One Team, One DReam…


One Team, One DReam…
One Team, One DReam…
Empowering students to succeed
A Bird’s Eye View From Philip Michael Pennington Traditional School
Philip Michael Pennington School
9305 Stonewall Road
Manassas, Virginia 20110
Voice: (703) 369-6644 Fax: (703) 369-4206
There is SO MUCH to be proud about here over the past few months! As the days get colder...much, much COLDER, we wanted to take the opportunity to heat things up with some wonderful news and recognitions all
around the school! We are so very happy with all things Pennington, and we can’t wait to see what the remainder of the year has in
store! Please join us in recognizing the following achievements and outstanding efforts across our entire school family!
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 1
Give us a like to stay up to date on all the amazing activities, news and events going on in your
school!! Copy and paste this link!
We would like to recognize the following outstanding educators on their years of service to
Prince William County Schools!
Cheryl Phillips—25 Years
Marsha Weiss—15 Years
Catherine Wilson—10 Years
Paul Anderson—5 years
We are proud to call these amazing teachers
Bluejays, and look forward to many more
years with them!
We have some important events and dates
coming up! Mark your calendars!
Multi-cultural Week—Feb. 23-27
PTO Spirit Night—Feb. 27
Library Book Exchange—Feb 27
Interims—March 6
PTO Meeting March 9
STEM night—March 12
PTO Spirit Night—March 20
Advisory Council—March 23
3rd/4th Grade Concert—March 25
Spring Break Begins! - March 30!
Lisa E. Bell, Neabsco Magisterial District member on
the Prince William County School Board, will host a
town hall meeting to receive input from the community on the budget for Fiscal Year 2016. The meeting is
scheduled for 6 p.m. on Tuesday, February 24 at
Gar-Field High School in the auditorium. Gar-Field
High School is located at 14000 Smoketown Road,
Congratulations to all the VEX Robotics teams for a wonderful competition
at the State level! We are so proud everyone for representing Pennington School
very well!
Team 718 Plasmacore (Jeremy Indarsign, Sam Hughes, and Anthony Crupi)
won Tournament Finalist, which gives
them the opportunity to compete at the
VEX World Competition on April 15 in
Louisville, Kentucky. The VEX World
Championship brings together top robotics
teams to celebrate their accomplishments
and compete with and against the best
teams from around the world. Good luck
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 2
2015 All VA District IX
Middle School Chorus
Congratulations to the We the People competition team from Pennington Traditional School who
Congratulations to the following Pennington singers
scored 4th place at the State level of competition this
have been selected to participate in the All District
past weekend! A special congratulations to Unit 5 team
Chorus Festival this year:
of 8th graders, Edithe Drummer, Fyzah Islam, KellyAnn
Rhyne, and Nicholas Villacorte who won the Best Unit
Soprano: McKenna Morehouse (earned 7th place in her
award, making them the top scoring team from within
voice part) and Sarah Duck
We the People is a debate-style competition
run by the Center for the Constitution at the middle and
high school levels to test students' knowledge about the
Constitution and its application to our lives. Pennington
Traditional School is currently the only school in Prince
William County that offers this competition to its students.
Alto: Yusra Salih
Tenor: Nicholas Villacorte (earned 5th place in his
voice part)
Bass: Max Kim
The festival will take place at Osbourn High
City School Division), on Friday,
Twenty-three 7th and 8th graders compete on
February 14 concluding with
the We the People team, under the leadership of Social
on Saturday, February 14,
Studies teacher Erin Merrill. The students are grouped
are not needed to attend
into six "units," each one has to research and become an
expert in a category of study ranging from the definition
of government, to the writing of the Constitution, to
Debra Stewart
political parties and current issues of citizen participaMusic Teacher
tion. The groups must write and present a four-minute
oral speech to the judges, who then spend six minutes
questioning the students on their expertise.
Erin Merrill
Congratulations to the followiing 5th grade
singers who will represent Pennington School in the
10th Annual All County Elementary Chorus:
Justin Fernandes
Wesley Williams
Rebekah Bewley
Pavel Steen
Alternate: Oluoma Ekoh
The event will take place on Saturday,
February 21 at Patriot High School concluding with a
free concert at 3:30pm. All are invited.
Debra Stewart
Music Teacher
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 3
Valentines for Veterans continues until February
11th. Pennington students may create unique valentines
for community service hours that are distributed to hospitalized veterans in D.C.
Pennies for Patients starts next month, stay tuned
for details!
Spirit Week starts on February 13th
Friday February 13th- Dress all in one Color
Tuesday February 17th- Generation Day
Wednesday February 18th- Hawaiian Day
The Pennington Library is hosting our annual
Book Exchange on Friday, February 27. Students are
invited to trade up to five books and get something
“new” to read at no cost. All books must be in good
condition and items may be declined at the librarian’s
discretion. We will not accept baby books, board books,
workbooks, textbooks, books for adults, or coloring
books. Instead, bring in books you enjoyed reading; titles you know other students will like too. Students
should drop off books Monday thru Thursday, February
23-26. Please don’t wait until the 27th to bring in your
Julie Lahann
Thursday February 19th- Multiples Day
Friday February 20th – Character/superhero Day
Misty McCurdy
SCA Sponsor
1st grade: magical snowflake painting and heart
2nd grade: Chinese New Year masks and lanterns
3rd grade: yummy ice cream paintings
Congratulations to, Kwadwo
Mensah, winner of the 5th grade National
Geographic Bee. Kwadwo sealed the
deal with his winning response to the
question; Norway is located on which
European Peninsula? The correct answer is the Scandinavian Peninsula.
Fifth grade participated in the Geo Bee as an
extension of their Library Encore class. The runner up
in the tight competition was Roger Campos. Both boys
are in Mr. Chancler’s class. Great job 5th grade!
4th grade: clay castles and snow globes
5th grade: Picasso portraits and NGA
Kids art zone app for iPad
6th grade: batik fabric paintings
7th grade: two point perspective
Julie Lahann
Bee Sponsor
8th grade: woven iPod cases
Misty McCurdy
Art Teacher
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 4
1st Grade
4th Grade
Mrs. Brandt
Briana Heath
Kwasi Mensah
Mrs. Anderson
Shanti Nadimi
Gina Pokhrel
Mrs. Buck
Annabelle Berger
Dominic Lee
Dr. Idio
Yaseen Salih
Ashlyn Solenberger
Mrs. Moore
Olivia Denham
Jibriel Haidar
Ms. Pierce
Ama Mensah
Colin Reynolds
2nd Grade
5th Grade
Mrs. Barita
Carly Rossi
Jonah Saldivar
Mr. Chancler
Awshan Nasir
Jared Russell
Mrs. Carrasco
Ryan Nguyen
Corinne Vetter
Mr. Lowry
Oluoma Ekoh
Megan Tappen
Mrs. Cromis
Caroline Leutkenhaus
Austin Pomerleau
Mrs. Weimer
Alex Hincy
Rhea Wanchoo
3rd Grade
6th Grade
Mr. Faizi
Matthew Bishop
Makenzie Weber
Zachary Moas
Camille Negre Munuz
Ethan Sheffield
Leah Stansbury
7th Grade
Mrs. McKeown
Kevin Batres
Amanda Snyder
Everett Catlett
Mallorie Fouser
Zachary Robinson
Savannah Solenberger
Mrs. Phelps
Vincent Cooke
Stella Nguyen
8th Grade
Jared Couch
Jack Lynam
Fahad Rahu
Christina Zillic
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 5
1st Grade
4th Grade
Mrs. Brandt
Layla Ali
Cruise Aquino
Mrs. Anderson
Shiv Mylavarapu
Callie Rector
Mrs. Buck
Wyatt Holden
Katelyn Nguyen
Dr. Idio
Mikayla Carter
Ms. Pierce
Carol Melek
Thomas Pullen
Mrs. Moore
Michael Crupi
Alex Smith
5th Grade
2 Grade
Mr. Chancler
Amr Salem
Mrs. Barita
Mariya Haq
Valentina Manko
Mr. Lowry
Ameer Alarab
Judson Stubblefield
Mrs. Carrasco
Lucas Navia Munoz
Katherine Saul
Mrs. Weimer
Alexa Dominguez
Rijish Pokharel
Mrs. Cromis
Preston Campbell
Riza Patel
6th Grade
Steven Benson
Pamela Medina
Andrew Owasu Appiah
Ashley Skinner
3rd Grade
Mr. Faizi
Alanna Dunnigan
Emily Kim
7th Grade
Mrs. McKeown
Amanda Gonzalez
Anna Korkos
Kavya Annapareddy
Spogmai Anwar
Faadil Mohammed
Margaret Pullen
Mrs. Phelps
Cole Compton
Mrs. Weiss
Christina Maenza
8th Grade
Perri Hiergesell
Payal Manocha
Patrick Morton
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 6
1st Grade
4th Grade
Mrs. Brandt
Briana Heath
Advaith Telugu Guvvala
Mrs. Anderson
Jack Capossela
Anissa Pantavong
Mrs. Buck
Joshua Couch
Kennedy Perkins
Dr. Idio
Amina Haq
Mark Rojas
Mrs. Moore
Savion Maldonado
Caroline Snyder
Ms. Pierce
Michael Cavaleri
Eva Snyder
2nd Grade
5th Grade
Mrs. Barita
Hashim Abdulle
Alice Zaldivar Martinez
Mr. Chancler
Mr. Lowry
Bryan Chavez
Helen Sosa
Mrs. Carrasco
Matthew Rendall
Mrs. Weimer
Matthew Leverette
Jack Schumacher
Mrs. Cromis
Elyssa Offei-Ani
Andrew Smith
6th Grade
3 Grade
Madison McNeil
Jack Rojas
Mr. Faizi
Mekaheal Haidar
Sehar Qureshi
Mrs. Weiss
Dorian Newlin
7th Grade
Mrs. McKeown
David Atherley
Johnny Johnson III
Skylar Deitz
Betty Gregoire
Deborah Quao
Jacob Stelmack
Mrs. Phelps
Syed Shah
Sierra Uttley
Mrs. Weiss
Hannah Huffman
8th Grade
Rabbiah Anwar
Emon Kakar
Mitchell Leverette
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 7
1st Grade
Dr. Idio
Aiden Aquino
Emelyn Cook
Mrs. Brandt
Vedanth Bhakthan
Reghan Reynolds
Ms. Pierce
Ariel Ingram
Kyle Nussbaum
Mrs. Buck
Isabella Harbourt
Amel Holland
5th Grade
Mrs. Moore
Nassime Rahimi
Jonathan Stern
Mr. Chancler
Anish Gorentala
Alyssa Mifflin
2nd Grade
Mr. Lowry
Anna Addison
Luke Radecki
Mrs. Barita
Shlok Bhaiya
Iris Duda
Mrs. Weimer
Katie Luetkenhaus
Anderson Nguyen
Mrs. Carrasco
Aidric Cook
Addison McTigue
6th Grade
Trey Guyton
Leena Sherdil
Mrs. Cromis
Arianna Lee
Christen Thompson
Mrs. Weiss
Trevor White
3rd Grade
7th Grade
Mr. Faizi
Emma Abbott
Makenzie Weber
Ethan Aristanto
Numair Jamil
Rishiman Ratnakar
Shrutik Sivagnanavelu
Mrs. McKeown
Chelsea Perez
Alexander Smith
Mrs. Weiss
Samuel Hughes
8th Grade
Mrs. Phelps
Alexander Reth
Keya Thakur
Edithe Drummer
Jordan Deitz
Allison Hoang
Kayla Victor-Logie
4th Grade
Mrs. Stewart
McKenna Morehouse
Nicholas Villacorte
Mrs. Anderson
Jan Carlos Liranzo Estevez
Sydney Vazquez
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 8
Highflyers are designated with a star
3rd Grade
Mr. Faizi
Isabella Aversano*
Safa Islam*
Emily Kim*
Arjun Nanduri*
Makenzie Weber*
Mrs. McKeown
Nnamdi Feliz-Ugorji*
Amanda Gonzalez*
Johnny Johnson III*
Anna Korkos*
Joshua Nguyen*
Chelsea Perez*
Alexander Smith*
Mrs. Phelps
Amelia Hebert*
Sara Smith*
Keya Thakur*
Alexander Reth*
Sean Adam Villacorte
Aurora Zary
4th Grade
Mrs. Anderson
Jocelyn Aristanto*
Shiv Mylavarapu*
Evelyn Popescu*
Alekzander Vetter*
Dr. Idio
Isaiah Abraham*
Autumn Adkins*
Mikayla Carter*
Sunay Dharamsi*
Zachary Gruninger*
Maanini Lakshamanan*
Ashlyn Solenberger*
Adhbuth Sista*
Mulan Zeng*
Jessica Zhou*
7th Grade
Ms. Pierce
Jacob Harris*
Hooriya Khan*
5th Grade
Mr. Chancler
Anish Gorentala*
Abigail Indarsingh*
Alyssa Mifflin*
Kasushal Betha*
Julia Burch*
Mr. Lowry
Anna Addison*
Maksim Andreev*
Greyson Boltz*
Peyton Brown*
Oluoma Ekoh*
Liam Flores*
Kaileen Gonzaga*
Emily Huffman*
Theresa Nguyen*
Cleo Riggle*
Arya Sapra*
Megan Tappen*
Haroon Abdulle*
Kavya Annapareddy*
Spogmai Anwar*
Ethan Aristanto*
Jackson Braley*
Preethi Chidambaram*
Anthony Crupi*
Jeremy Dapaah*
Nnenna Ekoh*
Mallorie Fouser*
Nitish Gorentala*
Hannah Huffman*
Lily Khochareun*
Taekyu Andy Lee*
Christina Maenza*
Faadil Mohammed*
Heather Moore*
Alexandra Posey*
Aakash Saigal*
Shrutik Sivagnanavelu*
Savannah Solenberger*
8th Grade
Mrs. Weimer
Karen Czyra Gonzaga*
Amanda Hebert*
Alex Hincy*
Anderson Nguyen*
Ellie Rector*
John Stansbury*
Rhea Wanchoo*
Wesley Williams*
6th Grade
Breanna Beatty*
Corynne Dunaway*
Vishnu Lakshmanan*
Andrea Lee*
Khoi Nguyen*
Ethan Sheffield*
Lori Shoemaker*
Leah Stansbury*
Rachael Tang*
Sophia Tiller*
Edithe Drummer*
Curtis Guyton*
Renee Hebert*
Perri Hiergesell*
Allison Hoang*
Fyzah Islam*
Maximus Kim*
Kelly Luetkenhaus*
Jack Lynam*
McKenna Morehouse*
Kiet Nguyen*
Bryan Radecki*
Fahad Rahu*
Omar Saadi*
Yusra Salih*
Gavin Saul*
Ish Sethi*
Zachary Shaffer*
Kristina Zillic*
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 9
Highflyers are designated with a star
3rd Grade
Mr. Faizi
Emma Abbott*
Braelyn Biller*
Matthew Bishop*
Dylan Brown*
Alanna Dunnigan*
Camila Gonzalez*
Mekaheal Haidar*
Konor Hazlett*
Kyia Hellem*
Mia Holmes-Littlejohn*
Sadiyah Mohammed*
David Nagashima*
Chancellor Perkins*
Noah Purvin*
Sehar Qureshi*
Taimiya Saed*
Marissa Tilgner*
Mrs. McKeown
David Atherley*
Caitlyn Cavaleri*
Daniel Farrell*
Isaias Flores*
Lynde Gault*
Camryn Hardin*
Sophia Harris*
Sanam Izadpanah*
Owen Liga*
Leslee Marks*
Peyton McGovern*
Jaya Mussington*
Salah Said*
Hope Tomlinson*
Janine Zeng*
Mrs. Phelps
Kirill Andreev*
Cole Compton*
Zoe Glessner*
Alexis Jackson
Eva Joya
Anderson Lemaster
Brenda Lopez-Huerta*
Lilly McCafferty
Nico Orlando*
Syed Shah
Noah Tappen
Jeanelle Tweneboa-Kodua
Sierra Utley
4th Grade
Mrs. Anderson
Lamek Brown*
Nathan Buck
Kai Chang*
Sophia DelVacchio*
Eve Eifert*
Marley Hudson*
Ian Hughes-Segroves
Grace Lynam*
Karthik Mereddy*
Shanti Nadimi*
Autumn Ortiz*
Anissa Pantavong*
Samantha Pilar*
Gina Pokhrel*
Callie Rector*
Kendall Robin*
Gabriella Roldan*
Ethan Trunkey
Dr. Idio
Aiden Aquino*
Elena Hall*
Emelyn Cook*
Isaiah Diggs*
Caleb Gilliam*
Basel Hamed
Amina Haq*
Mark Rojas*
Anshul Kiran*
Jeannettie Perry*
Giovanni Nio Melo*
Robyn Lyle*
Saba Qureshi*
Collin Ramirez*
Anna Rigby*
Yaseen Salih*
Spencer White*
Lamiya Afroz*
Mrs. Pierce
Helen Araujo*
Peehoo Behl*
Aidan Eichfeld
Pratik Janardhanan*
Madison Kerr*
Carol Melek*
Ama Mensah*
Temple Rae Nichols
Kyle Nussbaum*
Lauren Oehlbert*
Thomas Pullen*
Giselle Rahimi*
Myra Randhawa*
Eva Snyder*
5th Grade
Mr. Chancler
Rebekah Bewley*
Nathan Bishop
Autumn Burch*
Roger Campos*
Lilly Compton*
John Farrell*
Lola Glessner*
Ethan Hebert*
Allison Lopez*
Ayden Martin
Eva McCafferty*
Osei Mensah*
Myda Nadeem*
Awshan Nasir*
Ali Qureshi*
Yasmeen Salih*
Jackson Serrano*
Evan Snyder*
Malcolm Thomas*
Donald William Tomlinson*
Luca Orlando*
Prathik Pappu*
Luke Radecki*
Pavel Steen*
Mrs. Weimer
Mandy Angeles*
Roya Dehghanian*
Alexa Dominguez*
Marcus Dyson*
Justin Fernandes*
Malani Johnson*
Jorge Joya*
Matthew Leverette*
Katie Luetkenhaus*
Molly Mossor*
Dylan Neff*
Rijish Pokharel*
Justin Purvis*
Kyle Romano*
Jack Schumacher*
Geovanni Tellez*
Miles Thomas*
Sydney Washington*
Mr. Lowry
Ameer Alarab*
Justin Couch*
Sheerin Khan*
Beau Lang*
Taylor McGovern*
Nina Nanduri*
Yasmen Odeh*
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 10
Highflyers are designated with a star
6th Grade
Huda Abdulle*
Elmer Araujo
Steven Benson*
Rachel Berger
Nicholas Borostovik*
Noah Burch
Nathan Campbell
Ricardo Casillas*
Sohum Dharamsi*
Amanda Drummer*
Zachary Duck*
Laiba Faisal*
Sutter Gabel*
Matthew Gray
Amelia Gresham*
Trey Guyton*
Grace James*
Benjamin Kim*
Paul Lewis*
Anya Mansur*
Cecilia Marcellino*
Madison McNeil*
Zachary Moas*
Brandon Morton
Ryan Morton*
Faris Natour
Camille Navia Munoz*
Dorian Newlin
Andrew Owusu-Appiah*
Ayur Patel*
Alison Pippin
Eleanor Pippin
Dhartee Pokhrel
Zane Qarni*
Mahud Qureshi*
Sulav Regmi*
Benjamin Reich*
Ian Rembert
Mazen Saadi*
Daniela Sejas*
Leena Sherdil*
Ashley Skinner*
Emily Smith*
Riddhima Telugu Guvvala*
Nicholas Thompson*
Ramsey Tilgner*
Colin James Villacorte*
Christian Ward*
Ethan Weber*
Trevor White*
Isaac Wied*
Jensen Williams*
Dawud Zargarpur*
Matthew Zillic*
Rishiman Ratnakar*
Angelica Rivera*
Zachary Robinson*
Isabella Sale
Deevena Sista*
Jacob Stelmack*
Brigitte Vazquez*
Gabrielle Williams*
7th Grade
8th Grade
Shahyan Abid
Presley Abreu*
Bedant Bhaiya
Jeniffer Cardona
Everett Catlett*
Mythri Challuri
Masen Crim
Meena Dehghanian*
Jalkah Fierro*
Yasameen Ganji*
Cameron Gonzaga
Betty Gregoire*
David Hall*
Samuel Hughes III
Karla Hunt
Jeremy Indarsingh*
Numair Jamil*
Shahid Khan*
Lukas Kim*
Cody MacDowall*
Kendall McCann*
Michael McTigue*
Karen Melek*
Kwaku Mensah*
Laila Nahidian*
Nasreen Natour*
Sophia Navia Munoz*
Ashton Neff*
Katrina Olson*
Dev Patel*
Shrey Patel*
Jose Pedroza*
Margaret Pullen*
Deborah Quao
Hunter Quinones
Ahmed Qureshi*
Nicolas Ramirez
Aya Alarab*
Quentin Ali*
Rabiah Anwar
Jared Couch*
Jason Cruz
Jessica Dade*
Jim Dapaah*
Jordan Deitz*
Sahil Dharamsi*
Sarah Duck*
Delaney Dunnigan*
Ramiz Fahel*
Bryanna Fouser*
Muhamed Hatmi*
Trevor Hawkins*
Simrandeep Haye*r
Mitchell Leverette*
Joseph Lopez Aramis*
Alana Lyle*
Payal Manocha*
Patrick Morton*
Jacqueline Nguyen*
Samer Odeh*
Isaac Owusu-Appiah Jr.*
Ashley Perez*
Taylor Perry*
Grace Pippin*
Caroline Pullen*
KellyAnn Rhyne*
Madelyn Snyder*
Christina Taylor*
Charles Tebell*
Julia Vaccaro*
Swathi Varma*
Kayla Victor-Logie*
Nicholas Villacorte*
Sophie Weber*
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 11
Animal Science
Heather Moore / Savannah Solenberger (partners)
Kavya Annapareddy
Behavioral and Social Science
Max Kim
Ish Sethi
Kwaku Mensah
Jason Cruz
Margaret Pullen/Gabby Williams/Angelica Rivera (group)
2nd (Tie) Hannah Rossi
Jade Debnam
Simran Hayer
Dulaney Dunnigan/Niki Hazlett (partners)
Gavin Saul
2nd (Tie) Renee Hebert Lily Khochareu
Faadil Mohammed
Aya Alarab
Omar Saadi/Isaac Owusu-Appiah
Julia Vaccaro
Sahil Dharamsi
Computer Science
Preethi Chidambaram
Nnenna Ekoh
Mallorie Fauser
Trevor Hawkins
3rd (Tie) Allison Hoang Ahmed Qureshi
Presley Abreu
Shahyan Abid
Environmental Science
Kelly Luetkenhaus
Patrick Morton
Spogmai Anwar
Taylor Perry
Anthony Crupi
Christian Ventura
Plant Science
Jeremy Dapaah
Jim Dapaah
Mahnoor Ghumman
Christina Maenza
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 12
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 13
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 14
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 15
Support the Pennington 5K race & Hero Mile
Order your hero flag today!
On Saturday, October 31, 2015, Pennington will host our 4th Annual Blue Jay 5K & Hero Mile. This event includes
a 5K Race and a 1 mile fun run/walk. The goal is to raise funds to support the Prince William County Police
Survivors Fund, previously known as the James Edward Fisher Memorial Trust. In addition to raising money to
support this charity, a portion of the funds raised will go to support the technology fund for the children who
attend Philip Michael Pennington Traditional School.
Everyone has a hero in their lives.
Honor a family name or a hero.
All flags will be displayed at the race.
Cost: $10 per flag
Last Day to Order: February 27th
Checks should be made payable to Pennington School.
For Cash donations please send in exact change.
I am enclosing $___________ and would like to order __________ flags.
Flag 1: ____________________________________________________________
(Family name or individual’s name as you want it to appear on the flag)
Flag 2: ____________________________________________________________
(Family name or individual’s name as you want it to appear on the flag)
Additional names can be listed on the back.
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 16
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 17
Right to Special Programs/Services
The Prince William County Public Schools Division is required to inform the community of
a student’s right to a free, appropriate public education and the availability of programs and
services, including a special education. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement
Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) are federal laws that give the
School Division certain responsibilities with respect to providing such educational programs to
students with disabilities. Under the IDEA and Section 504, the School Division has the
responsibility to actively and continuously identify, locate, and evaluate those children, infant to
age 21, living in Prince William County who may be in need of special education and/or related
services, or adaptations or accommodations to regular education services. These laws also
require the School Division to:
Refer for possible evaluation any student of school age living in the School Division who a
school staff member suspects may be disabled.
Provide appropriate educational and school related opportunities to students with
disabilities in an inclusive setting to the maximum extent appropriate.
Provide notice of the availability of services and types and location of services to nearby
private schools, pediatricians, and the Health Department.
Provide parents/guardians of students with disabilities with notice of their rights annually,
and prior to their student’s evaluation and placement, or any significant change in their
student’s placement.
• Develop and implement procedural safeguards with respect to actions regarding the
identification, evaluation, and placement of students with disabilities.
• Provide written notice of the School Division’s procedural safeguards to parents or guardians.
If you suspect that your student may have a disability affecting your student’s
development or academic performance, or may have a mental or physical impairment that
substantially limits a major life activity, please contact the Director of Special Education at
703.791.7287 for further information.
The Prince William County School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities
against qualified individuals with disabilities, nor on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion or national origin .
A Bird’s Eye View
February 2015
Volume 15
Issue 6
Page 18