Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Synopsis This document mandates the requirements for the identification of rail vehicles, the requirements for the registration of rail vehicles in the rolling stock library and the data to be displayed on rail vehicles. Copyright in the Railway Group Standards is owned by Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited. All rights are hereby reserved. No Railway Group Standard (in whole or in part) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or means, without the prior written permission of Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited, or as expressly permitted by law. RSSB Members are granted copyright licence in accordance with the Constitution Agreement relating to Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited. In circumstances where Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited has granted a particular person or organisation permission to copy extracts from Railway Group Standards, Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited accepts no responsibility for, nor any liability in connection with, the use of such extracts, or any claims arising therefrom. This disclaimer applies to all forms of media in which extracts from Railway Group Standards may be reproduced. Published by: RSSB Block 2 Angel Square 1 Torrens Street London EC1V 1NY © Copyright 2011 Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Issue record Issue Date Comments One October 2000 Original document Two September 2011 Replaces GM/RT2453 issue one, GM/RT2210 issue two, GM/RT2459 issue one Revisions have not been marked by a vertical black line in this issue because the document has been revised throughout. Superseded documents The following Railway Group documents are superseded, either in whole or in part as indicated: Superseded documents Sections superseded Date when sections are superseded GM/RT2453 issue one October 2000 Registration of Rail Vehicles and Mandatory Data Requirements All December 2011 GM/RT2210 issue two March 1996 Identification of Rail Vehicles All December 2011 GM/RT2459 issue one December 2000 Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles All December 2011 GM/RT2453 issue one, GM/RT2210 issue two and GM/RT2459 issue one cease to be in force and are withdrawn as of 03 December 2011. Supply The authoritative version of this document is available at Uncontrolled copies of this document can be obtained from Communications, RSSB, Block 2, Angel Square, 1 Torrens Street, London EC1V 1NY, telephone 020 3142 5400 or e-mail [email protected]. Other Standards and associated documents can also be viewed at Page 2 of 49 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Contents Section Description Part 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Purpose and Introduction Purpose Introduction Approval and authorisation of this document 4 4 4 6 Part 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 Requirements for the Identification of Rail Vehicles Allocation of the European Vehicle Number Allocation of multiple unit set identification numbers Advanced reservation of rail vehicle and multiple unit set identification numbers Reallocation of rail vehicle and multiple unit set identification numbers Vehicle Keeper Marking 7 7 7 7 7 7 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Requirements for the Registration of Rail Vehicles in the Rolling Stock Library General registration of rail vehicles Registration status of rail vehicles in the Rolling Stock Library Registration processes Rail vehicles not intended for normal use Upgraded or renewed rail vehicles Currency of recorded data Documentation 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 11 Part 4 4.1 4.2 Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles 12 GB registered rail vehicles intended to be used in international traffic 12 GB registered rail vehicles not intended to be used in international traffic 12 Part 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 Application of this Document Application - infrastructure managers Application - railway undertakings Health and safety responsibilities 2.4 2.5 Part 3 Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D RSSB Page 14 14 14 14 Numbering rules for the allocation of a European Vehicle Number Mandatory Data for Rail Vehicles Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles not intended to be used in International Traffic Rail Vehicle Registration Flow Charts 15 15 22 39 41 Definitions and Acronyms 44 References 48 Page 3 of 49 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Part 1 1.1 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Purpose and Introduction Purpose 1.1.1 This document mandates the process and the data required for registering rail vehicles; the numbering system to be used to identify rail vehicles; and the data to be displayed on rail vehicles. It also implements requirements introduced through European legislation applicable to the National Vehicle Register (NVR) and the European Register of Authorised Types of Vehicles (ERATV). 1.2 Introduction 1.2.1 Background The implementation of the Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs) mandated through a series of European Union (EU) Directives has resulted in a review of all requirements set out in Railway Group Standards. 1.2.2 1.2.3 Under the implementation of the Railway Group Standards Code, RSSB has given a commitment to review all of its standards with a view to mandate only those requirements that define the interface and the need for co-operation between railway undertakings and infrastructure managers to manage risk safely. A review of the requirements set out in a suite of standards associated with registration of, identification of and data to be displayed on rail vehicles has resulted in a revised Railway Group Standard on this topic. This document also incorporates requirements applicable to the ERATV mandated by a number of TSIs and the NVR as set out in EU Commission Decision 2011/107/EU. Principles This document is based on the following principles: a) This document sets out those requirements that necessitate railway undertakings and infrastructure managers to co-operate in order to safely manage the risks associated with the process for registration of, identification of and data to be displayed on rail vehicles. b) This document sets out those requirements that are necessary to support an open point in a TSI and meet an essential requirement of the relevant EU Directive or support an EU Commission Decision that are enacted through UK legislation. c) This document sets out those requirements that are necessary for interworking on non-TSI compliant GB infrastructure. National Vehicle Register EU Commission Decision 2011/107/EU mandates requirements for the NVR. This supports the existing EU Directives applicable to interoperability. Page 4 of 49 Article 1 of the EU Commission Decision 2011/107/EU mandates requirements for a common specification of the NVR via the Annex to the Decision. When a vehicle is authorised for placing into service by the National Safety Authority (NSA) of the member state (in GB this is by the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR)), an entry is mandated on the NVR. RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Article 3 of the EU Commission Decision 2011/107/EU mandates that member states register existing vehicles on the NVR. The previous EU Commission Decision 2007/756/EC set out the following timescales: a) Rail vehicles used in international traffic by 09 November 2009. b) Rail vehicles used in domestic traffic by 09 November 2010. Article 3 of the EU Commission Decision 2011/107/EU also requires the registered business number of the entity in charge of maintenance of the vehicle to be recorded in the NVR by the following date a) All rail vehicles by 31 December 2011. The secretary of state has designated Network Rail Infrastructure Limited as the appointed Registration Entity (RE) to establish and maintain the NVR. The NVR data for new and existing rail vehicles is a sub-set of the data in Appendix B of this document. The NVR data submitted to the Rolling Stock Library (RSL) is then provided to the RE to populate the NVR. 1.2.4 European Register of Authorised Types of Vehicles A number of TSIs mandate data to be maintained in the Rolling Stock Register (RSR), now known as ERATV. Appendix B of this document sets out the current known requirements of ERATV. The specified data is a sub-set of the data submitted to the RSL. 1.2.5 Rolling Stock Library RSL is an established database managed by ATOS Origin on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited containing information describing all rail vehicles registered to operate on the mainline railway. 1.2.6 1.2.7 RSSB This document sets out information required to be contained in the RSL primarily for operational purposes. This information is necessary to enable national operating systems to function such as TOPS, GEMINI and GENIUS. Identification of rail vehicles Article 33 of Directive 2008/57/EC mandates that all rail vehicles placed into service are allocated a numeric identification code (the European vehicle number (EVN)). This document mandates a common approach to allocating rail vehicle numbers to ensure compatibility with railway operating systems. In addition, the allocation of an EVN for existing vehicles is also required, although the display of such numbers on vehicles is to a separate timescale. This document also supports the Conventional Rail Traffic Operation and Management TSI (CR OPE TSI) Annex P which mandates the allocation of an EVN and the display of the EVN, applied in a visible manner on the vehicle to uniquely identify it. To ensure that there is no duplication of registered rail vehicle or multiple unit set identification numbers, the allocation of all rail vehicle and multiple unit set numbers including any prefixes / classes is undertaken by the RSL. Data to be displayed on rail vehicles Data to be displayed on rail vehicles enables authorised personnel to have access to data about rail vehicles to ensure safe rail operations when national operating systems such as TOPS, GEMINI and GENIUS are unavailable. Page 5 of 49 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 1.3 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Approval and authorisation of this document 1.3.1 The content of this document was approved by Rolling Stock Standards Committee on 20 May 2011. 1.3.2 This document was authorised by RSSB on 12 July 2011. Page 6 of 49 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Part 2 2.1 2.2 Requirements for the Identification of Rail Vehicles Allocation of the European Vehicle Number 2.1.1 The CR OPE TSI Annex P sets out the requirements for all rail vehicles to be uniquely identified by an EVN. The numbering rules for the allocation of an EVN when a vehicle is first registered in GB are set out in Appendix A. 2.1.2 The RSL validates the technical characteristic element of the EVN with the European Rail Agency (ERA) where applicable. 2.1.3 For infrastructure maintenance vehicles, hauled passenger coaching stock and wagons, the use of technical characteristic codes within the EVN results in the vehicle being allocated a different number to that originally allocated on RSL. Allocation of multiple unit set identification numbers 2.2.1 2.3 2.4 2.5 In addition to the rail vehicle numbers within a multiple unit set, the set itself shall carry a unique number in a separate series from the rail vehicle numbers. This multiple unit set identification number shall consist of a three-digit class identifier (for example 465) followed by a three-digit individual unit identifier (for example 465 201). Multiple unit set identification numbering rules are set out in Appendix A. Advanced reservation of rail vehicle and multiple unit set identification numbers 2.3.1 Where a rail vehicle is to be built or renumbered following refurbishment / major modification, it is permissible to request the RSL to reserve identification numbers for the rail vehicle and multiple unit set. 2.3.2 The RSL reserves rail vehicle numbers for a maximum period of three years. After this period, the rail vehicle numbers are withdrawn by the RSL when they have not been allocated to a rail vehicle. Reallocation of rail vehicle and multiple unit set identification numbers 2.4.1 It is permissible to reallocate a rail vehicle or multiple unit set identification number. Generally this occurs if the reserved rail vehicle or multiple unit set number has not been used on an actual vehicle. 2.4.2 It is permissible to reallocate a rail vehicle or multiple unit set identification number where it is known that the vehicle has been scrapped and it has been de-registered for a period of at least three years. Vehicle Keeper Marking 2.5.1 RSSB Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 The identity of the vehicle keeper is recorded in the NVR. The CR OPE TSI Annex P.1 sets out the process for the allocation and registering of the Vehicle Keeper Marking (VKM). Page 7 of 49 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Part 3 3.1 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Requirements for the Registration of Rail Vehicles in the Rolling Stock Library General registration of rail vehicles 3.1.1 Rail vehicles shall be registered in the RSL. Table 1 sets out the different registration status within the RSL. Not authorised for placing into service Authorised for placing into service Not in working order In working order Not in use Not in use Status Z Status A Status I In working order In use Status B N/A N/A Status C Table 1 Registration status within RSL 3.1.2 Railway undertakings shall only operate rail vehicles on the mainline railway that are registered in the RSL as either: a) Status B (in working order, not authorised for placing into service, not in use). Or b) Status C (in working order, authorised for placing into service, in use). 3.2 Registration status of rail vehicles in the Rolling Stock Library 3.2.1 Status Z (number allocated) When it is intended to purchase new rail vehicles, it is permissible to request the RSL to reserve vehicle numbers and place those vehicles not yet constructed into status Z. 3.2.2 Status A (on order / under construction) It is permissible to request the RSL to register a rail vehicle on order / undergoing construction into status A. 3.2.3 The rail vehicle data set out in Appendix B shall be supplied to the RSL to support a request for a rail vehicle to be registered as status A. Status B (in working order, not authorised for placing into service, not in use) Rail vehicle(s) undergoing initial transfer or testing on the mainline railway shall be registered as status B. An example of the initial transfer is the transit move from the vehicle manufacturer to the keeper or railway undertaking. Page 8 of 49 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles 3.2.4 3.2.5 To register a rail vehicle as status B, the RSL shall be provided with all of the following: a) The statement of compatibility (SOCAT) relating to the initial transfer or testing on the mainline railway. GE/RT8270 sets out the requirements for the assessment of compatibility for rolling stock and infrastructure. b) The certificate of engineering acceptance or the intermediate statement of verification (ISV) covering the initial transfer or testing on the mainline railway. c) The rail vehicle data set out in Appendix B for the rail vehicle to be registered, where this has not previously been supplied. Status C (in working order, authorised for placing into service, in use) To register a rail vehicle as status C, the RSL shall be provided with all of the following: a) The ORR letter of authorisation for a rail vehicle or a fleet of rail vehicles placed into service in GB. b) The SOCAT. GE/RT8270 sets out the requirements for the assessment of compatibility for rolling stock and infrastructure. c) The certificate of engineering acceptance or the ISV. d) The rail vehicle data set out in Appendix B for the rail vehicle to be registered, where this has not previously been supplied. Additionally all relevant updates of the data since any earlier submission. e) The completed registration forms which are provided by RSL, for example RSL EA4. Where rail vehicles are delivered in batches, it is permissible to list the applicable range of rail vehicles on the certificate of engineering acceptance or ISV. All rail vehicles in the range shall be registered as status C. A ‘fleet certificate’ allows a whole fleet of rail vehicles to be notified on a single certificate of engineering acceptance or ISV. It is permissible to register individual or batches of those rail vehicles as status C on receipt of the RSL EA4 forms provided by the RSL. Status I (not in working order, authorised for placing into service, not in use) Rail vehicles shall be transferred to status I for any of the following reasons: RSSB Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 a) The rail vehicle maintenance plan is not being implemented. b) Expiry, withdrawal, or suspension of an existing certificate of engineering acceptance or ISV. c) Expiry, withdrawal, or suspension of a SOCAT or a previously issued certificate of authority to operate. The requirements to reinstate a rail vehicle to status C are set out in Where documentation and data set out in is still valid, there is no requirement to supply replacements for this information. Page 9 of 49 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 3.3 Registration processes 3.3.1 3.4 3.6 The registration processes for rail vehicles are shown in a sequence of flow charts in Appendix D. Rail vehicles not intended for normal use 3.4.1 3.5 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Rail vehicles not intended for normal use are permitted to be moved over the mainline railway in a transit move. Examples of these moves include: a) Delivery move of a metro vehicle from the manufacturer to the applicable network. b) Transit move of a rail vehicle from a storage location to a maintenance location for the purposes of maintaining compliance with the maintenance plan during storage or for the purpose of bringing the rail vehicle back into service. c) Transit move of a heritage rail vehicle from its normal location to an open day location and from the open day location to its normal location. d) Transit move of a rail vehicle from its storage location to a disposal location. 3.4.2 Rail vehicle(s) undergoing a transit move shall be allocated a rail vehicle identification number to enable the national operating systems to function. 3.4.3 To register a rail vehicle undergoing a transit move as status B or status C, the RSL shall be provided with all of the following: a) A certificate of engineering acceptance or ISV to support the transit move. This declaration includes an expiry date (up to a maximum of six weeks after the issue date). b) A SOCAT. GE/RT8270 sets out the requirements for the assessment of compatibility for rolling stock and infrastructure. c) Rail vehicle data required by the RSL to enable the national operating systems to function. Upgraded or renewed rail vehicles 3.5.1 The Railways (Interoperability) Regulations SI 2006/397 Part 2 sub-paragraph 5 sets out the requirements for determining whether upgraded or renewed rail vehicles require authorisation or re-authorisation for placing into service. 3.5.2 Where it is intended to renumber a rail vehicle as a result of an upgrade or renewal, it is permissible to reserve the new rail vehicle identification number as status Z prior to its application to the actual rail vehicle. 3.5.3 To enable upgraded or renewed rail vehicles to be placed into status C the RSL shall be provided with the documentation and data requirements set out in Currency of recorded data 3.6.1 Page 10 of 49 Whenever changes to a rail vehicle affect the currency of the recorded data set out in Appendix B, updates of those changes to the rail vehicle data for NVR, ERATV and RSL, where applicable, shall be provided to the RSL. RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles 3.7 Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Documentation 3.7.1 EU Commission Decision 2011/107/EU clause 3.4 sets out the requirements for the retention of the data in the NVR. Note: EU Commission Decision 2011/107/EU for the NVR currently requires that all data in the NVR is retained for a period of 10 years from the date when a rail vehicle is withdrawn or has not been registered to operate. It also requires that for a minimum of the first three years the data is available online. After the first three years the data is then kept either electronically, in paper form or any other archival system. If at any time during the 10-year period an investigation involving a vehicle or vehicles is started, data relating to these vehicles is retained beyond the 10-year period if required. RSSB Page 11 of 49 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Part 4 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles 4.1 GB registered rail vehicles intended to be used in international traffic 4.1.1 Display of the European Vehicle Number and Vehicle Keeper Marking The CR OPE TSI Annex P sets out the requirements for the display of the EVN and the VKM for rail vehicles intended to be used in international traffic. The EVN requirements for GB rail vehicles are set out in Appendix A. The CR OPE TSI Annex P.2 sets out the requirements that the VKM is displayed on each rail vehicle within the EVN. The CR OPE TSI Annex P sets out the requirements that the rail vehicle identification number is clearly displayed externally on each side of the rail vehicle using Arabic numerals in sans serif font, contrasts with the background and is not be positioned higher than 2 m above rail level. For GB registered rail vehicles, the number shall be at least 80 mm in height. 4.1.2 Additional data to be displayed Operational data to be displayed on rail vehicles to facilitate rail vehicles operating in international traffic is set out in CR OPE TSI Annex P and CR WAG TSI Annex B. 4.2 GB registered rail vehicles not intended to be used in international traffic 4.2.1 Display of rail vehicle identification number Except for locomotives and passenger rail vehicles, the CR OPE TSI Annex P sets out the requirement for the full EVN to be displayed on rail vehicles. It is permissible to display a shortened form of the EVN on locomotive and passenger rail vehicles that are not intended to be used in international traffic. 4.2.2 The CR OPE TSI Annex P permits rail vehicles intended for use in national traffic not to display the VKM, as part of the rail vehicle identification number. The CR OPE TSI Annex P permits the display of a recognisable logo as an alternative to the VKM. For existing rail vehicles it is permissible to continue to display the existing GB identification number on the rail vehicle. The requirements concerning the display of the existing GB rail vehicle identification number are set out in Appendix A. The rail vehicle identification number shall be clearly displayed externally on each side of the rail vehicle using Latin characters and Arabic numerals at least 80 mm in height. It shall contrast with the background and not be positioned higher than 2 m above rail level. Heritage rail vehicle identification numbers and other exceptions It is permissible for heritage rail vehicles to display their former or original numbers for historical reasons. Heritage rail vehicles intended for limited operation on the mainline railway shall be allocated an EVN. The requirements for the numbering of these rail vehicles are set out in Appendix A. Page 12 of 49 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles 4.2.3 The EVN or the shortened form of the EVN shall be displayed on the rail vehicle so that it is visible by authorised personnel, for example in the driver’s cab. The requirements concerning displaying the existing GB identification number on a rail vehicle are set out in Appendix A. It is permissible for operators of rail vehicles that operate for the most part on railways other than the mainline railway (for example metro rail vehicles) to display their own vehicle identification numbers. These rail vehicles do not need to be allocated an EVN or registered on the NVR. For operational purposes these rail vehicles are allocated a unique identification number by RSL as set out in Appendix A. Display of the multiple unit and fixed formation set identification number Multiple unit sets shall have the set identification number displayed in full, externally on each end of the set. The requirements for multiple unit set identification numbers are set out in Appendix A. 4.2.4 Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 It is permissible not to display the set identification number on the end vehicles of the fixed formation where a set identification number is assigned for operational purposes and the formation is regularly changed at a depot. Identification in traincrew areas The rail vehicle identification number shall be displayed in every operational driving cab and traincrew area, in passenger rolling stock and Non-Passenger Carrying Coaching Stock (NPCCS) at every rail vehicle end, using Latin characters and Arabic numerals, not less than 25 mm in height. The identification number to be displayed is the EVN or the shortened GB equivalent number as set out in Appendix A. The multiple unit set identification number shall be displayed in every driving cab. 4.2.5 Additional data to be displayed Rail vehicles not intended to be used in international traffic shall display the minimum operational data set out in Appendix C to facilitate rail vehicle operation when national operating systems are not available. 4.2.6 Data visibility Data shall be displayed in a colour to provide adequate contrast with the background colour. Where sufficient contrast cannot be attained with the background colour, the data shall be displayed on a panel designed to produce adequate contrast. The location for each item of data is set out in Appendix C. RSSB Page 13 of 49 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Part 5 5.1 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Application of this Document Application - infrastructure managers 5.1.1 There are no requirements applicable to infrastructure managers. 5.2 Application - railway undertakings 5.2.1 Scope 5.2.2 The requirements of this document also apply to existing rail vehicles for the identification and registration information necessary to populate the NVR except as set out in 5.2.2. The specific data requirements to populate the NVR for existing vehicles is identified as a sub-set of the data set out in Appendix B. Exclusions from scope The requirements of this document are not applicable to on-track plant (OTP) and manually propelled trolleys. RIS-1530-PLT sets out the rules for the allocation of identification numbers for on-track plant. 5.2.3 The requirements of this document apply to new rail vehicles for the identification, registration and mandatory data to be displayed except as set out in 5.2.2. Metro rail vehicles with limited operation on the mainline railway, for example those used by London Underground Ltd, are allocated a unique number in RSL. These rail vehicles do not need to be allocated an EVN or registered in the NVR. General compliance date for railway undertakings This Railway Group Standard comes into force and is to be complied with from 03 December 2011. After the compliance date or the date by which compliance is achieved if earlier, railway undertakings are to maintain compliance with the requirements set out in this document. Where it is considered not reasonably practicable to comply with the requirements, authorisation not to comply should be sought in accordance with the Railway Group Standards Code. Note: Some of the requirements of this document are derived from published TSIs. Deviations against such requirements are outside the scope of the Railway Group Standard Code. 5.2.4 Exceptions to general compliance date There are no exceptions to the general compliance date set out in 5.2.3 for railway undertakings. 5.3 Health and safety responsibilities 5.3.1 Page 14 of 49 Users of documents published by RSSB are reminded of the need to consider their own responsibilities to ensure health and safety at work and their own duties under health and safety legislation. RSSB does not warrant that compliance with all or any documents published by RSSB is sufficient in itself to ensure safe systems of work or operation or to satisfy such responsibilities or duties. RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Appendix A Numbering Rules for the Allocation of a European Vehicle Number The content of this Appendix is mandatory Except where specifically stated, action to reallocate existing rail vehicle numbering in accordance with Appendix A is not required. Note: The GB equivalent number for locomotives and vehicles in multiple units and fixed formation trains is shortened to five or six digits to ensure compatibility with the existing GB national operating systems (for example GEMINI, GENIUS and TOPS). A.1 Locomotives A.1.1 Locomotive group Table A.1 shows the number ranges that shall be used for locomotives. Technical characteristics [four digits] Class identification Interoperability capability and type of vehicle [two digits] Country in which the rail vehicle is registered [two digits] In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.8 In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.4 Diesel shunting locomotives 98 70 (GB) 0001 – 0009 xxx x Electric shunting locomotives 97 70 (GB) See A.1.4 xxx x Diesel locomotives 92 70 (GB) 0010 – 0079 xxx x Electric locomotives 91 70 (GB) 0080 – 0096 xxx x Existing electro-diesel locomotives 91 70 (GB) 0073 xxx x Heritage locomotives 90 70 (GB) 0098 xxx x Table A.1 RSSB Serial number [three digits] GB equivalent number range [seven digits] Check digit [one digit] In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.3 Number ranges for locomotives A.1.2 It is permissible for locomotives that operate solely on the mainline railway to display the GB equivalent number range of five digits. Shunting locomotives shall display a preceding zero to achieve the minimum of five digits. A.1.3 High speed train (HST) power cars (Class 43) are covered by the multiple unit set and fixed formation rail vehicle number ranges as set out in Table A.2. A.1.4 Electric shunting locomotive technical characteristics (class identification) shall be selected from the diesel shunting locomotive or the electric locomotive ranges. Page 15 of 49 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 A.1.5 A.2 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles For clarity the GB equivalent number range shall be displayed on the rail vehicle with the class identifiers separated from the serial number by a short space, for example 08 425 and 73 201. Multiple unit and fixed formation rail vehicle number ranges A.2.1 Table A.2 shows the number ranges for rail vehicles in new multiple units and fixed formations. A high speed rail vehicle is defined as being capable of operating at speeds above 190 km/h. Note: Table A.2 increases the range of numbers available compared with the published number ranges previously set out in GM/RT2210. This increase in range allows the RSL to continue to allocate vehicle numbers in batches. Interoperability capability and type of vehicle [two digits] Country in which the rail vehicle is registered [two digits] In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.8 In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.4 GB equivalent number range [seven digits] CR OPE TSI Annex P.3 DMU (not high speed) vehicles 95 70 (GB) 0100000 – 0299999 x EMU (not high speed) vehicles 94 70 (GB) 0300000 – 0499999 x DMU (high speed) vehicles 95 70 (GB) 0500000 – 0699999 x EMU (high speed) vehicles 93 70 (GB) 0700000 – 0899999 x Fixed formation trailer vehicles 96 70 (GB) 0000300 – 0099999 x Rail vehicle group Table A.2 A.2.2 Page 16 of 49 Technical characteristics [four digits] Serial number [three digits] Check digit [one digit] In accordance with Number ranges for new multiple units and fixed formation rail vehicles Table A.3 and Table A.4 show the previously allocated number ranges for rail vehicles in multiple units and fixed formations. It is permissible for these number ranges to be used for new rail vehicles providing they do not duplicate an allocated number. RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Rail vehicle group Existing rail vehicle number ranges Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 European vehicle number Interoperability capability and type of vehicle [two digits] Country in which the rail vehicle is registered [two digits] In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.8 In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.4 GB equivalent number range [seven digits] Technical characteristics [four digits] Serial Check digit number [one digit] [three In accordance with digits] CR OPE TSI Annex P.3 Isle of Wight vehicles 100 – 299 94 70 (GB) 0000100 – 0000299 x EMU vehicles 36000 – 39999 94 70 (GB) 0036000 – 0039999 x DMU vehicles 50000 – 60999 95 70 (GB) 0050000 – 0060999 x EMU vehicles 61000 – 79099 93 / 94 70 (GB) 0061000 – 0079099 x DMU vehicles 79100 – 79999 95 70 (GB) 0079100 – 0079999 x Table A.3 Rail vehicle group Number ranges previously allocated for rail vehicles in multiple units Existing rail vehicle number ranges European vehicle number Interoperability capability and type of vehicle [two digits] In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.8 Technical Country in characteristics which the [four digits] rail vehicle is registered [two digits] Serial number [three digits] In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.4 GB equivalent number range [seven digits] Check digit [one digit] In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.3 HST vehicles 40000 – 49999 95 70 (GB) 0040000 – 0049999 x Eurostar vehicles 3730000 – 3740999 93 70 (GB) 87 (FR) 88 (B) 3730000 – 3740999 x Fixed formation trailer vehicles 300 – 99999 96 70 (GB) 0000300 – 0099999 x Table A.4 RSSB Number ranges previously allocated for rail vehicles in fixed formations A.2.3 The interoperability capability and rail vehicle type numbers 93, 94 and 95 cover both powered and trailer vehicles. A.2.4 It is permissible for the individual rail vehicles in multiple units and fixed formations that are not intended to be used in international traffic to display the GB equivalent number range excluding the leading zeros (three – six digits). Page 17 of 49 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 A.2.5 A.3 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Metro rail vehicles with limited operation on the mainline railway, for example London Underground Ltd, are allocated a unique number by RSL. The number range 9xxxxx – 99xxxx has been reserved for these rail vehicles. These rail vehicles do not need to be allocated an EVN. Multiple unit and fixed formation set identification numbers A.3.1 Table A.5 shows the class identifier range that shall be used for multiple unit sets. (This classification is not covered by the CR OPE TSI). A high speed unit is one capable of operating at speeds above 190 km/h. Note: Table A.5 increases the range of set identification numbers for multiple units and fixed formation sets compared with the published number ranges previously set out in GM/RT2210. Multiple unit / fixed formation sets Rail vehicle group Class identifier range Sub-class and unit serial number Diesel mechanical / hydraulic multiple unit sets 100 – 199 xxx Diesel electric multiple unit sets 200 – 299 xxx Diesel multiple unit sets 600 – 699 xxx d.c. electric multiple unit sets 400 – 599 xxx a.c. and a.c. / d.c. electric multiple unit sets 300 – 399 xxx a.c. and a.c. / d.c. electric multiple unit sets 700 – 799 xxx High speed multiple unit / fixed formation sets 800 – 899 xxx Infrastructure maintenance / non-passenger multiple unit / fixed formation sets 900 – 999 xxx Table A.5 Multiple unit identification set numbers A.3.2 It is permissible for multiple units to be given the same class identifier as an existing multiple unit provided that the rail vehicles in the unit have no significant differences in their characteristics. A.3.3 Any significant differences of the rail vehicle characteristics, for example axle loads, axle spacing, bogie types, brake performance, kinematic gauge, length, Route Availability (RA) number, shall require the multiple unit to be allocated a different class or sub-class identifier. A.3.4 The multiple unit set identification number range shall be displayed in full, externally, on each end of the multiple unit set. For clarity it is permissible for the class identifiers to be separated from the multiple unit set identification number by a short space, for example 465 201. A.3.5 It is permissible not to display the set identification number on the end vehicles of fixed formations where a set identification number is assigned for operational purposes and the formation is regularly changed at a depot. Page 18 of 49 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles A.4 Hauled passenger stock vehicles and wagon number ranges A.4.1 The CR OPE TSI uses the term hauled passenger stock vehicles. The CR OPE TSI numbering rules cover the allocation of rail vehicle numbers to NPCCS and other rail vehicles such as car carriers that can be used in passenger train formations. A.4.2 Table A.6 sets out the number range for hauled passenger stock (including NPCCS) vehicles and wagons. Hauled passenger stock vehicles that operate in fixed formations can alternatively be numbered as set out in A.2. Rail vehicle group Interoperability capability and type of vehicle [two digits] Country in which the rail vehicle is registered [two digits] In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.4 Hauled passenger stock vehicles In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.7 (50 – 79) Wagons In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.6 Table A.6 RSSB Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Technical characteristics [four digits] Serial number [three digits] GB equivalent number range [seven digits] Check digit [one digit] In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.3 70 (GB) In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.10 (1000 – 9999) xxx x 70 (GB) In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.9 xxx x Number ranges for new hauled passenger stock vehicles and wagons A.4.3 It is permissible for hauled passenger stock vehicles that are not intended to be used in international traffic to display the GB equivalent number range (seven digits). A.4.4 The painted number to be displayed on new wagons shall be the complete 12-digit EVN. A.4.5 Table A.7 sets out the number range for converting existing hauled passenger stock vehicles and wagon numbers into an equivalent EVN. Page 19 of 49 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Rail vehicle group Existing vehicles number ranges Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles European vehicle number Interoperability capability and type of vehicle [two digits] Country in which the rail vehicle is registered [two digits] In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.4 Hauled passenger stock vehicles 300 – 39999 80000 – 96999 99000 – 99999 In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.7 (50 – 79) Wagons Various alphanumeric ranges In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.6 Table A.7 Technical characteristics [four digits] Serial Check digit number [one digit] [three digits] In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.3 GB equivalent number range [seven digits] 70 (GB) In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.10 (1000 – 9999) xxx x 70 (GB) In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.9 xxx x Number ranges for existing hauled passenger stock vehicles and wagons Note: The numbering rules for the allocation of EVN serial numbers for existing hauled passenger stock vehicles and wagon numbers set out in Table A.7 are still to be defined. A.5 A.4.6 It is permissible for existing hauled passenger stock vehicles to continue operating with their existing number. Alternatively it is permissible for existing hauled passenger stock vehicles to operate with their EVN as set out in Table A.7. For hauled passenger stock vehicles that are not intended to be used in international traffic, it is permissible to display the EVN as the shortened GB equivalent number range (seven digits). A.4.7 It is permissible for existing wagons that are not intended to be used in international traffic to continue operating with their existing GB alphanumeric number. Alternatively it is permissible for existing wagons to operate with their EVN as set out in Table A.7. When wagons operate with their EVN, the painted number to be displayed shall be the complete 12-digit EVN. Special vehicles A.5.1 Page 20 of 49 The CR OPE TSI uses the term special vehicles. These special vehicles are used for maintaining the infrastructure or for recovery purposes (for example on-track machines (OTM), dedicated wagons, snow ploughs and rail mounted cranes). RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles A.5.2 Rail vehicle group Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Table A.8 sets out the number ranges for special vehicles. Interoperability capability and type of vehicle [two digits] Country in which the rail vehicle is registered [two digits] In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.8 In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.4 All new special vehicles 99 EVN for existing special vehicles 99 Table A.8 Technical characteristics [four digits] Class identification Serial number [three digits] GB equivalent number range [seven digits] Check digit [one digit] In accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.3 70 (GB) 9100 - 9799 numbered in accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.11 xxx x 70 (GB) 9100 - 9799 numbered in accordance with CR OPE TSI Annex P.11 xxx x Number ranges for special vehicles Note: The numbering rules for the allocation of EVN serial numbers for existing special vehicles set out in Table A.8 are still to be defined. RSSB A.5.3 The CR OPE TSI sets out the requirements to display the complete 12-digit EVN on special vehicles. A.5.4 It is permissible for existing special vehicles that are not intended to be used in international traffic to display their existing number (five digits) together with any alpha prefixes. Page 21 of 49 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Appendix B Mandatory Data for Rail Vehicles The content of this Appendix is mandatory B.1 Data to be provided to the RSL to populate the NVR, RSL and ERATV Notes: B.1.1 a) The ‘#’ symbol indicates the required data for new and existing rail vehicles to populate the NVR. b) The ‘’ symbol indicates the additional data required for new rail vehicles to populate the RSL and ERATV. c) The convention used in Appendix B for the number separators is derived from GB practice, for example 2,500.00. d) The ERATV data requirements are under development and this document will be updated as necessary. Currently, this information is to be provided in a document format. Generic data to be provided to the RSL Details required Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Notes / comments LOC PAS WAG OTM NVR & RSL and ERATV (CR OPE TSI and CR WAG TSI) # # # # NVR & RSL # # # # # # # # EVN M 12 digits (N) Painted number M Up to 12 digits (A / N) 5bis (series) O Text (A) NVR Prefix / PO code M Four digits (A) RSL Multiple unit (MU) class M Four digits RSL Page 22 of 49 Applicable types of vehicle RSSB As required by Part 2 of this document As required by Part 4 of this document Identification of a series, if the vehicle is part of a series Existing vehicles only not applicable to new vehicles Code for example 170/1 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Multiple unit set number M Set / formation / pool number O Carkind M Previous number M Registered operational status M Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Up to six digits (N) Up to four digits Three digits text (A) Up to 12 digits (A / N) One digit (A) Member state numeric code M Two digit code NVR Name of NSA M Text (A) NVR Manufacturing year of vehicle Date of European Commission (EC) declaration of verification M Four digits (N) NVR & RSL M Eight digits (N) NVR European Commission reference M Text (A) NVR Name of issuing body (applicant) M Text (A) NVR Registered business number Address of organisation, street and number Town M Text (A) NVR M Text (A / N) NVR M Text (A) NVR Country code M Text (A) NVR Postcode Entity in charge of the provision of data to the ERATV Address of entity, street and number M 12 digits (A / N) NVR M Text (A) NVR M Text (A / N) NVR Details required RSSB Mandatory or optional (M / O) Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC PAS RSL RSL RSL NVR & RSL RSL Page 23 of 49 WAG OTM # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # As required by Part 2 of this document Three letter TOPS code used to identify rail vehicle types used in GB Where applicable As set out in CR OPE TSI Annex P.4 ‘70’ is the GB code YYYY YYYYMMDD Supplied by NSA (to be recorded only if available) Formerly the contracting entity CR OPE TSI Annex P.4 Location of vehicle data for the ERATV Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Town M Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Text (A) Country code M Text (A) NVR Postcode M 12 digits (A / N) NVR E-mail address Reference allowing the retrieval of the relevant technical data for the ERATV ERATV type number M E-mail NVR # # # # M Document format NVR Provide ERATV in document format O Text (A / N) ERATV Coded restrictions M Three fields of five digits (N) NVR & RSL # # # # Where available x x xxx There could be several coded restrictions applicable to the vehicle (as set out in Decision 2011/107/EU Appendix 1) Non-coded restrictions M Text (A) NVR Name of organisation (Owner) M Text (A) # # # # # # Owner / owner code M Six digits (A / N) # # # # Registered business number Address of organisation, street and number Town M Text (A) NVR NVR & RSL and ERATV (CR WAG TSI) NVR # # M Text (A / N) NVR M Text (A) NVR Country code M Text (A) NVR Postcode M 12 digits (A / N) NVR # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Details required Page 24 of 49 Mandatory or optional (M / O) Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC PAS WAG OTM # # # # # # # # # # # # NVR RSSB CR OPE TSI Annex P.4 CR OPE TSI Annex P.4 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Name of organisation (Keeper) M Text (A) Registered business number M Text (A / N) NVR and ERATV (CR WAG TSI) NVR Address of organisation, street and number M Text (A / N) Town M Country code Details required Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC PAS WAG OTM # # # # # # # # NVR # # # # Text (A) NVR M Text (A) NVR M 12 digits (A / N) NVR # # # # # # # # # CR OPE TSI Annex P.4 Postcode # # # Vehicle Keeper Marking (VKM) M Text (A) NVR # # # # If available two – five letters Entity in charge of maintenance M Text (A) NVR Registered business number M Text (A / N) NVR # # # # # # # # Address of entity, street and number M Text (A / N) NVR # # # # Town M Text (A) NVR Country code M Text (A) NVR Postcode M 12 digits (A / N) NVR E-mail address M E-mail NVR Mode of disposal M Two digits (N) NVR Withdrawal date M Eight digits (N) NVR & RSL # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # RSSB Page 25 of 49 See ROGS 2006 as amended CR OPE TSI Annex P.4 As set out in Decision 2011/107/EU Appendix 3 YYYYMMDD Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) LOC PAS WAG OTM Member State numeric code M List of two digits (N) NVR & ERATV (CR WAG TSI) # # # # Authorisation number (EIN) M 12 digits (A / N) NVR # # # # Date of authorisation M Eight digits (N) NVR Authorisation valid until M Eight digits (N) NVR & RSL Suspension of authorisation M Text (Yes / No) NVR # # # # # # # # # # # # Details required B.1.2 Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments For all applicable member states where the vehicle is authorised (as set out in CR OPE TSI Annex P.4) As set out in Decision 2011/107/EU Appendix 2 (to be recorded only if available) YYYYMMDD YYYYMMDD Vehicle characteristics data to be provided to the RSL Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Length over buffers M Five digits (N) Coupling type No. 1 end M Text Coupling type No. 2 end M Text Coupling tensile force M Four digits (N) Coupling compressive force M Four digits (N) Details required Page 26 of 49 Applicable types of vehicle Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Notes / comments LOC RSL & ERATV (CR WAG TSI) RSL & ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI and CR WAG TSI) RSL & ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI and CR WAG TSI) RSL & ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) PAS WAG OTM xx,xxx (mm) This field is only mandatory when referring to the outer coupling on a unit. This field is only mandatory when referring to the outer coupling on a unit. xxx.x tonnes xxx.x tonnes RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Vehicle gauge M Four digits (A / N) Wheelset gauge M Four digits (N) RSL & ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI and CR WAG TSI) ERATV (CR WAG TSI) Minimum wheel diameter M Four digits (N) ERATV (CR WAG TSI) Minimum wheel width M Three digits (N) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) Minimum height of tyre M Three digits (N) Minimum flange width M Minimum flange height Details required Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC PAS WAG OTM ERATV (CR CCS TSI) Three digits (N) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) M Three digits (N) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) Wheel material M Text (Yes / No) ERATV (CR CCS TI) Maximum wheelset impedance M Four digits (N) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) Minimum vehicle impedance M Four digits (N) Number of axles M Two digits (N) Axle arrangement M Text (Yes / No) Bogie wheelbase M Four digits (N) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) RSL & ERATV (CR WAG TSI) ERATV (CR WAG TSI) RSL & ERATV (CR WAG TSI) M Five digits (N) M Five digits (N) M Bogie centres Bogie running gear Maximum distance between adjacent wheelsets Maximum distance between front end and wheelset Minimum wheelbase RSSB Back to back dimension (mm) xxxx (mm) xxx (mm) xx.x (mm) xx.x (mm) Measured at TSI datum 10 mm above contact point on the profile xx.x (mm) Is material ferromagnetic Ω Ω Bogie fitted x,xxx (mm) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) xx,xxx (mm) M Three digits RSL M Two digits (N) RSL xx,xxx (mm) Five digits (N) RSL & ERATV (CR CCS TSI) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) Page 27 of 49 xx,xxx (mm) xx.x metres xx Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Details required Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Suspension type M Buffer type No. 1 end M Two digits (N) RSL Buffer type No. 2 end O Two digits (N) Minimum curve radius M Four digits Vehicle width M Four digits (N) RSL RSL & ERATV (CR WAG TSI) RSL Vehicle height M Four digits (N) RSL Maximum tractive effort Electric train supply (ETH) index ETH suffix M Three digits (N) RSL M Three digits (N) RSL M One digit (N) RSL Heating / ventilation code M One digit (N) RSL Train heat type M One digit (N) RSL Track circuit assistor fitted M Text (Yes / No) RSL Axlebox M One-digit code RSL Train data recorders fitted M Text (Yes / No) RSL Contains asbestos M Text (Yes / No) RSL Special characteristics M Up to six digits RSL Page 28 of 49 RSL Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC PAS WAG OTM RSSB xxx.x metres x,xxx (mm) x,xxx (mm) xxx tonnes force xxx x x Not yet on RSL x x x x six digits for coaches / wagons - only two for locos Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles B.1.3 Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Vehicle mass data to be provided to the RSL Gross laden weight M Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Four digits (N) Carrying capacity M Four digits (N) RSL Design mass tare M Six digits (N) RSL Actual tare weight M Four digits (N) RSL Data panel weight M Four digits (N) RSL Working order weight M Four digits (N) RSL Empty weight M Four digits (N) RSL Maximum laden weight Design mass (unit in working order) Design mass (unit under normal payload) M Four digits (N) M Four digits (N) M Four digits (N) RSL ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) M Four digits (N) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI M Four digits (N) M Four digits (N) M Four digits (N) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) M Four digits (N) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) Maximum load / carrying capacity M Four digits (N) RA number (unit in working order) M Two digits (N) Details required Design mass (unit under exceptional payload) Highest individual axle load (unit in working order) Highest individual axle load (unit under normal payload) Highest individual axle load (unit in exceptional payload) Minimum axle load (unit under working order) RSSB Mandatory or optional (M / O) Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC PAS RSL RSL & ERATV (CR WAG TSI) RSL Page 29 of 49 WAG OTM xxx.x tonnes xxx.x tonnes tonnes xxx.x tonnes xxx.x tonnes xxx.x tonnes xxx.x tonnes xxx.x tonnes (to one decimal place) xxx.x tonnes (to one decimal place) Added to complete vehicle mass information xxx.x tonnes (to one decimal place) xxx.x tonnes (to one decimal place) xxx.x tonnes (to one decimal place) xxx.x tonnes (to one decimal place) xxx.x tonnes (to one decimal place) xxx.x tonnes (to one decimal place) xxx.x tonnes Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Details required Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) M Two digits (N) M RA number (maximum load / carrying capacity) Calculated British standard unit (BSU) Peak equivalent uniformly distributed load (EUDL) (formerly calculated BSU) Maximum height of the centre of gravity of a loaded vehicle B.1.4 Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC PAS WAG OTM RSL Two digits (N) RSL M Two digits (N) RSL M Four digits (N) RSL x.x for wagons and OTMs only (BSU is a calculation for RA) As set out in GE/RT8006 Speed data to be provided to the RSL Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Maximum speed (empty) M Three digits (N) Maximum speed unit under normal payload (loaded) M Three digits (N) Slow speed control M Text (Yes / No) RSL & ERATV (CR WAG TSI) RSL & ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI and CR WAG TSI) RSL Vehicle mass at speed change threshold M Four digits (N) RSL xxx.x tonnes Maximum speed up to speed change threshold M Two digits RSL xx km/h Maximum speed above speed change threshold M Two digits RSL xx km/h Details required Page 30 of 49 Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC PAS WAG OTM xxx km/h xxx km/h RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles B.1.5 Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Braking data to be provided to the RSL Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Vehicle brake types (compatibility) M One digit (A) Brake force air (tare) M Brake force air (laden) Details required Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC PAS WAG OTM RSL & ERATV (CR WAG TSI) TOPS brake fitment codes (O, A, B, F, G, H, V, W, X) Two digits (N) RSL Two digits (N) RSL Brake force factor 1 M Two digits (N) RSL Brake force factor 2 M Two digits (N) RSL Brake detail M Five digit (N) RSL Brake gross changeover M Two digits (N) RSL Brake force vacuum (tare) M Two digits (N) RSL Brake force vacuum (laden) M Two digits (N) RSL Braked mass M Three digits (N) ERATV (CR WAG TSI) As set out in GM/RT2040 M Brake performance curve M Six digits (A/N) RSL Nominal emergency brake deceleration profile from maximum speed M Three fields of three digits ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) Nominal emergency brake stopping distance from maximum speed M Four digits (N) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) xxxx m Brake equivalent response time M Two digits (N) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) x.x to 1 decimal place (secs) RSSB Page 31 of 49 As set out in GM/RT2040 As set out in GM/RT2040 As set out in GM/RT2040 xxx tonnes As set out in GM/RT2040 As set out in GM/RT2040 International vehicles only As set out in the figures of GM/RT2041, GM/RT2042, GM/RT2043 or GM/RT2044 according to the vehicle type 2 Deceleration value 0.xx m/s over a speed range xxx km/h to xxx km/h. Can be repeated up to five times, (that is five profiles of three fields of three digits) Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Brake application delay time M Two digits (N) Brake thermal capacity M Hand brake / parking brake fitted M Three fields of three digits (N) Text (Yes / No) Parking brake performance M Three digits (N) Emergency brake override M Text (Yes / No) Eddy-current brake installed M Magnetic brake installed Details required Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC PAS ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) ERATV (CR WAG TSI) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI and SRT TSI) Text (Yes / No) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) M Text (Yes / No) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) Maximum sanding output M Four digits (N) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) Sanding override M Text (Yes / No) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) Regenerative brake fitted M Text (Yes / No) ERATV (HS ENE TSI) Scrubber brake fitted O Text (Yes / No) RSL B.1.6 WAG OTM x.xx to 2 decimal places (secs) gradient / length / speed Passenger alarm override capability mm / 1000 or ‰ xxxx kg / min Misc wagon and OTM information data to be provided to the RSL Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Hump shunting restriction M Text (Yes / No) Vertical curve restriction M Four digits (N) Details required Page 32 of 49 Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC ERATV (CR WAG TSI) & RSL ERATV (CR WAG) TSI RSSB PAS WAG OTM xxxx m Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Ferry use permitted M Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Text (Yes / No) Timescale restriction M Text (Yes / No) ERATV (CR WAG TSI) Tag fitted M Text (Yes / No) ERATV (CR WAG TSI) Dangerous goods information M Text ERATV (CR WAG TSI) Loading table M Text ERATV (CR WAG TSI) Height of loading platform M Text ERATV (CR WAG TSI) Loading restrictions M Text ERATV (CR WAG TSI) Maintenance plan reference M Text ERATV (CR WAG TSI) Mandatory or optional (M / O) Details required B.1.7 Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC PAS ERATV (CR WAG TSI) WAG OTM Environmental and noise data to be provided to the RSL Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Operational ranges M Two fields of two digits (N) Pass-by noise M (O for OTMs) Stationary noise Details required Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC PAS WAG OTM ERATV (CR CCS TSI, CR LOC & PAS TSI and CR WAG TSI) - xx to xx °C (as set out in BS EN 50125-1:1999) Two digits (N) ERATV (CR NOI TSI) (Basic parameters and xx dB(A) M Two digits (N) ERATV (CR NOI TSI) (Basic parameters and xx dB(A) Starting noise M Two digits (N) ERATV (CR NOI TSI) (Basic parameters xx dB(A) Interior noise in the driver's cab M Two digits (N) ERATV (CR NOI TSI) xx dB(A) RSSB Page 33 of 49 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 B.1.8 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Air quality data to be provided to the RSL Details required Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) LOC PAS M Three digits (N) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) Duration of emergency supply B.1.9 Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments WAG OTM xxx (minutes duration) Electrical / power supply data to be provided to the RSL Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) System voltage M Five digits (N) System frequency M Two digits (N) Maximum current M Four digits (N) Maximum current at standstill (d.c.) M Four digits (N) Energy meter fitted M Text (Yes / No) Type of pantograph (geometry) M Two digits (A) Electromagnetic emissions M Text (Yes / No) Current limitation device type M Text Current limitation device rating M Four digits (N) Automatic power control type M Text Details required Page 34 of 49 Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC PAS xx,xxx Volts (V) xx Hertz (Hz) x,xxx Amp (A) x,xxx Amp (A) x,xxx Amp (A) HS RST TSI and ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) ERATV (HS ENE TSI) ERATV (HS ENE TSI) ERATV (HS ENE TSI) RSSB WAG OTM Complies with EN 50121-3-1:2000 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Details required Automatic power control rating B.1.10 Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) M Four digits (N) ERATV (HS ENE TSI) Notes / comments LOC PAS WAG OTM xxxx Amp (A) Fire / safety data to be provided to the RSL Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Fire category type M Up to two characters (A / N) Onboard hot axle box detectors M Text (Yes / No) ERATV (CR LOC & PAS TSI and SRT TSI) ERATV (SRT TSI) Onboard fire detectors M Text (Yes / No) ERATV (SRT TSI) Train communication fitted M Text (Yes / No) Control centre to train communication fitted M Emergency lighting Means of switching off air conditioning Details required RSSB Applicable types of vehicle Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC PAS WAG OTM ERATV (SRT TSI) Text (Yes / No) ERATV (SRT TSI) M Three digits (N) ERATV (SRT TSI) M Text (Yes / No) ERATV (SRT TSI) Page 35 of 49 xxx (minutes duration) Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 B.1.11 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Control command and signalling systems data to be provided to the RSL Details required Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC PAS WAG OTM ERTMS M Up to two characters (N) Text ERATV (CR CCS TSI) System version number M Text (A / N) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) ERTMS into service date M Eight digits (N) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) ERTMS level 1 functions M Text ERATV (CR CCS TSI) Degraded modes M Text ERATV (CR CCS TSI) Type of class B system fitted M Text ERATV (CR CCS TSI) Class B systems changeover conditions M Text ERATV (CR CCS TSI) Cab 1 GSMR radio number M Text (A / N) RSL Cab 2 GSMR radio number M Text (A / N) RSL Cab 3 GSMR radio number M Text (A / N) RSL System version number M GSMR into service date M Optional functions installed M ERATV (CR CCS TSI) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) Level of application M Optional functions installed ERATV (CR CCS TSI) YYYYMMDD Class B Train Protection Systems GSMR Radio ERATV (CR CCS TSI) Eight digits (N) ERATV (CR CCS TSI) AWS / TPWS / ATP Where operational. During initial fitment where the vehicle is in service with the GSMR in a non-operational state the notification to RSL is optional. YYYYMMDD Class B Train Radio Systems Type of class B system fitted Page 36 of 49 M Text RSSB NRN / CSR / RETB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Class B systems changeover conditions M Text Cab 1 NRN radio number M Cab 2 NRN radio number Details required Applicable types of vehicle Notes / comments LOC PAS ERATV (CR CCS TSI) Four digits (N) RSL M Four digits (N) RSL Cab 3 NRN radio number M Four digits (N) RSL Cab 1 CSR radio number M RSL Cab 2 CSR radio number M RSL Cab 3 CSR radio number M RSL Cab 1 RETB radio M RSL Cab 2 RETB radio M RSL B.1.12 OTM Specific PRM passenger characteristics data to be provided to the RSL Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) Number of fixed seats M Two digits (N) Number of priority seats M Two digits (N) M Two digits (N) M Two digits (N) Details required Number of wheelchair spaces Number of wheelchair accessible sleeping spaces RSSB WAG Applicable types of vehicle Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Notes / comments LOC RSL & ERATV (PRM TSI) ERATV (PRM TSI) ERATV (PRM TSI) ERATV (PRM TSI) Page 37 of 49 PAS WAG OTM xx xx xx xx Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Mandatory or optional (M / O) Format of data required (alpha / numeric characters) M Two digits (N) M Four digits (N) Vehicle floor height M Four digits (N) Vehicle steps for access / egress M Text (Yes / No) Integrated boarding aids M Text (Yes / No) Portable boarding aids M Text (Yes / No) Details required Number of wheelchair accessible toilets Platform height vehicle is compatible with Page 38 of 49 Applicable types of vehicle Required for: (NVR, ERATV or RSL) Notes / comments LOC ERATV (PRM TSI) ERATV (PRM TSI) ERATV (PRM TSI) ERATV (PRM TSI) ERATV (PRM TSI) ERATV (PRM) PAS OTM xx x,xxx mm x,xxx mm RSSB WAG Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Appendix C Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles not Intended to be Used in International Traffic The content of this Appendix is mandatory. C.1 Identification and parts of rail vehicle Data Types of rail vehicles Position Remarks Rail vehicle number All Outside / sides and inside / ends As required by Part 2 and Part 4 of this document Set number Multiple units Outside / sides and inside / ends As required by Part 2 and Part 4 of this document Driving cab identification Rail vehicles or multiple units with more than one cab In cabs 1 or 2 A or B Number one or ‘A’ wheel position All Outside / sides White / contrasting solid (downward arrow) Wheel profile All On bogie or adjacent to number one or ‘A’ wheel position Door identification All passenger carrying rail vehicles Inside adjacent to door C.2 Marking on the outside of the door is optional Data for operational purposes Data Types of rail vehicles Position Remarks Maximum speed (mile/h and km/h) Rail vehicles with driving cabs In cabs Maximum speed (mile/h and km/h) All other rail vehicles except wagons Outside on rail vehicle ends Only end vehicles of unit rakes Length of units Multiple units Outside / ends Overall length of the unit Tare mass (tonnes) Coaching stock and wagons Outside / ends Design mass unit in working order (tonnes) All vehicles except coaching stock, multiple units and wagons Outside on rail vehicle end Non passenger carrying capacity (tonnes) Wagons, OTM, coaching stock and multiple unit stowage Outside / sides ETH index Locomotives and hauled coaching stock (ETH fitted or through wired) Outside / sides Not applicable to HST Brake force (tonnes) Locomotives Outside / sides Not applicable to HST or steam locomotives Dangerous goods Wagons As specified in RID Carkind (if applicable) Wagons / parcels vans Outside / sides RSSB Not on cab ends (see BS EN 15663:2009) Three letter TOPS code used to identify rail vehicle types used in GB Page 39 of 49 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Data Types of rail vehicles Equipment identification C.3 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles All stock Position Adjacent to relevant equipment / apparatus Remarks Contrasting lettering Position of equipment and lifting and jacking points Data Types of rail vehicles Position Remarks Lifting and jacking points All Adjacent to the lifting and jacking points As set out in GM/RT2100 Engine isolation / stop All powered rail vehicles Adjacent to the engine isolation / stop Required only when accessible from outside Fuel cut–off valve All powered rail vehicles Adjacent to the fuel cut-off valve Required only when accessible from outside Electrical equipment isolation devices All rail vehicles fitted with electrical equipment Adjacent to electrical equipment Required only when accessible from outside Reservoir isolating cock Wagons and coaches Adjacent to the reservoir isolating cock Distributor isolating cock Wagons and coaches Adjacent to the distributor isolating cock Brake release cord Wagons and coaches Adjacent to the brake release cord White / contrasting solid (five pointed star) Manual change over lever for wagons fitted with two vacuum brake cylinders Wagons Adjacent to the manual change over lever White / contrasting solid (triangle downwards) Manually operated brake change-over lever not requiring brake cylinders to be released before being used to adjust the brake Wagons Adjacent to the manually operated brake change-over lever White / contrasting solid (kite) Page 40 of 49 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Appendix D Rail Vehicle Registration Flow Charts The content of this appendix is not mandatory and is provided for guidance only Note: The purpose of the following flow charts is to show diagrammatically the flow of information between parties involved in the registration of rail vehicles. D.1 RSSB New rail vehicle(s) registered in GB Page 41 of 49 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 D.2 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles ROGS / Safety Management System changes – applicable to the NVR Page 42 of 49 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 D.3 Existing rail vehicle registered in another Member State entering GB D.4 Existing rail vehicle not registered in another Member State entering GB RSSB Page 43 of 49 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Definitions Authorised for placing into service A rail vehicle authorised by the safety authority in accordance with the Railways (Interoperability) Regulations, SI 2006/397 as amended from time to time, or any regulation superseding this regulation, or a rail vehicle currently in use and deemed to be authorised. Axle load The weight, including self-weight, supported by a given axle on a rail vehicle (and reacted by the track). Certificate of authority to operate Written notification previously issued by the infrastructure controller to a train operator of its acceptance of successful completion of the route acceptance process. This notification has now been superseded by the compatibility assessment process and the issue of a SOCAT as set out in GE/RT8270. Certificate of engineering acceptance The declaration by a railway undertaking, notified body or a competent person employed or contracted by a railway undertaking; that rail vehicles conform to all of the relevant mandatory standards (including authorised deviations). Class identifier The initial two digits of a locomotive number (for example 60) or the initial three digits of a multiple unit set identification number (for example 465). Data Item of operational importance that is required to enable railway operational, interworking and safety decisions to be made by railway personnel who is operating or directing rail vehicles. Design mass (unit in working order) The design mass of the rail vehicle equipped with all the consumables and occupied by all the staff, which it requires in order to fulfil its function but empty of any payload. This state is also described as the unladen mass or tare weight. BS EN 15663:2009 sets out the reference states meeting this definition. Design mass (unit under exceptional payload) The design mass of the rail vehicle in working order plus the exceptional payload. It is determined by the type of rail vehicle stock and it is the maximum payload that can be transported and will be experienced only under exceptional conditions (for example, exceptional number of passengers). It represents the design limit for operation of the rail vehicle. BS EN 15663:2009 sets out the reference states meeting this definition. Design mass (unit under normal payload) The design mass of the rail vehicle in working order plus the normal design payload. BS EN 15663:2009 sets out the reference states meeting this definition. Note: There are no exceptional payload reference states for freight vehicles. The payload is always taken as the maximum payload specified for the freight vehicle. European Register of Authorised Types Of Vehicles (ERATV) ERATV contains data on the types of rail vehicle authorised by the member states pursuant to Articles 26 and 34 of Directive 2008/57/EC. Page 44 of 49 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Fixed formation A fixed formation is a consist of coupled rail vehicles that are assembled at a depot / workshop and are not intended to be separated during normal service operation. These consists generally have driving cabs at the outer ends however coupled vehicles without cabs can also be considered as a fixed formation. GEMINI GEMINI is the system used for managing multiple-unit trains. It is used in the same way that TOPS is used for managing locomotives. It keeps track of unit formations, records mileage, reported defects and maintenance requirements. GENIUS (GEmini for Non Integrating Unit Stock) GENIUS is used by passenger train operators for controlling the allocation of trains. It is linked to TOPS and GEMINI. Heritage rail vehicle A rail vehicle in a livery relating to an earlier, historical state, displaying its earlier rail vehicle number for reasons of historical accuracy. Any operational use of a heritage rail vehicle is limited to less than 15,000 miles per annum. High Speed Train (HST) A formation of two power cars and Mk3 coaches also known as Class 253 and Class 254. Intermediate statement of verification (ISV) The declaration by a railway undertaking, notified body or a competent person employed or contracted by a railway undertaking; that rail vehicle(s) conforms to all of the relevant mandatory standards (including authorised deviations). In use A rail vehicle used on the rail system for the purpose of which it is designed. In working order Capable of being used on the rail system and the rail vehicle is being maintained to the applicable maintenance plan. Keeper The person or entity that (being the owner of a rail vehicle or having the right to use it) exploits the rail vehicle as a means of transport and is registered in the NVR. Mainline railway The mainline railway is defined in ROGS. It covers the heavy rail network including minor lines and excludes HS1, metro, industrial and heritage lines. Maximum speed [of a rail vehicle] The maximum speed at which a rail vehicle is designed to run, as determined by the characteristics of the rail vehicle. Maximum speed [of a train] The maximum speed at which a train is able to run, as determined by the lowest maximum speed of any rail vehicle which is included in the formation of the train. National Vehicle Register (NVR) A register (maintained by Network Rail Infrastructure Limited acting as the appointed RE) that contains particulars of each rail vehicle authorised to be placed into service under The Railways (Interoperability) Regulations SI 2006/397, regulation 4, Decision 2011/107/EU sets out the format and content of the NVR RSSB Page 45 of 49 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Non-Passenger Carrying Coaching Stock (NPCCS) Hauled rail vehicles that are capable of operating with hauled passenger stock (for example driving van trailers (DVT), mail vans and service vehicles such as generator, translator and barrier vehicles). On-track machine (OTM) Any rail-mounted machine, whose primary function is for the renewal, maintenance, inspection or measurement of the infrastructure, meeting the requirements of GM/RT2400 and permitted by the Rule Book to be moved, either self-propelled or in train formation, outside a possession. On-track plant (OTP) Vehicles with rail wheels capable of running on railway track, limited by their engineering acceptance to running within a possession only, they are normally split into three main groups: rail mounted maintenance machines (RMMMs), road-rail vehicles (RRVs), and trailers (see RIS-1530-PLT). Placing into service Rail vehicles placed in service in relation to the high-speed rail system or the conventional Trans European Network rail system when, having been constructed, upgraded or renewed, it is first used on that rail system in the transportation of passengers or freight for the purpose for which it was designed, but does not include any testing or trials conducted in the verification assessment procedure or for additional checks required by the NSA. Prefix Where used, a prefix can denote the owner, operator or manufacturer of a rail vehicle and can consist of up to four alpha characters (for example ADB 977579). Rail vehicle identification number The number carried by a rail vehicle which uniquely identifies if from all other rail vehicles (for example 60 001, 92 70 0066 045-0). Registration Entity (RE) Body designated under regulation 33(12), The Railways (Interoperability) Regulations SI 2006/397 for keeping and updating the NVR. The RE currently designated by the secretary of state is Network Rail Infrastructure Limited. Registered operational status All rail vehicles in the RSL that have a valid SOCAT (or a previously issued certificate of authority to operate) and for which the maintenance plan is being implemented. Rolling Stock Library (RSL) The national central database of rail vehicle design and operational data, which is maintained by the infrastructure manager’s authorised agent (currently ATOS Origin for Network Rail). Set number The number carried by a multiple unit set that uniquely identifies it from all other sets (for example 465 201). Special vehicle A rail vehicle that is used for other than normal revenue earning purposes (for example infrastructure inspection, maintenance, de-icing and rail vehicle recovery including associated barrier, generator and storage vehicles) also known as departmental vehicles. Page 46 of 49 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Statement of compatibility (SOCAT) Written notification by a railway undertaking of compatibility between the rolling stock and infrastructure. This notification specifies the equipment, the equipment configuration, operational requirements and limitations, route constraints and network factors within which compatibility has been assessed for network operations. Sub–class identifier The first digit of the rail vehicle or unit identifier when used to indicate different ownership or different operating characteristics (for example 37 401). Total Operations Processing System (TOPS) The national operating data system for management of train operations. Unit rake Rail vehicles coupled together semi–permanently in a manner that prevents their being uncoupled by normal operational processes. Vehicle keeper marking (VKM) The VKM is an alphanumeric code, consisting of two to five letters. The VKM displays the identity of the vehicle keeper registered for that rail vehicle in the NVR. Acronyms RSSB ATP Automatic Train Protection AWS Automatic Warning System BSU British Standard Unit CSR Cab Secure Radio ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management System ETH Electric Train Heating GSMR Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway LOC Locomotive NRN National Radio Network NPCCS Non-Passenger Carrying Coaching Stock OTM On-track machine PAS Passenger vehicles including NPCCS RA Route Availability RETB Radio Electronic Token Block TPWS Train Protection Warning System WAG Wagon / freight Page 47 of 49 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles References The Catalogue of Railway Group Standards and the Railway Group Standards DVD give the current issue number and status of documents published by RSSB. This information is also available from RGSC 01 RGSC 02 Railway Group Standards Code The Standards Manual Documents referenced in the text Railway Group Standards GE/RT8000 Rule Book GE/RT8006 Assessment of Compatibility of Rail Vehicle Weights and Underline Bridges GE/RT8270 Assessment of Compatibility of Rolling Stock and Infrastructure GM/RT2100 Requirements for Rail Vehicles Structures GM/RT2400 Engineering Design of On-Track Machines GM/RT2040 Calculation of Brake Force Data for Rolling Stock Library GM/RT2041 Braking System Requirements and Performance for Trailer Coaching Stock GM/RT2042 Braking System Requirements and Performance for Traction Units GM/RT2043 Braking System and Performance for Freight Trains GM/RT2044 Braking System Requirements and Performance for Multiple Units Other references 2007/756/EC National Vehicle Register (revised to 2011/107/EU) 2011/107/EU Commission Decision adopting a common specification of the national vehicle register 2008/57/EC Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (Recast) BS EN 15663:2009 Railway applications - Definition of vehicle reference masses BS EN 50121-3-1:2000 Railway applications - Electromagnetic Compatibility-Part 3-1: Rolling Stock - Train and complete vehicle BS EN 50125-1:1999 Railway applications - Environmental conditions for equipment-Part 1: Equipment on board rolling stock CR CCS TSI Conventional Rail Control, Command and Signalling TSI, Decision 2006/679/EC (OJ L284, 16.10.2006, p1) and Decision 2007/153/EC Annex A (OJ L67, 7.3.2007, p13) CR LOC & PAS TSI Conventional Rail Locomotives and Passenger Rolling Stock TSI Decision 2011/291/EU, (OJ L139, 26.5.2011, p1) CR NOI TSI Conventional Rail Noise Aspects of Conventional Rolling Stock TSI, Decision 2006/66/EC, (OJ L37, 8.2.2006, p1) CR OPE TSI Conventional Rail Traffic Operation and Management TSI, Decision 2006/920/EC (OJ L359, 18.12.2006, p1) CR WAG TSI Conventional Rail Freight Wagons TSI, Decision 2006/861/EC (OJ L344, 8.12.2006, p1) HS ENE TSI High Speed Energy TSI, Decision 2008/284/EC (OJ L104, 14.4.2008, p1) Page 48 of 49 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force on 03/12/2011. Supersedes GMRT2453 Iss 1, GMRT2210 Iss 2 and GMRT2453 Iss 1 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue Registration, Identification and Data to be Displayed on Rail Vehicles HS RST TSI PRM TSI RID RIS-1530-PLT ROGS SI 2006/397 SRT TSI RSSB Railway Group Standard GM/RT2453 Issue Two Date September 2011 High Speed Rolling Stock TSI, Decision 2008/232/CE (OJ L84, 26.03.2008, p132) Persons with Reduced Mobility TSI, Decision 2008/164/EC (OJ L64, 7.3.2008, p72) Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF), Appendix C Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail Rail Industry Standard for Engineering Acceptance of On-Track Plant and Associated Equipment The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006 The Railways (Interoperability) Regulations 2006 Safety in Railway Tunnels TSI, Decision 2008/163/EC (OJ L64, 7.3.2008, p1) Page 49 of 49