Desert Scroll – Aug-Sept 2015 - Paradise Valley United Methodist


Desert Scroll – Aug-Sept 2015 - Paradise Valley United Methodist
August/September 2015
Ignite Celebrates
First Anniversary
lives by connecting what we learn to our own
lives, in community with each other. At the
end of every service, we offer a challenge for
everyone to go out into the world and share
Last year, on the God’s love with others. Putting this concept
first Sunday of
into practice takes lots of creativity, and
July, we began demands that we take risks. Sometimes,
offering a new
we succeed, and sometimes, we fail.
worship service.
It replaced our
blended contemporary service
at 11 a.m.,
which met in the
sanctuary, and
moved to a later
time (11:15 a.m.) in the more intimate chapel.
Eventually, we named it Ignite, and through
its creation, we’ve been able to put our mission statement into action in a very tangible
way — igniting faith, transforming lives and
connecting with each other.
The joy of Ignite is that it gives us the freedom to experiment with different forms of
The concept is simple: we ignite our faith in worship, and actively involve the congregaGod with song, prayer, scripture and mestion during the connect and challenge.
sage, then invite Christ to transform our
One way we’ve done that is to reduce the
space between the preacher and the people by purchasing a plexiglass pulpit with
money given to us by the Desert Southwest
Conference, ironically called an Ignite
grant. We recently shared our Ignite story
at the Annual Conference, and now, we are
sharing it with you.
No matter who you are,
what you look like,
what you’ve done,
or what you haven’t done,
you are welcome at Ignite.
Ignite is still a work in progress, but a welcome part of our Sunday morning offerings,
particularly for those who haven’t been to
church in a while or are looking for an alternative to traditional worship. The sound
and feel of worship is different, thanks to
the combined keyboard, guitars, drums,
and vocalists, led by Accompanist and
Worship Leader Andria Fennig. Taylor
Kordman, shown above right, is one of the
talented and enthusiastic student vocalists
from Grand Canyon University who join her
and the band each week.
As we strive to live into our vision to show
“love that crosses all barriers and embraces all people,”
we invite you to experience
Ignite, Sundays at 11:15 a.m. in the chapel.
Desert Scroll
Volume 53 Number 4
Published by Paradise Valley United Methodist Church to
keep members and friends informed of programs of the
church and to report news about the congregation.
Social Media
“Like” Paradise Valley UMC
on Facebook at
Twitter @PVUMC
In This Issue:
Award Winner ........ 2
Caring .................... 9
Sunday .............. 3
Children.................. 6
Church Library ..... 11
Clergy/Staff ............ 2
Desert Southwest
Conference ....... 7
Finance .................. 4
From Paradise ..... 12
Ignite ............... cover
Memorials .............. 8
Missions ................. 5
Music and Arts ....... 8
Our Church ............ 4
Preschool ............... 7
Social Media .......... 2
Sunday Worship..... 3
Living............... 11
Young Adults........ 10
Youth.................... 10
The copy deadline for
The Desert Scroll is the
10th of the
preceding month.
Pam Selthun, Editor
Sue Blumer and
Melissa Fought,
Front cover photos by
Kyle Greenberg,
communications and
graphic design intern
PVUMC Clergy/Staff
Full-time Pastors and Staff
Dr. Dave Summers, Senior Pastor, [email protected]
Church: 602-840-8360, ext. 131; Cell: 480-205-6217
Rev. Eve Williams, Associate Pastor, [email protected],
ext. 130
Rev. Andrea Andress, Associate Pastor for
Spiritual Formation of Children and Families,
[email protected], ext. 142
Jean Arkwright, Financial Administrative Assistant
[email protected], ext. 139
John Farcas, Custodian, ext. 120
Melissa Fought, Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
[email protected], ext. 110
Betty Brunlieb Price, Administrative Assistant to the Senior
Pastor, [email protected], ext. 129
Mickey Price, Church Administrator, [email protected],
ext. 113
Pam Selthun, Communications Director, [email protected],
ext. 122
Dr. Ashley Snavley, Music and Arts Ministries Director
and Organist, [email protected], ext. 116
Mindy Sobraske, Preschool Director
[email protected], 602-840-8265
Christopher Wurpts, Youth Ministries Director
[email protected], ext. 147
Part-time Pastors and Staff
JoAnn Call, Bookkeeper, [email protected], ext. 128
Dr. Andria Fennig, Worship Accompanist/Director of
Contemporary Worship Arts, [email protected]
Bonnie Greey, Children’s Music Director, [email protected]
Gretchen Holt, Caring Ministries, [email protected], ext.132
Denise Mahrle, Cashier, [email protected], ext. 145
Shari Paris, Mini-singers Director, [email protected]
Kathy Ratliff, Child Care, [email protected], ext. 134
Jack Sarrett, Preventative Maintenance Coordinator
[email protected], ext. 146
Rev. Brenda Smith, Director, Children’s Ministry and
Young Adult Ministry, [email protected], ext. 141
Thomas Strawser, Assistant Music Director and
Youth Choir Director, [email protected]
Pastors Emeritus: Kelly B. Bender and Robert A. Stanley
August/September 2015
Instagram @pvumc
Tumblr http://
“Like” the Paradise Perk at
Managed by Youth Ministry
Open Sundays 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
“Like” Youth Ministry
on Facebook at
Award Winner
Dr. Kelly B. Bender, former senior pastor of PVUMC and
current UMOM pastor, received the Roland William
Brammeier Award on June 30 “for his exemplary work with
families and women at UMOM New Day Centers and Watkins
Basic Needs Shelter.” The United Methodist Desert Southwest Conference Board of Global Ministries established the
award, given in memory of Brammeier, who was a UMC
minister and a community activist. Pastor Kelly is pictured
above, 2nd from the left, next to another one of PVUMC’s
former pastors, Rev. Kathleen Athey (right). Left is UMOM
CEO Darlene Newsom and Dave Hepburn is to the right.
Sunday Worship
August 23 - 13th Sunday after Pentecost
8 and 9:30 a.m.
Worship Series: The Bible’s Greatest Hits
Part 4: “The New Commandment”
Eve Williams
Scripture: John 13:34
11:15 a.m. Ignite Worship Series: Is God______?
Part 4: “Is God Bloodthirsty?”
Christopher Wurpts
Scripture: Joshua 6:21-24
August 30 - 14th Sunday after Pentecost
Join us for PVUMC’s annual Celebration Sunday on
September 27. Last year’s party was a blast! See the sidebar
for information on this year’s celebration and watch for details
on the website (, in the bulletin and via email.
Photos by Courtney Sucato, above and right.
Sundays in August and September
August 2 - 10th Sunday after Pentecost
Family Sunday *
8 and 9:30 a.m.
Worship Series: The Bible’s Greatest Hits
Part 1: “The Shema & Loving God with All That We Are”
Dave Summers
Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:4-8
11:15 a.m. Ignite Worship Series: Is God______?
Part 1: “Is God Against Divorce?”
Dave Summers
Scripture: Matthew 19:1-12
August 9 - 11th Sunday after Pentecost
8 and 9:30 a.m.
Worship Series: The Bible’s Greatest Hits
Part 2: “The 23rd Psalm”
Dave Summers
Scripture: Psalm 23:1-6
11:15 a.m. Ignite Worship Series: Is God______?
Part 2: “Is God Anti-Woman?”
Eve Williams
Scripture: I Timothy 2:8-15
8 and 9:30 a.m.
Worship Series: The Bible’s Greatest Hits
Part 5: “Love in I Corinthians 13”
Dave Summers
Scripture: I Corinthians 13:1-13
11:15 a.m. Ignite Worship Series: Is God______?
Part 5: “Is God Christian?”
Dave Summers
Scripture: I John 5:11-12
September 6 - 15th Sunday after Pentecost
Family Sunday (Labor Day Weekend) *
Worship Series: Epic
Part 1: Creation
Dave Summers
Scripture: Genesis 1:1-28; 2:4-9
September 13 - 16th Sunday after Pentecost
Worship Series: Epic
Part 2: Adam & Eve/ Good & Evil
Dave Summers (8 and 9:30 a.m.)
Eve Williams (11:15 a.m. Ignite)
Scripture: Genesis 2:20-22, 25, 3:1-23
September 20 - 17th Sunday after Pentecost
Worship Series: Epic
Part 3: Noah and the Flood
Dave Summers (8 and 9:30 a.m.)
Christopher Wurpts (11:15 a.m. Ignite)
Scripture: Genesis 6:11-14; 7:11-12 8:6-12; 9:12-15
August 16 - 12th Sunday after Pentecost
September 27 - 18th Sunday after Pentecost
Celebration Sunday
8 and 9:30 a.m.
Worship Series: The Bible’s Greatest Hits
Part 3: “God So Loved the World”
Andrea Andress
Scripture: John 3:16-21
Worship Series: Epic
Part 4: The Tower of Babel
Dave Summers (8 and 9:30 a.m.)
Andrea Andress (11:15 a.m. Ignite)
Scripture: Genesis 11:1-9
11:15 a.m. Ignite Worship Series: Is God______?
Part 3: “Is God Still Speaking?”
Andrea Andress
Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Psalm 119:129-133
* We invite you and your family to worship together on Family
Sundays: August 2 and September 6. There will be no
children’s Sunday classes for K-6th grade, but there will be
childcare and preschool classes for ages 3-5.
Celebration Sunday
Join us for Celebration
Sunday, September 27.
This year’s beachthemed party features
special music during
worship, and food and
fun in the Fellowship
Center following each
service. Bring your
friends, family and
neighbors! Wear comfortable beach attire,
and bring two of your
favorite potluck dishes
to share with fellow
beach goers. Root beer
floats and hot dogs will
be served in addition to
all the delicious homemade food and desserts. If you have any
questions, or would like
to volunteer, please
contact Carlys Peterson
at 602-510-9755.
August/September 2015
Finance / Our Church
Financial Peace University
Mickey Price,
[email protected]
ext. 113
Book Group
The PVUMC Book
Group meets the first
non-holiday Monday
of every month
throughout the year.
Join the group at 12:15
pm in G2 to discuss:
August 3
Shoemaker’s Wife
by Adriana Trigiani
September 14
All the Light We
Cannot See
by Anthony Doerr
October 5
Tea Time for the
Fire Fly
by Shona Patel
The author will be
our guest and join in
the discussion. She will
sign books too!
For more information
about the Book Group,
please email Fran Clark,
[email protected].
We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace
University (FPU) is that plan. It teaches God's ways of
handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU
presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you
are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan
will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your
money, spend and save wisely, and much more.
Interested? Please join us on Wednesday evenings
beginning September 23, 6:30-8 p.m. The nine-week
class will be led by Jenn and JP Coughlin, who were
featured as part of our Be Rich Giving Campaign.
Doug Norris’ Class Begins August 16
Rev. Doug Norris leads “Bible, Beliefs and Beyond,”
beginning Sunday, August 16 at 11 a.m. in F5/6. The
class will include topics suggested by the class, and
discussions led in light of the Biblical perspective and
what we believe.
Financial Ministry
Where Are We Now?
Through the 12 months
of Fiscal Year 2015,
June 2015 year-todate total receipts were
higher than budget by
$74,430. Expenditures
were over budget by
$74,934. These are
preliminary results, and
are subject to review by our auditors.
What Can You Do? Contact Church Administrator
Mickey Price, [email protected] or 602-840-8360,
ext. 113, if you have questions regarding your
contributions and/or pledge. We are grateful for all
gifts, large and small.
June 2015
Net receipts over
August/September 2015
“Better Together Sunday” Discussion
Sheds Light on Important Issues
Did you ever sit in the church pew and not know the
person next to you, or in front of you, or behind you?
I suspect it happens to all of us. Many of us go through
our lives not really knowing anything about some of the
people around us. But when we share a little bit about
ourselves with someone else, we promote understanding and a willingness to listen; we are better together.
On May 24, 2015 the Church and Society Ministry Team
helped coordinate a "Better Together Sunday" at all
three Sunday morning services. We asked everyone to
break into small groups to answer the question, "What
keeps you up at night?" We had a similar Sunday two
years ago, and gathered all the information we received
to craft new programs and offer venues that helped address loneliness, making ends meet, parenting concerns, and other issues. These small group discussions
are one way we can get to know and support each other. The 400+ comments we gathered align to common
themes that will inform church leaders and others on
what kinds of information and engagement would be
beneficial to offer moving forward. Topping the list are:
 Spiritual needs – Comments varied from a desire
for more bible study to being unable to forgive.
 Personal and Family Issues – Comments varied
significantly from finances, to life transitions, to drug
addiction, employment, healthcare, and parenting.
 Civic Engagement – Comments varied from education, to elderly issues, to lack of civility, to concerns about violence and safety.
If you are interested in helping our church respond to
these interests and comments, please contact me,
Dave Ryan, at [email protected], or one of our pastors. Our church vision, “Love that crosses all barriers
and embraces all people,” invites us to share the grace
of Jesus Christ with each other. – Dave Ryan
Education Civic Academy on August 27
As you listen to the radio, watch the news on TV, read
the newspaper, follow your favorite web site or blogger,
Podcast, or Twitter feed, do you get the sense that our
education environment in Arizona is complicated?
What does being last in the country for education funding really mean? Do you have a feeling that ideology
and self-interests are prioritized over good public policy?
Come to the Valley Interfaith Project “Civic Academy” on
Thursday, August 27 at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship
Center to find out more. We’ll bring together knowledgeable people in our community to discuss different perspectives that will allow you to contrast and compare.
Rev. Eve Williams,
Associate Pastor
[email protected]
ext. 130
Learn More about Islam and Participate
in the Interfaith Food Drive for 9/11
PVUMC has been invited to participate in the annual
ISBA-sponsored 9/11 Interfaith Food Drive on the
Sunday before 9/11, Sunday, September 6. Invited
speakers from the Islamic Speakers’ Bureau of Arizona
will also be on campus Sunday, August 30 to speak
with our adult Sunday School classes at 9:30 and 11
a.m., giving our members the opportunity to learn more
about Islam from Phoenix-area practicing Muslims.
Both Islam and Christianity value assisting those in
need, so the food drive is a great way to work together
toward a common goal. This will be the fourth year that
ISBA has organized this interfaith activity in an effort to
mark the 9/11 anniversary in a constructive and
collaborative way. Food collection bags will be
distributed, along with a list of items being requested by
the two recipient food banks: the Christian-sponsored
Extended Hands Food Bank ( in Fountain
Hills and the Muslim-sponsored Cultural Cup Food Bank
( in downtown Phoenix.
Donations to the 9/11 Food Drive will be picked up from
the 15 participating organizations and delivered to the
two recipient food banks. If you are interested in helping
with this pick-up and delivery effort, please contact
Saleem Hirmandi at [email protected].
Serendipities Thanks Volunteers
Serendipities will be closed July and August, but invites
you to stop back and shop in September after Labor
Day. Sunday, September 13 is the grand reopening.
Meg Wolfe and Barbara Bush, Serendipities volunteer
managers, want to thank all their volunteers for their
hard work this year. Their dedication to the
shop has allowed the church to fund a variety of local
missions. They are God’s love in action!
Feed Hungry
Every month, we offer an opportunity to pack meals at
Feed My Starving Children’s warehouse. In late July,
we joined FMSC downtown at the Phoenix Convention
Center for two hours during the Phoenix MobilePack.
The three-day event was an opportunity for 5,000
volunteers from various churches and groups to get
together and “Turn Hunger Into Hope,” July 24-26, with
a goal of packing 1,000,000 meals for those who are
hungry and in need around the world. Visit or
the PVUMC website to find out how many meals were
packed and how many from PVUMC participated.
To register for upcoming packing dates: August 15,
September 12, October 24 and November 21, 4:306:30 p.m., email Jim Bateman, [email protected],
and include a contact name and number, as well as the
names and emails of adults age 18 and older. If you
are registering children, just include their names and
ages. FMSC’s warehouse is at 1345 S Alma School
Rd, Mesa, 85201.
Donation Sundays
Please bring your nonperishable food donations for our regular,
first-Sunday-of-themonth food collection
for UMOM on August
2. On September 6,
we’ll also collect food,
but this will be for the
special 9/11 food
drive. Place your
donations in the blue
bins at the bridges or
south parking lot.
Serve Dinner
PVUMC offers opportunities to serve dinner
to residents twice a
month at the UMOM
facility at 3333 E Van
Buren. To offer your
gift of service on any
of the 2nd and 4th
Saturdays, please
email Dave Hepburn,
[email protected].
To cook and/or serve
dinner at the Watkins
Center on the second
Thursday of the
month, August 13
and September 10,
please contact
Elaine Heredia,
[email protected].
August/September 2015
Children’s Ministries
Exciting Changes for Fall Classes
Rev. Brenda Smith,
Children’s Ministry
[email protected]
ext. 141
August 2/Sept 6
Family Sundays
August 9
Blessing. MiniSingers and fall
classes begin.
August 16
Bible Blast
Bibles presented
to 3rd/4th graders.
RSVP by August 9
so we have enough
Bibles for everyone.
Sunday, August 9 is our back-to-school blessing for
teachers and students. At 9:30 a.m., all elementary
children, kindergarten and up, are asked to start in
worship with their families. After the blessing, the children will be escorted to their classes. Preschoolers
begin in their classrooms. 9:30 a.m. class highlights:
 The Preschool Classes (ages 2-4) will enjoy the
new “Deep Blue” curriculum by Cokesbury. We
are looking for teaching teams and substitutes.
 Kindergarteners will experience Godly Play led by
Lori Wiggs and her team in rooms E12/13.
 1st and 2nd Graders will learn “Way of the Child”
led by Mimi and Gene Carroll and Bethany Taylor
in rooms E10/11.
 3rd and 4th graders get to explore Bible stories in
their new “Deep Blue” Bibles led by Meg Wolfe,
Jennie Folts, and Kelley McMahon in room H4.
 5th and 6th graders submerge into Cokesbury’s
new curriculum led by Bruce and Morgan
Hendershott in room H6.
At 11:15 a.m, a multi-age Godly Play class is offered:
 We offer Godly Play for children of all ages in
E12/13 led by Jennifer Tefft and Caitlin Ahern.
Both have just returned from a national Godly Play
training. They will be ready and fired up!
The Child Care Center, G1, is open every Sunday, all
morning, for ages 5 and younger.
August 23 and 30
Acolyte Training
and Dedication
All 4th-7th graders
are welcome. RSVP
to Kimberly Peterson
[email protected].
September 20
Mission Projects
5th and 6th graders
join our youth group
on Sunday evenings
once a month to work
on a mission project.
A parenting class is
offered at the same
time (see p. 10).
Photos on this page
by Kyle Greenberg
Acolyte Training and Dedication
All 4th-7th graders are invited to be acolytes. Acolytes
serve during the 9:30 a.m. service to bring the light of
Christ, assist with communion and baptism, assist the
pastors as needed, and to take the light of Christ out of
the service at the close. Training will be August 23,
11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon in the sanctuary. Dedication is
Sunday, August 30 at the 9:30 a.m. service.
August/September 2015
VBC and Discovery Camp Thank You
The VBC leaders and staff want to say thank you for a
successful, exciting and faith-filled God-force adventure! More than 160 campers, many of whom are not
church members, and 60 volunteers participated in
this important week. Many thanks to everyone who
prayed, served and prepped. YOU are God’s love in
action. May the G-Force be with you! Thank you also
for supporting Camp Discovery at Mingus Mountain.
With 35 children, we “powered up with the Holy
Spirit.” Eight of the children were from UMOM and
received camp scholarships from PVUMC. The leadership for the camp consisted mostly of PVUMC
adults and youth. We are blessed!
Bible Blast for Third/Fourth Graders
On Sunday, August 16, we gift all 3rd graders and
any 4th graders who missed last year with a
“SPLASH” Deep Blue Bible! Families are urged to
participate with their child after the Bible presentation
in the sanctuary at 9:30 a.m. We will go to room H1
for a Bible Blast that includes a quick overview of their
Bibles and fun challenges. If you have a 3rd and 4th
grader, be sure and contact us by August 9 to
RSVP for a Bible and the event so we are ready.
Please email Rev. Brenda Smith (see info in the
sidebar above) for questions and registration.
Parents: “Age Level Goals” have been established
by the Children’s Ministry Team so that by the end of
a child’s time in Sunday School, they will be familiar
with important basics of the faith. The preschoolers
will practice popular traditional faith songs and meal
prayers. Kindergarteners through third graders will
practice praying aloud, learn the Lord’s Prayer, hear
about communion and baptism, and grasp the use of
their Bibles. The upper elementary will review important verses, hear about the church seasons, and
receive an overview of the Bible. Look for more
detailed handouts in your child’s classroom.
Desert Southwest Conference
We extend congratulations to Reverend Brenda Smith, who
was commissioned at the Desert Southwest Annual Conference on June 20. She’s pictured above with her family. Visit to read the conference report.
Brenda also had an opportunity to congratulate a former
PVUMC staff member, Karen McFarland, in the photo to the
right. PVUMC has been blessed with remarkable servants —
clergy and lay members. Congratulations, Brenda and Karen!
PVUMC Preschool
A Message from the Director
As I begin my 30th year at PVUMC Preschool, it is impossible for me not to take a moment and reflect on the
many changes that have taken place in the world of
early childhood education. I have seen early childhood
classrooms move from being teacher-directed to childdirected; theme-based to totally emergent curriculum;
craft-centered to process art; academic to play approaches, and from primary colored plastic décor to
rooms filled with natural elements and neutral colors.
There is no question that I have seen the pendulum
swing to the outer edges of both ends of the spectrum!
PVUMC Preschool has always been a school that has
strived to stay in the middle of the spectrum, taking what
is best from all trends and applying it to create a safe
and meaningful environment for the toddlers and preschoolers who come through our doors. We use a
hands-on approach that allows for the growth of the
whole child. It’s a world where the child is respected
and empowered, and where he/she has multiple opportunities for language development; social and emotional
skill development; cognitive, creative, fine and gross
motor skill growth, and faith development.
Karen McFarland, above, received the Bishop’s Award from
DSC Bishop Robert Hoshibata at the conference. The award
recognizes Karen’s 30 years in ministry. Karen was a member of the PVUMC staff for 18 years until July 2014, when
she was offered early retirement. She most recently served
as Connectional Ministries Director. Congratulations again!
I calculated the number of years of experience that the
returning staff brings to PVUMC Preschool – 280 years!
Wow! This says a lot about our staff and our dedication
to the early childhood profession.
As a school, PVUMC Preschool has been
blessed since its inception of doing what is
developmentally appropriate for children
and holding strong to the philosophy that
young children need to learn through play.
On Monday, August 17, PVUMC Preschool begins its
49th year of providing high-quality, early childhood education. This year, approximately 210 children will be
attending PVUMC Preschool and 36 toddlers will be
participating in our Parent Toddler Program. We have a
staff of 33 dedicated early childhood professionals
whose ultimate goal is to nurture children that will leave
us as happy, healthy, hopeful, resourceful individuals
who have had experiences and exposure that will support them in the many encounters they will face as they
grow, develop and move out into the larger world.
I invite you to come visit the preschool and see what an
outstanding outreach ministry the preschool is for this
church and the greater community. — Mindy Sobraske
For a tour of the
campus, or to register
for classes, please
contact the school
office or PVUMC
Preschool Director
Mindy Sobraske,
[email protected],
or 602-840-8265.
Visit us online at
Only a few spots
remain for the 20152016 year that begins
in August.
August/September 2015
Music and Arts Ministries
Music and Worship Changes
Ashley Snavley,
Music and Arts
Ministries Director
and Organist
[email protected]
602-840-8360, ext. 116
Choir Schedule
The Chancel Choir,
which sings at the
9:30 am service,
begins rehearsals on
August 26. Bells
of Paradise begin
regular, weekly
rehearsals then too.
See for the
rehearsal times.
Dr. Andria Fennig was recently hired as PVUMC’s
Accompanist and Contemporary Worship Leader, and
Thomas Strawser has been promoted to Assistant
Music and Arts Director and Youth Choir Director.
Shari Paris continues to lead the Mini-Singers, and
Bonnie Greey has joined the staff as our new Children’s Music Director. Please welcome these new
staff members as they work together as a team to
bring our worship and music to even greater levels of
Music Integrated into Sunday School
Beginning August 16, all of our children will have a
time to learn new songs with Bonnie Greey, our new
children’s music director, on Sunday mornings.
Bonnie will also lead our afterschool Music Makers
on Wednesdays, beginning August 19.
For the Sunday program, children will be escorted
from their classrooms to H1 at 10:20 a.m., and will
sing until the pick-up time at 10:45 a.m. We want to
give your 1st-6th graders the joy of music in their lives,
and teach them songs to express their praise and
thanks to God.
Mini-Singers begin
August 9; Youth Choir
begins August 16.
Mini-Singers will continue be offered by our own
amazing Shari Paris for children ages 3 to kindergarten each Sunday, 10:30-11 a.m., starting August 9.
August 16 is the first
Sunday for our new
children’s music program, incorporated as
part of Sunday School.
Our afterschool
Music Makers program
returns Wednesday,
August 19.
Mark your calendars to attend all
of our Community
Concerts in the
2015-2016 series.
Memorial in memory of Walter Chapman
Designated to:
Memorial Given By:
Alison Brevard
Memorial in memory of Eileen Olander
Designated to:
Memorial Given By:
Richard D. Smith
Gloria Wagner
photo by Stu Selthun
Dueling Divas
Britten Production
Christmas Concert
Priority Male and The Pitchforks A Cappella
Sahnas Quintet
Holy Week Concert (TBA)
Jazz at the Perk (on the patio)
August/September 2015
Memorial in memory of John Farnham,
stepfather of Leigh McGill
Designated to:
Youth Mission Trip Fund
Memorial Given By:
Timm & Marty McCarty
Unless noted, they are all at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary.
Friends welcome! Look for more publicity in October.
2015-2016 Concerts:
The Youth traveled to Las Vegas, NV at the end of May
for their spring outreach tour, where they sang at Desert
Springs UMC and at senior homes. They also visited
Hoover Dam (above) and saw Cirque du Soleil’s “O” at
the Bellagio. Tommy Strawser, assistant music director,
will direct the youth choir again, beginning August 16.
Memorial in memory of Darrell “Willie” Wilson
Designated to:
Memorial Given By:
Chris & Gene Chaillie
Meg Wolfe
Memorial in memory of David Wood, Sr.
Designated to:
Memorial Given By:
George Griffiths III
Terry & Sally Hopper
Karen & Brooks Tolbert
Donation in honor of Fran Clark
Designated to:
Given By:
Bonnie Belza
Stephen Ministers
The Christian caregiving ministry at
PVUMC commissioned three new
Stephen Ministers at the 9:30 a.m.
worship service on June 14. Chris
Henderson, Jim Poley and Virginia
Quinn join seven others currently
providing care and support for people
experiencing life difficulties such as the
death of a loved one, job crisis, separation or divorce, long-term illness, or those
needing the support of a Christian friend.
Caring Ministries
Isabelle Van Houten, born June 18 to Jered and Helen
Van Houten; grandparents are Jim and JeanneKay Van
Gretchen Holt,
Caring Ministries
[email protected]
ext. 132
Photo by Kyle Greenberg
Stephen Ministers receive 50 hours of intensive
training, covering topics such as effective listening,
confidentiality, stress, feelings, and utilizing community
resources. As a confidential ministry, those receiving
care from a Stephen Minister can be sure that their
identity and what goes on in the caring relationship
remains private. Through monthly continuing education
and supervision support, Stephen Ministers receive
guidance and encouragement to ensure quality
Christian caregiving.
PVUMC is one of more than 12,000 congregations
representing more than 160 different denominations
worldwide to offer Stephen Ministry. Since its founding
in 1975, more than 600,000 clergy and laypeople have
received training in this nurturing caregiving ministry.
In commissioning Chris, Jim and Virginia, Senior Pastor
Dave Summers said, “We are pleased to be able to
expand the number of Stephen Ministers at PVUMC;
these trained laypeople will be a blessing to our caregiving ministry.”
If you are interested in receiving care from a Stephen
Minister, or know someone who needs one-on-one
care and support, please contact a pastor, Dave
Henderson, 602-538-8586, or Kim Summers, 480-2136960. Both Kim and Dave serve as Stephen Leaders
for PVUMC. – Dave Henderson
Saguaros’ Next Chapter Begins
Saguaros begins another exciting season this fall
as this group of winter visitors and friends age 55
and older meets for its fall kick-off on Thursday,
September 17 at 10 a.m. in the Fellowship Center.
Saguaros’ past leaders, Jack and Kay Jones, have
earned a well-deserved rest, and we thank them for
their leadership of this group over the years. Read
the sidebar for exciting changes ahead.
Joys & Concerns
Our Christian Sympathies to…
Debbie Badge and family on the May 26 death of her
father’s wife, Geri Carlson
Karen Buxton and family on the May 29 death of her
mother, Doris Bailey
Linda Martin and family on the June 2 death of her aunt,
Barbara Cook
Jean Chapman and family on the June 23 death of her
husband, Walter Chapman
Dee McClimans and family on the May 14 death of her
husband, Gordon McClimans
Leigh McGill and Farnham families on the June 11
death of stepfather, John Farnham
Family and friends on the June 19 death of Eileen
Family and friends on the May 8 death of Johanne Ray
Polly van Rensburg and family on the May 8 death of
her mother, Pat Whitman
Welcome Babies...
Leeland Zachary Delster, born May 31; greatgrandparents are Bob and Audrey Alderson
Isabella Florez, born July 4 to Joe and Nancy Florez
Claire Marie Gross, born June 18; great grandparents
are Dan and Cleta Sagramoso
Atlas Rex Branard Liden, born May 12; grandparents
are Bob and Marion Liden
Sasha Caroline Rosensteel, born June 4 to Ryan and
Christy Rosensteel
Jameson Jaxon Van Houten, born May 26 to Jameson
and Irina Van Houten; grandparents are Jim and
JeanneKay Van Houten
Former church staff
liaison, Tawn Watkins,
pictured on the far left
above, blessing one of
our new Stephen Ministers, will lead the
group along with nine
other Saguaros Board
members. Tawn looks
forward to how God will
help the group discover
new pathways of building relationships, invite
mission opportunities
the members can be a
part of, and, of course,
help plan the delicious
monthly luncheons.
Several trips have
already been planned
for 2015 and 2016.
An open invitation is
extended to all ages,
church members and
non-members, friends,
guests, relatives —
anyone wanting to join
the Saguaros for fellowship, a potluck
lunch, entertainment,
and social networking.
Bring $3 to offset entertainment expenses,
and a dish to share.
Contact Gretchen Holt
to be added to the
monthly email list.
August/September 2015
Youth/Young Adult Ministries
Young Adults
Young Adult Lifegroup Meets Sundays
Christopher Wurpts,
Youth Ministries
[email protected]
602-840-8360, ext. 147
August 16
Youth Ministry
Parents, students,
and youth leaders
are invited to come
together to prepare
for the coming year.
Receive important
paperwork, including a
calendar of youth
events and information
about our international
youth mission trip
planned for Peru next
summer. Learn about
exciting opportunities,
and meet other families
from PVUMC. Dinner
is provided; free-will
donations gratefully
accepted. See you
Please check the
church calendar for
dates of all youth
ministry classes
and events, and
contact Christopher
Wurpts with any
In early July, a strong and mighty group of junior high
students and chaperones (pictured above) traveled to
California to work at the San Diego Food Bank. Our
four days there totaled 120 combined work hours.
We were God’s love in action. — Christopher Wurpts
The Paradise Perk
Every Sunday morning, we invite
you to stop by the Paradise Perk,
our volunteer-run coffee shop, for
some of the best lattés, iced tea,
and smoothies in town. Email
Shannon at [email protected]
to volunteer at the Perk.
The YAL meets most Sundays right after the Ignite
worship service, at 12:30 p.m. We are seeking to split
into two groups: one, college-age or post-high schoolers, age 18-early 20s; and the other a young professional group comprised of post-college-mid-30s. We’ll
still do service and social outings together, but provide
support and other activities in the divided groups.
August 2
YAL Team meeting in H4; bring ideas.
TED Talk (H1, 12:30 pm; bring lunch)
Go Karts at Indian Bend & 101 at 1 pm
TED Talk (H1, 12:30 pm; bring lunch)
“Spiritual Gifts” led by Kim Summers
“Wicked” show at ASU Gammage at
1 pm! Limited tickets; RSVP ASAP to
get yours.
Sept. 13, 20, 27: Join us for a new study series, TBA
Note: Visit, to browse talks from the world's
most inspired thinkers. If you want reminders or more
information about YAL, please email Rev. Brenda
Smith, the YAL Staff Coordinator, [email protected].
Parenting the Love and Logic® Way
September 20 and October 18
Jr High Retreat at Mingus, August 28-30
All 7th and 8th grade students are invited to come to
our Jr. High Retreat at Mingus Mountain, August
28-30. We’ve set up an event at Eventbrite. See the
link below. The full cost is $95 (plus taxes/fees), but
the first 20 people who sign up will get a $25 discount!
Register online and pay with a credit card at:
August/September 2015
Parents are invited to learn about parenting the Love
and Logic® way beginning September 20. Learn skills
to help you feel more relaxed, hopeful and positive
about your children by teaching them personal responsibility and respect, without losing their love. The Love
and Logic® approach brings parents together, encouraging discussions about the challenges of parenting,
and offering solutions. Rev. Andrea Andress facilitates
this monthly class that will be offered at the same time
children and youth are involved in missions at the
church. Check the website each month or check the
weekly bulletin insert, Looking Ahead, for details. The
program is appropriate for parents with children of all
ages, from preschoolers to teens. If you have friends
who would benefit from this program, please invite
them to join you.
Transformational Living
Church Library
Why Do We Have a Church Library?
by Martha Rinne for the Library Focus Group
Given that we live in an ever-advancing information age,
where quick access to all kinds of information is readily
available online and in multiple digital formats, you may
ask, “Why does the church bother to provide a library at
all?” Good question.
PVUMC continues to improve and maintain a library for
several reasons. “We are a compassionate congregation
of readers and thinkers” remains true as our church library
mantra. Four years ago, the library’s adult collection was
fully revitalized as part of the Library Improvement Initiative Phase I. Phase II followed with the cataloging of the
church’s historical archives, as well as the revitalization of
the children’s collection. And just recently, Phase III was
completed, resulting in a full updating of the reference
collection. Library initiatives are privately funded whereby
there is no cost to the church.
As a result of the initiatives, the dusty, outdated books are
gone, replaced by new collections of books on current
topics of interest that impact our lives and our church. The
church library is a teaching tool, important to the informational studies for the clergy, the individual, the class, and
the congregation. The library supports the mission of the
church as well as the growth of individual members' faith.
The library provides books for the homebound. The library
provides what we believe to be a far better alternative to
the common internet searching of “the WIKIS,” i.e., Wikipedia, which are collaborative public projects that cannot
guarantee the verifiability or expertise of their entries.
Search the library online at:
yourlibrary. Instructions for checking out books and other
information are available at the checkout table on the
north wall of the library (room G2). The library is open for
browsing and checkout anytime the room is not in use.
Lunch Conversations Meet in the Library
Lunch Conversations for Transformational Living resume
Thursday, September 3 in the church library, G2, 121:15 p.m. Bring a lunch and join us for lecture and discussion on living our lives intentionally. We discuss spiritual
and individual growth, and the Enneagram. Conversation
often flows from specific books. More at
Centering Prayer Practice Offered
Join us on Wednesday, September 2, 6:15-7:15 p.m.
in H6 for a short discussion of centering prayer with a
video/CD followed by a 20-minute prayer practice. The
class is led by Rev. Andrea Andress and Kathy Kramer
-Howe. Centering Prayer will be offered monthly for the
next several months. Please let the teachers know if
this interests you.
Reflections on Journey of the Universe
Join us for four Mondays — September 14, 21, 28,
and October 5, in H1 to explore the micro and macro
creation of the universe using the award-winning documentary by Brian Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker
(See We will
include reflections from spiritual leaders from different
traditions on mystical transformation. The series seeks
to deepen our awe of God, and our unique role as
humans to provide "a heaven for God to dwell in."
This class is taught by Rev. Andrea Andress and Kathy
Walk to Emmaus: Men’s and Women’s
Retreats Offered in October
Register now for the Men’s Emmaus Walk #237, October 1-4 or the Women’s Emmaus Walk #238, October
8-11. The four-day retreat renews your spirit as nothing
else can. A Walk to Emmaus includes 15 talks and
conversations about your spiritual life with God in community. Cost is $95. For more information and instructions on how to register, please contact Rev. Andrea
Andress at the church office or visit the Emmaus website at:
Rev. Andrea Andress,
Associate, Spiritual
Formation of Children
and Families,
AEA Registration
PVUMC is host to
several Arizona
Enneagram Association (AEA) programs.
To register for any of
these, please contact
Diane Shevlin at
480-367-1998 or
register online:
Full class descriptions,
costs and more details
can be found on the
AEA website. For
scholarship assistance,
contact Rev. Andrea
PVUMC Hosts Arizona Enneagram
Association Programs
This fall, PVUMC hosts several AEA programs, including monthly Enneagram MeetUps, which are offered
on the 3rd Thursday of each month, 6:30-8:45 p.m. in
H1. The cost for each meeting is $15.
August 20:
Conflict-handling by Type;
led by Sandy Hogan
September 17: Enneagram and Relationships
Body Types; led by Christy Strauch
Register at:
See the sidebar for information on how to register for
other Enneagram classes this fall. Class information is
on the AEA website, and in the Pathways guidebook.
August/September 2015
Alive with the Spirit,
we bring God’s love into
action by igniting faith,
transforming lives, and
creating community.
Please share our good news with each member of your family.
By Dr. Dave Summers, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
The very first Psalm in the Bible identifies the blessing and value of a faithful life. It begins:
Happy are those
who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
or take the path that sinners tread,
or sit in the seat of scoffers;
but their delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law they meditate day and night.
They are like trees
planted by streams of water,
which yield their fruit in its season,
and their leaves do not wither.
In all that they do, they prosper. You’ve seen these trees, growing by streams of water. They grow
tall. They are healthy and robust. In this Psalm, the person who devotes time to meditating on God’s
word (the law refers to the first five books of the Bible) is nourished and refreshed. Here is an image
of one who enjoys life with deep roots, drawing a steady supply of nourishment to stand tall and
strong. Here is a life that has a constant and regular source of strength. You know people like this.
So do I. Maybe you’ve cultivated spiritual practices that help this kind of life to grow within
you. Maybe you have been curious or longing for some time on how to do this.
What does God want in your spiritual life? That is not always an easy question for us to answer.
Maybe you would start by describing what your own faith is like. Is it robust, deep-rooted,
blossoming, fruitful? Or is your faith characterized by other qualities that leave you wanting more
for yourself and your spiritual life?
My experience is that most of us want a stronger faith. Most of us want to have a keener sense of
God’s presence and a clearer sense of God’s will for our lives. The church is a bit like the old Home
Depot ad: “You can do it; we can help.” Step into a closer relationship with God and your church
community by checking out a Pathways Class this August or September. Come and discern your
path and see if it aligns more with the heart, mind, soul, or strength. You
might find you’re on more than one path. See what happens to your faith
when you become like a tree planted by streams of living water.
August/September 2015
— Pastor Dave Summers