Javier Luzuriaga (Lab. Bajas Temperaturas)


Javier Luzuriaga (Lab. Bajas Temperaturas)
Javier Luzuriaga (Lab. Bajas Temperaturas)
Huemul Project goes public : march 1952.
-- "El 16 de febrero de 1951 en la Planta Piloto de Energía Atómica
en la Isla Huemul, de San Carlos de Bariloche, se llevaron a cabo
reacciones termonucleares bajo condiciones de control en
escala técnica."
- El secreto Atómico de Huemul- M. Mariscotti
- J. A. Balseiro, cronica…
- A. López D. , N. Badino.
Ronald Richter
“ Evaluation process”
“ Peer Review “
Kurt Tank
directly with the President of the country.
24/8/1948- (one week after arrival)
Born 1909: Falkenau a.d. Eger
(Austro Hungarian Empire)
(`Sudeten germans´)
German U. in Prague 1928 -1934 _-> Dr.
Self employed, private laboratory (well to do father, mining )
“became a scientist by hobby not by profession”
WW II : lab. of von Ardenne,
aviation industry, AEG
`Personality clash´ with von Ardenne
NO published work
Claimed patents destroyed during the war.
Prior history:
Kurt Tank, airplane designer during WW II (Focke Wulf 190)
came to Argentina in 1947, knew Richter slightly.
FW- Ta 183
Pulqui II
MIG 15
“Proyecto Huemul”
• 1948- 24/8 Richter - Perón interview –
- Richter settles in Córdoba (airplane factory)
- (november), signs contract as head of Nuclear Research in the country.
•  1949- Richter claims “sabotage” in the Córdoba laboratory.
- Perón charges Coronel Enrique González (Migraciones…) with
resolving this conflict.
(june) Isla Huemul is picked as location for the lab.
(july) Bulldozers start work on the island.
• 1950 (march) Richter moves to Bariloche.An asistant (Erhenberg) arrives
(april ) Perón and Evita visit the island.
(may) National Atomic Energy Comission (CNEA) is created.
Huemul island chosen as an isolated spot, to insure secrecy
Ehrenberg, Richter, Frau Richter, Jaffke
31 mayo 1950- Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
(Perón, Gonzalez,Richter, Mende)
Control room
• 1951 (march) Anoncement of success in achieving Controlled Fusion
construction of “Great Reactor” starts immediately.
•  1952 Richter is more erratic than ever,
Fight with González, González resigns.
(september) visit of the “ Comisión Investigadora” .
(november) Project is closed.
`Great Reactor´
Mayo 1950
12m high, 12 m diameter
4m high 4m diameter
- cement filling starts
Few months later, demolished by Richter´s order.
Richter, Báncora, Balseiro:
“Comisión Técnica” Report
-- Larmor precession imposible.
[by three orders of magnitude]
-- circuit --> is a “Singing arc”
[frequency enhanced when injecting H, electronic
noise is enhanced and makes the Geiger counters tick]
Heavy Water factory (Erhenberg), had no control at all of the
enrichment produced.
post-Richter History:
1953-1954 : summer schools
Agosto 1955 – “Instituto de Física”
1960- Escuela de Física
Thanks for your