CCT Newsletter March / April 2015 Published bi-monthly by Christ Church Tashua 5170 Madison Avenue Trumbull, CT 06611 Christ Church Tashua Newsletter March / April - 2015 Tel: (203) 268-5566 Website: www.christchurchtashua. com Email: parishoffice@ From Our Rector I hope you are all having a soulful and grace filled Lent. It has been one year since I started walking with you on our journey of faith. We are again in the tradition time of reflection and prayer. How do we share what we learn from our reflections? How do we share with each other our spiritual paths as individuals? We share our common liturgical and sacramental lives but don’t often talk about how that forms us. Such interactions are not commonly shared at large group level, except perhaps by clergy folks during sermons. Our spiritual experiences and understandings are shared in small groups or one on one because it is by nature a personal experience. I have endeavored to get to know each of you on that level at least a little bit and hope we as a community can come to a deeper understanding of who we are spiritually and how we act out our lives in Christ. In talking with many of you this past year I’m told time and time again that you come for the community. You come for the people who are here. I’d like to encourage that and to reiterate that we can do that on days other than Sundays. Our pancake supper of a week ago is an example of this. I heard multiple animated conversations around the room. There were people sharing, children playing and of course pancakes being eaten. I’d like to invite you again to our Lenten soup suppers. They are small and cordial, and we discuss things that matter to us, fears and faith, hopes and doubts. In this way we reinforce our sense of family and community. I would like to continue these types of get togethers. Perhaps this Summer, if Winter ever ends, we could have a barbeque night – where you just don’t have to cook but can stop by and share some summer faire with people who care about you. This brings me to an idea I talked about briefly last newsletter. It is time for us to redo our strategic plan as a congregation. Who are we and where do we want to be going as a community? What ministries do we wish to start or grow? What is our place in the greater Trumbull community and the community outside of Trumbull? Are we content or do we want to change things? A strategic plan becomes a touchstone for us in the decisions we make going forward. They can focus all phases of our community. It can help shape our worship and how we gather and work together. As we make decisions about our physical plant we can make them in light of how we see ourselves moving into the future. A plan gives us as a community a sense of purpose and direction. I will be asking several of you to join me in the coming months to help us gather and glean this plan. Let us use some of this Lenten time of reflection to ask ourselves what we see this community becoming in the next five years. Plans are good and we need them to move forward in the long term, however; we do face some short term issues as well. As was mentioned in the annual meeting we have a budget shortfall. This is not the first one you’ve faced as a congregation yet it doesn’t make the hole of tens of thousands of dollars any less real. We have no margin for error and as you’ll see in another portion of this newsletter when unexpected expenses hit we have found ourselves without reserves. This is painful, not because of the stress that lack of operating funds engenders, but because of the continued uncertainty and continued reprioritization that we need to do. Continued on next page From Our Rector ~ Continued We cannot rely upon the kindness of strangers to see us through and faith in God tend not to generate things of a transitory nature, such as treasure we’ve been admonished not to store up. Still we are blessed and we continue to be blessed. This Lent may our reflections also grant us the wisdom to see how we can move out of this austerity into abundance. Currently I see three things, we can spend less (we are at minimums now however), we can give more as members, we can increase our membership or some combination of the three. This formula however hasn’t changed over the years and since we’ve cut back and are giving more and we’ve lost membership over past years I’m open to hearing from you all. That being said we have a fundamental set of decisions coming up in the next months. Do we want to risk change? The axiom holds true that nothing changes if nothing changes. Do we want to be more than the struggling family sized parish, one of three in Trumbull? Do we risk being bold and try new things, invite new people to new events? Do we want to try out new ministries? All these take time, resources and commitment. We've been together now for a year and it’s time we start asking these questions aloud. Tell me what you think. I really want to know. We’ll need to do this together or it is almost certain that we won’t succeed. Let’s reflect and share how the Spirit moves us this Lent. Let us make the coming Spring be a Spring of renewal for Christ Church Tashua. Have a grace filled and soulful Lent. Rob+ I have mentioned during the service over the last two weeks, although not many of you were there due to the storms, but we have had an unexpected and unbudgeted expense in terms of the furnace. The furnace had been giving us problems, either running non-stop or not running at all over the past few months. This was expensive as well as inefficient. Well, we’ve seem to have fixed it but at a cost of roughly $4,100. Again this was an unbudgeted expense and it has created a shortfall. In addition, because of the storms, many of you haven’t been able to come to services and our pledge receipts have been low. I would like to ask you as a congregation if you could help with this bill or pay your pledge ahead so that we might cover our shortfall. Thank you and God Bless your generosity. Rob+ From our Deacon Deacon Matters Just another example of work that we as deacons do in the world and the difference made. Article from “The Deacon’s Bench” an online community of Maine deacons and their friends. Ashes to Go: The “Ash-termath” As deacons, an important part of our call is to “take the church to the world.” I work as a part-time chaplain at a small community hospital, so I do that daily, but in a general way. I try to bring God’s love and light to people of all faiths at York Hospital, where they may be struggling with matters of life and death. This past Ash Wednesday, however,I was able to do that in a more specific way. It all started a year ago…. Last year, on Ash Wednesday, I carried ashes with me when I made visits to patients. When it seemed appropriate, I offered them. The patients who received them were grateful that they had not missed the ashy mark on the forehead that begins Lent. One staff member who happened to be in a patient’s room when I offered ashes, took me aside later and mentioned how nice it would be if ashes could be made available for staff who couldn’t make it to church. I made a note of this, and early this year, got permission from the hospital administration to offer ashes to staff and anyone else who wished them. As the day approached, I wrote an article, created handouts — and got a little nervous! This was a first. What if no one came? Well, I didn’t need to worry. They did come. 13 people came between 1 and 2 p.m., and three more came between 9 and 10 p.m. Most came because service times at their churches didn’t fit their hospital schedule. I had a chance for some brief one-on-one conversations – one person spoke about grief she was experiencing over a death, another about a complex family situation she was dealing with. Still another person wanted to deepen her faith. Two of our physicians came to get ashes—one in the afternoon, the other in the evening. One staff member who knew I was an Episcopalian asked with a smile if Episcopal ashes worked the same as Catholic ashes. I was able to tell this person that the ashes I was using were “ecumenical”—though they had been blessed at an Episcopal service, I had burned both Roman Catholic and Episcopal palms to make them! That was good enough for him. He received the ashes. In addition to the scheduled times, there were two other encounters. First thing in the morning, I had gotten in a conversation about the ashes with the van driver who brought me to the hospital. “Is there any reason why you can’t give them to me right here?” he asked. “None at all.” I said. So he pulled the van over, I said a Continued on next page From our Deacon ~ Continued prayer, and marked his forehead. It was an Acts 8:36 moment! Later, as I was walking to the van for the trip back to my car, a staff member approached me and said how sorry she was to miss the hour I was offering ashes. She’d been in a meeting. I had the ashes in my pocket, so we stopped right there on the sidewalk, prayed together and I marked her with the ashy cross. She was moved by the experience—and how the timing worked out. I remember her saying: “I really needed that this year. God’s timing is pretty amazing–He meets us just where we are.” I couldn’t agree more. This past Ash Wednesday Christ Church Tashua (Father Rob) and Grace Church Trumbull (Mother Louise) were present once again at Starbucks in Trumbull distributing ashes. Truly an act of the church leaving the building. – Deacon Diane From our Senior Warden Usually, I'd be giving you an update on "what’s up" with the second floor attic. But this time I'll approach it a little differently. When we built the addition we were all hopeful that our parish would grow. "Build it and they will come" we thought. So what's happened? Well, my perspective is we haven't done a whole lot different since we finished our new addition. So they didn't come. We have our new rector now. And, I think you will agree, things are changing. And as we go through Lent, a time for reflection on many thing in our lives, here is what I have noticed. Our Saturday night service. It's new, it's different for our church, and quite wonderful. And we have music. From an iPod, but beautiful. Have you ever heard Ann Murray sing the Our Father? And sing along with her? Inspirational. Attendance has been spotty, but it is a very personal and rewarding Eucharist. Don't take my word for it, come and see. Last Tuesday night started the Lenten Soup Supper. The attendance could have been better, but the fellowship was wonderful. It was a wonderful time because we share some personal feelings and thoughts you miss at Sunday coffee hour on our way to some other scheduled event. It was quiet, we meditated on some printed text and then got to know each other in a deeper, personal way. Something we could try to do even after Lent is past. Oh, and yes, Maggie's vegetable soup was outstanding. One last thought. I like the suggestion that this Lent, rather than give up something, do something instead. Do something different and positive. I'm trying to do that. And if I'm successful, I hope it carries on for the rest of the year. Blessing to all. See you on Tuesday night. Jerry Gregory, Senior Warden From our Treasurer This newsletter, I’d like to follow how a “bill” is paid at Christ Church Tashua. This will help you decide how to handle special donations (for example, a personal donation to the Deanery, a food bank, etc.) because a “bill” is different from a donation. Our “bills” begin with a service or thing we need to keep the Church operating - like staff, electricity and worship needs. The requestor sends an invoice or copy of receipts to the Church – which is received by Maryanne, our Parish Administrator. Our Parish Administrator reviews the expense, the validity of the request and places a “check request” in a folder for me. I pick up the check requests weekly. The invoice is entered into our Accounting program called Quick Books as a bill to be paid. Bills are paid twice a month depending on due dates and money in the Operating bank account. Sometimes our Parish is asked to donate food and/or money for our neighbors. This is great and we should continue to do more Outreach. However, if your donation check is made out to Christ Church Tashua instead of the receiving benefactor, the receipt of the monies to the charity is delayed. To alleviate this, if you are giving to one of our charitable/outreach efforts, please make your check payable to the recipient, for example, The Bridgeport Deanery, St. John’s Family Center, Trumbull Food Bank, etc.). This way, we can forward your check directly to the program and your donation will not have to go through our Operating bank account as these items should be separate. If you would like to mail your check directly to the recipient, that is fine too. When charitable opportunities come up, we will do our best to give you all of the information needed so you can follow this procedure. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Maryanne in the Parish Office. Financial Update: This chart summarizes our year to date (Jan End of Month 2015) income and top expenses. MONEY IN Giving Fund Raising Endowment Interest Other $$ 6,975 322 3,321 6 MONEY OUT $$ Clergy 5,278 Staff 3,087 Building & Grounds (maintenance, snow, etc) Facilities (utilities, heat) 1,965 4,954 228 Fund raising Expenses Other (pledge, admin expenses, worship, mortgage) Income Total $10,625 Expense Total 3,797 $19,309 Continued on next page From our Treasurer ~ Continued Watch the bulletin for a revised 2014 end of year Balance Sheet and Profit/Loss Statement. Corrected year end statements will be posted on the Undercroft bulletin board after year end corrections are made. We were hit with a very large, unexpected furnace repair bill in February costing @ $4,100 in repair not in budget. Any special donations are appreciated! Pledge payments could be made on the Donations Page on our website: Please let me know if you have any questions. Kim Atherton, Treasurer From our Jr. Warden Hello Everyone, As your new Junior Warden and Christian Formation Vestry Member, I would just like to take a moment for a brief hello. At some point in time, I would like to meet with all active Sunday School Instructors, along with those who may see this opportunity in their future. Please feel free to contact me via cell, text or email at 203526-5076 or [email protected]. If you would let me know if evenings or weekends work best that would be helpful in order to attempt to coordinate. Additionally, on a side note, I would like to send out a request for a renewed commitment towards Sunday post service Fellowship. We all seem to recognize that one of our great strengths is the sense of community that we generate. I ask you all to consider signing up for a Sunday or two, during the course of the year, to provide refreshments. Consider it the opportunity to celebrate a birthday, graduation or anniversary. These small treats bring a smile to everyone's face; young, old and perhaps those visiting for the first time. So please, search your hearts and your calendars and let Maryanne know a Sunday that you would like to choose. The joy you witness on everyone's face is such a reward. God Bless, Susan Vasone, Jr. Warden Thank you all for supporting the CCT Pasta Dinner. About forty people attended. The food was delicious. It was wonderful to share a hot "home cooked" meal on a cold January night. The Flader Family won most of the raffle prizes !! Congrats to the Fladers!! Parish News The Sew-Caring Quilters have continued their mission. We are currently working on lap quilts. If you are aware of any church members in nursing homes or centers who might like one, please let one of us know. Thank you! The Good Friday Offering - The Episcopal Church has been in partnership with the Diocese of Jerusalem since 1922. Episcopalians have long supported the ministries of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East through the Good Friday Offering. This collection carries on the ministry of Jesus, through support for the many ministries of healing, feeding and teaching among the dioceses of the Province. Refugees are cared for, the sick and injured are healed, the dead are buried, the children are educated and the women are empowered by these ministries. Our Good Friday offering is a witness to our partnership with our brothers and sisters who live in the land where Jesus walked. If you would like to give to this cause, please make your check payable to: The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society. In the memo/note section of your check, please add “Good Friday Offering.” There will be Good Friday envelopes available on the tables outside of the church entrances or you can drop your check in our church collection plate during services. The Bishops' 5K is set for Saturday, May 9! While it's hard to think about spring when there is so much winter around us, it'll be here before you know it. And if you're a runner or a walker, that means getting ready for a road race or two. Whether you're an experienced runner or aiming to compete in your first race, you should not miss is The Bishop's 5K. Why? One reason is that the proceeds from the race go to the Bishops' Fund for Children, which provides grants to organizations which benefit at-risk children throughout Connecticut. Another is that it's a smaller race with lots of prizes and team spirit, so it's a fun 5K for all levels of runners. The Bishops' 5K is on May 9th in West Hartford so you have plenty of time to prepare. It's open to all, so ask your friends, family and fellow parishioners to run with you or be there to cheer you on! More info to follow. Looking for another way to get involved with the 5k? Join the team of about 75 volunteers who show up on race day to help runners stay on the race course, man water stations, help at the finish line, hand out refreshments, and help organize kid activities. For more information, contact Foster at [email protected]. Upcoming Events at Christ Church Tashua Christ Church Tashua’s ECW will hold our Annual Meeting on Sunday, March 8th at 9:15 a.m. The meeting will be held in our church undercroft between the two worship services. All of the women of CCT are invited to attend. Please come and help us plan for the upcoming year! Come celebrate St. Patrick's Day at Christ Church! The annual ECW Corned Beef Dinner will be held on Saturday, March 14, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Adults $15.00 or 2/$25.00, 12 and under $7.00, Seniors $12.50. Dessert donations are welcome! Please come and join us -bring your family and friends. The Council of Churches’ 2015 Annual Youth Leadership Conference will take place on Saturday, April 18th at Housatonic Community College, Beacon Hall Event Center, in Bridgeport. The theme this year is: “Are you living the life of a king ~ Are you setting personal achievement goals and taking action steps to reach them?” This conference is for 8th graders, high school and college aged individuals. The movie Life of a King, starring Cuba Gooding, Jr. will be shown with lunch and dialogue to follow. If you are interested, would like more information and/or would like to register for this event, please contact the Program Administrator Richetta Joyner via email at: [email protected] or via phone at: (203) 334-1121, ext. 230. 6th Annual Greater Bridgeport Walk Against Hunger - Save the Date! Sunday, April 26th at Seaside Park, Bridgeport. Online registration is now open for Connecticut Food Bank’s 2015 Walk Against Hunger, at Four of the state’s largest cities are hosting the Walk Against Hunger, a community gathering that increases hunger awareness and generates much needed funds to combat hunger in Connecticut. The mission of Connecticut Food Bank is to provide nutritious food to people in need. They distribute food to nearly 700 community food assistance programs in six of Connecticut’s eight counties: Fairfield, Litchfield, Middlesex, New Haven, New London and Windham. The Walk Against Hunger will increase Connecticut Food Bank’s capacity to fight hunger and most importantly, celebrates our New England spirit of neighbor helping neighbor. All four walks are 2.5 to 3 miles long with festivities beginning at 1 p.m. If you are interested in walking and getting a team together for our parish, please call the parish office. If you would like to donate directly to the cause, please visit the Connecticut Food Bank’s website at: CROP Hunger Walk - Save the Date! Sunday, May 3rd at the United Congregational Church; corner of State Street and Park Avenue in Bridgeport at 1:30 p.m. (rain or shine). CROP Hunger Walks are community led efforts to fight hunger locally, nationally and internationally. 75% of money collected is used by Church World Service; 25% stays in Greater Bridgeport. We would love to get a group of CCT parishioners to attend! If you are interested in making a team, please call the parish office. For more information, please visit: ECW Save the Date!! Saturday, May 9th -- Mother’s Day Plant and Bake Sale at Christ Church Tashua Holy Week Schedule at Christ Church PALM SUNDAY -- MARCH 29TH 8:00am - Holy Eucharist and Blessing of Palms 10:00am - Holy Eucharist with Procession with Palms HOLY WEDNESDAY -- APRIL 1ST To be determined. MAUNDY THURSDAY -- APRIL 2ND 7:30pm - Remembering Christ’s Institution of the Holy Eucharist, Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar GOOD FRIDAY -- APRIL 3RD 12:00pm to 1:00pm - Interfaith Service at Christ Church Tashua 1:00pm-3:00pm - Christ Church Tashua open for meditation 7:30pm - Good Friday Office with Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament HOLY SATURDAY -- APRIL 4TH Church is dark. EASTER SUNDAY - THE DAY OF THE RESURRECTION -- APRIL 5TH 8:00am - Holy Eucharist with Hymns Easter Brunch between services 10:00am - Holy Eucharist with Hymns; followed by Easter Egg Hunt in the Churchyard Parish Notes Bishop Visit & Confirmation Service On Sunday, April 12th, Bishop Ian Douglas will be here at Christ Church Tashua. At this service, Bishop Ian will confirm our six confirmands. We will have one service at either 9:00 a.m. or 9:30 a.m. The time will be confirmed at a later date. Coffee Hour If you would like to provide refreshments for one of our Coffee Hours on Sunday morning, please do! There is a sign up sheet on the front table in the Undercroft. Thank you! Please join us for a morning of worship and fellowship with Bishop Ian. Altar Guild Altar Servers Please support our Altar Guild! Thinking about becoming an Altar Server? One way to support our Altar Guild and the beautiful arrangements that they create every Sunday is to sign up for Altar Flowers in memory of or in honor of loved ones … or whatever you’d like! There is a sign up sheet on the front table in the Undercroft. Feel free to sign up for a few dates! We always welcome new members! There are many ways to serve. You can be a Chalicer, Lector, Greeter, Crucifer, Torchbearer and/or a Banner Bearer. If numbers are more your thing, you can become a Counter. If you are interested in any of these, you can let Fr. Rob know or call Maryanne in the Parish Office. EASTER OFFERING EASTER FLOWERS One way of celebrating The Easter Season is by making an Easter Flower offering to our Altar Fund. These commemorative offerings will help defray the cost of our Easter flowers and make our altar look beautiful for Easter Sunday. Please use the form below for your offering. The normal amount is $30, but whatever you are comfortable giving is welcome. Your offering can be mailed to Christ Church or put in an “Easter Flower” envelope which can be found in the Church, undercroft, or office and placed in the offering basin at any of our services. EASTER FLOWERS GIVEN BY_________________________________________________________ IN LOVING MEMORY OF______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ IN THANKSGIVING FOR______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Outreach From Our Deanery St. John’s Family Center - As you may know, Christ Church Tashua has pledged our on-going commitment to the babies, children and parents of St. John’s Family Center. In addition to food items, they are always in need of clothes and supplies for the babies and children. Also, the mothers and fathers are in need of personal care items. If you would like to donate, we have a box in the Undercroft for collecting these items. Monetary donations are always welcome. Thank you for continuing to support this very worthy and meaningful outreach program. Your kindness is deeply appreciated. The following items are always in demand: Tuna fish Pasta Spaghetti Sauce Mac & Cheese Soups Cereals/Oat Meal Juice Peanut Butter Jelly Kids Snacks Canned Pastas Meal Helpers Baby food Baby formula (not dry) Noodles Rice Beans (dry & canned) Canned vegetables and fruits Seasonings Fresh fruit/produce Personal Items: Soap Toothbrushes and toothpaste Combs and brushes Bath tissue Diapers and wipes Personal hygiene products Shampoo Shaving cream Shaving razors Deodorant Kleenix In addition to dropping your items in the box in our undercroft, items can be delivered directly to the St. John's Family Center (1067 Park Avenue, Bridgeport) for sorting and distribution between St.Lukes/St.Paul's and the St. John's Family Ctr. Drop off can be made on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 9:00am 4:00pm. You may also call (203) 335-2999. Would you like to be a Food Pantry Volunteer? Make a difference in the lives of the clients who visit the Deanery food pantries. They would love to have you assist and they welcome all ages and church youth groups. If interested, please contact our Deacon Diane Peterson at: [email protected] for available dates. Volunteering makes a difference! Vestry Information Current Vestry Members ~ Welcome New Vestry Members! Jerry Gregory ..................................................................................................................... Senior Warden Susan Vasone .............................................................................. Junior Warden and Christian Formation Jen Rossel ..........................................................................................................................................Clerk Kim Atherton .............................................................................................................................. Treasurer Jane Flader ............................................................................................................ Buildings and Grounds Patrick Liganga ............................................................................................................................ Outreach Lisa Woods ............................................................................................................................. Fundraising Karen Holmes ............................................................................................................................... Worship Christ Church Tashua Vestry Meeting Policy Parishioners are welcome to attend Vestry meetings if they have a particular concern, idea or proposal that should be brought to the attention of the Vestry. A written request should be made to one of the Vestry officers or the Rector a week in advance for inclusion on the meeting agenda, along with any documentation to be reviewed in advance of the meeting. Approximately the first 15 minutes of the next Vestry meeting will then be set aside to address the parishioner’s concerns, ideas or proposals. Otherwise, in the interest of covering all of the items on the agenda in a timely way, Vestry meetings are generally closed to parishioners. Upcoming Vestry Meeting Date -- 7:30pm March 19, 2015 April 15, 2015 MARCH MARCH 3rd ........... Ruth Mohr 6th............ Sarah Bottomley 6th............ Anne Burgan 9th............ Martha Kaechele 9th............ Noah Lawrence Beninati 11th.......... Robert Mitola 11th.......... Louisa Rossel 12th.......... Harry Walker 15th.......... Jennifer Stegmaier 16th.......... Walter Kaechele 17th.......... William Holmes 17th ........ Merna Goett 18th ........ Winnie Jordan 23rd ........ David Green 25th ........ Rebecca Bottomley 27th ........ Jaye Irwin 27th ........ Joleen Bull 31st ......... Beverly Van der Ploeg APRIL 2nd .............. Patrick Liganga 12th............. Mark Flader 13th............. Thomas Fox 15th............. Anabella Reagan-Rivera 18th............. Strick Woods 20th............. Kristine Miklus 25th............. Penney Detchon 27th............. Mark Hawkins 27th............. Susan Vasone 29th............. Carol Rawlins SUNDAY SERVERS ~ March 29th through May 31st March 29 April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26 Altar Guild: Shirley Mayo Volunteer Needed Barbara Stowell Martha Kaechele Ruth Mohr Jaime Hernaez Shirley Mayo Martha Kaechele Barbara Stowell Jaime Hernaez Altar Linen: Martha Kaechele Shirley Mayo Shirley Mayo Shirley Mayo Shirley Mayo Greeters: Pat Foster Joe Franzino Sally Lundy Todd Rossel John and Jane Flader Susan Vasone Martha Kaechele Jaye and Jody Irwin Lay Assistant: Sally Lundy Tom Hawkins Susan Vasone Jaime Hernaez Sally Lundy Lector: Jana Hernaez Peter Ulisse John Holmes Jenelle Hernaez Margaret Marcotte Crucifer: Jenelle Hernaez Marala Baijal Vanessa Woods Louisa Rossel Eliane Baijal Torchbearers: Sarah Holmes Vanessa Woods Eliane Baijal Casey Rossel Marala Baijal Sarah Holmes Vanessa Woods Eliane Baijal William Holmes Casey Rossel Collin Woods Luca Franzino Sarah Holmes Collin Woods Michelle Fox Jane Flader Jody Irwin Sally Lundy Martha Kaechele Maxine Murray Banner Bearer: Volunteer Needed Counters: Jaime Hernaez Margaret Marcotte Volunteer Needed John Holmes Volunteer Needed Easter Brunch Confirmation Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Palm Sunday Easter Sunday Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 Altar Guild: Ruth Mohr Martha Kaechele Shirley Mayo Jaime Hernaez Barbara Stowell Martha Kaechele Ruth Mohr Jaime Hernaez Shirley Mayo Martha Kaechele Altar Linen: Ruth Mohr Ruth Mohr Ruth Mohr Ruth Mohr Ruth Mohr Sharon McNeal Tom Fox Joe Franzino Sally Lundy Pat Foster Todd Rossel John and Jane Flader Susan Vasone Martha Kaechele Tom Hawkins Susan Vasone Jaime Hernaez Sally Lundy Tom Hawkins Pat Foster Jaye Irwin Martha Kaechele Todd Rossel Marala Baijal William Holmes Jade Hernaez Sarah Holmes Jana Hernaez Vanessa Woods Marala Baijal Sarah Holmes Vanessa Woods Eliane Baijal William Holmes Casey Rossel Sarah Holmes Vanessa Woods Volunteer Needed Luca Franzino Sarah Holmes Vanessa Woods Collin Woods Luca Franzino Todd Rossel Bev Van der Ploeg Susan Vasone Jaime Hernaez Margaret Marcotte John Holmes Michelle Fox Jane Flader Jody Irwin Sally Lundy Refreshments: Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Flowers: Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Refreshments: Flowers: Greeters: Lay Assistant: Lector: Crucifer: Torchbearers: Banner Bearer: Counters: Eliane Baijal MARCH 2015 CALENDAR Sunday 1 The 2nd Sunday In Lent Monday 2 Tuesday 3 The 3rd Sunday In Lent 9 10 The 4th Sunday In Lent 16 17 6 Saturday 7 5:30pm Worship Service at CCT 11 12 13 14 5:30pm Worship Service at CCT 18 19 Confirmation Class 6:30-8:30 pm Worship 8 & 10:00 am 22 The 5th Sunday 5 Friday Confirmation Class 6:30-8:30 pm Worship 8 & 10:00 am 15 Thursday Confirmation Class 6:30-8:30 pm Worship 8 & 10:00 am 8 Wednesday 4 23 24 25 20 21 Vestry Meeting 7:30 pm 26 5:30pm Worship Service at CCT 27 28 In Lent Confirmation Class 6:30-8:30 pm Worship 8 & 10:00 am . 29 PALM SUNDAY 30 31 Worship 8 & 10:00 am . MONDAY IN HOLY WEEK TUESDAY IN HOLY WEEK 5:30pm Worship Service at CCT APRIL 2015 CALENDAR Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 2 WEDNESDAY IN HOLY WEEK Confirmation Class 6:30-8:30 pm 5 EASTER DAY 6 7 Thursday 8 THURSDAY IN HOLY WEEK 9 Friday 3 Saturday 4 12pm - Interfaith Service at CCT Church Is Dark. 7:30pm Good Friday Service at CCT 10 11 Worship 8 & 10:00 a.m No Saturday Service Easter Brunch between services Easter Egg Hunt after 10am service 12 The 2nd Sunday 13 14 15 16 17 18 Of Easter Confirmation with Bishop Douglas Vestry Mtg 7:30 p.m. One Service at either 9:00 a.m. or 9:30 a.m. Time to be confirmed at a later date. 19 The 3rd Sunday 5:30pm Worship Service at CCT 20 21 22 23 24 25 Of Easter 5:30pm Worship Service at CCT Worship 8 & 10:00a.m. 26 The 4th Sunday Of Easter Worship 8 & 10:00a.m. 27 28 29 30 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE AT CHRIST CHURCH TASHUA PALM SUNDAY -- MARCH 29TH 8:00am - Holy Eucharist and Blessing of Palms 10:00am - Holy Eucharist with Procession with Palms HOLY WEDNESDAY -To be determined. APRIL 1ST MAUNDY THURSDAY -- APRIL 2ND 7:30pm - Remembering Christ’s Institution of the Holy Eucharist, Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar GOOD FRIDAY -- APRIL 3RD 12:00pm to 1:00pm - Interfaith Service at Christ Church Tashua 1:00pm-3:00pm - Christ Church Tashua open for meditation 7:30pm - Good Friday Office with Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament HOLY SATURDAY -- APRIL 4TH Church is dark. EASTER SUNDAY - THE DAY OF THE RESURRECTION -- APRIL 5TH 8:00am - Holy Eucharist with Hymns Easter Brunch between services 10:00am - Holy Eucharist with Hymns; followed by Easter Egg Hunt in the Churchyard March / April 2015 Christ Episcopal Church Tashua 5170 Madison Avenue Trumbull, CT 06611 (203) 268-5566