COUGAR CHRONICLE - Nativity Catholic School


COUGAR CHRONICLE - Nativity Catholic School
Nativity Catholic School — Parents of Nativity Issue 13 May 2016
Those of us at the Cougar Chronicle would like to wish everyone a safe and happy summer. It’s a bit
shorter this year—only 67 days.
The Cougar Chronicle would like to give you some summer work! First of all—send us your vacation
photos to reprint in the August issue. Did you go to the beach? Disney? Maybe you traveled abroad…
where ever this summer’s travels take you—send us a photo! ([email protected])
And second, we’d like to get Nativity students more involved in the Chronicle. We hope to have one
student from each classroom to be a Cougar Chronicle Ambassador next year. We’d love if they’d consider writing something for us but, even more important, we need their eyes and ears to help keep us
informed of classroom events. We’ll talk more about this when school starts, but keep the idea in your
mind if you have a student who’d like to participate.
Lastly, this issue in particular—the Cougar Chronicle just wouldn’t be possible without the generous
contributions of so many people. When we ask one of our priests for a letter - they graciously participate. Mr. Yevich is always happy to contribute and when we asked for pictures of your students with
their pets, our email box overflowed. And Let’s PAWS for Sports wouldn’t happen without Coach Callaghan. To everyone who sends us notices about events in the classroom, takes pictures for us or writes
an article - thank you, thank you, thank you!
Enjoy your summer! Go to Mass! See you in August!
Construction in the Pod meant Mrs. Waldron’s and Mrs. Lowman’s classes had to be out of their class-
It often happens that I
wake up at night and
begin to think about a
serious problem and
decide I must tell the
Pope about it. Then I
wake up completely
and remember that I
am the Pope.
Pope John XXIII
rooms a bit early one afternoon. So a group of parents from the Parents of Nativity, the teachers and
even some of their families quickly put together some Field Day activities for the students. We had an
egg race, some water balloons, and a bean bag toss. Oh, and we might have colored the parking lot and
sidewalks with chalk!
Inside this Issue
PG 2
Top Left: These PreK4
students turned the bean
bag toss into an assault
on the Cougar Chronicle
PG 3
PG 4
PG 5
PG 6
PG 7
* Principal’s Prose
* Pope Francis
* What’s up in the Pod?
* We Love our Pets
* Let’s PAWS for Sports
* Calendar
* Americanism Essay
* Around Campus
Top Right: Solidad
PG 8
Moore focuses all of her
concentration on balancing her egg during the
PG 9
* Around Campus II
PG 10 * PreK4 says Goodbye
PG 11 * Honor Roll
egg race.
PG 12 * Principal’s Honor Roll
Bottom Left: The water
balloon toss turned into
a massive water balloon
Bottom Right: Mrs. Waldron was tracing students’ outlines and then
the students were coloring in their tracing.
“Nativity Catholic School recognizes each student as a unique child of God, and provides a
learning environment that develops each student’s spiritual, intellectual, social, physical
and emotional gifts”
Read online!
Dear Parents,
How do we keep the learning going all summer? A summer break from the routines of school can
be appealing. At the same time, research shows that most children experience a slight academic
setback during the summer months. This is sometimes referred to as “summer slide.” What can
you do to keep your child healthy and learning during the summer? Here are a few ideas:
Read. Read to or with your child every day. Children improve more quickly when parents ask
questions about what children have read. Be sure to let your child see you reading – nothing beats
modeling what you preach.
Discourage mindless munching. Make healthy snacks available for your children. Take advantage of the many fresh
fruits and vegetables available in the summer months by serving them often.
Swap sedentary time for active time. Children burn only 30-50 calories an hour when they are sitting, but 400-500 calories in an hour if they are running and playing. There is evidence that a child should not sit for more than 60
minutes at a time. Encourage them to take “active breaks.” Play outside with your children.
Get them involved. Take your children to the store with you. Let them help you make plans for a day together. Spend
some time together planning a family outing. Doing these things together will strengthen your relationship.
Reinstate or create new family traditions. Insist on family dinners and make them special in some way. Use meal time
as a time to reconnect and appreciate your family. Try something new! And make sure that you go to Mass as a family every Sunday!
Look at summer as a great opportunity to help your child stay active, healthy, and to continue learning. Enjoying the summer with your children will bring you closer as a family. Parents, you have more power than you realize to guarantee a
healthy future for your children.
Wishing you all a wonderful summer! See you next school year!
Mr. Yevich
We are 13 issues into the Cougar Chronicle. And for almost half of those publications, Father Victor has been so
kind as to give us a few words to print. From all of us at the Cougar Chronicle, we want to extend our most sincere gratitude to Fr. Victor for all of his work. I know we only called this “Two Cents with Fr. Victor” but it was
worth a lot more. We’d like to gift Fr. Victor a lifetime subscription to the Cougar Chronicle and an open invitation to print his “Two Cents” worth anytime he asks. Thank you!
What’s up in the Pod?
Jack Hartmann brought his musical talents to Nativity for his annual visit with PreK3 and PreK4. Did you know he has written and
recorded more than 700 songs on 26 albums? Just a few minutes with Mr. Hartmann and you’ll be singing Tooty Ta the rest of the day!
One lump or two? That was
the question on the minds of
Mrs. Lowman’s students at
their spring Tea Party. The
girls were decked out in
their finest floral designs
and hats and the boys were
dressed to charm in their
suits and ties.
Nativity 8th Grade, PreK3 & PreK4
We LOVE our Pets!
Sam and his dog Finnegan
Kinsley and Oliver
Erica and Melanie and their dog...I mean
rabbit… I mean their pet Nala.
Isabelle and Sofia and their dog Maya
Isabella and Marley
Tyler and Ele
Lily and Leo and a few
of their chickens cooling
off in the pool!
Sara and her dogs Lance and Crystal. And it looks
like a few pets in the aquarium behind her!
Soledad and Marianna with their pets Momo and Lulu
Let’s PAWS for Sports
There are students who excel in the classroom and there are students who excel in sports. Nativity is blessed with students who excel in both. Our student athletes fill the rosters of volleyball teams,
basketball teams, and flag football teams. We have champion track
teams, and soccer teams. We have boys’ teams, girls’ teams and even
coed teams.
It was an exciting year for sports at Nativity filled with a lot of highs and lows. There were
tough loses and come from behind wins. There were injuries and enthusiasm; penalties and
playoffs; tears and triumphs.
We appreciate all of the coaches for the countless hours they gave to these sports. We appreciate the team Mom’s for making sure everyone got their schedules and their snacks. And, especially, we thank the parent volunteers who coached teams, drove athletes across town, ran the
scoreboard and even the parents who brought their students to the game to cheer on the Cougars. The Booster Club, as they have for many years, supported all athletics in a way that has
Nativity the envy of schools throughout the Diocese.
Congratulations to all of our athletes on a fine 2015—2016 season in all sports.
And a special congratulations to Coach Callaghan for being named Coach of the Year by the
Catholic League. Coach Callaghan has been at Nativity for 9 years and earned his third
Coach of the Year honors this year. His sports season starts early upon our arrival back on
campus in August and goes well in to the summer when he hosts his annual Basketball Camp
in late June. Registration spots are still available for this summer’s camp. Please check out
the school’s webpage for details.
Thank you again to the entire Nativity Sports Family! We look forward to the 2016-2017 season when we’ll PAWS for sports once again!
Leo Belcher and LanOutstanding night at the Booster
don Pierce provide
some half time enter-
Club’s Sports Awards Banquet
May 25th where athletes and
coaches were honored for their
recent Flag Football
Did you see the story on the Today Show
and again on NBC Nightly News? A full
story was done on the incredible project
undertaken by one man in California. His
Crayon Initiative is a nationwide success
with hundreds and thousands of pounds of
used and abandoned crayons being recycled
into new crayons for disadvantaged students and children in hospitals. And Nativity is part of this success! Over the summer, the Parents of Nativity will sort and
ship all of the crayons collected back to the
Crayon Initiative. Look for the boxes in
MAY 2016
May 27...8th Grade Breakfast—8:30am
May 27… 8th Grade Graduation 7pm
May 30… No School (Memorial Day)
JUNE 2016
June 3… Indoor / Noon Dismissal—
Last Day of School
Aug 07… Back to School Mass & Open House
Aug 10… First Day of School
your classrooms again next year!
Brandon Elk’s Lodge—Americanism Essay
Brandon Elk’s Lodge hosted an Americanism Essay Contest this year for students in 5th—8th grade to promote patriotism among young
people. Below are essay submissions by Khasandra Gascon and Madison Sigler.
Mrs. Tarsi’s Language Arts students Matthew Cseh (7th Grade) Khasandra Gascon ( 8th Grade), and Madison Sigler (7th Grade)
Madison Sigler
KC Gascon
We, as Americans, can promote Americanism by
The United States of America---the country that was longing for freedom.
flying the flag of the United States of America, show-
Many years ago there were many colonists who fought for their lives, but
ing our love and affection toward our veterans, and
donating materials to the injured veterans. Our sol-
most of all, they were fighting for the freedom of the generations to come. In
diers risk their life lives to save ours. When we say
the Pledge of Allegiance, we are remembering those
this very country we are people from many different places, and we are people who believe in different things, but we as Americans are people who are
filled with courage, determination, dreams, and generous intellects. We are
who have lost their lives fighting for our country and
honoring those who are currently serving for our
the next generation that will change history.
Though we may be young or old, we can still change history one way or
country. When we see military men and women in
another. We have many ways to inspire others, and to be more loving to our
public, we should take time out of our day to stop and
say “thank you to them.” My grandfather served in
country. There are many soldiers who fight for our country for many months
and sacrifice their own lives because they love and honor this beloved coun-
the Air Force and is currently still living. Today, he
try. There are many ways to love and promote Americanism by just being
has many stories to tell about his adventures and
missions. He is no longer serving, but on Veteran’s
respectful and loving to our fellow neighbors. We are supposed to be these
Day I thank him for his time in service. We must love
united people in a united nation. No matter what nationality, belief, religion,
and morals we have, we are one as one country. Just one step at a time we
our country and be proud of our country to be able to
can make this country better and stronger than before.
promote Americanism. The people that created this
country created it so that we could have freedom.
Our responsibilities as citizens of the United States of America is to empower those who believe the impossible is possible. Through the American
Adults can show their Americanism by voting. By
dream their dreams will come true. We must be open to the varieties of the
voting, people show that they are actively participating in government and that they are showing support.
unimaginable possibilities that lie ahead of us and create this country of
dreams, not selfishness and money, but the dreams of each and every individual will finally fulfill their life-long dreams. We are the American dream
I am proud to be an American.
therefore we must leave a legacy, just one dream at a time.
We are the American dream.
Around Campus
Check out the Cool Cats from Nativity’s Spring Play
“Flapper”. The songs were the Cat’s Meow, the acting was
the Bee’s Knees and the set was dandy!
These lucky students had their own cupcake social with their teachers thanks to a Teacher Adventure package available at the
Nativity Spring Gala.
Chef Harrison Langley
Nativity Sixth Graders took their Field Trip to Nature’s Classroom—a Hillsborough County park - for three days. They learned survival
skills, including how to build a shelter and fire and even how to use a compass. On the first day, they studied different life forms found
in the Hillsborough River.
Around Campus II
If it’s May, then that means Kindergarten is ready for their Royal
Coronation! A countless number of hours goes into this annual
Nativity tradition in which all Kindergartens officially move on to
First Grade.
Elle LetoBarone places a crown
on a statue of the Mother Mary
at the Crowning of Mother
ceremony earlier this
month. The tradition of crowning an icon of the Blessed
Mother goes back at least to the
12th century and is done to
signify her as Queen of Heaven
and the Mother of God.
Mrs. Hagy’s class jumped at the opportunity to
make some Silly Faces after a recent Class
Photo. At first, the faces were pretty tame.
However, once the offer was made to send the
picture to Mr. Yevich, well, you can see what
happened next!
Work has begun in the Pod.
First step—
demolition of the old space! You’ll have to
come back in August to see the “after” pictures!
Congratulations to all Nativity youth who received First Communion this year.
As our amazing 8th grade students transition into the next exciting chapter of
their lives, their PreK A & B Prayer Partners wanted to share some well
wishes and wisdom.
"I will miss my prayer
partner. Be good. Try
to make new friends.
Remember me. Always
say good prayers."
"Listen to your teacher. Listen and
talk to Jesus. Eat faster in the cafeteria. Put your snack and lunch in
your backpack. And put your blanket
and mat in your backpack. Do nice
thing to others- be a GOOD friend."
Soledad M
PreK4A 2015-2016
Violeta L
PreK4A 2015-2016
"Be good. You have to listen to
Read your books! You can use
your computer to work at your
house. You have to pray when
you're going to sleep. Be help-
“Work Hard.”
Emily G
your teacher. Be kind to all your
friends and do acts of kindness.
David N
PreK4A 2015-2016
PreK4B 2015-2016
"I love you, Prayer Partner. Thank you for being my best prayer partner in the
world. I hope YOU work very good at your new school. Think HARD when
you have to do the job the teacher says. Do prayer when you're scared, angry
or sad. I will pray for you."
Sammy M
“Make new friends. Listen to your teacher. Do
PreK4A 2015-2016
your homework. Be Nice.”
Kaci C
PreK4B 2015-2016
“Study math and teach others
how to put money on fire.”
Joshua M
PreK4B 2015-2016
"You have to do lots of homework. Be a good student! Push
your chair in and put your pencil case in your chair cover. Do not spit! Don't bang on the tables. Do Not Forget
About Jesus. Try not to vomit. Don't kick anyone and no
punching. Please treat people good."
Nico D
PreK4A 2015-2016
“Do your homework
and then go to
Lucy F
Juan Pablo B
PreK4B 2015-2016
PreK4B 2015-2016
Thank you Mrs. Ringley and the Teachers and Students of PreK4 for helping with this page!
3A—Mrs. Hingle
3B—Ms. Cuellar
4A—Ms. Spear
4B—Mrs. Power
5A—Mrs. Richardson
5B—Mrs. LetoBarone
Leonardo Astacio
Diana Anda
Josephine Chapuis
Livia Astacio
Haley Alfonso
Preston Eder
George Brown
Jiavanni Farina
Patricia Condon
Carly Dunphy
Jordyn Gomez
Justin Gomez
Steven Berrios
Braden Cappuccilli
Kayla Atkinson
Christian Beiter
Amanda Brenaman
Grace Bromley
Connor Fisher
Nathan Florival
Kevin Gurnick
Emma Carrillo
Lulu Chuang
Anthony Canizares
Joey Fox
Jack Griffin
Jack Hendrickson
Andrew Freeland
Shannon Condon
Alex Ortmeier
Tristan Fullerton
Serenity Leavitt
Briana Hodge
Tyler Lapsley
Ryan Lavallee
Griffin More
Michael Galvis
Jacob Giovenco
Peter Ebsworth
Isabella Hifko
Nikola Parichkov
Domenic Porras
Luzariadna Medina
Chelse Le
Emma Morse
Aedan Gregory
Lily Jones
Jennifer Rayburn
Nicholas Lopez
Antonella Otero
Natalie Natividad
Craig Jacobsen
Mason Marmino
Rodnyll Valmyr
Jordan McDede
Christina Orsillo
Alyssa Perugini
Andrea Pollard
Mattew O’Neill
Chelsea Tipps
Elizabeth Wilkinson
Javiel Ramirez
Mary Sweeney
Fiorah Tribulan
6A—Mrs. Price
6B—Mr. Amrhein
7A—Mrs. Galvis
7B—Mrs. Dunnigan
8A—Mrs. Kambach
8B—Mrs. Tarsi
Chelsea Brown
Sydney Ginaitt
Nick Migliarese
Adriana Hartman Daniel Perez
Isabelle Hoofnagle Allie Sigl
Elena Andrade
Emma Dillow
Jenna Bradberry
Nico Barrera
Zeta Bennett
Matthew Cseh
Connor Eberhart
Nicholas Fiol
Jeramy Butler
Allie Coglianese
Jake Brazinski
KC Gascon
Nicholas Garcia
Andrew Garateix
Matthew Garcia
Jairus Gonzales
Isabella Olson
Kirsten Grindel
Brooke Ginaitt
Matthew Hecmanczuk
Sebastian Greenberg
Brandon Lee
Sebastian Martinez
Riley Martin
Kevin Mooney
Maria Murgas
Dominic Newberg
Derek Nguyen
Jordan Pullen
Emily Pope
Trinity Roth
Aishani Ramachan-
Catherine Vande Brink
Gio Taylor
Carolyn Watts
Caleb Comeaux
Robin Tionko
Sarah Wagner
Congratulations to these students for making the Principal’s Honor Roll for the 3rd Quarter Grading Period. The Principal’s Honor Roll
recognizes these students for receiving all A’s, all 4s in ATL and all 4s in conduct. They were treated to a special lunch May 4th with
pizza, cake and Mr. Yevich.
3A—Mrs. Hingle
3B—Ms. Cuellar
4A—Ms. Spear
4B—Mrs. Power
5A—Mrs. Richardson
5B—Mrs. LetoBarone
Emmi Alverio
Fausty Belloso
Kevin Bradberry
Hayden Baudoin
Jenna Fonsing
Andre Botero
Tyler Alverio
Christopher Booth
William Freeland
Patrick Cseh
Payton Gustafson
Jacob Delikat
Leo Belcher
Billy Bradberry
Sabrina Grayson
Keyna Gascon
Ava Lera
Olivia Feldman
Sebastian Blanco
Isabella Guzman
Diana Hiatt
Kaelin Jedinak
Alexandra Platt
Brayden Hohman
Madeline Gordon
Sophia Hoofnagle
Petter Hohman
Alexandra Osting
Suzel Portal
Maiah MacLaren
Sara Klimek
Noah Jones
Isabelle Meckley
Alina Pena
Isabella LetoBarone
Carlos Lamoutte
Kendall Mobley
Aidan Rao
Gabrielle Marguez
Mariana Moore
Sasha Rao
Dominic Rossi
Anthony Orsillo
Nolan Richardson
Kai Thierry
Maisi Sigler
Frank Orsillo
Daniel Sierra
Selvin Thomas
Anna Steed
Samuel Parwani
Alvin Thomas
Jennalise Tia
Amelia Thibodeau
Erica Port
Tiana Thomas
Aiden Thousand
Andrew Rossi
Vynsynt Vann
Nathan Weber
Geoffrey Torkelson
Karolina Zagula
Peyton Wilson
Luke Richardson
6A—Mrs. Price
6B—Mr. Amrhein
7A—Mrs. Galvis
7B—Mrs. Dunnigan
8A—Mrs. Kambach
8B—Mrs. Tarsi
Lily Belcher
Ainsley Hamilton
Danielle Fonsing
Alyssa Barrett
Hope Gross
Logan Cappuccilli
Emily Chako
Michelle Hudtwalkcer Mia Lera
Kylie Hecmanczuk
Ai-Linh Mai
Lauren Lamoutte
Theo Chapuis
Tori Wegner
Antonio Marrero-Acosta Lizmarie Nazario
Millie Ortiz
Amanda Ravins
Ricky Figueroa
Angie Pena
Mei Ramsey
Alex Thomas
Matthew Slowey
Aidan Hamilton
Nicholas Reifschneider
Madison Sigler
Rafael Soto
Ethan Haughn
Roc Walker
Alejandro Vazquez
Steven Thomas
Colin Rockway
Ryan Weir
Kayla Welsby