CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION 75 MUSSER LANE, MUNCY, PA. 17756 | 570-546-3900 | Fax-570-546-0322 | WEBSITE: E-mail: [email protected] Sunday, February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of the Resurrection gathers as a Catholic community rooted in Scripture and the celebration of the Eucharist. We renew and evangelize God's children by responding to human needs with love, example and service. In their synagogue was a man with an unclean spirit; he cried out, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are--the Holy One of God!” Jesus rebuked him and said, “Quiet! Come out of him!” - Mk 1:23-25 Matthew Kelly’s Rediscover Catholicism focuses on three cultural problems that prevent us from living our Catholic faith well: individualism, hedonism and minimalism. Let’s talk about that middle issue: hedonism. Hedonism is not a creation of the modern world. Hedonism was alive and well in the world of Jesus and Paul. Hedonism was alive and well in Corinth when Paul wrote the letter we’re hearing at Mass these weekends. What’s hedonism? An absorption in pleasure. A commitment to experience what’s pleasing to me—often at the cost of everything and anything and anyone else in my life. And the Corinthians liked pleasure. They liked money and the things money bought. They liked stylish clothes, good food and plenty of drink. And they liked sex. To the Corinthians—and to us—Paul presents two concepts that fly in the face of hedonism: celibacy and marriage. Both celibacy and marriage put up boundaries. They both limit what we can do. And, at best, they tell us why we can’t do it. Celibacy puts up a clear boundary: no marriage, no sex, and nothing that looks like sex and marriage. But, for celibacy to be the lifegiving thing that Paul (and Jesus) talk about needs a focus. It can’t be about exclusive control of the TV remote. It has to be about freeing us for service to others, service for the sake of the kingdom of God. Then, celibacy can be a sign to the Church and the world that life can have deeper meaning when we sacrifice, when we give of ourselves for others. Marriage also puts up clear boundaries: one takes this person (think of the vows we often hear in the movies: “and forsaking all others”) and no one else, one takes this spouse for life. And marriage, too, only gives life when we let it have the focus that Paul (and Jesus) talk about. To hear much discussion about marriage these days, one would think it was largely about insurance policies, health care and estate planning. Marriage Is also about service to others—giving oneself for the other’s good, giving of ourselves for the sake of offspring. Then marriage can also be a sign to the Church and the world that life has deeper meaning when we sacrifice, when we give of ourselves for others. And that service to others, that marks the life of Jesus, that shapes the life of the Church, offers a deeper happiness than any hedonistic scramble for pleasure ever could. Jesus called it “a peace this world cannot give.” He offered that peace to his disciples, as he prepared the greatest of sacrifices, his death for the life of the world. And that death opens the doors to the great wedding feast of heaven and earth, of God and humanity. MUNCY, PA We extend a warm welcome to all who attend our church. It is our desire that you find our parish community a place where your life of faith will be nourished. Your prayers, your presence, and your talents are most welcome and we hope that you will share them with us. Please feel free to introduce yourself after Mass. God bless. Requiescat In Pace Please keep all of our beloved dead in your prayers, especially Robert McGinley Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. The Week Ahead SUNDAY – February 1 Cereal Bowl Women’s Organization “Souper” Bowl after Masses Penance Practice 9:45 AM Religious Education MONDAY— February 2 Bulletin Due 10:00 am Bible Study—7:00 pm—Church Hall TUESDAY— February 3 Diocesan DRE Meeting WEDNESDAY— February 4 Welcoming Committee—9:30 am Festival Meeting 6:30 pm THURSDAY— February 5 SJNRA Mass—9:00 am Confessions—5:30—7:00 pm followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament FRIDAY— February 6 NEXT WEEKEND – February 7/8 First Penance—Saturday—10:00 am Pierogie Sale Second Collection—Care and Education of Priests Religious Education Ministers Lectors Servers Ministers Lectors Servers Ministers Lectors Servers Altar Ministers February 7/8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00pm Gene Otterbein, David Derk, Chris Buck JoAnn Pauling, Carolyn Rheam David Hopfer, Kelsey Bowen 8:30am Gregor Guisewhite, Steve and Carin Mercurio Dan and Mary Doyle Jennifer and Franchesca Guisewhite, Chase Dudek 11:00am Carol Bryer, Marie Gaydon, Mike Paisley Mary Swisher, Amy Bortz Bridget and Molly Foresman, Aleah Stahlnecker Mass Intentions for the Week SUNDAY – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30am – Walter Gaida by Frank and Joan Gaida 11:00am – Bill Gregar by Joyce Gregar SCI – Parishioners MONDAY – The Presentation of the Lord 7:00am – Paul Damaska SCI Paul Sterowski TUESDAY – St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr 7:00am – David Smith by Larry and Tess Grieco WEDNESDAY 6:00pm – Robert Johnson by Helen Mooney THURSDAY – St Agatha, Virgin and Martyr 9:00am – Carmen and Gertrude Grieco by Larry and Tess Grieco FRIDAY – St Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs 7:00am – David Smith by Gerald and Diane Otterbein SATURDAY 5:00pm – Parishioners SUNDAY – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30am – Family of Tom and Eileen Stiadle by Family 11:00am – Elaine Porch by Joyce Gregar SCI – Josephine Jay Quin by Maureen Smith Readings for the Week of February 1, 2015 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 Heb 12:1-4/Mk 5:21-43 Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/Mk 6:1-6 Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/Mk 6:7-13 Heb 13:1-8/Mk 6:14-29 Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/Mk 6:30-34 Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/ Mk 1:29-39 Palm Branches To Recycle Bring in your old branches blessed last Palm Sunday. We need them to make the ashes for Ash Wednesday. Please place them in the basket in the narthex of the church no later than Sunday, February 8, 2015. COUNTERS’ SCHEDULE - February 8 Closer 8:30 11:00 Nancy Marr D. Schmitt, S. Kostic, K. Sechler, C. Wylie T. Meck, A. Cole, S. Mayshock CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION, MUNCY, PA The Lord’s Portion Offering $ 7, 469.00 Catholic Campaign for Human Development $ 427.00 Memorial $ 115.00 Next Week’s Second Collection—Care and Education of Priests Volunteer Appreciation Dinner - Mardi Gras Each year so many people offer their time and talents to the ministries and activities of our parish community. We do this to serve the faith community and to give back to God who has blessed us. From the Life & Justice Committee REFLECTING ON TODAY’S SCRIPTURE IF TODAY YOU HEAR HIS VOICE Imagine if we were at the synagogue in Capernaum when Jesus was teaching. Today’s readings are about listening and recognizing when God is speaking to us. In the clutter of all the noise in our media saturated culture, are we listening for Jesus’ voice? What is Christ calling us to do for those in need? LIVING TODAY’S SCRIPTURE PRAY AND ACT FOR HUMAN DIGNITY “Continuing tensions and violence in our communities remind us that although significant progress has been made in erasing the stain of racism and the cycle of related violence, we still have much work to do. As we consider the gains of the past and the challenges before us, I urge each of us to pray for healing and peace as we work for ever greater communion. Every human life has profound dignity, rooted in our creation in the image of God. We are one family. Our communities will only reflect this dignity if we first turn to prayer to guide our actions toward ending years of isolation, disregard and conflict between neighbors. That which seems impossible can only be brought about through God and his powerful intervention in our hearts.” – Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, president of the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops, January 16, 2015 SHEPHERD OF THE STREETS - UPDATE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Shepherd of the Streets needs volunteers. For more information or to volunteer your services contact Morris Smith at 322-6538. PILGRIMAGE WALK FOR MISSION NICARAGUA WALK FOR WATER – SATURDAY MARCH 28, 2015 Save the date for this year’s Walk for Water that will raise funds for water projects in northwestern Nicaragua – a very rural and isolated region. Locally participants will walk to the Catholic churches in Williamsport for the Stations of the Cross while raising money for these water projects. Get ready to seek pledges, pray, and walk so that others will have adequate water to live. Details will follow. WELCOMING COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, Feb. 5th 9:30AM We would like to invite any parishioner who is curious about what the committee does to come join us. No strings attached! We're always looking for new members. At Mardi Gras we say “Thank You,” with an appreciation dinner. Anyone who has volunteered their time and talent in any way during the past year is invited, along with their family: liturgical ministers, religious education workers, RCIA people, SJNCC workers and volunteers, parish committee members, volunteers at dinners, bazaars and festivals, etc. The Appreciation Dinner will be Tuesday, February 17, 2015, in the church hall. Join us for hors d’oeuvres at 6pm, and dinner at 6:30pm. Please call 570-546-3900, email [email protected] or sign the sheet in the narthex. St. Joseph the Worker Parish 28th Annual Mardi Gras Saturday, February 14, 2015, Fleming Center (720 West 4th Street, Williamsport, PA) 7:30 pm – midnight Doors open @ 7:00 Dancing from 8:00 to Midnight Dance to DJ Contact Rectory for tickets 323-9456 LOTS OF DOOR PRIZES $135.00 a table of 8 in advance (must be purchased together - a $9 savings) $18.00 admission in advance $20.00 at the door Costumes encouraged! Congratulations We have reached 93% of our goal as our commitment to the mission of the Diocese of Scranton and to the Diocesan Appeal goal. We are a little over $2000 shy of our goal. If you have not already donated to the Diocesan Annual Appeal, now is a good time to do so!!! Funds from the Annual Appeal directly help our parish through programs offered by the Office for Parish Life . Scheduling Baptisms If you are planning a baptism for a child, please remember that, unless it is an emergency, we don’t baptize during Lent. This year Lent begins on February 18th and ends on April 4th. We’ll be glad to schedule baptisms at any Saturday or Sunday Mass before Lent begins or during the Easter season. CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION, MUNCY, PA Bible Study-Monday Topic: Women and the Church 7pm ~ Meeting Room or Church Hall SOMETHING FOR THE CHILDREN Sharing the Gospel Grass stains. Tomato sauce. Brightly colored fruit drinks. When these nasty stains stick to your clothes, it is tough to get them out. Regular soap won't work. You need something stronger. Jesus is really strong, too. In today's Gospel, a nasty evil spirit screamed when it saw Jesus. Jesus was so powerful, he cleaned that evil spirit right out. Prayer God, you are much stronger than evil. Nothing is too hard for you to clean. Ancient Order of Hibernians A Night At The Races Officer John P Maloney Division 1 Lycoming County Saturday Feb 7, 2015 Annunciation Parish center Door Open 6:15 PM First Race 7:00 PM Feast of St. Blasé February 3rd is the Feast of St. Blasé. Throats will be blessed after 7:00 am mass. EASTER EGG ORDERS The Women’s Organization will be taking orders for Homemade Easter Eggs. Order forms are available in the pamphlet stand in the narthex. All orders are due in the parish office by Monday, March 2. You may pick up your work place order on Palm Sunday weekend (March 28/29) so you can deliver them during Holy Week. ORDERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER MARCH 2. Easter Eggs will be sold after masses on Palm Sunday Weekend, while supplies last. Or you may call in your orders to Delores Dewalt at 570-547-1157 or Martha Wylie at 570-433-3454. Something to Draw Draw a picture of Jesus on a super-powerful stain-fighting laundry soap. Mission for the Week Make a new label for your family's stain pre-treatment bottle. Trace around the bottle, write Mark 1:21-28 in big letters, and decorate your label with a picture of Jesus. Tape your new label to the bottle so you and your parents remember how strong Jesus is. OBLATES OF ST. BENEDICT Oblates of St. Benedict will meet Sunday February 8 at 2pm at St. Ann's Catholic Church in Willamsport. The Rule of St. Benedict and Benedictine Spirituality is a "school for the Lord's service." (RB Prol 45). Guests are welcome to come fellowship with us and learn more about Benedictine life. If you have any questions, please contact Sue Wykoff, email: [email protected], PH 570-6606005. Tax Information We have sent the 2014 contribution reports from the parish office. If you did not receive one or if you find an error, please call 570-546-3900 or email: [email protected] . NOTE: DATE CHANGE His Excellency, the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Scranton, and the Office for Parish Life wish to invite couples celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary in 2015 to a diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, June 7. (NB: This is a change from the original date of June 21.) The event includes a 2:30 pm mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral followed by a reception. Requests for an invitation, with a mailing address, should be made through your pastor before March 16. Meeting Reminders Welcoming Committee Members are reminded of their meeting on Thursday, 9:30 am in the Meeting Room. New members are always welcome. Festival Committee Members are reminded of their Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Meeting Room. meeting on Parish Registration & Membership All Catholics should be officially enrolled in a parish. To become members of Church of the Resurrection you are asked to register with the Office Administrator. There are also registration forms available in the narthex of the church. Also, please notify the Office Administrator of any address and / or telephone number changes. Volunteers Church of the Resurrection can always use new altar servers, ushers, choir and contemporary group singers, cantors, and instrumentalists. The Women’s Organization and the Knights of Columbus welcome new active members. We often need help with life & justice projects, various fundraisers, grounds keeping and our annual parish festival. If you are interested in sharing your time and talent with your parish, please call the parish office or email [email protected] and we’ll point you in the right direction. Christian Marriage Parish Staff Pastor: Rev. Glenn McCreary, V.E. 570-546-3900 Email: [email protected] Office Administrator: Mary Todor 570-546-3900 Email: [email protected] Bookkeeper: Justine Stanley 546-3900 Email: [email protected] Director of Rel. Ed: Jennifer Fry –570-546-3900 –570-326-1962 Email: [email protected] Director of RCIA: Bob Mayshock 570-649-5070 Resurrection Singers: Barbara Martin 570-584-2552 Email: [email protected] Bulletin Information: email: [email protected] by 10am Mondays – Watch bulletin for early publications dates PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Lisa AndersonCathy BachleNichole CoppesPatty ChuprinskiNoreen FinklerKaren KennedyMary KilgusSchawnne KilgusCharles LowryMike PaisleyRose Mary RymszaBrian Toseki- 570-584-5264 570-546-6706 570-494-6006 570-546-6443 570-584-3404 570-584-3210 570-584-2420 412-600-0663 570-412-6488 570-279-6644 570-547-1036 570-546-2365 Mass Schedule Saturday: 5pm (Vigil) Sunday: 8:30am, 11am Holy Days: As Announced Weekday Mass with Morning Prayer 7am Monday, Tuesday, Friday 9amThursday 6pm Wednesday Neighbor Parishes: Sacrament Of Reconciliation Thursday– 5:30 – 7:00pm with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament By Appointment Church law requires Catholics to be married with the church’s prayers and blessings. Please call the pastor at least six months before your anticipated wedding date. All couples must complete a Pre-Cana program. If you or your fiancée were previously married and divorced, you will need an annulment before being married in the church. Allow at least a year to finish the annulment process. Baptism Infants and small children may be baptized at any Saturday evening or Sunday morning celebration of the Eucharist outside of Lent. The parish baptismal preparation session is required before the baptism of a couple’s first child. You may attend this program well before the baptism, even during pregnancy. Call Father McCreary at 570-546-3900 for information and sign-up. Anointing Of The Sick Please notify the parish office whenever anyone is sick, unable to attend Mass and wishes to receive Holy Communion. Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Communion to the sick. The Pastor will bring the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick as needed. Religious Education Program Sundays, September to May, K-8 at 9:30am. High School Students / Youth Group have various activities that can be found on the church website or within this bulletin. A two-year period of preparation for First Penance and First Eucharist takes place in first and second grades for baptized children. A two-year program of Confirmation preparation for children who have received Baptism and Eucharist takes place during the seventh and eighth grades. All children must be registered with the DRE, Jennifer Frye who can be contacted at 570-546 -3900 or [email protected]. Rite Of Christian Initiation Of Adults (R.C.I.A.) Do you know anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic faith? Have you been baptized? Have you been baptized in another Christian Church, but desire instructions about the Catholic Faith? Are you a baptized Catholic but not fully initiated through the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation? The R.C.I.A. team is here for you! Contact Bob Mayshock at 570-649-5070 or [email protected]