FAA Noise hearing
FAA Noise hearing
, _ Untied 8lalos EnvironmentalProtection Agoncy Office of Noise Abatement and Conlrol IANR-490) Washington, D.C. 20450 December 1980 EPA 550/9.90-218 Noise _EPA Regulatory Analysis Appendices for the Noise Emission Regulations for Motorcycles and Motorcycle Exhaust Systems SA_IIILECOPY PLF.ASI3 I)O NOT RI_,IOVI] #,'Z_ _ ?L-O _A 550/9-80-218 P4_'ULATORYANALYSIS APPENDICES FOR THE NOISE EMISSION REG_IATIONS FOR MOIORCYCLES AND MOTORCYCLE EXHAUST SYSTEMS December 1980 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Offlceof Noise Abatea_nt and Control Washlngtc_, D.C. 20460 Permission is granted to reproduce _hls materlal without further clearance. This ak_-umen_has been approved for general availability. It does not constitute a sta_rd, spe:Iflcation or regulation. TABLEOF CONTENTS Page Number AppendixA AppendixB AppendixC AppendixD MOTORCYCLENOISE EMISSIONTEST PROCEDURES SAE J331a CaliforniaHighwayPatrolTest Procedure SAE JgB6a SAE J47 IS0/R362 F-76 F-76a R-60 F-77 F-50 MotorcycleIndustryCouncilProposedProcedure for CompetitionMotorcycles ISO ProposedStationaryVehicleTest Method A-70 TEST SITES AND INSTRUMENTATION Introduction Test Sites Instrumentation Photographs 9-1 9-I 9-3 9-4 PRODUCTIDENTIFICATION AND TESTEDNOISE LEVELS Table C-l Listingof 1975 and 1976 New MotorcyclesTested Table C-2 Listingof 1974 Manufactured MotorcyclesTested Table C-3 MotorcycleManufacturersIdentification Code Table C-4 Noise Levels,Ne_ Motorcycles,Year of Manufacture1975 and 1976 Table C-5 Noise Levels,New Motorcycles,Year of Manufacture1975 and 1976 (ByManufacturer) Table C-5 Noise Levels,In-ServiceMotorcyclesin Stock Configuration, 1969-1974Year of Manufacture Table C-7 Noise Levels,In-ServiceModifiedMotorcycles, 1969-1976Models Table C-8 Motorcycles Used in Aftermerket Products Study Table C-9 Aftermarket Exhaust Systems Table C-lO Compari;on of Noise Levels From OEMand Aftermerket Exhaust Systems Table C-11 Closing Conditions in SAEJ331a Tests Table C-12 MeasuredNoise LevelsRelatedto C1osln9RPM Table C-13 Calculated F-76a Noise Levels Table C-14 Varlabilltyin Noise Level Data Table C-15 Effectof Slx InchTurf on MeasuredNoise Levels STATE AND LOCAL NOISEREGULATIONS I. Introduction 2. State Laws Regulating Motorcycle Noise 3. Table of State Laws • 4. Selected Municipal and County Laws 5. Noise Ordinances of Selected Municlpallties and Counties 6. Specific Regulation of Off-Road Motorcycles 1 A-1 A-6 A-lg A-21 A-25 A-30 A-38 A-47 A-53 A-60 A-65 C-I C-6 C-8 C-9 C-13 C-18 C-26 C-27 C-28 C_33 C-39 C-41 C-43 Co44 C-47 D°I O-I D-4 O-14 D-16 D-22 Table of Contents(Continued) Page Number AppendixE FOREIGNMOTORCYCLENOISE LAWS Councilof EuropeanCommunities(EEC) UnitedNations EconomicCommissionfor Europe(ECE) Japan E-I E-l E-2 E-B Appendix F MOTORCYCLE DEMAND FORECASTING MODEL AND ESTIMATION OF REPLACEMENTEXHAUSTSYSTEMSALES Approachand MethodologY I. EstimationMethodology 2. TheDynamics of MotorcycleDemand 3. ForescastMethodology 4. EstimatedEquations F-l F-l F-I F-4 F-5 AppendixG RELATIONBETWEEN STANDARDTEST _THODOLOGIESAND REPRESENTATIVE ACCELERATIONCONDITIONS I. Introduction 2. CurrentStandarlzedTests 3. Adjustmentto Noise Level MeasuredUnder Standardized Tests 4. Co_oarisonWith Other Studies G-I G-1 G-2 ADDITIONALMOTORCYCLENOISE LEVEL DATA Intoductlon NoiseEmissionData Base, F76a Procedure Effectof TachometerLag Gear Selectionand AccelerationDistance VehicleSpeed MeasurementTechniques EngineRPM MeasurementTechniques IgnitionDisable Techniques IMI TestProcedure Effectof Torque (DynamometerTests) OperatorExposureto MotorcycleNoise Appendix IMI Test Procedures PhotographsH1 - HI4 H-I H-I H-I H-6 H-tO H-11 H-13 H-16 H-16 H-28 H-40 H-4Z AppendixI REFINEMENT OF MOTORCYCLETESTINGPROCEDURE l, Introduction 2. TachometerSpecification 3, Specification of ClosingRPM I-1 I-i I-2 AppendixJ EXPLORATIONOF A STATIONARYTEST INCORPORATING AN ELECTRONIC IGNITIONDISABLE SYSTEM l. Introduction 2. Summaryof Methods Used in this Study 3, Results and Discussion 4. Stetlona_ VehicleNoise EmissionTest Procedure J-l J-2 J-4 J-22 FURTHERSTUDY OF THE IGNITIONDISABLEDEVICE 1, Introduction 2, Testing Accomplished K-I K-I AppendixH AppendixX ii G-6 Table of Contents(Continued) Page Number AppendixL MOTORCYCLENOISE ESTIMATEDFROM TIME/DISTANCE_ASURE_ENTS DURINGACCELERATIONIN URBAN TRAFFICSITUATIONS I. Introduction 2. TestProcedure andResults L-I L-2 Appendix M FRACTIONAL IMPACT PROCEDURE M-l Appendix N NATIONAL ROADWAY TRAFFIC NOISE EXPOSURE MODEL Introduction Details ofVehicles Detailsof Roadways Detailsof Propagation Detailsof Receivers Detailsof Noise-levelSorting Detailsof Conversionfrom Noise Level to I_act Detailsof Total NationwidellIIpact N-l N-I N-11 N-23 N-27 N-35 N-35 N-38 NATIONALMOTORCYCLENOISE CONTROL EMPHASISPLAN - SUMMARY O-I Appendix0 Ill APPENDIXA MOTORCYCLENOISE EMISSIO_TEST PROCEDURES ! 4 Sound Levels for Motorcycles -- SAE J331a SAE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE APPROVED MAY 1975 SOCIETYOF AUTOMOTIVEENGINEERS,INn, 400 _OMMONWEALTH DRIVE. WARRENOALEe mA.1-- pA, ||ON SOUND LEVELS FOR MOTORCYCLES - SAE J331a SAE Recommended Practice Reportof Vehicle SoundLevel Committeeand MotorcycleCommittee Approved May 1975. I. SCOPE - This SAE RecommendedPracrice establishes the test procedure, environment, and Instrumentation for determiningsound levelstypicalof normal motorcycleoperation, 2. INSTRUMENTATION 2.1 The following instrumentation shall be used, where applicable: 2.1.1 A sound level meter which meets Type i or SIA the requirements of American NationalStandard Specificationfor Sound Level Meters, SI.4-1971. AS an alternatire to making direct measurementsusing a sound level meter,a microphoneor sound level meter may be used with a magnetic tape recorder and/or a graphic level recorderor indicationinstrumentprovided that the systemmeets the requirementsof SAE Recommended Practice, Qualifying a Sound Data Acquisition System - J184, 2.1,2 An acoustic calibrator with an accuracy of _ 0.5 dB (see paragraph 7.4.4). 2.1.3 A calibratedengine speed tachometer having the following character* istlcs: (a) Steady-state accuracy of better than i%. (b) Transient response; Response to a step input will be such that within 10 engine revolutions the indicated rpm will be within 2% of the actual rpm. 2.1.4 A speedometer with steady-state accuracyof at least +I0%. 2.1,5 An anemomet-erwith steady-state accuracy of at least _10% at 19 km/h (12 mph). 2.1,6 An acceptablewind screenmay be used with the microphone. To be acceptable, the screen must mot affect the microphone response more than +I dB for frequencies of 20-4000 Hz or _I-I/2 dB for frequenciesof 4000-10,000HzT 3, TEST SITE 3,1 The test site shall be a flat open space free of large sound-reflectlng surfaces (other than the ground), such as parked vehicles, signboards,buildings or hillsides,, located within 30m (100 it) radius of the microphonelocationand the followingpoints on the vehiclepath: -A3- (a) The microphonepoint (b) A point ISm (50 it) before themicroponepoint. (c) A point 15m (50 it) beyond themicrophonepoint. 3.2 The measurementareawithinthe test site shallmeet the followingrequirements and be laid outas described: 3.2.1 The surfaceof thegroundwithin at least the triangular area formed by the microphonelocationand the points 50 ft. (15.2m) prior to and 50 ft (15.2m) beyond the microphonepoint shall be dry concreteor asphalt,free from snow, soil or other extraneousmaterial. 3.2.2 The vehicle path shall be of relativelysmooth,dry concreteor asphalt, free of extroneous materials such as gravel, and of sufficient length for safe acceleration,decelerationand stopping of the vehicle. 3.2.3 The microphoneshall be located 15m (50 it) from the centerline of the vehicle path and 1.2m (4 it) above the groundplane. 3,2.4 The following points shall be establishedon thevehlclepath: (a) Microphone polnt-a point on the centerllneof the vehicle path where a normal through the microphonelocation intersectsthe vehiclepath. (b) End point-apoint on the vehicle path 30m (100 it) beyond the microphone point. (c) Acceleration point-a point on the vehiclepath.7.Sm(25 it) prior to the microphonepoint. 3,2.5 The test area layout in Fig. I sbows a directionalapproachfrom left to right with one microphone location, for purposes of clarity. Sound level measurementsare to be made on both sides of the vehicle; therefore, It will be necessary to establish either e second microphonepoint on the oppositeside of the vehiclepathwith a corresponding clear area or end points and acceleration points for approaches from both directions. 4. TEST WEIGHT 4.1 At the start of the test series, the vehicle shall be filled with fuel and lubricant to not less than 75% of capacity. 4.2 The combined weight of the test rider and test equipment used on the vehicle shall be not more than 79 kg (175 In) nor less than 75 kg (165 In). Weights shall be placed on the vehicle 5. PROCEDURE 5.1 The vehicle shall use second gear tunlessduring the test under acceleration the engine speed at maximum rated net horsepoweris reached before the vehicle reaches a point 7.5m (25 ft) beyond the microphone point, in which case the vehicle shall be tested in third gear, 5.2 For the test under acceleration, the vehlcle shall proceed along the vehicle path at a constantapproachspeed which shall correspondto eitheran engine speed of 60% of the engine speed at maximum rated net horsepoweror a vehicle + speed of 48 km/h (30 mph), whichever is slower. When the front of the vehicle reaches the acceleration point, rapidly and fully open the throttleand accelerate until the front of the vehicle is 30 m (100 ft) beyond the microphone point, mr until the engine speed at maximum rated house power is reached, at which -A4- saddlebehind the driver to compensatefor any differencebetween the actual driver/ equipmentload and the required75 kg (165 Ib) minimum, point the throttleshallbe closed. Wheel slip which effects the maximum sound level shall be avoided. 5.3 When excessive or unusual noise i5 noted during deceleration, the following test shall be performed with sufficient runs to establishmaximumsoundlevel under deceleration: 5.3.1 For the test under deceleration, the vehicle shall proceed along the vehiclepath at an enginespeed at maximum rated net horsepowerin the gear selected for the test underacceleration. At the end point, the throttleshall be rapidlyand fully closed, and the vehicle e11owed to decelerateto an engine speed of one-half of the rpm at maximumratednet horsepower. 5.4 Sufficient prellminary runs to familiarize the driver and to establish the engine operating conditions shall be made before measurements begin. The engine temperature shall be within the normal operating range prior to each run. 6. MEASUREMENTS 6.1 The sound level meter shall be set for fast response and for the A-welghting network, 6.2 The meter shall be observed while the vehicle Is accelerating or decelerating, Record the highest sound level obtained for the run, ignoring unrelated peaks due to extraneous ambient noises, All values shall be recorded. 6,3 At ]east six measurementsshall be made for each side of the vehicle, Sufficient measurements shall be mode until at least four readingsfrom each side are with 2 dB of each other. The highest and the lowest readings shall be discarded; the sound level for each side shall be the average of the four, which are within 2 dB of each other. The sound level reported shall be for that side of the vehicle having the highestsound level, 6.4 The ambient sound level (including wind effects) at the test site due to sources other than the vehicle being measured shall be at least 10 dB lower than the sound level produced by the vehicle under test. 6,5 Wind speed at the test site during tests shall be lees than 19 km/h (12 mph). . 7. GENERAL CO_ENTS 7.1 Technically competent personnel should select equipment and the tests should be conducted only by trained end experienced persons familiar with the current techniques of sound measurement, B. REFERENCES Suggested referencematerial is as follows: 8.1 ANSI $I.1 . ]960, Acoustical Terminology, 8.2 ANSI 51.2 - 1962, PhysicalMeasurement of Sound, 7.2 While making sound level measurements, not more than one person other than the rider and the observer reading the meter shall be within 15m (50 ft) of the vehicle or microphone, and that person shall be directly behind the observer reading the meter, on a line through the microphone and the observer. 7.3 The test rider should be fully conversant with and qualified to ride the machine under test and be familiar with the test procedure. 7.4 Proper use of all test instrumentation is essential to obtain valid measurements, Operating manuals or other literature furnished by the instrumerit manufacturer should be referred to for both recommended operation of the instrument and precautions to be observed, Specific item5 to be considered are: 7.4.1 The type of microphone, its directional response characteristics, and its orientationrelative to the groundplane and source of noise. 7.4.2 The effects of ambient weather conditionson the performance of all instruments (for example, temperature, humfdityand barometric pressure). 7.4,3 Proper slgnal levels, terminating impedances, end cable lengths on multiinstrumentmeasurementsystems, 7.4.4 Proper acoustlcal calibration procedureto includethe influenceof extension cables, etc, Field calibration shall be made in_ediatelybefore and after each test sequence. Internal calibration means is acceptable for field uee, provided that external calibration is accomplished immediately before or after field use, 8.3 ANSI $I.4 - 1971, Specification for Sound Level Meters, 8.4 ABSU $1.13 - 1971, Method of Measurementof Sound Pressure Levels. 8.5 SAE J47, Maximum, Sound Level Potentialfor Motorcycles. Coprlght Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. 1975 All rights reserved_ SAE Technical Board Rules and Regulations All technical reports, including standards approved and practices recomended, are advisory only, Their use by anyone engaged in indust_ or trade is entirely voluntary. There is no agreement to adhere to any SAE Standardor SAE Recommended Practice, and no commitment to conform to or be guided by an technical report, A-5 In formulating and pproving technical reports, the Technical Board, its Councils and committees will not investigate or Consider patents which may apply to the subject matter, Prospective users of the report are responsible for protecting themselves against liability for infringement of patents. Printed inU.S.A. DEPARTMENT OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL SOUND MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PURCHASED FOR $2 PLUS CALIFORNIA STATE SALES TAX EACH, MAY 1973 -A6- HPH 83.3 3.5 NEW 3.5.1 Vehicle Sound Level. The sound levels for new motel vehicles shall be determined by tests performed according to procedures established for each particular class of Vehicle. 3,5.2 Definitions. the Zollowing TEST PROCEDURE For the purpose of these procedures, terms have the meanlngs indicated: a. First Gear. "First gear" means the highest numerical gear ratio of the transmission, commonly referred to as low gear. b. Maximum RPM. "Maximum rpm" means the maximum governed engine speed, or if ungoverned, the rpm at maximum engine horsepower as determined by the engine manufacturer in accordance with the procedures in SAg J245, April 1971. c. Microphone Point. "Microphone point" means unmarMed location on the center of the lane travel that is closest to the microphone. d. 3.5.3 VEHICLE the of Vehicle Reference Point. "Vehicle reference point" means the location on the vehicle used to determine when the vehicle is at any of the points on the vehicle path. The primary vehicle reference point is the front of the vehicle. "For vehicles wlth a gross vehicle rating of 8,000 Ibs. or more where the distance from the front Of the vehicle to the exhaust outlet exceeds 16 ft., tI_e secondary vehicle reference point is the exhaust outlet. Operation. New motor vehicles shall be tested both with and wltbout auxiliary equipment that may be in use while the vehicle is in operation on the highway. Auxiliary equipment includes but is not limited to. cement mixers, refrigeration units, air conditioners, and garbage compactors. The following general procedures shall apply to all classes of vehicles: a. Preliminary Runs. Sufficient preliminary runs shall be made to enable the test'driver to become familiar with the operation of the vehicle and _o stabilize engine operating conditions. -AT- KPH 83.3 3.5.4 HPH b. Test Runs. At least four test runs shall be made for each side of the vehicle. When the exhaust outlet is more than 16 ft. from the front of the vehicle, at least two runs shall be made for each side of the vehicle using both the primary and secondary reference points. At least two additional runs shall be made from the reference point that gives the highest readings. c. Reported Noise Level. The reported sound level for each side oZ the vehicle shall be the average of the two highest readings on that side which are within 2 dB(A) of each other. The sound level reported for the vehicle shall be the sound level of the loudest side. d. Visual Readings. When sound level instruments have neen turned on and. calibrated, the graphic level recorder shall be put in operation. Visual readings shall be taken from the sound level meter during preliminary test runs and recorded. The readings from the sound level meter shall be compared with those of the recorder and there shall be no more than ±0.5 dB(A) variation between the readings. When the variation is greater, the equipment shall be checked and recalibrated. I£ the variation still exists, the test shall be conducted using only direct readings from the sound level meter. This procedure does not apply to the General Radio Type IB23-PlA sound measuring set because th_ recorder is the meter. Light Trucks r Truck Tractors t Buses and Passenger Cars. Trucks, truck tractors and buses wi_n a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating of less than 6,000 ibs., and passenger cars shall be tested as follows: 83.3 a. Vehicle Path. The test area shall include a vehicle path of sufficient length for safe acceleration, deceleration, and stopping of the vehicle. b. Test Area Layout. The following points and zones shown in Figure 3-2, where only one directional approach is illustrated for purposes of clarity, shall be established on the vehicle path so that measurements can be made on both sides of the vehicle: -AS- (1) Microphone (2) Acceleration point - a location before the microphone point (3) End point microphone (4) End the point - a location point i00 ft. 25 ft. beyond the zone - the last 75-ft, distance between microphone point and the end zone. V'F'.' '" t \;>"" , ) ,_,._.,_.. ""y / J for Light c. Fig. 3-2. Trucks, Test Area Buses, and Test Procedures. according to the (i) Layout Passenger Vehicles followlng Cars shall be tested procedures: Gear Selection. Motor vehicles equipped with three-speed manual transmissions and with automatic transmissions shall be operated in the first gear. Vehicles -Ag- HPH 83.3 equipped with manual transmissions of four or more speeds shall be operated in first gear and in second gear. Vehicles which reach maximum rpm at less than 30 mph or before reaching the end zone shall be operated in the next higher gear. Auxiliary step-up ratios (overdrive) shall not be en_aged on vehicles so equipped. 3.5.5 83.3 Acceleration. The vehicle shall proceed along the vehicle path at a constant speed of 30 mph in the selected gear for at least 50 ft. before reaching the acceleration point. When the vehicle reference point reaches the acceleration point, the throttle shall be rapidly and fully opened. The throttle shall be held open until the vehicle reference point reaches the end point or until maximum rpm is reached within the end zone. At maximum rpm, the throttle shall be closed sufficiently to keep the engine dust under maximum rpm until the end point, at which time the throttle shall be closed. (3) Deceleration. Tests during deceleration shall be conducted when deceleration noise appears excessive. The vehicle shall proceed along the vehicle path at maximum rpm in the same gear selected for the tests during acceleration. When the reference point on the vehicle reaches the acceleration point, the throttle shall be rapidly closed and the vehicle allowed to decelerate tO less than 1/2 of maximum rpm. (4) Engine Temperature. The engine temperature shall be within normal operating range throughout each test run. The engine shall be idled in neutral for at least one minute between runs. Heavy Trucks_ Truck Tractors r and Buses. Vehicles with a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating of 6,000 ibs. or more shall be tested as follows: a. HPH (2) Vehicle Path. a vehicle _ath The test area of sufficient -AIO- shall include length for safe acceleration, vehicle. b. ; deceleration, and stoppin_ of the Test Area Layout. The following points and zones shown in Figure 3-3, where only one directional approach is illustrated for purposes of clarity, shall be established on the vehicle path so that measurements can be made on both sides of the vehicle: (i) Microphone point (2) Acceleration point - a location before the microphone point (3) End point microphone (4) End zone - th_ last 40-ft. distance between the microphone point and the point. - a location point I ¥1g, 3-3. for Heavy 50 ft. 30 ft. beyond the end ., Test Area Layout Trucks and Buses -All- HPH 83.3 c. Test Procedures. according (i) to Vehicles the following shall be tested procedures: Gear Selection. A gear shall be selected wSich will result in the vehicle beginning st an approach rpm of no more than 2/3 maximum rpm at the acceleration point and reaching maximum rpm within the end zone without exceeding 35 mph. (a) When maximum rpm is attained before reaching the end zone, the next higher gear shall be selected, up to the gear where maximum rpm produces over 35 mph. (b) When maximum rpm still occurs before reaching the end zone, the approach rpm shall be decreased in 100 rpm increments until maximum rpm is attained within the end zone. (c) When maximum rpm is not attained until beyond the end zone, the next lower gear shall be selected until maximum rpm is attained within the end zone. (d) When the reaching lowest maximum gear rpm still beyond results in the end zone, the approach rpm shall be increased in i00 rpm increments above 2/3 maximum rpm until the maximum rpm is reached within the end zone. (2) Acceleration. The vehicle shall proceed vehicle path maintaining the approach engine rpm in the selected geur for at least 50 ft. before reaching the acceleration point. When the reference point on the vehicle reaches the acceleration point, the throttle shall be rapidly and fully opened and held open until maximum rpm is attuined within the end zone, at which point the throttle shall be closed. along th6 HPH 83.3 -A12- (3) _'':_ ,_- 3.5.6 Deceleration. Tests during deceleration shall be conducted when deceleration noise appears excessive. The vehicle shall proceed along the vehicle path at maximum rpm in the same gear selected for the tests durin_ acceleration. When the reference point on the vehicle reaches the microphone point, the throttle shall be rapidly closed and the vehicle allowed to decelerate to less than i/2 maximum rpm. Vehicles equipped with exhaust brakes shall also be tested wlth the brake full on immediately following closing of the throttle. Motorcycles. Motorcycles shall be tested as follows: a. Vehicle Path. The test area shall include a vehicle path Of Sufficient length for safe acceleration, deceleration, and stopping of the vehicle. b. Test A_ea Layout, The following points and zones shown in Figure 3-4, where only one directional approach is illustrated for purposes of clarity, shall be established on the vehicle path so that measurements can be made on both sides of the vehicle: (I) Microphone (2) Acceleration point - a location before the microphone point (3) End point microphone (4) End zone - the last 75-ft. distance between the microphone point and the end point. -A'I3- point - a location point 100 fZ. 25 ft, beyond the F.:PH 83.3 \\ ./ , ! _'"iJ J ' / 'i Fig. c.. ! I I@o'_ " 3-4. Test Area Layout Test Procedures. according to the Vehicles following 83.3 Motorcycles shall be tested procedures: (i) Gear Selectlon. Motorcycles shall be operated in second gear, Vehicles which reach maximum rpm at less than 30 mph or before a point 2S ft. beyond the microphone point shall be operated in the next higher gear. (2) Acceleration. The vehicle shall proceed along the ve_icle path at a constant approach apeed which corresponds either to an engine speed of 60 percent of maximum rpm or to 30 mph_ whichever is lower. When the reference point on the vehicle J HPH Eor -Al4- reaches tlle acceleration point, the throttle shall be rapidly and fully opened and held open until the vehicle reference point reaches the end point, or until the maximum rpm is reached within the end zone, at which point the throttle shall be closed. Wheel sllp shall be avoided. When this procedure results in a dangerous operating condition, the next higher gear shall be selected for the test. S.5,7 (3) Deceleration. Tests during deceleration shall be conducted when deceleration noise appears excessive. The vehicle shall proceed along the vehicle path at maximum rpm in the same gear selected for the tests during acceleration. When the reference point On the vehicle reaches the acceleration point, the throttle shall be rapidly closed and the vehicle shall be allowed to decelerate to less than 1/2 of maximum rpm. (4) Engine Temperature. The engine shallbe within normal operating before each test run. (5) Test Weight. The total weight of test drlver a,d test equipment shall be 165 For small drivers, additional weights shall be used to bring the total to 165 ibs. Snovanobiles, follows: Snowmobiles shall be Vehicle Path. vehicle path acceleration, vehicle. b. Test Area Layout. The following points and zones shown in Figure 3-5, where only one directional approach is illustrated for the purposes of clarity, shall be established on the vehicle path so that measurements can be made on both sides of the vehicle: _,--._ ibs. as a. The test area shall include a of sufficient length for safe deceleration, and stopping of the -A15- .................. tested temperature range .__,-........................................ IIpH 83.3 .............. ............. (1) Microphone point (2) End point microphone (3) Acceleration point - a location on the vehicle path established as follows: Position the vehicle headed away from the microphone point wlth the vehicle refeTence point at 25 ft. from the microphone point. From a standing start with transmission in low gear, rapidly apply wlde-open throttle, aeeeleratlng until maximum rpm is attained. The location on the vehicle path where maximum rpm was attained is the acceleration point for tests run in the opposite direction (4) Maximum - a location _oint rpm 50 ft. zone. I M.0J / .1 I Fig. I'IPHB3.3 3-5. Test Area Layout -A16- for Snowmobiles beyond the e. : Test Procedures. transmission in reference point point, the throttle opened and held until the reference reaches the end shaZ1 be closed. -A12- From a standing start, with low Eear and the vehicle positioned at the acceleration shall he rapidly and fully through the maximum rpm zone point on the vehicle point after which the throttle H_H 83.3 _ql_.__EIIII_I,E NIIISI_. I'I_ST £NGINEEIIHG$[CTIOH *"'J DEPARIHEHT OF CALJtGII61AHIGHWAY PATIIQL / [iNAUII DUILll 0"""' _¢be_J _1 Ipp_lptial#) n_. -o, O'," CMICI¢ II 0 ,,..,'_, 0....0...'.o 0"'"*',0'5°,o.., I_ J DP OWIL41 D '_°,o,-" .... lla4_llOm_ IIH[ lili , . O,,._,, _., , --. -- ,.,o.,, {mQ, or _ULI.I '................ (cJ ........ _ ........... ' ......... S) I ............ I I I 0 g 01[¥* ..... ¢..,,_.I SOUND LEVEL FOR PASSENGERCARS AND LIGHT TRUCKS SAE STANDARDJ9B6a -A19- S_J_3 L[YfL rol pASS[NGfR ¢_S N_ LtC_r r_$ - $_ Jgdul 3A[ 5¢i_ar_ Japer of V_hiCle'lio_SO tea:tiC 4speededJul# 1_1 InJ lil _ revised b# Vehicle SOundLevel Cc*l.l(le_ J_l# I_ $ (die,ell (hJn_e e_ e_cr gl(J I* _Co,_e-YhlS SA_ Stlndlrd eltabllshel th! Nl_" s_d lelel So, Ollseneer elf1 s_d ll_h_ iruckl l_d delerioes l_e I¢1C pr0ced_re, en_lronr_c* a_¢ I.slru_ntJIlan or deleml.rn_ I.iS icund level, _* So_.d Level CIn2_(..l_ stun4 Ievll |rlddce_ _ d _w p_$seagir car ir h_,l tr,_c_ of _0_ _ _ lets i_all eel titled Ih A-eelg_Ie_ spend level p( d_ o_ iC SO f_ e_t_ _els_re_ In i¢co_dance wish the erotedure _eiCrll)|d herIlfl ISle Pl_dgriP _1 S.z}. 3, _tru_¢illan-T_e _oIImvlng InstilI_h¢i|lon _h_ll _e _le4 fo_ t_e _aSdrtl_n_ _ulred_ 3.$ A sr_nd lev_? n_e_#P_hl¢_ mei_ts |he requ rements of bo_h I n_ern_clOnal _ltCtro-_rc_ni¢ll _O_ISSSI_ (liCe Pupil¢a_fo_ J_, Pre¢lslon $c)_;_4Level _eeers, al_d A_rlc_n _tto_JI Stin_Jrd {A_{S) S1.4. 1||1 Ge_er_I Puroose $o_d Level _e[ers* ] h A an aIcernitive CO_n 9 _lreci le;iore_¢n[s uS_ S Sound eve e_cer, | eicroOhone Or sound l_vel se_CP ely ile VSedwtt_ • _tQnetfc tape retorter" in,/or i frapMc levee rec_rUer or _lclc_n9 _Ce_, frovldlng _he IWSge_r_e_s the r_;ulre_epSs ef |_ J1_4. ].Z A s_n_ leveT csll_rator (lee pari|el h 5.3.4 . _*| A Ca breCed engine Spit4 te_Cer* J,4 An ene_er, 4, Procedure 4,1i'_l_'Tteble _IIS ilia Is e fill Ipe4 spite free ©f large refl¢oling surfacts such is pitied vehlclls, sl n_OSrOS_ bJlidl_ $. _l" hillsides, ]opi[e_ _lShln |CO f¢ o either She Yen c e or i_e • cropflond* 4.1,1 0using ihe _esur¢_nt. the su_acl If the |round vl_hln _he m/Is_rc_en_ aPel J_411 be free fPO_ _o_er_ snout, long trail Iopai soil, er ai_es* 4,1.2 Seciuse _yscancers _l# Pive an Ip_racJible influence ©n _12Ter respl_ie _he4 t_# are In [hi victual# of i_e vehicle ee the alcriphOne* noc _orl t_J_ P_e _ersun ether than Abe o_sl_v|r reidln$ lhe r_Cer shill be within 50 IC of the vehicle or lillrol_e , in_ I_JC _erS¢4 snell ?_e _tr_T. lie behind _he obtervei" reJ_in_l lha hi&el' I on 4 )lee throulh She Ilicrep_O_l end [_e 4_sarver. 4 I 3 The l_le,_ I_Jnd level l_lu_tog wind eflec_s) due Io s_roil other' Th:_l the vefllcle _lln_ I_lisured Shlrl be il Slags |O _S lo_er Ihln S_e level O_ lhe tt$ie_ vehicle, I,l,S lee pain st tehlcll trdvel IhiIi _e rile|leafy saool_. 4_# Concrete Or Isphall i free of clarinet, s _lle_lals s_ch St IrileT. S,I te_lcll O_eriel_n 4,_,I Frqm 4 ipproeoh speed Of _O liON* vide-open I_rot(le shall _e islellllahed _he_ the fronl of (hi vehicle peaCheSi Ilml _$ fC _elorl d )l_e i_r_gq lhe t_lcrophor_ floeilll |0 ihe vl_hJcie paiR* Use i_e l_e_l orang.lesion grciP _ rJ_'_l Su¢_ Ihi_ Col fron: OF l_e ve.q_le *ill hive /tithed o_ passed J line Z_ fl ne#_nd chl lilCfllpllp_e ]in? ,_¢n _U_l_.i _'Jceo engine spied IS reac_ed. ?_e I_r_C. tie S_aII g_en be ol_led en_,in l_ _r¢le_i escesllve engine s_eoo and t_¢ ies_ c:n. t llVtell uncII _e veqicl¢ reecf_el II _lnl 1.15 _ oel_d (he m¢rn_hOn_ II_e* 4,l,Z _peel slt_ IhlCh .l_fe_l l#hl Idsf_ Soled level ,._l( O_ i_lde_, 4._,3 The in,aPe le_l>_rat_r,i s_ail ©e wlSnln I_e n_r_l _=eralln] CanOe lnreug_GUs each1rjn, • _ ,_l_u_/ {UOll:_ _r_ ;erl.,,: ul_h e_]lne iC 1_ e in _lrd iS rio,ire4 beT_Ce4runi. _|pied a_ e_lch Ill,libel ho_|l-_er 4.3 /(elsure_.ts i*] | TNe ilero_.0ne shill _e Set, led SO (t fr_ Lhe centreline of Ine _e.l¢lt Oath l_ e hel_.| Of 4 ft d_OVe She 5rounl Oil,e, i.J*_ The n_lr 1hill _e set for flsl re Sense i.d Ih8 A-_el hClnQ ne**_orz. 4 3 _ pe _: e_ Sh_ll _e tottered while she ee.ieTe Is iccele_l_l_* T_e a._pllc Ible reliln5 Shill bP _he nl_eic eO_nd level I n_ceted UJrln9 Ch..... I;POrl¢? Url O e_ p =_ p e c0 e|_.rJ_¢ous j-_le_c hoI 41 A_ leaS_ (_ur _sure,_n( ShlJl :e 1'4de for tic _t Side Of |;l(r Vefl_C_e or for _lll]Y the S_d8 proO_cl_7 Lhe _t_ve s_'Jnd _leel If thac IS OOV_OuS r_o_ Initial runs* All Yd)ues snail _e recoedeo. 4,3.4 f_e S_d level for e_c_ sl_e of the veht¢le Sh4]i _e Ch_ lve_ Of _e t_O highest I'_l_lflgS _fl_Cr; ere vizier; _ dO o{ ddc_ eCheF* The S_Jnd level re orced snail b_ this of One I_OeSC SlUt O_ _ne relic e, |* General Ce'r_n¢_ _.1 |_ IS s_rOngb' re¢or_._n_ t_a_ _e¢hnlcal Srelned _ersonnol sele¢t [h_ equl_ led _h4[ _e tests _e COnUuC_e] only _e duellf_ed per'_s (r'_tnod In (h_ _:urren[ techol_uet of S_d _tur_lni, $.2 A 2 o_ dllc_ince for (_e s:._: live I ml Is _lcesstr_* _o J_ov_e fee earla_lons In test _l:e. vvh_cle c_era¢_n, temPeri_re gradlencs' vln_ vel°oltl Qridienis, tis_ toulpr_enl, led tn_erenc dlfferinces In n_lnill# Iden[Icll le_i¢ e | ] Proper usage af ifl test Insc_* Iledtl loft Is es efl[Idl CO OOSJIfl villi Iq_iSvfd_lflCa* OoeraClng I_l_l s or OCher hi_ri_ure rurnrs_eJ _# :he InS_r_4_: _dnu_ie_vrer shale ge reYerrIJ _o r=r _:_ t'e_l"_nd_U ooeraci_n Of _e lel:_r,l_ a_ pre_lvll_nl T_ be =Gitrve_, 5;¢ClflC li4"4 i o Oe Conslc_red ira; $,J*$ The t#;e illI _qIcroohO_! I lie dlrtcifondl response chJe_¢Ceris_lcs, illll Its orientation rail[leg to _flI Ill.nil |line i_ lO_rCe of nolle* S*_l*lf |he etf_is of d_elenl leaihtr _OndlllonS off She _#rFor_i_Ce Of Ill Inslrveen_i {for e_a_lle, ei_&leeitlrel _ildllX, and _ero_lrl¢ press_rr). I,],_ P_ope_ iI_JI levllls I le_tnic* fA impedances. #no cable len_Ih_ o_ ll_lllnsSru_e_( _leillurilllenl sys_es* S,3,4 Proper I¢_StlCil esllbriClo_ procedure, to include ln¢ l_/luenc# of 411enslo_ O_ble$, tic, Ftetd ¢sl/prd_ion shall il e 1_ad e irl_rdii_ely _fore d_d I_[er Ilal tail $l_luenee* Inie_it eallireClon _lng is dcce_¢aOle for field UseI ;Ol_1tided thai e_ erna calibration I e¢co,I|llshed lli_ld14(117 befurI o_ IflI_ field qSe, 5,4 _isurelen_s shall _e _de'_nip v_e_wlnd eeToetty Is bll_ iZ _=h. |*5 Vehicles used for tests liSi _OC _e operated I_ i _nner suc_ Chit _ie Ireik-ln _roce_re sp_fflell by The ai_lficilli'IP Is violated. |* _e/arnnlcs .- |uglas:¢ d reference llll_lsl 1| I oilers: ll*l A_$1 $i*1 - I_i611, 4COUS_ICe| Yiml_olo_, ll,_ _d$1 41.4 * ll_l_ General Purpose _oiJl_lLIveS 14e_eri, ll*3 Aq|f, Sl,_ . Ig|_, P_IIcil Iqfss_ri* _Qf_rd, 4.4 I_erna_foflal [Ito_ro_ich_losl ClmillssfOn ,l&Plicd_lon ]7_ Precision $_lJnQ Levi _#ters (_vallJ=l_ FeO_a';Sll, A;_lleJ_icn fo_ o:=ie_ of :h_le _oeu_nls In_l_ _e i:_resied |= :he _fl£X_ lsilc_l SLdnd_r_s inStituTe, In_, 14_ |rg4_37i He,__ork, K_** T0rl¢ ;_ _. Is rl£od oe _lel_l_ A-20 spain* MAXIMUMSOUND LEVEL POTENTIAL FOR MOTORCYCLES- $AE J47 SAE RECOMMENDEDPRACTICE APPROVEDMAY 1975 A21 MAXIMUM SOUND LEVEL POTENTIALFOR MOTORCYCLESSAE J47 SAERecommendedPractice Report of VehicleSound LevelCo_nitteeand Motorcycle Committee approvedMay 1975. i. SCOPE This S_ RecommendedPracticeestablishes the test procedure, environment and instrumentation for determiningmaximum sound level potential for motorcycles. 2. INSTRUMENTATION 2.i The followinginstrumentation shall be used, where applicable: 2.1.I A sound level meter which meets the Type I or SIA requirements of American National StandardSpecificationfor Sound Level Meters, S1.4-1971. As an alternative to making direct measurements using a sound level meter, a microphoneor sound level meter may be used with a magnetic tape recorder and/or a graphiclevel recorder or indicatinginstrumentprovided that the system meets the requirements of SAE RecommendedPractice,Qualifyinga Sound Data Acquisition System -J184. 2.1.2 An acoustic calibratorwith an accuracyof +0.5 dB (see paragraph6.4.4) 2.1.3 A _alibrated enginespeed tachometer having the followingcharacteristics: (a) Steady-state accuracyof better than I% : (b) Transientresponse: Response to a step input will be,such thatwithini0 englne revolutlons the indicated rpm will be within 2% of the actual rpm. 2.1.4 An anemometerwith steady-state accuracywithin +10% at (19 km/h)12 mph. 2.1.5 An ac_ptable wind screenmay be used with the microphone. To be acceptable, the screenmust not affectthe microphone response more than +I dg for frequencies of 20-4000 Hz or-+l-i/2 dB for frequenciesof 4000-10,000Hz-_ 3. TEST SITE 3.1 The test site shall be a flat open space free of large sound-reflectlng surfaces (other than the ground)such as parked vehicles, signboards, buildings or hillsides,located within (30.4m) (I00 ft) radius of the microphonelocationand the followingpoints on the vehiclepoth: (a) The microphonepoint. (b) A point (15.2m) (50 ft) before the microphonepoint, (c) A point (15.2m) (50 ft) beyond the microphonepoint. -A22- 3.2 The measurementarea within the test site shall meet the following requirementsand be laid out as described: 3.2.1 The surface of the ground with at least the triangular area formed by the microphone location and the points (15.2m)50 ft prior to and (15.2m)50 ft beyond the microphone point shall be dry concreteor asphalt, free from snow, soll or other extraneousmaterial. 3.2.2 The vehicle path shall be of relatively smooth, dry concrete or asphalt, free of extraneousmaterialssuch as gravel, and of sufficient length for safe acceleration, deceleration, and stoppingof the vehicle. 3.2.3 The microphone shall be located (15.2m) (50 ft) from the oenterline of the vehicle path and (l.2m) (4 ft) abovethe groundplane. 3.2.4 The following points shall be establishedon the vehiclepath: (a) Microphone point-a point on the centerline of the vehicle path where a normal through the microphone location intersectsthe vehiclepath. (b) End point-a point on the vehlcle path (7,6m) (25 ft) beyond the mlcrophonepoint, (c) Acceleration polnt-a point on the vehicle path at least (7.6m) (25 ft) prior to the microphone point established by the method describedin poregraph4.1. 3.2.5 The test area layout in Fig. I shows a directionalapproachfrom left to right with one microphone location for purposes of clarity. Sound level measurementsare to be made on both aides of the vehlcle; therefore, it will be necessary to establish either a second microphonelocationon the oppositeside of the vehicle path with a corresponding clear area or end points,and acceleration pointsfor approachesfrom both direction. 4. PROCEDURE 4,1 To establish the acceleration point, the end point shall be approached in low gear from the reverse direction at a constant road speed obtained from 60% of the engine speed at maximum rated net horsepower. When the front of the vehic]e reaches the end point, the throttle shall be rapidly and fully opened to accelerate past the microphone point under wlde-open throttle. By trail, the lowest transmissiongear shall be selected that will result in the vehicle traveling the shortestdistance from the end point to the place where the engine speed at maximum rated net horsepower is reached, but which is not less than (7.6mm) (24 it) past the microphonepoint. The locationof the front of the vehicle on the vehicle path when the enginespeedat maximumrated net horsepower is attained shall be the accelerationpoint for test runs to be made in the oppositedirection, ) __.__ =, 4.1.1 When the procedure described in paragrah4.1 results in a dangerousor unusual operating condition such as wheel spin, front wheel 11ftlng, or other unsafe conditions, the next higher gear shall be selected for the test and the procedure rerun to establlsh the acceleratlonpoint. In any event,the procedure shall result in the vehlcle being at the end point when the engine speed at maximum rated net horsepoweris attained, 4.2 For the test under acceleration, the vehicle shall proceedalong the vehlcle path 8t a constant approach speed in the gear selectedin paragraph4.1 and at 60% of the engine speed at maximum rated net horsepower. When the front of the vehicle reaches the acceleration point, the throttle shell be raptdly and fully opened. Full acceleration shall continue until the engine speed at maximumrated net horsepower is reached, which shall be at the end point, at which time the throttle shall be closed. Wheel slip which affects the .maximumsound level shall be -A23- avoided, and the manufacturer's safe maximumengine speed shall not be exceeded: 4.3 When excessive or unusual noise is noted during deceleration, the followIng test shall be performed with sufflclent runs to establish maximum sound level under deceleration. 4.3,1 For the test under deceleration, the vehicle shall approachthe end point from the reverse directionat the engine speed at maximum rated horsepower In the gear selected foF the test under acceleration. At the end point, the throttleshall be rapidlyand fully closed and the vehicleshall be allowedto decalerate to an enginespeed of i/2 the rpm at maximumrated net horsepower. 4.4 Sufficient preliminary runs to familiarizethe driverand to establish the engine operating condltlons shall engine temperature shall be within the normal operating range prior to each run. 5. MEASUREMENTS 5.1 The sound level meter shall be set for fast response and for the Aweighting network. 5.2 The meter shall be observedwhile the vehicle is acceleratingor deceleratbe made measurements begin. The ing. Thebefore highest sound level obtained for each run shall be recorded,ignoring unrelated peaks due to extraneous ambient notses. 5.3 At least six measurementsshall be made for each side of the vehicle.Sufflctent measurements shall be made until at least four readings from each side are within 2 dB of each other. The highest and lowest readings shall be discarded;the sound level for each side shall be the average of the four, which are within 2 dB of each other. The sound level reported shall be for that side of the vehicle having the highest sound level. 5.4 The ambient sound level (Including wlnd effects) at the test slte due to sources other than the vehicle being measured shall be at least 10 dB lower than the sound level produced by the vehicle under test. 5.5 Wind speed at the test site durtng tests shall be less the 19 km/h (12 mph), 6. GENERAL COMMENTS 6.1 Technically competent personnel should select equipment, and the tests should be conducted only by trained and experienced persons familiar with the current techniques of soundmeasurement, 6.2 While making sound level measurements, not more than one person other than the rider and the observer reading the meter shall be within 15.2 m (50 ft) of the vehicle or microphone, and that personshall be directlybehindthe observer reading the meter, on a line through the microphoneand the observer, 6.3 T_e test rider should be fully conversant with and qualified to ride the machine under test and be familiar with the test procedure, 6.4 Proper use of all test instrumentation is essential to obtain valid measurements. Operatingmanualsor other literature furnished by the instrument manufacturer should be referred to for both recommendedoperationof the Instrument and precautions to be observed, Specific items to be considered are: 6.4.1 The type of microphone,its dl_ REFERENCES Suggested reference material is as follows: ectional response characteristics,and its orientation relative to the ground plane and sourceof noise, 6.4.2 The effects of ambient weather conditions on the performance of all instruments (for example, temperature, humidity,and barometricpressure). 6,4.3 Proper signal levels,terminating impedances, and cable lengths on multi-lnstrument measurement systems. 6.4.4 Proper acoustical calibration procedure, to include the influence of extensioncables, etc. Field calibration shall be made immediately before and after each test sequence. Internalcalibratlon is acceptable for field use, provided that external calibration is accomplishedimmediatelybefore or after fielduse. 6.5 Vehicles used for tests must not be operatedin a mannersuch that the break-lnprocedurespecifiedby the menufactureris violated. 7. 7.1 ANSI SI._-1960,AcousticalTermlnology. 7.2 ANSI SI.2-1962, Physical Measurementof Sound. 7,3 ANSI SI.4-1971, Specification for SoundLevel Meters. 7.4 ANSl SI.13-1971,Method of Measurementof Sound PressureLevels. 7.5 SAE J184, Qualifying a Sound Data AcquisitionSystem. 7.6 SAE J331, Sound Levelsfor Motorcycles. Copyright Societyof Automotive Engineers, Inc. 1975 All rightsreserved. SAE Technlcal Board Rules and Regulatlons II technical reports, including standardsapprovedand practices recommended, are advisoryonly. Theiruseby anyone engaged in industryor trade is entirely voluntary.There is no agreement to adhere to any SAE Standard or SAE Recommended Practice,and no commitmentto conform to or be guided by any technical report, In formulating and approving technical reports,the TechnicalBoard,its Councils and Committees w111 not investigateor consider patents which may apply to the subjectmatter, Prospectiveusers of the report are responslble for protecting themselves against 11abillty for infringementof patents. Printedin U.S.A. -A24- ISO/R3G2-MEASUREMErIT OF NOISE EMITTEDBY VEHICLES -A25- r ISO Recommendation R 362 IViEASUP,.EMENT OF NOISE February EM_'E'CED BY VEI_CL 1984 'ES '1. SCOPg Tills ]SO I_c¢om mcndatlon descries mcthods or dctermF_n Gthe no;se endued by motor vchleles, . II csc he,n_ nlcnded to mcct the rcqu,rcmen_ of smp testy as _r as Is ¢oad.lat.at wlth rcprodu_hility of rcsulCs tad rc._l;sn_]n the opo._n; congruous of the v_Ir.l_ 2. GEN£nAL R_QU;AE_LGhrI_ 2of Tc_t ennJitlon.q Thi_ ISO Rccommcndalion is based pdmad;y on a test with vehid_ in mot;on, th© lSO rcfcreltcg test. It is gen©rully reen;nlzed to he or ptima_ !mportanee that tha _r.asurern©nl_ should rdnte to normal town driving conditiom, thus including t_nsmisuloa noise ele. Measurements uhould alto rdAtc to whiclc conditions which E;vo tha highest noise Ievul consistent with normal ddvln G and which Ic=d to r_:Froduulbin nols= emLsslon. Therefore, an acceleration test _t rail throtl]e from a stated funning condltioa Is sFcdf.ed. P.ecognlz_nG, however, thzxt diEcrent ptacl[e._ ulready exist, ipec_fi_ttinos mctheds used am also Given in the Append;x, These zdate to: (a) a test w_th stationary vehicles (b) (tee Appendix of two oilier AI) and a test with veh;cles in motion, undcr ,,'chinlc conditions which (_n the c.xsc of certain vehicles) are different from those in the ISO :efcrenc= t_t (so4 Apfc.nd;x A2). WIicn either of these tests {$ used, the telation hctw_n fl_t r_ultt and thole obtained by the ISO refcmn_* test should be established for typi _l exampl_ of th_ modr_ confined. _.3 T_t S_le Tim lest methods prescribed call for an acou_lic.al environment which _ in an extensive open space, Such ¢ondilinns can usuaUy be _mvided for type-approval musurcmenta of vehicIes_t for rncaturernen_ at the munufacturin_ _a_ only be obtained and for mcasurem_nU at o#'_cl_ltesting Itaf ]lOO&u It is desirable that spot cht_kin_ of vehicles oa the mad should be ntede in a similar lqcoutlica I environment. 'i_ m_s_r_ments he.re to be carried out on the rind in ira acoust]_| environment which does not fulfil the _Ccluiremcutsstated in this ISO Re,'.,om_nend_t_oo, it should be recoGntzzd that the results obtained mty devint_ Ip_ly from _e i_'sulu obtained mini the sp_fied _ndit_om. s..1 fnle_xxtatlon of _uults The t_ulu obtained by the methods opec;fled Give an obj _'_'tivo mcuu:e of the noise emlued under the ptmdnthed conditions of test. Owing, however, to the fiat that the sub.iee_ve u!_pra;sal of thn a:moDnce or noislne, or different ulnas of ROtOr _d_ is not slmply :elated to the led[_t,_ont of t sound level meter, It [_ tecoGninr.d that tho mr:oct _oterpre_l[on o_"resole of the meuu_menta in this ]SO Rem.ornmendadon m_y :equlto di0"err_t Um[ts to b* _t for the certmpondio8 tnnoyanc_ of different c_H ofv_.lr.a, .A:_6. tSo/II _;2 • 10,14 (I) f 3, MZL_SUrtl.,&tt;Hf [_QUI]'t_IENF _._h qtr,_lily ._0uIlll Icv_l meier _ho.ld b_ IJscd.'J'hc wciCIilll, _ nctwozk nill[ ntclcr z;_necoll_l_11t r=,pioycd=,houiJ be c.rv¢ "A " nlld "fa_t :csj_ml_c" rcspcc_ivciyt a'. spccil_cdin Rccommcn_ti0rt No, 123 nf the ].l:r.ntlo_,,ll Ercclrolcclmlc.'tl Commiss_no for Sound Level Meters, A _t=ilcd I:chn_l ¢r_criplion of the instrument used _hould he sup,_l;cd. "_1,¢iound I¢v¢1mcn_lrcd ul_ag Sound level mclcr5 Jl.lv;ibgIJic i11_cropIionocloseIo the _nslrUmcnt _1s¢Zll;lydepend Oil trio or;©nielSeno£ Ih©Jn_trJmcntw_th rcJp_¢tto Ihc sound_ourc¢,=s wcJI_ On theposillort o1"the ohscr_r m_klng Iho mcJ_urcmcnt. Th¢ inslruct;oos C_vcnby L_¢ r_l,lltu_¢lurcr _nccmln_ Ih¢ orlcnt_tion of the _ound I¢v¢_m¢tcr with r_poc| Io the soundsou_o=and the obscz'vcr _a_ld th©r¢_:¢ be ¢*_rffully _ollowcd. _. t wind th_cZd_sused for th©m_:_ophon¢,It should be rcmc_lb:rcd that th_ may hl_= Jn influence or__tl_ions i v ty of Ii¢: _ound ¢¥¢Jmeter. ampl_fi_tion of the _ound level _l©r be choked, uslnlta tland_d noise s0urm and =dju_tln8 =J 4. It b ttcommcndcd that thesound level rector ;_ndthe=sl=nd*_ rd no_©sour=:=be_llbr_tcd _¢_od_c=ll¥ ttt I=bor=lor_ ¢quJppcdwith tha no_Jt_r7/=c_thlcs for fr©c.Gcld¢al_hr=l]on. hy F:k _ond. which it obvloudy o.t of chnraclcr with the general sound level being _c.=diho.ld ¢ ACOU_tCAL _c lU*tsite dzeuld b¢ such that hcmisphcri_I be .v_e,,.uxo_r,tF__'l" divert;coco cxlsts to within _ I dU. N01t.--A sullnbl¢ lest st[c, whlch could be considered ideal for the purposeof the m_J.surcmeat_, would _si=tof =n op©n _p*lc©of some50 m r=dlu=, of whic_ the r.cmr_J;Zo m, l'or cx=.mpl_,would coQ_istof _'.0¢:=, =phalt or sintl]at hard mzzctioL Y"_r;¢tice_ dcp_.rtur¢ from th= so-orlied "Jde..1[" condition/ir_sc= from tour mtJn causest (=) Iound =biorplion by the _ur_ac= of the Ground; (_) _'¢_¢ctionsfrom objccUo luch is buildings, and tr=os?or from Ferso_s; (c) Mound wh;ch is not level or of uni_'orm ilop_ over = su_iclcnt =re=; (_ wind. |l b impracllcablo to spcclfy in detail the clr=ct produced by e=ch of these {n_luenccz. It is con=redImportant, however, that the surface of thc _round within the measurement ar¢._ h¢ fro= ,,_m powd:ry tnmv, Ion_ Gr_M, [o0_ loll or ;,shcs, To minimise th= effect of re_]cctions_it Is £urther recommended that Ih¢ sum of the tn_Ics subt=ded at _e position of Ihe test vehlcfe by surroundln_ buildincs within 50 m n_us should not ¢=¢=¢d90"and IJ_,_ t there he n_ i_bslantia] obstructions within :z radius 0f25 m/tom _z¢ vehicle. A¢ou_tiul focuulng ©KccL_ and diet b.ctw=¢n pa_lieI wails _hould be avoided. l_er¢vcr poMib]_ th_ level of ambient noise (includicg wind noise and--for =tzdontry t_Ju-relier II.lnd and tyro nolsc) should be luch that the rea_ing produced on the meter Is at Ica_t ZOda hcfow d=t produced by the test vehicle. In other case=, the prevaiIin P-_oL_ level should h_ M,tlad tft t erl'/11Of the re=dln B o£ the met=r, _.-"=_, i rO &tlouJd_ laken _11 &"gigOf wind do _ot distort the ¢¢=ulL_ of the m=MarcmcnL% *_ prtlto¢= Of bystanders m_y have in nppr¢clahle influence on th_ m¢:©r z_din_ • such Pt,'1on z ire |n the vicinity of the vehicle or the mlcrophon_ 1_o person othrr I.bal the obscrycr md_ogthe mcLcrlhould th©rcfote _mata In the ndghbogzbood of I_¢ v©hirJeor _¢ inks©phone. _"_u]t=hlo conditions r.xlsk if b),ztaodrn ire Jt • Wzbmrg from the w,_cla wN_t _t It I_t _ _Ll_m &'orevc_rJe to m_¢ro._on_. [ ] -A27- twjc= 5. _.51"_.SUIt_V.Ch'T5 '.VLII4'.'£HICLC.5IN MOTIO,_ The IcsllnGgroundshouldbE lubslanlially]:vol. and ILl lur_¢_ _xLur_ aucbIba| II does no( r..'tul_ excessive lyfc noise. $.:z b_e_sur;a_pos;llon_ The dihlancePromIbc mc_sur;ngpos;ti_nsto lhe rctrrcncc I;ne CC (F;g. J) on Ihe ro_d zhouid be 7.5 m. T_c path ot _o corer:linc of ;be whicle _houJcl[oUaw u clmcZyu possibleth: line CC. The microphoneshouldbc'loc.alecl1.2m _bove_e _rou,d l©wL 5,3 _umber ot IllCgsur¢ln¢_ •"_t Ica_l two m¢=sutcmc,lsshould bo rnzldcon ¢_.chlidc ot Ihe vcb[_10is it pa_tJ the m©asurlngpositions. Ho'rL--[¢is tcconuncndr.d thatptcrirnlnawm:asuncmcnb b¢madelot Lt_9urposeo[ _c_uslmcnL _uchpr¢!_¢1r_ mcMu.mmcnt_ nc._lnot I:¢in_ludr.db_the_u_ r_u]c. 8, _ Ml_ophone: ]_ _ B 7.5m : ht/c_'o_one £ $.4 T+m+l procedure ,,5,4.1 Gener_l¢op_t[on.r TI_¢ .chicle approachrJIbe line AA in Ibe appropriatecondi_oos_pec_ below: Whcn the l'ront or lee vehiclercachc_lhc posit_on+ in telaLioa Io 11_e microphone, shownasAA _ R|uPe 1,lhc _bmt[leisl'uUyopened;s rapidlynspra_cable andbctd thereu_lJl the r_aror tile vehiclerea_u positionaB m R_n= l, whenthe t_rollie is c]oscclasr_pldly u po,_bi¢. Tr:ilers, includi_ the Ir_iJ_ porllon ot articu]_,ledvchi_¢l, _-e [_oted wb¢_ conlid©tin; Ibe¢ro_4in_o_"line ,_', _o .'_.--Z_' thevcld¢]oisIpCClaII}' c_nsLruclcd _lh ¢qu_p_t (suchas¢onCrtlo a'_ ¢.'_c0rcprr.xsorl,purelY.,¢_:,),wIdc.bis mcdwhilstUlevr.ld_o_1in _orn_dI_Y;m on t_l)_o;d, equipment iho_d i11oI_ opc_t_ d_;*l Ih__, -AZ8- 5.4.2 ._art/¢,lnr co;Idldo.$ J.4,=.J VrJ.cl,_ W_T._o Or^_.DOX.'The _hicl¢ shouJd_pprooch th0 I_noAA at a stcady _pccd corrcspo.dirl/: e;tlLcr to _,1 c,_;nc spccd o_"thcca qu_ttcrs o[ thc sp_d at whic_ the cnl;iuo dcvcXops i_ :zl=xlmum povf_¢, or to Ihrccqua rtcrs of the maximum cngir_ _pecdpen_t ed by Ihe govemoG or to _0 kin/h, whichcvcris LEolowest. d,4,2,d VrJ,c'_ewlvll A MANU_LL'e' Or_ATrD a=AM.eOg. _CLE:Vcl_;cle_1,_tlr,_with 1 two-, three,, or rout-speedgearbo_. the secondc:ar ch_uld be used.If LEcvchic_ hzs mot= than l'ourspecds, LE¢third £car shouldbe usr.d.A,,,;liary _epup _OI (" overdrive") should not bo en_ncd, fr gh__.h_c_._ _ ",,;t_.,_ a_iaO' rcttuctionGearbox,this shouldI_ usedwith LEod_v_ allow_g t_ h_t speed. Tllc vehicle Ihould approach LEeline AA at a steady rpecd _or_a_ond_g chhcr to an c,_ine s_cd or LEr_ quartersOFthe _p_.d at w_ch the e_lli_ developsits maximumpower. o_to three quattcr_Of the enEin©sp:ed_ctrnilted by the j;overn0r, or to _0 krn/h. whicheveris LE_lowest. d.4.d.a VC.lCLSwrr. _,¢A'..rro,,C,_V_C a_.mx. Thc_vehicleshouldappi'oachthe lin_ AA _t a steadyspeedof ._0km/h ot at threequartersorits ma,_mumspeed,whl_cvcr isthe lower, Whcr©altcrnativcro_rd drivepositionsareova|Sable, that position which rcsults in LEohlghc_tmean accelerationot tbo vch_cJo _:tweca linu AA nnd37Bshouldbe selected. Tl_= selectorposillon which i_ usedonly for enginebraktnL parkingor Jlm_l_ slaw m=nc_uvres of Ih_ vchicl, should E_excluded. T_ww_s, '_/1_ vehicle should approachthe UO_AA at • stc_d_s_.af of quarle_ or"the maximumspeedwhkh _a be ach_ved, m_nlgt_ gear.bozratio whichely. LEohigh.t road speed. _,$ Slalcmcntofr_,,_U AT'r_clia_stahenoa sheloundlnel mctcr sbeuldb_stated_ therepaY. The basis o_'horsepowc_ r_o& _"_ppmoa'ia_ shoed _ scaled kt I_o rr_ort, "/'haPI_ ol'loadia_ of sheve_cJoshouldabo be specked L_tbo :rport. -A29- F76 SOUNDLEVEL TEST HETHOD FOR HOTORCYCLES -A3D- Third Draft, August ]976 F76 - SOUNDLEVELTESTHETHOD FORMOTORCYCLES 1. SCOPE This test procedure establishes the test procedure, environment, and instrumentation acceleration. 2, for detemtntng sound levels typical of rapid motorcycle INSTRUMENTATION 2.1 2.1.1 The following instrumentation shall be used, where applicable: A sound level meter whtch meets the Type 1 or S1A requiroments of American Nattonal Standard Specification S1.4-1971, or successor standards. for SoundLevel Heters, As an alternative to n_king direct messurments using a sound level meter, a microphone or sound level meter may be used with a magnetic tape recorder and/or a graphic level recorder or indicating instrument provided that the systmmeets requtrornents of SAE Recommended Practice, the Qualifying a SoundData Ac- qutstt{on System - J184, or'successor standards. 2_1.2 An acousttc calibrator wtth an accuracy of ± 0.5 d8. 2.1.3 An enginespeed tachometer havinga steady state accuracy of within 3%of actual engine speed at 75%of peak power rpm*. The vehicle tachometer mw be used provided steady state accuracy meets the above criterion° X¢ should be noted that the response characteristics of the tachometer will affect the sound level readings; tachometers which lag in response generally lead to higher sound level readings. In lieu of using an engine speed tachometer, speed sensors which provide equivalent accuracy maybe used to calculate engine rpm. t "Peak power rpm" shall meanthe rpm at which 5AE net peak brake power ts reached, as defined in SAEStandard 0245. -A31- 2.1.4 An anemometerwith steady-stateaccuracyof within_ 10% at 20 km/h (12 mph). 2.1.5 An acceptablewind screenmay be used with the microphone. To be acceptable,the screenmust not affectthe microphoneresponsemore than _ 0.5 dB for frequenciesof IQO-8ODOHz, takinginto accountthe orientationof the microphone. 3. TEST SITE 3.1 The test site shall be a flat open space free of large sound-reflectlng surfaces(other than _he ground),such as parkedvehicles,signboards, buildingsor hillsides,locatedwithin 30 m (gB ft) radiusof the microphone locationand the followingpointson the vehiclepath (see Fig. l): a) The microphonepoint b) A point 15 m (49 ft) beforethe microphonetargetpoint c) A point Ig m (49 ft) beyondthe microphonetargetpoinp 3.2 The measurementarea within the test site shall meet the follovling requirementsand be laid out as described: 3.2.1 The surfaceof the groundwithinat least the triangulararea formed by the microphone locationand the points 15 m (49 ft) prior to and 15 m (49 ft) beyondthe microphonetargetpoint shall be flat and level (gradenot more than 0.5%),dry concreteor asphalt,free from snow, soil or other extraneousmaterial. 3.2.2 The vehicle hath shall be of smooth,dry concreteor asphalt,free of extraneousmaterialssuch as gravel,and of sufficientlengthfor safe acceleration,decelerationand stoppingof the vehicle. 3.2.3 The microphoneshall be located15 m (4g ft) from the microphone targetpoint, measuredperpendicularto the centerlineof the vehicle path,and 1.2 m (4 ft) above the groundplane. -A32- 3.2.4 The followingpointsshallbe estahlishedon thevehiclepath: a) Microphonetargetpoint - a point on the centerlineof the vehicle path where a normalthroughthe microphonelocationintersectsthe vehiclepath. b) End zone- a zone on the vehiclepath 7.5 m _ I m (25 _ 3 ft) beyond the microphonetargetpoint. 3.2.5 The test area layoutin Fig. l showsa directionalapproachfrom left to rightwith one microphonelocation,for purposesof clarity. Sound level measurementsare to he made on both sides of the vehicle;therefore it will be necessaryto establisheithera secondmicrophone locationon the oppositeside of the vehiclepathwith a corresponding clear area, or end zonesand accelerationpointsfor approachesfrom both directions, 4. 4.1 PROCEDURE TOestablish the acceleration point, second gear from the reverse direction the end zone shall be approached in at a constant engine speed of 50%± 2.5% of peak power rpm. Whenthe front of the vehicle reaches the center of the end zone (approached from the reverse direction), the throttle shall be smoothly and fully opened to accelerate past the microphone target point under wide-open throttle. Hhen the vehicle reaches 75_ _ 2.SX of peak power rpm the throttle of the front shall be closed. of the vehicle at the time of throttle The location closure shall be the accelerationpoint for the test runs to be made in the oppositedirection. Sufficientpracticeruns shallbe made to assuretest validity,in accordancewith paragraph4.2, 4.1.1 The distancefrom the accelerationpoint to the centerof the end zone must be at least 7.5 m (25 ft). If it is less than 7.5 m (25 ft) hy the procedureof Section4.1, thirdgear, if the motorcycleis so equipped,shall be used. If the distanceis still less than 7.5 m (25 ft) fourthgear, and so on, shallbe used, if the motorcycleis so equipped. -A33- 4.1.2 If the road speed at 75_ of peak power rpm in second gear exceeds lO0 ka_/h (62 mph), ft_st 4.1.3 gear shall be used. If the motorcycle is equipped wtth an automatic transmission, the procedureof Section4.1 shallbe followedexceptthat the lowest selectablerange shall be employed,and the procedureof 4.l.l shall be followedusing the next selectablehigherrange if necessaryand if the vehicle is so equipped. If 75_ of peak power rpm is reached before the vehicle travels 7.5 m {25 ft), the throttle shall be opened less rapidly, rpm are attained but in such a manner that full throttle and 75_ in the end zone. 4,1:4 Throttleopening shall be controlledto avoidwheel slip or lift-off. Mandatoryrequirementis thatthe acceleration point be chosensuch thatthe vehicleacceleratesand reachesan enginespeed of 75% ± 2.5_ of peak power rpm at full throttle,at the end point. 4,2 For thetest under acceleration, the vehicleshallproceedalong the vehiclepath in the forwarddirectionat a constantenginespeedof 50X _ 2.5% of peak power rpm as establishedin Section4.1. Rhen the frontof the vehiclereachesthe accelerationpoint,also established in Section4.I, the throttleshall be smoothlyand fully opened. Full accelerationshall continueuntilan engine speedof 75_ _ 2.5_ of peak power rpm is reached,which shalloccurwithin the end zone, and at which time the throttleshall be closed, 4,3 Sufficientpreliminaryruns shallbe conductedbeforethe testingto familiarizethe rider with the test procedureand operatingconditions of themotorcycle. The enginetemperatureshall be within the normal operatingrange prior to each run, oA34- 5. MEASUREMENTS 5,1 Tilesound leve]meter shallbe set for fast responseand for the Aweightingnetwork. 5,2 The meter shallbe observedthroughoutthe vehicleacceleratingperiod. The highestsound levelobtainedfor the run shallbe recorded. 5.3 At least sixmeasurementsshall be madefor each side of the vehicle, Sufficientmeasurements shallhe made until at least four readings from each sideare within 2 dB of each other. The highestand the lowest readingsshallbe discarded;the sound level for each side shall be the averageof thefour, which are within 2 dB of each other. The sound level reportedshallbe for that sideof thevehiclehavingthe highestsound level. 5.4 The ambientsoundlevel (includingwind effects)at the test site due to sourcesother than the vehiclebeing measuredshallbe at least 10 dB lowerthan thesound level producedby thevehicleunder test. 6. GENERALCOHMEtITS 6.1 Technically competent personnel should select equipment, and the tests shouldbe conductedonly by trainedand experiencedpersonsfamiliar_vith the currenttechniques of soundmeasurement, 6,2 _lhile making soundlevel measurements,notmore than one personother than therider and the observerreadinnthemeter shell be within 15 m (49 ft)of thevehicleor microphone,and that personshall be directly behindthe observerreadingthemeter, on a line throuqhthe microphone and theobserver. 6.3 The testrider shouldbe fullyconversantwith and qualifiedto ride the machineunder testand be faml]iarwith the test procedure. 6,4 Proper use of al1 test instrumentation is essential to obtain valid measurements.The instructionmanual providedby the instrumentmanufacturershouldbe referredto for both recommended operationof the -A35- ........... •....... = ................................................ instrumentand precautionsto be observed. Specificitemsto be considered are: 6.4.1 The type of microphone, its its 6.4.2 orientation The effects relative directional response characteristics, and to the ground plane and source of noise. of ambient weather conditions on the perfomance of all instruments(for example,temperature,humidityend barometricpressure). 6.4.3 Proper Signallevels,terminatingimpedances,and cable lengthson multiInstrumentmeasurement systems. 6°4°4 Proper acousticalcalibrationprocedureto includethe influenceof extensioncables,etc, Field calibrationshell be made immediately before end after each test sequence. Internalcalibrationmeans are acceptablefor field use, providedthat externalcalibrationis accempllshed immediatelybeforeand after field use. 7. REF{REIICES 7.1 ANSI $I.1 - 1960,AcoustlcalTerminology. 7.2 ANSI SI.2 - 1962,PhysicalMeasurementof Sound. 7.3 ANSI ST.4 - 1971, Specification for SoundLevel Meters. 7,4 ANSI SI.13 - 1971,Methodof Neasurementof Sound PressureLevels. 7.6 SAE J184, Oualifyinqa SoundData AcquisitionSystem. ! -A36- -A37- F76a SOUNDLEVELTESTMETHOD FORMOTORCYCLES -A38- September1976 F16a - SOUND LEVELT[ST METHODFOR MOTORCYCLES I. SCOPE Thls test procedureestablishesthe test procedure,environment,and instrumentation for determiningsound levelstypicalof rapidmotorcycle acceleration. 2. INSTRUMENTATION 2.1 The followinginstrumentation shallbe used, where applicable: 2.1.1 A sound levelmeter whichmeets theType l or SIA requirements of AmerlcanNationalStandardSpecification for Sound Level Meters, 51.4-1971,or successorstandards. As an alternativeto makingdirect measurements using a sound levelmeter,a microphoneor soundlevel meter may be used with a magnetictape recorderand/ora graphiclevel recorderor indicatinginstrumentprovidedthat the systemmeets the requirements of SAE RecommendedPractice,Qualifyinga Sound DataAcquisitionSystem - J184, or successor standards. 2.1.2 Anacoustic calibrator with an accuracy of _ O.S dg. 2.1.3 An enginespeedtachometerhavinga steady stateaccuracyof within 3% of actualenginespeedsbetween50% and 100% of peak powerrpm*. The vehicletachometermay be used providedsteadystateaccuracymeets the above criterion. It shouldbe noted that the responsecharacteristics of the tachometerwill affectthe sound level readings;tachometerswhichlag in responsegenerallylead to highersound level readings, In lleu of using an enginespeed tachometer,speedsensors which provideequivalentaccuracymay be used to calculateenginerpm. 2.1.4 An anemometer with steady-state accuracyof within t 10% at 20 km/h (12mph), * "Peak powerrpm" shallmean the rpm at which SAE net peak brake poweris reached,as definedin SAE StandardJ245. -A39- 2.1.5 An acceptablewind screenmay be usedwith themicrophone. To be acceptable,the screenmust not affectthemicrophoneresponsemore than ± 0,5 dB for frequenciesof 100-BO00Hz, taking into accountthe orientationof the microphone. 3.. TEST SITE 3.1 The test site shallbe a flat open spacefreeof large sound-reflecting surfaces(otherthan the ground),such as parkedvehicles,signboards, buildingsor hillsides,locatedwithin30 m (g8ft) radiusof the microphonelocationand the followingpointson thevehiclepath (see Fig, l): a) The microphonepoint b) A point15 m (4g ft} beforethe microphonetargetpoint c) A point15 m (49 ft) beyondthe microphonetarget point 3.2 The measurementarea withinthe test slte shallmeet the followingreRuirements and be laidout as described: 3.2.1 The surfaceof the groundwithinat leastthe triangular_;ea formed by the microphonelocationand the points15 m (49 ft) prior to and 15 m (49 ft) beyond themicrophonetargetpoint shallbe flat and level (gradenot more than 0.5%),dry concreteor asphalt,free from snow, soll or otherextraneousmaterial, 3.2,2 The vehiclepath shall be of smooth,dry concretenr asphalt,free of extraneousmaterialssuch as gravel,and of sufficientlengthfor safe acceleration,decelerationand stoppingof the vehicle. 3.2,3 The microphoneshall be located15 m (49ft) from themicrophonetarge_ point,measuredperpendicularto the centerlineof the vehicle path, and l,Zm (4 ft) above the groundplane. 3.2.4 The followingpointsshall be established on the vehiclepath: a} Hicrophonetargetpoint - a pointon thecenterlineof the vehicle pathwhere a normalthroughthemicrophonelocationintersectsthe vehlclopath. -A40- b) _nd zone - a zone on the vehiclepath 7.5 m ± I m (25 _ 3 ft) beyondthemlcrophonetarget point. $,_,_ The &e:t arealayout in Fig. 1 shows a directionalapproachfrom left tO rightwith one microphonelocation,for purposesof clarity. Sound levelmeosurcmonts are to be made on bothsides of the vehicle;therefore it will be necessaryto establisheithera secondmicrophone lega&ionon theOppositeslde of the vehiclepath with a corresponding ¢I¢ar area, or end zonesand accelerationpoints for approachesfrom bQth directions, 4,1 The testprocedurerequiresaccelerationof the vehicleat full throttle |B _ueh a manner that a prescribed engine rpm, herein referred to as the G|O_In9 rpm, IS reached when the motorcycle is within the end zone. The ¢1051n_rpm Is a functionof engine size (displacement), being lO0%of PeBk powerrpm for 10O cc displacement,and 80% for 600 cc. For displa¢ementSbetween100 cc and 600 cc, a straightline relationship epplie_which may be determineofrom Fig.2 or computedby % rpm = 108 0.08 (displacement cc) FOP displacements below I00cc the closlngrpm is 100% of peak powerrpm, 0nd for displacements above600 cc the closingrpm is 60% of peak power 4,_ TO establishtheacceleration point, the end zone shall be approachedin #e¢ondgear fro_ the reversedirectionat a constantengine speed of 50% _,5%of peak power rpm. When the frontof the vehlclereachesthe oe_teref the end zone (approachedfrom the reversedirection),the thrQt_|esha_ be smoothlyand fully openedto acceleratepast the microphone targetpointunder wide-openthrottle. Hhen the vehlclereaches t_ specifiedclosingrpm the throttleshallbe closed. The locationof the frontof thevehicleat the time of throttleclosureshall be the _¢¢_lera_toa pointfor the test runs to be made in the oppositedirection. Su_¢tent practiceruns shallbe made to assure test validity,in _'qQ¢(E_ce_It_ paragraph4.3. -A41- 4.2.1 The distancefrom the adceleratienpoint to the centerof the end zone must be at least 7.5 m (25 it). If it is less than 7.5 m (25 it) by the procedureof section4.2, thirdgear,if the motorcycleis so equipped,shall be used, If the distanceis still less than ?.5 m (25 it) fourthgear, and so on, shall be used, if the motorcycleis so equipped, 4.2.2 If the motorcycleis equippedwith an automatictransmission, the procedureof section4.2 shall be folle_edexceptthat the lowest selectablerange shall be employed,and the procedureof 4,2,1 shall be followedusing thenext selectablehigherrange if necessaryand if the vehicle is so equipped. If the specifiedcIoslngrpm is reached beforethe vehicle travels7.5 m 125it),the throttleshal] be opened less rapidly,but in such a mannerthat full throttleand the specified closingrpm are attainedin the end zone. 4,2.3 Throttleopening shallbe controlledto avoid wheel slip or lift-off. Mandatoryrequirementis that the acceleration point be cnosensuch that the vehicle acceleratesand reachesthe specifiedclosingrpm at full throttle,at the end point. 4.3 For the test under acceleration,the vehicleshall proceedalong the vehiclepath in the forwarddirectionat a constantenginespeed of 5q_ 2.5% of peak power rpm as establishedin section4.2. Hhen the front of the vehicle reachesthe acceleration point,also establishedin section4.2, the throttleshall be smoothlyand fullyopened. Full accelerationshall continueuntil the specifiedclosingrpm is reached, which shalloccur withinthe end zone,andat which time the throttle shall be closed. 4.4 Sufficientpreliminaryruns shall be conductedbeforethe testingto familiarizethe riderwith the test procedureand operatingconditionsof the motorcycle. The enginetemperatureshall be within the norma]operating range prior to each run. -A42- $. MEASUREMENTS 5.1 The sound levelmeter shall be set forfast responseand for the Aweightingnetwork. 5.2 The meter shall be observedthroughout the vehicleacceleratingperiod. The highestsound level obtainedforthe run shallbe recorded. 5.3 At least six measurementsshall be madefor each side of the vehicle. Sufficientmeasurementsshallbe madeuntil at leastfour readingsfrom each side are within2 dB of eachother. The highestand the lowest readingsshall be discarded;the soundlevel for each side shall be the averageof the four,which are within2 dB of each other. The sound level reportedshall be for that sideof the vehiclehavingthe highest sound level. 5.4 The ambientsound level (includingwindeffects)at the test site due to sourcesother than the vehiclebeingmeasuredshall be at least lO dB lower than the sound levelproducedby the vehicleunder test. 6. GENERAL COMMENTS 6.I Technicallycompetentpersonnelshouldselectequipment,and the tests shouldbe conductedonly by trainedandexperiencedpersonsfamiliarwith the currenttechniquesof sound measurement. 6.2 While makingsound level measurements, not more than one personother than the rider and the observerreadingthe meter shall be within 15 m (49 ft) of the vehicleor microphone, and thatpersonshall be directly behindthe observerreadingthe meter,on a llne throughthe microphone and the observer. 6.3 The test rider shouldbe fullyconversant with and qualifiedto ride the machine under test and be familiarwiththe test procedure. 6.4 Properuse of all test instrumentation is essentialto obtainvalid measurements.The instruction manualprovidedby the instrumentmanufacturershouldbe referredto for bothrecommendedoperationof the -A43- instrumentand precautionsto be observed. Specificitemsto be considered are: 6.4.1 The type of microphone) its directional response characteristics, and its orientation relative to the Dround plane and source of noise. 6.4.2 The effectsof ambientweather conditionson the performanceof all instruments(forexample,temperature,humidityand barometricpressure). 6,4.3 Propersignallevels,terminatingimpedances,and cable lengthsof multi-instrument measurement 6.4.4 systems. Proper acoustical calibration procedure to include the influence of extensioncables,etc, Field calibrationshallbe made immediately before and aftereach test sequence. Internalcalibrationmeans are acceptableforfield use_ providedthat externalcalibrationis accomplishedimmediatelybeforeand after field use. 7. REFERENCES 7.1 ANSI Sl.l - 1960,AcousticalTerminology ?,2 ANSI SI.2 - 1962,PhysicalMeasurementof Sound ?.3 ANSI Sl.4 - Igll,Specification for Sound Level _eters 7.4 ANSI 51,13 - 1971,(_ethod of Measurementof SoundPressureLevels 7.5 SAE J184, Qualifylnga Sound Data AcquisitionSystem -A44- 100 DISPLACEHENT - cc FIGURE2. CLOSINGRPMFORF76a MOVINGVEHICLEACCELERATION TEST R6OSOUNDLEVELTESTMETHOD FORHOTORCYCLES -A47- FIRSt DNL_T R60 I, SOt_D IE4EL TEST METI_ FOR FDTO_CYCLES _'oP_ Tats test procedure establishes the test procedure, environment, and instrumentation for determlnlng sound levels typical of .motorcycle acoeleratice. 2. INS_RUMI_ATIO_ 2.1 The following instrtm_ntatinn sh_ll be used, where _ppliceblez 2.1.1 A sound level meter which meets the Type I or SIA requirements of American National Standard Specification for Sound Level Meters, SI.4-1971. As an alternative to making direct measurements using a sound level meter, a microphone or sound level meter may be used with a magnetic tape _ecotder and/or a graphic level recorder or indicating lustcument provided that the system meets the requirements oF EAr R_commendad Practice, Q_alIFying a Sound Data Acquisition System - J184. 2,1,2 An acoustic calibrator with &_ accurac_ of + 0.5 dB (see parag raph 6.4.4)° 2.1,3 An engine speed techometer having a steady state accuracy of within 3% of actual engine'speed at 80% of f_xlm_1 rated net horsepower rpa. The vehicle techometer may be used provided ste_aystate accur_=y _et8 the above criterion. It should be noted t/.at the response characteristics of the t._chometetwill affect the sour_ level reedlngs; tachometers which lag in response generall_ lead to highe_ sound readings. In lleu of using an engine speed tachometer, speed sensors with an accuracy of within 2% of the vehicle speed at 50 km/h (31 mph) may be used to calculate engine _ at the _eleration and end _oints. i 2.1.4 A speedometer with steady-state accuracy of within + 10%. 2.1.5 An anemometer with steady-stats accuracy of within + i0_ at 20 km/h (12 mph). 2.1.6 An acceptable wind soteen rosybe used with the microphone. To be acceptable, the screen must not affect the microphone response •ore than + 0.5 ds for frequencias of 100-8000 Hz. 3. T,m_' ,s_,,_ 3.1 The test site shall be a flat open space free of large sound_ reflecting surfaces (other than the ground), such as parked vehicles, signboards, buildings or hillsides, located within 30 m (98 ft) radius of the microphone location an_ the following i -A4B- points on the vehicle path (see Plg. l): a) The mlcroi_one Point b) A polnt 15 m (49 ft) before the microphone target point C} A point 15 m (49 ft} beyond the microphone target point 3.2 _he measurement area within the test site shall meet the following requirements and he lald out as described: 3.2.1 The surface of the ground within at least the triangular area formed by the microphone location and the points 15 m (49 ft} prior to and 15 m (49 ft) beyond the mlc_ophene target point shall he flat and level (grade not more than 0.5%), dry concrete or asphalt, free fra, snow, soil or other extraneous material. 3.2°2 The vehicle path shall be of relatively smooth, dry concrete nr asphalt, free of extraneous materials such as gravel, and or sufficient length for safe _=cele_ation, deceleration ana stopping of the vehicle. 3.2.3 The mlc_ophene shall he located 15 m {49 ft) from the centerline of the vehicle path and 1.2 m (4 ft) above the ground plane, 3,2.4 path= The following points sl_/1 be established on the vehicle a) Nicrophene target point - a point on the centerline of the vehicle path where a normal through the microphone location intersects the vehicle _th. b) End point - a point on the vehicle loath 7.5 m + I m (25 + 3 ft) beyond the microphene target point':" 3.2.5 The test _ea layout in Fig. 1 shows a directional approach from left to Eight withone microphone location, for pur[_ses of clarity. Sound level measurements are to be made on both sides of the vehicle; therefore, it will be necessary to establish either a second microphone location on the opl_ositeside of the vehicle path with a corresponding clear area or end points and acceleration points for ap@_oaches from both directions. 4. PROCEDURE 4;1 TO establ_sh the snceleration Point, the end polnt shall be apl_oached in second gear from the reverse direction at a constant enL_inespeed Of 75% of R60, where R60 Is defined as the engJ.ne RPM _orrespondin_ to the spoed of 60 /4PHin the highest transmission gear. _en t_Q front of the vehicle reacheu the end point, the throttle shall be folly opened to accalerate past the rr_icrop_one point under wide open thrOttle. When the vehicle reaches i00% of _0 -A49 - the throttle shall be closed. The loCation of the _ront o/ the vehicle at the ti_a of throttle c_asure shall be the occelo_atlon point for the test runs to be made in the opposite direction. 4.1.1 The distance from the acceleration point to the end point must be at leant 7.5 m (25 ft). If it is less than 7.5 m by the procedure of section 4.1, third gear, if the motorcycle is so equipped, shall be used. If the distance is still less than 7.5 m, fourth gear, and so on, shall he used, if the motorcycle is so equipped. 4.1.3 If the motorcycle Is equipped with an automatic transmission, the procedure of section 4.1 shall he followed except that the lewest selectable range shall be a_ployed, and the procedure 4.1.i shall be followed using the next selectshle higher range If the vehicle is so equipl:ed. 4.1.4 Throttle opening shall be controlled to avoid wheel sllp or lift-off. Mandato_y requirement is that the acceleratlon point be chosen such that the vehicle accelorates and reaches an engine speed at lo0t of R6O at the end point. 4.2 For the test under aeceleration, the vehlcle shall proceed along the vehicle path in the forward direction at a constant engine speed of ?St of R6O as established in section 4.1. When the front of the vehicle reaches the acceleration point, also natablishc4 _n section 4.1, the throttle shall be fully o@ened. Full acceleration shall continue until an engine speed of 100% o_ R6O t8 reached. 4.3 Sufficient preliminary runs shall be conducted before the testing to familiarize the tldet with the test procedure and operating conditions of the _otorcycle. The engine temperature shall be within the normal operating range prior to each run. -AS0- -A51 - -5side shall be the average of tde four, which _e within 2 dB of each other. _e sound level re_o=ted shall be for that side of the vehicle h_vin8 the highest sound level. 5.4 _e embient sound level (including wind effects) at the test site dt_e tO souro_s other than the vehicle being measueed shall be at least I0 dB lower than the sound level pceduced by the vehicle unde_ test. 6. GENEPJ_LC0_44_I_ 6.1 Technlcally cow, tent personnel should select equipment, and the tests shoold be eo_ucbed only by traieed and experienced persons f_a_illa[with the cursent bethnigues of sound _asurement. 6.2 While _aklng sound level _asurements, cot more than one pe_son other than the rlde_ and the observer reading the aeber shall be within 15 m (49 ft) of the vehicle or microphone, ar_ that person shall be directly behind the observer re_aing the meter, on a llne through the mlce_one and the o_erver. 6.3 ride The test rider should be fully conversant with and qualified to the _hine under test and be familiar with the test procedure, 6.4 Propoc u_ ef all test iestru_entation is essential to obtain valid measurements. Me instruction m_uloalprovided by the instrument _anufsoturer si_uld be referred to for both [ecc_m_nded operation of the Instrur_estand precautions to be observed. Spasific items to be consldeced are: 6.4.1 _e t_e of mioropbene, its directional response ch_antsristics, and its orientation relative to the ground plsoe and source of noise. 6.4.2 The effects of m_bie_t _ather conditions on the performance of _/l inst_ents (for example, te_ratu_e, htunidityand barometric peessuse). 6.4.3 Proper signal levels, terminating i_edances, and cable lengths on multl-lnstrument _ur_nt system_. 6.4.4 Pro_er acoustical calibration prncedu_e to include the influence of extension cables, etc. Field calibration shall be made bT_iately before and afte_ each test sequence. Internal calibration me_ are acceptable for field use, provided that external calibration is socc_ pli_ed immediately before and after field use. 7. RE_EA_NCES 7.1 A_SI SI.I - 1960, AcOUStical _erminolo_y _.2 _SI SI.2 _ 1962, Physical Measurement of Sound Sound Level 7.3 A_,_ISI.4 - 1971, Specification for _.4 A_SI SI.13 - 1971, Metl_d of Measu[emont of Sound Prassure Levels 7.5 SAE O184, Qualifying a Sound Data Acquisition System -A52- Meters F77 - SOUND LEVELTESTHETHODFOR Sf_LLHOTORCYCLES -A53- F77 - SOUND LEVELTESTHETIIODFOR SMALL IIOTORCYCLES SecondDraft,July 1976 I. SCOPE This test procedureestablishestiletestprocedure,environment,and instrumentation for determiningsound levelsof motorcycleswhich on level terraindo not exceedI00 km/h (62mph) and the manufacturer's maximumrecommendedenginespeed at wideopen throttlein the highestgear, 2. INSTRUHENTATION 2.1 The followinginstrumentation shall be used: 2.1.1 A sound levelmeter which meets the Type l or SIA requirementsof AmericanNationalStandardSpecification for SoundLevel Heters, SI,4-1g71,or successorstandards. As an alternativeto makingdirect measurements using a sound levelmeter,a microphoneor sound level meter may he used with a magnetictaperecorderand/ora graphiclevel recorderor indicatinginstrumentprovidedthat the systemmeets the requirements of SAE RecommendedPractice,Qualifyinga Sound Data AcquisitionSystem- JIB4, or successorstandards, 2.1.2 An acousticcalibratorwith an accuracyof _ 0.5 dB. 2.1.3'An anemometer with steadyostateaccuracyof within± I0% at 20 km/h (12 mph), 2.1.4 An acceptable wind screenmay be usedwith the microphone. To be acceptahle,the screenmust not affectthemicrophoneresponsemore than _ O,S dB for frequenciesof IO0-8000IIz,takinginto accountthe orientationof the microphone. 3. TEST SITE I 3.1 The test sitashall be a flat open spacefree of largesound-reflecting surfaces(otherthan theground),such as parkedvehicles,signboards, bulldingsor hillsides,locatedwithin30 m (g8 ft) radiusof the microphone location and the following -A54- points on the vehicle path (see Fig. 1): a) Themicrophonelocation. b) A point 15 m (49 ft) beforethe microphonetargetpoint. c) A point 15 m (49 ft) beyondthe microphonetargetpoint, 3,2 The measurementareawithinthe test siteshall meet the following requirementsand be laidout as described: 3.2,1 The surfaceof the groundwithin at least the triangulararea formed by themicrophonelocationand the points15 m(4g ft) prior to and 15 m (49 ft) beyondthemicrophonetargetpoint shallbe flat and level (gradenot more than 0.5_),dry concreteor asphalt,free from snow, sell or other extraneous material. 3,2.2 The vehiclepath shallbe smooth,dry concreteor asphalt,free of extraneousmaterialssuchas gravel, and of sufficientlengthfor safe acceleration,deceleration and stoppingof the vehicle. 3.2.3 The microphoneshallbe located15 m (49 ft) from the centerlineof tne vehiclepath and 1.2 m (4 ft) above the groundplane. 3.2_ The following points shall be established on the vehicle path: a) Micropl_one targetpoint- a point on the centerllneof the vehicle pathwhere a normalthroughthe microphonelocationintersectsthe vehiclepath. b) End point - a pointon the vehiclepath 7.5 m ¢1 m (25 t 3 ft) beyondthe microphonetargetpoint. 3.2.5 The testarea layoutin Flg.l shows a directionalapproachfrom ]eft to rightwith one microphonelocation,for purposesof clarity. Sound levelmeasurementsare to he made on both sides of the vehicle;therefore, it will be necessaryto establisheithera secondmicrophone locationon the oppositesideof the vehiclepath with a corresponding clear area or to conducttestswlth approachesin bath directions. -A55- 4. PnOCEDURE 4.1 The vehicleshall approachthe microphonetargetpointwith the throttle fullyopen and in the highestgear. The vehicleshall start such tilat maximumspeed is reachedbeforethe vehicleis within7.5 m (25 ft) of the microphonetargetpoint. The vehicleshall continuealongthe vehicle pathwith fully open throttleand maximumspeed past the end point,at 'whichtime the throttleshallbe closed. 4.1.I If themotorcycleis equippedwith an automatictransmission,the procedureof section4.1 shallbe followedexceptthat the highest selectablerangeshall be employed. 4.2 Sufficientpreliminaryruns shallbe conductedbeforethe testingto familiarizethe riderwith the test procedureand operatingconditions of the motorcycle. The enginetemperatureshall be within the normal operatingrange prior to each run. 5. MEASUREME_ITS 5.1 The soundlevelmeter shall be set for fast responseand for the Avteighting network. 5.2 The meter shallbe observedthroughoutthe vehiclepass-byperiod. The highestsound levelobtainedfor the run shall be recorded. 5.3 At leastthreemeasurementsshall be made for each side of the vehicle. Sufficientmeasurementsshallbe made until three readinqsfrom eaci_ side are within2 dB of each other. The sound level for each side of the vehicleshall be the averageof the three. The sound levelreported shall be for thatside of the vehiclehavingthe highestsound level. 5.4 The ambientsoundlevel (inclUding wind effects)at the test site due to sourcesotherthan the vehiclebeingmeasuredshall be at least I0 dB lower than the sound level producedby the vehicleunder test. -A56- G. GENERALCOHtIENTS 6,1 Technicallycompetentpersonnelshouldselectequipment,and the tests shouldbe conductedonly by trainedand experiencedpersonsfamiliarwith the current techniquesof soundmeasurement. 6.2 t_hilemakinq sound levelmeasurements, not more thanone personother than the rider and the observerreadingthe meter shall be within 15 m (49 ft) of the vehicleor microphone, and that personshallbe directly behind the observerreadingthe meter,on a line throughthe microphone and the observer. 6.3 The test rider shouldbe fully conversant with and qualifiedto ride the machine under test and be familiarv_iththe test procedure, 6.4 Properuse of all test instrumentation is essentialto obtainvalid measurements. The instructionma_nalprovidedby the instrumentmanufacturershouldbe referred'toforboth recommendedoperationof the instrumentend precautionsto be observed,Specificitems to be constdered are: 6.4.1 The type of microphone,its directonalresponsecharacteristics, and its orientationrelativeto the groundplane and sourceof noise. 6,4.2 The effectsof ambientweatherconditionson the performanceof a11 instCume.nts (for example,temperature, humidityand barometricpressure). 6.4.3 Proper signal levels, terminating impedances, and cable lengths on multl-lnstrument measurementsystems. 6.4.4 Properacousticalcalibrationprocedureto includethe influenceof extensioncables,etc. Field calibration shall be made i_Inediately before and after each test sequence,Internalcalibration means are acceptablefor field use, providedthat externalcalibrationis accompllshed irmnedlately beforeand afterfield use. -A57- 7. REFERENCES 7,1 ANSZS1.1 - 1960, Acoustical Temtnology. 7.2 ANSI 51.2 - 1962, PhysJc_l Heasurementof Sound. 7.3 ANSI 51.4 - 1971, Specification 7.4 ANS! $1.13 - 1971, Hethodof Heasurementof SoundPressure Levels. for SoundLevel Heters. 7.5 SAEJ184, Qualttytng a SoundData Acquisition i I i -ASO" System. "FI6. I - TE_T M_.SU2F.M_t_T -ASg- ARI_A,_ pROOf-buRr" NO, F-"/7 F50 - STATIONARY VEftICLENOISE TEST PROCEDURE FORMOTORCYCLES -A60- SecondDraft, July 1976 F50 - STATIONARYVEffICLE NOISETEST PROCEDUREFOR MOTORCYCLES I. SCOPE This documentestablishesthe test procedure,environmentandInstrumentation for determiningsound levels of stationarymotorcycles. Thistest method is complementaryto, but independentfrom, other standardizedtestprocedures such as acceleration sound level tests. The test is intendedto checkexhaustsystemsand exhaustnoise from motorcyclesin use, and for certification of aftermarketproductswhich affectexhaustsystemnoise. 2. INSTRUMENTATIO_I 2.1 A soundlevelmeter which meets the Type I or SIA requirements of American NationalStandardSpecificationfor Sound Level _leters, $I.4-1971, or successorstandards. As an alternativeto making directmeasurenents usinga soundlevel meter,a microphoneor sound level meter may be usedwith a magnetictape recorderand/ora graphiclevel recorderor indicating instrument providedthat the systemmeals the requirementsof SAE Recon_endad Practice,Qualifyinga Sound DataAcquisitionSystem- J184,or successor standards. Type2 and Type S2A sound levelmetersare acceptableif e11owanceis made for the wider tolerancelimitsof these meters. 2.2 An acousticcalibratorwith an accuracyof ± 0.5 dD. 2.3 An enginespeedtachometerhavingsteady-stateaccuracyof within3_ of actualenginespeed at 50% of maximumnet horsepowerrpm*. Thevehicle tachometermay be used providedthat the above criterionIs met. 2.4 An anemometerwlth steady-stateaccuracyof withint 10% at 20 km/h (12mph). An acceptablewind screenmay be used with the microphone. To be acceptable, the screenmust not affectthe microphoneresponsemore thant 0.5 dB for frequenciesof 100-8000Hz, takinginto account the orientation of the microphone. * "Maximumnet horsepowerrpm"shall mean the rpm at which SAE net peakbrake power is reached,as definedin SAE StandardJ245. -A61- J L ............................... ......... _ ........................................ 3. 3.1 TEST SITE The test site shall be a flat open surfer free of large sound-reflecting surfaces {other than the ground) suchas parked vehicles, buildings, or hillsides, locatedwttHn 5 m (16 it) being tested and the location of the microphone, 3.2 The surface of the ground, within a onemeter radius of the exhaust outlet shell 3,3 signboards, radius of the motorcycle be concrete or asphalt and flat and level. The ambient sound level (including wfnd effects) at the test site due to sourcesother than the motorcyclebeingmeasuredshallbe at leastI0 dB(A) lower than the sound level producedbythe motorcycleunder test. 3.4 Wind speed at the test site during test shall be not greater than 32 _/h (20 mph). 3.5 While making sound level measurements, not mere than one person other than the rider and the measurer shall be within 3 m (10 ft) of the motorcycle under test or the microphone, and that person shall be directly measurer one line through the microphone and the measurer. 4, behind the MEASUREMENTS 4,1 The soundlevel meter shall be set for theA.welghtingnetworkand shall be set for "slow" response, 4.2 The microphoneshall be located0,5 m fromthe rearmostexhaustoutlet, at the same height above the groundas theexhaustoutlet,and on a llne 45= _ IOs (measuredIn the horizontalplane)from thedirectionof the exhaustdischarge,on the side of the dischargeaway from the centerllne of the vehicle, The microphoneshall be orientedin relationto the exhaust outlet,for maximum sensitivity,in themannerprescribedby the manufacturerof the instrument. 4,3 The rider shall sit astridethe motorcycleIn normal ridingpositlonwith both feet on the ground and run the enginewith the gearboxin neutralat a speed equal to 50%maximumnet horsepower rpm. -A62- If no neutral is provided the motorcycle shall be operated either wtth the rear wheel 5-10 cm (2-4 in.) 4,4 clear of the ground, or with the drive chain or belt removed. The sound level recorded shall be that measuredduring steady-state operation at the above-mentionedengine speed, measuredon the loudest side of the motorcycle. Heasure_ents must be taken wtth the engine at normal operating temperature. 5, STATEHENT OF RESULTS The test report shall tnclude all relevant details including - about the measurements, the following: the vehicle type tested, wtth description of abnomal conditions the test site, ground conditions and weather conditions the measurementinstrumentation the location and orientation of the microphone .engtne operating speed used for the test -the sound level detemlned by the test backgroundsound level 6. at each measuring point GENERAL COHHEP_S 6.1_Proper use of all test Instrumentation is essential to obtaining valtd measurements. Operating manuals or other literature furnished by the instrument manufacturer should be referred to for both recommendedoperation of the instrument and precautions to be observed. 6.2 6.2.1 Specific items for consideration: The type of microphone, its its 6.2.2 orientation d_recttonal response characteristics, and relattve to the ground plane and the sources of sound. The effects of ambient weather conditions on the performanceof all instruments (e.g., temperature, humJdtt_ end barometric pressure). -A63 - 6.2.3 Properacousticalcalibrationprocedureto includethe influenceof extensioncables,etc. Field calibrationshouldbe made InTnediately beforethe first testof each teat day, and thereafterat intervalsof no less than I hour, Internalcalibrationis acceptablefor field use, providedthat external(acoustical) calibrationis accomplishedimmediatelybefore and after each test day. 6,2.4 A measurin9probe (toestablishtileO.S m distance)attachedto the microphoneor sound levelmeter shouldnot be employedwithoutverifying that the techniquedoes not affectmeasuredsound level readings. -A64- PROPOSED FIELD TESTPROCEDURE FORSOUttULEVELSOF COHPETITION f4DTORCYCLE$ (Stattonew Vohtcle Test) -A65- oviso0 .30.70[ T=I MOTOR_YCIJ_ PROPOSED FOR SOUND 1. Scope• mandatory the test procedure, sound leVelS of competition o This procedure technical COUNI_IL,INC_ LEVELS OF COMPETITION MOTORCYCLES for determining field conditions H_ FIELD TEST PROCEDURE This document establishes • instrumentation INDU_ is designed environment, and motorcycles under to be incorporated _s part of a inspection. 2. Instrumentation, 2.1. The following 2.1.1. Instrumentation For professional shall competition, be used: a sound level meter ments for ivpe 1, type 2, type S1A or type S2A of American Institute 2.1,2, 2,2, Per amateur competition, ],, above, A windscreen which 1 dBC_) for frequencies 4000-10,000 2,3, Hz, taking If the motorcycle engine speed tachometer The tachometer accuracy National Standards [ANSI S1.4-1971), SI,4-1971 of Section 2.1. meeting all require- or of ANSI $1,4-1971 does not affect of 63-4000 meter meeting the requirements type 3 or type S3A, microphone response more than + Hz and + 1½ dB(A) for frequencies into account the orientation under test Is not provided type or a vibrating of anglo of the microphone, with a tachometer, with a steady state accuracy may be a pointer specification a sound level then an of + 5% shell be used, reed type as long as the is met, 4lOG 1Seth St, Suit| 101 * Nowpori §*Jch, Calil, g2660 * (714) r_2.?o.13 -A66 - 2. 1'estSite.. 3.1 The test site shell be a flatopen surface free o[ largo sound-reflectlng surfaces (other than the ground) such as parked vehicles, signboards, buildings, or hillsides, located within 5m (16 ft)radius of the motorcycle being tested and the location o[ the microphone. 3.2. The surface of the ground, within the area described in Section 3.1., should be as level as possible and shellbe free of loose or powdered snow, plowed soil, grass of a height greaterthan iS om (G in), brush, trees, or other extraneous materiel. 3.3. The microphone shall be located behind, 0.5m (20 in) (_ .01m(} in)from, and at the some height as, the rearmost exhaust outlet and at a 45-d0gree angle (+ 10 degree) to the normal llne of travelof the motorcycle, The longitudinal axis of the microphone shall be in a plane parallelto the ground plane. 3.4. No wlre or other means of dlstence measurement mlcrophone. shall be attached to the (This may lead to erroneous reedlng) 4. Procedure. The rider shall sitastridethe motorcycle in normal ridlngposition with both feet on the ground and run the englne wi_h the gearbox in neutral at a speed equal to ½ of the manufacturer's recommended maximum engine speed (red llne). If no neutral Is provided the motoreTcle shall be c_peratedelther wlth the rear wheel 5-10 chain or belt removed, om (2-4 In)clear of the ground, or wl_h the drive If no red llneis published for the particular motorcycle then an engine speed equal to 60 percent of the engine speed at which maximum horsepower is developed shall be used. If nelther red llne nor maximum horse- power engine speed Is published, then the test speed N shell be calculated -A67- from the following formulae: N = 306,000 5. " stroke, mm o_Lr N = 12,000 _ stroke, inches Measurements; 5.1. The sound level meter shell be set for the A-weightlng networh end should be set for "slow" response. 5.2. ("Fast" may be used.) The sound level recorded shall be that measured during steady state opera- tlon at the above-mentloned motorcyo|e. engine speed, measured on the loudest side of the _f tests are to be made on one side of the motorcycle only then they shall be made on the exhaust outlet side. The test RPM shall also be recorded. 5.3. The ambient sound level (includingwind effects)at th_ test sitedue to sources other than the motorcycle being measured shell be at least 7 dB(A) lower than ._hesound level produced by the motorcycle under test. 5.4. Wind (20 mph). speed at the test siteduring test should be less than 32 Km/hr If this is not possible, then the motorcycle and measurlng micro- phone shall be positioned so thatthe prevailing wind direction is parallel to the normal dlreotionof travel of the motorcycle. 6. General.Comments. I 6.1. Both riderand tester are strongly urged to use suitable personal hearing protection, such as expendable foam ear plugs or a muff. Motoroycle helmets, plain cotton, and certain "ear valves" ere not suitable as hearing protectors. 6.2. While making sound level measurements, not more than one person other than the rider and the me_surer shall be within 3m (I0 ft)of the motorcycle under test or the microphone, and that person shall be directly behind the measurer on a llne through the microphone and the measurer, -A68- 6.3. Proper use measurements. of all test Operating instrumentation manuals is essential toobtai_ling valid or other 11torataro fui'nishod by tileInstru- ment manufacturer should be referredto for both recommended operation of the instrument and precautions to be obsor_,ed. .Specific items to be co_sldered are: 6.3.1. The type of microphone, itsdtrectlonal response chaLactorlstlcs, end its orientationrelativeto the ground plane _nd the sources of sound. 6.3.2. The effects of ambient weather conditions on the performance of all instruments (e.g., temperature, humidity and barometric pressure). 6.3,3. Proper aceoustlcal calibrationprocedure to include the Influence of extension cables, etc. Field calibrationshould be made immediately before the firsttest of each test day, and thereafter at intervalsof no less than 1 hour. Internalcalibration is acceptable for field use. provided that ex- ternal (aecousdeal) calibrationis accomplished immediately before and after each test day. 5.4, The procedure is intended for use as a pass-fall test, therefol'e,when limits are specified to be measured by this procedure, they should be s,_tat maxlma, 6.5. with no additional tolerancepermitted. The use of the word "shall" In the procedure is to be understood as obligatory. The use of the word "should" is to be understood as advlsel'y. -A69- _ ...................................................................... ,,_s.:_..,_:,_,_i_.,_,.;_._;.:_L.,_;i _ I ISO PROPOSEDSTATIONARY VEHICLE TEST 14ETHOD -.A70- i ]bC_,TC 43/SC1 (SLCRZTARIAT-192) ;'C2{ ;'_y 1975 SecondDraftProposal For AcousticsSurveyl_ethodfor theI_easurnn_nt of Hoise Emitted by Stationary _btor Vehicles (Revisionof dec43/I N 214) I. INTRODUCTION This documentdescribesa test methodfor the controlof vehicles in use, which is complementary, but independentfrom measuringmethods describedin other international standardsand intendedfor type approval of vehicles. 2. SCOPE This documentspecifiesthe conditionsfor measuringthe noise produced by,a stationaryvehicleat a readily obtainablesite havingusual characteristics. The method is intendedto checkvehiclesin service,and also to determinevariationsof thenoise emittedby differentparts of the vehicle under test which canresultfrom: - the _ear or abnormalworkingof certaincomponents,wllenthe defect does not appear by visualinspection. - the partia] or completeremovalof devicesreducingtileemission of certain noises. These variationsshall be determinedby comparingthe roadsideor controlmeasurementswith referencenmasurementsmade under similar conditionsduring the type approvalof tilevehicle. 3, _EASURINGDEVICES 3.1 Instrumentation for acousticalmeasurenmnts The microphonemust be of the omnidirectional type. -AYl- The noise r_Leasure_J_ent devicemust he of the "precisionsound level meter" type in accordancewith PublicationIEC 179. The n_asurementsshall be made using weinhtingnetwork 'A',and meter time constant "fast response". A suitablewind screenmay be used to reducethe influenceof wind on the readings. 3.2 l.leasurement of enginespeed l,leasurement of the enginespeed shall he carried out by means of a revolutioncounterexternalto the vehicle,which allowsmeasurements to be made within an accuracy of 3%. 4. TEST SITE - LOCAL COIIDITIONS Measurementsshall be madeon a stationaryvehiclein an area which does net present a greatdeal of disturbanceto the sound field. Every open space will be consideredas a suitabletest site if it consists of a flat area made of concrete,asphalt or hard materialshavinga high acousticalreflectivity, excludingcompressedor other earth surfaces,in which one can trace a rectangleivhose sides are at least three meters from the extremitiesof the vehicle,insidewhich there is no noticeableobstacle;in particularthe vehicleshall be at a distancenot less than l m from a pavementedge when the exhaustnoise is measured, IIobody shall stand in themeasurementarea, exceptthe observerand the driver,whose presencemust have no influenceon the meter reading, 5. AI.IBIEIIT flOISCAI_D_$1IID IIITERFEREtlCE The ambient noise levelsat each measuringpoint shall be at least 10 dB(A) below the levelsmeasuredduringthe testsat the same points. i f -A72- 6. f'IEASURI_;G r!ETIIOD 6.1 rlumber of measurements At least three measurementsshall be carriedout at each measurino point. The measurementsshall be consideredvalid if the range of three measurementsmade in_edlatelyone after the uther is not greater than 2 dB (A). The highestvalue given by these three measurements will constitute tile result. 6,2 Positio,nin9 and preparatiun of tile vehicle The vehicle shall be lucated in the centre of the test area,L':ith the gear box in neutraland the clutch engaged. Beforeeach seriesof measurenentsthe engine must be broughtto its normaloperatingtemperature. Note: For the referencetest. it shall be verifiedthat the cooling fan and other accessoriesnecessary for enginefunctiuningare working. 6.3 {.Ieasurin9 of noise in proximityto the exhaust (fig.l) 6.3.1 Positionsof tilemicrophune The heightof the microphoneabuve the ground shall be equal to that of the outlet pipe of the exhaustgases, but in any event shall be limitedto a minimum value of 0.2m. The microphonemust be puintedtotlardstileorificeof the gas flow and locatedat a distanceof 0.5 m from the l_tter. Itsaxis of maximumsensitivitymust be parallelto the groundand mustmake an angle of 45° _ lO° with the verticalplane containing the directionof the gas flow. In relationto this plane, the microphonemust be placed to the externalside of the vehicle (the side l,lhich gives a maximumdistance betiveen the microphoneand the drivingposition). -A73- .. In thecase of a vehicleprovidedwith two or more exhaustoutlets spacedless than 0.3 m apart and connectedto a singlesilencer,only one measurement is made; the microphone position is related to the outletnearest to tileexternalside of the vehicleor, when such outlet does not exist, to the outlet which is the highestabove the ground. For vehicles with a vertical exhaust (e.g. con_nercial vehicles) the microphone shall be placed at a height of 1.2 m. Its axis shall be vertical and oriented upwards. It shall be placed at a distance of '0.5 m from the side of the vehicle nearest to the exhaust. For vehiclesprovided with exhaust outlets spaced more than 0.3 m apart,bne measurementis made for each outlet as if it were the only one, and the highest level is noted. 6.3.20peratin 9 conditionsof the origin ) The enginespeed is stabilizedat one of the followingvalues: Forvehicleswith controlledignitionengine, 3/4 S - For vehicles with diesel engine, the governed no load speed - For motorcycles,S/2 if S • 5000 RPfl,3/4 S if S < 5000 RP_ $ is the engine speed at which the engineproducesits maximumpower. Hote) It is rece_nendedto ascertainthat the 9overnedspeed of the dieselengine correspondswith its nominalgovereedspeed. The throttleis then suddenlyclosed,and the noise levelsare measured duringthe whole decelerationperiod. The highest level only should be noted. -A74- 6.4 _easurement of noise near the engine (fig 2) 6,4.1 Position of the microphone: The heightof themicrophoneshould be equal to 0.5 m, Its axisof maximumsensitivityshall be parallelwith the groundand situated in a verticalplanewhose positiondependson the typeof vehicle: enginein front:verticalplane through the front axle engine at the rear: vertical plane through the rear axle engineat the centerand motorcycles:verticalplane throughthe midpoint of the wheelbase. The microphoneshall be pointedtowards the vehicleandplacedat a distanceof 0,5 mmeasured horizontallyfrom the loweredge of the nearestwheel rim or from the line joining the loweredge of thewheel rims of the front and rear axles. The measurementis made only on the side furthestfromthe driving position. Formotorcycles,the distanceof the microphoneshallbe measured from the externalside of the motor case or from thecylinderhead, whicheverprojectsfarther. The measurementis made on the side of air intakeor, if the latter is in the symmetricalplane, on the right-handside of the vehicle. 6.4,2 Operatln 9 conditionsof the engine The engine is stabilizedat idlingspeed and then the throttleis openedas rapidlyas possible,and kept open in such a flayas to obtain one of the maximumenginespeeds defined below: - For engineswith controlledignition,engine speed equal to S/2. A suitabledeviceshould be used to preventoverspeedof the engine -A75,................. ,j,, and to disconnect tile sound level meter _vhenthe rotational spoeC S12 is r_ached. - For diesel engines, tilegoverned speed. Note; It is rocon_ended to ascertain that the governed speed of the diesel engine correspondsIvith is nominal governed spned. The noise levels shall be measured during the whole acceleration period. The highest level only should b_ noted. 7. STATErlENT OF RESULTS The test report shall includeall relevantdetailsabout the measuremerits," includingthe following: - the vehicletype tested,_lithdescriptionof abnormalconditions - the test site, ground conditions and weather conditions - the measurementinstrumentation - the locationand orientationof the microphone - engine operating speeds used for the tests - the sound levels determined by the tests - the backgroundsound levels at eachmeasuringpoint B. INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS At the type approvalof a vehicle type,the resultsof measurcments obtainedin the applicationof this methodshall be enteredinto the type approvalsheet of the vehicle,alongwith.theenginespeedsduring the tests. They shall be completedwithsketchesshowingti_emicrophone positionsduring the measurements. If checks are carriedout on vehiclesof the same type in use and if the correspondingmeasurementresultsexceedthe valuesobtainedduring -A76- type approval by a quantity stated by regulations, the vehicles _il be considered to be too noisy. Note: On account of the degree of accuracy of the measurements and of the differencesbetween resultscorrespondingto different vehicles of the same type, etc., a difference less than 5 dB with the correspondingresult of the approvaltest should not be considered as s_gnificant. The valuesobtainedby this method are not representative of the total noise emitted by the vehicles in motion, as measured in other ISO standards. They shouldnot b_ used to make comparisonsbetween the levelsemitted by differentvehicles. -A77- 6.3 CONTROLE DE BRUIT D;'ECHAPPEMENT , u _eigbt of e_Lu_t+_Ipo cen_ez,-li_o HAUTEUR L/A_E 01E+HAPPEMENT . _ . '_ _'_-__-j,,---_ .. + 1._ S ++ •i+++ ----.. t _.' • HAUTEUR LtAXE DaECHAPPEMENT _oi_h¢ o£ cxh+,ust pi_o TUBE O+ECHAPFE_IENT ,¥ERS.,L£ HAUT ,+ oA78- - ....... +. . ................................. _-+ ce_e=-_ino . .1 ................ 6.4 'Con_r_le du bruit de motcur Engine' i - I - nolse control , Conc]_it_'_ g.auche i Condui:e - . l I _ clroite _-r"-'-_ 1,4_ -L _t.,_i i --_, _L_F -'___ L- ........ Su,S.c:e du 'bZo c_ mol_ur. [ • f _;ofe tlllre d air. --J (_" _'_O'_euT_ l;aV_._.t _) Hoteur (_ Noteur i 1_'arri_r.e / r*a_. ar_* _ la mo'yenne/ / £ront enb,".ne _;urf_ce o.*"en,_'rm bloc_, • All"c_osne.- a_de ®nfina =tall. I/_ _.. rniooo_" . I ..... ' r-!]/ ...... _'_.... i t i -A7_- I t _.i APPENDIX B TEST SITES AND INSTRUMENTATION APPENDIX D TEST SITES AND INSTRUMENTATION The various test sites used to acquire data are described in this Appendix. Site anomaliesand deviationsfrom the requirementsof SAE J331a Recome_ndedPracticeare noted. Photographsof the test sites followthe site descriptions. Site A. Argosy Avenue,HuntingtonBeach.California The site was chosen for its accessibilityand its long run (one-half mile) of unobstructedpavementnecessitatedby the 55 mph constantspeed test. Argosy Avenue is a new street, running in an E-W direction, asphalt paved, 74 feet wide, in a proposed industrialpark, with no buildings or trees within one-quartermile of the street center line. The pave_nt is borderedby an 8" curb, then 20 ft. hard clay, beyond which is open, plowedground. Except for the presenceof the curb and the strip of hard, flatclay (insteadof asphalt)the site conformsto SAE J331a requirements. Site B. Orange CountyFairgrounds,California This test site was located on the parking lot of the Orange County Fairgroundscomplex. The surface of the site is asphalt. There are no buildingsor trees within300 feetof the test track. There are no site deviationsfrom the requirements of SAE J331a. Site C. DaytonaBeach Florida The Da_YtonaBeach test site was locatedin the parking lot of the City Island Ball Park. The surfaceof the site is asphalt with many surface cracks, visiblein the photographs.The width of the asphaltsurfaceis 80 feet. One microphonewas situatedon a sidewalkwith an 8 inch curb, the other microphone located 20 feet off the asphalt surface on hard packed, flat sand. Exceptfor these deviationsthe site conformsto the SAE J331a requirements. Site D. Los AlamitosNaval Air Station,California This test site was located on the unused North/South runway at Los Alamitos Naval Air Station. The test track is 3000 feet long and 150 feetwlde, the surface in the measurementarea is asphalt. There are no buildings or trees withinone-quartermile of the test site. There are no deviation in site configurationfrom the SAE J331a requirements. B-I Site E. Los Angeles CountyFair Grounds,Pomona,California This test site was located on the main parking lot at the Los Angeles CountyFair Grounds. The surfaceof the test site is smoothasphalt. No buildings or trees are within 300 feet of the test area. The site conformsto the requirementsof SAE JB31a. Site F. Houston, Texas The test site was on a privateroad paralleledby a publicroad which was lightlytravelledduringthe testingperiod. The center lineof the test track was 50 feet from the edge of this roadway. One microphone,adjacent to the roadway,was set up on a 20 ft. wide strip of grass which borderedthe roadway. The other microphonewas locatedwith 45 feet of hard packed clay between it and the test track. Trees were located20 feet behindone microphone. The test track surfacewas aspalt. Because of these deviationsthe track is not in conformancewith the requiremants of SAE J331a. Site g. St. Petersburg, Florida The test site was a secondaryroad adjacent to the dealer'ssource of motorcycles. The surface of the road was smooth asphaltand was 20 feet wide, It was not possibleto place microphoneson both sides of the test track because of reflectingsurfaceson one side of the track. The microphonepositionused was locatedBO feet from the track centerline, 40 feet of which was grass and hard packedsand. Trees and bushes were located100 feet behindthe microphone. This site did not conform to the requirementsof SAE J331a. Site H. Albany,GeorBia This test site was locatedon an aircrafttaxiwayat the Albar_Naval Air Station. The taxiwaysurfacewas smooth concreteand is 300 feet wide, No buildings,trees or reflectivesurfacesare within BOO feet. The site conformedto the requirementsof SAEJ331a with no deviations. Site I, ChappelHill, North Carolina This test site was on a secondaryroad adjacentto the mOtorcycledealership, The road paralleled a main dual highway and was separate from the highway by a grass strip and drainage ditch approximately 75 feet wide. The test track surface was asphalt. Only one microphone was used to measure noise levelsand this was locatedBO feet from the track center llne in the dealer's driveway which was concrete with a 10 ft. wide strip of gravel between the end of the drive and the edge of the test track. Reflectingsurfaces, shown in the photograph,includeda utility pole, utility box and sign pole, which were all within 15 feet of the microphone. Because of these deviations the site did not conform to the requirements of SAE J331a. B-2 Site J. Suffolk, VirBinia This test site was on one runway at SuffolkAirport, The test track is also used as a drag strip and is in excess of one-halfmile long. The track is 120 feet wide and the surface is concrete. Buildings are located IO0 feet behind the microphones. The site complies with the SAE J331a requirements. Site K. Fort Belvoir, Virginia This test site was locatedat the Army Vehicle Proving Ground at Fort gelvoir,Virgina. The site deviatedfrom J331a specificationsin the following manner: a) Approximately 40 feet of hard packed earth was between the microphoneand the concrete track, and b) A ditch, earth beamand small pine trees were on the sideoppositethe microphonein the area specified in the SAE J331a Recommended Practice to be clear of all •obstructions. Instrumentation Two Bruel & Kjaer (B&K) model 2204 sound level meters, fitted with B&K model 4145 microphones,were used to obtain the reportednoise level measurements. B&K UAO207 windscreenswere used in all cases. A-weighted sound pressurelevels (fast response)were read directlyfrom the metersas the vehiclemade succesivepasses. Magnetictape recordingsusing Nagra IV B tape recorders, and strip chart recordings using B&K model 2306 level recorders,were also obtained from the output of the sound level meters. Calibrationof the acousticalequipmentwas verifiedtwice daily using a B&K model 4220 pistonphone. All instrumentation was certified,with traceability to the NationalBureauof Standards. The vehicle tachometer was employed with vehicles so equipped. For vehicleswithout tachometers,a Sanwa model MT-O3, a Rite Autotronicsmodel 4036, and/or a Dynal model TAC-20 were used. A calibratedsignalgenerator, oscilloscope, and inductive pickup from the motorcycle spark plug lead, were used to verifytachometeraccuracy. Wet and dry bulb temperatureswere measuredusing a BendixPsychrometer model 566-2. Barometricpressurewas read from a B&K model UZO001 Barometer, andwind velocityfrom a Dwyer wind gauge. B-3 TEST SITE B, ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS, CALIFORNIA _LACKGOPY TEST SITE C, DAYTONA REACH, FLORIDA BLACK COPY TEST SITE D, LOS ALAMITOS NAVAL AIR STATION, CALIFORNIA BLACK COPY TEST SITE F, HOUSTON, TEXAS -i 8"8 BLACK cOPY t x TEST SITE H, ALBANY, GEORGIA BLACK COPY < -- : , , I TEST SITE I, CHAPEL HILLS, NORTH CAROLINA BLACK COPY " ffJ - j TEST SITE J. SUFFOLK. V RGINIA 'O'CI 'NOIONIHSVM ')I =IJ.I8 18::11 APPENDIX C PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION _j f i AND NOISE LEVELS TABLE C-I LISTING OF NEW MOTORCYCLESTESTED-- YEAROF MANUFACTURE1975 AND 1976 BIKE rJO. 2 3 4 7 8 20 22 23 26 ,27 31 35 36 42 44 45 51 52 58 5g 60 _) 03 01 05 06 07 OB IO9 110 I,IO./YR. OF MFG. MAKE 2-75 ffanda 75 Bultaco 75 75 10-75 75 3-75 75 3-75 75 75 2-76 4-75 1-75 75 75 75 75 75 2-75 5-75 1}-75 6-75 8-7_ _-75 g-75 6-75 4-75 6-75 6-75 5-75 Bultaco I,IODEL GL-IOOO Series 143 Frontera Series143 Frontera Honda CB 750F llonda CB 550 Harley-Davidson FLII-1200 Honda CB 550F B_Itl Rgo/6 Honda GL lOOO Bf4W R90/6 IIonda GL-IOOO Yamaha Chapp_ Yamaha _C_haR_y Kawasakl KZ 900 BtlW RBOS Honda GL-lOO0 llonda CO 550F Honda CB 5SOF BFIW R90/6 Honoa CB 750F Harle,y-DavidsonSS-175 Honda CJ 360T Honda XL 70 Honda MT 125 llonda GL-lOO0 ilonda CB 750 Honda CB S50F Honda CB 2DOT Honda CB 125S Honda TL 250 Honda XL 12S DISPLACEMENT OESIOf( (e9) , USAGE 999 Street 363 Trail Riding Endure 363 --736 544 1207 544 --_B 999 808 999 72 72 --'903" 898 999 544 544 89B 736 174 356 72 123 9gg 736 $44 /go 124 240 124 USE* CATEGORY S X Trail Riding Endure Street Street Street Street Street Street Street Street Street/Trail Street/Trail -' Street Street Street Street ,Street ,Street Street Street Street Street/Trail Street/Troll Street Street Street Street Street Trials Street/Troll * CategoryCode: S = Street, X = Off-Road.SX = CombinationStreet/Off-Road X S S S S S S S S SX SX S S S S S S S S S SX SX S S S S S X SX Cont'd. TABLE C-I (CONT'D.) BIKE NO, Ill 112 I]3 114 115 I17 llG I19 120 !122 123 124 125 IR6 127 128 130 131 132 134 135 137 13B 139 141 ]44 145 151 152 153 154 156 ]_O 161 MO./YR. OF MFG. 7-75 6-7S 7-75 g-7s 3-75 3-75 8-75 3-75 75 75 3-75 75 5-75 6-75 4-75 10-75 3-75 10-75 9-75 _-TS 6-75 75 75 _.75 ?S 8-75 1-75 9-75 75 75 7_ 75 I-7G 2-75 MAKE MODEL I_onda HR 175 Honda XL lOO llonda XL 250 Kawasaki _i IOOA Kawasakl K}I100 Kawasaki KV I00 KawasakI KE 175 Kawasaki KR 4DO Kawasakl KZ 750 Kawasakl KV 75 Kawasakl KH250 KawasakI KT 250 Suzuki ES40OA Suzuki GT 18S Suzuki GT 750 Suzuki GT 5DOT Suzuki TS 100 Suzuki GT 380 Suzuki GT 550 Yamaha DT 250C Yamaha DT I/5C Bultaco 250 AIpina Bultaco 350 SperpaT P_ RgO/6 NVT __ ERB Mote Morlnl 3 I/2 Laverda lO00TUREE Mote Guzzi IO00Converter Rokoq :T-34011 MQn_ess_ 250Endure HQntessa :eta123 Yamaha TY 80 IIonda CB 750A Can-AmBombardier250TiltEndure DESIGN DISPLACEMEN USAGE (eel 171 Trail Ridlnq Endure 9g Street/Trall 248 Street/Trail 99 Street/Trail 99 Street og Street/Trail 174 Street/Trail 400 Street 746 Street 73 Trail 24g Street 246 Trials 396 Street/Trall 184 Street 738 Street 492 Street 98 Street/Trail 371 Street 543 Street 246 Street/Trail 171 Street/Trall , 244 Trail Riding/Trials 326 Trials 890 Street 49 Street 344 --Street 981 Street 949 Street 336 Trail Ridinq Endures 248 Trall Ridln_ Endures 123 Trials 72 Off-Road 736 Street 247 Street/Trail CategoryCode: S = Street,X = Off-Road,SX = CombinationStreet/Off-Road USE* CATEGORY X SX SX S SX SX S S SX S X SX S S S SX S S SX SX X X S Moped S S S X X X X S SX Cont'd. TABLE C-I (CONT'D.) BIKE NO. MO./YR. OF MFG. 162 163 164 ]65 166 161 168 169 170 .]73 172 173 5-76 12-75 12-75 5-75 6-75 6-75 1-76 4-75 4-75 7-75 5-7_ 4-75 I0-75 1-76 4-75 10-75 4-75 6-75 5-75 12-75 12-75 75 75, 2-76 5-75 5-75 5-75 6-75 6-75 2-76 1-75 10-75 10-75"' ]74 17g 176 177 178 179 |_0 181 182 183 184 1_7 188 189 TOO 192 I_) 194 195 196 198 MAKE HODEL Kawasaki KE 125 Kowasakl KZ 900 LTD Kawasakl KO 80 Yamaha RD 200C Yamaha Chapw Yamaha DT lOOC llonda NC-50 Honda CT.gO Vespa Ciao • Honda CT-70 Honda XR-75 Yamaha DT 400C Yamaha XS 650C Bene111 750 SET Suzuki GT 750 Motobecane Mobylette SlnfacVelosolex 4600 _a_asaki KZ 900 Suzuki RE 5 Rotary Suzuki TS-185 Suzukt TM-75 Husqvarna 360 WRX-Country Husqvarna 360 Automatic Harley-Davtdson IFLH-1200 Harley-Davidson_SX-175 Harley-Davtdson SS-175 Jarley-Davldson!SS-250 Harley-Dovidson SS-125 HarTe.y-DavldsonSX-125 Harle_-Davidson FXE-1200 Harle_-Davldson XLII-IO00 Harlex-Davidson XLH-IO00 Ossa 250 Pioneer DISPLACEMENT ice) 124 903 79 195 72 97 49 8g 49 72 72 397 653 748 738 49 49 903 497 183 72 354 354 1207 174 174 242 123 123 1207 995 995 246 OESIGM USAGE USE*" CATEGORY Street/Trail Street Competition Street Street/Tral] Struet/Irall Street Street_Tratl Street Streot/Trall Competition Street/Troll Street Street Street Street Street Street Street Street/Trail Competition Racing: HX & Off-Road Racing: MX& Off-Road Street Street/Troll Street Street Street Street/Trail Street Street Street Troll Riding Enduros SX S X S SX SX S SX Hoped SX X SX S S S IIoped Moped S S SX X X X S SX S S S SX S S S X .J • CategoryCode: S = Street,X = Off-Road,SX = CombinationStreet/Off-Road Cont'd. TABLE C-I (CONT'D) BIKE NO 199 200 203 204A 2USA !07A !OBA 209A 211 213 214 215 218 219 502 508 510 1514 516 532 :541 1546 551 552 555 557 559 561 563 565 566 567 571 MO./YR. OF MFG. 75 9-75 7-75 7-75 9-75 12-75 6-75 75 75 11-75 7-75 9-75 6-75 11-75 1-76 1-75 II-75 3-75 4-75 75 5-75 75 10-75 5-75 10-75 8-75 11-75 7-75 4-75 1-76 7-75 4-75 I0-75 HAKE HODEL Peuqeot 103 LVSV3 Ossa 350 Plunker Harley-Davldson KLH-IO00 Honda GL-IOOO florida CB 550' Suzuki TS-185 Honda CD 360T Hodaka 250 f4ontessa 250 Endure Kawasaki KZ 400 Kawasaki KZ 900 l{enda CO 750 Yamaha DT-I?5C llonda CB 750 Yamaha RU 400C Benda CB 750F fluteGuzzJ fOOD Converter Yamaha DT 250C Yamaha DT 175C Bonda MR 50 Suzuki RM 125 IIonda MR50 Honda CO 550 llonda GL 1000 Yamaha XT 500 CMW R90/6 llonda CB 550 Honda GL 1000 PIonda XL 125 Yamaha XS 650C Gate]11 _Ioped Yamaha DT 4Dec Honda CB 750 DISPLACEMENT (cc) 49 310 995 999 544 I03 356 24c 240 390 903 736 _71 73G 398 736 949 246 171 49 123 49 544 999 499 BgB 544 999 124 653 49 397 544 DESIGN USAGE Street Trials Street Street Street Street/Trall Street Racing:MX & Off-Road Trai-1'Ridinq & Endures Street Street Street Street/_ Street Street Street Street Street& Trail Street& Trail Trail Racing:MX & Off-Road Trail Street Street Street/Trail Street Street Street Street/Trail Street Street Street/Trail Street * CategoryCode: S = Street,X = Off-Road,SX = CombinationStreet/Off-Road USE* CATEGORY t_oped X S S S SX-S X X S S S SX S S S S SX SX X X X S S SX S S SX S Hoped SX S TABLEC-1 BIKE NO. 513 575 587 590 593 594 598 602 604 80G 606 607 6p9 6IO 6l] 612 613 628 629 530 531.. 532 5_3 _34 535 536 537 _3B _O9 i, (CONT'G) HO./YR. OF MFG. 75 4-75 12-7D 2-76 T0:75 3-76 7-75 12-75 10-75 5-75 3-75 11-75 6-75 6-15 5-75 6-75 9-75 4-75 75 75 ' 'I.76 .75 75 75 75 75 I0-75 12-75 75 ,HAKE Can-A_ Honda Yamaha 'Yamaha Yamaha Yamaha Honda Honda IIonda Iro_da Honda Honda IIonda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Bulta¢o Bultaco Bultaco Hontessa Montessa Montessa Carabela Carabela Yamaha Indtan Honda HODEL ]25 TiffEndure CGSOOT YZ 125C RD 400C XT 500C XS 3_bC GL lO00 CJ 360T CB 750 ICB 7GOF ICB 550F CB 550 XL 250 CB 1255 XL 125 rXLlO0 IXL70K2 'CB 500T ,250Frontera '2_dPursan_ '3_0MatadorHK9 250 Endur0 Cota 247 Cota 348 125 HarquesaHX 250 CentauroEndureI XT 500C ,. _lT 175 ,, All TerrainC.ycle DISPLACEMENT (cc) DESIGN USAGE 124 '- Street/Trail 498 Street I_3 tlotecross 398 Street 499 Street/Trall 358 Street 999' Street 356 street 736 ... Street 736 Street 544 'Street 544 Street 248 Street/Troll 124 Street 124 Street/Trall gg Street/Trail 72 Street/TraN 498 -" Street 244 Trail Ridin_ Endures 247 Racin_:MX & Off-Road 348. Street/Trail 248 Trail Riding.& Endures 247 Trials 310 Trtals I}9 Racin_; MX & Off-Road 246 Troll Ridinq Endures 499 Street/Trail 171 Trail B9 ..,All Terrain * CategoryCode: S = Street, X = Off-Road,SX = CombinationStreet/Off-Road USE* £ATEGORY SX S X S SX 5 S S .S S S S SX S . sX SX SX S X X SX X X x X SX SX X X . ' TABLE C-? LISTING OF 1974 MANUFACTURED MOTORCYCLES TESTED (STOCK CONFIGURATION I BIKE NO. 6 12 16 2{ 28 53 37 4] 43a 63 64 68 73 74 121 140 I_42 14(_ 147 ]55 :.}. 57 l_8 lgl !97 ,2(_ l 212 501 5b3 arO4 505 _06 507 519 I MO./YR. } OF NFG. I ( I I.IAKE 1 74 Yamaha ( 8-74 Kawasaki J 12-7_ liarl _y-bavidsor_ I 74 BFI_ I 4-74 Yamaha _ 74 Kawasaki 14 Suzuki _-74.... Suzuki 74 I_!BI 74 Ducatl 7-74 Can-Am ]0-74 Ravsasa kl 2-74 Ka_._asa k! 14 ! UI))I 6-74 ; Kawa_akl 11-74 ;.{(orion ( ( I 8-74 8-74 4-74. 1I- 14 74 11-74 g-74 11-74 10-74 5-74 12-74 I(]-74 7-74 5-74 10-74 12-74 4-74 * Category Code: i ! 110DEL XS6SOB 900 Z-I. FXE-1206 RgO/6 R0-250 900 Z-,l C,T550 TS-IB5 R90S r_'. 7S0S 250 TI£T "900 Z-I KZ 400D p,60/6 _OO _'] 1350Conm_ando i f DISPLACEMENTI (cc) I . 653 903 1207 _98 247 g03 543 183 898 749 247 903 398 599 003 B28 ' ( Laverda 750 SF 744 Can-/_n _50 IIX-I 246 _bto G'uzzl B50-'TIntercepter _J44 llodaka Road load 98 Kreidler . f4P3 I' 49 BHI.I ROOS _98 llarley-Davidso.n.SX 2'50 242 llarle.y-Davidsnn SX 250 242 Ossa Desert Phantom 250 246 Yamaha RD-350 I' 347 Yamaha XS 650B 653 Yamaha ... RU-350 347 Yamaha RD-2bO 247 Yamaha RD- 2001] 195 Yamaha _iU-125_ 124 ' Kawasakl KZ 4(JOS 398 _. Kawasaki KZ 4GOD 398 ' BESIGrlUSAGE USL_ CATEGORY Street Street Street Street Street Street Street Street and Trall . Street Street Street and Trail Street Street Street Street Street S S S S S S S SX 5 S SX S S s S S Street '_ Raolnq; NX _ Off-Road Street Street and TralI ' Street Street Street and Trall Street and Trail Trail Riding Endures Street Street Street Street Street Street Street "Street S C S SX /toped S SX . SX X S S S S S S S S S = Street, X = Off-Road, SX = Combination Street/Off-Road ... TABLE C-2 (CONT'O) r BIKE NO. HO./YR. OF tIFG. 528 4-74 521 6-74 . 53U 6-74 533 .14 . 534 74 635 74 536, 74 537 G-74 545 .. O-74 547 'I0:74 548 7-74 550 9-74 55B 8-74 560 /-74 SG2 10-74 568 6-74 570 .4-74 _ll 74 503 74 5B9 7-74 _9 8-74 _O] g-?4 _03 7-74 i. 614 608 i 623 1 626 1 B-74 7-74 6-74 12-74 HAKE llonda' J,onda l_onoa llqnda . IIenda Honda #fonda llonda llonda Suzuki Honda Suzuki Yamaha llonda llonda Yamaha Honda Yamaha Yamaha Yamaha t{o_da florida Hond_ . Honda Honda llond_ llonda rIODEL CL 450 !CB 450 XI. IZb Z SOA Z 5OA z 50A "Z 50A 'CB 3GOT ICB 125S RV 90 'XL 175 TS 4OOS RS:IOOB CB 360T CB 20OT DT-250 CB 125S DT-175B FIX 125 TX 750 CB 50OT CB 40OF. CB 360T CL XL CB CB 360 350 _SOF _OOF DISPLACEMENT (CC) I 444 444 IZZ 49 49 49 49 356 122 88 173 396 97 356 198 245 122 171 123 743 498 40B 356 356 348 347 408 DESIGtJUSAGE USE * CATEGORY Street Street and Trail . StFeet and Trail TralI (mini Irai] (mini Trall (mini Trail (mini St?eet Street All-terraln Street and Trall Street and Trall Street Street Street Street and Trail Street Street and Trall Racin_: HX and Off-Road Street Street Street Street SX S SX X X X X S S SX SX SX S S S SX S SX X S S S S Street Street and and Trail Trail Street $tree_ I • Category Cede: S = Street, X = Off-Read, SX = Combination Street/Off-Road SX SX S S x 0 NN m g m m S m m N TABLE C-4 NOISE LEVELS, NEW MOTORCYCLES, YEAR OF MANUFACTURE 1975 AND 1976 USE* DISPL, ENG, .NOISE LEVEl. - dB TEST BIKE CATEGORY 'CC TYRE 0331a F76 R60 FSO 35 HPH 55 MPH SITE MFG'R NO. S S S S S S S S S S S S S $ S $ $ S $ S S S $ S S S S S S S S S S 9 S S 9 S S 1207 4 S " 82 86 80 94 1207 4 S 84 84 90 1207 4 S 85 999 4 S 76 Dl 87 999 4 S 82 08 999 4 S 76 79 08 999 4 S 77 85 88 999 4 S 76 83 R8 999 4 S 76 84 88 999 4 S 80 88 999 4 S 76 89 999 4 S 77 88 995 4 S.__87_. 88 99 _9_ 4 S I 84 88 -83- , 99 995 4S 84 87 901 4 S 92 94 95 949 4 S 80 83 89 949 4 S 84 OB 86 903 4 S 82 B7 95 _903_ _LE __80_ _9?_ _.._96 903 4 S 81 89 82 97 903 4 S 88 96 098 4 S 83 84 90 898 4 S 82 82 89 898 4 S 81 87 898 4 S 02 88 S9B 4 S 81 82 890 4 S 81 87 _.748 4 'S 82 86 92 746 4 S 81 83 90 736 4 S 81 83 91 736 4 S 77 88 738 2 S D3 84 82 94 738 2 S 84 92 736 4 S 76 78 87 736 4 S 79 82 95 ._Z36 4 S 76 77 05 736 4 S 81 84 93 736 4 S 77 79 89 796 4 S 82 85 94 736 4 S 77 06 653 4 S 83 87 02 653 4 S 82 86 81 89 73 76 77 68 71 70 74 74 77 77 72 72 76 74 74 67 73 72 74 68 74 73 74 D F D F C F D V C V F V J V I V B V C V C V C V D F D F D F D ..L 0 G D G D 0 D Q D q C __Q J P D P C P C p C P C P D 8 B Q D V C V D U D U F V F V G V D V 0 V B V C V J AC D AC 194 187 20 204A 2 598 561 552 104 45 31 26 203 196 195 145 510 151 214 I_79__ 163 42 -557 139 50 "--44 27 23 175 120 219 59 176 127 605 604 ;OB 215 160 105 7 565 174 "CATEGORY CODE: S = STREET, X • OFF-ROAD,SX , COMBIRATIONSTREET/OFF-ROAD (Cont'd.) C-9 TABLE C-4 USE* CATEGORY S S S S S S S S S S S SX SX SX S S S S , S S S "SX SX SX S S S' S S SX S S SX SX SX _X _X-....SX..... .__X S S CONT'D.) OISPL, EtIG, CC TYPE J331a 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 543 499 499 499 4 S 4 S 4S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 2 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 82 B2 83 82 78 83 80 83 80 84 85 83 B2 Bl 85 NOISE LEVEL dB TEST IBIKE F76 R60 FSO 35 I4PH 55 IIPH SITE HFG'R rIO. 83 82 B4 B3 79 85 83 B3 7B 81 B3 G4 91 90 92 B4 89 83 84 B4 93 91 93 89 90 89 B K D F F J C C C C I D E F J 498 4 S 74 78 G5 497 B3 96 78 498 Ro4aSytr 82 73 79 81 86 492 2 S 82 B4 95 400 2 S B4 85 89 398 4 S 79 79 70 75 398 2 S 81 80 93 398 2 S 83 83 90 397 2 S 82 78 91 397 2 S B3 80 93 79 396 2 S 81 81 91 371 2 S B4 84 90 358 4 S 79 BO 90 356 4 S 76 80 B9 71 76 356 4 S 76 79 89 356 4 S 77 81 8S 348 2 S B9 B9 B? 344 4 S B4 86 92 249 2 S 82 82 91 248 4 S 79 79 83 24B 4 S 79 78 83 247 2 S 91 91 103 __ 246 2 S 97 95 I0_ ---R_6-- 2 S 91 77, 90 246 2 S B2 --_ 99 , , --244 -'2 S....99- --B9 i'--m"--9_ .......... 242 198 * Category Code: 2s 4 S 9_ 77 79 B1 7a _B 95 77 V V V V V V V V V V V U AC AC AC ]06 571 205A 607 606 559 52 51 22 8 551 132 637 593 555 F V 628 D U K V575 180 D U 128 B Q ]19 0 Q 213 F AC SgO G AC 502 J AC 567 D AC 173 D U 125 D U 131 F AC 594 B V 101 F V 602 O V 20BA E X 631 D 0 144 B Q lZ3 D V !113 F V 60g D C 161 E K 636 .. G AC 514 D _XC--, 134 E- "--'X ....6'29--' o B F V 19o 107 S = Street, X = Off-Road, SX = Combination Street/Off-Road (toni'd) C-I0 TABLE C-4 CONT'O,) USE* CATEGORY DISPL. CC S S SX SX S SX SX S SX SX SX. SX SX SX SX SX S S S _X SX S • SX. _X ..__SX_ SX SX sX SX SX, SX SX SX SX SX" SX X X ,,x X X ENG. NOISE LEVEL dB ITEST BIKE TYPE J331a F76 F77 F50 35 tIPH 55 MPll SITE MFG"R NO, 195 2 S .I"81 83 184 2S 79 76 183 2 S "--'_I 81 183 2S ,82 73 174 2S 83 81 174 2S 84 80 174 2 S 83 79 174 ?S 81 171 2 S 83 81 171 2S 82 80 171 2 S 82 80 124 4 S 78 76 ..__124___4_83 80 124 4S B_ 81 124 2S 88 85 124 2S 78 77 124 . 4 S 81 81 124 4S 80 80 123 ?_ 80 78 1_3 2 S, 83 77 123 2 S' 83 80 g9 2S 82 82 99 1 4_S . 84 .79 99 4 S I 85 . g9 2S 78 77 B9 , 2 $ 81 81 _ _$ 7,6 ,75 97 _s 77 77 89 4$ 76 73 73 ?_ 7B 22 4$ 76 73 72 4S 02 77 72 .._4_S 80 80 72 2S 72 70 72 2S 69 72 2S 74 4_ 2$ 363 2S 94 363 ...Z S * Category Code: 2S 2_ . 83 80 77 79 78 72 79 68 gd 85 8g 83 89 90 91 9S 93 91 gO 83 BS 82 93 7g 84 92 79, _..79 75 77 75 68 73 79 79 81 B_ 71 95 __35L._L__s _ 336 326 91 85 91 92 86 8g 85 86 92 92 92 94 g4 90 90 79 83 91 8g 80 99 84 88 D D D D D O B C D D G J B F K O B F D D B B B F ,B B D D D B .D B F D C C D C AC U U U F F Q F AC AC AC V V V C q. V V F F V q V V Q Q U AC V g V V V AC AC AC V X i I_5 126 207A 18| 189 188 118 60 218 135 516 563 110 611 573 162 108 6]0 '192 193 103 115 If2 612 114 117 130 187 169 122 17.1 102 613 166 36 35 16'8 4 C _ u A 183 8 O "D E X 152 138. S = Street, X = Off-Road, SX = Combination Street/Off-Road cont'd. C-11 TABLE C-4 USE* CATEGORY ,X X X ,X X X, X X X X X X X X X X X X X ' X X X X ' X X MOPED _PED MOPED MOPED MOPED _PEO, CONT'D.) OISPL, ENG. NOISE LEVEL - dB TEST BIKE CC TYPI J331# F76 F77 FBO 35 rIPH155 MPH SITE _IFG,,'R I_O, , 310 310 248 248 248 24B 247 247 246 246 946 244 17] 171 ,12B 123 123 I19 89 79 72 72 72 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 2 S 86 2 S 9] 4 S 84, 2 S 91 2S 84 2 S 9O 2 S 84 2 S ]Of 2,S 92 2 S 93 9 9 89 2 S 90 9 9 90 9 S B7 2 S 95 2 S |00 2 S ?7 2 S 95_ 2 9i 9 S l 79 4 S 91 2 S 75 2 S 76 9S _ 2 S 29 9S 9 S 2 S 2 S 2 S 84 B9 7B 90 84 B9 82 lOl 89 91 n_8 86 86 83 92 97 77 79 78 74 75 .8B- _.. 9B 80 88 104 93 B9 9l II6 98 B9 92 8g 90 91 94 95 ]04 l 85 73 ! 8} 99 ?B 77 69 74 66 60 67 69 74"" 69 B6 94 94 B5 BS E O B E D D E E D D B D E B F I O E 0 D D O 9 I H J D D D 9 _ T 634 J, 200 V log T 632 T 211 T 153 . T 633 X 630 t_ 1209k J ,199 Q ,124 ,, X 137 I 638 V 111 AC 5B7 U 541 T 154 K 635 V' 909 0 164 V ]72 U IB2 AC 156 V 546 V 532 AA 566 II }7B_ AB 177 Z 170 B 141J R _99 r,, * CateRory Code: S = Street, X = Off-Road, SX : Combination Street/Off-Road ** Limited edition vehic]e- no longer in production C-12 TableC-5 HOISELEVEL- NEWMOTORCYCLES, YEAROF MANUFACTURE 1975 AND1976 (BY MANUFACTURER) For off-road motorcycles (mx) means motorcross and (t) meanstrtals motorcycles HONDA Model J-331a F-76 F-50 35mph 55mph Site 76 82 76 77 76 76 80 76 77 77 76 77 76 81 79 82 77 84 82 83 82 83 85 82 80 83 80 78 73 74 76 76 77 77 81 80 81 79 79 78 80 79 81 78 81 80 87 88 88 88 88 88 88 89 88 88 87 86 85 93 95 94 89 93 91 90 92 89 91 84 83 84 84 84 86 85 89 89 85 85 85 89 68 71 70 74 O C F J I B C C C C F C G D F B D C K D F J I B C C C E K F B F D B B F 79 79 78 83 79 78 76 80 83 83 94 84 B F O B 81 83 91 D Street GL-IO00 GL1000 GL1000 GLI000 GLI000 GLI000 GL1O00 GL-IO00 GL1000 CB750F CB750F CB750F CB750F CB750 CB750 CB750 *CB750A CB550 CB550 CB550 CB550 C8-550 CB550 CB550F CB-SBOF CB550F CB550F CB550F CBS00T CB-5OOT CJ-360T _-360T CB360T CB200T CB125 CB125 79 85 83 84 78 77 84 82 85 79 82 84 83 85 83 83 Combination XL250 XL-250 XL125 XL-125 *CB750 C13 F- XX_X_ 0 _ XXX__U_ 0 _ _1_ i .............................. _ I:_ _ C:_ (:_ _Z_ Q I:_ t_ I_ _,.._ ,_'_ ,,l_ I! x _ I_ (,,0 _ C_ r_ _,__i,,_ 0 CO LO _,0 I,,IO',d_ _1_ _ J_ I t'_ _,_ 0 Table C-5 (CONT'D.) HARLEY-DAVIDSON Model J-331a F-76 F-50 35mph 5_ph Site 82 84 85 87 84 84 81 83 80 81 86 84 94 90 73 76 77 88 88 87 79 81 78 99 99 74 77 77 77 75 7g D D C D 0 D D 0 D C Street FXE (Caltf) FLH (Ca]if) FLH XLCH(Ca]if) XLCH (Calif) XLCH(Calif) SS-250 $5-175 SS-125 55-175 88 86 83 86 68 68 Combination SX-175 SXT-125 84 83 80 77 89 89 73 77 81 F D OTHERMANUFACTURERS Street Laverda1000 Three MotoGuzzi 1000 Converter 1000 Converter BMW R90/6 BMW R90/6 8MW R90/6 BMW Rgo/5 BMWR90/6 BMW R90/6 Bene111 750 SeJ MotoMortnt 3 1/2 92 94 95 80 84 83 82 81 82 81 81 82 84 83 88 84 82 86 86 89 06 90 89 87 88 82 07 92 92 89 91 89 91 87 103 E 0 97 95 102 E 88 85 9 72 67 73 72 G 0 j D C C C C 0 D Combination Bu]taco 350 Matador Can-Am250 TNT CarabeIla 250 Centauro Enduro Can-Am125 TNT Endure C-16 C Table C-5 (CONT'D.) OTHER MANUFACTURERS Company Model J-331a F-76 F-B0 35mph 55mph Site 86 91 84 90 84 77 84 90 84 89 82 77 88 140 93 89 91 85 E E D D E D 84 116 90 95 C C D E D E 92 D D Off-Road Montesa Cota 348 It) 250 Enduro 250 Enduro 250 Enduro Cota 247 It) Cota 123 It) Bultaco 370 Frontera 370 Frontera 350 SherpaTit) 250 Pursang (mx) 250 Alptna 250 Frontera Husqvarna 94 95 79 101 90 89 80 101 86 89 360 Automatic 350 WRCross Country 88 83 gl 350 PlonkerIt) 250 Pioneer 91 93 89 91 g8 89 Rokon RT-340II 90 89 gg Hodaka 250 92 89 98 D Indian MT-175 90 86 91 E Carabela 125 Marquesa MX 9S OSSA 80 82 85 D D 88 D E Mopeds Model NVT* Garelll Velosolex MotoBecane Vespa Peugeot F-77 Site 4600 Mobylette Ciao 103 LVS v3 74 66 60 67 69 69 D J O D D D Other smallmotorcycles Honda MR-50 Hondo NC-50 Honda MR-50 Honda A11 TerrainCycle 74 71 69 73 H D I D * Limitededitionvehicle- no longerin production. C-17 TABLE C-6 NOISE LEVELS, ]969-]974 (YEAR OF MANUFACTURE) IN-SERVICE MOTORCYCLES IN STOCK CONFIGURATION _USE" CATEGORY S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S DISPL ENG., NOISELEVEL- dB TESTr BIKE CC TYPE J331a F76 F77 F50:35 HPII 55 ]IPH SITE IHFG.,R NO. , 1207 4 s 1207 4 $ 120/ 4 S 1207 4 S 1207 4 S 1207 4 S 1207 4 S 1207 4 S 1207 4 S 1207 4 S 1207 4 S 1207 4 S 1207 4 S _ 4 S 995 4 S 99_ 4 S 999 4 _ 903 4 S 903 4 S 903 4 S 903 4 S 903 4 S 903 4 S .g03 4 S 903 4 S 89B 4 S 898 4 S 898 4 S 844 4 S 044 4 S 828 1 4 S 82_ 4 _ 820 4 S 748 4 S 736 4 S 749 ...4 S 749 I 4 S 83 84 85 91 8g 85 87 8g 87 B6 102 87 92 84 B4 84 14 82 83 84 84 85 86 83 748I 4 S 74_ . 4 S 748 4 S RO 80 73 105 103 104 I05 I05 90 103 100 72 72 12 17 79 72 74 75 72 72 { I 104 89 88 80 . 82 85 81 83 88 7g R2 81 84 80 90 93 82 9] 100 98 11 g8 73 9g 74 88 61 96 72 97 70 97 72 g5 71 94 95 95 97 94 90 B6 96..6B 90 8g 73 92 67 91 97 70 102 94 72 91 8g' 87 6B 60 62 .i A 79 1 A 79 A 82. A 84 A 76 A 79 A 79 A A 77 A C C C 76 A 78 A 77 A 66 A 75 A 73 A 76 A 75 A C C C B C C 69 D 73 A 0 15 A 75 A O 7B A 80 D 17 A I C 72 71 69 A A A "CATEGORYCODE: S : STREET, X - OFF-ROAD,SX o COMBINATIONSTREET/OFF-ROAD Con_'d, C-18 A78 A86 A98 #Rg AlO0 A59 A74 A/5 A/7 AEO 16 30 55 A76 A124 A111 AlD_ AI AB4. A69 A153 68. 33.. 12 121 43a 25 158' A131 147 A50 A9 .. 140.I A43._ 159 Alg2 63 A138 AI06 AI07 TABLE C-6 (CONT'D.) USE CATEGORY* $ S S S DISPL. CC 749 748 745 745 745 745 745 745 I 745 745 745 744 743 743 738 S $ S S S S S S S s S S I... S I .,S S ,S S S S S S S s S S S S S S S $ S S S S ENG. NOISE LEVEL - dB TEST , BIKE TYPE J33]a F76 F77 FSO 35 MP,H 55 MPH SITE MFG'R NO. 4 S .95 91 72 77 A A2 2s 83 93 73 76 A All8 4 S 87 98 74 79 A A3 4 S 76 88 63 69 A A97 4 S 74 88 6] 66 A AgI 4S 75 87 62 69 A _103 4 S 76 87 64 72 A A162 4 S 77 87 64 70 A A163 4 S 76 79 89 G 515 4S _3 96 C I0 4 S 77 90 C 71 4 S B9 94 96 D 142 4 S 84 94 72 76 A A81 4 S 82 84 94 F 589 ZS 83 94 68 74 A _A119 738Bs 73_2S 7364S 7364S B_ 82 86 B9 e6 9O 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 654 654, 653 653 653 653 653 649 749 649"' 590 _44 544 544 544 544 544 91 96 79 78 77 81 7g 85 85 87 87 92 85 84 B6 86 B4 Bl Bl BO Bn B1 80 B2 * Category Code: 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4,S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 2 S 4 $ 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 92 72 7S A 9, 72 74 A 98 F 99 _ ]01 IO5 93 92 94 93 94 100 100 g5 99 97 B7 81 93 95 97 )DO 81 89 93 9] 92 93 89 65 67 68 69 66 72 74 70 73 II 73 77, BO 79 74 73 73 77 74 75 71 70 67 72 78 l_ 6/ 64 69 67 69 II 71 7_ 75 74 C C A A A A A A A C ,A I A I A G A A A C A A A A A I ]] 62 All A39 A4g A133 AI2B All1 All/ 6 AI6B A69 A_ 50l A172 AIO_ A]I 74 _JJ A30 Ag6 A]05 A157 543 S = Street, X _ Off-Road, SX = Combination Street/Off-Road cont'd. C-19 E t IAIIS A32 62S 549 TABLE C-6 JSE _ATEGORY* S S S S S S B S S S $ S S S $ $ S S S @ S $ S S $ S SX S S S $ S (CONT'D.) DISPL. ENG. NOISE LEVEL - dB CC TYPE J3Bla F76 F77 F50 35 MPH 544 544 543 543 498 498 498 498 498 498 498 498 49_ 498 498 498 498 498 498 49B 498 49B 498 498 498 492 492 489 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 408 408 398 * Category Code: 4S 2S 2S 2 S 2 S 4S 4 S 4S 4S 4S 4S 4 S 4S 4S 4S 4S 4S 4S 4S 4 S 2 S 8 _ 2 S 2S 2S BS 2.B ZB 4S 4S 4$ 4 $ 4B 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4$ 4$ 4S 2S BB 81 9Z 87 B7 78 78 84 83 80 80 79 79 80 84 82 SO 83 78 80 88 _6 84 90 84 78 88 83 86 B3 91 BB 04 83 84 80 81 81 74 76 84 85 88 79 84 82 81 BB 80 B2 8Z 89 08 83 84 75 76 86 90 89 9B 101 96 89 86 92 96 93 94 90 91 93 90 89 89 96 91 90 g6 100 94 g8 93 96 95 98 98 90 90 I00 B8 92 92 89 90 89 85 B5 92 TEST BIKE B5 HPH SITE MFG'R NO. 67 71 74 68 79 72 71 71 67 65 77 76 73 70 67 66 71 70 12 71 76 76 72 74 76 81 78 87 77 74 70 74 73 76 71 67 69 69 76 71 73 73 G A C F A A F A A A A A A A I J G F F F A A A A A A C A A G H F )t F A A A A F F G !509 A33 )7 591 AS2 A44 599 A73 AIOI Al32 A146 A144 A141 Al40 554 556 513 580 582 595 A31 AI08 A191 AlBB A196 A34 49 A19 Al90 517 521 618 528 62] A158 A122 A94 A61 b26 60] 5)9 S = Street, X = Off-Road, SX = Combination Street/Off-Road C-20 TABLE C_6 (CONT'D,) ;USE , DISPL. E{IG. NOISE LEVEL - dB TEST BIKE ;ATEGORY CC. TYPE_ J331alF?6 I F77 FSO 35MPH 55t4PH SITE._IFG'R RO. S 39B 4 SI 86 84 I gO G 507 $ 3_B 4 SI 87 90 C 73 S 398 4 S 87 88 71 78 A A51 S 39B 4 S 87 B9 70 75 A A53 S 398 4 S 8_ 92 70 76 A ..; _154 S 397 2 S 83 98 76 79 A .A14 S 371 2S 90 89 71 73 A AI4E S 371. 2 S 87 87 66 71 A ..A92. S 371 2 S .80 89 67 72 .A A58 S 371 2 S 82 92 68 71 A A63 S 356 4S 92 92 ]01 H 526 S 356 4 S 82 8I 88 I 537 S 356. 4 S ' 82 83 89 I 553 S 356 4 S 83 83 89 J 560 S 356 4 S EO BO 90 F 603 . SX .356 4 S 79 BI 91 F 614 .S 356 4 S BO 80 89 F 627 S 356 4S 76 8B li 71 A A67 .S 356 4 S 80 92 67 72 A A152 S 356 4S 81 91 67 70 A hI_7.. , $ 356 4 S ;, 79 89 69 70 A Al84 S 351 2 S i. 84 97 80 87 A A27 .S 347 2S 87 85 D 212 .S 347 4S 77 7B 91 F 623 , S 34? 4 S 79 91 C 75 "' S 347 4 S 76 87 65 70 A A168 ! .LS .... 347 2 S B2 80 92 G 503 S 347 .2 S 85 _7 73 76 A A22. .s., S l "1 S ,_, , ,I ._ s 'I S . .S . ..S S S "S S .... S 3472s 347 Z 347 347 347 346 346 346 326 325 325 325 325 325 2S 2S 2S 2 S 2 S 2 S 4S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S * Category Code: S 94 74 B_ 84 83 8B 87. 82 83 85. 82 85 86 B} 76 B_ _3 B5 BI B_ B8 95 98 94 87 8B 96 89 94 92 91 91 7_ 74 75 73 78 73 73 .72 bB 74 7S 76 ,?B 79 81 76 77 78 ?2 A48 A A _ A A A A A il I K F A A 71 A62 AI2,? A179 A169 AIIO A52 A129 525 539 576 624 A16 S : Street, X : Off-Road, SX = Combination Street/Off-Road C-21 TABLE C-6 (CONT'D.) USE I DIBPL, CATEGORY_ CC S S ._ S s S •S S .S S S s .S S S :S S •_ S $ $ •S , $ S B S S S S $ 2. S S _, S DiG. NOISE LEVEL - dB TYPE J331a'F76 F?7 .FBO 35MPH 325 325 )25 32_ 325 325 325 325 305 249 247 247 247 247 242 247 246 19B 198 198 1_)8 190 198.' 195 192 190 134 184 180 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 )74 174 * Category Code: 4 S BD 4 S B1 4 S 79 4 S B5 4 S 77 4 s B2 4 S Bl 4 _ B1 4 S 86 2 S B2 2 S 84 2 S 84 B S 81 2S gl 2 S 82 ? B 83 2S 84 4 S 80 4 S 78 _._ 77 4 _ 76 4 $ 1 8o Z S 80 2 S. 79 4 S 70 4s 82 2 S , 83 2 S 77 . 2S 81 4.$ 76 . 4_ 76 4 S 76 4S 83 4S B3. 2 S 95. 2S 02 2 S .83 2S 85 2 S BB, 2S 85 2S 83 78 79 78 76 80 84 92 96 91 94 89 93 92 95 100 9: _, 91 92 94 90 86 gO 88 90 88 84 85 gz 89 87 69 74 6B 71 67 67 69 72 76 70 75 76 7B 75 70 71 70 71 84 89 70 06 68 92 74 86 67 87 66 86 68 86 72 B6 71 9B B7. 80 91 80 B8' 79 97 76 B9' 74 B9 ,Tg ,TEST BIKE 55,1PH SITE IIFG'R NO. 73 79 75 75 7O 72 74 75 7B 76 A A A A A A A A A A G C !7 A !6 .A 75 A lB A 75 A 76 A F J G 75 A 73 A G E J 76 A 73 A 77 A 73 A 73 A , 72 A .7B A 79 A C I_O A I)3 i A A BI A 78 'A 82 A _9_ AB9 AIO9 A15g A147 _145 AI}9 A)66 A)6) A4 50_ _B A46 A160 A_5 A_4 _40 A21 600 562 511 _13§ t)_ 505 57 569 All4 .A38, A194 AI43 AI:}O _134 All2 A87 24 AIBU A1B1 A137 All3 ABO A66 S = Street, X = Off-Road, SX = Combination Street/Off-Road _ont'd. C-22 TABLE C-6 USE CATEGORY* "S S S S S S S S S S S S (CONT'O.) DISPL, ENG, NOISE LEVEL - dB ,-TEST BIKE CC TYPE J33Ia F76 F77 FBO 35 HPH 55 IIPH SITE HFG'R NO. S s $ S $ S S S S S S $ SX _X SX 174 171 124 124 123 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 99 99 99 99 99 99 97 90 8g 73 73 72 49 396 396 396 2 S 84 2 S 80 2S 77 2S 80 2S 81 4 S 76 4 S 81 4 S 83 4 S 80 4 S 81 4S 79 4S 84 4S 82 4 S 82 4 s 7g 4 $ 83 2S BO 2 S 77 2 S 4 S 76 2 S 78 Z S I 82 2 S 71 4 S 73 2S ZS 84 • 2S 80 2S 80 _ _s9 zs 99 SX SX SX }_ _ _X _X SX SX SX SX SX 351 351 $51 _48 348 340 325 325 3_5 248 248 24B 2S 2 S 2 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 s 4 S 4_ 4 0 4 S 4 S RS 8Z 83 81 79 82 9Z 95 B8 80 79 81 24B 4 S 80 SX , 76 78 78 77 77 81 68 75 77 78 79 74 77 70 72 78 76 77 79 95 91 94 _ 88 71 76 l_ B1 79 _ 74 84 II 74 74 73 ?_ 87 79 7S 95 B2 93 69 100 93 gB 71 72 74 75 79 76 R1 80 73 73 75 74 72 74 71 b9 73 67 83 9S 83 80 90 84 los 100 93 96 91 90 8g 92 9) 94 88 8B 89 88 .J • Category Code: 89 8B 83 B9 B5 89 Bl gO 88 G8 B8 A A G A A A A d I I H H A A A A A A J A A G F A D ! A A AIR A47 506 AB AI3 A142 AIGO 570 545 '_44 521 522 AB4 AI_Q AIR5 A183 A15 A_ _58 AIO A7 51B 585 A135 157 650 A47 A3S I _4_ 75 76 78 74 A A F A A F I F A A A A ' Al78 A36 592 A155 A173 600 530 6l_ AlO A193 A5 A_O 75 A J i AB8 S = Street, X = Off-Road, SX = Combinatlon Street/Off-Road C-23 TABLE C-6 (CONT'D,) NOISE LEVEL - dB USE , CATEGORY SX SX SX SX SX SX SX SX SX SX SX SX •SX _X SX SX SX SX SX 5x SX SX SX SX SX _X SX ....SX SX SX _.. SX.. _X _X SX _ _X SX SX DISPL. CC 24_ 248 248 248 _4_ 247 246 246 246 246 246 245 24_ 242 183 183 183 183. 183 l@_ 183 174 174 173 171_. 171 1231 IZ3 . 123 I_ 123 123 IR_ 123 I_ 122 127 99 99 ENG. TYPE J331a 4 _ 80 4 s 8] 4S 90 2_ 82 ._ _ 85 2S 90 Z S 83 2 S 8_ 2 S 86 2 S 79 2 S 7g 2 S 85 2 _ 87 2 S 91 2 S gz 2S 80 2 S 84 2 S 83 Z S 86 2 _ 84.. 2S 85 4 S 82 4 S 86 4 S 83 _ $ 86 2 $ .... 84 21S 2 2 ? 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 83 S 81 S A4 S 88 S. 87 S I 82 S 88 S I 83 $. 86 S I lO0 S 79 S I 79 S 81 F76 84 ..82 85 82 83 82 90 81 l 80 8_ F77 FBO 35 fIPH 55 HPH 89. 71 75 98 73 76 92 90 92 95 97 99 i 90 88 J 94 96 95 118 93 94 94 95 92 95 91 89 91 91 91 86 91 90 97, 92 96! 95 88 98 88[ 88 I"" 87 70 15 74 7o 74 76 81 83 73 71 74 77 76 79 81 83 75 80 74 75 81 80' 79 84 79 70 80 88 78 7_ 81 87 78 84 87 90 fib 87 73 72 77 79 79 79 TEST BIKE SITE _IFG'R NO. A AID2 A A156 G 1'520 G 518 I 540 C 64 A A15] F 581 A A126 A A57 A A3/ J 568 D 197 D 191 C 48 A A41 A A55 .A _64 A A72 A _149 A A173 A AB3 A A79 A 1117 A _125 F 577 A A45 A A56 ..A A167 A A175 A A189 A A197 A A198_ F 5/9 }i 830 C 15 A A188 A A85 A AI16 * Category Code: S = Street, X : Off-Road, SX = Combination Street/Off-Road cont'd. / C-24 TABLE C-6 USE CATEGORY* _X SX _, iX _X _ SX SX _X _X SX _X SX _ { X SX SX X X X X X X (CONT'D) DISPL. E_IG. CC TYPE J331a F76 99 98 g7 4S 2S 2S 91 2 _ 97 2S 9l 2_ 97 2 S 97 2 S 91 _ S 97 2 S 90 4 S _ 2 S 72 4 S 72 4 _ 246 I 2 S _4G I 2 S _46 2_ )B3 2 _ I/3 4 S 123 _S 123 2 S 72 4 S 49 4 _ 49 4 S 49 4 _ 4Q 4 _ 83 _2 81 82 79 7B 81 75 76 79 71 71 74 77 92 9l g4 85 85 80 88 80 NOISE LEVEL - dB Ol 81 82 F77 81 9] 91 92 85 87 78 82 76 75 7D 7_ TEST BIKI F50 35 MPH 55 rlPllSITE _IFG'R RO. 88 98 85 ]02 91 92 92 80 92 92 87 79 82 92 101 96 91 95 90 97 84 74 74 76 .74 73 74 79 61 80 BO 82 77 75 82 70 74 85 _8 A D F F A A A A A A A I A C D D D C I C F H X H H H * CATEGORYGODE: S= STREET, X" OFF-ROAD,SX" COHBI_IATION STREET/OFF-ROAD, C" COHPETITIONONLY (Labeled) ) C-25 AI8I 155 S84 586 Alg9 A176 AID4 A65 A29 A200 A90 547 AI70 18 143 146 201 41 548 25 583 523 536 535 534 S_ TABLE C-7 NOISE LEVELS, 1969 - 1976 MODEL YEAR IN-SERVICE MODIFIED MOTORCYCLES USE _DISPL. CATEGORYICC S 1207 S 1207 }207 IZ07 B 1207 S . 1207 _.. 1207 S 1000 S g99 S 9gs S 903 S 903 B 745 S 739 S 738 S.... 736 S 736 736 S 736 S.. 736 S 736 S 736 S 544 S.. 498 S 49B S 498 S 490 S.. 444 S 444 S. 38B _. S 350 S 34B S 348 ENG, NOISE LEVEL - dB TEST , BIKE TYPE 333]aiFT6 F77 F50 35 HPH 55 HPIi S[TE MFG R NO. 4 S 92 g6 99 D F 85 4 S 05 C F 19 4 _ 89 C F 66 4 S 94 C F 46 4 S 91 C F 32 4 S 9B C F Z9 4 S 87 C F 21 4 S 94 C F 61 4S 92 C V 34 4 S gl 93 101 O F 186 4$ 102 C O 7B 4S 91 C O 50 4S 84 C P 17 4S ]O0 C V 39 4 S 98 C V 43 4 S 90 92 104 F V ' 617 4 S 91 93 103 F V 596 4 S 97 99 101 K V 574 4S 91 96 97 H V 531 4 S 89 C V 67 4 S 86 C V 56 4 S gZ C v 38 4 S 86 C V :9 4 S 78 7g 86 F V 599 4 S 83 85 96 F V 597 4 S 97 C O 69 4 S 97 C AD 54 4 S 82 85 97 F V 620 4 S }OO _Ol 112 F ' V 6]9 2 S 97 C 0 53 4 S 97 C V B 4 S 100 98 106 J AC 56_ 2 S 98 96 102 F I V 622 S S. S S S _ X 347 325 325 325 12B 750 2 4 4 2 4 4 SS S S S S S 88 B7 99 89 93 95 101 85 97 94 103 X 174 ]23 2 S 100 ]02 98 103 X 72 4 _ 83 77 93 * Category Code: 19 CF C C F C C I I i I P I AC V V V V v 65 58B 70 13 615 14 CK I C V 47 572 il I V 524 S = Street, X = Off-Road, SX = Combination Street/Off-Road C-26 TABLE C-8 MOTORCYCLESUSED IN AFTERMARKETPRODUCTSS[UDY BIKE NO. MAKE/MODEL ,MFG. DATE 174 Yamaha XS 650C 10/75 203 Harley-Davidson XLH-IOO0 7/75 204 Honda GL 1000 7/75 205 Honda CB 550 9/75 206 Kawasaki KZ 900 6/75 207 Suzuki T5 185 12/75 208 Honda CB 350T 6/75 210 Honda GL 1000 8/75 212 Yamaka RD 350 5/74 213 Kawasaki KZ 400 11/75 214 Kawasaki KZ 900 7/75 215 Honda CB 750 9/75 216 Honda CB 500 5/74 217 Suzuki GT 750 8/74 218 Yamaha DT 175C 6/75 219 Honda CB 750 11/75 C-27 TABLE C-9 AFTERf_ARKET EXHAUST SYSTEMS Alphabet E Model Manufacturer Part No. Yamaha XS-650C H-DXLCH Honda GL-IO00 Honda GL-IOOO Honda CB550 Honda CB550 KawKZ-900 'awKZ-900 .awKZ-900 Honda CB360T KawKZ400 Honda CB750 Honda CB 750 10-1401 2:1 10-1056 10-1281 10-1280 4:2 10-1252 4:1 10-1254 4:2 10-1501 4:1 10-1502 4:2 10-1503 4:2 10-1230 2:1 10-1510 2:1 10-1274 4:2 CB 750 Jardine H-DXLCH Honda CB-550 Honda CB-550 Honda GL-IOO0 Honda GL-IO00 Kaw KZ-400 Kaw KZ-900 KawKZ-900 Honda CB 750 61002:1 1500 9500 4:1 10200 1000 54002:1 5900 4:1 1900 KZ900 CB 750 Hooker H-D XLCH Honda CB 500 Honda GL 1000 Honda CB 750 Honda CB 750 Honda CB 750 27183 27181 4:1 27322 27324 4:4 27324 4:4 * CB 750 4:1 * Baffle removed C-28 Table C-g (Continued) Bassani Model ManufacturerPart No. Honda CB 550 KawKZ-900 YamahaDT-17BC Honda CB 550 4:2 KZ9004:2 Perf, core KZ 900 4:2 Punched core Suzuki TS-185 RD350 KZ400 Sawcut Baffle KZ400Glass Pak Baffle KZ 400 BaffleRemoved GT-750 3:1 GT-750 3:1 Baffle Removed Yamaha 175 Honda CB 750 Honda CB 750 CB /50-Large4:1 CB 750-Sma114:1 Raw KZ-900 SuzukiTS-1B5 Yamaha RD350 Kaw Kz400 KawKZ400 Kaw KZ-400 SuzukiGT-750 SuzukiGT-TBO J,& R Honda CB 5BD Honda CB 550 Honda CB 550 YamahaRD 350 Kaw KZ 4DO Kaw KZ 400 Honda CB 750 Honda CB 750 Suzuki GT 750 YamahaDT 175-C Honda CB 750 Honda CB 750 H 7500 Street H 7500 Competition H 7500 BaffleRemoved RD 350 KZ 400 Street KZ 400 Competition CB 750 Street CB 750 Competition GT 750 DT 100-175 CB 750 Street CB 750 Competition C-29 TABLE C-9 (Continued) MCM Model Manufacturer Part No. Honda CB550 Honda CB550 Honda CB550 Kaw KZ900 Honda CB 360T Honda GL-IO00 Kaw KZ400 Kaw KZ900 Kaw KZ900 HO5504:2QTS Honda CB550 2:1 HO550 4:2QTCM KZgO0 HO360 2:1QTS HO1000 QTM KA 40RE KAZI QTM4:2 ZI-412 CM S&S HondaCB 550 HondaCB 550 HondaCB 550 HondaCB 550 KawKZ 900 KawKzgo0 KawKZ 400 H500 4:1 HS 500 4:2 H 500 F 4:2 H 500 TO KZ 900 header4:2 KZ 900 4:1 KZ 400 2:1 KERKBI HondaCB-5504:1 HondaCB-550BaffleRemoved KawasakiKZ-9004:1 KawasakiKZ-900BaffleRemoved HondaCB-750Small Core C-30 TABLE C-9 (Continued) Winning Model Manufacturer Part No. Honda CB150 CB750 TorQue Engineering Honda CB 550 Honda CB 550 Honda CB 550 5230 4:2 5230 4:2 InsertRemoved 5230 4:2 Glass Removed with insertsin Honda CB 360 T Honda CB 360 T Kaw KZ 400 Honda CB 750 Honda CB 750 Honda CB 500 5216 2:1 5216 2:1 BaffleRemoved 5303 5240 4:2 5240 4:2 BaffleRemoved SilverSmith 4:1 Special Baffle SilverSmith 4:1 Stock Core Honda CB 500 Honda CB 500 SilverSmith 4:1 Baffle Removed Honda CB 150 CB 750 4:1 Yoshimura Honda CB 550 Honda CB 550 92100 92100 InsertRemoved C-31 i TABLEC-9 (Continued) Santee Model Manufacturer Part No. YamahaX5-650C H-D XLCH Honda CB-360 T Honda CB-360 T CYM-650A 108-22A 360-21E 2:1 360-21E 2:1 mufflerremoved Dick'sC_cle West KawasakiKZ-400 KawasakiKZ-900 Honda CB 750 Yamaha RD 350 KZ-400 2:1 KZ-900 CB-750 350 Racer 1 RJS Honda CB-750 Honda CB-750 CB-750with Quiet Tone CB 750 withoutCore Insert Trebaca Honda CB-750 CB-750 2:1 RC Engineering Honda C8-750 CB-750Small Cone C-32 TABLE C-IO COMPARISONOF NOISE LEVELS FROM OEM AND AFTERMARKETEXHAUSTSYSTEMS J331a YamahaXS-650C F-76 ( OE}4) 82 8._66 a b 95 90 98 95 H_rle_-Oavtdson XLH-IOOO {0_) 87 8_B8 exhaust system exhaust system exhaust system HondaGL-IOOO HondaGL-IO00 a b c d 90 90 93 102 { OEH) 76 F-50 89 100 89 99 91 92 96 101 98 98 102 107 a 7¢ _ 81 87 b 75 83 89 (OEH) a 77 76 _ 83 88 b c d 81 78 74 85 85 82 97 94 95 C-33 I _ $ pm N I Z m _ _-, J_ I_ v Z d_ I TABLE C-I0 (CONT'D.) J331a HondaCB-750 Honda CB-750 SuzukiGT-750 F-76 F-50 (OEH) 81 83 93 a b 79 86 84 87 89 97 (OEM) 81 83 91 a b c d e f g h i J k l m n o p q 85 88 89 82 84 83 82 82 89 87 90 87 81 82 go 84 91 87 94 90 82 B6 81 (OEM) 833 84 94 a b 84 87 85 89 93 98 ' C-37 84 95 89 91 94 83 87 98 87 95 96 100 99 94 96 98 92 93 102 99 101 98 96 92 100 94 104 TABLE C-IO (CONT'D.) Insertsand BafflesRemoved dB over insertor baffle in place J331_ a b c d e f 9 h I J k l m 21 16 17 13 13 11 1B 19 13 6 16 5 18 F-76 21 15 17 11 10 11 16 17 15 4 17 5 22 F-50 15 13 13 17 13 14 14 14 15 3 B 17 Muffler Removed dB over muffler in place a331a YamahaXS-650C Harley-Davtdson XLCH Honda CB-550 HondaGL-IOO0 Kawasaki KZ-90O HondaCB-750 22 19 16 20 19 20 C-38 F-76 F-50 18 16 15 17 23 11 20 24 20 19 TABLE C-11 CLOSING CONDITIONSIR J331a TESTS J331a CLOSINGCONDITIONS BIKE No. 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 '117 118 119 120 122 123 124 125 126 128 130 131 132 134 135 13/ 138 139 140 142 143 144 145 146 147 151 152 153 154 155 156 158 DISPL, 356 72 123 999 736 544 198 124 248 124 171 99 248 99 99 99 174 400 746 73 249 246 396 184 492 _ 371 543 246 171 Z44 326 898 828 744 246 344 981 246 844 949 336 248 123 98 7Z 898 % RPM 100 100 71 93 94 100 100 I00 lO0 100 100 100 100 100 100 93 100 ,lOO 100 100 100 88 100 93 100 100 100 100 100 100 80 74 100 94 88 !00 69 77 92 100 100 100 lO0 83 C-39 Ft. PastMic . 100 45 64 100 100 100 100 100 25 45 100 30 100 30 78 IOU 27 100 100 25 lOO 72 100 56 100 25 100 100 30 25 ,25 25 95 100 100 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 30 100 75 35 100 MPH 18 27 45 38 32 30 35 25 35 25 31 27 29 41 38 44 30 46 26 45 44 23 20 48 49 50 40 48 52 52 45 35 32 60 TABLE C-1L (CONT'D.) CLOSING CONDITIONS IN J331a TESTS J331a CLOSING CONDITIONS OIKENO. 156 158 159 160 162 163 : 164 165 166 167 169 171 172 173 174 175 176 179 180 181 182 IB3 185 186 187 lOB '1_ ' " 190 191 192 193 194 ,195 196 197 198 200 201 203 204A 205A 207A 208A 209A 2LOA 211 Z12 213 214 215 218 219 DISPL. 72 898 750 736 124 903 79 195 72 97 89 72 72 397 653 748 738 903 497 183 72 354 1200 995 1200 174 174 242 242 123 123 120U 995 995 242 246 310 246 995 999 544 183 356 246 999 248 347 398 903 736 171 736 % RPM 100 83 70 69 lOO 68 100 93 100 100 100 100 " 100 100 64 76 83 67 88 100 IQO 1QD 77 80 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 77 75 75 100 100 100 100 85 67 82 100 92 100 67 100 log 96 71 69 100 75 C-40 Ft. PAST Mfc. 3S 100 100 100 2S 40 100 25 i00 35 75 55 50 55 25 100 100 1_0 100 100 25 40 50 100 100 100 35 50 25 25 60 40 _QO 100 100 25 35 65 40 100 100 100 100 100 100 90 iOO 100 100 100 25 100 MPH 50 45 25 52 36 19 30 22 20 24 46 57 53 49 48 28 45 50 45 45 3'2 35 37 35 32 4Z 48 48 32 32 32 32 47 50 48 40 45 33 48 40 42 48 50 22 50 TABLEC-12 MEASURED NOISE LEVELSRELATEDTO CLOSINGRPH The sound level data presented in this table were obtained using the F76, J47, RgO or variations of these procedures. Commonality is closing rpm being obtained at full throttle at a point 25 feet past the m|crophone target point, Motorcycles are 1975 or 1976 year of manufacture except as noted. dg Ca_ rpm BIKE NO, USE** HAKE/MODEL 75% 100¢ NOTED 101 103 104 105 106 S SX S S S Honda CJ 360T HondaMT125 Honda GL 1cacaO Honda CO750 Honda CB 550F 79o5 80.1 83,5 85.0 82.8 83.3 D2.4 87.4* 8ca.1* 85.2 107 I08 109 110 111 S S X SX X HondaC8 200T HondaCB 1258 Honda TL 280 HondaXL 125 HondaMR179 78.1 81,1 78.0 7%6 82.2 82.4 83.7 83.9 85.1" 88.8 112 113 114 I15 117 SX SX SX S SX HondaXL 100 HondaXL 250 KawasaklKMIOOA Xawasak|KH IOO KswaaakfKV I00 78,6 78,6 77,0 81.8 81.2 _4.4" 82.7 78.0* 84.3 83.8 118 119 120 121 123 8X S $ S SX Kawasakf RE 175 kswasakfKH 400 Kawasakf KZ 780 kawasakfZIF 90D kawasaklKH 280 79.3 84.6 83.0 89°4 81,6 82.6" 87.5 88.5* 91,8 88.3 124 125 126 128 130 X SX S, S SX Kawasakt KT 250 Suzuki TS 4OOA SuzukiGT Ig5 Suzuki GT 50CaA SuzukiT8 100 _1,8 80.6 76.7 83.9 74.8 92.9* 84,4 79,8 88,7 75.6 131 %32 134 135 183 S S SX SX S Suzuki GT 380 Suzuki GT 580 YamhaDT 250C YaeahaDT 175C KawasaklKZ 9OO LTD 83.5 82,9 80,2 B0,5 88.7 _5.3 85.2 81,5 82.4 174 178 Igca 185 186 8 S S S S Yomba Suzuki Suzuki Harley Harley 86.2 84.0 83.1 95.6 93.1 188 5x HarleySx 175 * Lower gearused ** Category Code: S = Street, X5 650C GT 750 RES (500) FXE 1200 XLH IOOO 80.9 @ 86% 85.6_ 91_ 91.4@ D4¢ _74 yr. of mf9. 81.8@ 46% _,0 I_.6 X = Off-Road. SX = c_binatton C-41 REMARKS 81,4@ 49_ 82.1 8 80_ 81.0 8 585 89,4 8 585 86,5 @ 53% _,/ @ _B$ Street/Off-Road modified ex. modified ex. TABLE C-12 (contined) dB @ 5 rpm BIKE No. IBg 190 191 192 193 194 196 USE* S S SX S SX S S MAKE/MODEL Harley SS 175 Harley S$ 250 Harley SX 250 Harley SS 125 Harley SX 125 Harley FXE 1200 Harley XLH 1000 75% 81.3 79,1 89.9 78.3 77.4 85.8 87.7 IOD% NOTED 81.1 @ 89% 80.8 @ 76% 90.9 REMARKS '74yr. of mfg. 79.6 @ 82.7 @ 80.4 @ 83.0 @ 86% 99_ 58% 50% * CategoryCode: S= Street,X - Off-Road,SX = CombinationStreet/Off-Road C-42 TABLE C°13 CALCULATEDF-76a NOISE LEVELS The F-lSa no|se levelpresentedin this table have been obtainedby l|near 'nterpolatlon of the measuredlevelspresentedin Table C-12. I00-125c.c. 175-250e.c 30O-5OOc,c 550-750c.c. 9OO-12OOc.c. Bike J331a F76 F76a No. dBA dBA dBA Bike J331a F76 F76a No. dBA dBA dBA Bike J331a F76 F76a No. dBA dBA dBA Bike J331a F76 FlSa Bike No. dBA dBA dBA No. J331a F76 F16a dBA dBA dBA 103 108 110 112 114 115 117 130 192 193 107 113 118 123 126 134 135 188 /6.8 79.2 82.6 82.2 78.7 81,5 82.4 83,5 101 119 128 128 131 180 105 106 120 132 174 176 75.5 81.4 83.9 81.8 83.4 80.6 82.5 84.1 78.0 81,8 80.5 75.6 79.6 82.8 80.1 81.3 81,1 82.5 79.6 82.6 78.6 82.1 77.0 77.6 77.0 83.3 86,2 82,7 74.8 75.3 78.3 79.9 77.4 80.4 78.1 79.8 78.679.8 79.3 80.5 81.6 83.6 76.7 78.0 80.2 80.6 80.5 81,2 79.6 82.5 76.2 83.9 80.7 82.4 83.5 82.4 79.5 79.8 84.6 84.6 80.6 80.6 83.9 83.5 83.5 83.5 83.1 82.5 81.5 81.5 81.2 88.5 82.1 82.8 85.0 82.5 82.8 82.1 83.0 79.7 82.9 82.2 86.2 83.9 84.0 82.9 104 121 196 194 83.5 89.4 87.7 85.8 x- 80.9 78.5 88.8 x= 80,9 79.3 80.8 X_ 81.5 82.5 82.5 x" 81.9 84.0 82.3 x" 80.6 86.6 82.6 O',, 2.62 2.03 2.57 (3", 2.34 1.53 1,73 O"= 2.83 2.02 1.77 (T,, 0.63 1.38 1.38 CT= 3,58 2.54 1,91 N- 10 N, 8 N: 6 N= 6 The above tabulationincludesonly unmod|ffed1975- 1976year of manufacturestreetand combinationstreet/off-road motorcycles N_ 81.2 85.1 83.0 81.0 TABLE C-14 VARIABILITYIN NOISE LEVEL DATA A. DIFFERENTVEHICLESOF SAME MODEL TESTED AT DIFFEREMTSITES: BIKENO. 106 606 22 TESTSITE NORMALIZED*NOISE LEVEL - dB J331a F76 F5D F77 B F C 4 O 2 4 O 0 O O G C F O I 0 O 1 O 3 2 C B O I J F 1 0 0 0 1 0 5 2 4 6 O 1 1 0 1 1 I J F E O ! 5 3 0 O 1 O 516. 218 B D 0I O1 OO 627 553 FI , 0 2 0 3 O ( 56O ( 6O3 J F 3 O 3 0 0 1 602 I1Ol F B O O 0I 0 0 205A 551 559 8 D I JC i 3 1 2 2 1 3 I 2 0 4 607 571 FK 0 O l O 3 2 105 219 604 B D F 3 2 0 3 1 O 3 O 4 508 59 ( 605 26 104 204A 552 561 598 . 555 593 637 * For each' vehicle rood'el Tn each test method, measured noise level to lowest value, C-44 normalized le p -1 0 _ X _ _ , _t=___%_ :-.: ? _F ,_ TABLE C-14 (Continued) B. DIFFERENT VEHICLES OF SAME MODEL TESTED AT THE SAME SITE: BIKENO. TESTSITE J331a F76 F50 533 534 535 536 H H H H 601 626 F F 2 O 1 0 215 219 D D O O 1 0 2 0 179 214 D D 0 2 0 0 I 0 27 23 (58 C C. C O 0 0 0 5 5 (2 C 6 0 31 45 26 C C 0"* 4I* 1 0 (7 9 (5 C C O 0 0 2 C O 0 1 0 1 0 •O C. SAME VEHICLETESTEDAT DIFFERENTSITES:*** 105 B I 215 D 0 1 0 I O D. SAMEVEHICLETESTEDAT SAMESITE:*** 135 O 218 D 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 127 176 D D 181 207A D D F77 0 1 1 0 • ZSO lb. added accessories •* Equipped with Windjammer III fairing • ** "SAME" vehicles were received in different phases of the test program and given different identification numbers, C-46 : TABLE C-15. a) EFFECT OF 6 INCH TURF ON 14EASURED N()ISELEVELS Bike No. 214C travelingin center of 1504 wide asphalt runway: J331a F76 b) Note: -- : g0.7 dBA : gl.B dBA Bike No. 214C traveling on edge of 1504 wide asphalt runway; area beyound runway6" turf: J331a : F76 : 92,7 85,3 98.3 91.1 dBA measured over dBA measured over dBA measuredover dBA measured over ashalt turf asphalt turf. The above data were obtained at Test Site D (described in Appendix B) using one motorcycle only. The effect should not be assumed to be representative of at1 motorcycles. As discussed in section 3,2.1 of the report, theory suggests that the sound level measured over turf could be either higher or lower than the level measured over asphalt, the effect being dependent on the spectral content of the noise. The data suggests, however, that surface texture For example, sealed asphalt might yield d|fferent sealed asphalt having a porous texture. C-47 may be important. results then un- APPENDIXD STATE AND LOCALNOISE REGULATIONS APPENDIX D STATEAND LOCAL NOISEREGULATIONS EPA has establishedmotorcyclenoise emissionstandardsthatwill preempt the standards for newly manufactured motorcycles and motorcycle exhaust systems adopted by several states, and to provide national uniformityof treatmentfor controllingmotorcyclenoise. However,State and local governmentsare not preemptedby Federalregulationsfrom establishingand enforcing controlson environmentalnoisethroughthe licensing,regulation,or restriction of the use, operation,or movement of any product or combinationof products. Prior to promulgation,EPA conducteda thoroughreviewof current state and local motorcyclenoise regulationsto insurethat the final Federal regulationwill providethe necessarytools to state and localgovernmentsfor effectivelyreducingmotorcyclenoise impact. This Appendixsummarizesthe resultsof that review. STATE LAWS REGULATINGMOTORCYCLENOISE Nineteen states, includingthe Districtof Columbiahave laws regulating motorcycle noise. The laws as analyzed are primarily applicable to the regulationof noise from motorcyclesoperatedon highways. However,regulations of off-road motorcycles are analyzed in the latter part of this Appendix. D-1 ..... ........................................................................... Notes for Table of State Laws (Beginning on page D-4) I. Californiaalso specifiesoperationalnoise limitsfor speed zones of 35 mph or less. For motorcycles,77 dB; for motor driven cycles, 74 dB, 2. Connecticutalso specifiesoperationalnoise limits for soft test site measurements. For motorcycles,78 dB at < 35 mph; 82 dB at > 35 mph. A stationarysound level standard is also"provided. For motorcycles manufacturedafter January I, 1979: 78 dB (soft site); 80 dB (hard site). 3, The District of Columbia provides correctionalfactors for distances other than 50 feet and for soft and hard sites. 4. Although Hawaii has a noise pollutionstatute authorizingthe Director of the Departmentof Health to "establishby rule or regulationlimitations on vehicularnoise, "only the island of Oahu has enactedspecific vehiclenoise controlregulations. S. Noise level limits vary with both posted speed and measurement distance from the vehicle. To calculate noise levels at posted speed limits there is a 2 dB difference per 5 mph. Oahu differentiates between vehicles first landed on the island before and after January I, 1977. 6. Idaho's muffler statute prohibits the operation of a motor vehicle which produces unusual or excessive noise, defined as any sound which exceed 92 dB uhder any condition, when measured from a distance of 20 feet. Idaho Code Section 43-835 authorizes the Board of Health and Welfare to prescribe more stringent levels, however the Board has not exercised this authority. 7. Illinois provides rules and regulations governing noise reduction requirements for mufflers installed on racing vehicles. 6. Illinois also specifies that when speed limits are less than 35 mph and operationis on a grade exceeding3 percent,the noise limit is 82 dB. 9. Michigan provides for a stationary run-up test for motorcycles of 95 dB at 75 inches. 10. Minnesota provides a chart for continuous measurement distances. The indicated value is for a distance of 50 feet, for motorcycles manufactured after January 1, 1975. A third standard is provided for motorcycles manufactured before January 1, 1975 of 86 dB at 50 feet. 11. New Jersey's only state vehicle noise emission regulations have been promulgated by the New Jersey Turnpike Authority and apply only to vehicle operations on the New Jersey Turnpike. 12. Oregon has a moving test at 50 feet or greater and indicated speed. Oregon also provides for a stationary test at 20 inches for In-use motorcycles. The current stationary standard is 102 dB for vehicles manufactured before 1976 and 99 db for motorcycles beginning in 1976. D-2 CODE FOR STATE NOISE LAW EQUIPMENTSTANDARDS A. Motor vehiclesare requiredto have an adequatemuffler in good working order and in constantoperation. B. No mufflermay have a cutout,bypassor similardevice. C. Equipmentmodificationsare not allowedto increasenoiseemissionsabove those of the originalequipment. D. Manufacturersmust certifythat equipmentsold or offeredfor sale meet establishedrequirements. E. No dealer may sell, offer for sale or installequipmentthat does not meet establishedrequirements. F. No personmay sell or offer for sale equipmentthat would cause vehicles to emit excessivenoise. G. There are restrictionson the type of repairsallowed. D-3 /1 TABLEOF STATELAWS_--' Sl,_t _ ............... CALl FOJ_I A , .............................................. ._ny _tor vuhial,_ With _)AI. o_" saddl u _'oI d_'ivor & _ 3 wllI_hl & _ 1500 po_ln(l_, Ik_ Vuhl_l_ _lo_S _tnr_l_r(_n I_r¢_ (dlJ/_) _l'oNt |_r()_l_t|_lo _I_r_t 5 0 _oo_ L'_ I_rohihLta d POI_I I ty ViolaklOli (o1" DItl are unava]lable A-weighted; Footnotes 1975 1981 1986 1990 • m_,)i ?6 93 oente_, o_ la_00E I;_r_v0I B6 {ru4_ c_ntn_ o| lano o_ t_'4v41 Ve_ are blank; Noise levels are al: _0 _eOL* __ 35 A,B*C Y_S table 1973 mOINUIO,i Kotorcyclo 50 fue_ A,B,C,D,K ]f section of this precede this table. OIl S_I_ [_rocu_il'_S. 45 66 _(_Jilm_n_ C_cl@ B4 i_pod 62 ........................ Ally _t()rcycln or n_Lor ec_Lor wltll < 6 b_ak_ lw_'_l_wer _ or Lli_yclo Wl motor, _LO_-Drlvon 86 33141 Cy_lo ^l W rrotor vel_Lcle < 3 whauI_, _W_Ollt Lr,_etnrll. Motnrc_c),o Ilo_in_ln_ < 45 (I) (ll_t_l_ C_lU fl() _oturcycle _r-DriVml _,ny i_OL(_rcyc}n ol _r nu_tuc w/ ': 15 (j_'o_ hr_k_ Im_q_Jx_wur_ nr bi_'y_lo with _orI oxcl_dus r_tocJz_d biku • 2 I_ i_wor _c m_xl_m _l_lUd ( 30 mph* /_oto_*-DrIven BIIII_(_ O_t _AE J tuum L (IIIIA| 1/ - _ju 0) _0 ?5 "_0 C*(JI_it/_l_) .__-- , ........................... _ph • 35 90 TABLE OF STATE LAWS _L,1+tO _ (cont'd.) _/ LI)P;NE(?pICUrP Imrintt|onn _+Lor¢yc__lo_ Any motor v(d,lcl_ I+_1_{1_OfOI dz'Jvor wi+tfh lib Mtafid5 & incllidu" bicYcluA excop_ I)ISTIIICP .+_:)+ _}+t__:+___v_.l_'__(__.). W/ Beak or At+ I +Ill-fOrm <_ 3 wh(+rlI_t w/ ;n_torl I<otartzod Any _m){or volII_[O < _ whe.ls IIL+A_ Of Badd|o for Dlml'etor+ Cll+d++ _+torizod bicycle, Olt I; m_- rotor+. helper (IF CYJI_JMIIIA Uicyote ,lmm + < 25mldz. _llfOrC_nont ^utllorJ ty Ih.w Y_hl_te Sal#n _Lat#$nrdn Co_qlea/oner ot Motor Vehlcloe/EnvlromP_ntal _9ency P+otectlon _yor. HC |dci_ _ Ue_|innin_ D] 1077 flo 1970 Tent l'l_tmJurel eellO<l Iq_roklolml llo|m: I*IILLI (tilt&) 12) MOtolcycle Nanu_ectur@d h|ta&* P.O_8, r 4_111_t L I}i,b_ I'rohlbi tlld 50 _< 35 prior to 1-1-79) 1-1-19 feat trot cllnterlina or dICaleratl_ of tl_&vo_, ml+h • 35 _torcycle 80 04 I'kJtorlzed ;t.B.C._.G _llllp* Rop ]a_'om_t _tel_ll rd_ YeI Via|It/on Y_I < UO _cc_le_etioll 1/ Data Ire Unlvi|lablo tf section Of this table ire blank; No|se levels are -- A-Me4ghted; Footnotes precede th|s t+b]e. ]31 (3) 02 any qr&de e I_d+ on r_*.E J 50 BImyclo f_t [roll _ljhtorJ_rl or deceleration I of tg4vo| ;loB) _tor vehicle w] < 3 whuets w/ :iro _ 1_ _lh dlamotmr + _ 120 mural. & atlL_la trallumi£leioll + _ l,S Imrnel_ur + < 50 _+ _ ahy C.D y°ll 35 I_ph • 35 82 86 75 82 4]_ade+ lo_ld+ ac_olerak[ofi TABLE OF STATE LAWS PI&IIII liA Bp_l t , .......................... Hotoi.l:_._.lo Ipl_) lN'flrl;LJnilm Any I_litlil" vBhlo|o w/ lii_at ill" BfllJill_ (oi- _.Itliil. & .( _l Wll_O_tl I _X_]llll_R Lra_Lcirs. _ililmrlty DepL. U_ll +nlilclo I_a I i.l_ 91_nll,_ rilel (lln/l) 1119hway _lllely docolo_at < 35 -7ll Cyc)o Iph • 35 _ 72 ?9 Ally mutafcycin lloltll_l_ol'* 15I I_llded B_f_r_ l-l-?? AfLnr 1-1-77 2Oft* _!_A_. < 5 bra_u AiU,C/D,y table ?3 71 7J 65 Ai IJiC+I_ are blank; Noise levels are SOfia, 7Q Yo_ tf section of this precede this table. 251t, ill - unavailable Footnotes with Ilnal_ll Ion P_II,_ I Ly for VI olal_ loll Data are A-weighted; .14oLur-D(iVel!_f_vj_lo orl ,_#,_ _ 331,I I'I iih l )ll I Bil 1/ - Ally motoi vehlclu W/ s0.ll or 9A[tlllo [or ljdlir K _ _ whnll_ul uxcilllll+_l LI_ctor@. of (41 Ill!) De91 nnlilt I 1975 19At lgtl) 19115 75 ItOLOI'(II+O[ a III RLI_IiI_O _ll;(lcu_¢ll! liepc, _0 liOlo¢-lli'Iv011 _{*lllaco Any n_torcyclQ oF n, itor achier w/ _ S lirllkB hnrlil.l_W0r _ lficllliJ_l llJc](_]@ W/ ff_lLor, 14o¢or-n_lv_ncici 9 lillsad ()l_raLl°llai fllll Im I.Imll LI (IIlIA) IIAWAI I C Y................... alo (tll_) _]LOr-llrivorl & P_JLO= Vnlllclea _ofe_._la Ill 80 70 75 priici_lurll _alll III. (cont'd,) ]-/ TABLE OF STATE LAWS I) t !1_, .. .......... (cont'd.)_i/ It)All{) i_L,rIJ_ILIox_P_ !_LOUE_yUI_ _lly /_iLl_ofity molnr 13_ard of vc:l_iule Ih!,llth Ll,l,I I_(_IS L_x,i. With pk lun'-f t lvtp,_ _ Yel_ ........ ......... MIX" _¢_,IL ar _.y n_qnrul'_In or _w_te_r 0C4_¢)Lul _lld Wulf_ru !_Lg_c,yc!__(!_! AnIy m_lor valllcln paI]UL_II with _t}lltr_l (7) _trJr-IIrIv_,J_ _............. r:z_:14t (_tlx') r,_,_L _r _:voiy mutnrcycla, mL_lo_ _q:r_tur [t(_;l¥_l tl0se V_lli_|o F;L_li,l£1rlltl I,II_h ) _Pnmt. plcx_d_re (_ra¢iona t tk_ian f, JmJtu (lI}}/_) (6) .'_lf H_e" • I,alU _I). /to_l_ [. F,_IUIp. liupI ACo_tas_l_ vehicle _ ]5 _0 [_ot ilrl_or 4_y %er._dL_ e Sl_e_ 0_" acc_leT_tlOii. 50 _'ent tl_om COlltOr _llO, __ or t!ecr:lerat-lon. " r,le_ ','us l'elm l t_ for P|r_|ntJ_ei ................................. I/ -- to) 92 _ LOL'Uyc_ |0 & _ILOI_ - Os"J veil Cyc]u I)IoL_IIC_ Iq_nt rotor Plt_ _re unavallab]e A-weighted; Footnotes If section of this precede this table. table are hl_nk; Noise levers are IlO ally ¢]l'l_d¢_ ml_J, • 35 D_ _O&¢]e aec[_lordtlOll _l_o LAWS M_ptor-J)rlvml {MpC Ip_III_NA i llrlflnlLlolm !Ic_L_[_ycJo..(__, Ally Ir_}i'¢1_ VuliLclo W/ n_dd|o Ilfl[_ D_ ]c_dor & ,_ } wllooIrle ['o I flx- D_c_tor_. _l£hO_Jt TABLE OF STATE v _]11t'o,IL; oi" Mofo_ (cont'd.)I/ HARYIANIt i C ale M_J_Dr_c]n Evu_"V r_It_icycln W/ < ] ,_ hol_t_l_c_wt_r I & _ 5f I c_ i w$_h AII_' mntnr VQll|Clo @tl_c],IIu_l h_ fir|vet" m,_w m_ra _l_Ud _1_)oll_l_ro _ 25 roph, VohlcZo8 _ /4_t_Icy_l t;*l_ II). Ito_1l t, i_r¢_Idb[ Lod o 35 07 mph • 35 P_t_lrcyc_ _kltor-Dr|vell C_e1_ W/ so,tic & _ ] wh_o_ ttl_l Atlmlfl,/[_o_t, _AI_, J [dllA) ........... _thu_ Motor" Vohi_]o pr¢$C_hlro I)l _,rn_c tm_a L Ilolt;a I_l_[ta (H(_) _a|ild- TiA_l_l_rt_lt|iJJl/_Lat_ Pot[co 131a _ 4_ mph • 4S 1<J79 70 92 149'}0 75 7P B6 ac_o_r_tpn or dj_ c:_o&o_=_)o__, ..................... A,D I_ol._l t _ for vlolntloll II Data are unavailable if sectionof this tableare blank;Na_selevelsare - A-weighted; Footnotes precede this table. A_II_D_F y_ fll_.' TABLE OF STATE LAWS (cont'd.)_i/ HI{:IIII_AI_ tIINNI::_C_A s__,__..................................................................... I._fl.l tlon. flgtqr9},_l+u (!w;)" :............................. m,p_.,I /_vo[ y I_tor vohiclu w|th sadd|_ t_" Sjoai:rot rl,lo_ & < :Lwhnulsl ex£:hldus L/acLll_'i_. t_;_,_qyfi!9_.(_h Vehicle _ ] w11co|s w/ o[*urnhlo Fw!¢lals& _o_" r < 50 Cc l,|_c(_ll tlLHlfl,lCel.Oll/ & <_ 1.5 h,llseiw_wor M_.t:(,r I_ _,1nI_yc)_,_ A.¥ r_Loi uohicJo w/ S_%L rJl" lJa,hlluf4J_"rh1*tr & _':) wh0ols_ |.clu_l_s _w_t(i_" .ui_l_._"& Ol_V_l_ with mot.or & • 5() CC l)Intol*_Isl,laa,!m_llt& _ 2 ho_'llu[x*wur& maw* l_iw_ed< 311 lCnf .¢uomn;it: Allkhl!¢j_ |d._ _ DeP_:* Skak_ ll_ghwayn & T;allell_rtal:|o. Pot[_t_Oll Hl.alwlnrdg (dI_.) oc _upo(l l_aao_ on _A_ t_st 1,19_ ) '_ 35 FotozcY clo o_" _I)_*_ i)_sLallCO I*_Oll|h| HOABUt'4_¢|at t m| B2 50 ................................. lll:_otltlron. IIIWWdL |Ol*a[ IlOJno I,im|Ls mph • 35 B& ;_ont. ,%, I_,C,I_. I' 19) ( Hoto_'cyc] o_ Ha_au_u_ Nk > 20 _eOk Ulldur 15 y(,O Oats are unavaHable if section of this table are blank; Noise levels are A-weighted; Footnotes prece_Jethis table. sl,h BO nlly Qra_ A,B_C.I_,I' 51 alwlNr,tl! I'L'lm I Ly for V 1_ La_:|l)ll !/ ,'._Ol_Cy I]) ____ T_nt l.r(1_.rp:].rn ll_llt Collfro| V_llic]n Y[_S • ,1_ 1|0) B3 [oad_ nCCa_aL_oII or TABLEOF STATELAWS (cont'd.)± / __t _ Leo......... Dorh;I MtI_rL'ANA tlo,m , NF:VArJA ._j L(_ r_r:Cy_.l__ i FX_. l t_ +.t_r)r_ yu I+t, _lly _LOF vuhJa|o with _a_Jd]0 f(Jr rldar or pLstfarm ell wh|ch he _Cands _ _ 3 whooLn+ Inc)u+]ul bLcyalo5 w/ _r_tOLN* ! t_L.'. AI_y r_JLlJr v_ll|ch_ W/ sent nr sad_|lu for drlvor & < ] wh_olLi, JllU]_id_ t_w,lz"cy¢1o'_ oxu]&itlo_ tr_cto_, Eli |nr cmmlr.l_ Au(_l_rJLy ll[ghw_y parrot OUl+C. M(ILOr Vohlc]oo lh'w Voh|_lo 5knlldnrdn Motor c=_c1o__s (dllA) n_ . _F lnnil+? 19_J T_nt pzcl¢_|uro 50 (ll_ratLona[ _iH I,ImLta _etot _I'C_ OloIzost. l+_|llt to woi:o_'_y_1# Mob_r_clen on S&;-; J331a Be_innin_ 75 ?0 (tiffS) naBa_ <_ 35 t97P 198_ _t'+lsur°n_'ll_ I}Eli tllnuo 50 _oot _rom o_.tor or de_lor_t JOlt. pl'nll I l+J_11qI _ano+ ally 0radoe A A+II Yes YOl palell p, ll+_pl a_r+mon_ Etal_l_d_ Po,ml 11 ty rot O_t_ _re A-weighted; unavailable Footnotes if sectton of this precede this table. table are blank; Noise % levels are ........ mph • 82 Hotorcyc]os load. 35 06 _ecalorat_oh TABLE OF STATE LAWS KI_ Stria Ally teeter vuh|cIo w|th oultic +l_lIS_y or pod,.J| A.tllOrlty Dope. Envi_om+0ntal (!] ) ......................................................... n ll|cyc}e W/ li0l|+er £ t8 UlLImr • 5O CC or bl'_kn hor_cl_OW_& / ;max mjd_ on lint uuffn(m* nnddle for dtlv0r or liLaC.fermi lknC_lld0U bl(:y_}_tl wl_h I_torn atLa_llod I uxc.|udon motnrJz_d bicvulels. Protoctlon/tloLao Control i_t_r J*fi _p0[ld COmlciI/D;4V _ 25 nathlle ex_lud0_ 'foal. I,iil_q_lttfa 1_1 _1ur Ilt_h]DL I)L_gL_IIe_e rider tracLofU. with I, < 0uality _o,lt nr _ wll.el_, C0mmis_lon < 35 -70 75 Hotorcyol0s 4970 tqgO 5[ foot fg(x_ Cel_iCor |4ira+ 4ny grade, Joadr mph • ,15 62 78 auceleretle_t or tteQinnin_ 83 ?LI 1977 1903 75 JOBS] Ba_ed I)lq+[atlonat _w_iau I, lmtt. ((ll*_) vohl(ile fo_ OItY.¢;ot; ............................ Moturcp_le. rd_. (dl_t) I_IUI I). Ally motor EnvJrollmerlt41 t_lw Voill_lo _l_ •_ L_In (cont'd,)I/ on SAI_ J3]|lt, Nov|ng _otoroy¢le. 1977 1983 lgB8 Measured to_ l_t • 35 -- 79 76 7J +It 50 fQot* PIC<Ii f. l_tohlltttall A,II ,_,ll,C,P yO_ ynel p,+III] It, llnl+ l,_ommnL 8tm_latdPI Pmml Ly for V|olatIOll I_/ Dataare unavailableif sectionof this tab]e are blank;Noiselevelsare k,wetghted;Footnotesprecedethis table. _O feaze mph • 35 A] _0 77 (L_) TABLE OF STATE LAWS 5taLe (cont'd.)-_/ PEIIIISYLVAN IA Ally for motor v_l,lcl_ wLth ua,tdlo _ldt+l" f, <_ ] wht:(+lt;, [lllU{it_ I _[+xrIsJ A motorcychl, Jllc]_Idln9 _w_t_r l_(>ntQr+ .<_5 h<)t_lnlw)wor I A1_y In+)t_z |ur tid*_ /nCllhl+llt hl_y(:ln_l I,eda]+'yc]t+ wllh m(lt(_l" v*+lltcl,_ with t* • ] wl_clql wlt.h hut_+t_r _<tJ)** _)lc:lLItlt_u motortt* ,fly matnrcy_lo P¢OOLCtr with powu_x l.c_tldh,rJ < 5 ]+rake ox¢ltl¢l_ hicy_ll mph • 35 n_t_r hor_,+w/tt_ I_pIfo ¢Cl_l_nS+ pitll.llorli:y S0_, fiLal_+s r,lm (dlIA) ._a I emN°"Vehlcl _ren_ pl+ly_l_|tlt+ ;_'-- l_l_nratlOl_I Ital.e I._mit. (,lfl^) IJifl_lil_i_ nf 'f_t_n++[_['t_a_|oll I}(+p_. of T_'AIInj_LaI:IQ;I l" < 35 -- 82 ?+ 04 ?B I_ (mf+_) _ foetal I<C (lla+d} (l_trd) _0 _O_ _lf_q _O_t_OJf i&flf* tlll_Ol + _llly _tF+dlt decelera_}o_ &Itlll +, l<+xltlI. PlohlhL_ml |O&lJ, • 35 06 82 8_ +4 _ta_ acro]+r41:lon or _ 35 06 Vel+tcles 50 ft+0t: frcml cont++t" _dn_e.UcrALJ_:_+ 1411o _tl_ler _lt_y gFnd(I t load* p.,B,C,P. _l,llp+ llol+lacoI1_111..qtcliw laI(lS yam P_II_I l+y for Vlola_ it}ll yes [__/ Data are unavailable A-weighted; Footoote$ Jq+h if sectton of" this precede this table. Lable are YO'S bl_nk; Noise levels are rJo accul_fa&(_lt o_ TABLE OF STATE LAWS _L,,t e WASIJ IN_I_JN Any _oi:or voh_L:l(l w_th _ad(l|u _(_r rJdu_ & < 3 w)ieol_i owclude_ traatocu & vuh|clnll _ 5 ha_(_cpf_w0r AJW _t'_r¢:y_|u (Jr m_tur _ecot(Jr wJLh < 5 h(ako llorIIf)p_wi,rl lllrZJll, l_u hJ(:ycle wtt_l r_ita_. Hltforc_ll_ ^utl_orjty l)epb, ll_w VuhJcln Ral_ q o_ V M°_orcY CIo _nndnr_ ((It_hi _] Me,or-Driven Cycle eO on SA)_ .13314 _lllUd Y_t 5w_l n_ I,Iml ((IliA) _oloq tl _tor VehL(_|os _oto_'-p_ | van Cycle PO*Im_I f _ [or Vlol_et ;f)(i l/ Pail - A-weighted; are I}o 04 ?G O0 ,Yes:l unava414ble Footnotes tf section precede of this th(s t_ble, t_ble are blank; Noise levels are (cont'd.) &/_ SELECTEDMUNICIPALAND COUNTYLAWS Local motorcyclenoise laws unlikestate laws are not reportednationally In the standard legal references. Thus, the laws summarized below were cQmpiledby contactingover 80 Jurisdictions,from which 66 responseswere received, On page D-16 is a tableof ordinancesthat were analyzed, Where applicable,standardsfor highway use and off-roaduse are distinguished, Off-road vehicles are abbreviated as ORV. . D-I# Code for MunicipalNoiseOrdinancesEquipmentStandards A. Motor vehicles are requiredto have an adequatemuffler in good working order and in constantoperation. B, No motor vehicle muffler may have a cutout, bypass or similardevice. C. Equipmentmodificationsare not a11owedto increasenoise emissionsabove those of the originalequipment. E. No person may sell or installequipmentwhich cause a vehicleto fail a noise emissiontest. H, Equipment modificationsmust not cause vehicles to fail noise emission tests, I. All engines are requiredto havemufflers. D-15 NOISH SEI,I,:CTED Holor Noise JurisdictLon AI_SKA Anchorage Vehiclo Stalldards 3/ AN[} COUNTI[:H "" M_a_urcm_llt I)i_ta_Lcc_ (O+lA) __35 76 76 MotorcTclus OEV's ONDIIIAHCES OF t4tI_IICI[_AI,I_'[[::S mph _35 E0 76 5Oft. Hquium_n Standards A,H,I t P_naltles for Violation Yes, specl but lied not Con_nu ni ty lloise Standards Yes Conformity W Fed. Reg. Yes ARIZONA Tempe 50ft. ___300 and/or 6 months In jail CALIFORNIA Alhambra Yes Yes BevQrly IIills Standard NulsancQ Restraining Order or Yes In_unotion Durbal_k _nglewood Adopts Adopts Pale Alto Modes to Pasadena community Pleasant I]III San Diego Santa Rosa Stockton Torrance State Shato Standard Standard Noise Standards .___tor Vehicles on Public Adopts State Standard Adopts state Standard Adopts State Standard Adopts _cate standard Adopts State Standard I Yes Yes _ Yes Yes Yes Exempt Roads Yes Yes Yes Yes A,C COLORADO Colorado Springs Denver Lakewood All Light Vehicles 80 25ft. A,B,C,E, T Yes All All Light Light Vehloles Vehicles 80 BO 25_t. 25ft. B,C,II rl B,C,I Yes Yes FLORIDA Steward West County Palm Community Noise Standard Motor Vehicles on public WaM Beach Motorcycles Motor Driven Cycles Exempts Right-of- <35 mph>3S 78 82 70 1/ Data are unavalleble sectfon of thh table -- A-weighted; Footnotes _recede this table, 79 are blank; t_olse _evels are Yes 5Oft, C,I Y_s, but not specified Yes Yes NOISE SI_LECTED Motor Noise Jurisdiction .=. ILLINOIS Barrington Cldcago Adopts Vehicle Standards Notorcyclo Hotor-drlvei_ Cycle O[IV Des PlaJnes Motorcycl_s Motorbike ORV'8 Park Ridge All Noise Standard <35 mpb 78 70 >35 82 79 82 <=35'mph 78 70 82 82 >35 82 79 82 SoUrces OF AND COUNT Measur ._m_at Distance (dBA) .State ORDINANCE!; HUNICIPALITIES Continued) EgU |preen _ Standards SOft. C 73(1975) New 84 75 73 50ft. C Not <$15 or >$300 subsequent o_fenses subject to n_re stringent fines 75ft. A,B ._$I0 but <$200 each day offense separate 87 _<35 mph >35 82 86 76 82 75 76 Motorcycle MotOrblko ORV Urbane .<35 mph 78 70 Motorcycles Motorbike ORV INDTANA Evansville All Vehicles Acceleratlnq llammond >35 82 79 N_W 7d(1980) 80(1975) 70(1975) 85 ,from full sto_ ,00 -<35 mph >35 Motoroycles ORV 86 82 Commu,ity Noise Standards Penalties for Violation New 75(198d) 75(1900) ., Rockford ':S -/ --"$15 but _$300 subsequent of lenses more strtnqent fines Conformity W/Fed. Reg Yes 5Oft. E,H >$15 bu_ <$300 and/or 6 months jail, more stringent for second offense 50ft. C _<$200 50ft. B 25ft. C,I Yes Yes Yes ¥e_ ,, 90 82 ->$50 but <$300 or 180 days and/ in jail Yes Yes Yes Yes IDAHO EOlS_ AdOl3tS Federal Standards 1/ DaLI are unavaHable If sectfon of this ta51e are blank: " A-wefghted; Footnotes precedo tMs table. 50ft. Notse levels A,BaC are ................ - ............ _k .olSl _. OI_I}INANCES OF S[,]l,l_L'l'l_:l) MIJtIICII1A[,I'I'IPIS /'_SD COIJtITI_S ContJ reject ) HoLor Vohic] o MOIn_ Sba.*Fard. Jurisdiction ICWA Ced*_r Falls (dflA) I_rltlilpln_llt stand*lrd9 l'_tl_l _ t los for Violation Co_uJll ty Iloise sta..lar,ln F_torcycJo Motorbike <35 mph >35 86 90 78 84 ]Oft* h,8*l ye_ e lallt llot Sl*eCi fled Motorcyclo Notorbiko ':35 06 78 30ft. I Yes, but not _poel f l_d Yes Motorcycle MoLorblko <_35 mph >35 86 90 78 8,1 Y_B, hut not specified Yes Dubuque Storm Moasurei.ent IiIsF;an_o 1/" -- lako rnldt >35 90 g4 30it. ] Coll fotmlty M/Fed. Peg. Yes KANSAS Pratro Village Mototcycl(l Motor-drlv0n Cyalo ORV <'_5 mph >35 "78 82 70 79 82 82 FlOW 75(1980) 75(1980) Soft. C Cntmty M_SSAC_I IJSETTS Bo_ton Motorcycle Motozblko Motor-driVel* MICIIIGAN a,n Arbor <35 mph >35 82 86 76 82 All Motor Cycle Vehicles 50ft. NOW 84 (]975 75(1982) 80(1975) Motoraycle Yes Not >$500 per o flense*each (lay se|_arato offeltsa Y_s 90 A,B _$t,0oO-oach dn sel_rato of fonne You YQQ Yos Yes 50EL. 25£t. A,R,II,I YnS, subject orlm|nal l_rOSeOut;[on _ DIta are unavallabFe A-weighted; Fo0t,otes _f section of this tab|e precede this table. Yes 73(1975) MARYZ_ND Baltlmore Montgomery <$300 and/or 6 months In Jadl are blank; Notse leve|s are to NOT_I_ (JRDIN/_NCF.S ()F I/ ._;RIJ_CTI:I) HIINIC_PALITI[_.q {(_on L_ln:edl Ju_isdictJon H[CIIIGAtl Rirml n_fhaln HOtol_ V_II it: it_ tloiBa Standard_ HO_lUtl_oln(lll t Illsl:a:lca (dllAI _35 ml,h >35 '/_ 82 70 79 HoLorcyc] o Hotor-dc|vufl AND COlIN'l'{l_S E(iU _|)IliOn t SI.amlard_ 5(Jft. Po]lalt J off for VinlatJol_ COIl_o_ity W/ Vod. Re_l. [ Cya)0 Dotrott Huillance I,cOvJsJnll Ka]an_l_oo A,n,ll <._]5 mph >35 Ho_0rcycle Hotnrldka 02 74 86 70 5oEt. C,! Yes, i_pacJ but _ied I_OL I Yoa NINNI_C_A Cannon Frills . 3 Hlnnoapo21s J,, Vnr[0_ With Speed and DJslarlce _.o. 35 inpll - _5 tlll_ .t 50 ft. 60 ml_h - 75 dl_ i.t 50 ft. Varies W_th t.o. 35 mph G(I laph Speed aiBd Dlstanco - 65 dtlA at 50 ft. -'75 dBa at 50 ft. 50it, 25it, Hototcyales MJnildko_ r,74 HONTANA Rl]lil_cjs Groat Fall_: 50ft. & 74 Hoto_ayv, Jefl Hinibikes Ilelena Hiasotda Ilotorcyclr_', /4illlhJl'n Hot.orcyclo _lO 25ft. O0 & gl) & #Ill uvc]n Fl_tor-dr _ ORV tven |[ - Dat_ are urtlv#l_able It section of this A-weighted; Footnotes precede |hh t_ble, 20,25 5Oft. or C I_ to _O c]aya In Jail 6,d/or $]oo 20,25 oc NOft. C < $S00 and/or d'ays in Jat! 25 ot 5Ofl:, C,I 25 or 5oft, A,B,_ 25ft. 25ft, C, I A YOA, but _l_.'cifla no fine 90 Ya_ Yea sot < _300 al_d/oc 90 _aya In jail eat;h day separate Yoa < $300 and/or _ay_l yoll < $]I)0 90 Yes j table are hlenk; Noise levels ire *{_TWIOJU03 go/, TT_ u| S_l_UO_ 9 .io/PlJU 00_ > ;_o/p.e 00_ uo_ "[T_[ .l_/pue Bo_. _o;. m_ep O_ O0_ • l'DJq Z'_'O _t oJe sio^_| aS;ON _uetq _O ':_J_Z ['0 06 90 '1JOS • 'aLqel |lql op;)_gJd so:j0u_oo3 ._p_3q6_oN-V aJe _[q?l siql J0 uol_=; _• JI aLqeLle^1un aJe ole0 /_ OO souo*_ p;_upu_S AL_O tJEt[D_D20:)O_4 seuc*,: .zoq:lo TeT_uopTooL_ OTOA_-zo_o_ o_e_S _:idopv OGg • '_:_T.') ,opGO I]V,]_ ALff) o_e_edo_ Aep -A_P/OOT_; • so_. q_u u_o:lUOTTV _2N_VA'_XS_IN_Id ou_n£m3 NOD_0 _u;).;.]o :lou SOA _o _13 _ eo_(TrlTUTN 9_0 _O oTo_o=o_oN SE< qdm g£_ "_.105 p0TJToad_ q.q 'soA '_J0_ Z_*U '_" OO soT_TqOA "_Jg OUSg _ uok S O_r:_ _ _L/Od Z _;6 a_ToTq0h _o SC "_J[)_ :itIDUk]TH_ :zo_oH 56 so'[OTqOA _o:loH 'lJg rlto_ _[OTA _[_tlO(I T_ou;)6 _e om_s SOA O_]Ot _L _idm S£> _TV TTY :_o:1o_ TIV AI]O OTD_O_O:IO_/ 01J 0U 90 CU _;C< IIHOt g[_ oInA_o_r_l "_JOS _0 r,[< :1LlOmO.; IIS _ O_,/ E)_OTt(_A 3o'_ oN oPoTO.I, g_q6T_ll _qs Pu_/Toa_13 T:l_UUTOUT_ O];IIO _1_o£ _ON _hb._onbnq[V OD]X_IN ,_4_ UOT_1DTpH[ "_Zli_ (paml [_llO;)) S3J,I.NI]OD(]NV ._IH,L]E'IVJXD]N(_[4 q_l+f,.')_J+Z_tS /1 .,IO S:I;JIIVIIFq_IO _lSlOr_ ROlSI! OItDIrl_Cl_ SHLF.CTEI) Juri=gdlctlon Motor No/uc VcltJc] o Stnztdzlrdu (dD/_) FOR NtJr{ICH_ALITIEg A[JI) COUNTIES (Cent J nt:ed} Noasucelnont DJuLa_;oQ I_qu i _,.ont Standards Conenunlty Noise Conformity Standards W Fed. Reg. Poll_ltles for VJolatlon VIRGINIA A1oxalldrla Arllngton Reserved for FUture '' --<35mph D0 /4otoroycle Oilier WASHINGTON Col1_g_ Place All 70 Hoist Vehlc_[eu Medina >35 04 A,_[ 5Oft. II 79 < $500 - oath day separate offen_e Yes .>_ $25 but Yes Y0s /. $1,000; and/or 3(_ day_ - each day _eparnto offei1_o 95 2oft, A,R,I < $100 and/or _o day. Jail Oil 82 2Sft. • $500 _nd/oC _ays Jail 30 25£t. or 50 ft. _ $300 al=d/o_ days JaJi 30 Standard At]opts Pullman State A,I MotorcyoJe Motorbike • gnohomish Motorcycles Wail= Eaactmerlt Walls All Motor 5oft. 87 25ft. 93 Vehicles <35 mph >35 SO 04 2oft. A,R 50ft. A_C,R WISCONSIN Mi ]'wnukeo Motorcycle WYONING LandeJ: All Motor Vehicles gO 2S_t. All HeLot Voahlclcs _0 35ft. 1_/ Data are unavailable If section of tht$ table are blank; Noise ]evels a_e A-weighted; Footnotes precede this table. Yes . Yoe Y0S Yes Yes, hut not a[_oclfled Ya_ SPECIFICREGULATIONOF OFF-ROADMOTORCYCLES STATE LAWS The following states have specific statutes which provide noise standards foroff-roadmotorcycles: California "--_'ope: Noise Limit: Colorado _pe: Noise Limit: Delaware Scope: Noise Limit: Illinois "S_c_pe: Noise Limit: Noise Limit: Michigan Scope: Noise Limit: New Hampshire Scope: Noise Limit: e: Noise Limit: Noise Limit: New off-highwaymotor vehicles Vehicles manufactured after January I, 1975 must meet 86 dB level at 50 feet. New off-highwayvehiclesrequireato be registered Vehicles manufactured after January 1o 1973 must meet 84 dB level at 5D feet, Operating or selling off-highwayvehicles Vehicles manufactured after January l, 1978 may not exceed 8G dB at 50 feet. Off-roadmotorcycles Off-road vehicles are subject to the limitations for property-line noise sources. Off-road motorcycles All off-readvehiclesmust meet the 84 dB level at 50 feet. Operatingor sellingoff-roadvehicles Vehiclesmanufacturedafter Januaryi, 1975 may not exceed 86 dB at full throttle from 50 feet. Operatingoff-highwayrecreat!enalvehicles Vehiclesmay not exceed86 dB, 7B dB after January1, 1983. Operatingoff-road recreationalvehicles Vehiclesmanufacturedig75 or beforemay not exceed 102 dB at 20 inches in stationarytest; 99 dB if manufacturedafter 1975. Any non-highwayvehicle Vehiclesmay not exceed86 dB at 50 feet or I05 dB at a distaceof 20 inchesusing the stationarytest. 0-22 SPECIFICREGULATIONOF OFF-ROADMOTORCYCLES (Continued) The following states make their general motorcycle noise statutes specifically applicableto off-roadvehicles: o Colorado o Idaho o Minnesota o Oregon The followingstates have implied that their street motorcyclenoise statutesare applicableto off-roadvehicles: o Connecticut o Florida o Montana o Nevada o New York o Pennsylvania o Rhode Island Regulatlonof Off-RoadMotorcyclesWithinMunlcIpallties Increasingly,municipalitiesare regulating off-road motorcycles to meet local needs. The local noise tables summarizethe levelsfor off-road vehicles, There is a trend te_ard establishingland-use regulationsfor operatingon propertysuch as alleysand vacantlots. D-23 APPENDIXE FOREIGNMOTORCYCLENOISE LAWS I APPENDIX E Foreign Motorcycle Noise Laws Council of European Communities (EEC) On November 23, 1978, the Council of European Communities issued a directive on motorcycles noise which requires that member states of the European Economic Community (EEC) adopt and put into force regulations for motorcycles with the noise emission limits and other provisions specified by the directive. Because the EEC test procedure and enforcement and compliance programs are different from that set by the U,B. for motorcycles, care must be taken in comparing the relative stringency of the EEC and U.S. motorcycle noise standards. The following discussion and tables attempt to compare the EEC noise emission standards with those of the U.S. From product manufacturers, and from its own observations, EPA has determined that differences in compliance and enforcement requirements between nations can and do make substantial differences in the meaning of the levels to the manufacturers. For example, it has not often seemed well understood that U,S. federal noise limits on products are absolute maximum not-to-exceed levels. No tolerances are allowed. Further, under U.S. law the government can and does order manufacturers to recall defective products after the products have been sold for engineering correction, and imposes large civil, financial, and even possibly criminal penalties on manufacturers for selling non-complying products, Accordingly, EPA's experience is that manufacturers having to comply with U.S, federal noise limits virtually always design and build their products to make less noise (2-3 decibels) than the limit set by U.S, regulations. Manufacturers have likewise indicated to the Agency that in complying with non-U.S, federal government noise limits, they may add one to two decibels for tolerance, Under such a circumstance one can see that the practical difference between two apparently similar regulatory requirements for the same product could be from 2 to 5 decibels. In the accompanying tables E-I and E-2 the Agency has endeavored to make a comparison between the current EEC regulations and the proposed U.S. federal regulation, as well as OECD proposed future EEC and the proposed U.S. regulation. The first column of each table shows the current or the OECD proposed future EEC regulatory noise limits. The second column of the tables shows the expected range of the EEC noise levels when corrected to the U,S. equivalent value. The range of values is due primarily to the variability in the location of the vehicles within the testing areas when the noise level is recorded. For motorcycles the range is -2 to 7dB. EPA has a mean value of 3 dB for motorcycles. The third column in the tables presents the mean value of the EEC levels with the above adjustments toU.S, equivalents. Columns five and six compare the equivalent EEC levels and the U.S. levels, when the associated enforcement programs are considered, U,B. production verification data shows that manufacturers design their products to be 2-3 dB below the regulatory level in order to ensure compliance with the U.S, regulation, Accordingly, this value has been subtracted from the E-I U.S. levelto depict the impact of U.S. enforcementprograms. The European enforcementprograms appear relativelyless stringent,with no perceived or apparentimpacton manufacturersin, for example,recallsor civil penalities. Therefore,the EEC levels have not been adjusted to show the impact of an enforcementprogram similar to that encounteredin the U.S. EEC rules do permit manufacturersto add one dg for tolerance,however,when testing for compliancewith EEC directives. The last columns on the table show the relativestringency of the EEC and U.S. regulationswhen enforcementand complianceprogramsare considered. The comparisonshows the U.S. requirementsto be mere stringentby I to 10 dB, than those of the current EEC regulations. In addition the U,S. requirements are 3 to 4 dB more stringent than the OECD proposed future levels. Unlike the EPA test procedure,the EEC test procedureis highly sensitiveto a changein gear or sprocketratios, Changingsprocketsdoes not necessarilyaffect the noise generatedin actual use, but does have a major effect on the measuredlevel in the EEC test, Thus, to reducethe measured noise level,manufacturerscam selecta sprocket ratio which gives the most favorableresults under the EEC test procedure, even though that sprocket change would not lower the noise generatedby the motorcyclein actual use. It is reasonable,therefore, to expectmanufacturerstesting under the EEC test proceduresto obtain a 2 dB reductionby such means (corresponding to about a 10% decrease in maximum enginespeed reached duringthe test), The EPA test procedureis insensitiveto a change in gearingor sprocketratios. This is becausethe EPA test prodedurecalls for the attainmentof a specific conditionof power and rpm at a specifiedlocationin relationto the microphone whlthis not the case for the EEC test procedure. UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionFor Europe (ECE) ECE Regulation No. g, entitled "Uniform Provisions Concerning the Approvalof Vehicleswith Regard to Noise,"dated March 20, 1958, and revised March 26, 1974, specifiesmotorcyclenoise limits. Vehiclesare tested under full accelerationin second gear with the microphoneplaced 7.5 m from the center laneof travel, The followingNoise limitsare currentlyin effect: EngineDisplacement A-weightedNoise Level 50 cc - 125 cc 82 dB 125 - 500 cc 84 dB Over 500cc 86 dB However,on June 2, 1978, the ECE proposed motorcyclenoise emission standardsidenticalto those of the Councilof EuropeanCommunities(EEC), As of October22, 1979, the proposedhad been transmittedto the U.N, Secretary Generalfor approval. E-2 TABLE E-I VEHICLE TYPE I II Ill CURRENT FUTURE EEC LEVELS EEC LEVELS CONVERTEDTO U,S. EQUIV (RANGE)(11 EEC LEVELS CONVERTEDTO U.S, EQUIV (MEAN) (2} IV V V] IMPACTOF ENFORCEMENT U.S. AND COMPLIANCEPROGRAMS REGULATORY ON REGULATORYLEVELS LEVELS (4) EEC (4) U.S. (5)' VII RELATIVESTRINGENCY OF REGULATIONS (EEC - U.S.) U.S. mere stringentby: Motorcycle A. <--80 78 BO - 71 75 18 77 76- 75 1 - 2 dg B.<- 125 80 82- 73 II 78 79 76- 75 3- 4 dB C,<-350 B3 85 - 76 80 78 BE 76 * 75 6 - 7 dB D* _ 500 85 87 _ 78 82 78 84 76 - 75 8 - 9 dB E* > 500 B6 88 - 79 83 78 85 76 - 75 9 - 10 dB • (1} Co_parisons should be made in sequence (i,e, I-VII), Due to differences in test procedure and measurement.distances associated with the ISO R362 test procedure and the U,S, test procedure, differences of -2 to +7 dB can be realized in the measurements, (2) Mean value of the -2 to +7 dB range in test proceduredifferencesis 3 dB, (3) This scenarioassumesa 78 dB level of stringency. (4) It is reasonableto expect manufacturerstestingunder the EEC test proceduresto obtainat leasta 2 dB reductionby changinggear or sprocketratio (corresponding to a 10% decrease in maximumenginespeed. • reachedduring the test}, Two dD is added to the EEC levelsto accountfor this effect, (5) Incorporatesenforcementand )reductiontolerances(generally2 to 3 dB less for productionverification). TABLE E-G* I OECD PROPOSED FUTURE EEC VEHICLE TYPE LEVELS II Ill OECD PROPOSED OECD PROPOSED FUTURE FUTURE EEC LEVELS EEC LEVELS CONVERTEDTO CONVERTEDTO U.S,EQUIV. U,S. EQUIV, (RANGE)(i) (MEAN) (2) IV V VI Vll IMPACTOF ENFORCEMENT U.S. AND DOPPLIANCEPROGRAMS RELATIVESTRINGENCY REGULATORY ON REGULATORYLEVELS OF REGULATIONS LEVELS (3) EEC (4) U.S. (5) IGEC- U.S.) U.S. more stringentby: Motorcycle * 80 82 - 73 77 78 79 76 - 75 by 3 to 4 dB Comparisonsshould be r_adein sequence(i.e. I-VII). (1) Due to differencesin test procedureand measurementdistancesassociatedwith the ISO RGG2 test procedureand the U.S. test procedure,differencesof -2 to +7 dB can be realizedin the measurements, (2) Mean value of the -2 to +7 dB range in test proceduredifferencesis 3 dB. (3) This scenarioassumesa 7B dO level of strJgency. {4) It is reasonableto expectmanufacturerstestingunder the EEC test proceduresto obtain at least a 2 dB reductionby changinggearor sprocketratio (corresponding to about a 10% decreasein maximumengine speed, reachedduring the test), Two dB is addedto the EEC levelsto accountfor this effect. (5) Incorporatesenforcementand productiontolerances (generally 2 to 3 dB lessfor productionverification). Canada The MotorVehicleSafetyAct controlsnoise emissionsfor motor vehicles. In 1976, theCanadianTransportMinistryadvisedthat the currantstandardfor motorcycleswas 88 dB, measuredby testingmethodJ g86a. • On June 29, 1976, the Departmentof Transportproposednew regulations, which wouldtake effectSeptemberI, 1977, loweringthe motorcyclenoise limit to 85 dB andadoptingSAE J47 as the officialtest procedure. Japan The JapaneseNoise RegulationLaw directs the Director-Generalof the EnvironmentalAgency to set maximum permissible noise levels for motor vehicles. EnvironmentAgency Bulletin No. 53, Septenber4, 1975, set forth maximum permissiblenoise limits for automobilesand other motor vehicles. Measurementprocedureshave been establishedfor normaloperatingnoise, exhaust noise,and accelerationnoise. Normal operatingnoise is measured from a distanceof 7.0 meters while the vehicleis travelingpast the test point at a constantspeed of 35 km/h (25 km/h for bicycleswith motors). Exhaust noiseis measuredat a distanceof 20 metersfrom the rear of an open exhaust pipewhen the vehicleis operatingat 60% of maximumoutput, Acceleration measurementsare made on vehicles operatingat full throttle past a microphone7,5m from the centerlane of travel. The followingmotorcyclenoise emission standardsare currentlyin effect: EngineDisplacement A-weightedNoise Level > 250 cc 7B dB 250 cc 78 dB > 125 cc 78 dB 125 cc 75 dB > 50cc 50 cc # 75dB 75 dB E-5 i APPENDIXF MOTORCYCLEDEMANDFORECASTINGMODEL AND ESTIMATIONOF REPLACEMENTEXHAUSTSYSTEMSALES MOTORCYCLE DEMAND FORECASTING MODEL* Approach and Methodology The analysis of the market environmentfor motorcyclesand the price of motorcycles (and other prices) over the period 1973 to 1975 indimatedthe approachto model statisticallythe determinants of demandfor unit motorcycle sales. Statisticallyequationswere estimatedeconometricallyby relating unit motorcycle sales (by type and function)to demographic,income,price, and motorcycle characteristicsover the period 1973 to 1975. Given these estimatedequations,and the forecastsof theexplanatoryvariablesfromData Resources, forecasts of unit sales and revenues (given prices) for each class of motorcycle were generated. I. Estimation Methodology 'Each equation for motorcyclesales was estimated in real terms; i.e., units, rather than total retail value. Total retail value is the productof total unit sales and unit price_ estimatingthe retail value of motorcycles would not indicatethe real influenceof priceeffects on unit sales. All sales series were seasonally adjustedto derive the true growth pattern of sales.w_thout the influence of trend, cyclical or irregular factors. Furthermore,the explanatoryvariables,prices and incomes are seasonallyadjusted. The seasonaladjustmentprocesswas conductedusingthe Bureau of the CensusXII SeasonallyAdjustmentProgram. PRICE The ConsumerPrice Index (CPI)is reportedby the Bureauof Labor Statistics (BLS) each month on a seasonallyadjustedand unadjustedbasis. POPULATION The mean income of males (with incomeby age cohort is reportedannually by the Bureau of the Census. 2. The Dynamicsof MotorcycleDemand. For estimation purposes, it was hypothesizedthat consumersof motorcycles have a desired level of motorcyclepurchases,and that, in any given period, a portion of that desirewill be met. In equationform: St " St-I °_(_t " St'l} (I) * A more detailedexplanationof the development and estimationof thismodel is in the "BackgroundReport for MotorcycleNoise EmissionRegulations, Phase If: Cost and EconomicImpactAnalysis,Volumes I and If," preparedby EPA's contractorMcDonnellDouglas,October,1976. F-I Where: St = actual sales (purchases)in period t St.1 = actual sales (purchases in period) t-1 St desired sales (purchases in period t The coefficient,_ , measuresthe extent to which actualsales meet desired sales in any given period,i,e., if_ = 1, the actualsales equal desired sales; if _ _ i, then some desired sales in any given period are unmet. Solving (i), . St (i-_) St. I +_ (2) St For estimation purposes, St and St.l are known_ St, desired sales, is not. It is reasonableto assumethat desired sales (St) are a function of the demographicand incomecharacteristicsof motorcycledemanders,and characteristicsof motorcycles;i.e., purchaseprice and operatingcosts and the price(s)of all other co_etlng commodities. Thus, for each type of motorcycle considered, the basic hypothesis tested was that unit motorcyclesales in any given period was functionally related to: Ca) Unit motorcyclesales in the previousperiod, (b) The demographic patterns in the age group consuming motorcycles. {c) The incomecharacteristics of these age groups. (d) The price of each classof motorcycle. (e) The price of competing commodities, includingthose of different types of motorcycles. {f) The user operating costs of each type of motorcycle. EXPLANATORY VARIABLES POPULATION Evidence indicates that the relevantconsuming groups for motorcycles were moles in the age cohorts20 to 24, and 25 to 34 years, A varianton these data was selectedto reflectthe true effectivedemegraphicfactors; i.e., males with i,noome in,these a_e _roups. These date are reported annually by the Bureau of Labor Statisticsand are forecastregularlyby an EPA I n ii contractors publication A_e IncomeMatrixModel. These annual data were distributedlinearlyto generatemonthly time"seriesdata. F-2 i....... /NCOH_ ! i i i i i + The income variable selected to reflex' the real purchasing power of motorcycle consumers was the Mean Income in ]974 do]]ars, of males (with income) in the age cohorts 20 to 24, and 25 to 34 years. Mean incomes of other age groups were tested for statistical significance in the equations but did not fare as well as the above. Mean income, in 1974 dollara, of these groups entersall equations.These series are reportedannuallyby the Bureau of the Census. To generatea monthly time path for these series,the monthly distributionof PersonalIncomefor the economyas a whole, in ]974 dollars. was imposed upon the annual series. Personal income is reportedmonthly, seasonallyadjusted,by the Departmentof Commerce. This serieswas deflated by the Consun_rPrice Index (CPI), reindexedfrom a 1967 to a ]g74 base. PRICE The retail price of each type of motorcyclewas generatedby dividing total retail value (for each type of motorcycle)by the correspondingunit retailsales. COMPETING PRICES Salesof motorcyclescompetefor the consumerbudgetwith all other goods sold in the economy, Several alternativecompeting price variableswere consideredand testedin the estimationprocess:the implicitprice deflator for consumptionexpenditureson durable commodities,andthe consumer price index for durable commedites,and the consumerprice index for all commmod]ties. On statisticalgrounds,the price variableselectedto representthe price of competingcommoditieswas the consumerprice index for all commodities (CPI). Crossprice substitution effectswere consideredin the estimationof the specific c]asses of motorcycles;i.e., sales by displacementclass and by tWO-Strokeand four-strokeclass. The demandfor a motorcycleof a particular class will be affectedby aggregatedemand variables;i.e., age-incomefactors, ewn price, competingprice (i.e., CPI) but also by the price of the impactof competingmotorcycleprice variables. However,in all cases,these variableswere rejectedon statisticalgrounds. USER OPERATING COSTS User operatingcosts (gas, insurance,maintenance,depreciation,etc.) have been found to be significantin influencingnew automobilesales. A priori, it was expectedthat such factorsshouldinfluencemotorcyclesales to some extent. Variousproxies for user operatingcosts of motorcycles(].e., the consumerprice index for gas and oils, the implicitprice deflatorfor consumptionexpenditureson gasoline,etc, relativeto generalprice variables were testedfor statlstica]significancein the equationestimation. None of these variables,however,were found statisticallysignificantand all were droppedfromthe equations. F-3 The basic hypothesistesLed for unit motorcyclesaleswas: UNITSSAi F (N20@34, MEAN20@34, PI' CPI) Where: UNITSSA i = Unit sales,seasonallyadjusted,for the ith class of motorcycle. N20@34 Populationof males, with income,in the age groups of 20 to 34 years. MEAN20@34 Mean income,in 1974 dollars,of males in the age groups20 to 34 years, PI : The price of the ith class of motorcycle. CPI : ConsumerPrice Index for all commodities(CPI). All equationswere estimated,monthly from 1973:2through1975:12 using the OrdinaryLeast SquaresRegressiontechnique. DATA Monthlydata, from 1973:1through1975:12on total motorcycleunit sales, retail and wholesale values, were made available by the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC). Annual data. from 1973 through Ig75, were made available by MIC for unit motorcyclesales, retailand wholesale valuesfor street, offroad and dual purpose motorcycles by engine displacement size (in cubic centimeters)and by two-strokeand four-strokeengine categories, Unit retailprice for each type of motorcyclewas generatedby dividing retail dollarvalue by unit sales. Since only three years of data were available for estimationpurposes, the equationswere all estimatedon a monthly basis. Monthlyprice and unit sales data for all annual series (street, off-road and dual purpose, by displacementclass and by two-strokeand four-strokebreakout)were generated by applylngthe monthly distributionof total motorcycleunit sales and unit price to these annualseries. The explanatoryvariablesused in the equation estimations,income,populationsand price, were derived from public sources and are documentedand stored in the DRI computerdata banks. 3. ForecastMethodology Forecasts of Male Population (with income) between the age groups 20 and 34 years, and Mean Income, in 1974 dollars, of this age group, were generated from the 12/75 forecast of an EPA contractor'sAge IncomeMatrix, The forecastof the ConsumerPrice Indexwas generatedby a contractor'sCycle Long 12/75 LongTerm Forecastof the U.S, economy. F-4 For the unit price of motorcycles,it was assumed,as a baselinecase, that prices would increase at the rate of 7 percent per year from 1976 through 1990, -_-_ I { [ Given the estimated equations and the forecasts of the explanatory variables,forecastsof (seasonallyadjusted)total monthly unit motorcycle sales, total street, off-road and dual purpose unit sales; street, offroad and dual purpose unit sales by two-stroke/four-stroke breakouts,and street,off-road and dual purpose unit sales by displacementclasses were generatedusing a contractor's MODSIM software. (Storedon-lineon a contractor's computers, alternativeforecastscan be readily generatedbased upon differentassumptionsregardingdemographic/income developments,inflationary developments or differing assumptionsregarding the retail unit price of motorcycles.) The monthly,seasonallyadjustedsales forecastsare summedto generateannual unit sales forecasts. ( ! 4. EstimatedEquations I The basic functionalform of the estimatedequationsfor unitmotorcycle saleswas: Unit Sales (seasonallyadjusted),per consumingpopulationgroup (i.e., males from 20 to 34 years)was functional]yrelatedto: (a) the lagged (one-month)value of this variable (b) the relativeprice of metorcyclesvis-a-visthe ConsumerPrice Index (CPI) (c) the Real Mean Incomeof the consumingage group,and (d) dummy variables. The formulationreflected(a) the adaptivepurchasingbehavioroutlined above, (b) the influenceof aggregratedemographicand incomecharacteristics of motorcyclepurchasers,and (c) relativeprice effects. Dummy variablesfor December1973 and January 1974 were introducedinto most equatlonsto take accountof the distortinginfluenceof the energycrisison motorcyclesales. The dependent variablein the equations was expressedin per capita terms giventhe crucialimportanceof demographicsin determiningmotorcycledemand. The estimationprocedurewas conductedin two steps. First,unit sales, seamonallyadjusted,per consuminqpopulationgroup was estimated_tally, To determinehow well these formulationsimplicitlyexplainedactual (not seasonallyadjusted),the estimatefrom this equati-o'n" was by the number of males, aged 20 to 34 years and by the seamonal factorsof unit sales to derive an estimateof actualunit sales. Actual unit sales were then regressedagainstthis estimate, If the first equationwas specifiedcorrectly,the coefficienton this estimateshould be approximately equalto one. This was found to be true for all equations. F-5 TOTAL UNIT SALES Tatal unit motorcycle sales, seasonallyadjusted, and divided by the relevantconsumingpopulation group (males, aged 20 through 34 years) was regressedon (a) its ownlagged value (one month) (b) the averageunit price of motorcyclesrelativeto the CPI (c) the Mean Income in 1974 dollars,of males aged 20 through34 years (d) two dummyvariables,for 1973:12end1974:1. Each variable in the equation is statistically significant and has the right sign: - the relative price variable enters the equation with a negative sign, as expected, indicating that as the relative price of motorcycles increases relative to the price of all other goods, then total unit sales will decline, holdlng everything else constant. mean income,in ig74 dollars,of males aged 20 through34 years,has a positive sign, indicatingthat as real income increases,so also will unit motorcyclesales,other thingsbeing equal. The'elasticitiesof the relativepricevariableand the incomevariable are -. 738 and 1.39 respectively. These indicate, that (a) for every I percentincreasein the relativeprice of motorcyclesvis-a-visthe CPI, total unit mot_sales will decline by .738 percent,holding everythingelse constant,(b) for every I percent increasein the real incomeof the 20 to 34 male population age groups, tota_motorcycle sales will increase by approximately 1.4 percent,ether thingsbeingequal. This formulationexplainsalmost83 percent (R-2 = ,8255)of the (monthto-month)variationin total unit motorcyclesales, seasonallyadjusted,per consuming population age group. On a transforme_basis (see below) this formulationexplainsover84 percent(transformedR-_ = .B416)of the variation in total actual unit sales. F-6 ESTIMATEDEQUATION: UNITSTSACAP TOTAL UNIT SALES .274224 * UNITSTSACAPLAGI (2.67635) -4244.29 * RELPT (3.17453) +.613208 * MEAN20_34 4o80927) +5573.28 * DUM7312 (6.65) +4638°40 * DUM741 R"2 ,8255 FIT: MONTHLY73:2 to 75:12 TransformedR"2 .8416 t-STATISTICSin parenthesis OurblnWatson ELASTICITIES = 1,6054 RELATIVEPRICE -.7355 REAL INCOME +1.39 WHERE: UNITSTSACAP TOTAL UNIT SALES,SEASONALLYADJUSTED, DIVIDEDBY N20@34 N20@34 MALE POPULATION,AGED 20 THROUGH34 UNITSTSA TOTAL UNIT SALES UNITSTSACAPLAGI UNITSTSACAP(-1) RELPT = AVERAGEUNIT PRICE OF MOTORCYCLES,DIVIDED BY THE CPI _EAN20@34 = REAL (1974DOLLARS)MEAN INCOMEOF THE MALE POPULATIONAGED 20 THROUGH34 YEARS. The same basic specificationand functionalform of the equationswas followedfor each type of motorcycle(i.e.,street,off-road,dual purpose., by two-strokeand four stroke breakoutand by displacementclassification). In all cases the relativeprice variablehad a negativesign and the real income variablea positivesign on its coefflcient. In the case of motorcyclesales by two-strokeand four-strokebreakoutand by displacementclassification, the price of competingtypes of motorcycleswas introducedinto the equations in order to generateestimotes of price cross-e]astlclties between different types of motorcycles. HOwever, on statisticalgrounds,this attest did not prove feasible.Summary statisticsof the estimatedequationsare providedin TablesF-I - F-5. F-7 TABLE F-I STREET MOTORCYCLE I STATISTICS I ' LAGGEDUNIT ' RELATIVEPRICE ' SALES ' 'COEFFICIENT ' COEFFICIENT ELASTICITY T-STATISTIC)' (T-STATISTIC)' MEAN INCOME COEFFICIENT ' TRANSFORMED' DURBIN ' WATSON ELASTICITY' --2 R Less Than 99 c.c. 100-169 c,c. .738673 (6.25191) -267.806 (1.88866) -.9275 .0138 (2.03) 1,162 .8510 1.059 170-349 c.c. .657243 (7.87124 -266.771 (2.27) -.9346 .022181 (2.694) 1.22 .8245 2.04 350-449 c.c. .372936 (3.72138 -699.473 (2.807) -.967 .08718 (3.9261 1.52 .8174 1.588 480-749 c.c. .299783 (2.802) -362.33 (2.33) -.863 .0697069 (3.61965) 1.49 .8|16 1.5548 750-899 c.c, .263063 (2.09) -120,92 (3,027) -.768 .048142 (4.573) 1.44 .8206 1.56 & 900 c.c. plus TABLE F-2 OFF-ROADMOTORCYCLESTATISTICS ' LAGGEDUNIT ' RELATIVEPRICE ' ' SALES ' ' 'COEFFICIENT COEFFICIENT ' ELASTICITY'__ '(T-STATISTIC)'(T-STATISTIC)' Less Than 99 c.c. .345644 (2.780181 -163B.00 (-3.07013) * -.953169 .0837784 (4.06085) i.S4892 1.6145 .8493 1.8368 .7282 1.8253 170-349 c.c. .451802 (4,05766) 350-449 c.c. .43004 (3.49149) * * .00267284) (4.29743) .527595 ,7296 1.7539 450-749 c.c. .31602S (3.86852 * * .00110338 (7.14955) .6055594_ '! .8431 1.7968 .0221605 (3.27084) .674485 ,8158 .252134 (2.94974) -1.14813 .01462 (7.74991) ' TRANSFORMED' OURBIN ' WATSON _-2 100-169c,c. -180.905 (-2.53415) * MEAN INCOME 1.67024 | * Price variablenot statisticallysignificant,and thereforeomlttedfrom specification. TABLE F-3 DUALPURPOSEMOTORCYCLESTATISTICS ' LAGGED UNIT ' RELATIVEPRICE ' MEAN INCOME ' TRANSFORMED' DURBIN 'SALES ' ' ' WATSON 'COEFFICIENT ' COEFFICIENT ELASTICIT_"-'--C-O-'L"FFICIENT'ELASTICITY' -2 R '(T-STATISTIC)'(T-STATISTIC) l I Less Than 99 c.c. .579097 (6.00582) -711.931 (2.034) -.867 .03331 (2.668) 1.2137 .7928 1.6848 -1159.7 (2.40487) -.9969 .0771913 (3.33068) 1.438 .8101 1.567 -616.782 (1.90078) -.74 .06576 (2.9283) 1.19 .8242 1.5033 1.43 .8089 1.5199 .787 !.4887 100-169 c.c. .469664 (5,39922) 170-349 c.c, .456098 (5.845) 360-449 c.c. .400972 (4.29955) -179.967 (2.295) -.912 .0233366 (3.334) 460-749 c.c. ,675174 (6,96569 -3.02146 (1,5058) -.45 .000496 (2.31) ¢' " ,7411 TABLE F-4 UNIT SALES _ SUMMARY ' LAGGEO UNIT ' RELATIVEPRICE ' MEAN INCOME ' TRANSFORMED' DURBIN ' SALES _ ' ' ' WATSON 'COEFFICIENT COEFFICIENT ELASTICITY-'COEFFIC-rE_TELASTIC'I"FY'_ ' '(T-STATISTIC)_(T-STATISTIC)' I TOTAL UNIT SALES .274224 ' (2.67635) -4244.29 (3.17453) -.738 TOTALSTREET UNIT SALES .281494 (2.37492) -1067.83 (2.79) TOTALOFF- . ROADUNIT SALES .255683 (2.169) TOTALDUAL. .469622 PURPOSE (5.48137) UNIT SALES ' I ,' ,' J i ' .613208" 1.39 -.5948 .239737 (4.45) -1281.96 (2.3839) -.6508 -2417.31 (2,35) -,87 ' ,' .8416 1.6054 1.25 .824 1.61 .128049 (4,13) 1.33 .8210 1.6265 .20186 (3,3) 1.31 .815 1.5541 4 TABLE F-5 TWO-STROKE/FOUR-STROKE MOTORCYCLESALES i i •i 'LAGGED UNIT i RELATIVEPRICE ' MEAR INCOME ' TRANSFORMED'DURBIN 'SALES ' ' ' WATSON ICOEFFICIENT' COEFFICIENT ' ELASTICITY' COEFFICIENT ELASTICITY 6 --2 R '(T'STATISTIC) ' (T-STATISTIC)' ' ' i a i U i ; _O-STROKE Street ,3459 (3.36869) Off-Road .230848 (2,26788) I ' i ' -456.644 (3.17) -,8437 -415.923 (1.17) *.422 ' ' .0648 (4.59) 1.428 ,06466 (2,93) 1.12 .8306 1,664 I .8314 * 1.68 I | Dual Purpose FOUR-STROKE Street Off-Road ,4898 (5.88) -1612.38 (2.17) -.7999 .138436 (3.1487) 1,225 .... 8B9.507 (3,486) .473304 (4,53) -919.24g (2,74_3) .8247 -.689 .2369 (8.02) 1,6 .8093 -,8255 .05055 (3,63) 1,3lS .8073 ' 1,5949 I ' 1,0317 ' 1.5107 I I Dual Purpose .619465 (6.368) -419.938 (1.37) -,545 .03336 (2.088) .85 ,7761 I ' * 1,7129 ESTIMATIONOF REPLACEMENTEXHAUSTSYSTEMSALES Aftermarket exhaust system sales are simply a fixed proportion of the stock of motorcycleseach year, That proportion,.1214,was derivedfrom 1974 data by dividing exhaust system sales (Table 8-18) by the stock of motorcycles (Table 8-16). EPA developed a computer program to calculate the stock of motorcycles each year. Annual motorcycle sales were taken from the 1979 Motorcycle Statistical Annual (published by MIC and included in Table 8-1) from 1969-78, from the Motorcycle Demand Forecasting Model for 1979-1990, and were estimated for the 1965-68 period. Data on sales were derived from the S largest firms in the industry in 1978 and since these firms represented 96.4% of total sales from 1973-1978, the MIC figures were divided by .964 to augment the forecasts to the total industry level. From 1991-2000 sales are expected to grow 2% per year. After the year 2000 the sales growth rate is flat and sales are equal to their 2000 level. Si, the scrappagerate (I minus the survivalrate), was derived from the 1979 MotorcycleStatisticalAnnual and was reproducedas Table 8-20 in ChapterB. After 13 years, all motorcyclesof a given vintagewill have been scrappedand, therefore,could not contributeto the stock of motorcycles. By using the above data, EPA estimatedmotorcyclestocks for the years from 1976-2010. Since the period of interestbegan in 1979, an assumption was made that no pre-1967motorcyclesexisted. The 1967 sales data were run through the scrappagesubroutineand the numberof motorcyclesremaining in 1979 were calculated. Similarly,the sales for succeedingyears were "scrapped"and the 1979 remainderwas calculated. When this procedurewas completedfor theyears 1967-1979the remainderwas totaledand the 1979 stock was derived. The calculationsare summarizedin the followingequation: t - 13 Kt _E_ i=t (l'Si) Mi where Kt = stock of motorcyclesin year t Mi motorcyclesales in year i Si scrappagerate for motorcyclesof age i To derivethe 1980 stock the 1979 estimatewas eliminatedand the entire sequence of calculations was performed, The calculations were started with 1968 data because all 1967 motorcycleshad been scrapped(they were 13 years old). Hence,for each year the stock of motorcycleswas completelyrecalculated from a clean slate. The time series of themotorcyclestock was completedby carryingout the calculationsfor all years. The forecastedstock of motorcycles from 1979-2010 and the estimatesof exhaust system unit sales are presentedin Table 8-19. F-13 APPENDIXG RELATIONBETWEENSTANDARDTEST METHODOLOGIES AND REPRESENTATIVE ACCELERATIONCONDITIONS Introduction The health end welfare analysis of motorcycle noise impact (and possible reductions of that impact) requires noise level information on motorcycles under actual operating conditions. The analysts(Section 5) requires motorcycle noise levels as measured by a standardized acceleration test to be translatedinto motorcyclenoise levelsthat would be measuredunder representative actual accelerationconditions. This Appendix presents supporting informationfor the assumptionthat noise levels measured under J-331a or F-76a less 3 dB are representative of unconstrainedtrafficaccelerationsfor purposesof the healthand welfareanalysis. The operating conditions that describe motorcycle accelerationsconsist of several parameters: (a) accelerationrates, (b) engine speeds at gear shift points, and (c) throttlesettings. These operatingconditions, of course, differ from motorcycleto motorcycle and from motorcyclistto motorcyclist. Situationalfactors, too, will cause an individualmotorcyclist to accelerate differently under varying conditions. Describing motorcycle accelerations,then, either with distributionalstatistics or "average"icasesis seen to be a very difficulttask. Studies on automobile operation"have shown great variancesin automobileaccelerationconditions. Motorcyclescould be expectedto display even greatervariancesdue to the broad range of vehicle capacities (horsepowerto weight ratios) and wlde engine speed ranges coupled with near universal use of manual transmission. To EPA's knowledge,me study existswhich specificallyfocuses on motorcycle accelerationconditionsin the U.S. A detailedstudy has been conductedon motorcycleoperation in Japan2 but is mot felt to be directlyapplicableto U,S, operations. Current Standardized Test_ Current SAE procedures and ISO procedures measure motorcycle noise under full throttle accelerationconditions (see AppendixA), Typically second gear is required, although third and higher gears are specified in some cases. Motorcycles are accelerated up to various engine speeds including100% of maximum rated RPM for some motorcyclesunder some tests. Further,maximum noise under test (presumedfor most motorcyclesto occur at the highestengine speed achievedduringthe test) occursat various distances relativeto a microphonelocation. The proceduremost commonlyused in the U,S. currently is the SAE J-331e or variantsthereof, The J-331a procedure includesa featurewherebymotorcyclesreach thelr maximumtested enginespeed at differentdistancesfrom a microphonedependingon motorcycleperformance characteristics. The procedurewhich EPA investigatedfor use in Federal regulations (F-76a) measures motorcycle noise at differing fractions of maximum rated englne speed (dependingon engine displacement)at a standardizedposition relativeto a microphonelocation. As discussedin Section 3, noise levelsmeasuredunder these two proceduresare felt to be statistically comparablealthoughIndividualmodelsmay vary by severaldecibels. The J-331e procedure Is representative of very rapid acceleration conditions. Most motorcycles are accelerated at full throttle to very high engine speeds under this test. The F-76a procedure, also a fullG-I throttle procedure,features somewhat lower engine speeds. Acceleration rates, however, would be expected to be comparable under the two tests. Entering and closing road speed and distance traveled under the J-331a test can be used to calculate avera_ acceleration rates during the test. Calculations based on data--_ Appendix C reveal that very small motorcycles accelerate at about 0.15 - 0.20 "g", and that very powerful motorcycles can have average acceleration rates in excess of 0.50 "g" during that test. Althoughsome motorcyclistsundoubtedlyaccelerateat these very fast rates, the average acceleration rates achieved in J-331a are not felt to be representative of the distribution of accelerations in unconstrained traffic conditions. Adjustment to Noise Level Measured Under Standardized Tests Since J-331a end other tests are not directly applicable for noise impact analysis, certain adjustments must be made to measured values. Several studies have been conductedwhich measuredmotorcyclenoise during actual operationalconditions. 3'4'5'6'7 Some oF these studies included a broad range of motorcycle operating conditions with qualitative descriptors of accelerationor cruise conditions. The study conductedby the IllinoisTask Force on Noise,however,tested motorcyclesat controlledaccelerationrates. It is not apparentthat standardizedtests were conductedon measuredmotorcycles in any of these studies so comparisonwith existingdata on motorcycle noise levelscannotbe made. It is apparentfrom everyone of these studies, however, that motorcyclesunder cruise are considerablyquieter than under acceleration,and that accelerationrate is a very importantdeterminantof noise levels. Since directrelationshipsbetweenoperationalnoise levelsand standardized test noise levels are not available,the healthand welfare analysis requiresseveralassumptionsto be made. EPA attemptedto developa relationship between noise levels and fractional accelerationrates based on the IllinoisTask Force on Noise study. This effort,however,was not successful in obtaining_seable results. Instead,motorcyclenoise levels as a function of engine speed at the shift points between firstand secondgear, and between second and third gear were examined. It was apparentthat for most motorcycles these two shift points occur at about the same engine speed. Accordingly,the shift point between second and thirdgear was used excluslveiy in this analysis. Representative motorcycle accelerationsare describedin this analysisby a single set of accelerationconditions. These "representative" conditions featurepartial-throttle accelerationto a moderatelyhigh engine speed before shifting. The engine speed achievedbefore shiftingis assessedto be a speed somewhatlower than is specifiedin the F-76a procedure. Similarly,throttle setting is considered to be somewhat less than the full throttlecondition specifiedin O-331a/F-76atesting. It is generally agreed that smaller motorcyclesaccelerate to higher relative engine speeds before shifting than do largermotorcycles. This phenomenon is accounted for in the F-76a test. It is considered to be a reasonable assumption that accelerationscan be representedby maximum engine speeds some ten percentage points of maxlmum rated RPM less than G-2 TABLE G-i MOTORCYCLEENGINESPEEDSAT 28 MPH ENGINE SPEED AT RATED ENGINESPEED 28 MPH - 2ND GEAR(RPM), (RPM). MODEL FRACTION OF MAXIMUM RATEDRPMAT 28 MPH Honda ?_zJ_'OK CB-500T CB-400F XL-350 4000 3900 5200 5500 8000 8500 5000 7500 0.50 0.46 0.58 0.75 Yamaha XS-7500 XS-650D XS-500C RD-400C XS-360 2D 3200 3200 4600 4100 4600 7000 7000 8000 7000 8000 0.47 0.47 0.58 0.59 0.59 3200 3400 4100 4100 5100 8500 7500 8000 7500 7000 0.39 0.46 0.51 0,55 0.73 GT-500 G5-400B GT-380M GT-250A 3700 3500 5100 4900 5600 8500 6000 8500 8500 7500 0.44 0.87 0,60 0,61 0.75 H°D X--C'ZIO00 2800 5000 0.56 Kawasaki KZ-750 KZ-650 KH-400 KX-400 Suzuki Source: t Motorcyclereviewsin CEcl _ and Cycle Guide magazines _-3 FIGURE MOTORCYCLE ENGINE SELECTED SPEED MODELS Gvl AT 28MPN 250ec AND - 2ND GEAR GREATER 1.0 0.9 0.3 0.2 0 1 2 3 ENGINE Source: Table 4 5 DISPLACEMENT G-1 G-4 6 7 - cc 8 (HUNDREDS) 9 10 11 TABLE G-2 MOTORCYCLENOISE LEVELSAT TEN PERCENTAGE POINTSLESS THAN F-/6a CLOSINGENGINESPEED F76a Sound Level Less F-16a - i0_ Sound Level (dB) MotorcycleNumber MotorcycleModel 104 121 176 94 186 105 101 106 108 119 120 128 107 132 110 131 126 125 130 188 92 93 123 115 118 112 113 134 135 i?4 Honda GL-IO00 KawasakiKZ-DGO Suzuki GT-750 H-D FXE-1200 H-D XL-IO00 Honda CB-750 Honda CJ-360 Honda CB-550 Honda CB-125 KawasakiKH-400 KawasaklKZ-750 Suzuk.i GT-500 Honda CB-200 Suzuki GT-500 Honda XL-125 Suzuki GT-380 Suzuki GT-185 Suzuki TS-400 Suzuki TS-IO0 H-D SX-175 H-D SS-125 H-D SX-125 KawasakiKH-250 KawasakiKH-IO0 KawasakiKE-IOO Honda XL-ZOO Honda XL-250 Yamaha D7-250 Yamaha O7-175 Yamaha XS-650 n - 30 Source: _ = 1.42 dB Table C-12 G-5 s - 0.72 dB 1.5 2.4 1.6 3.2' 1.9 1.6 1.5 1.0 1.1 1.1 2.2 0.7 1.3 0.9 2.2 0.7 1.2 1.5 0,3 0.5 0.4 2.2 2.6 1.0 1,3 2.5 1.6 0.3 0.7 1.5 the speed specified by F-76a, According to this assumption small motorcycles would be considered to accelerate to 80% of maximum rated RPM and very large motorcycles to 50%, with a sliding scale in between, The extreme points of 80% and 50% of maximum rated RPM do not appearto be unreasonable although the 80% figure {naybe somewhat low for very small motorcycles. The reasonableness of the assumption that representative accelerations might be some constant decrement below F-76a (rather than different decrements for large and small motorcycles), can be checked by investigating motorcycle engine speeds as a functionof road speed. EPA air emissionregulations specify that, unless otherwise stipulated by the manufacturer, gear changes between second and third gear during the standard air emission test are to occur at 28 mph for motorcyclesover 250 cc. Table G-I presentsthe engine speed (as a fraction of maximum rated RPM) of several motorcycle models at 28 mph in second gear. The results in Figure G-1 indicate that, if motorcycles of 250 cc and greater generally are shifted at about the same road speed, the graduation of engine speeds in F-76a is not unreasonable for representative accelerations, Motorcyclenoise levelsat ten percentagepointsless than F-76a closing RPM were obtained from the data in Appendix C. Table C-12 contains noise level measurements for several motorcycles that were tested at more than one closing engine speed under F-76/J-47-typetesting. From these data it is possibleto interpolatemotercycle noise levelsat F-76a closingenginespeed and F-76a less ten percentage point closing speed, These data are included in Table G-2. This Table indicates that, for this sample, motorcycle noise levels at ten percentagepoints below F-76a closing speed (full throttle) would be betweenone andtwo dB below their F-/6a value. To account for the fact that representative accelerations are likely to be conducted at lessthan full-throttle, an additional adjustment is necessary. EPA is not aware of availabledata which specificallyfocuseson engine load as a variable distinct from other parameters such as engine speed. The JAMA2 study did develop a relationship which empirically modelled noise level as a function of acceleration rate, but that is not directlyapplicable. The formula developed,however,would indicatethat the impact of average acceleration rate is not particularly large (the difference between a 0.2 "g" accelerationand a 0.4 "g" accelerationwould be 3 dB). Wanting'directly applicableinformation,it is assumed that the effect of less-than-full throttleaccelerationamountsto one-to-twodB for most motorcycles, Addltionalmeasurements to quantifythis phenomenonare desirable, The combination of the two assumed adjustments to J-331a or F-76a noise levels for representative accelerations amounts to a two to four dB decrement across all model lines. Accordingly,the health and welfare analysis uses the assumption that F-76a or J-331a noise levels less 3 dB are representative of accelerations in unconstrained trafficconditions. ComparisonWith Other Studies It is useful to compare this assumption with the results of abovementioned studies. As discussedbelow no serious incompatibilities between this assumptionand measureddata have been found, G-6 TABLE G-3 SPEED LIMIT 35 MPH OR LESS Level Roadwa_ Motorcycles dB(A) Variation from Present Limit P Stock dB(A) No. of Veh. Over Acceleration Motorcycles Modified _ of Veh. Over No.of Veh. Over % of Veh. Over Stock No, of % of Veh. Veh. Over Over Grade Motorcycles Modified No.of Veh. Over % of Veh. Over Stock No.of %of Veh. Veh. Over Over Modified No.of Veh. Over % of Veh. Over 0 82 1 1.5 4 13 4 5 30 46 9 17 17 57 -I 81 1 1.5 4 13 9 12 33 51 15 29 18 60 -2 80 1 1.5 10 34 i0 13 39 60 17 32 22 73 "3 7g 2 3.0 12 38 15 20 45 69 21 40 23 77 -4 78 3 4.6 13 41 19 25 49 76 25 48 23 77 -S 77 3 4.6 15 47 28 37 54 83 31 59 27 90 -6 76 5 7.7 18 56 33 44 56 86 33 63 27 90 -7 75 11 16.8 22 69 44 58 58 88 38 72 28 g3 -8 74 16 24.6 27 85 52 69 5g 91 42 79 28 . 93 -9 73 25 38 30 94 65 86 69 91 45 85 28 93 -IO 72 35 54 31 97 70 92 60 93 47 89 28 93 TOTALVEHICLES MEASURED 65 Source: Reference5 32 76 65 53 30 (a) Motorcycle Industry Council Studies. Studies conducted by the Motorcycle industryCouncil have been summarizedin Reference4, The summarized studies include motorcycles measured both under acceleration and cruise conditions. It was found that low speed noise levels of motorcycles have fallen from the high to low 70's (dB) over the past six years. Further, it was found that accelerationnoise levelsof motorcycles(with modified motorcyclesincluded)range from mid-70'sto high 80's. Differencesbetween acceleration and cruise noise levels were found to vary between 3.5 and 12 dB. These differences between acceleration and cruise noise levels provide a very limited basis for comparison of the assumption and these measured data, as discussfurtherbelow, (b) CaliforniaHighway Patrol and Chica_o Urban Studies. A survey of vehicles operating on California highways 5 included measurements of motorcycle noise under the following conditions: level roadway, acceleration, and grade. Since these measurements included modified and unmodified motorcycles of unspecifiedmanufacturedate, and since no standardizedtest was conductedon measured motorcycles,no directconclusionscan be drawn from these data on the relationship between operational and standardized test noise levels. However, the noise level differences between acceleration and level roadway operation can be determined if it is assumed that a ranking of a motorcycle population according to increasing noise level would remain the same under both of these operating conditions. Examining Table G-g, it can be seen that the noise level representative of the upper tenth percentile of motorcycles shifts from 6.5 dB below "present limit" under cruise conditions to 1 dB below "present limit" under acceleration conditions, a change of 5.5 dB. This transformation can be conducted for all percentiles to determine a trend. Again assuming that relative motorcycle noise rankings do not change, this survey would indicate that acceleration operations are 4-6 dB louder than cruise operations and that grade operation is about 7 dB louder than cruise. The ChicagoUrban study6 also measurednoise levels under acceleration and cruise conditions. Again, no standardizedtests were made on measured motorcycles. The difference between acceleration and cruise operations can be determinedin a manner similar to that describedfor the California study. Figure G-2 shows of that study acceleration noise levels of 80.1 dB (s = 5,6) and cruise levels of 73.3 dB (s = 4.4), a difference of 7 dB. These studies imply a certain relationship between motorcycle acceleration and cruise noise. If a relationbetweenmotorcyclecruise and standardized test conditions can be developed, the assumed relation between acceleration and standardized test can be checked. The difference in motorcycle noise level between cruise conditions and a standardized test was analyzed using the data in the 1975 MID study,8 This study included 200 motorcycles, many of which were measured both under J-331a and 35 mph cruise. Differences for 70 models were averaged with a resulting difference in noise level of 10,3dB (s = 3.2). ! G-8 II0 i _ I00 I .J w _J ,,-I tJJ N • Z Q _ Oe := 80 • :IC Ib6Oeeee • 18 ?0 DO QOD " : • 8 " e" • 60 T , DECELERATION • I 25-35 mph I ACCELERATION FIGUREG-2 NOISEOF MOTORCYCLES WITHSTOCKMUFFLERS DATANORMALIZED TO 50 ft - 40 Samples _ourg_: Illinois Task Force on _ise 5D_rcy.cle Noise _vels A Be_or_on Fi41d Tests (Bef. 7) G-g If 7 dB is used as the difference between motorcycle sound levels under accelerationand cruiseconditions,and if 10 dB is used as the difference betweenJ-331a or F-76a levelsand cruiseconditions,it is seenthat the assumption that J-331a/F-76anoise levels less 3 dB are representativeof accelerationsin unconstrainedtraffic situationsmay not be inconsistent with data measuredin the MIC, Californiaand Chicago studies. This artificially constructeddifferencebetweenhighly varyingfigures,however, is not in any sense intendedto be a showingthat a 3 dB decrementis accurate. Rather it is intendedto show a lack of conflictwlth measureddata. (c) Illinois Task Force on Noise. In a study conducted at the University of Illlnois_ twenty motorcycles were tested under controlled accelerationconditions.1Motorcycleswere tested under different acceleration rates until a motorcycleacceleratedfrom a deed stopfor 100 feet in 4.8 seconds (terminalspeed 28 mph, average accelerationrate 0.27 "g"). This time intervalwas used becausea previousstudy had determinedthat it represented the 75th percentileof accelerationrates of automobiledrivers in Illinois. The study showed that the noise levelsof unmodifiedmotorcycles tendedto be in the mid-to-low70's (dB) at these accelerationrates. Of the relativelynew bikes testedwith no apparentdefects,J-331a data were available in the MIC report on seven. These motorcycles,shown in TablesG-4 and G-5, displayedaccelerationnoise levelssome 5412 dB below _-331a values. The accelerationrate tested, however, is consideredto be lower than the representativeaccelerationdesired for the health and welfare analysis. As discussedabove, adjustmentsto accountfor differentaccelerationrates were pursuedbut did not providemeaningfulresults. The data in the I1linois study,.however, are not felt to be seriouslyinconsistent wlth the representative acceleratlonassumptionsmade. G-IO TABLE G-4 REPORTED RESULTS ON MOTORCYCLE ACCELERATION TESTING (TABLE 1. Year 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Make MOTORCYCLE SUMMARY) Size(cc) Maximum Overall dB dB Maximum TendencyRecorded dB 1971 Kawasaki 1973 Suzuki 1973 Honda 1973 Kawasaki 1974 Honda 90 125ITS125) 325 (350CB) 100 (65) 360 (360 CB) 76 76 ...... 70 71 71 73 71 70.5 71 73 71 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, 1966 1966 1974 1975 1972 Suzuki Honda Honda Honda Honda 149 160 (CB) 550 750 (KS) 250 84.5 76 72 73 73 77 ? 78 70.5 74 73 84.5 78 72 74 73 11. 12. 13. 14. 15, 1970 1973 1971 1971 1971 Suzuki Suzuki Honda Honda Honda 492 250 325 100 350 (T500) (TS) (CBI (CB) (SL) 75 83 78 ...... 78 75 83 80 75 83 BO 78 78 16, 17, 18. 19. 20. 1974 1972 1973 1974 1972 Suzuki Yamaha Honda Kawasaki Honda 738 650 444 175 350 (750 GT) (XS) (450CB) 72.5 78 73 ...... 72 73 79 73 73 79 73 72 72 (CL) Source: MOTORCYCLENOISE LEVELS- A REPORTON FIELD TESTS (Ref. 7) 76 Group II Notusable I I I Ill Ill I I II II IV IV Not usable II I II I Not usable II TABLEG-5 J-331a NOISELEVELSCOMPARED WITH MOTORCYCLE NOISELEVELSUNDER ACCELERATION MotorcycleModel 1973Honda CB 350 1974 Honda 360 1974 Honda CB550 1975 Honda CB 750K 1974 Suzuki G7-750 1973 Honda CB_450 1972YamahaXS-650 O-331aSound Level (dB) BO 76 79.5 79 B4,5 81 84.5 70 71 72 73 72.5 73 78 Source: Refs. 7 and 8 G-12 ,L ......... Acceleration SoundLevel (dB) Difference .(dB) 10 5 7.5 6 12.5 8 6.5 References 1. Gary, Richard F., A Survey of Light Vehicle Operations, Noise and Vibration Laboratory, General Motors Proving Ground, Milford, MI, Engineering Publication 6313, July 1975. 2_ Japan Automobile ManuFacturers Assn, Inc., Motorcycle Noise Control Coffrnittee, MotorcycleNoise Studies,July 1975. 3. Motorcycle Industry Council, Sound LevelMonitorin B - Portland_Oregon, 1976. 4. Walsh, J., Hagie, R., and Harrison,T., MotorcycleNoise in the Community - A Review,June 1977. 5. California Highway Patrol, Noise Survey of Vehicles Operatin9 on CaliforniaHighways,1971. 6. Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc., ChicagoUrban Noise Study, Report 1411, 1970. 7. Illinois Task Force on Noise, Motorcycle Noise Levels - A Report on Field Tests_ June1975. 8. Motorcycle Industry Council/McDonnellDouglas Astronautics Company West, Evaluation of Stationaryand Movin9 MotorcycleNoise Test Methods for Use in ProposedRegulations,December,1975. G-IS APPENDIX H ADDITIONALMOTORCYCLENOISE LEVEL DATA This appendix discussesthe 76a test proceduremethods of eliminating tachometer variables, and stationary vehicle test methods which may be correlateable to the moving test method. Noise levels prevailing at the rider's ear during various operationalmodes of the motorcyclewere also measured. Noise EmissionData Base_ F76a Procedure F76a noise emission data, obtained for representative motorcycles, are presented in Table H-I. Included in the table are data obtained at other closingrpm'sand comparisonJ331 data. The annotation "by tach" means that the vehicle tachometer (if so equipped)was employedto establishenteringand closingrpm; if the vehicle was not equipped with a tachometerj a portable tachometer was employed. In all cases,the steady-state calibrationof the tachometerwas verified(and a correctionapplied if necessary)by Botching a signal from the ignition secondaryof the motorcyclewith a signalof known frequency(accuracy+ 0.5%) froman oscillator(FigureH-I). The annotation "by gate" means that the closing rpm was established by the tape-switchgate. The pair of tape switches,spacedone-meterapart, located at the acceleration end-polnt measure the time (accuracy _0,05 milliseconds; typically _ 0.1%) of traverse of the one-meter distance. The method of employingthe gate consistedof establishingthe propertraverse time by makingconstantspeed passesthru the gate at the desiredF76a closing rpm (usingthe calibratedvehicletachometer). For the F76a test, the acceleration distance was adjusted such that the same traverse time was attained, (closingthe throttle at the gate, rather than referenceto the tachometer)thus eliminatingthe effectof tachometerlag. Durin9 successive passes in an F76a test, traversetime consistencywas typieally+ I ms (for street bikes), implyinga closing rpm consistenceof about 2%. This variability is prin_rily related to the degree of repeatabilityachievable by the rider; its effect is minimizedby averagingrepeatedruns. In the case of off-roadmotorcyclesconsiderablygreaterindicatedvariabilityin traverse time occursamong successivepasses;this is due to the variabilityof contact of the knobbytire with the tape switch. A furthervariableis introducedby the fact that average speed of traversethru the gate is not necessarilythe same as the maximum speed occuringin the one-meterdistance. For a large streetmotorcycle,assuminguniformacceleratlon,the effect of this sourceof erroris conservatively estimatedat 0.7%. Consideringthe foregoing,it is estimatedthat the F76a data "by gate" presented in Table H-I were obtained with closing rpm probable accuracy within2%. Photographs H-I thru H-14 (at the end of this appendix) show the EPA'scontractortest trackand instrumentation employed. Effectof TachometerLa9 In Table H-2, the F76a noise emissiondata have been formattedto show more clearly the amount of tachometerlag typically experiencedin the F76a test, and the effect of this error on measurednoise levels. Althoughnoise H-I TABLE H-I Make/Model Bike I.D. 1977 MOTORCYCLE NOISE LEVELS J331a F76 b'_tach _ by tach F76_ by gate %rpm F16aVariation b_ tach % rpm F50 Honda GLIO00 702 76 83 79 77 5O-BO 74 74 40-50 45-55 88 Honda 750K 701 78 83 80 79 50-60 76 78 40-50 45-55 90 Honda XL350 703 81 78 75 50-77.5 Honda MR250 4704. 85(2nd) 83(3rd) 83 84 81 50-82.5 84 50-90 84 HondaTL125 4712" 76 75 76 77 50-88.8 78 50-95 95 HondaXR75 4724* 85 81 83 82 50-90 06 50-100 88 Kawaaakt KZIO00 705 77 83 80 78 50-60 77 40-50 Kawosaki KZ6508 706 78 02 79 77 90-62.5 77 45-55 Kawasakt KZ400 709* 79 81 81 80 50-75 75 50-60 Kawasakt KE250 707 81 78 80 77 50-02.5 Ol 50-90 83 Kawasakf 10(125 4711" 87 86 86 86 50-68.8 87 50-95 94 83 90 88 Harley FLH-1200 719" 82 86 84 83 50-60 BO 01 40-50 45-95 90 Harley FXE-1200 713 84 88 83 83 50-60 01 40-50 96 HarIe_ XL-IO00 714 82 86 82 82 50-60 79 40-50 94 *Bikes not equipped with tachometer A Off-Road (only) Motorcycles TABLE H-1 Make/Model =: I Bike I.D. J331a b'_ 1977 MOTORCYCLE NOISE LEVELS (Cont'd) F75 _ by tach FlBa by gate F75a Variation % rpm b_,,taeh "'" % rpm F,50 Harley $5-175 720 81 78 80 79 50-86.3 81 50-90 87 Ilarley SX-175 721 84 81 81 82 50-86.3 84 50-95 90 Suzuki GS550 @531mt, @1104mi. Suzuki GS4OOX 716 716A 718 79 78 79 81 79 80 79 50-67.5 78 50-60 80 81 81 BO 50-75 77 50-60 93 92 90 Suzuki TS400 ** 722 85 84 84 83 50-75 82 85 50-60 50-85 97 Suzuki GT380 717 85 65 85 50-76 82 50-60 89 61 82 90 80 82 90 50-60 50-60 50-82.5 77 78 40-50 40-50 69 88 94 89 50-77.5 90 89 50-85 50-65 84 BMWR100/7 Bultaco Frontera 250 710 710A *** A715" 82 84 89(2nd) 90(3rd) Bultaco Alpina 350 _723" 88 89 A708" 87 85 85 50-77 YamahaOT2BOD 725 84 83 83 02 50-82.5 84 50-95 91 YamahaXTGOOD 726 80 79 79 77 50-70 81 50-65 64 727 83 87 85 84 50-62°5 82 40-50 92 YamahaIT400D 728* 93 92 92 91 50-75 93 50-90 101 YamahaIT175D 729* 93 91 92 91 50-86.3 94 50-95 96 tlusqvarno 360HR YamahaXS6500 83 85 90 *Dikes not equipped with tachometer **Not tn 1977 model configuration ***Same bike as 710 one month later; unknownuse and servicing. A Off-Road (only} Motorcycles TABLE H-1 O331a Bike I.D.. b'_tach Fake/Mode,l, YamahaOTIOOD Can-Amqualifier 250 == Can-AmQuallfler 125 "_ Can-AmQualifier 175 1977 MOTORCYCLE NOISE LEVELS (Cont'd} F76 _ F16a by tach, by gate F76a Variation.. % rpm _ tach % rRm' FSO 730* 79 76 79 79 50-90 00 50-100 &732" 83 81 83(2nd) 82(3rd) 83 82 50-82.5 83 50-gO 6733* 84 83 85 84 50-88.8 B7 50-90 734* 85 84(2nd) 85(3rd) 84 50-86.3 *Bikes not equipped with tachometer A Off-Road (only) Motorcycles 91 87 / | / (Set to desired enginefiring frequency) ' l _ _--_ WIRE; loopedaround spark plugwire (no ground return required) FIGURE H-I OSCILLOSCOPE X 0 l' FREQUENCY COUNTER Enginerpm adjusted to give stationary patternon oscilloscope; tachometerreadingnoted. INSTRUMENTATION FOR CALIBRATING VEHICLE TACHOMETER levels and noise level increments are shown to tenths, the incremental data must not be consideredaccurateor reproducibleto betterthan 0.5 dB, nor the noise level data to betterthan i dB. Analysisof those cases where a noise level differenceof 0,5 dB or more is experiencedbetweenthe gate and tach methods,the approximaterelationship betweennoise level error and tachometererror is shown: A dB/% _ rpm = 0.2!O.1 A i% error in rpm can be expectedto result in a 0.2 dB error in noise level, For measurementaccuracywithin 0.5 dB, closing rpm should be controlledwithin 2%. Typicalvariationsin noise level vs. engine rpm are shown graphicallyin FigureH-2. Gear Selectionand AccelerationDistance The 76a procedure as currently drafted stipulates use of 2nd gear, unless the acceleratlondistance is less than 25 ft., in which case higher gears are used as requiredto achievethe minimum 25 ft. distance. Further consideration was given to: (a) Difference in measured level resulting from use of a different gear, and b) Desirabilityof stipu]atinga longeraccelerationdistance, Table H-3 shows the effect of gear selectionon noise level, Although noise levels can differ as much as 1 dB betweengears, these differencesare much less than those resultingin the J331a test. While the l dB difference is more than would be desired,measuredlevels in the FTGa test wi]l not be materiallyaffectedby sprocketratio changes, Regardingthe accelerationdistance,in the originaldraft of the F76a procedurea 50 ft. minimum accelerationdistancewas stipulated;this was changedto 25 ft. because of the followingdifficultiesencounteredwith the 5D ft. requirement: somemotorcyclescannotattainthe 50 ft. distancebefore reachingthe specifiedrpm even in highest gear; somemotorcyclesdo not pull properlyfrom 50% rpm in the gear requiredto attainthe 50 ft. distance, A third factor to be consideredis that a 50 ft minimum acceleration distancewould result in use of 3rd gear for some high performancestreet bikes (such as the KZ-IOO0) with attendanthigh operatingspeeds and long accelerationdistances, H-6 _ .......................................... •........................................ _ ........ _..._.. TABLE H-2 Bike Make/Model Max. HP rpm 701 Honda 750K 8500 EFFECT OF TACHOMETER LAG, F76a TEST F76aLevel dB dB by _ate by tach Closingrpm rpm rpm by gate by tach Tachometer* 78.5 1.9 5100 490 702 Honda GLIO00 7500 77.1 1.7 4500 390 703 Honda XL350 7000 75.1 2.5 5400 420 704 Honda MR250 7000 80.6 3.3 5775 970 705 KawasakiKZlO00 8000 78.4 1.3 4800 850 706 KawasakiKZ650 8500 77.1 1.9 5310 710 707 KawasakiKEY50 6000 77.0 2.6 4950 330 Sanwa/ECl 708 Husqvarna360WR 6500 84.6 0.2 5000 170 Dynall 709 710 KawasakiKZ400 BMW RIO0/7 8600 7250 80.2 80.4 0.3 0.4 5375 4350 100 -30 Dynall 710A BMW RI00/7 7250 81.8 0.5 4350 150 711 KawasakiKXI25 9750 86.0 0.3 8650 460 Sanwa 712 Honda TL125 8000 76.5 -0.3 7100 840 Rite 713 Harley'FXE-1200 5200 83.2 -0.1 3120 -120 714 715 HarleyXL-IO00 BultacoFr. 250 6000 7500 81.7 89.8 -0.1 0.4 3600 6190 -80 50 716 Suzuki65550 9000 79.4 1.4 6075 360 717 Suzuki6T380 7500 84.7 -0- 5700 410 718 Suzuki05400X 8500 78.6 1.7 6375 370 Sanwa 719 HarleyFLH-1200 5200 83.2 0.4 3120 -10 720 HarleySS-175 6750 78,8 1.5 5820 310 Dyna]] 721 722 HarleySX-175 SuzukiTS400B 6800 6000 82,1 82,5 -1.0 1.1 5865 4500 -200 310 723 724 BultacoAlp. 350 Honda XR75 5500 10500 89.0 81.7 0.1 1.0 4260 9450 1500 970 725 YamahaDT2500 6000 82.4 0.9 4950 890 726 YamahaXTSOOD 6000 76.6 1.9 4200 580 727 YamahaX56500 7500 84.0 0.7 4690 320 728 Yamaha IT400D 7000 90.9 1.5 5250 500 Sanwa 729 YamahaIT1750 9500 gO.g 0.6 8200 380 Dynal] 730 YamahaDTIOOD 7000 78.6 0.5 6300 70 Oynall 732 CanAm qualifier250 7500 82.7 0.3 6190 80 Oynall 733 CanAm qualifier125 9000 83.8 0.9 7990 -60 Oynall Sanwa/ECI Rite *Motorcyclestach employedwhere so equipped;portabletach employedas listed. H-7 HOtlDA GLIO00 KAWASAKIKZIO00 KAWASAKIKXI25 HARLEYFLII-IZO0 HONDAXR75 CAN-_I 125 MOTORCYCLENO. 702 705 711 719 724 733 90- ; , i _. r..l ' , i ! , ! _ _ i /,7119 .... .... I , , ' _ . _ , ' i : 711 , - I BS- ":' , 80-., , ' !" ip ' ! i ', I i 702 ' •.-J W 75- :705', 70 2000 = i 3000 FIGUREH-2 4000 I 5000 ' i ! i I I : ; , _ b i i _ ' , i! i ! : , j ' _ i t ' _ ! ! I 6000 I , : , ! I 7000 MEASURED NOISELEVELAS FUNCTION OF CLOSINGRPM . * , ! ,i ! [ i 8000 9000 CLOSING RPI_I .I i v 10,000 ! Review of available data suggests that the 25 ft. minimum could be increasedto 33 ft. (10 m); before adoptingsuch a change, however,suitability should be verified on selected vehicles. TABLEH-3 EFFECTOF GEAR SELECTION,F76a TEST Bike No. Make/Model Tachometer 703C HondaXL350 732 CanAm Qualifier250 Oynall Rev. Control Gate 734 CanAm Qualifier175 Rev. Control H-g Gear F76a (dB) Accel.Dist. 2nd 3rd 76.2 76.5 39 79 2rid 3rd 83.0 82.0 25 56 2rid 3rd 82.7 81.5 25 SO 2rid 3rd 84.1 85.0 28 72 VehicleSpeed MeasurementTechniques One method to either establish,or to verify, closingrpm is to measure vehicle speed. The engine rpm could be calculated,knowingthe gear ratio and effective radius of the rear wheel, or alternative]y the speed measurement can be used as a transferdeviceas used in this study (describedearlier). Tape Switch Speed Gate A pair of commerciallyavailable tape switches (McMaster-Carr,Cat. No.7379K1)was used for speed/rpmreferencethroughoutthe test program, The tape switches activated an interval counter (such as Systron-Donnor1033 series) with read-out to tenths of milliseconds. The tape switches are convenientto use and are adequatefor streetbikes. Off-roadbikes presenta problem,where the knobby tires may not actuatethe switch. For this situation one-inchwide metal strips were placed over the tape switches;this is not a recommendedproceduresince accuracyand reproducibilityare degraded. The estimated accuracy of the average speed measurement across the gate is within I%; however, there can be an additionalerror approaching1% due to the differencebetweenthe averagegate speed and the peak gatespeed. Photograph H-6 shows the tape switches, together with optical speed measuring instrumentation. OpticalSpeed Gate The problemsinherentwith the tape switch speed gate can be avoidedby use of opticalsensors activatingthe time intervalcounter,in lieu of tape switches. This concept was evaluatedusing laser equipmentshown in Photographs H-4 thru H-? (Hughes Aircraft Co,, Industrial Products Division, Carlsbad,California;Laser Model 3176H, Power Supply Model 3599H), This equipmentwas employed because of its ready availability;collimated incoherent light could serve equally well. A double pass of the light beam was elmployed, with the return pass displayedverticallyone-lnch above the initalpass. A high probabilityexistedthat the light beam would be interrupted by the forward edge of a knobby tire. ATso, the higher accuracy inherentin this technique permitteda gate traversespacing substantially lessthan one-meter,thereby reducingthe differencebetweenpeak and average gatetraversetime. The set-upemployed,shown in the photographs,was not sufficientlyrigid for maintainingalignment after repeatedvehicle passes. Accordingly,for expediencyin the testing,we revertedto the tape switchessince they were adequate. Radar Gun Radar guns by two manufacturers were evaluated: CMI Incorporated, Minturn,Colorado;and Kustom Signals,Chanute,Kansas, The units employed were configuredfor police applications,and differentfeatures (whichboth manufacturersstate could be supplied)were needed for the applicationconsideredhere. The requiredfeatures (notpresent in the units employed,but whichare available)are: displayto tenths of mph i I H-tO max-hold sampling rate of 20 per second or better The samplingrate of 20 per secondwas derived from the fact that the rate of change of rpm in the F76a test was typicallyin the range 1000-2000 rpm/second. If resolutionto 100 rmp was desired,samplingintervalmust be not greater than 0.05 seconds. The radar gun could be either stationary, or mounted on the vehicle, reading a stationary target. The technique had the advantage that maximum speed determinationwas not tied to vehicle position;a positionvariation or _ 5 ft had no effect on noisemeasurements,providingthe correctclosing rpm was attained. This permitted greater latitude in vehicle operation than the optical or tape switch techniques. A further potential feature of the radar gun technique was that if the gun was mounted on the vehicle, the max-hold signalcould be used to effectignitiondisable (discussedlater),thus preciselycontrollingclosing rpm. Evaluationof the radar gun techniquewas limitedto (a) demonstration of feasibilltyof the concept,and (b) identificationof sources of commercially available units having the required features. EngineRPM MeasurementTechniques The vehicle speed measurementtechniques offered uniform application to a broad range of vehicles, but required correlation of vehicle speed with enginerpm; applicationto vehicleswith automatictransmissionwas excluded. Directmeasurementof engine rpm had fundamentaladvantages,but such techniques addressed a. wide variety of ignition types and pulses per revolution, not identiflable simply by engine type and number of cylinders. : Various types of tachometers (Photograph H-2) were evaluated in relation to theirsuitabilityfor engine speedmeasurementin the F76a test: Vehicle Tachometers The tachometerssuppliedon the Japanesemotorcycles(as opposed to the European and Americanmotorcycles)were heavily damped, resultingin tachometer lag under vehicleacceleration. This dampingwas intentional, giving a very steady and smooth rpm indication. The associatedlag, however,resulted in F76a closing rpm higher than specified;due to this, measuredvalues of noise emissionin the order of 2 dB higher than appropriatewere not uncommon (TableH-2). This difficultywas not experiencedin the BMW or the large Harley-Davidson streetmotorcycles. Optimized Tachometer Dampinq A tachometermanufacturedby the German firm VDO AutomotiveInstruments was procuredfrom a local speedometershop (North HollywoodSpeedometer& Clock Co.), and fitted to a Honda GLIO00. This tachometer was selected because it was directly interchangeablewith the vehicle tachometer,and because its internalconfigurationwas such that its damping (by silicone fluid) could be readily changed for test purposes. The VDO tachometerwas H-11 tested in three damping configurations on the GLIO00 (Table H-4). .Configuration 1 was essentially the same as the vehicle tachometer; configuration 2 was underdamped and exhibited undesirable pointer "Jiggle"; configuration 3 was intermediately damped and functioned in an entirely acceptable manner. This showed that the vehicle manufacturer's options included (in addition to the various other techniques)fitting productionvehicles with optimumly damped tachometers, or alternatively, fitting a special optimumly damped tachometer for F76a test purposes only. Another tachometer found to have near optimum damping (Table H-4) was the Auto Meter (Auto Meter Products, Inc., Elgin, Illinois) Mode] 439. It was a fast responseelectronictachometer,connectingto the ignitionprimary, but requiring interface electronics for connection to vehicles with CDI ignition. The tachometer had provisions for ignition disable (discussed later). The unit was orderedfor a specificnumberof pulsesper revolution; interestingly, one pulse perrevolutionwas appropriatefor all vehiclesshown in Table H-4. DigitalTachometers The digital tachometer type offered potential far high accuracy, and its circuitry ]ended itself to additional features such as max-hold read-out and pre-set ignition disable. The digital display,however,was not well suited for rider control of closing rpm in the acceleration test; for rider control, an analog display was considerably easier to use. Radio Tachometers On two motorcycles (a 4°cyl. 4-stroke, and a 1-cyl. 2-stroke) a Hartman WirelessTachometer(mfgr.no longerin business;providedby KawasakiMotors corp., U.S.A.) was evaluated (Table H-4). The tachometer functioned well, requiredno connectionto the motorcycle,and could be mounted eitheron the motorcycle*or locatedremotely. It was also demonstratedthat Harmon Tach II, with max-hold, could be activatedby a radio link. For this demonstration,a Vega Electronics (Divisionof ComputerEquipmentCorp.,Santa Ana, California)radio microphone was employed for the radio link. The microphonecircuit (with microphone removed)picked up RF energyfrom proximityto a spark plug lead. By this techniquean operatorrecordingnoise levels could simultaneously verifythat correctclosingrpm had beenattainedon each pass. Portable Tachometers Motorcyclesnot equippedwith tachometersnecessarilyrequire fitting e portabletachometerfor the F76a test. Portabletachometersemployed in the study includedthe SanwaModel MT-O3,the Rite AutotronicsModel 4036, and the DynallModel TAC-2O, TheSanwa and Rite exhibitedsubstantiallag (H-2); the Dynallwas good in thisrespectbut would net functionon all motorcycles. The above three tachometersare able to be connectedto the ignitionsecondary, which was an operational convenience. *The tachometerface had to be vertical,otherwisethe needlewould respond to inertialforces duringvehicleacceleration, H-12 ......... I The Auto Meter 439 (mr 430 series) which although not designed for portableuse, and requiredconnectionto the ignitionprimary (e.g. to the kill button wire) was a suitab]ecandidatefor use in the F76a test. The additional option of ignition disable offered major additional advantages, discussed later, Other candidateportabletachometers includedthe Harman Radio Tachometer, and the Dixom Model 1081 InductiveTachometer (Dixon, Inc., Grand Junction,Colorado). The latterwas a close rangeRF tachometer,subjectedto the specification reviewonly, not evaluatedin this study. I_nition Disable Techniques Because of the dependenceof measured noise level on closing rpm in the F76a test, means of shutting off the engine by means of a pre-set ignition disable were evaluated. (Preciseness in closing rpm can be important in the J331a test also, particularlywhere closing conditionsare reachedwith the vehicleclose to the microphone). Availableas a companionitem to the Auto Meter 43g Tachometer, was the Auto Meter 451 Rev-Control. This combination of a low-lagtachometerwith automaticignitiondisable enhancedthe rapidity, reproducibility, and accuracy in the conduct of the F76a test. In the test program, for motorcycles having a single ignition system with breaker points, the Ray-Controlunit was connectedacross the points. For vehicleshaving two ignitionsystems (2 pair of breakerpoints),such as the GL-IOOO, the Rev-Cmntrol was connected to each system thru a diode, thus maintaining electrical isolation of the two systems (FigureH-3). (Auto Meter has since made available a Model 451-1 Rev-Control, which incorporates the isolation diodes). For motorcycles having CDI magneto ignition systems, the Auto Meter tachometer will function (but not read correctly) if connected to the "trigger"terminal,but can be made to read correctly if connectedto the engine "ki]l" circuit thru a capacitor of proper value. For the motorcycles tested (TableH-4), the proper valueswere in the range 0.002 to 0.0072 mfd, A decade capacitor box having 0,0001 mfd steps was employed as an expediency measure; it was presumedthat interface electronicscould be selected to obviate need for such adjustment. While conducting the F76a test using the Rev-Control, a single pass was sufficient to establish the acceleration start point, During the p'rescribed runs, when ignition disable occurred, the throttle was closed promptly, thus avoidingbackfirewhen ignitionwas re-established by pressingthe "re-set"button. Referring to Table H-4, the designation "Auto Meter" refers to the Model 439 Tachometer without ignition disable; the designation "Rev-Control" refersto theModel 439 Tachometerand Model 451 Rev-Controlcombination. For each entry in the table, performanceof the tachometerconfigurationwas compared to noise and rpm measurementsobtainedwith the tape switch gate technique (whichwas used as the reference,and subject to some uncertainty in the case of the off-roadmotorcycleshaving knobby tires, as explained earlier. H-13 TABLE H-4 MotorcycleNo. L TACHOMETER AND REV, CONTROL COMPARISONS, F76a TEST Make/Model F76a rpm Tachometer 702 702A 731 HondaGLIOOO HondaGLIO00 HondaGLIOO0 4500 4500 4500 Honda Rev. Control Honda Auto-Meter VDOConflg. 1 VDOConffg. 2 VDOConflg.3 tlartman 703 703A 7038 703C Honda SL350 5400 Honda Auto-Meter Rev. Control Rev, Control 716A Suzukt GS550 6075 Su_uk4 Auto-Meter Rev. Control 720 Harley SS175 5820 725 Yamaha DT2509 730 dB.re Gate Tach. Lag 1.7 0.2 1.3 O.4 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 390 10 370 90 300 80 110 70 2.5 0 -0.3 -0.4 420 40 -50 -170 0.9 -00.5 470 -220 60 Harley Rev. Control 1.5 -0,2 310 -0- 4950 Yamaha Dyna11 Rev. Control 0.9 0.6 -0.4 890 320 -- YamahaDTIOOD 5300 Dynal1 Rev. Control 0.5 -0.9 70 -- 733 CanAm quallfler125 7990 Dyna11 ttart_an Rev. Control 0.9 0.4 0.6 -60 30 -- 734 CanAmqualifier 7330 Rev. Control -0- 175 -120 AUTOMETER _-.. .... o J 439 TACHOMETER o--" --- Primary I Coil No. 1 . " _ 1N2071 '_Potnts __ Diode I Prlmary Diode Cotl No. 2 1N2071 Note: Auto Meter Rev-Control Model 451-1 incorporates diodes shownabove. - _ \ AUTOMETER _._]REV-CONTROL .__Polnts "-- FIGUREN-3 METHOD OF CONNECTING REV-CONTROL TO MOTORCYCLE HAVINGDUALIGNITION SYSTEM IMI Test. Procedures In the IMI procedures the measured level is dependent on how rapidly the throttle is opened, on the reaction time of the operator in closing the throttleat the "correct"point,and the tachometerlag. The durationof the operationfrom throttleopeningto initiationof throttleclosingwas on the order of 0.35 seconds. Consideringthat the human reactiontime (seeingthe tachometer needle at closing rpm value, to initiating hand motion to close throttle) was on the order of 0.2 seconds, it appeared that mental anticipation was probably involved in performing the test. Also. considering that rates of change of rpm will be in excess of 8000 rpm/sec., the actual rpm overshoot could be much greater than the rpm overshoot indicated by the tachometer. On motorcycle No. 729, where the Dynall tach was used, indicated overshootwas 12,000 rpm (associatedwith an F76a rpm of 8200). Noise level measurements taken on the various motorcycles by IMI-C and IMI-E proceduresare presentedin Table H-5. Consideringthe foregoing,the degree of repeatabilityand consistencyamong operatorswas betterthan might be expected- usually within a 3 dB range,althoughdifferencesof 6 dB were encountered. In view of the success of the Rev-ControlIn the F76a test, its appllcatlem was brieflyevaluatedin the IMI-C test, with resultspresentedin Table H-6. The substantialimprovementin consistencywas apparent. Also, comparing the IMI-C levels for motorcycleNo. 703 in Table H-6 with that for the same motorcyclein Table H-B, considerablylower noise levels resultedwith use of the Rev-Control. Table H-8 provides further data on consistency among operators when theRev-Contro] technique was employed in the IMI test. In the IMI-C50 test, the same distance relationship between the vehicle and microphoneprevailedas in the F76a test at closing conditions, A comparison of noise emissionmeasurementsby the two methods is sheen in Table H-l which is sufficientlygood to warrant furtherconsiderationof the IMI-C50 as a substitutefor the F76a method. Also of potentialvalue would be the investigation of correlationbetween IMI-(noise level measurement at 10 ft.) and F76a, both by Rev-Control. Such data was obtainedfor two motorcyclesonly: No. 703B where the differencewas 14.8 dB, and NO. 716A where the differencewas 15.5 dB. The theoretical difference,by the inversesquare law,was 15.0 dB. The closerdistance offered obvious advantages in space requirements,environmentalnoise constraints,and perturbationsby atmosphericfactors. Effectof Torque (D_namomet#rTests) The objectivehere was to provideinformationon the effect of torque (at constantrpm) on noise levels. The portable (lynamometer employed (Pabatco) was not well suitedto this task, and on]y limiteddata were obtained(Table H-g). Even though precautionswere taken to quiet the dyne by use of lead vinyl blankets, it was apparent to the "rider" that dyne noise (from the hydraulicpomp) was contributingslgniflcantlyto the total noise. Difficulty was also experiencedin establishingstable operationat desired rpm/torque conditions,For these reasonsthis effortwas discontinued. H-16 TABLEH_5 IMINOISELEVELS(Procedures C and E) Coding: L - Left sideof bike,dBA @10' R = Rightsideof hlke,dOA@]O' T - Max. tachometer reading,RPM/IOO MotorcycleNo. HAKE/HODEL 701 Honda750K IMI"C" L R T 100 101 101 g9 99 100 68 72 74 L R T 101 lOl 101 100 99 I00 76 76 76 L R T g9 101 IOO 99 100 100 68 76 70 L R T 702 IlondaGLIO00 gl 98 64 98 98 64 IMI"E" OPERATOR 98 99 68 VP JW 97 9g 64 97 9B gO 99 64 60 101 100 -- 102 101 99 100 102 78 74 76 81 g8 9B 63 SE L R T 99 99 68 L R T 95 95 92 92 64 59 L R T 95 95 95 92 94 93 92 93 90 92 -60 65 55 60 RL L R T 90 88 52 DF 90 Bg 54 98 99 99 100 66 72 IW 97 99 64 94 92 61 90 88 54 94 93 56 95 93 56 94 94 54 DF 95 96 96 90 93 92 54 61 59 VP TABLE H-5 IMI ; MotorcYcleNo. MAKE/MODEL 703 HondaXL350 NOISE LEVELS (eont'd)(ProceduresC and E) .. IMI"C" IHI "E" 97 94 7Z 96 94 67 96 94 6B 96 94 6B OPERATOR L R T 96 93 -- g8 95 70 VP L R T 96 94 70 95 96 93 94 70 70 L R T 94 9Z 68 97 96 95 94 75 70 L R T 95 96 95 93 92 93 70 70 70 DF L R T 97 97 96 94 95 94 70 72 70 IW L R T 91 93 65 94, 95 95 96 67 70 93 96 68 94 97 68 93 95 65 L R T 91 93 62 96 95 98 97 72 72 96 97 73 94 95 66 95 93 96 96 70 66 _ L R T L R T 96 98 74 99 98 78 98 96 98 97 76 74 99 100 99 100 80 80 96 97 70 93 93 70 94 97 67 93 93 70 IW L R T 98 98 78 94 96 94 96 78 80 94 94 78 96 92 96 94 78 70 94 94 7B IW L R T 94 95 76 93 94 76 91 92 _ 92 93 72 92 92 68 GL RL 97 95 75 96 96 80 94 95 76 *FtPsL try,no dereonstrot|on, no motorcycle experience. SE 93 95 65 TB 95 96 68 94 95 74 93 95 74 JA* TABLEH-5 IM! NOISE LEVELS(cant'd) Motorc.ycle No. 704 MAKE/HODEL HondaHRZ50 (Rite Tach.) (Procedures C and E) IHI_;'E" IHI"C" OPERATOR L R T 104 103 103 103 103 103 100 95 94 102 102 102 102 102 101 94 90 89 TB L R T 103 103 104 103 103 103 9Z 93 93 105 102 103 103 102 lOZ 102 101 85 86 88 86 [W L R T 103 103 105 104 102 102 103 103 93 90 93 92 OH 103 102 103 103 102 103 91 90 93 _" 705 706 707 Kowasak|KZIO00 L R T 99 1-00 99 98 99 98 65 65 62 L R T 99 101 98 100 99 100 99 100 65 70 63 67 L R T 96 95 58 99 99 100 99 98 99 65 61 65 99 98 58 -99 62 98 98 59 f4H 9g 98 60 101 10:?101 lOZ 102 101 65 70 66 97 97 55 94 100 95 99 51 61 L R T 103 102 105 I02 101 101 104 lOZ 78 70 81 72 102 101 102 102 101 102 69 65 67 Kowosokf KZ650 L R T lO0 lO0 99 98 98 97 65 65 65 99 100 101 97 98 98 58 60 61 KawosaktKE250 L R T 97 97 96 97 96 96 75 72 72 97 96 96 96 , 96 96 70 70 70 RH 97 91 53 97 9B 54 To XH TABLE H-5 IMI NOISE LEVELS (cont'd)(Procedures C and E) MotorcycleNo. HAKE/MODEL IMI"C" IMI "E" 70,8 H.usqverna360WR (Dyne11Tach) L R T 103 104 105 105 105 105 SO 52 50 104 104 104 104 104 104 709 Kawasakt KZ400 L R T 99 99 100 101 101 101 8Z 82 82 98 95 100 98 82 75 710 BMW RlO0// L R T 711 Kawasak|KX1Z5 L A T 712 HondaTL125 (llarmon.Tach) L R T L R T 91 93 70 93 92 95 94 70 70 OPERATOr, 96 97 98 100 78 BO 90 90 91 91 92 92 55 55 55 VP | 713 Harley FX-1EO0 L R T 714 Harley XLIO00 L R T 103 103 TO1 107 110 110 103 102 102 107 106 106 100 98 98 97 8Z 97 90 97 80 92 84 93 94 78 ,94 99 97 97 101 100 100 48 45 47 g6 98 48 97 100 gO 101 40 55 94 93 94 97 95 96 40 38 38 94 94 45 95 97 47 HII IW TABLE H-5 IMI NOISE LEVELS (cont'd)(Procedures C and E) Motorcycle No. 710A* !4AKE/MODEL BI9,1 RI00/7 IMI "C" L R T 97 96 15 98 97 ll 97 06 74 L R T 99 99 77 99 98 76 98 97 73 L R T 98 97 72 99 98 7G 97 9G 73 "710Ais somebike as 710.receivedbacka month later. _ ,.I_II "E" 91 91 5G 9B 98 77 OPERATOR 89 8B 5::' 92 gl 54 92 91 54 TB 92 93 ' 63 93 92 55 95 95 63 93 92 54 GL 93 94 52 92 92 53 93 93 G1 IW TABLE H-5 IMI NOISE LEVELS (cont'd)(Procedures C and E) MotorcycleNo. 715 717 118 HAKE/MODEL It41 ,"C" BultacoFrontera250L (San_aTach) R T Suzuk| GT380 SUZUEi'GS400X lOB IOB log ' 109 10B 109 gO 88 BB L R T 107 108 109 106 107 I08 97 90 89 L R T 10_ 1oO _O3 IOZ 103 100 '102 101 9Q BO 90 OB L R T IOZ 99 IOZ 100 100 97 100 99 BZ 64 8Z 78 L R T 99 1OO 1OQ 99 101 100 BO BO 77 L fl T 719 Harley FLlI-12O8 (O.yna11T..,ch) IHI."E" IW TB 101 100 101 101 100 102 B0 75 BO [W TB 94 94 64 95 95 B4 93 100 93 100 5B 71 96 95 65 96 97 69 96 g6 6S 102 10Z 102 101: 10_ 101 55 57 55 97 97 49 98 101 99 101 51 64 L R T L B T 104 103 57 103 102 58 97 99 48 97 9B 46 97 97 47 97 9B 50 10Z 104 102 102 103 10Z 53 57 54 103 ]O_ 5B OPERATOR 108 I09 I09 I0/ I0/ 108 82 83 84 L B T 1OZ 101 '53 102 103 58 , 9B 99 50 97 97 48 97 97 68 98 97 68 95 95 E4 IW l"B B? 9B 49 TB GL IW TABLE H-5 IMI NOISE LEVELS(cont'd)(ProceduresC and E} MotorcycleNo. 716 / HAKE/MODEL Suzuki GS550 IHI "C" , ..IHI"E" OPERATOR L R T 100 I00 I00 I(]0 100 101 B8 86 90 IW L R T 98 97 98 98 98 98 78 75 75 JW L R T L R T 97 98 74 99 99 80 SE g7 98 76 99 98 80 99 99 81 98 98 78 VP • N = F_-M f_ _ o o _ 3n v 2 TABLE H-5 IMI NOISE LEVELS (cont'd)(Procedures C and E) MotorcycleNo. 723 724 725 flAKE/MODEL Oultaco Alptna 350 (SanwaTach) Ilonda XR7S (Rite Tach) YamahaDT250D If41 "C" Illl "E" OPERATOR L R T 104 104 104 101 102 102 65 65 66 104 104 105 100 100 102 57 59 63 IW L R T 104 104 104 102 102 102 65 65 65 103 104 104 101 102 102 63 64 64 TB L R T 108 105 104 104 103 102 70 67 65 105 105 104 102 103 102 65 65 65 MM L R T L R T 101 100 102 102 102 102 31 29 31 98 97 g8 98 97 97 28 26 27 101 'J2 30 97 98 26 TD L R T 101 101 101 101 101 102 30 30 31 99 101 99 101 28 29 L R T 101 101 101 101 102 102 68 69 70 98 99 100 99 99 98 57 61 61 IW L R T L R T 100 100 100 101 101 101 68 67 67 101101 99 102 102 101 69 69 67 99 9B 99 99 G5 64 TB L R T 100 102 100 102 29 30 99 90 1O0 98 28 26 99 99 27 98 99 64 EO MM HH 97 99 98 98 .100 100 54 63 57 GL TABLE H-5 IMI NOISE LEVELS(cant'd)(Procedures C and E) Motorc c_o. 726 727 ?E8 _IAKE/HODEL YamahaXTSOOD YamahaSX65OD YamahaIT4OOD (SanwaTach) IMI "C" L R T 100 9B 62 97 97 57 98 98 58 L R T L R T lOZ 10Z 64 101' 100 62 104 10Z 69 102 101 65 L R T L R T t R T 102 102 68 101 101 65 99 99 62 103 105 103 105 72 75 lOZ 99 101 100 66 64 98 99 97 99 57 62 L R T L R T 104 104 70 104 104 74 104 104 7E 105 107 76 L R, T 107 108108 IOn 109 110 82 84 85 99 99 59 101 100 lO0 100 9B 99 62 62 62 IOZ 101 B5 103 103 7E 99 100 64 104 104 70 106 105 108 106 82 76 IMI "E" 101 99 60 97 100 102 9B 99 99 5B 60 61 OPERATOR TO 99 99 100 98 99 98 59 59 60 lOZ 101 103 101 101 102 63 62 65 Hl'l 102 102 100 102 102 101 64 65 60 99 101 99 100 99 101 99 100 55 60 65 58 100 101 100 101 101 101 62 62 60 IW 1BE 102 64 104 106 74 103 103 65 104 106 76 102 103 65 105 106 76 105 105 106 I05 106 107 78 76 78 IH TB T8 Mr4 IW TABLE H-S IMI NOISE LEVELS (cont'd)(Procedures C and E) MotorcycleNo. 729 730 731 MAKE/HODEL YamahaITI/SD (Dyna11Tach) YamahaDTIOOD (Dynall Tach) IlondaGLIOOO#2 IMI"E" IMI"E" OPERATOR L R T 107 lOB 108 105 106 105 120 110 118 107 105 106 106 106 106 121 11B 121 IW L R T L R T 109 106 117 106 105 120 106 104 121 106 105 120 GL L R T L R T 94 95 94 97 97 97 llS llS 1!4 94 94 95 96 96 97 112 112 113 93 94 94 96 96 97 112 112 112 93 93 93 95 96 96 112 112 111 L R T 94 94 94 95 95 96 III 112 112 93 93 94 94 94 95 112 112'112 L R T L R T L R T 97 97 70 95 95 63 95 95 65 lOB 106 llB 107 105 llB 95 94 64 97 97 73 94 94' 63 108 106 120 105 105 120 95 95 64 9B 96 97 96 73 68 95 95 65 97 97 54 97 97 71 95 96 64 106 105 121 106 106 117 97 97 72 g8 9B' 73 95 94 59 107 105 118 106 105 120 97 97 72 9B 98 74 96 96 65 HM TB GL MM JA GL TB It should be noted, however, that there are commercially available dynamometers which offer potential for noise testing; one such unit is the AESi motorcycle dynamometer, which can be programmed to maintain a pre-set rpm, which is maintained stable regardless of throttle setting or developed torque, Operator Exposure to Motorcycle Noise Noise levels at the operator's ear were obtained by analysis of magnetic tape cassettes recorded on a modified Sony TC-55 "Cassette-Corder", identified as Model IRI Mk3 "Ear Bug" Personal Noise Exposure Recorder, developed by the Industrial Research Institute of the University of Windsor. The modifications permitted the use of a miniature piezoelectric ceramic microphone, two precision input attenuators, and an input filter network resulting in an aweighted spectrum recording, Signal drop-outs and level changes encountered during field usage were traced to the microphone holder and ear clip combination; soldering leads directly to microphone, and inserting the microphone in a foam holder taped to the ear, solved the problem. The recorder, calibrator, microphone and microphone holder are shown in Photograph H-14, Tests were performedto deteraline the validityof the A-weighted noise levels (SL) derived from the "Ear Bug" system; simultaneousrecordingswere made with a laboratory precision system consisting of a NAGRA IV-B tape recorder,a Bruel and Kjaer 1/2 inch condensertaicrophone(with a wind-tip) and associatedelectronics. Simeltaneousear-levelmeasurements(within a helmet) are shown in Table H-tO togetherwith the 50 foot Sound Level Meter (SLM) responsesduring the same events. In an additionaltest, the ear level miniaturemicrophonewas taped to a SLM microphone,and 3 motorcyclepassby noisesin realtime noted and comparedto the recordedSL for the same events, as shown in the bottom of Table H-IO. The average SL (roundedto the nearest dB) at the ear of the operator during variousmoving motorcycletests is shown in table H-11; each of these SL is typicallythe averageof from 6 to 12 passes. Ear level SL during IMI stationarytests are sown in Table H-12 and those obtainedduringstationary dynamometertests are shown in Table ii-13, The differencebetweenthe formal 50 foot Noise level duringpassbytest and the averagenoise level at the operator'sear during the same passby is shown in Table H-14. The mean noise leveldifferencefor the whole set (n-31) is 19.6 dB, with a standarddeviationof 2.4. Note that it is about the same as the noise level differenceobtained in dynamometertests (Table H-13). Recordingsof ear levelmotorcyclenoise in presenceof wind have clearly audiblewind noise;this effectis shown in Table H-15. Typical Noise levels at the operator'sear during the operator'sverbalizationare also shown in Table H-15 note that the highest recordednoise level at the operator'sear is an operator'sshout (118 dB). H-2B ................................................ •................................... _._bk,._._ ,_ TABLE H-6 IMINOISE LEVELS(BY REV-CONTROL) MotorcycleNo. 703B 703C Make/Model HondaXL350 (IMI-C,3500-5400rpm) Honda XL350 (IMI-CVariation 4500-6100rpm) Noise Level - dB Operator L 89.0 gO.2 90.2 90.2 R 91.0 91.2 91.3 91.0 TB L 90.2 90.2 90.6 90.8 R 90.2 90.3 gO.1 90.1 JA L 90.1 90.4 90.6 90.2 R 91.0 91.0 90.3 90.5 IW L 92.0 91.5 91.5 R 93.0 92.5 92.5 IW L 92,1 92.2 92.5 R 93.0 93.0 92.8 VP L 92.5 R 93.0 92.0 93.0 92.2 92.5 JA L 92.5 R 93.6 92.3 93.2 92.3 93.4 SE TABLE H-7. F76a vs 76a STATIONARY SIMULATION F76a Stationary Simulation ISO feet) F76a Rev. Control MotorcycleNo. 730C,Honda XL350 77. 76.2 MotorcycleNo. 720,HarleySS175 79.5 78.6 MotorcycleNo. 725,Yamaha DT250D 81.8 81.7 MotorcycleNo. 730,Yamaha DTIODD 77.8 77.7 MotorcycleNo. 733,CanAm Qualifier125 84.7 84.4 MotorcycleNo. 702A,Honda GL-lOO0 7_.8 78.3 MotorcycleNo. 734,CanAmQualifier 175 87.6 84.2 ] TABLEH-8 TACHOMETER ANDREV. CONTROLCOMPARISONS, IMI-CTEST Motorcycle No. 716A,SuzukiGS550 BikeTach., Auto-Meter Tach Rev,Control Op.erator t R T 98.5 98.4 98.0 98.5 90.6 98,0 80 80 78 97.0 97.0 95 96.8 97.2 95 96,0 95,5 95 95.0 95.8 61 95.0 96.4 61 95.5 95.5 61 VP t R T 96.8 97.5 74 97.4 97.7 76 93.5 93.7 9l .5 92,0 78 93.1 92.8 84 94.8 95.2 61 96.1 96.7 61 96.0 96.0 61 SE L R T 97.5 98.3 78 97,3 97.6 97,7 98.0 75 75 93.0 93.6 85 93.0 93.8 04 95.1 95.0 81 L R T 99.8 99.6 88 99,5 100 99.6 101 86 90 98.4 97.4 95 97.2 97.4 95 96.2 96.8 95 98.8 99.0 81 JR 95.3 95.3 61 95.5 95.7 61 95,7 95.5 61 IW TABLEH-9 EFFECTOF TORQUE (DYNAMOMETERTESTS) MotorcycleNo. 703, Honda XL350 2nd Gear Normalized Torque dBA @50 Ft, dBA @Ear* 5400** 1.00 7B.5 99.5 5400 0.53 7/,0 96.0 5400 0.41 76.5 95.0 5400 -0- 74.5 4200*** 0.89 76.0 97.5 4200 0.74 73.5 93.0 4200 0,48 72.0 90.5 RPM I i *With Helmet "B" **F16arpm, full throttle ***Full Throttle H-32 Table H-ID COMPARISONOF LABORATORYSTANDARD SYSTEM (NAGRA)AND FIELD SYSTEM (SONY) NOISELEVELS(dB) $_AGRA. SON.___Y EAST SLH _EST SLN 103.2 103.8 104.2 104.0 104.0 I04.4 ]04.2 ]04.0 104.2 104.4 104.9 104.4 104.4 104,4 I04,4 104,8 ]04,4 104,8 81,5 82,0 8].7 82.5 82,0 83.I 83.0 g2.5 83.6 g2.0 83.9 82.0 104.0 ,3 104,5 .2 ]03.8 ]03.8 ]04,2 104,0 104,0 ]03.8 ]05,2 103,8 .]04,2 104,0 I04,6 ]04.4 104,2 104.4 105.0 103.8 I04,1 .5 104.3 _I'G[T:83.5L-'0"_'4:82,7 .4 FORMAL:83.5 103.4 104.0 ]04.0 104.2 83.0 81.7 82,D 82.5 Flfi 103.8 104.0 I04.8 104.8 104.4 104.2 I04,8 104.8 82.4 81.8 82.8 82.0 81.0 83.1 82.5 84.1 [ o 104.1 .6 104.4 H-_:83.0 LOH:81.8 .3 FORMAL:82,O J331a, wrong rpm E a a33]a E o REAL TINE SLH Pass By, Common Microphone Position F_'_T:83.O L--O_T:82.0 FO_4AL:83.1 83.0 82.0 82.8 82.5 82.5 83.0 83.0 84.0 82,9 "84.6 82,6 84.2 RECORDEDSONY 89.6 84.3 88.0 89.6 85,0 87,2 H-33 TABLE H-11 EAR LEVEL MOTORCYCLENOISE - NOISE LEVELSROUNDEDTO NEARESTdB Motorcycle Number a331a F-76 * 704 99 705 102 710 710A 107 712 2nd Hax 35mDh BSmph 55 Coast Helmet r£otes 71B lO2 I04 106 99 t 97 g 102 96 94 D R R R 107 R R g3 96 t 95 g B B B 97 a 95 v 94 g5 R R 0 102 719 102 95 92 go 0 720 97 94 9g IO0 B 721 lOO g4 100 102 B 722 97 g 98 See Table 6 93 g7 97 @ 7100 rpm Idleor 2nd gear cruise B 723 109 108 t 110 96 B 725 104 104 102 t 105 101 107 lOB 107 101 B B R R R 105 97 R See table 6 R See table 6 725R 102 t 100 g 730 102 96 g9 t 100 v 731 97 96 t B - blue helmet,R - red helme¢,0 - bare head *t - F76a, tach; g - F76a,gate; v - F76a variation H-34 g7 @ 5500rpm B or 0 See table6 TABLE H-12 EAR LEVEL MOTORCYCLE NOISE DURING IMI TESTS LeftLalo, _ Motorcycle Number 730, 94 NoHelmet 94.6 Ear La _ I02.6 102.0 94.3 102,0 8 1/2 RightLalo, Type 96.5 97 IMI6 IMI C 96.5 IMIC 6 93 102.6 96.5 IHIE 93.5 102.6 95.5 IIII E 97 IMIE 94 102.0 9 6 I/2 MotorcycleNumber 710A, 97 No Helmet 97.7 ,98,B 98,6 95.7 96.6 IHIC IlllC 97.2 98,6 95.8 IMIC 95.0 91 IMIE 09 92.8 88 IHIE 91.5 95.2 91 IHIE 94.7 93.6 IMIC IMIC 94.6 IMI C 95.7 IMI E 1 I/2 2 I/2 91 4 4 I/2 4350 rpm,idle 4350rpm,idle+ talk MotorcycleNumber 731, No Helmet 87 96 95.0 93.6 101.0 101.2 94.6 101.0 7 7 1/2 95.2 101.8 94.5 lOI.2 94.2 IMl6 96.0 101.4 96.2 IMI E 6 6 H-35 TABLE H-13 EAR LEVEL MOTORCYCLE NOISE NOISE LEVEL DIFFERENCES RE FORMAL TEST MotorcycleNo. J331a F76 F76a,t F76a,q 705 25 23 19 19 18 20 18 14 17 710 F76a,v 19 710A 23 712 20 718 722 18 14 723 21 725 20 Ig 21 725R 19 19 18 22 728 lg 20 20 13O 23 20 20 731 22 17 H-36 20 TABLE II-14 EAR LEVEL MOTORCYCLE NOISE DURING DYNAMOMETER TESTS Motorcycle No. 703_ Blue Helmet RPM TORQUE (2nd gear) 50'La Equiv. EarLa Adb 5400 27 78 1/2 g9 20 1/2 5400 27 78 1/2 100 21 i/2 5400 27 78 I/2 gg 1/2 21 5400 17 77 96 19 5400 11 76 1/2 95 18 i/2 4200 24 76 97 i/2 21 i/2 4200 20 73 I/2 93 20 1/2 4200 13 72 90 1/2 18 i/2 5400 27 79 i/2 99 1/2 20 Rider's Voice 90-I00 " " I02 " Shout (Markl) Max I18 H-37 TABLE H-15 WIND EFFECTSAND VOICE LEVELS Travel Direction D (Downwind) IP U (Upwind) IK. Motorcycle Number Test Upwind Wind Direction _2 Downwind mph Voice/Comments 703 Dyno .... 90-100/Talk 703 Dyne .... lO2/LoudVoice 703 705 Dyne a331a .... 105.8 101.6 liB/Shout -- 705 705 F76 F76at 108.1 104.6 105.4 99.2 --- 705 F76ag 105.3 710 Idle .... 96.8 -96/Talk Max 725 F76at 95.5 93.4 lO4/Voice Cue 730 55mph coast 97 92 -- 731 J331a 90.7 96,7 H-38 98,4/Horn i __ Major results of the ear level study are a) the rider will experience noise levels approximately 20 dB higher than the vehicle's 50-ft. noise emission level (with or without helmet), and b) inexpensive miniaturized noise recording equipment is available for operator noise exposure studies; application not limited to motorcycles. H-39 IMI TEST PROCEDURES 1. IMI-C Test Procedure Microphone Location: Two microphones, each located 10 ft, from the center of the vehicle, 9 inches above the ground surface_ perpendicular to the vehicle centerline at a point midway between the front and rear wheels. Operation of Vehicle: Stabilize the engine rpm at 50% of max. rated rpm. then open the throttle fully and as rapidly as possible; initiate rapid and full closure of the throttle when the tachometer needle is observed passing through the F76a closing rpm. Readings: Three sound level readings (dBA. fast response) within 2 dB shall be obtained. The final tachometer reading corresponding with each sound level measurement shall also be recorded. 2. IMI-E Test Procedure Microphone Location: Same as IMI-C Operation of Vehicle: Stabilize the engine rpm at 500 to 1000 rpm above idle (such that the engine wi|] respond without hesitation to rapid throttle opening), then open the throttle fully and as rapidly as possible; ini%iaterapid and full closure of the throttle when the tachometer needle is observed passing through an rpm equal to the F76a rpm minus 15% of the F76a rpm. Readings: 3. Same as IMI-C IM! -CSO Test Procedure Same as IMI-C except for microphone location; the microphones are located four feet above the ground, 50 ft. to the side and 25 ft. aft of the front of the vehicle,therebyduplicatingthe vehicle/microphone relationshipof the F76a test. 4. IMI b_ Ignltion Disable Same as the above IMI tests except that closing rpm is effected automatically by ignition disable, pre-set at the specified rpm. The throttle should be closed promptly after ignition disable to avoid backfire. H-40 PhotographNo. H-1 iNSTRUMENTATION VAN £_"H a .... •.. ...... PhotographNo. H-4 SPEED SENSORS .. _,.,_:.,_._._,t , _I _ , • " Photograph No. H-5 TEST TRACK PhotographNo. H-6 LASER AND TAPE SWITCHES .. • PhotographNo. H-7 LASER SPEED GATE • • PhotographNo. H-12 DYNALL TACHOMETER !, Photograph No. H.13 SANWA TACHOMETER - \\ \ fU?TT';','_'_:;_;:rf!y:;:r'l_!_:ltrlgl:jr Irrll_'lLIrTrllqlI1_lllllt_lII1_ ,, j I e= r ._ P • I _h .. ' i_II I:!,,I s_ . ! _"1 ' ' PhotographNo. H-14 EAR LEVEL SOUND MEASURINGEQUIPMENT APPENDIX I REFINEMENT OF MOTORCYCLE TESTING PROCEDURE 1. INTRODUCTION The F-76a test procedure was developed by EPA and its contractors with initial inputs from concernedstate and manufacturerrepresentatives. The first draft of this procedure specified testing all motorcycles at 75% of maximum rated RPM. EPA conducted a testing program using this draft procedure (in addition to J-331a) to build a data base on this measurement methodology. During the course of that testing program several motorcycle models were also tested at closing RPM different from the specified 75% (Table C-12). It was apparent from the data gathered that a constant 75% of maximum rated RPM would representan unfaircomparisonof large and small motorcycles if the full-throttle-constant microphone distance concepts were retained. Accordingly, a sliding scale of closing RPM was developed based on those motorcycles tested at more than one closing RPM. In the absence of other information, the J-331a test was felt to represent a fair comparison of large and small motorcycles so the sliding scale was developed to reflect that comparison. Further, noise levels comparable to J-331a values would allow consideration of standards in familiar terms. The sliding scale developed was, however, using interpolated and extrapolated data so additional data were required both using the F-76a as drafted and on variations thereof should the sliding scale need refinement, Another area where additional data was desirable was the phenomenon of tachometer lag and itseffect on noise level readings. The testingprogramdescribedin Appendix Hwas intended to address these and other issues. 2. TACHOMETER SPECIFICATION The information developed in that program showed that tachometer lag was indeed a serious consideration with unequal impact on different motorcycle models. American and European motorcycle tachometers generally showed little lag under the F-76a test. Certain Japanese models, however, displayed either a great deal of lag or showed a particularsensitivityto small amounts of lag. As the data use'B-in developing F-76a was largely based on measurements of Japanese motorcycles using vehicle tachometers it is clear that adjustment to F-76a's sliding scale would be necessaryif engine speed measurement systems other than vehicle tachometers were to be allowed. If the lag phenomenon affected all motorcycle models equally, requiring the use of vehicle tachometers could be considered. Since that is not the case, the refinement of F-76a specifically allows the use of other tachometers or other engine speed measurement systems. Indirect engine speed measurement systems have shown the potentialfor eliminating"lag" as it is associated with tachometers. Indirect engine speed measurement systems are sometimes cumbersome to set up, however, so it is not felt advantageous to require by specification that indirect systems be used when very fast reacting tachometers are available. Listed in Appendix H are several mechanical and electrical tachometers, both analog and digital, which display very low dynamic response lag. In the interest of test simplicity, the refined procedure allows use of any tachometer which meets a certain dynamic response characteristic. The specification in the refined procedure is spelled out in terms of the maximum allowable lag on a specific motorcycle at the closin_ conditions during the test. I-i The "window" of allowable tachometer lag should be small enough that tachometer characteristics will not materially affect noise level readings, yet be large enough to allow use of currently available fast responding tachometers. The specification in the refined procedure a11ows use of any tachometer that does not lag actual engine speed by more than three percentage points of maximum rated RPM when closing RPM under the specified methodology is indicated. It appears that this specification can be met for virtually all motorcycles tested by one or several of the tachometers mentioned in Appendix H. Several vehicle tachometers meet the specification although many Japanese vehicle tachometers display more than six percentage point lag and hence could not be used. Figures I-1, I-2, and I-3 display the noise levels of the motorcycles tested as a function of closing RPM. For most motorcycles at least three data points were plotted: (1) a baseline which was the noise level at closing RPM for that specific motorcycle (2) the noise level at a percentage value greater than the closing RPMand (3) the noise level at a percentage value lower than the closing RPM. From these graphs it is apparent that a three percentage point lag translates into a 0.6-0.7 dB difference for most street motorcycles tested, 0.5 dB for most combination motorcycles tested, and 0.3 dB for most off-road motorcycles tested. 3. SPECIFICATION OF CLOSING RPM Since indirect or fast-respondlng tachometers are required to be used in the refined procedure as mentioned above, the specification of closing RPM must be adjustedin the draft F-16a procedure. The program gave EPA the first direct data on metorcycle noise levels measured under F-76a. In addition, manufacturers have supplied EPA with additional F-76a data for specific models. Examination of these data indicates that further changes to the closing RPM specification would improve the large motorcycle/small motorcyclecomparisonrelativeto the J-331aprocedure. Figure I-4 plots EPA and manufacturer data on F-76a (indirect engine speed measurement system) relative to J-331a as a function of engine displacement. This figure indicates that the average of F-76a values of the large motorcycles plotted exceeds J-331a values by several dB. The average of the noise levels of small motorcycles, however, are below J-331a by several dB. To correct this situation the sliding scale of closing RPMs has been revised. The end points of 90% and 60% of maximum rated RPM for small and large motorcycles have been raised and lowered 5 percentage points, respectively. Four hundred cc motorcycles, which were specified to be tested at 75% of maximum rated RPM (observed, vehicle tachometer - or approximately 80% indicated, indirect engine measurement system, for most motorcycles), are specified to be tested at 77% of maximum rated RPM (with allowance for an up-to-three percentage point increase in actual engine speed due to al)owable tachometer lag). Figure I-5 shows the revised closing RPM chart. The variation of noise level with engine speed measured during the testing program can be used to determine the comparisons with J-331a that would be expected with this revised specification. Table I-I shows this comparison for all street and combination motorcycles tested. Off-road motorcycles showed such insensitivity to engine speed that they are not included. I-2 " Hond= CB,750K (d) (e) If) (gl (h) (i) tJ) H.D FXE,1200 H.O XL,1000 8MW R,100/7 Kawos_ki K Z.650 Yamaha XS-650 SuxuWi GS 550 Suzuki GSA0O 3, 2, • Jzuki GT,380 (¢) -|5 H.D FLH.1200 I' -10 --5 _(_ 5 -ZC)(_) Horizontal Axis: 10 % RPMrelative 15 to closing RPI4 at clostng RPM(vehfcle tachometer) FIGURE I-I NOISE LEVEL AS A FUNCTION OF CLOSING RPM STREET MOTORCYCLES 5, 4. (|} (b) [=} (d) Ylm_hl XT-5OO Honda XU350 Sutukl T_-400 Yamaha OT.250 3 - SX,175 t,I H.D K,.,,,ki KE 250 Yamaha DT.100 (f) (gl O 2- C) I. -;s t -10 e e © -s j Ij......_ o 5 = 10 , 15 -2 , VertlcalAxls: Noise level(dB)re noiselevel at closing RPM(vehicle tachometer) -4" -5 FIGURE I-2 NOISE LEVEL AS A FUNCTION OF CLOSING RPM COMBINATION MOTORCYCLES 5 -j (I) (b) (¢} (all (¢) (f) i9} (hi 4,_ YlmahmIT,4_ HusQv4maOB0,WR euITaco350 AIpEnl Hond_MR.250 BultacoO50Ftonterm KawalakiKX.125 HondaTL,125 Honda XR,75 --15 3 {_ v 2 --10 _7_ _ --O Horizontal Axis: %RPt4relative to closing RPM Vertical Axis: Noiselevel (dB) re noise level (_ _3 - at closingRPM(vehicle tachometer) I *..5 , FIGURE I-3 NOISE LEVEL AS A FUNCTION OF CLOSING RPM OFF-ROAD MOTORCYCLES (including trials and minl-cycles) • SIreet X Combinallofl 00It-F_oad 5 4 • 3 ._ L'_ • O× 2 ox o • • eee | _: 100 20D 300 500 _00 700 800 :.u) o ,.,,. 900 1000 _ • ._,._ .2 -3 = .4 0 X 0 Xe X .5 • ell X • • Ii 0 oX X 0 X 0 Engine Displacement {Cubic Centlmelers) Sourco; EPA and Manufacturer Oala FIGUREI-4 I-6 i00..... 90, 80, _I '' 175 95% cc_ 70. _=_ 60" "_ 55% U24._ Z _z E 50- 675 CC _,N Z X = 0 30" 4_ U 20v lO- o , , i00 200 , 300 , 400 ,500 , 600 , 700 i 800 ENGINE OISPLACEMENT (cubic centimeters) FIGURE I-5. CLOSING RPM , , 900 10O0 , ii00 1200 _ g +++_+++ il_l]ll ..... _ °*o.ooo N = a _ = 0 o • • o ++_llllllllll * o ++l+_llil_+++ ,°°.olo..o°oo o ° o * * ° oo + • • _NO _N _ _ p N APPENDIX O EXPLORATIONOF A STATIONARYTEST INCORPORATING AN ELECTRONICIGNITIONDISABLESYSTEM INTRODUCTION In the courseof evaluatingenginespeedmeasurementtechniquesand tachometer accuracy requirements in the F76a test procedure (see Appendix H), EPA examineda techniqueknown as ignitiondisableas means of controllingtest closing rpm, In this technique,the specifiedclosing rpmwas pre-setin the ignitiondisablingdevice,causingthe engineto be shut off automaticallyat the proper point duringthe acceleration run, ratherthan requiringthe rider to close the throttleat the proper time. Evaluation indicatedimproved accuracy, repeatability,and reduced test time by use of this technique. Also, the possibilitywas indicatedfor using the ignitiondisable technique in a stationaryvehicletest, which might serve as a s_mplersubstitutefor the moving vehicleF76atest. In this concept,the enginewould be accelerated against its own inertia(vehiclestationary) with engineshut-offeffected automatlcallyby the ignitiondisabledevice. The objectiveof EPA's investigationwas to evaluatethe use of the ignition disable technique,both in the F76a movingvehicletest, and in a simulated F76a stationaryvehicletest, The study was to encompassa representative sample of vehicles,or various engine and ignition cypes. Also, since a potentiallyimportantapplicationofthe stationaryvehicletest methodwould be in relatlonto the aftermarketexhaustsystemindustry,the study provided for the direct invoIvemantof the aftermarketmanufacturerand his products, as well as that of the new vehlelemanufacturerand his vehicles. J-1 Summary of Methods Used in this Study Vehicleand AftermarketProductSampleSize and Mix The vehicle sample consisted of 22 1977/1978 motorcycles in OEM configuration, with ten of these vehicles additionally fitted with 21 aftermarket exhaust system, yielding a total of 43 different vehicle configurations. The sample encompassedstreet and off-roadmotorcycles, displacemantsof 175 to 1200 cc, two and four strokeengines,1, 2, 3 and 4 cylinderengines. CDI and breaker-point ignition systems. The vehicles were provided by the respectivemanufacturers and/or the local representatives for CanAm, HarleyDavidson,Hodaka,Honda,Kawasaki,Suzuki, andYamaha motorcycles. The aftermarket exhaust system sample comprised 21 exhaust configurations designed specifically for the vehicles on which they were installed. In general, these systems were designed for improved performance, altered torque curve for specific applications,lower noise levels, or to permit optimized performance in combination use (street/off-road) vehicles. Additionally,some of the configurationstested were intended for competition use only. The aftermarket product_ were supplied, and installed, by the respective manufacturersand/or dealers: Alphabet, AMF, Bassani, Hooker. Jardine, Ocelot (Torque Engineering), Real Products and Skyway. The vehicle and aftermarket product samples were selected to include to the extent practical, motorcycles and aftermarket exhaust systems having substantialsales volume,and to include vehicletechnicalparameterssignificant in the study objectives, Movinl VehicleTest Procedures The test proceduresemployedinclude: J331a; conductedin accordancewith the SAE procedure, F76a by gate; correct closing rpm effectedby use of an optical speed gate (Newport Research Corporation #SP145/248 lasers_ technique described in Appendix H). Note: The closing rpm/displacementrelationship employed in F76a tests reportedin AppendicesH and J is: O- 100 cc : go% rpm 100- 700 cc : % rpm = 95 = (0.05x displacementin cc) over 700 cc : 60% rpm F76a by Bike Tach; closing rpm effected manually using indicated reading on vehicle tachometer;tachometercalibratedunder steady state conditions, F76a AutoMeterTach; closing rpm effected manually using indicatedreading on Aut_eter tachometerModel 439; tachometercalibratedunder steadystate conditions, F76a by IgnitionDisable; closing rpm effected'automaticallyby ignition disable using AutoMeter Rev-ControlModel 439/451or Model 455; disable rpm set under calibrated steady state conditions. The procedure is delineated in the discussion of the Stationary Noise Emission Test procedure of this appendix. Statlonar_Vehicle Test Procedures The test procedures employed include: _50; conducted in accordance with the proceduredelineatedin AppendixA. Simulated F76a; conducted in accordance with the procedure delineated in the d_scussion of the stationary test procedures of this Appendix; the procedure involved stabilizing the engine rpm at the F76a entering rpm, full throttle accelerationof the engine (unloadedexcept for its inertia and friction), with automatic engine shut-off effected by pre-set ignition disable at the F76a closing rpm, A varietyof microphonepositionswere evaluated. Development/Evaluation of the Test Methods Using commerciallyavailable ignition disablingequipment techniques were explored for interfacing the disabling devicewith the various types of ignition systems to be encountered. Noise levels measured In the F76a test using the ignition disabling techniquewere stat4sticallycorrelated with those obtained using the optical speed gale which is taken as the baselinereferencemethod. The microphone position for the simulatedF76a (stationaryvehicle) test was optimized,and noise level measurementsobtainedby the techniquewere statisticallycorrelated with the FZ6a moving vehicle data (both methods employingignitiondisable). Tabular comparisonsof noise emission data obtainedby the various moving and stationary vehicle test methods delineatedin this Appendix have been made for all of the vehicle and exhaustsystemconfigurations tested. J-3 H RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Summariesof the Tables Tables J-1 and J-2 present vehicle identification,pertinent parameters, and measured sound levelsyielded by the various test proceduresemployed, for the stock and modified motorcycles tested. A letter suffix to the motorcycle No. denotes a vehicle modified by installation of an aftermorket exhaust system; for example, motorcycle No, 801 (Table J-l) was a Honda GLIOOO in stock configuration, whereas motorcycle801A (Table J-2) was the same motorcyclefittedwith an aftermarketexhaustsystem. The significance of data presented in Tables J-1 and J-2 is discussed by topic in the following paragraphs. F76a Measured Levels by Various Techniques In AppendixH it was shownthat measuredlevelsfrequently2 to 3 dB higher than appropriate could result from tachometer lag, when using the vehicle tachometer as reference in effecting closing rpm. Precautions were exercised to achieve accuracy and control of closing rpm within acceptablelimits; specifically, closing rpm in the F76a test should be accurate to + 2% if the measurednoise level is to be accurateto _0.5 dBA (ref.AppendixH), Referring to table J-3, the F76a noise levels in the column "dB by Gate", obtained with closing rpm accuracy of _2%, constitute the reference to which measurementsby other techniquesmay be compared. Differencelevels obtained "by AutoMeter Tach" were small; this indicated that damping in that tachometerwas near optimum for the F76a application,and reinforced the earlier findings that accurate F76a readingscould be obtainedwith a properly damped vehicle tachometer. The difference levels obtained "by Ignition Disable" (using the same AutoMeter tachometer, but with the ignition disable functionoperative)remainedin good correspondence, showingadequacy of the ignitiondisable technique. Not reflectedin the tabulatedfigures is the improvedconsistencyamong repeatedpasses,and the shorter time required to conduct the test using the ignitiondisabletechnique, Differencelevels obtained"byMotorcycleTach",for most of the vehiclestested are moderately good, althoughthere is onenotableexception. The previouswork (AppendixH) showeda numberof cases where use of the motorcycletach resultedin 2 and 3 dB discrepancies.Possibleexplanationsof the variabilityusing the vehicle tachometerare differingaccelerationprofilesamong vehicles,and differing damping among tachometers. J-4 TABLE J-1.1977 - 1978MOTORCYCLE(STOCK)NOISELEVELS MotorcycleMake/Model Number 801 HondaGLIOO0 Cyl, Stroke Ign.Rated J331a F76a Power by RPM Gate 4 4 7500 .... F76a by F76a by F76a by IgnitionAutometer Bike Disable Tach Tach 75.6 .... F76a F50 Simulation at 50 ft. 75.3 -- 802 ltondaC8550F 4 4 8500 804 Yamaha1T175 l 2 CDI 9500 80.2 805 HondaCB750F 4 4 9000 806 807 SuzukiGS400 Suzuki 0T380 2 3 4 2 9000 80.4 80.0* 79.2* 90OO 88.2 88.4 88.0 808 809 HondaCJ360T HondaHR175 2 1 4 2 9000 7000 810 811 KawasaklKZIOOOLTD4 KawasaklKH40O 3 4 2 812 KawasakiKE250 1 813 KawasaklKZIO00 4 814 Harley FXE1200 815 816 Harley XLHIO00 YamahaDT250 817 YamahaSX750E 818 819 YamahaR0400 Harley SX250 80.9 80.9 80.3 80.2 81.6 84.5 92.6 91.I 90.8 90.6 -- 90.9 99.0 79.7 79.6 79,6 79,6 78.4 88,0 78.9* 88.3 80.5* 87,4 81.0" 87.4 88.5 94.6 80,8 83.9 81,0 -- 82.9 86.9 88.0 93.0 83.8 86.4 84,8 96.0 90.5 78.9 77.1 84,7 80,6 84.0 8000 CDI 7OO0 84.2 .... 82.8 83.0 80.9 83.0 .... 2 CDI 6000 02.7 78.2 77.3 77.4 81.2 81.7 83_0 4 8000 77.6 80.1 79.9 79.9 80.9 81.0 93.0 2 4 5200 83.8 82.0 2 1 4 2 6000 CDI 6000 3 4 BOO0 2 1 2 2 7000 COI 7000 *Tested at 6375 rpm; shouldbe 6750 rpm. 82.4 80.3 84.2 81.9 81,9 85.8 93.5 .... .... 82.0 81,2 .... .... 83.4 82.6 95.0 90.0 .... 80.3 .... 82.6 92.5 .... 82.9 81.8 81.4 81.5 .... 81.2 85.9 84.3 92.0 94._ 82.2 TABLE J-1 (Cont'd)1977- 1978M0TORCYCLE(STOCK)NOISELEVELS MOtorcycleMake/Model Number ..... 820 c. | Cyl. Stroke Ign. Rated O331a F76a F76a by F75a by F76aby FlTe F50 Power by Ignition Autometer Blke Simulation _ __ RPM Gate Disable Tach Tach at 50 ft. Harley SX175 I 2 821 Suzuki GS?50 4 822 823 CanOn 175quallflerI Hodaka175 1 810A** KAwasakl]OBOLTD (Modified) 4 **With aftermerket exhaust systm COI 6800 82.2 83.2 4 8500 82.0 79.4 2 2 CDI 8500 7100 4 8000 .... .... -- 82.1 82.3 83.6 8q.3 79,6 79.6 80.0 82.9 90.0 85.0 81.0 .... .... 87.3 81.7 90.0 91.0 84.7 89.0 05.0 85.0 84,8 84.8 89.0 TABLE J-2,1977- 1978 MOTORCYCLESWITH AFTERMARKETEXHAUSTSYSTEMS Motorcycle, Make/Model Humber ,. ExhaustHake/Hodel F76a * e.., 801A Honda GLIOOO 75.1 801B Honda GLIOOO _'_ 80IC 802A HondaGLIOOO HondaCB550F _v_ ,., ,j'_ _ 802B HondaCB550F ":' " "*' F76a AdB * re OEK -0.5 F76a* FSO Simulation ,. 78.0 90.0 78.0 2.4 79.3 93.0 80,7 85.6 5.1 6.4 81.9 91.5 94.0 -- 893 9.1 91.0 96.8 _L. "= =a.k 3 88.6 8.4 91.4 97.0 U W_C _,JO oJ N ®'g3 802C Honda CB550F 802D 807A Honda CB550F Suzuki GT380 _ = _ o _ _--o _ • 82.0 1.8 83.1 91 .S 88,8 0.8 86.8 93.0 809A 8098 809C HondaMR175 HondaHR175 HondaMR175 .u _o_ _ ., ® u _ ,_ _ -> _ 84.1 83.4 -0.1 -0.8 85.4 84.4 96.5 97.0 95.1 10.9 94.0 108.0 810A KawasaktIO00LTD = "_.,o o 4.1'_ ,_"_ 4J OJ,_ 85.0 2.0 84.7 99.0 U f.. r-' "P' 814A Harley FXEI200 814B 816A Harley FXE1200 HarleyXLHIO00 _ _ 8188 HarleyXLHI000 _ __14J C_: _ )_, _ u f,. _ "¢1"¢3 970 lS.1 93.4 91,I 11.5 9.I 97.4 90.0 108.0 102.0 97,Z 15.2 99.2 106.0 818C 818A Harley XLHIO00 YamahaRD400 _-._-_ _ _= _",o n. _,__.=_ 821A Suzuki GS750 u_ _.m <.,- 821B Suzuki 68750 822A CanA_ 175 86.2 100.9 104.0 g5.8 13.8 98.9 106.0 85.6 4.2 86.6 93.0 96.6 17.0 99.8 108.8 87.3 7.9 90.3 99.0 1.2 87.8 90.5 *By ignitiondtsable TABLE J-3, F76a NOISE LEVELS BY VARIOUS TECHNIQUES COMPARED TO REFERENCE LEVE_S BY SPEED BATE Closin 9 rpm F76a Level Motorcycle Number Make/Model Rated Power dBA by A dBAby RPM Gate Ignition Disable A dBAby Autometer Tach AdBAby rpm by Arpm by Bike Gate Ignition Tach Disable A rpmby Autometer Tach 802 Honda CB550F 8500 80.9 -0.7 -0.6 -0,7 5740 -I02 BO4 Yamaha 1T175 9500 gl.1 -0.3 -0.5 -- 8194 -332 -362 B05 Honda CB750F 9000 79.0 -0.7 -0- -0- 5400 -233 -89 120 806 Suzuki GS400 9000 80.0 -0.8 -1.1 807 Suzuki GT380 9000 87.9 -0.3 -0,7 808 Honda CJ360T 9000 80.6 -0.3 809 Honda HR175 7000 84.0 0.2 -0.I 6040 -45 99 810 Kawasski KZIOOOLTD 6000 82.8 0.2 0.2 1.0 4800 -126 -17 246 810A Kawasaki KIOOOLTD 8000 85,0 -0- -0.2 -0.2 4800 ...... 812 KawasakiKE250 6000 78.2 -0,9 -0.8 3,0 4950 -126 -243 629 813 Kawasaki _1000 8000 80.1 -0,2 -0.2 0.8 4800 -9 145 385 814 Harley FXEI200 5200 82,4 -0.5 -0.5 -0.4 3120 -62 -103 -71 819 Harley SX250 7000 81.8 -0.3 -0.6 0.4 5775 ...... 820 821 Harley SX175 Suzuki GS750 0800 8500 83.2 79.4 -I.I 0.2 -o.g 0.2 0.4 0.6 5865 5100 -190 -- Note: 0_5 88 A rpmby Bike Tach 280 -- 6375* -38 -113 271 -0.5 6840 -92 -136 210 8.4 6930 -- -91 133 See also Tables 8 and 0 of AppendixH for more comprehensivedata on the effect of tachometer lag on measured F76a soundlevels. -- 157 207 The statisticalrelationship betweenchangein noiselevel (_dB) and change in rpm (z_% rpm) was examined,using _he data in Table J-1 togetherwith the data in AppendixH. If values of /_dB of 1 and greater are considered, = 0.24 0-= 0.12 ?7: ig where_ =_dB/_ % rpm 0 "= standarddevlation 77 = numberof samples If valuesof dB down to 0.5 are included,the figuresbecome T : 0,26 0"= 0.23 ?7= 37 The statistics becomeless st9nificant as lower values ofAdB are introduced, since repeatability of the noise level measurementsbetter than +_0.5 dB should not he assumedto exist. StimulatedF76a (Statlonar_Vehicle) Test Method Feaslbilityof employingignition disable in a stationarytest which might serve as a substitutefor the moving vehicle test was explored. With the veltlcleplaced at the positionwhere it would be at closing rpm in the moving test, and with the same microphonepositionas used in the moving test, noise level monitoredas engine rpm was abruptlyincreasedfrom the inltial F76a rpm, with closing rpm pre-set on the AuteMeterignitiondisable unit. The noise levels measured in this way are shown in Tables J-i and J-2. Correspondence wlth the moving vehiclenoise levelswas sufficientlygood that furtherconsideration for use of the methodwas warranted. Statistically,the correlationcoefficientwas 0.96, with the simulated(stationa_ vehicle) level 2 dg higher than the moving vehiclelevel, This was based on a sample populationof 50 vehicle/exhaust configurations (43 in the currentstudy,plus 7 from AppendixH). Aftermarketexhaustsystemswere Includedin the study in order to: a) increase the noise level range for the correlation studies, and b) expose aftermarketmanufacturersto the test proceduresand to involvethem in feaslbili_yassessment. In the aftermarketapplication,the procedurewould be more useful if space requirementswere reduced;that Is, if e close-lnmicrophonepositioncould be used. Accordingly,ten addltionalmicrophonepositions,in the range 5 to 25 feet from the vehicle,were evaluated. Variousmicrophoneheights were also investigated(noise level being quite dependenton height above the pavement);the selectedheightswere those givingthe same differencebetween reflectedand directpath as prevailsat the 50 ft. (F76a)microphoneposition. Microphonepositionsemployedare shown in FigureJ-1. J-9 --I m M _'(_.e... LJ TABLEJ-4 CORRELATIONOF SIMULATEDF76a LEVELS AT CODED LOCATIONSWITH SIMULATEDF76a LEVEL AT THE F76a MICROPHONEPOSITION Test rxy ao aI Syx IMI-C2SR21 IMI-C25R9 0.99 0.99 IMI-C25PA21 IMI-C25P21 8.64 8.55 0.97 0,98 0.55 0.74 14 14 O,gg 0.98 11.82 -0,04 0.93 1.08 0.79 0,94 27 14 IMI-CIOR9 IMI-CIOPAg IMI-CIOP9 IMI-C3mPA2Ocm 0.99 0.88 0.97 0.99 15.04 33,41 12.04 17.07 0.99 0,76 1.02 0.96 0,73 0.88 1.26 0.92 14 4 14 23 IMI-CSR4 IMI-CSPA4 IMI-C5P4 0.98 0.99 0.97 14.98 20.79 14.60 1,05 0.98 1,06 1,04 0.95 1.14 14 27 14 Code: Number of Motorcycles IMI-C60 Stationaryvehiclemeasurementat the F76a microphoneposition IMI-C25R21 Stationaryvehiclemeasurementsat coded positions: _Helgh_ of microphoneabove pavement;inchesunless designatedcentimeters _R designateson Radial (SeeFig. 1) P designateson Perpendicular(See Fig. I) PA designatesperpendicularto the motorcycleat the rear axle Distancefrom bike reference;feet unlessdesignated meters : I rxy = correlationcoefficient ao = y intercept al = slope of the regressionllne (y = ao + alx) Syx --standarderror estimateof y on x x --SimulatedF76a levelsat the F76a microphoneposition y = SimulatedF76a levelsat the coded positions J-ll • I TABLEJ-5 F76a (MOVINGVEHICLE)ANDSIMULATEDF76a (STATIONARY VEHICLE) NOISE LEVgL CORRELATIONS Test rxy ao aI Syx . . IMI-CSO Number of Motorcycles 0.96 0.34 1,02 1.63 50 IMI-CE5 R21 0,97 IMI-C25R9 0.96 IMI-C25PA21) 0,96 IMI-CE5P21 ) 12.27 14.19 13.06 0.94 0.93 0.94 1.22 1,29 1.68 14 14 41 0.96 0.88 0,97 0.96 19.36 26.26 13.70 18,36 0.95 O.BB 1,01 0,97 1.37 1.16 1.26 1.67 14 4 14 23 IMI-CIOPA9 ) 0.97 IMI-C3mPAEOcm) 20.50 0.94 1.59 27 IMI-C5P4 21,45 _0.99 1.39 14 25,73 0.95 1.91 27 IMI-CIORg IMI-CIOPA9 'IMI-CIOP9 IMI-C3mPA2Ocm .0.96 IMI-C5PA4 Code: 0.95 IMI-C50 Stationaryvehiclemeasurementat the F76a microphoneposition IMI-C25R21 Stationaryvehiclemeasurementsat codedpositions: _.Height of microphoneabove pavement;inchesunless Ldeslgnated centimeters RP designates (SeeFig.J-l) designateson on Radial Perpendicular (SeeFig.J.1) PA designatesperpendicularto the motorcycleat the rear ax)e L--Distancefrom bike reference;feet unlessdesignated meters rxy m correlationcoefficient ao - y intercept aI - slope of the regressionline (y - ao + alX) Syx - standarderror estimateof y on x x - F16a movingvehicle noise levels y - Simulated F76e stationary coded positions a-12 vehicle noise levels at the Correlationdata of these closer-inpositionsreferredto the 50 ft. stationary vehicle levels are presented in Table J-4, and t'ererred to the moving vehicleF76a levelsare presentedin Table J-5. Referringto TablesJ-4 and J-5, the apparentpoorer correlationat the CIOPAg positionis probablyattributableto the small number in the sample. Regardingchoice of microphoneposition,the statisticalanalysisindicatesthat any of the positionscould be employed. However,other factors enter into the choice: a) The closer in the microphone,tilemore sensitivewas the measurement to source location;the predominantsource may be exhaust,intake, or engine. b) The further the microphone was out, the greater was the space requirementfor test conduct. Gonsideringthe above factors, a 10 ft. distance, on a llne from the rear axle, perpendicularto the vehicle longitudinalaxis, g inches above the pavement,appearedto be a good compromise. The correlationcoefficientspresented in Tables O-4 and J-5 were computed using data typifiedby that presented in Table J-6. Referringto the table, six readings were first taken at the 50 ft. position on each side of the vehicle. Subsequent readings at intermediate microphone positions were then taken only on the side found to be loudest;simultaneousreadingswere taken at the 50 ft. position. For Table J-4, individualmeasurementpairs were entered into the correlationcomputation;that is, four data pairs per vehicle. For Table J-5, the average of the four stationaryvalueswas paired withthe "reported"F76a value;that is,one data pair per vehicle. Table O-S providesinformationto permitestimationof the F76a level by use of the stationaryvehicle test: for example,if the i0 ft. distance,g inch height microphone position is used, the equation of the regression line indicatesthat 14 dB would be subtractedfrom the stationaryvehicleemission measurementto arriveat the F76a noise emissionlevel. Correlationplots for themicrophonepositionare presentedin FigureO-2 and 0-3. FSO ttationer_VehicleTest Method In Tables O-I and O-2, the FSO levels may be comparedwith the F76a levels for 20 stock and 20 modifiedmotorcycles. The figuresyield a correlation coefficientof 0,87, with a standarderror of estimate3 db, and a nominal differenceof 10 dB betweenthe f50 and F76a levels(Fig. J-4). This correlation was much better than the F50 test has shown with previouslyevaluated moving vehicle tests, and was such that the method could potentiallybe consideredfor preliminaryscreeningfor new productcompliance,or for in-use enforcementat the state or local level againstflagrantviolationsof noise regulations. J-13 TABLE J-6 EXAMPLE OF MEASUREMENT REPEATABILITY USING IGNITIONDISABLETECHNIQUE (Motorcycle No. 802) IMI-C50 L 80.0 R 81.0 79.5 81,5 79.5 81.6 80.1 82.0 IMI-C25R21 IMI-C50 R 87.0 R 81.4 87,6 81.9 88.0 82.0 88.0 82.0 IMI-C25R9 IMI-C50 R 95.8 R 82.2 90.1 82.5 89.5 82.0 90.2 82.6 IMI-CIOR9 IMI-C50 R 95.8' R 82.2 96.2 82.1 96.2 82.1 95.5 81.9 IMI-CSR4 IMI-C50 R 100,4 R 81.2 100,6 82.2 101.0 81.2 101.4 82.0 IMI-C25P21 IMI-CBO R 87.6 R 82.1 87.2 81,9 87.8 82.2 87.9 82.2 IMI-CIOP9 IMI-C50 R 95.3 R 82.2 95.2 81.7 95.0 81,4 95.0 81.6 IMI-C5P4 IMI-C50 R 101.6 R 82.1 100.6 81.2 100.6 81.2 100.5 81.0 J-14 80.1 81.9 80.4 82,0 110 lOO rxy=0.97 Syx = 1.26 41-._y _ ,,c t.D 0 = 12.04+ 1,02x gO ¢o¢/_ 80 J 70 70 Fig,J-2 F: : : : ! 80 90 Simulated F76aNoiseLevel 5b-ftMicrophone Position : ; I00 CORRELATION OF STATIONARY VEHICLENOISELEVELSAT 50FT.AND 10 FT.(9"ht,)MICROPHONE POSITIONS (SIMULATED FZ6aTEST) ,]-15 110 + 100 _ = 0.97 rxy y ", 13.70 + 1.01x Syx = 1.26 .h 0 +÷ IIJl_ I_ f,- IIJ 80 70 70 I I 80 I I 90 I I 100 Moving Vehicle F76a Noise Level Fig. J-3 CORRELATION OF STATIONARY VEHICLENOISE LEVELSAT 50 FT, AND 10 FT. (9" hi,)MICROPHONEPOSITIONS (SIMULATEDF16a TEST) J-16 i Effect of Gear Selection The opportunitywas taken to test selectedvehiclesin both 2nd and 3rdgears, particularlythose vehiclesreachingspecifiedclosing rpm in a 25 ft. to 35 ft, accelerationdistancein 2nd gear, Comparativeresultsare shownin Table J-7; a I DB differenceappearsnot uncommon. Except for the TableJ-7 data, all F76a tests conductedin this study employed2nd gear unless a 25 ft. minimum accelerationdistancewas not attained,in which case the nexthigher gear was used; as a result,the great majorityof vehicleswere testedin 2nd gear, and no operationaldifficulties were encountered, A stipulationof a longer minimum accelerationdistance,such as 35 ft. or 50 ft, as considered, would result in more vehiclesencumberedwith a I dB ambiguityin reported level (3rd gear vs. 2nd gear),and would also result in substantially higher speeds and longer accelerationdistances,which requiregreater rider precision in reachingclosingrpmat the specifiedend point, l_nitionDisable Equipment The equipment used in this study to effect ignitiondisablewas eitherthe AutoMeterModel 439 Tachometertogetherwith the Model 451Rev-Control,or the Model 455 Rev-Control(whichincorporated the tachometerand ignitiondisable unit in a single case), The 439/451 requiredhard-wireconnectionto the ignition primary for Tachometersignal, and could be used only on vehicles having breaker-pointsignitionsystems;the 455 unit incorporatedan inductive pickup, and functioned on all ignitionsystems, For conventionalignition systems having breaker points, the inductive pickup (which providedthe tachometer signal) was placed over the wire from the points to the coil primarily;for CDI systemsthe inductivepickupwas placedover the conductor from the "triggercoil" or the conductorfrom the CDI unit to the ignition coil primary. (On mast of themotorcyclestested,the inductivepickupcould be placed over the entirewire bundle incorporatingthe desirewire, rather than searching out the specificwire). The disable elementwas a shorting switch (activated by the tachometer); for breaker-point systems, it was connectedto short across the "kill button", For vehicleshavingmere than one pair of points, it was necessaryto connectthe disablingcircuitto each set of points thru a diode (seeFigureJ-5) in order to maintainelectrical isolation,betweenpairs of breakerpoints. The objective in this part of the study was to demonstratefeasibilityof the ignition disable techniqueusing commerciallyavailableequipment,with application to present generationnew motorcyclesand aftermarketexhaust systemssubject to regulations.(The scope of the study did not extendto the comparative evaluation of various devices commercially available). The equipmentemployeddemonstrated that the ignitiondisabletechnique,usingthe subjectequipmentwas effectivein controllingclosingrpm in the movingtest, and in possiblemaking feasiblethe conductof a stationaryvehicletestwhich could substitutefor the movingtest, J-17 llO ..#. 70 I 70 I 80 I I 90 I Moving Vehicle F76a Noise Level Fig. O-4 CORRELATIONOF STATIONARYVEHICLENOISE LEVELS (F58 TEST)AND MOVING VEHICLEF76_ TEST J-IB I 100 TABLEJ-7 MOTORCYCLE NO. ;_ EFFECTOF GEARSELECTION HANUFACTURER/HODEL F76a by Ignttton Dtsable 2nd Gear 3rd Gear dB Accel 8ist dB Accel. 805 HondaCB750F 78.9 28 -- 80 812 Kswasakt KE250 77.3 28 78.7 67 815B Harley XLHZOO0 (with aftennarket 97.2 26 96.9 80 exhaust) 816 YamahaDT-250 81,2 25 81.8 66 817 YamahaXS750 E 80.3 40 81.1 70 820 Harley SX175 82.1 35 82.2 90 821 Suzukt GS750 79.6 40 80.0 80 822 Can Am175 Qualifier 85,0 37 85.8 BO 822A CanAm175 Qualifier (with aftemsrket exhaust) 86.2 35 87.0 55 J-19 01st Breaker I t Coll Primary Coll Primary Coil Primary No.I No.2 No.3 1NZ071Diode To Ignition Disable Device FIGUREJ-S METHODOF CONNECTING DISABLEDEVICETO MOTORCYCLE HAVINGMORETHANONEPAINOF POINTS J-20 h',-,_,_¢,,_,_,_,_,_,,_; i, .:,_,, _r,_ vy 110 70 70 80 O0 Movtng Yehtcle Ftg. J-6 100 F76a Notse Level CORRELATIONOF STATIONARYVEHICLE NOISE LEVELS AT 50FT.MICROPHONE POSITION (SIMULATED F76a "' TEST) AND MOVING VEHICLE F76a TEST LEVELS 1fi ,,: J'21 STATIONARY VEHICLE NOISE EMISSION TEST PROCEDURE (a) Instrumentation The following instrumentation shall be used, where applicable: (1) A sound measurement system which meets the Type 2 or S2A requirementsof AmericanNational Standards Specificationfor Sound Level Meters, ANSI $1.4-1971. As an alternativeto making direct measurements using sound ]evel meter, a microphoneor sound level meter may be used with a magnetictape recorderand/ora graphiclevel recorderor indicatinginstrument provided that the system meets the performance requirements of ANSI 1.4-1971. (2) An acoustic calibrator with an accuracy of within + 0.5 dB. The calibratorshall be checked annuallyto verifythat its output_s within the specified accuracy. (3) An engine speed measurementsystemcoupled with an ignition disabledevice havingthe followingcharacteristics: (i) Capable of being pre-setto disable the ignitionat a specified closing engine speed; (il) Positive and continuous cut-off of ignition in all cylinders, with manual re-set; (ili) Read-outof steady state engine rpm accuratewithin, or calibratedto + 2% of true rpm for engine speeds specifiedin the test; (ivy Responsetime to rpm step input in the operatingrange not more than 200 milliseconds,measured from step initiationto ignition disable. Operatingrange for generalapplicationto motorcyclesis 2000 to 10,000 rpm, with rpm step magnitudes of 1.2 to 1.9 times the initial rpm. Responsetime may be verifiedby use of two signalgenerators,one set for the initial rpm, the other set for the disable rpm; the responsetime to disable command being measuredas the signalto the disabledevice is switchedfrom the first generatorto the second. (4) A microphonewind screen which does not affectthe microphone response more than + 0.5 dB in the frequencyrange 40-6000 Hz, taking into account the orientatTon of the microphone. (5) An anemometer with steady-state accuracy within _ 10% at 30 km/h (lgmph). (b) Test Site (i) The test site shall be flat, open surface free of large noise reflecting surfaces(otherthan the ground) such as parked vehicles, signboards, buildings, or hillsides, located within a I m (23 ft) radius of the motorcyclebeing testedand the locationof the microphone. (2) The microphoneshall be locatedon a line perpendicularto the longitudinalaxis of the motorcycleat the rear axle, 3.0 m (9.8 ft.) from the plane of symmetry and at a height of 22 + 1 cm (8.6 + 0.4 in.) above the pavement. The microphoneshall be orien_'_dwith resp-ectto the source so that the sound strikes the diaphram at the angle for which the microphone was calibratedto have the flattestfrequency response characteristicsover the frequencyrange 40 Hz to 6000 Hz. (3) The surfaceof the ground within the triangulararea formed by the microphonelocationand the front and rear extremitiesof the motorcycle shall be flat end level _ 5 cm and have a concreteor sealed asphalt surface. a-22 (c) MeasurementProcedure {i) The engine temperature shall be within the normal operating range prior to conducting the measurement procedure. (2) The electronic ignition disable device shall be set to require closing rpm determined according to the motorcycle engine displacement, as follows: Closing RPM* Displacement(cc)* (Percentof MaximumRated RPM) 0 _ 100 90 100 - 700 g5 - 0.05 x (enginedisplacementin cc) 700andabove 60 (3) The rider shall sit astridethe motorcyclein normal riding positionwith both feet on the groundand run the enginewith the gearbox in neutral at a constantengine speed of 50% of maximum rated rpm or percent closing rpm less ten percentagepoints,whichever Is lower (_ 2.5% of specified rpm). With the enginestabilizedat this constantenginespeed,the test rider shall then open the throttle fully and as rapidly shut-downat the pre-set closing rpm. If no neutral is provided the motorcycle shall be operated either with the rear wheel 5-10 cm (2.0 - 4.0 in) clear of the ground, or with the drive chain belt removed if the vehicle is so equipped. (d) Measurement (1) The sound level meter shallbe set for fast responseand for the A-weightingnetwork. The microphonewind screen shall be used. The sound level meter shall be calibratedas oftenas is necessarythroughouttestingto maintainthe accuracyof the measurementsystem; this shall includepre- and post-testcalibrationof each daily sequenceof testing. (2) The sound level meter shallbe observedthroughoutthe engine accelerationperiod. The highest noise level obtained during the engine accelerationperiodshall be recorded. (3) At least three measurementsshall be made on each side of the motorcycle. Measurementsshall be made until three readingsfrom each side are within 2 dB of each other. The noise level for each side shall be the average of the highest three readingswithin2 dB of each other. The noise level reported shall be for that side of the motorcyclehaving the highest noise level. (4) While makingnoise levelmeasurementsnot more than one person other than the rider and the observer reading the meter shal] be within 7m (23 ft) of the vehicle or microphone,and that person shall be directly behind the observer reading the meter, on a llne throughthe microphoneand the observer. (5) The ambient noise level (includingwind effects)at the test site due to sourcesother than the motorcyclebeing measuredshallbe at least 20 dB lower than the noise level at the microphonelocationproducedby the motorcycleunder test. (6) Wind speed at the site duringtest shall be less than 30 km/h (19 mph). J-23 r,z ........ -................................................................. APPENDIXK FURTHER STUDYBF THE IGNITIBNDISABLEDEVICE APPENDIX K FURTHER STUDY OF THE IGNITION DISABLE DEVICE INTRODUCTION In previousEPA studies,excellentcorrelationbetweenthe moving vehicle and stationaryvehicleroise tests for a wide range of motorcycleswas demonstrated. The Auto Meter Model 451 Rev-Controlignitiondisable device was used for these tests. The disablingdevice incorporatedtwo moving elements (the tachometerpointer and the disable relay) with consequent lag between the preset and actual shut-downrpms. As a result the device permitted substantialrpm overshoot for the stationarytest, which was undesirablefor two reasons: a) for some motorcycles this results in exceeding red-line rpm, and b) if the noise standard is based on use of this device, and if a vehicle or aftermarket manufacturerwere to developand employa device exhibitingless overshoot,a lower indicatednoise level readingwould be obtained. To overcome this difficulty,the EPA developed a completelyelectronic ignition disable device which holds rpm overshoot well within acceptable values. However,occasionallya motorcycleis encounteredon whichthe device does not function properly. Therefore,EPA investigatedthe characterof ignition pulse wave trains exhibited by a broader range of representative motorcycles. The results of this study to date explain the nature of the problem encounteredby the completelyelectronicdevice, and suggest means by which the applicabilityof the devicemight be extended. Viabilityof the stationaryvehicletest is contlgenton availability of a reliable,low-cost,easy to use, ignitiondisable device which does not exhibit excessive rpm overshoot,and one that will functionon all or most bikes, The completelyelectronicdevice,with a suitablesensingpickup,may eventuallyoffer the basis for the above requirements. TESTING ACCOMPLISHED On a group of 36 motorcycles,magnetic tape recordingsof the ignition pulses have been obtained at a nominal 50% rpm and during acceleration, engine unloaded. Recordings, of both ignition secondary, and ignition primary,were obtained. The vehicle population comprised10 Honda bikes, 13 Suzuki, 11 Kawasaki, i BMW, and 1 Maico, Engine types include2 and 4 stroke; single, dual, four and six cylinders. Ignitiontypes represented encompassconventionalcell and points, transistorizedbreakerless,magneto, CDI and electronicadvance. T The taped signals have been transcribedonto X-Y plots,showingthe wave form and signal strengthsexhibitedby the variousbikes. These plots were intendedto permit definitionof performancecharacteristicsrequiredin an ignitiondisabledevice, and the magnetictape recordingsthemselvescould be employedfor preliminaryevaluationof candidatedisable devices. F K-I The group of motorcycles was found to display a tremendous range of ignitionpulse wave shapes and signal amplitudes. This is illustratedby Charts A thru F, which show in the lower trace the ignition pulse wave train at a steady low rpm, and in the upper trace, a transient high rpm situation. Both traces are pulses in tilehigh tension (secondary)side of the ignition system,sensedby an inductivepickupplacedover a spark plug wire: Chart A. Representative of 4-cyl, 4-stroke motorcycles with "conventional" _. The plug fireson every revolution,althoughthere is a power stroke on every second revolutiononly. The disabledevicemust consistentlyignore, or consistently read, the redundant spark pulse. Chart B. This is a transistorized breakerless ignition system on a 4-cyl, 4-stroke bike. Pulse definition is considerableless distinct, and more "cross-talk" from other spark plug wires is seen. Chart C. One of the cleanest wave trains encountered, magneto ignition, _ylinder 2-stroke,one pulse per revolution. Chart D. One of the most complexwave trainsencountered;a challengeto the disable devicedesigner;magneto ignition,singie cylinder2-stroke. Chart E. This is a 6-cyl 4-stroke; as with the 4-cyl 4-stroke machines, there is a redundantspark, and considerablecross-talk. This signalwould present difficulties for a disable device, Chart F. This is the same bike as in previous chart, witil a compressed time _howing the variabilityin the active pulses, redundantpulses, and cross-talk pulses. All of the foregoing pulse trains were obtained using an inductive pickup placed over a spark plug wire. Performance nf a capacitance pickup (clamped onto a spark plug wire) was also subjectof a cursorycheck: Charts G and H. Using the V-8 engine in a Dodge van, Chart G shows the ignition pulse train using the inductive pickup. While the signal is fairly good, cross-talk is in evidence. Chart H shows a spectacularlyimproved signal using the capacitance pickup. Chart I. This is a repeat run on bike No. 30 (Chart E), using the capacitance plc-'T_T_p-Tn lieu of the inductivepickup. The capacitancepickupincorporated an in-seriesneon bulb, which provideda go/no-gotype of function. Note Lhe complete absence of cross-talk,also absence of the redundantpulse. Not shown by the chart, the device exhibited drop-out, and should be investigated further. K-2 J i/'_e;;.7 eyd_ .2 recefotto_ /3/_ S _- ,g HoNoa c_$o/= Prc'guP /N/_L/CT"IV_ tl34 ro_ (I/'18) a I _d Vbr/ica/: /._,1 cer/s gtl jca/_ ,.. _6r/ze,_faf : .¢_o.,Ps" _ _n ,¢.aA Ji • • • , . ,i i , • /s/o_/_r/v_Ple_Uf_ revolo_oo+s j_'_ _ rpvn ._ _ybaj_Y p/e_Ma_.Y=_.96.or :IrYuoz!doN vQ(4"_/.'_'_daI Z--- 05_, O.2IYW "_£ _iV Y_l£t _/_s /I'_ slaw_ l.es ; l_=._lap a /xc_ueriv_. / _r;_¥ s - Pickup ,ey'el¢. 2. revolo/lon2 a 8"_o rp_ V Ver//e./: ! _,'r/_? cy,(e .Z revo/,,G*,,s I,t.t vot/+ .[,+#t<_l_e ,= d',ltti,_i" Z_ 330o rp._ -_i ,,/or';ze,'J_/" _o.9S m s ._l/ z¢+.l, /A143_Icr/_'_ p,s_,ac_,p / r_v. _ZI_ rFm 11.30 _$ I e_y; 13,_-5 _f I rev, f,tr'l//¢a/ scal_ e_../ v'e/4_ _tl _¢=l/eo P/or;zol_/=/ $c=/e _0_,_ mS _/l $c,ule. J,__ DOdO_ M_N I I i ,,, , . , , , , , .2oo_"rp_ Ilor_/ca/ CN+_ r H _ 1_.1 vo/.Is _11 sea/_ /toe/*o_tul: lr/.?/ ms _/( aca/( CIIPRC/7"R_ ,.. Vtr//'=al _ /_,1 I _c/'e/_ cytlQ #ol/t 4"uII.z=_l_ , , ,,, 2. revol_I/snJ ,, ,, l°Itlcul ° ##23. rp_ Horlson_ah ,,, , 20._7 ms .FuJt.rc_/e. APPENDIXL MOTORCYCLENOISE ESTIMATEDFROM TIME/DISTANCEMEASUREMENTS DURINGACCELERATIONIN URBAN TRAFFICSITUATIONS INTRODUCTION EPA undertooka test programto definemotorcycleaccelerationprofiles, and associated noise emissions, as the vehicle operates typically in an urban traffic situation. Ground rules for the study required that the rider be unaware that observations were being made, that his vehicle be unimpededby other traffic,and that his vehicle be acceleratedfrom standstillat a trafficsignalor stop sign. Urban commuting, and urban recreationaltraffic situationswere to be included,over a range of speedlimit zones. In addition to definingtypical accelerationprofiles and associated noise levels, the study examinedmotorcyclenoise emission_ssociatedwith a traverseof 100 feet in 4.8 seconds,which in a previousstudyI was selected as an accelerationprofileunderwhich "motorcyclescan be driven in a reasonablefashion,keep up with traffic,and minimizeexcessivenoise." The test work in this Appendixwas carriedout in Los Angeles and Orange Counties,California,duringAugust1978. i MotorcycleNoise Levels,a Reporton Field Tests,conductedby the I11inoisTask Force On Noise,June 1975. 7 i L-I TEST PROCEDURE AND RESULTS* Test Sites Sites selected for the observation of acceleration profiles included: A. B. C, D. Urban Urban Urban Urban commuting traffic, 45 commuting traffic, 40 recreational traffic, recreational traffic_ mph zone mph zone 35 mph zone 25 mph zone These sites are shown in Map L-I and Map L-2. Observed Acceleration Profiles The accelerationprofileswere defined in terms of time and distance from standstillto first and second shift points. Time was measuredwith a stop watch, distanceswith a measuringwheel. No noise measuringequipment was employed at the observation sites. The observed acceleration profiles on 153 motorcycles are presented in Table L-I. Noise EmissionsAssociatedwith AccelerationProfiles At the McDonnell Douglas (EPA's Contractor) test track, Huntington Beach, California, motorcycles representative of the field motorcycles were operated under controlledconditions,and noise levels measured over a range of acceleration profiles. The motorcycles employed are listed in Table L-2, togetherwith their J331a noise level, F16b noise level,and the noise level associated with a 100 foot traverse from standstill in 4.8 seconds, For these motorcycles,curves of noise level vs traversetime to first shift point are presented in Figure L-I thru Figure L-11, The noise level associatedwith an accelerationrate correspondingto a traverseof 100 feet in 5.3 seconds is identifiedon these plots, (A 4.8 secondtraversetime results in noise levels2 dB higher). The 5.3 second figureis highlighted since it is the upper hound (lowest acceleration) in the observations at the commutingtrafficsites (onlyone vehicleexceedingthis figure), While a 100 foot traverse in 4.8 seconds has previouslybeen selected as prudent (based on automobile driving habits), it is far from typical of present motorcycleoperations. The time/distancedata of Table L-1 can be normalizedto a 100 ft. distance,yieldingthe followingstatisticalresults: * Tables and Figuresare at the end of thisAppendix. L-2 100' Traverse Time cr 77 Commuting traffic, 45 mph Commuting traffic, 40 mph Recreational traffic,35 mph Recreational traffic,25 mph where 3.9 4.0 4.4 3.8 0.7 0.5 0.9 0.7 38 51 33 31 X= means time for 100' traverse,seconds (7"= standard deviation 77 = sample size A traverse time of 4.0 seconds typically is seen (Figure L-1 thru L-11) to result in noise levels 5 to 6 dB higher than does the 4.8 secondtraverse. ISO Noise-Level Grids Using the data from Figures L-I thru L-11, lines of constant noise level can be constructed on plots of traverse time vs traverse distance. As a useful expedient, the constant noise level lines can be labeled "AdB re F76b level," instead of noise level. Grids thus constructed are present in Figures L-12 thru L-19. Superimposedon the grids are the time/distancedata points from the field observations (from Table L-I), from which in-use motorcycle noise levels in urban traffic acceleration situations can be estimated, The above construction recognizes that within a category of motorcycles, although their F76b noise levels may differ, similarity in their noise endssion variance as a function of acceleration may be expected. Statistical Distribution, Estimated Noise Emission Variance Using the field data from the iso-noiselevel grids, (FigureL-12 thru L-19), statistical distribution charts of in-use motorcycle acceleration noise levels (presented as variance from their F76b level) can be constructed. These are presented in Figure L-20 thru L-36. Statistical distributions are shown first (in Figure L-20 for the total vehicle population, all sites; then broken down by site type and vehicle size. The distribution of motorcycle noise during acceleration in the traffic situations tends to center around 4 dB below the F76b level. Significanceof MicrophoneMeasurementPosition In the course of measurementstaken under the controlledtests at the McDonnellDouglastest track, noise levels (usinga Honda CB7SOF)were taken simultaneously at three microphonepositions: (I) 50' from track centerline,4' height (shiftpoint 25' past microphone) (2) I0' from track centerline, 4' height (shift point at microphone) _Z _C ! (3) lO' from track centerline,9.6" height (shift point at microphone) L-3 ._qB_aq.9'6 eq2 pue _qB_eq ,b e _e sflu_pee_ ,Of eq_ UBOM_gqe3Ua_aJ_p eLI_L s_ a3aq__eq_ MOqS aeq_anJ pue '(_e[ eaenbs esJe^u_ eq_ Rq pa_eLn_L_3Sl _o pea_su_)se3ue_$_p=Of pue ,0_ eq_ uee_eq eOUeJe_p BP £I e _OqS e_ep eql '£ e[q@£U_ pa_uese_d eJe seuoqdo_o_meeJq_ eq_ mOJ_ peu_qo e_ep eql 'uo_en_s _uaeeoJo_uaue u_ pa£oLdeaeq _q6_m R[qgA_B3uo3_eq_ BUO s_ _ uo_[sod _qS_aq e3Jno$ _oo_-euoe 6u_mnss_'s_oe_e BDuB_B_JB_u_ q_d pB_DB[_BJ/_DoJ_p em_s eq_ eh_q _ pu_ I suot_|SOd ] 9-I \...,," TABLEL-I OBSERVEDRIDING PATTERNS; ACCELERATION FROM STOP SIGNAL A. COMMUTINGTRAFFIC,45 MPH ZONE Motorc},cl e Honda550 Time/distance to first shiftpoint (seconds/ft) 2.5/82 Yamaha]75 3.0/40 Honda250 2,0/45 Honda550 Time/dlstanceto second shift point (seconds/f t) 4.0/]65 HondaCX500 2.2/50 4.2/110 Yamaha360 2.0/45 4.2/90 Suzuki 750 Harley1000 3.0/80 3.5/70 5.3/180 Honda750 4,6/95 5.5/150 Norton 850 2.5/95 5,2/150 Honda360 2,5/50 8.2/285 Honda 500 3,0/50 5.5/120 Harley 1000 3.0/60 7.2/200 Honda360 3.0/50 6.2/140 BMW750 Honda500 3.5/70 3.1/70 7.2/225 Kawasakl1000 3.3/93 Yamaha650 2.5/50 Honda750 3,2/70 6.2/210 Honda400 2.5/55 5.8/230 Honda750 2.0/50 3.5/130 Yamaha650 Harley 1000 3.2/85 3,0/65 6.2/240 Honda550 4.0/75 6.5/230 Honda350 3.3/50 4.8/140 Honda 750 5.0/130 8.2/300 Honda750 3.0/50 5,0/]50 {Continued) L-7 TABLE L-l (cont'd) A. OBSERVED RIOINB PATTERNS; ACCELERATION FROM STOP SIGNAL COMMUTING TRAFFIC,45 MPH ZONE Motorcycle Honda fOOD Time/distance to firstshift point (seconds/ft) 3.2/60 Time/distanceto secondshift point,. (seconds/ft) 4,6/200 Honda 175 3.0/50 4.5/I00 Honda 750 3.0/40 6.0/200 Yamaha750 2.5/60 6.2/300 (3rd gear) BMW 750 3.0/70 5.0/205 Yamaha6BO Yamaha600 3.3/95 KawasakilOgO 2.3/55 6.7/200 KawasakilOB0 2.0/40 3.4/100 HondalOOO 5.5/240 5.5/100 Yamaha500 3,8/90 8.2/350 Honda350 3.2/90 5.5/185 B. COtC_UTING TRAFFIC,40 MPH ZONE KawasakiKZIOO0 3.8/75 7.0/190 KawasakiKZlOO0 4.9/90 Yamaha500 4.0/75 6.5/165 5.3/145 YamahaRD40O 3,7/65 Honda 360 3.5/55 Harley1200 2.5/65 5.5/155 Honda450 2,9/55 5.1/135 Honda550 2.9/70 5.5/165 Honda750 3.1/75 5.0/155 Honda ?50 Honda 200 3,3/8G 2,1/45 7.3/250 3.8/75 Honda500 2.8/95 7.8/300 Honda400 6,5/210 Honda 750 2,4/60 4.6/135 Yamaha650 3,2/105 6.0/340 Honda 550 3,0/55 5.2/190 Hondo750 3.5/65 7.2/300 L-8 (Continued) TABLE L-I (cont'd) B. OBSERVEDRIDING PATTERNS; ACCELERATIONFROM STOP SIGNAL COMMUTINGTRAFFIC,40 MPH ZONE Time/distance to first shift point (seconds/ft) 3.1/55 2.5/50 Motorcycle Honda350 Honda 350 Time/distance to secondshift point (seconds/ft) 5.2/180 Honda 750 Honda 750 4.0/100 4.0/100 7.0/380 KawasakllO00 4.0/135 8.0/350 Honda 750 4.0/65 6.7/400 Honda CXSO0 2.9/45 5.2/135 Kawasakl400 4.0/65 6.5/]45 Suzuki 550 Honda 750 4.0/125 3.0/45 6.8/300 Honda 750 Yamaha750 2.5/45 3.2/50 3.8/95 Honda750 2,0/50 Honda750 3.1/65 Honda 350 2.9/50 Suzuki 750 3.5/70 Honda 400 3.1/55 Norton 850 3,0/70 6.3/190 Honda 175 2.3/45 4.2/130 8.0/270 Kawasekt 900 2.5/50 5.4/170 Honda 305 3,1/60 4,7/170 Honda 400 Trutmph 650 2,3/60 3.1/65 4.9/140 Honda 550 2.7/65 5.1/160 Yamaha125 Honda 350 1.3/35 2.7/60 5.2/170 Honda 350 2.8/60 7.6/180 2.5/35 3.9/90 t.5/20 4.1/90 Honda 175 Honda (small) 125 (Continued t L-9 TABLE L-I (cont'd) B. OBSERVED RIDING PATTERNS; ACCELERATIONFROM STOP SIGNAL COMMUTING TRAFFIC, 40 MPHZONE Motorcycle Hondo 550 Time/distance to first,shiftpoint (seconds/it) _ 2.4/50 Time/distanceto secondshift point _conds/ft) Honda 550 2,5/60 5.3/170 Honda 175 Hondo Chopper 3.1/55 2.5/60 4.5/140 4.5/720 Hondo 750 3.6/65 8.5/390 Hondo 500 2.3/50 4.0/150 C. RECREATIONAL TRAFFIC, 35 HPHZONE Harley Chopper 2.5/45 6.3/200 Hondo550 Hondo500 2.9/65 5.5/180 7.8/220 Hondo 650 4.0/75 Harley 1200 2.0/45 4.7/110 Hondo 350 Hondo550 2.3/45 3.0/75 4.4/100 6.3/220 Honda 750 3.4/45 5.4/95 Hondo 350 3.4/70 8.8/250 Yamaha750 4.0/95 BHW 900 7.0/150 Kowosaki 1000 3.2/120 Honda 500 2.6/50 5.5/180 Hondo 500 3.9/90 8.5/250 Hondo 350 Hondo Chopper 3.8/95 3.9/50 6.3/220 8.D/180 Honda350 2.8/60 7.0/200 Honda750 1.5/10 5,8/160 Honda Chopper Horle¥ 1000 3,0/45 8.0/110 ]0.8/220 (Continued) L-ZO -_.... _"_., TABLE L-I (cont'd) OBSERVEDRIDINGPATTERNS; ACCELERATION FROM STOP SIGNAL C. RECREATIONAL TRAFFIC,35 MPH ZONE Motorcycle Honda 550 Kawasaki250 Time/dlstance to firstshift point (seconds/ft} 3.2/65 2.5/55 Kawasaki400 Time/distance to secondshiftpoint (seconds/ft) 6.8/240 4,5/75 4.0/120 Yamaha400 2.6/40 5.0/150 HondaChopper Kawasaki400 3.4/45 6.2/170 4.0/120 Yamaha400 2.6/40 5.0/150 Honda Chopper Kawasaki400 3.4/45 6.2/170 6.3/200 KawasakifOOD HondaGLlOOO 4.6/15D 3.9/90 KewasakllOG0 2.g/65 Honda 750 4.0/100 O. 7.0/23D 6.8/200 RECREATIONAL TRAFFIC,25 MPHZONE Kawasaki900 2.8/50 Hon_a 350 5.0/90 Kawasaki1000 2.8/50 Honda 400 6.0/ HondaBOO 2.8/50 Honda400 2.0/40 Honda 1000 KawasaklfOOD 6.4/145 2.0/40 Honda 360 4.9/110 Norton 850 4.0/85 Benelli500 2,0/35 Suzuki 550 2,2/45 (Continued) i ? L-11 TABLE L-] (cont'd) OBSERVEDRIDING PATTERNS; ACCELERATIONFROM STOPSIGNAL D, RECREATIONAL TRAFFIC, 25 MPH ZONE M°t°rcx cle Honda750 Time/distanceto first shift point _seconds/ft) 2.8/70 Honda17S 2.3/60 Honda550 2.6/70 Kawasaki 1000 2,6/60 Triumph 500 2.2/60 Honda750 3.0/60 Honda550 2.4/50 Yamaha550 4.2/80 Yamaha650 Honda lO00 3.5/70(2nd trial) 3.4/50 Kawasaki400 Norton850 2.4/50 3.5/70 Triumph650 4.4/50 Honda 750 Honda 750 2.4/50 2.8/50 Honda750 3.2/70 Honda750 2.2/60 Yamaha100 ].8/40 Honda 750 3.4/70 Hamaha650 3.0/50 L-12 Time/distanceto second shift point .Iseconds/ft ) TABLE L-2 MOTORCYCLESUSED TO DEVELOPNOISE EMISSION LEVELSASSOCIATEDWITH A RANGE OF ACCELERATION PROFILES Motorcycle Stock (S)* or Modified _M)* Make/Model Horle# Sportster : Noise LeveldB @ 50' J33?a F76b L(4.B secl** 1000 S B6 85 76 HarleySportsterIO00 M 9B 94 87 HondaGLIO00 S 74 76 6B HondaCB750F S 79 BO 74 HondaCB750F M 99 99 95 Honda CB750K S 78 BO 74 HondaCB550 S 79 BO 70 HondaCJ360T S 79 83 74 HondaCB125S S 81 85 83 KawasaktKZ900 S 84 85 75 Kawasak_KZ900 M 86 91 76 YamahaXS650 S B4 84 75 * Representedby owner as being stockor modified. ** Noise Level whenmotorcycletraverses700 feet in 4.B seconds from standstill. L-13 TABLE L-3 EFFECT OF MICROPHONE POSITION ON MEASURED NOISE EMISSION (dR) (HONDA CB750F, VARIOUS ACCELERATION PROFILES) D " 70' Rider A rI Rider B • 10'04' 50.5 84.0 71,0 73.0 o _) 50'@4' 10'94' 84.1 4.2 72.7 85,2 84.5 85.8 85,1 86.2 4.1 3.7 76.0 07.5 90.5 75.6 87.8 88.2 3.1 77.0 79.9 93.5 93.2 3.0 82.1 82.2 96.0 96,8 2.5 B2.D 96.7 96,5 2,5 71.5 82.2 83.0 72.5 84.0 84.6 75.2 88.7 78.2 Dl.9 90,8 95.2 81_.5 HQelENCLATURE: 0.d,,n,o. ,.. 10'09.6" • t 84.2 t ; C_ ; (_ ; o. q" o 80'04' D • 100' D " ]30' 0 10'09.6' 0 @ @ t 50'0¢' 10'04 ) 4.8 74.8 89,5 90.8 5,2 87.6 91,0 4,3 4.0 78.8 78.3 B.O 91.0 90.0 91.2 5.3 4.7 91.1 91,2 3,6 79.0 92,0 92.6 4.9 93.8 94.5 3.4 82.9 .90.2 95.9 3.9 88.0 99.5 99.0 9.1 89.9 100,2 100.3 3,7 5.0 13.5 02,4 82.9 0.0 70.1 88.I 89.6 8.8 4.8 74.0 86.4 87,0 5.5 75.9 86,0 87.8 8.7 80.5 4,3 75.5 88.8 88.8 4.9 79.1 92.0 93.1 5.3 91,O 95.8 3,5 3,0 78.0 01.3 90.0 93,4 00,4 93.9 4.2 3,8 B0.4 US,] 92.8 97,5 93,3 97,3 4,8 4,0 9U.O 97.8 3.0 83.1 96.5 96.5 3,5 87.4 100.3 3.5 96.4 96.1 2.8 85.1 99.5 99,3 3.3 lO0.I 10'89,6" ,It,,,,,tpn,o,. time (sec.) to first shift point HIc 50' from track cenKerlfne 4' height MIc 10' from truck centerllne, 4' helghc HIc 10' from track centerIInn, 9.6" height Meanof differences. Standarddeviation of differences. 8_1n Size R " 12.75 13.10 0.34 o , }7 . 1,33 38 1.24 37 0,50 38 t ' " _ NoiseLevel - dBe 50' .,.':-FT"i ,';-r-YTT";"_"-,-T-_r "I-Lqj _ _K-_, _oise Level_ dBP_ ........ I _otseLevel- dSOSO' -:--- ' : , ; t _ ! I I = _ I I . .... i_ i .,4.1_. I . . . |-[_._-':-_T', • I _ i . i . --i • , Z _ , I • I i , . I I-_:I-:k-=-_--__l_ , • , I t • i i I I . ---_._--._, '..-_ c_ O • _) i I -. F---I : .... i I ,_ .... _T. l_` -._e"'r! I! '/; /_ " i f ,.. i ' i-i-'- ' 'o : "1I t ' i eSO , I _ : Noise i o,L ,.... .o_ .... : , ; Level I , ' i , I, ,I .i I_! ! I , I - . dB T @ 50 i ," _ i I I I I1! _L_".J_--.'- t_ -'/_,_ , i_.._" h-ii-_"F'r-. I _ . 7- ; -- ,-i_ - " -- ! . : , +' I I I i I I i i I ., ] -_ , 1 / ':-/-L, _ I , : _ , ! r, r-7 I I _--'_'--, i_ 'I_. : _ l ' I I * I . , ± ...... t ";-i7_-I_ -'_ ! ll_ - _, n / " _--i , ,--l-,AI , _ , , _,----'-" , ...,,. I • -I _-_4--7:% '. '.4q-!'A-J4 ; ._ : +--I , , __"; Z _T,--! '_F_. t :_..I-II.-..._-_,4--4-._.=__ L_----._-- i I ! / , _1_I-i:4i'7-_-7-i ° ' /-]--;_7-_-7-:-_-_-l-T-'-7-i-Tr ..... /-l"l_"ii_ , 7-'i" _ __ ! . -_'/_;-."_-fi-4-; z, P_"-.-f_-_--, i " "'i ........... : _._.l!i o,r F-I. _i dB = -_-,-,-y:- -1-'-I/-.J_%-i- > - , , I -I-+T I " i _, - I I -.I--_-4-,-_-E_]--__ _, ,., -= - / v Level , • : ' NDtSe . : ; : ' ] ' :, :7 ._-r2r-r-_--l_-.j_i_';L3-_:m ' .: ....r i-r-, "T---7::]-I-_. -;'_]_-_,_.' l _.P , -_7_'r],','_'l_" b I. -_,i,/-. _>- . -. '-_..,_l_ I ,I © m -'--'__,--HA_: '-_:: ] , ,_" -_- N_ : i -_ _FF t_ .. _ :'--:: = - "-I_ _ I _I _..-- b--.-;-_----/-I----._-_-_ H ,-H." _-i-i-_-'_,' _-_-_-._14 --_'--_ --I---/r-_--m ,-_, _-l-m-r-_-,-,-I_-P: • , ! I ,_ i ' f" I , _1" .,_-;'-_-I'-;--, _;. .... I" I : I i , ' i ,T-1-I_-7_ "-6t-'.,: il--:-_-'_i --;"_--61---_-----.'---_'-_-:- __'-!_--ff-i_, . _ / • _'" mr: "o -_'-" -" _ I_ f I_l: I -I1 .,,-o-_.1_-._-I:-_-_-+.-_ _I_IIi+ I:I_;7".Ii1_ i!I,.i_1 _.ii I_ -,i__'_ I i_i: i . !.. _H-_ i& . _ / i ' N_ +--T. ++ _-_ ' i ..... I I ! ; I , j .... _ :i _.... _+ , .,--_ - =o=== -., ..... ,_==,"i: ! i + _ _.,,=:" _ .... L +___LLL_LJ_I_. ', ' 7+1--': I 7 • • - _= dB @+o, • ....... t ', .... lloseLeve 7" A-. •-7"_-_:--:_---:'--t l'" I +l-: _ I i ..... --:]_-. .->_-+-; , _,, _-:-4" i'n:i= A r _--r_ ,_ -+ I /I . m +.,-.,L-+/+ .' ' . ; :, ' + ;-7-;--_+ ,, _ Ti l i i l , -4 i • --,--, .... _LI.__:_-<_-l_,z_. =_7I :u_ '' _ , " = ..... -':!-!-L--+=__., .... X.:J-__ ' : . , , 1, -+_-_. _ _-'i--[--._.'-_-i -'-_-_--L.._- -.'- ] ,- i • +- -r---+.._ . ' i" '-: :-_-:-Lr- ' :F_---_---R- r_+_ i .... _|---:_.-+..:_ _-Z_"'._-r_:L_+.+u I +__u___+ _mmmm, U I /_r---_M-:--7 L-L-L_-:"__=L'_::+m_ + --:-- , m -7_:--v-i I . -_-_-+ :_l" i I I I ...... I I --,-_-, .......... I -.+ - l+,-'-_-r_H--:--:-+_+--+-+--. , _+_++ : + _, , i _ _-+.,<.,F ,,, ,:_ _.., : o<=_/s _L' :: ,--I---_- I+l , _ F-L---m , . . I . IT"_ . i ! ; ; =I _:- .o _ =,_ : _ , .<.-:-{.t-. I I - •., , ---- ,._:+ -]_: 7-+--_, :_i.i-_-F +-i- -'-----/+ -- "C-+ :- --L_-L_ . : • I • _---+ _-i--,--_----!-_+ , -= >_"" , . . , t-,- -,.... : i ---t 7r-l-:- :.-_i--,_i-m p t.-_ ..= _,'-_--+_ i-T--' o -7_-.+--i -_:z_ ++ L Li_ I + I i,*+:x=. :-L_ ; __ I! _ , I .-. _.__ I ._I ....... , -l--:-'+r-T-,'+-÷_---/:--_-:O'_--I -LLLI_: -- I ;. ,o_seteve) - dll # 5O' . . i , +J_.,-T Level - d_ p So ....... -l--_ r" -I_--: I I -+--- I-., _ _ "rim :I L_ : ' ---,1_ . , ;.... ! , _-- I i i FF_ • .,-_-_-T--r-_.-"olse ___Tr-[]_]-I_-T-F_ 6[-I (_104 '_ : i 1OR IOn i i it_ i i °' i ": _ _. =04 , :' _ , , SHIFT POIR , I i - ® _ 9z -"_ _. • z i I ''" ,';" D4, I 2 0 [ i..L.'I_ _ 104 ! ' 3,0 . • ....... ' "i..V (_ , : . •.... 61 5.0 Ttme- ; i I ": z_ 3_ t * . , _ 2.0 _ 5.QI : , , i • • . : :T _. , %a_ I ! ; .J_ 3.0 ' I 4,0 .... i r...O Time- Sec. I.: 6.0 TIf[ THE VERTICAL DIFFERERTDASHEDLIllE SY/_OLS REPRESENT CORRESPORDS DIFFEREIIT TO NI RIDERS. _CCELERATI(III REFLECTSTIlE E/flSS]O/t TYPICAL ]H LIllE PATE OF 100' LOi_ESTROISE IN 5.3 $EC; TffE HORIZORTALO.ISIIEO A TRAFFIC SITUATION. . ...... ".°, Sec. ' '1 4.0 SHIFT POINT I i : , .rI tOO' TO FIRST . ' I 6.0 S IFT PO IT ! _ I _i ( l . 1s0, T0.R* ' I' , !_ .o_ 1S9 __ 4.0 ..... ,i _., i O ! _ i _"_" --: _ I t- . -?.i _. m 1'14 I II 6.0 ' 7.0 o ' ' : , :Time-See. I"i-"! ' ! FIGUREL-7 NOISE LEVEL AS A FUNCTIONOF TIME AND DISTANCEFROM STANDIN r- ': -i-" i.i:! ] STARTTO FIRST SHIFT POINT;HONDA CB7_OF (MODIFIED) .I..... I.:i ......... L...-.._-.:..! ..... !.,:-, ::: ....: : H-,--k.,-_-t...-; .....;-.l !";: L*L--I-.L.--.L.I. ,. L. J I..... :" . + ::''. * '_ . i : " : : ! !i : I .... t' ,'_70"I:"_'OI-"!FIRST' I ''i_'-' . ' ' SIIIFT POINT : ' -92 tI !' _' . _ i o _' _ , • , 80, ,,, ' .._.-I:+. ,_ _ 84 80, 'g '\,+\+ 76 .4- ® . . •_ i 2,0 4.0 :5,0 6.0 2._) I I 3,0 4.0 . :i. "/ 100' 1"0 FIRST SHIFT POINT 8G. Q I '; +'"1 5.0 Tlme-Sec 6.0 .0.,0PIR. THE VERTICAL DASH[OLINE CORRESPOtlR$TO NI ' • _ 80 _ •- 76 • , _( DASHEDLIN_ REFLECTSTHE LO_STRO[SEENISS,O, ACCgLERAT|ONRATE OF 100 _ IN 5*3 SEC; THE HORIZONTAL -t- F76b LEV[L _" '__"_." __ I"fPICAL ItiA FOR THIS MOTORCYCLE 84 dB TRAFFIC SITIIATION i FIGURE L-8 NOISE LEVELAS A FUNCTIONOF TIME AND DISTANCEFROM STANDING START TO FIRST SHIFT POINT; YAMAHAXS650 I -i-i. 'I': i .L.I. : q I i l : j ,1 if:. i ' i 84 - 40' TOlST SIIIFTPOllIT _ B4. Q 70' TO FIRST_IFT POIHT 'F 27. "i! _ 76 "_ 72 ' _ 04 2.0. " I 3.0 I 4.0 5.0 I H.o Time_ Sees. ,. I 7Z o4 2.0 .• 3.0 I 4,0 I +'_ 5,0 I 6.0 T|m -Secs. ICO*TOFIRSTSHIFTPOINT , ! 00 . " _]'76 04 • " _6G i .4- A + "_A_ I , 64 z.o : i i RIOERS. THEVERTICALOASHEO LINECORRESPONDS TO AN ACCELERATION RATEOF 100' IN 5.3 SEC; THEHORIZONTAL DASHED LINE REFLECTS THE LOWEST NOISEEMISSIQN TYPICALIN A TRAFFICSITUATION. THEDIFFERENT SYMBOLS REPRESENT DIFFERENT . i I 3.0 J 4.0 ! FIGURE L-10 I 5.o [ I 6.o T|N - Sees. ; , NOISE LEVEL AS A FUNCTION OF TIME AND DISTANCE FROM STANDING START TO FIRST SHIFT POINT; HONDA C,.]360 i" '. t I i ,_ _ .... _ ...... I.......... . : ' +--T.__.o,_ -i " ' ;_-" ....... +__°1.; I/@ 1 -+-t__ - ®._._+'" IPSO'-'_''--_--'llolSeLeve;I " : - +_/ ....... -I-:--+-1 ..... /,IblseLtvltl-d_l_ j ! '. +..I-;-=-';-':- , - o_ ' :-: + i_ _ I : l--t I "--IP.50' " . ......... _. ..... .-+ / _: "rl + - ._. m "+ - _ ,_'-n -_ z_ _I _ _I__mI _II3r_'_ _..+ ........... II o . ...... i,,, I _ _ " ' _ " ! ....... +_ _i L_ ¢_ -.+ ........ +++--- +.+.++ _,., -,I ._tnm m, _ . . . _+ _ . • S . , ,,.+ ..... _ "-_-- _._ 1 _ +- , ..... , + .. " ,'-- -,-+ ._ +++ _ Plo|seLevel o dB _ 5a" - "-_ _ _ _ _ - , - .......... + ++:p++, +".++, p,, -=,...,++ / _-¢1 __. iI = _'_ , " ..--,i ,'T :r-ol_..... le+--_m .-- _I.--/ ......... : .,,o . ,-........ ..: .... __+.._u_ m- • .- I/. ........ LY_-_--m:"..... +_ '-' ......... _I-'-- +m . Ii. + ......_ .... m_ .... + ' : +- _-+-, h_ i .I i--+_(--r--'--" --+-l'_----+--J z'--. ............ _+'---';' _-..... : + -' +J:C' , , ' I ; t-. L'+-.-:_.I/-g/LEC_,__+T_+_--_u =o , + : ,-_ • _ _" i I ; °I_+'*-"---'--r-_ + " . _ _ i_';_--':- : T .... -L-[ ..El ...... . '.-.L-'. _--l-J. _._Z-_-[ '-LIP -_ | - T'T- I " ;-["I -T--]'-_ ', ISO-HOISE LEVELGRID HAS DEVELOPED FROM , MEASUREDHOZSELEVELS UHDER.COHTROLLED T/S1 . CONDITIONS USINGA HARLEYSPORTSTER1000. I "FF " "[-'1-" _ ; 1-_-_s,o -l--r" ..... 'k-t--Pl-; ' ' , . POINTS AREOH-THE-ROADHO[SE LEVELSESTIMMED FROMACCELERATION TIME/DISTANCE H_ASUNEMEHTS, __ MOTORCYCLES IDCLUDEOARE: .,,.._... HARLEY 1000 HARLEY1200 HARLEYCHOPPER / _ f ' " L:!. E.:.:s.o!. __:'' L.r..r :.._..!. -r-ri:_: : ,/.' / / l..i ...... : l...... i .... / ;_ / - 1.._._---'|. -13 I J,-n . -o _ -9 _4 _. _ / / • .,,-----J ..... i : ...._" .t _ , _ -7_, _" ;..... ._.. .._.. -3 r:, •3 _ LEGEIIDr & Slie Type 1 ' 45 mphCommuting ? Site Type 2 40 mphCommuting Q Site Type 3 35 rephRecreational rn Site Type 4 , 25 _ph Recreational , . • , 1 ! L....... ___ I .....j ...... ] 40 I F-r-T-" 50 60 70 GO 90 'f'j. i ; : ; , . .... _-i . FIGURE L-].2 ESTIMATED NOISE EMISSION 'd_.! ';__T_E! "'- ......... , : __._:, _,'$TANDST]LL ...... LLJ_.-TT-I,-.._.._ ,.._.i _..: ! . TZHE/DISTANCE . lO_ 11_ 120 130 Distance (ft.) LEVELS BASED ON ACCELERATION FROM MEASUREMENTS; HARLEY-DAVIDSON .... i : 1000 AND 1200 • ' ' m , " " ' \ . " \ i \ SU i _'\ - _" "I_'\XX_ - ...... " _: , _- ........ . ,,_\ .._ _. _ . ' _ ; ! o I _, , _,_ _J_ 1 i-H4 -I'!--I _ .,,.,.-, . _ -:--- ._ ___, ' .:_-"f_--,'" I , , '---. ,-.-_-_--,-" t-w-w_ , I ! ! '-_;-"--_.'-F-I : ' i _-_i '-_-,_ i-,-_-t_-_-i , ' (SPy} L_^_'lqg_ ¢Joa..I aauetaeA - _,= . . \ _ =,_,,c . • ' :,= z i :. _..,_ I t-r'" : z_ t '_ , .-,_-_--J-_.-! ......... J _ ..... FTT'J--lq-'qt • L-27 '-!....... 1 ...... J,.,......... " r ....... r........ f............ / I ISO-NOISE LEVEL GRID WAS DEVELOPED FROM I . _ MEASURED NOISE LEVELSUNDERCONTROLLED TEST J _i KAWASAKIlOOO NORTON850 i JJ ..- , : . _ " i . i. J i .. CONDITIONSUS NGA KAWASAKIKZ900 i POINTS ARE QN-TNE-ROADNOISE LEVELSESTIMATED " ' FROMACCELERATION TIME/D STANCEMEASUREMENTS. " MDTDRCYCLES INCLUDEDARE: j- ;6.04 J i , . i p t ' T " " , _..._'_" ._ _ -_ ' " J "_ ] ! /" ; m ..... S ! [ '. , i J=13 L -9 .__"_ ;....- -_• _ .._._.---1 I r- ' i '_ 4.0 ] , I" /" ,, ! ,- " •, J" _' _ t _ .- " - _". L/m/"'" ..'"._'_" _S': I =d-._._ _m , _. . :!.l • , , ' : & i ......: "i t ...... "I 2:0- I i ; ; ' • I , _ ] I , ; FIGURE _ L-141 _ ...._:-_s:" :::: ..... - , ........ ' ...... ESTIMATED I ; • ' : , ;_ _ I 1_._ i- : ' I ' ' I : i ........ i I ] ' -e ... TIME/DISTANCE EMISSION V Site Type 2 .... ', 40mphCOnln_l;i,o, : ® S'll;e Type 3 _' 35mph Re_re_tiona .... Q2$1_e Type4', ! ; ! I ; 25 mphRecreat onal, _ i i , i : • I , : NOISE ......... • I_ s.o Tp ,o,.-. : I ........ z 45 mphConsaut_n9 ............ _ - :, , : I " ;". +_ '_ , :J.. ' STANDSTILL i _.--'_1 .- ZIc_.--':-""_[ -.. , _...::_'_ ; -. " 1 ' _ : _ ........ ' ', T ! .... " • .- , I I LEVELS i t BASED 800-1000 , ; _ _ ' ' -. : ' ' : :" : :" i , Dht_ince (ft;,) MEASUREMENTS; ..... ! ' ! cc BIKES ON ACCELERATION FROM J , , ' =,,, _ > . . . , _ \ _ \ '_ \ \ _,, \ . \ "_ \ , , - \ ,\ -\, .... . ,\ '\ \ , -. \ ', _,_,, \\,,, _ \ [ -- I l o _ V_rfance =_+-- ,_ + , From _'6b , , Level ( _, dBJ , " ,_. ._oo _._ ....... ,\\\ \\ \ \ °m._ __...o_ .,,,,o ..° \ \\ \ \ \ I _ '_ ,-, - >'- \\, I _=_ _ _._. ,_m u,:__ _ I" =_ t\\\'_\\ \ ,, x\ \ bC-I , _l-I z J ISO-NOISELEVELGRIDWASREVELOPED , I i ...... CONTROLLED TESTCONDITIONS USINGA I [ ',-_ YAMAHAXS650. : " _"_" i!i ,RRM RREDNOISELEVELSONOER , ,, . _ -6.1 i i POINTSARE NOISE LEVELS ESTIMATED FON-THE-ROAR ROM ACCELERATION TIME/DISTANCE ..I j _ :i ' ; MEASUREMENTS. MOTORCYCLES INCLUDEDARE: .i.' _._'_ YAMAHA600,YAMAHA650,TR'IUMPH 650. , i:/ I'°If'' .... _! ' • k''q i " i 1_ _4.i t J' ' _ ; -I0_ - _,_ ._ .... . .2 u. 0 _ .,.: . L_,I +2_ * . ........ - ; I' iLE_,E,O: , - ..... ', ] _ : i .'-sire'type!', 45 _ph ConrnutIng .. [ i 2._ l , ' .-i ,! ; i l D . i _ : '; : I i ii i .... , :, _. I'_ ...... :'I -" I il '...... .4 L } ' i I JFIGUREL-16 ! , r I 70 ___1._ V Site Type2 , J I 40 mphCommuting I ! _SlteType3 ' J EGSite Type4 _ 25 mphRecreational I loo i' ' 3s"P"R_:_"tI°n_' i I! I I ! I 13_ I ESTIMATED NOISE EMISSION LEVELS BASED ON ACCELERATION FROM STANDSTILL TIME/DISTANCE MEASUREMENTS; 600-650 cc BIKES : I i i,: ' ' , . : Distance(rt,) "' * -1 q....... .I I m 'eOrNTS _E O,-T,E-ROAO HORSE LEVELS EST]IMTED _14 [ FROH ACCELERATION TIHE/DISTANCE ......."_1 //"'f'-" J_ ..- ..-;/1 _" ' -12 • 3 -8 _ -6 -4 '" .... I :: ..... ,o _f_I _ _ LEGEND: & Site Type I ', _ I [ ¥ Site Type 2 i: 45 epll Conlnutteg 40 mph Conrnuttng O Site Type 3 _ ' 35 mph Recreational [_ Site Type 4 , • 2_ mph Recreat|on|] ...... _ L, u. I Ioo I __ DIsLInce J : ! .... "i ,_'o -_' I "' (ft.) i FIGUREL-17 ESTIMATED NOISEEMISSION LEVELS 8ASED ONACCELERATION FROH '_ , .STANDSTILL , TIHE/DISTANCE NEASUREI, fENTS;450-550cc BZt_ES ,, i ISO-NOISELEVELGRIDHASDEVELOPED CONTROLLED TESTCONDITIONS USINGA HONDA CB550. • ---- ' ._ -15 F . / POINTSAREON-THE-ROAD NOISELEVELS ,'_ ESTII,1ATED FROMACCELERATION -lI '_ TIHE,OISTA,O, ,SH E.ENTS" +) i S,O.TO,C*CLESIN:L°DEO ./ E* .... YAPAHA100, yAHAHA 1;]5, .." . .." HDNDA 125, ( .." , mj j * . " ,"" , -7 •o ,_ +l . +1 LEGEND: • Site TypeI 45 mph CoemJttng : ...... .... -i ,i-:- • : : _ , ' "" ' ID . ' ..... -'?i,. _-- FT ';I i ;p tJ ; ...... I I T I I 'i .,J....... 40, I : , , . ' I, FIGURE L-19 " r" n i + _ ' : " ] ; I'_ I 70 I I ' 130 ESTIMATED NOISE EMISSION LEVELS BASEDON ACCELERATIONFROM .... I _ :....... I • , I .J,] • Site T.- e 3 35 mph_rutfonol I m 51reType4 40 mPhComeutieg . 25 m_hNecreatfor_! STANDSTILL TIME/DISTANCE MEASUREMENTS; 100-175 cc BIKES DlsUnce (It,) r +*; ' ' + i-. J ..2.. . n ' :; , I , ' ' :S 14 SAMPLESIZE, 132 S_PLE TYPE, 100-1200 cc MO_RCYCLES ]3 SITE TYPES: 1 ]2 (45 MPH COMMUTING) 3 35 MPH RECREATIONAL) 42 {40 25 MPH RECREATIONAL) COMMUTING) ( 10 _9 _8 _7 U II Z o5 _4 : l -20 - 8 - 6 -I - - ESTI_TED NOISE EMISSIONVARIANCE-A dB RE F76b LEVEL FIGURE L-20 COMPOSITEDISTRIBUTION(ALL_TORCYCLES,ALL SITE TYPES)OF ESTIM_ED NOISE EMISSIONVARIANCE(RE F76b LEVEL) 25 SAMPLE SIZE, 35 SAMPLE TYPE, 100-1200 CC MOTORCYCLES I 20 SITE TYPE I (45MPH COMMUTING) I 0 c k .,o II'l"--I -20 -18 LI! ! I -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 +2 +4 +6 +8 ESTIMATEDNOISE EMISSIONVARIANCE- _dB RE F76b LEVEL FIGUREL-21 COMPOSITEDISTRIBUTION(ALL _TORCYCLES, SITE TYPE 1) OF ESTIMATED NOISE EMISSIONVARIANCE(RE F76b LEVEL) 25 SAMPLE SIZE, 45 SAMPLETYPE, 100-1200cc MOTORCYCLES SITE TYPE 2 (40 MPH COI_4UTING) "_ 20 .,,,. oJ Ill C:* ° I _ 15 _.u I 0 ° _= "l ._ 10 f_ U QJ I,I , 1 I -t ...... -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -IO -8 -6 -4 -2 +2 +4 I 1..... +6 *8 ESTIMATED NOISEEMISSIONVARIANCE- A dB RE F76b LEVEL FIGUREL-22 COIlPOSlTE DISTRIBUTION(ALL MOTORCYCLES,SITE TYPE 2) OF ESTIMATED NOISEEFIISSIONVARIANCE(RE F76b LEVEL) H. 25 SAMPLESIZE, 24 SAMPLE TYPE, 100-]200 CC MOTORCYCLES SITE TYPE 3 (35MPH RECREATIONAL} ,._ ... ili,I ...... !ljhi J, U U . 0 S, 0 -8 6 Ii - 0 .... + ESTIMATED NOISE EMISSIONVARIANCE -_dB ÷ + RE F76b LEVEL FIGUREL-23 COMPOSITEDISTRIBUTION(ALLMOTORCYCLES,SITE TYPE 3) OF ESTIMATED " NOISE EMISSIONVARIANCE(REF76b LEVEL} SAMPLESIZE, 28 SAMPLETYPE, I00-1200CC MOTORCYCLES SITE TYPE n (25MPN RECREATIONAL) 25- 2O :3, S.. OJ tit C_ _, 15 U 0 _- 10 0 C IIJ U I. IlJ 5 II -'I ....... I---I..... I....I........... 20 18 16 14 12 I0 -8 -6 -4 -2 II I. ,, +2 +4 +6 +8 ESTIMATEDNOISE EMISSIONVARIANCE- A dB RE F76b LEVEL FI.GURE L-24 COMPOSITEDISTRIBUTION(ALL MOTORCYCLES,SITg TYPE 4) OF ESTIMATED "NOISEEMISSIONVARIANCE. (RE F76b LEVEL) ,,, ,, , ii , 25 SAMPLESIZE, 16 SAMPLETYPE, 750-1200CC MOTORCYCLES SITE TYPE 1 (45 MPHCON'tUTING) 20 _ 15 U . .9 o 0 _,10 0 O. 5 _ -ZO -18 -16 -14 _ -8 -6 -2 +2 "+6_ +_ +8 •ESTIMATEDNOISE EMISSIONVARIANCE./k dB RE F76b LEVEL FIGUREL-25 DISTRIBUTION(750-1200cc _OTORCYCLES, SITE TYPE I) OF ESTIMATED NOISEEMISSIONVARIANCE(REF76b LEVEL} -- 25 SAMPLESIZE, lO SAMPLETYPE,450-650CC MOTORCYCLES SITE TYPE1 (45'MPH CON_lrrING) 20 L U U 0 0 z 10 0 U L 5 [ I -20 -18 [ -16 FIGUREL-26 I I---I ' -14 -1'2 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 +Z +4 +6 48 ESTIMATED NOISE EMISSIONYAR[ANCE - Z_dB RE F76b LEVEL DISTRIBUTION(450-650 cc MOTORCYCLES, SITE TYPE1) OF ESTIMATED NOISEEMISSIONVAR]AMCE(RE F76b LEVELI 25 SAMPLESIZE, 9 SAMPLETYPE, I00-400CC MOTORCYCLES SITE TYPE ] (45MPH COMMUTING) 20 "10 $. OJ O U I 0 C 5 ....--_ -20 I -1B-]6 I -14 -12 -lO -8 -6 -4 -2 0 +2 I +4 +6 I I ÷8 +lO ESTIMATED NOISEEMISSIONVARIANCE- z_ dB REF76b LEVEL FIGURE L-27 DISTRIBUTION (i00-400cc MOTORCYCLES,SITE TYPE 1) OF ESTIMATED EMISSIONVARIANCE(RE F76b LEVEL) 4 ; ! r ' 25 SAMPLESIZE.24 SAMPLETYPE,750-1200 CC MOTORCYCLES SITETYPE2 (40MPHCOI_IUTING} 20 g, 5 ESTIMATED NOISEEMISSION VARIANCE -AdB RE F76bLEVEL FIGUREL-28 DISTRIBUTION (750-1200 cc MOTORCYCLES, SITETYPE2) OF ESTIMATED NOISEEHISSION VARIANCE(REF76bLEVEL} SAMPLE SIZE, 14 SAMPLETYPE, 450-650CC MOTORCYCLES "2S SITE TYPE 2 (40MPH COMMUTING 20 "0 $. (P c_ 15 U 0 I 0 __ 10, 0 C 0. 5- k.__ I I I i -20 -IB -16 -14 -12 -IO -B I..... -6 -4 -2 t..... +2 I--- +4 +E +8 ESTIMATEDNOISEEMISSIONVARIANCE- A dB RE F76b LEVEL FIGUREL-29 DISTRIBUTION (450-650cc MOTORCYCLES,SITE TYPE 2) OF ESTIMATED NOISEEMISSIONVARIANCE(RE F76b LEVEL) 25 SAMPLESIZE,? SAMPLETYPE, I00-400CC MOTORCYCLES SITETYPE 2 (40MPH COMMUTING) 20 QJ f,. _15 U L 0 _10 0 D- 5. _ _ _ _8---_ _--_--_---_G _8 -20 -IB-I6 -14 -12 ESTIMATED DISEEMISSIONVARIANCE- /x dB RE F?Bb LEVEL FIGUREL-30 DISTRIBUTION(100-400cc MOTORCYCLES.SITE TYPE 2) OF ESTIMATED NOISE EMISSIONVARIANCE(REF16b LEVEL) -- SAMPLE SIZE, 12 SAMPLE TYPE, 750-]200CC MOTORCYCLES 25 SITE TYPE 3 (35MPH RECREATIONAL) 20 aJ t,. _tJ 15 ° 0 100 C 5 I I I I-- I..... -2o-18-16-14-12-Io -8-6-4-_ "-_+2"-_ +16Jo ESTIHATED NOISEEMISSIONVARIANCE - A dO RE F76b LEVEL FIGUR.EL-31 DISTRIBUTION(750-1200 cc MOTORCYCLES, SITE TYPE3) OF ESTIMATED NOISEEMISSIONVARIANCE(RE F76b LEVEL) SAMPLESIZE,6 SAMPLETYPE, 450-650CC MOTORCYCLES 60 SITE TYPE 3 (35MPM RECREATIONAL) 4O qJ L J_ 30 U , _ 0 _ _. 20 : 0 c I11 u 10 I , , , I _....t-6 -4 -ZO-18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -B ' +4÷_, 0 +_ ' _B ESTIMATEDNOISE EMISSIONVARIANCE- A dB RE F75b LEVEL : FIGUREL-32 DISTRIBUTION(450-650cc MOTORCYCLES,SITE TYPE 3) OF ESTIMATED " NOISE EMISSIONVARIANCE(REF16b LEVEL) SAHPLESIZE, 6 SAMPLE TYPE, I_0-400 CC MOTORCYCLES SO SITE TYPE 3 (35MPH RECREATIONAL) 40 "0 .>_ 30 f,. ,0 0 0 20 C U 10' I I I II i -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -I0 -8 I-, -6 -4 -2 0 +2 I-----I +4 +6 +8 ESTIMATED NOISE EMISSIONVARIAMCE - A dB RE F76b LEVEL FIGUR.E L-33 DISTRIBUTION{I00-400cc MOTORCYCLES,SITETYPE 3) OF ESTIMATED IIOISE EMISSIONVARIANCE(RE F76b LEVEL) 30 25 SAMPLE SIZE, ]3 SAMPLETYPE, 750-1200 CC MOTORCYCLES SITE TYPE4 (Z5 MPH RECREATIONAL) g 20 0 O C u 10 I I I I I -20 -18 -16 -_4 -12 I -10 -8 -6 , -4 -2 , +2 _ +4 +'6 I ÷8 ESTIMATED NOISEEMISSIONVARIANCE- AdB RE P76b LEVEL FIGUREL-34 DISTRIBUTION(750-1200 cc MOTORCYCLES, SITE.TYPE4) OF ESTIMATED EMISSIONVARIANCE(.REE76bLEVEL) 25 SAMPLESIZE, 12 SAMPLETYPE, 450-650CC MOTORCYCLES SITE TYPE4 (25MPH RECREATIONAL) 20 0 U 0 o 10 C QI U t. 5 i _ -@G -18 i I i -16 -14 -12 _ -10 -8 -6 : -4 I -2 B ; +2 +4 I i +6 +8 ESTIMATEDNOISE EMISSIONVARIANCE-A dB RE F76b LEVEL FIGURE L-35 DISTRIBUTION(450-650cc MOTORCYCLES.SITE TYPE 4) OF ESTIMATED NOISE EMISSIONVARIANCE(RE F16b LEVEL) 50 SAMPLESIZE,3 SAMPLETYPE,I00-400CC MOTORCYCLES SITETYPE4 (25MPHRECREATIONAL) 4o U _ 3O 0 12 _ 2O U 10 -_0-tB-l_-1_-_2-10-_-:1"_-41-" "_ 6 +_ _4 _6 _8 ESTIMATED NOISEEMISSION VARIANCE - A dB RE F76bLEVEL FIGUREL-36 DISTRIBUTION (100-400 cc MOTORCYCLES, SITETYPE4) OF ESTIMATED NOISEEMISSION VARIANCE (REFl6bLEVEL) APPENDIX M FRACTIONALIMPACTPROCEDURE APPENDIX M FRACTIONAL IMPACT PROCEDURE An integralelementof an environmentalnoise assessmentis to determine or estimatethe distributionof the exposed populatlonto given levels of noise for given lengths of time. Thus, before implementinga project or action, oneshouldfirst characterizethe existingnoise exposuredistribution of the populationin the area affectedby estimatingthe number of people exposed to differentmagnitudesof noise as describedby metrics such as the Day-Night Sound Level (Ldn). Next, the distributionof people who may be exposed to noise anticipatedas a resultof adoptingvariousprojectedalternatives should be predictedor estimated. We can judge the environmental impact by simplycomparingthese successivepopulationexposuredistributions. This conceptis illustratedin FigureM-I which comparesthe estimateddistribution of exposurefor the populationprior to inceptionof a hypothetical project (CurveA) with the population distributionafter implementationof the project(Curve B). For each statisticaldistribution,numbersof people are simply plotted against noise exposure,where Li representsa specific exposurein decibelsto an arbitraryunit of noise. A measureof noise impact is ascertainedby examiningthe shift in distributionof populationexposure attributableeither to increased or lessenedproject-relatednoise. Such comparisonsof populationexposure distributionsallow us to determinethe extent of noise impactin terms of changes in the numberof peopleexposedto differentlevelsof noise. The intensityor severityof a noise exposuremay be evaluatedby the use of suitablenoise effects criteria,which exist in the form of doseresponseor cause-effectrelationships.Using thesecriteria,the probabillty or magnitudeof an anticipatedeffect can be statisticallypredicted from knowledge of the noise exposure incurred. Illustrativeexamples of the differentformsof noise effectscriteriaare graphicallydisplayedin Figure M-2. In general,dose-responsefunctionsare statistically derivedfrom noise effects informationand exhibitedas linearor curvillnearrelationships, or combinationsthereof. Although these relationsgenerallyrepresenta statistical "average"response,they may also be defined for any given population percentile. The statisticalprobabilityor anticipatedmagnitudeof an effect at a given noise exposurecan be estimatedusing the appropriatefunction. For example, as shown in Figure M-2 using the linear function, if it is establishedthat a number of peopleare exposed to a given value of Lj, the * Adapted, in part, from Goldsteln,J., "Assessingthe Impactof Transportation Noise: Human Response Measures," Proceedln_sof the 1977 National Conference on Noise ControlEn_Ineerln_.G. C. M_llnB (ed.),NASA LanBley ResearchCenter,Hampton,Virginia,17-19 October1977, pp. 79-98. M-1 i LU b z Magnitudeor Levelof Exposure,Li in dB FIGUREM-I .EXAMPLE ILLUSTRATION OF THENOISEDISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION AS A FUNCTION OF NOISEEXPOSURE i l M-2 incidenceof a specificresponseoccurringwithin that populationwould be statistically predictedat 50 percent. A more comprehensive assessmentof environmentalnoise may be performed by cross-tabulatingboth indices of extent (number of people exposed)and intensity(severity)ef impact. To perform such an assessmentwe must first statisticallyestimatethe anticipatedmagnitudeof impactupon each individual exposed at each given level, Li, by applying suitable noise effects orlterla. At each level, Li, the impact upon all people exposed is then obtainedby simplycomparingthe number of people exposedwith the magnitude or probabilityof the anticipatedresponse. As illustratedin FigureM-I, the extent of a noise impact is functionallydescribedas a distributionof exposures. Thus, the total impact of all exposuresis a distributionof people who are affectedto varying degrees. This may be expressedby using an array or matrix in which the severityof impact at each Li is plotted against the number of people exposed at that level. Table M-I presentsa hypothetical exampleef such an array. TABLE M-I EXAMPLEOF IMPACTMATRIXFOR A HYPOTHETICALSITUATION Exposure Li Numberof people ,. Magnitude or Probability of Responsein Percent 1,200,000 4 Lt+ 1 go0,o00 10 Li+2 200,000 25 LI+ 3 50,000 50 Li+n 2,000 85 An environmentalnoise assessmentusually involvesanalysis,evaluation and cemparlsonof many differentplanningalternatives.Obviously,comparing multiple arrays ef population impact informationis quite cumbersome,and subsequentlyevaluatingthe relatlveeffectivenessof each of the alternatives generallytends te becomerathercomplexand confusing. These comparisonscan be simplifiedby resortingto a singlenumber interpretation or descriptorof the noise envlrenment which incorporates both attributes of extent end M-3 | _ | mlm i | a i _ • | P I . I •Probability of Response | I 0suodsaEI_o apnz!u6elN .................... • | l - I, IP • E: ¢.)0 ,_,-J =. 0 t_J i.u ! __ 1 intensity of impact, Accordingly,the NationalAcademy of Sciences,Committee on Hearing,BioacousticsandBiemechanics(CHABA),has recommendeda procedure for assessing environmentalnoise impact which mathematicallytakes into accountboth extentand intensityof impact,* This procedure,the fractiona] impactmethod, computes total noise impact by simply countingthe number of peopleexposed to noise at differentlevelsand statisticallyweightingeach personby the intensityof responseto the noise exposure. The result is a single number value which represents the overall magnitudeof the impact. The purposeof the fractionalimpact analysismethodis to quantitatively define the impact of noise upon the population exposed. This, in turn, facilitatestrade-offstudies and comparisonsof the impactbetween different projectsor alternativesolutions. To accomplishan objectivecomparative environmentalanalysis, the fractional impact method defines a series of "partialnoise impacts"within a number of neighborhoodsor groups, each of which is exposed to a differentlevel of noise. The partial noise impactof each neighborhoodis determinedby multiplyingthe numberof people residing withinthe neighborhoodby the "fractionalimpact"of that neighborhood,i,e., the statlstlca]probabilityor magnitudeof an anticipatedresponseas functionallyderived from relevant noise effectscriteria. The total community impact is then determined by simply summing the partial impacts of all neighborhoods. It is quite possible,and in some cases very probable,that n_ch of the noise impactmay be found in subnelghborhoods exposedto noise levelsof only moderatevalue. Although people living in proximityto a noise source are generallymore severelyimpactedthan those people livingfurther away, this does not imply that the latter should be totally excludedfrom an assessn_nt where the purpose is to fully evaluate tllemagnitude of a noise impact. People exposed to lower levels of noise may still experience an adverse impact,even though that impactmay be small in magnitude. The fractional impact method considers the total impact upon all people exposed to noise recognizingthat some Individualsincur a signiflcantlygreaternoise exposure than others. The procedure duly ascribes more importance to the more severelyaffectedpopulation. As discussed previously,any procedurewhich evaluatesthe impact of noise upon people or the environment,as well as the health and behavioral consequencesof noise exposureand resultantcommunityreactions,must encompass two basic elementsof the impactassessment. The impactof noise may be intensive(i.e., it may severelyaffect a few people)or extensive (i.e,,it may affect a larger populationless severely), Implicitin the fractionalizationconcept is that the magnitudeof humanresponsevaries commensurately with the degree of noise exposure,i.e., the greaterthe exposure,the more significantthe response. Anothermajor assumptionis that a moderatenoise exposurefor a large populationhas approximatelythe same noise i_act upon the entirecommunityas would a greater noise exposureupon a smaller number of people. Although this may be conceptually envisioned as a trade-off betweenthe intensityand extent of noise impact,it would be a misapplica_"Guidelinesfor PreparingEnvironmentalImpactStatementson Noise," Report of Working Group 69, Committee on Nearing, Bioacousticsand Blomechanlcs, NationalResearchCouncil,Washington,D.C., 1977. M-5 tion of the procedureto disregardthose persons severelyimpactedby noise in order to enhance the environment of a significantly larger number of people who are affectedto a lesserextent. The fact remains,however,that exposing many people t6 noise of a lower level would have roughlythe same impact as exposinga fewer number of peopleto a greaterlevel of noisewhen considering the impact upon the communityor population as a whole. Thus, information regardingthe distributionof the population as a functionof noise exposure should always be developed and presented in conjunction with use of the fractional impact method, Because noise is an extremely pervasive pollutant, it may adversely affect people in a number of different ways. Certain effects are well documented. Noisecan: o cause damageto the ear resultingin permanenthearingloss o interferewith spokencommunication o disruptor prevent sleep o be as sourceof annoyance. Other effects of noise are not as well documentedbut may beco_ increasingly important as mere informationis gathered. They include the nonaudltory healthaspectsas well as performanceand learningeffects. It is importantto note, however, that quantitativelydocumentedcauseeffect relationshipswhich may functionallycharacterizeany of these noise effectsmay be appliedwithina fractionalization procedure. The functionfor weighting the intensity of noise impact with respect to general adverse reaction(annoyance)is displayedin Figure M-3.* The nonlinearweighting functionis normalizedto unity at Ldn = 75 dB. For convenienceof calculation, the weightingfunctionmay be expressedas representingpercentagesof impactin accordancewith the followingequation: W(Ldn) [3.364x 10 -6] [loo.103Ldn] (M-I) [0.2] [lO0'03Ldn]• [1.43 x 10-4] [lO0"08Ldn] A simple linear approximationthat can be used with reasonableaccuracy in cases where day-nightsound levels range between 55 and 80 dB is shown as the dashedline in FigureH-3, and is defined as: M-6 '1= N. Z 3.0 |' L _ 2.5 2.0 _ 1.5 _ 1.0 .g 0.5 (' I I I I 0 e Q. 30 4'0 50 60 70 80 90 Oay.Night AverageSoundLevel- Decibels FIGUREM-3 WEIGHTINGFUNCTIONFORASSESSING THE GENERAL ADVERSE RESPONSE TO NOISE H-7 W(Ldn) : { 0.0_ (Ldn -55)fOrfor LdnLdn _<5555 (M-2) Using the fractional impact concept, an index referred to as the Level-Welghted Population (LWP)* may be derived by multiplying the number of people exposed to a given level of traffic noise by the fractional or weighted impact associated with that level as follows: LWP i = W(Ldn i)X Pi (M-3) where LWPi i.s the magnitude of the impact on the populatlon exposed at Ldni, W(Ldnl) is the fractional weighting associated with a noise exposure of Ldni, and Pi Is the number of people exposed to Ldn iBecause the extent of noise impact is characterized by a distribution of people all exposed to different levels of noise, the magnitude of the total impact may be computed by determining the partial impact at each level and summing over each of the levels. This may be expressed as: LWP = LwP i: W(Ld. i)XPi (.-4) The averageseverityof impactover the entire populationmay be derived from the Noise ImpactIndex (NIl)as follows: LWP NIl =_ (M-5) In this case, NIl representsthe normalizedpercentageof the total population who describe themselvesas highly annoyed. Another concept,the Relative Changein Impact(RCI) is useful forcomparingthe relativedifferencebetween two alternatives. This concept takes the form expressedas a percentchange in impact: RCI = LWPi - LWPj LWP i (M-6) where LWPi and LWPj are the calculatedimpactsunder two differentconditions. An example of the Fractionalimpact calculationprocedureis presented in Table M-2. Similarly, using relevant criteria, the fractional impact procedure may be employedto calculaterelativechanges in hearing damage risk, sleep disruption,and speechinterference. *Terms suchas E_fvalent Population(Peq),and EquivalentNoise Impact(ENI), have often been used interchangeably with LWP. These indicesare conceptually Identlcalto the LWP notation. M-8 i ) ) TABLE M-2 EXAMPLEOF FRACTIONALIMPACTCALCULATION FOR GENERAL ADVERSE RESPONSE (1) (2} (3) (4} (51 ExposureExposure Range Median (Ldn) (Ldn) 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 67.5 62.5 67.5 72.5 7S-BO ,,B Pi 1,200,000 go0,ooo 200,000 50,000 W(Ldn) W(Ldn) (Curvilinear) (Linear approx.) 0.173 0.314 0.528 0.822 0.125 0.375 0.625 0.875 1.202 112S LWP LWP NIl NIl (B) (71 LWP i LWP i (Curvilinear) (Linear) (Column (3) x(4)) 207,600 282,600 105,600 41,000 (Curvilinear): 648,g20 (Linear) = 667,500 (Curvi]inear) : 648,920 @ 2,360,000 = 0.27 (Linear) = 667,500 _ 2,360,000 : 0.28 (Column (3) x (5) 150,000 337,500 125,000 43,750 APPENDIXN NATIONALROADWAYTRAFFICNOISE EXPOSUREMODEL APPENDIXN NATIONALROADWAYTRAFFICNOISE EXPOSUREMODEL This appendix contains a detailed discussion of the NationalRoadway Traffic Noise ExposureModel. The discussionencompassesthe data, calculations, and assumptionsthat underliethe model. Focus is on those details relevant to considerationsof noise emission standards for motor cycles. This detailed discussion shows the interrelationof the data groups presented in Table 5-6 (see Section 5). This interrelationcentersaround people, and how all persons are distributedthroughout the United States. Briefly, each person is assigned to one of the 33 pop/density"cells"of Table 5-6. These cells are defined by (i) the total populationin the city/ town/area where that person lives, and (2) the population density in his neighborhoodwithin his city/town/area. Then each person is matchedto all the roadwayswithin his own pop/densltycell, and his total noise from the-s'e" roadwaysis predlcted. The discussionthat follows is based on Figures 5-12 through 5-15(see Section 5}. The logic flow proceeds from vehlcles,to roadways,to propagation, to the noise level experiencedat each residentiallocationin the United States. The analysiscontinueswith the sorting of all person/noise pairs, and the conversion from noise levels to impact estimates. These impact estimatesare then summedinto total, nationwidein,pact. Full details and references to this discussion are included in the single volume documentationreport of the National Roadway Traffic Noise ExposureModel (Reference31).* Detailsof Vehicles(Figures5-12 and 5-13, Key(_ ). The model contains14 vehicle types,as listedin Table 5-6. For each of these vehicle types, the model uses for computationa set of noise emission levels (ELs) that reflect operating modes, speed, and selected years. Noise emissionlevelsmay also be entered for the regulatedvehicleof interest (or other vehicletypes, if appropriate). A vehicle's emission level is a measure of its total noise output. Technically,it is the noise level measuredat a positionperpendicular to the side of the vehicleand at a distanceof 50 feet. The vehicleemissionlevel is a functionof vehicletype, operatingmode, and vehiclespeed. *Referencesare 11stedat the end of Section5. N-I _'_14 F _' 4 Emissionlevels = f(vehicletype, operatingmode, speed, year) (N-I) I L5 _w- baseyear + 4 user-chosenyears EquationN-1 shows the functionalrelationshipbetween emissionlevels and the parametersupon which emissionsdepend. In other words, the noise emissionsvary for each of the 14 vehicle types;for each vehicletype, noise varies for each of the 4 operatingmodes;and for each mode, noise variesfor each of the 5 grouped speeds, Since the idle mode has only one speed (zero), this functionalrelationshipyields 16 emissionlevelsfor each vehicletype, for a total of 224 emission levels. These 224 emissionlevels are used to describethe averageemissionsof each type of vehicleoperatingon roadwaysin specifiedyears. The completeset of emissionlevelsusedwithin this regulatoryanalysis appear in Table N-1 (Reference7). Each of the noiseemissionvaluesin this table representsan energy-averagelevel. The energy average representsa time average of the time-varyingemissionsfor vehicles acceleratingand decelerating.In addition,each energy averageemissionlevel is derivedfrom a level-averageemissionlevel and a standarddeviation,O',of the level about that average. It is assumedthat the scatterof levelsamong all the vehicles of each vehicletype is Gaussian,and thus the energy-average emissionlevel is computedas (Reference6): Energy-averageEL = Level-averageEL + 0,115°-2 (N-2) Again, as indicatedin equationN-I, sixteenemissionlevels are definedfor each vehiclefor each of four selectedyears, The future-yearemissionlevelsfor motorcyclesas a functionof regulatory option, speed, and mode appear in Table N-2. In this Table, baseline accelerationdata are adjustedusing equationN-2. Conversionsto different modes and speed ranges are accomplishedfollowingthe procedurespresentedin Reference7. In each year of interest,the model adds new vehiclesales to the vehicles already on the road, and depletesthe generalpopulationof vehiclesby those that retire from service. Only the new vehiclesadded each year are built to the reducedemission standard. For example,new motorcyclesadded for the years 1975 through 1981 will have current-value noise emissions,while those introducedafter 1982 will have reducednoise emissions as shown in Table N-2. In other words, all new vehiclesales conformto the regulated limit in effectduringthe year of sale. N-2 ..................... ............ _ .......................................h,, • _ , L . • 4 .., J TABLEN-I BASELINEVEHICLENOISE EMISSIONDATA* (Source: Reference54) Type l: Car/8-Cyllnder/Automatlc Type 2: Car/6-Cylinder/Automatlc Acceleration Mode Years> ' 1974 ' ' AccelerationMode ' ' ....--. ............. Years> ' 1974 . ..... ' ... ........ ' ...... ' " "T ..... .. "_'_;_'-;-_T_G'; ....... T....... T....... T......... _Z_'_;_'T"_T_"T ....... T...... T....... :....... 0-30 0-40 0-60 0-60 ' 61.50 ' 63.10 ' 64.90 ' 66.60 i ' ' ' , ' ' ' , ' ' ' , ' ' i 0-30 0-40 0-50 0-60 ' 6 ' ' 62.50 63.90 65.50 67.10 ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' 6 ' ' ' ' ' I Deceleration Mode Dece]erationMode ' I "Years> ' 1974 ' ' ' ' Years> ' 1974 ' T ' "_'_;_";'_T_J; ....... T....... T....... T......... _I_'_'T--_T_--: ....... T...... T....... T....... 30-0 40-0 50-0 60-0 i 56.10 ' 60.10 ' 63.20 ' 65.80 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' a 0 _ ' , , ' ' 30-0 40-0 50-0 60-0 ' ' _ ' 56.10 60.10 63.20 65.80 CruiseMode ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' Cruise Mode "'_';G_':'_: ....... :....... :....... :.......... _;_':'_"_....... :...... :....... :....... 25-34 36-44 45-54 >55 ' 62,40 ' 66.40 ' 69.50 ' 72.00 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 25-34 35-44 45-54 >550 ' ' ' ' 62.40 66.40 69.50 72.00 ' ' ' ' IdleMode "Years> ' 1974 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' IdleMode ' ' ........... ;'_T_':.......;....... :.......:.......... *Levelsat 50 feet from vehicle ' ' ' ' Years> ' 1974 ' ' ' ' ' 46.00 ' ' ' ' TABLEN-I (cont.) Type 3: .......... Car/6-Cyllnder/Manual ............. ........ Type 4: Car and Light Truck/4-Cyllnder/Automatlc .. .......... . ...... . ........ ...... ...... AccelerationMode Years) ' 1974 ' .... ....... ..----.... ...... ......... AccelerationMode ' ' ' Years) _ 1974 ' ' ' ' ..................................................... 0-20 MPH ' 60,30 ' ' ' ' M_rI_'-_';'"_'-'"'62.gD u-_u ............................. • T • T 0-30 ' 62.50 ' ' ' ' 0-30 ' 64.30 ' 0 , 0-40 ' 64,00 ' _ ' ' 0-40 ' 66.40 _ ' ' ' 0-50 m 65.60 ' ' ' ' 0-50 ' 66,60 ' ' _ ' 0-60 ' 67.20 ' ' _ ' 0-60 ' 68.00 ' ' ' ' DecelerationMode Years> L DecelerationMode ' 1974 _ ' ' _ Years) ' 1974 ' ' ' ' 20-0 MPH ' 50.50 ' 30-0 ' 56.10 ' 40-0 ' 60.10 ' ,50-0 ' 63.20 ' 6D-0 ' 65.80 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 20-0MPH 30-0 40-0 50-D 60-0 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 60.50 56.10 60.10 63.20 65.80 CruiseMode ' ' Cruise Mode "'_';;_-'"_Q'_G', ....... •....... ;....... ;.......... _'_','-_'_o", ....... •...... ;....... •....... 25°34 35-44 45-54 >55 ' ' ' ' 62.40 66.40 69.50 72.00 ' ' _ ' i t ' ' , , ' ' , , ' ' 25-34 35-44 45-54 >550 ' ' ' ' 62,40 66.40 69.50 72,00 ' ' ' ' Idle Mode ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Idle Mode ";e;;;;"";-[_F;;'; .......;.......;.......;....... ' 46.00 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Yeara> '1974 ' ' ' ' -"-' ' 46.00 = ' ' ' ' TABLE N-1 (cent.) Type 5: ...... Car and Light Truck/4-Cylinder/Man=Jal ........ .... ...... . ........ ......... Type6: LightTruck/6-Cylinder ....--.. l AcceleratlonMode ...... ...... Years> .... ..... ....._. AccelerationMode ............. ' 1974 ' ' ' .... .......... ' ......... ........ Years> ' ' 0 ..........._..... 1974 _ ........ ' I ....-- ' ' ' ..................................................... O-gO MPH ' 62.60 ' ' ' ' OZ20"MPH'T'-63T30 ...................... ; T : T......., 0-30 ' 64.60 ' ' ' ' 0-30 ' 65.10 i , , , t 0-40 ' 65.90 i , , , 0-40 ' 66.50 ' ' ' ' ' 0-50 ' 67.30 ' o , , 0-50 ' 68.20 i , , , , 0-60 * 68.70 _ ' ' i 0-60 ' 69.90 ' l , , , I ......-..................__..-.-....._... .......... ...__....... ......... ..-...... .... ..... ..... ..o..... 4 DecelerationMode "Years> 20-0 MPH 30-0 40-0 50-0 60-0 ' 1974 ' ' ' * ' ' 51.70 * 57.30 ' 61.30 ' 64.40 6 67.00 a ' ' ' , 6 Deceleration Mode ' ' Years> ' 1974 ' ' ' , * ' ' * , , 20-0 HPH' 30-0 * 40-0 ' 50-0 _ 60-0 ' 53.40 59.00 63.00 66.10 68.70 Cruise Mode "'""""" Years>"""" ' 1974 ""°-'"''""-" ' <25 MPH 25-34 35-44 45-54 >56 ' o ' _ i 61.00 ' 63.60 ' 67.60 ' 70.70 ' 73.20 i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' 0 CruiseMod_ "''''""-'-'"'''"''' ' ' i ° ' 6 ' ° _ ' , ' , _ ' , "-"'''"Years>" ""--''''" 1974 ""-'"-''" <25 MPH 25-34 35-44 45-54 >550 ' ' ' ' ' 62.70 65.30 69.30 72.40 74.90 _ ' ' 6 i Idle Mode Years>" i ' 1974 Years> ' ' , ' i , ""''''"--''''"--' ' ' ° _ , , ' a ' , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Idle Mode ' ' 46.00 ' ' e ' ' ' 1974 ' ' 46.00 i TABLE N-I (cont,) Type 7: Car and Light Truck/glesel Type B: Medium Trucks # AccelerationMode Accelerat|onMode ' e Years> ' 1974 ' ' _ J 0-20 MPH ' 65.30 _ 0-30 ' 66.70 ' 0-40 ' 67.50' 0-80 ' 68.40 ' 0-60 ' 69.40 ' ' ' 6 ' ' ' . ' ' ' , ' Years) 0-20 HPH 0-30 0-48 O-SO 0-60 DecelerationMode Years> i Years> .. ...... "20-0 MPH'-"52.30" 30-0 ' 57.90 ' 40-0 ' 61.90 ' 50-8 ' 65,00 ' 60-0 ' 67.60 ' ...... . T , ' ' ' ' ' i ' ' 75.10 75.10 ?5.60 0 ?5.60 i 76.20' 76.20' 76.B0 ' 76.80 ' ?7.?0 ' 77.70 ' ....... ; i ' _ _ ....... ' 1974 '" ' ' 74.80 ?5.30 ' ?5.90' 76.60 ' 77.50 ' 0 ' ' ' ' ; , ' ' ' ' 1974 ' 1978 ' 19 --...--...----.--......--..--......--..--.----..--.--....--.--.--...'' 20-0 MPH 30-0 40-0 50-0 60-0 ' 65.88 ' 65.80 ' ' 70.00 4 70.00 ' 73.00 ' 73.00 ' ' 75.10 ' 75.10 ' ' 76.80 ' 76.80 ' CruiseMode Tears>" 1978 ' 1982 _ DecelerationMode ' 1974 ' .......4..--.... ' 1974 '' 65.50 59.80 72.70 74.90 76.70 ' ' ' ' _ ' * ' ' ' Cruise Mode •' ' Years> i 1974 "" 19_8 -" 1982" _......_....... ;_;_; ;";IT;G "_....... ;....... ;.......;....... ................................ <25 MPH ' 77.20 ' 77.20 ' 76.90 ' ' ..... 25-84 35-44 45-54 >55 i 64.20 i 68.20 = 71,30 ' 73,80 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' ' ' 25-34 35-44 45-54 >55 ' 77.20 ' 78.10 ' 80,20 ' 81.70 ' ?7.20 ' 76.90 ' ' 78.10 ' 77.90 ' _ 80.20 ' 80.00 ' ' 81,70 ' 81.60 * ' ' ' ..........--.....--.--.......................------.... IdleMode ";;;;;;....;'_;": .......;.......;.......;....... ' 46.00 _ IdleMode Yeare> "' _974 "" 1_78 :" _9;_": ......:...... 54.00 ' 54.08 ' 64.00 ' TABLE N-I (cont.) Type 9: Heavy Trucks Type 10: IntercltyBuses AccelerationMode Years> '1974 AccelerationMode ' 1978-'T-1982 "'T....... ;....... Years> T-'_;_-'-T--[_'T"[_--T"_"; ....... .................................................... 0-20 MPH ' 82.70 ' 78.90 ' 75.90 ' ," o_20"MPH'T--8_T60";-_TTBO'T'_4TBo--T'_ ......... : 0-30 i 82.80 j 79.10 o 76.30 ' ' 0-30 ' 82.00 ' 78.30 ' 75.30 ' 72.40 ' 0-40 ' 83.00 ' 79.60 ' 77.10 ' ' 0-40 ' 82.30 ' 78.60 ' 75.80 ' 73.20 ' .0-50 ' 83.40 ' 80.40 _ 78.40 ' ' 0-50 ' 82.60 ' 79.00 ' 76.50 ' 74.30 ' 0-60 ' 84.00 * 81.50 ' 80.10 ' ' 0-60 ' 82.80 ' 79.60 ' 77.40 ' 75.60 ' DecelerationMode DecelerationMode ........................ Years_ ' 1974 ' 1978 ....................................................................... T Years> 20-0 MPH 30-0 40-0 50-0 60-0 '73.90 ' 70.20 ' 67.50 ' ' 77.30 ' 73.90 ' 71.40 ' ' 79.60 ' 76.50 ' 74.40 ' ' 81.40 ' 78.60 ' 77.00 _ * 82.70 ' 80.40 ' 79.10 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1974 Cruise Mode .......;......... .. T';;T;; ' 83.40 ' 84.20 ' 85.70 = 86.80 T ' ' ' = ;iT;; 80.00 81.50 83.70 85.60 T ;;To; ' 77.70 ' 79.90 ' 82.60 = 85.00 ' 1987 -'20-O'MPH''"68.10""'64.50-'-61.80''"59.30""-'"--'" "-" """----" "'"-" 30-0 ' 71.40 ' 68.10 ' 65.70 ' 63.80 ' 40-0 ' 73.80 ' 70.80 ' 68.90 ' 67.40 ' 50-0 ' 75.60 ' 73.00 ' 71.50 ' 70.50 ' 60-0 ' 77.10 ' 75.00 ' 73.90 ' 73.20 ' Cruise Mode ;;; ;; 25-34 35-44 45-54 >55 ' 1981 ' 1985 T ' ' ' i : ' ' ' , ;;;;;;'--;";;;;"-;-[;;7';'[;;;'";";;;T'; ....... <25 MPH ' 28-34 ' 35-44 ' 45-54 ' >55 ' 76.00 76,00 78.40 80.20 81.70 ' ' ' ' ' 72.40 73,00 75.90 78.30 80.50 ' ' ' ' ' 69.60 71,00 74.50 77.40 80.00 ' ' ' ' ' 57.10 69.60 73.50 76.80 79.70 ' ' ' * * ................--.--.........------....__ Idle Mode Idle Mode = Years ........... 1974 '1878 ' 1982 ' ' Years> .......;.................. =.== _ ..mR _ .._ . ' 1974---"1981"'"1985""'--1987"" ....... TABLE N-I (cont.) Type 11: Transit Buses Type 12: SchoolBuses AccelerationMode . ............... Years> ..... ........ AccelerationMode ...--...........--..--. .... ' 1974 ' 1981 ' 1985 ' 1987 _ . ....................... Years> ..--......... ' 1974 ' 1981 ' 1985 ............ ..... ' 1987 ' "_'_O'_PH'''-_i-Go'T';_'O0 "-__0-" F__-; .................. ......... ....... ........ ........ ....... 0-20 MPH : 77.60 " 77,60 ; 74.80 " 71.80 ; 0-30 0-40 O-SO 0-60 ' 81.00 ' 81.00 ' ' 81.10 4 81.10 * o 81.20 ' 81.20 ' ' 81.50 ' 81.50 i 78.20 78.40 78.70 79.20 ' 75.30 ' ' 75.60 ' i 76.20 ' ' 77.10 i 0-30 0-40 0-50 0-60 ' 78.10 ' 78.10 ' ' 78.40 ' 78.40 ' ' 78.90 ' 78.90 = 6 79.40 ' 79.40 ' OeceleratlonMode ' 67.80 ' 67.80 ' o 70.60 4 70.60 _ _ 72.90 ' 72.90 ' ' 74.70 ' 74.70 * 65.60 68.90 71.50 73.70 ' 63.80 i ' 67.50 ' ' 70.50 ' ' 73.10 6 30-0 40-0 50-0 60-0 ' ' ' ' 67.80 70.60 72.90 74.70 73.00 75,80 78.10 79.90 * ' ' _ 73.Q0 75.80 78.10 79.g0 ' _ _ _ 71,10 74.50 77.30 79.60 ' 67.80 ' ' 70.60 _ J 72.90 _ ' 74.70 ' 65.60 68.90 71.50 73.70 ' 63.88 ' ' 67.80 ' ' 70.50 ' ' 73.10 Cruise Mode ";;;;_;'"':'_;F;";_;;_";'_;;;";'_;T'......... ' * ' * ' ' = ' Y;;;_;"-:"i_F;'--_;;[--;-_;;;--_;T': ....... Cruise Mode 25-34 35-44 45-54 >55 ' 72.40 _ 73.20 ' 74,30 ' 75.60 DecelerationMode "Y;;;_; .....-_;F;",_;_";'_;;";'_;;T-......... 30-0 40-0 5O-O 60-0 75.30 75.80 76,50 77.40 _ ' _ ' 59.60 73.60 78.80 79.50 ' ' ' _ Y;;;_;'--;"_F;"';-_;;_".'-_;_;";_;T"; ....... 25-34 35-44 45-54 >55 Idle Mode ...........::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .................. ' ' ' ' 73.00 75,88 78.10 79.90 ' ' ' _ 73.00 75.80 78,18 79.90 _ ' _ ' 71.10 74.50 77,30 79.60 m69.60 ' 73,60 * 78,80 ' 79.50 ' Idle Mode -- ;;.;;-;';;';o'.';;';;":';;T_": ....... TABLE N-1 (oont,) Type 13: UnmodifiedMotorcycles Type 14: ModifiedMotorcycles I AccelerationMode Acce]eratlonMode I l -_--"--.ears> "''"'1974"'" _'--'''''-''-''''-''''' ' ' """'...... " " -""''"'--'-'''"-''"'"'-'-"'-''"-'"-'Years> ' 1974 ' ' '...... "' "_:_';;;-:'i_T;-'; ....... : ....... :'....... T ......... _:_'_;;':";_T;_-': ....... : ...... ; ....... :....... 0-30 o 73.9 ' ' ' 0-30 ' 89.10 ' ' ' 0-40 0-50 0-60 ' 74.4 ' ' 74.7 ' ' 74.9 ' ' ' J o ' ' , 0-40 0-50 0-60 ' DecelerationMode ' 89.60 ' ' 89.90 ' ' 90.10 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' DecelerationMode ";;;_;'"';i_;"; ....... :....... ;....... ;......... _;;_;";-'_;--'; ....... :...... :....... ;....... "_G:G';;_":';iT;_-; ....... : ....... : ....... ; ......... _G:_'_;;':-'_Z_;": ....... ; ...... ; ....... : ....... 30-0 ' 65,90 ' ' ' ' 30-0 ' _.i0 ' ' ' ' 40-0 50-0 60-0 * 69.00 ' ' 71.40 ' ' 73.40 * ' ' ' * * i ' ' , 40-0 50-0 60-0 ' 83.20 J ' 85.60 J J 87.60 ' Cruise Mode ' ' i ' ' * ' * , Cruise Mode "';;;'_;;";';;;;;'; ....... ; ....... : ....... ;' .......... ;;;';;_';--;;S;-; ....... ; ...... ; ....... ; ....... 2_-34 ' 71.30 ' ' ' 25-34 ' 85.40 ' ' ' ' 35-44 45-54 >55 ' 74,40 ' ' 76,90 ' ' 78.90 ' ' ' ' _ ' _ ' ' ' Idle Mode Years> ' 1974 ' ' 35-44 45-54 >55 ' 88.60 ' ' 91,10 ' ' 93.10 ' ' ' ' ' Years> ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Idle Mode ' 1974 ' ' ........... ;;_T;_': ....... ;....... ;....... ;....................................... ' ' 72.00 ' _ ' ' ' "ill II TABLE N-2 NOISE LEVELS FOR STREETMOTORCYCLESUNDER REGULATORYALTERNATIVES ACCELERATION MODE REGULATORY LEVELS (A-Welghted) BASELINE 83 dO 80 dB 78 dB 75 dB 6B dB Speed Range 0-20 MPH 0-30 0-40 O-DO 0-50 72.30 73.90 74.40 74.70 74.90 71.60 73.10 73.60 73.90 74.10 68.50 70.10 70.60 70.90 71.10 66.50 68.10 68.60 68.90 69.10 63.50 65.10 65.60 65.90 66.10 53.10 65.10 55.60 55.90 56.10 DECELERATIONMODE REGULATORY LEVELS (A-Weighted) BASELINE 83 dB 80 dB 78 dB 76 dB 65 dB Speed Range 20-0MPH 30-0 40-0 50-0 60-0 61.50 65.90 69.00 71.40 73.40 60.7D 66.1D 68.20 70.60 72.60 57.70 62.10 65.20 67,60 69.60 55.70 60.10 63.20 65.60 67.60 52.70 57,10 60.20 62.60 64.60 42,70 47.10 50.20 52.60 54.60 CRUISEMODE REGULAI_O-RY ' LEVELS (A-Weighted) BASELINE 83 dB 80 dB 78 dB 7B dB 65 dB Speed Range <25 MPH 25-34 35-44 45-54 >55 66.90 71.30 74.40 76.90 78,90 66.10 70.50 73.60 76 10 78.10 63.10 67.50 70.60 73.10 75.10 61.10 65.50 68.60 71.10 73.10 58.10 62.50 65.60 68.10 70.10 48.10 52.50 55.60 58.10 60.10 83 _B 80 dB 78 dB 75 dB 66 dB 58.30 55.30 63.30 50.30 40.30 IDLE MODE REGULATORY LEVELS (A-Wel_hted) BASELINE 58.90 N-IO The sales rate and the vehicledepletionrate are discussedfurther in the followingsubsection. In addition to noise emissionlevels, the model considersthe fraction of time each vehicle spendsin each of the four operatingmodes. These mode fractionsalso dependupon the roadwaytype, as shown in equationN-3. Fractionof _only i0 F 4 time in mode =f(vehicle type, operating mode, roadwaytype) L iN-3) ) only2 The functional relationshipin equation N-3 yields BO values. These values are containedIn 14 tables,one of which is includedhere as Table N-3. Specifically,Table N-3 documentsthe mode fractionsfor both modified and unmodified motorcycles. The remainderof the tablesare contained in Reference 31. This informationcontainedin all 14 tableswas extrapolated from References33 and 34. It should be noted that the mode fraction does not vary for all 14 vehicle types. Similarly,as shown in Table N-3, it does not vary for all of the roadway types,but regroupsall roadwaysinto two groupsfor this purpose (roadways1, 2, and 3 androadways4, g and 6). Details of Roadwa_(Figures5-12 and g-13, Key (_)) The model contains6 roadway types,as listedin Table5-6. For each of these roadwaytypes,themodel containssix specificpiecesof data: o o o o o o i ,! )_ Fractionof mileageat each speed range Average daily traffic Traffic mix Lane width Number of lanes Clear-zonewidth In actual fact, each roadway has a wide range of speedsassociatedwith it. Althoughvehicle speedsvary on each roadwayfrom momentto moment, the programconsidersonly theaverage speed for any given segmentof roadway. In other words, within each population area the program distributesall the mileage of a given typeof roadwayinto the five speed groups,based upon that mlleage's average speed, The result is the fraction of roadwaymileage in each of the five speed groupsfor each populationarea. These fractionsof mileage contain only those miles that pass through occupied land areas. Other mileage is excluded before distributioninto speed groups, This mileage exclusionwas computed using Figure A.2.2 of Reference31. N-11 TABLE N-3 Mode Fraction(Percentof Time) in OperatingMode: Motorcycles OPERATING MODE Acceleration Deceleration Cruise Idle total Roadway Type M=I M_2 M=3 M=4 zI _ 4.70 5.36 88.88 1.06 100.00 N 2 4.70 5.36 88.88 1.06 lO0.OO 3 4.70 5.36 88.88 1.06 lOO.OO 4 15.40 16.00 55.10 13.50 100.00 5 15.40 16,00 55.10 13.50 100.00 6 15.40 16.00 55.10 13.50 I00.00 RoadwayType I RoadwayType 2 RoadwayType 3 ReadwayType 4 RoadwayType 5 RoadwayType 6 _ InterstateHighway Freewaysand Expressways = Major Arterials = Minor Arterials = Collectors = Local Roadsand Streets Next, the program multiplies these mileage fractions by the total mileages,to obtain the number of miles of that roadway type in the given sp_edgroup on a nationalbasis. 5 6 Number of miles In _ F" a given speedgroup = f(speedgroup,roadway type, population,populationdensity) (N-4) L, L, This allocationof roadwaymileage by speed group is also a functionof the two populationgroups shown in equationN-4. These populationgroupsare discussedfurtherbelow. In all, this functionalrelationshipylelds 216 values for each speed group, for a total of IOBO values. The complete set of values is contained in a set of 20 tables(Reference31, Table A.3.2), two of which are included here in Table N-4. A partlalsummaryof these20 tablesappearIn Table N-5. In thls table, the total roadway mileage through occupiedland is split by populationand roadway type. Informationconcerningspeed grouping and groupingby population density is not presented in Table N-B, although included in the 20 tables. Next, the programcontainsaveragedaily traffic for each of the roadway types. Averagedaily _-_type, 6 place popu _i ation, 9 traffic = f (roadway (N-g) year)_ base year + 8 selectedyears For the baseline year, this functionalrelationshipyields 54 values (Reference35). These are presentedin Table N-6. Each of these traffic values is then further divided by vehicletype. The resultingtrafficmixes are presentedin Table N-7 (References47, 49 and 52). _- only B i,-_6 1974 Trafficmix = f(vehlcletype, roadwaytype, population) (N-6) _,-,_only4 U N-13 _--- ........ _ ............................................. ........ C TABLEN-4 ROADWAY MILEAGE DATA AVERAGE TRAVELSPEED20 MPH IO = i HIGHPOPULATIONDENSITYAREAS K= I 2 3 4 5 6 All K J = i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 3 7 I 3 5 5 1 3 0 16 21 4 17 24 29 6 27 0 41 71 II 45 58 67 14 59 8698 37 71 12 42 61 69 15 63 6159 94 172 31 Li9 149 171 33 140 215859 191 342 59 226 297 3_1 69 292 230716 ALL J> 0 28 144 9064 B529 216768 232533 ID = 2 MEDIUMTO HIGH POPULATIONDENSITYAREAS K= I 2 3 4 5 6 All K J _ i 2 3 4 5 5 7 8' 9 6 1 1 7 2 1 1 1 0 78 19 6 69 23 18 10 16 0 438 59 31 360 110 99 97 154 0 1085 201 84 963 273 229 210 336 0 989 203 95 886 283 233 228 364 0 2494 491 242 2514 699 579 504 804 0 5090 974 459 4799 1390 1159 1050 1675 0 ALL J> 20 239 1348 3381 3281 8327 16596 J 1 O 2 3 = J 4 0 5 J 6 • 7 • J 8 • J 9 - Population over 2 million 1M to 2 M 500K to 1 M 200K to 500K lOOK to 200K 50K to lOOK 25K ¢o 50K 5K ¢0 25K Rural (M) N-14 K K K K K K 1 2 3 4 5 6 = = = = = = Interstate Highways Freewaysand Expressways Major Artertals MinorArterlo]s Collectors Local Roadsand Streets TABLE g-5 Distributionof RoadMileage. AverageDaily Traffic(ADT) and Daily VehicleMiles Traveled(DVMT) by Place Size (J) and RoadwayType (K) ROADWAYTYPE • " OTHER E_NAY _ ' INTERSTATE • & EXP'WAY " MAJOR ARTERIAL8 • MIN0R 4 • ARTERIALS COLLECTORS ' LOCAL ............ =-_TT;T! ....... _7;_ -= ....... _7_;; "= ....... ;7;_i "= ...... _;_;= ...... i_;;'= ...... ;;_;_>2M * AOT 74.866 • 66.470 _ 18,768 " 9,315 _ 3,783 _ 1,129 • to 2M DVMT * ADT * gVMT ' 149,5B2,268• 116.256,030" 185.D71,248_ 131,369,445• 48,626.682* 95,114,D63 * 60.228 • 32,548 • ' 112,566,132• 49,700,796* 17,397 ' 6,898 • 3.496 _ 656 89,698,932_ 70,490.662* 36,036.768* 42,428,768 _;_-:"GTT;T': ....... IT;_ -= ......... _;_= ....... ;_;;: ....... ;_;_g-: ....... _T_; =...... ;_;;;" _o * ADT " 46,997 • 34,036 _ 16,359 " 8,045 " 3,760 * 672 1M * DVMT ' 69,414,56g* 25.152,604• 65,992.208• 50,844.400_ 27.034,400 * 31.897,152 _g_':_TT;;"= ......._;;= ......._7_;-=.......;_;;;=.......;_;_-=......._;;_'=......i;_;_to * ADT * 5OOK* DVMT * 40,367 • 70,359,681 * 28,812" 31,001,712 * 16,029 • 89,217,414 * 8,470 • 3.812 • 839 75,579,430 * 30,103,364 • 48,873,428 to * 280N * ADT " 32,190 " DVMT "* 27,49D,260 " 22,984 " 18,456,152 • 14,984 • 5?,352,943 • 7,301 • 40,170,102 • 3,287 • 649 18,781,918 " 23,816,363 • 5OR* to * lOOK * Miles * ADT _ DVMT 512 * 21,913 * 11,219,486 • 600 " 19,971 * 11,982,600 * 3,335 • 12,376 • 41,273,960 • 4,445 • 6,057 * 26,923,365 • 4,534 " 29,284 2,917 • 645 13,225,678 _ 18,888,180 • • 25K * to • 5ON* Miles " AOT _ DVMT • 397 " 23,251 " 9,230,647 * 447 _ 16,875 _ 7,543,125 '* 4,282 * 11,384 ' 48,746,298 * 5,377 _ 8,828 • 33,454 5,430 • 2,484 _ 631 29,197,110 • 14,478,782 • 21,109,479 " 5K " to * 28K * Ml|es " ADT • DVMT * 8g9 " 18,206" 16.367,144* 1,099 _ 13,244" 13,343,016_ • ' " Rural" • 9,652 • 12,124 • 13,130 • 75,431 8,922 • 4.255 • 1.946 " 495 86,115,144• 61,587,620• 25,550.980• 37,338,345 Miles * 31,744 " 85,716 _ 155,547 _ 435,517 • 307,917 • 1,942,733 ADT * 13,700 " 4,623 _ 2,523 _ 699 • 370 • go DVMT " 434,892,800 _ 396,265,068 _ 392,445,081 * 387,174,613 • 113,929,290 • 190,387,834 Note: AOT-DVMT/Milesis the derivedquallty. TABLE N-6 AverageDaily Traffic (AOT) By RoadwayType (R) and Place Size (J) BaselineYear 1974 K=I 2 3 4 5 6 J=l 74866 66470 18768 9315 3783 1129 2 60228 32548 17397 6898 3496 656 3 46997 34036 16359 8045 3760 672 4 40367 28812 16029 8470 3812 839 5 32190 22984 14984 7301 3287 649 6 21913 19971 12376 6057 2917 645 7 23251 16876 11384 5430 2484 631 8 18206 13224 8922 4255 1946 495 9 13700 4623 2523 889 370 98 J 1 - Population over 2 mtllion J 2 = 1M to 2 M J 3 = 500K to I M 4 = 200K to 500K J 5 = 100K to 200K 6 - 5_K to lOOK J 7 - 25K to 50K JJ 8 9 _ Rural 5K to (M) 25K N-16 K K K K K K 1 2 3 4 5 6 = = = = = = Interstate Highways Freeways and Expressways Major Arterials Minor Arterlals Collectors Local Roadsand Streets TABLE N-7 PercentageVehicleMix in TrafficFlow by Place Size and FunctionalRoadway Classification BaselineConditions URBAN PLACESSIZES: Over 2M; IM-2M;50OK-IM VEHICLETYPE ROADWAYTYPE (INDEXK) Light Vehicles 87.62 87.62 91.82 9D.52 90.51 95.76 MediumTrucks 2.11 2.11 3,05 4.31 3.61 1.16 Heavy Trucks 9,17 9.17 4.03 3.11 3.82 0.99 IntercityBuses 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 TransitBuses O.OB 0.08 0.08 0.54 0.54 0,54 School Buses 0.00 0.00 O.OO 0.02 0.02 0.02 Unmodified Motorcycles 0.88 0.88 0,88 1.32 1.32 1,32 0.12 100.00 0,12 100.00 0.12 lOB.DO 0.18 100.00 0.18 100.00 0.18 100,00 Modified Motorcycles URBAN PLACESSIZES: Over 200K-5OOX;100K-20OK;50R-IOOK VEHICLETYPE ROADWAYTYPE (INDEXK) I 2 3 4 5 6 Light Vehicles 87,64 87.64 91.84 90.71 90.70 95,98 MediumTrucks 2.11 2.11 3.05 4.31 3.61 1.16 Heavy Trucks 9.17 9,17 4.03 3.11 3.82 0.99 Interctty 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0,04 0.04 Transtt Buses 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.30 0.30 0.30 School Buses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.08 0.08 Unmodified Motorcycles 0.88 O.BB 0,88 1,32 1.32 1.32 0,12 0.12 100.00 O.1B 100.00 0.18 100.00 0.18 Buses Modified Motorcycles 0.12 100.00 _ e NOTE= Some columns do not add up to exactly 100 because of rounding 1 K K 32 : Interstate Highways Freewws and Expressways Major Artertals K 4 = Minor ArteHals KB K 6 -- Collectors Local Roads end Streets TABLEN-7 (cont.) Percentage Vehicle Mix in Traffic Flow by Place Size and Functional Roadway URBANPLACESSIZES: 25K-50K; 5K-25K VEHICLETYPE ROADWAYTYPE (INDEXK) 1 Light Vehicles 87.67 2 87.67 3 4 91,67 90,34 5 90,33 6 95.61 MediumTrucks 2.11 2.11 3.05 4.31 3.61 1.16 HeavyTrucks 9.17 9.17 4.03 3.11 3.82 0.99 IntercityBuses 0.03 0.03 0.03 O.OO O.00 O.OO TransitBuses 0.05 O.OB 0.05 0.21 0,21 0.21 SchoolBuses O.OO O.OO O.OO 0.52 0.52 0.52 Unmodified Motorcycles 0,88 0.88 0.88 1.32 1.32 1.32 0.12 tOO.DO 0.12 100.00 0.12 100,00 0.18 100.00 0.18 100.00 0.18 100.00 Modified Motorcycles RURAL AREAS ROADWAYTYPE (INDEXK) Light Vehicles MediumTrucks Heavy Trucks 1 2 79.67 79.67 2.74 2.74 3 4 5 6 85,78 88.27 93.33 96.74 3.80 4.39 0.56 0.41 16.16 16.16 8,99 5.14 3.91 0.65 0.24 0.24 0.24 O.O0 0.00 0.00 Transit Buses 0.00 O,OO 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 School Buses 0.19 0.19 0,19 0.70 0.70 0.70 Unmodified Motorcycles 0.88 0.88 0.88 1.32 1.32 1.32 0.12 100.00 0.12 100.00 0.18 0.18 100.00 Interctty Buses Modified Motorcycles _ 0.12 _ 0.18 _ "NOTE:Somecolumnsdo not add up to exactly 100 because of rounding N-I8 These data are sufficientto definevehicle mix for the baselineyear 1974. To predict future-yeartrafficmixes,however,a breakdownof vehicles by their year of productionis carried out. This breakdownresides within the computer program, and appears here as Tables N-8 and N-g _see Figure A-¢.2 of Reference31, derived from References47 and 48). Table N-8 provides vehicle informationin six vehiclegroups, while Table N-9 further subdivides these groups into the total of 14 as illustrated in equation N-7. 1974 vehiclemix = f(vehicletype,modelyear) (N-7) The average daily traffic is also derivedfur futureyears. First we account for new vehicles sold each year that increase the average daily traffic. Vehiclesales _only 4 _ 40 = f(vehicletype, year) (N-B) This functional relationship illustratedby equation N-8 represents growth factorsrelativeto sales in 1974 (seeFigureA-4.2 of Reference31 for growth factors of vehiclesother than buses, derivedfrom References47 and 4B). i i : t i The projectednumber of motorcyclesales used in this regulatoryhealth and welfareanalysisare discussedin Section8 of the main text. For futureyears, the average daily trafficis also depletedas shown by equation N-9 by those vehicles that retirefrom service (References47 and 48). Percentageof C only 2 _20 vehiclesretiring= f(vehicletype,vehicleage) (N-g) Examplesof this depletionrate are contalnedin AppendixG of Reference31. Table N-t0 presentsvehicle populationby type for each year. This table takes into accountvehiclesales and depletionrates. In summary,average daily traffic flow plus vehiclemix starts at the 1974 values (baseline)for each roadway (equationsN-5, N-6, and N-7). Daily traffic flow grows according to new-vehiclesales (equationN-8), and is depleted by the number of vehiclesretiring(equationN-g). As the traffic changes in this manner, all new-vehiclesales consist of noise-regulated vehicles-- where such vehicleshave been specified(equationN-I). N-19 . TABLE N-8 Base]ine Year (1974) Vehicle Population by Model Year and Vehicle Category Model Year Light Vehicles Trucks Intercity Buses Transit Buses School Buses Motorcycles 1974 13,9591524 447,576 1,479 12,571 58,226 983,000 1973 14,599,524 457,770 2,246 6,706 47,511 1,120,000 1972 13,145j920 387,705 1,886 4,819 38,378 928,000 1971 11,107,210 281,879 1,084 3,319 28,263 802,000 1970 11,003p084 274,759 13,905" 42,057* 184,460" 541,000 1969 11,161,141 291,911 290,000 1968 I0,274p987 229,451 155,000 1967 8,581,706 211,166 72,000 1966 8,461,220 211,814 36,000 1965 7,397,576 185,276 22,000 1964 5,151,096 152,266 11,009 1963 3,658,626 121,684 4,000 1962 2,348,827 97,573 1961 1,167,288 69,094 1960 883,563 70,227 1959 506_559 59,871 1958 2,100,082" 370,391" 2,000* - *Populationincludesall vehiclesin this modelyear and older. N-_,O :L_._, _ _ • _L,¸,- .. • TABLE N-9 Distributionof VehiclePopulationby VehicleType forModal Years 1974 and Earlier Vehicle* Type I Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type I Fractionof VehicleCategoryPopulation 0.4673 0.1420 0.0167 0.0168 0.1603 0o1514 ..0,0005 Total 1,0000 Type 8 Type 9 r Total Type 10 Type 11 Type 12 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 Type13 Type 14 0.8800 0.1200 Total * See Table N-1 _; (i 0.6146 0.3854 1.0000 N-21 TAflLE N-|O VZHIELE POPULA[IOi_ BY TYPE :_;;[..... _._;_._._:_-:..._._:_;`_:_._;_:_;_`_;_._;_:_:_;._"_;;_`_Z_;;_;_ ** Cyl Indet's I' 8 ' 6 6&8 4 4 665 Gas ' Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas ' Trans' Auto- ' AUtomiSSion fi marie _ n_Llc M_nual Autor_lttc _VED, Type)' PC PC< ' Engine I;_ f%3 * PC ' Uf_IT -- ................. PC . ....... . ....... ...o. Diesel ' H_n....... U_I PC< _ ..................... LT 11_K'PC< _MED1AK'HVY _K' MILLIQflS " ..... . ............................. ..... IC flUS' TR BUS_SCIt005_LIM8TCY'F_) 8TCY' TOOUSANP5 X 0.0| ............ . ........ ..... MILLIONS .......................... ... ]974 58.68 17.83 2.10 ' 7.76 20.13 19.01 ' 0.06 2.41 1,53 0.21 ', 0.69 3.57 4.37 0.50 _34.90 1981 61.49 21.84 2,77 _ 12,61 t 22,82 26,B4 ' 4.23 2.94 1,85 0.17 ' 0.97 5.22 5.02 0,66 ]62.72 1984 51.70 24.97 3.26 _ ]9.55 24.09 28.08 * 12.04 3,24 2.03 O.2O * 1.16 6.07 ' 5,29 0,86 176.86 1986 4].8? 27.51 3.63 _ 25.65 25.0? 2?.76 ' 19.09 3.41 2.14 0,22 ' 1.28 6.41 ' 7.32 1.00 ]85,23 ]9_B 32.?3 30.94 3,99 _ 31,54 ' !5.13 27.16 ' 25.84 3.56 2.23 * 0.23 ' 1.36 6.61 * 8,23 ],_2 ]93.45 1990 25.1S 32,48 ' 4.32 _ 36,85 27.3g 25.58 ' 31.86 3.71 2,32 ' 0,24 1,42 6.74 8.94 1,22 20],68 1995 15.84 37,98 ' 5.01 '_ 46.20 30,86 25,86 _ 41.q6 4,0g 2,57 ' 0,27 1.94 7.01 ' 10,33 1,41 223,28 2800 15.79 41,73 L, 5.56 ' 51.79 33.76 ' 29.28 ' 47.28 4.82 2.83 ' 0.30 1,54 7.20 ' 11.41 1.56 246.52 2810 19.21 50,84 'j ' 63,]g 4l,]5 * 51.62 5.61 3.45 ', 0.36 1.85 ?,B2 * 12.16 1.56 298,14 5.7S * 35.67 ' ', For the Single Event Response part of the model, the average daily traffic flow and vehicle mix is used in the same manner as above. However, the noise impact from only one vehicle type at a time is computed. The basic roadway configuration appears in Figure N-I. A roadway is shown to the left, with the adjacent land extending to the right, Each roadway type consists of a definite number of travel lanes, of definite width, then a clear zone of definite width, and then occupied land. _,@only 2 Lane width = f(roadway type) (N-tO) Number of C only 2 travel lanes : f(roadway type) (N-It) Clear-zonewidth = f(roadwaytype, populationsize, population density) (N-12) Lane widths are 15 feet for interstate roadways and 12 feet for all other roadways. The number of travel lanes is two for all local roadways and four for all other roadways. The clear-zonewidths are more complicated functions,as indicatedin equationN-12, The clear-zonewidths used in the model appear in Table N-11. The definition of the clear-zone distance is based upon the best informationcurrentlyavailable (References35, 37, 50). Clear-zonesconsist of the area betweenthe roadway pavement and the adjacent, occupied land, These clear-zones include parking lanes, and sidewalks. In all but the rural population group, clear-zones also include front yards of residences -- but only along arterials, collectors, and local roadways, For interstates and freeways, clear-zones include the right-of-wayadjacentto the roadwaypavement. Details9f PropaBatlon(Figures5-12 and 5-13, Key Q) Propagation of motorcycle noise from the roadway into the adjacent occupied land is influenced, in part, by: >' iC N-23 FIGUREN-I NOISE TRAFFICNOISE EXPOSUREOF LAND AREA SOUNDLEVELATEDGEOFCLEARZONE _. SOUNDLEVELATTENUATION dBBANJO - _ /F: /_,,/ // _ _"_ I_'_'_l__=" _- -,---m-----______ i / ,'+- DISTANCE FROMROADWAY q./" / NOTE: LAND AREA AND POPULATIONIS UNIFORMLYDISTRIBUTEDON BOTH SIDESOF ROADWAY • ii --....... .................... ,,/ TABLE N-II CLEARZONEDISTANCES (IN FEET) BY ROADWAYTYPE (K), POPULATION DENSITY CATEGORY(ID), AND POPULATIONPLACE SIZE (J)* Population K l ID i l Place Size, Index J I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ' ' ALL i 50. 50, 50. 50. 50, 50. 50. 50. 50, ' 2 ' ALL ' 30. 30, 30. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40, ' 3 ' ' ' ' 1 2 3 4 ' ' ' ' 10. 15, 20, 30, 10, 15, 20. 30. lO. 15, 20. 30. 10. 20. 30. 40. 10, 20. 30. 40. lO. 20. 30. 40. 10. 20. 30. 40. 10. 20. 30. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40, 4 ' ' ' ' 1 2 3 4 ' ' ' ' 10. 15, 20, 30• 10, 15, 20, 30. lO, 15, 20. 30. lO, 20. 30 o 40 .' 10, 20. 30. 40. 10, 20. 30. 40. 10, 20. 30. 40. 10, 20. 30. 40. 40, 40. 40, 40. 5 ' ' ' ' 1 2 3 4 ' i ' ' 5, 10. 15, 20. 5, 10. 15, 20, 5, I0. 15, 20. 10, 20. 30. 40. 10, 20. 30. 40. 10, 20. 30. 40. 10, 20. 30. 40• 10, 20. 30. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. "';":";'"; ....;_....._.....;_...._ ....{;_...._T...._ ...._;T ....;;_.... _: ' ' ' 2 3. 4 ' ' ' 10. 15, 20. 10, 15° 20. 10. 15, 20. 20. 30, 40. 20. 30, 40. 20. 30, 40. 20. 30, 40. 20. 30, 40. 40. 40, 40. Index K denoteshighwaytype; Index ID denotespopulationdensitycategory. :_ *See Table 5-6 for roadwaytype, populatlonplacesize and population density groups _J ,i ! ._ N-25 o Distance o Groundeffects o Shielding For personsclose by a roadway,the roadwayappears relativelystraight. The roadway also appears "infinitelylong" to nearby persons. Both these approximations are made for all roadway propagation calculations in the model. Therefore,the only geometricquantityof concern is the perpendicular distancebetweenthe person andthe roadway. The model utilizes a random process to determine the perpendicular distancesbetweenall roadwaysand a]] persons. In essence,the model distributes people randomlyover a wel]-definedland area (lyingwhol]y outsidethe clear-zonesfor each roadway),and then the distributionof perpendicular distances is calculated. The details of this distance calculation are presentedin the followingsubsection. Once the distancebetweenany personand roadwayis determined,then the noise propagationcan be measuredin terms of this distance,the attenuation characteristicsof the interveningground (the clear-zone),and the shielding providedby interveningbuildings. To determinegroundattenuationthe model assumes a noise divergenceof 3 dB per distance doublingfrom the roadway (line sources),and 6 dB per distancedoublingfor individualvehiclesas they pass by. In addition,the model assumes an excess ground attenuationof 1,5 dB per distancedoubling over absorptiveclear-zones. _-_only2 _-)only2 Ground attenuation= f(roadwaytype, populationgroups) (N-13) Such excess attenuation is assumedfor: o Interstateroadwaysplus freeways and expresswaysfor place population groupsover25,000people o Major and minor arterialsplus collectorsand local roadways, for place populationsover 5OD,O00people Average shieldingdue to interveningbuildings is assumed to depend only the width of the clear-zone,and the populationdensity as illustratedin equationN-14. Buildingshielding = f(clear-zone width, populationdensity) N-26 (N-14) The building shleldingand ground attenuationfactors are combinedwith the 3 dB or 6 dB per distancedoubling. The resultingpropagationcurvesare Irovidedin Figures N-2 and N-3. Figure N-2 applies to roadwayllne sources where the source is made up of a stream of vehicles),and is used in the General Adverse Responsepart of the model. Figure N-3 is for individual vehiclepoint sources,and is used in the Single Event Responsepart of the model. Attenuation values extracted from these curves are used by the computerto calculatethe propagationof the noise into occupiedland, starting at the edge of the clear-zone. (See References ?, 31 and 51 for more detaileddiscussionsof the propagationratesused.) The Single Event part of the model accounts for buildingattenuationso that indoor noise can be predicted. To estimate indoor noise levels from outside noise sources,the sound attenuationoffered by buildingwalls and windows is calculated. Althoughdwellingwalls effectivelyattenuatesound, windows generallyprovide poorer sound insulationfrom exteriornoise. When windows are open the differencebetween indoorand outdoornoise variesfrom 8 to 25 dB; with windowsclosed,the attenuationvaries from 19 to 34 dB, and with double-glazedwindows,noise may be reduced as much as 45 dB. Average differencesbetweenvalues for open windowand closed windowcondltlonsare 15 dB and 25 dB respectlvely(Reference53). The analysis assumes an attenuationvalue of 15 dB for the suburban slngle-familydetachedand the suburbanduplexdwe111ngareas (assumingwindow open conditions),and a value of 20 dB for other dwellingsto accountfor the attenuationof outdoor noise by the exteriorshell of the house (assuminga mixture of windows open and closed). These attenuationvalues representan averagebetween summerand winter,and new constructionand old construction. Bulldlngnoise ;g _4 isolation= f(population,populationdensity) (N-15) The building noise insulationvalues used in the computeranalysisare presentedin Table N-12. Detailsof Receivers(Figures5-12 and 5-13, Key (_)) First, each person in the United States is assigned to one of the 33 _)_YinC_s;t2//_::_ar_a6wheTrhee_a_e_s_ tton density in his neighborhoodwithin to pop/density cells reside within the Table N-13. The land areas of each of the table. The model distributes the people over 3.549 million square miles. N-27 _:/:n_dnb_2_ l ½h_h_o_ hts city/town/area. These assignments computer program, and appear here in these pop/density cells also appear in 1974 U.S. population of 216.7 million ON \ \ \ 50 FT, CLEAR ZONE NO _ <_ s- _ E uJ 15 _ 15 z 20 z" 2C o_ u_" _ o _ZONE 25 _AREAG PO HIGHPOPULATIONDENSITY I 13.000PEOPLEPERSQUAREMILE AREAS _ 25 uJ I _ DISTANCE FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT, FEET 50 FT. CLEAR ZON'- MT3EDIUY_p _ (J .% j \\,C...,0PT. CLEAR ZONE POPULATIONDENSITIES BETWEEN6,S0OAND 13,OOO 30 t t I PEOPLEPERSQUAREMILE DLSTANCE FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT, FEET O N CI_ m < uJ ;OF °_,E30 FT CLEAR ZONE/A\ _O FT, CLEAR ZONE • 20-O 2 25 -- _ I LOWPOPULATLONDENSITYAREAS 3000 PEOPLEPER SQUAREMILE POPULATION DENSITY LESSTHAN _ ,'o _o _o ,ooo DISTANCE FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT, FEET FIGUREN-2 SOUND LEVEL ATTENUATIONCURVES:LINE SOURCE N-28 = 5 40 FT. CLEAR ZONE =: 5 40 FT, CLEAR ZONE 5oFT.CLEAR ZONE _, / _lO \\_jS0 FT.CLEAR ZONE _ 20 g g 25 DENSITY AREAS POPULATIONDENSITY o,,E_. ,s,ooo PEOPLE PER SOOA.E",LE OE=ESN S.EO0 AND ,,.000 PEOP"" PE. SOOA.E M,.E _ _,o_o_u_,o_ _, __°1_;, ' ,:,_C °\ ,< 30 20 50 100 r- i 500 200 1000 DISTANCE FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT, FEET < 3O 20 50 100 200 80 FT, CLEAR ZONE 0 N Lu lO eJ ,_- 30 e _o_4oFT. C'EA. ZONE'_\ \ 25 --LOIN POPULATIONDENSITYAREAS POPULATIONDENSITY LEESTHAN 3_ 3000 PEOPLEPERSQUAREMILE 20 50 100 200 500 1000 DISTANCE FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT, FEET FIGUREN-3 SOUNDLEVELATTENUATION CURVES:POINTSOURCE ;_ N-29 1000 DISTANCE FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT, FEET 0 _ 500 TABLE N-12 Building Exterior Noise Reduction (in decibels) by Place Size (Index J) and PopulationDensity Area (Index ID) .....................................................T........T....... T........................... Population Density Area Index, ID Population PlaceSize Index J 1 Over 2M 2 1M 2M 3 50DK IM 4 ' 5 ' 6 200K lOOK 50K 5OOK 200K lOOK 7 25K 50K 8 5K 25K 9 Rural-r Areas 1 High Density 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 2 Mediumto High Density 20.0 20.0 20.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 20.0 20.0 15.0 3 Mediumto Low Density 20.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 4 LowDensity 20.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 IB.O 15.0 15.0 15.0 TARL£ N-13 DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION,_lD LAND AREA BY PLACE SIZE (INDEX J) AND POPULATiDNDENSITYCATEGORY(INDEX ID) ;.....;.....;.....;.....;.....;.....:.....;.....; .....;.....;.....;.....;....;............;.....:...........;.....;-....: ' Parameter ... .............. ..... 1 ' ' ' Population Area p* _ ' ' 5.01 134.2 64,711 • 2 ' ' ' PoplJlatlon Area p* ' ' ' 22.28 3570 12 638 3 ' Population _ Area ' _ p* 0 * ' ' 4 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _o =_' ,o ¢, ' >2H .. i ....... .... Population Area p* IN 0 -ON * ........... 500K i -iN i ...... ........ 200K -500K ....o... _ * 2,04 488 6 967 ID,43 4558 3697,0 2.93 1305 3,384 * ' 2.12 ]115 2,863 2.98 6.96 8,506 21.59 8358 0 ID7 41.13 5080 5 014 8.40 4425 3.842 6.15 5790 2 264 0.84 5266 Z,Oll 4.53 _ 4195 ' l,Gl2.O 3.51 2230 4,698 8.40 4527 6 271 D.O O,O - 5.35 4089 2,505 5.30 4584 2,336 1.92 2769 2,147 2.70 5_20 1,073 0,0 0,0 - Total Population Total Area 49°48 ' 12064.2 ...... ' 22.66 i 10216.0 15.09 ' Total population - 216.70 million Total land area = 3 549,512o2 square miles p* - PopulatJon/(Area) Area Factor}, Adjusted 9561,0 Population ' 18.78 i' 10563,0 Density ' 1.07 329 13 091 DuD O,O - ' ' .......................................................................... ' ' flK -25K 4.08 775 9 092 ' ' 1.i5 279 0,831 25K ' -50K i ........ ... _ ' ' 1.61 215 9 368 50K 0 -lOOK 6........... R.5D 272 13,451 ' ' 0.36 63 9 368 100K ' -200R 0..... .....= ' ' ' D.O D.D - .. ...... .... ...... 0.47 58 13 D91 1.00 2Zo 16,988 ' _ .. .......... 4,97 1261 10,68! .... ...... ' ' ' 14o23 1570.2 - _ 64.10* ' ' 3,475,938 ' ' l_.O ' D,D D,D ' ' t ' ' ' ' D,O O,D ' 71.20 39072.D 15.27 lTZ62,D - ' ' 0,0 0,0 .. ....... 10.93 ' 7.71 ' 0.88 ' 17,08 ' ' 5639.0 ' 5953.0 _ 11828.0 ' per Square Hlle Rural 51.83 13970.0 - 6_50.D tn People Urban Total o . ......... 15E.SZ 72674.2 J ' ' ' ..=..u 54.15 ' 3476938 ' In Table N-13, populationdensitieshave been computedby dividing the populationby occupied land area, This occupiedland area excludesbodiesof water, airports, roadwaysthemselves (includingtheir clear-zones),parking areas,and open spaces, The conversionfrom total area to occupiedarea is termedthe "area factor"within the model. It is the fractionof total land area that is occupied. By this distribution,the averagepopulationdensity is 2,099 people per square mile for urban environmentsand 18 people per squaremile for rural environments(seeFigure A.2.2 of Reference31), The data in Table N-13 are based upon 1974 populations. For future years the populationdensitiesare assumed to increaseas population9rows. Population _-_ growthfactors= f(population, year) (N-16) The functionalrelationshipof equationN-16 yields the 81 growth factors, presentedin Table N-14. Growth factors were derived from the Bureau of Census' (SeriesI) assumptionof an immigrationand fertilityrate based upon historicaltrends, As discussed above, each person is assignedto one of 33 population/ densitycells. Each cell also containsa definitemileage value for each of the six roadwaytypes (seeTablesN*4 and N-5). The total mileagewithin eacll cell is used to compute the noise level to which persons in that cell are exposed. To compute this noise level, the distancebetween people and roadways must be estimated. This estimationis done statistically,since the precise distancedistributionsare not known, First the cell's occupiedland area is dividedby the roadwaymileage within that cell to determinethe area allottedto each roadwaymile. This area is then split in half and placed on each side of a one mile lengthof roadway,beyond the clear-zone. The far edge of this portion of land area is shownas the cutoff distancein FigureH-l, All persons within the cell are then randomly assigned a particular roadwaymile, They are then distributeduniformlyon both sides of that one mile of roadway,betweenthe edge of the clear-zoneand the cutoff distance. This assignmentdetermineseach person's"primary"roadway-- in essence,the roadwayclosestto that person'splaceof residence, Statistically,this random distributionof a11 persons, over a we11defined area, determines each person's distance to his primary roadway. Each person is also affected by noise from other roadwayswithin his cell. These are called "secondary"ruadways. To compute secondary-roadway noise exposurethe distancebetween the receiverand these roadways is also determinedstatistically. N-32 Table N-14 Population Growth Factors by Place 5tze For Every Five Years in the Time Stream AREATYPE, J 1 PLACESIZE, THOUSANDS OVER 2000 2 3 4 10002000 5001000 200500 YEAR VARIABLE 5 100200 6 7 8 50100 2550 525 9 ALL a RURAL POP(YEAR)/POP (BASELINE) 1975 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1980 1.08 1.07 1.07 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.12 1985 1.15 1.14 1.14 1.04 1.04 1;04 1.04 1.04 1.22 1990 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.31 1995 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.39 2000 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.48 2005 1.43 1.44 1.44 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.57 2010 1.50 1,51 1.51 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.65 2013 1.55 1.56 1.56 1.13 1.13 1,13 1,13 1.13 1.70 I The assumption is made that each secondary-roadway distance is greater than the cutoff distance computed for the "primary" roadway. In other words, it is assumedthat each person is within the cutoffdistancefor one and only one roadway,his "primary"roadway. All othersare furtheraway, This cutoff distance then provides a minimum distance for the random distribution of person/secondary-roadway colons. The maximum distance between persons and roadways obviously depends upon the shape of the land area that comprisesthat person'scell. If the cell is near-clrcular in shape, then the _ximum distances are not extreme, On the other hand, if the shape is very long and narrow, then the maximum distances could be huge. Thus the approximate shape is assumed to be rectangular, and is bisectedby the secondaryroadwayof interest. The length of the rectangular area is _ual to the total length of the secondaryroadway in that ceil. The rectangle'swidth is the celirs area divided by the rectangle's length,so that the total cell'sarea is includedin the rectangle. With this cell shape, then, all personsare distributedrandomlywithin the rectangle, outside the cutoff distance. Statistically, this random distribution of all persons, over a well-defined area, determines each person'sdistanceto each secondaryroadway and considers the total mileage for each roadway type within the cell. The rectangle _thematics are then repeated for all other secondary roadw_ types, until distances to all of them are determined in this random manner. Out of this statistical process comes a full llst of each person's distancesto all roadways in his cell. His distanceto his closestroadway is less than the cutoff distance, while his distances to all other roadways is larger than this cutoff distance. Consequently, what is computed is the joint probability distribution of the set of all distancesbetweeneach receiverand all roadw_s within his pop/densitycell, For computationalefficiency,the computerdeterminesthe noiselevel distributioninsteadof the distancedistribution. And it determines this in 3-decibel increments, rather than in infinitesimal increments. For the General Adverse Response part of the nmdel, the average outdoor day-night noise level, L- , is the measure of noise exposure. This is calculatedfor each person°a_his place of residence. On the other hand, for the Single Event Response part of the model, several different noise level values are calculated, as presented in figure 5-13. These measures are: Sin91e-event equivalent noise level, LeR(T): o Indoors,day and nlght o Outdoors, day Sound exposure level, LS: o Indoors, day and night N-34 The single-eventequivalent noise level, Leq(T), is used to measure speech communicationinterference. The sound exposure level, LS, is used to measure sleep interference. To relate these noise levels to potential impact for a typical 24 hour day a person'sactivitiesover that 24 hours must also be allocatedbetween indoorsand outdoors,and separatelyfor day and niglltas Illustratedin equationN-17. Fractionof activitytimes = f(Iocation, F3 time of _-P2 day, actCt£ ) (N-17) This activityallocationis addressedat Key (_ in Figure5-13 and it is detailed in Table N-15. Persons are located away from home, or at home outdoors,or at home indoors. Then separatelyby day and night,each person spendshis timeat the activitiesshown to the right of the table. Separately,then, by these activitygroups, the average person's time has been fractionedas in FigureN-4. (See AppendixB of Reference31 for a more detailed discussion.) These activity fractions are a composite of separate fractions for distinct groups of persons within the U.S.: (I) employedmen, (2) employedwomen, (3) housepersons,and (4) other persons (personsyoungerthan 17, personsolder than 65 and not employed,persons in institutions, and unemployedpersons). As Figure N-4 indicates,even during the daytime a small portion of the populationis sleeping. This potential daytime sleep interferenceis accountedfor in the impactestimates, Detailsof Noise-levelSortinB (Figures5-14 and 5-15, Key (_) As a resultof the noise level predictions,all persons in the United States are paired with their respectivenoise levels. These person/noise pairs are then sorted by noise level. The sorting is done concurrently with the predictionprocedure. Detailsof ConversionfromNoise Level to Impact(Figures 5-14 and 5-15, KeyQ) Exposure to a particularnoise level does not necessarilymean that personis fullyimpactedby that noise (althoughhe may be partiallyimpacteb). Therefore,the numberof persons exposed at each noise level is multlplied by certain"impactfractions"or welghtings.These fractionsare close to zero for low noise levels,and then increasewith noise level, untll they reach unity. For particulareffects of noise on people, the welghtlngsdiffer. The fractions resultfrom a large numberof attitudinalsurveysand laboratory studiesof the effectsof noise on people. N-35 100 l .AVERAGE DALLY ACTWITIES OF THE UNITED STATES POPULATION I I I I I I I I I SLEEPING (4.34%) I 90-< EPA NIGHT _,_ EPA DAY V 80-- >. ==70-LU (3 '_ 60-OTHER ACTIVITIES (73.77%) :3 O.. O* 50 - SLEEPING (83.57%) Z 40 t.iJ •_ 30 ¢J 20 TRAVELING (6.52%) OUTSIDE HOME (0.67%) OTHER ACTIVITIES (1;2.90%) 10-TRAVELING/ (1.28%) _- 2= 0 2 WORKING (14.70%} /- _=_....-.-_WORKING 4 (2.25%) 8 10 12 14 16 .18 20 22 HOURSOF THE AVERAGE DAY FIGUREN-4. AVERAGEACTIVITYPATTERN FOR THE U.S. POPULATION N-36 _!i_i ,¸ "._ ' i___ :' / "I _i _:_ . TABLE N-15 ACTIVITYGROUPS FOR THE SINGLEEVENT RESPONSE PERSON's LOCATION Away from home TIMEOF DAY ACTIVITY GROUP Day and Night Working Traveling At home,outdoors Day Walking Outside-home activities At home,indoors Day leisure Sleeping Other indoor activities such as TV viewing, enjoying other media, other leisure or semileisure activities, home and family type activities, and eating Night Sleeping Other indoor activities such as TV viewing, enjoyingother _edia, other leisure or semileisure activites, ho_-and-family-type activities, and eating NOTE: Day is the periodbetween 7 am and 10 pm. Night is the remainderof the 24-hours,lO pm to 7 am. N-37 For the General Adverse Response portionof the model, the fractional weightingis derived from equation9 in Section5, which is an approximation to a quadraticequationthat is the best fit to a large number of attitudinal survey results.The weighting values along with noise level and population informationare used in equationlO by the model to compute Level Weighted Populationwithin each noise levelband. For the Single Event Responseportion of the model, the mast current estimatesof weightingvalues are presentedin equations14 and Ig (for sleep interference)and Figures 6-g and 5-10 (for speech interference). These weightingsare also used in equationlO alongwith noise level and population information. For speech interference, the noise descriptor is the single-event equivalent sound level, Leq(T). exposurelevel, LS. For sleep interference,it is the sound Detailsof Total NationwideImpact(Figures5-14 and 5-15, Key (_)) After impact is estimated for each noise level separately,then the total nationwide impact is added over all noise levels. This process is overviewedin Figures5-14 and 5-15,and is detailedhere. The General Adverse Responsedepends upon a full year's worth of noise at the person'shome. It is assessedfrom the prediction6_ yearly-average Ldn at the residencesof all personsin theU.S. The Single Event Responsedepends upon an average_'s worth of noise, and the number of intrusivesingle events that potentia--TlT-occur during the day or night. It also depends upon the activitiesof people duringthe day and night,indoorsand outdoors.(See TableN-IS). The estimationswithin the model do not account for persons when they are away from their homes (first.groupin Table N-IS). Omitted are 20,53 percentof the populationduring the daytime(7 am through10 pm) while these people are travelingor working away from home. Similarlyomitted are 3.06 percent of the populationduring tilenighttime(See Appendix B of Reference 31). As shown In Table N-16 the model estimatesspeech interference while the averageperson is outdoors,or is indoorsbut not sleeping, It estimatesthe two types of sleep interferencewhile the averageperson is indoorssleeping. One activity group in Table N-15 is unique -- the group for people outdoors walking. For these "pedestrains", speech interference is not evaluatedat their residences,but rather is evaluatedat the edge of the clear zone while that person is walking along streets in his neigh borhood. Speech interference is also estimated outdoorsduring a person's outside leisureactivitiesaroundhis home, N-38 TABLE N-16 LOCATIONSOF ACTIVITES Sleep Interference Disruption PeopleIndoorsat home day/night Awakening PeopleIndoorsat home day/night Speech Interference Indoors Peopleindoorsat home not sleeping Outdoors People outdoorsat home Pedestrians Walkingoutdoorsat the edge of a clear zone N-39 APPenDIX O NATIONAL MOIDRCYCLE NOISE (X)NTROLEMPII_SISPLAN SU_A_ NATIONALMOTORCYCLENOISE CONTROL EMPHASISPLAN SUMMARY Motorcyclenoise has been rated as the most significantnoise problem in numerous community noise surveys. As a result, a number of States and communities currently have programs to control this noise source. Such controlsinclude limitson vehicle pass-by noise, equipmentlaws, area and time controls, nuisance laws, and, in a few cases, new product emission limits. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in response to the requirements of the Ouiet Communities Act, has identified motorcycles as a major source of noise and has issued noise limits for newly manufactured motorcycles and motorcycle replacement exhaust systems. The Agency's approach in the regulations, which is outlined below, has been to develop programswhich will supplement and strengthen these on-going attemptsby citiesand States to controlmotorcyclenoise. The primary Federal control which the Agency will provide will be the promulgationof regulations in setting permissible noise levels. These regulations,proposedin the FederalRegister, March 15, 1978, will provide uniformlevelsfor new motorcy_Id acrossthe countryand will result in quieter motorcyclesbeing developed and produced. The benefits of this actionwill increaseover the next decade as more and more of the motorcycle fleet is made up of regulatedvehicles;nevertheless,some initialbenefits will be gained in the first years of the regulation, particularly when this action is accompanied by State and local control of pre-regulated vehicles. Besides controlling all new vehicles to quieter levels, the regulation contains provisions specificallydesigned to facilitate State and local controlof replacementexhaustsystems. Underthese provisions,manufacturerswill be requiredto label both the motorcycles and the exhaust systems indicating the types and models of new (Federallyregulated)motorcyclesfor which the exhaust system is designed, and whetherthe systemis designedfor pre-regulatedor competitionvehicles. The manufacturerhas to assurethat these syste_ns when installedon a regulated motorcycle,will not cause that motorcycle to exceed the Federal standard. Thus, with proper enabling legislation,State or communitypolice could enforce "labelmatch-up" controls against vehicle owners who replace originalequipmentwith noisierexhaustsystems. This will not requirenoise measurementsand, indeed,will not require the vehicleto be in operationor the driver to be present in order for citations to be made. This should greatlyfacilitatemotorcyclenoise enforcement. Another feature of the regulationswill also supplementthe on-going State and localnoise controlprogram. Under the regulationmanufacturersof newmotorcycleswill be requiredto identifyto EPA those actionswhich will cause the motorcyclenoise levelsto increasebeyond the legal limits. The Agency will encourage States and localities to adopt programs enforcing againstthe most obviousacts of tamperingwhich do not necessarilyrequire testing to establish a violation,because such regulationsare relatively easyto enforce. 0-1 Besides tailoring its Federal noise emission regulations to facilitate State and local control, the EPA will further focus its State and local assistance programs to the area of motorcycle control. The Agency has alreadyprovidedfinancialassistanceto 24 States and 23 localitiesto start up and operate noise control programs. The priority source which these States and cities are addressing currently is motor vehicle noise, including motorcycles. Support is also provided in inOtor vehicle control from the EPA Regional Offices, the Regional Technical Centers, and the ECHO (Each Community Helps Others) peer match. Such assistance includes funds for personnel and equipment, equipment loan, assistance in drafting legislation and advice on test methodology and enforcement. In the next two years these EPA support programs are intended to increasinglybe orientedtowardsmere specificmotorcyclecontrols. EPA'a approach in developing tools which States and localities can adopt has three phases. The first phase, which is currently in operation, is the development and publicationof model legislationfor vehicle operationcontrols (street pass-by-limits) and visual inspection of exhaust systems. This is being carried out in a Joint project with the National Association of Noise Control Officers (NANCO). As indicated earlier, a number of cities have already adopted these types of control. Assistanceto communitiesand States in drafting this type of legislation and in carrying out enforcement is also provided through the ECHO program, Regional Technical Centers and the EPA Regional Offices. In the secondphase, whichwill precedethe effectivedate of the national emission regulation, the EPA will develop model legislation to Implementthe "labelmatch up" scheme and anti-tampering controlsagainstnew (regulated) vehicles. For this model motorcycle noise control legislation, the Agency will also develop a traininQ manual to be used by police trainers to instruct officers in enforcing the ordinances. This manual will include discussion of instrumentation,enforcementprocedures and the rationalebehind the model provisions. In addition, model legislation applicable to pre-regulated motorcycles will be revisedto more specificallyset out provisionscontrollingmotorcycle modifications,tamperingand operations. In all these model laws the Agency will avoid extensive noise measurement requirements and will include among its recommendations ordinances which can be enforced without noise measuring equipmentand with only limited additionaltraining for existing PdOlicepersonnel. The model label "match-up" legislation will also be rafted to include provisionsfor possiblefutureFederal labelingrequirements for automobilesand replacementexhaust systems for these vehicles. The label match-upand tamperingllst provisions(describedearlier)provide a logical extensionof the existingState and local control structure. As the percentageof Federally regulatedvehicles in the fleet increases,the importanceof these provisionswill grow. Anotherfeature of this phasewill be the development by EPA of posters and brochures informing motorcycle 0-2 owners,dealers and repair shops of tlteirresponsibilitlesunder the Federal law. These wi]] be designed in such a way that State and local officialscan add referencesto applicableState and ]ocal laws, andwil] be i_adeavai]ab]e to State and local officialswho wish to distributethem to local motorcycle dealers,repair and parts shops. The effectivenessof the motorcyclenoise controlprogram depends, in part, on fully informingpotential violatorsof the Federal,State and lace] laws. A]though the EPA's approach includesan emphasis on use by States and cities of the label match-up and other contro]swhich wil] not requirenoise measuremant tests, some States and communitiesmay desirea stationarytest which correlateswell with the Federa] pass-by test to faci]itateState and local enforcementagainst tampering,and in identifyingmotorcycle exhaust systems which degrade rapidly in their noise attenuation capabilities. Accordingly,EPA wl]1 coordinatewith interestedparties the deve]opmentof a "shorttest." If this proves feasib)e,the Agency will use it to deve]opand publishmode] implementationproceduresand operationalequipmentordinances basedon this "shorttest," Such an effortwould a]so include developmentof a compatiblein-usestreetsidetrafficmeasurementtest. It should be noted, however, that communitieswill still be able to use existing operational ordinances controlling the use of motorcycles. Operational limits are analagousto street ]imits which on]y cover the operatorperformanceand do not specifyequipmentlimits. In the developmentof a11 model ]eglslation(and particularlythe label "match-up"and antl-tamperlngprovisions)the EPA will seek extensive review by State and local noise centre] personnel, police and Iega] officialsand the industry. If there are dlfflcu]tpoints, it may be necessary to field test some of the mode] laws prior to publication for voluntary adoption by interestedStatesand cities. The primary orientationof most State and local motorcyclenoise control programsis to preventexcessive noise producedby Individualmotorcycllsts. The programs here outlined assume that this orientationwill continue in most States and citieswhile the Federal Governmentwill have responsibility for enforcingthe noise emlss_on standardsfor new motorcyclesand replacement exhaustsystems,and the labelingprovlslonswhich requirecomplianceby manufacturers. In one or two States, however,where there are currently noise programswith sufficientequipmentand technicalexpertise, and where the replacementexhaustmanufacturingindustryis concentrated,the State may want to enforce compliance by the manufacturers. Such enforcementwould require adoption of the Federal limits and test procedure. The EPA would stronglyencouragethls and will be preparedto assist a_ State which wishes to initiatesuch a program. EPA's approach to control off-road vehlcles at the state and loca] level is more orientedtoward contro11ingthe time and place of the use of these vehicles,rather than controllingindividual vehlcleemission llm_ts. This is achieved by land use controlsand curfews. The street motorcycle enforcementapproach outlinedabove should facilitatecontrolof Illegaluse of these vehicles on streets. EPA will also make availableinformationon various programs to control use and influencedriver habits (such as offroad and minlblke "round-upwhere younger drivers are instructed in safe 0-3 .__ .............................. ..................................................... and legal use of these vehicles). The Agency ,By also develop legislation covering land use and area controls. This part of the EPA program will probablynot begin untI1 after the first standardsgo into effect. The final feature of the EPA program will be on-goingsurveillanceof the rate of motorcycle exhaust system (noise related) modifications and tampering. The Agency expects to initiate this programafter the effective date of the first standardsto provide a moans of determiningthe effectivenes_ of the State, local,and Federalcontrols. EPA's over-all technical assistance objective is to promote at least 400 localprogramscoveringa minimumurbanizedpopulationof 72 million and 40 Stateprograms by 1985. The agency's regulatoryprogramsare designedto fit into this State and local control structure. This is consistentwith Congressionalintent, in the Quiet CommunitiesAnt, that noise control ought to be primarily the responsibility of State and local governments. The Federal motorcycle noise emission levels and the programs described above will help achieve the goal of a quieter nation through strengthened and expandedlocal controlof this environmental problem. ,4J,LGOV|I_M(NTFRINrLKGGFFICE:%98_ 34|_0|2/_%3 |-3 0--4 TECHNICAL REPORT DATA [Please I, REPORT NO, teed I._/It¢'tlolt_" utl the t c I't't'.t[' brJur¢ ¢'uoJitll'litl_*J J2, _. RECIPIENT'_ ACC_,_IOPC*NO, l EPA 550/9-80-218 5, REPORT DAT December_900 RegulatoryAnalysisAppendicesfor the Noise Emission .PERFORMINGORGANIZAT_ONCOOE RegulationsforMotorcyclesand HotorcycleExhaust EPA/200/02 4, TITLE ANOSUKITITLE EPA 550/9-80-21B ), PERFORMING OAGANIZATION NAM_ AND ADOBES_ Q, PROGRA&I U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency Officeof NoiseAbatementand Control (ANR-4g0) Washington, DC 20460 12, SPONSORING AGENCY NAM£ NO, .. iI'CONIRACT/GflANTNO' ANO AODRE_ I_, TYP_ U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency Office of NoiseAbatementand Control (ANR-490) Washington,DC 20460 "1"5,SUPPLEMENTARY LLEMENT OF R_PORT AND P_R_OO COVERED Final *'SPONSORING AGENCYCODE EPA/2OO/O2 NOTES 16. ABSTRACT This documentincludesdetailinformationthat supplementssection1 through8 of the regulatoryanalysis. In additionit includesan analysisof State,local, and foreignmotorcyclenoise regulationsand a summaryof the motorcyclenational emphasisplan. 17. I. KEY WORDS _NP DOCUMENT ANALYSIS StreetMotorcycles, mopeds,off-road DESCRIPTORS b. iDENTIFIER$/OPEN motorcycles,motorcycleexhaustsystem, noise emissionregulation,environmental benefits,healthand welfarebenefits, economiceffects. 18. DI_TRI BUTION STATEMENT Releaseunlimited 19, SECURITy TERM_ (_i(_$ K,'pcrtj Unclassified 20, _ECURITY • CLAS_ ENDED CLAS_ I'itt_p_'/ Unclassifie_ CPA Form 2220,1 (9,73J c, COSATI 2 I, NO, Fidd/Group OF PAGe3 41o 22, P_ICE United States Environmenlal Pro10ctlon Agency Washinglon OC 20450 0 f liclal Business Ponellyfor Privat_ Uso $300