CCBCA Fireball Flast.. - Chicagoland Chapter GSCA
CCBCA Fireball Flast.. - Chicagoland Chapter GSCA
CHICAGOLAND CHAPTER B.C.A. P.O. BOX 6660 VILLA PARK, IL 60181-6660 March 2009 Issue CHICAGOLAND CHAPTER, BUICK CLUB OF AMERICA Monthly Meeting—except January Chicagoland Chapter OFFICERS The first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the VILLA PARK MASONIC LODGE, 26 W. Central, Villa Park, IL Director Jim Bloomstrand CLUB MAILING ADDRESS Secretary Brad Berger 630-904-6088 [email protected] Treasurer Rick Schick 630-904-1950 [email protected] Chicagoland Chapter / BCA P.O. Box 6660 Villa Park, IL 60181-6660 FLASH Editor’s MAILING ADDRESS 1337 Shagbark Ct. Carol Stream, IL 60188-9183 [email protected] National BUICK CLUB WEBSITE ADDRESS CHICAGOLAND CHAPTER WEBSITE ADDRESS Asst. Director 847-359-6082 [email protected] Steve Kelly 847-464-1301 [email protected] Newsletter Editor Robert Bezingue 630-231-0868 (see address below) Advertising, Newsletter Mike LaBrose 847-506-9991 [email protected] Regional Director. Steve Ledger 847-487-5340 [email protected] Web Master Rick Schick 630-904-1950 [email protected] Activities Chairperson: Jim Bloomstrand 847-359-6082 [email protected] ————————————Appointed Positions—————————————— Newsletter Advertising: Mike Labrose 847-506-9991 Librarian: George Peska 630-964-1613 Historian: Ted Barkei 630-983-9899 Attendance Secretary: Melanie Mauser 630-852-0056 Regional Director: Steve Ledger 847-487-5340 Car Shows: Scott Mich Jim Bloomstrand Don Adams Rick Schick Signage: Scott Mich 312-316-5435 [email protected] Flowers: Marion Mich 847-566-7456 Technical Advisors: 1929 Joe Petrik 630-325-5530 1950 Jerry Michalek 630-231-0679 1956 Art Lostumo Jr. 847-455-9119 1957 Steve Kelly 847-464-1301 The FIREBALL FLASH is published monthly by the Chicagoland Chapter, Buick Club of America, Inc., a nonprofit corporation solely for the use and enjoyment of its members and to present a forum for the communication of Chapter and Regional news, as well as the personal stories of the staff and contributors. The Chicagoland Chapter does not endorse or warrant opinions or information contributed by any individual. CHICAGO LA ND CHAP TER BCA Page 2 March , 2009 March 2009 Director’s Message Greetings from Your New Director: Planning ahead, our BCA National is July 1-4 at Colorado Springs and our Heartland Regional is August 1315 in Appleton, WI. First, I want to thank Scott for his many years of serThere is interest in a fall tour to Auburn Indiana on vice to our club. I would also like to thank those that took the October 10 & 11. I would like to start making the plans for time to vote in our recent Chicagoland BCA Election. Your this tour and securing reservations, please let me know if vote is appreciated. you are interested in this tour. It will be similar to the tour My goals as your Director are that we all have fun that some of our members were on several years ago. when we are together and that we can enjoy driving and Until next time, Jim Bloomstrand showing our Buicks. If you have comments (good or bad), questions, or suggestions; please call or send me an email. Since we are all members of the Chicagoland Buick Chapter, I want to give everyone a chance to be more involved with planning, attending, and hosting activities. If your interests are in the planning and business side of our club, please attend the Steering Meetings as this is where we will be working on those items. My goal is to have the meetings as a place where we can come together to share our interest in automobiles. The Flash will carry the Club information to keep all the members informed on what is happening with their Club. We have a number of activities planned as we move into March. On March 7th, a South tour to Boroski’s Racing Engines and Carriage House Restorations is planned with a lunch stop at noon. On March 29th we are the hosts of the BOPC Swap at the Wheaton Fair Grounds. This is our largest fund raiser for the next three years, so your help and attendance is needed to make this a success for our club. In April, I have planned a trip on the 25th & 26th to Northern Indiana to visit the Hudson Museum, Studebaker Museum, Amish communities, and other sites as time allows. Please let me know as soon as possible if you can make this trip so rooms can be reserved and other reservations made. Our Spring Dust-off is planned for May 9th at Crossroads Chevrolet-Buick in West Chicago from 10 to 3. For those interested in the GS and Grand Nationals, the GS Nationals will be May 12-16 in Bowling Green, KY. BCA Spring Tour April 25 & 26 On April 25 our chapter will have an opportunity to spend 2 days touring North Central Indiana’s museums, shops and Amish Culture. Some of the highlights will be the Studebaker Museum, Hudson Museum, shopping for local crafts and furniture, and plenty of home cooking. I need to know those who will be attending, as soon as possible, to reserve enough rooms in a local Inn as many rooms are already full. Please call me, Jim, @ 708-212-6224 and leave a message if I am unavailable. March Guest Speaker Larry Claypool’s European Automotive Experiences See the video slide presentation at the March 4th meeting. What happens when a car & train enthusiast takes a vacation abroad? Excellent high speed trains, motorways, beer, and cars we rarely see here. Lots of rare micro cars from the now-closed story museum and really good beer. Volkswagen’s huge Autostat. Did I mention the beer? A fun review of Larry’s 2006 trip to Paris, Germany, and Austria. CHICAGO LA ND CHAP TER BCA Page 3 March, 2009 2009 Calendar 2009 Heartland Regional MARCH 1 Petroliana Show—Peotone, IL 4 CCBCA Chapter Meeting—Automobilia & Literature night. Members—Bring any interesting auto-related literature or models, or other artifacts to display . 7 CCBCA Winter Tour—10 AM. Borowski Racing, then lunch, then Carriage House Restorations 8 Buick GS Club Chili Cook-off; contact Loyd Bonecutter, 4010 Raymond Ave., Brookfield, IL 60513 or go to 15 Peotone Car Club Swap Meet, Will County Atrium, Will Cty Fairgrounds, Peotone, IL. Call 708-258-6920 29 Buick-Olds-Pontiac-Cadillac Swap Meet at the DuPage County Fairgrounds—hosted by the Chicagoland BCA Chapter August 13-15, Appleton, WI. Host Hotel is the Holiday Inn at 150 Nicolet Road, Appleton, WI., 54914 Hotel Phone 920-735-9955 Show information, contact Fred Pennings 2201 Kavanaugh Rd. Kaukauna, WI 54130 920-427-9368 (cell) 920-766-1333 (home) Or email April 1 CCBCA Chapter Meeting—At the lodge in Villa Park 19 North IL WPC Club—car show and swap meet. Larry Roesch Chrysler, 200 W. Grand Ave., Elmhurst, IL Call Guy at 630-721-0062 25, Spring Jefferson Swap and Car Corral—Jefferson 26 County Fairgrounds, Jefferson, WI. Call 608-244-8416 25, CCBCA Spring Tour— Shipshewana Inn and sur26 rounding area. Then, Hudson and Studebaker nuseum con the 26th. Contact Jim Bloomstrand May 3 AACA Grayslake Car Show and Swap Meet 6 CCBCA Chapter Meeting—FOOD Pantry Night; bring a donation 9 CCBCA Spring Dust-Off car show; At Crossroads Chevrolet in West Chicago, IL 12- 28th Annual GS Nationals—Bowling Green, KY 16 [email protected] CHICAGO LAND CH APTE R BCA Page 4 March, 2009 FOR SALE— CARS 1938 Special, 4 dr, with side mounts, maroon, engine runs but car is missing some interior parts. $15, 000 Lester Johnson 847-358-4163 Des Plaines , IL (2) VINTAGE AD OF THE MONTH by John Arpan Buick ads in 1955 touted “a new kind of excitement and thrilling action that was never in any earthbound vehicle before.” No exaggeration here. In the 50’s performance was of everincreasing importance in new car sales and Buick had much to offer in 1955. Ads often sung the praises of the new Variable Pitch Dynaflow as a “transmission smooth to the infinite.” “Acceleration is instant and in absolute smoothness a dazzling safety surge of forward momentum that’s thrilling beyond past experience.” Horsepower was also up to a record 236-hp making the 55 Century one of the fastest car on the road at no sacrifice to economy. Highlighted in this add is a “Buick SUPER Rivera, the highfashion hardtop with extra-generous roominess.” Competition was fierce in 55 even within the financial colossus that GM was the various divisions fought as ruthlessly for market share as though they were independence. Buick ads like this one helped propel Buick to an all time sales record in 1955 that would take many years to surpass. Maybe GM should have kept that competitive zeal between sister divisions alive instead of making them all resemble each other and things might look a lot better for GM today. CHICAGO LAND CH APTE R BCA Page 5 March, 2009 Happy Birthday March 7 Bob Flint March 16 Joan Lovering March 9 Joseph Maikisch March 20 Chuck Payleitner March 9 Jerry Michalak March 21 Betty Landers March 10 Corrine Fredricks March 24 Theresa Lucente March 10 Emqanuele Lucente March 24 Carol Lussky March 12 Lance Basiorka March 27 John vonBerg March 12 George Peska March 28 Judith Callera March 12 Ron Washington March 28 Jim Schaffer March 13 Ted Barkei March 30 Bonnie Flint March 13 Mike LaBrose March 30 Mary Schmidt Member Profile 1956 Special & 1970 GS by Bill Serviss During the month of January, there is the CarQuest World of Wheels 3-day car show. In the past 4 years, I have entered my 1956 Buick Special in the show. This year, I also entered my 1970 Buick GS 455. March 14 John & Mary Baynes Bill & the ‘56 at World of Wheels this January To help people get an understanding of what these cars were like in their day, I have set up displays for them. The ‘56 Buick has a checkerboard tile floor underneath, and a drive-up restaurant tray on the window. The tray is furnished with realistic-looking burger, fries, Coke, and a sundae. The GS has a black rug with painted road stripes to represent a highway centerline. Also, both cars have a display stand furnished with related books such as an owner’s manual, car option catalogs, and vintage car magazines. During the 5 years that I have had the ’56 Special in the show, I have helped many show goers sharing my knowledge of what it took to restore my own car. I have also heard many stories about a friend or loved one who owned a car like mine. This year, the Special took 2nd place, losing to a 1949 Rolls Royce. The 1970 GS took 3rd in its class. The ‘70 GS is a recent addition to my collection. I searched for over a year for a clean GS. I drove out to Pennsylvania to look at a GS 350, but, although it looked good in pictures, it had a quick-and-dirty spray job. A 4-speed car in Albany New York looked promising, but the engine had been decked and the numbers were missing. This car needed new everything and was not a numbers-matching car by any means. (continued, next page) CHICAGO LAND CHAPTER Page 6 BCA March, 2009 Bill Serviss’ Special & GS (continued) Finally, I found a correct, numbers-matching 455 with auto’ in California, about an hour’s trip north of L.A. I flew out there to check it out. It was real clean with original interior, good, original chrome, and strong drivetrain. But, was the 65,000 Tech Tip: Damage to Tire Pressure Monitor (TPM) Sensors Possible During Tire Replacement chine rotates and the tire bead is stretched around the wheel rim, the bead can come in contact with the sensor if it is not correctly positioned in relation to the mounting/dismounting head prior to tire mounting/ dismounting. This can also cause sensor damage requiring replacement. Tell your tire dealer if you have TPM’s on the car and be sure they know how to deal with these devices properly. The tire servicer should use a tire changing machine in order to dismount tires. Do not let anyone use hand tools or tire irons alone in order to remove the tire from the wheel. Damage to the tire beads or the wheel Do you have a late-model vehicle with tire- rim could result. pressure sensors on the wheels? Bill’s ‘70 GS 455 at World of Wheels showing on the odometer real? I told the owner, “I want to see if it can spin the tires, or the deal is off!” The owner agreed. The car was the real deal! A 2-month negotiation occurred, but eventually, I shipped it home. It just needs new woodgrain on the dash and trunk refinishing. Also, it has the factory 12-bolt rear, a late-production axle. Look for me in it this summer! - Bill Lake Zurich Radiator & Air Conditioning Service, Inc. The tire dealer should not scratch or damage the clear coating on All GM vehicles now in production aluminum wheels with the tire changand sold in the U.S. feature Tire Presing equipment. Scratching the clear sure Monitoring Systems that have valve stem mounted Tire Pressure Sen- coating could cause the aluminum wheel to corrode and the clear coating sors or Monitors (TPMs). When disto peel from the wheel. Inspect the mounting and mounting tires, care must be taken when breaking the bead wheels after tire service. loose from the wheel. If the tire maNote—some late model cars chines bead breaking fixture is posihave indirect tire pressure sensing; the tioned too close to the tire pressure computer monitors tire rotations and if sensor, as the tire bead breaks away one wheel rotates at a different rate, from the wheel it may be forced into, or this is assumed to be a reduced diamecatch on the edge of the tire pressure ter caused by low pressure. Tire sensor. This can damage the sensor changes can falsely trigger these sysand require the sensor to be replaced. tems. These systems do not have in-tire Care must also be taken when transferring the tire bead to the other side of the wheel rim. As the tire ma- TPM’s. If you can monitor each tire’s pressure individually through the instrument panel display, you probably have TPM-type sensors. 785 Oakwood Rd., S 101 Lake Zurich, IL 60047 Tel (847) 438-4334 Fax (847) 438-8224 Owner: James French BUICK CLUB SPECIAL (847)438-4334 10% OFF ANY SERVICE WITH THIS COUPON *RADIATORS* HEATERS* THERMOSTATS* WATERPUMPS* A/C REPAIRS* *FLUSHING* BELTS & HOSES* GAS TANKS* A/C RECHARGING* ASE Certified *** Computer Diagnostic Scanning***Free Estimates Repairing/ Recoring Vintage Radiators & Lining Gas Tanks for 32 Years Directions: Rte. 12 to Rte. 22 (East) to Oakwood Rd. (North) CHICAGO LAND CH APTE R BCA Page 7 March, 2009 Minutes by Brad February 4, 2009 Meeting called to order by that Ol’ Sidewinder Scott Mich at 7:39 PM. The evening started out on a high note with free pizza, salad, and drinks for the membership. Delicious pizza was ordered from Dominick’s Pizza in Villa Park and enjoyed by all (especially me). Long time member Ray Ortell joined us for the evening and it was good to see him. BOPC Swap Meet: Scott reminded everyone to sign the attendance sheet in the back and that volunteers are needed to work not only the day of the BOPC, but the Saturday before from 6-9 PM. Our Winter Tour will be March 7th at 10 AM and there’s a signup sheet for attending this. See details in this issue. Scott asked everyone who frequents car related Internet message boards to please leave a message about the BOPC Sunday, March 29. Jim Bloomstrand asked the audience for recent swap meet info. Gene Johnson was at the Don McCue meet in St. Charles and felt attendance and gate profits were down from last year by 40-50%. He was also at the Bill Jacobs swap meet in Joliet and noted that attendance looked to be the same as last year. April 25-26 is our Spring Tour. See details in this issue. Thank you to Carol Lussky and her doggone dog group for again sponsoring this year’s BOPC. New Business: Rick will be updating our website the weekend of 2/7. Scott discussed the need to update our phone tree, email tree, and roster. Debbie Anderson volunteered to assist with the roster. Rick Schick presented the 2008 financial report and straightened out our checking account so that we now get the most favorable deal. Rick spoke about the 2010 BCA National and said it will be in Ames, IA and managed by the BCA National organization. Steve Ledger was destroying the environment on his snowmobile up in the Yukon during the meeting so there was no Regional update. This was food pantry night and Steve Kelley collected food and cash to deliver to the needy. Steering Committee Meeting: The February Steering Committee meeting was held Tuesday, Feb. 24 sat Russell’s BBQ. The next one after this will be April 25. Dinner starts at 6pm, meeting at 7. Everyone invited. A report will be available at the March meeting. Monthly meeting was adjourned at 9:53 PM and there was no raffle. Brad Election Results: Scott picked up the election ballots on Jan. 26th and they were counted this evening by Bob Bezingue. It was announced that our new Director is Jim Bloomstrand and Assistant Director is Steve Kelley. Thanks go out to Frank Tarpey for running for Assistant Director and hope he will try running for a Board position again in the future. World of Wheels Review: Matt and Debbie Anderson brought their laptop with them this evening and showed slides of the World of Wheels show held in January. Debbie also wrote a wonderful article with great pictures of the show for the Jan./Feb. Fireball Flash. Matt spoke about the show in detail and said they handed out club flyers while there and new members are very likely to result from it. The Anderson’s won 2 awards at World of Wheels for their stunning 1955 Buick and we congratulate them for it! Debbie and Matt would like to see CCBCA participation in the show next year with our own section of the show floor dedicated to us. Larry Claypool will be back for our March meeting with slides that he took during his recent visit to Europe. They will include many unusually cars we don’t see around here. It is also Model Car & Literature Night so bring something with you. Vintage Voltage AUTOMOTIVE CHARGING & STARTING SYSTEMS Joe Serritella 444 E. Roosevelt Road #303, Lombard, IL 60148 Telephone (630) 567-1775 CHICAGO LAND CH APTE R BCA Page 8 March, 2009 We Need Your Help, to run the BOPC Swap Meet This is OUR major fundraiser! On Saturday, March 28th, we will open the hall to allow vendors to set up early. We need members to assist with the following tasks: Help Set up tables and chairs Assist vendors in bringing in their items, if they ask for assistance Security Guards—make sure only registered vendors enter the hall. Watch for someone trying to steal something. It’s not a hard job, just a lot of standing around and watching. On Sunday, March 29th, we will open the hall at 6 AM to allow vendors to setup. Show starts at 8 AM. We need members to do the following: Assist vendors in bringing in their items, if they ask for assistance Security Guards—make sure only registered vendors enter the hall. Watch for someone trying to steal something. Watch for people who didn’t pay who may try to enter through other doors. You are not expected to arrest them—just your presence is enough to stop thieves. Cashiers (take money and give change at the door) Patrol the parking lot—we ask that those trying to display a car for sale pay for a car corral spot. WE spent time and money to put on the event and advertise it, so we would like those taking advantage of the event to pay for the privilege. Man the Chicagoland table. In this job, you greet potential members, encourage others to join, answer questions, and just be friendly. After 2 pm, help take-down folding tables and chairs, sweep the floor, and generally clean-up. Generally, we break it up into the following shifts: Sat 5:30 to 9, and Sunday 6-9 AM, 9AM to 12, 12 to 3. Please—it’s not hard, and you get to see the show. Your officers cannot do it alone, especially the door-guarding (which is more important than you think) CONTACT Bob Bezingue, Steve Kelly, Jim Bloomstrand, or sign up at the March meeting (phone numbers & email of these people are on the front page of this issue) BUICK OLDS PONTIAC CADILLAC SWAP MEET & CAR CORRAL SUNDAY, MARCH 29th, 2009, 8am to 2pm DuPage County Fairgrounds, 2015 W. Manchester Rd, Wheaton, Illinois Indoor Spaces – Food – Free Parking Donation - $4, Vendor fee - $35 per space (chairs, tables extra) Setup: Sat. 6 pm to 8 pm, Sun 6 am to 8 am Bob Bezingue, show chairman [email protected] (630) 231-0868 before 9 pm Central time. CHICAGO LA ND CHAP TER BCA Page 9 March, 2009 Winter Tour, Saturday March 7, 2009 This year we will be visiting 2 shops and 1 restaurant. We will meet at Borowski Race Enterprises at 10:00 am. Borowski Race Enterprises is located at: 1545 Mound Rd. Rockdale, IL 60436 815-725-2727 This is located slightly southeast of I80 and I55 just outside of Joliet. The lunch stop is at Williamson’s Restaurant & Bar at 12 Noon. Williamson’s is located at: 1490 W. Maple St. New Lenox, IL 60451 815-485-8585 The 3rd stop will be Carriage House Auto Restorations at approximately 1:15-1:30 pm Carriage House Auto Restorations is located at: 22002 So. Howell Dr. New Lenox, IL 60451 888-485-6654 Borowski’s is a high performance race engine builder, and offers restoration of engines, nitrous, turbo charged and supercharged engines. They sell crate engines, offer dyno testing, and also offer complete engine machining services. They have been in business since 1968. The Carriage House is a complete auto restoration shop, specializing in frame off restorations, engine & chassis rebuilding, and complete metal fabricating services. Please place your name on the sign up sheet at the March meeting, or contact Scott Mich at 312-316-5435 [email protected] to be added to the list. Page 10 BCA CH APTE R LAND CHICAGO March, 2009 Winter Tour, Saturday March 7, 2009 A Borowski Race Ent. 1545 Mound Rd Rockdale, IL 1490 W. Maple St. B Williamson’s Restaurant New Lenox, IL 60451 C Carriage House 22002 S. Howell Dr., New Lenox, IL
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