Shamrock February 2016 - St. Patrick`s Episcopal Church in Brewer
Shamrock February 2016 - St. Patrick`s Episcopal Church in Brewer
THE SHAMROCK February 2016 Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church 21 Holyoke Street Brewer, ME 04412-1905 (207) 989-1308 Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church 21 Holyoke Street Brewer, ME 04412-1905 (207) 989-1308 [email protected] On the web at Facebook: St. Patrick's Episcopal Church- Brewer, Maine The Rev. Myrick Cross, Priest in Charge The Rev. Deacon Margaret (Peggy) Day Mary Ann Perry, Music Director St. Patrick’s Vestry Paul Smith- Senior Warden Pete Perry– Junior Warden Della Gleason – Clerk Cynthia Vaughan – Treasurer Tom Copland Paula Baines Jane Harburger Christine Talbott Ellen Lawlor Diocesan Delegates Mark Spahr and Della Gleason Lloyd Day and Mike Gleason - Alternates The mission of St. Patrick’s Church is to grow in God’s love as an open, caring, community. F M Pw a e cross Self-denial a repentance t i y d LENT 2016 i t e Self-examination a r Reading t e I invite you in the name of the Church, to the observance of a Holy Lent. As I read these familiar words from the Ash Wednesday liturgy in the Prayer Book, introducing the next new season, I am wondering: what will make these forty days “Holy?” The Prayer Book suggests several possibilities scrambled in the cross word above. Perhaps I will choose a specific person (someone I don’t already pray for) and say a short prayer for that one every day. Maybe some honest self-examination about how my life is going and areas where I am “missing the target” may be in order. Fasting is an old-fashioned spiritual discipline seldom practiced any more. I could sure stand to turn some attention to my eating habits and try to practice giving up Dunkin’ Donuts, or sugar-laced foods. Replacing the hunger pang with some positive activity like humming a verse of a favorite song, or quoting lines from a poem or Bible verse might help. What small habit or less than healthy pattern in my life might I “turn around” to a more positive, constructive way? Daughter Katherine always takes her Sunday service bulletin home, tucked in her purse, and carries it with her through the week. I wonder what it means to her, since she can’t read. I’m considering taking my bulletin home and keeping it with me during the week and making a point to re-read one of the lessons or words to one of the pieces of music. A lot of time and energy goes into creation of the bulletin. Let’s make good use of it to recall words of the Mass or various selections. What could be helpful to my spiritual life by denying myself something? Could this mean letting someone else go ahead of me in line at Hannaford’s or in traffic… denying to be “first” or “best?” Attention to my spending habits or TV watching or Facebook surfing could increase my consciousness. And what is that annoying prayer bell the priest rings interrupting the flow of the liturgy on Sunday? A few minutes of deliberate silence during my busy day might give some space for the Spirit to speak in the still small voice she sometimes does. Have you ever chosen a mantra to repeat over and over, training the mind and body to quiet down? “Be still and know that I am God.” Meditate, focus, reflect. It’s good for the blood pressure. Are these simple ordinary suggestions what will make Lent “Holy” for me? Gimmicks for helping me become more conscious of God’s presence with me can be helpful… if I try them. Choose one. And don’t be too hard on yourself. You have already been created in the image of God who is Love. All this fuss is only to remind you of this basic identity. You are loved. It isn’t necessary to work for or earn a Holy Lent. You’ve already been given the gift. This can be forty special days of re-learning how to receive it. Beside you on the journey, Rick FOOD, FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD AT ST. PATRICK'S! TWO OPPORTUNITIES THE BISHOP'S VISITATION ON SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH With the winter months upon us, we thought a “Soup Bar” would be the perfect luncheon to serve along with good, crusty baguettes or memorable bread. Join us for our morning Eucharist with Bishop Steve followed by tantalizing soups, breads and desserts. f you’d like to provide something, e-mail Jane Harburger at [email protected] and she will add your name to the list. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Tuesday, February 9th at 6 pm. Join us for pancakes and fellowship on the night before Ash Wednesday. Gluten-free pancakes will be available. Pancakes made by our own Holy Grill chef, Mark Spahr. FROM OUR MUSIC DIRECTOR Taize “God's forgiveness is total, irrevocable. The past is wiped away.” (from Seeds of Trust Reflecting on the in Silence and Song). Reflect on this meditation at the Lenten Taize Service on Friday, Feb. 19 @ 6 p.m. at St. Pat's. This service of scripture, meditation and Songs of Taize will enhance your Lenten discipline. Prayer List The new Prayer List will be published the First Sunday in Lent, Feb. 14. Please submit names by Sunday, Feb. 7. Remember you can add names and make changes at anytime. Contact Mary Ann Perry at [email protected] or call 570-3113. I will be out of town this week so the Feb. 14th bulletin will be done by Tuesday, Feb. 9th. ANNUAL MEETING St. Patrick's annual meeting occurred during Eucharist on January 31 followed by a delicious potluck luncheon. The service, meeting and luncheon all happened in the undercroft as pictured below. Many thanks were offered to those leaving the vestry: David Blethen, Sr. Warden, Lloyd Day, Jr. Warden, vestry members Dianne Huntley, and Rita Poirier. A great welcome was heard for Paul Smith, our new warden, Pete Perry, Junior warden and returning vestry members Paula Baines, and Ellen Lawlor with new members Tom Copeland and Christine Talbott. THE DEACON'S CORNER – Do you wish you could be in the company of others who knit or sew? Have you always wanted to learn a craft? Do you have a craft that you would like to share with others? Why not join a small group from the neighborhood who meet every Monday evening from 6:00PM-8:00PM to enjoy one another’s company, while we create beautiful and interesting items from fabric and yarn. We have extra yarn, needles and a sewing machine that people can use. We invite anyone to come join us and bring your craft/skill to share. We all learn from one another. I have heard people talk about the various creative things they have either done or currently do. I enjoy learning new crafts myself. In the last couple of years, I also learned how to needle felt. It is a lot of fun, too. Not only do we enjoy the company of others, we often learn a new technique. It is relaxing and a good way to take care of your spirit. Why not consider joining us and bring a friend. Another benefit is that we get ot listen to the wonderful musicians as they practice their craft! Peace, Peggy TREASURER'S TIDBITS by Cynthia Vaughn Thank you for supporting and trusting me with the Treasurer's job for another year. This is my fifth year in this position and someone else needs to step up with interest and take over in 2017. I am willing to mentor someone into this position. As a start to that, there is a Diocesan sponsored TREASURER'S WORKSHOP at St. Martin's in Palmyra on February 20, 2016 from 9:30 am to 1:30pm. Terry Reimer from the Diocese will be doing this workshop. I will be going and would appreciate someone going with me. Really, the Treasurer's job is not that hard, but it does require close attention to detail. We have a lap top dedicated to the treasurer with Quick Books on it, so you can do most of the work at home, provided you can hook up your printer. I probably spend on average 2 hours a week on church business. If you have any interest in this position, please let me know. Thank you for continuing to support St. Patrick's with your pledge and timely payments. I know we are down in pledges this year, but I am not worried at this point, Things seem to smooth out over time and gifts come in all forms. We just have to wait and pray. By this time you should have received a pledge statement for 2015. I f you did not get one or lost it, let me know and I will print you a new one. There is a simple way to help the "Counters" each week........Please put your name on your envelope, the check number or write cash and amount and note what the money is for. The counters do this each week and maybe your taking a couple of extra seconds will make their job easier. THANK YOU to all who do this already! All the pledge information is kept confidential, as are all pledges. It doesn't matter what you give it is all appreciated. When I started out with a pledge some 44 years ago it was for 50 cents a week, one hour of babysitting time! Times have changed, but every little bit does help! OUTREACH COMMITTEE The Outreach Committee met on January 14 to work on making and decorating chocolate lollipops. As in past years, the lollipops are being sold to raise funds for fuel assistance. They are sold in various locations in Bangor and Brewer, as well as at St. Patrick’s. Those of us who gather to make the lollipops have fun making and decorating the heart and snowflake shaped delights. It is quite the production. They sell for $1.00 a piece. Get yours while they last. Our next Columbia Street meal is set for Sunday March 6th at 12:30. There are still ways that you can help. There is a sign up sheet in the common room with ways that you can help. If you have never attended one of these wonderful meals, why not join us. You might just find Jesus there, among our neighbors. Our next scheduled Outreach meeting will be on Sunday, February 21 after the service. The committee will be holding its meetings on the third Sunday of every month. It is our hope that more parishioners will join us to help plan our outreach activities. Peace, Peggy FAITH LINKING IN ACTION Faith Linking in Action is a group of Bangor-area congregations, people of faith and community groups working together to “go upstream” to address the reasons people are falling into and getting stuck in poverty. Participants include most major faith traditions in our region. Our faith calls us to be Faith Linking in Action---listening and hearing the cries of our brothers and sisters as we seek to: --Builds power through developing deep relationships in our communities --Supports ordinary people, including those in poverty, to become community leaders --Researches the root causes of problems to engage with decisionmakers in our region to id innovative solutions to issues facing our region. The Sponsoring Committee This is a small group that oversees the activities of the three teams of Faith Linking in Action. They plan the bi-monthly gatherings and continue to connect with area faith communities. It is the goal of FLIA to increase participation by sharing the mission and asking congregations about their vision and work with charity and justice. They are encouraged to step into leadership roles and eventually begin financial commitment. The Sponsoring Committee meets every other Tuesday from 8-10 at Food AND Medicine at 20 Ivers St., Brewer. The next meeting is Feb. 9. Child Care Team The focus of the Child Care Team is to improve the Child Care Subsidy Program (CCSP), which makes child care affordable for lowincome working families or those attending school. There are many hurdles—a difficult application process, a long lag time for approval, inadequate payments to providers. We are working for a smoother application process, improved payments to providers and eventually more funding. Work areas are: ·Building Relationships with Elected Officials/having a voice in state rulemaking process ·Learning the CCSP system & helping parents navigate it ·Surveying parents & providers The first week of February was very busy for the CC Team. They attended: Childrens’ Growth Council meeting: Monday, Feb 1 in Augusta then returned there on Feb. 3 to the Hearing on State Child Care Plan. On Feb. 6 they attended a meeting with Child Care providers, parents and Rep. Joyce Maker in Calais. The next meeting of the Child Care Team is Feb. 10. They meet monthly. (talk to Mary Ann Perry for time and location) Jobs Team The Jobs team has be meeting with Barbara Moody who is associated with the Columbia Street Project in Bangor. She is coordinating an event “Crossroads for Women” which will incorporate many of the concepts the Jobs Team has been working on. We plan to join them at this spring gathering for women who are low-income and are eager to learn about services, education and opportunities available to them in the Bangor Area. We will offer information about several agencies in the area who can assist individuals in the job search process. This is a first step toward a mentoring and coaching program which is a long range plan of the team. The Jobs Team meets monthly and the next meeting is Monday, Feb. 8 from 4-6 p.m. At Tim Horton's Restaurant on Broadway in Bangor. Transportation for All The TFA Team has had much success in building awareness of the importance of a bus system in the Bangor area. They still encourage more ridership and continue to visit with Bangor City Council and other groups. This Team meets every other Thursday. The next meeting is Feb.11. (talk to Mary Ann Perry for time and location) If you are curious about any of these Teams or the Sponsoring Committee of FLIA please speak to Mary Ann Perry. COFFEE HOUR There are many opportunities to host Sunday morning Coffee Hours. Remember it is easy and doesn't have to be elaborate. Maybe ask a friend to help you. The Sign-up sheet is in the Common Room. KNITTING CIRCLE The knitting circle meets the second and fourth Mondays of the month. We will meet February 8th and February 22nd at 6:30pm. (We also welcome quilters and crafters, too! ) We make prayer shawls as well as pocket crosses. Our shawls bring great comfort to those going through difficult times. Please tell Lisa Chambers, Rev. Peggy Day or Rev. Rick Cross if you know of someone who would like a prayer shawl. ALTAR GUILD Even though there are no altar flowers during Lent, we still have a Flower Fund to purchase flowers. Donations are welcome -just put Flower Fund in the memo on your check. Donations can also be made in memory of a loved one or in celebration / thanks for blessings given. Another wonderful way to remember loved ones is the Sanctuary Lamp. The lamp will burn all week in memory of your loved one. The signup sheet is in the Common Room. A small donation would be greatly appreciated when you sign up. And here we have a photo of St. Patrick's worker bees putting on the Columbia Street luncheon January 3rd -- BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES February 2 Michelle Markie 3 Mary Rush 8 Jamie Beck 10 Dan Dixon 11 Peg Olsen 15 Taylor Markie 22 Cynthia Vaughn 26 Katherine Desjardins Carrie Dixon DATES TO REMEMBER! See inside for details on many of these events February 7th Holy Eucharist and Bishop's Visitation followed by a Soup Bar lunch February 8 and 22nd Knitting Circle 6:30 PM February 9 Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper 6 PM February 10 Ash Wednesday Service 7:00 PM February 21 Outreach meeting after church March 6 Community Lunch at Columbia St. Baptist Church The Shamrock is also available on-line at: If you wish to be taken off our mailing list, please notify the church office. Thank you.