January 2, 2014 Mt Pleasant, IA The Board met in regular session at


January 2, 2014 Mt Pleasant, IA The Board met in regular session at
January 2, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Gary See, Marc
Lindeen and Greg Moeller.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by Moeller to approve minutes of December 31,
2013. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to appoint Marc Lindeen Chairman for
2014. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to appoint Greg Moeller Vice-Chairman
for 2014. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
1 The following had requested, in writing, to be official newspaper for Henry County for
2013: Winfield Beacon/Wayland News, Mt Pleasant News and The New London
2. Claims pay dates for 2014 are as follows:
January 9 & 23
May 8 & 22
February 13 & 27
June 5 & 19
March 13 & 27
July 3, 17 &31
April 10 & 24
August 14 & 28
September 11 & 25
October 9 & 23
November 6 & 20
December 4 & 18
3. The Board authorized the County Auditor to issue warrants in payment upon
presentation of the following: freight, express, telephone, water, light, gas, postage
and for salaries and payrolls, where such compensation shall have been previously
fixed by the Board of Supervisors, upon certificate of the office under whom such
compensation shall have been earned.
4. The Board authorized the following holidays to be observed by County Employees
New Year’s Day; President’s Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day;
Veteran’s Day; Thanksgiving Day and day after; Christmas Day and three personal
days. When regular holidays fall on Saturday, the holiday will be observed on Friday
preceding and when they fall on Sunday it will be observed on Monday following.
5. Harold Pollmeier was reappointed Weed Commissioner for 2014.
6. Dr. Kent Metcalf was reappointed Henry County Medical Examiner.
7. Henry County Board of Health: (3 year term)
Joni Manske (expires 12-31-16)
Bob Welander (expires 12-31-16)
Rose Lauer (expires 12-31-14)
Tom Miller (expires 12-31-15)
Kent Metcalf (expires 12-31-15)
Henry County Civil Service Commission: (6 year term)
Dr. Richard Howie (expires 12-31-19) (Attorney Appointee)
Beryl Shahan (expires 12-31-15)
(Supervisors Appointee)
(Supervisors Appointee)
Brian Roth (expires 12-31-17)
9. Henry County Conservation Board: (5 member board-5 year terms)
Lori Muntz (expires 12-31-18)
Sara Borders (expires 12-31-14)
John Klopfenstein (expires 12-31-15)
Jim Onorato (expires 12-31-16)
George Jacques (expires 12-31-17)
10. Pursuant to Sec 6b.4 2005 Code of Iowa, appointed the following persons as
Members of the Compensation Commission in eminent domain proceedings:
Agricultural Property owner-Operators: (appointed annually)
Myers Rossiter, Winfield
Wayne Beckman, New London
Mark Boshart, Mt Pleasant
Larry Pidgeon, Salem
Ken Denning, Mt Pleasant
John Scott, Mt Pleasant
Leo Hunting, Mt Pleasant
Robert Waters, Mt Pleasant
Doree Huddleston, Mt Union
Marlin Ford, Mt Pleasant
Steve Gray, Mt Pleasant
Maria White, Mt Pleasant
Tim Meyer, Wayland
City or Town Property Owners:
Carla Lance, Westwood
Cecil Linder, Winfield
Jim Onorato, Salem
Randy Seberg, Mt Pleasant
Kelly Overton, Wayland
Michael D Reschly, Olds
Person Having Knowledge of Property Values:
John Lance, Westwood
Gary Anderson, Swedesburg
Yvonne Rich, Mt Pleasant
Sue Gray, Mt Pleasant
Mike Tometich, Mt Pleasant
Bradley Benson, Winfield
Danny Cornell, Mt Pleasant
11. Southeast Iowa Regional Planning Committee serving Henry County
Klay Edwards
Greg Moeller
Jacob Hotchkiss, alternate
12. Regional Homeless Coordinating Board for 4 County Area:
Greg Stacey
Claude Kremer
Paula Morgan
Erica Martin
Marva Kremer
13. Board of Supervisors 2014 Committee Appointments and Alternates:
Marc Lindeen, Vice-Chairman
911 Board/Emergency Mgmt Board – Alternate Gary See
Great River Regional Waste Authority-Alternate Gary See
Decat –Alternate Gary See
Henry County Landfill-Alternate Gary See
Henry County Community Action Program-Alternate Greg Moeller
Southeast Iowa Community Action
Gary See, Chairman
8th Judicial District Adult Correction-Alternate Greg Moeller
Regional Workforce Investment Board-Alternate Greg Moeller
Mt Pleasant Area Economic Development Comm-Alternate Marc Lindeen
Early Childhood Development -Alternate Greg Moeller
Citizens Advisory Board-MHI-Alternate Greg Moeller
Area 16 Regional Transit Authority-Alternate Marc Lindeen
Southeast Iowa Crime Commission-Alternate Marc Lindeen
Greg Moeller, Member
Southeast Iowa Regional Planning-Alternate Marc Lindeen
REAP-Alternate Marc Lindeen
Healthy Henry County Communities-Alternate Gary See
Regional Utilities Service Systems (RUSS) – Alternate Gary See
14. Henry County Tourism-Kent White-Alternate Marc Lindeen
15. Henry County Historic Preservation Commission (3 year term)
Herbert Hult (expires 12-31-15)
Rosie Kramer (expires 12-31-15)
R L Chrisinger (expires 12-31-15)
Gwen Moore (expires 12-31-15)
Caroline Lehman (expires 12-31-16)
Mary Savage (expires 12-31-16)
Martha Francy (expires 12-31-16)
Joel Garretson (expires 12-31-16)
Todd Brereton (expires 12-31-14)
Donald Young (expires 12-31-14)
Chad Brusseau (expires 12-31-14)
Faye Heartsill (expires 12-31-14)
16. Board of Adjustment (5 year term-5 Member Board)
Susan Crane (expires 12-31-18)
Gayle Olson (expires 12-31-14)
Gary Anderson (expires 12-31-17)
Ron Osborne (expires 12-31-15)
Dave Helman (expires 12-31-16)
17. Zoning Commission (5 yr term-5 Member Board)(Jan 2006 –changed to 5 members)
Steve Gray (expires 12-31-17)
Greg Lorber (expires 12-31-15)
Lee Bradley (expires 12-31-15)
Alan Miller (expires 12-31-16)
David Simmons (expires 12-31-16)
18. Pioneer Cemetery Commission (3 year term-9 Member Board)
Stan Hill (expires 12-31-16)
David Gates (expires 12-31-16)
Pat White (expires 12-31-16)
Charlotte Zihlman (expires 12-31-14)
Ross Tweedy (expires 12-31-14)
Pamela Stewart (expires 12-31-15)
Linn Hunsaker (expires 12-31-15)
Allan Barnes (expires 12-31-15)
Mona Gates (expires 12-31-14)
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the preceding appointments
and reappointments to the Boards/Commissions the Supervisors are responsible for. 3
ayes. Motion carried.
The following Department Heads met with the Board to give their monthly updates: Rich
McNamee, Sheriff Dept; Ana Lair, Treasurer; Rick VanWinkle, Vet Affairs; Walt
Jackson, Emergency Management; Sarah Berndt, CPC; Joe Buffington, Planning &
Zoning; Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer; Andrea Cook, Deputy Auditor; Sheila Allender,
Deputy Assessor.
Sarah Berndt, CPC; Mike Vance, Cindy Danielson, Tim Liechty, Darin Stater, Linda
Fear, and Barb Leslie joined the meeting and spoke with the Board about putting changes
to the Management Plan. Sarah has been experiencing difficulty finding commitment
beds because hospitals want the patients to have prescreens before hand. Stater agreed
that we need to be more proactive with our management plan but that Sarah (CPC)
should be the one responsible for finding the beds for those patients.
No sub-committee updates.
There being no further business the board adjourned the meeting.
Andrea Cook, Deputy Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
January 7, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the January 2,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. Truck drivers hauled sand into the shop to replenish the supply,
territory operators worked on chains and replacing teeth on the V-picks, it started
snowing around noon on Monday so sent trucks out to sand and salt intersections. Plow
trucks were out at 5:00 a.m. Tuesday mainly in the north part of the county clearing roads
when that was done they continued hauling sand to the shop stock pile, territory operators
worked on roughing up slick areas. Wednesday was a holiday and it started snowing in
the afternoon, so trucks and graders were out at 5:00 a.m. Thursday morning the trucks
quit at 3:00 and graders stayed out till 5:00 p.m. Friday graders came in at 5:00 a.m. and
finished by quitting time as the trucks were sent out to help finish gravel roads and then
preformed cleanup on the trucks and prepared for the next snow. They are going to start
job opening for Assistant to the County Engineer, which is to replace a tech who left a
couple years ago and was never replaced. Applications will be accepted until position is
filled. Still working on mechanic opening and started reviewing application for
Equipment I Operator hoped to have both filled by end of January. Working on plans for
the new shed to store snow plow trucks to be let in the spring.
Ana Lair, Treasurer presented her FY2015 budget to the Board.
Derek Wellington, IT/Safety Coordinator presented the quote for an upgrade of the
Courthouse and Community Services Building security system that the Board had
requested him to get. The quote was with All Secure who currently services the county
system and is for the news system that is user friendly for $33,260. It was moved by
Moeller and seconded by See to move forward with the purchase of this new security
system per the quote received. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
GSA has emailed the signature page for the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to sign
and have notarized and sent back to them and they have snt signature pages to FEMA and
HHS as soon as all are received they will compile them into a single MOA document and
send to the county to be recorded. This means we will finally have a clean right to
operate the Citizens Convenience Center for Rural Solid Waste Collection at 900 W
Washington St., Mt Pleasant, IA, by the agreement with the Federal Government it was
received under. Chairman Marc Lindeen signed the document and Auditor Shelly Barber
notarized it and sent it back to them.
No sub-committee meetings.
The meeting was adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
January 9, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the January 7,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Joining the meeting was Mike Vance and Tim Liechty, Magistrate Judges, Darin Stater
and Erin Stensvaag, from the County Attorney’s Office.
Sarah Berndt, CPC presented an amendment to the Henry County Mental Health
Management Plan, which would open up placement in any hospital in Iowa with an
inpatient psychiatric unit not just one specific facility. Also removing the CPC from the
responsibility of having to find a bed for hospitalizations voluntary or involuntary. The
Board asked the Darin Stater the County Attorney about these changes, his statement was
legally yes you can change it to read in the manner presented but he did not feel it was a
good policy to change to. The Board asked for input from the others, Judge Vance stated
that someone needs to be responsible to stay on top of these cases and since the CPC has
the power of the purse strings he feels it is their responsibility. After additional
discussion it was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to table this amendment till
Sarah, the County Attorney and the others in the Region of the new Mental Health
Reorganization as this management plan will only be in effect until June 30, 2014 and it
will go to the Regionalization Management Plan. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Sarah then presented her FY2015 budget to the Board.
Joe Buffington Planning & Zoning Coordinator presented Resolution #2-2014 approving
the replat of Willis Subdivision in 31-72-7 which is between siblings equaling things up.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve Resolution #2-2014 on file in
the County Auditor’s Office. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Joe Buffington Planning & Zoning Coordinator presented Resolution #1-2014 as follows
for approval. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve Resolution #12014. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
/s/Marc Lindeen
Chairman, Henry County Board of Supervisors
/s/Shelly Barber
Auditor for Henry County, Iowa
Joe Buffington Planning & Zoning Coordinator presented his FY2015 budget to the
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Advanced Correctional Health
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Bailey Office Equipment
Barr Memorial Chapel
Colleen Beachy
Bezoni's True Value
Bob Barker Co
Brenda Campbell-Kalous
Card Center
Carpenter Uniform Co
Chief Supply
Culligan Water Conditioning
Daves Towing & Recovery
Electronic Applications
Rachelle Fear
Fellowship Cup
Finley Cemetery Assn
Green Mound Cemetery Assn
Ed Harvey
Henry Co Public Health
Henry Co Veterinary Hosp
Honts Funeral Home
J & S Electronic Systems
Jim's Lock & Safe
KILJ Radio
Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept
Lowes Business Account
Maddy Tree Service
Mail Services LLC
Larry Meagher
Mertens Rental Properties
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Murphy Funeral Home
New London Journal
O'Keefe Elevator Co
Olson-Powell Memorial Chapel
Util -Conserv
Medical Exp -Jail
Extermination Serv -Jail
Util -VA
Ofc Suppl -VA
Funeral -Gen Relief
Matron Exp -Jail
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Snow Removal -Cths
Supplies -Jail
Investigation -Dep Shrf
License Software -Cths
Dep Shrf -Shrf
Supplies -Shrf
Annual Rental -CPC/VA
Tow Exp -Dep Shrf
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Matron Exp -Jail
Food & Prov
Care of Graves
Care of Graves
Cell Phone - Atty
Emergency Response
Dog Care -Dec '13
Funeral -Gen Relief
Viper Install
Bldg Maint -Shrf
Advertisement -VA
Inmate Housing -Jail
Ofc Suppl -Conserv
Tree Removal -Cths
MV Renewal - Trs
Meeting Fee -VA
Rent -Juvi Prob
Bldg Maint -Jail
Subscription -Supv
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Util -Shrf
Med Exam Fees
Bd Proc -Supv
Elev Maint -Cths
Funeral - Gen Relief
On-Site Info Destruction Inc
James R Onorato
Pitney Bowes Inc
PJ Greufe & Associates
Mike Prottsman Construction
Quill Corporation
Reliable Pest Solutions
Bill Riley
SEI Properties
Shottenkirk -Mt Pleasant
Staples Advantage
Darin Stater
Erin Stensvaag
Stroud Mediation Services
Sweeney Court Reporting Serv
U S Cellular
Verizon Wireless
Wal-Mart Payments
Arlo Walljasper
Kent White
Wilson Distributor Serv
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
Z's Quick Break
Zee Medical Products
General Supplemental Fund
Bailey Office Equipment
Brau Law Office
Des Moines Co Sheriff
Henry M Adkins & Son Inc
Johnson Co Sheriff
Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept
Zee Medical Products
Pioneer Cemetery Fund
Orschelns Card Center
MH - DD Services
Bailey Office Equipment
Bell Law Office
Brau Law Office
Stephen Conroy
Country Life Health Care Inc
First Resources Corp
Great River Medical Center
Hillcrest Family Services
Hy-Vee Inc -West Des Moines
Johnson Co Sheriff
Mediapolis Care Facility
Optimae LifeServices Inc.
U S Cellular
Secondary Road Fund
ABC Fire Extinguisher
Access Energy Cooperative
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Altorfer Machine Co
Banner Auto & Hardware
Shredding -DHS
Meeting -VA
Postage Meter -DHS
December Fee -Cths
Snow Removal -Solid Waste
Ofc Suppl -Atty
Extermination Serv -CPC/VA
Med Exam Fees
Storage Rent -Shrf
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Transports -Jail
Ofc Suppl -DHS
Cell Phone -Atty
Cell Phone -Atty
Training/Law Enforcement
Depositions -Atty
Cell Phones -Conserv
Postage Meter -Trs
Cell Phones -Shrf
Ofc Suppl - DHS
Med Exam Fees
Truancy -Atty
Supplies -Shrf
Bd Proc -Supv
Fuel -Cths
Supplies -Shrf
Damaged Chairs -Cths
Substance Abuse -CPC
Serv of Notice Fees
Annual License -Elections
Work Comp '13-'14
Substance Abuse -CPC
Serv of Notice Fees
Medical Suppl -Cths
Suppl -Pioneer Cem
Ofc Suppl -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Comm Based Settings -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Public Hosp -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Comm Based Settings -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Cell Phone -CPC
Annual Fire Ext Checks
Lighting Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Sheds Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Equip Repair Supply SecRd
Bezoni's True Value
Calhoun-Burns & Associates Inc
Card Center
Centre St Internatl Truck
Chem Gro - Houghton Inc
City of Hillsboro
City of Mt Union
Fastenal Co
Gateway Hotel
Greiner Implement Company Inc
H & L Mack Truck Sales
The Hawkeye
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Ia Audiology & Hearing Aid Ctr
Ia Dept of Transportation
Ideal Ready Mix Co
Iris City Cleaners
Nathan Lange
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant Glass
New London Utilities
Norsolv Systems Environmental
North American Salt Co
Orschelns Card Center
Reedsburg Hardware Company
Sadler Power Train
Florence Smith
Staples Advantage
Superior Lamp Inc
Swailes Auto Supply
Tire Resources
Wal-Mart Payments
Washington Co Treasurer
Winfield Builders Supply
Yarmouth Oil & LP
Conservation Fund
Ia State Treasurer State Tax
Capital Improvement
Preston Ready Mix Corp
Community Betterment Fund
All Secure Inc
Great River Reg Waste
Henry Co Landfill Comm
Imagetek Inc
Mike Prottsman Sanitation
The Company Tom Hassenfritz
Wemiga Waste
Economic Development
Eastern Iowa Building, Inc.
Emergency Management
A T & T Mobility
Alliant Energy
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Bailey Office Equipment
Chase Card Services CardMember
Buildings Sec Rd
Outside Eng Serv
ICPA Mtg Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Fuel Nozzles Sec Rd
FM City Roads Sec Rd
FM City Roads Sec Rd
Hardware Sec Rd
Blades/Bits Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Publications Sec Rd
Office Supplies Sec Rd
Safety Testing Sec Rd
Oil Sec Rd
Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd
Safety Allowance Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Shed Sec Rd
Parts Cleaner Sec Rd
Salt Sec Rd
Hand Tools Sec Rd
Chains Sec Rd
Bridge Maintenance Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Janitor Sec Rd
Office Supplies Sec Rd
Bulbs Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Mailboxes Sec Rd
FM City Roads Sec Rd
Hand Tools Sec Rd
LP South shed
Hotel/Motel Tax -Conserv
Rock Crushing -Sec Rds
Security System - Cths
Sanit & Disp -Cths
3rd Quarter
Maint - Rec
Sanit & Disp -County
Website Hosting -Jan'14
Chainsaw Oil -Sec Rds
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Storage Bldg -Shrf
Em Mgmt
Util -Em Mgmt
Snow Removal -Em Mgmt
Fuel -Em Mgmt
Ofc Suppl -Assessor
School Exp -Assessor
ISAA -Sec-Treas
Schneider Corporation
E911 Surcharge Fund
Emergency Communications Net
Grand Total
Dues -Assessor
Web Hosting -Assessor
Trunk Lines -E911
Code Red -E911
In sub-committee updates Moeller attended the RUSS meeting the county’s annual dues
will be $8,650 for FY15.
The meeting was adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
January 14, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the January 9,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. Engineer presented Resolution #01-2014-20, it was moved by
Moeller and seconded by See to approve said resolution. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, quotations were received on January 7, 2014, for the purchase of a 2014
Motor Grader and the County Engineer recommends purchasing the Caterpillar
Motor Grader for the amount of:
Altorfer (Caterpillar) 12M3
Includes the following:
60 months/6,000 hours premier warranty
including subscription to vision-link GPS
Tier 4 Final emissions standard met
$266,290 before trade-in
WHEREAS, the Board reserves the right to sell trade-in outright or subtract trade-in
amount from the base value above.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
in session this 14th day of January, 2014, that a Caterpillar motor grader be
purchased from Altorfer of Cedar Rapids at a price of $266,290 (subject to tradein choice).
/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
/s/Marc B. Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller, Member
/s/Gary K. See, Member
Road Maintenance for January 5th to January 10th as follows. Sunday trucks were out at 5
a.m. and worked until 10:30 a.m. when the wind picked up and decided to wait until it
quit blowing snow. Started snow removal at 5:00 a.m. Monday trucks cleaned up
pavements while motor graders opened gravel roads, then plow trucks helped on gravels.
Tuesday started normal time and continued snow operations, took one truck to H & L
Mack for warranty work. Wednesday continued snow removal on gravel roads, cleaned
trucks, servicing and repairing stop signs and mailboxes. Thursday prepared for freezing
rain on Friday, cleaned off bridges opened holes in windrows along gravel roads to allow
drainage. We had light snow and sent a few trucks out to salt and sand slick spots.
Friday cleared what little snow was left on paved roads and continued clearing bridges.
Started reviewing applications for Equipment I operator position. Working on plans for
the new shed to store snow plow trucks to be let in the spring. Working on specs for a
new track excavator hope to have quotes by end of the month.
John Pullis, Conservation Director gave this monthly update and presented this FY2015
budget to the Board.
Rich McNamee, Sheriff and Dora Bentler, Office Manager presented their FY2015
budget to the Board. The Board also reviewed the Sheriff’s Quarterly Report ending
December 31, 2013.
No sub-committee meetings.
The meeting was adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
January 16, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the January 14,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer presented his FY2015 budget to the Board.
Shirley Wandling, Recorder presented her FY2015 budget to the Board. The Board also
reviewed her quarterly report ending 12/31/2014.
Steve Brimhall with Henry County Fair and 4-H presented the Fair Board annual report
and made their request for funding from the county for FY15. We currently provide them
$17,500 which they like to have and any additional if possible, but whatever the county
gives them is very much appreciated.
In sub-committee updates Lindeen attended Emergency Management meeting. See
attended Early Childhood Development meeting.
The meeting was adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
January 21, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the January 16,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See that Brent E.
Roth be employed at the rate of $17.47 per hour for the classification of Mechanic II in
the Road Department effective January 22, 2014. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Road
maintenance from January 13th to 17th, 2014: Monday territory operators were out on the
gravel roads roughing up slick spots others cleaned trucks, cleaned and checked bridges
so the water can get away. Tuesday morning we had ice on the roads trucks were sent
out to deice until 11:00 a.m. Blade operators roughed up the gravel roads and checked
for slick spots. Wednesday we fixed a stop sign on 235th St others cut and chipped brush
on Hickory Ave south east of Oakland Mills Rd. Territory operators worked on the
gravel roads with their blades. Thursday crew continued cutting and chipping brush on
Hickory Ave others worked repairing motor grader chains and moved the excavator down
to Hoover Ave for brush clearing. Friday sent snow plows out to clean routes and
territory operators were checking the gravel roads. Work on specs and site has continued
for the new shed that will be let early spring. Specifications have been sent out for a new
track excavator and hoping to have quotes by the end of the month from several vendors.
Resolution #3-2014 for the purchase of new survey equipment was presented to the
Board and it was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the resolution. 3
ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, a proposal was received on January 10, 2014, for the purchase of GPS
survey equipment including Rover and Data collector and necessary equipment
for full functioning unit from Precision Midwest.
Precision Midwest Total Cost = $17,235.00
WHEREAS, The Secondary Roads Department is requesting Local Option Sales Tax
funds be utilized in order to pay for survey equipment. Survey equipment is a
benefit to all rural residents as equipment is used to survey preliminary projects as
well as an aid to staking construction projects.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
in session this 21st day of January, 2014, that the GPS unit described above be
purchased from Precision Midwest of Warrenville, Illinois at a price of
$17,235.00 from the Local Option Sales Tax account.
/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
/s/Marc B. Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller, Member
/s/Gary K. See, Member
The representatives from Milestones Agency on Aging cancelled due to the weather, but
sent their information explaining what they offered and their request for $8,857.21 for
FY15. The Board will consider it at their work session on January 29, 2014.
Brent Schliesman, Mt Pleasant City Administrator and Steve Brimhall, Mayor came
before the Board to let them know that they were applying for a RISE Grant to put the
streets in the Crossroads Business Park Subdivision. They will be doing it with TIF
funds and are requesting the support from the Henry County Board of Supervisors as it is
an intergovernmental cooperative agreement with the city and county as the county has
already contributed over $577,000 to the development of the property. It was moved by
See and seconded by Moeller to write a letter supporting the city of Mt Pleasant it this
project to help bring new growth to the county. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the Lease Agreement with
Hillcrest Family Services for 900 sq ft of office space including utilities at 106 N Jackson
St Mt Pleasant for $600 a month plus $167.44 for internet access which is the actual cost
of adding them to the county’s service. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Darin Stater, County Attorney and Tammy Mulford, Office Manager presented their
FY2015 budget to the Board.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller presented a RSVP report, See attended a Workforce
Development meeting and Lindeen attended Great River Regional Waste Authority
The meeting was adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
January 23, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the January 21,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Sarah Berndt, CPC gave her monthly update of General Assistance and Mental Health.
Also she presented Resolution #4-2014 that designates a supervisor to be the authorized
signer of the 28E agreement for Henry County. It was moved by Moeller and seconded
by See to approve the Resolution. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, The Iowa Legislature has passed and the Iowa Governor has signed SF2315
An Act relating to Redesign of Publicly Funded Mental Health and Disability Services;
WHEREAS, SF2315 expresses the intent of the legislature that Mental Health and
Disability Services shall be provided by counties operating together as Regions; and
WHEREAS, the Henry County Board of Supervisors has participated in the planning
process of Region development; and
WHEREAS, the Henry County Board of Supervisors has been engaged in the
development of the SEIL Region 28E document; and
WHEREAS, the Counties of Des Moines, Henry, Jefferson, Keokuk, Lee, Louisa, Van
Buren, and Washington have completed the 28E Agreement document with approval and
satisfaction from the Regional Planning Committee and the respective County Attorneys:
BE IT RESOLVED that Henry County joins the SEIL Mental Health and Disability
Services Region.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Henry County herby authorizes
Marc B Lindeen____(Board of Supervisor/Governance Board designate) to authorize
and sign the finalized 28E Agreement on behalf of Henry County.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of Jan 2014
/s/ Marc B. Lindeen
Chairperson Board of Supervisors
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of
Supervisors of Henry County, Iowa, at a regular meeting held on 01/23/2014, by the
following vote:
/s/ Shelly Barber
Clerk to the Board
Derek Wellington, IT/Safety Coordinator presented his FY2015 budget to the Board.
Caroline Lehman and Todd Barton with the Henry County Historic Preservation gave
their annual report to the Board and made their FY2015 budget request.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the following claims. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
General Basic Fund
ABC Fire Extinguisher
Access Energy Cooperative
Agri-Center of Henry Co
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Bailey Office Equipment
Bezoni's True Value
Sidney Burden
Cardmember Service
Jenna Cargill
CCDA Harrison Co Conserv Brd
Carrie Cooksey-Alvarez
Copy Systems Inc
Ebert Supply Co
Electronic Applications
Fastenal Co
First Communications, LLC
Henry Co Extension Office
Henry Co Health Center
Henry Co Public Health
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Hy-Vee Inc -West Des Moines
Ia Conservation Education Coal
Ia Workforce Development
ISAC - Des Moines
ISSDA Financial Administrator
Jefferson Parish Clerk of Crt
Lance Refuse Serv
Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept
Erica Martin
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Utilities
O'Reilly Automotive Inc
Orschelns Card Center
Pleasant Grove Cemetery
Mike Prottsman Construction
Rathbun Regional Water
Reliable Pest Solutions
Salem East Cemetery Assn
Schroeder PT Services
Smith Plumbing,Heating & Cool
Sound Advice
Darin Stater
Swailes Auto Supply
The Toner Place
Thomson Reuters -West
Two Rivers Bank & Trust
UI Diagnostic Laboratories
Annual Inspection -CPC/VA
Util -Conserv
Construction & Maint -Con
Extermination Serv -Jail
Util -County
Ofc Suppl -Aud
Construction & Maint -Con
Matron Exp -Jail
Ofc Suppl -Conserv
Mlge -Comm
Educ & Training -Conserv
Matron Exp -Jail
Postage Mtr -Trs
Cust Suppl -Cths
Maint -Comm
Construction & Maint -Con
Tele Serv -DHS
Publication -Conserv
Public Health Contract
Care for Yourself
Fuel -Cths
Inmate Meals -Jail
Educ & Training -Conserv
Umemployment Claim -Shrf
Educ & Training -Aud
Dues - Shrf
Judgement Entry Request
Sanit & Disp -Conserv
Nov '13 Medical Exp -Jail
Cleaning Serv -CPC/VA
Dues -Shrf
Livescan Maint -Shrf
Bldg Rprs -Conserv
Ofc Suppl - CPC
Util -Conserv
Parts -Conserv
Construction & Maint -Con
Care of Graves
Postage & Mailing -Conser
Snow Removal -Shrf
Water -Conserv
Extermination Serv -Cths
Care of Graves -VA
Safety -Cths
Sewer -DHS
Shop Equipment
Mlge - Atty
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Dell 5230/5350 -DHS
Online Resource -Atty
Safe Deposit Box -Rec
Med Exam Fees
Supplies -Jail
Lynn Vanderham
Wal-Mart Payments
Arlo Walljasper
Washington Co Sheriff
Xerox Corporation
General Supplemental Fund
Alcohol & Drug Dependency Linc
American Home Finding Assn
Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept
Yocum Construction
MH - DD Services
Bailey Office Equipment
Brau Law Office
Card Center
First Communications, LLC
First Resources Corp
Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr
Ia Workforce Development
Insight Partnership Group LLC
ISAC - Des Moines
Jennie Edmundson Hospital
Mt Pleasant News
Optimae LifeServices Inc.
Southeast Ia Regional Planning
UIHC Pomerantz Pharmacy
Secondary Road Fund
ABC Fire Extinguisher
Access Energy Cooperative
Agriland FS Inc
Alliant Energy
Data Imaging Supplies
Eastern Iowa Tire
Fastenal Co
Gillund Enterprises
Ia Dept of Transportation
Ideal Ready Mix Co
Interstate Batteries of NE MO
Iris City Cleaners
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Nichting Co Inc
North American Salt Co
That Cellular Place
Treas State of Iowa
UnityPoint Clinic Occupational
Conservation Nature Center
Cardmember Service
Hometown Veterinary Care
Mt Pleasant Lumber
Capital Improvement
Preston Ready Mix Corp
Community Betterment Fund
Agri-Center of Henry Co
Jodi Sutter
Economic Development
City of Mt Pleasant
Emergency Management
A T & T Mobility
Matron Exp -Jail
Suppl -Trs
Med Exam Fees
Inmate Housing -Jail
Data Proc -Conserv
Contribution -CPC
Juvi Hosp -Juv
Serv of Notice Fees
Bldg Rprs -CPC
Ofc Suppl -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Mlge/Meals -CPC
Tele Serv -Ct Adv
Treatment -CPC
Voc/Day -CPC
Support Serv -CPC
Education & Training -CPC
Public Hosp -CPC
Advertisement -CPC
Support Serv -CPC
Transportation -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Fire Extinguisher Sec Rd
Shop/Sheds Sec Rd
Diesel Sec Rd
Shop Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Office Supplies Sec Rd
ORings Sec Rd
Hardware Sec Rd
Grease Sec Rd
Oil Sec Rd
Sand Sec Rd
Batteries Sec Rd
Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd
Utilities Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Salt Sec Rd
Cell phone case
Tank Registration Sec Rd
Safety-DATA membership
Animal Feed -Conserv
Animal Care -Conserv
Conserv Camps & Programs
Rock Crushing -Sec Rds
Chainsaw oil/Filter -Sec
Wages -BOH
Internet -Cths
Filing Fee -Cths
Em Mgmt
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Sheila Allender
Bailey Office Equipment
Copy Systems Inc
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
ISAC - Des Moines
E911 Surcharge Fund
All Secure Inc
Bailey Office Equipment
Electronic Applications
Electronic Engineering Co
Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel
Wal-Mart Payments
Grand Total
Util -Em Mgmt
Copy Machine -Em Mgmt
Supplies -Assessor
Ofc Suppl -Assessor
Postage Mtr -Assessor
Mapping Expense -Assessor
Fuel -Assessor
Conference -Assessor
Serv -E911
Chairs -E911
Maintenance -E911
Pagers -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
4-Port Hub -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
In sub-committee updates Lindeen attended Henry County Healthy Communities and
Southeast Iowa Community Action meetings.
The meeting was adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
January 28, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the January 23,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. Road Maintenance from January 20 to January 24, 2014.
Monday crews cut brush on Hickory Ave south of Oakland Mills Rd and on Lexington
Ave south of Salem Rd. Blade operators were out scratching gravel roads where ice is a
problem. Tuesday trucks were out plowing roads and blade operators were out as well.
Wednesday blade operators continued working on gravel roads, others worked on signs,
cutting brush, mixing salt and sand and started task training the new employee. Thursday
sent 4 trucks out checking routes for slick spots and drifting on pavements, some
operators were out winging snow back on gravel roads, others done general clean up at
the shop and worked on chains. Friday worked on surveying pipes that need
replacement, done maintenance work on the Mt Union shed, hauled scrap iron and took
trash to the collection site, washed trucks and worked on other various shop duties. The
draft proposal is about complete for the new shed so a letting date can be set in a couple
weeks. Sent out Specifications for a new track excavator to have quotes back by January
31, 2014. Presented the Secondary Road budget to the Farm Bureau last Thursday and
presented the construction plan. Completed crushing at the quarry 152,293 ton of rock.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the disallowance of a Business
Property Tax Credit claim made on a Burlington Northern Railroad property parcel #
000000060514100 in section 2-72-5 due to being classified as agricultural instead of
commercial. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to
approve all other Business Property Tax Credit applications that were allowed by Henry
County Assessor. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings See attended the Southeast Iowa Crime Commission meeting.
The meeting was adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
January 30, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the January 28,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Joining the meeting was Mary Hoyer.
The first item on the Boards Agenda was a resolution signed by ISAC supporting the
increase in the gas tax and asking the Board of Supervisors to also pass this resolution.
They explained that if the gas tax is not increased that our local roads will continue to
decline and the local tax payers will have to end up paying additional taxes to do it. Ms.
Hoyer stated that she understood that the bigger cities are receiving improvements to
their roads and our local roads are not. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to
approve Resolution #5-2014. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Iowa State Association of County Supervisors
Resolution #5-2014
WHEREAS, the Iowa Association of County Supervisors recognizes that a high quality
transportation system serves as the artery for economic activity and that the condition of
the infrastructure in the State of Iowa is a key element for our future economic growth;
WHEREAS, an integral part of the State of Iowa’s Road Use Tax Fund (RUTF) is the
fuel tax, which has not been significantly increased since 1989, while maintenance and
construction costs have more than doubled during that same timeframe; and
WHEREAS, there have been several state-wide studies completed over the past 10 years
identifying the requirement to significantly increase the amount of funding for the
administration, maintenance and improvements to our state-wide public roadway system,
including the 2006 Road Use Tax Fund (RUTF) study called for by Governor Culver, the
2011 Road Use Tax Fund (RUTF) study completed per 2011 Iowa Code Section 307.31,
and the 2011 Governor’s Transportation 2020 Citizen Advisory Commission (CAC)
created by Governor Branstad; and
WHEREAS, the 2008 TIME-21 study documented the fact that under today’s funding
structure and highway usage, over 20% of the travel done in Iowa is by out-of-state
drivers while only 13% of the state’s road use revenues come from out of state drivers;
WHEREAS, the funding provided by the implementation of the TIME-21 Fund in 2009
is inadequate to meet the critical maintenance and improvements needs for the State of
Iowa’s transportation system; and
WHEREAS, 95% of Road Use Tax Fund revenues are required by the Iowa Constitution
to be spent only on our roadways; and
WHEREAS, due to the severe shortage in state funding to meet the critical needs of our
roadway system, several Iowa counties have had to resort to issuing almost $100 million
in bonds to pay for their most critical maintenance needs, which will have to be paid off
through property taxes; and
WHEREAS, Henry County has issued $1,000,000 in bonds to pay for our most critical
roadway and bridge needs; and
WHEREAS, the 2011 Governor’s Transportation 2020 Citizen Advisory Council report
to Governor Branstad and the Iowa Legislature identified the need for $215 million per
year of increased funding over the next 20 years, in addition to the funding being
provided by the TIME-21 revenues, just to meet the most critical needs of our
transportation infrastructure; and
WHEREAS, the Iowa Roads Association, the Iowa County Engineer’s Association, and
numerous business related associations throughout Iowa have publically supported the
call for increased RUTF funding;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Iowa State Association of County
Supervisors and the Henry County Board of Supervisors strongly encourages the
implementation of the 2011 Citizen’s Advisory Council’s recommendations to:
1. Increase the state fuel tax rates across the board by ten cents, over a period of no
less than three years, resulting in an estimated $184 million to $230 million of
additional annual revenue.
2. Increase the “Fee for New Registration” from five percent to six percent, raising
this fee to a level consistent with the state sales tax, resulting in an estimated $50
million of additional annual revenue.
3. Allocate new funding to go to the TIME-21 Fund up to the cap ($225 million) and
the remaining new funding should be distributed consistent with the Road Use
Tax Fund distribution formula.
And, BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the Iowa State Association of County Supervisors
and the Henry County Board of Supervisors support the ongoing evaluation of creative,
supplemental solutions to increased RUTF funding.
Resolved this 30th day of January, 2014 by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
Attest: /s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
/s/Marc Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller
/s/ Gary See
Travis Johnson, Henry County Public Health Director presented FY15 budget to the
The following members of the Historic Preservation Commission were present to present
their annual report to the Board of Supervisors, Caroline Lehman, Gwen Moore, Rosie
Kramer, Faye Heartsill, R.L. Chrssinger, Todd Barton, Don Young, Pat White, Larry
Roth and Herb Hult.
In sub-committee updates Moeller attended Henry County Healthy Communities meeting
and Lindeen attended E911 meeting.
The meeting was adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
February 4, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the January 30,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by Moeller and seconded See that Cole D.
Kellogg be employed at the rate of $17.15 per hour for the classification of Equipment
Operator I in the Secondary Road Department effective February 10, 2014. 3 ayes.
Motion carried. Road Maintenance from January 27 to January 31, 2014. Monday two
trucks were sent out to take care of slick spots throughout the county, two guys went to
Qunicy to pick up a truck that was having warranty work done, moved excavator to
quarry to haul scrap metal. Serviced the snow equipment and mixed salt and sand.
Tuesday worked surveying pipe projects, crews cut brush on Kentucky Ave South of
170th St with limb shears and hauled scrap metal. Pete worked on updating the sign
inventory. Wednesday crews continued cutting brush and hauling scrap metal. Brian
worked on constructing salt spreader dollies. Thursday crews continued cutting brush
south of Lowell until noon. Started brush removal on Project 85 culvert replacement
project in order to perform a survey. Snowplows went out and checked roads due to light
snow in areas. Friday continued cutting brush on Perkins Rd south of Salem Rd and
working on Project 85 culvert replacement on Hoover Ave. In the afternoon crews
started preparing trucks for snow predicted for the weekend. We will be having a Safety
meeting this coming Friday morning dependent on weather. We will be reviewing
Hazard communications, personal protective equipment and miscellaneous items.
Reviewing quotes for track excavator and plan to have recommendation within the next
two weeks. We will be setting up the letting date for the new truck shed next week as
plans are complete.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve Resolution #6-2014 to forgive
loan of $300,000 to Henry County Industrial Development Corporation. 3 ayes. Motion
WHEREAS on October 7, 2004 a Loan Agreement was entered into between
Henry County, Iowa (County) and the Henry County Industrial Development Corporation
(HCIDC), as authorized by Resolution 6-2004, wherein the County made a loan of
$300,000.00 to HCIDC for purposes of economic development in Henry County.
WHEREAS said loan, coupled with other monies, was used by HCIDC to pay for
the construction of a Shell Building in Crossroads Industrial Park.
WHEREAS after the sale of the first building and by agreement of the parties the
proceeds from the sale were retained by HCIDC for purposes of financing a second shell
consistent with the factors set forth in Iowa Code Section 15A.1(2) and for the purpose of
economic development and public betterment.
WHEREAS Since 2008 property values nationwide have generally decreased,
and now the loan amount significantly exceeds the market value of the spec building,
making the marketing of the spec building to attract potential buyers very difficult.
WHEREAS forgiveness of the County’s portion of the loan will assist HCIDC in
the facilitation of the future sale of the spec building and relieve the County of any
additional costs or payments associated with the property.
WHEREAS the sale of the spec building will increase the taxable valuation of
the building and create jobs in Henry County.
WHEREAS the original goal of the loan has been met through economic
development and public betterment.
RESOLUTION NO. 6-2014 continued
BE IT RESOLVED that the $300,000.00 loan created by the Loan Agreement
with HCIDC on October 7th, 2004 as authorized by Resolution 6-2004 for the purposes of
economic development is hereby forgiven and the County waives its right to repayment
of said loan from HCIDC.
APPROVED this 4th day of February, 2014.
AYE: /s/Marc B. Lindeen
/s/Greg Moeller
/s/Gary See
Attest: /s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
No sub-committee meetings.
The moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
February 6, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 8:30 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the February 4,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board had a final work session to finish the budget so it could go to publication next
Department Heads present to give their monthly update were Shirley Wandling,
Recorder; Gary Dustman, Assessor; Walt Jackson, Emergency Management Coordinator;
John Pullis, Conservation Director; Rich McNamee, Sheriff; Rick Van Winkle, Veteran
Affairs Director; Sarah Berndt, CPC; Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer; Joe Buffington, Planning
& Zoning Coordinator; Shelly Barber, Auditor.
Mike Vens with Gamroth, Doyle, Vens Insurance presented the rates for the county’s
property, auto and liability for this year which is $5,010 less than last years, due to a new
rating structure and fewer vehicles.
The Board reviewed and approved the renewal of Deerwood Golf, Inc. liquor license.
Kerry Ertz with Benefit Management presented a health insurance plan that he is working
on for counties in the Southeast Iowa Regional Planning District due to changes with
No sub-committee meetings.
The moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
February 11, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Greg Moeller and Gary
See, Chairman, Marc Lindeen was absent.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the February 6,
2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve
Resolution 05-2014-20 that accepts and gives the Chairman of the Board to sign contract
when received for Project BROS-CO44(71)—5F-44. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, bids were received by the IDOT on January 22, 2014, for Project BROSCO44(71)--5F-44, a bridge replacement on Oasis Avenue.
WHEREAS, the following bids were received and read:
Muscatine Bridge Co., Inc.
Taylor Construction, Inc.
Iowa Bridge & Culvert, LC
Cunningham-Reis Co.
WHEREAS, the estimated cost for this work was $375,360.70.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
in session this 11th day of February, 2014, that a contract be awarded to
Muscatine Bridge Co., Inc. from Muscatine, Iowa, in the amount of $366,025.60.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Henry County Board of
Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute a Contract and Contractor’s
Bond on behalf of Henry County.
/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
Marc B. Lindeen, Chairman (Absent)
/s/Greg Moeller, Vice-Chairman
/s/Gary K. See, Member
It was moved by See and seconded Moeller that right-of-way contracts for the purchase
of land for project BROS-CO44(71)—5F-44, a bridge replacement on Oasis Ave, be
approved. 2 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller that
the date of March 4, 2014, be set to receive bids for construction of an equipment storage
building at 1510 E Washington St. 2 ayes. Motion carried. Road maintenance for
February 1 to February 7, 2014 was as follows. Saturday we received 5 inches of snow
and sent the plow trucks out and they worked all day. Sunday the motor graders went out
to start working on clearing the gravel roads in anticipation of the next snow event
predicted for Tuesday. Two plow trucks went out to take care of some drifting snow on
hard surface roads. Monday the motor graders worked all day and completed clearing
their routes, others hauled sand to the yard, fixed damaged or leaning signs and winged
back snow on paved shoulders. Tuesday blade operators continued working on widening
out roads prior to predicted snow, others burnt brush piles at various locations and
changing blades on snow equipment. Wednesday received 7 inches of snow overnight
with blowing winds plow trucks started at 5:00 am motor graders started at 7:00 am spent
entire day on roads the pavements cleaned off well. Thursday continued snow operations
motor graders started at 6:00 and worked until 5:00 with the majority of the roads being
opened for the second time. Friday continued snow operations motor graders worked
widening roads out and truck drivers washed and cleaned-up their trucks. A safety
meeting was held in the afternoon reviewing hazard communications and person
protection equipment. Still reviewing quotes for track excavator and plan to have a
recommendation soon.
John Pullis, Conservation Director met and presented his monthly update to the Board.
It was time for the Board to review the mileage reimbursement rate, See stated the IRS
rate is 56 cents a mile and Henry County’s is currently 55 cents. After discussion it was
moved by See and seconded by Moeller to leave the county rate at 55 cents per mile till
the next review in July 2014. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 2 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Greg Moeller, Vice-Chairman
February 13, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the February 11,
2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Terry McWilliams with Midwest Old Threshers presented their annual report to the
Board informing them that the funds the county gave them last year and the $17,500 they
are requesting for this year would be used to promote the upcoming Old Threshers
Reunion, Thrashers House of Terror, Haunted Rails and the new Festival of Lights at
Christmas. They have also in the past and will continue to use the funding to further
support and expand their social media networks. He thanked the county for all their
support in the past and asked that they consider continuing it.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to give all Henry County employees a 2%
across the board pay increase plus any step increases requested by department heads for
their staff. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended the RUSS meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
February 13, 2014 Addendum
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board approved the following claims
General Basic Fund
ABC Fire Extinguisher
Access Energy Cooperative
Advanced Correctional Health
All American Tree Service
Alliant Energy
Bailey Office Equipment
Shelly A Barber
Lorrie Benjamin
Bezoni's True Value
Breuer Wrecker Service
Card Center
Cardmember Service
Carpenter Uniform Co
Carquest Auto Parts Stores
Copy Systems Inc
Des Moines Co Auditor
Duraclean By Curt & Renee
Ebert Supply Co
Electronic Applications
Fellowship Cup
Ed Harvey
Otis Henkle
Henry Co Health Center
Henry Co Public Health
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Henry Co Tourism
Henry Co Veterinary Hosp
Hillsboro Cemetery Assn
Ia County Recorder Association
Ia Weed Commissioners Asn Weed
Imagetek Inc
Interstate Batteries of NE MO
ISAC - Des Moines
J & S Electronic Systems
Jim's Lock & Safe
Johnson Co Medical Examiner
Keltek Inc
Ana Lair
Lance Refuse Serv
Mail Services LLC
Matt Parrott & Sons Co
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mt Pleasant Utilities
New London Journal
O'Keefe Elevator Co
Office Depot
Olson-Powell Memorial Chapel
On-Site Info Destruction Inc
James R Onorato
PJ Greufe & Associates
Safety & Protect -Conserv
Util -Conserv
Medical Exp -Jail
Tree Removal -DHS
Util -Cths
Ofc Suppl -Rec
Mlge -Aud
Matron Exp -Jail
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Snow Removal -Cths
Battery -Dep Shrf
Ofc Suppl - Supv
Ofc Suppl -Conserv
Uniforms -Shrf
Parts -Conserv
Shredding -Cths
Med Exam Fees
Carpet Cleaning -CPC/VA
Cust Suppl -Cths
Vhcle Exp -Dep Shrf
Food & Prov
Cell Phone -Atty
Meeting Fee -VA
Public Health Contract
Comm Transformation
Fuel -Cths
Henry Co Tourism -FY13
Dog Care -Feb '14
Care of Graves -VA
Dues -Rec
Annual Conf -Sec Rds
Suppl -Trs
Batteries -Shrf
Spring School - Rec
Maintenance -Shrf
Bldg Rprs & Maint - Cths
Med Exam Fees
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Meals -Trs
Sanit & Disp -Conserv
Renewal -Trs
1099 Laser forms -Trs
Bd Proc -Supv
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Util -CPC/VA
Bd Proc -Supv
Elev Maint -Cths
Supplies -Shrf
Med Exam Fees
Shredding -Cths
Meeting Fee -VA
January Fee -Cths
Postage & Mailing -Conser
Quad City Safety
Rathbun Regional Water
Bill Riley
RTM Management Group LLC
SEI Properties
Shottenkirk - Burlington
Sloans Printing Service
Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool
Darin Stater
Erin Stensvaag
Sterling Solutions Inc
Stroud Mediation Services
Swailes Auto Supply
The Company Tom Hassenfritz
Thomson Reuters -West
Trinity Cemetery Assn
U S Cellular
Lynn Vanderham
Shirley K Wandling
Kent White
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
Xerox Corporation
Z's Quick Break
General Supplemental Fund
American Home Finding Assn
Ia Communities Assurance Pool
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Yocum Construction
Historic Preservation Fund
Caroline Lehman
MH - DD Services
Bailey Office Equipment
Bell Law Office
Sarah Berndt
Brau Law Office
Card Center
Country Life Health Care Inc
Covenant Medical Center
Dave's Lock and Key
Des Moines Co CPC
Henry Co Public Health
Henry Co Sheriffs Dept
Hillcrest Family Services
Hy-Vee Inc -West Des Moines
Insight Partnership Group LLC
Jennie Edmundson Hospital
Mediapolis Care Facility
On-Site Info Destruction Inc
Optimae LifeServices Inc.
U S Cellular
Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Mt Pleasant
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Safety Suppl
Water -Conserv
Med Exam Fees
Rent - Juvi Prob
Storage Rent -Shrf
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Transports -Jail
Ofc Suppl -Conserv
Bldg Rprs -Cths
50 Hr Contract
Cell Phone -Atty
Cell Phone -Atty
Ofc Suppl -VA
Law Enforcement&Training
Bldg Rprs & Maint -Cths
Mower -Cths
Online Resource -Atty
Care of Graves
Cell Phone -Conserv
Supplies -Jail
Matron Exp -Jail
Meal -Rec
Truancy -Atty
Tele Serv -Supv
Bd Proc -Supv
Data Proc - Conserv
Fuel -Cths
Juvi hosp
Tort Liab Ins
Substance Abuse -CPC
Detention Stay -Juvi
Bldg Rprs-CPC
Mailings -Hist Pres
Ofc Suppl -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Mlge -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Mlge -CPC
Comm Based Settings -CPC
Public Hosp -CPC
Misc -CPC
Mental Health Adv -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Voc/Day -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Comm Based Settings -CPC
Misc -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Commitment -Shrf
Cell Phone -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Lighting Sec Rd
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Alpha Pro Solutions Inc
Banner Auto & Hardware
Bezoni's True Value
BlueTarp Financial
Calhoun-Burns & Associates Inc
Card Center
Centre St Internatl Truck
Chem Gro - Houghton Inc
Crescent Electric Supply
Dave's Lock and Key
Fastenal Co
The Hawkeye
Henry Co Health Care Plan
Home Furniture
Ia Dept of Transportation
J & S Electronic Systems
Lawson Products Inc
Midway Freightliner Inc
Mt Pleasant Electric Contracto
Mt Pleasant Lumber
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mt Pleasant Utilities
New London Journal
New London Utilities
North American Salt Co
Northern Safety Co Inc
Orschelns Card Center
Reedsburg Hardware Company
Brent Roth
Florence Smith
Sound Advice
Staples Advantage
Superior Lamp Inc
Swailes Auto Supply
U S Cellular
Wal-Mart Payments
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
Capital Improvement
Preston Ready Mix Corp
Community Betterment Fund
Agri-Center of Henry Co
Card Center
Crop Production Services Inc.
Diamond Mowers Inc
Great River Reg Waste
Imagetek Inc
J & S Electronic Systems
Mike Prottsman Sanitation
Jodi Sutter
Wemiga Waste
Emergency Management
Alliant Energy
Buildings Sec Rd
Sheds Sec Rd
Safety Training Sec Rd
Oil Dry Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Shop Tools Sec Rd
Outside Eng Serv
School & Meet fees Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Oil Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Safety Supplies Sec Rd
Publications Sec Rd
Roth - Feb Ins
Floor Cleaner Sec Rd
Anti-Freeze Sec Rd
Copier Contract Sec Rd
Hardware Sec Rd
Filters Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Publications Sec Rd
Tires Sec Rd
Utilities Sec Rd
Publications Sec Rd
Shed Sec Rd
Salt Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Hand Tools Sec Rd
Chains Sec Rd
Safety Allowance Sec Rd
Janitor Sec Rd
Radio Amp Sec Rd
Office Supplies Sec Rd
Bulbs Sec Rd
Shop Tools Sec Rd
Cell Phones Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Office Sec Rd
Publications Sec Rd
Rock Crushing -Sec Rds
Chainsaw Parts -Sec Rds
Ofc Suppl - Cths
Pathway -Sec Rds
Mower Parts -Sec Rds
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Maintenance -Rec
Copier -Supv
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Website Hosting -Feb '14
Wages -BOH
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Tele Serv -Zoning
Util -Em Mgmt
Snow Removal -Em Mgmt
Card Center
Henry Co E911
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Quill Corporation
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Sheila Allender
Bailey Office Equipment
City Directory Inc
Cook Appraisal
Gary Dustman
J & S Electronic Systems
Vanguard Appraisals Inc
E911 Surcharge Fund
Bailey Office Equipment
Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel
J & S Electronic Systems
Verizon Wireless
Grand Total
Lodging -Em Mgmt
Phone Serv -E911
Fuel - Em Mgmt
Public Hearing -Em Mgmt
Util -Em Mgmt
Cleaning Suppl -Em Mgmt
Tele Serv -Em Mgmt
Public Hearing - Em Mgmt
Ofc Suppl -Assessor
Ofc Suppl -Assessor
Publication -Assessor
Appraisal -Assessor
Postage -Assessor
Equipment Maint -Assessor
Annual Serv -Assessor
Tele Serv -Assessor
Ofc Suppl - E911
Trunk Lines -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
Prog Coord Phone -E911
Air Cards -E911
Tele Serv -E911
February 18, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the February 13,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by Moeller and seconded See to approve
Resolution 07-2014-20 to purchase a John Deere track excavator from Martin Equipment
of Rock Island. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, quotations were received on January 31, 2014, for the purchase of a 2014
track excavator and the County Engineer recommends purchasing the John Deere
180G LC as follows:
Martin Equipment (John Deere) 180G LC
Includes the following:
84 months/5,000 hours full coverage warranty
42” heavy-duty bucket with teeth
Hydraulic Thumb
60” ditching bucket
$181,209 before trade-in
WHEREAS, the Board reserves the right to sell trade-in outright or subtract trade-in
amount from the base value above.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
in session this 18th day of February, 2014, that a John Deere track excavator be
purchased from Martin Equipment of Rock Island, Illinois at a price of $181,209
(subject to trade-in choice).
/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
/s/Marc B. Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller, Member
/s/Gary K. See, Member
Road Maintenance for February 9th through February 14th, 2014. Sunday the plow trucks
were called to be in at 5:00 am to remove snow and put material down and quit by noon.
Monday Sent some plow trucks out to clean any icy spots left. Cleaned the streets in
Lowell, Swedesburg and Trenton. Sent a crew out to clean the snow off the bridges.
Territory operators worked on roads widening road tops. Tuesday territory operators
continued working on widening roads. Sent crew to CPC building to haul snow away per
board’s request and continued cleaning bridge decks. Wednesday territory operators
continued working on gravel roads trying to get snow pack off, crew continued cleaning
bridges. Water line froze again in shed and Pete worked at getting it thawed out. Task
trained the new employee and Jake conducted safety meeting for those gone last week.
Thursday territory operators continued working on cutting holes in windrows of snow for
drainage on the gravel roads, sent the boom mower out in Keith’s territory, changed
blades on Marvin’s machine and repaired tire on chipper for brush cutting crew. Friday
the snow storm expected to be 1” turned out to be 3”plus sent trucks out in the morning
and worked on pavements all day, with territory operators working on their roads. We
are expecting a big thaw this week and gravel roads will be messy due to melting snow
and rain forecasted this coming Thursday will add to the problem. Territory operators
will be cutting drainage holes on gravel roads to remove water from the melting snow.
We ask for patience this week while thawing is taking place and would appreciate if
heavy loads utilize pavements as much as possible and if using gravel roads coordinate
hauling to early morning hours when frozen.
No sub-committee meetings.
The moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
February 20, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the February 18,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the Grant application for the
Sheriff’s department requesting $19,960 for an Iowa Governors Traffic Safety Grant . 3
ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended the Substance Abuse Coalition meeting and
See attended Early Childhood Development meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
February 25, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the February 20,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. Board reviewed 2 permits for Windstream Permit #1 on 240th St
east of Racine Ave to repair a cut line and Permit #2 on Logan Ave and 260th St to install
new permanent cable (temp laid during construction project last summer). Chairman
Marc Lindeen signed the already approved contract for the Oasis Ave Bridge project.
Road Maintenance for February 15th through February 21st, 2014. Saturday the plow
trucks were instructed to be in at 5:00 am they quit by 11:30 am, blade operators worked
from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm with snow still falling. Sunday the plow trucks were called to be
in at 6:00 am to remove snow and put material down and were done by 11:30 am, blade
operators worked from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm. Monday was a holiday but due to sleet and
freezing rain later turning to snow sent the plow trucks out at 6:00 am and the worked till
4:00 pm. Tuesday morning checked roads for icy spots and blade operators worked on
clearing gravel roads. With temperatures rising gravel roads got messy so sent crew to
clean bridge decks. Wednesday territory operators worked early on gravel roads trying to
get snow pack off, as temperatures continued rising they switched to opening holes in
windrows for drainage. Sent a crew out to start unplugging culverts from the melting
snow. Thursday territory operators continued working on cutting holes in windrows of
snow for drainage on the gravel roads and worked on slick hill tops, two crews were out
working on unplugging culverts. Put barricades up in numerous spots throughout the
county where water was going over the road or backing up from heavy melting occurring.
Friday continued working on plugged culverts and checking gravel roads and removed
barricades set up overnight. Due to the major melting of snow last week numerous
potholes have shown up on gravel roads, we are aware of them and will be working on
them over the next several weeks it is a slow process to repair and for patience as crews
start the process of repairing gravel roads. Bid opening will be next week for building,
several contractors have requested plans.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to go into Public Hearing for the FY15
Henry County Budget. Roll call taken 3 ayes. Motion carried. There was no one present
nor any written comments received. The Board waited 5 minutes in case anyone might
be late and no one came. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to go out of
Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller
to adopt the FY15 Henry County Budget as published and presented today. 3 ayes.
Motion carried. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve Resolution
#7-2014 to appropriate funds by department as attached for fiscal year beginning July 1,
2014. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION – 7 -2014
WHEREAS, it is desired to make appropriations for each of the different officers
and departments for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014, in accordance with Section
331.434, subsection 6, Code of Iowa.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Henry
County, Iowa as follows:
SECTION 1. The amounts itemized by Department, attached hereto, are hereby
appropriated from the resources of each department so itemized as shown in the attached
proposed expenditures.
SECTION 2. Subject to the provisions of other county procedures and
regulations, and applicable state law, the appropriations authorized under Section 1, shall
constitute authorization for the department or officer listed to make expenditures or incur
obligations from their department budget, effective July 1, 2014.
SECTION 3. In accordance with Section 331.437, Code of Iowa, no department
or officer shall expend or contract to expend any money or incur any liability or enter into
any contract which by its terms involves the expenditure of money for any purpose in
excess of the amounts appropriated pursuant to this resolution.
SECTION 4. If at any time during the 2014-2015 budget year the auditor shall
ascertain that the available resources for a budget for that year will be less than said
budget’s total appropriations, he/she shall immediately so inform the Board and
recommend appropriate corrective action.
SECTION 5. The auditor shall establish separate accounts for the appropriations
authorized in Section 1, each of which account shall indicate the amount of the
appropriation, the amounts charged thereto, and the unencumbered balance. The auditor
shall report the status of such accounts to applicable departments and officers during the
2014-2015 budget year.
SECTION 6. All appropriations authorized pursuant to this Resolution lapse at
the close of business June 30, 2015.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of February, 2014.
/s/Marc Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Shelly Barber, County Auditor
/s/Greg Moeller, Vice Chairman
/s/Gary See, Board Member
Appropriations by Department FY15 Budget
Transfer of Funds
Board of Supervisors
County Attorney
Planning & Zoning
Relief Care of Indigents
Secondary Roads
Veteran Affairs
Conservation Board
Health Board
Human Services
Medical Examiner
District Court
County Library
Data Processing
County Services CPC
Juvenile Probation
County Farm
Report Total **
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended Great River Regional Waste Authority
meeting, Moeller attended Great River Housing Trust Committee meeting and See
attended Iowa Workforce Development meeting .
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
February 27, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the February 25,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Sarah Berndt, CPC gave her monthly update on General Assistance and Community
Services. In her report she discussed getting a crisis services program started in
Burlington and they would need $57,500 to get setup. It was moved by Moeller and
seconded by See to allow the CPC to contribute to the startup fund for a Crisis Program
in the SEIL Region. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by
See to approve the Henry County Privacy Policies and Procedures for HIPAA of 1996. 3
ayes. Motion carried.
Rose Jaynes and Rosemary Pacha with the Brighton Chamber of Commerce met with the
Board asking that they pass a resolution having Hwy 78 designated as Jay N “Ding”
Darling Memorial Highway, which is the road to Lake Darling State Park. The Board
said it would be put on their agenda next week to sign a resolution for their request.
Karl Braun met with the Board asking that they reconsider the requirements for R2
Zoning District which is multiple family dwellings. He asked that they consider
changing the language to reduce the required lot size for multiple dwellings that connect
to public water/sewer. The City of Mt. Pleasants lot size is 10,000 square feet and the
county’s is 20,000 square feet for multiple dwellings. Joe Buffington, Planning & Zoning
Coordinator stated that the requirements for multiple dwellings was changed in 2000 but
believes this part was just overlooked as it is in a different area of the plan. He also
stated what is currently being used in the city is 1,000 to 3,000 square feet per unit. The
Board feels it should be sent to the Planning & Zoning Commission to review and study
and make a recommendation to them on this issue before changes are made.
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended the CPPC meeting and a Community
Action meeting.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
ABC Fire Extinguisher
Access Energy Cooperative
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Zach Archer
A2Z Heating and Plumbing, Inc.
Bailey Office Equipment
Carpenter Uniform Co
Chief Supply
Larry Duckett
Ebert Supply Co
Danny Eversmeyer
Michael E Garmoe
Brad Gillis
Ed Harvey
Henry Co Public Health
Robert A Huddleston
Hy-Vee Inc -West Des Moines
Interstate Batteries of NE MO
Iris City Cleaners
ISACA Treasurer
Robert Izzard
J & S Electronic Systems
Annual Insp -Cths
Util -Conserv
Extermination Serv -Jail
Util -County
Reserve Dep -Shrf
Maint -Jail
Ofc Suppl -Aud
Uniforms -Jail
Suppl -Dep Shrf
Reserve Dep
Cust Suppl -Cths
Med Exam Fee
Reserve Dep
Reserve Dep
Cell Phone -Atty
Care for Yourself
Reserve Dep
Inmate Meals -Jail
Batteries -Shrf
Cust Suppl -Cths
Dues -Aud
Reserve Dep
Maint Contract -Atty
Johnson Co Medical Examiner Ad
Ana Lair
Scott Landon
Marc Lindeen
Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept
Mail Services LLC
Erica Martin
Mt Hamill Elevator/Lumber
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mt Pleasant Utilities
O'Keefe Elevator Co
PJ Greufe & Associates
Pleasant Hill Cemetery
Mike Prottsman Construction
Quad City Safety
Red J Inc Breuer Towing
Reliable Pest Solutions
Schroeder PT Services
Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool
Staples Advantage
Darin Stater
Erin Stensvaag
Swailes Auto Supply
Taft-Wiley Company
U S Cellular
Janet L Vance
Wal-Mart Payments
M Jane Weingart
Wilson Distributor Serv
General Supplemental Fund
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Muscatine Co Sheriff
Peterson Law Firm, P.C.
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Washington Co Sheriff
MH - DD Services
Bailey Office Equipment
Sarah Berndt
Country Life Health Care Inc
Elwood, ODonohoe, Braun & Whit
Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr
Hy-Vee Inc -West Des Moines
Optimae LifeServices Inc.
Southeast Ia Regional Planning
Rural Services Basic Fund
ISU Extension Distribution Cnt
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Agriland FS Inc
Alcohol & Drug Dependency Linc
Alliant Energy
Altorfer Machine Co
Roger Asby
Brad Holtkamp Automotive Inc
Calhoun-Burns & Associates Inc
Courtesy Door Sales & Ser
Med Exam Fees
Mlge -Trs
Transcripts Fees
Mlge -Supv
Inmate Housing -Jail
MV Renewal -Trs
Cleaning Serv -CPC/VA
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Bldg Rprs -DHS
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Util -Cths
Elev Maint -Cths
February Fee -Cths
Grave Care
Snow Removal -Shrf
Battery -Dep Shrf
Extermination Serv -Cths
Transports - Jail
Bldg Rprs -Jail
Ofc Supplies -DHS
Cell Phone -Atty
Cell Phone -Atty
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Repairs -DHS
Cell Phone -DHS
Certified letter -Atty
Ofc Suppl -Trs
Transcript -Atty
Cust Suppl -Cths
Bldg Rprs -CPC
Serv of Notice Fees
Serv of Notice Fees
Detention Stay -Juvi
Serv of Notice Fees
Ofc Suppl -CPC
Mlge -CPC
Comm Based Settings -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Voc/Day -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Transportation -CPC
Township Manuals
Shop Sec Rd
Diesel Sec Rd
Safety Testing Sec Rd
Sheds Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Safety Allowance Sec Rd
Outside Service Sec Rd
Outside Eng Serv
Filters Sec Rd
Door Repair Sec Rd
John M & Mina Fitzpatrick Farm
Hedge Above LLC
John C & Cynthia Helt
Henderson Truck Equipment Hend
Henry Co Health Care Plan
Ia Dept of Natl Resources
Ia Dept of Transportation
Ideal Ready Mix Co
Iris City Cleaners
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
North American Salt Co
Orschelns Card Center
Roe Heating & Air Conditioning
Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool
Staples Advantage
Jerad Syfert
Taft-Wiley Company
UnityPoint Clinic Occupational
Community Betterment Fund
Aspen Equipment Co
Bailey Office Equipment
Sharon G Barron
Joseph Buffington
Crop Production Services Inc.
John Deere Financial
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant Glass
Precision Midwest
Mike Prottsman Construction
Jodi Sutter
Economic Development
Henry Co Abstract Company
Henry Co Treasurer Ana Lair
Warner Engineering Assoc
Emergency Management
A T & T Mobility
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Walt Jackson
Taft-Wiley Company
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Gary Dustman
Vanguard Appraisals Inc
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
E911 Surcharge Fund
Bold Technologies
Joseph Buffington
Henry Co Auditor
Verizon Wireless
Grand Total
Fuel Pumps Sec Rd
Grounds Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
March Insurance Sec Rd
Bridges Sec Rd
Blades/Bits Sec Rd
Sand Sec Rd
Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Tires Sec Rd
Salt SecRd
Mailboxes Sec Rd
Shop Filters Sec Rd
Outside Service Sec Rd
Office Supplies Sec Rd
Safety Allowance Sec Rd
Drain cover Sec Rd
Safety Testing Sec Rd
Chipper Parts -Sec Rds
Ofc Suppl -Zoning
Board Minutes -Zoning
Mlge -Zoning
Pathway -Sec Rds
Mower Parts -Sec Rds
Bldg Rprs & Maint -Cths
Mower Window -Sec Rds
Sec Rds
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Wages -BOH
Abstract -Crossrds Busine
Crossroads Business Park
Em Mgmt
Fuel -Em Mgmt
Reimb -Em Mgmt
Repairs -Em Mgmt
Mlge - Assessor
Reappraisal -Assessor
Subscription -Assessor
Manitou Maint - E911
Mlge -E911
Trunk Lines - E911
Refund T1 Line Charges
PD Air Cards -E911
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
March 4, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the February 27,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. There was 8 bids received for the new equipment storage shed
at the Road Department, bids were opened and ranged from $157,917 to $239,665. The
Engineer will take them and review them and bring back recommendation next
Wednesday at the Supervisors meeting. It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller
that the following dates for the Henry County dust control program be approved:
May 1st - Signup deadline with applicator
May 2nd - Applicator’s listing to County Engineer’s Office
May 12th - Starting date for application
3 ayes. Motion carried. Road Maintenance for February 24 through February 28, 2014:
Monday boom mower worked in Trenton territory, crews cut brush on 215th St east of
Franklin Ave, territory operators working on routes and others prepped equipment to spot
haul rock throughout the county. Tuesday territory operators worked removing light
snow from gravel roads and snow plow trucks worked on roads till noon. Wednesday all
territory operators were in blades prepping for rock to be spotted in the worst spots, there
was one tuck hauling to each territory. Thursday continued spotting rock in the
territories. Friday continued spotting rock in territories in the morning then stopped and
prepared equipment for snow expected over the weekend.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve Resolution #8-2014 as follows:
Resolution 8-2014
WHEREAS, the Henry County Board of Supervisors, with the encouragement of
the Keep Iowa Beautiful program, the Brighton Chamber of Commerce, and the friends
of Lake Darling, and
WHEREAS, the Henry County of Supervisors recognizes Jay N. “Ding”
Darling as the first President of the General Wildlife Federation in 1936, and
WHEREAS, the Henry County Board of Supervisors is mindful that Jay N.
“Ding” Darling was one of the first conservationists in the Nation, and
WHEREAS, the Henry County Board of Supervisors recognizes Jay N. “Ding”
Darling as a two time winner of the Pulitzer Prize, and
WHEREAS, the Henry County Board of Supervisors recognizes Jay N. “Ding”
Darling’s creation of the National Duck Stamp Program, and the Sanibel National
Wildlife Refuge, and
WHEREAS, the Henry County Board of Supervisors recognizes that Lake
Darling State Park located in Washington County was named in honor of Jay N “Ding”
Darling on September 17, 1950 in recognition of his contributions to the conservation
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Henry County Board of Supervisors
recommends making an application to the Iowa Department of Transportation for
renaming Iowa State Highway 78 the Jay N. “Ding” Darling Memorial Highway.
APPROVED this 4th day of March, 2014.
/s/Marc Lindeen, Chairperson
Henry County Board of Supervisors
/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to Approve Resolution #9-2014 as
BE IT RESOLVED pursuant to Iowa Code Sections 331.904(4) that Jennifer
Lehman be employed as a full time employee in the Office of the Henry County Attorney
in the position of Victim/Witness Coordinator and Paralegal, with initial annual salary of
$41,000, with other benefits as provided pursuant to the Henry County Employee
Handbook. Said employment shall commence on March 3, 2014 or as soon as
practicable thereafter.
Passed this 4th day of March, 2014.
Attest: /s/Shelly Barber, Auditor
3 ayes. Motion carried.
/s/ Marc Lindeen
/s/ Greg Moeller
/s/ Gary See
Date 3/4/2014
We received the final paperwork from GSA for the Citizen Convenience Center it has
been reviewed by the County Attorney and recorded in the Recorders office and returned
to them.
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended E911 meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
March 6, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen and Gary See, Greg Moeller was absent.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the March 4,
2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
The following Department Heads met and gave their monthly update to the Board:
Shirley Wandling, Recorder; John Pullis, Conservation; Walt Jackson, Emergency
Management; Rich McNamee, Sheriff; Sarah Berndt, CPC; Rick Van Winkle, Veteran
Affairs; Joe Buffington, Planning & Zoning; Sharon Barron, Office Manager Assessors
Office; Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer; Shelly Barber, Auditor. During the department head
meeting the Board brought up for discussion meal allowances and gratuities for meeting
reimbursements as it has been several years since this was reviewed. It was discussed
and agreed by everyone that $45 a day for overnight meetings and $10 Breakfast; $15
Lunch and $20 Dinner for day meetings would be good including gratuity.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen that effective March 10, 2014 that Meal
Reimbursements in the Employee Handbook would be changed to read as follows:
Henry County will reimburse employees for business related meals and travel expense
upon the following terms and conditions:
1. The limit is $45.00 per day for overnight meetings.
2. The dollar amount for day meetings will be set at:
Employees must leave home by 6:00 am to charge for breakfast and be gone until after
6:00 pm to charge for dinner. Henry County will reimburse for gratuity and in no
circumstance will reimburse for alcohol.
2 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended the SEIL meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen the meeting be adjourned. 2 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
March 11, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
There was no meeting today as the Board was attending Veteran Affairs District Meeting
in Iowa City.
March 12, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the March 6,
2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve
Resolution 09-2014-20. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, bids were received by the Henry County Board of Supervisors on March 4,
2014, for an equipment storage building to be located at 1510 E. Washington
Street, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
WHEREAS, the following bids were received:
B & B Construction
Morning Sun, IA
Eastern Iowa Building
Fairfax, IA
Eicher Design Build
Washington, IA
JDM Contracting
West Point, IA
SG Construction
Burlington, IA
TD’s Carpentry
Mt. Pleasant, IA
W-3 Construction
Washington, IA
Weiler Builders
Bloomfield, IA
Alternate Options 1, 2 & 3 were also accepted in the amount of $30,917.00.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
in session this 12th day of March, 2014, that a contract be awarded to TD’s
Carpentry of Mt. Pleasant in the amount of $157,917.00.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Henry County Board of
Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute a Contract and Performance
Bond on behalf of Henry County.
/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
/s/Marc B. Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller, Member
/s/Gary K. See, Member
Road maintenance for March 2 thru March 7, 2014. Sunday sent plow trucks out at 5:00
and they were done by 11:00. Monday territory operators worked on removing snow and
plow trucks worked on cleaning up the pavements and cleared streets in Trenton Lowell
and Swedesburg. Started removing snow equipment in order to get ready for spotting
rock in the grader territories. Tuesday territory operators continued clearing roads the
rest of the crew worked preparing equipment for rock hauling and cleaning trucks, some
of the trucks went out and spotted rock. Wednesday the brush crew was out clearing
brush, territory operator’s continued working on snow removal, the sign crew was out
updating signs that were damaged from snows events and a couple of trucks went out
spotting rock in various locations. Thursday sent trucks out in the morning to take care
of ice/snow, loaded the Galion motor grader that was sold for the transport company.
Closed bridge on 230th St west of Benton Ave until can be repaired. Friday territory
operators were out working on routes. Trucks hauled rock near Mt Union out of L&W
Quarry. Trucks came in early to prepare for predicted snow coming on the weekend.
Gravel road conditions will continue to be difficult as melting of snow and frost
continues we appreciate the patience form the public during this time.
The Board Canvassed the Election results from the Mt. Union City Special Election held
on March 4, 2014. Wendy Mathers received 31 votes and Dick Moore received 3 votes,
making Wendy Mathers the new Mt. Union City Council person. The Board approved
the canvass as presented.
Gary Dustman, Assessor presented 7 BPTC applications to the Board that were received
after the January 15, 2014 deadline. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See that
the 7 BPTC Applications for the assessment year 2013 be denied and changed to
assessment year 2014 due to the fact they were received after the January 15, 2014
deadline for application. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Denise Ballard and Cindy Evelyth from IGHCP the county’s health insurance provider
presented the report and the rates for renewal for FY15 premiums. We received a 2.38%
increase from Wellmark but due to Affordable Care Act we had to lower the out of
pocket maximum therefore lowering the counties liability on the partial self-funding out
of pocket maximum. Due to the conservative management of the counties partial selffund they recommended to the Board to not increase the premiums at all for FY15. It
was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to leave FY15 premiums the same as FY14
Premiums. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Advanced Correctional Health
Agriland FS Inc
Alliant Energy
Bailey Office Equipment
Bezoni's True Value
Card Center
Cardmember Service
Carpenter Uniform Co
Data Imaging Supplies
Des Moines Stamp Mfg Co
Ebert Supply Co
Electronic Engineering Co
Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant
Farm & Home Publ
Fellowship Cup
Henry Co Health Center
Henry Co Public Health
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Henry Co Veterinary Hosp
Iowa Co Attorney Case Mgmt
Util -Conserv
Medical Exp -Jail
Fuel -Conserv
Util -County
File -Supv
Snow Removal -Cths
Lodging/Meals -Supv
Ofc Suppl -Conserv
Wearing Apparel -Shrf
Toner -Trs
Stamp -DHS
Cust Suppl -Cths
Bldg Rprs -Conserv
Medical Exp -Comm
Books -Assessor
Food & Prov
Bldg Rprs -Conserv
Public Health Contract
Comm Transformation
Fuel -Cths
Dog Care - Mar '14
ProLaw -Atty
Ia County Attorney's Assoc
Ia Natural Heritage Foundation
IAN Treasurer
J & S Electronic Systems
Jefferson Co Hospital
Lance Refuse Serv
Language Line Services
Jennifer Lehman
Mark Long
Tony Millard
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant Lumber
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Tammy Mulford
Mullens Body Shop
New London Journal
Office Depot
Orschelns Card Center
Dan Peterson
Pitney Bowes Inc
Mike Prottsman Construction
John D Pullis II
Quad City Safety
Quality Equipment Inc
Quality Inn & Suites
Quill Corporation
Rathbun Regional Water
Bill Riley
Riverside Collision Repair
RTM Management Group LLC
Schroeder PT Services
Secy of State of Iowa
SEI Properties
Shottenkirk - Burlington
Smith Plumbing,Heating & Cool
Stacy-Lewis Funeral Home
Stroud Mediation Services
Swailes Auto Supply
The Company Tom Hassenfritz
Thomson Reuters -West
U S Cellular
UI Diagnostic Laboratories
Jennifer Veldboom
Verizon Wireless
M Jane Weingart
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
Xerox Corporation
Z's Quick Break
General Supplemental Fund
Robin Detrick
Henry Co Health Care Plan
Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept
New London Journal
CLE's -Atty
Educ & Training -Conserv
Spring School -VA
Educ & Training -Conserv
Copier/Printer -Atty
Educ & Training -Conserv
Sanit & Disp -Conserv
Interpretation -Comm
Grant Resources -Atty
Med Exam Fees
Educ & Training -Conserv
Bldg Rprs -Jail
Bldg Rprs -Conserv
Vchle Maint -Cths
Util -Cths
Air Purifiers -Atty
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Bd Proc -Supv
Suppl -Shrf
Construction & Maint -Con
Ofc Suppl -Conserv
Suppl -DHS
Snow Removal -Shrf
Educ & Training -Conserv
Construction & Maint -Con
Annual Conference -Sec Rd
Ofc Suppl -Atty
Water & Sewer -Conserv
Med Exam Fees
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Rent -Juvi Prob
Notary -Atty
Storage Rent -Shrf
Vchle Maint -Supv
Transports -Jail
Bldg Rprs -DHS
Med Exam Fees
Law Enforcement -Atty
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Parts -Conserv
Online Resource -Atty
Cell Phone -DHS
Med Exam Fees
Suppl -Jail
Matron Exp -Jail
Cell Phone -Shrf
Depositions -Atty
Tele Serv -Supv
Bd Proc -Supv
Data Proc -Conserv
Fuel -Cths
Mlge - Aud
Health Care -Atty
Serv of Notice
Ballots -Spec Elect
Postage NCOA -Aud
Lola M Reynolds
Jan Walter
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
MH - DD Services
Bailey Office Equipment
Sarah Berndt
Christine Boyer
Des Moines Co CPC
Henry Co Public Health
Insight Partnership Group LLC
Mediapolis Care Facility
Juli Rosensteel
U S Cellular
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Banner Auto & Hardware
Ben Meadows
Bezoni's True Value
Merlin Boshart
Card Center
Courtesy Door Sales & Ser
Douds Stone LLC
Ebert Supply Co
Fastenal Co
Ia Dept of Transportation
Ideal Ready Mix Co
Interstate Batteries of NE MO
Iowa Transit Inc
Klingner & Associates PC
Martin Equipment
Mt Pleasant Lumber
Mt Pleasant Utilities
New London Journal
New London Utilities
T & L's Pep Stop
Praxair Distribution Inc
Rathbun Regional Water
Red J Inc Breuer Towing & Reco
Reedsburg Hardware Company
River Products Co
Shottenkirk - Burlington
Sloans Printing Service
Staples Advantage
Swailes Auto Supply
Taft-Wiley Company
U S Cellular
Wal-Mart Payments
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
Conservation Nature Center
Cardmember Service
Lowell Gaulke
Conservation Fund
Orschelns Card Center
Wages -Spec Elect
Wages - Spec Elect
Ballots -Spec Elect
Ofc Suppl -CPC
Mlge -CPC
Commitment - CPC
Treatment -CPC
Voc/Day -CPC
Comm Based Settings -CPC
Mlge -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Cell Phone -CPC
Tele Serv - CPC
Lighting Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Sheds Sec Rd
Equip Repair Supply SecRd
Engineer Equipment Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Safety Allowance Sec Rd
Mtg Meals Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Hard Hats Sec Rd
Oil Sec Rd
Sand Sec Rd
Batteries Sec Rd
Engineer Equipment Sec Rd
Consultant Fees Sec Rd
Shop Tools Sec Rd
Hardware Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Utilities Sec Rd
Publications Sec Rd
Shed Sec Rd
Diesel Sec Rd
Welding Supplies Sec Rd
Salem Shed Sec Rd
Outside Service Sec Rd
Cables & Chain Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Office Supplies Sec Rd
Office Supplies Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Cell Phones Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Office Sec Rd
Publications Sec Rd
Animal Feed -Conserv
Acorn Exp -Conserv
Donation Proj -Conserv
Community Betterment Fund
Agri-Center of Henry Co
All Secure Inc
Terry & Ruth Carden
Diamond Mowers Inc
Great River Reg Waste
Imagetek Inc
J & S Electronic Systems
Terry Mabeus
Mt Pleasant News
Mike Prottsman Construction
Jodi Sutter
Wemiga Waste
Economic Development
Joseph Buffington
Emergency Management
Alliant Energy
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Mt Pleasant News
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
E911 Surcharge Fund
Electronic Engineering Co
Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel
New London Journal
Office Depot
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
Grand Total
Chainsaw Parts -Sec Rds
Security Syst -Cths
Ground Lease
Mower Parts -Sec Rds
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Maintenance -Rec
Rprs -Rec
Ground Lease
Publication -Zoning
Snow Removal
Website Hosting -Mar '14
Wages -BOH
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Internet -Cths
Postage -CrossRds Bus. Pa
Util -Em Mgmt
Snow Removal -Em Mgmt
Util -Em Mgmt
Tele Serv -Em Mgmt
Fuel -Assessor
Publication -Assessor
Tele Serv -Assessor
Publication -Assessor
Pager Repair -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
Budget Prop -E911
Ofc Suppl -E911
Tele Serv -E911
Budget Proposal -E911
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended Henry County Community Action meeting
and DECAT meeting. See attended STEM meeting and Access Energy meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
March 13, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
There was no meeting as the Board attended the ISAC Spring School of Instruction in
Des Moines.
March 18, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the March 12,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. The Board reviewed 2 permits one for Stanley Consultants to
go under the road in the Lake Geode Area and one for a farmer to work in ROW to load
out cattle. Road maintenance for March 10th thru March 14th, 2014 was as follows.
Monday a small crew worked on plugged culverts to get water flowing. Tuesday a crew
worked on more plugged culverts and then they set up trucks for snow removal.
Wednesday sent plow trucks out at 5:00 am for light snow removal. The entire week
territory operators worked on the roads and trucks spotted rock in each territory.
Travis Johnson with Henry County Public Health presented Dr. Kent Metcalf’s
resignation as Henry County Medical Examiner and up on Dr. Metcalf’s recommendation
suggested Dr. Eugenio Torres as Henry County Medical Examiner using the medical
examiner investigators that we are training. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by
See to accept Dr. Metcalf’s resignation and appoint Dr. Eugenio Torres as interim
Medical Examiner until an agreement can be drawn up with him. 3 ayes. Motion
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the 3 year contract for 14, 15
& 16 fiscal years with Cost Advisory Services for $4,125 a year. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Joining the meeting was Steve Gray and Joe Buffington for the discussion of the
proposed sale of land made by JKV Enterprises for 5.28 acres in Crossroads Business
Park for $150,000. After discussion the Board decided to counter with an amount more
in line with what land is actually selling for like this which was $415,000 for the 5.28
Sarah Berndt, CPC and four representatives of the Domestic Violence Intervention
Program came to present what their program does as Sarah believes this is a way we
could help the community with funds from General Assistance that are not currently
being used. The Board feels it would be a good thing to try and Sarah is going to work
with them to decide what services it could best be used for and get back with the Board.
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
March 20, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the March 18,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended the Community Action meeting. Moeller
attended the RUSS meeting and See attended Regional Transit and Washington & Henry
County Early Child Assoc. meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
March 25, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the March 20,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller that Lloyd E.
McIntrye be employed at the rate of $23.00 per hour for the classification of Assistant to
County Engineer in the Road Department effective April 1, 2014. 3 ayes. Motion
carried. After passing this motion it was determined his start date should be April 2,
2014, so it was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to amend the motion. 3 ayes.
Motion carried. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to hire Lloyd E. McIntrye
at the rate of $23.00 per hour for the classification of Assistant to County Engineer in the
Road Department effective April 2, 2014. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by
Moeller and seconded by See that a permit be issued to Binns & Stevens, Oskalossa;
Heffron Services, Urbandale; Oak Ridge Services, Washington and Whaley’s Dust &
Weed Control, Mt Pleasant, for application of dust palliative to Henry County Roads. 3
ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve
Resolution 10-2014-20 as follows. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, the County Engineer has received a recommendation by a bridge consultant
performing bridge inspections in accordance with Federal regulations, and
WHEREAS, the Consultant has recommended posting a load limit on the following
Henry Co.
Bridge #
Bridge #
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
in session this 25th day of March, 2014, that the load limit be approved effective
immediately. The County Engineer is directed to install signs posting the above
load limit.
/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
/s/Marc B. Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller, Member
/s/Gary K. See, Member
Road Maintenance from March 16th thru March 21st was as follows. Sunday snow plow
trucks went out at 5:00 am to clear snow and were done by 11:00 am. Monday thru
Wednesday all territory operators had trucks spotting rock in their areas. Also Tuesday a
small crew worked on bridges and drainage problems. Thursday 6 workers cold patched
pot holes on Winfield Ave and territory operators bladed roads. Friday 6 workers cold
patched in Salem east to the Salem Stub and territory operators bladed roads. Tuesday
April 1, 2014 the Engineer will present the 5 year plan to the Board. He is preparing
small projects to replace culverts this spring at various locations. He is also reviewing
options to replace the mechanic service truck.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See that they acknowledged and initialed the
liquor license for the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #1003. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended Great River Regional Housing Trust Fund
meeting, See attended Iowa Workforce Development meeting and Lindeen attended
Henry County Landfill, Southeast Community Action Strategic Planning, Great River
Regional Waste Authority, and SEILS meetings.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
March 27, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the March 25,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Sarah Berndt, CPC gave her monthly update on General Assistance and Disability
Erin Jones, Becky Kelly, Mike Steele, Kelly Carr, Travis Johnson and Ron Archer all
joined the meeting for the Board of Supervisors to sign a Proclamation making April
2014 Child Abuse Prevention Month in Henry County. All three Board members signed
the proclamation.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended the Executive Board meeting of Healthy
henry County Communities meeting and See attended Mt Pleasant Area Development
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
B & B Propane
Bailey Office Equipment
Shelly A Barber
Cedar Creek Cemetery Assn c/o
Andrea Cook
Carrie Cooksey-Alvarez
Des Moines Stamp Mfg Co
Electronic Applications
Danny Eversmeyer
Cara Ferguson
Ed Harvey
Otis Henkle
Henry Co Public Health
Hy-Vee Inc -West Des Moines
Ia County Attorney's Assoc
Johnson Co Medical Examiner
Heather Kleemeyer
Ana Lair
Mail Services LLC
Erica Martin
Matt Parrott & Sons Co
Larry Meagher
Jane Messer
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Utilities
O'Keefe Elevator Co
Office Depot
James R Onorato
T & L's Pep Stop
Pitney Bowes Inc
PJ Greufe & Associates
Reliable Pest Solutions
Bill Riley
Util -Conserv
Extermination Serv -Jail
Util -Conserv
LP Gas -Conserv
Ofc Suppl -Aud
Mlge & Mtg Exp -Aud
Care of Graves -VA
Mlge -Aud
Matron Exp -Jail
Supplies -DHS
Vchle Exp -Shrf
Med Exam Fees
Postage -Atty
Cell Phone -Atty
Meeting Fee -VA
Care for Yourself
Inmate meals -Jail
Dues -Atty
Med Exam Fees
Med Exam Fees
Mlge & Mtg Exp-Trs
Renewal -Trs
Cleaning Serv -CPC/VA
Time Stamp -Rec
Meeting Fee -VA
Mending -Dep Shrf
Bd Proc -Supv
Util -Juvi Prob
Membership Fee -VA
Elev Maint -Cths
Supplies -Shrf
Meeting Fee -VA
Car Washes -Dep Shrf
Postage Mtr -DHS
March Fee -Cths
Extermination Serv -CPC/VA
Med Exam Fees
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Sloans Printing Service
St Louis Univ School of Med
Stacy-Lewis Funeral Home
Staples Advantage
State Medical Examiner Iowa
Darin Stater
Jim Steffen
Erin Stensvaag
Bridget A Swanstrom
U S Cellular
UI Diagnostic Laboratories
Rick VanWinkle
Wal-Mart Payments
Arlo Walljasper
Shirley K Wandling
Zee Medical Products
General Supplemental Fund
Henry Co Health Care Plan
Ia Communities Assurance Pool
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant News
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Heidi Van Winkle
MH - DD Services
Bailey Office Equipment
Sarah Berndt
Card Center
Country Life Health Care Inc
Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr
Secondary Road Fund
ABC Fire Extinguisher
Access Energy Cooperative
Agriland FS Inc
Alliant Energy
Altorfer Machine Co
BlueTarp Financial
Cessford Construction Co
City of Hillsboro
City of Mt Union
Courtesy Door Sales & Ser
Fastenal Co
Ia Dept of Transportation
Cole Kellogg
Kimball Midwest
L & W Quarries
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Nichting Co Inc
Norsolv Systems Environmental
Northern Safety Co Inc
Orschelns Card Center
Safety X-treme
Smith Plumbing,Heating & Cool
Florence Smith
Staples Advantage
Transports -Jail
Transports -Jail
Envelopes -DHS
Equip -Cths
Training -Med Exam
Ofc Suppl -DHS
Med Exam Fees
Cell Phone -Atty
Med Exam Fees
Cell Phone -Atty
Deposition -Ct
Cell Phone -Dr Lic
Med Exam -Fees
Meals - VA
Equip -Cths
Med Exam Fees
Meals/Mlge -Rec
Supplies -Shrf
Insurance -Communications
Bldg Rprs -CPC
Ballot -Aud
Detention Stay
Serv of Notice Fees
Ofc Suppl -CPC
Mlge -CPC
Lodging/Meals -CPC
Comm Based Settings -CPC
Voc/Day -CPC
Fire Ext cover Sec Rd
Shop Sec Rd
Diesel Sec Rd
Shop Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Shop Tools Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
FM City Roads Sec Rd
FM City Roads Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Hardware Sec Rd
Oil Sec Rd
Safety Allowance Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Publications Sec Rd
Tires Sec Rd
Equip Repair Supply SecRd
Parts Cleaner Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Hand Tools Sec Rd
Signs Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Janitor Sec Rd
Office Supplies Sec Rd
Superior Lamp Inc
Washington Co Treasurer
Community Betterment Fund
All Secure Inc
American Planning Association
A2Z Heating and Plumbing, Inc.
Sharon G Barron
Joseph Buffington
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Jodi Sutter
Economic Development
Cara Ferguson
Henry Co Abstract Company
Emergency Management
A T & T Mobility
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Rod's Auto and Tire Clinic
Southeast Ia Regional Planning
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Bailey Office Equipment
Gary Dustman
Mt Pleasant News
Vanguard Appraisals Inc
E911 Surcharge Fund
Century Link Phoenix
J & S Electronic Systems
Office Depot
Verizon Wireless
Grand Total
Bulbs Sec Rd
FM City Roads Sec Rd
Security Syst -Cths
Planning & Zoning
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Meeting -Zoning
Mlge -Zoning
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Wages -BOH
Abstract Mailing -Atty
Abstract -Crossrds Bus Park
Em Mgmt
Fuel -Em Mgmt
Fan Blower -Em Mgmt
Disaster Mitigation -Em M
Ofc Suppl -Assessor
Mlge - Assessor
Publication -Assessor
Annual Serv -Assessor
Headsets/Bases -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
Programming -Dispatch
Ofc Suppl -E911
PD Air Cards -E911
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
April 1, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the March 27,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Terry Vance joined the meeting.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. Jake presented the 5 year construction plan to the Board. It was
moved by Moeller and seconded by See that the FY 2015 Five Year Construction
Program be brought before the Board for discussion and the Chairman is hereby
authorized to sign.. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by
See that the FY2015 IDOT Budget be brought before the Board for discussion and the
Chairman is hereby authorized to sign. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Road Maintenance from March 24th thru March 28th was as follows. Monday thru
Tuesday all territory operators were blading and had trucks hauling resurfacing rock in
Canaan Township. Also Tuesday a small crew worked fixing edge ruts on Old 34 and
Franklin Ave. Wednesday through Friday territory operators were blading roads and had
trucks hauling resurfacing rock in Jackson Township. Thursday and Friday a small crew
fixed edge ruts on Winfield Ave and along other pavements.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See that they acknowledged and initialed the
liquor license for the Jet Stop Salem Stub, Inc. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The 10:00 am appointment did not show.
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
April 3, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the April 1,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The following Department Heads met with the Board giving the monthly update for their
departments: Gary Dustman, Assessor; Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer; Walt Jackson,
Emergency Management Coordinator; John Pullis, Conservation Director; Shirley
Wandling, Recorder; Rick Van Winkle, VA Coordinator; Sarah Berdnt, CPC; Rich
McNamee, Sheriff; Darin Stater, County Attorney; Shelly Barber, Auditor.
Rich McNamee, Sheriff met with the Board requesting a letter of support for an
application for a Byrne JAG Grant for the purpose of jail expansion or improvements.
Sheriff McNamee stated that a lot of the jail population is reoffenders of drug and alcohol
charges and it is his goal to start a re-entry program back out into the community, were if
we have additional jail space this could be done. It would be a very structured
environment by having work release, the various treatment programs these offenders are
required to attend right in the jail and they are keep here for a set time of so many days.
Darin Stater the County attorney and Judge Brown all have written letters of support for
this grant. We have no idea how much we would get if anything or if there is a match but
the county can decide if they want to accept it if we are awarded anything, but it is a start.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller that the Board would provide a letter of
support for Byrne JAG grant the Sheriff is applying for. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended the Healthy Henry County Communities
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
April 8, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen and Greg Moeller. Gary See was absent.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the April 3,
2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Don Johnson, Chester Coleman, Robert McPheron Sr., Chuck Nole and Marilyn Wick
joined the meeting in regards to the Burge Cemetery.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve
resolution to purchase mechanic service truck as follows. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, quotations were received for the purchase of a 2014 mechanic service
vehicle. The County Engineer recommends the purchase from Pritchard Auto
Mechanic Service Truck
Ford F-550 XL 4x4 chassis (Pritchard)
IMT Dominator DSC20 Mechanics Body (Star Equipment)
IMT – 3203i Crane (Star Equipment)
IMT Hydraulic air compressor (Star Equipment)
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
in session this 8th day of April, 2014, that a Ford mechanic truck with above
listed options be purchased from Pritchard Auto Company of Garner, Iowa at a
price of $76,454.13.
/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
/s/Marc B. Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller, Member
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve an Agreement for HSIP
and TSIP Pavement Marking Project that is 100% funded by state for 30 miles of PCC
pavements to embed paint markings just under surface of pavement. 2 ayes. Motion
Road Maintenance from March 31st thru April 4th was as follows. Monday thru Friday
all territory operators were blading in their areas. Monday thru Wednesday trucks were
hauling resurfacing rock in Jackson Township, Tuesday they also hauled to Trenton
Township. Friday the new excavator was delivered and the company went over the
machine with the operators and mechanics.
The people that joined the meeting in regards to the Burge Cemetery is again requesting
that the mile to the cemetery that is gravel be upgraded to seal coated. Engineer
Hotchkiss explained that after presenting his 5 year plan last week that at the end of the 5
years there is not enough money to do any additional projects as he may even be in the
negative by then without some changes in funding. He also stated he is having a hard
time maintaining the current paved roads as they should be let alone adding additional
ones. The only thing he could recommend is they consider dust control and gave them
the prices and companies that provide that for the county, but the county could not fund
dust control either. The group understood and thanked him for his honesty and input on
the situation.
The 9:30 am appointment did not show.
Joe Buffington, Planning & Zoning joined the meeting for the public hearing and 1st
reading of amendment to the Henry County Code of Ordinances. It was moved by
Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to go into Public Hearing for 1st reading of amendment
to Title 6 Chapter 2 Section 13 Subsection 2(3) of the Henry County Code of Ordinances;
Intensity of use requirements in “R-2” Residential Districts, if public water supply and
public sanitary sewer are used the intensity of use requirements are reduced to six
thousand (6,000) square feet for a single-family dwelling. 2 ayes. Motion carried. No
comments in writing or by public. Buffington stated the Planning & Zoning Commission
had met and recommended to change as presented. It was moved by Moeller and
seconded by Lindeen to go out of Public Hearing. 2 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved
by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve the 1st Reading of Amendment to the
Henry County Code of Ordinances. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
There was 3 bids received for concrete replacement of the front and rear entries of the
courthouse with all work to be done on the weekend. The Board opened the sealed bids
and they were as follows:
Barton Construction
Bill Young Construction
$ 5,498.00
Robert Smith Construction $ 7,050.00
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen award the bid to Bill Young
Construction. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board received and reviewed the Recorder and Sheriff Quarterly Reports ending
March 31, 2014.
The Board reviewed the draft of the FY13 Audit and Chairman Marc Lindeen signed the
representation letter and accepted everything in it.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended the Business Recruitment meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen the meeting be adjourned. 2 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
April 10, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen and Greg Moeller. Gary See was absent.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the April 8,
2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Derek Wellington, Safety Coordinator presented the Board with the new contract with
Physical Therapy Works for April 25, 2014 to April 24, 2015. He explained that the fees
are the same as the current year and there are no changes. It was moved by Moeller and
seconded by Lindeen to approve and sign the contract for another year. 2 ayes. Motion
Joe Buffington, Planning & Zoning joined the meeting for the public hearing and 2nd
reading of amendment to the Henry County Code of Ordinances. It was moved by
Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to go into Public Hearing for 2nd reading of
amendment to Title 6 Chapter 2 Section 13 Subsection 2(3) of the Henry County Code of
Ordinances; Intensity of use requirements in “R-2” Residential Districts, if public water
supply and public sanitary sewer are used the intensity of use requirements are reduced to
six thousand (6,000) square feet for a single-family dwelling. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
No comments in writing or by public. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by
Lindeen to go out of Public Hearing. 2 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by Moeller
and seconded by Lindeen to approve the 1st Reading of Amendment to the Henry County
Code of Ordinances. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Alliant Energy
Bailey Office Equipment
Bezoni's True Value
Card Center
DLT Solutions
Ebert Supply Co
Fellowship Cup
Ferrell Cemetery Assn
Otis Henkle
Henry Co Health Center
Henry Co Public Health
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Henry Co Veterinary Hosp
Ia Workforce Development
J & S Electronic Systems
Jennifer Lehman
Larry Meagher
Mt Hamill Elevator/Lumber
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Tammy Mulford
New London Journal
On-Site Info Destruction Inc
James R Onorato
Pleasant Point Cemetery
RTM Management Group LLC
Gary See
Util -County
Ofc Suppl -County
Suppl -Cths
Snow Removal -Cths
Spring School -Trs
AutoCAD -IT-Sec Rds
Cust Suppl -Cths
Food & Prov -CPC/VA
Care of Graves
Meeting Fee -VA
Public Health Contract
Comm Transformation
Fuel -Cths
Dog Care -April '14
Elev Maint -Cths
Seminar -Atty
Registration -Trs
Copies - Cths
Training -Atty
Meeting Fee -VA
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Publication -Supv
Util -CPC/VA
Batteries -Atty
Dues -VA
Notice -Rec
Shredding -Cths
Meeting Fee -VA
Care of Graves
Rent -Juvi Prob
Parking -Supv
Stephens-Peck Inc
Stroud Mediation Services
Sandra Suter
U S Cellular
Arlo Walljasper
Shirley K Wandling
Marla Willey
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
General Supplemental Fund
Alcohol & Drug Dependency Linc
Ia Dept of Human Services DHS
Steven E Ort
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
MH - DD Services
Bailey Office Equipment
Henry Co Public Health
Ia Dept of Human Services DHS
Insight Partnership Group LLC
Mediapolis Care Facility
Southeast Ia Case Management
Southeast Ia Regional Planning
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Active Thermal Concepts
Agriland FS Inc
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Banner Auto & Hardware
Calhoun-Burns & Associates Inc
Card Center
Centre St Internatl Truck
Cessford Construction Co
Courtesy Door Sales & Service
Dave's Lock and Key
Douds Stone LLC
Electronic Engineering Co
Henderson Truck Equipment
I C E O O/Sherri Hartson Lee Co
Industrial Supply Solution Inc
Interstate Batteries of NE MO
Iowa Transit Inc
L & W Quarries
Martin Equipment
Mt Pleasant Lumber
New London Utilities
Reedsburg Hardware Company
Rexco Equipment Inc
River Products Co
Sadler Power Train
Tracy Sammons
Steffensmeier Welding
Swailes Auto Supply
U S Cellular
Wal-Mart Payments
Conservation Fund
Ofc & Data Proc Equip Mai
Book -Trs
Law Enforcement -Atty
Meals -Rec
Cell Phone -DHS
Postage -Trs
Med Exam Fees
Mlge/Meals -Rec
Meals -Rec
Bd Proc -Supv
Contribution -CPC
Substance Abuse -CPC
Atty Fee -Cths
Detention Stay -CPC
Ofc Suppl -CPC
Treatment -CPC
MHI Inpatient -CPC
Support Serv -CPC
Comm Based Settings -CPC
Case Management -CPC
Transportation -CPC
Lighting Sec Rd
Bridges Sec Rd
Diesel Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Sheds Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Outside Eng Serv
District Meal Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Radio Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Grease Sec Rd
ICEOO District Mtg
Hardware Sec Rd
Batteries Sec Rd
Engineer Equipment Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Shed Sec Rd
Cables & Chain Sec Rd
Blades/Bits Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Mileage Sec Rd
Welding Supplies Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Cell Phones Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Ia State Treasurer State Tax
Community Betterment Fund
Sharon G Barron
Joseph Buffington
Card Center
CoZo Story County P&Z
Cummins Central Power
Great River Reg Waste
Henry Co Landfill Comm
Imagetek Inc
Kremer Well Drilling
Mt Pleasant News
Mike Prottsman Sanitation
Registration Services Iowa State
Jodi Sutter
Wemiga Waste
Emergency Management
Carrot-Top Industries Inc
Jennings Tire
Mt Pleasant Glass
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Bailey Office Equipment
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
E911 Surcharge Fund
Joseph Buffington
Grand Total
Hotel/Motel Tax -Conserv
Meeting -Zoning
Mlge -Zoning
Workcenter -Cths
Dues -Zoning
Generator Insp -Cths
Sanit & Disp -Cths
4th Quarter
Maint -Rec
Well Grant -BOH
Publication -Zoning
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Conference -Zoning
Website Hostings -April
Wages -BOH
Postage - Zoning
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Internet -Cths
Snow Removal -Em Mgmt
Flags -Em Mgmt
Vchle Maint -Em Mgmt
Replace Glass - Em Mgmt
Util -Em Mgmt
Ofc Suppl -Assessor
Fuel -Assessor
Postage - Assessor
Mlge -E911
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended the Henry County Community Action
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen the meeting be adjourned. 2 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
April 15, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the April
10, 2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. The Board reviewed permits for Farmers and Merchants Mutual
Telephone Company on Iowa Ave south of Hwy 78 and dust control permits for 7
individual applicants.
Road Maintenance from April 7th thru April 11th was as follows. Monday thru Friday all
territory operators were blading in their areas and a crew continued work on the building
pad, drive and retention pond for the new building. Monday thru Wednesday a 6 man
crew done cold patching on Winfield Ave and Pete worked on repair signs. Thursday
trucks hauled resurfacing rock in Salem and Tippecanoe Townships near the county
quarry. Friday employees worked cleaning up around the shop and worked seeding
various locations throughout the county. The Board reviewed the quarterly report and the
engineer informed them on the Oasis Ave Bridge project.
John Pullis, Conservation Director met and gave his monthly report from this Board
meeting. They approved the contracts for the FEMA projects that have been approved
being repairs to the walk bridge piers, rock for the roads, top soil where needed, repair of
chain link fence and concrete work. Also approved was the contract with Whaley’s for
dust control.
Joe Buffington, Planning & Zoning joined the meeting for the public hearing and 3rd
reading of amendment to the Henry County Code of Ordinances. It was moved by
Moeller and seconded by See to go into Public Hearing for 3rd reading of amendment to
Title 6 Chapter 2 Section 13 Subsection 2(3) of the Henry County Code of Ordinances;
Intensity of use requirements in “R-2” Residential Districts, if public water supply and
public sanitary sewer are used the intensity of use requirements are reduced to six
thousand (6,000) square feet for a single-family dwelling. 3 ayes. Motion carried. No
comments in writing or by public. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to go
out of Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by See and seconded by
Moeller to approve the Amendment to the Henry County Code of Ordinances as
presented below. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
[Amending Henry County Zoning Ordinance in Book 262 at Page 1]
SECTION 1. SECTION MODIFIED. Article 13 Section 2 Subsection 3 shall be amended
to read as follow:
Intensity of use requirements in “R-2” Residential Districts, if public water supply
and public sanitary sewer are used the intensity of use requirements are reduced to
six thousand (6,000) square feet for a single-family dwelling.
Should any article or provision of this Ordinance be declared by a court of competent
jurisdiction to be invalid, that decision shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a
whole or any part thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid.
All existing Zoning Ordinances and parts of Zoning Ordinances, or other regulations in
conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed.
SECTION 4: WHEN EFFECTIVE. This amendment to the Henry County Zoning
Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its adoption and publication as
required by law.
Approved this 15th day of April, 2014.
/s/Shelly Barber, Henry County Auditor
/s/Marc B. Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller, Supervisor
/s/Gary K. See, Supervisor
I certify that the foregoing was published on the ____ day of __________, 2014.
Shelly Barber, Henry County Auditor
Derek Wellington, safety coordinator presented the Board with two bids for the elevator
maintenance here at the courthouse. O’Keefe which is our current carrier and we have
been paying $227.15 their bid was $155.00 a month and Schumacher was $125.00 a
month. Both bids were identical in the services that they would provide for service.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to award the contract to Schumacher for
$125 a month. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to authorize Auditor Shelly Barber to be
the representative for the Henry County Board of Supervisors with regards to all health
benefits for Henry County. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended the Business Recruitment meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
April 17, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the April 15,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Derek Wellington, Safety Coordinator presented a request to the Board to purchase an Oil
Storage and Containment system from FS Agriland for $8,000 for the shops at the
Secondary Road Department. It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve
the purchase of this system. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended the Southeast Iowa Community Action and
Emergency Management meeting. See attended RUSS meeting and Early Childhood
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
April 22, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the April
17, 2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. The Board reviewed permits for work in ROW for land owner
to remove a large boulder on Old Highway 34 that has fallen and would like to salvage it
and a permit for a sanitary sewer outlet in county ROW on Salem Road that has been
approved by the Environmental Specialist.
Road Maintenance from April 14th thru April 18th was as follows. Monday thru Friday
all territory operators were blading in their areas. Monday trucks spotted rock for dust
control locations in the territories. Pete worked on signs. Tuesday and Wednesday three
trucks hauled pit rock to 312th St east of Racine with the telescope placing the rock. A
maintenance crew worked near Olds grinding curb down to two entrances. Wednesday
and Thursday a crew continued work on the retention pond for the new building.
Thursday a two man crew done seeding in various locations and a small crew worked on
cross road pipes. Friday two employees went to Palmyra and picked up a truck that had
been worked on and a small crew worked on broken tiles in various locations. The Oasis
Ave Bridge project road was closed last week and the contractor is working on removal
of the bridge this week. We will be closing Clayton Ave south of Hwy 34 on Wednesday
morning after the school bus goes through for the day to replace an old cattle crossing
with a new cross road pipe. The road will be closed for the day only and the work will be
done by county personnel.
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
April 24, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the April 22,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Sarah Berndt, CPC gave her monthly update on all Community Services programs. It
was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to give $250 a month to the Domestic &
Violence Intervention Program. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by See and
seconded by Moeller to continue to give $500 a month support to the Fellowship Cup for
food pantry and an annual payment to Southeast Iowa Food Bank for $1,500. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the approval of the liquor license for
Airport Road Vineyard & Winery. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended the SEILS meeting.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
ABC Fire Extinguisher
Access Energy Cooperative
Advanced Correctional Health
Agri-Center of Henry Co
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
A2Z Heating and Plumbing, Inc.
Bailey Office Equipment
Shelly A Barber
Barton & Sons Construction
Bezoni's True Value
Cardmember Service
Central Ia Distributing Inc
Chief Supply
Cole County Health Dept
Samantha Davis
East End Automotive
Ebert Supply Co
Electronic Applications
Electronic Engineering Co
Danny Eversmeyer
Fastenal Co
Andy Grimmer
Ed Harvey
Henry County Health Center
Henry Co Public Health
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Hy-Vee Inc -West Des Moines
Ideal Ready Mix Co
J & S Electronic Systems
Jefferson Co Sheriff
Johnson Co Medical Examiner
Lance Refuse Serv
Randy Lanferman
Lee Co Sheriff
Inspection -Shrf
Util -Conserv
Medical Exp -Jail
Shop Equip -Conserv
Extermination Serv -Jail
Util -Conserv
Maint -Shrf
Ofc Suppl -Aud
Mlge -Aud
Bldg Rprs - Conserv
Bldg Rprs -Conserv
Educ Suppl -Conserv
Cust Suppl -Conserv
Suppl -Dep Shrf
Death Certificate - Atty
Interpreter Exp -Jail
Training -Shrf
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Cust Suppl -Cths
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Bldg Rprs -Conserv
Med Exam Fees
Construction & Maint - Co
Constr & Maint -Conserv
Contr & Maint -Conserv
Cell Phone -Atty
Medical Exp -Jail
Care for Yourself
Gas -Dep Shrf
Inmate Meals -Jail
Ground Maint - Cths
Postage Meter -Trs
Medical Exp -Jail
Med Exam -Autopsy
Sanit & Disp -Conserv
Weed Erad
Inmate Housing -Jail
Mark Long
Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept
Main Street Frame & Art
Missouri Dept of Health
Mt Hamill Elevator/Lumber
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Office Depot
James R Onorato
T & L's Pep Stop
Rathbun Regional Water
Jerry Raunbuehler
Reliable Pest Solutions
Bill Riley
Tony Sanchez
Secy of State of Iowa
SEI Properties
Sheridan Cemetery
Shottenkirk - Burlington
Shottenkirk -Mt Pleasant
Smith Plumbing,Heating & Cool
Darin Stater
Jim Steffen
Erin Stensvaag
Swailes Auto Supply
The Company Tom Hassenfritz
Thomson Reuters -West
U S Cellular
Lynn Vanderham
Video Production Serv
Arlo Walljasper
Kent White
Xerox Corporation
Bill Young Construction
General Supplemental Fund
Ia Dept of Human Services DHS
Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept
Secy of State of Iowa
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Wal-Mart Payments
MH - DD Services
Sarah Berndt
Card Center
Country Life Health Care Inc
Des Moines Co CPC
Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr
Ia Dept of Human Services DHS
ISAC - Des Moines
Johnson Co Sheriff
Optimae LifeServices Inc.
Southeast Ia Regional Planning
U S Cellular
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Mlge/Meals -Med Exam Tra
Inmate Housing -Jail
Bldg Rprs -Conserv
Death Certificate -Atty
Construction & Maint -Con
Bldg Rprs & Maint -Conser
Publications -Conserv
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Util -Cths
Suppl -Shrf
Bldg Rprs -Conserv
Vchle Maint -Conserv
Water -Conserv
Bldg Suppl -Cths
Extermination Serv -Cths
Meals -Med Exam Training
Interpreter Exp -Jail
Notary Seal -Comm
Storage Rent -Shrf
Care of Graves
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Vchle -Dep Shrf
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Computer -Cths
Mlge -Atty
Med Exam -Fees
Workshop -Atty
Bldg Rprs & Maint -Conser
Parts -Conserv
Online Resource -Atty
Fence Repair -Jail
Cell Phone -Drv Lic
Suppl -Jail
Matron Exp -Jail
Suppl -Shrf
Med Exam -Fees
Truancy -Atty
Data Proc -Conserv
Constr & Maint -Conserv
Substance Abuse -CPC
Serv of Notice
Elect Suppl -Aud
Detention Stay -Juvi
Totes -Aud
Mlge -CPC
Lodging/Meals -CPC
Comm Based Settings -CPC
Mental Health -CPC
Voc/Day -CPC
MHI Inpatient -CPC
Training -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Support Serv -CPC
Transportation -CPC
Cell Phone -CPC
Advanced Radiator Inc
Alliant Energy
Altorfer Machine Co
Brozene Hydraulic Service
Cessford Construction Co
Contech ES LLC
Courtesy Door Sales & Service
Robert Donnolly
Electronic Engineering Co
Fastenal Co
Holiday Inn Ames Conf Center
Ia Dept of Transportation
Iris City Cleaners
John Deere Financial
Cole Kellogg
Keltek Inc
Kempkers Grand Rental Station
Martin Equipment
Jelen McCall
Menards - Burlington
Mt Pleasant Glass
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Nichting Co Inc
Orschelns Card Center
Tracy Sammons
Craig Steffensmeier
Conservation Nature Center
Jerry Barker
Cardmember Service
James R Onorato
Signs & Designs
Conservation Fund
Tony Sanchez
Community Betterment Fund
All Secure Inc
A2Z Heating and Plumbing, Inc.
Sharon G Barron
Joseph Buffington
CoZo Story County P & Z
Diamond Mowers Inc
Mt Pleasant Area Chamber
Debt Service Fund
Bankers Trust Company Corporat
Emergency Management
A T & T Mobility
Alliant Energy
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Walt Jackson
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Bailey Office Equipment
Chase Card Services CardMember
Henry Co Planning & Zoning
Schneider Corporation
Vanguard Appraisals Inc
E911 Surcharge Fund
Joseph Buffington
Electronic Applications
Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel
Verizon Wireless
Parts Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Pipe Culverts SecRd
Buildings Sec Rd
Safety Allowance
Radio Sec Rd
Solutions Class Sec Rd
School & Meet Fees Sec Rd
Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd
Oil Sec Rd
Safety Allowance Sec Rd
Strobe Light Sec Rd
Freight Sec Rd
2014 JD Excavator Sec Rd
Mileage Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Outside Service Sec Rd
Utilities Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Shop Tools Sec Rd
Meal Sec Rd
Consultant Fees Sec Rd
Acorn -Conserv
Feed -Conserv
Memorials -Conserv
Bldg Rprs & Maint -Conser
Refund -Conserv
Security System -Cths
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Brd of Adjustment -Zoning
Mlge -Zoning
Dues -Zoning
Mower Parts -Sec Rds
Investor Pledge -2014
Debt Serv
Em Mgmt
Util -Em Mgmt
Fuel -Em Mgmt
Meals -Em Mgmt
Ofc Suppl -Assessor
School & Conf -Assessor
Annual Alloc - Assessor
Web Hosting -Assessor
Reappraisal -Assessor
Mlge -E911
Pages -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
Air Cards -E911
Grand Total
Trunk Lines -E911
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
April 29, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the April 24,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Joining the meeting were Rick Smith, Dick Smith and Linda Smith.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. The Board reviewed individual dust control permits.
Road Maintenance from April 21st thru April 25th was as follows. Monday thru Friday
all territory operators were blading in their areas. Monday trucks hauled pit rock to
Hoover Ave, a crew fixed a broken tile on X23 and a small crew worked seeding.
Tuesday crew worked cold patching on Old Hwy 34 near Lockridge and started prepping
for Project 88 on Clayton Ave. Wednesday started Project 88 on Clayton Ave at 6:00 am
by removing the bridge and replaced with cross road pipe and the seeding crew was also
out working. Thursday a small crew worked on entrance pipes and finished clean up on
Clayton Ave from previous day. Friday trucks went out to sport rock in territories and
moved excavator to Hoover Ave to do brush clean up. On the Oasis Ave Bridge project
the bridge has been removed and the contractor will be starting to install new piling for
the South Pier. We will be working on details for parking lot repair work to include
placing sealer and new striping with some minor patching. This will include as an
alternate the CPC parking lot. Then I would recommend bidding the work out for
competition. The Smith family that joined the meeting had questions about the roads at
their property for the Engineer which he addressed.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the BJA Grant application for
the Sheriff for the purchase of vests for deputies. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings See attended Workforce Development and Lindeen attended
Great River Regional Waste.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Andrea Cook, Deputy Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
May 1, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the April 29,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The following Department Heads met with the Board and gave their monthly update for
what is going on in their offices: Walt Jackson, Emergency Management Coordinator;
Tracy Brooks, Chief Deputy; Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer; Shirley Wandling, Recorder;
Rick Van Winkle, Vet Affairs; Sharon Barron, Assessor Office Manager; Ana Lair,
Treasurer; Shelly Barber, Auditor.
Gene McWhirter joined the meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to go into Public Hearing on the Master
Matrix for M&D Family Farms LLC for a 1996.8 AU Hog Confinement in the SE SE of
Section 12 Scott Township. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Joe Buffington, P & Z Coordinator
stated that the project had met all the Master Matrix requirements and he had checked
and confirmed them. He also had received 2 phone calls from residents in the area
Gerlings and Mabeus that they were opposed to it. Gene McWhirter stated he fells hog
confinements are an asset to the area and if people don’t like the smell they should live in
town. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to go out of Public Hearing. 3
ayes. Motion carried. A resolution will be scheduled for one of the Board meetings next
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended the E911 meeting and Moeller attended
Healthy Henry County Communities Executive Board meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
May 6, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the May 1, 2014
meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. Territory operators blading, spotting rock to operator’s for dust
control, started hauling rock to Salem township. The Secondary Road Department
employees attended a safety and health insurance meeting. Started day one of Contract
haul in Jefferson Township, River products hauling. Started construction on 195th to
replace deteriorated box culvert with new cross road pipes. Working on 230th Low Water
Crossing –will be submitting permit from the Corp of Engineers in Rock island, this will
be the controlling operation as they will wait for their review.
Carolyn Farley and Debra Fox attended the meeting to talk about Skilled Iowa Program
that will improve the job training and marketability of Iowa’s Workforce and drive future
economic growth for the state. It will help measure individual worker’s skills in the areas
of applied mathematics, reading for information and locating information. It was moved
by See and seconded by Moeller to support the Skilled Iowa Program. 3 ayes. Motion
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Andrea Cook, Deputy Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
May 8, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the May 6, 2014
meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Ana Lair, Treasurer joined the meeting and had questions about the security cameras in
the Courthouse.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Advanced Correctional Health
Alliant Energy
Bailey Office Equipment
Banner Auto & Hardware
Bezoni's True Value
Card Center
Davis Radiology Service
East Central District ISAA
East End Automotive
Ebert Supply Co
Electronic Applications
Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant
Sue Ford
Forever Dry Roofing
Heidelburg Motel
Henry Co Extension Office
Henry Co Treasurer Ana Lair
Henry Co Veterinary Hosp
Holiday Inn Conference Center
J & S Electronic Systems
Lambirth Cemetery
Lee Co Sheriff
Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept
Mabeus Land and Lawn
Mail Services LLC
Erica Martin
Jill McCabe
Larry Meagher
MedTox Laboratories
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant Utilities
New London Journal
O'Keefe Elevator Co
James R Onorato
Owens-King Co
PJ Greufe & Associates
Quill Corporation
Bill Riley
Riverside Collision Repair
RTM Management Group LLC
SEI Properties
Shottenkirk - Burlington
Medical Exp -Jail
Util -DHS
Ofc Suppl -Cths
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Suppl -Cths
Spring School - VA
Medical Exp -Jail
Training -Aud
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Cust Suppl -Cths
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Medical Exp -Jail
Mlge -Trs
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Rent -GA
Trees - Cths
Taxes -CrossRds
Dog Care - May '14
Motel -Shrf
Spring School - VA
Meeting -Trs
Maint - Atty
Care of Graves
Inmate Housing -Jail
Medical Exp -Jail
Ground Maint -DHS
Renewal Notice -Trs
Cleaning Serv -CPC/VA
Meals -Trs
Meeting Fee -VA
Med Exams
Util -Cths
Util -Shrf
Bd Proc -Supv
Elev Maint -Cths
Meeting Fee -VA
Microfilm Storage -Aud
April Fee -Cths
Ofc Suppl -Atty
Med Exam Fees
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Rent -Juvi Prob
Elev Maint -Cths
Storage Rent -Shrf
Vchle Exp -Shrf
Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool
William Smith
Staples Advantage
Stroud Mediation Services
Swailes Auto Supply
U S Cellular
Lynn Vanderham
Rick VanWinkle
Verizon Wireless
Arlo Walljasper
Kent White
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
Z's Quick Break
General Supplemental Fund
Robin Detrick
Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept
Pioneer Cemetery Fund
Garry Allender
Allan Barnes
Case Memorials
Ethan Starr E's Mowing
David Gates
MH - DD Services
Bailey Office Equipment
Brau Law Office
Hillcrest Family Services
Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr
Ia Workforce Development
Mediapolis Care Facility
St Luke's Hospital
U S Cellular
Attorney's Forfeiture Fund
John Deere Financial
Northeast Animal Hospital
Stroud Mediation Services
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Alliant Energy
Arnold Motor Supply
Banner Auto & Hardware
Bezoni's True Value
Centre St Internatl Truck
Chem Gro - Houghton Inc
City of Mt Pleasant
Contech ES LLC
Ia Dept of Transportation
Ia St University
J & S Electronic Systems
Klingner & Associates PC
Mt Pleasant Lumber
New London Utilities
Harold Pollmeier
Praxair Distribution Inc
Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool
Florence Smith
Summit Supply Inc
Swailes Auto Supply
Truck Country
Transports -Jail
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Weed Erad
Ofc Suppl -DHS
Training -Atty
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Cell Phone -DHS
Matron Exp -Jail
Mlge - VA
Cell Phones -Shrf
Mlge, meals - Med Exam
Truancy -Atty
Bd Proc -Supv
Fuel -Cths
Mlge - Aud
Serv of Notice Fees
Mowing -Pioneer Cem
Cutting trees -Pioneer Cem
Lettering -Pioneer Cem
Mowing -Pioneer Cem
Stone Repairs -Pioneer Cem
Ofc Suppl - CPC
Commitment -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Emerg Serv -CPC
Unemployment Wage-CPC
Comm Based Settings -CPC
Hosp -CPC
Cell Phones -CPC
Food - Atty
Boarding, exam, boosters
Training -Atty
Lighting Sec Rd
Shed Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Equip Repair Supply SecRd
Hand Tools Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Oil Sec Rd
Retention Pond permit
Pipe Culverts Sec Rd
Oil Sec Rd
Excavation Class
Color Copies Sec Rd
Consultant Fees Sec Rd
Posts Sec Rd
Shed Sec Rd
Safety Allowance Sec Rd
Welding Supplies Sec Rd
Repairs Sec Rd
Janitor Sec Rd
Safety Shirts Sec Rd
Batteries Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Vantiger Equipment & Supply
Wal-Mart Payments
Community Betterment Fund
Agri-Center of Henry Co
Clean Wash
Crop Production Services Inc.
Great River Reg Waste
Imagetek Inc
New London Journal
Mike Prottsman Sanitation
Jodi Sutter
Wemiga Waste
Emergency Management
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Reliable Pest Solutions
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Bailey Office Equipment
Gerald Freyenberger
Heather Leichty
Richard Mertens
Schneider Corporation
Southeast District ISAA
Grand Total
Buildings Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Seed & Fertilizer -Sec Rd
Window Cleaning -Cths
Roadside Chemicals -Sec Rd
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Paperclip -Rec
Spray/Weed Notices -Sec
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Renwal -Cths
Wages -BOH
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Util -Em Mgmt
Pest Mgmt - Em Mgmt
Equip Maint -Assessor
Board of Review
Board of Reveiw
Board of Review
Conference -Assessor
Seminar - Assessor
No sub-committee updates.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Andrea Cook, Deputy Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
May 13, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the May 8, 2014
meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. The Board reviewed individual dust control permits and a utility
permit in ROW for Windstream on 190th St west of W55. Road Maintenance from May
5th thru May 9th was as follows. Monday thru Friday all territory operators were blading
in their areas. Monday contract rock was hauled in Jefferson & Scott Townships,
constructed entrances and installed crossroad pipe south of J20 on Dakota Ave, started
Project 86 on 195th St and a seeding crew was working on various ditching locations.
Tuesday continued hauling contract rock in Scott Township, closed 195th St to replace
cross road pipe and continued seeding. Wednesday continued working on Project 86 on
195th St, started ditching project on Hickory Ave south of Oakland Mills Rd. Thursday
continued hauling contract rock finishing with River Products, continued working on
Project 86 on 195th St, sent ditching crew to Cass Ave to clean ditch then moved off of
that to help on Project 86. Friday continued work on Project 86 opened up road to traffic,
completed ditching project on Cass Ave. On the Oasis Ave Bridge project the contractor
poured some of the encasements last week hopefully finishing them up this week.
Working on 230th St low water crossing, submitted 404 permit to the Corp of Engineer’s
in Rock Island this will be the controlling operation as we will be waiting for their
review. I did visit with both landowners about the project and design is basically done.
Surveys are completed on 150th St grading project and working on design plan to have
letting for two miles around the first of July. Dust control applicators have started work
in the county this week.
John Pullis, Conservation Director have the monthly update to the Board for his
department. Parks are open for season and the Naturalist is conducting many programs
for the local school students.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the following Resolution for
the Glenmark Subdivision Replat of Lots 1 & 2 . 3 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, a plat of Glenmark Subdivision, being part of the NW ¼ of the SW
¼ of Section 31-71-6, Henry County, Iowa, was originally filed January 28, 2009 in
book 2009, page 0214 in the office of the Recorder of Henry County, Iowa, and was
approved by the Henry County Board of Supervisors.
WHEREAS, the lot lines of Lots 1 and 2 now need to be adjusted and Lot 2 needs
to be expanded in order that the titleholders, Mark E. Masterson and Shelly D. Masterson,
are able to construct an attached garage to their house.
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has examined said replat and being fully
advised as to the provisions of Chapter 354, Code of Iowa, 2013 as amended, finds that
said replat meets all requirements of the Statutes and the Henry County Zoning
Ordinance, said real estate being located in an A-1 District, and that all things required by
this Board have been done and performed by the proprietors of said subdivision, and
WHEREAS, Joseph Buffington, Planning and Zoning Administrator for Henry
County, Iowa, has reviewed said replat and it has been approved by him in his official
capacity as Planning and Zoning Administrator, now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Henry County, Iowa, that the
attached survey of Glenmark Subdivision Replat of Lots 1 and 2, is approved and the
Chairman and Secretary are hereby directed to certify this Resolution, which shall be
affixed to this plat.
Passed this 13th day of May, 2014.
/s/Shelly Barber, Secretary
Board of Supervisors
/s/Marc Lindeen, Chairman
Board of Supervisors
/s/Greg Moeller
/s/Gary See
In sub-committee meetings See attended Early Childhood Development and Moeller
attended the Substance Abuse Coalition.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
May 15, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen and Greg Moeller, Gary See was absent.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the May
13, 2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee updates Moeller attended the RUSS meeting and Lindeen attended the
SEILS meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen the meeting be adjourned. 2 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
May 20, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the May
15, 2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer gave the Secondary Road update. Road Maintenance from
May 12th thru May 16th was as follows. Monday thru Friday all territory operators were
blading in their areas. Monday hauled rock to Salem Township and worked on signs.
Tuesday continued hauling contract rock in Salem Township, then switched to
Tippecanoe Township, the seeding crew worked on ditching spots on Hickory Ave. and
done temporary culvert repair patching. Wednesday continued hauling rock to
Tippecanoe Township. Thursday continued hauling rock but to Baltimore Township,
took two tandems to Palmyra for warranty work and started backpack spraying for
noxious weeds. Friday continued hauling rock to Baltimore Township and the ditching
crew was working south of town cleaning up ditches near 265th St. On the Oasis Ave
Bridge project the contractor has completed encasements and has started working on false
work for bridge deck and south abutment. I have been working on 150th St grading plans
for meeting with utility companies and landowners to discuss project impacts. Started
shouldering on 260th St today and will continue working on other pavements over the
next couple of weeks. Douds Stone started hauling contract rock for Wayne Township
yesterday. Oil containment system is being installed in the main shop today by FS and
our employees.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to go into Public Hearing on Master
Matrix for SA Pork LLC 1984 AU Hog Confinement in NW NW Sec 27 Marion Twp. 3
ayes. Motion carried. Joe Buffington Planning & Zoning Coordinator had received no
comments nor had the county Auditor. It was explained this is an expansion of an
existing unit and it meets all of the Master Matrix points needed for approval. It was
moved by Moeller and seconded by See to go out of Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion
carried. A Resolution for approval will be presented next week.
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended Great River Regional Waste Authority
meeting and Moeller attended Great River Housing meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
May 22, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the May 20,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Sarah Berndt, CPC gave her monthly update.
In sub-committee See attended Early Childhood Development
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Agri-Center of Henry Co
Agriland FS Inc
Garry Allender
Alliant Energy
Bailey Office Equipment
Dora Bentler
Bezoni's True Value
Card Center
Cardmember Service
Carpenter Uniform Co
Clerk of Circuit Court
Davis Radiology Service
Ebert Supply Co
Cheryl Elmore
Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant
Fellowship Cup
Sue Ford
Ed Harvey
Henry Co Health Center
Henry Co Public Health
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Hy-Vee Inc -West Des Moines
ISACA Treasurer
Jefferson Co Sheriff
Johnson Co Medical Examiner Ad
Heather Kleemeyer
Tina Kreutner
Lance Refuse Serv
Lee Co Sheriff
Brandon Marquardt
Jill McCabe
Meinen Construction Co
Mikes Automotive
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Murphy Funeral Home
Oakland Mills Cemetery
Orschelns Card Center
Util -Conserv
Construction & Maint -Con
Fuel -Conserv
Mowing -Conserv
Util -County
Ofc Suppl -Trs
Meals/Mlge -Shrf
Uniforms -Conserv
Lodging Fee -Med Exam
Ofc Suppl -Conserv
Dep Shrf
Serv of Notice-Atty
Medical Exp -Jail
Cust Suppl -Cths
Mlge - Trs
Med Exp -Jail
Food & Prov
Meals -Trs
Construction & Maint -Con
Cell Phone -Atty
Public Health Contract
Care for Yourself
Fuel -Cths
Inmate Meals -Jail
Educ & Training -Conserv
Dues -Aud
Inmate Housing -Jail
Med Exam Fees
Med Exam Fees
Meal -Trs
Sanit & Disp -Conserv
Inmate Housing -Jail
Mlge -Dep Shrf
Meals -Trs
Construction & Maint -Con
Vehicle Repairs -Conserv
Bldg Rprs -Conserv
Publication -VA
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Util -Juvi Prob
Funeral -GA
Grave Care -VA
Lubricants -Conserv
Training -Dep Shrf
PJ Greufe & Associates
Dennis R Prottsman
Rathbun Regional Water
Reliable Pest Solutions
Rubey Lawn Care
Salem South Cemetery Assn
Tony Sanchez
Dr Alfred Savage
Shottenkirk - Burlington
Simmons Gun Specialties Inc
Kellie Sloan
Darin Stater
Erin Stensvaag
Swailes Auto Supply
The Company Tom Hassenfritz
Thomson Reuters -West
Eugenio Torres
U S Cellular
Wal-Mart Payments
Wapello Co Auditor
Washington Co Sheriff
Nancy Watson
Wayland Cemetery Assn
Xerox Corporation
General Supplemental Fund
Four Oaks Inc
Ia Communities Assurance Pool
Jefferson Co Sheriff
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Pioneer Cemetery Fund
Orschelns Card Center
MH - DD Services
Bailey Office Equipment
Sarah Berndt
Card Center
Country Life Health Care Inc
Des Moines Co CPC
First Resources Corp
Henry Co Public Health
Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr
Insight Partnership Group LLC
J & S Electronic Systems
On-Site Info Destruction Inc
Optimae LifeServices Inc.
Southeast Ia Case Management
Southeast Ia Regional Planning
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Agriland FS Inc
Alcohol & Drug Dependency Linc
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Altorfer Machine Co
May Fee -Cths
Postage -Conserv
Weed Erad
Water -Conserv
Extermination Serv -DHS
Mowing -Conserv
Grave Care -VA
Interpreter Exp -Jail
Medical Exp -Jail
Mtr Vchle Maint -Cths
Shotguns -Dep Shrf
Mlge -Trs
Computer -Cths
Cell Phone -Atty
Cell Phone -Atty
Lubricants -Conserv
Construction & Maint -Con
Ia Civil Procedure
Med Exams
Cell Phones -Conserv
Suppl -Jail
Cust Suppl -Cths
Ct Admin -'13-'14
Inmate Housing -Jail
Meal -Trs
Care of Graves
Tele Serv -Supv
Data Proc -Conserv
Treatment -CPC
Property Ins
Serv of Notice -V Wenke
Detention Stay -C Kelton
Suppl -Pioneer Cem
Equipment -CPC
Mlge -CPC
Postage & Mailing -CPC
Comm Based Settings -CPC
Mental Health -CPC
Voc/Day -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Voc/Day -CPC
Support -CPC
Ofc Suppl - CPC
Misc -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Cs Mgmt -CPC
Transportation -CPC
Tele Serv -Ct Adv
Diesel Sec Rd
Safety Testing Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Repairs Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Filters Sec Rd
Cessford Construction Co
Douds Stone LLC
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Jake Hotchkiss
Ia Dept of Transportation
Iris City Cleaners
Midway Freightliner Inc
Mt Pleasant Utilities
River Products Co
U S Cellular
Conservation Nature Center
Cardmember Service
Hays Taxidermy Clark Hays
Conservation Fund
Harold & Sharon Busby
Community Betterment Fund
Bailey Office Equipment
Sharon G Barron
Joseph Buffington
Card Center
Henry Co Extension Office
New London Journal
Jodi Sutter
Wal-Mart Payments
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
Emergency Management
A T & T Mobility
Alliant Energy
Card Center
Walt Jackson
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Bailey Office Equipment
Gerald Freyenberger
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Heather Leichty
Richard Mertens
Schneider Corporation
Vanguard Appraisals Inc
E911 Surcharge Fund
Electronic Applications
Electronic Engineering Co
Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel
Mt Pleasant News
Republic Companies
Shield Technology Corp
Storey Kenworthy
Verizon Wireless
Grand Total
Granular Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Postage Sec Rd
Safety Allowance Sec Rd
Pavement Markings Sec Rd
Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd
Filters Sec Rd
Utilities Sec Rd
Shop Tools Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Cell Phones Sec Rd
Feed -Conserv
Nature Center -Conserv
Outside Serv -Conserv
Suppl -Zoning
Board Minutes -Zoning
Postage -Zoning
Microsoft - Cths
Pesticide Manual -Sec Rds
Spray/Weed Notice -Sec Rd
Keyboard -Cths
Wages -BOH
Suppl -Zoning
Internet -Cths
Spray/Weed Notices -Sec R
Em Mgmt
Util -Em Mgmt
Meals -Em Mgmt
Training -Em Mgmt
Tele Serv -Em Mgmt
Suppl -Assessor
Board of Review
Fuel -Assessor
Board of Review
Board of Review
Mapping -Assessor
Soils & Mapping -Assessor
Reappraisal -Assessor
Tele Serv -Assessor
Trunk Lines -E911
Pager Rprs -E911
New pager -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
Amendment -E911
Rivets -E911
Support -E911
Replacement -E911
Air Cards -E911
Tele Serv -E911
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Andrea Cook, Deputy Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
May 27, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the May 22,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. The Board reviewed permits for Windstream one to repair a
washed out telephone line by boring a new one on the opposite side of road on 275th St
and one to place a temporary line for the replacement of culvert on Hickory/Hoover Ave.
Road Maintenance from May 19th thru May 23rd was as follows. Monday thru Friday
all territory operators were blading in their areas. Monday contract rock was hauled in
Jefferson Township and two mowers were working on shoulders. Tuesday continued
hauling contract rock in Jefferson Township, continued mowing shoulder with three
mowers working, the shouldering crew was working near New London and another crew
worked on signs. Wednesday continued hauling contract rock in Scott Township,
continued mowing shoulders, continued working on pulling shoulders up along
pavements and spot sprayed for noxious weeds. Thursday continued hauling contract
rock in Trenton Township, cold patching pavements, continued mowing shoulders and
continued shouldering. Friday a small crew installed entrances, sent two mowers out and
spot spraying for noxious weeds. On the Oasis Ave Bridge project the contractor will be
pouring both abutments today and is working on false work. Henry County Integrated
Roadside Vegetation Management Plan update by submitting application for purchase of
a 3pt disk and silt fence attachment for erosion control. Continued working on 150th St
and finalizing plans. Working on 320th St near Lowell riverbank slide last FEMA project
from last spring.
Cherry Sandeen and Chris Kempker from Drug/Tobacco Free Communities gave the
Board an update on all the various programs and plans they offer to the community for
drug and tobacco prevention. Cherry also stated that the grant that funds these programs
will be ending in September of 2015 and they will need to find ways to sustain this
program. Currently they receive $125,000 a year from the grant.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to go into Public Hearing for the
Amendment of the FY14 County Budget. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Auditor Shelly Barber
explained all the amendments to the Board, there were no comments from the public. It
was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to go out of Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion
carried. It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the FY15 County
Budget Amendment as presented. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Alan Wiseman came to discuss the speed that the trucks hauling the contracted rock were
traveling on the roads in the northern part of the county last week. It was explained that
the trucks are hired by the quarry that the county has contracted the rock from, but they
would talk with the Engineer and see if there is anything they can do to get them slowed
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended Southeast Iowa Regional Planning meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
May 29, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the Minutes of the May 27,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the SE Iowa Case Management
28E Agreement starting July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the following Resolution for
the Master Matrix for M&D Family Farms LLC Hog Confinement in Scott Twp. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
# 11-2014
WHEREAS Article 459.304 of the Code of Iowa allows Henry County Iowa to
participate in the Master matrix evaluation of confined animal feeding operations
exceeding 1000 animal units after passing a resolution to that effect, and,
WHEREAS the Henry County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution to participate in
the Master Matrix on January 9, 2014, and,
WHEREAS the Henry County Board of Supervisors received notice of intended
construction of a 1996.8 animal unit feeding operation by M&D Family Farms,
LLC (Mark Wilkerson) on April 24, 2014, and,
WHEREAS the county was informed of an on-site inspection May 22, 2014 for the
purpose of evaluating the Master Matrix as submitted by M&D Family Farms, LLC
(Mark Wilkerson), and,
WHEREAS the county was unable to attend the on-site inspection due to a scheduling
conflict, and,
WHEREAS the county agrees with the points taken on the Master Matrix as submitted by
M&D Family Farms, LLC (Mark Wilkerson), and,
WHEREAS notice of public meeting was published in the Mt Pleasant News on April 25,
2014, and,
WHEREAS a public meeting was held by the Henry County Board of Supervisors on
May 1, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. for the purposes of gathering public input, and,
WHEREAS public comment in favor of the operation was received at the meeting, and
phone correspondence opposed to the proliferation of confined animal feeding operations
in the area and,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Henry County Board of Supervisors
hereby recommends approval of construction of animal feeding operation for M&D
Family Farms, LLC (Mark Wilkerson) at 1183 Henry Louisa Ave in 12-73-5.
Approved this 29th Twenty Ninth day of May, 2014
/s/Marc Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Andrea Cook, Henry County Deputy Auditor
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the following Resolution for
the Master Matrix for SA Pork LLC Hog Confinement in Marion Twp. 3 ayes. Motion
# 12-2014
WHEREAS Article 459.304 of the Code of Iowa allows Henry County Iowa to
participate in the Master matrix evaluation of confined animal feeding operations
exceeding 1000 animal units after passing a resolution to that effect, and,
WHEREAS the Henry County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution to participate in
the Master Matrix on January 9, 2014, and,
WHEREAS the Henry County Board of Supervisors received notice of intended
construction of a 1984 animal unit feeding operation by S A Pork LLC (Paul &
Annette Von Tersch) on May 5, 2014, and,
WHEREAS the county was informed of an on-site inspection May 22, 2014 for the
purpose of evaluating the Master Matrix as submitted by S A Pork LLC (Paul & Annette
Von Tersch), and,
WHEREAS the county was unable to attend the on-site inspection due to a scheduling
conflict, and,
WHEREAS the county agrees with the points taken on the Master Matrix as submitted,
WHEREAS notice of public meeting was published in the Mt Pleasant News on May 16,
2014, and,
WHEREAS a public meeting was held by the Henry County Board of Supervisors on
May 20, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. for the purposes of gathering public input, and,
WHEREAS public comment in favor of the operation was received at the meeting, and
phone correspondence opposed to the proliferation of confined animal feeding operations
in the area and,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Henry County Board of Supervisors
hereby recommends approval of construction of animal feeding operation S A Pork LLC
(Paul & Annette Von Tersch) at 1924 200th St. in 27-72-6.
Approved this 29th Twenty Ninth day of May, 2014
/s/Marc Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Andrea Cook, Henry County Deputy Auditor
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended Henry County Healthy Communities
meeting. See attended Economic Development meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Andrea Cook, Deputy Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
June 3, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the May 29,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. The Board reviewed a Right of Way permit for a sanitary outlet
on 120th St in Section 10 of Scott Township. Road Maintenance from May 27th thru
May 30th was as follows. Monday was a holiday. Tuesday thru Friday all territory
operators were blading in their areas. Tuesday Douds hauled contract rock in Baltimore
Township, mowers were mowing territories, started and completed FEMA project near
Lowell on 320th St and another crew worked on signs. Wednesday completed hauling
contract rock in Trenton Township, continued mowing territories, worked on additional
slide near Lowell on 320th St, ditched on Penn Ave and spot sprayed for noxious weeds.
Thursday installed entrances, completed asphalt patch south of Hillsboro, started work on
project 91 on Salem Rd to reconstruct a RCP that had separated, continued mowing
territories and seeding in various locations. Friday a small crew installed entrances near
Swedesburg, continued working on Project 91 and spot spraying for noxious weeds. On
the Oasis Ave Bridge project the contractor has completed both abutments and will
continue working on false work for slab of bridge deck. Submitted two applications for
purchase of a 3pt disk and silt fence attachment through IRVM grant application.
Continued working on 150th St visited with all landowners and tenants on project last
week and will be finalizing plans this week to get ready for letting.
Bob Swindell was in asking if the speed limit could be reduced on 265th St, Jake stated
that a traffic speed study would have to be done before that can be considered and the
County usually follows the IDOT guidelines, we will look into it.
Members of the Pioneer Cemetery Commission joined the meeting for the Board to
present a Certificate of Appreciation to Stan Hill for his years of service and dedication
on the Pioneer Cemetery Board.
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
June 5, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the June 3, 2014
meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The following Department Heads met with the Board to give their monthly updates: Rich
McNamee, Sheriff; Gary Dustman, Assessor; Shirley Wandling, Recorder; Jelen McCall,
Secondary Road Office Manager; Ana Lair, Treasurer; Joe Buffington, Planning &
Zoning Coordinator; Rick Van Winkle, Vet Affairs Coordinator and Roger Pittsenbarger,
new VA Trainee; Shelly Barber, Auditor.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Bailey Office Equipment Bezoni's True Value Calhoun Construction Center Cemetery Assn CASI Custom Impressions Inc East End Automotive Ebert Supply Co Danny Eversmeyer Rachelle Fear Henry County Health Center Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Veterinary Hosp Iowa Co Attorney Case Mgmt IACCB Inmate Services Corp Iowa Public Defenders Assoc ISCTA J & S Electronic Systems Kinney & Sons Inc Lee Co Sheriff Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept Mail Services LLC Erica Martin Larry Meagher Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant Utilities NACVSO New London Journal Northern Safety Co Inc Olson‐Powell Memorial Chapel James R Onorato Postmaster Professional Computer Solution Bill Riley RTM Management Group LLC SDVSO SEI Properties Shield Technology Corp Util ‐ County Extermination Serv ‐ Jail Util ‐Conserv Ofc Suppl ‐Trs Paint ‐Trs Bldg Rprs ‐DHS Care of Graves Cost Alloc ‐FY2013 Notary Seal ‐Comm Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Cust Suppl ‐Cths Med Exam Fees Matron Exp ‐Jail Medical Exp ‐Jail Lead Dog Care ‐ June '14 Prolaw ‐Atty Educ & Training ‐Conserv Inmate Transports ‐Jail Conference ‐Atty Registration Fee ‐Trs Bizhub ‐Atty Storage Shed Exp ‐Shrf Inmate Housing ‐Jail Medical Exp ‐Jail Renewal Notices ‐Trs Cleaning Serv ‐CPC/VA Meeting Fee ‐VA Bldg Maint ‐ Shrf Util Exp ‐County Membership ‐VA Bd Proc ‐Supv Safety Med Exam Meeting ‐VA Postage Box Rent ‐Shrf Maint ‐Shrf Med Exam Fees Rent ‐Juvi Prob Training ‐VA Storage Rent ‐Shrf Sofware Maint ‐Shrf $9.15 $35.00 $679.44 $297.86 $180.55 $1,379.00 $67.50 $3,950.00 $24.00 $2,194.73 $126.17 $100.00 $264.48 $121.76 $9,556.92 $550.00 $3,432.00 $1,500.00 $700.00 $300.00 $10.00 $251.45 $493.00 $1,000.00 $111.74 $582.82 $379.98 $32.49 $219.70 $2,736.38 $40.00 $796.06 $401.83 $1,556.00 $32.49 $120.00 $1,927.00 $100.00 $625.00 $150.00 $150.00 $9,955.00 Shottenkirk ‐ Burlington SIACC Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool Staples Advantage Swailes Auto Supply Ultramax Verizon Wireless Wal‐Mart Payments Arlo Walljasper Washington Co Sheriff WINDSTREAM Winfield Beacon/Wayland News General Supplemental Fund Martha Allen Robyn Buffington Barbara J Carmon Mira Dingman Marilee Donnolly Judy Feehan Betty Fuller Kurt Garretson Robert Griffith Linda Groff Betty Grove Art Hamm Beverly Hamm John Hendrickson Henry M Adkins & Son Inc Charlene Hinrichs Paula Hoenig Dorothy D Jacobs Donald W Jones Linda Messer Enid E Mortland Ted Mountz Betty Mullen New London Journal Mary Lou Perry Bertha Ann Pickle Roger Pittsenbarger Lon Pugh Lola M Reynolds Patricia Richenberger John Riddick Tom Sater David Schneider SIADSA Lee/ Lucas Velna J Smith Dan Spray Madeline Swailes Jan Walter Wapello Co Sheriff Connie Weatherman Angela Williamson Ann Wilson Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Donna Yoder Charlotte Zihlman Pioneer Cemetery Fund Vchle Exp ‐ Dep Shrf Transports ‐Jail Bldg Rprs ‐Jail Ofc Suppl ‐DHS Bldg Rprs ‐Cths Ammunition ‐Dep Shrf Cell Phones ‐Shrf Suppl ‐Trs Med Exam Fees Inmate Housing ‐Jail Tele Serv ‐County Bd Proc ‐Supv $1,026.82 $1,431.10 $7,017.00 $68.99 $9.45 $388.00 $75.46 $71.84 $119.25 $4,400.00 $1,478.90 $574.92 Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐ Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐ Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Data Proc ‐ Primary Elect Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Ballots ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Detention Stay ‐Juvi prob Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Serv of Notice ‐Juvi Prob Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Ballot Publ ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election Wages ‐Prim Election $181.00 $199.20 $170.00 $157.00 $60.00 $167.10 $183.20 $167.10 $195.00 $192.30 $192.10 $224.60 $204.80 $170.00 $5,328.80 $60.00 $155.00 $214.10 $159.40 $192.30 $163.85 $170.00 $15.00 $621.00 $170.00 $180.45 $170.00 $155.00 $194.80 $170.00 $172.20 $170.00 $216.00 $370.00 $182.65 $170.00 $167.20 $194.80 $18.80 $183.20 $196.70 $207.70 $377.39 $157.50 $198.90 Garry Allender Allan Barnes Ethan Starr E's Mowing David Gates Ross Tweedy Historic Preservation Fund Mt Pleasant Area Chamber MH ‐ DD Services Sarah Berndt Brau Law Office Des Moines Co CPC Genesis Psychiatric Hosp Humphrey Law Office Ia Dept of Human Services DHS WINDSTREAM Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Alliant Energy Roger Asby Binns & Stevens Brozene Hydraulic Service Carroll Distributing Accts Rec Cessford Construction Co Clean Wash Cooper Gutter Service LLC Ebert Supply Co Fastenal Co Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Transportation Ia Prison Industries John Deere Financial Keith Kimbrough Martin Equipment Mid Country Machinery Inc Mt Pleasant Electric Contracto North American Salt Co Orschelns Card Center Harold Pollmeier Shipley Ready Mix Inc Swailes Auto Supply Truck Country WINDSTREAM Recorder Records Mgmt Ia County Recorders Assoc Community Betterment Fund A2Z Heating and Plumbing, Inc. Joseph Buffington Card Center Des MoinesCo Regional Landfill Great River Reg Waste Imagetek Inc John Deere Financial Mt Pleasant News Mike Prottsman Sanitation Solutions Jodi Sutter WINDSTREAM Emergency Management Alliant Energy Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Ground Maint ‐Pioneer Cem Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Stone Rprs ‐Pioneer Cem Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem $615.00 $778.05 $150.00 $279.20 $226.50 Printing ‐Historic Pres $224.60 Mlge ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Mental Health ‐CPC Hospitals ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC MHI Inpatient ‐CPC Tele Serv ‐CPC Shed Sec Rd Sheds Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Dust Palliative Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Erosion Control Sec Rd Cold Mix Sec Rd Window Cleaning Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd Hand Tools Sec Rd Welding Supplies Sec Rd Oil Sec Rd Signs Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Salt SecRd Hand Tools Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Pipe Culverts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Office Sec Rd Maint & Support ‐Rec Bldg Rprs ‐Cths Mlge ‐Zoning Microsoft ‐Cths Tire Disp ‐Sec Rds Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Maint ‐ Rec Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Spray/Weed Notices ‐Sec R Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Website Hosting ‐ June Wages ‐BOH Tele Serv ‐Zoning Util ‐Em Mgmt $51.70 $510.00 $942.74 $125.00 $331.07 $6,775.17 $92.43 $113.70 $287.53 $60.81 $10,300.50 $850.35 $836.00 $1,071.60 $90.00 $1,045.00 $51.00 $17.70 $2.97 $513.65 $2,572.15 $248.86 $66.85 $298.36 $71.70 $28.97 $3,277.06 $102.81 $31.96 $520.00 $487.29 $21.84 $123.24 $2,695.25 $445.00 $394.90 $553.90 $682.50 $5,820.47 $40.00 $789.47 $216.09 $13,618.90 $200.00 $2,933.15 $30.81 $48.77 Walt Jackson Rubey Lawn Care WINDSTREAM Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment Pictometry WINDSTREAM E911 Surcharge Fund WINDSTREAM Grand Total Training ‐Em Mgmt Mowing ‐Em Mgmt Tele Serv ‐Em Mgmt $5.87 $275.00 $154.05 Ofc Suppl ‐Assessor Map Serv ‐Assessor Tele Serv ‐Assessor $685.50 $1,500.00 $123.24 Tele Serv ‐E911 $30.81 $142,804.41 In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended Healthy Henry County Communities
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
June 10, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the June 5, 2014
meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See that the County
approve construction plans for Project L-G363(400 & 500), grading and surfacing of
150th St in Wayne Township, from US Highway 218 east 2.185 miles. 3 ayes. Motion
carried. Road Maintenance from June 2nd thru June 6th was as follows. Monday thru
Friday all territory operators were blading in their areas. Monday mowers continued
mowing and crews worked hauling brush, working on signs, spraying for noxious weeds
and getting the paint truck ready to go. MSHA preformed a random inspection also.
Tuesday crews installed entrances, worked on Project 91 48” RCP, worked on signs,
sprayed noxious weeds and some general maintenance at the quarry. Wednesday hauled
rock with county tucks near New London, continued mowing and prepping paint truck.
Thursday hauled rock with county trucks near New London, continued working on
Project 91 and spraying of noxious weeds. Friday continued mowing road shoulders and
worked on separated RCP’s on Henry-Lee county line. On the Oasis Ave Bridge project
the contractor will continue working on false work for slab of bridge deck for the next
couple of weeks. Needs to know if the Board wants the road department to continue
mowing the county property south of Hy-Vee, the Board all agreed for them to continue
mowing the county owned property. Engineer turned over the parking lot plans and
procedures for the courthouse and community services parking lots that he has drawn up
to the Board to proceed from here.
Henry County Auditor, Shelly Barber presented the canvass for the June 3, 2014 Primary
Election to the Board for review and approval. After reviewing the results it was moved
by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the Canvass of the June 3, 2014 Primary
Election as presented. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended the Henry County Substance Abuse
Coalition and Lindeen attended the DECAT meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
The Board left to attend the USDA Housing Summit at IWC.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
June 12, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the June 10,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
John Pullis, Conservation Director met with the Board and gave the monthly update for
his department. Most all of the FEMA projects have been completed from the flood other
than the walk bridge pier repair which will take place this fall. Also Kent White and Zip
Mettenberg joined the meeting for the discussion of the AMJet project at the Oakland
Mills damn that the conservation has been working on for a few years.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended the RUSS meeting and See attended the 8th
Judicial Adult Correction meeting..
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
June 17, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the June 12,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. The Board reviewed a permit for mowing and bailing within the
County Right of Way near New London on 267th St. Road Maintenance from June 9th
thru June 13th was as follows. Monday thru Friday all territory operators were blading or
mowing in their areas. Monday crews worked pulling together RCP’s, working on
granular shoulders, spraying for noxious weeds and painting white lines on the road edge.
Tuesday crews continued working on shoulders, hauled rock in New London Township
and placed pit rock for erosion control. Wednesday painted white edge lines, sent three
operators to excavation safety training and a small crew sprayed and cut weeds around
buildings. Thursday hauled rock with county trucks in New London Township, then
switched to Tippecanoe Township, continued painting edge lines. Friday continued
working on shoulders, replaced two crossroad pipes and placed some erosion stone for
the retention pond for the new shed. On the Oasis Ave Bridge project the contractor is
getting ready to place reinforcement for concrete slab. Chairman signed the contract for
the new maintenance shed to be constructed by TD’s Carpentry of Mt Pleasant for
$157,917 as previously approved.
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
June 19, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the June 17,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Sarah Berndt, CPC; Judge Mike Vance and Darin Stater, County Attorney met with the
Board to discuss funding for mental commitments if they do not qualify for county
funding under the county’s management plan. Judge Vance basically said that if
someone needs outpatient services he is going to court order the services and the county
will have to pay for them even if they are not eligible under the county’s management
plan with the CPC or not, because he is not going to leave people out on the streets. He
said it is now up to the County Attorney and the Supervisors what they are going to do
with the management plan and he left. The management plan will change July 1 to the
Region Plan and it has taken care of pay for services for the first 5 days till the hearing,
but after that the management plan is the same. So it will have to be taken to the Region
to see if they will allow these services to be paid for out of Fund 10000 Mental Health or
the county will have to pay for them from the county basic funds if they don’t meet the
200% above poverty guideline. The Board stated we will do what we have to do if court
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended Henry County Community Action,
Southeast Iowa Community Action and SEILS meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
June 24, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the June 19,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. The Board reviewed a Dust Control permit on 278th St and 4
permits for Sanitary Sewer outlets into the County Right of Way. Road Maintenance
from June 16th thru June 20th was as follows. Monday thru Friday all territory operators
were blading or mowing in their areas. Monday crews worked installing entrances,
unloading liner to project 91, spraying for noxious weeds and painting white lines on the
road edge and hauling pit rock to separated pipe on 305th St. Tuesday crews hauled rock
to Tippecanoe Township and installed liner on Project 91 and sealed ends with concrete.
Wednesday painted white edge lines, moved excavator from Project 91 to Project 85,
working on entrances and completed Project 91 with flow-able mortar. Thursday
installed entrance on river road, continued painting edge lines and worked on Project 85
on Hickory Ave. Friday hauled rock to Tippecanoe Township and sprayed noxious
weeds. On the Oasis Ave Bridge project the contractor is place reinforcement conducting
a pre-pour meeting this afternoon for possible bridge deck pour Friday or early next
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended CPPC meeting and Great River Regional
Waste Authority meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
June 26, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the June 24,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Sarah Berndt, CPC met with the Board and gave her monthly update for General
Assistance and all the up coming changes for the new Regional Mental Health Program
that goes into effect July 1, 2014 called SEILS.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended the Executive Board meeting of the Henry
County Healthy Communities.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
July 1, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the June 26,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. Bids were opened for the 150th St East of Hwy 218 Project LG363(400 &500), there were 4 bidders Cole Construction at $188,390.00; Cornerstone
Excavating at $173,190.45; DeLong Construction at $222,908.00 and Kinney & Sons
Excavating at $197,207.20. The Engineer will take the bidders and review them and the
bid will be awarded on July 8, 2014. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to
approve the following Resolution. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, the County Engineer has received a recommendation by a bridge consultant
performing bridge inspections in accordance with Federal regulations, and
WHEREAS, the Consultant has recommended posting a load limit on the following
Recommended Multiple Postings (Tons)
Henry Co.
Bridge #
Bridge #
Type 3
Type 352
Type 3-5
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
in session this 1st day of July, 2014, that the load limit be approved effective
immediately. The County Engineer is directed to install signs posting the above
load limit.
/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
/s/Marc B. Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller, Member
/s/Gary K. See, Member
Road Maintenance from June 23rd thru June 27th was as follows. Monday thru Friday
all territory operators were blading or mowing in their areas. Monday crews worked
cutting brush, delivered pipe for entrances and spot hauled rock to various locations.
Tuesday crews spot hauled rock, started removing cross road pipe on Project 85 and
closed road to traffic, also continued painting edge lines. Wednesday painted edge lines,
worked on Project 85 backfilling pipe, installed two entrance pipes on River Rd and sent
two operators to training. Thursday a large crew was ditching on Hoover and hauling the
dirt to Project 85 on Hickory Ave. flattening the slopes, hauled rock to it and opened the
road to traffic, also completed Project 86 clean up on 195th St. Friday painted edge lines,
continued ditching on Hoover and sprayed noxious weeds. On the Oasis Ave Bridge
project they are pouring the concrete slab bridge right now. Ameren owns Transmission
line from Henry-Lee to Henry Washington line West of W55 they are installing several
temporary entrances and will be transporting poles over the next month for high power
lines repair.
The Board acknowledged the annexation of real estate to the City of Wayland that is
owned by Roberts A Bush, David A Custer and Terry S Van Sickle in Section 10-73-7.
In other county business the Board received the resignation of Otis Henkle from the
Veteran Affairs Commission as soon as a replacement is found.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the following Resolution 132014. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION – 13-2014
Whereas, it is desired to authorize the County Auditor to transfer sums from
the Rural Service Fund during the 2013-2014 budget year, and
Whereas, said transfers must be in accordance with Chapter 331.429 of the
Code of Iowa.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
as follows:
Section 1. The total maximum transfers for fiscal year ending June 30, 2014
are as follows:
Rural Service Fund to Secondary Road Fund
Section 2. Within five working days of being notified of the apportionment
of current property taxes to the Rural Service Fund, the County Auditor
shall order a transfer from said funds to the Secondary Road Fund.
Section 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2, of this Resolution,
total transfers to the Secondary Road Fund shall not exceed the amounts in
Section 1.
Section 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2, the amount of any
transfer shall not exceed available fund balances in the transferring of funds.
Section 5. The County Auditor is directed to correct her books when said
operating transfers are made and to notify the Treasurer and County
Engineer of the amounts transferred.
The above and foregoing Resolution is submitted to the Board of
Supervisors by the County Auditor in accordance with Chapter 331.429 of
the Code of Iowa.
Dated this 1st day of July, 2014.
/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
Henry County Board of Supervisors
/s/Marc Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Gary See, Board Member
/s/Greg Moeller, Board Member
In sub-committee meetings See attended the Mt Pleasant Area Development Commission
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
July 3, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the July 1, 2014
meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The following Department Heads met with the Board and gave their monthly update:
Shelly Barber, Auditor; Gary Dustman, Assessor; Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer; John Pullis,
Conservation; Rick Van Winkle & Roger Pittsenbarger, Vet Affairs; Sarah Berndt, CDS;
Walt Jackson, Emergency Management; Ana Lair, Treasurer; Rich McNamee, Sheriff.
Sarah Berndt, CDS met with the Board to talk about participating in the ISAC HIPPA
Program for SEILS. It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to sign the Service
Agreement with ISAC for the HIPPA Program. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board reviewed the gross wages for all Henry County employees for fiscal year
ending June 30, 2014 as follows:
Henry County Employee Gross Wages
For Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2014
Jake J Hotchkiss
Darin R Stater
Edward G Harvey
Richard A McNamee
Tracy S Brooks
Joseph B Buffington
Gary E Dustman
Dean G Walter
Jason D Sutton
Chad J Doak
Randal K Veldboom
Garrett C Cargill
Erin E Stensvaag
John D Pullis
Merlin K Boshart
Brandon R Marquardt
Shelly A Barber
Sarah E Berndt
Walter D Jackson
Ana M Lair
Shirley K Wandling
Sheila R Allender
Tamara A Mulford
Mark E Shull
Marvin C Stauffer
Peter N Nelson
Julie A Pilling
Keith E Kimbrough
Brian T Yaley
Daniel C Buechel
John A Smyth
Tony E Millard
Robert R Donnolly
Monica M Szalma
Robert D Bruggemeyer
Roger C Asby
Wendel E Luko
Asst Attorney
Chief Deputy Sheriff
Planning & Zoning Coord
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff
Asst Attorney
Conservation Director
Sec Roads Superintendent
Deputy Sheriff
Emergency Management Coord
Deputy Assessor
Attorney's Office Mgr
Sec Roads Rod Person
Sec Roads Maint
Sec Roads Maint
Jail Administrator
Sec Roads Maint
Asst Sec Roads Superintendent
Sec Roads Maint
Sec Roads Maint
Conservation Maint
Sec Roads Maint
Sec Roads Maint
Sec Roads Maint
Sec Roads Maint
Harold J Pollmeier
Jesse L Bell
Allan W Barber
Derek B Wellington
Richard S Stallman
Tara L Armstrong
Jean K Lawler
Jill A McCabe
Kellie D Sloan
Andrea S Cook
Marla A Willey
Sharon G Barron
Jeff M Rehm
Jelen G McCall
Cari A Nicely
David G Norcross
Jenna M Cargill
Jill M Benedict
Dora A Bentler
Gregory C Shull
Juli A Rosensteel
Sue A Ford
Kimberly L Henkle
Megan R Kramer
Martha S Bright
Darla K Kelly
Matt R Schinstock
Tracy Sammons
Gregory D Manley
Marcie L Givans
Cheryl D Elmore
Nancy R Watson
Robin D Detrick
Christine A Shatzer
Joann M Vens
Sandra M Suter
Tina L Kreutner
Gerald A Rauenbuehler
Marc B Lindeen
Greg M Moeller
Gary K See
Laurena A Hutchinson
Zachary D Archer
Chase Klenk
Cindy S Culbertson
Jerad R Syfert
Chantz J Vargus
Jami L Mallonee
Cara L Ferguson
Ronald D Turner
Angela M Noel
Richard L VanWinkle
Angelica Hartsock-Hernandez
Janae R Bearden
Brent E Roth
Robert L Gholson
Cole D Kellogg
Jennifer E Lehman
Thomas B Jacobsmeier
Sec Roads Maint
Deputy Sheriff
Sec Roads Maint
Auditor/IT/Safety Coord
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Treasurer
Deputy Treasurer
Deputy Auditor
Deputy Recorder
Assessor Office Mgr
Sec Roads Maint
Sec Roads Office Mgr
Deputy Sheriff
Dispatch/E911 Adm
Sheriff Office Mgr
Sec Roads Mechanic
CPC Asst/Service Coord
Treasurer Clerk
Sheriff Civil Clerk
Sheriff Civil Clerk
Sec Roads Maint
Sec Roads Office Clerk
Conservation Office Clerk
Treasurer Clerk
Treasurer Clerk
Auditor/Real Estate
Assessor Clerk
Recorder Clerk
Recorder/Treasurer Clerk
Courthouse Maintenance
Sec Roads Maint
Attorney Legal Secretary
Sec Roads Maint
Part-time Attorney Legal Secretary
Part-time Sec Roads Maint
Part-time Sec Roads Maint
Part-time Veteran Affairs Dir
Sec Roads Mechanic
Part-time Sec Roads Maint
Sec Roads Maint
Attorney Legal Secretary
Sec Roads Maint
Nieca A Nordyke
Lloyd E McIntyre
Darrel G Ridenour
Nathan J Lange
Fonda R Arbogast
Marla J Hemmie
Janet L Vance
Kevin R Barton
Clarence C Perry
John T Riddick
Tyler C Rodgers
Scott W Sammons
James R Onorato
Roger L Pittsenbarger
Rachelle A Fear
Larry F Gerling
Brian D Haymond
Ricky G Rodgers
Carl E Alvine
Bradley D Benson
Charles W Brewster
Kristine E Miller
Allen G Rodgers
James E Rotenburger
Gary Anderson
John Arp
Lloyd D Bank
Mike Brown
Stephen R Gray
Carol M McCulley
Jon A Mills
Richard L Smith
Daryl E Coffin
Edward E Conwell
Michael Kerr
Sara R Mertens
Carol R Messer
John W Neil
Gary E Oldt
Dwain H Alvine
Steve L Kaufman
Wilbur K Leichty
Assistant to Engineer Sec Roads
Sec Roads Maint
Part-time Sec Roads Maint
Part-time Courthouse Maintenance
Part-time Dispatcher
Part-time Attorney Legal Secretary
Sec Roads Maint
Temp Engineer Sec Roads
Part-time Courthouse Maintenance
Part-time Conservation Maintenance
Part-time Jailer
Part-time Jailer
Part-time Veteran Affairs
Part-time Jailer
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
Township Trustees
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve Interfund Transfer #14-2014.
3 ayes. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION – 14 -2014
Whereas, it is desired to authorize the County Auditor to transfer sums from
the Community Betterment Fund to the Capital Improvements Fund during
the 2013-2014 budget year, and
Whereas, said transfers must be in accordance with Chapter 331.432 of the
Code of Iowa.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
as follows:
Section 1. The total amount transferred for fiscal year ending June 30, 2014
is as follows:
Community Betterment Fund to Capital Improvements Fund
Section 2. Within five working days of being notified of the current amount
in said Fund, the County Auditor shall order a transfer from said funds.
Section 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2, of this Resolution,
total transfers shall not exceed the amounts in Section 1.
Section 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2, the amount of any
transfer shall not exceed available fund balances in the transferring of funds.
Section 5. The County Auditor is directed to correct her books when said
operating transfers are made and to notify the Treasurer of the amounts
The above and foregoing Resolution is submitted to the Board of
Supervisors by the County Auditor in accordance with Chapter 331.4432 of
the Code of Iowa.
Dated this 3rd day of July, 2014.
/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
Henry County Board of Supervisors
/s/Marc Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller, Vice Chairman
/s/Gary See, Board Member
The Board Approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Any Wear Apparel
Bailey Office Equipment
Bezoni's True Value
Bob Barker Co
Carpenter Uniform Co
Chief/Law Enforcement Supply
Haleigh Cowan
Ebert Supply Co
Electronic Applications
Todd Freese
Grant Cemetery Assn
Otis Henkle
Henry Co Fair & 4-H
Henry Co Health Center
Henry Co Public Health
Henry Co Veterinary Hosp
Holiday Inn Ames Conf Center
Ia County Recorder Association
ISAC - Des Moines
J & S Electronic Systems
Kern County Superior Court
KILJ Radio
Marc Lindeen
Mail Services LLC
Erica Martin
Larry Meagher
Brad Miller
Mt Pleasant Utilities
New London Journal
Pest Control
Util -DHS
Supplies -Jail
Ofc Suppl -Aud
Cust Suppl -Cths
Supplies -Jail
Wearing App -Jail
Cust Suppl -Cths
Maintenance -Comm
Weed Erad
Care of Graves -VA
Meeting Fee -VA
Annual Alloc -FY15
Annual Alloc -FY15
Care for Yourself
Dog Care -July '14
Lodging -Aud
Summer School -Rec
Member Dues -FY15
Maintenance -Shrf
Conviction -Atty
Advertisement -VA
Mlge - Supv
Renewal -Trs
Cleaning Serv -CPC
Meeting Fee -VA
Weed Erad
Utilities -County
Bd Proc -Supv
Olson-Powell Memorial Chapel
On-Site Info Destruction Inc
James R Onorato
Roger Pittsenbarger
PJ Greufe & Associates
Quill Corporation
Red J Inc Breuer Towing
Regional Utility Serv Systems
Reliable Pest Solutions
Richwood Cemetery Assn
RTM Management Group LLC
Security Equipment Inc
Shottenkirk -Mt Pleasant
Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool
Dick Smith
Robert P Smith
St Alphonsus Cemetery c/o Doro
Staples Advantage
Stew Hansen Chrysler Dodge
Swedesburg Lutheran Church
The Company Tom Hassenfritz
Lynn Vanderham
Verizon Wireless
Wal-Mart Payments
Arlo Walljasper
Wapello Co Auditor
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
YWCA Women's Resource Center
Zee Medical Inc.
General Supplemental Fund
Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept
Zee Medical Inc.
Pioneer Cemetery Fund
Orschelns Card Center
Historic Preservation Fund
Dover Historical Museum
Lewelling Quaker Museum
Swedish Heritage Museum
Wayland Museum
Winfield Museum
MH - DD Services
Sarah Berndt
Country Life Health Care Inc
Des Moines Co Auditor
Des Moines Co CPC
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Agri-Center of Henry Co
Alliant Energy
Aspen Equipment Co
Banner Auto & Hardware
Calhoun-Burns & Associates Inc
City of Hillsboro
City of Mt Union
Med Exam Fees
Shredding -Cths
Meeting Fee -VA
Ofc Suppl -VA
June Fee -Cths
Labels -Atty
Annual Membership -FY15
Exterior Treatment -Cths
Grave Care -VA
Annual Alloc -FY15
Rent -Juvi Prob
Supplies - Shrf
Camera -Cths
Mtr Vchle -Conserv
Transports -Jail
Bldg Rprs & Maint -Cths
Weed Erad
Weed Erad
Website Hosting - FY15
Care of Graves
Ofc Suppl -DHS
Care of Graves
Mower -Cths
Cell phone bills-Shrf
Ofc Suppl -DHS
Med Exam Fees
Ct Admin -'13-'14
Bd Proc - Supv
Annual Alloc -FY15
Medical Suppl- Shrf
Work Comp -'14 -'15
Serv of Notice Fees
Medical Suppl -Cths
Suppl -Pioneer Cem
Mlge -CPC
Comm Based Settings -CPC
Distribution -CPC
Mental Health -CPC
Lighting Sec Rd
Concrete saw Sec Rd
Sheds Sec Rd
Chipper Part Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Outside Eng Serv
FM City Roads Sec Rd
FM City Roads Sec Rd
Contech ES LLC
Diamond Mowers Inc
Douds Stone LLC
Grainger Inc
Henderson Truck Equipment
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Ia Dept of Transportation
Ia Prison Industries
Ideal Ready Mix Co
Kimball Midwest
Mid Country Machinery Inc
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant Lumber
New London Journal
Northern Ia Const Product
Orschelns Card Center
Potters Industries LLC
Rexco Equipment Inc
Road Machinery & Supplies Co
Shipley Ready Mix Inc
Florence Smith
Steffensmeier Welding
Wal-Mart Payments
Washington Co Treasurer
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
Winfield Builders Supply
Community Betterment Fund
Joseph Buffington
Great River Reg Waste
Henry Co Fair & 4-H
Henry Co Landfill Comm
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Hillsboro Public Library
Ia Dept of Agriculture Pesticide
Imagetek Inc
Mt Pleasant Public Library
Nugen Public Library
Mike Prottsman Sanitation
Salem Public Library
Jodi Sutter
Winfield Municipal Library
Economic Development
Access Energy Cooperative
Eastern Iowa Building, Inc.
Emergency Management
Alliant Energy
Clean Wash
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Ia Communities Assurance Pool
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
New London Journal
Roy R Fisher
Schneider Corporation
E911 Surcharge Fund
Joseph Buffington
Electronic Applications
Lee County Treasurer
C M P Sec Rd
Mower Parts Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Gasohol Sec Rd
Windshld Wash Solv Sec Rd
Signs Sec Rd
Pipe Culverts Sec Rd
Hardware Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Pipe Culverts SecRd
Publications Sec Rd
Flex Markers
Pipe Culverts Sec Rd
Beads Sec Rd
Filters Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Pipe Culverts Sec Rd
Janitor Sec Rd
Crane Sec Rd
FM City Roads Sec Rd
Publications Sec Rd
Tile Lines Sec Rd
Mlge -Zoning
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Annual Alloc -FY15
1st Quarter
Reimb -Mowing
Annual Alloc -FY15
Pesticide Cert -Sec Rds
Annual Maint - Rec
Annual Alloc -FY15
Annual Alloc -FY15
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Annual Alloc -FY15
Data Proc Equip Maint-Cths
Wages -BOH
Annual Alloc -FY15
Spec Bldg -Cths
Storage Bldg -Shrf
Util -Em Mgmt
Window Washing -Em Mgmt
Fuel -Em Mgmt
Insurance -Em Mgmt
Renewal -Assessor
Appraisal -Assessor
Soils & Mapping -Assessor
Mlge -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
Maint -E911
Viper Trunk Lines -E911
Shield Technology Corp
Grand Total
Sheild Yr Maint -E911
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended Henry County Healthy Communities.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
July 8, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the July 3, 2014
meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the
following Resolution. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, bids were received by the Board of Supervisors on July 1, 2014, for Project
L-G363(400&500), grading and surfacing of 150th Street.
WHEREAS, the following bids were received and read:
Cornerstone Excavating, Inc.
Cole Construction Co., Inc.
Kinney & Sons Excavating & Grading, Inc.
DeLong Construction, Inc.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
in session this 8th day of July, 2014, that a contract be awarded to Cornerstone
Excavating, Inc. from Washington, Iowa, in the amount of $173,190.45.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Henry County Board of
Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute a Contract and Contractor’s
Bond on behalf of Henry County.
/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
/s/Marc B. Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller, Member
/s/Gary K. See, Member
Road Maintenance from June 30th thru July 3rd was as follows. Monday thru Thursday
all territory operators were blading or mowing in their areas. Monday crews worked
cutting brush at several locations, installed entrances, worked on shoulders and switched
the paint machine over from white to yellow paint. Tuesday crews spot hauled rock,
continued working on shoulders, worked on signs and seeding on Project 81. Wednesday
filled cracks on J20 east of Lowell then south to bridge on X23, installed entrances and
started ditching project on 265th St. Thursday completed ditching on Hoover and 265th
St, worked on signs and painting crew worked painting yellow center lines. Friday was a
holiday. On the Oasis Ave Bridge project the bridge deck was completed last week and
they are working on the open rail this week. The equipment storage building contractor
is planning on starting excavating today. SENECA will be cleaning the fuel tanks on the
inside at the county yard on Monday July 14, 2014. Jake will be attending the County
Engineer’s mid-year conference Wednesday and Thursday.
In other county business the Board accepted the quote from Young Construction for
$1,610 to replace the concrete in the entry of the Community Service Building.
The Board reviewed the Treasurer’s Annual Report for Fiscal Year 13/14 as follows:
Annual Report
Certification Date July 2, 2014
General Basic
General Supplemental
Rural Services Basic
Rural Services Supplemental
Secondary Roads
Recorder Records Mgmt
Hospital Bonds & Interest
Hospital Control
Co Sheriff'S Forfeiture Fund
MH DD Services Fund
Capital Projects
Debt Service
Special Poor Fund
Henry Co. Emergency Mgt
Insight Human Services
Bangs / T.B.
Advance Tax
Area Schools
Fire District 1
Fire District 2
Fire District 3
Co Ag. Extenstion
County Cons. Land Aq. Trust
County Assessor
Motor Vehicle Trust
Use Tax Trust
Special Assessments
Tax Redemption Trust
E911 Surcharge
Reap Funds Conservation
Accrual Funds
Community Betterment
Solid Waste
Special Appraisers
Pioneer Cemetery
Tax Holding Fund
Recorders Electronic Fee
Recorders Electronic Tran.
Hospital Maintenance
Hospital F.I.C.A.
Hospital I.P.E.R.S.
Hospital Tort
Hospital Ambulance
Case Management
Court Advocate Clearing
CMHC Clearing Account
Central Point Coord Clearing
Monies & Credits Agency Fund
Drivers License Trust
Economic Development
Attorney's Case Mgmt Proj Fund
Conservation Nature Center
Co Attorney's Forfeiture Fund
Historic Preservation
Conservation Fund
Outstanding Debt-Dept of Rev
Outstanding Debt Clerk of Crt
Ana Lair, Treasurer
For the period
Mt. Pleasant,
Henry County
from July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014, Inclusive
Statement of Account by Fund
Total To be
Accounted For
Fund Balance
Peter Schwiegeraht with Miller-Valentine Group presented a proposal to purchase
property directly behind Hy-Vee in Crossroads Business Park from Henry County and
what their intent for the property is. Miller-Valentine Group is a full service developer
for over 50 years and the last 25 years have started developing housing, they are the 11th
largest multi-family developer in the US. They feel small communities like Henry
County are being over looked when it comes to affordable senior housing. One reason
for looking here in Iowa is due to the housing credits that are available here. There
would be a mix of 15 cottage units and a 3 story building with 30 units for ages 55+ and
of which 85% of Henry County residents in that age group would qualify for the
affordable housing. They are hoping to get the application completed by October and
sent in applying for the credits and if they receive them they hope to break ground by fall
of 2015. Just applying for the credits will cost Miller-Valentine approximately $30,000
so they feel very strongly that they should be able to score well with this sight and
receive the credits. They are hoping to have a verbal agreement in July and a written
contract by August. The Board told Mr. Schwiegeraht that they will have it on the
agenda Thursday for discussion and possibly set a date for Public Hearing if they decide
to move forward.
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
July 10, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the July 8, 2014
meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board discussed the proposal from the Miller-Valentine Group. They stated that the
purchase price was more for than what they were asking for the property and if this
project was built it would enhance the development of the rest of the area. It was stated
that the goal is not to take a great profit from the sale, but to get it developed to improve
the county and increase the tax base. They don’t see a down side to having the land tied
up for 9 months without receiving earnest money if it doesn’t go through as we have had
no offers on this property in years and we don’t want to discourage any. It was moved by
See and seconded by Moeller to approve Resolution #15-2014. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS it is proposed that Henry County, Iowa contract with MillerValentine Group for the possible sale approximately 4.12 acre, for $100,000.00, being
Lots 1A of 3 parcel number 431081047600900, 2A of 3 parcel number
431081047601000, and 3A OF 3 parcel number 431081047601100, Crossroads Business
Park Second Addition Replat of Lots 2 and 3, Mount Pleasant, Iowa, subject to obtaining
Tax Credit funding and;
WHEREAS Miller-Valentine Group proposes to pay $10,000.00 refundable
earnest money to commence a Due Diligence Period ending April 17, 2015 for the
purpose of determining the feasibility of the proposed housing project and;
WHEREAS the earnest money shall become non-refundable upon receipt of Tax
Credit funding and;
WHEREAS other terms and conditions of proposed contract for sale of real estate,
a copy of which is available for examination at the office of the Henry County Auditor
WHEREAS Iowa Code section 331.361 requires that certain procedures are
followed when disposing of a county’s interest in real property;
BE IT RESOLVED that a public hearing on the proposal shall be held on the 24
day of July, 2014, at 10:30 o’clock a.m. in the office of the Board of Supervisors, Henry
County Courthouse, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, that notice of time and place of said hearing shall
be published as required by sections 331.361 and 331.305, Code of Iowa, and that
immediately following said hearing the Board of Supervisors may make a final
determination on the proposal.
APPROVED this 10th day of July, 2014.
AYE: /s/Marc B Lindeen
/s/Greg Moeller
/s/Gary K See
NAY: ____________________________________
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended RUSS.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
July 15, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the July 10,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See that a contract
extension through July 31, 2015 with Agriland FS for petroleum products be hereby
approved pursuant to the Special Provisions and Specification-Item XII. 3 ayes. Motion
carried. Road Maintenance from July 7th thru July 11th was as follows. Monday thru
Friday all territory operators were blading or mowing in their areas. Monday crews
hauled resurfacing rock in Tippecanoe Township, painted centerlines and monitored
flooding and signs for Skunk River. Tuesday crews worked on entrances, cut brush near
Lowell and continued painting centerlines. Wednesday crews worked on shoulders on
170th St and grinding bumps for the City of Mt Pleasant. Thursday repaired crossroad
pipes on Henry Lee County line road and prepped the spray truck. Friday cut up the old
pipe from Hickory project and hauled equipment back to the shop, a small crew replaced
some entrances. On the Oasis Ave Bridge project the open rail is completed and site
cleanup and grading is being worked on now. The equipment storage building contractor
poured footings last week and will be working on walls this week. SENECA cleaned the
fuel tanks on the inside and FS has filled the tanks.
In other county business Auditor, Shelly Barber told the Board that Monte McGuire had
stooped in to see if he could mow the Tick Ridge Park up by Wayland. They are going to
do some checking into it and let him know.
John Pullis, Conservation Director gave his monthly update.
Joe Buffington, Planning and Zoning Coordinator presented an amendment to County
Code 6-1-2-1 exempting property line adjustments from re-subdivision replat. It was
moved by See and seconded by Moeller to go into Public Hearing on said amendment. 3
ayes. Motion carried. There were no written or verbal comments. It was moved by
Moeller and seconded by See to go out of Public Hearing. The 1st Reading of the
Amendment to County Code 6-1-2-1 was done and it was moved by Moeller and
seconded by See to approve the 1st reading. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the 2nd Quarterly Reports for
the Recorder and Sheriff Departments. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
July 17, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the July 15,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The 2nd Reading of the Amendment to County Code 6-1-2-1 was done and it was moved
by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the 2nd reading. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Agri-Center of Henry Co
Agriland FS Inc
Garry Allender
Alliant Energy
Appanoose Co Sheriff
B & B Propane
Bailey Office Equipment
Bezoni's True Value
Brown's Shoe Fit
Card Center
Cardmember Service
Central Ia Distributing Inc
DLT Solutions
Ebert Supply Co
Fastenal Co
Fellowship Cup
Forest Oak Cemetery Assn
Ft Madison Community Hospital
Ed Harvey
Henry Co Health Center
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
ISACA Treasurer
J & S Electronic Systems
Kinney & Sons Inc
Lance Refuse Serv
Randy Lanferman
Mail Services LLC
Glen S Miller
Mt Pleasant Lumber
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Utilities
O'Reilly Automotive Inc
Orschelns Card Center
PJ Greufe & Associates
Rathbun Regional Water
Reliable Pest Solutions
Bill Riley
Rubey Lawn Care
Sadler Power Train
Safe Kids Iowa State
Schroeder PT Services
Signs & Designs
Util -Conserv
Gound Maint -Cths
Fuel -Conserv
Mowing -Conserv
Util -Cths
Serv of Notice Fees
Construction & Maint -Con
Ofc Suppl -Rec
Construction & Maint -Con
Wearing Apparel -Conserv
Software Service & Support
Ofc Suppl -Conserv
Cust Suppl -Conserv
Software Service & Support
Cust Suppl -Cths
Construction & Maint -Co
Food & Prov
Care of Graves
Med Exam Fees
Construction & Maint -Con
Cell Phone -Atty
Public Health Contract
Fuel -Cths
Educ & Training -Aud
Meter Charges -Trs
Construction & Maint -Con
Sanitation & Disp -Conser
Weed Erad
Tax Forms -Trs
Weed Erad
Construction & Maint -Con
Bd Proc -Supv
Water -Conserv
Lubricants -Conserv
Ofc Suppl -Conserv
July Fee -Cths
Stamps -Rec
Water -Conserv
Exterior Treatment -Cths
Med Exam Fees
Mowing -Conserv
License Renewal -Cths
Infant seats -DHS
Wearing Apparel -Conserv
Sinclair Tractor
Sloans Printing Service
Southeast Ia Regional Planning
Darin Stater
Erin Stensvaag
Swailes Auto Supply
The Company Tom Hassenfritz
Thomson Reuters -West
U S Cellular
Rick VanWinkle
Wapello Co Auditor
Xerox Corporation
Z's Quick Break
General Supplemental Fund
Des Moines Co Sheriff
Ia County Sheriff's Office
Owen G Dunn Co
Scott Co Sheriff
United States Treasury
Pioneer Cemetery Fund
Garry Allender
Allan Barnes
Ethan Starr E's Mowing
MH - DD Services
Bailey Office Equipment
Sarah Berndt
Country Life Health Care Inc
Electronic Transactions Clear
Henry Co Public Health Attn:
Insight Partnership Group LLC
Johnson Co Sheriff
On-Site Info Destruction Inc
Ramsey-Kacena, Atty at Law
Juli Rosensteel
Southeast Ia Case Management
U S Cellular
Attorney's Forfeiture Fund
John Deere Financial
Stroud Mediation Services
Secondary Road Fund
ABC Fire Extinguisher
Access Energy Cooperative
Agriland FS Inc
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Altorfer Machine Co
Bezoni's True Value
Card Center
Centre St Internatl Truck
Contech ES LLC
Crescent Electric Supply
Douds Stone LLC
Ia Dept of Natl Resources
Parts -Conserv
Ofc Suppl -Conserv
Speakers -Cths
Dues -FY15
Cell Phone -Atty
Cell Phone -Atty
Lubricants -Conserv
Construction & Maint -Con
Online Resource -Atty
Cell Phone -Drv Lic
Postage Meter -Trs
Mlge, Meals - VA
Ct Admin -'13-'14
Tele Serv -Supv
Data Proc -Conserv
Fuel -Cths
Serv of Notice Fees
Serv of Notice Fees
Folding Carts -Aud
Serv of Notice Fees
Mowing -Pioneer Cem
Ground Maint -Pioneer Cem
Mowing -Pioneer Cem
Ofc Suppl - CPC
Mlge -CPC
Comm Based Settings -CPC
Dues -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Support Serv -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Misc -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Mlge -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Cs Mgmt -CPC
Cell Phone -CPC
Tele Serv -CPC
Dog Food -Atty
Law Enforcement Work -Att
Diesel Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Equip Repair Supply SecRd
Annual Report Mtg
Filters Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Pipe Culverts Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
150th St Permit Sec Rd
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Utilities
New London Utilities
Quality Equipment Inc
River Products Co
Seneca Companies
Swailes Auto Supply
U S Cellular
Conservation Nature Center
Robert Byczek
Cardmember Service
Hometown Veterinary Care
Mt Pleasant Lumber
Orschelns Card Center
Dan Peterson
Signs & Designs
Scott Van Schoyck
Conservation Fund
Harold & Sharon Busby
Robert Hobbs
Ia State Treasurer State Tax
Brian Phipps
Delilah Wagner
Community Betterment Fund
Cummins Central Power
Great River Reg Waste
Imagetek Inc
Midwest Old Threshers
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Nichting Co Inc
UNI Roadside Program Roadside
Economic Development
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Emergency Management
A T & T Mobility
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Muscatine Fire Department
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Vanguard Appraisals Inc
E911 Surcharge Fund
Grand Total
Publications Sec Rd
Utilities Sec Rd
Shoulders Sec Rd
Tank Gaskets
Parts Sec Rd
Cell Phones Sec Rd
Office Sec Rd
Acorn Exp -Conserv
Feed -Conserv
Animal Feed -Conserv
Feed - Conserv
Animal Care -Conserv
Animal Feed -Conserv
Animal Feed -Conserv
Animal Feed -Conserv
Prog & Camps -Conserv
Outside Serv -Conserv
Outside Serv -Conserv
Hotel/Motel Tax
Outside Serv -Conserv
Outside Serv -Conserv
Generator Insp -Cths
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Maintenance -Rec
Annual Alloc -FY15
Publication - Zoning
Mower Tire -Sec Rds
Mower Parts -Sec Rds
Annual Conf -Sec Rds
Tele Serv -Zoning
Storage Bldg -Shrf
Em Mgmt
Fuel -Em Mgmt
Util -Em Mgmt
Hazmat -Em Mgmt
Tele Serv -Em Mgmt
Stamps - Assessor
Reappraisal -Assessor
Tele Serv -Assessor
Tele Serv -E911
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended Emergency Management meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
July 22, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the July 17,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See that Agreement
No. 05-14-HBP-S_028 with IDOT for Marsh Avenue bridge over South Big Creek in
Henry County, for Project BROS-CO44(75)—5F-44, is hereby approved. It is further
moved that the Chairman of the Henry County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized
to execute the agreement. 3 ayes. Motion carried. The Board reviewed permits for
Windstream across W55 for Service to existing home south of Trenton and another for
150th St west of Hwy 218 to Iowa Ave for county construction work. Then Lisco from
310th St & X23 for service to power sub-station located on east side of X23. Road
Maintenance from July 14th thru July 18th was as follows. Monday thru Friday all
territory operators were blading or mowing. Monday crews worked on entrances, others
worked on a bridge west of Salem repairing wing wall and completed the centerline
painting. Tuesday crews worked replacing a cross road pipe, cutting brush at an
intersection near Lowell, replaced some bridge plank on 180th St between Graham and
Franklin Ave, also worked on signs. Wednesday crews worked with entrances or cross
road pipes, replaced a cross road pipe on 250th St east of Benton Ave and one on Nolton
Ave. Thursday repaired crossroad pipes and cold patched south of Salem on W55.
Friday one operator run the shoulder disc, others hauled resurfacing rock to Salem
Township, cut brush and cold patched in various locations. On the Oasis Ave Bridge
project is getting close to opening hopefully placing rock on road and guardrail by the
end of this week or the first of next. The equipment storage building contractor poured
half the walls last week and the rest on Monday and will be backfilling this week.
Joe Buffington, Planning and Zoning Coordinator presented the 3rd reading of an
amendment to County Code 6-1-2-1 exempting property line adjustments from resubdivision replat. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the 3rd
reading. 3 ayes. Motion carried. The Amendment as approved reads as follows:
The Ordinance which is known and cited as the “subdivision ordinance”
for Henry County, Iowa which was adopted on December 7, 1979, published on the 28th
day of December, 1979 and which was filed on the 10th day of March, 1980 and which
was recorded in book 385 at pages 500 through 515 of the Records of the Henry County
Recorder is hereby amended as follows.
SECTION 1. SECTION MODIFIED. Article 13 Section 2 Subsection 3 shall be amended
to read as follow:
RESUBDIVISION/REPLAT: Any subdivision of land which has previously
been included in a recorded plat. In appropriate context it may be a verb referring
to the act of preparing a plat of previously subdivided land. Resubdivision /
replats shall follow the same procedure as set forth for a, minor or major
subdivision, whichever may be applicable
Should any article or provision of this Ordinance be declared by a court of competent
jurisdiction to be invalid, that decision shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a
whole or any part thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid.
All existing Zoning Ordinances and parts of Zoning Ordinances, or other regulations in
conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed.
SECTION 4: WHEN EFFECTIVE. This amendment to the Henry County Zoning
Ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its adoption and publication as
required by law.
Approved this 22nd day of July, 2014.
/s/Shelly Barber, Henry County Auditor
Aye:/s/Marc B. Lindeen, Chairman
Aye:/s/Greg Moeller, Supervisor
Aye:/s/Gary K. See, Supervisor
I certify that the foregoing was published on the ____ day of __________, 2014.
Shelly Barber, Henry County Auditor
The Board made the following Motion calling for the one cent Local Option Sales and
Service Tax renewal to be on the ballot on November 4, 2014 for everyone in Henry
Chapter 422B.1 of the 2013 Code of Iowa authorizes the imposition of local option sales
tax. Subsection 3(b) of said Section 422B.1 of the Code provides that the question of the
imposition of a local option sales tax shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the
incorporated and unincorporated areas of the county upon receipt by the County
Commissioner of Elections the Motions or Resolution requesting such submission,
adopted by the governing body or bodies of the Cities within the County representing at
least one-half (1/2) of the population of the County. The Cities of Coppock, Hillsboro,
Mt Pleasant,
Mt Union, New London, Olds, Rome, Salem, Wayland, Westwood and
Winfield, along with the unincorporated areas of Henry County, represent more than onehalf (1/2) the population of the County.
IT IS, THEREFORE, MOVED BY See and seconded by Moeller that the Henry County
Board of Supervisors desire to call for an election for the one-cent local option sales and
service tax and that the County Commissioner of Election is directed to proceed with the
submission of the question of the imposition of a one-cent option sales tax to the
qualified electors of the incorporated area mentioned above and unincorporated areas of
the County at the General Election to be held November 4, 2014.
Dated this 22nd day of July, 2014.
/s/Marc B Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller, Vice Chairman
/s/Gary K See, Board member
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended Great River Regional Housing Trust Fund
meeting. See attended Southeast Iowa Area Crime Commission meeting. Lindeen
attended CPPC meeting, Great River Regional Waste Authority meeting and Community
Action of Southeast Iowa meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
July 24, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the July 22,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The monthly update with CDS was cancelled due to death in family.
County Engineer, Jake Hotchkiss brought the quotes for the Courthouse Parking lot and
the Community Services Parking lot restoration project to the Board as he has been
leading the process for them on this project. There was only one quote received and it is
recommended by Hotchkiss that the Board accept it as it was lower that he had
anticipated. It was with GEE Asphalt Systems, Inc from Cedar Rapids, IA for a total of
both lots at $13,815.00 meeting all the specifications that were requested. It was moved
by Moeller and seconded by See to accept the quote from GEE Asphalt, Inc. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Joe Buffington, Ryan Matheney and another couple joined the meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to go into Public Hearing for the purpose
of entering into an agreement with Miller-Valentine to purchase property in Crossroads
Business Park. 3 ayes. Motion carried. The Board asked for comments from the public
at this time. The couple present was hoping to talk to the people from the MillerValentine group, but no one was there. Ryan Matheney stated that he was not opposed
to the project at all but was wanting clarification of the county’s process for sale of land,
that when we sold the county home it was by auction but this isn’t. Planning and Zoning
Coordinator Joe Buffington said he could clarify that by if someone else came in after
agreeing to this intent to purchase making an offer it would then go to auction as well, but
no one has shown any interest in this property for several years. Matheney then asked
about the streets and sewer was the county going to put them in and was there anyway the
county could stipulate that local contracts had to be used for this project. The Board
stated they were making no improvements to the land that those things would be between
the city of Mt Pleasant and Miler-Valentine as the land is in the city limits and we are not
aware of what they have discussed and no we can’t force them to use local contractors.
There being no further comments it was moved by see and seconded by Moeller to go out
of Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried. The Board agreed to inform Miller-Valentine
to make a formal proposal to buy stating terms and upon receipt of that they will up it on
the agenda.
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended the Seil meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
July 29, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the July 24,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the
following Resolution. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, construction work is taking place at the intersection of 310th Street and
Quincy Avenue to better align the road for safety and visibility reasons.
WHEREAS, the County Engineer recommends placing a stop sign on 310th Street for
westbound traffic.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
in session this 29th day of July, 2014, that a stop sign be installed at the above
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, said stop sign shall become effective upon completion
of construction and removal of all barricades.
/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
/s/Marc B. Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller, Member
/s/Gary K. See, Member
Road Maintenance from July 21st thru July 25th was as follows. Monday thru Friday all
territory operators were blading or mowing. Monday one operator used the shoulder disc
and a crew cut brush on Clayton Ave between Agency Ave and 310th St. Tuesday trucks
hauled resurfacing rock in Tippecanoe Township, an operator used the shoulder disc, a
crew cleaned ditches on Dakota Ave south of Old Hwy 34 and also worked on signs.
Wednesday an operator used the shoulder disc, a crew completed ditching on White Oak
and on 275th St, replaced a crossroad pipe om 200th St east of Franklin Ave, cleaned
under guardrails and sprayed shoulders on paved roads. Thursday replaced crossroad
pipe on Hickory Ave north of 150th St, cleaned ditches on 200th St east of Franklin Ave
and Dakota Ave south of Old Hwy 34, rocked north approach on Oasis Ave bridge and
sprayed shoulders. Friday hauled resurfacing rock to Trenton Township and worked on
miscellaneous things around the shop due to rain. Preparations for second dust control
application will be taking place starting Friday and will continue into next week. Starting
August 7th dust control providers will be allowed to place dust control pending weather.
On the Oasis Ave Bridge project hauled rock on north and south approaches, contractor is
waiting on guardrail and finishing up rip-rap along the bank. The equipment storage
building contractor completed foundation and backfilled the footings. Framing crew
should be starting this week. Starting Wednesday we will be closing 310th St & Quincy
Ave to replace crossroad pipe and re-grade intersection. Seal coat is being placed today
in Trenton and will possibly get Green Valley completed.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended Southeast Iowa Regional Planning meeting.
See attended Iowa Works meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
July 31, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the July 29,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Sarah Berndt, CDS Coordinator presented her monthly update on Community Services.
The Board signed a participation agreement with First Resources that had been approved
in a previous meeting. Sarah started reviewing the new Management Plan of the Seil
group with the Board explaining as they went along she will continue this at each of her
monthly updates until they are through the plan.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Advanced Correctional Health
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Bailey Office Equipment
Sidney Burden
Carpenter Uniform Co
Haleigh Cowan
Larry Duckett
Electronic Applications
Ed Harvey
Henry Co Public Health
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Hy-Vee Food Store -Mt Pleasant
Ia County Attorney's Assoc
Ia Division of Criminal Invest
Ia Prison Industries
Johnson Co Sheriff
Nathan Lange
Mark Long
Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept
Mail Services LLC
Larry Meagher
Jane Messer
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant Utilities
James R Onorato
Orschelns Card Center
Riverside Collision Repair
Safe Kids Iowa State
Schumacher Elevator Company
SEI Properties
Christine Shatzer
Shottenkirk -Mt Pleasant
Smith Plumbing,Heating & Cool
Staples Advantage
State Medical Examiner Iowa
Darin Stater
Jim Steffen
Util -Conserv
Inmate medical cost- Jail
Extermination Exp-Jail
Util -Conserv
Toner -Aud
Matron Exp-Jail
Uniform Exp-Dep Sheriff
Matron Exp- Jail
Meals-Deputy Sheriff
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Cell Phone -Atty
Care for Yourself
Fuel Exp-Dep Sheriff
Inmate Meals-Jail
Training -Atty
Legal & Ct-Related Serv -Atty
Vehicle Exp-Deputy Sheriff
Serv of Notice Fees
Wearing Apparel
Med Exam Fees
Inmate housing- Jail
Renewal Notice -Trs
Meeting Fee -VA
Uniform Repair -Sheriff
Bulbs -Cths
Util -Cths
Meeting Fee -VA
Ground Maint -Cths
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Infant Carriers -DHS
Envelopes -Supv
Elev Maint -Cths
Storage shed rent-Sheriff
Empl Mlge -Aud
Vehicle Exp- Deputy Sheriff
Bldg Rprs -Trs
Ofc Suppl -DHS
Med Exam
Detention Hrg -Atty
Med Exam
Erin Stensvaag
The Wayland Reporter
Lynn Vanderham
Jennifer Veldboom
Arlo Walljasper
Yocum Construction
General Supplemental Fund
Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Washington Co Sheriff
Historic Preservation Fund
Spark Consulting
MH - DD Services
Hillcrest Family Services
Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr
Independence Mental Health Ins
ISAC - Des Moines
Southeast Ia Regional Planning
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Alliant Energy
Brozene Hydraulic Service
Calhoun-Burns & Associates Inc
Campbell Supply Co
Contech ES LLC
Ebert Supply Co
Fastenal Co
Gateway Hotel
I C E O O/ Kim Toliver Sac Co
Ia Dept of Transportation
Industrial Supply Solution Inc
Iowa Transit Inc
Iris City Cleaners
Mid Country Machinery Inc
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Orschelns Card Center
Praxair Distribution Inc
Republic Companies
Florence Smith
Vantiger Equipment & Supply
Wal-Mart Payments
Community Betterment Fund
Gary L Anderson
Sharon G Barron
Brozene Hydraulic Service
Joseph Buffington
Diamond Mowers Inc
Dave Helman
Imagetek Inc
J & S Electronic Systems
John Deere Financial
Greg Lorber
Alan Miller
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Northland Securities
Gayle Olson
Cell Phone -Atty
Advertisement -VA
Matron Exp-Jail
Matron Exp-Jail
Med Exam Fees
Concrete Barricades -Cths
Work Comp -'14-'15
Serv of Notice Fees
Treatment -Juvi Prob
Serv of Notice Fees
Project -Hist Pres
Treatment -CPC
Voc/Day -CPC
State MHI Inpatient -CPC
Dues & Membership -CPC
Transportation -CPC
Shed - Sec Rd
Sheds Sec Rd
Outside Service Sec Rd
Outside Eng Serv
Hoist Sec Rd
Pipe Culverts SecRd
Supplies Sec Rd
Mower Repair SecRd
ICEA Mid Year - Sec Rd
Annual Conf. Sec Rd
Posts Sec Rd
Blades/Bits Sec Rd
Engineer Equipment Sec Rd
Towel/Rug Service Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Tires Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Pipe Culverts SecRd
Welding Supplies Sec Rd
Posts Sec Rd
Janitor Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Board of Adjustment
Brd Meetings -Zoning
Mower hose -Sec Rds
Mlge -Zoning
Mower Parts -Sec Rds
Board of Adjustment -Zoning
Support -Rec
Phone Rprs - Cths
Mower Repairs -Sec Rds
Mower Tires -Sec Rds
Disclosure Report
Board of Adjustment -Zoning
Ron Osborne
Mike Prottsman Sanitation
David Simmons
Jodi Sutter
The Company Tom Hassenfritz
Economic Development
Main Street Mount Pleasant
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Bailey Office Equipment
Cardmember Service
Commercial Appraisers
Mobil 1 Lube Express
E911 Surcharge Fund
Electronic Applications
Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel
Ia Utilities Board
Verizon Wireless
Grand Total
Board of Adjustment -Zoning
Sanit & Disp -County
Wages -BOH
Mower Filter -Sec Rds
Investor Pledge
Ofc Suppl -Assessor
Dues & Membership -Assess
Vchle Exp -Assessor
Trunk Lines -E911
Pager Repair -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
Serv plan maps -E911
Dispatch Training -E911
Air Cards -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended the E911 meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
August 5, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the July 31,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. Road Maintenance from July 28th thru August 1st was as
follows. Monday thru Friday all territory operators were blading or mowing. Monday
crews rocked the south approach to Oasis Ave bridge, cold patched, started working on
Quincy Ave and 310th St clearing brush and completed work on the retention structure at
the shop. Tuesday trucks hauled resurfacing rock in Canaan Township, a crew cleaned
ditches and repaired driveways on Dakota Ave south of Old Hwy 34 and loaded chips for
L.L. Pelling. Wednesday trucks hauled resurfacing rock in Canaan Township, started
replacing cross road pipe at Quincy Ave and 310th St and continued ditching on Dakota
Ave south of Old Hwy 34. Thursday continued replacing crossroad pipe at Quincy Ave
and 310th St, cleaned ditches west of Rome on Old Hwy 34 by the railroad overpass,
hauled resurface rock to Oasis Ave then to Canaan Township and sprayed stone
shoulders. Friday continued working on intersection of Quincy Ave and 310th St
backfilling and regarding the intersection, extended culverts on Erickson Ave between
275th St and 285th St and seeded the retention pond at the shop. Oasis Ave Bridge opened
last Thursday to traffic. The equipment storage building contractor completed foundation
and backfilled the footings and framing crew is coming today. Working on 310th St and
Quincy Ave intersection, plan to have intersection open this afternoon and Quincy Ave
will be closed from 310th St to 305th St for shoulder construction. Seal coat project in
Trenton and Green Valley was completed last week. Started removal of bridge on 230th
St and will be replaced with a low water crossing. On Winfield Ave paving project for
2016 submitted an application to Transportation Safety Improvement Program for
widening the existing pavement from 22’ to 24’ plus 2’ paved shoulder with rumble
strips, if we are not awarded the grant then the pavement will be 22’ with 6’ granular
Supervisor Greg Moeller is working on the reorganization of a REAP Committee in
Henry County for the competitive funds that are available each year. The meeting will be
September 10, 2014 at 6:00 pm in the Conference Room at the Henry County Courthouse
for anyone interested in being a part of this committee, also he has sent out packets to all
organizations and cities in the county that could benefit from this program. The purpose
of this committee is to apply for grants for different projects that may otherwise being
funded by donations or tax dollars or not getting done due to lack of funds.
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
August 7, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the August 5,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The following Department Heads met with the Board and gave their monthly update:
Gary Dustman, Assessor; Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer; Roger Pittsenbarger, Vet Affairs;
Sarah Berndt, CDS; Walt Jackson, Emergency Management; Ana Lair, Treasurer; Rich
McNamee, Sheriff; Jo Buffington, Planning & Zoning; Andrea Cook, Deputy Auditor.
Jo Buffington discussed the Real Estate offer for Lot 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A Crossroads
Subdivision from Vela Enterprises LLC. Resolution to set a public hearing on Tuesday,
August 12, 2014.
The Board also approved part-time as needed jailers for the Sheriff’s Office.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended Henry County Healthy Communities.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Andrea Cook, Deputy Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
August 12, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the August 7,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. Reviewed permits for work in ROW in Section 32 of
Tippecanoe Township brush removal and one for Access Energy Cooperative for a
FEMA line strengthening project in Sections 1, 2, 11 & 12 of Jackson Township and
Sections 14, 15, 16, 23, 24 & 36 of Baltimore Township. Road Maintenance from
August 4th thru August 8th was as follows. Monday thru Friday all territory operators
were blading. Monday checked dust control application, worked on Project 90 which is
Quincy Ave and 310th St, replaced cross road pipe in Salem Township and worked on
Project 89 on 230th St cutting concrete deck. Tuesday continued checking dust control
application, continued work on Project 90 and breaking up deck on Project 89 and
hauling debris away. Wednesday mowed ditches with boom mower and spraying stumps
behind it and worked on shop maintenance items due to rain. Thursday a small brush
cutting crew worked around Jewell Ave east of Salem Stub, cleaned up around the shop,
worked on signs and hauled spot rock. Friday moved band rack near pipe storage area
and worked on signs. The equipment storage building contractor continued working on
framing and was rained out two days. Opened intersection of 310th St and Quincy Ave
on Tuesday last week now working on Quincy Ave between 310th St to 305th St and will
have it open by the end of the week. Working on the low water crossing on 230th St
cutting up existing bridge which has been pulled off the abutments and will hopefully
have cleaned up this week and starting on the construction of the crossing. 2014 Motor
Grader was delivered Monday and the operator is going over the machine with
Caterpillar today. Working on lining a couple culverts on Franklin Ave north of Trenton
towards the end of this week and also one on Iowa Ave south where the rough patch is in
the road. Continued design work on W55 south of Salem and Marsh Ave Bridge north of
Winfield Ave. DENCO will be moving in Wednesday or Thursday to start crack & seal
on J20 from Hillsboro to Salem.
John Pullis, Conservation Director met with the Board and gave his monthly update.
They will need to do reseeding in the spring due to the flooding in 2014 of the camp
grounds. The Memorial Patio at the Nature Center is almost complete.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to appoint Sarah Jacobs to the Veterans
Affairs Commission to replace Otis Henkle who resigned. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to table the discussion of the real estate
offer in Crossroads Business Park. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended the Substance Abuse Coalition meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Andrea Cook, Deputy Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
August 14, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the August 12,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve Resolution #16-2014 for
specifying purpose of 1% Local Option Sales and Service Tax Election. 3 ayes. Motion
WHEREAS, the Unincorporated area of Henry County acting under the laws of the State
of Iowa; and,
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is the duly elected governing body of the
Unincorporated area of Henry County; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 422B.1 of the Code of Iowa requires each City and the
unincorporated areas of the County to specify the percentage or dollar amount of
revenues received from a local option sales and service tax to be applied to property tax
relief or other specific purposes for which the revenue shall be expended.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Henry County,
Section 1. That the County Commissioner of Elections for Henry County, Iowa is hereby
given notice that the County of Henry, in order to comply with Chapter 422B.1 of the
Code of Iowa, submits the following proposition to appear on the ballot at the General
Election on November 4, 2014.
“Shall the Unincorporated area of Henry County, Iowa levy a one percent (1%) sales tax
of which the sales tax proceeds shall be used for the benefit of the rural residents to
include rural garbage service and Community Betterment for Henry County. The tax
shall commence effective January 1, 2016 with no sunset date.”
Section 2. A certified copy of this Resolution is to be provided to the County
Commissioner of Elections of Henry County.
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 14th day of August, 2014, by Board of
Attest: /s/ Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
/s/Marc Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller, Vice Chairman
/s/Gary See, Board Member
Stan Hill and Melva Sammons come before the Board to request permission to install a
Veterans Memorial in the Trenton Park. They have donations and the plans for the
memorial all they need is permission. The Board said it is really up to the Township
Trustees but they preferred that the Board give the approval. It was moved by See and
seconded by Moeller that the Board of Supervisors endorses the Veterans Memorial in
Trenton and gives authority to the Township Trustees to give approval. 3 ayes. Motion
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative Advanced Correctional Health Agri‐Center of Henry Co Alderson Construction Garry Allender Alliant Energy Bailey Office Equipment Bezoni's True Value Card Center Cardmember Service CCPOA of Iowa Inc Central Ia Distributing Inc Chem Gro ‐ Houghton Inc Data Imaging Supplies Des Moines Co Clerks Office Domestic Violence Intervention East End Automotive Ebert Supply Co Hannums Henry Co Health Center Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Sec Road Dept Henry Co Treasurer IA Assoc of Naturalists Ia Dept of Veteran Affairs IAJ Inmate Services Corp Jim's Lock & Safe Johnson Co Medical Examiner Klinger Paint Company Inc Sylvester Kruse Lance Refuse Serv Language Line Services Jennifer Lehman Light and Siren Louisa Co Jail Louisa Co Sheriff Erica Martin Dixie McAllister Mt Hamill Elevator/Lumber Mt Pleasant Athletic Booster Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant Glass Mt Pleasant Lumber Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Mt Pleasant Utilities New London Journal Util ‐ County Inmate medical cost‐Sept Ground Maint ‐Cths Shelving‐Sheriff Mowing ‐Conserv Util ‐CPC/VA Ofc Suppl ‐Trs Cust Suppl ‐Cths Ofc & Data Proc Equip Maint Ofc Suppl ‐Conserv Educ & Training ‐Conserv Custodial Suppl ‐Conserv Construction & Maint ‐Con Toner ‐Trs Legal & Ct‐Related Serv. Homeless Prev Program ‐GA Vehicle Exp‐Sheriff Cust Suppl ‐Cths Construction & Maint ‐Con Public Health Contract Public Health Nursing Fuel ‐Cths Taxes Educ & Training ‐ Conserv Grant Money ‐VA Seminar ‐ Atty Inmate Transport‐Jail Locks & Keys Med Exam Fees Bldg Rprs ‐Conserv Rent ‐ GA Sanit & Disp ‐Conserv Spanish ‐ 2 calls Audio Crt. ‐Atty Mtr Vchle ‐Conserv Inmate housing‐June, July Medical Cost‐May & June Cleaning Serv ‐CPC Depositions ‐Atty Bldg Rprs ‐Cths Publications ‐Conserv Bldg Rprs ‐Cths Windshield repair Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Vehicle Exp‐Deputy Shff Utilities ‐County Bd Proc ‐Supv $161.04 $2,157.72 $143.40 $2,285.00 $550.00 $97.99 $639.13 $448.52 $6,835.54 $777.18 $130.00 $416.80 $196.87 $205.02 $5.00 $250.00 $1,365.60 $117.72 $10.75 $20,110.16 $9,678.07 $92.26 $3,584.00 $20.00 $98.86 $235.00 $675.00 $436.00 $377.99 $300.60 $200.00 $195.00 $11.70 $7.00 $201.86 $20,520.00 $228.38 $379.98 $126.00 $134.99 $125.00 $715.12 $288.96 $234.39 $501.08 $1,556.63 $1,600.33 O'Reilly Automotive Inc On‐Site Info Destruction Inc Orschelns Card Center T & L's Pep Stop Rathbun Regional Water Reliable Pest Solutions Bill Riley Rubey Lawn Care SAFEGUARD Security Equipment Inc Christine Shatzer Shottenkirk ‐ Burlington SIACC SIADSA Lee/ Lucas Smith Plumbing,Heating & Cool Solutions Erin Stensvaag Thomson Reuters ‐West U S Cellular US BANK Rick VanWinkle Verizon Wireless WINDSTREAM Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Xerox Corporation Z's Quick Break General Supplemental Fund Henry Co Health Care Plan Ia Public Employee Retrmt Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept Secy of State of Iowa SIADSA Lee/ Lucas Pioneer Cemetery Fund Garry Allender Allan Barnes Ethan Starr E's Mowing Voorhees Masonry MH ‐ DD Services Bailey Office Equipment Sarah Berndt Brau Law Office Card Center Des Moines Co CPC Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Sheriffs Dept Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Independence Mental Health Ins Insight Partnership Group LLC Moore & Egerton, LLP 518 S Cli Optimae LifeServices Inc. SIACC U S Cellular WINDSTREAM Attorney's Forfeiture Fund Stroud Mediation Services Secondary Road Fund ABC Fire Extinguisher Access Energy Cooperative Agri‐Center of Henry Co Mtr Vchle ‐Conserv Shredding ‐Cths Shop Equip ‐Conserv Construction & Maint ‐Con Water ‐Conserv Extermination Serv ‐DHS Med Exam Fees Mowing ‐Conserv Envelopes ‐Aud Video Repair‐Jail Empl Meals ‐Aud Parts ‐Conserv Transports‐Jail Transports‐Jail Bldg Rprs ‐CPC Ofc & Data Proc Equip Maint Meeting ‐Atty Online Resource ‐Atty Cell Phone ‐Drv Lic Credit Card Exp‐Sheriff Mlge ‐VA Cell phones two lines Tele Serv ‐Supv Bd Proc ‐Supv Data Proc ‐Conserv Fuel ‐Cths $44.46 $255.00 $41.64 $40.00 $124.90 $75.56 $100.00 $2,356.50 $66.84 $644.50 $14.31 $50.00 $1,127.88 $2,539.43 $269.26 $746.53 $24.20 $472.58 $380.43 $1,056.33 $55.00 $75.67 $2,563.74 $829.50 $88.50 $48.99 Insurance‐Jail/Comm Ipers ‐Conserv Serv of Notice Fees Maint Fee ‐Aud Detention Stay ‐Juv $1,968.74 $795.54 $94.76 $1,894.73 $5,365.00 Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Ground Maint ‐Pioneer Cem Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Grounds Maint. Service $615.00 $371.30 $150.00 $2,000.00 Ofc Suppl ‐CPC Mlge ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Mlge ‐CPC Mental Health ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC State MHI Inpatient ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Support Serv ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Cell Phone ‐CPC Tele Serv ‐CPC $227.70 $8.94 $102.00 $200.68 $1,915.26 $210.00 $18.50 $7,839.59 $6,951.02 $67.62 $48.00 $66.80 $464.12 $70.82 $163.65 Law Enforcement ‐Atty $735.00 Fire Extinguisher refill Shop/Shed Hand Tools Sec Rd $36.45 $914.84 $134.32 Agriland FS Inc All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Altorfer Machine Co Banner Auto & Hardware Bezoni's True Value CARQUEST Auto Parts Centre St Internatl Truck Contech ES LLC Crescent Electric Supply Douds Stone LLC Dove Equipment Co Inc Eastern Iowa Tire Fastenal Co H & L Mack Truck Sales Home Furniture Ia Dept of Natl Resources Ia Dept of Transportation J & S Electronic Systems Kimball Midwest Mid Country Machinery Inc Mt Pleasant Lumber Mt Pleasant Utilities New London Utilities Northern Safety Co Inc L L Pelling Co., Inc. T & L's Pep Stop River Products Co Swailes Auto Supply TC Tiling & Excavating U S Cellular Wesley Barton Contr Co Inc WINDSTREAM Conservation Nature Center Jerry Barker Cardmember Service Cherished Memories Conservation Fund Robert Hobbs Brian Phipps Delilah Wagner Community Betterment Fund Advanced Radiator Inc Agri‐Center of Henry Co Joseph Buffington Card Center Diamond Mowers Inc Great River Reg Waste Ia Wesleyan College Imagetek Inc J & S Electronic Systems Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Solutions Jodi Sutter Wemiga Waste WINDSTREAM Economic Development Southeast Ia Regional Planning Diesel Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Office Parts Sec Rd Equip Repair Supply SecRd Pavement Markings Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd C M P Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd Pipe Culverts SecRd Parts Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd Storm Water permit Sec Rd Oil Sec Rd Color Copies Sec Rd Hardware Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Pipe Culverts SecRd Utilities Sec Rd Shed Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd Trenton Seal Coat Sec Rd Gasohol Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Mow\Chainsaw Repair SecRd Buildings Sec Rd Cell Phones Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Office Sec Rd Acorn ‐Conserv Feed ‐Conserv Acorn Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv $34,485.34 $60.00 $63.52 $483.98 $32.64 $28.98 $219.36 $421.49 $4,975.78 $213.86 $12,589.95 $72.88 $8,191.18 $18.03 $2,652.34 $126.95 $175.00 $913.24 $65.64 $136.29 $501.65 $72.51 $85.04 $67.72 $123.51 $50,510.90 $58.84 $234.61 $249.25 $62.60 $176.92 $250.00 $218.20 $95.00 $1,608.81 $107.00 $170.00 $75.00 $150.00 Tractor Parts ‐Sec Rds Seed ‐Sec Rds Mlge ‐Zoning Empl Mileage, Meals & Lod Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Sanit & Disp ‐Cths FY 2015 Maint ‐Rec Ofc & Data Proc Equip Mai Bd Proc ‐Zoning Tractor Tire ‐Sec Rds Ofc & Data Proc Equip Mai Wages ‐BOH Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Tele Serv ‐Zoning $828.31 $127.90 $220.55 $15.68 $87.46 $5,724.84 $5,000.00 $40.00 $8.71 $95.21 $795.95 $992.00 $2,283.85 $368.00 $1,705.30 Revolving Loan Fund ‐FY14 $1,750.78 TD's Carpentry Emergency Management WINDSTREAM Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment Sharon G Barron Henry Co Sec Road Dept Southeast District ISAA Vanguard Appraisals Inc WINDSTREAM E911 Surcharge Fund Joseph Buffington Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel WINDSTREAM Grand Total Building ‐Sec Rds Tele Serv ‐Em Mgmt Ofc Suppl ‐Assessor Meals ‐Assessor Fuel Exp ‐Assessor Special Education Service ReAppraisal ‐Assessor Tele Serv ‐Assessor Zoning ‐E911 Trunk Lines ‐E911 Tele Serv ‐E911 $41,747.91 $272.75 $52.48 $9.26 $209.97 $525.00 $52,626.00 $218.20 $42.35 $201.36 $2,320.15 $365,963.75 In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended RUSS and Lindeen attended the SEILS
Governing Board meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
August 19, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the August 14,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. Reviewed permit for underground utility work for New London
Utilities on 270th St. Reviewed the County Engineer FY2014 Report sent to the state.
Road Maintenance from August 11th thru August 15th was as follows. Monday thru
Friday all territory operators were blading. Monday continued working on Project 90
which is Quincy Ave and continued working on Project 89 on 230th St, extended the
entrance pipe and weed eating around guardrails. Tuesday continued working on Project
90 which is Quincy Ave and continued working on Project 89 on 230th St, worked on
signs and weed eating around guardrails. Wednesday continued working on Project 90
which is Quincy Ave and continued working on Project 89 on 230th St, mowed Project 95
on 150th St, done prep work for grout scouts on two pipes for liners. Thursday rocked
Project 90 which is Quincy Ave, continued working on Project 89 on 230th St and
continued prepping for grout scouts. Friday continued working on Project 89 on 230th St,
seeded Project 90 and installed ditch checks, grout scouts moved into three line pipes.
The equipment storage building contractor continued working and is going to start
putting up steel this week. Opened Quincy Ave on Thursday still have minor cleanup
work once the excavator is freed up from Project 89. Low water crossing Project 89 on
230th St bank shaping and grading approaches plan to have pipes in this week. Lined two
culverts on Franklin Ave north of Trenton last week and also one on Iowa Ave where the
rough patch in the road is grouting this week. Continued design work on W55 south of
Salem and Marsh Ave bridge north of Winfield Ave. 150th St west of Hwy 218 will be
replacing cross road pipes on Thursday and Friday plan to close road on August 25th for
thru traffic, this will be constructed by local maintenance employees, letters are being
sent out today to landowners living along the project, it is planned to take two to three
weeks depending on weather.
Motion To Suspend Taxes
Moved by Moeller and seconded by See to suspend taxes (per Iowa Code 427.8 &
427.9) payable September 2014 and March 2015 on the following real estate:
420-081461000 – Christina Scott f/k/a Christina Hahn – Orig Blk 32 S 20’ Lt 6 &
N ½ Lot 7 Mt Pleasant
420-083117000 – Randy Skipton – Shaws Mid Pt W Pt Lot 1, Mt Pleasant
070-040666960 – Mary Jean Anderson – Pt SW NW – beg SW cor N238.2’ E 377’
S 224’ SW 377.3’ to POB
460-100816000-Virgil Swift, Jr – Orig Lots 1,2,3,4 Blk 10, Salem
220-100621900 – David & Peggy Yarber – Tr E mid pt NE NE 31-70-7
3 ayes. Motion carried.
Dated this 19th day of September, 2014.
/s/Marc Lindeen, Chairman
Attest:/s/ Shelly Barber
/s/Greg Moeller, Vice-Chairman
Henry County Auditor
/s/Gary See, Member
The Regional Utility Service Systems (RUSS) Commission asked that each county in this
organization approve the following resolution to authorize RUSS to issue Bonds and
Project Notes for the unincorporated community of Mooar/Powdertown in Lee County,
Iowa. It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve this Resolution. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
WHEREAS, the Boards of Supervisors of Des Moines, Henry, Jefferson, Keokuk, Lee, Louisa,
Mahaska, Van Buren, Wapello, and Washington Counties (collectively hereinafter the
"Members") in the State of Iowa have authorized and executed a certain Regional Utility Service
Systems Intergovernmental Agreement (the "28E Agreement") pursuant to Chapter 28E of the
Code of Iowa; and
WHEREAS, the terms of the 28E Agreement provide for the creation of the Regional Utility
Service Systems Commission (the "RUSS") for the purposes of planning, designing, developing,
financing, constructing, owning, operating, and maintaining wastewater treatment systems and
water systems for and on behalf of the Members and the cities and unincorporated areas within
the boundaries of the Members; and
WHEREAS, RUSS has authority pursuant to the 28E Agreement and Chapter 28F of the Code
of Iowa to issue revenue bonds and interim financing notes to pay the costs of projects
undertaken, but prior to the issuance of such bonds or notes each of the Members must adopt a
resolution authorizing their issuance; and
WHEREAS, RUSS has undertaken the design and construction of a wastewater treatment
system (the "Project") in the unincorporated community of MooarlPowdertown in Lee County,
Iowa and has proposed the issuance of revenue bonds (the "Bonds") and corresponding sewer
revenue bond anticipation notes (the "Project Notes") to pay the costs of the Project; and
WHEREAS, it is now necessary for the Board of Supervisors of Henry County to approve and
authorize the issuance of the Bonds and Project Notes;
NOW, THEREFORE, It Is Hereby Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Henry County, Iowa
(the "County"), as follows:
Section 1. The County hereby authorizes RUSS to issue the Bonds and the Project Notes
for the Project in a principal amount not to exceed $700,000
Section 2. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby
repealed to the extent of such conflict.
Passed and approved , August 19 2014.
By /s/Marc Lindeen, Chairperson
Attest:/s/Shelly Barber
County Auditor
There was nothing to discuss on the real estate offer in Crossroads Business Park. No
new information has been received yet.
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended the Great River Regional Waste Authority
In other county business Bill Terrill of Triage Bio Clean came in requesting that the
Board check into getting an ordinance in place on the procedure for the cleanup of homes
that meth labs have been found in and a way of informing the public if a house or
building has had this done. Right now the City of Washington, IA has an Ordinance, but
the State of Iowa has no requirements and no one has to disclose anything to a potential
buyer. The Board agreed and said they would look into it and see who would be best
suited in getting something in place for this in Henry County.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
August 21, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the August 19,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to appoint Johanna Larson Crawford of
the rural Swedesburg area to the Henry County Historic Preservation Commission. 3
ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings See attended Early Childhood Development meeting and Mt
Pleasant Area Economic Development Commission.
In other county business Shelly Barber, Auditor presented to the Board the Invitation for
Bids for the county agricultural ground that is leased for crop production for a 3 year
period. The Board stated the invitation was fine and said to go ahead and publish.
Barber stated it will be published in the local newspapers Thursday August 28, 2014.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
August 26, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the August 21,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See that the County
approve construction plans for Project HSIP-CO44(78)—6C-44, groove and paint 30
miles of PCC roads throughout Henry County. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Reviewed 2
permits for underground utility work for Windstream, one placing a permanent line at
Oasis Ave Bridge project and one on 210th St east of Racine Ave to replace a defective
cable. Also reviewed a permit for work in the Right-of-Way by the property owner
clearing a fence line. Road Maintenance from August 18th thru August 22nd was as
follows. Monday thru Friday all territory operators were blading. Monday installed
entrances on Project 90 which is Quincy Ave, working on placing pipes on Project 89 on
230th St, weed eating around guardrails and hauling rock in New London Township.
Tuesday installed an entrance on X23, continued working on Project 89 on 230th St
installed pipes and poured curtain wall, weed eating around guardrails, unloaded culverts
for Project 95 on 150th St west and mowed with the batwing mower. Wednesday mowed,
hauled spot rock, sent the boom mower out and sprayed stumps and cut brush on
Winfield Ave. Thursday started replacing cross road pipes on Project 95 on 150th St
west, sent the boom mower out again and sprayed stumps, sent seeding crew out with
hydro-seeder. Friday continued working on Project 95 on 150th St west spotting rock in
the morning and moved the seeding crew with Hydro-seeder there also. The equipment
storage building contractor continued working but was slowed by rain last week. Low
water crossing Project 89 on 230th St installed pipes last week and working on ditches
and will be starting to form crossing waiting for a couple days of good weather. Lined
three culverts and grout scouts completed work grouting. Completed preliminary plans
for Marsh Ave Bridge north of Winfield Ave and will be setting up times to meet with
landowners about ROW needs for the project. Closed 150th St west of Hwy 218 for one
mile to thru traffic and will be grading short sections while waiting for the weather
forecast to improve to maintain access to residents.
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
August 28, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the August 26,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Sarah Berndt, CDS gave her monthly update on General Assistance and Community
Disability Services. She also finished reviewing the SEIL Region Mental Health &
Disability Services Management Plan.
The Board Approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Any Wear Apparel
Bailey Office Equipment
Michael Baird MS
Chief/Law Enforcement Supply
Ebert Supply Co
Farm & Home Publ
Fellowship Cup
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Henry Co Tourism
Hilton Garden Inn
Hy-Vee Inc -West Des Moines
ISAC - Des Moines
J & S Electronic Systems
Jefferson Co Sheriff
Kinney & Sons Inc
Paul Kinney
LampLine Lighting
Law Enforcement Systems Inc
Marc Lindeen
Louisa Co Sheriff -Medical
Mail Services LLC
Erica Martin
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Neopost USA
New London Journal
Office Depot
Olson-Powell Memorial Chapel
Orschelns Card Center
Pitney Bowes Inc
PJ Greufe & Associates
Radar Road Tec Jerry Eshelman
Bill Riley
Christine Shatzer
Sloans Printing Service
Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool
Swailes Auto Supply
Util - County
Extermination Exp-Jail
Util -County
Uniform Exp-Communication
Stationery/Forms/Gen Ofc
Supplies- Sheriff
Buildings-Repairs & Maint
Software Service & Support
Food & Provisions
Gas Exp-Dep Sheriff
Contrib.-Other Gov.&Organ
Empl Mileage, Meals & Lodge
Inmate Meals-Jail
Dues & Memberships
Dues & Memberships
Ofc & Data Proc Equip Maint
Inmate Housing-Jail
Buildings-Repairs & Maint
Agric/Hort. Services
Custodial Supplies-Sheriff
Empl Mileage, Meals & Lodge
Medical Exp-Jail
Stationery/Forms/Gen Ofc
Cleaning Services
Buildings-Repairs & Maint
Board Proceedings
Utilities -County
Office Equip & Furniture
Board Proceedings
Supplies- Sheriff
Empl Med Exam & Testing
Grounds Maint. Service
Postage & Mailing
Vehicle Exp-Deputy Sheriff
Empl Med Exam & Testing
Stationery/Forms/Gen Ofc
Empl Mileage, Meals & Lodge
Buildings-Repairs & Maint
Vehicle Exp-Deputy Sheriff
The Paper Corporation
Eugenio Torres
Veteran's Information Service
Wal-Mart Payments
Shirley K Wandling
Bill Young Construction
General Supplemental Fund
Brau Law Office
Des Moines Co Sheriff
Ia Communities Assurance Pool
Linn Co Sheriff
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Pioneer Cemetery Fund
Orschelns Card Center
MH - DD Services
Sarah Berndt
Hillcrest Family Services
Insight Partnership Group LLC
Southeast Ia Case Management
Treas State of Iowa DHS Cashier
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Alliant Energy
Altorfer Machine Co
Binns & Stevens
Contech ES LLC
Denco Corporation
Diamond Vogel Paint Co
Ebert Supply Co
Electronic Engineering Co
Grainger Inc
Kimball Midwest
Mid Country Machinery Inc
Norsolv Systems Environmental
Orschelns Card Center
Quality Equipment Inc
Rowekamp Associates Inc
Seneca Companies
Florence Smith
Community Betterment Fund
Sharon G Barron
Joseph Buffington
Construction Materials
Diamond Mowers Inc
Imagetek Inc
John Deere Financial
Nichting Co Inc
Jodi Sutter
Wal-Mart Payments
Emergency Management
A T & T Mobility
Alliant Energy
Photocopy/FAX Supplies
Empl Med Exam & Testing
Ammo-Deputy Sheriff
Stationery/Forms/Gen Ofc
Stationery/Forms/Gen Ofc
Empl Mileage, Meals & Lodge
Buildings-Repairs & Maint
Legal & Ct-Related Serv.
Legal & Ct-Related Serv.
Workmens' Comp. Ins.
Real Property Ins.
Legal & Ct-Related Serv.
Legal & Ct-Related Serv.
Grounds Maint. Service
Empl Mileage, Meals & Lodge
Supported Community Living
Case Management-100% Co
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Secondary Road
Wages-Temp,Pt. Time Empl.
Empl Mileage, Meals & Lodge
Weed Erad
Weed Erad
Software Service & Support
Weed Erad
Weed Erad
Wages-Temp,Pt. Time Empl.
Stationery/Forms/Gen Ofc
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Reliable Pest Solutions
Rubey Lawn Care
Sam's Body Shop
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Bailey Office Equipment
Chase Card Services CardMember
Gary Dustman
ISAA -Sec-Treas
Neopost USA
E911 Surcharge Fund
Grand Total
Motor Vehicle Equip-Rprs
Utilities -County
Extermination Services
Grounds Maint. Service
Motor Vehicle
Stationery/Forms/Gen Ofc
Dues & Memberships
Empl Mileage, Meals & Lodge
Special Education Service
Office Equip & Furniture
In sub-committee meetings See attended Workforce Development.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
September 2, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the August 28,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. Road Maintenance from August 25th thru August 29th was as
follows. Monday thru Friday all territory operators were blading. Monday installed
crossroad pipes on Project 95 on 150th St, worked on Project 89 on 230th St hauling riprap and repairing damage from heavy rains over the weekend. Tuesday hauled rip-rap to
Project 89 on 230th St, installed entrances, started grading on Project 95 on 150th St from
west going east and worked on seeding and signs. Wednesday replaced crossroad pipe
that washed out on Dakota Ave north of 260th St, continued grading on Project 95 on
150th St, worked on Project 89 hauling rip-rap, continued seeding. Thursday started
hauling rock to Project 95 on 150th St for the first ¼ mile, hauled spot rock to various
locations, continued working on Project 89 hauling rip-rap. Friday hauled spot rock to
various locations and hydro-seeded Project 90. The equipment storage building
contractor was not on site last week and has a lot of work to complete. Low water
crossing Project 89 on 230th St we plan on pouring the slab today before next rain. 150th
St west of 218 completed first 1/3 mile at west end and rocked for access to three homes
going west waiting for ditches to dry. 150th St east of 218 will be having preconstruction
meeting next Monday with contractor they have indicated starting in 2 to 3 weeks
depending on schedules and weather I will know more details after preconstruction
meeting. Iowa Ave receiving quotes for pavement patch south of Mt Pleasant and will be
planning to close Iowa Ave for one week to preform work.
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
September 4, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the September
2, 2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The following Department Heads met with the Board of Supervisors and gave the
monthly updates for their departments: Rich McNamee, Sheriff; Jake Hotchkiss,
Engineer; Sarah Berndt, CDS; Shirley Wandling, Recorder; Ana Lair, Treasurer; Joe
Buffington, Planning & Zoning Coordinator; Roger Pittsenbarger, Vet Affairs; Walt
Jackson, EMC; John Pullis, Conservation Coordinator; Darin Stater, County Attorney
and Shelly Barber, Auditor.
Sarah Berndt, CDS presented a contract for signing with County Substance Abuse
Prevention Services. It was moved by Moeller and seconded See to approve the signing
of said contract. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve Resolution #17-2014 for
Notice and hearing on proposed sale of county real estate. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS it is proposed that Henry County, Iowa contract with Vela
Enterprises, LLC. for the possible sale approximately 5.01 acre, for $200,000.00, being
Lots 2A of 2 parcel number 431081047601300, 3A of 2parcel number
431081047601400, 4A OF 2 parcel number 431081047601500, and 5A OF 2 parcel
number 431081047601600, Crossroads Business Park Second Addition Replat of Lots 2
and 3, Mount Pleasant, Iowa and;
WHEREAS Iowa Code section 331.361 requires that certain procedures are followed
when disposing of a county’s interest in real property and;
WHEREAS anyone wishing to bid on the above described real estate may present their bid
at the time and place of the public hearing listed below;
BE IT RESOLVED that a public hearing on the proposal shall be held on the 23rd day of
September, 2014, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. in the office of the Board of Supervisors, Henry County
Courthouse, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, that notice of time and place of said hearing shall be published as
required by sections 331.361 and 331.305, Code of Iowa, and that immediately following said
hearing the Board of Supervisors may make a final determination on the proposal.
APPROVED this 4th day of September, 2014.
AYE:/s/Marc B Lindeen
/s/Greg Moeller
/s/Gary See
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
September 9, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the September
4, 2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. Road Maintenance from September 2nd thru September 5th was
as follows. Monday was a holiday. Tuesday thru Friday territory operators were blading.
Tuesday worked on Project 89 on 230th St forming mainline section over crossing and
hauled spot rock to Scott Township. Wednesday worked on Project 95 on 150th St
installed two entrances and cleaned one ditch still too wet to work full force, poured
concrete on Project 89. Thursday hauled resurfacing rock to Tippecanoe Township.
Friday worked on Project 89 prepping slopes of crossing for concrete skirts, started
excavating ditches on Project 95 and stockpiling on road to dry out over the weekend.
Issued the final pay voucher for the Oasis Ave Bridge Project BROS-CO44(71)—5F-44.
The equipment storage building contractor has made progress building is mostly
enclosed, drain pit was poured and waiting on concrete contractor to pour floor they
should be moving in Wednesday. Low water crossing Project 89 on 230th St have
completed crossing and now doing clean up and will be working on road top to finish
grade and open to traffic.. 150th St west of 218 rain has been an issue we were able to
grade yesterday and have road top graded past the last house and will be working on
longer sections with approximately ½ mile left. 150th St east of 218 conducted
preconstruction meeting yesterday with the contractor and looking to start September
29th, depending on the weather, they have been pushed back on other projects recently.
Iowa Ave receiving quotes for patching work, four quotes total and low was J & L
construction. They plan to start the week of September 22nd I will be sending out a press
release next week for exact information on closure and dates. Courthouse parking lot and
Community Services parking lot project has been moved to September 20-21 which is the
weekend and will not have to close the lots to the public with the rain date September 2728.
John Pullis, Conservation Director gave his monthly update for his department. The foot
bridge repairs will start the end of the month if the river is low enough and should take
about a month to complete. Kremer’s Well Drilling is plugging an old well near the
office and new sidewalks and driveway is going to be poured.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve Resolution #18-2014. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Henry County in Mount Pleasant, Iowa,
approves the following list of financial institutions to be depositories of Henry County
funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapter 12C.2. The
Henry County Treasurer is hereby authorized to deposit the Henry County funds in
amounts not to exceed the maximum approved for each respective financial institution as
set out below.
Depository Name
Location of Home Office
Maximum Balance in
effect under prior
Maximum Balance in
effect under this
Danville State
Savings Bank
Danville, IA
Two Rivers Bank
& Trust
Mt. Pleasant, IA
Pilot Grove Savings Pilot Grove, IA
US Bank
Milwaukee, WI
Wayland State Bank Mt. Pleasant, IA
CERTIFICATION, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a
resolution of the Henry County Board of Supervisors adopted at a meeting of said public
body, duly called and held on the 9th day of September, 2014, a quorum being present, as
said resolution remains of record in the minutes of said meeting, and it is now in full
force and effect Dated this 9th day of September, 2014.
Henry County Board of Supervisors
/s/Marc B. Lindeen
/s/Greg Moeller
/s/Gary See
/s/Shelly Barber
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended Substance Abuse Coalition and Lindeen
attended DECAT.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
September 11, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the September
9, 2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In other county discussion the Board asked Sheriff McNamee over to discuss security in
the courthouse after the shooting in Jackson County earlier in the week, and should we
make any changes here. The Sheriff stated he didn’t feel the risk to be any higher today
than it was before this incident occurred, but there is a few things he would look into.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Advanced Correctional Health
Agri-Center of Henry Co
Agriland FS Inc
All Secure Inc
Garry Allender
Alliant Energy
Bailey Office Equipment
Bezoni's True Value
Card Center
Cardmember Service
Central Ia Distributing Inc
Ebert Supply Co
Electronic Applications
Ed Harvey
Henry Co Health Center
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Henry Co Veterinary Hosp
ISAC - Des Moines
J & S Electronic Systems
Sarah Jacobs
Jefferson Co Sheriff
Johnson Co Sheriff
Joni E Fleig
Keltek Inc
Konica Minolta Bus. Solution
Lance Refuse Serv
Language Line Services
Jennifer Lehman
Louisa Co Jail
Matt Parrott & Sons Co
Larry Meagher
MedTox Laboratories
Robert Meyer
Elaine Millard
Mt Hamill Elevator/Lumber
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Tammy Mulford
New London Journal
Util - County
Inmate medical cost-Jail
Lubricants -Conserv
Fuel -Conserv
Fire Inspection-Sheriff
Mowing -Conserv
Util -Juvi Prob
Suppl -Aud
Cust Suppl -Cths
Lodging -Rec
Ofc Suppl -Conserv
Cust Suppl -Conserv
Cust Suppl -Cths
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Cell Phone -Atty
Public Health Contract
Fuel -Cths
Dog Care -Aug '14
Fall Conference -Atty
Registration -Trs
Contract -#2550
Meeting Fee -VA
Inmate Housing-Jail
Serv of Notice Fees
Transcripts - Atty
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Ofc & Data Proc Equip Maint
Sanit & Disp -Conserv
Language Line-Communicat
Mlge -Atty
Inmate housing-Jail
Labels -Rec
Meeting -VA
Med Exam Fees
Rent -GA
Wearing App -Conserv
Construction & Maint -Con
Ballast -DHS
Vehicle Exp-Deputy Sherif
Utilities -County
Suppl -Atty
Bd Proc - Supv
On-Site Info Destruction Inc
James R Onorato
Orschelns Card Center
Rathbun Regional Water
Reliable Pest Solutions
Ron's Tire & Repair
RTM Management Group LLC
Rubey Lawn Care
Tony Sanchez
Shottenkirk -Mt Pleasant
Sloans Printing Service
Darin Stater
Steffensmeier Welding
Erin Stensvaag
Swailes Auto Supply
The Company Tom Hassenfritz
U S Cellular
Verizon Wireless
Whaley's Dust & Weed Control
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
Xerox Corporation
Z's Quick Break
General Supplemental Fund
Bailey Office Equipment
Des Moines Co Sheriff
Pioneer Cemetery Fund
Garry Allender
Ethan Starr E's Mowing
David Gates
Steve Gholson
David Hightower
MH - DD Services
Brau Law Office
Card Center
Henry Co Public Health
Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr
Insight Partnership Group LLC
ISAC - Des Moines
Johnson Co Sheriff
Optimae LifeServices Inc.
Willie Townsend
Attorney's Forfeiture Fund
Stroud Mediation Services
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Agri-Center of Henry Co
Agriland FS Inc
Alcohol & Drug Dependency Linc
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Altorfer Machine Co
Banner Auto & Hardware
Bezoni's True Value
Card Center
Centre St Internatl Truck
Shredding -Cths
Meeting -VA
Construction & Maint -Con
Water -Conserv
Extermination Serv -CPC
Tires & Tubes -Conserv
Rent - Juvi Prob
Mowing -Conserv
Interpretation Exp-Jail
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Ofc Suppl -Conserv
Website Hosting -Sept '14
Cell Phone -Atty
Construction & Maint -Con
Cell Phone -Atty
Vehicle Exp-Deputy Sherif
Construction & Maint -Con
Cell Phone -DHS
Credit Card-Sheriff
Cell phones-Sheriff
Construction & Maint -Con
Bd Proc -Supv
Data Proc -Conserv
Fuel -Cths
Suppl -Aud
Serv of Notice Fees
Mowing -Pioneer Cem
Mowing -Pioneer Cem
Stone Rprs -Pioneer Cem
Mowing -Pioneer Cem
Mowing -Pioneer Cem
Commitment -CPC
Meals -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Crisis Serv -CPC
Support Serv -CPC
Educ & Training -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Voc/Day -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Law Enforcement Work -Att
Lighting Sec Rd
Welding Supplies Sec Rd
Diesel Sec Rd
Safety Testing Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Lighting Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Shop Tools Sec Rd
Shop Tools Sec Rd
Filters Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Cessford Construction Co
Courtesy Door Sales & Ser
Electronic Engineering Co
Fastenal Co
Grout Scouts Inc
Ia Dept of Transportation
Ideal Ready Mix Co
Industrial Supply Solution Inc
Kimball Midwest
Martin Equipment
Midwest Old Threshers
Mose Levy Company Inc
Mt Pleasant Lumber
New London Journal
New London Utilities
Rathbun Regional Water
Sadler Power Train
Staples Advantage
Swailes Auto Supply
U S Cellular
UnityPoint Clinic Occupational
Wal-Mart Payments
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
Xcessories Squared
Conservation Nature Center
Cardmember Service
Egli Landscapes
Conservation Fund
Harold & Sharon Busby
Gary Cooper
Brian Phipps
Community Betterment Fund
Agri-Center of Henry Co
All Secure Inc
Diamond Mowers Inc
Great River Reg Waste
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mike Prottsman Sanitation
Jodi Sutter
Trenton Township Trustees
Wemiga Waste
Emergency Management
Walt Jackson
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
ISAC - Des Moines
Grand Total
Granular Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Radio Sec Rd
Equip Repair Supply SecRd
Pipe Culverts SecRd
Bridges Sec Rd
Hardware Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Dust Palliative Sec Rd
Bridges Sec Rd
Bridges Sec Rd
Publications Sec Rd
Shed Sec Rd
Salem Shed Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Office Supplies Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Cell Phones Sec Rd
Safety Testing Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Publications Sec Rd
Hardware Sec Rd
Acorn Exp -Conserv
Nature Center -Conserv
Outside Serv - Conserv
Outside Serv -Conserv
Outside Serv -Conserv
Seed & Fertilizer -Sec Rd
Security System - Cths
Mower Parts -Sec Rds
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Mower Tire -Sec Rds
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Wages -BOH
Trenton Park Maint - 2015
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Internet -Cths
Meals -Em Mgmt
Utilities -County
Fuel -Assessor
Educ & Training - Assessor
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended RUSS and Lindeen attended SEIL meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
September 16, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See was absent
Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the
September 9, 2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. Board reviewed an underground utility permit for Windstream
at Oakland Mills and two tile crossing permits for 8” tile on Kentucky Ave and Racine
Ave. Road Maintenance from September 8th thru September 12th was as follows.
Monday thru Friday territory operators were blading. Monday poured concrete skirts and
installed signs on Project 89, worked on Project 95 installing entrances and grading short
section. Tuesday moved some equipment off of Project 89 on 230th St and cleaned up
forms and put concrete tools away, worked on Project 95 until rained out, hauled spot
rock and two newest employees took 3 day MSHA training. Wednesday hauled spot
rock to territory operators. Thursday hauled spot rock to territory operators and worked
on Courthouse parking lot patching prior to upcoming project. Friday worked on Project
95 until rained out and hauled resurfacing rock to Tippecanoe Township. The equipment
storage building contractor has made progress building is enclosed, drain pit is poured
and concrete contractor is pouring the floor this morning. Low water crossing Project 89
on 230th St have completed crossing and now doing clean up and will be working on road
top to finish grade and open to traffic.. 150th St west of 218 rain has been an issue we
started back up today and hope to take advantage of the rest of the week on grading.
Iowa Ave, J & L construction will be on site today to saw pavement and remove it, they
plan to start Monday September 22nd removing concrete and pour new patch the road will
be closed for one week starting at 7:00 a.m. Monday September 22nd. I will be sending
out a press release for exact information on closure and dates. Courthouse parking lot
and Community Services parking lot project is scheduled for this weekend to start and
complete work on both parking lots. They will be letting us know later in the week about
final details if need to delay due to weather.
The Board canvassed the votes of the Special Mt Pleasant School Election of September
9, 2014. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve the final canvass
as presented. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Bond Issue
Central Precinct
Southwest Precinct
Mt Pleasant School District - To Fill Vacancy
District III –
To Fill Vacancy
Vote for One
L Crull
Central Precinct
Southwest Precinct
The Board received three bids for lease of 27.288 acres of county farm ground, they were
as follows.
Chuck Allen
$165.50 per acre
Jim Burden
$206.00 per acre
Andrew Krogmeier $225.00 per acre
The bid was awarded to Andrew Krogmeier for $6,140 annually with $3,070 due on or
before June 1st and December 1st of each year. A copy of the lease can be found in the
County Auditor’s Office.
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended Henry County Solid Waste Commission
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen the meeting be adjourned. 2 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
September 18, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See absent.
Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the September
16, 2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Joe Buffington presented the final plat of Aviation Blvd Subdivision in Sec 23-71-6. It
was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve Resolution #20-2014. 2
ayes. Motion carried.
No. #20-2014
located in part of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Sec 23-71-6 Henry County, Iowa, has been
filed with the Secretary of the Board of Supervisors of Henry County, Iowa, by the
proprietor of said Subdivision, for approval by the Board of Supervisors of Henry
County, Iowa, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors have examined said Plat and the proofs
filed therewith, and being fully apprised as to the provisions of Chapter 354 Code of
Iowa(2013), finds that said plat, as filed, meets all requirements of the Statutes and the
Henry County, Iowa, Zoning Ordinances, said real estate being located in C-1
Commercial District, and that all things required by this Board have been done and
performed by the proprietor of said Subdivision.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Henry
County, Iowa, that the attached plat of AVIATION BOULEVARD SUBDIVISION,
which is located in part of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Sec 23-71-6 Henry County, Iowa, be
and the same is hereby approved and the Chairman and Secretary are hereby directed to
certify this Resolution which shall be affixed to this plat.
Dated the 18th day of September, 2014.
/s/Shelly Barber
Secretary, Board of Supervisors
Henry County, Iowa
/s/Marc B. Lindeen
Chairman, Board of Supervisors
Shelly Barber, Auditor presented Resolution #19-2014 for an Inter-Fund Transfer from
Community Betterment Fund to Secondary Road Fund for $200,000. It was moved by
Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve said Resolution. 2 ayes. Motion carried
RESOLUTION – 19 -2014
Whereas, it is desired to authorize the County Auditor to transfer sums from
the Community Betterment Fund to the Secondary Roads Fund during the
2014-2015 budget year, and
Whereas, said transfers must be in accordance with Chapter 331.432 of the
Code of Iowa.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
as follows:
Section 1. The total amount transferred for fiscal year ending June 30, 2015
is as follows:
Community Betterment Fund to Secondary Road Fund $200,000.00
Section 2. Within five working days of being notified of the current amount
in said Fund, the County Auditor shall order a transfer from said funds.
Section 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2, of this Resolution,
total transfers shall not exceed the amounts in Section 1.
Section 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2, the amount of any
transfer shall not exceed available fund balances in the transferring of funds.
Section 5. The County Auditor is directed to correct her books when said
operating transfers are made and to notify the Treasurer of the amounts
The above and foregoing Resolution is submitted to the Board of
Supervisors by the County Auditor in accordance with Chapter 331.432 of
the Code of Iowa.
Dated this 18th day of Sept, 2014.
/s/Shelly Barber,
Henry County Auditor
Henry County Board of Supervisors
/s/Marc Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller, Vice Chairman
Gary See, Board Member Absent
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended Southeast Iowa Community Action
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen the meeting be adjourned. 2 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
September 23, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the
September 18, 2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve Resolution 24-2014-20 for
Low Water Crossing signage. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is empowered under the authority of Sections
321.236 and 321.255 of the Code of Iowa to regulate, warn and guide traffic on
highways under their jurisdiction and to place and maintain traffic control
devices, and
WHEREAS, the County Engineer has evaluated and determined there is a need for
regulating traffic at the ford type low-water stream crossing on 230th Street in
Tippecanoe Township, Section 7.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
in session this 23rd day of September, 2014, that warning signs with the
messages, “Flood Area Ahead” and “Impassible During High Water,” and a
regulatory sign with the message “Do Not Enter When Flooded” be erected for
the safety and welfare of the traveling public at the approaches to the ford type
low-water crossing at the above location.
/s/Andrea Cook
Henry County Deputy Auditor
/s/Marc B Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller
/s/Gary K See
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve Resolution 25-2014-20
authorizing LRTF Grant Application for a Silt Fence Attachment. 3 ayes. Motion
WHEREAS, a fiscal year 2015 Living Roadway Trust Fund (LRTF) grant application
for a silt fence installer has been approved.
WHEREAS, it is understood the total project cost reimbursed shall not exceed
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
in session this 23rd day of September, 2014, that Jacob Hotchkiss be authorized
on behalf of the Henry County Secondary Road Department to execute
Agreement No. 90-44-LR15-(319) with the Iowa Department of Transportation.
/s/Andrea Cook
Henry County Deputy Auditor
/s/Marc B Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller
/s/Gary See
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve Resolution 26-2014-20
authorizing LRTF Grant Application for 3 point Mounted Disk. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, a fiscal year 2015 Living Roadway Trust Fund (LRTF) grant application
for a 3 point mounted disk has been approved.
WHEREAS, it is understood the total project cost reimbursed shall not exceed
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
in session this 23rd day of September, 2014, that Jacob Hotchkiss be authorized
on behalf of the Henry County Secondary Road Department to execute
Agreement No. 90-44-LR15-(318) with the Iowa Department of Transportation.
/s/Andrea Cook
Henry County Deputy Auditor
/s/Marc B Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller
/s/Gary See
Road Maintenance from September 15th thru September 19th was as follows. Monday
thru Friday territory operators were blading. Monday hauled spot rock to various
locations, seed and mowed shoulders on paved roads. Tuesday 4 man crew cold patched,
moved excavator to 140th St to install field entrance, worked on Project 95 on 150th St
grading ditches with tele-scoop. Wednesday mowed shoulders, worked on replacing
cross-road pipe on Dakota Ave, seeded various locations and worked on Project 95 on
150th St grading ditches. Thursday started full construction crew back up on Project 95
on 150th St completed cross road pipe on Dakota Ave moved excavator back to Project 89
to complete some minor dirt work. Friday continued grading on Project 95 on 150th St,
graded approaches for Project 89 on 230th St opened road back up to traffic. The
equipment storage building contractor is planning on having the building complete this
week and we will be performing punch list items for him. Low water crossing Project 89
on 230th St opened to traffic on Friday. 150th St west of 218 things are drying out we
worked two full days last week and are almost done with grading and will be cleaning up
project and start hauling rock. Iowa Ave, J & L construction will be pouring patch today
and with good temps this week we will have open by Friday afternoon. Courthouse
parking lot and Community Services parking lot projects were completed over the
weekend and Road Department will be installing handicapped signs. Contractor will be
starting construction on 150th St east of 218 next week letters to landowners will be sent
out today and anticipate 4-5 weeks for work to be completed subject to weather.
Joe Buffington, P & Z Coord. Presented the Final Plat of Big Oak Subdivision in Sec 1070-5 for approval. It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve Resolution
#21-2014. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, Section 354.8 of the Code of Iowa states that a governing
body shall by resolution certify the approval of a subdivision plat and certify the
resolution; and
WHEREAS, the Final Plat for Big Oak Acres Subdivision has been
reviewed for conformance to county standards by the Henry County Zoning Commission
and all required county departments.
That the Board of Supervisors hereby approves the Final
Plat of Big Oak Acres Subdivision and does hereby certify
this Resolution.
Approved and adopted this 23rd day of September, 2014.
/s/Andrea Cook
Henry County Deputy Auditor
/s/Gary See
/s/Marc Lindeen
/s/Greg Moeller
Dan Eberhardt and Dan Spray with Great River Housing Trust Fund met with the Board
and presented a report of what their organization has awarded over the last several years
with the help of contributions from the area Counties and Cities. Therefore they are
requesting a contribute be made again for FY 15/16, the Board agreed to put the
Resolution on their agenda for Thursday September 25, 2014 requesting these funds.
Steve Gray, Steve Brimhall, Brent Schliesman joined the meeting for the Public Hearing
on the land sale.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to go into Public Hearing for the proposed
sale of county ground in Crossroads Business Park Lots 2A thru 5A. 3 ayes. Motion
carried. There were not comments from the public and not in writing. It was moved by
Moeller and seconded by See to go out of Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It
was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve Resolution #22-2014 selling
County Land Lots 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A in Crossroads Business Park to Vela Enterprises, LLC
for the sum of $200,000. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Henry County Board of Supervisors Resolution Number: #22-2014
WHEREAS it was proposed that Henry County sell certain tracts of real estate
described as Lot 2A of 2, 3A of 2, 4A of 2, and 5A of 2 of Crossroads Business Park
Second Addition Re-plat of Lots 2 and 3 and;
WHEREAS Iowa Code section 331.361 requires that certain procedures are
followed when disposing of a county’s interest in real property and;
WHEREAS, resolution 17-2014 set September 23, 2014 as the date to determine
the final disposition on the sale of Lot 2A of 2, 3A of 2, 4A of 2, and 5A of 2 of Crossroads
Business Park Second Addition Re-plat of Lots 2 and 3, and allowed the opportunity to
increase the bid of $200,000 submitted by Vela Enterprises, LLC. and;
WHEREAS, on September 23, 2014 no other bids were received for Lot 2A of 2,
3A of 2, 4A of 2, and 5A of 2 of Crossroads Business Park Second Addition Re-plat of Lots
2 and 3 ;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a public hearing was held on the 23RD day of
September, 2014, at 10 o’clock a m. in the office of the Board of Supervisors, Henry
County Courthouse, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, that notice of the time and place of said hearing
was published as required by sections 331.361 and 331.305, Code of Iowa, and that the
Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to sell Lot 2A of 2, 3A of 2, 4A of 2, and 5A of 2
of Crossroads Business Park Second Addition Re-plat of Lots 2 and 3 to Vela Enterprises,
LLC. for the sum of $200,000.
Approved this 23rd day of September 2014
Attest:/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
Aye: /s/Marc B Lindeen, Chairman
Aye: /s/Gary K See
Aye: /s/Greg Moeller
Notice of Public Hearing Published on September11, 2014.
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended Great River Regional Waste Commission
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Andrea Cook, Deputy Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
September 25, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the September
23, 2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Sarah Berndt, CDS gave her monthly update for Community Disability Services and
General Assistance.
Gary Dustman, Assessor presented the Disabled Veterans Homestead Tax Credit
applications to the Board to be allowed or disallowed. There were 9 applications and 4 of
them he recommend for approval as they met all of the criteria. It was moved by See and
seconded by Moeller to approve these 4 applications after review. 3 ayes. Motion
carried. Of the other 5 applications, 2 were not 100% disabled; 2 did not provide
documentation and the last one the document was not certified, therefore the Assessor
recommended disallowing of these 5. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See that
these 5 applications be denied after review. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Rich McNamee, Sheriff presented four individuals be approved as Reserve Deputies for
Henry County, which will give them a total of 10 reserve officers. It was moved by
Moeller and seconded by See to approve Brad Hainline, Deryk Milks, Stephanie Stubbs
and Robert Szewczyk as Henry County Reserve Sheriff Deputies. 3 ayes. Motion
carried. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve exception of an
$11,000 Traffic Safety Grant. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by Moeller and
seconded by See to apply and except a Tobacco Grant for $50 each check. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve Resolution #23-2014 for Great
River Housing Trust Fund contribution. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, that said HENRY COUNTY is a duly recognized governing body acting
under the laws of the State of Iowa; and,
WHEREAS, HENRY COUNTY is a member of the Great River Housing Trust Fund, a
regional housing non profit corporation that assists low and moderate income households
in the region,
WHEREAS, HENRY COUNTY residents and businesses have benefitted economically
through sustained taxes and supply purchasing through the Great River Housing Trust
Fund’s Programs,
HENRY COUNTY will contribute $10,000 cash match to the Great River Housing Trust
Fund thus benefiting low to moderate income households in the county and the region.
PASSED and APPROVED this _25th_ day of __September__ 2014.
/s/Marc Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Gary See, Attest
/s/Greg Moeller, Attest
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Any Wear Apparel
Bailey Office Equipment
Shelly A Barber
Card Center
Carpenter Uniform Co
CDW Government Inc
Covert Track Group, Inc
Deery Brothers Chevrolet
Digital Ally
East End Automotive
Ebert Supply Co
Electronic Applications
Fellowship Cup
Henry Co Public Health
Hope Haven
Hy-Vee Inc -West Des Moines
J & S Electronic Systems
Johnson Co Medical Examiner
Keltek Inc
Marc Lindeen
Mark Long
Mail Services LLC
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Neopost USA
O'Keefe Elevator Co
Orschelns Card Center
Pitney Bowes Inc
Roger Pittsenbarger
PJ Greufe & Associates
Ray O'Herron Co Inc
Schroeder PT Services
Shottenkirk - Burlington
Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool
St Lukes Staff Development
Staples Advantage
Darin Stater
Thomson Reuters -West
Treat America
Wal-Mart Payments
Washington Co Sheriff
Wayland State Bank
Wiley's Interior Furnishings
Zee Medical Inc.
General Supplemental Fund
Martha Allen
Bailey Office Equipment
Robin Detrick
Marilee Donnolly
Judy Feehan
Util - County
Extermination Exp-Jail
Util -Conserv
Uniform Exp-Jail
Ofc Suppl -VA
Mlge - Aud
Software Service & Support
Uniform Exp-Jail
Ofc & Data Proc Equip Maint
Investigation Exp -Shrf
Vehicles -Shrf
Car Camera Exp-Dep Shrff
Vehicle Exp-Deputy Shrff
Cust Suppl -Cths
Vehicle Exp-Dep Shrff
Food & Prov
Window Washing -CPC/VA
Inmate Meals-Jail
Spring School -VA
Conference -Trs
Meter Charges -Trs
Med Exam Fees
Vehicle Exp-Dep Shrff
Mlge -Supv
Med Exam Fees
Renewal Notices -Trs
Advertisement -Rec
Utilities -County
Postage Mtr -Trs
Maint - Cths
Ground Maint -Cths
Postage Meter -DHS
Mlge, Meals, Lodging -VA
September Fee -Cths
Vehicle Exp-Dep Shrff
Empl Med Exam & Testing
Vchle Maint -Supv
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Training -Dep Shrf
Ofc Suppl -DHS
Mlge -Atty
Online Resource -Atty
Building repair- Jail
Meal Exp-Communications
Postage Mtr -Aud
Supplies -Drv Lic
Forfeiture Serv -Atty
Supplies -Rec
Dryer Repair-Jail
First Aid Suppl - Cths
Wages - School Elect
Elect Suppl -Aud
Mlge -Spec School Elect
Wages -School Elect
Wages -School Elect
Betty Fuller
Robert Griffith
Henry County Health Center
Charlene Hinrichs
Ofc State Public Defender
Mary Lou Perry
John Riddick
Franklin Ruiz
David Schneider
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Velna J Smith
Connie Weatherman
Angela Williamson
Charlotte Zihlman
Pioneer Cemetery Fund
Orschelns Card Center
MH - DD Services
Bailey Office Equipment
Sarah Berndt
Brau Law Office
Country Life Health Care Inc
Des Moines Co CPC
Hillcrest Family Services
Ia Community Serv Assoc
Ia Dept of Human Services DHS
U S Cellular
Attorney's Forfeiture Fund
Covert Track Group, Inc
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Alliant Energy
City of Hillsboro
City of Mt Union
Douds Stone LLC
Fastenal Co
Blake Hershberger Enterprises
Ia Dept of Transportation
Ia St University
Ideal Ready Mix Co
Iris City Cleaners
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Northern Safety Co Inc
Orschelns Card Center
River Products Co
Shottenkirk - Ft Madison
Florence Smith
Vantiger Equipment & Supply
Washington Co Treasurer
Community Betterment Fund
All Secure Inc
Merlin Boshart
Joseph Buffington
Robert L Gholson
Henry Co Extension Office
Imagetek Inc
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Wages -School Elect
Wages -School Elect
Work Comp -Shff
Wages -School Elect
County Base -FY2015
Wages -School Elect
Postage - Aud
Wages -School Elect
Serv of Notice Fees
Wages -School Elect
Detention Stay -Juv
Wages -School Elect
Med Suppl
Wages - School Elect
Wages -School Elect
Wages -School Elect
Ground Maint -Pioneer Cem
Ofc Suppl -CPC
Mlge -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Comm Based Settings -CPC
Mental Health -CPC
Crisis Serv -CPC
Direct Admin -CPC
State MHI Inpatient -CPC
Cell Phone -CPC
GPS Tracker -Atty
Office/Shop Sec Rd
Sheds Sec Rd
FM City Roads Sec Rd
FM City Roads Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Hardware Sec Rd
Bridges Sec Rd
Engineer Supplies Sec Rd
Annual Conference Sec Rd
Bridges Sec Rd
Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd
Publications Sec Rd
Utilities Sec Rd
Safety Supplies Sec Rd
Hand Tools Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Janitor Sec Rd
Pipe Culverts Sec Rd
FM City Roads Sec Rd
Security System -Cths
Wearing Apparel
Mlge - Zoning
Wearing Apparel
Pesticide Class -Sec Rds
Maintenance -Rec
Mower Tire -Sec Rds
Nichting Co Inc
Harold Pollmeier
Brent Roth
Security Equipment Inc
John Smyth
Jodi Sutter
Ron Turner
Wal-Mart Payments
Emergency Management
A T & T Mobility
Alliant Energy
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Rubey Lawn Care
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Bailey Office Equipment
Neopost USA
Vanguard Appraisals Inc
E911 Surcharge Fund
Joseph Buffington
Electronic Applications
Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel
Professional Computer Solution
Verizon Wireless
Grand Total
Tractor Parts -Sec Rds
Roadside Conf -Sec Rds
Wearing Apparel
Labor -Cths
Wearing Apparel -Sec Rds
Wages -BOH
Wearing Apparel
Ofc Suppl -Zoning
Util -Em Mgmt
Fuel -Sec Rds
Mowing - E911
Ofc Suppl -Assessor
Postage Mtr -Assessor
Reappraisal -Assessor
Mlge -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
Cable -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
Server -E911
Hard Drive -E911
Air Cards -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
In sub-committee meetings See attended Workforce Development meeting and Area
Economic Development meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen the meeting be adjourned. 2 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
September 30, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the September
25, 2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. The Board reviewed permit for Windstream providing access to
new buildings on Grand Ave south of town and one for a farmer to bore 3 tile crossings
under the road one on Logan Ave and 2 on 200th St. Road Maintenance from September
22nd thru September 26th was as follows. Tuesday thru Friday territory operators were
blading. Monday crews installed and extended entrances, hauled broken concrete away
from Iowa Ave patching project and grading on Project 95. Tuesday worked on
entrances, seeding various locations and continued working on Project 95 on 150th St.
Wednesday mowed shoulders, started hauling rock to Project 95 on 150th St as grading is
complete and seeding crew was working. Thursday continued hauling rock to Project 95
on 150th St, spraying weeds on Racine Ave in preparation for crack sealing contractor.
Friday seeding, signing and hauling rock on Project 95 on 150th St with it opening to
traffic at the end of the day. Worked on Iowa Ave shoulder at patch location and opened
it to traffic towards the end of the day. The equipment storage building contractor has
substantially completed work on the building and is now working on punch list items.
150th St west of 218 the road is open to traffic as we are finishing up seeding this week
and finalizing rock placement. Iowa Ave was opened to traffic Friday afternoon.
Contractor started construction on 150th St yesterday and is working from Hwy 218 going
east. 305th St between Quincy Ave and New London Road is closed this week as we are
replacing a crossroad pipe. DENCO will be starting crack filling on Racine Ave from Mt
Union to 240th St on Thursday weather permitting, they will be using flaggers for traffic.
Bladed road to Christamore House and asked if it is alright to add to the operators regular
route the Board approved.
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
October 2, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the September
30, 2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The following Department Heads met with the Board and gave the monthly update for
their departments: Rich McNamee, Sheriff; Sarah Berndt, CDS, Shirley Wandling,
Recorder; Gary Dustman, Assessor; Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer; Walt Jackson, EMS
Coordinator; Joe Buffington, P & Z Coordinator; Roger Pittsenbarger & Rick Van
Winkle, Veteran Affairs; Shelly Barber, Auditor.
The Board reviewed and agreed to approve the CountreeStore liquor license.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended Healthy Henry County Communities
Executive meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
October 7, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the October 2,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. Road Maintenance from September 29th thru October 3rd was
as follows. Monday thru Friday territory operators were blading. Monday crews
extended entrances on Agency, mowed shoulders, fixed tile on 150th St in ROW and
removed fence for grading project on 150th St east of Hwy 218. Started excavating
crossroad pipe on 305th St. Tuesday worked on entrance on 200th St east of Franklin Ave,
mowed shoulders, hauled dirt to fix various erosion spots, continued work on 305th St
culvert replacement. Wednesday mowed shoulders, hauled spot rock, cleaned a ditch on
Hoover Ave, continued working on 305th St by placing a pipe and started backfilling.
Thursday hauled spot rock finishing up 305th St and opened to traffic in the afternoon.
Seeded various projects and weed eating around guardrails and territory sheds. Friday
mowed shoulders, ground bumps on Oakland Mills Rd, cleaned up around new building,
worked on signs and moved equipment off the 305th St project. Contractor continues
working on 150th St east of Hwy 218. DENCO will be finishing up crack filling on
Racine Ave from Mt Union to 240th St this week. Presented July-September quarterly
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
October 9, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the October 7,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve Resolution #24-2014 to Abate
Taxes. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Resolution #24-2014
I, Ana Lair, Treasurer of Henry County, Iowa and confirming with Section 445.16 Code
of Iowa, do hereby state that the taxes for the following parcel is uncollectable and ask
that the following taxes be abated by resolution of the Henry County Board of
Supervisors. The mobile home has been destroyed and removed from the tax rolls by the
Henry County Assessor.
Taxes for Kelly Whaley on a mobile home with parcel number 080744800.
Receipt year, 2012/2013 #1005982
Receipt year, 2013/2014 #1005980
$ 20.00
Certified this 6th day of October, 2014.
/s/Ana Lair, Henry County Treasurer
Approved to abate taxes October 9, 2014.
/s/Marc B. Lindeen
/s/Greg Moeller
/s/Gary See
Attest: /s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor and Board Secretary
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Advanced Correctional Health
Agri-Center of Henry Co
Alliant Energy
Bailey Office Equipment
Bezoni's True Value
Marie Callaway
Card Center
Garrett Cargill
Carpenter Uniform Co
CDW Government Inc
Davis Co Sheriff
Des Moines Co Sheriff
East End Automotive
Ebert Supply Co
Electronic Applications
Fifth District
Ed Harvey
Healthy Henry Co Communities
Henry Co Health Center
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Henry Co Veterinary Hosp
ISAC - Des Moines
Inmate medical cost-Jail
Ground Maint -Cths
Util -DHS
Ofc Equip Maint -Aud
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Matron Exp-Jail
Ofc & Data Proc Equip Maint
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Uniform Exp-Dep Sheriff
Equip Maint -IT
Forfeiture - Atty
Service of Notice-Atty
Vehicle Exp-Deputy Sherif
Cust Suppl -Cths
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Meeting Fee -Aud
Cell Phone -Atty
Annual Alloc -FY15
Public Health Contract
Fuel -Cths
Dog Care - Oct 2014
Fall School -Rec
J & S Electronic Systems
Johnson Co Sheriff
Keltek Inc
Keokuk Co Sheriff
Jennifer Lehman
Erica Martin
Larry Meagher
Mt Hamill Elevator/Lumber
Mt Pleasant Glass
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Mullens Body Shop
National Sheriffs Association
Office Depot
On-Site Info Destruction Inc
James R Onorato
Quill Corporation
Reliable Pest Solutions
RTM Management Group LLC
Shottenkirk -Mt Pleasant
Smith Plumbing,Heating & Cool
Darin Stater
Erin Stensvaag
Two Rivers Bank & Trust
U S Cellular
Verizon Wireless
Wilson Distributor Serv
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
Z's Quick Break
General Supplemental Fund
American Home Finding Assn
Bailey Office Equipment
J P Cooke Co
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Sloans Printing Service
Storey Kenworthy
Pioneer Cemetery Fund
Garry Allender
Allan Barnes
Ethan Starr E's Mowing
David Hightower
Gail Kindig
Sheriff'S Forfeiture Fund
Henry Co Attorney's Office
MH - DD Services
Sarah Berndt
Henry Co Sheriffs Dept
Johnson Co Sheriff
On-Site Info Destruction Inc
U S Cellular
Attorney's Forfeiture Fund
Bizhub -Atty
Service of Notice-Atty
Vehicle Exp-Deputy Sherif
Forfeiture -Atty
Tranining -Atty
Cleaning Serv -CPC/VA
Meeting Fee -VA
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Vehicle Exp-Deputy Sherif
Utilities -County
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Dues -Supv
Supplies- Sheriff
Shredding -DHS
Meeting Fee -VA
Ofc Suppl -Atty
Extermination Serv -Cths
Rent - Juvi Prob
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Software Service & Support
Cell Phone - Atty
Cell Phone -Atty
Safe Deposit Box -Aud
Cell Phone -Drv Lic
Ammo-Deputy Sheriff
Cell phones-Sheriff
Floor Mats -Cths
Bd Proc -Supv
Fuel -Cths
Juvi Hosp Fees
Labels -Aud
Work Comp '14-'15
Elect Suppl -Aud
Detention Stay - Juvi
3 hole paper -Aud
Envelopes -Aud
Mowing -Pioneer Cem
Mowing -Pioneer Cem
Mowing -Pioneer Cem
Mowing -Pioneer Cem
Mowing -Pioneer Cem
Membership -Pioneer Cem
Forfeiture Exp-Sheriff
Forfeiture Exp-Sheriff
Mlge -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Shredding -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Cell Phone -CPC
Stroud Mediation Services
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Banner Auto & Hardware
Calhoun-Burns & Associates Inc
Card Center
Centre St Internatl Truck
Cessford Construction Co
Cornerstone Excavating Inc.
Electronic Engineering Co
H & L Mack Truck Sales
Ia Dept of Natl Resources Wate
ISAC - Des Moines
Kimball Midwest
Klingner & Associates PC
Mid-American Safety & Health
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant Glass
Mt Pleasant Lumber
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Praxair Distribution Inc
Rexco Equipment Inc
Sadler Power Train
Shipley Ready Mix Inc
Swailes Auto Supply
UnityPoint Clinic Occupational
Vantiger Equipment & Supply
Wal-Mart Payments
Conservation Fund
Ia State Treasurer State Tax
Community Betterment Fund
Agri-Center of Henry Co
Agrineed Inc
Sharon G Barron
Joseph Buffington
Great River Reg Waste
Henry Co Landfill Comm
Imagetek Inc
Kempkers Grand Rental Station
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mike Prottsman Sanitation
Brent Roth
Jodi Sutter
Wemiga Waste
Brian Yaley
Economic Development
Gee Asphalt Pres Specialist
Henry Co Abstract Company
Emergency Management
Walt Jackson
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Bailey Office Equipment
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
E911 Surcharge Fund
Law Enforcement Work -Att
Lighting Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Lighting Sec Rd
Equip Repair Supply SecRd
Outside Eng Serv
Office Supplies Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Hot Mix Asphalt
Clearing & GrubbingSec Rd
Radio Repair Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Quarry Operations Sec Rd
School & Meet fees Sec Rd
Equip Repair Supply SecRd
Consultant Fees Sec Rd
Quarry Operations Sec Rd
Signals Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Tires Sec Rd
Welding Supplies Sec Rd
Outside Service Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Pipe Culverts SecRd
Parts Sec Rd
Safety Testing Sec Rd
Tile Lines Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Hotel/Motel Tax
Seed & Fertilizer -Sec Rd
Fertilizer -Sec Rds
Meeting -Zoning
Mlge -Zoning
Sanit & Disp -Cths
2nd Quarter
Support -Rec
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Publication -Zoning
Mower Tires -Sec Rds
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Wearing Apparel
Wages -BOH
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Wearing Apparel -Sec Rds
Parking Lots -CPC/Cths
Abstract-CrossRds Busines
Meals - EM Mgmt
Utilities -EM Mgmt
Equip Maint - Assessor
Fuel -Assessor
Postage Mtr -Assessor
Electronic Applications
Henry Co Auditor
Grand Total
Trunk Lines -E911
New Pagers - E911
Fire Dept - E911
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended Healthy Henry County Communities
meeting and RUSS. Lindeen attended SEIL meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
October 14, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the October 9,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager, gave the
Secondary Road update. Board reviewed an underground utility permit for a 2” waterline
encased bored from ROW to ROW on 170th St privately owned. Road Maintenance from
October 6th thru October 10th was as follows. Monday thru Friday territory operators
were blading or mowing. Monday relayed a crossroad pipe on Benton Ave, ditched on
Graham Ave north of 275th St and hauled spot rock. Tuesday continued working on
crossroad pipe on Benton Ave and seeding crew worked in various spots. Wednesday
completed work on Benton Ave and put in a driveway entrance nearby to finish out the
day and seeding crew continued. Thursday hauled spot rock to territories, installed some
blocking for new shed to store plows and fixed edge ruts along pavements in southern
part of the county. Friday hauled final lift to 150th St west of Hwy 218 and used
contractors roller to tie down and compact the new rock. Seeding crew worked on
seeding various ditches and installed erosion control mats on Hoover Ave and Logan
Ave. Contractor continues working on 150th St east of Hwy 218, but the weather has
stopped the project currently. DENCO completed crack filling last week on Racine Ave
from Mt Union to 240th St this week. Presented a snowmobile trail map for 2014-2015
for review.
John Pullis, Conservation Director gave his monthly update. The campgrounds and the
nature center closed on October 13, 2014 for the season. The night hike was a good
success at Oakland Mills with not as good of turn out for the one in Winfield. The
contractors are ready to start repair on the walk bridge piers but with all the rain the water
is too high so not sure when they will be able to get to it.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to accept the Recorder and Sheriff
Departments quarterly report ending September 30, 2014. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
October 16, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the October 14,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Aaron Dorothy with Southeast Iowa Ridge Blaster Snowmobile Club and Jake Hotchkiss,
Henry County Engineer presented a new map of trails with some changes from last years
that the Engineer and Club have agreed upon along with the Agreement. The Agreement
states the guidelines for what the club is expected to do regarding grooming, signs, any
damages that occur to the ROW who is responsible, as well as proof of liability insurance
which keeps all responsibility off of the county. It was moved by See and seconded by
Moeller to approve the Southeast Iowa Ridge Blaster Snowmobile Club Agreement for
October 25, 2014 thru March 31, 2015. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Hotchkiss presented a
permit for approval giving the Southeast Iowa Ridge Blaster Snowmobile Club
permission to be in set ROW of county roads to mow and install signs beginning October
25, 2014 thru January 1, 2015. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve
permit. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended Henry County Community Action meeting
and Henry County Emergency Management meeting. See attended Southeast Iowa Early
Childhood Development meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
October 21, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
Alan Husinga and Mary Hoyer joined the meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the October 16,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer, gave the Secondary Road update. It was moved by Moeller
and seconded by See that right-of-way contracts for the purchase of land for project
BROS-CO44(75)—5F-44, a bridge replacement on Marsh Ave, be approved. 3 ayes.
Motion carried. Road Maintenance from October 13th thru October 17th was as follows.
Monday thru Friday territory operators were blading or mowing. Monday ditching on
275th St and hauled pit rock to Graham Ave in Tippecanoe Township. Boom mower was
working north of Mt Pleasant and done weed eating and cleaning up around territory
sheds. Tuesday hauled spot rock on Quincy Ave and 310th St, bladed and spot hauled
rock in individual territories. Worked in new shed constructing tool bench and setting up
bays for snow chains and plows for storage. Wednesday hauled spot rock and hauled pit
rock to Graham Ave in Tippecanoe. Sign crew was out working on signs and sent four
guys to pesticide class for recertification. Thursday and Friday cold patched on Winfield
Ave and seeding crew worked on ditches. Contractor continues working on 150th St east
of Hwy 218, placed rock yesterday and today on ¼ mile and did some grading as well
should be better today and tomorrow. Appreciate the landowner’s patience on this
project. Continuing working on Salem project south of J20 on W55.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended Great River Housing Trust Fund meeting
and Lindeen attended Great River Regional Waste Authority meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
October 23, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the October 21,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Sarah Berndt, CDS met with the Board and gave her monthly update of General
Assistance and Disability Services.
Rich McNamee, Sheriff presented an application for an Enhance Henry County Grant for
purchase of 15 preliminary breath testers. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See
to approve the application for the Enhance Henry County Grant. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
He also presented for signing the State Alliance Assistance Grant for $225 that has been
received. It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the appointment of
Brad Hainline, Robert Szewczyk, Stephanie Stubs and Derek Milks as Henry County
Reserve Officers bringing the total to 9. 3 ayes. Motion carried. McNamee then went
over the Jail Inspection results, which was good other than we are going to need to
replace mattresses.
Jason Sutton, Deputy Sheriff presented a modification request to the current Union
Contract Article 2. A part-time employees shall not receive paid leaves or medical
insurance as required by the current Collective Bargaining Agreement; Article 9. The
Sheriff and the employee working in the position of Sergeant, Jail Administrator,
Communications Supervisor and Office Manager may change the employee’s posted
schedule by mutual agreement and waive the seven (7) day advance notice requiring
overtime pay; Article 8. Change the Wage Schedule Steps in Exhibit A, for Day/Night
Sergeant, Jail Administrator, Communications Supervisors and Office Manager with
initial wage placement based upon the employee’s starting date in their Lead position.
Day/Night Sgt
Jail Admin
Comm Supr
Office Mgr
0-6 months
6-12 months
12-18 months
18-24 months
Pay is based on a percentage of the Chief Deputy’s hourly rate and 2080 hours worked
per year.
The Board said they would discuss it with our Union Representative and get back to
Lee Demmitt, Jefferson County Supervisor met with the Board to discuss forming a new
UMO (Utility Management Organization). The current UMO Henry County is involved
with is RUSS which at this time is at an impasse as Van Buren, Wapello, Mahaska and
Washington counties do not want to take on anymore debt, therefore they vote no on new
projects and it takes a unanimous vote of all 10 counties in the organization to approve a
project. In moving forward the best case would be that the 10 counties involved work
together, second best is create a new UMO with the 6 remaining counties that are willing
to work together this cost would be about $1,500 per county to create which includes
insurance as well as the USDA is encouraging this to be done. The goal is to have this in
place by the end of the year, so if the Board would pass a resolution agreeing to form a
new 6 county UMO with Lee, Jefferson, Keokuk, Louisa, Des Moines and Henry the
process could be started. By having this new UMO new projects could be brought on
which will help the 6 counties offset the fee that has to be paid of approximately $13,000
annually for 40 years to pay off the current projects that have already been completed by
the 10 counties, therefore reducing our annual fee but the other 4 will have to continue
paying the $13,000. The Board is having the County Attorney look over the Resolution
and it will be on the agenda next week if he finds it to be adequate.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Agriland FS Inc
All American Pest Control
Garry Allender
Alliant Energy
Bailey Office Equipment
Bob Barker Co
Brozene Hydraulic Service
Marie Callaway
Card Center
Cardmember Service
CDW Government Inc
Clerk of Court Eau Claire Co.
Digital Ally
East End Automotive
Fellowship Cup
Finley Cemetery Assn
Henry Co Public Health Attn:
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Karlene S Holt
Hy-Vee Inc -West Des Moines
Ia Prison Industries
Iris City Cleaners
J & S Electronic Systems
Keltek Inc
Lance Refuse Serv
Jennifer Lehman
Louisa Co Jail
Mail Services LLC
Erica Martin
Mt Hamill Elevator/Lumber
Mt Pleasant Electric Contracto
Mt Pleasant Glass
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Tammy Mulford
NACCTFO Treasurer
National Mississippi River Mus
On-Site Info Destruction Inc
Orschelns Card Center
PJ Greufe & Associates
Quill Corporation
Rathbun Regional Water
Ray O'Herron Co Inc
Rubey Lawn Care
Schumacher Elevator Company
Scott Co Sheriff
Secy of State of Iowa
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Smith Plumbing, Heating & Coo
Sound Advice
Swailes Auto Supply
Util - County
Fuel - Conserv
Extermination Exp-Jail
Mowing -Pioneer Cem
Util -Conserv
Ofc Suppl -Rec
Mtr Vchle -Conserv
Matron Exp-Jail
Books -VA
Ofc Suppl -Conserv
Software Service & Suppor
Vehicle camera repair-Dep
Vehicle Exp-Deputy Sherif
Food & Prov
Care of Graves
Construction & Maint -Con
Comm Transformation
Gas Exp- Sheriff
Weed Erad
Inmate Meals-Jail
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sher
Training -Atty
Cust Suppl -Cths
Data Proc Equip -Conserv
Vehicle Exp-Deputy Sherif
Sanitation & Disp -Conser
Mlge -Atty
Inmate housing-Jail
Renewal Notices -Trs
Cleaning Serv -CPC/VA
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Construction & Maint -Con
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sher
Bd Proc -Supv
Utilities -County
Educ & Training -Atty
Dues -Trs
Recreational Suppl -Conse
Shredding -DHS
Construction & Maint -Con
October Fee -Cths
Ofc Suppl -Conserv
Supplies -Atty
Water -Conserv
Vehicle Exp-Sheriff
Mowing -Conserv
Elev Maint -Cths
Service of Fees -Atty
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Lubricants -Conserv
Thomson Reuters -West
U S Cellular
Wal-Mart Community Listing Att
Xerox Corporation
Bill Young Construction
General Supplemental Fund
Alcohol & Drug Dependency Linc
Bailey Office Equipment
Des Moines Police
Henry M Adkins & Son Inc
Ia Communities Assurance Pool
Treas State of Iowa DHS Cashie
Wapello Co Sheriff
MH - DD Services
Brau Law Office
Card Center
Des Moines Co CPC
Henry Co Public Health
Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr
Ia Dept of Human Services DHS
Insight Partnership Group LLC
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Agriland FS Inc
Alcohol & Drug Dependency Linc
Alliant Energy
Altorfer Machine Co
Batey Ltd
Cornerstone Excavating Inc.
Crescent Electric Supply
Denco Corporation
Douds Stone LLC
Ia Dept of Transportation
Iris City Cleaners
J & L Construction LLC
John Deere Financial
Mt Pleasant Utilities
New London Utilities
River Products Co
Rick Smith
U S Cellular
West Des Moines Marriott
Conservation Nature Center
Cardmember Service
Conservation Fund
Harold & Sharon Busby
Robert Hobbs
Rex Ott
Brian Phipps
Rubey Lawn Care
Delilah Wagner
Community Betterment Fund
A2Z Heating and Plumbing, Inc.
Bailey Office Equipment
Online Resource -Atty
Speed Trailer-Dep Sher
Cell Phone -Conserv
Credit Card
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Tele Serv -Security
Data Proc -Conserv
Bldg Rprs & Maint -Conser
Contribution -CPC
Elect Suppl -Aud
Serv of Notice Fees
Ballots -Spec School Elec
Premium Adjustment
Property Ins
Substance Abuse -CPC
Serv of Notice Fees
Commitment -CPC
Mlge -CPC
Mental Health -CPC
Treatment -CPC
24-hr Crisis Response -CPC
MHI Inpatient -CPC
Support Serv -CPC
Diesel Sec Rd
Safety Testing Sec Rd
Lighting Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Filters Sec Rd
Pipe Culverts Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
X-23 Crack Fill
Granular Sec Rd
Engineer Supplies Sec Rd
Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd
Iowa Avenue Patch Sec Rd
Strobe Light Sec Rd
Utilities Sec Rd
Shed Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Erosion Control Sec Rd
Cell Phones Sec Rd
ICEOO Mtg Sec Rd
Animal Feed
Outside Serv - Conserv
Outside Serv -Conserv
Outside Serv -Conserv
Outside Serv -Conserv
Mowing -Conserv
Outside Serv -Conserv
Bldg Rprs & Maint -Cths
Ofc Suppl -Zoning
Diamond Mowers Inc
Henry Co Treasurer
Kinney Machine Tool
Mt Pleasant Area Development
Mt Pleasant News
Brent Roth
Marvin Stauffer
Jodi Sutter
Economic Development
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Emergency Management
A T & T Mobility
Alliant Energy
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Walt Jackson
Rubey Lawn Care
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Sharon G Barron
Chase Card Services CardMember
Vanguard Appraisals Inc
E911 Surcharge Fund
Electronic Applications
Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel
Verizon Wireless
Grand Total
Mower Parts -Sec Rds
Driveway Repair - CCF
Blade Sharpening -Sec Rds
Investor Pledge -2014
Bd Proc -Zoning
Wearing Apparel -Sec Rds
Wearing Apparel -Sec Rds
Wages -BOH
Internet -Cths
Parking Lots -Cths
Util -Em Mgmt
Fuel -Em Mgmt
Meals -Em Mgmt
Copy Machine -Em Mgmt
Mowing - Em Mgmt
Meal -Assessor
Special Education Service
Reappraisal -Assessor
Trunk Lines -E911
Suppl - E911
Trunk Lines -E911
Air Cards -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
October 28, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the October 23,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer, accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the
plans for BROS-CO44(75)—5F-44, Marsh Ave Bridge. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Road
Maintenance from October 20th thru October 24th was as follows. Monday thru Friday
territory operators were blading or mowing. Monday installed an entrance north of
Winfield, loaded rock for contractor at quarry, completed seeding for fall, cleared trees
on 295th St for small ditching project. Tuesday installed entrances, done weed eating
around guardrails, fixed edge ruts along paved roads and loaded rock for contractor at the
quarry. Wednesday replaced cross road pipe in Scott Township, fixed broken tile in road
on Quaker Ave, installed parking curbs at CDS building, continued fixing edge ruts along
paved roads. Continued clearing trees on 295th St and loaded for for contractor at the
quarry. Thursday hauled resurfacing rock in Scott Township, ditch cleaning on Kentucky
Ave south of Hwy 78. Repaired entrance on Iowa Ave south of Mt Pleasant. Friday
repaired crossroad pipe on 260th St east of Clayton Ave, continued fixing edge ruts on
paved roads and completed clearing trees on 295th St. Contractor continues working on
150th St east of Hwy 218, first mile is complete for grading, working on second mile now.
Appreciate the landowner’s patience on this project. Continuing working on Salem
project south of J20 on W55. Waiting on building contractor to complete punch list and
to submit appropriate paper work for final payment.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve Resolution #25-2014 as below.
3 ayes. Motion carried.
Resolution #25-2014
Henry County, by its Board of Supervisors, does hereby pass this Resolution approving
and authorizing to take the steps necessary to form a 6 county (Lee, Jefferson, Keokuk,
Louisa, Des Moines and Henry) Utility Management Organization (UMO) and share 1/6
of the cost in preparing documents and other items necessary to form this organization
(28E document, resolutions, insurance etc.)
Passed and approved October 28, 2014.
Henry County Board of Supervisors
/s/Marc B. Lindeen, Chairman
Attest:/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
October 30, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the October 28,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Darin Stater, County Attorney presented an application for approval for a grant from
Enhanced Henry County Community Foundation for $8,400 which is the annual cost for
the up keep and care of the County Community Drug Dog Bonsai. It was moved by See
and seconded by Moeller to approve this application. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attend the Executive Board of Healthy Henry County
Communities. See attended Henry County Area Economic Development Commission
and Iowa Workforce Development meetings. Lindeen attended E911 meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
November 4, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the October 30,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer, accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the
Secondary Road update. Road Maintenance from October 27th thru October 31st was as
follows. Monday thru Friday territory operators were blading or mowing. Monday
loaded trucks for grading project, repaired crossroad pipe south of 260th St on Franklin
Ave. Fixed edge ruts, moved equipment to Henry-Lee culvert replacement and 295th St
ditching project. Tuesday replaced cross road pipe on Henry-Lee east of Benton Ave.
Continued loading trucks for grading project, fixing edge ruts on paved roads and
continued working on 295th St. Wednesday held two 4 hour first aid classes, finished
cleaning up on Henry-Lee cross road pipe and hauled rock to 295th St in case of rain.
Thursday had MSHA training in the morning and hearing tests in the afternoon, moved
equipment around the shop and cleaned. Friday done cold patching, worked on fallen
tree on 275th St and continued loading trucks at the quarry. Contractor continues working
on 150th St east of Hwy 218, major grading is complete, should be finishing up hauling
rock on Wednesday and hope to finish cleanup work by Thursday and seeding and
mulching on Thursday and Friday. Will meet with Salem City Council Wednesday night
to review construction plans pertaining to proposed paving project. Building contractor
submitted required paper work, but waiting on punch list to be completed, payment will
be made except for retainage of appropriate amount until work is complete.
In other county business Linda Fear, Clerk of Court informed the Supervisors that they
needed to appoint 3 people to be on the Magistrate Appointing Commission. It is a 6
member commission made up of the 3 appointed by the Supervisors, 2 Attorneys and
Judge Danielson. It is a 6 year term that will begin January 1, 2015. The Board said they
would work on it and get the appointees to her by the middle of November.
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
November 6, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See was absent.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the
November 4, 2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
The following Department Heads were present for the monthly Department Head
meeting to give updates: Walt Jackson, EMS; John Pullis, Conservation Dir; Jake
Hotchkiss, Engineer; Shirley Wandling, Recorder; Linda Fear, Clerk of Court; Sarah
Berndt, CDS; Ana Lair, Treasurer; Joe Buffington, Planning & Zoning; Roger
Pittsenbarger, Vet Affairs; Rick Van Winkle, Vet Affairs; Gary Dustman, Assessor;
Shelly Barber, Auditor; Rich McNamee, Sheriff.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to appoint Brad Miller as Trenton
Township Trustee to fill a vacancy. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board reviewed the October 1, 2014 decision of the Board of Adjustment concerning
the quarry request in Marion Township by OMG Midwest d/b/a Cessford. No action was
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Agri-Center of Henry Co
Alliant Energy
Bailey Office Equipment
Marie Callaway
Card Center
Copy Systems Inc
Ebert Supply Co
Electronic Applications
Ed Harvey
Henry Co Veterinary Hosp
Ia Division of Labor
Inukshuk Technologies LLC
J & S Electronic Systems
Sarah Jacobs
Lee Co Sheriff
Legislative Services Agency
Lloyd McIntyre
Larry Meagher
Midwest Body & Frame
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Mullens Body Shop
Neopost USA
Office Depot
On-Site Info Destruction Inc
James R Onorato
Julie Pilling
Polk Co Sheriff
Quill Corporation
Reliable Pest Solutions
Ground Maint -Cths
Util -DHS
Ofc Suppl -Aud
Matron Exp-Jail
Software Service & Support
Postage Mtr -Trs
Buildings-Repairs & Maint
Cust Suppl -Cths
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Cell Phones -Atty
Dog Care - Nov '14
Boilers -Cths
Software Service & Support
Meter Charges -Trs
Meeting Fee -VA
Inmate Housing-Jail
Iowa Law DVD -Trs
Safety & Protective SupplRd
Meeting Fee -VA
Vchle Exp -Dep Shrf
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Subscription -Supv
Vehicle Exp-Deputy Sherif
Utilities -County
Vehicle Exp-Dep/Shff
Postage Mtr - Trs
Supplies- Sheriff
Shredding -Cths
Meeting Fee -VA
Supplies -Jail
Serv of Notice Fees
PO Box -Rec
Ofc Suppl -Atty
Extermination Serv -Cths
RTM Management Group LLC
Sheridan Cemetery
Shottenkirk -Mt Pleasant
Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool
Darin Stater
Erin Stensvaag
Jerad Syfert
The Toner Place
U S Cellular
Verizon Wireless
General Supplemental Fund
Martha Allen
Bailey Office Equipment
Robyn Buffington
Barbara J Carmon
Andrea Cook
Robin Detrick
Mira Dingman
Marilee Donnolly
Judy Feehan
Betty Fuller
Kurt Garretson
Linda Graff
Robert Griffith
Betty Grove
Art Hamm
Beverly Hamm
John Hendrickson
Charlene Hinrichs
Paula Hoenig
Donald W Jones
Kent Lamm
Donald Lange
Janet Lange
Judy McNeill
Linda Messer
Enid E Mortland
Ted Mountz
Kelly Patterson
Mary Lou Perry
Roger Pittsenbarger
Lon Pugh
Lola M Reynolds
Yvonne Rich
Patricia Richenberger
John Riddick
Tom Sater
David Schneider
Linda Sharp
Christine Shatzer
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Dan Spray
Madeline Swailes
Jan Walter
Connie Weatherman
Dorothy Welcher
Rent -Juvi Prob
Care of Graves
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Website Hosting -Cths
Mlge -Atty
Cell Phone -Atty
Safety & Protective SupplRd
Ofc Suppl -DHS
Cell Phone -DHS
Cell phones-Sheriff
Wages -General Elect
Election Suppl -Aud
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Mlge -General Election
Mlge -General Election
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Work Comp - '14-'15
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Mlge -General Election
Detention Stay -Juv
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Angela Williamson
Ann Wilson
Donna Yoder
Charlotte Zihlman
Pioneer Cemetery Fund
Garry Allender
David Hightower
MH - DD Services
Bailey Office Equipment
Brau Law Office
Moore & Egerton
Optimae LifeServices Inc.
Secondary Road Fund
ABC Fire Extinguisher
Access Energy Cooperative
Alliant Energy
Banner Auto & Hardware
Breadeaux Pizza
Calhoun-Burns & Associates Inc
Dale Campbell
Dean Campbell
Warren Campbell
Cessford Construction Co
Cooper Gutter Service LLC
Kenneth & Kay Denning
Eastern Iowa Tire
Fairfield Precast Concrete
Fastenal Co
Ideal Ready Mix Co
Kempkers Grand Rental Station
Kremer Well Drilling
Martin Equipment
Morning Sun Farm Implement
Orschelns Card Center
Florence Smith
Swailes Auto Supply
TC Tiling & Excavating
Truck Country
Vantiger Equipment & Supply
Wesley Barton Contr Co Inc
Winfield Builders Supply
Community Betterment Fund
American Planning Association
A2Z Heating and Plumbing, Inc.
Graber Services Ltd
Great River Reg Waste
Imagetek Inc
Cole Kellogg
Mid Country Machinery Inc
Morning Sun Farm Implement
Mike Prottsman Sanitation
Jodi Sutter
Wemiga Waste
Economic Development
Henry Co Treasurer
TD's Carpentry
Debt Service Fund
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Wages -General Elect
Mowing -Pioneer Cem
Mowing -Pioneer Cem
Ofc Suppl -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Voc/Day -CPC
Commitment -Shrf
New Bldg Fire Exts Sec Rd
Shed Sec Rd
Sheds Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Safety Meeting Sec Rd
Outside Eng Serv Sec Rd
ROW Purchase Sec Rd
ROW Purchase Sec Rd
ROW Purchase Sec Rd
Patching Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
ROW Purchase Sec Rd
Tire Supplies Sec Rd
Parking lot stops Sec Rd
Safety Vests Sec Rd
Pipe Culverts SecRd
Patching Sec Rd
Equipment Usage Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Landpride Disk Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Janitor Sec Rd
Safety Meeting Sec Rd
Batteries Sec Rd
Tile Lines Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Salem PCC Sec Rd
P C C Sec Rd
Tile Lines Sec Rd
Dues -Zoning
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Mower Tire -Sec Rds
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Maintenance -Rec
Wearing Apparel -Sec Rds
Mower Parts -Sec Rds
Landpride disk -Sec Rds
Sanit & disp -Cths
Wages -BOH
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Parking Lots -CPC
Building -Sec Rds
Bankers Trust Company Corp
Emergency Management
Alliant Energy
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Quill Corporation
Sam's Body Shop
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Bailey Office Equipment
Neopost USA
Schneider Corporation
E911 Surcharge Fund
Joseph Buffington
Electronic Applications
Grand Total
Util -EM Mgmt
Utilities -County
Cleaning Suppl -Em Mgmt
Center Cap -Em Mgmt
Ofc Suppl -Assessor
Dues -Assessor
Postage Mtr -Assessor
Training -Assessor
Mlge -E911
Pagers -E911
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended the RUSS meeting. Lindeen attended SEIL
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen the meeting be adjourned. 2 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
November 10, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the
November 6, 2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer, accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the
Secondary Road update. Reviewed a permit requesting to fix a damaged entrance pipe
by property owner on Winfield Ave. Road Maintenance from November 3rd thru
November 7th was as follows. Monday thru Friday territory operators were blading or
mowing. Monday done cold patching on Winfield Ave. Tuesday hauled rock to Logan
Ave, then switched to spot hauling and worked on signs. Wednesday hauled dirt to
entrances for maintenance and worked on Dakota Ave and 257th St. Thursday hauled
spot rock to territories, working on edge ruts. Sign truck was out fixing signs. Friday
done cold patching, on Old Hwy 34 west of Benton Ave. Contractor completed work on
150th St and opened road to traffic on Friday. Met with Salem City Council Wednesday
night and went over proposed project and submitted check plans with the State, most
likely will be bringing title sheet in next week for Board signature. Maintenance crew is
prepping for winter and looks like temps are going to be dropping fast this week.
Thursday Jake will be attending ISAC Engineer’s meeting. Friday there will be a Safety
meeting for Roads office staff and crew.
Gary See left the meeting for another appointment.
The Auditor presented all of the Election Results, Abstracts of Votes and Tally Lists for
canvassing to the Board for the November 4, 2014 General Election. After complete
review it was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen to approve the Canvass of
Votes as presented. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended Tolson Community Action and DECAT.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen the meeting be adjourned. 2 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
November 18, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Gary See and Greg Moeller was absent.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the November
10, 2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer, accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen that the County
approve construction plans for Project FM-CO44(65)—55-44, a paving project on
Franklin Ave from Salem Road (J-20) to the Lee County Line. Reviewed permits for
Access Energy FEMA Line Strengthening project in Center, Salem, Tippecanoe, Trenton
and Jackson Townships. Road Maintenance from November 10th thru November 14th
was as follows. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday territory operators were blading or
mowing. Monday moved a power pole in the yard to raise clearance of overhead line and
repaired broken tile line south of shed. Tuesday was Veterans Day Holiday. Wednesday
installed entrance on J20 east of Kentucky Ave, hauled spot rock to Project 92 to adjust
side road transitions and worked on signs. Thursday installing entrances in Jackson
Township, cleaning ditches on Kentucky Ave and completed clearing project on 295th St.
Friday held safety meeting from 7:00 to 11:00 including ALICE training, then prepped
trucks with snow plows and spreaders anticipating upcoming snow predicted. One of our
tandem dump trucks had its box come off while unloading rock, ICAP insurance is
covering damage but this truck will be down for a while. Board signed employee years
of service recognition certificates.
Don Johnson, Paul McPheron and Chuck Noel from Burge Cemetery Association wants
the county to pave or seal coat the road around the cemetery and put on the five year
plan, because of so much dust. Jake the County Engineer explained to them that the
county has many miles of paved roads and bridges that need maintenance and we don’t
get enough funds to maintain all of them let alone start new paving of gravel roads at this
Walt Jackson presented Resolution #26-2014 for approval of the Henry County MultiJurisdictional Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan. It was moved by See and seconded by
Lindeen to approve this resolution. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
UPDATE, 2014
WHEREAS Henry County, Iowa recognizes the threat that natural and man-made hazards pose to
people and property within Henry County; and
WHEREAS Henry County, Iowa has prepared a multi-hazard mitigation plan, hereby known as
Henry County Multi-Jurisdictional Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 in accordance
with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000; and
WHEREAS Henry County Multi-Jurisdictional Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update, 2014
identifies mitigation goals and actions to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and
property in Henry County from the impacts of future hazards and disasters; and
WHEREAS adoption by the Board of Supervisors of Henry County, Iowa demonstrates their
commitment to the hazard mitigation and achieving the goals outlined in the Henry County MultiJurisdictional Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update, 2014,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Supervisors of Henry County,
Iowa adopts the Henry County Multi-Jurisdictional Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update, 2014.
ADOPTED this 18th day of November, 2014.
By: /s/Marc Lindeen
Marc Lindeen (chairman)
By: /s/Shelly Barber
Shelly Barber
Phil Pitzen with the US Department of Homeland Security posted with the Secret Service
out of Des Moines came and toured the courthouse with the Counties Chief Deputy,
Safety Coordinator, Emergency Management Coordinator and Janitorial staff to observe
and look for vulnerabilities then give an exit interview to them to inform them of areas
and things they should consider and work on to improve security at the Courthouse.
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen the meeting be adjourned. 2 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
November 20, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Greg Moeller and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the November
18, 2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Advanced Correctional Health
Agriland FS Inc
Garry Allender
Alliant Energy
Bailey Office Equipment
Shelly A Barber
Bezoni's True Value
Bob Barker Co
Marie Callaway
Card Center
Cardmember Service
Carpenter Uniform Co
CDI-City Directory Inc
Chief/Law Enforcement Supply
City Directory Inc
Clerk of Court Eau Claire Co.
Custom Impressions Inc
Dave's Lock and Key
Larry Duckett
East End Automotive
Ebert Supply Co
Electronic Applications
Fastenal Co
Federal Safety Compliance
Fellowship Cup
Henry Co Health Center
Henry Co Public Health
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Jim Holaday
Hy-Vee Inc -West Des Moines
Ia Dept of Transportation
IAN Treasurer
Kremer Well Drilling
Ana Lair
Lance Refuse Serv
Language Line Services
Jennifer Lehman
Marc Lindeen
Maddy Tree Service
Monitor Productions Inc
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant Lumber
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Tammy Mulford
Mullens Body Shop
Muscatine Co Sheriff
Util - County
Inmate medical cost-Jail
Fuel -Conserv
Mowing -Conserv
Util -County
Ofc Suppl -VA
Mlge -Aud
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Matron Exp-Jail
Conference -Trs
Ofc Suppl -Conserv
Uniform Exp-Dep Sheriff
City Directory -Atty
Supplies- Sheriff
City Directory -Aud
JE requests
Notary stamp-Comm
Keys -VA
Gas-Dep Sher
Vehicle Exp-Deputy Sherif
Cust Suppl -Cths
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Construction & Maint -Con
OSHA kits -Cths
Food & Prov -CPC/VA
Public Health Contract
Comm Transformation
Fuel -Cths
Rent -GA
Inmate Meals-Jail
Sanit & Disp -Conserv
Educ & Training -Conserv
Bldg Rprs & Maint -Conser
Mlge, Meals -Trs
Sanitation & disp -Conser
Language Line-Communicati
Postage -Atty
Mlge, Parking -Supv
Construction & Maint -Cons
Hair Test -Atty
Publication -Conserv
Bldg Rprs -Cths
Bldg Rprs & Maint -Conser
Utilities -County
Reimb -Atty
Tow Exp-Dep Sher
Inmate housing-Jail
New London Journal
O'Reilly Automotive Inc
Office Depot
Rathbun Regional Water
Red J Inc Breuer Towing
Bill Riley
Ron's Tire & Repair
Rubey Lawn Care
Schroeder PT Services
Secy of State of Iowa
Signs & Designs
Staples Advantage
Darin Stater
Swailes Auto Supply
Thomson Reuters -West
Total Connection Electric Inc
Two Rivers Bank & Trust
U S Cellular
Rick VanWinkle
Shirley K Wandling
M Jane Weingart
Kent White
Kenny Wilson
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
Z's Quick Break
Zee Medical Inc.
General Supplemental Fund
Allied Insurance
Des Moines Co Sheriff
Foundation II Inc
Henry Co Health Care Plan
Ia Dept of Human Services DHS
Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept
New London Journal
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
MH - DD Services
Bailey Office Equipment
Sarah Berndt
Des Moines Co CPC
Henry Co Sheriffs Dept
Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr
Ia Dept of Human Services DHS
Insight Partnership Group LLC
U S Cellular
Attorney's Forfeiture Fund
Northeast Animal Hospital
Stroud Mediation Services
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Agriland FS Inc
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Altorfer Machine Co
Bezoni's True Value
Centre St Internatl Truck
Bd Proc -Supv
Lubricants -Conserv
Supplies- Sheriff
Water -Conserv
Tow Exp-Dep Sher
Med Exam Fees
Tires & Tubes -Conserv
Mowing -Conserv
Empl Med Exam & Testing
Notary Seal-Sheriff
Vchle Maint -Conserv
Software Service & Support
Ofc Suppl -DHS
Meals, Mlge, Lodging -Att
Parts -Conserv
Online Resource -Atty
Bldg Rprs -CPC/VA
Deposit Slips -Trs
Cell Phones -Conserv
Credit Card-Shff
Mlge, meals -VA
Meals & Parking
Depo Transcripts -Atty
Truancy -Atty
Bldg Rprs -Conserv
Bd Proc -Supv
Fuel -Cths
Safety & Protective Suppl
Fidelity Bond -Cths
Serv of Notice
Juvi Hosp
Marie Calloway -Insurance
Substance Abuse -CPC
Serv of Notice
Ballot -Gen Elect
Detention Stay
Ballot -Gen Elect
Ofc Suppl -CPC
Mlge -CPC
Mental Health -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Crisis Response -CPC
State Inpatient -CPC
Voc/Day -CPC
Direct Admin -CPC
Bonsai Board & care -Atty
Law Enforcement -Atty
Shop Sec Rd
Diesel Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Sheds Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Filters Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Cessford Construction Co
Contech ES LLC
Cornerstone Excavating Inc.
Douds Stone LLC
Fastenal Co
H & L Mack Truck Sales
Ia Dept of Agriculture Pesticide
Ia Dept of Transportation
Ia Prison Industries
Ideal Ready Mix Co
Kremer Well Drilling
Mid Country Machinery Inc
Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor
Mt Pleasant Lumber
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mt Pleasant Utilities
New London Utilities
Nichting Co Inc
Rathbun Regional Water
Reedsburg Hardware Company
River Products Co
Springsteen Tiling Inc
Craig Steffensmeier
U S Cellular
Vantiger Equipment & Supply
Wheeler Lumber LLC
Yarmouth Oil & LP
Conservation Nature Center
Jerry Barker
Cardmember Service
Lowell Gaulke
Conservation Fund
Rubey Lawn Care
Community Betterment Fund
Agri-Center of Henry Co
All Secure Inc
Imagetek Inc
John Deere Financial
Jodi Sutter
Emergency Management
A T & T Mobility
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Reliable Pest Solutions
Rubey Lawn Care
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Bailey Office Equipment
City Directory Inc
Gary Dustman
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Vanguard Appraisals Inc
E911 Surcharge Fund
Electronic Applications
Electronic Engineering Co
Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel
Patching Sec Rd
Pipe Culverts SecRd
Pipe Culverts Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Repairs Sec Rd
Pesticide Licenses Sec Rd
School & Meet Fees Sec Rd
Sign Hardware Sec Rd
Sand Sec Rd
Ditch Cleaning Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Syfert NEC Update Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Tires Sec Rd
Utilities Sec Rd
Shed Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Erosion Control Sec Rd
Cables & Chain Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Pipe Culverts SecRd
Tile Lines Sec Rd
Consultant Fees Sec Rd
Cell Phones Sec Rd
Tile Lines Sec Rd
Nails Sec Rd
LP South sheds Sec Rd
Acorn -Conserv
Feed -Conserv
Acorn -Conserv
Mowing -Conserv
Supplies -Sec Rds
Security System -Cths
Maintenance -Trs
Mower Rprs - Sec Rds
Wages -BOH
Internet -Cths
Fuel -Em Mgmt
Pest Control -Em Mgmt
Copy Machine Repairs -Em
Mowing - Em Mgmt
Ofc Suppl -Assessor
Ofc Suppl -Assessor
Empl Mileage, Meals & Lod
Fuel Exp -Assessor
Reappraisal -Assessor
Speaker Mic & Charger -E91
Radio -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
Radio -E911
Verizon Wireless
Grand Total
PD Air Cards -E911
Trunk Lines - E911
In sub-committee updates Moeller attended the Healthy Henry County Communities
Exec Board Meeting. Lindeen attended Southeast Iowa Community Action meeting. See
attended Early Childhood Development.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by Lindeen the meeting be adjourned. 2 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
November 25, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Vice-Chairman, Greg
Moeller, Gary See and Marc Lindeen was absent.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the November
20, 2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer, accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the
Secondary Road update. Road Maintenance from November 17th thru November 21st
was as follows. Monday through Friday territory operators were blading. Monday
territory operator’s bladed snow, snow plows were out in the morning cleaning up from
snow storm on the weekend, fixed signs and cleaned up Equipment. Tuesday worked on
entrances in Baltimore Township, worked on signs and worked at the quarry getting
equipment ready for stripping. Wednesday fixed at entrance in Center Township, worked
on entrance on Winfield Ave, excavator worked on ditching on Clayton Ave. Continued
working on equipment at the quarry. Thursday sent boom mower out in the morning.
Motor graders put on snow wings, continued ditching on Clayton Ave and continued
working on equipment at the quarry. Friday fixed shoulder on W55 cleaning ditches on
W55 and 140th St west of Dakota Ave, cleaned ditches on Clayton Ave north of 250th St.
Starting to work on budget for next fiscal year. Submitted final plans for Salem project
last week letting date is February 17, 2015. We received the insurance payment for the
damage to our tandem dump truck. Jake will be going out over the next couple weeks to
perform inspections of structures under 20’.
Sarah Berndt, CDS gave her monthly update on General Assistance and Disability
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended Southeast Iowa Regional Planning.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 2 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Greg Moeller, Vice-Chairman
December 2, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Gary See and Greg Moeller.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the November
25, 2014 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer, accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve
Resolution 30-2014-20 rejecting all bids for HSIP-CO44(78)—6C-44. 3ayes. Motion
WHEREAS, bids were received by the IDOT on November 18, 2014, for Project HSIPCO44(78)--6C-44, pavement markings on various PCC roadways.
WHEREAS, the following bids were received and read:
Quality Striping, Inc. d/b/a DPLM, Inc.
Iowa Plains Signing, Inc.
WHEREAS, the estimated cost for this work was $210,748.01.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
in session this 2nd day of December, 2014, that all bids be rejected due to higher
than anticipated prices.
/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
/s/Marc B. Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller, Member
/s/Gary K. See, Member
Road Maintenance from November 24th thru November 28th was as follows. Monday
through Wednesday territory operators were blading. Monday territory operator’s bladed
snow, snow plows were out clearing pavements with strong winds complicating the
process. Tuesday territory operator’s bladed snow and ice, sent plow trucks out to finish
cleaning pavements, then cleaned the trucks and started cutting brush. Wednesday
moved excavator to the quarry, worked on lights, cleaned up scrap at quarry. Thursday
was Thanksgiving Holiday but due to snow on Wednesday plow trucks were out from
5:00 until 11:00 a.m. Friday was holiday but sent territory operators out to blade gravel
roads until it became too soft to do so around 3:30. Working on bid documents for two
tandem dump truck. Jake will be out continuing inspections of structures under 20’ this
week. Jake will be out of the office next week for Iowa County Engineer’s conference in
In sub-committee meetings See attended Iowa Workforce Development meeting and Mt
Pleasant Area Economic Development Commission meeting. Lindeen attended Great
River Regional Waste Commission meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
December 4, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Gary See and Greg Moeller.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the December 2,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The following Department Heads gave their monthly updates to the Board of Supervisors
Shelly Barber, Auditor; Ana Lorber, Treasurer; Roger Pittsenbarger and Rick Van
Winkle, Vet Affairs; Joe Buffington, Planning and Zoning; Sheila Allender, Deputy
Assessor; Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer; Sarah Berndt, CDS; Shirley Wandling, Recorder;
John Pullis, Conservation; Rich McNamee, Sheriff; Tammy Mulford, Office Manager
County Attorney; Walt Jackson, Emergency Management Services.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Alternatives Family Counseling
B & B Gas Co
Bailey Office Equipment
Behner Funeral Home
Garrett Cargill
Chief/Law Enforcement Supply
Cummins Central Power
DataSpec Inc
Samantha Davis
East End Automotive
Ebert Supply Co
Ed Roehr Safety Products
Electronic Applications
Farm & Home Publ
Fifth District
Grainger Inc
Henry Co Veterinary Hosp
Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr
Ia Law Enforcement Academy
ISAC - Des Moines
J & S Electronic Systems
Sarah Jacobs
Johnson Co Medical Examiner
Joni E Fleig
Louisa Co Jail
Louisa Co Sheriff
Mail Services LLC
Erica Martin
Mt Pleasant Super Wash
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mt Pleasant Utilities
New London Journal
On-Site Info Destruction Inc
James R Onorato
Roger Pittsenbarger
PJ Greufe & Associates
Quill Corporation
Util - County
Extermination Exp-Jail
Util -CPC/VA
Hanging File -Trs
Funeral Exp -GA
Snow Removal -Cths
Uniform Exp-Dep Sheriff
Uniform Exp-Jail
Bldg Rprs -Cths
VetraSpec -VA
Contract Ser-Jail
Vehicle Exp-Deputy Sherif
Cust Suppl -Cths
Taser Exp-Dep Sheriff
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Books -Assessor
Meeting -Rec
Bldg Rprs -Conserv
Dog Care - Dec '14
Window Washing -CPC/VA
Training -Atty
Training - Trs
Meter Charges -Trs
Meeting Fee -VA
Med Exam Fees
Transcript -Atty
Inmate housing-Jail
Medical Exp-Jail
Renewal Notices -Trs
Cleaning Serv -CPC/VA
Car Wash-Sheriff
Vchle Maint -Cths
Utilities -County
Subscription -Supv
Shredding -DHS
Meeting Fee -VA
Mlge, Meals -VA
November Fee -Cths
Ofc Suppl -Atty
RTM Management Group LLC
Shottenkirk -Mt Pleasant
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Staples Advantage
U S Cellular
Verizon Wireless
Wal-Mart Payments
Arlo Walljasper
Marla Willey
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
Yarmouth Oil & LP
General Supplemental Fund
Henry M Adkins & Son Inc
Morgan Hoenig
Bethany Knudsen
Lee Co Sheriff
Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Pioneer Cemetery Fund
Allan Barnes
Ted Klopfenstein
Historic Preservation Fund
Caroline Lehman
MH - DD Services
Sarah Berndt
Brau Law Office
Henry Co Public Health
Henry Co Sheriffs Dept
Optimae LifeServices Inc.
U S Cellular
Attorney's Forfeiture Fund
John Deere Financial
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Alliant Energy
Banner Auto & Hardware
BlueTarp Financial
Clean Wash
Eastern Iowa Tire
Fastenal Co
Grainger Inc
Henry County Health Center
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Ia Prison Industries
J & S Electronic Systems
Kimball Midwest
Mid Country Machinery Inc
Mid-American Safety & Health
Orschelns Card Center
Road Machinery & Supplies Co
Signs & Designs
Rent - Juvi Prob
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Website Hosting -Cths
Ofc Suppl -DHS
Cell Phone -DHS
Ammo-Deputy Sheriff
Construction & Maint -Cons
Cell phones-Sheriff
Ofc Suppl -Trs
Med Exam Fees
Mlge -Rec
Tele Serv -Supv
Bd Proc -Supv
Propane -VA
Ballots -Aud
Wages -Gen Elect
Work Comp -'14-'15
Wages -Gen Elect
Serv of Notice
Serv of Notice
Detention Stay -Juvi
Grounds Maint. Service
Mlge -Hist Pres
Mlge -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Support Serv - CPC
Commitment -CPC
Cell Phone -CPC
Tele Serv -CPC
Bonsai Food -Atty
Lighting Sec Rd
Shed Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Shop Tools Sec Rd
Window Cleaning Sec Rd
Tires Sec Rd
Hardware Sec Rd
Shop Tools Sec Rd
Safety Testing Sec Rd
Postage Sec Rd
Signs Sec Rd
Office Equipment Sec Rd
Hardware Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
MSHA Annual Training Sec
Tool Box Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Quarry Operations Sec Rd
Steffensmeier Welding
Treas State of Iowa
Wal-Mart Payments
Wheeler Lumber LLC
Community Betterment Fund
Joseph Buffington
Diamond Mowers Inc
Graber Services Ltd
Jake Hotchkiss
Imagetek Inc
Cole Kellogg
Harold Pollmeier
Mike Prottsman Sanitation
Jeff Rehm
Angie Ridinger
Brent Roth
Mark Shull
Jodi Sutter
Brian Yaley
Economic Development
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Emergency Management
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Rubey Lawn Care
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
E911 Surcharge Fund
Joseph Buffington
Ia Prison Industries
Grand Total
Outside Service Sec Rd
Quarry Operations Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Nails Sec Rd
Office Sec Rd
Mlge -Zoning
Mower Parts -Sec Rds
Mower Parts -Sec Rds
Wearing Apparel
Maint -Rec
Wearing Apparel
Wearing Apparel
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Wearing Apparel
Wearing Apparel
Wearing Apparell
Wearing Apparell
Wages -BOH
Tele Serv -Zoning
Wearing Apparell
Snow Removal -Em Mgmt
Utilities -County
Mowing -Em Mgmt
Tele Serv -Em Mgmt
Tele Serv -Assessor
Mlge -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
911 Signs -E911
Tele Serv -E911
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
December 9, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Gary See and Greg Moeller.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the December 4,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the liquor licenses for Scarff
Service and The Countree Store. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
John Pullis, Conservation Director gave his monthly update to the Board. The foot
bridge project is near completion, other that the waterproofing may not get done this year
as the temperature has to be a warmer. The contractor said the piers are now good from
top to the bottom. The cost turned out to be more than expected as the water level got
lower and they were able to fix more. There is still problems with the bridge it has a 100
person capacity and the north end the wooden portion needs work. They will be adding
several mounts to the Nature center this winter. The AM Jet project is still moving
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended the Substance Abuse Coalition meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
December 11, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Gary See and Greg Moeller.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the December 9,
2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve a Letter supporting the Heather
Branch Urban Conservation Water Quality Demonstration Project so that the Soil &
Water Conservation can apply for grants for the project. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings Moeller attended RUSS, See attended 8th Judicial Adult
Corrections and Lindeen attended Henry County Community Action and SEIL.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
December 16, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Gary See and Greg Moeller.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve the minutes of the December
11, 2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer, accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the
Secondary Road update. The Board reviewed 3 permits one for a tile outlet in ROW
permit on 130th St west of Graham Ave; one sanitary sewer outlet permit in Tippecanoe
Twp on Benton Ave; and a utility permit for Access Energy on 265th St. Road
Maintenance from December 1st thru December 5th was, worked at the Quarry stripping
all week, replaced the wood deck on bridge at 200th St and Graham Ave, hauled spot rock
to territory operators. Territory operator’s worked on ice packed hills protected by trees.
Road Maintenance from December 8th thru December 12th was, worked on brush cutting
with two different crews, hauled spot rock to territory operator’s, ran the boom mower,
repaired cross road pipe on Franklin Ave and worked on a couple of road slides on 180th
St west of White Oak Rd. The Engineer presented a request for a new hydraulic lift for
the shop as the current lift is outdated and is currently unusable. The new lift would have
the capacity to pick up all service vehicles including the tandem trucks. The cost for the
lift including installation is $24,500. Lindeen commented he didn’t view this as a want
but a need and asked for a motion to purchase. It was moved by Moeller and seconded
by See to approve the purchase of this lift for $24,500 from the LOST fund. 3 ayes.
Motion carried. Bids will be opened for two tandem dump trucks Tuesday December 23,
Cherry Sandeen along with several other members of the Substance Abuse Coalition
made a presentation to the Board about what all they have done and are continuing to
work on with awareness and prevention of alcohol and drugs in the community. The
problem that they have is they are losing their $125,000 a year grant effective September
30, 2015 that they have received for the last several years as it is not being offered. They
are requesting $40,000 from the county to get them through the rest of the fiscal year till
June 30, 2016. They are continuing to look for others means of funding through other
agencies they have worked with including any new grants that may become available.
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended Henry County Solid Waste Commission.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
December 18, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Gary See and Greg Moeller.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the December
16, 2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Sarah Berndt, CDS met with the Board and gave her monthly update on General
Assistance and Community Disability Services.
Mike Vens with Gamroth, Doyle, Vens Insurance presented the county’s insurance
renewal for property and liability that is with ICAP, it was very good our rates were
down $1,652.14. It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to sign the contract with
ICAP to renew our insurance for Henry County through Gamroth, Doyle, Vens
Insurance. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee meetings See attended Area Economic Development meeting and
Lindeen attended SE Iowa Community Action.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Advanced Correctional Health
Agriland FS Inc
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Alternatives Family Counseling
B & B Gas Co
Bailey Office Equipment
Behner Funeral Home
Bezoni's True Value
Card Center
Cardmember Service
Garrett Cargill
Carpenter Uniform Co
Chief/Law Enforcement Supply
CME Office Saint Louis Univers
Andrea Cook
Cummins Central Power
DataSpec Inc
Samantha Davis
East End Automotive
Ebert Supply Co
Ed Roehr Safety Products
Electronic Applications
Farm & Home Publ
Fellowship Cup
Fifth District
Grainger Inc
Henry Co Extension Office
Henry Co Health Center
Henry Co Public Health
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Henry Co Veterinary Hosp
Hometown Veterinary Care
Util - County
Inmate medical cost-Jail
Fuel -Conserv
Extermination Exp-Jail
Util -CPC/VA
Hanging File -Trs
Funeral Exp -GA
Cust Suppl -Cths
Snow Removal -Cths
Empl Lodging, Meals -Supv
Ofc Suppl -Conserv
Uniform Exp-Dep Sheriff
Uniform Exp-Dep Sheriff
Uniform Exp-Jail
Med Exam Training
Empl Meals, Mlge -Aud
Bldg Rprs -Cths
VetraSpec -VA
Contract Ser-Jail
Vehicle Exp-Deputy Sherif
Cust Suppl -Cths
Taser Exp-Dep Sheriff
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Books -Assessor
Food & Prov
Meeting -Rec
Bldg Rprs -Conserv
Bldg Rprs -Conserv
2015 Fairbook -Conserv
Public Health Contract
Public Health Nursing
Fuel -Cths
Dog Care - Dec '14
Recreational Suppl -Conse
Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr
Hy-Vee Inc -West Des Moines
Ia Law Enforcement Academy
ISAC - Des Moines
ISU Police Department
J & S Electronic Systems
Sarah Jacobs
Johnson Co Medical Examiner
Joni E Fleig
Keokuk Area Hospital
Ana Lair
Lance Refuse Serv
Louisa Co Jail
Louisa Co Sheriff -Medical
Mail Services LLC
Erica Martin
Mt Pleasant Lumber
Mt Pleasant News
Mt Pleasant Super Wash
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Tammy Mulford
Murphy Funeral Home
Muscatine Co Sheriff
New London Journal
Cari Nicely
Office Depot
On-Site Info Destruction Inc
James R Onorato
Roger Pittsenbarger
PJ Greufe & Associates
Quill Corporation
Rathbun Regional Water
Reliable Pest Solutions
Karl Riley
Ron's Tire & Repair
RTM Management Group LLC
Secy of State of Iowa
Gary See
Shottenkirk -Mt Pleasant
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Sirchie Finger Print Labs
Staples Advantage
Stellar Services
Ruth Sutherland
The Company Tom Hassenfritz
Thomson Reuters -West
Top Promotional Products
U S Cellular
Window Washing -CPC/VA
Inmate Meals-Jail
Construction & Maint -Con
Training -Atty
Training - Trs
Conference -Atty
Meter Charges -Trs
Meeting Fee -VA
Med Exam Fees
Transcript -Atty
Med Exam Fees
Mlge -Trs
Sanitation & Disp -Conser
Inmate housing-Jail
Medical Exp-Jail
Renewal Notices -Trs
Cleaning Serv -CPC/VA
Hair test kits -Atty
Bldg Rprs -Conserv
Bd Proc -Supv
Car Wash-Sheriff
Vchle Maint -Cths
Utilities -County
Ofc Suppl - Atty
Funeral -GA
Inmate Housing-Jail
Subscription -Supv
Recreational Suppl -Conse
Supplies- Sheriff
Shredding -DHS
Meeting Fee -VA
Mlge, Meals -VA
November Fee -Cths
Postage -Conserv
Ofc Suppl -Atty
Water -Conserv
Extermination Serv -Cths
Rent -GA
Tires & Tubes -Conserv
Rent - Juvi Prob
Notary Seal -Aud
Empl Lodging -Supv
Vehicle Exp-Dep Sheriff
Website Hosting -Cths
Ofc Suppl -DHS
Supplies -Jail
Interpreter -Jail
Rprs -Cths
Online Resource -Atty
LED Flashlights -VA
Cell Phone -DHS
Postage -Atty
Ammo-Deputy Sheriff
Credit Card
Construction & Maint -Con
Verizon Wireless
Wal-Mart Payments
Arlo Walljasper
Marla Willey
Winfield Beacon/Wayland News
Yarmouth Oil & LP
Zee Medical Inc.
General Supplemental Fund
Brau Law Office
Foundation II Inc
Henry M Adkins & Son Inc
Morgan Hoenig
Bethany Knudsen
Lee Co Sheriff
Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept
Scott Co Sheriff
SIADSA Lee/ Lucas
Pioneer Cemetery Fund
Allan Barnes
Ted Klopfenstein
Historic Preservation Fund
Caroline Lehman
Spark Consulting
MH - DD Services
Bailey Office Equipment
Sarah Berndt
Brau Law Office
Card Center
Henry Co Public Health
Henry Co Sheriffs Dept
Hillcrest Family Services
Insight Partnership Group LLC
On-Site Info Destruction Inc
Optimae LifeServices Inc.
U S Cellular
Attorney's Forfeiture Fund
John Deere Financial
Stroud Mediation Services
Secondary Road Fund
Access Energy Cooperative
Agri-Center of Henry Co
Agriland FS Inc
All American Pest Control
Alliant Energy
Altorfer Machine Co
Banner Auto & Hardware
BlueTarp Financial
Burchland Manufacturing Inc
Centre St Internatl Truck
Clean Wash
Cornerstone Excavating Inc.
Crescent Electric Supply
Douds Stone LLC
Cell phones-Sheriff
Ofc Suppl -Trs
Med Exam Fees
Mlge -Rec
Tele Serv -Supv
Bd Proc -Supv
Propane -VA
Safety & Protective Suppl
Substance Abuse -CPC
Juvi Hosp
Ballots -Aud, Prog & Maint
Wages -Gen Elect
Work Comp -'14-'15
Wages -Gen Elect
Serv of Notice Fees
Serv of Notice Fees
Serv of Notice Fees
Detention Stay -Juv
Postage -Aud
Grounds Maint. Service
Mlge -Hist Pres
Project -Hist Pres
Ofc Suppl -CPC
Mlge -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Ofc Suppl -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Commitment -CPC
Treatment -CPC
Support Serv -CPC
Shredding -CPC
Support Serv - CPC
Commitment -CPC
Cell Phone -CPC
Tele Serv -CPC
Bonsai Food -Atty
Law Enforcement -Atty
Lighting Sec Rd
Welding Supplies Sec Rd
Diesel Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Shed Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Shop Tools Sec Rd
New Equipment Sec Rd
Filters Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Window Cleaning Sec Rd
Pipe Culverts Sec Rd
Buildings Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Eastern Iowa Tire
Fastenal Co
Grainger Inc
H & L Mack Truck Sales
Henderson Truck Equipment
Henry County Health Center
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Ia Dept of Transportation
Ia Prison Industries
Ideal Ready Mix Co
Iris City Cleaners
J & S Electronic Systems
John Deere Financial
Kimball Midwest
Lance Surveying Services
Mid Country Machinery Inc
Mid-American Safety & Health
Midway Freightliner Inc
Mt Pleasant Glass
Mt Pleasant Lumber
Mt Pleasant Tire-Service
Mt Pleasant Utilities
New London Utilities
Nichting Co Inc
Norsolv Systems Environmental
Northern Safety Co Inc
Orschelns Card Center
River Products Co
Road Machinery & Supplies Co
Rowekamp Associates Inc
Signs & Designs
Florence Smith
Steffensmeier Welding
Swailes Auto Supply
Treas State of Iowa
U S Cellular
UnityPoint Clinic Occupational
Wal-Mart Payments
Wheeler Lumber LLC
Conservation Nature Center
Cardmember Service
Community Betterment Fund
All Secure Inc
Allan Barber
Sharon G Barron
Dan Buechel
Joseph Buffington
Card Center
Diamond Mowers Inc
Robert Donnolly
Graber Services Ltd
Great River Reg Waste
Jake Hotchkiss
Imagetek Inc
John Deere Financial
Cole Kellogg
Lance Surveying Services
Wendel Luko
Tires Sec Rd
Hardware Sec Rd
Shop Tools Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Safety Testing Sec Rd
Postage Sec Rd
Oil Sec Rd
Signs Sec Rd
Sand SecRd
Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd
Office Equipment Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Hardware Sec Rd
Consultant Fees Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
MSHA Annual Training Sec
Filters Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Outside Service Sec Rd
Utilities Sec Rd
Shed Sec Rd
Equip Repair Supply SecRd
Parts Cleaner Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Tool Box Sec Rd
Granular Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Computer Services Sec Rd
Quarry Operations Sec Rd
Janitor Sec Rd
Outside Service Sec Rd
Parts Sec Rd
Quarry Operations Sec Rd
Cell Phones Sec Rd
Safety Testing Sec Rd
Supplies Sec Rd
Nails Sec Rd
Office Sec Rd
Animal Care -Conserv
Security System -Cths
Wearing Apparel
Meeting -Zoning
Wearing Apparel
Mlge -Zoning
Lodging -Zoning
Mower Parts -Sec Rds
Wearing Apparel
Mower Parts -Sec Rds
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Wearing Apparel
Maint -Rec
Mower Repairs -Sec Rds
Wearing Apparel
Survey @ Dump Site
Wearing Apparel
Lloyd McIntyre
Harold Pollmeier
Mike Prottsman Sanitation
Jeff Rehm
Angie Ridinger
Brent Roth
Mark Shull
Jodi Sutter
Wemiga Waste
Brian Yaley
Economic Development
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Emergency Management
A T & T Mobility
Alliant Energy
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Ia Emergency Management
Mt Pleasant Utilities
Rubey Lawn Care
Co. Assessor Agency Fund
Henry Co Sec Road Dept
Vanguard Appraisals Inc
E911 Surcharge Fund
Joseph Buffington
Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel
Ia Prison Industries
Grand Total
Wearing Apparel -Sec Rds
Wearing Apparel
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Wearing Apparel
Wearing Apparel
Wearing Apparell
Wearing Apparell
Wages -BOH
Sanit & Disp -Cths
Tele Serv -Zoning
Wearing Apparell
Em Mgmt
Util -Em Mgmt
Snow Removal -Em Mgmt
Fuel -Em Mgmt
Membership - 2015
Utilities -County
Mowing -Em Mgmt
Tele Serv -Em Mgmt
Fuel -Assessor
Reappraisal -Assessor
Tele Serv -Assessor
Mlge -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
Trunk Lines -E911
911 Signs -E911
Tele Serv -E911
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
December 23, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Gary See and Greg Moeller.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the December
18, 2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer, gave the Secondary Road update. He opened 5 bids for 2 new
Tandem Trucks they will be gone over and reviewed and Jake will make his
recommendation Tuesday December 30, 2014 as who received the bid. It was moved by
See and seconded by Moeller that Agreement No. 05-14-HSIP-047 with the IDOT for
edgeline and centerline pavement markings on twelve (12) road segments in Henry
County, for Project HSIP-S-CO44(78)—6C-44, is hereby approved. It is further moved
that the Chairman of the Henry County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to
execute the agreement. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by Moeller and seconded
by See to enter into a contract with Calhoun-Burns Associates, Inc. for design of Henry
County Bridge #107 over the railroad on Franklin Ave (W-55). The Chairman of the
Henry County Board of Supervisors is authorized to execute said contract. 3 Ayes.
Motion carried. The Board reviewed a utility permit for Access Energy on 320th St near
Lowell. Road Maintenance from December 15th thru December 19th was, Monday the
boom mower was out, hauled spot rock to Salem Township, installed wings on a couple
of Road graders. Tuesday sent boom mower out to Trenton Township, brush cutting
crew worked on Benton and Ash Ave, second brush crew working on Henry-Jefferson
County line with Gradall, hauled spot rock to New London Township. Wednesday sent
boom mower out to Trenton Township, brush crew working on Henry-Jefferson County
line, second brush crew working on Benton and Ash Ave, worked on signs. Thursday
sent boom mower out to Trenton Township, continued cutting brush on Henry-Jefferson
County line, second crew working on Milspaugh Rd, sent 3 trucks out to clean light snow
in southern part of county. Friday sent boom mower out to Trenton Township, grinding
asphalt bumps on Oakland Mills Rd, continued cutting brush on Henry-Jefferson County
line, second crew worked on Milspaugh Rd again. Completed bridge/structures under 20
feet last week and will be working up work orders to preform routine maintenance on
structures requiring work. Working on budget for FY16.
The Board then discussed various options about the 3 counties of Wapello, Mahaska and
Washington wanting out of the 28E agreement with RUSS and how it should all be
handled. There is another RUSS meeting on January 14, 2015 so they will discuss it
again on January 15, 2015 when more information is hopefully available.
In sub-committee meetings Lindeen attended Great River Regional Waste Commission
and an E911 budget work session. See gave an update on the CASI Report and attended
Southeast Area Crime Commission.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
December 30, 2014
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman, Marc
Lindeen, Gary See and Greg Moeller.
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the December
23, 2014 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jake Hotchkiss, Engineer, accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the
Secondary Road update. It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller to approve
Resolution 33-2014-20 to purchase 2 Tandem Trucks. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, quotations were received on December 23, 2014, for the purchase of
two (2) 2016 Tandem Axle Dump Trucks with Henderson Body.
WHEREAS, the following bids were received:
Ball Volvo Truck & Tire
Kahoka, MO
Gatr Truck Center
Cedar Rapids, IA
Gatr Truck Center
Cedar Rapids, IA
H & L Mack
Mediapolis, IA
Truck Country Freightliner
Cedar Rapids, IA
Midway Freightliner
Palmyra, MO
Total Price
Less Trades
WHEREAS, the County Engineer recommends purchasing Volvo dump trucks. The
engineer also recommends purchasing the following options:
Automatic Transmission
Extended Warranty
Henderson Reversible Plow
Henderson Tailgate Spreader
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Henry County Board of Supervisors
in session this 30th day of December, 2014, that two (2) 2016 Tandem Axle
Volvo Dump Trucks be purchased from Ball Volvo Truck & Tire Center of
Kahoka, Missouri at a total price of $241,812.72 after trade-ins and including
/s/Shelly Barber
Henry County Auditor
/s/Marc B. Lindeen, Chairman
/s/Greg Moeller, Member
/s/Gary K. See, Member
Road Maintenance from December 22nd thru December 26th. Monday thru Wednesday
territory operators were blading and trucks hauled spot rock to them. Monday the boom
mower was out working and worked on signs. Tuesday ground bumps on Oakland Mills
Rd. Wednesday repaired guardrail cable on Salem Rd and a brush crew was working.
Thursday was Christmas holiday. Friday the office was closed. Continue working on
budget for FY16. Roads were messy last week and maintenance crews was fixing bad
spots, freezing conditions should help improve roads and we will be working on potholes
during this week as conditions permit. The office will be closed Thursday January 1,
2015 for New Year’s.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to appoint Greg Moeller Chairman for
2015. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to appoint Gary See Vice-Chairman for
2015. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
1 The following had requested, in writing, to be official newspaper for Henry County for
2015: Winfield Beacon/Wayland News, Mt Pleasant News and The New London
2. Claims pay dates for 2014 are as follows:
January 15 & 29
May 7 & 21
February 12 & 26
June 4 & 18
March 12 & 26
July 2, 16 &30
April 9 & 23
August 13 & 27
September 10 & 24
October 8 & 22
November 5 & 19
December 3 & 17
3. The Board authorized the County Auditor to issue warrants in payment upon
presentation of the following: freight, express, telephone, water, light, gas, postage
and for salaries and payrolls, where such compensation shall have been previously
fixed by the Board of Supervisors, upon certificate of the office under whom such
compensation shall have been earned.
4. The Board authorized the following holidays to be observed by County Employees
New Year’s Day; President’s Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day;
Veteran’s Day; Thanksgiving Day and day after; Christmas Day and three personal
days. When regular holidays fall on Saturday, the holiday will be observed on Friday
preceding and when they fall on Sunday it will be observed on Monday following.
5. Harold Pollmeier was reappointed Weed Commissioner for 2015.
6. Dr. Eugenio Torres was appointed Henry County Medical Examiner.
7. Henry County Board of Health: (3 year term)
Joni Manske (expires 12-31-16)
Bob Welander (expires 12-31-16)
Rose Lauer (expires 12-31-17)
Tom Miller (expires 12-31-15)
Kent Metcalf (expires 12-31-15)
Henry County Civil Service Commission: (6 year term)
Dr. Richard Howie (expires 12-31-19) (Attorney Appointee)
Beryl Shahan (expires 12-31-15)
(Supervisors Appointee)
Brian Roth (expires 12-31-17)
(Supervisors Appointee)
9. Henry County Conservation Board: (5 member board-5 year terms)
Lori Muntz (expires 12-31-18)
Vacancy (expires 12-31-19)
John Klopfenstein (expires 12-31-15)
Jim Onorato (expires 12-31-16)
George Jacques (expires 12-31-17)
10. Pursuant to Sec 6b.4 2005 Code of Iowa, appointed the following persons as
Members of the Compensation Commission in eminent domain proceedings:
Agricultural Property owner-Operators: (appointed annually)
Myers Rossiter, Winfield
Wayne Beckman, New London
Mark Boshart, Mt Pleasant
Larry Pidgeon, Salem
Ken Denning, Mt Pleasant
John Scott, Mt Pleasant
Leo Hunting, Mt Pleasant
Robert Waters, Mt Pleasant
Doree Huddleston, Mt Union
Marlin Ford, Mt Pleasant
Steve Gray, Mt Pleasant
Maria White, Mt Pleasant
Tim Meyer, Wayland
City or Town Property Owners:
Carla Lance, Westwood
Cecil Linder, Winfield
Jim Onorato, Salem
Randy Seberg, Mt Pleasant
Kelly Overton, Wayland
Michael D Reschly, Olds
Person Having Knowledge of Property Values:
Gary Anderson, Swedesburg
John Lance, Westwood
Yvonne Rich, Mt Pleasant
Sue Gray, Mt Pleasant
Mike Tometich, Mt Pleasant
Bradley Benson, Winfield
Danny Cornell, Mt Pleasant
11. Southeast Iowa Regional Planning Committee serving Henry County
Klay Edwards
Greg Moeller
Jacob Hotchkiss, alternate
12. Regional Homeless Coordinating Board for 4 County Area:
Greg Stacey
Claude Kremer
Paula Morgan
Erica Martin
Marva Kremer
13. Board of Supervisors 2015 Committee Appointments and Alternates:
Marc Lindeen
911 Board/Emergency Mgmt Board – Alternate Gary See
Great River Regional Waste Authority-Alternate Gary See
Decat –Alternate Gary See
Henry County Landfill-Alternate Gary See
Henry County Community Action Program-Alternate Greg Moeller
Southeast Iowa Community Action
Gary See
8th Judicial District Adult Correction-Alternate Greg Moeller
Regional Workforce Investment Board-Alternate Greg Moeller
Mt Pleasant Area Economic Development Comm-Alternate Marc Lindeen
Early Childhood Development -Alternate Greg Moeller
Citizens Advisory Board-MHI-Alternate Greg Moeller
Area 16 Regional Transit Authority-Alternate Marc Lindeen
Southeast Iowa Crime Commission-Alternate Marc Lindeen
Greg Moeller
Southeast Iowa Regional Planning-Alternate Marc Lindeen
REAP-Alternate Marc Lindeen
Healthy Henry County Communities-Alternate Gary See
Regional Utilities Service Systems (RUSS) – Alternate Gary See
14. Henry County Tourism-Kent White-Alternate Marc Lindeen
15. Henry County Historic Preservation Commission (3 year term)
Larry Roth (expires 12-31-17)
Rosie Kramer (expires 12-31-15)
R L Chrisinger (expires 12-31-15)
Gwen Moore (expires 12-31-15)
Chad Brusseau (expires 12-31-14)
Martha Francy (expires 12-31-16)
Joel Garretson (expires 12-31-16)
Todd Brereton (expires 12-31-14)
Caroline Lehman (expires 12-31-16)
Holly Jones (expires 12-31-17)
Mary Savage (expires 12-31-16)
Faye Heartsill (expires 12-31-14)
16. Board of Adjustment (5 year term-5 Member Board)
Susan Crane (expires 12-31-18)
Gayle Olson (expires 12-31-19)
Gary Anderson (expires 12-31-17)
Ron Osborne (expires 12-31-15)
Dave Helman (expires 12-31-16)
17. Zoning Commission (5 yr term-5 Member Board)(Jan 2006 –changed to 5 members)
Steve Gray (expires 12-31-17)
Greg Lorber (expires 12-31-15)
Lee Bradley (expires 12-31-15)
Alan Miller (expires 12-31-16)
David Simmons (expires 12-31-16)
18. Pioneer Cemetery Commission (3 year term-9 Member Board)
Stan Hill (expires 12-31-16)
David Gates (expires 12-31-16)
Pat White (expires 12-31-16)
Charlotte Zihlman (expires 12-31-17)
Ross Tweedy (expires 12-31-17)
Pamela Stewart (expires 12-31-15)
Linn Hunsaker (expires 12-31-15)
Allan Barnes (expires 12-31-15)
Mona Gates (expires 12-31-17)
It was moved by Moeller and seconded by See to approve the preceding appointments
and reappointments to the Boards/Commissions the Supervisors are responsible for. 3
ayes. Motion carried.
No sub-committee meetings.
It was moved by See and seconded by Moeller the meeting be adjourned. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman