June 2012 - Dulles Gateway Obedience Training Club


June 2012 - Dulles Gateway Obedience Training Club
June 2012, Issue No.3
Open House May 12, 2012
Blue Ridge Veterinary Associates Purcellville, VA
On a sunny Saturday in May DGOTC participated at the open house at Blue Ridge Vet in Purcellville, VA. Our
training director, Marti Nottingham, was on site to offer CGC testing; we had members on hand to help answer any
questions the general public may have had about our services; and we hosted a small agility course that was open to
the public.
Special thanks to Marti Nottingham, Liz Moultrie, Maria Swezey, Andrea Brown, Ashley and Matt Monroe, Bobbie
Lutz, and Kristin Longhofer.
We also we pleased to see our president, Maureen Taylor, stop by to check in on the day’s activities.
Congratulations to Our Canine Good Citizen Graduates
DGOTC would like to recognize and congratulate our recent Canine Good Citizen
Erin Willis with Norton, Catherine Larmore with Sophie, Debra Arthur with Winston,
Laurie Peacock with Chessie, and Diane Boyd with Bear.
Way to go!
Kudos to Ann Hereford!!!
DGOTC was nice enough to allow me to borrow some equipment/fencing from the club for a charity Puppy Prance
sponsored by Paws4People.
Ann Hereford was great in helping me obtain the equipment. She was supportive and
flexible in helping me get the equipment at multiple locations before the event and return it shortly after the
Puppy Prance. We would have never been able to run some of the events without the equipment provided by the
club. Lisa Fredrich, DGOTC Member and Student
Instructor Praise
We had Suzi Dodson for Foundation for Agility and I really enjoyed working with her. She was more
patient than I can imagine and knew immediately when I was the one screwing up and not my dog. She
would stop me and show me how to do it without the dog, and then send me back to try again. I really
appreciated all her efforts and attitude with a challenging group. I will definitely sign up for another
class with Suzi. Thanks so very much, Mel and Dee (formerly known as the Demon Dog)
We had an absolute blast in class! You all were so helpful and helped us both gain confidence. We loved all the
exercises and running courses. Also, really appreciated how much time we got to spend on all of the equipment.
We are sorry class had to end....can't wait for next session!!! Thanks so much Liz, Maria, and
Ashley! Darbi and Nicole, Obstacle Confidence Class
Suzi Dodson is absolutely wonderful at explaining and demonstrating activities to get young dogs as
well as dogs new to agility to pay attention follow cues and enjoy exercises that prepare them to be a
member of a team. Brigid and Keltie, Foundation for Agility
Brandy Holzman assisted both Leslie and Holly in the handling class and as always did a fantastic job. Brandy
makes learning a lot of fun and helps bring out the "I can get this right" in each of us. Her great attitude was
a bright spot as she helped each team work through different handling skills. Gracie was more than happy to
work for her and I got to see my dog work without barking! Suzi and Gracie, Agility Handling
Gracie and I always look forward to taking a class from Holly, even if it's just one class. She stepped
in to help with the handling class. Her insight and knowledge is a blessing, especially when we need
help getting unstuck on a particular course sequence. Holly brings out the best in us as we mold our
dogs and selves into a better balanced team. Her encouragement is truly appreciated, even when we
want to give up; she gives us the boost we need to succeed. DGOTC is blessed to have a great group of
instructors. Suzi and Gracie, Agility Handling
I really like having 2-3 instructors. It enabled the participants to practice more (my dogs were exhausted, in
a good way!). Having the class flow well was really nice, not a lot of waiting around. Thank you instructors!
Andrea with Zeke and Eliza, Agility Handling and Obstacle Confidence
I would like to “sing my praises” to Leslie McLean for her great instruction in the handling class. Her
courses were challenging to both new and seasoned students. Leslie presented a fresh approach to
handling some not so common sequences. She offered personal insight to each student and help us
work out the kinks. I appreciate her coming out of retirement to teach the class. Suzi and
Gracie, Agility Handling
Say Cheese! May’s feature on our DGOTC Facebook page - student and member photo
submissions. Visit our Facebook page to see more and submit your own photos today.
Photo Courtesy of Chuck Bimba
Photo Courtesy of DGOTC Editor
Instructor Spotlight
Starring in this issue of the Instructor Spotlight is our
very own Clarissa Bergeman.
Editor’s note: After receiving this profile, we were
sorry to hear that Clarissa and her husband George lost
their 13.5-year old Corgi Anny after a brief battle with
Photo Courtesy of Clarissa Bergeman
Q: What is your name?
A: Clarissa Bergeman, CPDT-KA2.
Q: Where do you live?
A: I live outside Round Hill, VA.
Q: What is your favorite book?
A: The Other End of The Leash by Patricia McConnell,
Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Tri
Q: What hobbies do you have outside of dog
A: My husband George and I are avid walkers and enjoy
taking regular walks with our corgi.
Q: What kind of dogs do you own?
A: A 13-year-old Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
Q: How long have you been an instructor? What do
you teach?
A: I’ve been a DGOTC instructor since 2001 and have
taught Basic, Puppy, Rally, and Clicker classes.
Q: What got you interested in dog training?
A: I grew up on an Iowa farm surrounded by animals of
all sizes. Years later, shortly before I retired, we
acquired our Pembroke Welsh Corgi Anny, and she was
clearly a dog who enjoyed training and having a job to do.
I thought, “Training is such fun, we’ll continue until one
of us gets tired of this.” At age 13, I’m still showing
Anny in Veteran’s Rally, and judging by her expression,
she clearly still loves it!
Q: What was your most rewarding moment in your
career as a dog trainer?
A: As some members know, in 2008 George and I
produced a DVD on APDT Rally starring Anny as demo
dog and sanctioned by the Association of Dog Trainers.
In 2009, we were delighted to learn that our DVD was
one of three finalists nominated for Best DVD of 2009
by the Dog Writers Association of America. Although
we didn’t win the final award, we were invited to attend
the DWAA awards banquet which was held in NYC on the
evening before the opening of the Westminster Dog
Show. Anny accompanied us to the big apple and
enjoyed the visit as much as we did.
Q: Most important accomplishments with your dog?
A: I’ve truly enjoyed every canine activity in which we’ve
participated from tracking to trick shows to Rally O. I
guess amongst my proudest achievements would be the
fact that in 2006 Anny and I were ranked 14th in the
nation in APDT Rally competition. Also, in 2006 Anny
was ranked as the top corgi in the country in APDT Rally.
In 2007 she earned the ARCHEX title (APDT Rally
Champion Extraordinaire) and was nationally ranked in
the top 20 dogs of all breeds earning this title. 10.
Q: If you could give one piece of advice to anyone
at any level in their dog training what would it be?
A: Make training an enjoyable positive experience for
you and your dog. That way both of you will look forward
to a lifetime of fun-- whether or not you decide to
compete. In October of 2011, I attended a six-day
Peaceable Paws Intern Academy led by foremost dog
trainer and author Pat Miller, CPDT-KA, CDBC. In a
letter to us before the beginning of the internship, Pat
told us to prepare for a “physically and emotionally
exhausting week. “ She was right about the intensity,
but it was a thoroughly rewarding experience.
Dulles Gateway 4
Photos Courtesy of Clarissa Bergeman
In memory of Anny. Thank you for the joy
you spread in everyone’s lives.
Photo Courtsey of Clarissa Bergeman
Dulles Gateway 5
DGOTC Club Officers and Chair People
Maureen Taylor, President
Betsy Smith, Vice President
Ann Wells, Treasurer
Marion Lee, Secretary
Clarissa Bergeman, Member at Large
Pam Anderberg, Member at Large
Liz Moultrie, Field Secretary
Marti Nottingham, Training Director
Ashley Monroe, Membership
Ashley Monroe, Dulles “Scoop” Editor
Averill & Ken Ring, Website
June 8, 2012, Board Meeting, at the home of Maureen Taylor; all current DGOTC members are welcome and encouraged
to attend. Pot luck dinner at 6:30pm with the board meeting to follow at 7:00pm.
September 29-30th, 2012, Fall UKC Agility Trials
As President of the oldest Dog Training Club in Northern Virginia I want to thank all club members for their volunteer
support and dedication to the continued success of the club. We are fast approaching the summer solstice and facing
the Board are many important decisions in the second half of the year that will impact the club in the future.
One no-brainer is the offer from Blue Ridge Vet in Purcellville Virginia. They have offered to allow DGOTC to hold their
classes indoors at their newly constructed building for no charge for the next 12 months. I reviewed the space and it’s
perfect for dog training classes. Therefore, DGOTC should welcome this generous offer which I hope will be available by
our August session.
I feel confident that DGOTC received this offer based on our reputation in the dog training field. However, in order to
maintain and increase our knowledge in training dogs, I want to focus the balance of my term as President in developing
continuing education for our instructors/assistants so as to maintain a high level of competence as we face increased
competition in dog training.
Happy Training Days!
Maureen Taylor, President
Dulles Gateway 6
DGOTC is on FACEBOOK; make sure to “like” us today
Member Submissions Welcome and Encouraged:
Who Can Submit?
What to Submit?
When to Submit?
How to Submit?
DGOTC Members
Photos, brags, special thanks, etc.
Submissions will be due by the 15th of the month prior to publication
Email to the Scoop Editor at [email protected]
We hope everyone will consider contributing towards our newsletter. The more we share, the better informed we will be, and
who doesn’t want that? Please feel free to contact the editor with questions, comments, suggestions, in addition to your
newsletter submissions anytime during the year.
Ashley Monroe, DGOTC Scoop Editor
Dulles Gateway 7