March 2016 Beacon - Bethany Lutheran Church Cedar Rapids, Iowa


March 2016 Beacon - Bethany Lutheran Church Cedar Rapids, Iowa
MARCH 2016
Palm Sunday
March 20
Worship with Communion at 8:30 am
Worship with Communion at 11:00 am
Maundy Thursday
March 24
Worship with Communion at 7:00 pm
Easter Sunday
Good Friday
March 25
Worship at 7:00 pm
March 27
Worship with Communion at 8:30 am
Breakfast served 9:30-10:30 am
Worship with Communion at 11:00 am
Lenten Devotions
Follow us on Facebook! We’ll be making posts
regularly that coincide with our “Places of the
Passion” Lenten devotional booklets.
Find us at
Our Mission
To glorify the Triune God,
grow in our relationship with Christ,
share His love and care for each other.
Easter Day is always the Sunday after the full moon
that occurs on or after the spring equinox on March 21.
This full moon may happen on any date between March 21
and April 18 inclusive. If the full moon lands on a Sunday,
Easter Day is the Sunday following. Easter Day cannot be
earlier than March 22 or later than April 25. – From the
Lutheran Service Book
Good Friday Service at 7:00 pm as well. Everyone
is encouraged to attend all three services if possible,
as together they clearly and powerfully show us the
saving work of Christ.
But after Easter, it is my prayer that we will
continue to celebrate Easter as a congregation, as
well as in our personal lives. Randi Petrik and the
Board of Education has been doing a wonderful
Over the last few weeks there have been sev- job with our new Milestones program, encouraging
eral people, myself included, who have remarked at and teaching our 1 and 2 grade families to do
how “early” Easter is this year. This usually leads to devotions and pray at home. Ronda Anderson, with
the discussion of how the date of Easter is deter- Becky Johnson and the rest of Human Care Board
mined and why it moves from year to year. The have been busy organizing and mobilizing our Care
above quote from our hymnal explains how the Warriors to help our brothers and sisters in Christ
during difficult times by prodate is set and Western Chrisviding meals, giving rides,
tians do it this way to coincide
and other small tasks that
with the Jewish feast of PassBeing that we all sin
make a big difference to
daily, how wonderful it
those who need some help.
However, while the date
Thus we see right here in our
is that through Christ’s
of Easter itself moves around
congregation through these
each year, Christians should
death and resurrection
programs how we can concelebrate and give thanks to
tinue to keep focused on
we are daily forgiven.
God for the resurrection of
Easter through God’s Word,
Jesus every day of the year! St.
prayer, and helping one anPaul writes in I Corinthians
15:17, “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is
As we move through the season of Lent tofutile and you are still in your sins.” Being that we all sin
daily, how wonderful it is that through Christ’s wards that great day of resurrection celebration,
death and resurrection we are daily forgiven. Be- may God bless all of you. And after March 27, may
cause of this taking away of our sin, sin, death and the Holy Spirit sanctify us through His Word and
the devil have lost their power over us and we are Sacraments so that we will continue to give thanks
now freed to live as God’s forgiven children. But for our victory over the grave every day of our lives
none of this would happen without Easter! Like and live so that others may join in the eternal celePaul says, if Christ’s body was still in the tomb, we bration through Christ our Risen Lord.
would still be in our sin and never have hope that
T Pastor Erickson
we’ll leave our graves one day as well.
Therefore, Bethany, with Christians all over the
world will be celebrating Easter this month on
March 27 (the earliest it will be until 2035). However, an important part of this service will actually
begin on the 24th with our Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00 pm, and continue on the 25th with our
Tuesday, March 1
3:00 pm Prayer for the City - Library
5:00 pm Praise Moves - Living Room
6:00 pm Evangelism Meeting - Ad Ed
6:30 pm Handbells Practice - Loft
Wednesday, March 2
6:00 am Men's Bible Study - Ad Ed
5:00 pm Human Care Meeting - LO
5:00 pm Meal - Family Life Center
6:00 pm Worship - Sanctuary
6:50 pm Confirmation - Lower Level
7:00 pm Servant Leader Journey - Ad Ed
Thursday, March 3
9:00 am Adult Bible Study - Ad Ed
Saturday, March 5
10:30 am Holy Yoga - Living Room
Sunday, March 6
6:00 pm Joyful Servants - Landhauser’s
Monday, March 7
9:10 am Servant Leader Journey - LL
6:30 pm Stephen Ministry Cont. Ed.
and Supervision - Ad Ed
Tuesday, March 8
11:00 am Warrior Lunch & Devo - LR
3:00 pm Prayer for the City - Library
5:00 pm Praise Moves - Living Room
6:30 pm Handbells Practice - Loft
Wednesday, March 9
6:00 am Men's Bible Study - Ad Ed
5:00 pm Meal - Family Life Center
6:00 pm Worship - Sanctuary
6:50 pm Confirmation - Lower Level
7:00 pm Servant Leader Journey - Ad Ed
Thursday, March 10
9:00 am Adult Bible Study - Ad Ed Rm
12:00 pm Mission of Hope Meal
Saturday, March 12
9:00 am Vocal Choir Rehearsal
10:30 am Holy Yoga - Living Room
Sunday, March 13
12:15 pm LWML General Meeting
1:30 pm Tim Bickel’s China Presentation
Monday, March 14
9:10 am Servant Leader Journey - LL
Tuesday, March 15
3:00 pm Prayer for the City - Library
5:00 pm Praise Moves - Living Room
6:30 pm Handbells Practice - Loft
Wednesday, March 16
6:00 am Men's Bible Study - Ad Ed Rm
4:00 pm Cottage Grove Devotions
5:00 pm Meal - Family Life Center
6:00 pm Worship - Sanctuary
6:50 pm Confirmation - Lower Level
7:00 pm Servant Leader Journey - Ad Ed
Thursday, March 17
9:00 am Adult Bible Study - Ad Ed Rm
No Senior Worship
Saturday, March 19
10:30 am Holy Yoga - Living Room
Sunday, March 20
Palm Sunday
Monday, March 21
6:30 pm Steph. Min. Supervision - Ad Ed
Tuesday, March 22
3:00 pm Prayer for the City - Library
5:00 pm Praise Moves - Living Room
6:30 pm Handbells Practice - Loft
7:00 pm Vis. Impaired Persons - Ad Ed
Wednesday, March 23
Beacon Articles Due
6:00 am Men’s Bible Study - Ad Ed Rm
6:00 pm Confirmation - Lower Level
Thursday, March 24 - Maundy Thursday
No Adult Bible Study
7:00 pm Worship - Sanctuary
Friday, March 25 - Good Friday
7:00 pm Worship - Sanctuary
Saturday, March 26
9:00 am Vocal Choir Rehearsal
10:30 am Holy Yoga - Living Room
Sunday, March 27 - Easter Sunday
9:30 am Blood Pressure Screening
9:30 am Youth Breakfast
10:15 am Easter Egg Hunt
Tuesday, March 29
1:00 pm Beacon Assembly
3:00 pm Prayer for the City - Library
5:00 pm Praise Moves - Living Room
5:45 pm Board of Education Meeting
6:30 pm Handbells Practice - Loft
Wednesday, March 30
6:00 am Men’s Bible Study - Ad Ed Rm
6:00 pm Confirmation - Lower Level
Thursday, March 31
9:00 am Adult Bible Study - Ad Ed Rm
LR - Living Room
LL - Lower Level
LO - Leadership Office
FLC - Family Life Center
Ad Ed - Adult Education Room
Mar 6
Mar 13
Mar 20
Mar 27
Communion Sunday Prayers
Mark Elias
Rick Foreman
Chris Frampton
Phil Hedtke
Mar 6
Mar 20
Mar 6
Mar 13
Mar 20
Mar 27
Crew #4
Crew #2
Crew #4
Crew #2
Carol Grimminger
Ronda Anderson
John Hamm
Melissa Loney
Video Team
Crew #8
Crew #6
Crew #7
Crew #6
8:30 Mark & Julie Elias
Dorothy Freese
11:00 Donna Birkicht
Ken & Elaine Cook
Mar 13
8:30 Dale & Bernice Stonewall
Nancy Owens
11:00 Jeff & Melinda Crow
Mike & Amy Diers
Mar 20
8:30 Rick & Sandra Thorington
Mike & Dawn Thomas
11:00 Karen Schmidt
Michael & Andrea Prohaska
Mar 27
8:30 Vern & Betty Happel
Jason & Jodi Strait
11:00 Gary & Jeude Landhauser
Duane & Karen Pfeffer
Mar 6
Mar 13
Mar 20
Mar 6
Mar 27
Renee Riffey
Greg Dunn,
Elianna Novitch
Greg Dunn
Doug Knutson
Jeff Gebert, Brian Holt
Michelle Hedtke,
Hogan Myers
Renee Riffey
Mike Diers
Nursery (9:45 Education Hour)
Mar 6
Mar 13
Mar 20
Mar 27
Kris Dunn, Katia Knutson
Brooke Oja, Sara Bearrows
Liz & Ryan Corey
Brooke Oja, Anna Milbach
Nursery (11:00 Service)
Mar 6
Mar 13
Mar 20
Mar 27
Melissa Loney, Rick Heller
Dustin Petrik, Erin Heller
Annie Prohaska & Daughter
Dustin Petrik, Bella Novitch
Mar 6
Mar 13
Mar 20
Mar 27
Mark Bornemann
Dave Christian
Mark Elias
Lissa Novitch
Rick Thorington
Dave Johnson
Arlen Breiholz
Debbie Mills
If you would like to serve in one of
these areas, please contact:
Ushers :
Greeters :
Lectors :
Pray-er :
Video :
Steve Hanchera (857-4716)
Marvelene Foreman (365-9767)
Rick Thorington (360-2641)
Nurse Ronda (364-6026)
Greg Dunn (373-9325)
Nurse Ronda (364-6026)
Homebound members of Bethany:
Meredith (infant of *Amie & *Justin Slapnicka)- Baptism 2/14
*Margaret Speers– Cottage Grove Health Center
Jan (mother of *Troy Donels)- Recovering after surgery
*Pat Krekeler– Recovering at home
123 meals served at Mission of Hope on 2/11
*Wayne Schilling– Bickford Cottage, Marion
Lee (husband of *B Heims)- Recovering after surgery
*John Edwards– Recovering at home in AZ
*Norma Hendrickson– Keystone Cedars
Illness, injuries, health issues:
Lyle (friend of *Karen Swanson)- Recovering after neck injury
Tee (sister in law of *Jenny Carr)- Hospitalization
Emily (niece of *J Madsen)- Recovering after hospitalization
*Don Bryant– Hospice Care, Summit Pointe, Marion
*Pat Battin– Living Center East
*Patty King– Crestview Acres, Marion
*Ann Meyer– The Villages, Marion
Tim Blumer (former member)- Cardiac issues
Maxine (sister of *S Deetz)- Recovering after surgery
Valerie (Bethany visitor)- Recovering after fall
Catherine (friend of *Bonnie Bubke)- Burn injuries
Bella (granddaughter of *June Loney)- Health issues
Brooke (daughter-in-law of *Nancy Owens)- Recovering after
James & Sarah (sister of *Chris Frampton)- Germany
Matt (friend of *EJ Brink)- cancer treatment
Allen (brother of *Jennifer Franks)- Recovering after injury
Rita (friend of *Shirley Kellogg)- cancer
Al (relative of *Karen Schlehuber)- Health challenges
Richard- (father of *Mike Prohaska)- cancer tx
Honey (relative of *Karen Schlehuber)- Health issues
Jim (neighbor of *Bonnie Bubke)- cancer
Steve (brother of *Linda Patten)- Health issues
Jeff (son in law *Janelle Dunbar)- liver tumor
David (great grandson of *J Loney)- Health issues
Ruth (sister of *Bonnie Bubke)- cancer tx
Helen (sister-in-law of *Bonnie Bubke)- Stroke recovery
Randy (cousin of *Carol Grimminger)- cancer tx
Jennifer (daughter of *Pat Krekeler)- Health issues
Rod (nephew of *Bonnie Bubke) Recovering after
brain surgery
Todd (brother-in-law of Carolyn) recovering after stroke
Terrorist attacks around the world
Safety for the neighborhood surrounding Bethany
Grief, family and friends of:
Erma Stevens (grandmother of *Janet Hoech)- Died 2/20
Bradley & Paul- Adopt a Seminary Student
Scott (relative of *Bonnie Bubke)- Died 2/15
Esther Anderson & family— Life issues
*Frank Hendrickson (husband of *Norma)- Died 2/10
Glen Hood (VIP friend)- Died 2/3
*Irene Jass– Died 1/17
*Gary Nanke (husband of *Mary)- Died 1/15
To submit a prayer request you may:
Barbara (niece of *Bonnie Bubke)- Died 1/13
► Email [email protected]
Jeff (brother of *Donna Birkicht)- Died 1/6
► Call the church office at 319-364-6026
Gary Fisher (friend of *Siebenmann’s)- Died 1/5
*member of Bethany
Sundays 9:45 - 10:45 am for ages 2.5 years - High School
Snap shot of March Sunday School
He is Risen
March 13
March 20
March 27
Skype with the Sharp Family
Resurrection Eggs
Easter Egg Hunt
Parents, please bring your child to
the Living Room at 10:15 for the
children’s Easter activities.
Rain or shine, the kids will look
for Easter Eggs. One egg will be
empty just like the tomb is empty
on Easter! Come and find the
empty egg and the other eggs
filled with candy.
There will be no Sunday School
on March 27.
The Sunday School students will make Resurrection
Eggs on March 20. The egg carton kits help children
understand Easter in a fresh, new way! Students will
make two cartons: one to keep, and one to share.
The twelve plastic eggs have meaningful objects that
connect the story of Jesus’ death and His resurrection.
Parents, please use this resource at home and talk with
your children about Jesus being ALIVE!
Faith Milestones
The last three Sundays, 1st and 2nd grade parents have attended
classes on worship. On March 6 the parents will say a blessing for
their child during worship services. Thank you for being part of the
process by attending the services.
Faith Milestones is a program at Bethany intended to support families and help
parents pass on their Christian faith to their children.
“Behavioral Tips for Wise Parents from Love and Logic”
Sunday, April 3, 12:15 - 1:30 pm
See page 10 for more information on this parenting class event.
Sharp Family
We will hangout on Skype with the Sharp family on
March 20 at 10:20 am during the Sunday School hour.
The Sharps are missionaries in Uruguay. This year our
Sunday School offering has been going to help support
the Sharp family.
When Sunday School children bring their
offering, they get to add a Lego to a stack
that is becoming a church. We challenge
Next High School
children to remember their offering
Sunday, February money.
28 at 12:30
Our pm
offering goal for March is $50.
March 21
Mall Hunt at Coral Ridge Mall
National Youth Gathering Fundraiser
Todd Anderson Memorial Cake Bake Auction
Sunday, April 17
Bible Study
Sundays at 9:45 am
Easter Breakfast
March 27 at 9:30 am
Warrior Lunch and Devotion: Tuesday, March 8 during your lunch.
Bethany students, please invite one or two friends. This is a great way for
you and your friends to hear the Gospel message!
The mission of Care Warriors is to love and serve
our neighbors--it’s a ministry to meet the needs of
Bethany members that also offers opportunities for
members to serve.
Our Care Warriors provide four basic services:
meals, transportation, visits, and labor. If you are
gifted in any of these areas, we encourage you to
become a Care Warrior.
If you want to learn more about this ministry, contact Nurse Ronda at 364-6026 or Becky Johnson at
[email protected].
Blessing Bags
The Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority at Coe College donated
44 Blessing Bags to Bethany for us to distribute. They
are packed full with various snacks, toiletries, and notes of
encouraging words. We are grateful for their donation!
Blessing Bags, which members can use to hand out to
people in need, may be picked up outside the sanctuary.
Holy Yoga classes take place
on Saturdays, 10:30-11:30 am,
in the Living Room. Our new
instructor is Kelly Reed. A $5
donation is suggested for each
PraiseMoves is a video-led
stretch and relaxation class.
Join Nurse Ronda and others
for PraiseMoves on Tuesdays
at 5:00 pm in the Living Room.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry’s continuing
education event on Monday,
March 7 will feature LCMS
Iowa District East President
Brian Saunders. He will share a
presentation entitled “Cure for
the Hurting Soul.” This event
will take place at Bethany
from 6:30-7:30 pm.
HaPpY bIrThDaY
Penni Teare
Erin Heller
Rick Thorington
Darlene Eckert
Louise Holtz
Katrina Larson
Sophie Knudson
Jake Kaufman
Pat Krekeler
Lee Rathje
Mark Elias
Ryan Corey
Brittany Hannah
Zach Kaufman
Lisa Freese
Rollis Deetz
Grace Janssen
Mark Gutman
Alivia Corey
Nicholas Primrose
Barb Miller
Sharon Easler
Jim Mosel
Andrew Madsen
Daniel Carstens
Janice Savel
Ella Bricker
Marcedes Henderson
Leah Struck
Dee Block
Brittney Stepanek
Adrianna Broadwater
Nora Crawford
Josh Keldgord
Melissa Loney
Aiden Erickson
Ed Barrett
Holly Barrett
Logan Milbach
Nathanael Pfeil
Fred Schuchmann
Norma Sirotiak
Sara Fountain
Rick Heller
Jake Happel
Angela Keslar
John & Carol Edwards
Easter Lilies
Easter Lilies will be available for purchase to beautify
our chancel during Easter. A sign-up sheet will be at
the welcome center. Please sign up by Palm Sunday
(March 20). The cost is $11.00 each, and should be
paid for with a check made payable to Bethany
Women’s LWML. You may pick up your Easter Lily
after the late service on Easter Sunday.
Behavioral Tips for Wise Parents
from Love and Logic
Sunday, April 3, 12:15 - 1:30 pm
Love and Logic is a one time class for parents, grandparents, and
anyone who loves kids. The instructor for our class will be Kristi
Manley, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with Lutheran Family
Service of Iowa. Kristi serves clients in the Quad Cities, and she
brings faith and strong biblical values to her work with individuals,
families, and couples who seek support during life transitions.
Please sign up for this class at the welcome center by March 31.
Childcare will be provided, and a sack lunch will be available after
our 11:00 am worship service. Kristi’s presentation will begin at
12:35 pm in the Family Life Center.
Presentation on China
On Sunday, March 13, Tim and Julia Bickel will speak on their
adventures in China. All are welcome to this event at Bethany,
which will be held at 1:30 pm in the Family Life Center. This
event is sponsored by LWML.
Evangelism’s Member Spotlight Program
Spotlight Members
Duane & Karen Pfeffer
Dave & Lori Dohrmann
Karen Schmidt
If you did not catch their information
up on the screen or in the bulletin,
take a look at the binder in the Living
Room to see all the previous spotlighted members.
“Now you are the body of Christ and individually
members of it.” - 1 Corinthians 12:27
As unique members of the body of Christ, we all have our special gifts, talents and personalities to share. That’s why each
week we feature members in the Spotlight program--to shine
the light on each member in our church community. Whether
you’re new to our congregation or have been a lifelong member, help us get to know you. Please fill out a questionnaire
(found at the card carousel in the Living Room) and return it to
the church office. If you have questions about this program,
contact Lissa Novitch or Karen Hass.
Men’s Bible Study
All men are welcome to our
Wednesday morning Bible
study at 6:00 am in the Adult
Education Room. We are
currently studying the book
“Faith Commander” by the
men of Duck Dynasty.
Stephen Ministry
Are you going through a difficult
time? Our Stephen Ministers are
members of our congregation who
listen, care, encourage, and provide
emotional and spiritual support to
people going through a crisis or a
difficult time.
Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual gifts are special skills and abilities
given by the Holy Spirit to all baptized
Christians for the building up of God’s
Kingdom. Over the last several weeks,
the Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study
has been looking at Spiritual Gifts, what
they are, where they come from and who
has them. Now, Bethany is inviting all
members to participate in our Spiritual
Gift Inventory. This tool is a series of
questions that will help each member
identify the gifts they have been given by
the Holy Spirit. Completing the inventory will help individuals see where God
is leading them to serve Him, and help
our congregation determine what opportunities for service we have before us.
Copies of the Spiritual Gift Inventory will
be made available during the Sunday
Morning Bible Studies in March. Copies
will also be available at the church office.
Help Us Help You
If you or a family member is hospitalized, please notify the church office and let us know how we can
care for you. If you need to call Friday through Sunday, you may reach Nurse Ronda at 721-3779.
Mom’s Morning Out
Want to help promote our Mom’s Morning Out (MMO)
program? We now have yard signs that you can place in
front of your home. MMO is a program for little ones to
engage in music, crafts, playing, and of course, learn about
Jesus. However, toddlers aren’t the only ones benefitting
from MMO. It is a way to reach out to young families in
the community, and can serve as an open door to families
who are not yet connected to a church. If you would like a
sign to help promote this ministry, contact Melinda Crow
or Randi Petrik ([email protected]).
CEDAR RAPIDS IA 52403-1654
Permit #118
8:30 am - Traditional
11:00 am - Contemporary
9:45 am - Education Hour
Church Office: (319) 364-6026
8:00 am - 4:00 pm (Monday - Thursday)
Email: [email protected]