April-May 2015 - Sunshine Foundation
April-May 2015 - Sunshine Foundation
“I’m going to the Dream Village to Dream my Dreams!” - Ciarlo Ciarlo, 4 with spina bifida r eceived his Dr eam Come True Presentation when he was told he would be going to the Central Florida Theme Parks. Ciarlo’s Dream was made possible by the students of Lower Moreland High School and Bucks Connect Networking Group Cayden, 5 with meconium aspiration syndrome, loves music and lights. That is why he dreamed of receiving his very own sensory room. Thanks to the Feasterville Business Association Cayden received his dream! “Cayden loves music and things that make noise, and is drawn to light. Now, we have things that will brighten Cayden’s face every day, and it’s a joy to see!” - Cayden’s parents ANSWER DREAMS TODAY | WWW.SUNSHINEFOUNDATION.ORG Remembering Sunshine Foundation Friend, Dr. David Bresler Dr. David Bresler, of Doc Bresler’s Cavity Busters, was a long time friend of Sunshine Foundation. After hearing about Sunshine Foundation from the Corvette Club of Delaware Valley, Doc Bresler decided to help make dreams come true for children on the Sunshine Foundation waiting list. He volunteered his time at the RunWalkBark 4 Dreams as a committee member and volunteer DJ for the day of the Run. Doc Bresler will be missed by all at Sunshine Foundation. TeRina’s Dream Trip TeRina, 9 with chronic lung disease r eceived her Dream Come True trip to the Central Florida Theme Parks thanks to the Hauck Charitable Fund and Allegiant Air! "She has been the happiest little girl not having to worry or think about pain or doctors. She has loved every minute of the trip! This trip has made everyone forget about everyday life and just enjoy each other" - TeRina’s parents Orlando Solar Bears Support Sunshine Foundation The Orlando Solar Bears helped support Sunshine Foundation Dream Village at their Chuck-a-Puck game. Sunshine Foundation volunteers helped sell pucks during the first half of the game . During the intermission everyone who purchased a puck, threw them onto the ice towards targets to win prizes. The Sunshine Foundation volunteers then helped collect all the pucks from the ice! Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make Dreams Come True! ANSWER DREAMS TODAY | WWW.SUNSHINEFOUNDATION.ORG Pancakes for Dreams! Sunshine Foundation’s All Volunteer Mercer County Chapter and the MOMs Club of Bensalem both held Pancake Br eakfasts to help raise money for Dreams. The All Volunteer Mercer County Chapter’s Breakfast was held by the Hamilton Kiwanis (pictured left) to benefit Operation Dreamlift 2015 which will send approximately 100 children and chaperones to the Magic Kingdom for a day in May. The MOMs Club held their Pancake breakfast to help make Kiana’s Dream of a shopping spree come true! Kiana (pictured right) is 12 years old with sickle cell disease. Fishy Dreams Good Luck Legoland! Sunshine Foundation’s All Volunteer Southern Ocean Chapter held their Annual Fishing Seminar to lear n about fishing in a kayak and where the best areas to catch fish. As the only Central Florida Theme Park that recognizes children with special needs Legoland has donated many tickets for Sunshine Foundation Dreamers and helped rebrand one of the cottages at the Dream Village We would like to Congratulate them on the opening of their new hotel and wish them the best of luck! Alyziah’s Dream Come True Alyziah, 11 with encephalopathy r eceived her Dr eam Tr ip to the Central Florida Theme Parks thanks to the All Volunteer Space Coast Chapter who r aised the funds for her dr eam! “We were able to enjoy a fun-filled time with Alyziah doing what she wanted to do and not what she has to normally"“ - Alyziah’s mom Sunshine Foundation’s Dreamers Jabril, 10, Ring chromosome 18 Central Florida Theme Parks Sunshine Foundation Mission Statement Sunshine Foundation is a national 501c(3) children’s charity that answers the dreams of chronically ill, seriously ill, physically challenged and abused children ages three to eighteen, whose families are unable to fulfill their requests due to the financial strain the child’s illness may cause. Edward, 9 Cerebral Palsy Central Florida Theme Parks Jordan’s Dream Seven year old Jordan, who has cerebral palsy, loved playing putt putt and swimming in the heated pool at the Dream Village, however his favorite part of the trip was when he met Mickey Mouse and got his autograph! Jordan’s trip was made possible by Tyler State Park Route 332, #1 Lane Trail, Newtown PA Harry & Zoe Poole Foundation Celebrating 40 Years of Spreading Sunshine in November 2016! Send us Your Sunshine Story Sunshine Foundation is looking for Past Dreamers to celebr ate our 40th Anniversary in November 2016. If you are interested in participating please send us your story to [email protected] or call Caitlyn at 800-767-1976 Aidalys, 7 with Down syndrome, is one of the children who will receive a Dream Come True thanks to this years Run! For more information: www.sunshinefoundation.org/rwbd Name Age Hometown Dream Diagnosis Completed Hospital Family Jonathan 16 Huntington Park, CA Pacer Gait Trainer Cerebral Palsy; Epilepsy 3/2/2015 Children's Hospital Los Angeles 4 Timothy 18 Douglasville, GA Funds towards a vehicle Hodgkin's Lymphoma 3/2/2015 Children's at Scottish Rite 2 Colton 3 Granite City, IL Outdoor Playset Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome 3/10/15 St. Louis Children's Hospital 4 Gabriela 18 Chula Vista, CA Trip to Vegas Takayasu's Disease 3/11/2015 Children's Hospital 2 Alyziah 9 Palm Bay, FL FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Anoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy 3/12/2015 Arnold Palmer & Nemours Children's 6 Jayden 3 Columbia, MD FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Severe Factor FVIII deficiency (hemophilia) 3/12/2015 Johns Hopkins 3 Jordan 5 Concord, VA FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Cerebral Palsy; Hydrocephalus 3/12/2015 Lynchburg General; UVA Charlottesville 4 Makenzie 9 Muskegon, MI FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Cerebral Palsy 3/12/2015 Hackley; Spectrum Health 4 Justin 12 Harvey, IL FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Severe Autism 3/16/2015 University of Illinois 3 Calese 6 Pittsburgh, PA FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy 3/26/2015 Children’s Hospital 4 Logan 17 Trenton, OH FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Cerebral Palsy 3/26/2015 Children's 4 Melody 6 Stafford, TX FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Spina Bifida 3/26/2015 Texas Children's Hospital 4 Bailey 7 Detroit, MI Trip to Michigan attractions Cerebral Palsy 3/27/2015 Children's Hospital 5 Kiana 11 Philadelphia, PA Shopping Spree Sickle Cell Disease Type SS 3/30/2015 CHOP 2 Dominique 20 Adelphi, MD FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Spina Bifida 4/6/2015 Georgetown University Hospital 3 Evan 4 Lena, MS FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Spina Bifida 4/9/2013 Shriner's - Shreveport 4 Charles 16 Spanaway, WA FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Anoxic Brain Injury; Seizure Disorder 4/16/2015 Children’s Hospital 7 Ciarlo 4 Doylestown, PA FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Spina Bifida with Hydrocephalus 4/16/2015 CHOP 4 David 20 Charlotte, NC FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Pervasive Development Disorder 4/16/2015 Presbyterian Hospital 6 Kelyn 14 Muscle Shoals, AL FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Intractable epilepsy 4/16/2015 Children's Hospital 4 Wesley 11 Indianapolis, IN FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Cerebral Palsy 4/16/2015 Riley 3 Brielle 8 Beachwood, NJ FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Uveitis; Glaucoma; Exzema 4/30/2015 Wills Eye 6 Gavin 10 Middletown, NJ FL Theme Parks/ Dream Village Down Syndrome; Severe Autism 4/30/2015 Monmouth Medical; Children's Specialized 5 ANSWER DREAMS TODAY | WWW.SUNSHINEFOUNDATION.ORG 112th Field Artillery Association A. DeLorenzo's Pizza Inc. Abrams Foundation Action Based Research, LLC Elisha Adelstein James Adlam Aetna Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Agabiti Albert E. Grice Middle School Anthony & Vincenza Alberti All Volunteer Delaware County Chapter Allied Integrated Marketing Allstate - The Giving Campaign American Hungarian Civic Association American Legion - Unit 8 American Legion Aux Unit 274 American Legion Aux Unit 323 American Legion Auxiliary #135 America's Charities Amgen Inc. Annette & Luciano Arduini AT&T Employee Giving Campaign Joel & Annalisa Atienza Cynthia A. Aust Jane & James Babashak Harry & Lucille Bahm Maxine Baral Shelley Barrett Heather Bassman Sheryl Batey George Baumbach Ben & Irv's Restaurant & Delicatessen The Benevity Community Impact Fund Marc & Susan Berman Besa Solutions, Inc Bill's Gun Shop Inc. Maria W. Blaschek Hank Blaszczyk Joseph Bocchini The Boeing Company Employees Sylvia Bosso Earle Boyer Ethel Branch Donald P Brandoff John & Tara Brehm Renee Bresler Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bressler Bristol-Myers Squibb Helen M. Budd William & Sharon Burd David & Joanne Burns C and M Security and Fire Systems LLC Carole Calbazana John F. Campbell Frank Cartlidge Robert & Maryann Casole Frank & Janice Castaldo Randee Cerota CFC Action for Boston Comm. Development Inc. Charles Matsinger Asssociates Chateau Bleu Resort Motel John & Ruth Chmiel Christine's Hope for Kids Citizens Bank Chritable Foundation Robert Clancy Richard Clawges Scott & Julie Clayton Jacqueline & James C. Cleak Joshua Cohn Michael & Patricia Coiante Collegeville Diner Michael & Jocelyn Collins Colonial Volunteer Fire Co., Inc. Combined Federal Campaign CFC Central Florida Area CFC King County CFC of South Hampton Roads Communication Imaging, LLC Communications Workers of America Local 1036 The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Community Health Charities of MD Community Health Charities of North Carolina Barry & Mary Conn Martin & Rita Cooper Court St. Dominic No. 2222 Catholic Daughters Paul Cruser & Karen L. Murray Dennis P. Curtin Anne Daitz Wilma D'Ambrosio Michael & Pat D. D'Arcangelo Delectabell, Inc. Charles A. Delehey Cynthia L. Demaio Jerry and Dawn DePew George & Christine Derr Kathryn DeWitt John & Mary DiBase Pina DiCarlo Vincent & Gail Dickson Elvira DiCostanzo Tony DiLuca Bart & Ann DiNola Disney Worldwide Services, Inc Jerome & Gail Docktor Donatic/Givalike Leonard & Norma Jean Donnelly Catherine Dress Joan T. Duffy Eastern Pennsylvania & Southern New Jersey Samantha Edelman Ed-O Insulation Company, Inc. Employee's Community Fund of The Boeing Company Kenneth Enderle Staci Bender Epstein David and Judy Exner Agnes Fischer Ivy M Fivey Scott and Sharon Fletcher Floz-On Painting, Inc Robert and Ann Franz Suzanne Frattone Heather & Ben Friedman Friendly's Ice Cream Rose Gaiser Carroll L. Geddes Geico Richard Gephart, Sr. Elaine Gerstein & Family Sylvia Geser Richard & Kathleen Giallella Gene and Judith Gilbert Dr. John V. Girolamo Ernest A. Giudici Raymond and Annette Glebocki Jay Goldsleger Gilbert Goldstein Jordee Goodman Richard Gorodesky Robert & Phyllis Gotwald Nancy Graf Grand Bank Dorothy Green Murray L. Greenfield, Esq. Greystone Management Co., Inc Edward Grodsky Margaret Gronenthal Rose F. Grygon Philip and Darlene Guidry Joe & Mary Ann Gunson Charles Hall John G. Hanusi Phyllis Harris Michael Hedden Henkels & McCoy Inc. Hermopoly LLC George & Rosemary Hoffman Holiday House Pet Resort John Holten Honeywell International Charity Matching Paul and Jeanene Hopgood John & Harriet Huston Jr. Imagination Realty Inc Inclusion Care Iron Workers Local 68 Jeffrey and Diane Jablon Marian C. Jameson Bruce T Johnston Ju Cement & Concrete Work, Inc. Just Give Thomas & Diane Kane Bette Kankonen Joel & Susan Kaplan Patrick Keating Lisa Keezer Lee Kenney Al Kerrigan Noreen Kerrigan Michael and Agnes Kmetz, Sr. James C. Knicos Karen Knorr Mary & Robert Kokesh Edward Kramer George & Linda Kranich Rita M. Kravitz John D. Rossheim Kreischer Miller Gail J. Rothstein Ariyapadi Krishnaraj Roxborough Memorial Hospital Chester & Eileen Kulak RTIS Marilyn Kutler Bobby Rue Ladies' Auxiliary Hopewell Fire Department Shawn & Ira Saft Barbara Lampl Gregory and Lorie Sailer Robert & Lynn Lasser Kathleen Sample Latino Women's Ministry Sam's Auto Susan LaTorre San Antonio Area CFC Law Offices of Frannie Reilly, LLC Rita Sasse Kathleen Lengfeld Zuhair Sayany Levine Family Foundation Inc. Anton & Julianna Schujko Bertram & Leatrice Levy Roy & Shelley Schwartz Barbara Lewis Adam J. Schwartzberg Andrea Leyland Melissa Schweizer Leonard & Maryann Liberto Paula Sciarrotta Carole J Lien Christina Scott Rita Liversedge The Selzer Company Robyn Mclean Lopez-Rinker Michael & Johanna Serbin The Lord's Church at Lake Henry Casey Shapiro Louis P. Mattucci & Associates Ltd. William Shapiro Maureen De Lucia Bernice Sherman E.J & F.J Lugossy Silicon Valley Community Foundation Carolen Lunski Sir Speedy Michael N MacNeal Felia and Mike Skillas David Mahon Barbara Small Ellen & Jay Mailman Daniel Smith Nandu and Shaku Makhija Solix Toni and Anthony Marion Robert Sosna Philip & Deborah Marsella St. Ignatius Church Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Maser St. Luke's Episcopal Church Grace Mazzatelli Michael Stastka Colleen McAllister Wayne & Carmella Staub McCoy Federal Credit Union Robert & Charla Stein Thomas McCoy Wendy and Jack Stein James & Robin McGuire Frank & Genevieve Stiefel Irving Memberg Raymond and Mary Stout, Jr Mercedes-Benz of Princeton Sydney E. Stubbins Mercer County Prosecutors Office Suburban Diner Merck Foundation/ c/o Cybergrants Inc. Peter Swanson Maureen Merrill John & Angela Szenczi Messengers Motorcycle Club Jackie & Marty Tartacoff Carol Meyers Eugene Taylor Galina Mezhibovsky Laurie and Adam Taylor Miami Dolphins LTD. TD Bank, N.A. Jerome L. Millan, D.M.D. Thompson Toyota-Scion Maria Miller Bob & Sue Tomasulo Rosemarie Molyneux Mitchell & Anna Toren Nicholas and Halina Monchak Terry D. Tracy Money in Motion Chapter of BNI Tree of Life Behavioral Services Maria Morreale Richard Trehuba Linda Ann T. Mostovyk Pearl Tusim Patricia Murray Dave Ungrady Marietta Muscato United Way - PCFO CFC Joseph and Kate Naggar United Way of Gloucester County Sheldon Nelson United Way of Greater Cleveland OH Elizabeth Norris United Way of Greater Philadelphia Norwin School District Hillcrest Intermediate United Way of Northeast Florida CFC Nottingham Volunteer Fire Company Terri Urbanek Ott & Associates I LLC Didier Valbuena Peter A. Pagano Albert and Helene Valli Mrs. Richard Palma Dr. Bruce & Mary Beth Vanett Louis & Patricia Palumbo Anthony & Marion Vizzari Wilkins M. Parks Thomas R. Walicky Parkside Diner Barbara M Walsh PBA 187 Mercer County Sheriffs Officers Denise and John Wandishin Norman & Arlene Peck Waste Gas Steel Fabrication Thomas and Marie Pfender Wells Fargo (Trustee) for MARIO LAFRATTA Blair Piendak Beverly Kay Whitedeere Ellie and Tony Pileggi Steven Wilderspin Nicholas & Elizabeth Pileggi Shirley M Wilkins Tom and Joan Pileggi Reginald L Williams Francis and Elaine Pittaro Alan & Karen Wills Polo Park Activities, Inc World Wide Creations Polo Park Homeowners Mr. and Mrs. John Wrighter Anthony and Kim Pompei Kathy Yamakawa Frank J. Potere Loretta Yates Alice Prizer & Family Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program PSEG Power of Giving Campaign Racecar Engineering Ilene S. Rattet Larry and Kathleen Reitsma Cpl. Philip A. Reynolds, Marine Corps League Edward Ridgeway You can be a Dream Maker, too, when Doris M. Riso you donate at sunshinefoundation.org Sherise D. Ritter Robin Hood Restaurant Angelo & Rose Anna Romanello Michael and Judy Rosenbaum Cindy Rosenbloom Princess Makenzie’s Disney Dream 10 year old Makenzie, who has cerebral palsy, has always wanted to meet the Disney Princesses, and finally that dream has come true. From meeting Cinderella, and Elsa to being part of the Lion King show at the Animal Kingdom, Makenzie couldn't stop smiling the entire trip. Makenzie’s Trip was made possible by the Oliver Dewey Marks Foundation! “Makenzie can't stop talking about her trip and loves showing off all the pictures. We also found out she loves roller coasters! We love her smile and she lit up more than ever the entire trip - thank you so much!” -Kelly, Makenzie’s Mom Students Spread Sunshine on Spring Break Students from Georgia State University, Virginia Commonwealth University and Grand Valley State University spent par t of their spr ing br eaks volunteering at the Dream Village. Students helped clean, repaint, plant flowers and other jobs throughout the Dream Village. Thank you to all the students who helped keep the Dream Village a magical place for our Dreamers. Remembering Bill Sample at the Dream Village Longtime Sunshine supporter Ron Jedlinski and Sunshine friends from Ludlow Services helped create the memory garden for Sunshine Foundation Founder Bill Sample at the Dream Village. Volunteer groups from BNI and Kissimmee/Osceola County Chamber Four Corners Leads Groups also came out to help plant hedges in this area around the trailer Bill stayed in while visiting the village. Thank you for helping remember our founder. ANSWER DREAMS TODAY | WWW.SUNSHINEFOUNDATION.ORG Events April 18, 2015 - Davenport, FL - Dream Village Anniversary Celebration April 19-21, 2015 - Hamilton, NJ - All Volunteer Mercer County Chapter’s Texas Roadhouse Fundraising Days April 23, 2015 - Celebration, FL - Southern Power Company’s Golf Tournament April 26, 2015 - Stoudsburg, PA- Patrick Smith’s Tricky Tray Fundraiser May 2, 2015 - Ocean City, NJ- All Volunteer Cape Atlantic Chapter’s Block Party May 5, 2015 - Trenton, NJ- Mercer County Dreamlift May 30, 2015 - Doylestown, PA- Doylestown Airport Open House June 6, 2015 - Loveland, CO- 19th Annual Sunshine Foundation Scramble June 13, 2015 - Newtown, PA- 13th Annual RunWalkBark4Dreams June 20, 2015 - Hatboro, PA- 45th Annual Cavalcade of Corvettes For more information on all upcoming events visit www.sunshinefoundation.org Sunshine Foundation Appreciates Memorial Donations and Honors Your Loved Ones… Mother of Margaret Alexander D. Sue Alva Mike Bartelle Dr. Walter Bogart Freda Borowsky Briget Brady Dr. David Bresler Patty Brower's Mother Frank Burstein Raymond Canfield Gail Collins Margaret “Peg” Connell Michelle Conslavo Joyce Downey Ron Dubrow Sandra Edly David Einstein William Ferguson Thomas Fisher Loren Flickinger A Geiser Allie Geiser Jack George Ginny's Mother Jim Halsey Bob Hansberry Christopher Hill Irv Homer Joseph Kaluzny, Sr. Bobby Kichula Jeanne I. Kiesel Joseph & Mary King Veronica M. Maden Jack Mehaffey Angela Memberg William Bill Menger Jane Mooney McGuire Sharon Newman Norman Olson Meghan O’Riordan Michael Jay Peisach Andrew Reitano Joe Restuccio Catherine L. Ricci J Rogers Bill Sample Lauren Margaret Smith Frank Solar Judy Spies Cecile Sulliva Midge Teplick Robert Thistle Angelina Tomasello Jimmy Weaver Simon Whitfield Johnny Wright Ted Zegarski Sunshine Foundation places the utmost priority on protecting the privacy of our donors. Sunshine Foundation keeps all donor information in strict confidence. Sunshine Foundation will not sell or trade a donor's personal information to any other entity. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at 1-800-767-1976.
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