HIA Spring 2016.indd


HIA Spring 2016.indd
Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association • Summer 2016 • Volume 36 • Number 1
Executive Committee
Amy Poag, Chair
Milton Lovell, Vice Chair & Legal Counsel
Emily Woodside, Secretary
Michelle Fulmer, Treasurer
Mark Finestone
Yvonne Madlock
Kojo McLennon
Rev. Dorothy Wells
Rabbi Katie Bauman
Aarti Bowman
Dr. Stephen Cook
Deborah Craddock
Edward Dobbs
Gregory M. Duckett
Rev. Milton Hawkins
Paula Jacobson
Ken Jones
Margaret McLean
Norma J. Oliver
Judy Royal
Sehrish Siddiqui
Chris Suhoza
Dr. Bianca Sweeten
Peter Tosches
Executive Director
Sally Jones Heinz
Hope in Action Staff
Ellen Whitten, Editor
[email protected]
(901) 529- 4507
Terri Jones, Designer
James Seacat, Communications Director
The centerpiece of this year’s Founders Day event
was an interfaith discussion among panelists
representing different faith communities. Pictured
are Rev. Virzola Law, MIFA Inter-Faith & Community
Outreach Officer Linda Marks, Rev. Ryan Starr, and
Bluma Zuckerbrot-Finkelstein.
Summer 2016
Dear friends,
Picture a room with 200 people of different
faiths and ethnicities in animated conversation
together, honoring outstanding volunteers and
donors and exploring the challenges of working
together for the health of our community.
This was the scene on the evening of March 31
in the parish hall of Church of the Holy Communion, our 2016 Founders Day celebration.
In many ways it was a microcosm of the
MIFA family. From even before its founding,
Congressman Steve Cohen and Sally Heinz
MIFA grew out of a conviction that our diversity
is a plus and that a thriving community must
be built on respect for the dignity of all people. We have always been a place where people
could come together to know, understand, and serve each other. As we step outside our
familiar paths, experiencing the lives of people we might not have otherwise known,
strangers become neighbors. We recognize ourselves in people we might have been
unlikely to know, and we are enriched by differences as we come to understand them.
When we work together, our worlds become wider and deeper, and transformation occurs.
As always, I am deeply grateful for your interest and support as we build a better
Memphis together.
Sally Jones Heinz
Executive Director
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208 OUR VISION: Uniting the community through service.
Building a stronger community through interfaith conversation
Uniting the community through service is MIFA’s vision, and
experiences in interfaith settings, their celebrations and struggles,
and their ideas about ways to strengthen the interfaith community
in Memphis.
On March 31, at our second Founders Day Celebration, we
honored the myriad ways our interfaith tradition and commitment play out. Over 200 people from diverse backgrounds
gathered at Church of the Holy Communion for an evening of
conversation, recognition, and envisioning.
Ms. Zuckerbrot-Finkelstein clearly expressed the fundamental
interfaith imperative: “Tonight we are enthusiastic about our focus
on coming together to build awareness and to serve. The challenge
is to put this energy into action tomorrow and in the days to come.”
48 years after our founding the concepts of “community” and
“service” continue to expand.
Congressman Steve
Cohen opened the
program by thanking
the Memphis Islamic
community for their
generous sponsorship
of the event and
expressing his thanks to MIFA for fostering interfaith dialogue
and cooperation through the years.
The centerpiece of the program was a panel discussion on the
topic Interfaith in Memphis: The Time is Now, an exploration of
ways in which MIFA can enhance its role as the leader in interfaith work in Memphis. The panel (pictured above), moderated
by Rev. Harry Durbin, Vice-President of Faith and Health at
Methodist-LeBonheur Healthcare, included Imam Anwar
Arafat of Masjid Ar-Rahman, Rev. Virzola Law of Lindenwood
Christian Church, and Bluma Zuckerbrot-Finkelstein of Jewish
Community Partners. The panelists were asked to respond,
from their diverse points of view, to questions about their
MIFA’s interfaith roots were
beginning to form as early
as 1929, when Rabbi Harry
W. Ettelson called together
a group of rabbis, priests,
and ministers to explore
ways in which the faith
community could address
the problems of discrimination, poverty, and injustice in Memphis. The precedent they set led
to the formation of other groups over the years, all with a similar
For several decades interfaith groups like Rabbi Ettelson’s Cross-Cut
Club and the Memphis Round Table of the National Conference
of Christians and Jews (later named the National Conference for
Community and Justice) continued to meet. But in 1968 social
unrest in Memphis reached its pinnacle. Dr. King had just been
killed, and out of that tragedy grew an unprecedented cooperative
effort uniting church and community leaders to confront the growing
issues of poverty, hunger, and social division. The product of that
effort was MIFA.
OUR MISSION: Supporting the independence of vulnerable seniors and families in crisis through high-impact programs.
Summer 2016
MIFA began as a volunteer-driven advocacy agency, moving into direct service
in the ‘70s, when local VISTA volunteers were crucial to the creation of our first
programs. Today, MIFA supports the independence of vulnerable seniors and
families in crisis through high-impact programs.
That we survived our early years at all is
a credit to our founders, whose determination and dedication to a lofty cause kept
this organization together when external
challenges threatened to tear it apart.
These brave men and women assembled
from diverse backgrounds and beliefs in
the name of service at a time when social
causes were neither popular nor fashionable. They faced the daunting challenge
of unifying representatives of a broad
spectrum of theologies and ethnicities
around a common goal, and that challenge
is no less daunting today. No matter how
strong our commitment to interfaith is,
we all have deep roots, connected with
The following outstanding supporters were inducted into the
Benefactors’ Circle in honor of their lifetime giving of more
our individual faiths, in complex issues
than $250,000: Bob and Deborah Craddock, Germantown
and situations where there can be conflict.
Presbyterian Church, and Billie Anne (pictured above, with MIFA
Without denying or ignoring our many
Board Vice-Chair and Legal Counsel Milton Lovell) and the late
David G. Williams.
differing points of view, our goal is to
continue finding ways to come together to
build a stronger, kinder, more flourishing community. Our deepest thanks go to all
who follow our founders in this compelling venture. As the spirit at Founders Day
made clear, it is a rejuvenating adventure as well.
Pictured are event attendees (top) Dr. Nabil Bayakly and Rabbi
Joel Finkelstein, (middle) MIFA CFO Cecil McGee and Ward Mayer,
and (bottom) Saadia Omer and Bluma Zuckerbrot-Finkelstein.
— Founders Day Awards —
Congratulations to these recipients
for their extraordinary support
of MIFA’s work.
Leonard Blakely
James Marchant Wood, Jr.
MIFA Meals on Wheels Award
Ben Bledsoe
E. J. Goldsmith
Volunteer of the Year Award
Kingsway Christian Church
Faith in Action Award
Ward Mayer
Annabelle Whittemore Award
WRJ Sisterhood, Temple Israel
Pathfinder Award
— Benefactors’ Circle Inductees —
We welcome these new members, whose
lifetime giving has had a tremendous
impact on MIFA’s continued success.
(Top row) MIFA Director of Special Events Charlie Nelson and Leonard Blakely; Rev. Ryan Starr and Rita Jorgensen of Kingsway
Christian Church; MIFA Director of Emergency Services Phyllis Phillips and Ben Bledsoe; Natalie Royal and Stephani Infield of
the WRJ Sisterhood. (Bottom row) Pastor Jay Howell, Billie Anne Williams, Bob and Deborah Craddock, and Dr. Will Jones;
Jonathan Smith and Rogean Cadieux-Smith, Peggy Bodine, Sara Holmes, Julia Allen, Barbara Wilson, and Missie McDonnell.
Bob & Deborah Craddock
Germantown Presbyterian Church
Billie Anne & David G. Williams
Lip Sync Plus winner
Latasha Peeples steals the show
Plus-1 came full circle when Latasha Peeples, pictured with her grandmother,
Addie L. Mitchell, took home the grand prize at the Lip Sync Plus event.
They received assistance from Plus-1 when Latasha was a child.
On April 14, we hosted our inaugural Lip Sync Plus Grand
Championship, in partnership with MLGW and held at
Hard Rock Café to support the Plus-1 program.
Contestants in the live event were selected by popular vote
from their online video submissions. Those winners—David
Page, Carlie Lawrence, Aristarchus Neely, and Latasha
Peeples—went head-to-head against each other and celebrity
contestants rapper Al Kapone, Food Network star Gina Neely,
1070 WDIA host Bev Johnson, The Bar-Kays’ Larry Dodson,
and Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland. Performances—which
ranged from Marvin Gaye and Otis Redding to Prince, Tina
Turner, and Metallica—were judged by I Love Memphis
blogger Holly Whitfield, rapper Frayser Boy, and WMC-TV
anchor Joe Birch. Comedian Katrina Coleman served as emcee.
Latasha Peeples brought down the house, first with a convincing rendition of Michael Jackson’s “Man in the Mirror,” complete with white
glove and signature dance moves, then taking the second round with
Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars’ hit “Uptown Funk.”
But it was Latasha’s acceptance speech that really stole the show. “This
is the lady who raised me,” she said, introducing her 72-year-old grandmother, Addie L. Mitchell, who took a bus to Phoenix, Arizona, in 1983
to take custody of a seven-week-old granddaughter she had never met.
“Since that day in June,” Latasha said, “my grandmother has been the
wind beneath my wings.” Latasha went on to explain that, when times
were particularly tough during her childhood, they received help from
Plus-1 to keep the lights on. “My grandmother was on a fixed income,
and we had limited resources but found out about the Plus-1 program.”
Latasha exited the stage with a trophy and a pair of Southwest Airlines
tickets to greet her proud grandmother, who now resides in assisted
living following a stroke in 2012. “I wanted to make Momma proud,”
she said.
Thanks to our Lip Sync Plus partners: MLGW, Hard Rock Cafe, Tennessee Valley Authority, New Horizon Apartments, The Scheidt Family Foundation,
Beautiful Colored Girls, WMC Action News 5, Southwest Airlines, Launchpad 6, Memphis Comedy Festival, and Mr. Lincoln’s Costume Shoppe.
Summer 2016
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
OUR VISION: Uniting the community through service.
March for Meals helps
raise awareness of senior hunger
Bartlett Mayor Keith McDonald served lunch at Bartlett Senior
Center during Community Champions Week.
continue building the support that enables them to deliver nutritious meals,
friendly visits, and safety checks to America’s seniors all year long.
This year, MIFA participated in the 14th annual March
for Meals, a month-long, nationwide celebration of Meals
on Wheels and the homebound and vulnerable seniors
who rely on its vital safety net.
Since 2002, Meals on Wheels America has led this annual
awareness campaign in an effort to close the gap between
seniors in need and the services we provide, which is
widening due to increased demand with a rapidly aging
population combined with declining public and private
resources and rising food, transportation, and operational
costs. In March, hundreds of local Meals on Wheels providers like MIFA reached out to their communities to
“The Meals on Wheels ‘more than just a meal’ model addresses three of the
biggest threats of aging: isolation, hunger, and loss of independence,” said
Meals on Wheels America President and CEO Ellie Hollander. “More than
ever, we must join forces to meet the needs of the fastest growing population in America who want to be able to live at home for as long as they can.
It not only makes economic sense to enable seniors to stay healthy and safe
at home, but it improves the health and vibrancy of our communities and
our nation at large.”
Several local officials participated in Community Champions Week as part
of March for Meals, including Shelby County Commissioner Willie Brooks,
who served meals at our Highland Meadows congregate site; Memphis
Mayor Jim Strickland, who visited MIFA for a tour and spoke with volunteer Leonard Blakely, the recipient of our 2016 James Marchant Wood, Jr.,
MIFA Meals on Wheels Award; Shelby County Mayor Mark Luttrell, who
served meals at East Senior Center; Collierville Mayor Stan Joyner, who
delivered a route from Cox Community Center; and Bartlett Mayor Keith
McDonald, who served lunch at Bartlett Senior Center. Our March for
Meals sponsor United Healthcare also visited MIFA and delivered Meals
on Wheels during Champions Week.
OUR MISSION: Supporting the independence of vulnerable seniors and families in crisis through high-impact programs.
Summer 2016
Your last chance! Experience it
for the first time — or again for the last time.
10 . 6 . 2016
Presenting Sponsor
SunTrust Bank
Rhythm & Blues Sponsor
Hallelujah Sponsor
Brown Missionary Baptist Church
Funk Sponsors
nexAir, LLC
State Systems, Inc.
Soul Sponsor
Gerber Taylor
Memphis BBQ Pit
Travel Leaders—Poplar
Rock ‘n’ Roll Sponsors
Church of the Holy Communion
FedEx Solutions
Kele, Inc.
Memphis Convention & Visitors Bureau
Emily Woodside & Bill Falvey
Yuletide Office Solutions
To become a sponsor, contact Genevieve Hill-Thomas, (901) 529- 4571 or [email protected].
To become a host, contact Dorothy McClure, (901) 529- 4523 or [email protected].
(Sponsors as of May 19)
Summer 2016
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
OUR VISION: Uniting the community through service.
MIFA gratefully acknowledges the following gifts of stock received November 1, 2015 – April 30, 2016 for MIFA’s annual fund. These gifts
help MIFA meet the current needs of vulnerable seniors and families in crisis with high-impact services that sustain and support them.
For a complete listing of recent gifts, please visit mifa.org/contributions.
NOTE: This list does not include gifts or pledges made by those generous donors who support MIFA’s Campaign to Endow Independence.
The MIFA Independence Fund is a financial safety net for MIFA’s future, ensuring that we will continue to provide vital services and visionary
leadership for years to come. For a complete list of MIFA’s endowment supporters, please visit mifa.org/endowment.
Individuals & Personal
$50,000 - $60,000
Mrs. Sara Dobbs
$25,000 - $49,999
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Craddock
The Mustang Fund
$15,000 - $24,999
Sylvia G. Marks
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Thornton III
$10,000 - $14,999
Glenna Boales Flautt
Peter Formanek Charitable Trust
Mrs. Rose M. Johnston
Mrs. Mary W. Minor
Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Morton
Phyllis & David Scruggs
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Stokes
The Turley Foundation, Inc.
$7,500 - $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Marion S. Boyd, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry F. Gay
Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Kosten
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Jean F. Norfleet
Gayle S. Rose Foundation, Inc.
$5,000 - $7,499
Carol & Bert Barnett
Gwen & Chris Beard
Carmen & Matthew Bond
The Canale Foundation, Inc.
Karen C. & Preston H. Dorsett
Dr. Kristen & Mr. Doug Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Engelberg
Doris & Fred Feder
Sondra & Bill Fondren
Gerre W. Gourley
Mrs. Sara Holmes
Dr. Jeanne & Mr. Frank Z. Jemison, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Johnson
Mimsy & Frank A. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Jackson W. Moore
Julie & Jim Raines
Linda W. Rhea
The Scheidt Family Foundation, Inc.
Schilling Enterprises Fund
Erin & Ray Schultz
Mr. Andrew B. Scoggin
Mrs. Estelle K. Sheahan
Mrs. Mary Lapides Shela
& Mr. Jason Shela
Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Whitman
Mrs. David G. Williams, Sr.
$2,500 - $4,999
Mr. Zack Bacon
Dr. & Mrs. Felix L. Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. G. Douglas Edwards
Camilla & Mark Evans and children
Ms. Emily Woodside & Dr. Bill Falvey
Martha & Robert Fogelman
Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Gibson II
Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Howell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander P. Jekels
OUR MISSION: Supporting the independence of vulnerable seniors and families in crisis through high-impact programs.
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Maxwell, Jr.
Menke Foundation
Mrs. Anne D. Roane
The Robinson Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Thad S. Rodda, Jr.
Ms. Randa Rosenblum
Bruce R. & Jane Scharding Smedley
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Svoboda
The Sunshine Fund
Mrs. Lucy W. Turnbull
Blanche & Bobby Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Dabney S. Wellford
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon M. Wellford
Laurel & Russ Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis C. Williamson, Jr.
Ms. Jane E. Wills
Mydelle Wilson
$1,000 - $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Ben C. Adams, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Rex Amonette
Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Andrews, Jr.
Norma & Olin Atkins
Summer 2016
Mrs. Barbara B. Bacharach
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barnhart
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Bell, Jr.
Dr. William & Annette Bickers
Dr. Peggy J. Bodine
Mr. & Mrs. Walker Bolton
Mr. & Mrs. Hallam Boyd, Jr.
Mrs. B. Snowden Boyle, Jr.
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
Dr. & Mrs. Maury Bronstein
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Brown, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joel W. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Larry H. Bryan
Ms. Joyce A. Mollerup
& Mr. Robert H. Buckman
Gail & Steve Buckman
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Byers, Jr.
Mrs. Tia M. Byrd
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Callihan
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Cheek
The Reverend & Mrs. Reynolds S. Cheney II
Congressman Stephen I. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Coleman
Margaret & Bill Craddock
Ms. Renée Castle & Mr. Robert L. Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. Hal D. Crenshaw
Meg & Scott Crosby
Alice & Matt Crow
Laurie & Doug Daniel
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Daughdrill
Mrs. Barbara Jo Dean
Mrs. Barbara A. Denley
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Drain
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Duckett
Jane & John Dulin
Ms. Nancy D. Ellis
Babs & Jef Feibelman
Summer 2016
Gloria & Eddie Felsenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Finestone
Dr. & Mrs. James Christian Fleming
Margo & Mark Fogelman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Francis
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Gilliland
Mr. & Mrs. W. Jerry Gillis
E. J. Goldsmith, Jr. Fund
Sharon & Mike Goldstein
Donna & Bob Goodman
Martha & Jerrold Graber
Rabbi & Mrs. Micah D. Greenstein
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Griesbeck
Brenda & Fred Grinder
Mrs. Henry Haizlip, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. W. R. Hanna, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Harris
Miss Woody Harwood
Kathy Hayek
Dr. & Mrs. Haywood H. Henderson, Jr.
Mr. Roy W. Hendrix, Jr.
Mrs. Page Price Henrion
Mr. & Mrs. Jon-Paul Hickey
Ms. Carolyn Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Hodges
Mr. Edmund O. Howard
Ms. Paula S. Jacobson
Ms. Robin Salant & Mr. Erik Jambor
Mr. John M. Jones
Lou Pate Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Jones
Bruce Kahn
Mr. John N. Klettner
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Landau
Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Landau
Brenda & Jim Lanier
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Lee
Nell R. Levy
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lichterman
Diane & Tom Long
Drs. Judith Soberman
& Leonard Lothstein
Mr. & Mrs. Milton L. Lovell
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Makowsky
Ms. June B. Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. Marshall
Mrs. Theresa M. Mauer
Mr. & Mrs. Will E. May
Mr. William D. McCorkle
Ms. Jenks Etter McCrory
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDonnell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. McEniry
Mr. & Mrs. Kojo McLennon
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. McStay
Mr. Bill Metz
Mrs. Shirley P. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Morris III
Mr. & Mrs. D. Stephen Morrow
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Murphy
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Ognibene
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick H. O’Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Prabhakar Parikh
Suzanne Satterfield & John Pickens
Mr. & Mrs. Scott P. Plunkett
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua D. Poag
Barbara & Allie Prescott
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Reinhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Ricketts
Dr. & Mrs. S. G. Robbins, Jr.
Meryl Rosen
Judy Royal
Mrs. Susan B. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Colin James Ruthven
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Schaffler
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Scharff, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Schwartz
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208 Mr. Michael Schwartz
Dr. James A. Scoggin
Dr. Janet Elaine Scott
Self Foundation
Drs. Melissa & Timothy H. Self
Ms. Nancy Sue Shaw
Dr. Barbara Kay Jackson
& Dr. Thomas B. Shelton
Carol & Glenn Sigman
Beth Simpson
The Sims Family Charitable Trust
Ms. Kathleene A. Sims
Vicki & R. D. Singh
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Smith
Katherine & Ham Smythe III
Mrs. Karrene P. Snell
Caprice & Art Snyder
Judy & Winn Stephenson
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Straton
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Suhoza
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Zack Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Tichenor
Mrs. Deborah Dunklin Tipton
Ashley & Todd Tobias
Dr. & Mrs. Donald W. Tucker
Mrs. Agnes Ann Turley
Diane Sachs & Robert Vidulich
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Walker
Mr. Milton H. Ward
Warren Family Charitable Fund
Mr. Jonathan I. Wax
The Reverend Dorothy S.
& Mr. Herb Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Wernet
Dr. & Mrs. James M. West
Dr. Benton M. Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wilson
OUR VISION: Uniting the community through service.
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Witherington, Jr.
Mr. N. Scott & Dr. Courtney Woodmansee
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Yukon
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Zanca
$750 - $999
Mr. J. Richard Briscoe
Drs. Heather & Ravi D. Chauhan
Mr. Michael F. Curtis
Mrs. Toni L. Boland & Mr. David Evans
Mr. & Mrs. John Gaskill
Dot Gilbertson
Mrs. J. H. Hicks
Lynn J. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Keshav Rao
Matthew, Gretchen & Brian Stroud
$500 - $749
Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Abernathy
Mr. & Mrs. Lorin B. Allen, Jr.
Ms. Ginger Andrews
Jane Antrobus
Mr. Ryan Larkin Ayres
Ms. Donna L. Banta
Miss Pam M. Beall
Ms. Becky Boone
The Rev. & Mrs. James R. Boyd
Dr. Jewell C. Ward & Mr. Jim Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Bruce
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Campbell
Mr. Charles B. Cannon
Suzi & Mike Cody
Drs. Sheila & Robert Cohen
Mr. Thomas Coln
Mr. Mark R. Crosby
Mrs. C. O. Daugherty
Beverly & Henry Doggrell
Mr. & Mrs. D. Michael Edelmuth
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Fain, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Ferraro
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fockler
Lane & Troy Garner
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Green
The Reverend Robin
& Mr. Daniel B. Hatzenbuehler
Ms. Ellen Hayes
Sally & Brad Heinz
Dr. Teresa Holimon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Huddleston
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Irwin
Ms. Ellen Daugherty
& Dr. Jeffrey H. Jackson
Mrs. Carolyn L. Jennings
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin N. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Jones, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Keeler
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Keeney
Mrs. Martha S. Kerekes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Kerr
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kutil
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Lazarov
Mr. & Mrs. David Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Lemmi
Dr. & Mrs. William E. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Madlock
Louise & Jeff Mann
Ms. Mary C. Burrows
& Mr. Charles Marshall
Ms. Stefanie R. McGee
Mr. Robert W. McPherson
Mr. & Mrs. William A. McWaters
Mrs. Tina B. McWhorter
Mrs. Katie Midgley
Mr. Ellis Q. Mitchell III
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley O. Mosley
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Mosley
Mrs. Tara Nabors
Dr. Kevin P. Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Oliver
Mr. Albert Pope
Mrs. Carol W. Prentiss
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Priester III
Mrs. Katie Raines
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Richards
Rev. C. V. Scarborough
Dr. & Mrs. John S. Shelton
Dr. & Mrs. D. D. Sidhu
Dr. & Mrs. Barry Siegel
Ms. Terry Lynn Slater
Mr. & Mrs. Claude Talford
Mr. & Mrs. David Tate
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Taylor
Sally & John Thomason
Mr. Peter L. Tosches
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Troutt
Ms. Elaine Tuomanen
Mr. Julius C. Turner
Ms. Frankie E. Wade
Mrs. Eugenia Walker
Libby E. Whitten
Mrs. Linda Willis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wurtzburger
$250 - $499
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Adams
Ms. Carleythia Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Morgan D. Arant, Jr.
Mrs. Evelyn R. Ballentine
Brin & Dale Baucum
Joy & Leo Bearman
Ms. Linda A. Bennett
OUR MISSION: Supporting the independence of vulnerable seniors and families in crisis through high-­impact programs.
Ms. Charlene Benz
Mr. Leonard M. Blakely
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Boren, Jr.
Ms. Doris P. Bossert
Nancy & Louis Brenner
Jeffrey Bronze
Dr. Clyde Brown
Ms. Doris Cassius
Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Cates
Mrs. Cecilia B. Clanton
The Rt. Rev. & Mrs. James M. Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Jim N. Collier
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Cook
Mrs. Charla Corzine
Ms. Paula Crocker
Mrs. Jo D. Croner
Ms. Debra E. Crummie
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Dando
Mrs. Adrienne D. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dewey
Dolores Clara Dobbs
Ms. Samantha Drum
Mr. Richard Elley
Mary & Robert Ellis
Ms. Josephine O. Elosua
Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Fields III
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Forell
Mr. & Mrs. C. Bradford Foster III
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Gassaway, Jr.
Drs. Dipti & Subba R. Gollamudi
Mr. Philip Goossens
Ms. Cathy W. Grilli
Mr. Kenneth A. Hall
Mr. Larry J. Hardy
Ms. Cherie Hendrix
Miss Rychanna Hendrix
Ms. Mona D. Hoover
Summer 2016
Drs. Amy & John Huber
Mrs. L. B. Hudson
Julia & Gordon Hunter
Susan & Frank Inman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mervyn Israel
Mr. Brian W. Joesten
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Jones
Drs. Sara L. Cross & James S. Jones III
Barbara & Joe Katterjohn
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kerlan
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd C. Kirkland, Jr.
Ann & Roger Knox
Ms. Nancy Kopald
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Levy
Ms. Heidi M. Clough
& Mr. David L. Lotz
Ms. Jane M. Lovelace
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Lupfer
Dr. & Mrs. Edward H. Mabry, Jr.
Caroline MacQueen
Suzy & B. Lee Mallory
Carol & Gene Mangiante
Ms. Vivian A. Mason
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil J. McGee
Mr. & Mrs. Alec McLean
Ms. Jessica Elvert
& Mr. Craig D. Meek
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Miller
Cindy & Scott Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Sam B. Morgan
Mrs. Mary Lou Myers
Barbara Newsom
B. G. Oates
Jan & Jim Orick
Ms. Jeanette M. Peeples
Pastor & Mrs. Walter L. Peggs
Ms. Stephanie Phelps
Mr. Eddie Phillips
Summer 2016
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Prosterman
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Randle
Dr. & Mrs. Bhaskar N. Rao
Ms. Linda A. Red
Drs. Carol & E. Greer Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Al Richie, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Ringel
Barney Rolfes, Jr.
Ms. Linda Romander
Mr. Louis Sampson
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene E. Sargent
Mrs. Mary Carpenter Saxton
Mr. Michael Schiff
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Schoenberger
Mr. & Mrs. John Senlein
Phil & Fran Shannon
Ruthann & Hank Shelton
Judy & Ron Shinault
Ms. Karen J. Silverstein
Ms. Madeline R. Simonetti
Mr. & Mrs. Ben G. Sissman
Ms. Carol Sowell
Mr. James F. Springfield
Ms. Irma Merrill Stratton
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Rob P. Sumner
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Sysak
Mrs. Shirl Taylor
Mr. Justin B. Usery
Nancy S. Walker
Ms. Kathryn Cannon
& Mr. James L. Waller
Mr. Henry Wetter III
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wheeler
Dr. & Mrs. Michael D. Wilons
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Berkley Wolff
Mr. Thomas R. Wood
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Wright
Ms. Nancy Wright
Mr. & Mrs. David Young
Congregations & Faith
Temple Israel
$7,500 - $9,999
Brown Missionary Baptist Church
Church of the Holy Communion
Fullview Missionary Baptist Church
$5,000 - $7,499
Germantown Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
St. George’s Episcopal Church
$2,500 - $4,999
Church of the Holy Apostles
Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Idlewild Presbyterian Church
Second Presbyterian Church
Temple of Deliverance
Third Church of Christ, Scientist
$1,000 - $2,499
Balmoral Presbyterian Church
Central Church
Christ United Methodist Church
First Baptist Church
Germantown United Methodist Church
St. John Orthodox Church
White Stone Missionary Baptist Church
$750 - $999
First Unitarian Church of Memphis
Gospel Temple Missionary Baptist Church
United Methodist Church,
Memphis Conference
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208 $500 - $749
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Christ United Methodist Church
Collierville United Methodist Church
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
of Germantown
Lord of Life Lutheran Church
Oakville Missionary Baptist Church
$250 - $499
Ascension Missionary Baptist Church
Central Christian Church
Cordova Presbyterian Church
First Assembly of God
Grace Presbyterian Church
Northeast District Ushers Ministry
Restoration Church
Scenic Hills United Methodist Church
St. John Missionary Baptist Church
St. Luke Lutheran Church
$249 and under
Avery Chapel CME Church
Bullards Chapel CME Church
Buntyn Presbyterian Church
Calvary Episcopal Church
Cherokee Baptist Church
Embury United Methodist Church
First Presbyterian Church
Holy Temple COGIC
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Kingsway Christian Church
Masjid Al-Mu’minun
Morning Sun Cumberland
Presbyterian Church
Mullins United Methodist Church
Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church
Presbytery of the Mid-South
St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church
OUR VISION: Uniting the community through service.
St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church,
United Methodist Women
Unity Church of Practical Christianity
Wesleyan Hills United Methodist Church
General Foundations,
& Other Organizations
Plough Foundation
$100,000 - $200,000
MLGW Plus-1
Pyramid Peak Foundation
$25,000 - $50,000
Charles A. Frueauff Foundation
The Irvin Lansky Foundation
Orgill, Inc.
Speer Charitable Trust
$15,000 - $24,999
Shelby County Board of Commissioners
United Healthcare Services, Inc
$10,000 - $14,999
Thomas W. Briggs Foundation, Inc.
Jim Keras Subaru
The Day Foundation
The Hohenberg Foundation, Inc.
Kroger Delta Division
$7,500 - $9,999
Bank of America
The Salmon Foundation
Tri-State Truck Center, Inc.
$5,000 - $7,499
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee
Community Trust
GreenPoint AG LLC
Meals on Wheels America
MGM Resorts Foundation
The Schadt Foundation, Inc.
Tennessee Valley Authority
$2,500 - $4,999
Bluff City Jaguar - Land Rover
Caring Companions, LLC
Combined Federal Campaign of the
Ford Motor Company
Lichterman Loewenberg Foundation
Memphis Restaurant Association
Travel Leaders
$1,000 - $2,499
A Better Source
ALSAC/St. Jude
Arsgentarii As/Peder Lund Gallery
Capital Equities LLC/New Horizon
Evans | Petree
Gaskill Strategies
H. W. Durham Foundation
Inventory Locator Service, LLC
Jim Keras Nissan
Lausanne Collegiate School
Madison Group
Memphis BBQ Pit Pty Ltd
Pediatric Anesthesiologists, P.A.
Priority Insurance Agency, Inc.
Standard Electric Company, Inc.
The Voehringer Law Firm, PC
United Way of the Mid-South
$750 - $999
Catmur Development Co., Inc.
Kendra Scott
$500 - $749
First Tennessee Foundation
Gardo Design Group, LLC
The Girls Bridge Club
Heritage Woman’s Club
The Knapp Foundation, Inc.
Lou Jacks Diner
Reginald Wurzburg Foundation
The Urban Child Institute
Pauline Acree
Charlene & Bruce Person
$250 - $499
Allenberg Rosen Family Foundation Inc.
Buckman Laboratories International, Inc.
Doc and Doc
(Dr. Steve Katz & Dr. Graham Warr)
Graber Partners
Grinder, Taber & Grinder, Inc.
Insurance Brokers & Services
Les Femmes Savante
Morgan & Morgan
NEXUS Leaders, Inc.
Scott Southworth Music
Simply Divine Plus Size Consignments
Trezevant Episcopal Home
Turley Investment Company
Estate of Marjorie Barringer
Estate of Elizabeth T. Caldwell
Estate of Faylese Gruber
Estate of Virginia H. Klettner
Estate of Thomas Dewey Shockley, Jr.
Estate of Joseph Edward Walk
OUR MISSION: Supporting the independence of vulnerable seniors and families in crisis through high-­impact programs.
In honor of:
Nazia Ahmed
Buckman Labs International, Inc.
Sherri Alexander
Pat & David Halpern
Julia Allen
Missy & Frank Quis
Jeremy & Katie Alpert
Chloee & Dan Poag
Maryanne & David Andrews
Voehringer Law Firm, PC
Gaby Attias
Delores & Roland Oser
Leslie Ballin
Donna & Bob Goodman
John Barbee
June Wilcox
Rabbi Katie Bauman
Marilyn & Herb Notowich
Ira & Janice Berlin
Rita & Bill Bruce
Jamie & Walker Bolton
William Bolton
Allen Boone
Grinder, Taber and Grinder, Inc.
Otha Brandon
The MIFA family
Becky Bridgmon
Beverly & Bob Buchalter
Dr. Maury Bronstein
Ina & Dick Eiseman
Summer 2016
Mary Cape
Connie & Harrison Ashley
Ed & Fran Denney
Mary Fergus
Radha-Sagar Gajjar
Asan Tejwani
Sally & Brad Heinz
Mandy & Rick Rough
Jane & Bob Carl
Mona Hoover
Lee & Joe Duncan
Missy & Frank Quis
Hazel Gentry
Cynthia Gentry
Leslie Holland
Laurie Holland
Bear, Ann Clements & Bobby Carter
Susan & Roger Bransford
Dr. Maxie Dunnam
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Webb Tucker
Anna & Tod Holtzclaw
Mandy & Rick Rough
Rev. Reynolds Cheney
Lucy W. Turnbull
Beth Edwards
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
The MIFA family
Aimee Ginsburg
Lani Drody
Norma Fisher
Rev. Reynolds & Stephanie Cheney
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Murphy
Amy & Butch Childers
Carla Landers
Shila Cholera
Pratima Karve
Patsy Cloud
Sally & Wil Hergenrader
Erma Cohen
The MIFA family
Nora & Dan Conaway
Mary & Allen Blair
Margaret & Bill Craddock
Suzanne Henley & Jim Cole
Adrienne Davis
Joseph Hanks
Perry Dement
Mandy & Rick Rough
Dotty & Jim Giusti
Frances & Jim Randle
Peggy & Sidney Evensky
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Kline
Minna & Alan Glenn
Norfleet Thompson
Emily Woodside & Bill Falvey
The Rev. Jerry & Sandy Crook
Rabbi Micah D. Greenstein
The MIFA family
Amelia Smith
Pat Montgomery & Judy
Featherstone and family
Eugenia Williamson
Joel Felt
Janet Kisber
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Kline
Jack Fogelman
Barry Leff
Mary & Bill Ford
Missy & Frank Quis
Michelle Fulmer
Alison Wetter
Rosemary Hugo
Bill Rosson
James Watkins
Sandra, Mervyn, Barry & Sharon Israel
Doris, Sefton & Chuck Lucas
Rachel Cheek & Matthew Jakes
The MIFA family
Latonya Hairston
Bryan Mulroy & Ray Phillips
Happy Jones
Carolyn T. Gardiner
Carolyn Hardy
The MIFA family
Ben Katz
Janet Kisber
Rebecca Harkness
Emily Taylor
Myra Ann Kelso
June Wilcox
Sally Jones Heinz
Lex Bonner
Grinder, Taber and Grinder, Inc.
Paula Jacobson
Lou P. Jones
Julie Kisber
Janet W. Kisber
We thank our 2015 Christmas Day Meals sponsors:
Bateman Community Living, Congressman Steve Cohen, Gaskill Strategies,
Jim Keras Subaru, Madison Group, Memphis Restaurant Association,
and United Healthcare.
Ann Knox
Natalie Jalenak
Nat Landau
Ros Kimmelman
The MIFA family
Sehrish Siddiqui & Omar Latif
The MIFA family
Rev. Virzola Law
The MIFA family
Mark & Jeri Ledbetter
Judge & Mrs. Arnold Goldin
Mitch Leff
Barry Leff
Summer 2016
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208 OUR VISION: Uniting the community through service.
Mrs. J. L. Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Levy
Memphis Symphony Orchestra
H. I. Summerfield
Kerry Ratliff
Steve Kisber
Linda Sklar
Lee McGarity
Herbert Lipman
Janet Kisber
MIFA Meals on Wheels volunteers
Lillie King
Asan Tejwani
Jan Reisman
Steve Kisber
Amelia Smith
Melda Brady
Beverly C. Robertson
The MIFA family
Gid Smith
Bena & George Cates
Brian Rose
Asan Tejwani
Donn & Faye Southern
Rita & Bill Bruce
The Romeros
Jim Spake
Neil Southern
Myra Southern
Deborah Ross
Dr. Clyde Brown
Katy & Joe Spake
Jim Spake
Stephanie Russell
Patty Wiley
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Spiotta, Sr.
Christine Garrett
Helen Ryan
Robert McPherson
Daisy Spiro & GUB Volunteers
Nadine King, Chair of GUB
Honey Scheidt
The MIFA family
Trish & Richard Spore
Charlotte Parks
Rudi Scheidt
Leslie Grayson Dunavant
R. Molitor Ford & Buddy Stallings
Zack Bacon
Ray Schultz
Joanne S. Guyton
Laurie Stanton
Wanda Chancellor
J. Allen Scoggin
Tara Nabors
Charlotte & Morris Straitman
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Kline
Phyllis & David Scruggs
Meredith & Gavin Scruggs
Joyce Summitt
Laura Schwartz
James Seacat
Richard H. Kohrs
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Tayloe, Jr.
Kent G. Wunderlich
Dr. Timothy Self
Dr. Teresa Holimon
Dr. Stephanie Phelps
Aime Thompson
Emily Taylor
Bob Loeb
The MIFA family
BJ Losch
NEXUS Leaders Inc.
Arnetta Macklin
Ruthann & Hank Shelton
David, Patricia, Augustin, Cole &
Elizabeth Massey
Vikki Massey
Sue Monjauze
DeeDee Perel
Rev. Steve Montgomery
Carol & Henry Jones
Joan Morgan
Linda & David Tichenor
Dr. Susan Murrmann
Nell R. Levy
Betty & Steele Mattingly
Charla Corzine
Nina Fukuzato & Ben Nichols
Jim Spake
Christine Dakin & Steve Mauer
Theresa Mauer
Jean Norfleet
Judith & Bruce Campbell
Christine Garrett
Britton & John Laughlin
Mary Minor
Margaret McLean
Margaret & Bill Craddock
Maysey Craddock
Shaun M. Marsh
Vera McPherson
Candia Ludy
Martha Medford
Emma Tritt
Ted Medlin
Christine Garrett
Sonja & David Meek
Craig Meek
Memphis Firefighters & Police Officers
Lynn Glascock
Asan Tejwani
Memphis Postal Carriers
Asan Tejwani
Memphis Sanitation Workers
Asan Tejwani
Kitty Nowlin
Melissa Tichenor
Carrie & Joe Patterson
Jim Spake
Charles & Peggy Perkins
Rita & Bill Bruce
Mr. & Mrs. John Pike
Voehringer Law Firm, PC
Barbara & Allie Prescott
Marty & Bobby Svoboda
Process Design & Delivery Team
Nancy Bradley
Joseph Pugliese
Voehringer Law Firm, PC
Mike Sherman
Steve Kisber
Linn Sitler
The MIFA family
OUR MISSION: Supporting the independence of vulnerable seniors and families in crisis through high-­impact programs.
Shelby Jewel Stalsmith & Will Tucker
The MIFA family
Mary Turner
Dr. James E. Turner
Summer 2016
Helen & George Voehringer
Voehringer Law Firm, PC
Toni Wackerfuss
Emily Taylor
Jill & Simon Wadsworth
Peggy & Jim Williamson
Dr. & Mrs. Hershel P. Wall
Sue Harpole, Nelson Strother and
Kitty Cannon & Jim Waller
Patricia Walker
Judge Harry Wellford
Missy & Frank Quis
Billie Anne Williams
Barbara & Roy Keathley
Mary Nease & Kathy Williams
Leslie & Howard Nease
Russ Williams
The MIFA family
Sandy Willick
Delores & Roland Oser
Lindsay Wilson
Emily Taylor
Michael Wilson
Pat & David Halpern
Robert Winn
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
Art Wolff & grandson Wes
Jerome & Evelyn Makowsky
Betty Woodard
Virginia Pilcher
The staff of Ric Nuber YMCA
Asan Tejwani
Judith & Bruce Young
Voehringer Law Firm, PC
Summer 2016
In memory of:
Martha Baxter
Julie Raines
Shahnaz Ahmed
The MIFA family
Rowe “Mac” Belcher
The family of Rowe “Mac” Belcher
Martha McKean Allen
Elizabeth & Lorin Allen
Lynn Belz
Ina & Dick Eiseman
Donna & Bob Goodman
Carol & Ralph Yaffe
Bibzahra Amirriazi
Dr. Alan Salomon
Hud Andrews
Laurie Stark
Dorothy Ann Arata
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
Ian Arnof
Belinda E. Rubens
Betty & Sidney Aron
Natalie & Jimmy Jalenak
Betty Ashley
Lesley & John Dillon
Jerry Attaway
Tyrus Legge
Susan Fulton Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cannon
The MIFA family
Billy Ayres and Mildred &
McNeill Ayres
Jeanne Ayres & Family
Diana Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cannon
Alvin Banes
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Kline
Shirley Manis
Mary Gaither Barnes
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Joseph W. Barnwell, Jr.
Rita & Bill Bruce
The MIFA family
Mildred S. Schiff
Julie Terry
Oscar “Bo” Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cannon
Christine & Carroll Todd
Lane Carrick, Jr.
John Lichterman & family
Marjorie Bennett
Exxon Annuitant Club of Memphis
Jane Carruthers
Janis & John Lichterman
Tony & Lizzie Beno
Lynn Glascock
Polly S. Fontana & Billy M. Cary
Laura & Mark Cary
Marian “Sunny” Blumenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. David Barcroft
Rachel Chafetz
Joseph Hanks
Dick Bodine
Margaret Craddock
Billy Challen
Mary & Charles Cape and Sam Gary
Donna Kay Bridgforth
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cannon
Arnett “Doc Red” Chinn
Thomas Robinson
Anna Kathryn Word
Billy Britton III
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Madelyn Richardson Brock
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
The MIFA family
Les Clark
Vivian & Ken Jones
Mary Clayton
Rita & Bill Bruce
Donald M. Brown
Rita & Bill Bruce
Robin “Muggs” Coffman
Hope Logan
Wayne Brown
Christine & Carroll Todd
Bernice Cohn
Susan & Harold Brooks
Janet Kisber
Shirley Manis
William Michael Bryant
Judith & Lee Arnoult
Renna Burnett
Lucy H. & Ceylon Blackwell
Billy Byrd
Tia Byrd
Leon Herman “Lee” Califf
Janet Kisber
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208 Dorothy & Sid Cohn
Hollie & Greg Ziskind
Noble Conner
Walter Denton
Daniel Copp
Missie & Jim McDonnell
OUR VISION: Uniting the community through service.
Timothy Joseph Corrigan
Dr. Norman Towbin and staff
Virginia Lee Burrow Councill
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi and family
Eleanor Crawford
Missie McDonnell
Hope Dan
Dr. Derene E. Akins
Sam (Sonny) Dattel
Delores & Roland Oser
Marianne & Berkley Wolff
C. O’Hara Daugherty, M.D. &
Vincent C. Daugherty
Mrs. C. O. Daugherty
Mannie Ettingoff
Janet Kisber
Marilyn & Richard Reinhardt
Katherine Dilatush Everett
Betty & Bill Turner
William Felt
Derene Akins
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Kline
Sandy & Clifton Lipman
Shirley Manis
Charles Fite
Jean & Bill Priester
Charlee Fleischer
Linda & David Usdan
Walter L. Day
The MIFA family
Todd Forrest
John Lichterman and family
Richard Dieckhaus
Jo An & Frank Adair
Robert Fouché
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
The Rt. Rev. William A. Dimmick
Charla Corzine
Hugh Francis, Jr.
Christina & Richard Roberts
Dr. Norman S. Towbin and staff
Charlotte Dowell
Marion & Frank Bloom
Myra & Fred Dreifus
Nancy & Louis Brenner
Jack Drucker
Tillie & Walter Folk
Carol Esser Francisco
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
Nelson Freeburg, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cannon
Fannie R. & Thomas L. Duncan
Evelyn Ballentine
James Fri, Jr.
Margaret & Bill Craddock
The MIFA family
Louridell Duty
Lauran James
Doris Bonds Gaines
Ros Kimmelman
Father Joseph Eckelkamp, OFM
Anne Reed West
Nancy Galloway
Laura Lanier
Chuck Wilcox
Jim Eikner
The MIFA family
David S. Gambrell
Ella G. Thompson
Margaret B. Gardino
Patricia McFarland
Thomas A. Garrison
Rita & Bill Bruce
Milbourne T. “Rusty” Gates
Sara M. Holmes
Audrey Hyde Gatewood
The MIFA family
Nell Stoddard Gee
John Lichterman and family
Hal Asher Gerber
Rita & Bill Bruce
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Buchalter
Mary & Brian Chancellor
Ina & Dick Eiseman
Kathy L. Hayek
Barbara & Bailey Helms
Ellen Cooper Klyce
Merrily & David Kopald
Nancy Kopald
The Larkin family
Jean & Hal Lewis
Robert E. Loeb
Thomas C. Loeb
Carroll Mayfield
The MIFA family
Bobbie Miller
Mr. & Mrs. George Nassar, Jr.
Connie Netter
Julanne Portis
Linda & Julian J. Prewitt
Denise & Jim Reber
Linda Rhea
Rosalie Rudner
Jeanne Broemmelsick Smith
Nancy Smith
Elise M. Stratton
OUR MISSION: Supporting the independence of vulnerable seniors and families in crisis through high-­impact programs.
No-Go Gala
the 29th annual MIFA
2016 No-Go Gala hosts
Joe Murphy
John M. Kaplan
Deborah Manning Thomas
Gary Beard
Will Tucker
Jim Spake
Marie-Stéphane Bernard
Summer 2016
We support the Circle of Hope annually because we have learned
to count on MIFA to stay focused on the basic needs of our most
vulnerable citizens — food, clothing, shelter, utilities. We always know
that our contributions are appreciated and carefully deployed.
Brenda & Jim Lanier, Co-Chairs
Circle of Hope
Nancy & Jimmie Tashie
Anne Tate
Donna & Mark Weber
Edward Greaney, Sr.
Dorothy Greaney
Rosalie Rudner
Carol & Ralph Yaffe
Sue Cheek Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cannon
Harvey Eugene Green
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi and family
Ralph Haynes
Dr. Alan P. Salomon
Josephine Hunter
Steve Kisber
Dorothy Goldsmith Gronauer
Aimee Ginsburg
Carolyn Hein
Lucy & Ceylon Blackwell
Dorothy Parks Jackson
Charlotte & Fred Hodges
Mary Glover
Dr. Derene E. Akins
Dorothea “Dolores” Groskind
Janet Kisber
Linda & David Usdan
Reba Hemphill
Rita & Bill Bruce
Malissa Jackson
Carol Walker
Alice R. “Pat” Goodman
Diane Sachs & Robert Vidulich
Alice R. Goodman
Diane G. Sachs
Marilyn Henderson
Voehringer Law Firm, PC
Ruth Jackson
The MIFA family
Charlie M. Nelson
Madeline Goodman
Jane Sharpe Carl
Madeline Goodman
Jane Sharpe Carl
Bernadette Grantham
John Lichterman and family
Carol Howell Guenther
Anne & Pat Halloran
The MIFA family
Martha Geurin
Susan & Harold Brooks
Jack & Mary Glascock
Lynn Glascock
Guy Graves
Adrienne S. Graves
Evelyn B. Gregory
John Pegues
Catherine Greaney
Dorothy Greaney
Summer 2016
A J Herzberg
Judy Royal
Lillie Bell Higgins
Nikia L. Johnson
Betty & Ray Hill
Cookie & Nat Cooke
Ronald C. Haas
Curt & Jeffrey Ward
Frances Dancy Hooks
The MIFA family
Dr. Margaret Halle
The MIFA family
Dr. Charles Householder
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Cape
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208 Joanne Martin Jenkins
The MIFA family
Elyse & Bill Johnson
Michael Schiff
Edna Johnston
Bettye Sue Johnston
Davie Jones
Sam & Deborah Brackstone
OUR VISION: Uniting the community through service.
Dorothy & Jameson Jones
Sally & Brad Heinz
Christa & Calvin Jones
Miller Jones
Sharon & Samuel Jones
Brenda & Jim Lanier
Virginia Klettner
Leslie & Sol Brotman
Mr & Mrs. James Bynum
Linda F. Wilkinson
Mary Ann Lundmark
Janis & John Lichterman
M. D. Moore
Zula Slavick
Lt. Col. William Maddox
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Cape
Martha Wattam Payonk Muth
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi and family
Aimee Kriger
Judy Royal
J. Jefferson Jones III
Lou P. Jones
Gloria Ozment Magruder
Nell & Bill Magruder
Becky Labens
Laurie Stark
Marshall Phillip Jones
Lynn Jones
Freeman Marr
The MIFA family
Jane Nuckolls, RD
Nadine King, PhD, RD
Carol Ross-Spang
Melissa “Missy” LaBonte
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
Louise Jordan
Timothy Jordan
Ella Mae Lake & Clyde Lake
Dorothy S. Clemons
Betty C. Marston, W. Emmett Marston
& W. Emmett Marston III
Rita & Bill Bruce
Bill Kaiser
Brian Joesten
Mary Knox Lanier
Laura Lanier & Wendy Doudrick
Saul Kaplan
Delores & Roland Oser
Dr. Sonny Salomon
Mark Lapides
Mary Lapides Shela
Daney Daniel Kepple
Peggy & William Adler
Margie Augustine
Lelia & Henry Blizzard
Nancy Bogatin
Carroll, Dan, Clark & Harry Mayfield
The MIFA family
Jackie Merren
Linda Romander
Betty Turner
Ellen Whitten
Lida Willey Black Kimbrough
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Peggy & Dwight Drinkard
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Julie Raines
Clement E. Klank, Jr.
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
Gloria Larkin & Jack Larkin
Jeanne Ayres and family
Jackie Alexander Lautar
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Mayer
Elizabeth “Lib” Dowell Lea
The MIFA family
Kippy Lichterman
Janis & John Lichterman
Sylvia Lieberman
Ken Barnett
Danny Linkov
Jonathan Linkov
Judge H. T. Lockard
Teresa Jones
Willie Mae Love
Carolyn Huff
Milton H. Lovell
Maggie & Milton Lovell
Kathy Olson
Terry Dan
Eunice Ordman
The MIFA family
Rosie Lee & Buck McClain
Mary & Leroy McClain
James Gibbs Owen III
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Jim McDonnell
The MIFA family
Manette Page
Dr. Alan P. Salomon
John “Jock” McLean
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Our parents
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
Frank McRae
Congressman Steve Cohen
Thomas C. Parker, Jr.
Marvarene S. Parker
Claire Hollowell Mercer
The MIFA family
Ashlyn Perritt
Courtney & Aaron Shemper
Betty Francis Milford
Gretchen & Kojo McLennon
Mike Pickens
Suzy Satterfield & John Pickens
Katie Cracraft Miller
Thomas G. Miller
Cynthia DeHaven Pitcock
Deborah Brackstone
J. Pervis Milnor III
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cannon
Bartie & Oscar Plunket, Jr.
Jane Plunket
Patrick Mindermann
Pat Haley & John Cooper
John Price
Laurie Stark
Lucian Minor
Mary W. Minor
Flossie Quinn
Susan & Dan Estrem
Karen Mintz
Linda & David Usdan
Yancey & Margaret Quinn
Hal Fogelman
Howard Montgomery
The MIFA family
OUR MISSION: Supporting the independence of vulnerable seniors and families in crisis through high-­impact programs.
Summer 2016
Suzanne Ragsdale
Laura Klettner Bynum
Marcelle Evans
Virginia Rainer
Marilyn Glazer
Susie Moore Reagan
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi and family
Cheston Reed
Marsha & Mike Underberg and family
Tom Robinson
Janis & John Lichterman
Louis J. Roman
Ina & Dick Eiseman
Donna & Bob Goodman
Sara M. Holmes
Ron Spielberger
Rebecca Argall
Rose Mary Shaw
Leigh Packard
Angela E. Spiers
Marianne & Berkley Wolff
Clifford Stockton
Dr. Jack Bisno
The MIFA family
Charlie M. Nelson
John Patrick Sheahan
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cannon
Ruth & Vince Spinosa
Susan Crumby
Christopher Bryan Stovall
Janis & John Lichterman
Constance “Connie” Shelton
Edith Reiter
Jane & John Shelton
Barbara & Norman Towbin
Brenda Makowsky Spira
Janet Kisber
Shirley Manis
The MIFA family
Delores & Roland Oser
Jana Dawn Stressel
Rohini & Prabhakar Parikh
Helene Shipowitz
Delores & Roland Oser
Naomi Silvermintz
Judge & Mrs. Arnold Goldin
Natalie & Jim Jalenak
Dorothy “Dottie” Wolson Sachritz
Mildred Mendelsohn
Peter Reese
Sherry Sachritz
Jimmy Simmons
Janis & John Lichterman
Charles, Clayton, John &
Robert M. Saunders
Rita & Bill Bruce
Joseph Sherrer Sims
Dan & Chloee Poag
Billie Anne Williams
Gertrude Schlanger
Dr. Robert Eiseman
Balbir Singh
Dr. F. Grant Whittle
Carlyn Schoenberger
Jay Schoenberger
Diana Slater
Ina & Dick Eiseman
Rayann Segal
Susan & Harold Brooks
Hassell Smith, Jr.
Jo An & Frank Adair
Barbara Seligstein
Janet Kisber
Shirley Manis
Pat Smith
Dr. Alan P. Salomon
Frank W. Shaffer, Sr.
Marian & Frank Shaffer
Charles J. Shannon, Jr.
Marie P. Shannon
Harry “Skip” Sharp, Jr.
Glenda Sharp
Summer 2016
Gertrude “Trudy” Simpson
The MIFA family
Ronney Snell
Rita & Bill Bruce
Tom Southern
Mary & Steve Nelson
Leo Sowell
Carol Sowell
Lucille Catherine Stock
Elizabeth Anderson
Lynne Baumhoff
Jo & Margi Cech
Melissa Ellis
Donna Gay
Peggy & L. R. Jalenak, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kreinberg
Carol Lipman
Mr. & Mrs. J. A. (Art) Massey
The MIFA family
Michele Miller
Sheila Mooney
Lisa Morgan
Mary & Steve Nelson
Carol & Stephen Schaefgen
Dr. Judith Sugg
Mary & George Sullivan
Carol Thorne
Cheryl Ford Val-Holzer
Tanya White
Thelma Wilsford
Shara Stock
Shirley Manis
Delores & Roland Oser
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208 Brother of Nancy Taras
Susan Crumby
Janet Graf Tate
Rita & Bill Bruce
Mary Gwendolyn “Gwen” Terry
Sarah & Larry Terry
Curtis Thompson
Jennifer & Vernice Thompson
Betty Tully
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cannon
Missie & Jim McDonnell
Baxter H. Turnage, Jr.
Rita & Bill Bruce
Elinor & Norfleet Turner
Pat & Curtis Ringold
Henry Varnell
Exxon Annuitant Club of Memphis
The MIFA family
Dr. & Mrs. W. J. Von Lackum
Eugenia Walker
John Joseph “Jody” Wade III
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
B.G. & Stephen Oates
Max Wagerman, Jr.
Susan & Harold Brooks
Catherine Guthrie Walker
Edna Guthrie
OUR VISION: Uniting the community through service.
We give to MIFA because their work helps us remember that we are
all one community and need to care for each other. MIFA helps people
where they are with what they need, drawing people together
across the many boundaries that separate us.
- Ginny & Berkeley Burbank, Co-Chairs
Circle of Hope
Betty Walley
Janis & John Lichterman
John Shelton Wilder, Sr.
Rita & Bill Bruce
Mr. Damon Arney
Pam & Fred Montesi
Emily T. Brackstone
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
Hulon O. Warlick III
Rita & Bill Bruce
Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Williams, Jr.
J. C. Williams III
Mrs. Susan Arney
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mr. Arthur Budge
Pam & Fred Montesi
Helen Wax
Jonathan Wax
O.Z. Williams & Nannie S. Lee
Mrs. C. O. Daugherty
Oretta Askew
Judy Rutledge
Mr. Steve Burkett
Pam & Fred Montesi
Rev. Larry Bagby
Cornelia Swain
Aileen Burson
Judy Royal
Mrs. Marie Bailey
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Paula Buttross
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mr. Steve Berkman
Pam & Fred Montesi
Ann Caldwell
Linda Paddock
Peggy Bodine
Christine & Carroll Todd
Irvin Califf
Janet Kisber
Mr. Matthew Bond
Pam & Fred Montesi
Dr. Charles Cape
Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Cape
Mr. Boots Boyd
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mr. Claude Chafin
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Maggie Boyd
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Cecilia Clanton
Pam & Fred Montesi
Eugenia Weathersby
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cannon
Benjamin Walker Weber
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Harry White
John Lichterman & Billy Lichterman
and family
Dr. Thomas White III
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cannon
Dr. Jerry Whitehead
Ann Heffernan
Frank Wilbourn
Missie & Jim McDonnell
Christina & Richard Roberts
Precious Williams
Mark Schneider
Mary Lee Wolff
Pat & Roy Moore
Gene Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cannon
Maxine Wunder
Almeda McLemore Zent
For the birthday of:
Lisa Abitz
Deborah Brackstone
Barbara & Bill Albright
Flora & David Bratten
OUR MISSION: Supporting the independence of vulnerable seniors and families in crisis through high-­impact programs.
Summer 2016
Mrs. Mary Ann Hodges
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Anne Curtis
Pam & Fred Montesi
Rosemary “Rose” Hugo
Bill Rosson
Lea Davis
Elizabeth S. Lynch
Arthur “Buz” Katz
Edward Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Padawer
Linda Decker
Stephen Benko
Cheri DelBrocco
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
Ms. Didi Dwyer
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mark Finestone
Eileen Finestone
Janice Ringel
Connie & Mike Sherman
Ms. Ilene Friener
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Linda Gatlin
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Judy Gauthier
Pam & Fred Montesi
Pamela Gossett
Linda Paddock
Ms. Dee Grisanti
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Manju Gupta
Pam & Fred Montesi
Emily Haizlip
Christine & Carroll Todd
Dr. Jacinto Hernandez
Pam & Fred Montesi
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Patricia Hipps
Vivian & Ken Jones
Lucy A. Scales
Connie Thiemonge
Colleen Wilson
Mrs. Kathleen Cruzen
Pam & Fred Montesi
Summer 2016
Mr. Lawson Maury
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Vicki McCullough
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mr. Kevin Kimery
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Sharrel McGrew
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mr. Milton Knowlton
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Rose Mitchell
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Janette Krauch
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Gwen Montague
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mr. Bryan Krauch
Pam & Fred Montesi
Miss Nikki Montesi
Pam & Fred Montesi
Sidney Lehman
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Kline
Dr. Sydney Montesi
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Louise Leighton
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Elizabeth Montesi
Pam & Fred Montesi
Dr. Joe Levy
Denise, Nathan & Daniel Simkin
Pearl Simkin
Mrs. Beth Moore
Pam & Fred Montesi
Matt Lyles
Elizabeth G. Allen
Tracy & Gary Aulfinger
Donna J. Climer
Jennifer & Jonathan Dowdle
B. Scott Duke
Lee Forbes-Belue
Sally & Brad Heinz
Mr. & Mrs. William Hendrick
Kim January
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Lyles
The MIFA family
Trish Pontius
Richard Potts
Mrs. Sarah Norton
Pam & Fred Montesi
Marilyn Notowich
Mary Anne & Jim Hall
Stephanie, Ron & Happie Hoffman
Faye & Jack Marks
Ms. Meg O’Shaughnessy
Pam & Fred Montesi
Purnimaben (Nimaben) &
Sureshbhai Patel
Rohini & Prabhakar Parikh
Ms. Kathy Patrick
Pam & Fred Montesi
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208 Mrs. Susan Plough
Pam & Fred Montesi
Dr. Brett Robbs
Christine & Carroll Todd
Mrs. Christina Roberts
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Sharon Roney
Pam & Fred Montesi
Meryl Rosen
Amelia Smith
Carol Schneider’s great-granddaughter
Sandy & Clifton Lipman
Ms. Adriana Schillace
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Elma Schnapp
Pam & Fred Montesi
Erin Schultz
Peggy Seessel
Mrs. Elizabeth Scott
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mr. Don Scott
Pam & Fred Montesi
Raymond Shainberg
Mary & Maury Bronstein
Patti Shaw
Judge & Mrs. Arnold Goldin
Shara Lynn
Brian Smith
Chloee & Dan Poag
Mrs. Jan Stein
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Barbara Sullivan
Pam & Fred Montesi
OUR VISION: Uniting the community through service.
Sam Tauer
Molly Akin
Master Andrew & Weller Fontenot
Mrs. Julie Thoma
Pam & Fred Montesi
Dr. John Thoma
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Susan Thompson
Pam & Fred Montesi
Peggy Turley
Christine & Carroll Todd
Ms. Morgan Card Walker
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Ellen Wells
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Anne Wesberry
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mr. & Mrs. George Nassar
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Esslyn Yogman
Lyda G. Parker
The wedding of Elaine Blanchard & Anna Neal
Gail Murray & Joe Hawes
Barbara Zitron
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Kline
Chloee & Dan Poag
Becky Boone
Mr. & Mrs. William Coss
Tina & Bob Fockler
Barney Rolfes
Ellen Rolfes
Barbara & Tom Sullivan
For the anniversary of:
Doris & Irvin Califf
Janet Kisber
Carol & Sam Dillahunty
Ellen & Herbert Kahn
The marriage of Elizabeth & Andy Howorth
Julie & Jim Raines
The marriage of the grandchildren of
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Kline
Janet Kisber
Lisa & Doug Varner
Nancy & Louis Brenner
The marriage of Mr. & Mrs. David Wooley
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi and family
It is important that we continue to give so MIFA can continue
to provide the vital services to those in our community in need.
- Carol & Bert Barnett, Honorary Chairs
Circle of Hope
OUR MISSION: Supporting the independence of vulnerable seniors and families in crisis through high-­impact programs.
Summer 2016
Volunteer opportunities available for individuals and groups
910 Vance Avenue
Memphis, TN 38126
Contact Linda Marks, (901) 529-4560 or [email protected]
Join us on Saturday, June 11 from 9 a.m. until noon as we clean up litter in MIFA’s neighborhood
in support of Taking It to the Streets, a partnership with the Department of Public Works and
Memphis City Beautiful. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Isaiah Swanson, (901) 529-4521 or [email protected]
Non-profit Org.
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Accredited by
Private donations combined with funds from these partners make MIFA’s services possible. The Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible charity.
TN Departments of
Human Services
& Transportation