24th January 2016 - Catholic Parish of St Thomas More, Mt Eliza
24th January 2016 - Catholic Parish of St Thomas More, Mt Eliza
SEASONS Newsletter of the Catholic Parish of St. Thomas More, Mount Eliza 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time PCC=Parish Community Centre U=Undercroft C=Church MPR=School Multipurpose Room SSR=School Staff Room Wednesday Social Club Committee meeting, 11am, PCC PPLT meal & meeting, 6:30pm Thursday Liturgy Team meal & meeting, 6:30pm Morning Tea @ 10am Mass next Sunday Next Sunday at 10 am Mass we will take the opportunity to celebrate and thank Maureen Ko for all she has contributed to music ministry at St Thomas More’s over many years. Please bring a plate of food to share for morning tea afterwards. 313 Canadian Bay Rd Mount Eliza Vic. 3930 Phone: 9787 7777 Fax: 9787 9734 Email: [email protected] Web: www.stm-mteliza.org Pastoral Leadership Team Fr. Laurie (Parish Priest) Lys Crowe (Pastoral Associate) Peter Whyte (School D Principal ) Anne-Marie Hyde Peter Leamon John Bruitzman Bill Hunt (Chairperson) Ange Virgona Jim Bourke Maree Taverna PPLT Email: [email protected] Weekday Masses Monday Tuesday Wednesday (quiet prayer in the Church from 8.30am) No Mass No Mass 9:15 am Thursday 7.00 pm Friday 9:15 am 6:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am Reconciliation Saturday A New Year Blessing On the day when the weight deadens on your shoulders and you stumble, may the clay dance to balance you. And when your eyes freeze behind the grey window and the ghost of loss gets into you, may a flock of colours, indigo, red, green and azure blue, come to awaken in you a meadow of delight. When the canvas frays in the currach* of thought and a stain of ocean blackens beneath you, may there come across the waters a path of yellow moonlight to bring you safely home. May the nourishment of the earth be yours, may the clarity of light be yours, may the fluency of the ocean be yours, may the protection of the ancestors be yours. And so may a slow wind work these words of love around you, an invisible cloak to mind your life. From Benedictus, by John O’Donohue Sunday Masses Saturday Sunday 24th January 2016 5 - 5:30 pm * a currach is an Irish boat made of waterproof material over a light wooden frame, traditionally propelled by oars or a sail T HI R D S U ND A Y I N O R D I NA R Y T I ME S E A S O NS PAGE 2 We pray for... Those whose anniversaries fall at this time… Doris Clark, Violet Somerville And the Sick... Joan Ryan, Roz Woodman, Jo King, Craig Morgan, Paula Stuart, Jacki Waite, Kathryn Hart, Fr. Michael Walsh, Shane Dobson, Maryrose Smith, Ken & Mary Allen, Ray Grant, Rob Nicholls, Jos Gobel, Dee Rourke, Adrian Gobel, Rachael Sanderson (nee Davies), and all of the sick at the George Vowell Centre & Ranelagh Gardens Nursing Home. and the parishioners of St Thomas More Parish, Tequinomata, East Timor. Liturgy - 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Nehemiah 8:2-6, 8-10 They read from the book of Law and they understood what was read. Responsorial Psalm Your words, Lord, are spirit and life. Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12-14, 27 Together you are Christ’s body, but each of you is a different part of it. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, Alleluia! The Lord sent me to bring Good News to the poor and freedom to prisoners. Alleluia! Gospel: Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21 The scriptures were fulfilled on this day. Next week’s readings Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19 1 Corinthians 13:4-14 Luke 4:21-30 30th & 31st January Rosters Mass Time Lector 6 pm Sat Anne-Marie Hyde Lys Crowe 8 am Sun Keith Donovan Kathleen Sheehy 10 am Sun Peter Griffin C Tirtowinoto Mass Time Ministers of the Eucharist 6 pm Sat Helen Steyn (Book) Mary Cameron (Gifts) Michael Robertson (Gifts) 8 am Sun Bob Ribbons (Book) Pat McConvill (Gifts) Raye Darrer (Gifts) 10 am Sun Peter Royal (Book) Helen Grech (Gifts) Lois Bracken (Gifts) 10 am Children’s Liturgy Baptism Welcome This weekend we have the Rite of Welcome for Angus McGrath (Parents – Natalie and Phillip) at the 10am Mass. Financial Matters Stewardship Received last weekend ................................. $3,218 Pledged last weekend ................................... $3,006 Average received in December.................. $3,408 Presbytery Amount received last week ......................... $1207 Thanks to all of you who give so generously to support our parish. Commentator Andrew Postregna Teresa Ferlin Counters Mike Symes Peter Royal Sandor Egyed Morning Tea Your hosts this week are Anne and John Thomson. You are all warmly invited after 10am Mass to linger for a cuppa and an opportunity to get to know some other members of your parish community better. Your Hosts next week will be the Liturgy Team. T HI R D S U ND A Y I N O R D I NA R Y T I ME S E A S O NS PAGE 3 What’s Happening Here St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria Good Works St Vincent de Paul resumed its work for 2016 last Monday. Our next meeting will be at 9:30am in the Undercroft on Monday 1st February. We would love to see some new faces to help us with our work. You are welcome to come along to our meeting to learn more about the work of the Society. Car Boot Sale Saturday 5th March 2016 8am – 2pm The PPLT is again running a Car Boot Sale in the Parish car park. All funds raised will go towards supporting the work of the Parish. There are many ways to come along and join in the fun: Book a site - $25.00 per car site - make some money, have a clear out and make some space at home. Don’t want to run a stall, but still have goods you no longer want? - donate them to the Parish Stall and all funds raised will go directly to the Parish. Come along and buy! There will also be a Sausage Sizzle and other refreshments available. Volunteer to be a parking attendant sell raffle tickets cook sausages help on the Parish Stall All enquiries to: Anne-Marie Hyde 0409 020 120 [email protected], or Maree Taverna 0425 721 207 [email protected] Nametags: The Parish Pastoral Leadership Team invites you to wear a nametag to Mass! This is just one way of us getting to know each other better. You can BYO, or we will have some stick-on ones available each week. STM Social Club Fun & Friendship For All New members welcome. Please contact Christine 5975 6687 or Carol 9775 2315. The next Social Club Committee meeting will be held in the Parish Community Centre this Wednesday, 27th January at 11am. Our AGM will be held in the Undercroft on Tuesday 2nd February, after 10am Mass. The Film Group will be seeing The Belier Family (subtitled) next Sunday, 31st January, and Carol on February 7th. This film may not be for all, so please read the reviews. The Welfare Officers for January are John & Margaret Gallagher 9787 5949. Parish Retreat in Lent Thank you to all those who have expressed an interest in participating in the Lenten Retreat. It will definitely be going ahead, and those who have expressed an interest will be receiving a follow-up letter this week. If you haven’t put your name down but would still like to participate, please fill in one of the green information forms, which are available in the foyer of the Church, and return to Lys at the Parish Office ASAP. Keep the date free The first of our quarterly Parish Meetings for the year will be on Wednesday 10th February at 7:30 pm in the Church (after the 7pm Ash Wednesday Mass). All are welcome to these meetings, no matter how big or small your involvement in the Parish is. More details will be in next week’s Seasons. Commissioning of School Staff As the new School year begins, our Parish School Staff will all be commissioned at the 10 am Mass on Sunday 7th February. This will be followed by morning tea. Please bring a plate of food to share. Christmas Hamper Raffle Thank you to all those who contributed in any way to the success of our Christmas Hamper Raffle. We raised $775. The winners were: 1st Marianne van der Maat, 2nd Eileen Hooker, 3rd Catharina Tirtoth winoto, 4 Sally Cooper. This email was received after the draw: Dear St Thomas More Parish Members, What a lovely surprise to win the raffle, it was great, everything you could need was there. We shared it with friends and neighbours, unfortunately no family in Australia. Adrian and I love to attend the Sunday masses where over the years we have worshipped, due to work commitments (Continued on page 4) T HI R D S U ND A Y I N O R D I NA R Y T I ME PAGE 4 What’s Happening Elsewhere…. Review, Reimagine, Renew: Mission making a difference in a changing world 24 to 26 February 2016 Catholic Leadership Centre, 228 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne. We are called constantly to improve and to grow in rapport and wisdom, in order to fully carry out mission. – Pope Francis ‘Review, reimagine, renew: Mission making a difference in a changing world’ aims to provide valuable opportunities for reflection and spiritual development, and to strengthen connections and share information to build capacity to create change for the common good. Attendees will include: Catholic Social Services (Continued from page 3) not as often, but hope to improve so we are not the prodigal couple anymore. Despite our part time attendance we always feel welcome and winning this raffle is like encouragement to become more regular. Many thanks for the hamper and inspiration, and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year. With best wishes and warm regards, Adrian and Marianne van der Maat CEOs and Board members, active laity, students and young people. A wide range of keynotes, panel discussions and stimulating workshops for mission impact will include: John L Allen (renowned US-based journalist and author), Julie Edwards (Jesuit Social Services) and Tony Nicholson (Brotherhood of St Laurence). Details: http://www.css.org.au/MissionRenew for information about the full program, venue, cost and link to online booking. Enquiries: including low-income/student and other concession pricing, Lucia Brick on 9287 5566 or [email protected] Combined Catholic Parishes Raffle This week, 2,000 raffle tickets have been delivered, for sale at St Thomas More between now and the end of April. For each $2 ticket, $1.50 will go directly towards our parish, but we must sell all 2,000 to make this return. The first 3 prizes are cars, and the remaining 11 prizes $1,000 and $500 Coles/Myer gift cards. More details when they go on sale next weekend... In the meanwhile, please contact Irene in the office if you can help with sales after weekend Masses, or if you’d like to help in any other way. Baptisms These are held on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month at 11:15 am or at any of the Parish Masses on the 2nd, 4th or 5th Sundays. A compulsory preparation night for parents takes place on the first Tuesday of each month in the Parish Community Centre at 7:30 pm. Children to be baptised, and their families, are then invited to a Welcome Mass prior to Baptism where they are introduced to the Parish Community and welcomed by them. In order for this to happen, preparation needs to begin at least 4-6 weeks before the Baptism, with a call to confirm parents’ attendance at the Preparation Night. When children of school age are to be baptised an extended preparation time is required. It is important to remember that Baptism is about the initiation of a child into a community of Faith or a community of Disciples. There is no such thing as a ‘private’ Baptism... it is something done by the whole Church. Are You (Fairly) New To Our Parish? We would love to invite you to a meal at Fr. Laurie’s house to enjoy the company of other parishioners, both old and new. Just fill in the form in the folder at the Church porch and we will be in touch. Our first edition of ‘Seasons’ marks the begin- ning of a new year in our parish. My prayers and good wishes are with you all. I hope you find new and creative ways to be- long to our community during this year, and may God continue to bless all our efforts. Seasons this week is sponsored by the Fr. Laurie If you would like your business advertised here please contact the Parish Office on 9787 7777 for details & cost.