details - Helioscopie
details - Helioscopie
STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE TREATMENT FOR WOMEN M I N I - S U B U R E T H R A L TA P E As a minimally invasive and atraumatic medical implant, the mini-suburethral tape HELETECH® MIVT (Minimally Invasive Vaginal Tape) is a guarantee of safe and effective treatment for Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) in women. Surgical and minimally invasive By vaginal route, at a distance from the vasculo-nervous bundle without perforating the obturator membrane. No external scarring and minimisation of the quantity of material implanted. Reinforcement Self-locking gussets. Polypropylene monofilament. Macroporous mesh >75 µm promoting cell colonisation and thus limiting the risk of infection. Size Mini-tape measuring 11 X 1.2 cm. Easy to put in place New operating technique - easier to perform than standard techniques and readily reproducible. Ancillary with a dual curve to better guide the insertion of the tape. LNE/G-Med CE marking. Compliance with the standard NF S94-801 : 2007. Stress urinary incontinence in women often occurs when the pelvic floor muscles weaken (age, pregnancy…). The insertion of the HELETECH® MIVT mini-suburethral tape is an option following failure of re-education therapy. The insertion of the HELETECH® MIVT mini-suburethral tape supports the deficient pelvic floor muscles. Stress urinary incontinence in women Tolerance Incontrollable leakage of urine during effort, such as coughing, sneezing, lifting a weight etc. Efficacy Restoration of continence in over 97% of patients.(1) Less post-operative neuralgic pain. Lower operative risks, with simple follow-up for 99% of patients.(1) STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE TREATMENT FOR WOMEN M I N I - S U B U R E T H R A L TA P E 1 2 3 The patient is installed in the gynaecological position, with legs flexed at 90°. The description of the operative manoeuvres refers to this position. A 2.5cm deep median vertical incision is made on the anterior vaginal wall, 1.5cm under the urinary meatus. Through this incision the scissors are introduced laterally between the vaginal wall and the urethra, perpendicular to the ischio-pubic ramus, seeking contact with this bone. This tunnel is then continued behind it retaining the same perpendicular axis until the fascia of the pelvic aponeurosis is opened. Once in place the scissors are then opened gently and then closed again before being withdrawn. The same manoeuvres are performed on each side. 3 Variation If difficulty in finding the dissection tunnel is experienced, the guide may be used to find this tunnel and used to guide the scissors to bring the tape up to the obturator muscles through the aponeurosis, without crossing the obturator membrane. The guide is then withdrawn. 4 Then the scissors are withdrawn leaving the tape in the tunnel. The same manoeuvre is performed in an identical manner on the other side. 5 The tape is simply inserted without tension. The adjustment is identical to that of a TOT. If the tension is not sufficient, reintroduction of the scissors at the bottom of the tunnel, in the gusset of one side, is easy and will enable the appropriate repositioning. The point of the Jones scissors is slipped into the gusset at the end of the polypropylene tape. Thus sheathed they are slipped into the tunnel, carrying the end of the tape to the obturator muscles, through the aponeurosis and without crossing the obturator membrane. The passage of the point of the scissors, with a slight dip through the aponeurosis, should be felt. It guarantees that each end of the tape is correctly positioned. REFERENCES (1) Manufactured by HESPERIS CHIRURGICAL (Vienne - FRANCE) - Tel. +33 (0)4 74 16 19 11 - Fax +33 (0)4 74 16 18 19 - VIENNE TRADE AND COMPANIES REGISTER NO. 439 642 752 Distributed by HELIOSCOPIE - Rue des Frères Lumière - BP 385 - 38217 Vienne - FRANCE Tel. +33 (0)4 74 16 18 18 - Fax +33 (0)4 74 16 18 10 - [email protected] Compagnie européenne d’étude et de recherche de dispositifs pour l’implantation par Laparoscopie PLC WITH A CAPITAL OF €45,060 - VIENNE TRADE AND COMPANIES REGISTER NO. 429 085 483 DC-047-04 - 02/2011 - Production - Non contractual photos Study of the efficacy and tolerance of the MIVT technique on 110 patients presenting type II or II+ SUI. Analysis carried out from the patient follow-up register of the Gynaecology Department at the Clinic of Essonne (Evry, France) between June 2006 and January 2009.