

Vol. XXVI, No.5
Hinky Dinky
Sunday,Sept. 12
Omaha, Nebraska
July 21st marked the ribboncutting ceremony opening the newest,
largest, most ultra-modern supermarket in the Hinky Dinky chain of
42 stores across the states of Nebraska
and Iowa.
112 in the Gateway
Shopping Center at Lincoln, Nebraska
replaced the smaller Store 62 which
had operated in Gateway for the past
ten years.
Presiding at the ribbon-cutting
ceremony was Lincoln Mayor Sam
Schwartzkopf, Mr. George B. Cook,
president of Bankers Life of Nebraska,
and Hinky Dinky President C. A.
The new store, over 26,000 square
feet in size, is the first Hinky Dinky
Store in Lincoln (there are four) to
have an in-store bake-off bakery, a
delicatessen, and a. Fresh Flower
Twelve checkstands were unable to
accommodate all the customers, so
successful was the grand opening, and
two more were quickly installed for
temporary use.
The recessed mercury vapor lighting used throughout the store complimented the bright, cheerful colors
of the decor and the hanging gazebo
Location manager Gary Dallman,
assistant manager Ron Busboom, and
market manager Harry Kolb treated
fellow employees to a sneak preview
of the beautiful new store on Tuesday
evening, prior to the grand opening on
Wednesday morning. Assorted rolls
and cookies from the store bakery and
coffee were served.
in the
of Hinky
Dinky Super
na c
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Active Member of
of Business
of Business Communicators.
Editor and Photographer.
. . . . . Joyce Gwin
Hinky Dinky Store
36th & Q
Omaha, Nb.
Attn: Manager
Dear Sir:
We have shopped at your fine store
for the past five years. We have always
been pleased with your excellent services and products.
However, I feel you deserve a
special "Thank you" for your labeling
of environmentally safe products.
Also for your fine cooperation in
allowing the use of your parking lot
for the various re-cycling drives. You
are certainly to be commended.
(signed) Mrs. James C. Collin
sanitation, has announced a change of
product used in the Hinky Dinky
Sanitation program.
The Honorable Sam Schwartzkopf, Mayor of Lincoln (center) honored Hinky Dinky by
cutting the ribbon at the Grand Opening of Store 112. Mr. George B. Cook, on the left, is
president of Bankers Life of Nebraska, the developers of the Gateway Shopping Center
where Store 112 is located.
To the right of Mayor Schwartzkopf is Hinky Dinky president, C. A. "Chuck" Monasee,
holding the microphone of one of the newsmen covering the ceremony.
gradual changeover in all Hinky Dinky
stores will take place as the present
stock of white uniforms is diminished.
One Stroke Environ, the new item,
will produce cleaner and more
attractive stores which will better
employee morale. Skin infections and
lost time will be drastically reduced
by use of the new cleaner-sanitizer.
Higher sanitation standards will be
achieved by proper usage of this
product. Another reason why "Hinky
Dinky is THE place to shop and
work," says Harold.
The grand opening of Store 112
introduced a new look of uniforms for
Hinky Dinky checkers.
Carla Stoddard, checker at Store
112 in Lincoln, is shown wearing the
President Chuck Monasee and location
new smock which is navy blue with manager Gary Dallman were all smiles the
red and white trim. With them the
day of the grand opening and well they
girls are allowed to wear slacks or should be! The store was beautiful, the
skirts of complementary colors. The weather was grand and everything planned
Lincoln checkerettes looked very went along smoothly. Lincoln's response was
fashionable in their new attire and the all that could be hoped for.
A determined young man with a goal in mind! That's
Darell Deprez, manager of Hinky Dinky Store 37 at
Columbus, Nebraska.
While working full-time for Hinky Dinky, Darell took
advantage of our Tuition Refund Program to help finance
his education. And he was graduated this June from
Midland College in Fremont. In addition to this Darell
recently completed a Cornell Food Industry Management
Home Study Course in Personnel Management and
Darell started out as a stock clerk in 1968 at Hinky
Dinky Store 56 in Fremont. Later he was transfered to
Norfolk, Store 102 and from there was promoted to
location manager at Columbus.
Three other employees of the Columbus store have
taken advantage of the Tuition Refund Program and have
completed Cornell courses. Assistant manager Jim
Schroeder completed the course in Personnel Management
and Training; Paul Nieuwenhuis, produce clerk, completed
Economics for Business, and Robert Podraza, a stocker,
completed Accounting 1.
All full-time employees of Hinky Dinky are eligible for
one-half tuition refund through the Tuition Refund
Program for approved educational courses taken at an
accredited high school or college. Another method is by
taking the Cornell Food Industry Management Home
Study courses. Hinky Dinky currently has twenty
employees enrolled in this type of course.
Full-time employees who wish to take one of the
courses or a regular high school or college course may
receive a refund by obtaining their store manager's
on a Tuition Refund form and
submitting it along with their receipt to the Personnel
Hinky Dinky Supermarkets and the Des Moines Jay
Cees sponsored a Watermelon Feed Saturday, August 14,
to help defray hospital and medical expenses for two
II-year old members of the All Star Little League team of
Newton, Iowa. "All the watermelon you can eat for only
50c per person" was the slogan for the day, according to
officials of both groups.
Ice-cold watermelon was served by Jay Cees members
from melon tubs located on the Hinky Dinky parking lots
at 27th and Ingersoll and S.W. 9th, from noon unti15 p.m.
Proceeds from the Watermelon Feed will be turned over
to the Jay Cees Fund for Edward Lockman and Rick
Modlin, who were seriously injured in a Des Moines
automobile accident, about four weeks ago. Both boys are
now recuperating in their homes in Newton, Iowa. Also
injured in the accident were Edward Lockman's parents, a
sister and friend.
This extra employee benefit is an excellent opportunity
for those full-time employees who wish to further their
education and work for advancement in the company.
October 9th will be Hinky Dinky day as Drake
University squares off against Northern Iowa at the Drake
stadium in Des Moines. We have made arrangements for a
one-free-with-one-ticket deal for any seat in the house.
(Continued on Page 8)
President Monasee has announced
the promotion of Allan Noddle to
assistant director of sales.
Allan joined the Hinky Dinky staff
in 1965 and has served as a
buyer-merchandiser and director of
grocery sales. Presently Allan will
continue to be responsible for the
Grocery Department as well as assist
Murray Newman, director of sales, in
of the Sales
Allan has been an active company
representative in the Omaha Junior
Achievement program and serves as an
He attended Central High School in
Office hours were unexpectedly cut short Monday, July
26th when the main power panel shorted out and started a
fire in the compressor room.
Two explosions were felt in the office about 3 o'clock
and all the power shut off. When smoke was found coming
out of the compressor room just off the back stairway the
office was evacuated.
With no power, the switchboard was out of working
order so Vice-President Ken Shidler hurried over to the
nearby fire station to report the alarm.
The fire was quickly brought under control with a
minimum of damage and the power was restored in almost
twelve hours to the minute.
and the University of
Nebraska. He holds a Bachelor of
in Business
Administration and is a member of
Beta Gamma Sigma and Zeta Beta
East District
Paul Lansing, market manager Store
66 to market manager store 58.
John Levy, journeyman, Store 66
to market manager, Store 66.
Gary Booten, produce training,
Store 57 to produce manager, Store
Roger McClanahan, clerk, Store 24
to produce manager, Store 24.
Dan Corcoran, produce manager at Hinky Dinky
Supermarket 100 was second place winner of Region C in
received a $75.00 cash prize for his efforts.
Entries. consisted of photographs of special prune and
prune juice displays, plus sales reports and optional
comments. These were judged on their originality,
practicality for normal store operations, and selling
Dan was presented his prize by Joe Kenney of Kenney
Brokerage Co. (shown on the right) and Don Hale (left).
It was Hinky Dinky Night at the Ball Game July 16 when the Omaha Royals played
Indianapolis. Free tickets were available at Omaha stores for the game and a near capacity
crowd attended.
One. . . two. . . three. . . and you're out!
Hinky Dinky home economist Helen Davis
took the mound to throw out the game ball.
lJuta eJutehd
(Editors note: I am using notes from Store
62, Lincoln, first since this will be their last.
Store 62 was closedJuly 21 when Store 112
opened to replace it.)
Store 13, Omaha
"Hinks" softball team is currently in
second place in the Ed Stanek League with a
7-1 record. On the team from Store 13 are
Store 62, Lincoln
Dennis Paben (produce clerk) and Connie
Roehr of Beatrice were married June 5 and
honeymooned two weeks in Black Hills, So.
Bob McClain, Loyal Drey and Marvin "The
Kangaroo" Swanda. Also adding support is
Al Middleton of the district management
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brennan have a new
son born May 15, named Curtis Adam and
weighing8 lb., 2Yzoz.
Bob Arkfeld made sports page headlines
in the Lincoln Journal in June. Ex-all-city
Pius X baseballer Bob Arkfeld, now a NU
student says, "if a fellow is too old to play
American Legion ball, there isn't any
program for him in Lincoln anymore."
But Bob didn't just sit around lamenting
the situation. He got on the phone and
started calling others who made their mark
as prep standouts in the Capital City during
the pa~t--few years. He worked on getting
uniforms, bats and balls and a place to play.
The city made Elks Field available, they
lined up a bunch of games, got in a league,
and are ready to go.
Karen Hosek, the office girl for Store 62,
received the honor of being chosen Nebraska
Wesleyan University Tau Kappa Epsilon
Fraternity Sweetheart.
This concludes the notes from Store 62
but I am sure we will be hearing more about
these fine people under the heading "Store
Store 37, Columbus
Store 37 enjoyed a store picnic on
Sunday, June 27th. Leroy Gillham, market
manager, was acclaimed champion horseshoe
pitcher and challenged all comers.
Store 49, North Platte
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Keith are rejoicingover
a new baby girl born June 25th. Her name is
Our sympathy to Bob McClain whose
Kristie Lynn and she weighed 7Yzlbs.
father-in-law passed away June 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Klemke celebrated
their third wedding anniversary on July
Store 22,Omaha
(The following item was receIvedtoo late
for our last issue.)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leckenby and
family enjoyed a trip to the Colorado
mountains fishing at Taylor Lake.
Cindy Harper, former part-timer at Store Store 55, Des Moines
52, and daughter of Audrey Heflin, gave
Alan Gathercole, produce department,
birth to a 8 lb. 3 oz. girl, Cheryl Denise, on has become engaged to Donna Rasmussen.
April 6. Audrey and Gene Heflin recently
celebrated their 41st anniversary.
A daughter, Elizabeth Ann, was born to
Larry and Elaine Creagan on May 26. The
little miss weighed 7 Ibs. 15 oz.
Store 33, Nebraska City
Edward Eugene Clark, born June 9th in Store 56, Fremont
Frankfurt, Germany, weighed 8 Ibs. 1 oz.
Joy Bartling, part-time office girl, was
Parents are Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Clark. married to Warren Rink on July 9th.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown
Bill and Lucile Hemmer and girlsenjoyed
(location manager Store 33). The proud
grandparents plan a vacation in Germany in a three week vacation to Florida and New
August to get acquainted.
Store 57, Council Bluffs
It was the 25th anniversary for Emma
Smith and husband, Lee, on May 21st; the
25th anniversary for Jeanne Horner and
husband, Don, on May 24. 24th anniversary
for Jeanne Horner and husband, Don, on
May 24.
Jessie Meyer and Evelyn Hurd, members
of the Harmony Lounge Team of the Gutter
Dusters League in Council Bluffs, took first
place again this year. Congratulations, girls!
We extend our sympathy to the Ron
Diekmans on the loss of his father May 28.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eckes have named their
new son born June 25th Robert Jay Eckes,
Jr. The baby weighed 8 lbs. 5 oz.
Carrie Bogardus
of the bakery
department, and her husband, Kenneth,
celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary
on June 5.
Betty Johnson, Jessie Meyer and Florine
Allmon bowled in the Iowa Women's
Bowling Tournament in Sioux City and all
won some prize money!
Store 69, Lincoln
Wedding bells were ringing around Store
69 in July.
LeRoy Umphres and Jan Marie Church
were married July 10; John Becker and
Rhonda Stemm were married July 31; and
Ray Wright and Connie Lear were married
July 31. Congratulations and best wishes to
all three couples.
Pat Bourne, wife of manager Ken Bourne,
was KLINS Queen of the House on June 31.
She received flowers, dinner tickets for two
and theater tickets.
Store 70, Des Moines
Donna Irving, Store 70 and Bob Murphy,
Store 66 are planning a September wedding.
Gwen and Lonnie Overton celebrated
their lIth wedding anniversary on July 2
and John and Linda Hauck celebrated their
Store 106, McCook
Linda Siebrandt and Michael Ide were
united in marriage June 18. The couple
honeymooned in South Dakota.
Store 68, Grand Island
Checker Carol Beery and part-timer
Ronald George, produce department, have
announced their engagement. Both are
Gordon Birch took a two week trip (with
students at Kearney State College.
his bus) to Texas.
Head cashier Colleen Johnson and her
Rolyn Knappert is taking a two week
husband Rodney vacationed for two weeks
to Colorado Springs, Denver and on
in Portland, Oregon and California with
up to Wyoming.
Ilene Ball, checker, and family vacationed
Rosie Blauvelt bowled a 212 game in the
in Colorado.
Hinky Dinky Women's League. Teri Schaffer
won a bowling trophy for the most
improved bowler in the Monday League.
Mrs. Gordon Birch was elected President
of Mrs. Jaycees.
Murray Dugger had a week's vacation at
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Frank Gower went on a week-end fishing
spree to Rock Springs, Wy. and caught one
of the biggest fish (10 Ibs.) for that season.
Store 600, St. Joseph
Michael Liperia is going to Denver on
J. D. Snapp recently returned from the
Lake of the Ozarks where he vacationed.
The store held a company picnic at Sugar
Lake on July 18th.
Michael Morris reported for active duty in
the reserves on Aug. 8.
Pat and Mary Lou Poulson named their
baby girl born May 21, Tammy Lynn.
Tammy weighed 6 Ibs. 15 oz.
Randy Beck, son of truck driver Jerry
Beck, had an unfortunate "BB" gun accident
in May and lost the sight of his left eye. He
was confined in Mercy Hospital in Council
Bluffs for a week.
from the Hot lineby HelenDavis
It is fair time again and Hinky Dinky is going to have a
booth at both the Iowa State Fair and the Nebraska State
Fair. Susan McKinley, our Helen Davis representative in
Des Moines and some of our Des Moines employees are
going to man the display in Des Moines from 9 a.m. to 8
p.m. from August 20 through August 29. Mrs. Bobbie
Goeser from HDDC and I will be running the booth at the
Nebraska State Fair in Lincoln from September 2 through
the 8th. Do stop by and say hello. We are going to
publicize the many happy differences at Hinky Dinky in
these displays, such as the Helen Davis program (of course)
E.V.T., Silver Dollar Guarantee, Measure Pricing in some
stores, Freshness Explained, Total Savings and many
Once again Hinky Dinky is participating in Business and
Industry and Education Day sponsored by the Omaha
Chamber of Commerce. We will have twenty teachers as
guests to tour our distribution center and a store. We
explain our business to the teachers and what they can do
Thirsty? Looking for a tal/, cool drink? Then this Shasta Pop
to help prepare their students for the food industry. We tower in Hinky Dinky Store 61 is just the answer!! This colorful
are looking forward to another successful B.LE. Day on display is pretty hard to pass by and was certain to catch the
shopper's eye as he entered the store.
September 3.
(Con tinued from Page 4)
And to further identify our company with Des Moines
and its only university we will sponsor DRAKE
FOOTBALL games on radio station KCBC. Hinky Dinky
will share a quarter sponsorship with Home Federal
Savings, Mid Continent Bottlers, and Vicker's Refining.
This involves 11 football games (home and away). The
spots: two 60 second commercials, six 30 second
commercials, eight 10 second commercials and an opening
and closing identification.
We set a record last year - the largest crowd in the
history of Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo turned out for
Hinky Dinky Day. This year will be even better for Hinky
Dinky Day - August 30th, a week before school starts.
Again Hinky Dinky will provide FREE tickets to the
Henry Doorly Zoo for every child under 12 years of age
who is accompanied by an adult. The adults will pay
regular admission.
This was announced Saturday, August 21, on our Zoo
Time TV Show. FREE ZOO TICKETS will also be the
theme of our Wednesday, August 25, newspaper ad and
week-end radio and television ads.
The tickets will be available at all Omaha-Bluffs Hinky
Dinky checkstands August 22 through August 30.
Hinky Dinky will also provide free peanuts for the kids
to feed the animals. Each child, as he enters the zoo, will
be able to scoop up a handful of peanuts to feed the

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