Cagliari - ViaMilano
Cagliari - ViaMilano
Cagliari in collaboration with Cagliari Turismo Photo: Effervescing Elephant The narrow and often steep granite paved streets of Cagliari’s Castello District suggest a bygone age when the town was dominated at first by Pisans, and later by the Aragonese. Built from white limestone, the walls and towers of the old town shimmer in the sun and are a magnificent sight, especially if you are fortunate and approach from the sea, like the English novelist, D.H. Lawrence, in 1921, when he described the old town as looking like "Jerusalem without trees." cristianocani Top 5 Porta dei Leoni Check out this intriguing gate leading to the Castello with two Romanesque lions’ heads above the arch. The "Lion’s Gate" used... Roman Amphitheatre The Anfiteatro Romano was hewn out of limestone rock in the II century AD, and is today an important remnant from the Roman do... San Saturnino Daniela Basilica di San Saturnino is one of the oldest Christian churches on the island and dedicated to the patron saint of the city.... Torre dell’Elefante The Pisan Tower of the Elephant is called such because it has an elephant statue on the wall. It guards the southern entrance ... Nora This is the site of the ancient city founded by the Phoenicians, although most of the ruins are Roman. According to legend, th... Updated 20 August 2015 Illorai 131 Bosa Suni Silánus 1296 Nuoro Cala Gonone 131d. 389 Ottana Mamoiada Macomer Tresnurághes Borore Cuglieri Santu Lussurgiu Dualchi Olzai Bonárcado Milis Bauladu S.Vero Milis Putzu Idu Cábas Punta is Arutas Fonni Teti Paulilátino Austis Talána Sorgono Fordongiánus Atzara S.Maria Navarrese d e l G e n n a r g e n t u Mogorella A r b o r é a Golfo de Oristano Arboréa Ales Tuili Simala Uras 197 Lanusei Láconi B a rb ág Ulássai ia Nurallao Se Nurágus ul o Serri Villanovafranca Pardu Atzei Escalaplano Gesica Pabill nis Siurgus Marina di Arbus Goni Sanluri Suelli Montevécchio Ballao Guasila Costa Verde Armungia S. Gavino M. Arbus Senorbi Guspini Serrenti S.Nicolo G. Gonnosfanádiga Samassi S.Andrea Frius Villacidro Nuráminis i I g Villasor Vallermosa Ussana Monastir l e Burcei Bari Sardo Torre di Bari Cardedu 125 Marina di Gáiro Melisenda Barbusi Narcao Capoterra Acquacadda Perdaxius Capoferrato Costa Rei Casa della Marina Cágliari Villasimius Solanas e Golfo di Cágliari n Giba Villaputzu S.Priamo Foxi Calasetta 126 e 125 i La Caletta Carbonia r Selárgius Quartu S.Elena Castiádas s Carloforte 126 r Sestu Gonnesa Portoscuso Dolianova Serdiana 130 Siliqua e 131 Deimomannu Villamassárgia G S.Sperate Domusnovas Iglésias Loceri Villamar Sárdara Serramanna Témpio d.Antas Lotzorai Tertenia Orroli Barumini S.Nicolo d’A. 126 Villagrande Strisáili Tortoli 128 Thárros Torre del Corsari M o n t i Samugheo Oristano Terralba Tiana Busachi Simáxis Simanna Marina di Torre Gr. S.Giovanni di Sinis Golfo di Orosei Orgosolo Gavoi Abbasanta Séneghe Oliena 128 L.Omodeo Narbolia 129 129 Sarroch 195 Pula t S.Anna Arresi Cannai Nora Teulada Costa del Sud e Porto Pino Bithia 195 0 30 km
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