2009 annual report


2009 annual report
Few people know that every year, mental illness affects over five million adolescents and
adults in the U.S. These chronic illnesses lead to unemployment, homelessness, interrupted
educations, isolation, and suicide. And the stigma can often present challenges as great as the
illness itself.
Yet people can – and do – regain their mental health, but not by medication alone. More and
more, research studies are revealing that the road to recovery involves the right combination
of medication, community support services, and meaningful relationships. This is the very
foundation upon which Fountain House is built.
As a world leader in promoting mental health, our award-winning, not-for-profit model has
provided education, employment, housing, and wellness services to men, women, and young
adults with major mental illness for over 60 years. This holistic approach enables us to help
some 1,300 people in New York City every year, while inspiring 55,000 more in Fountain House
model programs around the world.
Fountain House is operated for and by our members – diverse men and women recovering from
mental illness who develop close relationships with each other and our expert staff. Together,
we work toward common goals: members regaining their productivity and self-confidence;
rebuilding their relationships; and again taking part in education and employment.
Dear Friends,
As the 2009 fiscal year has come to a close, we look back on
tremendous challenges and unprecedented accomplishment.
FY09 was a tumultuous year for the nonprofit sector. Although we,
like most other nonprofits, were impacted by the economic crisis,
we are very proud to report that we were able to maintain our
programs and services.
While dealing with the fallout from the economic crisis, we
continued to provide leadership within the international clubhouse
movement, and to develop innovative programs for Fountain House
members that will be an inspiration to clubhouses and other
mental health programs around the world.
One of the most exciting projects of FY09 was the development of a
national anti-stigma campaign, called BringChange2Mind. Initiated
by Glenn Close, Fountain House and others, this campaign is the
realization of a shared dream to eradicate the stigma associated
with mental illness. The prejudice against anyone with a mental
health problem is rampant and since its earliest days, Fountain
House has seen ending the stigma as one of its primary missions.
BringChange2Mind is the first effort of this magnitude in U.S.
history. The goal is to get more people to speak openly about their
mental health issues and the biases that exist.
Joining forces with Garen and Shari Staglin of IMHRO (International
Mental Health Research Organization) and the Child and Adolescent
Bipolar Foundation (CABF) we recently released a public service
announcement and launched a website, bringchange2mind.org.
Ron Howard generously donated his time in directing the PSA that
features Glenn Close and her sister, Jessie Close. John Mayer
generously donated his song, Say, which serves as an anthem for
this movement.
The campaign has the support of major mental health
organizations, including the American Foundation for Suicide
Prevention (AFSP), the Jed Foundation, Mental Health America
(MHA), National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI), NARSAD,
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and
Brigadier General Loree K. Sutton from the Department of Defense.
In addition, we have continued to create innovative programs that
serve our members directly. The Storefront Clinic, a collaboration
between Fountain House and the Center for ReIntegration, has
emerged as an integral part of the Fountain House model. Under
the leadership of Dr. Ralph Aquila, The Storefront focuses on
improving the mental and physical health of men and women
with serious mental illness, bringing a full range of preventative
programs and health care services within reach. At the Storefront,
members have the support of psychiatrists, primary care doctors,
and a support team of workers, friends and relatives, all of whom
are committed to their overall health and well-being and the
achievement of their life goals.
Finally, an intrepid group of Fountain House members has defied
the grim headlines to become private entrepreneurs. With support
from Fountain House, a group of five members has started their
own catering business, La Luna.
La Luna is an updated version of the “social enterprise” philosophy
that Fountain House has pioneered since its earliest days. We look
forward to developing more opportunities for our members to
become business owners and managers.
An amazing year indeed! As we look to the year ahead, we will be
building on this momentum, even as we anticipate more difficult
economic terrain. We thank you for being part of this year’s success
and we ask you to help us continue to grow.
Kind regards,
Alexandra A. Herzan
Board Chair
Kenneth J. Dudek
Education is a critical bridge to a full and productive life. We support members entering high school
equivalency classes, vocational school, college, or graduate school. Staff and members teach and
tutor classes in a variety of subjects, including reading, writing, math, and computer literacy; conduct
an on-going literacy program; teach for-credit college courses here at Fountain House; and help
members attending college navigate registration and admissions.
Scholarships for up to $500 are also available, supported by individual donors, board members, and
foundations. Much like a micro-loan program, a modest investment can make the difference between
success and failure.
Along with education, employment plays an invaluable role in helping our members lead independent
and substantial lives. By finding a new career or returning to a previous one, employment aids
immeasurably in recovery by reaffirming a members’ sense of purpose, confidence and capability.
A cornerstone of the program is Fountain House’s highly professional and caring staff. They
consistently provide many forms of support to our members on an as-needed basis both before and
during their time of employment.
Through Supported and Independent Employment, members can enter into previous careers or
new long-term jobs. These programs offer assistance in preparing resumés, job coaching, and
guidance on obtaining permanent positions. Fountain House maintains contact through phone
outreach, monthly employment gatherings, and evening and weekend support programming. In
addition, members can call on Fountain House for additional support as needed.
Twenty-six companies throughout New York City provide half-day, entry-level positions for Fountain
House members. Fountain House trains members for these jobs and ensures that if a member is
absent, the job is covered by another member or staff. Members stay on a placement from six to
nine months; many move on to others for further experience; and later, when they are ready, move
to independent or supported employment.
American Express Publishing
American Stock Exchange
Baker & McKenzie
Big Apple Meat Market
Blisset Delivery Services
Bradford & Byrd Associates
Broadridge Financial Solutions
Center for ReIntegration
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton
Cravath Swaine & Moore LLP
Dow Jones
The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.
Fox Television
Kaye Scholer LLP
Kramer Levin Naftalis
& Frankel LLP
La Luna
The McGraw-Hill Companies
Morgan Stanley
Museum of Modern Art
Natural Resources Defense Council
Neuberger Berman
Newmark Knight Frank
New York Life Insurance Company
Océ Business Services
Penguin Group
Pibly Residential Program
Pfizer Inc.
Project Renewal
Publicis Groupe, SA
Times Square Alliance
The Village Voice
Time, Inc.
Warner Music Group
Young & Rubicam
Please call Nancy Young
at 212.582.0341 ext. 1095 if
you would like your company
to participate.
ountain House’s
programs and
partnerships are
rooted in its units.
• Each unit includes
a group of members
and staff, responsible
for a particular
function of the
• Together, staff
and members
provide support
to ensure that
all members are
receiving their
needed benefits
and services, both
within Fountain
House and from
the community.
These programs are designed to educate and empower members to
speak out about mental health issues and awareness. Here, members
help fight stigma by making presentations to a variety of groups including
social workers; medical students; police officers; EMTs and other first
responders; and community boards. Fountain House also holds an
annual Symposium and Luncheon to educate philanthropic leaders and
policy makers on the latest in research, treatment, and support services.
Here, members plan, prepare, and serve some 300 healthy meals a day.
The gardens at our High Point Farm in New Jersey (see page 11) provide
the clubhouse with many of the vegetables used for these low cost
meals, partially subsidized by Fountain House. The program offers
members affordable meals, as well as opportunities to socialize and
build friendships.
This unit definitely sets the tone for the entire house. Once in the door,
you find yourself in a spacious, wood-paneled reception area with
people ready to direct you to your destination, answer your questions,
or simply check you in. Members here are also responsible for
handling all requests for membership - reviewing applications, meeting
prospective members, outreach to new members during their first six
months, leading tours and purchasing and distributing supplies to the
entire house. HORTICULTURE
This unit tends our four gardens, provides plants and flower arrangements
throughout the buildings, and designs and creates floral decorations for
special events and holidays. It also acts as liaison with High Point Farm.
(see page 11.)
he Fountain House
clubhouse is open
365 days a year.
• Although Fountain
House is very
work-oriented, we
also realize that
social time is a
key component
to recovery.
e offer cultural,
sports, and
programs – both
within Fountain
House and in the
ur Thanksgiving
feast, a tradition
since 1965, is our
biggest celebration,
bringing together
members, family,
friends, staff,
volunteers and
• Fountain Gallery
was one of our
first cooperative
business models.
The model helps
create employment
opportunities for
members, as well as
give them the support
and experience
needed to become
entrepreneurs and
business owners
• Fountain House
has also helped to
develop a workers’
cooperative run by
five of our members,
providing food
services to a notfor-profit housing
• The results of
these programs,
along with others in
development, are a
major step in the fight
against stigma.
Studies have shown that poor health amongst people with mental illness is of epidemic proportions –
with life expectancy for people with bipolar illness, schizophrenia, and major depression at nearly 25
years less than the national average. Our wellness initiative was created in 2004 in response to the tragic
loss of four members, all under the age of 40, from health-related issues. This innovative program was
designed to increase the quality of life of our members and staff alike by analyzing diets, exercise habits,
and lifestyles. It also serves as a demonstration model for clubhouses and social service organizations
around the world.
FOUNTAIN GALLERY: More than a Gallery. A Movement.
Fountain Gallery is the premier venue in New York City representing artists with mental illness.
Beginning with a handful of artists in the summer of 2000, the Gallery has grown to include nearly
40 artists and collaborates with a wide network of artists, curators and cultural institutions.
By exhibiting visionary art, achieving commercial success, and generating public dialogue, the Gallery
is making a vital contribution to the New York arts community, while combating common misconceptions
about people living with severe persistent mental illness.
Fountain Gallery
702 Ninth Avenue at 48th Street
New York City
Located on 477 acres in northwestern New Jersey, High Point is a working tree and alpaca farm. A rural
extension of Fountain House’s work-ordered program, extended trips to High Point provide opportunities
for members and staff to work together to manage the farm’s daily operations.
In addition, High Point has a large garden which provides many of the vegetables used by our culinary unit
in New York City. Through a recent partnership with a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm, we
hope to ensure that much of our produce crop is organic and sustainable.
• Fountain House has
a new education
program initiative,
the HeadStrong
College Network.
This program is
designed to bring
our model of support
to college campuses
throughout New York
City and eventually
the country.
• With the HeadStrong
College Network,
Fountain House will
advocate on behalf
of students with
faculty and staff,
connect students
to Fountain House
services, and create
support groups to
address the stigma
and isolation often
experienced by
students living with
mental illness.
We’re proud that, with our support, approximately 500 members have a home. Many members live in
their own apartments under leases held by Fountain House; others reside in Fountain House supervised
residences with 24-hour staff support. We provide other options through partnerships with outside
agencies. Wherever members live, emergency assistance is available around the clock.
Fountain House has inspired the creation of hundreds of recovery and rehabilitation programs
around the world. Its model and practices are being utilized by hundreds of additional social services
agencies. Fountain House is one of ten international training bases which mentor colleagues who
range in experience from those wishing to start their own programs, to those who want to receive
advanced training.
We document and evaluate members’ participation in Fountain House’s programs and services, analyze
the outcomes, and assess members’ evolving needs. These reports inform organizations and government
groups concerned with mental health issues.
Our clerical team operates the switchboard, handles large mailings and copy jobs, and publishes daily
and weekly newletters. The unit also coordinates Active Reach-Out, which helps members in independent
apartments maintain their connection to Fountain House.
The Symposium featured a panel discussion by leading experts in the fields of mental health
research, treatment, and public policy: Marylene Cloitre, PhD; C.A. (Andy) Morgan III, MD, MA;
and Nancy Venable Raine, author of After Silence: Rape and My Journey Back. Consuelo Mack,
managing editor and anchor of Consuelo Mack WealthTrack, served as Master of Ceremonies.
Event Chairs were: Patricia Begley, Lorna Hyde Graev, Alexandra A. Herzan, and Anne Mai. Lynn
Nicholas, PsyD, was Program Chair. Honorary Chairs on hand for the event were: The Honorable
Robert A. Antonioni, Glenn Close, and US Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy.
The assembled guests learned that Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is the only mental illness
viewed by mental health professionals as directly caused by an external, traumatic event.
Co-Chair Patricia Begley, Program Chair Lynn Nicholas, PsyD,
Although PTSD has received significant media coverage due to its prevalence among veterans
Co-Chairs Anne Mai, Lorna Graev, Alexandra Herzan
returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, the frequency of trauma among civilians is less wellrecognized. More than half of American men and women experience catastrophic stress during their lives, and millions will develop PTSD, making it a major health
problem in the US. Honoree Bob Woodruff spoke candidly and movingly of his recovery from life-threatening wounds he sustained in 2006, when a roadside bomb
struck his vehicle as he was reporting on US and Iraqi security forces. Mr. Woodruff and his wife, Lee Woodruff, are the authors of a best-selling memoir, In an Instant,
chronicling his injuries and how their family persevered through a time of intense trauma and uncertainty.
Photos by Leslie Barbaro and
Joe Schildhorn – patrickmcmullan.com
Photo by Leslie Barbaro
Monday, May 4, 2009, at the Grand Ballroom of The Pierre, energy was high as more than 500
guests were enlightened and inspired by the sixth annual Fountain House Symposium and
Luncheon. Entitled Invisible Wounds: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, the event honored
ABC News anchor Bob Woodruff and his wife, author Lee Woodruff, with the Fountain House
Humanitarian Award for their extraordinary efforts on behalf of US veterans, especially
those suffering from the hidden wounds of war, such as Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Medical Advisory Board Member Dr. Jimmie Holland,
Elizabeth Peabody
Honorary Co-Chairs Robert A. Antonioni, Congressman
Patrick J. Kennedy and Glenn Close, Honorees Lee and
Bob Woodruff
Program Chair Lynn Nicholas, PsyD, Panelists C.A. (Andy) Morgan
III, MD, MA and Nancy Venable Raine
Photo by Stephen Seymour
Fountain Gallery Member-Artists
Ellen Philip, Carl T. Hagberg, Stephen P. Norman, Cal Donly
The End of Annual Meeting Season Celebration took place on May 29, 2009, and was held at the
offices of Ellen Philip Associates on West 26th Street. Nearly 200 guests attended this benefit
which featured 100 original artworks displayed for sale by Fountain Gallery artists. The event
honored Stephen P. Norman, former Secretary and Corporate Governance Officer of American
Express. The End of Annual Meeting Season Celebration was established in 2004 by Carl T.
Hagberg and Associates and Ellen Philip Associates to bring together professionals from the
financial services and related industries to celebrate the end of the grueling “proxy season,”
while raising funds for Fountain Gallery. Over the years, this benefit evening has attracted an
even wider circle of supporters.
Alexandra Herzan and Carleton Cordier
Photos by Leslie Barbaro
Member-artist Deborah Standard
Curators Sasha Nicholas and Steve Caputo
Silda Wall, Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel,
Fountain House Board Chair, Alexandra Herzan
Jill Martin and Beth Ostrovsky
Our 7th Annual Celebration of Life event was held on November
10th at the Grand Hyatt to benefit Fountain Gallery. David Arena,
President of Grubb and Ellis New York, and Leslie Harwood,
Managing Director of Newmark Knight Frank, were honored with
the Esther Montanez Leadership Award for outstanding service
to the Gallery. Special guests included U.S. Rep Jerrold Nadler;
former NYC Director of Real Estate Investment Joyce Miller; and
Vice Chair of the New York State Council on the Arts Dr. Barbaralee
Diamonstein-Spielvogel. Founded in 2002, Celebration of Life is our
ongoing collaboration with the New York commercial real estate
community and the arts industry.
Co-Chairs John McGinley, Rick Froio; Honoree Leslie Harwood; Founding Chair Dario Gristina;
Co-Chair Betsy Seidman; Honoree David Arena; Co-Chair Peter DiCapua
Photos by Cutty McGill / ManhattanSociety.com
Robyn Marks, Tom and Jan Geniesse
Chairs Katie Hand, Elizabeth Pyne, Anne Baker, Sarah Goldstein, Lil Phillips
The Fountain House Associates Committee held its first Fall Fête on Thursday, October 23rd, 2008. The evening
began with a cocktail reception, sponsored by Valentino and set in their elegant Madison Avenue boutique.
Dinner and dancing followed at The Racquet and Tennis Club.
Nicholas Ratut, president of John Varvatos Fragrances and member of the Board of Directors of the International
Center for Clubhouse Development, opened the program with a moving account of his family’s struggles
following his son’s diagnosis with mental illness. Lorna Hyde Graev, the Vice Chair of the Fountain House Board
of Directors, shared observations from her personal experience with mental illness and her passion for the
Fountain House method of recovery. The inspiring story of one Fountain House member, captured in a short film,
rounded out the program; the film recounted how Fountain House provided him with the resources and support
to resume his career and build a full life.
The Associates Committee is a newly formed group of young professionals who are dedicated to introducing
Fountain House and its mission of fighting the stigma associated with mental illness to the next generation of
f iends and supporters. The event Chairs were Anne and George Baker, Sarah and Jeremy Goldstein, Katie and
Doug Hand, Lil Phillips, and Elizabeth Pyne. The Vice Chairs were Kate Allen, Silas Anthony, Donya and Scott
Bommer, Alison and George Brokaw, Madeleine Potvin, Elisabeth Saint-Amand, Frances Schultz, Kiliaen Van
Rensselaer, and Alison Woolworth.
Kenn Dudek and Lorna Graev
Photo by Robyn Marks
Author Michael Greenberg
Ines Elskop, Board Member Carmel W. Fromson, Michael Greenberg, Medical Advisory Board Member Dr. Oliver Sacks, Ronnie Halper
On April 13, 2009, Ines Elskop, Carmel Fromson, Gina Roose, and Ronnie Halper hosted a reading of Hurry Down Sunshine by author Michael Greenberg at Fountain
House. In Hurry Down Sunshine, Mr. Greenberg recalls in vivid detail the summer that his fifteen-year-old daughter Sally suffered a psychotic break—she was
diagnosed with severe bipolar mania—the memorable cast of characters they encountered in the Manhattan psychiatric clinic where she was admitted, and the
subsequent course of her treatment. Mr. Greenberg began the evening by reading several excerpts from his novel. After the reading, Columbia professor and author
Maura Speigel interviewed Mr. Greenberg, asking questions including how Sally felt reading her story years after her recovery. Greenberg admitted that he had been
concerned while writing the book, that it “might trigger another attack” for Sally when she read it, although he was extremely pleased that Sally had a positive reaction
and was very positive in his re-telling of their family’s story. Greenberg also took the time to point out the “huge fear of mental illness” in the world today, and how,
after going through this experience, he understands that fear as how “we can talk as strangers and agree on what words mean. There is a fear of that going away, fear
of incoherence.” Greenberg offered his support of Fountain House, realizing that “it is slow to give up on that fear [of incoherence], but on the other hand, there is great
awareness being done [at Fountain House].” The reading was followed by a small reception in the main lobby of Fountain House sponsored by Neuman’s Catering and
(oops) Wine. Also in attendance were Fountain House Board Members Lorna Graev, Alex Herzan, Howard Owens, and Betsy Seidman, Medical Advisory Board member
Dr. Oliver Sacks, as well as Fountain House donors and friends.
Year Ended
June 30, 2009
Private Support
Foundations and organization grants (a)
Contributions from individuals
Fundraising events (net of related expenses) (b)
Investment income from Endowment - used for operations (c) 817,369
Year Ended
June 30, 2008
Year Ended
June 30, 2007
Other Revenue
Program Service Fees
Gallery art sales, training tuition & other
Program Service Fees and Other Revenue
Total Private Support (a)
Fees and grants from government agencies
Total Program Services
Supporting Services
Management and general
Total Supporting Services
Foundations and organization grants (a)
Contributions from individuals
Fundraising events (net of related expenses (b)
Investment income from Endowment - used for operations (c)
Fountain House, Inc.
Operating Expenses FY 2009
Program Services
Community services
Fountain House, Inc.
Private Support Distribution FY 2009
Community Services
Management and General
Note: Excludes support restricted to capital projects or future years’ operations and the results of affiliated entities.
(a) Includes contributions received in prior years that became unrestricted and available for use in the current year of $383,725, $775,067, and $10,000 for years 2009, 2008 and 2007 respectively.
(b) Gross Event revenues are $1,341,137, $1,586,123 and $1,263,962 for years 2009, 2008 and 2007 respectively (c) Represents a 4% drawdown on investments made possible by private contributions in prior years.
The Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Eli Lilly and Company
Mrs. Phillip Kind, Jr.
Anne and Vincent Mai
The Ambrose Monell Foundation
The van Ameringen Foundation, Inc.
$50,000 – $99,999
Lily Auchincloss Foundation, Inc.
George H. Beane and
Patricia Begley
Lisa and Dick Cashin
Kitty and Guy de Chazal
Mrs. Alexandra A. Herzan
The Kresge Foundation
The New York Community Trust
Lynn and Nick Nicholas
Ms. Sarah Peter
Pfizer Inc.
The Rhodebeck Charitable Trust
Mr. Henry P. van Ameringen
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
$25,000 – $49,999
AARP Publications
John P. Casaly and Louise M. Parent
Ms. Glenn Close and Mr. David Shaw
The Ford Foundation
Lorna and Larry Graev
Renate, Hans and Maria Hofmann Trust
Knott Family Foundation
Mr. Peter B. Lewis
Princess Grace Foundation
The Ruth Turner Fund, Inc.
Vital Projects Fund, Inc.
Edwin Webster Foundation
$15,000 – $24,999
The Altschul Foundation
Kim S. Fennebresque
Dr. Alistair and Reverend Nancy Hanna
Jewish Communal Fund
Charles and Marilyn Marsden
Marlene Mieske and Neal Goldman
Marcia and Howard Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Parsons
Mr. John S. Pyne
Arlene and Chester Salomon
Phyllis B. and Ira T. Wender
$10,000 – $14,999
Mr. Roger C. Altman and
Ms. Jurate Kazickas
Viola W. Bernard Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Brannan
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Broadridge Securities Processing
Solutions, Inc.
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, Inc.
Mr. Philip Burguières
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Castle
Ms. Judy Finneran
Brandon Fradd, MD
The Estate of Rudolph A. Gormandy
Grubb & Ellis New York
Mrs. Agnes Gund
Patricia and Carl T. Hagberg
Harwood Family Foundation
Ms. Leslie Harwood
Hess Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Suzanne C. Hoyt
The Hyde and Watson Foundation
Mr. Frank T. Pratt and
Ms. Bonnie L. Johnson
Mr. Hamilton F. Kean
Marion E. Kenworthy - Sarah H. Swift
Ms. Stephanie Krieger
Mrs. Linda B. McKean
Mrs. Henry B. Middleton
Mrs. Walter Mintz
Mrs. Donna Moylan and
Dr. Benjamin K. Chu
William & Jane Schloss
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Sica
Richard and Charlotte Smith
Tishman Speyer
The Alice Tully Foundation
The Vidda Foundation
Xerox Corporation
$5,000 – $9,999
Anonymous (3)
Atlas-Acon Electric Service Corp.
The George F. Baker Trust
Bandujo Advertising
Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass
BNY Mellon Shareowner Services
Ms. Jill Braufman and Mr. Daniel Nir
Ms. Alice C. Brown
Frank & Ruth E. Caruso Foundation
Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP
Cushman & Wakefield
The Dammann Fund, Inc.
Mr. Richard J. Demato and
Mrs. Harriet Sawyer Demato
Jarvis and Constance Doctorow
Family Foundation
Mrs. Marjorie Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Engle
The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.
Ms. Nancy L. Farrell
Mr. Thomas C. Foley
Forest City Ratner
Carmel and Brett Fromson
Ms. Gillian S. Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Geniesse
Mr. and Mrs. S. Parker Gilbert
Giuliani Partners LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Gosin
The IFF Foundation, Inc.
Innisfree M&A Incorporated
Mr. James A. Johnson and
Ms. Maxine Isaacs
Dr. Steven Koenig and Dr. Melinda Koenig
Jo Carole and Ronald Lauder
The Leibowitz and Greenway Family
Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Macaskill
Office of the Manhattan
Borough President
Mr. and Mrs. James M. McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Moran
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Mutual of America Life Insurance
Mr. Henry Myers
New York Plumbing
Newmark Knight Frank
Ortho-McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Phillips
Ms. Lil Phillips
Mr. Steven Rattner and
Ms. Maureen White
Mr. Jeffrey Rosenberg and
Dr. Michelle Rosenberg
Mr. Ralph Schlosstein and
Mrs. Jane Hartley
Ms. Betsy Seidman
The Spiegel Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Stainman
Starbucks Coffee Company
Mr. Andrew Stenzler
The B and B Stern Foundation, Inc.
The Commonwealth Fund Matching Gifts
The Peninsula Foundation
Ms. Kim Thomsen
Tiro A Segno Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Jonathan M. Tisch
Mr. Kiliaen Van Rensselaer
Marta Barbeosch Varela
Ms. Leslie Weiss
M. and B. Weiss Family Foundation, Inc.
Wodecroft Foundation
$1,000 – $4,999
Anonymous (12)
ABM Industries
Ace Wire and Cable Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Adler
Ms. Catherine Adler
Aerotek, Inc.
All-City Switchboard
Alliance Building Services
Ms. Anita Altman
Mr. K. Tucker Andersen
Ms. Rhoda Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Aquila
Ms. Mary Helen Armstrong
The Atlantic Philanthropies (USA) Inc.
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Ms. Ann Barish
Mr. William C. Bartholomay
Mrs. Evelyn Lorentzen Bell
Mr. Francis E. Belmont
Benfield Electric Supply Company, Inc.
Mr. Keith G. Berkheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Berlind
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff L. Bewkes
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel J. Bickford
Bloomberg L. P.
Bracewell & Giuliani LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Anders Brag
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Brewster
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah M. Callaghan
Mr. Donald Carey
Ms. Jennifer Chalsty
Ms. Judith L. Chiara
Mr. Richard Gilder and Ms. Lois C. Chiles
The Chisholm Foundation
Mrs. Jane H. Choate
Citi Smith Barney
Dr. and Mrs. Bayard C. Clarkson
Mrs. Benjamin Coates
Miss Theodate L. Coates
Jonathan L. Cohen Foundation
Mr. and Ms. Joseph E. Collison
Commander Squish Productions
Community Foundation of New Jersey
Con Edison
Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Co.
Ms. Judy C. Cormier
Mr. Leslie D. Corwin and Mrs. Jessie Bard
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin S. Cowan
D.F. King & Co.
Ms. Patricia P. de Cisneros
Mr. and Mrs. Loic de Kertanguy
Mr. Willem F. de Vogel
Mr. Peter Dewitt
Mr. Peter L. DiCapua
Ms. Kelly L. Donovan
Ms. Roxanne Donovan
Ms. Judith W. Dorschel
Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Doty
Douglas C. Lane and Associates, Inc.
Mr. Kenneth J. Dudek
Mr. Joseph A. Dussich
Mr. Thomas L. Eisenberg
Eisner, LLP
EMC Mechanical
Family Management Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pepe Fanjul
Ms. Elaine Feder
Mr. Stephen W. Fillo
Mr. William B. Finneran
Mr. Anthony J. Fiorica
First American Title Insurance Company
Audrey Hillman Fisher Foundation
Ellen Flamm and Richard Peterson
Mrs. Henry Ford, II
Mr. Max Frankel and Ms. Joyce Purnick
Mr. Andrew L. Frey and
Ms. Larrine S. Holbrooke
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan D. Froot
Abraham Fuchsberg Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Fuld, Jr.
Fullerton Family Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Francesco Galesi
Gallant & Wein Corp
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gass
Ms. Elinor M. Georgopulo
Ms. and Mr. Brooke Gerschel
Mr. Elliot S. Gerson
Mr. Joseph P. Gilbride
Ms. Anne L. Gilchrist Hall
Ms. Leslie Glauberman
Ms. Judy Glickman
Ms. Anette Hoegh Goelet
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Goldberger
Sarah and Jeremy Goldstein
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
The Gottlieb Family Foundation
Mrs. Jane C. Gould
Ms. Joan Granlund
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Gruss
Ms. Jane Gural-Senders
Katie and Doug Hand
Handsman & Kaminsky LLP
Mrs. Peggy S. Herold
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Herrmann, Jr.
Highland Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoffman
HOK, Inc.
Mrs. Theodora D. Hooton
Hope Foundation
Mr. Samuel G. Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Jasinowski
Jensen Investment Management
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Joffe
Mr. Joshua Judge
Mr. David I. Karabell
Mr. Allan Karp
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Kaufman
Ms. Maureen Kennedy
Karen A. & Kevin W. Kennedy Foundation
John F. Kidde Fund for Basic Human
Ms. Christina Kind
Mr. and Mrs. Caleb D. Koeppel
Mr. Cary A. Koplin and Mrs. Sharon
Mr. Alexander Koplin
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Krieger
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Kumble
Ms. Margaret M. Langenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Lapeyre
Lawrence Ruben Company, Inc.
Ms. Shelly Lazarus
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lehman
Mrs. Constance E. Lieber
Mr. and Mrs. Troland Link
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Listro
Mr. Leonard Litwin
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Livingston
The Honorable John L. Loeb and
Mrs. Sharon Handler
Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC
Mrs. Grace Lyu-Volckhausen
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Madison
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Maher
Mahoney Cohen & Co., CPA, PC
Manhattan Mechanical Contractors, Inc.
Mr. Don Manning
Ms. Elinor Mannucci
Ms. Sylvia Maraia and Ms. Anna Maraia
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Marino
Mr. Michael Marino
Mr. Donald N. Martin
McDermott & Thomas Associates
Dr. and Mrs. Marc McKenna
Clare and Robert McKeon
Ms. Ina L. Meibach
Mr. Robert B. Menschel
Mrs. Audrey Meredith
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Merz
Mr. Edward Meyer
Milbank Winthrop & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Miller
The Moore Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Moran
Mr. Stephen M. Morrison
Morrow & Company, Inc.
Mrs. Barbara S. Mosbacher
Mulligan Security Corp., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nagle
Nelson Air Service Corp.
New York Electrical Power Services, LLC
New York Light Source Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Nicholas
NJS Electrical Services Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Nouri
Mr. and Mrs. Marne Obernauer, Jr.
Ocean Pacific Interiors Inc.
Ms. Hope O’Connor
Omni Risk Management Inc
Mr. and Mrs. George D. O’Neill
Ms. Jennine Orphanides
Ms. Nancy Packes
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Paisner
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Patricof
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Patterson
Mr. Robert Scully and
Ms. Nancy Peretsman
Ms. Rosario Perez
Ms. Sandra S. Pershing
Pierpont Mechanical Design Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pilkington
Platinum Maintenance Services, Corp.
Mr. Stephen M. Proto
Mr. Nicholas Ratut
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Reboul
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Revson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Riccardo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Robards
Mr. David Rockefeller
Mr. Michael Rodriguez
Ms. Janet M. Rosel
Mr. Brett H. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. John Rosenwald
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur L. Ross, Jr.
Mr. Brian Rothschild
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Russo
S. Forest Company, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Nathan E. Saint-Amand
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Samuels
Ms. Sandra Constantine Schair
The Schiff Foundation
Schindler Elevator Corporation
Mr. Christopher J. Scholz and
Ms. Ines Elskop
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mrs. Jean Shafiroff
Shepard Industries
Mr. M. David Sherrill
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Shuman
Mr. Robert G. Siegel
Silverstein Properties, LLC
Susan and Robert Skolnick
The George & Mabel Slocum Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Soros
The Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships
Dr. Ellen L. Sporn
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Steiner
Ms. Lynn S. Stern
Mr. William S. Sterns, III
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Straus
Ms. Hazel Szeto
T.P.U. Local One, I.A.T.S.E.
Taconic Investment Partners LLC
Diana L. Taylor
Mrs. Topsy Taylor
The Estate of George Teaney
Temco Service Industries, Inc.
The Matteis Family Foundation
Mrs. Katrin Theodoli
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thornburgh
Mr. Carl H. Tiedemann
The Tiger Baron Foundation
Ms. Laurie M. Tisch
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tober
Ms. Martha S. Tom
Mr. James A. Torrey and
Mrs. Podie Lynch
Toussaint Capital Partners LLC
Mr. Robert S. Trump
Mr. Philip Tugendrajch and
Ms. Gaby Keller
Turner Construction Company
Mr. Zeljan Ugarkovic
The United Way of New York City
Mrs. Cynthia K. Vance
Mr. Cyrus R. Vance, Jr.
Ms. Jennifer R. Vetter
Mr. and Mrs. Otokar von Bradsky
Ms. Rosalind P. Walter
Wamco Electric Inc.
Wells Fargo
Nate Weida
Mrs. Katherine B. Whipple
Mr. Gerald I. White
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Whitehead
Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Wilkinson
Mr. Rivington R. Winant
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wohl
Woodstock Finishes Inc.
Mr. Jason H. Wright
Ms. Marguerite T. Yates
Mrs. Barbara Zinn Krieger
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Zlotkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zorn
$500 – $999
Anonymous (1)
Mr. Greg D. Andres and
Ms. Ronnie Abrams
Abrams, Fensterman, Fensterman,
Eisman, Greenberg, Formato
Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Abramson
Advanced Electronic Solutions, Inc.
Ms. Angela Aguiar
Ms. Mary Beth Alexander
Ms. Kathleen B. Allaire
Kate and Chris Allen
Mrs. Mary D. Allen
Ambassador Construction
American Express
Architectural Tile Restoration, LLC
Assured Environments
Atlantic Cooling Tower Services
Mrs. Douglas Auchincloss
Mrs. Anne K. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Carter Bales
Mr. John Bargoud
Didi and David Barrett
Barth Gross Electric Co.
Mr. Matthew A. Baxter
Ms. Molly Bellin
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Bendahan
Benfield Lighting Inc.
Mr. Arthur C. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney B. Berens
Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Duane and Sunny Biasi
Ms. Jessica Bibliowicz
Ms. Anne Bickerstaff
Ms. Beth Bierbaum
Mr. Eric Bischof and
Ms. Susannah Shipman
Mr. and Mrs. William McCormick Blair, Jr.
Ms. Renée Boicourt
Mr. and Mrs. David Braga
Ms. Alison Brokaw
Mr. Mark G. Bryant
Mr. Roberto Buaron
Mr. Gerald P. Buccino
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bukzin
Ms. Elaine M. Buller
Mr. Jim Burns
C.M.S. Electrical Services Inc.
Call Electric Co.
Robert Cancro, MD, Med.D.Sc.
Mr. Edward Capraro
Carl Jacobs Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Carlson
Mr. and Ms. John Carr
Susannah and Tom Carrier
Charles Rizzo & Associates of NY, Inc.
Mr. Blair Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cohen
Mrs. Bradley Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Collins
Mrs. Joan G. Connors
Ms. Holly Conrad
Louis Z. Cooper, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Correnty
Ms. Cristine C. Cronin
Cross-Fire & Security Co., Inc.
Mr. John Cuddeback
Current Fire Protection
Ms. Liese A. Dallbauman
Norris and Charlie Daniels
Ms. Cynthia R. Darrison
Ms. Caitlin Davis
Stacey and Adam Graev
Mr. and Mrs. Rafe de la Gueronniere
Mrs. Vincent de Roulet
Ms. Diane de Saint Phalle
Degmor, Inc.
Ms. Bonney Delong-Cotty
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Demarest
Ms. Lynn Di Menna
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Downs
Ms. Margaret S. Downs
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Rodman Drake
Mr. W. Sean Driscoll
Mrs. Lauren G. Duff
Eastchester Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Ehrlich
Ellen Philip Associates
Janice Reals Ellig
Armand G. Erpf Fund, Inc.
Estate of Roger F. Evans, Jr.
EZ-Online Documents, LLC
Mr. Jeffrey Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Haminder Feygin
Fire Code Services, Inc.
Mr. and Ms. Gregory Fowlkes
Franklin Square Iron Works
Ms. Amanda Freeman
Mr. Barry S. Friedberg and
Ms. Charlotte Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fromson
Mr. John W. Geary
Ms. Patricia Geoghegan
Gervens Enterprises, Inc.
GETO & deMILLY, Inc.
The Malcolm Gibbs Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison J. Goldin
Ms. Dana Golding and Mr. Richard Scharf
Dr. Solomon Goldstein and
Dr. Else Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Goodman
Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Goodwin
Mr. Erik Gordon
The Edward S. Gordon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gresser
Mr. James Grond
Dr. Jerome E. Groopman and
Ms. Pamela I. Hatzband
Mrs. Sarina W. Gwirtzman
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Halbfinger
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Havemeyer, III
Ms. Kathleen Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Heaney
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Henry, III
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Herbst
Ms. Marlene Hess and Mr. James D. Zirin
Ms. Margaret B. Hicklin
Ms. Margot L. Hill
Mr. Peter A. Hinrichs
Mr. Geoffrey R. Hoguet and
Mrs. Annalu Ponti
International Union of Operating
Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Jean Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. John Jakobson
Mr. Michael Johnson
Mr. Ronald Kahn
Mr. Bob Kandel and Ms. Abby Hamlin
The Kandell Fund
Kapnag Heating & Plumbing, Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Keiser
Mrs. Alastair J. Keith
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kilroy
Klear Electrical Corp.
Rabbi Leon and Myra Klenicki
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Knight, Jr.
Mr. Christopher G. Knoll
Ms. Rena Koiatas
Ms. Marni Konner
Ms. Carol S. Kostik
Ms. Maryanne Kowaleski
Mr. and Mrs. H. Frederick Krimendahl
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Kroll
Mrs. and Mrs. Peter Krulewitch
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Kury
Dr. Marie N. Langan
Mrs. Rose K. Lansbury
Mr. Charles S. Laven
Law Firm of Arnold N. Kriss, Esq.
Ms. Donny Lee
The Harrison T. Lefrak Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Suzanne Lehmann
Mr. and Ms. Marc S. Lemchen
Ms. Mary K. Libby
Mr. Levaur Livingstone
Loeb & Loeb, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Loeffler
Mr. Asbjorn R. Lunde
Ms. Andrea Lustig
Mr. and Mrs. Ian MacKenzie
Mr. Chris Mahan and
Mrs. Merrill Falkenberg
Ms. Rebecca Mai and Mr. David Mitnick
Mr. Steve Marcell
Mr. Robert B. Marcus
Ms. Beatrice S. Martin
Ms. Christine Miller Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Roman Martinez, IV
Mrs. Cara McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. William G. McKnight, III
Ms. Jennifer McSweeney
Ms. Josephine A. Merck
Gillian and Eduardo Mestre
Micron General Contractors, Inc.
The Miller Family Endowment
Milo Kleinberg Design Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milstein
Dr. Yale B. Mitchel and
Ms. Sharon Molinas
Modern Bank, N.A.
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Moore
Ms. Helen J. Moore
Mr. John T. Moore
Mrs. Diane L. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Morse, Jr.
Ms. Rosemary A. Moukad
Ms. Brooke Mountain
Ms. Charlotte-Anne Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Nestor
Network for Good
Mr. David M. Nocenti
Ms. Kathleen E. Nolan
Ms. Eliza P. Nordeman
Mr. Jeff Nordhaus
Nouveau Elevator Industries, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray M. Oback
Mr. and Mrs. Ned S. Offit
Jennifer and Eric Oken
Mr. and Mrs. Jack O’Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Orcutt
Mrs. Barry M. Osborn
Mrs. Palmer O’Sullivan
Ms. Helen Ouerbacker
Ms. Eve Klein and Mr. Robert O. Owens
Larry and Nancy Pantirer Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Pantzer
Mark W. Pasmantier, MD
Ms. Elizabeth T. Peabody
Ms. Ellen Philip and Mr. Cal Donly
Dr. Gary A. Piccione
M. Stella Pierre, MD
Mrs. William Pitt
Mr. Vincent Pizzulli
Mrs. Ann C. Poll
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Pollock
Ms. Madeleine V. Potvin
Power Cooling, Inc.
Ms. Karen Pratt
Principal Building Services
Ms. Amy Pyne
Mrs. Evelyn Sloane Pyne
Mr. John Pyne
Quality Building Services Corp.
Ms. Nicole K. Rabin
Ms. Margaret Randall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raphael
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rechler
Mr. and Mrs. John Reilly
Mr. Scott T. Rice
Mr. Frank E. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. John Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Riese
Mr. Raymond Riley
Mr. Jason S. Ringer and
Mrs. Alissa Tribelli
Mr. Henry P. Riordan
Mrs. Shari E. Ritterman
Ms. Bonnie G. Robins
Mr. Peter H. Robinsohn
Mr. Louis Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross
Mrs. Rosina F. Rue
Ms. Jane Dresner Sadaka
Mr. Alexander Saint-Amand
Ms. Sabrina Saltiel
Ms. Suki Sandler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sanzen
Ms. Susan Sarandon
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Scheide
Schnellbacher-Sendon Group, LLC
Mr. Andrew D. Schonebaum
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Schubert
Ms. Frances Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Schumaecker
Ms. Irene Schwartz
Mrs. Julia Scott
Mr. Adam J. Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Silverman
Ms. Lois H. Silverman
Ms. Patricia J. S. Simpson
Susan and Robert Skolnick
Ms. Emily F. Soell
Mr. Maurice Sonnenberg
Mr. George Soterakis
The Honorable Eliot Spitzer and
Mrs. Silda W. Spitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Staheli
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sterling
Ms. Lief A. Stiles
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Tarantino
Mrs. David S. Taylor
Mrs. Sarah C. Taylor
The First Supply Corporation
Ms. Nancy H. Tilghman
Ms. Sonia Toledo
TPG Planning and Design, LLC
Mr. Jud Traphagen
Ms. Laura Traphagen
Triangle Services, Inc.
Tri-State Financial LLC
U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private
Wealth Management
Ms. Esme Usdan
Valentino U.S.A., Inc.
Ms. Patricia E. Vance
Mrs. Helene P. Victor
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Vollmuth
Mrs. Marjorie M. Von Stade
Mr. Dov B. Weinstein
Bobbi and Mel Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Weldon
The Wellspring Trust
Wendell Family Foundation
Mr. Richard Wernon
West New York Restoration of CT, Inc.
Ms. Ilyse Wilpon
Mr. Fred Wishard, Jr.
Mr. Yako Yafet
Mr. and Ms. Jon Ylvisaker
Mr. Dennison Young, Jr.
Mr. Robert Zirinsky and
Ms. Stacey Fabrikant
$250 - $499
Anonymous (5)
ABM Janitorial Services NE Inc.
Ms. Lynn E. Abraham
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Abramson
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Ackman
Dr. Ron Adelman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Aeschbach
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Vaune Ainsworth
Alan Gaynor and Co., P.C.
Mr. Christian Albert
Mr. Julian D. Alexander
Mr. Edward M. Alexandro
Mrs. Eleanor M. Alger
Ms. Mariette P. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. A. Edward Allinson
Ms. Priscilla Almodovar and
Mr. Eric Dinallo
Mrs. Ana Cristina Alvarado
Mr. John Amarosi
Ms. Beth Amorosi
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Angell
Mr. David Antonelli
Ms. Terri Apple
Ms. Adrianna Archer
Mr. Jeffrey Aron
Mr. Josh Aronson and
Ms. Maria Bachman
Arrow Transfer and Storage Inc.
Mr. Vincent Ashbahian
Ms. Angela M. Ashton
Ms. Marylinn Aston
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Bancroft, Jr.
Mr. Gordon A. Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bartos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bass
Bauerschmidt & Sons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Beckman
Mr. and Mrs. William Beekman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beir
Bellis Construction
Ms. Judy T. Benn
Mr. Robert Bergen
Ms. Marjorie B. Berk
Ms. Melissa D. Berkelhammer
Mr. Daniel K. Bernstein and
Ms. Nancy A. Langsan
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bernstein
Ms. Lois Bianchi
Big Apple Meat Market
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Blackman
Ms. Arlene Blecher
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Blohm
Ms. Adare Blumenfeld
Ms. Lucinda Blumenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. George Bollag
Ms. Ina-Sue Bomze
Ms. Phoebe Booth
Mr. and Mrs. James Botticelli
Mr. Randy E. Brecker
Ms. Helen M. Breen
Mr. and Mrs. James Brennan
William Bricker, Esq.
Dr. Leslie Brody
Ms. Susan L. Brody
Ms. Cora S. Brossard
Mr. Christopher C. Brown
Ms. Dana Buchman
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Calarco
Mr. John Calicchio and Ms. Denise LeFrak
Ms. Kristina Campton
Mrs. Lorraine Cancro
Ms. Wendy N. Carduner
Mr. Ken Carroll
Mrs. Peter Chapman
Ms. Linda S. Cheatham
City Suburban Plumbing
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Clark
Collazo Carling & Mish LLP
Ms. Kate C. Convoy
Ms. Karen Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cord
Corporate Secretary Magazine
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Crystal
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Cullman, Jr.
Ms. Erin Cunningham
Mr. Remmington Curtis
Mr. Allerton Cushman
D. Haller, Inc.
Ms. Katie Danziger
Mrs. Jo-Ann Danzis
Mrs. Joan David
Mr. Glenn Davis
Count and Countess Arnaud de
Ms. Susan J. Dempsay
Mr. Thomas J. Denzler
Mr. Thomas J. Devine
Mrs. Ruth Dickler
Dr. John Docherty and
Dr. Samantha Knowlton
Mr. Jordan A. Drachman
Ms. Patricia Duff
Ms. Holly Dunlap
Mr. Robert J. Durham
Ms. Laurel Dutcher
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eber
Mr. Mark Ein
Mr. John H. F. Endeman
Engineered Air Filters
Epstein, Becker & Green, P.C.
Ms. Sylvia M. Erhart
Ms. Linda Fairstein
Ms. Susan M. Falk
Hanne E. Favelukes, MD
Dr. Jerome Feder
Mr. Joe Feely
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Felix
Mr. and Mrs. Barton P. Ferris, Jr.
Mr. Ron Finiw and Ms. Maria L. Lago
Mr. Richard C. Fiore
Firequench, Inc.
Fisher Wallace Laboratories, LLC
Mr. Jeffrey F. Fleisig
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frelinghuysen
Ms. Lesley M. Friedman
Dr. Michelle E. Friedman
Mr. George S. Frilingos
Ms. Lisa Fuld
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Funk
Dr. and Mrs. Valentin Fuster
Ms. Kathy Gantz and Mr. Lary Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Garfield
GE Foundation
Mr. Alfred Geary
Geringer & Dolan LLP
Ms. Joy Germont
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gerry
Ms. Lauren K. Gibbs
Ms. Lois Gilman
Mr. and Mrs. David Ginzberg
Benjamin Gittlin Foundation
Ms. Alix Goelet
Ms. Joyce Golden
Mr. Bruce Goldfarb
Mr. Samuel Goldworm
Golenbock Eisman Assoc. Bell & Peskoe, LLC
Mrs. Marjorie Reed Gordon
Dr. Lauren Gorman and Dr. Jack Gorman
Grand Central A/C Corp.
Mr. Robert Greifinger and
Ms. Maura Bluestone
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Guest
Ms. Gail Hammer LCSW
Mr. Douglas L. Harmon
Mr. Roger Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Rammy Harwood
Mr. James N. Hauslein
Ms. Averil Haydock
Mr. Brian Haynes
Mrs. Amanda H. Haynes-Dale
Mr. William S. Herman
Herrick, Feinstein LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hewat
Mrs. Edward L. Hicks, III
Hillmann Environmental Group
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hinkley
Ms. Patricia A. Hoffman
Holland & Knight
Ms. Pamela Howard
Fern Karesh Hurst Foundation
Mr. Michael S. Icatzke
Mrs. Jonathan Ingham
Integrated Software Solutions
Mrs. Augusta Irvings
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Irvings
Ms. Ellen Israel
Mrs. Ann F. Jeffery
Ms. Valorie E. Jennings
Ms. Laura R. Johnson
Ms. Linda F. Johnson
Ms. Margot Johnson
Ms. Marianne G. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. David Kahan
Mrs. Leny Kalfus and Ms. Joan E. Kalfus
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kalikow
Kallen and Lemelson Consulting
Mr. Brian A. Kane
Ms. Alice Kaplan
Ms. Nathalie M. Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kapp
Ms. Linda L. Karas
Dr. Melanie A. Katzman
Ms. Kathy Kaye
Mr. Robert F. Keating
Mrs. Fernanda Kellogg and
Mr. Kirk Henckels
Jennifer and Justin Kennedy
Mrs. Huda Khouri
Monica M. Kinberg, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Kirkland
Mr. Charles D. Klein
Ms. Patricia M. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Koerner
Ms. Lisa B. Konsker
Ms. Lorraine Kosstrin
Ms. Anne G. Kriken
The H. Frederick Krimendahl II
Ms. Susan Kronfeld
Ms. Elyse Lacher
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick P. Lally
Mr. Jeffrey S. Lane
Reverend and Mrs. Ledlie Laughlin, Jr.
Law Offices of Gabriel del Virginia
Robert J. Lee, PhD
Ms. Rosanna F. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lehman
Mr. Christopher H. Lentz
Ms. Elise Udolf Leopold
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Levin
Mr. David A. Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Levine
Mr. and Dr. James A. Levine
Ms. Patricia Louredis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Ludlow
Ms. Pat Maddalena
Ms. Stephanie A. Magid
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Mahony
Ms. Aila Main
Mancini Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Marcus
Ms. Susan Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Mark
Mr. Bertino Marro
Mrs. Wendy Marsh
Ms. Victoria B. Masters
Ms. Supatorn Mateo
Ms. Janet Mavec
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Mayer
Ms. Kathryn McAuliffe
Mr. and Mrs. James J. McEntee
Mr. John McGinley
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. McKenna
Merck Employee Giving Campaign
Ms. Roslyn Meren
Ms. Judith H. Minkoff-Grey
Ms. Susan Moldow
Mr. Nick Montesano
Ms. B. Ruth Montgomery
Ms. Virginia A. Moraweck
Ms. Bonnie A. Morrison
Mr. John C. Moukad
Ms. Christina M. Murphy
Ms. Kathleen A. Murphy
Ms. Nancy F. Neff
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ney
Mrs. Harriet Nicol
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nitze
Ms. Carol B. Kellermann
Mrs. Nancy H. O’Sullivan
Ms. Vivian Palazzolo
Pepsico Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Lucy Phillips
Mr. Andrew Pieper
Ms. Marnie S. Pillsbury
Mr. Edward W. Pincover
Mr. Andrew W. Plotzker
Mr. Leonard M. Polisar
Mr. Walter Politzer
Program Risk Management
Ms. Elizabeth Pyne
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Radcliffe
Mr. Ramsey Ramadan
Mr. Carlos Ramos
Mr. Jonathan Ramsden
Mr. Todd Rechler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rechnitz
Mr. Artie Regan
Mr. James Resor and Ms. Catherine Scott
Ambassador and Mrs. Stanley R. Resor
Dr. Annette U. Rickel
Ms. Rosemary Ripley
River Road Asset Management
Ms. Scarlett Leas Robertson
Mrs. Constance M. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosengarten
Mr. Jack Rosenthal and Ms. Holly Russell
Ms. Elizabeth A. Rossi
Mr. George Rowe, Jr.
Ms. Adele P. Royce
RR Donnelley
Ms. Anne B. Rudman
Ms. Alexia H. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Sahlman
Ms. Elisabeth Saint-Amand
Jacqueline Salzer, MD
Ms. Suzanna B. Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Sandlass
Mr. Brian Sanvidge
Sara Lee Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiff
Mr. Robert A. Schirripa
Ms. Vivian L. Schulkin and
Ms. Pauline L. Friedland
Mr. Oliver Schulz
Mr. Erik A. Scott
Mrs. Marion M. Selig
Mrs. Carol O. Selle
Mr. Frank M. Shanbacker
Ms. Kathleen E. Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Siekevitz
Mr. Todd Simmons and
Mrs. Shelley Simmons
Ms. Helene S. Sinany-MacLeod
Dr. Allen C. Small
Ms. Alexandra G. Smith
Ms. Catherine E. Kinsey and
Mr. Clinton I. Smullyan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squeri
Ms. Diane Staheli
Ms. Debora Staley
Mrs. Kimberly Sherman Stamler
Ms. Marilyn S. Stamm
Ms. Emily B. Starkey
Mme. Marie-Monique Steckel
The Honorable and Mrs. Sidney H. Stein
Ms. Patricia Stensrud
Ms. Elise Stern
Ms. Sheila Stevenson
Mr. Ted Striggles and Ms. Deborah Sale
Mr. Whitney Stroh
Dr. and Mrs. William T. Stubenbord
Ms. Maia Szalavitz
Ms. Mary Tafuri
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Tanenbaum
Ms. Amanda Taylor
Mrs. Willo Taylor
Ms. Roselle M. Tekiner
Virginia M. Teller, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Teske
Mr. and Mrs. James Tozer
Ms. Rosita G. Trinca
Tropham Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Eileen Trupia
Mrs. Elizabeth D. Trussell
Reverend Neil C. Turton
The United Way of Tri-state
Mr. Peter Unrath
Mr. Richard R. Upton
Ms. Chloe Urban
UZI Designs by UZF
Mr. Pierre F. Vallet
The VSA Group
Mr. Ante Vucic
Mrs. Doris M. Wallace
Ms. and Kristina Stewart Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Waterman
Nathan A. Waxman, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weiner
Jack S. Weinstein, MD
Ms. Nancy Ann Weintraub
Ms. Ariane Wellin
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wesp
Mr. Steadman H. Westergaard
Ms. Lora L. Western
Mr. Timothy Whealon
Ms. Deborah A. White
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Whitmarsh
Mr. Reggie Williams
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Winchel
Mr. and Mrs. John Winslow
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Winthrop
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Wolcott, III
Ms. Alison V. Woolworth
Mr. Andrew B. Woolworth, Jr.
Ms. Nichole L. Wright
Mrs. Mary H. P. Wulsin
Mr. Michael Zenreich
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Zubatkin
Mr. F. Anthony Zunino
Anonymous (12)
Margarete Adler*
Patricia Alpert
Florence D. Auerbach*
Alma Avramova*
Nancy E. Bakst*
Rose Ball
Carol B. Baum-Schuh
Yvette Bendahan
Jewelle W. Bickford
Mary D. Bingham*
Alice C. Brown
Rev. William J. Chase*
Guy de Chazal
Andres Devendorf
Stuart D. Edwards
Janice and Bruce Ellig
Roger F. Evans Jr.*
William Feier
Louise G. Feuer*
L. Forbes-Sydney Forbes
Kathryn I. Fowler*
Valerie A. Freeland
Theresa A. Fritz*
Elizabeth P. Gardner*
Lorna Hyde Graev
Hedy P. Harman
Hattie Harvey*
Huyler C. Held
Alexandra and Paul Herzan
Kenneth Holzhauser*
Debbie and John Ingram
Carl Jacobs
Mrs. William D. Jenkins*
Ruth Kavesh
Hamilton F. Kean
Hope Klapper*
Joseph Kuhn
Mary A. Lathrop*
Harry Leone and Josephine Crespi-Leone
Lowell Lewis
Peter Listro
Clayton Mahle
Anne and Vincent Mai
Charles and Marilyn Marsden
Louise N. Marsden
Q. A. Shaw McKean Jr.*
Mrs. Henry B. Middleton
Clara S. Morris*
Roger Nelson
Lynn J. Nicholas, PsyD
Hope O’Connor
Susan Omansky*
Mrs. William H. Osborn
Alma Paulsen-Hoyer*
Charlotte Peaslee
Robert J. Price*
John S. Pyne
Kathryn Richmond
Arlene Lidsky Salomon
Jacqueline Salzer, MD
Julia Scott
Elizabeth Seidman
Dr. and Mrs. Emanuel Soshensky
Mrs. David Steinberg
Lee Fish Steinberg
Dr. David Sternberg*
George Teaney*
Henry P. van Ameringen
Mr. Dale Ward
Mrs. Paul O. Wiedmann
Should you wish to make a provision for Fountain House in your estate plans, you may use the sample legal language below for a general bequest.
“I give and bequeath [ _______________ dollars] [a specific asset] or [ ___________ percent of my residuary estate] to Fountain House, Inc., a not-for-profit
organization with its headquarters at 425 West 47th Street, New York, NY, for its general purposes.”
Alexandra A. Herzan
Lorna Hyde Graev
Henry P. van Ameringen
Charles J. Marsden
William B. Brannan
Ira T. Wender
Huyler C. Held
Guy L. de Chazal
Davida Adedjouma, LMSW
George H. Beane
John P. Casaly
Kim S. Fennebresque
Judy Finneran
Brandon Fradd, MD
Carmel W. Fromson
Thomas Geniesse
Carl T. Hagberg
Alistair Hanna, PhD
Peter A. Hinrichs
Hamilton F. Kean, Esq.
Anne Mai
Marlene Mieske, MS, RN
Lynn J. Nicholas, Psy.D
Howard Owens, MD
Vivian Palazzolo
Mario Rios Pinot
John S. Pyne
Arlene Lidsky Salomon
Julia Scott
Elizabeth Seidman
Kenneth J. Dudek
Marlene Mieske, MS, RN
George H. Beane
John P. Casaly
Lois L. Cowan
Guy L. de Chazal
Margaret S. Downs
Alan J. Doyle, EdD*
Kim Fennebresque
Judy Finneran
Carmel W. Fromson
Lorna Hyde Graev
Alistair Hanna, PhD
Maria Hernandez
Alexandra A. Herzan
Hamilton F. Kean, Esq.
Donny Lee*
Evelyn Lorentzen-Bell
Anne Mai
Charles J. Marsden
Tory Masters
Dennis J. McCrory, MD
Lynn Nicholas, PsyD
Howard Owens, MD
Marcia Owens
Vivian Palazzolo
Arlene Lidsky Salomon
Julia Scott
Betsy Seidman
Marta B. Varela
Lis Waterman
Ira T. Wender
Leslie Barbaro
Jeffrey Aron
Director of Development
Fountain House
the watsons
All names listed as of October 15, 2009
Sigurd Ackerman, MD
Ralph Aquila, MD
Robert Cancro, MD, Med.D.Sc.
Gabrielle A. Carlson, MD
Ken Duckworth, MD
Mark A. Frye, MD
Jimmie C. Holland, MD
Elizabeth A. Kastelic, MD
Peter D. Kramer, MD
Jeffrey A. Lieberman, MD
Gerald Maguire, MD
Una D. McCann, MD
Dennis J. McCrory, MD
W. Walter Menninger, MD
Mark Olfson, MD, MPH
Oliver Sacks, MD, FRCP
Gerard Sanacora, MD, PhD
William T. Stubenbord, MD
Peter Weiden, MD
Philip J. Wilner, MD, MBA
Silver Hill Hospital
St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital
NYU Langone Medical Center
Stony Brook University School of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Mayo Clinic Rochester
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Brown University School of Medicine
Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute
University of California, Irvine School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
The Menninger Foundation
Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute
Columbia University Medical Center
Yale University School of Medicine
Weill Cornell Medical College
University of Illinois at Chicago
New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical College
The board, members and staff of Fountain House who participated in this project.
425 West 47th Street, New York, NY 10036-2304
TEL 212.582.0341 ext. 1182 TTY for the Deaf: 212.581.2711
email: [email protected] www.fountainhouse.org