• By Griffen Scogland
• By Griffen Scogland
Clues and theories about what happened to the roanoke colony. • By Griffen Scogland The Story of Roanoke So you might be thinking who’s Roanoke? and why is Griffen not saying the last name of him? well he isn’t a person its a whole colony. what happened was the first group of colonists were sent back to England due to starvation. So they sent in another group led by John White. At this time England was caught in a war and kinda forgot about the colonists. So John White went back to England for the supplies. He couldn’t go back to the colony for 3 years because of the war. once he came back they were GONE all that was left was the word CROATOAN carved in a nearby tree. ❖ ❖ The many theories of what happened. My theory of what happened was that they joined other tribes. I think so because Croatoan was carved in a tree which is some of the Native American colonies. I think they joined those colonies and split up joining all of them. 3 more theories that I think are possible are They were captured by the spanish, They died from starvation or a disease, Or maybe they were killed by nearby tribes. a clue? People found a 415 year old map that has faded hidden markings that might have lead to where they went. the tribe probably left there or the tribe died out before they left. I don’t think there would be any more clues of where they went after going to the mystery place that is if we could even read where it was. Theories that other people thought up. n n Some say that the Roanoke colony made a big boat to go back to england. They thought that the Roanoke tribe got lost at sea. It is also said by other people that they all were killed in a bad storm like maybe a hurricane. I do not think that they would make a big boat and leave because they didn’t know a way back why would they risk their lives more at sea? I don’t think the hurricane idea could be true because what about the croatoan carving? I also don’t think the hurricane idea could be true because the ENTIRE tribe being wiped out what are the possibilities of that? You Realllyyyy wanna be the one to find out what happened don’t you? • Some people wanna be the one to find out what happened so badly that they made up theories like alien abduction,vampire epidemics, and angry demons. Facts. There were 116 colonists that came 90 men, 17 women, and 9 children. these colonists came twenty-two years before jamestown and 37 years before the pilgrims. Facts. There were 116 colonists that came 90 men, 17 women, and 9 children. these colonists came twenty-two years before Thereand were colonists thatpilgrims. came 90 men, 17 women, and 9 jamestown 37116 years before the children. these colonists came twenty-two years before jamestown and 37 years before the pilgrims. Facts. There were 116 colonists that came 90 men, 17 women, and 9 children. these colonists came twenty-two years before There were colonists that came Thereand were 116 colonists thatpilgrims. came90 90men, men,17 17women, women,and and99 jamestown 37116 years before the children. children.these thesecolonists colonistscame cametwenty-two twenty-twoyears yearsbefore before jamestown jamestownand and37 37years yearsbefore beforethe thepilgrims. pilgrims. Facts. There were 116 colonists that came 90 men, 17 women, and 9 children. these colonists came twenty-two years before There were colonists that came Thereand were 116 colonists thatpilgrims. came90 90men, men,17 17women, women,and and99 jamestown 37116 years before the children. children.these thesecolonists colonistscame cametwenty-two twenty-twoyears yearsbefore before jamestown jamestownand and37 37years yearsbefore beforethe thepilgrims. pilgrims. BYE BYE • So we may never know what happened to the roanoke colony or if we will ever find more clues but one thing is for sure it was a very important part in human history the first huge mystery in fact. http://History.com/videos/mystery-roanoke mostly just me writing what I remembered I read. http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&client=firefoxa&hs=sUX&sa=X&tbo=d&rls=org.mozilla:enUS:official&channel=np&biw=1280&bih=597&tbm=isch&tbnid=zDq2VAw OP1PrM:&imgrefurl=http://angelkrypt.blogspot.com/2012/02/ croatoan.html&docid=EmkxOLOYykFbiM&imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.co T0E_tiapZEI/AAAAAAAAA4Q/VImQGzj0M4c/s1600/ croatoan.jpg&w=550&h=400&ei=nsnIUJGCIKXs0QHhx4HIBg&zoom=1& py=263&dur=25&hovh=191&hovw=263&tx=95&ty=97&sig=105534779 ge=4&tbnh=139&tbnw=193&start=69&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:91,s:0,i:4 SOURCES