July 28, 2013
July 28, 2013
Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church 10235 Ashbrook Drive, St. Louis, Missouri, 63137 314.868.2310 / Fax 314-868-3919 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 28, 2013 Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church 10235 Ashbrook Drive, Saint Louis, Missouri, 63137 314-868-2310 / Fax 314-868-3919 Were not our hearts burning as he spoke to us on the road … And they recognized him IN THE BREAKING OF THE BREAD Gospel of St. Luke 24:13-35 Parish Celebration and Formation Parish Leadership and Service Becoming Catholic Fr. Michael Henning Pastor [email protected] Sr. Rose Mercurio, SSND Pastoral Associate [email protected] Mrs. Theresa McWilliams Director of Music [email protected] A Pledge to Parish Life Mrs. Judy Krenn Youth Ministry Coordinator My parish [email protected] is composed of people Mrs. Buffy Modde like me. I help make it what it is. Parish Nurse [email protected] It will be friendly, if I am. Deacon George Watson Its pews will be filled, Permanent Deacon if I help fill them. [email protected] It will do great work, if I work. Deacon Matthew Duban It will make generous gifts Permanent Deacon to causes, [email protected] if I am a generous giver. It will bring other people Christ Light of the into its community, Nations Catholic School if I invite and bring them. 1650 Redman Avenue Saint Louis, Mo. 63138 314-741-0400 Sr. Mary Lawrence, SSND [email protected] Parish Support Staff Mrs. Sandy Miesner [email protected] Mr. Steve Jones Maintenance Coordinator Mr. David Vaughn Parish Custodian Mrs. Rose Fox Rectory Housekeeping It will be a parish of loyalty and love, of fearlessness and faith, and a parish with a noble spirit, if I who make it what it is, am filled with these same things. Therefore, with the help of God, I shall dedicate myself to the task of being all the things that I want my parish to be. Weekend Mass Saturday 4:00pm/5:00pm Standard Time / Daylight Time Sunday 8:00am/10:30am Daily Mass 6:30am 8:00am 8:00am Tuesday / Thursday Monday / Wed / Friday Wednesday Christ Light of the Nations School Holy Days - Obligation 8:00am / 7:00pm Civil Holidays 9:00am Reconciliation Saturday Confessions 2:30-3:30p / 3:30-4:30p Standard Time / Daylight Time By Appointment Anytime Call Father Mike Communal Services During Advent and Lent Liturgy of the Hours 7:35am Monday / Wed / Friday Eucharistic Adoration 7:00am to 12 midnight on Tuesdays only. Our parish has a yearround, ongoing process to assist adults in becoming Catholic. We also have a special program for older unbaptized children. Call us at anytime. Deacon George will provide all the information you need. Getting Married Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage begins at least 6 months before a wedding. A wedding date cannot be scheduled until the couple has begun preparation for this sacrament. Anointing of the Sick This sacrament is for those having surgery, the seriously or chronically ill, and those near death. Call for anointing at home or church before entering the hospital. Celebrations at church take place Every 1st Saturday After the Evening Mass Every 3rd Sunday After the 8:00am Morning Mass Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time IHS July 28, 2013 Celebrating the Opportunity of Being With People We’re All About Faith Today’s Gospel reminds us that praying for daily needs is more a matter of Highlights of Life in Our Community opening ourselves to God’s sure presence than receiving that for which we Our Parish Life specifically pray. It is the sure sense of God’s presence that gives us the Good for You - Good for Others confidence our prayers have been heard. Details in your bulletin or Parish Directory. Many, if not most, of the people living in the communities served by our parish Being involved insures the vitality of our parish. turn to God everyday with they needs. Some have no church or practice of Sunday, July 28th religion, some have given up on religion, and some are growing more religious. The 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time All who turn to God though – whether they know it or not – are men and Parish Pastoral Council Meeting women of faith. At times we are privileged to have them in our presence, to be CLN/Trinity Outdoor Washer Tournament the “answer” to their prayers, to be the sacrament of Christ’s love – the “real presence” of God. Tuesday, July 30th Eucharistic Adoration & Visits Grant that all the faithful of the Church may constantly devote themselves to the service of the Gospel. Keep us attentive to the needs of all that we may faithfully go forward with them along the way of your Kingdom. Wednesday, July 31st Exercise Class Parish Quilting Group Saturday, August 3rd Sacrament of Confession Sacramental Anointing of the Sick Sunday, August 4th The 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Eucharistic Prayer for Various Needs III This fall I hope to begin setting up Evangelization Teams in our parish. Each three-person Team will focus on practicing hospitality toward those who visit our parish or receive services from our parish. The better we are at welcoming people, the stronger will be their sureness of God and God’s care for them in all that they pray for each day. As a parish this is what we’re all about – practicing faith and nurturing faith. Team members will receive training and support for this ministry. Several times a year each Team will exercise this ministry with those attending parish events COMING SPECIAL EVENTS (such as Fish Frys and our Fall Festival) or with those being cared for through parish programs (such as Room At The Inn or our Food Pantry). Over the Prayer Vigil for Nuclear Disarmament course of an entire year this would be no more than a 15 to 20 hour commitment Tuesday, August 6th, 7:00pm – a total gift of less than one day of the entire year intentionally focused on hospitality and welcoming others in the name of Jesus. Parish Women’s Retreats Monday - Thursday, September 9th - 12th Monday - Thursday, October 7th - 10th White House Retreat Center, South St. Louis County Parish Men’s Retreat Thursday – Sunday, September 19th – 22nd Joint Retreat with Men of Our Lady of the Rosary White House Retreat Center, South St. Louis County SAVE THE DATE Annual Fall Festival & Homecoming Saturday, September 28th PARISH EVANGELIZATION TEAMS INTEREST FORM The Bottom Line – People don’t come to faith or renew their faith or grow in faith if they don’t know they’re welcome. When people know they’re welcome it’s more likely they’ll know someone cares, that God can be trusted, and that our parish is a community and a place where anyone can find God. We hope to have Teams in place this fall. Everyone is encouraged to find out more about this so we can begin to prepare. YES – I would like to talk with Father Mike more about this. YES – I am willing to attend an Information Meeting on joining a Team. YES – I want to be a member on one of our parish Evangelization Teams. Name Phone Number Please PRINT CLEARLY – Return Form in Sunday Collection or to the Parish Office. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 28, 2013 MASS INTENTIONS MONDAY 8:00am July 29 Henry Jennemann TUESDAY 6:30am July 30 Michael Maixner WEDNESDAY July 31 8:00am Joseph Malon Saturday, August 3 5:00pm Mary Migliazzo* Judy Mantych Frank Schneider Lynda Brand Buffy Modde-D THURSDAY August 1 6:30am Special Intention Betty Malon FRIDAY 8:00am August 2 Rosa Ponticello SATURDAY August 3 5:00pm Julia Maixner SUNDAY 8:00am 10:30am August 4 Jue Chalupny Harold Wessel DID YOU KNOW? Mass is held every Tuesday 10am at the Missouri V.A. Nursing Home chapel. It is located on 10600 Lewis & Clark (the first light south of Christian Hospital, on Hwy 367). As we approach Veteran’s Day, join us weekly as we celebrate Mass with those who know what it means to serve. DECEPTION Indeed, it is not in human nature to deceive others for any long time, without in a measure deceiving ourselves, too. Tony Migliazzo* Eileen Mills Linda Schneider Larry Cooke Sunday, August 4 8:00am Betty Kondracki* Diana Goodwin Wil Huhmann Karen Kulla Laura Petroff-D Pat Edgar* Ken Kleinberg Judy Krenn Mike Walsh Janet Ulreich-D Merry Marquiart* Sandy Hamm Sr. Rose 10:30am Gina Keppler* Bill Krenn Judi Sams Regina Anderson 8:00am 10:30am Saturday August 3 Barb Ellington Sunday, August 4 Margaret Jackson Jim Cuidon 8:00am July 29—August 2 Linda Byrns & Bob Seidel 5:00pm 5:00pm Saturday, August 3 Lauren Whittington, Sophia Anzalone & Philip Merz 8:00am 10:30am Sunday, August 4 Grace & Andrew Gerhart Peter Krenn, Jayson Ulreich & Jessica Parker 5:00pm Saturday, August 3 Frank & Linda Schneider 8:00am 10:30am Sunday, August 4 Mike & Steve Paro Mulvihill Framily Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Abraham bargains with God to spare the city (Genesis 18:20-32). Psalm — Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered me (Psalm 138). July 28, 2013 Our Lady of the Holy Cross Parish Picnic Following 10:00am Mass Sunday, August 18 from 11:00am to 6:30pm Fried Chicken Dinners Served from 11:00am-6:30pm in our air conditioned cafeteria Adults—$8.50; Children Under 12—$4.00; Children Under 5—free Lots of fun, games, games of chance, prizes, and raffles. Music by a DJ On Baden and Church Road (one block from North Broadway) Second Reading — You were buried with Christ in baptism, in which you were also raised with Christ (Colossians 2:12-14). Are you, or someone you know interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith? Gospel — Everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds (Luke 11:1-13). Journey of Faith session begin soon. This is an eight week journey that gives an introduction to the Catholic faith. These evenings are for: Those who have never been baptized and would like to investigate what the Catholic faith is all about. After that they may choose to continue towards the Sacraments of Initiation into the Catholic Church. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Ps 106:19-23 or Ps 34:2-11; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Tuesday: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Ps 103:6-11; Mt 13:36-43 Wednesday: Ex 34:29-35; Ps 99:5-7, 9; Mt 13:4446 Thursday: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Ps 84:3-6a, 8, 11; Mt 13:47-53 Friday: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Ps 81:3-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Lv 25:1, 8-17; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; Mt 14:112 Sunday: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI/IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OLDE TYME PORTAGE PICNIC Those who have been baptized in another non-Catholic Christian tradition and would like to learn what the Catholic Church believes and see if they would like to seek full initiation into the Catholic Church. Those Catholics who were baptized but never received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist and would like to reestablish their Catholic roots. For more information contact Deacon George at 314-868-2310 x 17 or by email SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 2013 Chicken and Roast Beef Dinners With all the trimmings in an Air conditioned dining room 1250 Washington St. Portage Des Sioux, MO. 63373 CARRY-OUTS AVAILABLE October 11th, 2012 - November 24th, 2013 A year of opportunities for Catholics to experience conversion and a deeper call to discipleship. Come and rediscover a renewed relationship with Jesus Christ and with the Church. Deepen your trust in God and your confidence about sharing your faith with others by word and deed. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 28, 2013 PRAYER VIGIL for NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT and Commemorating the 68 ANNIVERSARY OF THE BOMBING OF HIROSHIMA AUGUST 6, 2013 7:00 pm HOLY NAME OF JESUS CATHOLIC CHURCH 10235 Ashbrook Drive, St. Louis, MO 63137 ALL ARE WELCOME! “Nuclear war will not mean the death of a hundred million people. Or even a thousand million. It will mean the extinction of four thousand million: the end of life as we know it on our planet earth.” Rajiv Gandhi “The consequence of {the failure of deterrence} invokes death on a scale rivaling the power of the creator, poisoning the earth, deforming its inhabitants for generation upon generation.” General Lee Butler “It is not a question of whether, but of where and when weapons of mass destruction will be used.” William Perry “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in a final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.” Dwight D. Eisenhower Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 28, 2013 IMPORTANT HOSPITAL NEWS TAKE ONLY AS DIRECTED Today’s medicines are very complex, so whether you’re taking prescription or nonprescription drugs, it’s important to respect the rules of medication safety. DO follow dosage recommendations. Dosages today tend to be very precise for our age, weight and the minimum amount needed to reach the treatment goal without causing side effects. DON’T discontinue a drug as soon as feel better. Finish the medicine according to the schedule your doctor prescribed. Doing otherwise can result in a relapse of your condition or produce an unwanted side effect. DO avoid potentially harmful food interactions. Examples: Eating food with certain blood pressure medications can decrease your body’s absorption of the drug...drinking alcohol with an antihistamine can cause increased drowsiness, and with aspirin or acetaminophen can cause liver damage...drinking caffeine when using certain inhalers can over estimate the nervous system. Check with your doctor or pharmacist, and be sure to read the printout supplied by the pharmacy. DON’T share your medications with anyone else. Remember, they’re prescribed very specifically and very precisely for you and you alone. DO call your doctor if a nonprescription medicine isn’t working. How can you Tell? A rule of thumb is if your complaint, such as fever, cough or body ache, hasn’t improved within 3-5 days. That’s because over-the-counter drugs are meant to treat only minor health problems. Have a good week. Stay cool. Protect your skin and remember to drink lots of fluids. S. Rose, SSND, RN I will be gone from Tuesday through Sunday. I am celebrating Jubilee with my classmates and we will be at our Motherhouse in Lemay. Pray with all of us in thanksgiving to the Faithful God who continues to bless all of us. Hospitals, because they are going paperless, are no longer listing the parishes of patients. So, PLEASE, be sure to let us know if you are a friend, relative, neighbor, etc. are being admitted to a hospital. We want to support you in your illness. Just call the Parish Office and give us your information. In your charity please pray for the repose of Matt Long, Scott Pittroff and all the souls who have died this week. We pray that they may now enjoy the great blessings of eternal life and that their family and friends may find peace in the promises of Christ. Amen PRAYER CHAIN If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please call either Betty Kondracki @ 868-0176 or Pat Edgar @ 868-4143 ATTENTION Do you know a homebound parishioner who would like to receive the Eucharist on a weekly basis? If so, please contact Sr. Rose. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 28, 2013 Anointing of the Sick: “Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith will save the sick man, and the Lord will raise him up; and if hi has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” -James 5:14-15 Throughout his public ministry, Jesus healed the sick both physically and spiritually. The apostles continued this ministry and handed it on to their successors. For 2,000 years, the Church has continued Jesus’ ministry of healing through the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. At Holy Name of Jesus we offer this sacrament on the First Saturday (following Mass) and the Third Sunday (following 8:00 AM Mass). Because of the communal nature of this Sacrament of Healing, we are going to be celebrating the Anointing of the Sick, during Mass, twice a year. The next communal celebration will be August 3rd during 5:00 PM Mass. This Sacrament is a sacrament of healing and so is for anyone who has a chronic, serious illness, anyone preparing for surgery, or anyone suffering from the affects of advance age. We invite all in the parish who could receive benefit and grace from this sacrament to join us on August 3rd as we pray with and for each other, asking God’s healing, comfort and peace for all you receive the sacrament. White House Retreat For Men September 2013 SAVE THE DATE! Mark Your calendars! White House Retreat for Men September 2013.. Attention men of Holy Name of Jesus and Our Lady of The Rosary parishes. Come let us join together with the men of other parishes at the beautiful Jesuit White House Retreat. Here you will discover a new basis for a richer, fuller, faith-centered tomorrow. The retreat begins with check-in/registration 5:006:00pm the evening of September 19 (with evening meal at 7:00pm), and concludes Sunday, September 22, 2013 at approximately 2:00pm following dinner. Delicious meals are served 3 times per day. For reservations or more information please contact Louis Woodard at 314-952-8185 or Deacon Dave Harpring at 314-831-8988. Visit www.whretreat.org for photos of the beautiful grounds and additional retreat information. SEE YOU THERE! The Room At The Inn program here at Holy Name of Jesus is looking for 2 or 3 individuals to help out on the following dates; September 11, October 9 and November 13. We need someone willing to spend the night at the church. Usually 7pm-7am, however the time is very flexible. You will not be alone. You will be with an individual who already spends the night on a regular monthly bases. If you can help or would like more information please contact Sister Rose (8682310) or Joan Aslin (838-5574) coordinator of the Room At The Inn program at Holy Name. Your help will be greatly appreciated and the personal reward of donating your time will be priceless. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 28, 2013 Sat 3rd 5:00pm Communal Anointing of the Sick C Mon 5th 1:00pm Pinochle Club CC Tues 6th 6:00am—7:00pm VOTING 6:30pm Prayer Vigil for Nuclear Disarmament Wed 7th 9:00am 9:00am Quilting Exercise Class CC CC Fri 9th 11:00am Grief Support POC Wed 14th 9:00am 9:00am 4:00pm Quilting Exercise Class Room At The Inn CC CC POC Thurs 15th ` 8:00am & 7:00pm Mass Times Feast of the Assumption PARISH OFFICE CLOSED C Sun 18th 8:30am Anointing of the Sick C Tues 20th 6:00pm Fall Festival Meeting CC Wed 21st 9:00am 9:00am Quilting Exercise Class CC CC Wed 28th 9:00am 9:00am 4:00pm Quilting Exercise Class Room At The Inn CC CC POC CC C & CC Next Sunday, August 4, a special collection will be taken up for the Latin America Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Saint Louis. This collection is the main source of funding for our 3 Priests and Bishop Casey who presently serve in Bolivia. Other that Haiti, Bolivia is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. Our Priest Missionaries depend on us so that their missionary work may continue. Please support Bishop Casey, Father Hayden and Father Michler and Father Noelker and the people of Bolivia whom they serve, thanks to our donations. May God reward you for your sacrificial gift and prayers! Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 28, 2013 Stewardship of Treasure Your Gifts of Support for Our Parish Mission R ep o rt o n Pa r i sh C o l le ct io n s Thank you for supporting our parish services and programs as well as the operation and maintenance of our facilities. Your financial support will help us to achieve a balanced budget. This year our goal is for parish revenues to cover 50% of all parish expenses Total Sunday Collection (July 21st) $4,720.17 Budgeted Weekly Amount Needed $7,186.00 This Week (Under Needed Amount) $2,465.83 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Apart from the period from Thanksgiving through Christmas, the summer is a favored time for family reunions. We trace family trees and recall our origins. Worship has a family tree as well, and the way we celebrate today has been influenced by various styles and customs through the centuries. We are Western Christians of the Latin Rite. By far, we are the most numerous Western Christians, but there are other ritual families as well. The Archdiocese of Milan in Italy follows the Ambrosian Rite, Toledo in Spain preserves the Mozarabic Rite and the Arab language, and Lyons in France is home to the Gallican Rite. Other liturgical families, such as the Celtic in Ireland and the Sarum in England, faded away after the Reformation. Until recent times, members of some ancient religious orders such as Carmelites and Trappists followed a pattern of Mass that varied slightly from the plan observed in Latin Rite parishes. Isn’t the Catholic Church the same everywhere? Not at all. It never has been! The existence of so many liturgical families in the West reminds us that unity, not uniformity, is what the Church seeks to achieve among her children. We are united in faith, but wonderfully diverse in rituals, ceremonies, languages, customs, and spirituality. Cheryl Elder, Ronald Slaughter, Tom Crowe, Kathy Uhlenbrock, Al Ruhling, Barb Ellington, Sr. Charlene SSND Joan Janczura, Stanley Brice Silver and Golden Wedding Jubilee Mass All are invited to attend the Annual Silver and Golden Wedding Jubilee Mass on Sunday, October 13, 2013 at 2:30pm at the Cathedral Basilica on Lindell Blvd. This year, Bishop Edward Rice will be our celebrant. Couples celebrating 25, 50 or 50 plus years during 2013, who register by September 13, will have their names and wedding date printed in the program and receive a certificate of congratulations. Online Registration is available by visiting www.archstl.org/laityandfamilylife and clicking on Golden/Silver Jubilee from the menu. If you prefer to register by phone, please call the Office of Laity & Family Life at 314-792-7170. Saint Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) created a series of spiritual exercises that help a searching person discern where God is calling him or her at life’s crossroads. Are you wondering if your possible plans for the next phase of your life are of God? Making Ignatius’ spiritual exercises can help you decide. Saint Louis is home to many experienced spiritual directors who can guide you through the exercises. Learn about this opportunity at http://www.bridgesfoundation.org/bridgesI.html. Holy Name of Jesus parishioner Greg Warnusz, 314-867-5018, while not a director, has made the exercises in this way, and may be able to answer your questions. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 28, 2013 NEEDED….. SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILETRIES……… FOR BELIZE AND GUATEMALA…. S. Rose and Diana Goodwin are collecting supplies to take with them on mission trips to Belize and Guatemala. Why not pick up an extra set of supplies when making “back-to-school” purchases! Articles needed include: Pencils and pens Erasers Rulers Crayons Construction paper Scissors Glue (small) Soap Tooth brushes Tooth paste Flip-flops (especially smaller sizes) Pencil sharpeners Combs No paper or notebooks, please. (they are too heavy to take down) Bring your donations to the vestibule of church for the next 2 week-ends. …or as the sales allow!!!! On behalf of the beautiful people of Belize and Guatemala……Thank you …. 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Paluch Co., Inc. www.wlpmusic.com Spanish Lake Body Shop Free Estimates • Towing 867-3333 1339 Dunn Rd. (between Bellefontaine & Lilac) Please support the advertisers in your bulletin, and thank them for their continued support. They make your bulletin possible. 373850 Holy Name of Jesus Church www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-855-685-5703