2003 - OLBH Foundation


2003 - OLBH Foundation
Free health screenings are one
example of how OLBH benefits
the community.
Special Edition
Dear OLBH Supporter,
As chairman of the Our
Lady of Bellefonte Hospital Foundation during
2003, it has been a privilege to have the opportunity to participate in
the mission of OLBH.
Through my tenure with
Frank H. Warnock
foundation, I have
Chairman, OLBH
come to better appreciate
Foundation Board
how OLBH truly provides “good help” to those
in need.
This special edition of Our Lady. Your News. is
dedicated to the work of the OLBH Foundation
and the hospital’s community commitment activities. I hope you enjoy this annual report to the
community. In it, you will read about many of
the things we on the foundation board have had
the privilege of being involved with throughout
the course of the last year. I think you will find
the vast number of areas funded by the OLBH
Foundation impressive, and I hope you will consider becoming a donor, as approximately 1,000
of our community members did in 2003.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank
each of the donors listed within this publication,
for without you there would be no foundation.
Your continued support of OLBH’s mission has
made possible the achievements we document
in this report. Please read and enjoy the stories
of our successes, and for those who have not
yet joined our forces, know that you too can
touch the life of someone by making a donation
to the OLBH Foundation. Information on how
to do so can be found elsewhere in this issue, or
by calling the foundation at (606) 833-3655.
Frank H. Warnock
Chairman, OLBH Foundation Board
OLBH Community Commitment and Foundation Annual Report
Your Caring at Work: Miracles in our Midst
Ask anyone in the Sloan family to
describe youngest member Jacob, and
you are very likely to hear the word
Jacob is the six-month-old son of Matt
and Kelli Sloan. Not long after Jacob
was born, his doctors discovered a tumor in his stomach. The Sloan family
was understandably concerned, but faith
kept the family hopeful for a positive
outcome. That positive outcome came
when a two-month-old Jacob inexplicitly showed no signs of the tumor. There
is no explanation for the tumor’s disappearance, other than “miracle.”
Despite the tumor’s disappearance,
little Jacob continued to have difficulties
due to an allergy he developed to milk
protein. The allergy required he nurse
from a special formula only available
from the United Kingdom at an exorbitant monthly cost of $460. This is
when a miracle of a different type began to unfold.
Cheryl Cook, M.D., pediatrician at
Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital, informed the Sloan family that financial
assistance for the formula was available
through a fund established at the OLBH
Foundation in memory of Dr. Cook’s
husband, Jonathan. Jonathan Ferguson
oversaw the Members Choice Credit
Union at OLBH, in addition to being
heavily involved in civic events, such as
the Ashland Christmas Parade. A fund
of the OLBH Foundation, the Jonathan
A. Ferguson Endowment provides for
financial and benevolent healthcare assistance. The use of monies from the
endowment’s interest is one of the more
flexible funds managed by the foundation. Among the purposes for which the
endowment can be used are the purchase of pediatric or oncology equipment, benevolent care for pediatric or
oncology patients and families, and to
provide support for the annual OLBH
Christmas party for underprivileged children. In this instance, the fund helped
provide the desperately needed formula
for Jacob.
Jacob’s grandmother, Cosie Cook,
has worked in the OLBH Radiology
Jacob Sloan, with mother, Kelli, at OLBH Auxiliary’s Lights of Love celebration.
Jacob benefited from donations to the OLBH Foundation.
Photo by Kevin Goldy, The Daily Independent
Department for nearly 25 years. In her
time at the hospital, Cosie had seen all
manner of unexplained healings, but to
see divine power at work in her own
family was especially comforting. “Matt
and Kelli (Jacob’s parents) would like
to thank everyone for their support and
their prayers,” Cook said. “It got them
through a very difficult time that they
were not anticipating. The family especially thanks Dr. Cook for enlightening
us to the Jonathan Ferguson Endowment.” The formula purchased with help
from the fund and extra donations from
those familiar with Jacob’s situation has
the child “doing amazingly well,” according to his grandmother.
“Situations such as what faced little
Jacob are perfect examples of how those
who have donated to the OLBH Foundation can truly make a difference in
someone’s life,” Michael Stautberg, head
of the OLBH Foundation, said. Miracles
can happen without notice, and other
times miracles can be helped along.
“Donations to the foundation can certainly allow us to help those in need,
and to lessen the burden of that need,”
Stautberg said.
In December, a healthy 3 1/2 month
old Jacob, with a little help from his
father, lit the OLBH Auxiliary’s Lights of
Love Christmas tree. “I think he enjoyed
seeing the lights and all the hustle and
bustle, but I must admit he did not like
the reindeer that was walking the hall,”
Cook joked.
Despite Jacob’s improved situation, his
family still must acquire the expensive
formula for him monthly. “Jacob will
continue on the special formula until he
is at least one year old,” Cook said. “The
specialists will then decide, after some
minor testing, if he needs to continue.”
When asked what she would say to
those unaware of the OLBH Foundation,
Cook encouraged everyone to become
familiar with the foundation’s work to
serve people with unmet needs. “However, it takes people to be generous with
their donations in order for the foundation to be as generous as they are,”
Cook said. “I would encourage people
to give. I know first hand what a help
they are in trying times.”
Donations to the Jonathan A. Ferguson
Endowment, as well as any of the designated funds managed by the OLBH
Foundation, can be made by contacting
the foundation office at (606) 833-3655.
Page 2
Our Lady. Your News.
to you
Dear Friends,
As this special issue
Community Commitment An Overview
The mission statement of Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital
and its parent, the Bon Secours Health System Inc., of Marriotsville, Maryland, expresses both love and charity. The
September 1, 2002 - August 31, 2003
Net Community Benefit...........................$ 21,668,028
Persons Served.................................................... 25,163
mission is to bring compassion to healthcare and to be Good
Charity Care................................................ $4,189,206
Help to those in need, especially the poor and dying. As a
Total Medicare/Medicaid Expenses......... $17,478,822
system of caregivers, the staff of OLBH commit themselves
Medicare/Medicaid Reimbursement....... $49,283,102
of Our Lady. Your
to help bring people and communities to health and whole-
News. says goodbye
ness as part of the healing ministry of Jesus Christ and the
to 2003 at Our Lady
Catholic Church.
Employee Hours
OLBH helps fulfill its mission through Community Commit-
Volunteer Hours........................................4,730
I would like to use
ment. Community Commitment is what the hospital uses to
Staff Hours.............................................. 22,923
this time to say hello
gauge its involvement in bettering the community it serves.
to you. As someone
Community Commitment takes many forms, from providing
Net Community Benefit - reflects the charity care and
charity care for the poor, to preparing holiday food baskets,
Medicare/Medicaid loss listed above, in addition to other
to hospital employees volunteering their time for civic work
items not listed, such as direct in-kind support, indirect
and groups.
support, advocacy costs, and the staff costs of OLBH em-
of Bellefonte Hospital,
Mark Gordon
Community Commitment and Foundation Annual Report
new to OLBH, and
new to the area, I
look forward to getting to know you and serving
this community to the best of my ability. I am the
new CEO at OLBH, and I welcome the challenges
and rewards I know this position will offer me.
Though 2003 recently ended, the 2003 fiscal
year at the hospital ended August 31. This publication documents the 2003 fiscal year. Being new
to the organization, I am in a unique position to
be able to look objectively at OLBH’s last year.
The chart to the right documents the hospital’s Community
ployees utilized while providing benefits to the community.
Commitment for its Fiscal Year 2003 (Sept. ‘02 - Aug. ‘03) .
From free health screenings to education classes, there is
Persons Served - number of individuals receiving charity
an array of hospital activities that benefit the community
care and/or otherwise benefiting from community com-
every year. For more information on these opportunities,
mitment activities or donations.
consult the events calendar in every regular issue of Our
Lady. Your News., or call the CareLine at (606) 833-CARE
Charity Care - health services provided by OLBH to those
(2273). For more information on Community Commitment,
who could not pay.
contact the OLBH Foundation at (606) 833-3655.
Total Medicare/Medicaid Expenses - cost of healthcare
As you will read and discover, 2003 was a great
services rendered to Medicare and Medicaid patients.
year at OLBH in terms of serving our community.
As you read this report you will discover more
Medicare/Medicaid Reimbursement - amount OLBH was
about OLBH’s community activities in terms of
paid for providing healthcare services to Medicare /
both dollars and time, and how our staff is reach-
Medicaid patients.
ing out to serve our neighbors. This annual report
Employee Volunteer Hours - personal hours that hospital
to our community also documents the activities
employees donated during non-working times.
of the OLBH Foundation, the philanthropic arm
of the hospital.
Employee Staff Hours - hours paid by the hospital to
The OLBH Foundation’s financial activities support hospital needs as well as the needs of our
allow employees to volunteer during working hours.
Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital
patients and our community. If you are a donor,
I would like to thank you for your support and
offer this report as a demonstration to you of the
difference you have helped us make. If you are
not a donor, we hope you consider sharing the
blessings bestowed on you.
I hope you enjoy this publication as much as I
have. While it validates my decision to come to
this organization, may it also inspire you to join
us in our health ministry to the Tri-State area. For
more information on how you can help, contact
the foundation at (606) 833-3655.
Mark Gordon
2003 Bon Secours Kentucky Health System Inc. Board of Directors
Sister Rose Marie Jasinski, CBS, President
John R. McGinnis, Chairman
James S. Adams
Robert J. Arrell
Danny R. Bentley, Pharm.D.
Dan Evans, Ph.D.
James Garthee, Jr.
Sister Karen Hartman, SFP
Peter L. Kee
Robert J. Maher
David C. McDavid
Timothy C. Mosher
Mark J. Neff
Tanya G. Pullin
Charles Rhodes, M.D.
David Stultz, R.Ph.
Thomas J. Wolf
2003 OLBH Foundation Board of Directors
Sister Ann Cecile Albers, SFP, President
Frank Warnock, Chairman
Carol Allen
Sister Rose Marie Jasinski, CBS
Elle Berry
Robert J. Maher
Mary Carolyn Carter
Leslie Milleson
Barry Elswick
Maurice Mitchell
Terry Fyffe
Daniel Mooney
Dana Goodwin
Lori Ogbolu
Karen Huddleston-Dillow
Tanya Pullin
Kirby J. Taylor, Vice-Chairman
Ken Querubin, Jr., M.D.
Dorothy Rhodes
Elizabeth V. Taylor
Patrick Watson
Aaron Williams, M.D.
Mark Withrow
2003 OLBH Foundation Staff
Kevin Compton, Grant Writing Specialist
Alanea DeBoard, Foundation Clerk
Rick Loperfido, Annual Appeal Specialist
Michael Stautberg, Vice President of External Affairs
Christi Willard, Administrative Assistant, Donor Management Specialist
Special Edition
Our Lady. Your News.
Developing Community Health Relationships
Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital is a member of the Bon
The mission of the RCCHC is to lead an endeavor to
Secours Health System, Inc (BSHSI). As part of the BSHSI’s
measurably improve the health of the residents of the Tri-
strategic quality plan, the system has pledged to improve
State community. For maximum impact, coalition members
community health and well being. A sub-goal of this pledge
coordinate efforts to influence targeted health concerns.
is to develop community health relationships.
Members contribute leadership skills, share measurement
Ultimately, it is the responsibility of all community groups
and businesses to be the stewards of the community that
data, and coordinate their financial and human resources
to address issues collaboratively.
they work in and serve. By developing community health
With three years of funding from the Department of Health
partnerships, safety nets protecting the community are
and Human Services Healthy Communities Access Program,
formed. OLBH has helped create a number of these
the RCCHC developed and implemented a program that
safety nets.
provided healthcare options for the people of Eastern Kentucky, Southern Ohio, and Western West Virginia. The
OLBH Foundation acted as fiscal agent for the funding,
which has totaled approximately $2.5 million to improve
the healthcare safety net in the area. The two major programs provided by the funding are Nurse-on-Call, a telephone service that provides free, confidential health information through a hotline staffed by registered nurses, and
MedConnex, a program that provides assistance in completing applications for indigent prescription medication
Kentucky Congressman, Ken Lucas, at the RCCHC
inaugural legislative forum.
programs desperately needed by area residents.
Current goals for the RCCHC include realignment of
To create healthier communities, OLBH has identified
Nurse-On-Call and the decentralization and expansion of
five primary partners with whom it has developed close
MedConnex in the RCCHC services area, continuous eval-
working relationships. These organizations are Sarah’s
uation of services provided to the community, increased
Place, Hillcrest Bruce Mission, Community HealthWatch
sustainability through efficient use of resources, and foster-
Partnership (CHWP), River Cities Community Health
ing an expanded relationship with faith-based initiatives.
Coalition (RCCHC), and Hope’s Place. Financial and
The Nurse-On-Call service is operated using registered
resource support are examples of OLBH’s partnership
nurses provided through the grant. Callers can reach the
responsibilities with these agencies. OLBH has been par-
service at 1-800-462-5255. MedConnex can be reached
ticularly involved with the formation and evolution of its
at 1-800-960-6337. For more information about OLBH’s
health partner, RCCHC.
community health partnerships, contact the OLBH Foun-
OLBH was one of the original founders of the RCCHC,
a coalition formed to improve the health of the Tri-State
through the collaboration of public and private health
providers, and other concerned interests. The organization has evolved to encompass 14 counties. RCCHC is a
coalition that exists to provide a broad range of coordinated health services to its uninsured and underinsured
population within the rural area it serves.
dation office at (606) 833-3655.
Page 3
of People
Employee Focus
Delivering meals to
the elderly, speaking to
business or community
groups, or convincing a
room of high school students to become volunteers all are part of a
normal day at the office
of Mary Ellen Conley,
the Coordinator of
Mary Ellen Conley
OLBH Community Faith OLBH Community Faith
in Action Coordinator
in Action(CFIA).
CFIA is a health ministry working to address
the needs of the elderly and disabled in
Greenup, Boyd, Carter, Lawrence, and Elliott
counties. The mission of CFIA is to provide
help to organizations that desire to serve the
poor, needy, elderly, and disabled. CFIA recruits
volunteer caregivers from the community to
help those in need. In 2003, Conley trained 57
volunteers to provide service to individuals
who contacted CFIA for assistance. Some of the
services provided by volunteers include respite
care, light housekeeping, laundry assistance,
meal preparation, yard work, and shopping assistance.
Grant funding for CFIA has been provided by the
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Bon Secours Health System Inc. Mission Fund, and the
Foundation for the Tri-State Community. The program also is dependent upon the community for
financial support. All services are free.
People of varied ages and faiths, from teenagers
to retirees, are invited to join in this unique opportunity to develop their own personal ministry.
Current volunteers share their experience of receiving more from their CFIA relationship than
they ever believed possible.
Conley, a Greenup County native, joined OLBH
in 2003. She graduated from Kentucky Christian
College in Grayson with a double major in Education and Bible. She previously coordinated
grant programs for Greenup County Schools and
Shawnee State University.
For more information on how you, your faith
community or organization can support CFIA, or
to make a request to have a CFIA presentation
at your church or community event, please call
(606) 833-3398 or toll free at 1-(877) 827-7012.
Our Lady. Your News.
Page 4
OLBH Donor List Abott Laboratories, Inc.
Lesley Abbott, D.O.
Anonymous Donors
Bonnie Abrams
Cecil Adams
Christie Addington
Tina L. Addington
Debra Adkins
Jeanetta Adkins
Joan Adkins
Julie Adkins
Kendra Adkins
Advanced Living, Inc.
Mushtaque Ahmed, M.D.
Janice Alexander
Carol B. Allen
Deana Allen
Donna Allen
Nelson Robert Allen
Sandra Allen
Amy Alley
American Electric Power
American Legion Post 76
Elizabeth Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Anderson
Nina Anderson
Paula Anderson
Barbara Arthur
D.A. Arthur
Roger Arthur
Lisa Artis
Ashland Anesthesia
Ashland Community Medical
Ashland Lions Club
Ashland Psychiatry Associates
Adrianne Auvil
Avcole Builders, Inc.
Bette Backus
Anne Bailey
Jayne Bailey
Bailey’s Convenient Mart
Joseph Bajorek, M.D.
Aleshia Baker
Connie Baldridge
Denise L. Baldridge
Katherine Baldwin
Dana Barber
Judy Barber
Jo Barker
Shirley Barker
Stacy Barker
Terri Barker
Tressie Barker
Frances Barron
Marmetta Barrow
Greg Bartley
Thomas Bean
Wayne Beasley
Janice Bell
Ronnie Bell
Community Commitment and Foundation Annual Report
Based on gifts between 09.01.02 and 08.31.03
Marci Bellomy
Carolyn K. Bensinger
James Benson
Bentley RxPress Pharmacy
Danny Bentley
Patricia Bentley
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Berry
Chris Berry
Vanessa Berry
Ninta Berscheit
Tracy Billups
Linda Binion
Doug Bishop
Myra Bishop
Rebecca Blair
Jeraldine Blakeman
Christine Blankenship
John Blanton
Barbara Bloom
Bob Clyse Oldsmobile
Jeremy Bodmer
Sally Boggess
Illena Y. Boggs
Jackie Boggs
Nancy Boggs
Robert H. Boggs
Louise Booth
Patricia Bowen
B.J. Bowling
Bennie Bowling
Jean Bowling
Patricia Bowling
Susan Bowman
Ronda Bradford
Crystal D. Breech
Patricia Breig
Sonya Bridwell
Alice Brown
Aubrey Brown
Diana Brown
Eric Brown
Heather Brown
Kendra Brown
Larry Brown
Leona Brown
Melissa Brown
Judy Browning
Arnold Brownstein, M.D.
Buchanan Sound
Karen Burchett
Margaret Burchett
Nancy Burkhart
Jeremy Burleson
Frank Burns
Brenda Burton
Michelle Burton
Trina Burton
Cristi Bush
Crystal Busick
Kelly Bustetter
Lara Butcher
Geneva Byer
Marvin Byrd
Gidget Cade
C.U. Sunday Class of Danleyton
Missionary Baptist Church
Melissa J. Cahal
Harriett Caldwell
Tracy Caldwell
Gary Calhoun
Steve Call
Angela L. Callicoat
Claudia Callihan
N.H. Camp, Jr.
Jessica Campbell
Michelle Campbell
Scott Campbell
Anna Cantrell
Johnda Cantrell
Bobby Carpenter
Shannon M. Carpenter
Weni Carpenter
Brenda Carr
Phyllis Carrico
Myra Carroll
Cartee Land Development
Joel Carter
Mary Carolyn Carter
Karen Cartwright
Josh Carver
Robert Cathey
Sara Cathey, M.D.
Lorainia Caudill
Donald Chandler
Billy Chaney
Carla Chapman
Corine Children
Mary Belle Christy
Brian Church
Kathy Clark
Mark Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Helen Clarke
Zella Claxon
Anita Clay
Kim Clay
Lori Cleary
Dianne Clement
Mark Clifford
Ruth Clifton
Ernestine Cloyes
Teresa S. Cochran
Mara Cockrell
Community Trust Bank, N.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Compton
ConAgra Foods Foundation
Kelli Conkel
Jodi Conley
Nancy Conley
Nancy L. Conley
Judy Conn
Cheryl Cook, M.D.
Cosie Cook
Drema Cooper
Gary Coovert
Linda Cordle
Corner Stone Class of
Advance Memorial United
Methodist Church
Teresa Cornette
Andy Cottrel
Burl Cox
Charity Cox
Paul Crabb
Kimberly Crabtree
Robert Crabtree
Peggy Cramer
Carolyn Crawford
Rachel A. Crawford
Teena Crememans
Angela Crisp
Shawnee Crisp
Linda S. Cron
Rhonda Crooks
Virginia Cross
Christopher G. Crum
M. Scott Crum
Teresa Crum
Denise Crye
Cumberland Cardiology
Deborah Czewski
D.L. Conch Wallcovering
Barbara Dalsa
Damon’s Ashland
Dawn M. Damron
Nettie Damron
Pam Damron
Judy Daniel
Judy Daniels
Dr. & Mrs. John Darnell
Juanita Darnell
Kay Darnell
Beverly Daugherty
Michelle Daugherty
Donald L. Davidson
Tara Davidson
John Davis, D.D.S.
Judy Davis
Pam Davis
Krista Day
De Mexican Pizzeria
Jody Dean
Caleb Deaver
Alanea DeBoard
Jackie Decker
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene
DeGiorgio, Jr.
Tammy Denton
Lucy Diamond
Karen Dickens
Lisa Dickison
Jolinda Dillow, M.D.
Loretta J. Dixon
Vivian Dixon
Don Hall Chevrolet
Patricia Donahue
Jeanne Doyle
Carolyn Dudley
Melvin Durek
Duke Corporate
Anita Dunn
Lora Edge
Stephen Edge, M.D.
Michael Ehrie, M.D.
Eli Lilly & Company
Marjorie Elam
Deva Ellis
Julie England
Barbara Ensor
Cindy Estes
Evans Funeral Home
Dr. & Mrs. Dan Evans
Mollie Evans
Mary Evick
Geneva Fairchild
Sharon Fairchild
Family Medicine Center
Hilma Faulkner
Gail B. Feinberg, D.O.
Thelma Felty
Kelli Ferguson
Peter Ferguson
Shelli Ferguson
Madonna Ferrell
Russ Ferrell
Donna Ferris
Terry Fields
Philip Fioret, M.D.
First & Peoples Bank and
Barbara Fitzpatrick
Jennifer Fleming
Charalee Fliehman
Christy L. Foos
Cathy Rice
Foundation for the Tri-State
Kenneth Fowler
Carla Fraley
Wilson Frasher
Dana Frazier
Gwen Frazier
Meschelle Frazier
Michelle Frazier
Tami Frazier
Angela Fritz
Matthew Frost
Jennifer Fryer
Melissa L. Furnish
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Fyffe
Gallahers, Inc.
Gannett Foundation
Bonnie Gates
Cecilia Gaynor, M.D.
Angela Geis
General Heating & Air
Conditioning, Inc.
Geswein Insurance
Carla Geswein
Deanna Gilbert
Amy Giliam
Teresa Gill
Kathy Gillum
Cathy Giompalo
David Givens
Linda G. Goble
Special Edition
Our Lady. Your News.
Page 5
OLBH Donor List
Jack Goodwin
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Goodwin
Jo Gordon
Rebecca Grady
John Graham
Great Lakes Minerals, LLC
Rosa Greene
Amoreena Gregory
Minnie P. Griffith
Pamela Griffith
Priscilla Griffith
Kim Grim
Tracy Grimberg
Colin Grubb
Kathy Grubb
Melissa Grubb
Sara Gullett
Garry L. Gumbert
Lee Gussler
Erica Guthrie
John Hacker
Ronald Hackworth
Maria Haight
Patty Haight
Lee Haikal, M.D.
Brenda Haines
Beverly Hales
Mae Hall
Pam Hall
Mashawna Hamiliton
Anita Hammond
Robyn Hammond
Hanbury, Williams &
Hanco Supply, Inc.
Leslie Handshoe
Terri Hannon
Angela Harrah
Kelly Harrington
Judith C. Harris
Kimbala Harris
Rebecca Harris
Tammie Harris
Barbara Hartman
Maxine Haskins
Patty Hatfield
Jeanie Havens
Jim Hawley
Anne M. Haynes
Shirley Hazelett
Jerri Hazlett
Christina Helms
Angela Hendrick
Pearl Hennan-Hain, D.O.
Dana Hennecke
Margaret Henneman
Heather Hensley
Heritage Bank
Richard Heuer, M.D.
Rebecca Hicks
Bonnie Hieneman
Christi L. Hieneman
Linda Hieneman
Rodney Hieneman
Wanda Hieneman
Teresa Hilburn
Pamela Hill
Barbara Hinton
Cecil Hinton
Christian Hogsten
Nancy Holbrook
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Holbrook
Walt Holbrook
Linda Holschuh
Mr. & Mrs. James Holtzapfel
Kimberly Holtzapfel
Robert Holub
Vernie Horn
Eric Horsley
Sharon Horsley
Diane Houston
Kimberly A. Howard
Melissa Howard
Susie Howard
Eloise Huddle
James Huddle
Donna Huffman
Eva Hughes
Catherine Hunt
Kendra L. Hutchinson
Pamela Imel
International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers No. 575
Ironton Kiwanis Club
Ironton Vision Center
Ruth Jackson
Sherri L. Jackson
Tamara O. Jacob
Janet James
Dorothy Jarvis
Kenneth Jarvis
Linda J. Jeffreys
Andrea R. Jenkins
Armilda Sue Jenkins
Judy B. Jenkins
Lydia Jane Jenkins
Paula Jenkins
JMK Electric
Donna R. Johnson
Gary & Linda Johnson
Harold Johnson
Jessie Johnson
Linda Johnson
Nina Johnson
Rita P. Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Sue Ellen Johnson
Teresa Johnson
Melissa G. Jones
Tawnia Jones
Danielle L. Jude
Maria Judge
Diva Justice
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Justice
Robin Justice
Yvonne Justice
K.C. Joe’s
Ronald Kadylak
Sharon A. Karnes
Glenda Kazee
Janie Kazee
Rebecca Kazee
Melba Keaton
Kathy Kee
Willie J. Keith
Helen Kendrick
Marjorie Kennedy
Dave Kerr
Robert Kimbrell
Debbie King
Kathy King
Oreta King
Vickie Kinkade
Sharon Kinner
Lisa Kitchen
Frannie Klaiber
Rachel Klaiber
Susie Klaiber
Dr. & Mrs. Roger Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Klein
Elizabeth Kopp
Keri Kouns
Melissa Kreger
Anita Kuhn
Deanna Lafon
Carol J. Lambert
Jennifer Lambert
Marilyn Lamblin
Jennifer Laney
Jenny Lavender
Melissa Law
Teresa Law
Lawrence Federal Savings
and Loan
Julie A. Leach
Lula Lefebvre
Kenni L. Lemaster
Diana Lemon
Teresa Leonhart
Jennifer Lester
Jonathan Lett
Andrea Lewis
Angela Lewis, D.O.
Janet Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Lewis
Lexington Affiliate of Susan G.
Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Roger Liles
Living Naturally
Augustinus J. Lobach, M.D.
Michelle Locey
Trina Locey
Judy Long
Mary Long
Roger B. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Loperfido
T. Robert Love, M.D.
Kay Lucas
Marian S. Lunsford
Deanna Luster
Greg Lynch
Kim Lynch
Rhonda Lyons
Lillian Mabry
Libby Maddox
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Maher
Timothy P. Mahoney
Dellann Manifold
Sandy Manifold
Rebecca Mannon
Donna Marcum
Debra Marshall
John Marshall
Amy Martin
Debra Martin
Donnie Martin
James Martin, M.D.
Lori Martin
Melissa Martin
Sandra Martin
Susan Martin
Virginia Martin
Lisa Massey
Teresa Massie
Vicky Mathis
Angela Y. Matney
Dee Mauk
Donna May
Jerry Mayer, D.M.D.
Jean Mayes
Carolyn Maynard
Greg Maynard
Jean Mays
Julie McClellan
Brian McCloud
Carol McConaha
Janie McCullough
Laura McCullough
Larry Shawn McDaniel
Wilda McDaniel
Sharon McDonald
Jackie McDowell
Mr. & Mrs. John McGinnis
Christina B. McGuffin
Christy McKenzie
Donna McKenzie
Jennifer McKenzie
Kimberly McKenzie
Susan McKenzie
Patrick C. McMackin
Sharon McQuate
Warren McQuesten
Cathy L. McReynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Meadows
Phyllis Meadows
Medical Transporation
James Meister
Julia Melvin
Peggy A. Melvin
Members Choice Credit
Steve Merkel, M.D.
Shirley Mertz
Midtown Cinema 3
C.E. Miller
Cheryl Miller
Elinor Miller
Gail Miller
Rachel Miller
Rebecca R. Miller
Sandy Miller
Michael Mitchell
Patty Mitchell
Kendra Mollett
Savonna Montgomery
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Mooney
Alicia Moore
Carla Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Moore
Patsy Moore
Regina Moore
Robert Moore
Suzy Moore
Melissa Morey
Brenda Morgan
Cassandra Morgan
Janda Morgan
Kimberly Morgan
Michelle Morrelles
Cynthia Morris
Rosalie Mount
Mr. & Mrs. G.A. Muccini
Jennifer L. Mullens
Kathy Mullins
Mr. & Mrs. David Mullis
Angela W. Munn
Joanne Murphy
Norma Murphy
Pamela Murphy
Theodore Murphy
Janci Murray
Janda Musick
Harriett Napier
Melinda Neace
Walter Nelson
Carolyn Nelson-Embry
Gretchen Neubeck-Hill
Jon Beville
Tracy Newcomb
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Nicholas
Loutisha Noe
Mr. & Mrs. J.T. Norris
Northeastern Kentucky
Oak Hill Banks
Dr. & Mrs. Francis Ogbolu
OLBH Accounting Dept.
OLBH Autism Support Group
OLBH Auxiliary
OLBH Maintenance Dept.
Lee Ann O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Owen
Carrie D. Owens
Martha Palmer
Papa John’s
Richard Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Parnell
Linda Parsons
Rebekah R. Parsons
Marilyn Patrick
Tom Patrick
Delores Patton
Sherry Patton
continued on page 6
Our Lady. Your News.
Page 6
OLBH Donor List Barbara Payne
Maureen Paynter
Janet Pelfrey
April R. Pemberton
Penn Station
Kimberly Pennington
Patsy Pennington
Rhonda Pennington
Patricia Perdue
Nicole Peters
Beverly Peyton
Lisa Phillips
Pat Picklesimer
Lena Pigg
Karren Pinkerman
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Pitchford
Pittman Enterprises
Debra Pitts
Pizza Hut
Plastopan Industries, Inc.
Bonni Potter
Marilyn A. Powell
Charles Powers
Nancy Prechtel
Marie Prescott
Beanita Price
Nancy Price
Nancy Pruitt
Tanya Pullin
Jim Purgerson
Ollie Pyles
Linda Quade
Ken Querubin, M.D.
Adella Jane Range
Alisa B. Ratliff
Marie Ratliff
Terry Ratliff
Sheila R. Reaper
Richard Reed
Stephanie Reed
Geraldine Reeves
Regional Psychotherapy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Reiring
Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus Reynolds
Charles M. Rhodes, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. John Richter
Teresa L. Rife
Riggs Machine & Fabricating
Jack Riggs
Joyce Riggs
Barbara Rigsby
Don Rigsby
Nancy Rigsby
Kathy Riley
Phyllis Riley
Tiffany Ritchie
Rita Roberts
Sandra Roberts
Norma Robertson
Debra Roe
Betty Rosenkrantz
Rotary Club of Ashland
Billie J. Rowe
Community Commitment and Foundation Annual Report
continued from page 5
Beverly Rowsey
E. Kendall Roy, D.M.D.
Elizabeth Royal
Betty Royster
Suzanne Rubin
Cheryl Rucker
Donald M. Rucker
Jack Rucker
Cindy L. Rudmann
Carolyn S. Ruggles
Charlotte Runyon
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Salisbury
Leigh A. Salley
Carol A. Salyers
June Salyers
Sam’s Club Foundation
Lloyd Scales
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schiller
Tiffany Schmidt
Louis Schoettle
Scios, Inc.
Angela Scott
Roxanne P. Scott
Sara Scott
Rachel Seaton
Martha Secrest
Luann Serey
Toby Sergent
Kim Settles
Shaffer & Shaffer Dentistry
Catherine C. Sharp
Sandra Shaw
Geri Shope
Anita C. Short
Glenna Shumway
Joy G. Shytle
Louise Shytle
Sim Fryson Motor Co.
Helen Simmons
Patty Simmons
Rida Sipps
Amanda Sisson
Sisters of Saint Francis
St. Lawrence Convent
Elizabeth M. Sites
Tara Sites
Ernestine Sizemore
Will Sizemore
Angela Skaggs
Skippy & The Spinners
Rose Slagel
Eloise Slone
Lisa Slone
Mary Helen Slone
Teresa Slone
Deborah Smith
Smith, Goolsby, Artis &
Reams, PSC
Irene Smith
Peggy Smith
Sandra Smith
Clyde Snoddy
Elaine Soriano, M.D.
South Shore Little League
Catherine Sparks
Betty Jean Spaulding
Harold Spears
Lisa Spence
Shawnda Spencer
Mistie Spicer
Walter W. Spurlock
Ruth Stafford
Paul Staker
Tina Stambaugh
Larry Stanley
Shirley Stanley
Sarah L. Starrett
Paula Staten
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Stautberg
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Stautberg
Greg Stautberg
Jill Stautberg
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stautberg
Mr. & Mrs. William Stautberg
Doretha Steele
David Stender
Shannon Stephens
Sheila Stephens
Brenda Stephenson
Carolyn Stevens
Nanette Stevens
Pamela Stevens
Rebecca Stevens
Shawna Stevens
Sunae Stevens
Becky Stewart
Rosemary Stewart
Beverly Stiles
Mark Stone
Heather M. Stormes
Marla Strait
Monica Strickland
David Stuart
Lauren Stuart
Stultz Pharmacy
Sunoco, Inc.
Sue Suritt
Mary S. Surritt
Tawnya Tackett
Bill Taylor
Elizabeth V. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Kirby Taylor
Rebecca Taylor
Larri Terrell
Sherry Terry
Tena Terry
Margaret Tevis
Julie Thacker
Kimberly Thacker
Joan Tharp
Mr. & Mrs. David Thomas
Gina Thomas
Jeani Thomas
Mariam Thomas
Robert Thomas, M.D.
Sandra Thomas
Marlene Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Thompson
Sharon Thompson
Jacqueline Thornton
Crystal Thurman
Dr. & Mrs. Lourente Tigas
Tim Horton’s
Tint Wizard, Inc.
Janet Toller
William Tooley
Ralph Touma, M.D.
Lauren Triplett-Schweickart,
Tri-State Allergy, Inc.
Tri-State Pediatrics
Tri-State Otolaryngology, Head,
Neck and Surgery, Inc.
Karen Tunistra
Todd Tussey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tyk
Unger’s Shoe Store
United Way of Boyd and
Greenup Co.
E.W. Unnkrishnan, M.D.
Mona Valandingham
Mr. & Mrs. David Valinsky
LuAnn Vance
Sue Vance
Angela Varney
Robert Varney
Joi Vaugh
Kristian Veach
Sriharsha K. Velury, M.D.
Sandy Vergne
John Vincent
Tammie Virgin
Carla Voiers
Carolyn Waddle
Laura Waggoner
Anita C. Waldridge
Alisa M. Walker
Curtis I. Walker
Dominic Walker
Sharon Walker
Doris Wallace
Elizabeth Wallace
Sue Ann Walls
Mr. & Mrs. RobRoy Walters
Sadie Walters
Martha Walton
Elizabeth Ward
Frankie Ward
Patricia Ward
Anna Laura Warnock
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Warnock
Dr. & Mrs. Rajkumar Warrier
Violet Watkins
Patrick Watson
Danny Watts
Janet Waugh
Tom Waybright
Amy Webb
Carla Webb
Judy Webb
Robin Webb
Victoria Webb
Tamara Wellman
Connie Wells
Donna Wells
Wheelersburg Animal
Cathie T. White
E. Mitchell White
Dorothy Wilburn
Carrie Wilhere
Christi Willard
Diana Williams
Donna Williams
Elizabeth Williams
Melinda Williams
Ruth Williams
Amanda Willis
Mary Anne Wilson
Beth Wilson
Linda Wilson
Mike Wilson
Janet Wire
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wirzfeld
Amanda Wise
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Withrow
Melissa Woford
Tim Wolfe
Margaret Wolford
Sonja Wolford
Womack Development Corp.
Women of the Moose
Angela Woods
Janet R. Woods
Kathy Woods
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Woolley
Clara Worthington
Charles Wurts
Karen Wurts
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Yancey, Jr.
Mary M. Yates
Beverly Yates-Davis
Carmen Yllas
Chito Ymalay, M.D.
W.J. Zimmerman
Linda K. Zornes
Our Lady of
Bellefonte Hospital
thanks you for your
support !
Our Lady. Your News.
Special Edition
Page 7
The Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital Foundation was established in 1987 to encourage financial support of OLBH
and the communities it serves. Below is graphical information depicting the foundation’s recent activities, including
how much money was raised and spent, and what those dollars supported. To join the foundation’s efforts, or to
support a specific program, please call (606) 833-3655 for more information.
Fund Disbursement - Unrestricted gifts are intended to address the greatest need as determined by
the directors and administration of OLBH. Gifts
also may be restricted for a specific use. The following monies were disbursed from September 1,
2002 – August 31, 2003.
$1,170,586 $1,123,856
$610,570 $604,745*
* Due to changes in the fiscal year, this number reflects only Jan. 2 - Aug. 31, 2000.
2003 disbursements do not reflect grant funding to the River Cities Community Health Coalition.
Benevolent Care Funds - Approximately 30 percent of Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital’s service population lives below
the poverty level. Because of the ever increasing need for medical assistance, OLBH has expanded its benevolent care
to reach its patients, Community HealthWatch Partnership congregations, and its own employees. The funds are to be
used as a last resort for basic needs (i.e., healthcare, food, clothing, shelter) when all other resources fail.
September 1, 2002 - August 31, 2003 Total Distributed - $35,333
Camp Quest........................................... $ 6,899
Diabetes Center.................................... $10, 081
Diabetes Education.................................$ 4,914
Continuing Staff Education......................$ 1,847
ICU Nursing Education...........................$ 3,832
Patient Education.........................................$ 74
Robert E. Yancey, Sr. Scholarships. .........$ 2,250
Eye Care
Ashland Lions Eye Care Fund
(Glasses/Exams).................................... $ 1,000
Diane Gussler-Lobach Eye Care
(Procedures)........................................$ 16,860
Mobile Health Center
Mobile Mammography Program.............$ 4,000
Employee Benevolent Fund
Children's Christmas Fund
Patient Benevolence Fund
George Bennett, Sr. Eva Marie Prescription,
Home Health Benevolence Fund, Life Care,
Sr. Ruth Ellen James
Prescription Assistance Fund
Employee Emegency Assistance Fund
Patricia Elliott
Capital Equipment Purchases
Capital Improvement/Construction...........$ 3,402
Expanding Horizon Orthopedic Program.............................$ 2,577
Emergency Room.......................................$ 500
Building Fund
(Property Expansion)...........................$ 20,000
Legacy Endowment
(Land Purchase)..................................$ 20,851
Maternal Services.......................................$ 250
Community Benefit
Bicycle Safety Camp...............................$ 2,551
Community Health.................................$ 4,805
Cancer Care
Oncology Equipment..............................$ 3,581
Enhanced Cancer Care..............................$ 100
Tobacco Cessation................................$ 24,888
OLBH Sponsored Health Ministries
Community Faith In Action...................$ 22,004
Community HealthWatch
Partnership......................................... $ 17,210
Community Health Outreach.....................$ 444
Health Ministry Program.......................$ 12,116
Meals on Wheel........................................$ 382
River Cities Community Health
Coalition.............................................. $ 2,200
Senior Citizen Care
Lifeline................................................... $ 8,569
Flatwoods Benevolence Fund, Dr. Okey
Sanford South Shore Benevolent Fund,
Jonathan Ferguson Endowment, Rick Pitino
Fund for Children, Dr. Charles Webb
Endowment, Katherine Becker Schiller
Diabetes Fund, Fransican Fellows Benevolence
Fund, Pediatric Benevolence Fund
Vitality Center
Vitality Center Equipment.....................$ 11,288
Unrestricted............................................$ 6,912
Program Funding........................... .......$ 25,125
Benevolent Care Assistance
(See chart at left).................................$ 35,333
TOTAL................................................$ 276,845
Page 8
Our Lady. Your News.
Community Commitment and Foundation Annual Report
OLBH Grant Success for 2003
One of the primary ways the OLBH Foundation raises funds for the many programs it supports is through the writing of grant proposals. OLBH has had good success
and recieved several notable grants during the hospital’s fiscal year of 2003. The agencies below are a partial listing of those whom granted OLBH’s written requests
between September 1, 2002, and August 31, 2003:
AEP - $5,000. The AEP gift was used toward the OLBH Foundation’s
Expanding Horizons capital campaign. AEP has given an additional $5,000
in fiscal year 2004 to purchase diagnostic vascular equipment.
timesaving effort allowed the center’s staff to spend more time providing services to
those in rural areas where both economics and access may prevent them from otherwise seeking these services.
Amgen - $500. The pharmaceutical company provided an educational
grant for the support of the OLBH Foundation’s Horizon of Hope fundraiser. The annual fundraiser raises awareness and funds for breast
care at OLBH.
Ironton Moose Lodge - $500. The Ironton Moose Lodge generously granted $500 to be used for needs of Pediatric patients at OLBH. The lodge’s mascot, Mookey, presented the check to OLBH officials in a ceremony conducted
in the Pediatrics Department.
Sisters of Bon Secour Ministry Fund - $12,000. The Bon Secours Health
System Ministry Fund generously provided monies to support benevolent
prescription needs for OLBH patients.
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - $6,630. OLBH’s Mobile Health
Center has been the proud recipient of grant funding from the The Lexington
Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. during 2003.
Thanks to support from the foundation, OLBH’s Mobile Health Center has been able
to collaborate with Kentucky Home Place in Lewis, Greenup, Carter, Boyd, Elliott, and
Lawrence counties to provide health fairs in which breast health care was given referred
women who are underinsured, or do not qualify for the state’s cervical and breast cancer
screening program. The Mobile Health Center has provided breast health care, including clinical breast exams, mammography, and education about self breast exam and the
need for follow-up to the Kentucky Homeplace referrals. The Mobile Health Center
tracks these patients in the data system to send reminder notices for yearly follow-up.
This project has succeeded in instilling the importance in patients to have annual preventative health screenings and begin a healthier lifestyle.
Bon Secours Health System Mission Fund - $79,795. The Bon Secours Health
System Mission Fund generously supported a collaborative proposal on behalf
of OLBH and Community Hospice. The grant award addressed support needs
for the grieving and education for both the lay and faith communities on end-of-life care.
Through the grant, OLBH partnered with Community Hospice to increase the capabilities of area families for end-of-life care in the home, and will form and nurture a close
relationship within the area faith community as an outlet for end-of-life education.
Community Access Program (CAP) - $755,858. The
OLBH Foundation serves as the fiduciary agent for this
grant from the Department of Health and Human Services. The renewal grant was applied for on behalf of the River Cities Community
Health Coalition (RCCHC), of which OLBH is a member. The federal monies supported
Nurse on Call, a telephone triage and resource referral hotline, and MedConnex, a
medication program that provides free or low-cost prescriptions. An initial CAP grant
in fiscal year 2002 established the programs. The RCCHC submitted a proposal for
a third year of additional federal funding from the Healthy Community Access Program (HCAP) for fiscal year 2004, and received more than a half million in additional
program dollars that OLBH is managing on behalf of the coalition.
ConAgra Foundation - $5,000. The grant was the culmination of more
than a year of work between OLBH and officials at ConAgra Foods in
Grayson. The grant provided program support for the Mobile Health
Foundation for the Tri-State Community - $5,250. The Foundation for
the Tri-State Community supported OLBH with four donations in fiscal
year 2003. The first donation combated the problem of youth smoking.
The donation funded two research-based youth smoking prevention programs [the
Tobacco Education Group and the Tobacco Awareness Program (TEG/TAP)] the hospital champions to show a proactive approach in education and prevention health
programs. The programs were presented in area schools.
The second donation supported OLBH’s Community Faith in Action (CFIA). CFIA
utilizes volunteer caregivers throughout the area to assist their care receiver in the
receiver’s home.
The third donation supported the efforts of Camp Quest, the area’s only day camp
for children and teens with diabetes and/or asthma.
The fourth donation from the Foundation for the Tri-State Community supported the
efforts of the River Cities Community Health Coalition (RCCHC).
Gannett Foundation - $5,000. The staff of OLBH’s Mobile Health Center
received a grant from the Gannett Foundation. The grant benefited many
at-risk individuals who lack either the financial means or the access to
quality medical care. Gannett Foundation funds purchased computer services for the
center which benefited patients by allowing for data collection in the field. This
Marathon Ashland Petroleum - $1,000. Marathon Ashland
Petroleum’s donation of gas certificates benefited Community
HealthWatch Partnership’s van ministry. CHWP is an OLBH prevention-related outreach ministry emphasizing health and wholeness of the body, mind
and spirit. CHWP operates a non-emergency medical 12-passenger curb-to-curb transportation service, equipped with a wheelchair lift, for persons residing within 25 miles
of OLBH who require minimal assistance. Transportation is provided for outpatient
services such as use of OLBH’s Same Day Surgery Center, diagnostic testing, cardiac
and pulmonary rehab, physical therapy, behavioral health services, campus physician appointments, and OLBH outreach centers.
Oak Hill Banks - $250. The OLBH Foundation was proud to receive a
donation from Oak Hill Banks to support the foundation’s Horizon of Hope
fundraiser. The annual fundraiser raises awareness and funds for breast care
at OLBH.
Rural Health Outreach Grant Authority - $336,875.
The OLBH Foundation, through the Department of
Health and Human Services, secured funding for the
Mobile Health Center with a grant from the Rural Health Outreach Grant Authority.
The funds have been utilized to provide assistance for personnel, technical support,
educational materials, computer services, medical supplies and other maintenance
needs to keep this philanthropic service available to those areas where access to
care has been a historic concern.
The center’s staff has used funding to continue its outreach efforts; expand the services to include additional primary care options, such as diabetes care and screenings;
expand clientele base to include services for men; and to actively recruit women into
the center’s programs. All activities address accessibility and affordability that are
barriers to care. The center has utilized the grant to reduce the impact of these barriers
in the Kentucky counties of Lewis, Boyd, Carter, Elliott, Lawrence and Greenup and
Lawrence and Scioto counties in Ohio.
For more information on grants received by OLBH, contact the OLBH Foundation
at (606) 833-3655.