London Congestion Charging
London Congestion Charging
FREIGHT TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION London Congestion Charging An FTA compliance guide Contents Introduction Exemptions and discounts Basics of the London congestion charge Congestion charging and vehicle purchasing Pay and Go Enforcement Fleet schemes Preparing for the London congestion charge Will you need to pay the London congestion charge? Other congestion charging schemes Fleet scheme - web solution overview Further information Introduction From 17th February 2003 operators of vehicles entering a designated congestion charging zone in central London have to pay £5.00 per vehicle per day. The scheme, started by the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, is run on his behalf by Transport for London (TfL). FTA has consistently and fiercely opposed the inclusion of delivery and service vehicles in the congestion charging scheme. The fight for exemption for commercial vehicles continues after 17th February. We are also campaigning for an extension of the 100 per cent discount from the charge that currently applies to alternative fuel vehicles to include cleaner diesel engined delivery and service vehicles. Whilst we vehemently oppose the charge on behalf of our members we have also recognised the need to inform business as to the actions that must be taken to comply with the scheme and to reduce the administrative burden on operators. We have therefore been at the forefront in seeking to lessen the impact of the scheme’s requirements on companies. We have made a number of gains, including: – Reduction in the daily charge for delivery and service vehicles from £15.00 to £5.00 (so that commercial vehicles pay the same as the private car). – The creation of a fleet scheme and inclusion of light commercial vehicles in it. 2 – A cut-off time for payment of the charge of 10pm (between then and midnight the payment doubles to £10.00), originally this was to be 7pm. We have also achieved other concessions from TfL relating to administration charges and other practical arrangements. In respect of the Terms and Conditions for the fleet scheme we have been instrumental in persuading TfL to make amendments that have allowed substantial numbers of vehicles that would otherwise have been excluded to be registered. However, we are also pushing for the threshold for eligibility for the fleet scheme, which is set at 25 vehicles, to be lowered to 10 vehicles and will inform members of progress with this objective. Meanwhile, the fight for exemption of delivery and service vehicles from the charge continues in London, as in other towns and cities across the UK that are contemplating the introduction of charging schemes. This compliance guide aims to equip operators with the essential information needed to ensure the requirements of the London congestion charging scheme are met. There are also details at the end of this guide of contact points for further information. For more details of the range of issues on which FTA is campaigning in London please contact our London and South East Regional Office, details of which are on page 16. LONDON CONGESTION CHARGING - AN FTA COMPLIANCE GUIDE vehicle it can move into, out of and within the zone as many times as necessary during the calendar day. Basics of the London congestion charge A licence costs £5.00 a day for each vehicle. The enforcement system links the individual registration number of the vehicle against a database of payments for the charge. If a charge has been paid the records for the vehicle concerned are wiped within 24 hours for data protection purposes. The zone The central London congestion charging zone is shown on the map below. It is approximately eight square miles and covers much of the City and west end of London. There are nearly 180 junctions, monitored by enforcement cameras, at which drivers can enter the zone. The zone covers all public roads within the inner ring road from Marylebone Road in the North, Park Lane and Vauxhall Bridge in the West, Tower Bridge in the East and Elephant and Castle in the South. Vehicles moving along the inner ring road itself do not have to pay the charge, but if they turn off into the zone the charge will usually have to be paid. TfL has an on-line link to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) to check details of the registered keepers of vehicles. When will the charge apply? The scheme operates from 7.00am-6.30pm Monday to Friday (but not New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Christmas Day and bank holidays). How will the zone be identified? Locations of motorway payment points Signs in and around the congestion charging zone identify where it starts and finishes. There is signage at 11, 4.5, 2.5 and 1 mile distances approaching the zone boundary. There are no physical barriers or toll booths but all zone entry and exit points are clearly marked on the road and with signs. The following locations are on the motorway network and will be equipped with machines for payment of the London congestion charge. Welcome Break Welcome Break, London Gateway Service Area, M1 Motorway, Mill Hill, London NW7 3HB Welcome Break Welcome Break, South Mimms Service Area, Bignall Corner, South Mimms, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 3QQ Moto M4 Heston, J2/3 M4, Phoenix Way, Heston, Hounslow, Middlesex TW5 9NB Westbound/Eastbound Moto J30/31 M25, Arterial Road, West Thurrock, Grays RM16 3BG Roadchef Clackett Lane Services, M25, Westerham, TN16 2ER Westbound/Eastbound (planned) ROAD AD RO HIGH STR EET CURTAIN RD. H DITC F OLGA TE S HOR E TO N NOR E EE T S TR SG D OP OA H ST . RC BI SH BR D OL BRIDGE HU EC AC G E B RI DG DO N HWAR K LO N SOUT BRID GE TOW ER ET H EW AY ID ER W TO ER THA MES ET D GE US CA N RE R OA BRI DG ST ROAD RO O A RK TH W SOU TO ING NEW AD RO PE NT ON PL GT WA LWORTH S EA E S T. PENR NN IN AC Kennington E OS T ST RE ET D. KR PA R ON GT NIN EN KINGSLAND T STREE LD FIE PIT T RO AD EAS ATE O RG MO GILTSP UR ST . OLD BAI LEY C ity Th am eslink BLACKFRIARS BRIDGE ROAD BLACKFRIARS ON RK G PA T N KE NE T Y ER S AT UE EN AV RY L N. TER FE T NEW ROA IS YL RE E RIS ST . PE BE SE RO . RD RK YO BA ROAD CE H IG ON NT PE OR LT H CA AL LA PA ETH K WAL EET HA LL STR EM VA UX ALB ERT UG C ALE N E L AMB NT KME BAN ANK LLB H . RD N NIA DO O GO NUE AV E Y S B UR TE AF SH . T. ISLI PS HN JO AD TH GR AN GE RD . STR E ET AICA ROAD Bermondsey BERMONDSEY S PA RO AD A R K PA R K Central London S OU T H Wcongestion R O AD charging zone ET RO ROAD RE R EY ST S DN EE T LU PU NI ON T D ROA CE PA L A AM GH IN CK D ET D OA BU AY TR AD RO EN RO W ROAD Bricklayers Arms ST. DK AL KENT AT E OL IT NEW W SP RE JAM A B BEY BR LO HO NEWINGTON UR L ST NE S TR YA EY UI ST NG LA D RO LO AN NO L SI BA ET CR E D A ST . RO N B R TL VE I LEBO NE RD . ARY DM OL S EN RD GA EX SS SU O . OL RIV KENNINGTON PARK LO RR IM OR E RD . LONDON CONGESTION CHARGING - AN FTA COMPLIANCE GUIDE LBA NY RO A D Road served by bus Road notROserved by bus LL S RO AD Road forming Charging Zone Boundary Underground line and station Docklands Light Railway line and station National Rail line and station National Rail terminus Interchange station Riverboat services pier 1.7.0 2 NEATE STREET 3 Reproduced courtesy of Transport for London RE AN ORE S T . ST D M PT IEL GH M HF VA U O S M IT ES AM R ST. ST OM A S B ST R EE T AY TH E HI G H W TH TO CAB L E CK RD DR D AL T. OT S DO TO ET TH MI PRIN CE ET RE ST CH UR S S EN ROAD ROAD PRESC ST. RE T W LL M O N M O U T H S T. RO ERT A LB RO US RC CI CH D AE PR RD GA EX AD ST REET CANNON SS RO EL COMMERCIAL S T. M A N SE SU EC ROA D T HI P HA ET AD ET UE NE W T EE ES S ST PO RO RE D AG WHITECHAPEL EA SHA RE AM ROA TR L S MIN ORI MA ST LH E CIA H . ST EX AH D VA L L A N C E ES T HO R FU IES ST. LAN NT W T. HS HIG AM To wer Gateway Hill ST R EE ET ST R E E T ST MO OLD PEL HA BR TE GA LD EY Borough RE IRE BU XTO N K COMMER DL ITEC WH ST. Aldgat e A ROA BRIC ID Aldgate Eas t LPH TO BO ST. T SQUIRR B R I C K L A NE M C KS T EET STR ER ST. T O WE R H I L L ON DS A G L CHESH ET EE S TR EE N REE Shoreditch RE STR BE RM ST SE NA ST IT A T SPITALFIELD S T HA M E S S T R E E T VE . D AR FENCHURCH STREETTo wer AT T OW DO KE N KENNINGTON RD DS M D OA AL E A S T C H EA P G RE LO WER UN V IS LE ADEN HAL L S TREET FENCH U RCH R TH CI ST. 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L U DGAT E H I LL NING XH SS RO G ATE AD VA U H ER DE F s in N EW S D GR ET LONDON RO GR DU CT FALKIRK STREET T SOUTHWARK Southwark KEN . N ST E LSEA BRIDG CHE VE N OR ET SO O Pimlico ET RE SE ET LO AD STRE ER RO RD AT GE FO W ID AR GE AD Ba ID RO ck BR STRE E WH O AV AM ST. N ER ST RE EC H LO GR S H EP ER S EL n lo AT LUPU B We L AN E W PIMLICO BR CE N TR RY Y LL KR W IC OAD AR LN. CE WA ST ROA LA LAMBETH BR. STRE ET AD G RO S HA Th e Vi ctoria To wer Gardens K ST . ST. UX MILLBAN ND Y BR. ST. FARRINGDON ST. NEW AN GS EHALL R LA WA OE SH CH KIN E M B A NKM E N T D WHIT MAR SHAM ER ST. GT. SMITH BE LG RA VE si n W . ST Templ e IA CTOR OU ST. T UDOR T TH VA D RO RY N VI A WATERLOO EAST RO A D F E RRY RO A ON ST. RA OR N RH TE ND RA VI KE HO SE Ba PT PL. M RD HA DFO H WESTMINSTER BRIDGE E Y C O AT PL. L UT E GU NTA MO BE YC Embankmen t ET W EL AD SO W D Haggerston Park PEARSON ST. SHOREDITCH Old Street EE BARBICAN . D HO LB AR MINTERN ST. G RO VE Y MU R RA R ST RO SQ Leicester Square AR GR ET N L Covent Garden CH STREET Ludgate Circus T LEE F G ST K RE S T RE O EL Chancery Lane HOLBORN A N Holborn Circus HAGGERSTON Shoreditch Park OLD Barbica n Farringdon HOLBORN F ET BAN NWELL AR AD OL ST Holborn ST RE ROAD D HO L B O R N HIG H E WH EAGL ROAD RO R LE VE CLERKENWELL SS OR LL IA GOS JOHN G D RU LB S LD BA Y S T. ET E HO EO A RO WESTMINSTER OR CIT E ELL S T R AC ROAD MA ad AMW PL TH COVENT GARDEN LO o y R WAY N H ST ER TO RO AM E S U AY S YM HA BR . E ET EE T ET STRE TR Y S TH S AV VICTORI A ON DG RE K LE ET RE ST R IV E R T RY CL AV ST OA MEN BU C R OS ET . ST H ET ANK EN ES SB W RY BL RE ET ST HIG NT EC CL ES T W SU T. LS CHARING CROSS ST UR YB R. IN CLERKE GE EB UR RING RE RE . EL OXF ORD CHA ST IT RE EMB D BU R D PL RR ET FRANCE Y TT T VIC AD Y FINSBURY Westminster WAL E CAG RO LE RE M OO L N S SM ST RCH CHU OLD RT FO AU BE SEA ROA LI CO CH E A N LS E EL A B A G RI H G AR MS OU AL TO W IL E EY R M ET UA HILL L. NP DE SE RE SS RU L E ST FA WATERLOO and WATERLOO INTERNATIONAL PE H ET OO RD M AC ET ST. TO N ST RE Russell RD Square U IL FO G E PL AN PIM T. CHELSEA CHEL BL D WA UTION AL OR AB . N ST ST RE ET A T M L AL PARK V UE SLO ON EN IZ LOW E R T AV S ET OT RO TR EE P STRE YC EL TE GA Sloane Square RE OW N TO EA S Q UA DRA Piccadilly Circu s Y . ST D BELGRAVIA N PT N DN OM AD BROMPTON T AF LL PA BRE SS EN SY BR SL AC E E South Kensington Q. RO ON LO C A D O GA RO AD UR RE T LL Y BIRD NE ROAD GAT E NG TON TH UR EY A CC L IL EN SLOA EXHI BITIO N QUE ENS PL R OA D RO MW ELL HA RRI OS Knightsbridge KNIGHTSBRIDGE ORT RD. PRINCE CONS CO EL RO AD KENS INGT O N GORE CONSTIT Hyde Par k Corner SH GR KENSINGTON ST M RK DI TH E DD ER M BE E GREEN RIDG JU W W RE CA e SB KNIGHT . ST ER ET EY UA PI W T RE EL SQ RK C PI Green Park D T GREA To ttenham Court Road EN BE NE RE AD O NE REG ET ST. LA ROA ST ON G T. EET RE EY NE RK The Ser pentin INE E BR ST E SQ ET SOHO LA PA SERPENT Oxford Circu s . ST SS LL ET STRE RD ST RK CURZ KENSINGTON GARDENS ST RE ND VE U N TO . RU DS STR BO EET PA AU DL GR OS BR ST. NO R SQ ON NEW OXFO VER HANO STREET STR H ET SO UT ST RE HYDE PARK MAYFAIR RD BLOOMSBURY AN ENT W IES PA RK O AD ATER R AYSW Goodge Street D . REG ISH SQ NE Bon d Street H E ARC ATE B E R LAND G D AV D ET HA AN LA N L. ND CAVE STRE GO S N GH AM P AC S. DN Y WA ON EN EL ET PO RT ST RE ACE D PL H EV TL AN T ND IS LA RD OXFO CU M E RN OU TB T. ES S W ROA ER G R EA P OR Marble Arch MARBL WAT CA VE NE W ST. BONE HIGH SQ A D E AC RR TE ER BAYS MA RYLE E ST CE AC ER ST CE OU CE E ST. E RR OU . T ST EET E STR TE GL PLA E AR AU GH CO NN ER GW PL AC N Lancaster Gate E KER ST ED RO R UA BA CE UR . ET OU BO PL OU R ST K MARYLEBONE SE YM EA OL PADDINGTON ST RE GL ET NSHIR CL E E TR Paddington DEVO G IGH Euston Square AFT TT D YO RK ON E ON LE DS EN AD VILLE RO PENTON ST. PANCRAS EUSTON R GR ST TO A ER O PL AC R BA K ER E ST. UNDE . Wa rren Great Street Portland Street D RO R Edgware Road YL EB M AR R OA TO SWIN OB A EUS T O N RD Baker Street AD N D Angel WHITE LION ST. W RE MARYLEBONE A40 RF ET MO CE ST W SS EU S PAS GL OU G RO D Edgware Road NO CL CIR R EU A RO E D VE ROA RO O ST DLE ST. . DALE RD Kings Cross Thameslink RE CL E RO TOLPUD WHARF P ENTON VIL LE ROAD ST I D IR A N G W ES T W AY NE T O O D L AN M ID A D RO OL R SS Y EUSTON ROAD D LI N WA DS ST . P ANCRAS D A R C S SH ET L E K TE RA ER AD RO U CIRC ER STRE CIRCLE RO O R NN HAMPSTEA ON ANY GT D PA NC EV ALB L IN EN AD RO ER EL OVE LL OUT W GR HA PA DALE WN CRO D R OA Mornington Crescent C it AD YORK AD A licence, not a piece of paper but ‘virtual’, has to be purchased for any vehicle entering or moving within the zone during the charging period unless an exemption or discount applies. The charge is per vehicle per day, therefore as long as the fee is paid for a particular ON HIGH ISLINGT ST. The congestion charge Congestion charging symbol A symbol has been approved to apply to all congestion charging schemes. This symbol, a white ‘C’ on a red background, will be used in all literature and on traffic signs so that the boundaries of congestion charging zones are clear to road users. Postcodes covering the London congestion charging zone There are nearly 24,000 individual postcodes in the congestion charging zone. We have therefore only listed the initial parts of these postcodes to indicate the general areas that are covered. Individual postcodes can be checked on TfL’s congestion charging website by going to and clicking on ‘Where and when does it operate’. Please note some postcode areas extend beyond the charging zone. SE SW SE1 • SE11 SW1A • SW1E • SW1H • SW1P • SW1V SW1W • SW1X • SW1Y W1A • W1B • W1C • W1D • W1F • W1G Traffic signs W1 WC WC EC EC EC EC W1H • W1J • W1K • W1S • W1T W1U • W1W WC1A • WC1B • WC1E • WC1H WC1N • WC1R • WC1V • WC1X WC2A • WC2B • WC2E WC2H • WC2N • WC2R EC1A • EC1M • EC1N • EC1P EC1R • EC1V • EC1Y EC2A • EC2M • EC2N • EC2P • EC2R EC2V • EC2Y EC3A • EC3M • EC3N • EC3P • EC3R EC3V EC4A • EC4M • EC4N • EC4P EC4R • EC4V • EC4Y There are also some smaller postcode areas which are: W2, E1, EC50, N1 and NW1. Traffic signs Signs are erected on the approaches to the zone and at the boundary of the zone. Markings on the road advise drivers that they are in the congestion charging zone. Even if a vehicle is in the zone for just a few minutes, or never crosses the inner ring road during the charging period the congestion charge is due. Vehicles sent into the congestion charging zone on a temporary diversion, eg by a policeman following an accident, are not subject to the charge. However, they must not leave the diversion route that takes them out of the zone again. 4 LONDON CONGESTION CHARGING - AN FTA COMPLIANCE GUIDE Pay and Go The standard option for payment of the London congestion charge that applies to most drivers is to purchase a daily licence for each vehicle entering the zone. This includes the general public and operators that do not qualify for the fleet scheme or who choose not to use it. Drivers can pay the congestion charge either in advance or on the day of travel before, during or after their journey. The charge is £5.00 if paid by 10pm on the day of travel. Between 10pm and midnight the charge doubles to £10.00. If the charge is not paid by midnight a PCN will be issued. Licences will be available for a single vehicle for a charging day or for 5, 20 or 252 consecutive charging days. They may be purchased up to 65 days in advance and will cost £5.00 per day with no discount for advance or bulk purchasing. They can be paid for by post, telephone, internet, text message on the day or from some shops and garages. administrative charge of £10.00). The start date of the refund must be a minimum of seven charging days from the date of receipt of the request by TfL. In the case of the fleet scheme, overcharges and undercharges will be adjusted the following month. Subject to the time taken to process, which will be a specified number of working days depending on the process involved, licences for unexpired full days can be transferred between vehicles or cancelled for vehicles no longer available to the operator. Transfer of licences between vehicles may be a quicker option than cancellation in those cases where it is practicable. Payment methods Online: (debit and credit cards) Phone: 0845 900 1234 (debit and credit cards) Text: Register on-line or by phone to be able to pay by mobile phone text message on the day of travel, until 10pm Retailers: From shops and petrol sta tions displaying a sign or the PayPoint logo from mid-January (cash accepted) Self-service machines: located in many major car parks in the charging zone (debit and credit cards only) By post: Write to Congestion Charging, PO Box 2985, Coventry CV7 8ZR Pay and go transactions There are no physical barriers around the congestion charging zone. Drivers do not buy a paper ticket, but pay to register their vehicle registration number on a database for travel within the charging zone. A Fast Track Card is available for pay and go users containing the individual transaction details and registration number, protected by a PIN number. This should mean that individual pay and go transactions can be done more quickly. Each time the congestion charge is paid by telephone or online, a receipt number will be issued. It is recommended that a record is taken of this number as it will be needed if there are any queries about the transaction. For such pay and go transactions a written receipt will also be available, provided it is requested at the time. In retail outlets a written receipt will automatically be provided. Registered customers with TfL have the option of selecting a monthly statement which will list all receipt numbers for purchased charges using the registered customer’s details. Licence purchasers will need to have the following to hand before making a transaction. – Vehicle registration number – Date(s) of travel and the period to be paid for (daily, weekly, monthly or annually) – Payment details (eg Switch, Delta or Visa) Refunds, transfers and cancellations The £10.00 per year registration fee (for registration of discounts or of vehicles under the fleet scheme) is not refundable. Those purchasing monthly or yearly licences on a pay and go basis in advance will be able to obtain refunds for future days (there will be an Fast Track Card A Fast Track Card can be obtained to speed up payments. It can be used for payments online, by telephone and at retail outlets displaying the congestion charging sign or PayPoint logo. It is the size of a credit card and contains much of the information that would otherwise have to be repeated for each transaction (it does not contain any financial information). The vehicle registration number and customer number are printed on the front. The details for one or two vehicles can be registered on a Fast Track Card. Only the details of the primary vehicle will be stored on the magnetic strip and printed on the Fast Track Card sent after registration. Fast Track users can opt to store payment and card details with their profile for use in paying through the call centre or website. These will be protected by a PIN number. If these details have been stored then the text message service can also be used after registration. To register for a Fast Track Card, go to and click on the ’Register for Fast Track’ button or phone 0845 900 1234. There is no additional charge for the card. LONDON CONGESTION CHARGING - AN FTA COMPLIANCE GUIDE 5 Fleet schemes If preferred, a fleet operator can pay the congestion charge using the pay and go arrangements, ie buy daily licences. Where the same vehicle is entering the congestion charging zone on a daily basis, purchase of licences on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis may be the simplest option. However, in recognition of the complexities of administering the scheme for larger fleets TfL agreed, after pressure from FTA, to establish an account option that allows operators to manage payment of the charge over the internet through the opening of a holding account with TfL. (Details of this online option are shown in ‘Fleet scheme – web solution overview’ on page 10.) The basic criteria for acceptance on the fleet scheme is that an operator must register at least 25 vehicles. To cover administration costs fleet operators are charged £10.00 per vehicle per year for this registration. The usual method of arranging this will be by direct debit when the first payment is taken and on an annual basis, subject to amendments to the fleet details, thereafter. For early registrations the £10.00 fee has been waived (if registered before 26 January 2003) see page 14. Vehicles for which the operator is the registered keeper or which are hired or leased to them and which are used for their business will qualify. No geographical limit applies. It does not matter whether the vehicles are expected to enter the charging zone – they can still be registered to meet the 25 vehicle threshold. Registered vehicles will not be subject to enforcement penalties and no £10.00 late payment charge will be levied. Ad hoc vehicles that the fleet operator may send into London from time to time (that are not registered on the fleet scheme) can be paid for using the fleet account. There are two fleet schemes, the Automated scheme and the Notification scheme. Operators using the fleet scheme will need to deposit with TfL in advance a sum equivalent to their estimated monthly congestion charge bill. Operators can have several accounts, eg for different cost centres, or use both the Automated and Notification schemes provided they put at least 25 vehicles in each. For both fleet schemes a holding account will be created. TfL want all companies to make payments into these accounts by direct debit. Operators prepay monthly with the first month’s payment being based on their estimates. Subsequent monthly debits from operators’ accounts will be based on actual vehicle movements. At the end of each month a statement of vehicle charges will be issued. There will be no lead time for the addition of vehicles to the fleet account. A template has been developed by TfL/CAPITA for the bulk download of fleet data with step by step instructions to guide opera- 6 tors through the process. TfL have also promised that fleet operators will have access to a fleet customer service specialist. Operators can pre-register vehicles on the fleet scheme by internet as well as by post. Forms for this registration are available to download via the internet (see ‘Further information’ for the website address, page 16). Pay and Tell – Notification scheme This fleet scheme is open to all vehicle types but is aimed at cars. The charge per vehicle is the same as for pay and go – £5.00 per vehicle per day plus the fee of £10.00 per vehicle per year to register the vehicles on the scheme. Again, a minimum of 25 fleet vehicles must be registered on each account. Step 1: The operator opens an account by completing an application form providing company information and details of each vehicle to be registered. Information also required includes company headed paper, a signed direct debit mandate form and signed Terms and Conditions. The last two items can be printed off the TfL website. Account opening will require a £10.00 annual payment for each vehicle registered and a prepayment based on the operator’s estimated amount of charges for the first month. The application form itself can be completed online, but is also available by post. Step 2: The fleet operator will provide a list at the end of each month of registered vehicles that have travelled in the charging zone on each day that month. Step 3: TfL then check this against the vehicle number plates captured by the network of cameras. Any charges for additional registered vehicles captured by the cameras will be charged to the fleet operator’s account. Step 4: A pre-payment for the forthcoming month will be drawn by direct debit from the fleet operator’s bank account. This amount will take into account any differences between the predicted and actual charges for the previous month and the fleet operator’s anticipated charges for the next month. Pay and Forget – Automated scheme This fleet scheme is open to light vans, light goods vehicles and heavy goods vehicles, based on the body type according to the V5 (DVLA issued vehicle registration document). It is not available to cars. Again, at least 25 vehicles must be registered. For this scheme the daily vehicle charge is £5.50 per vehicle per day. The increase is, according to TfL, to LONDON CONGESTION CHARGING - AN FTA COMPLIANCE GUIDE offset the administration required for the Automated system and to offset the charges of vehicles not captured by the camera network. Step 1: The operator opens an account by completing an application form providing company information and details of each vehicle to be registered. Information also required includes company headed paper, a signed direct debit mandate form and signed Terms and Conditions. The last two items can be printed off the TfL website. Account opening will require a £10.00 annual payment for each vehicle registered and a pre-payment based on the operator’s estimated amount of charges for the first month. The application form itself can be completed online, but is also available by post. Step 2: Fleet vehicle number plates are captured by the network of cameras and the appropriate charges are calculated automatically. Step 3: A pre-payment for the forthcoming month will be drawn by direct debit from the fleet operator’s bank account. This amount will take into account any differences between the predicted and actual charges for the previous month and the fleet operator’s anticipated charges for the next month. Terms and Conditions Operators joining one of the fleet schemes (Notification or Automated) will have to agree to TfL’s Terms and Conditions. These contain a number of provisions which operators need to be aware of. In particular attention is drawn to the need to have at least 25 vehicles registered in order to maintain eligibility for the fleet schemes. In the case of the Notification scheme the operator is required to provide TfL with a monthly reconciliation of the vehicles entering the congestion charging zone over the previous period. There are requirements as to the accuracy of this information and operators should be aware that they could cease to be eligible for the fleet scheme if they fail to provide sufficiently accurate figures to TfL. This highlights the need for operators using the Notification fleet scheme to have accurate information from their drivers and managers as to whether vehicles have entered the congestion charging zone. FTA has secured important concessions from TfL over the working of the fleet scheme for settlement of the London congestion charge. TfL had insisted that the registered owner of the vehicle entering central London be responsible for the management of the fleet scheme. This would have meant that many retailers and other customers of logistics contractors would have to become involved in paying the congestion charge even though the vehicle involved was in all other respects the responsibility of the logistics contractor. FTA has persuaded TfL to accept that the logistics contractor can manage the fleet scheme arrangements so simplifying procedures and keeping administrative costs down (for Automated accounts only). This will also include a logistics company or an organisation using an owner-driver fleet. They will be able to register for an Automated fleet account, sign the Terms and Conditions, and register ‘their’ vehicles in the same way as other organisations. The Relationship Manager for the account would be a representative from the organisation that operates the fleet. LONDON CONGESTION CHARGING - AN FTA COMPLIANCE GUIDE 7 Will you need to pay the London cong Are you going into, or moving within the congestion charging zone Monday – Friday between 07.00 and 18.30? START HERE Are you exempt or do you qualify for a discount? YES You nee YES NO NO What happens if you don’t? You do not need to pay YOU MUST PAY THE CHARGE The fleet scheme Fleet operators (with 25 or more vehicles) will be able to enter into special payment arrangements. Vehicles for which the operator is the registered keeper or which are hired or leased to them and which are used for their business will qualify. No geographical limit applies. It does not matter whether the vehicles are expected to enter the charging zone, they can still be registered to meet the 25 vehicle threshold. Do you operate 25 or more fleet vehicles? PA NO Buy a (This that by publ ope the f Two options will be open to the operator but in both cases each vehicle to be covered by the scheme will have to be registered with TfL and a £10.00 per annum fee paid per vehicle. Registered vehicles will not be subject to enforcement penalties. YES Operators will also need to deposit with TfL in advance a sum equivalent to their estimated monthly congestion charge bill. Operators can have several accounts, eg for different cost centres, or use both the Automated and Notification schemes provided they put at least 25 eligible vehicles in each. Terms and Conditions are being developed by TfL concerning use of the fleet scheme. Repeated misuse may result in an operator being barred from the scheme for a specified period. YES MORE INFO Do you want to pay monthly with an account at TfL (£10.00 per vehicle per year to register its details)? PAY & TELL Do the 25 or more vehicles you want to register include cars? YES Notification scheme allows you to pay monthly £5.00 per vehicle per day (but operators must notify TfL monthly of vehicles moving in the zone) You can join the fleet scheme HOW? NO Step 1 Step 2 Open an account with TfL and register vehicles for £10.00 each per year Pre-pay monthly estimated charge at £5.00 per vehicle per day NO PAY & FORGET NO Are you prepared to pay £5.50 per light van or lorry per day to ‘pay & forget’? FREIGHT 8 TRANSPORT YES Automated scheme allows you to pay monthly with your congestion charging bill automatically calculated (but at £5.50 per vehicle no cars per day) S HOW? ASSOCIATION LONDON CONGESTION CHARGING - AN FTA COMPLIANCE GUIDE Open with regist for pe How do I pay? estion charge? PAY & GO do not need to pay but you may d to register your claim with TfL Purchase ‘daily’ licences The standard option for payment of the London congestion charge will be to purchase a daily licence for each vehicle entering the zone. This will apply to the general public and operators that don’t qualify for the fleet scheme or who choose not to use it. Licences will be available for a single vehicle for a charging day or for 5, 20 or 252 consecutive charging days. They may be purchased up to 65 days in advance and will cost £5.00 per day with no discount for advance payment. They will be obtainable by post, text message, telephone, internet, self service machines or from retail outlets. ! Vehicles captured on camera that are not exempt, discounted or registered on the fleet scheme will be subject to a penalty charge notice if the appropriate fee has not been paid PAY & TELL Y & GO The Notification scheme daily licence. s the option will be used he general and vehicle ators not in eet scheme.) HOW? Buy up to 65 days in advance by post, telephone, text message, self service machine, internet or retail outlet Fleet operators will have the option of paying the congestion charge on a monthly basis. They will be charged at the standard £5.00 per vehicle per day rate. If operators use this option they will need to notify details of vehicles which have incurred a charge in a monthly reconciliation. This scheme is aimed at fleets containing cars, but can also apply to fleets that include light vans and lorries. PAY & FORGET The Automated scheme Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Operator sends list of vehicles that have entered zone to TfL at the end of the month TfL reconciles data with enforcement records Operator pre-pays for following month. Adjusted as necessary For those who opt for the £5.50 rate no reconciliation will be required. It will literally be a ‘pay and forget’ system with operators' accounts being decremented when the enforcement cameras detect a registered vehicle. TfL say the additional charge is to compensate for the fact that the cameras are expected to miss some vehicles and to contribute towards additional administrative costs. Operators using this scheme will pay no cars monthly as with the Notification scheme. Exemptions and discounts Exemptions include: ep 1 Step 2 n account Pre-pay monthly TfL and estimated charge r vehicles at £5.50 per 10 each vehicle year per day Step 3 Step 4 Vehicle registration no. captured on camera and checked with records. Account decremented accordingly Operator pre-pays for following month. Adjusted as necessary • motorcycles • some local authority vehicles • emergency vehicles 100 per cent discounts are available, including: • some recovery/breakdown vehicles • electric or alternative fuel vehicles Full lists of exemptions and discounts are available from TfL’s website ( LONDON CONGESTION CHARGING - AN FTA COMPLIANCE GUIDE 9 Fleet scheme – web solution overview Operators have two options for fleet account registration. They can register online via the congestion charging website – – or by post. TfL describes the extranet solution, via the congestion charging website, as a secure route to manage fleet accounts. The following are examples of screens from this extranet, supplied by TfL. Complete registration on extranet A ‘Business and Fleet’ hyperlink on the web-site will take operators through to pre-register for the extranet and set up their company account, identify administrators and other users and establish PIN numbers for each user. Operators will also be able to load details of individual vehicles to be entered on the fleet scheme or bulk upload fleet details. A minimum of 25 vehicles will have to be entered whether the application is for the Automated or Notification scheme. This screen shows data in a CSV format (this is a ‘save as’ option in Microsoft Excel). Ongoing management of fleet accounts Once the registration has been completed and all the required hard copies of documents have been sent to TfL the fleet account will be activated and the operator will be able to manage it using the secure extranet. 10 LONDON CONGESTION CHARGING - AN FTA COMPLIANCE GUIDE Exemptions and discounts Resident’s discount Certain types of vehicles will be exempt from the London congestion charge or will receive a discount. It is the Mayor’s intention that the exempt categories will remain largely unchanged with those vehicles included within the definition not required to pay the charge. Discounts on the other hand may be varied according to experience with the operation of the scheme. Residents of the zone will receive a 90 per cent discount from the charge for one private vehicle only. Businesses in the zone will not receive any such discount. To obtain the resident’s discount, individuals will have to prove residency status and vehicle ownership and will have to buy licences for a minimum of one week (ie 5 x 50p = £2.50). They will have to pay an annual fee of £10.00 to register their claim for discount. There are four distinct groups of vehicle user that will not have to pay the London congestion charge – those that are exempt; residents who receive a discount; groups of people with whom TfL has arranged a system for claiming back charges; other discounted vehicles. Claiming back the charge Users of the following vehicles will be able to claim back the full charge from their employers or the NHS. TfL will then refund these organisations. TfL has developed various forms for those claiming discounts and these are available to download via the TfL extranet site (see ‘Further information’ on page 16 for details) or by post on request. – Some vehicles used by NHS staff to carry sensitive, controlled, bulky, heavy or fragile equipment Exemptions – Vehicles used by fire fighters for operational journeys between fire stations The following exemptions from the London congestion charge may be of interest to operators: users will not have to register as exempt. – Motorbikes, mopeds and bicycles – Emergency services’ vehicles – NHS vehicles that are exempt from vehicle excise duty – Public service vehicles with nine or more seats that are licensed as buses – Vehicles used by certain NHS patients attending hospital appointments Other discounts At the time of introduction of the charge it is anticipated that all other discounts will be set at 100 per cent. The following tables show a full list of the discounts (excepting the resident’s and claimed back discounts). More detail about discounts likely to be of interest to fleet operators is shown in the section on congestion charging and vehicle purchasing (page 12). Some discounts have to be registered will TfL with an annual fee of £10.00 per vehicle (table 1), others simply have to be registered with TfL (table 2). TABLE 1 TABLE 2 – Disabled persons or insitutions in receipt of a Blue Badge or Orange Badge – Certain vehicles with nine or more seats that are not licensed as buses – Electrically propelled vehicles – Operational vehicles used by the emergency services (police, fire and ambulance) – Alternative fuel vehicles – Specially adapted recovery vehicles – Breakdown vehicles in use to provide roadside assistance or recovery services operated by organisations accredited to BS EN ISO9001:2000, eg AA, RAC or Green Flag – Operational vehicles used by the eight local authorities within or partly within the charging zone and the Royal Parks Agency – Vehicles used for lifeboat haulage and HM Coastguard purposes and certain Port of London Authority vehicles used to attend emergencies on the Thames. – Certain operational military vehicles Users of these vehicles must register with TfL and pay an annual fee of £10.00 per vehicle Users of these vehicles must register with TfL LONDON CONGESTION CHARGING - AN FTA COMPLIANCE GUIDE 11 Congestion charging and vehicle purchasing To qualify for the 100 per cent alternative fuel vehicle discount from congestion charging, your vehicle must be powered by an alternative fuel and not solely by petrol or diesel (bi/dual fuel vehicles are eligible). This is subject to strict emissions criteria which are set out below. The TransportEnergy PowerShift Register and the TransportEnergy CleanUp Register, held by the Energy Saving Trust, show the emissions’ levels achieved by different types of vehicles and different types of conversion equipment, and whether they meet the criteria for the 100 per cent congestion charging discount. To be eligible, a vehicle may either have been manufactured to run on an alternative fuel, or it may have been converted to run on an alternative fuel, but the vehicle type and the conversion supplier must be listed in the appropriate band on the TransportEnergy PowerShift Register, or listed as meeting an equivalent standard on the TransportEnergy CleanUp Register. approved supplier (or listed as meeting an equivalent emissions’ standard in the TransportEnergy CleanUp Register). – A vehicle which is listed as an approved vehicle type in band 4 of the TransportEnergy PowerShift Register, and supplied or converted by an approved supplier (or listed as meeting an equivalent emissions’ standard in the TransportEnergy CleanUp Register). The minimum requirement for heavy vehicles (over 3,500kgs revenue weight) to receive this discount is to meet the band 2 criteria on the TransportEnergy PowerShift Register. This means that the vehicle must meet Euro III standards or cleaner for emissions of carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter, methane and non-methane hydrocarbons. The minimum requirement for light vehicles (under 3,500kgs revenue weight) to receive this discount is to meet the band 4 criteria on the TransportEnergy PowerShift Register. This means that the vehicle must have oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbon emissions at least 40 per cent cleaner than the Euro IV standard. To be eligible for the discount your vehicle must fall into one of the following two categories. Please note that these standards, as determined by the Energy Saving Trust, could become stricter in the future as the technology for low emission vehicles improves. – A goods vehicle over 3,500kgs revenue weight which is listed as an approved vehicle type in band 2, 3 or 4 of the TransportEnergy PowerShift Register, and supplied or converted by an Operators applying for the alternative fuel exemption will need to complete the form as shown below (available by post or can be downloaded from TfL’s extranet). 12 LONDON CONGESTION CHARGING - AN FTA COMPLIANCE GUIDE Enforcement Following a final check at midnight, the computer will keep the registration numbers of all vehicles that should have paid but have not done so. A penalty charge of £80.00 will be issued to the registered keeper of the vehicle. As with parking penalties, this will be reduced to £40.00 for prompt payment within 14 days. Failure to pay the penalty charge within 28 days will incur an increased penalty of £120.00. Vehicles with three or more outstanding unpaid and unchallenged penalty charges may be clamped or towed away with the release being dependent on the payment of all outstanding charges. Enforcement cameras are placed around the zone perimeter and within the charging zone. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology is used. The number plates are compared with a database of licences paid for or exemptions and discounts. Foreign vehicles that repeatedly evade the charge may also face clamping and removal if they are detected in Greater London. Retention of records from enforcement cameras Enforcement cameras will read the number plate of the vehicle as it enters the charging zone or drives within it and match it with the database. Once the number plate is matched showing that the vehicle has or has not been paid for the records are either wiped, if no charge is outstanding, or an exemption, discount or exclusion applies or are retained as evidence for a PCN if a charge is due but has not been paid. For pay and go users of central London congestion charging, the enforcement camera images of their vehicle and vehicle registration number will be deleted once they have been ‘matched’ to a congestion charge payment. However, in the case of vehicles registered to a fleet account, images will be deleted 60 days after the end of the calendar month in which they were captured, subject to there being no issues outstanding on the account. The availability of these images may assist in resolving any issues arising over charges levied on an operator’s fleet account. Penalty charges and hire vehicles TfL has informed us that the liability arrangements for hire vehicles will be similar to those relating to parking penalties. Liability will be with the hirer and not with the hire company. This should prevent customers of hire companies being affected by previous customers failing to pay the congestion charge. – When a vehicle travels within the congestion charging zone without paying the congestion charge a PCN will be issued to the registered keeper. – If the registered keeper is a vehicle hire company and the vehicle was hired to a customer at the time of the offence, the company will make a representation to TfL to defer responsibility for the PCN to the hirer of the vehicle at the time of the offence. – TfL will receive the representation. This will stop the progress of the PCN to the persistent evaders database. There will be no enforcement actions (clamping or removal) associated with the PCN. This last point should particularly reassure subsequent hirers of vehicles against which there are outstanding PCNs. LONDON CONGESTION CHARGING - AN FTA COMPLIANCE GUIDE 13 Preparing for the London congestion charge In the run up to the introduction of the London congestion charge, the Mayor, Ken Livingstone, has approved changes to the arrangements for registration of vehicles on the fleet scheme and for some discounts (alternative fuels, residents and some disabled badge holders). The 20 per cent discount that had been proposed for all initial payments of the charge is not now going ahead. The following changes of interest to operators have been approved: – The £10.00 registration fee is waived for: Information to employees Once the company response has been decided companies will need to plan an information exercise for their employees. In the first instance for managers who will have to implement company policy on the charge and, as the charge approaches, for drivers of cars, light vans and lorries. It may be useful for companies to issue stickers for commercial vehicles in the fleet schemes so that drivers know that the congestion charge has been paid for the vehicle or, if appropriate, that the vehicle is registered for a discount (eg alternative fuelled or a breakdown vehicle). The following is an example of the sort of information such a sticker could contain. • all vehicles registered on the fleet scheme (notification and automated) by 26 January 2003; • all alternative fuel vehicles (meeting the critera for 100 per cent discount from the charge) registered by 26 January 2003. – All subsequent registrations after 26 January of alternative fuel discounts and annual registration of vehicles on the fleet scheme are subject to a fee of £10.00 per vehicle per year. – Originally Transport for London (TfL) had proposed a special discount for first payments of the charge of up to 20 per cent. However, this proposal has been abandoned as the software required for congestion charging cannot be adapted in time to make the necessary changes. Fleet scheme users will pay their estimated charges one month in advance in all cases. In the run up to introduction of congestion charging the following arrangements will apply. FREIGHT TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION Vehicle registered on fleet scheme until / / – Registration of discounts and of fleet vehicles starting at the end of October 2002. – Advance payments of the first month’s charge etc, made in January 2003. – Fleet scheme users will make advance payments by direct debit in February 2003 for anticipated charges for March, and so on. 14 LONDON CONGESTION CHARGING - AN FTA COMPLIANCE GUIDE Other congestion charging schemes The only congestion charging scheme currently operational is in Durham, where the £2.00 coin payment machine is linked to a rising bollard. In London and Edinburgh the charging mechanism will be via digital cameras and ANPR technology although there is no single collection method for both schemes. With numerous locations considering congestion charging schemes there is a danger of a plethora of different systems. Four locations – Edinburgh, Leeds, Bristol and the Peak District – are considering schemes whilst nine others – Glasgow, Newcastle, York, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Birmingham, Oxford and Cardiff – are monitoring the situation. If they all operate different charging regimes FTA is aware of concerns that it will be impossible for UK industry to move goods effectively and efficiently across a patchwork quilt of different systems. FTA is making the case for the need for interoperability of the technology used in different congestion charging schemes. There is a further strategic recommendation necessary requiring that all congestion charging technology is compatible with the Government’s proposals for distance based lorry road charging due in 2006. FTA has consistently argued that goods vehicles should be exempt from any congestion charge. A comparative overview of the main exemptions in the most advanced schemes highlight the confused approach to exemptions. After London the most advanced preparations for a congestion charging scheme are in Edinburgh. The Edinburgh scheme will use cameras and ANPR technology. The proposed charge is £2.00 per day and no exemptions or discounts are planned for commercial vehicles. Trials of technology to be used for lorry road user charging and congestion charging are due to take place in Leeds starting in Summer 2003 and concluding in Summer 2004. The Leeds trial is looking at the available technology with the aims of ensuring interoperability between lorry road user charging technology, congestion charging technology and tolled road crossing technology. The trials will also look at the billing process, types of bills and administration burdens of such schemes. Trials will take place using both microwave and GPS systems. Instead of the congestion charging route other tools are planned by some local authorities. Nottingham is planning a Workplace Parking Levy which aims to target commuters with a levy of £150.00 per year per parking space, rising to £350.00 per year over the next 10 years. The levy is intended to come into operation in 2003/04 and will mean businesses have to pay for a licence according to the number of parking spaces they have. It will be up to employers whether they bear the cost of the levy or pass it on to their staff. A number of cities are considering the introduction of Low Emission Zones which also need to be considered in the context of future vehicle acquisition strategy. LONDON Motorcycles Some local authority vehicles Glasgow Some recovery/breakdown vehicles* Edinburgh Electrical or alternative fuel vehicles* Residents Newcastle Durham Taxis Buses Key *100% discount York In place Introducing DURHAM Leeds Considering Monitoring Manchester Liverpool Motorcycles Sheffield Residents and visitors Peak District Disabled persons Birmingham Those travelling to locations with off street parking Oxford Cardiff London EDINBURGH (still to be finalised) Bristol Taxis Residents Buses LONDON CONGESTION CHARGING - AN FTA COMPLIANCE GUIDE 15 Further information Freight Transport Association Member Advice Centre - for questions about the London congestion charge 0870 605 0000 London & South East Region - for information on FTA policy on London issues Tel: 01892 526171 Fax: 01892 552352 Transport for London Congestion charging helpline 0845 900 1234 Congestion charging website Transport for London’s website TransportEnergy TransportEnergy website HERMES HOUSE, ST JOHN’S ROAD, TUNBRIDGE WELLS, KENT TN4 9UZ TELEPHONE: 01892 526171 FA X : 0 1 8 9 2 5 3 4 9 8 9 W E B S I T E : w w w. f t a . c o . u k Freight Transport Association Limited • Registered Office • Hermes House, St John’s Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 9UZ • Registered in England Number 391957 • January 2003
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