary workers; by
the rental of equipment and by entering into such contracts and agreements as may be required to
meet the emergency, all without regard to those time-consuming procedures and formalities
normally prescribed by law, mandatory constitutional requirements excepted.
Signed and seal this 23rd day of January, 2016.
/s/ Robert J. Phillips, Chair
/s/ William E. Ames, Vice Chairman
/s/ Jo Ellen Litz, Secretary
Attest: /s/ Jamie A. Wolgemuth
County Administrator
January 23, 2016
(Date Declared)
(Date Rescinded)
(Time Declared)
(Time Rescinded)
The Commissioners approved and signed an Agreement for Provision of Medical
Transportation between Lebanon County and Richard Claypool on behalf of Community
Action Partnership (CAP). This Agreement will be effective from July 1, 2015 to June 30,
2015. This is an agreement for curb-to-curb transportation services as requested by CAP for
clients enrolled in the Medical Assistance Transportation Program of CAP in Lebanon County.
Reimbursement will be based on the following:
Within Lebanon City limits
$25.00 round trip
including destinations at Tuck Street Center
$13.00 one way
Out of Lebanon City Limits but within Lebanon
$35.00 round trip
County limits, excluding Philhaven Mt. Gretna
$18.00 one way
Lebanon to Lancaster, Berks, Cumberland, York ,
Schuylkill, or Dauphin County, excluding Derry Township
Lebanon to same destination in Lancaster, Berks,
add $25.00
Cumberland, York, Schuylkill, or Dauphin (excluding
Derry Township) County, each additional pick-up address
Lebanon to Hershey, round trip
$45.00 round trip
“Hershey” includes any destination in Derry
$23.00 one way
Township EXCEPT Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones, per child, round trip
Philhaven Mt. Gretna, round trip
Allentown, round trip
Philadelphia, round trip
$205.00+plus tolls and parking
Pittsburgh, round trip
Any trip, extra stop, including pharmacy, add $12
add $12.00
It was moved by Comm. Litz, seconded by Comm. Ames to adopt the following
proclamation for the Sexual Assault Resource and Counseling Center of Lebanon: Vote unanimous.
WHEREAS, Sexual Assault Awareness Month calls attention to the fact that sexual violence
is widespread and impacts every person in this community.
WHEREAS, Rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment harm our community, and
statistics show one in five women and one in 71 men will be raped at some point in their
lives (Black et al., 2011).
WHEREAS, Child sexual abuse prevention must be a priority to confront the reality that
one in six boys and one in four girls will experience a sexual assault before age 18 (Dube et
al., 2005).
WHEREAS, Young people experience heightened rates of sexual violence, and youth ages
12-17 were 2.5 times as likely to be victims of rape or sexual assault (Snyder & Sickmund,
WHEREAS, On campus, one in five women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted
during their time in college (Krebs, Lindquist, Warner, Fisher, & Martin, 2007).
WHEREAS, We must work together with SARCC to educate our neighbors in Lebanon
County about sexual violence prevention, supporting survivors, and speaking out against
harmful attitudes and actions.
WHEREAS, Prevention is possible when everyone gets involved. The first step is
increasing education, awareness, and community involvement. It’s time for all of us to take
action to create a safer environment for all.
NOW, THEREFORE, WE, The Commissioners of Lebanon County, on behalf of all our
citizens do hereby proclaim April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the County of
Lebanon, and each day of the year is an opportunity to create change for the future.
FURTHER, we join advocates and communities across the country in taking action to
prevent sexual violence.
Robert J. Phillips
William E. Ames
Jo Ellen Litz
ATTEST: Jamie A. Wolgemuth
Chief Clerk/County Administrator
ADOPTED: This Seventh Day of April,
Two Thousand Sixteen.
The Commissioners adopted the following proclamation to proclaim Women’s History Month in the
County of Lebanon:
WHEREAS, American women of every race, class, and ethnic background have made
historic contributions to the growth and strength of our Nation in countless recorded
and unrecorded ways; and
WHEREAS, American women have played and continue to play a critical economic,
cultural, and social role in every sphere of the life of the Nation by constituting a
significant portion of the labor force working inside and outside of the home; and
WHEREAS, American women have played a unique role throughout the history of the
Nation by providing the majority of the volunteer labor force of the Nation; and
WHEREAS, American women were particularly important in the establishment of early
charitable, philanthropic, and cultural institutions in our Nation; and
WHEREAS, American women of every race, class, and ethnic background served as
early leaders in the forefront of every major progressive social change movement; and
WHEREAS, American women have been leaders, not only in securing their own rights
of suffrage and equal opportunity, but also in the abolitionist movement, the
emancipation movement, the industrial labor movement, the civil rights movement,
and other movements, especially the peace movement, which create a more fair and
just society for all; and
WHEREAS, despite these contributions, the role of American women in history has
been consistently overlooked and undervalued, in the literature, teaching and study of
American history.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, WE, the Commissioners of Lebanon County, in
recognition of their ‘Women Working to Form a More Perfect Union: Honoring Women
in Public Service and Government’ theme, do hereby proclaim March 2016 as
“WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH” in the County of Lebanon.
Robert J. Phillips
William E. Ames
Jo Ellen Litz
Jamie A. Wolgemuth
Chief Clerk/County Administrator
ADOPTED: This Seventh Day of April,
Two Thousand Sixteen.
Commissioner Litz made a request concerning the future purchase of meeting room video
equipment to include alternate data transmission and conversion equipment, and replacement of
the current microphones for audio transmission since she believes the microphones being used are
It was moved by Comm. Litz, seconded by, Commissioner Ames this meeting adjourned.