- Nazarene Compassionate Ministries


- Nazarene Compassionate Ministries
A Life of Compassion
p. 16-17
Mayuto’s Compassion
p. 10
Pakistan: The Children
p. 31-32
Longing to Gather
His Children
by Louie E. Bustle
Dr. Bustle is Director of World Mission for
2006, Second Issue
Vol 3., No. 2
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R. Gailey - 4; D. Harris - 5;
S. Gualberto - 7; S. Wielk
- 12; S. McKeithen - 14; H.
Gschwandtner - 18,19; L.
Westfall - 21; R. Mulieri
- 22; T. Buell - 23; J. Brunk
- 25; A. Dahl - 26, 27; S.
Khobnia - 28; C. Van Hoof
- 29; L. Bollinger, D.
Anderson - 31
Ellen R. Gailey Decker
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It Takes A Whole Child
To Raise A Village
Generations of people living in chronic poverty have plagued communities
all over the world. In the last several decades many organizations have been
involved in trying to work on poverty alleviation. Some have focused on global
issues of fair trade and third world debt, while others paid attention to national
issues like attracting investment capital, curbing corruption, and controlling
currencies and interest rates. Additional agencies have been working locally
to empower communities to develop programs that range from agricultural
improvement to economic development projects.
As a Church we should continue to support, encourage, and participate in
these interventions as a component of living out the gospel. There is, however,
one strategic tool that is so small it is often overlooked and underutilized in
both missions and poverty alleviation—the child!
A shortcut to breaking the cycle of poverty in a community is to focus our
attention on the child. As a denomination, we need to see children not just as
beneficiaries of programs but also as solutions to many of the key issues in
both poverty and evangelism. The holistic development of a child offers
countless answers to issues that will not only bring immediate change but
lasting transformation.
Envision a community with safe, happy, healthy, and educated children who
know they are loved by a powerful God. This is a community with unlimited
potential. It truly does take a whole child to raise a village. The Church of the
Nazarene takes seriously the strategic role of children in the mission of the
Kingdom of God. Join us as we explore together new opportunities to change
our world, not through big programs but through little
children. One child at a time.
the Church of the Nazarene
When Christ gazed over the great city of Jerusalem 2,000 years ago, He said,
“Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem…how often I have longed to gather your children
together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings...” (Matthew 23:37). Jesus
was putting voice to the deep ache in the heart of God to reach lost and hurting
This longing is so evident in the life and ministry of Jesus. He was compelled by
His deep love for suffering people to do whatever it would take to reach them and
to save them. Everything He did was authentic; every act of love was a natural
outpouring of who He was. Likewise, compassion is not something that we should
try to do—it should be a spontaneous outpouring from our desire to be Christ-like.
Each day we see lost and broken people. Our pursuit of holiness should give birth
to the same God-yearning to gather His children under protective care. It could
be a cup of cold water, an offer of medical care, a visit to a prison, willingness to
tenderly forgive, food for the hungry, a hug for a grieving friend—these are
expressions of who we are as we extend to others the same grace and love that
are extended to us. They aren’t just required acts of mercy; they are the
outpouring of a lifestyle of compassion, the lifestyle of Jesus.
the World
Let the Little
Children Come
A creative way to present
Child Sponsorship to
your local church.
When local NMI president Susan Unger wanted to
present Child Sponsorship to her church, she struggled to
find a way to make the need seem real to her congregation
in Elmira, NY. She longed to bring Haiti and India to her
New York church. To do this, Susan and her friend Alice
Nichols transformed their church building into recreated
Haitian and Indian villages.
On the evening of the Child Sponsorship presentation,
the congregation met in the sanctuary where Susan acted
as tour guide, welcoming the “travelers” to their journey.
The tour began in a classroom in Haiti where a teacher was
giving a lesson. Only one student was responding because
the others were too hungry. The teacher was then able to
explain to the tour group how NCM feeding programs feed
hungry, distracted children.
by Stephen O. Gualberto
Stephen is the Asia-Pacific NCM Coordinator
about the country of India. The travelers then heard the
pastor’s children ask their mother why they could not attend
school. The mother gave them reasons (lack of funds, books,
clothes), but explained that there was a program to help
send pastors’ children to school, which relies on the support
of people who are able to give.
The travelers returned to the “airport waiting lounge”
where they watched a video of “What If I
Give All?” a song by Ray Boltz.* The
evening ended with a challenge
to be involved in the Child
Sponsorship program.
For centuries the people of Tonga, in the South Pacific
Ocean, believed that anyone who had a child with a
disability was a terrible sinner. Because of this, parents
hid their handicapped children in shame. The severely
handicapped of Tonga were humiliated and neglected,
as they were destined to live their lives hidden away.
In December 2005, the South Pacific Field of the
Church of the Nazarene officially opened the only
program in the nation of Tonga with the mission of
helping handicapped individuals and their families.
Called The Mango Tree, which means “a place of rest
and nurturing”, the program provides support to the
families of handicapped children and serves as a home
for abandoned handicapped children.
The opening was attended by leaders of the South
Pacific Field, the NCM Regional representative, The
Mango Tree staff, and Hon. Lupepau’u Fusitu’a, daughter
of the princess of Tonga. Hon. Lupepau’u made very
positive and strategic remarks about The Mango Tree’s
ministry in Tonga.
Many children have already been assisted by The
Mango Tree. It is our prayer that these handicapped
children will grasp the love of our Christ who said, “Let
the little children come to me.”
India was next— a pastor’s home where
furnishings were few and sparse.
Volunteers acted as a pastor’s family
while Susan described some facts
*Another idea is to show
one of NCM’s great DVD
clips on Child Sponsorship.
Contact us for a free copy.
by Stephen O. Gualberto
Children and Your Legacy
It isn’t often that we contemplate how
we will be remembered after we are gone
from this earth. But, once in a while, the
waves of mortality crash against us and we
wonder about what will remain after we pass
on. Ernest Becker put it this way: “[People]
want to know that their lives have somehow
counted, that [they] have left a trace, a trace
that has meaning.” For most of us, the most
powerful witness or legacy of our lives will be
the lives of our children. And yet, after two
or three generations have passed, often our
connection or influence on our families will
largely be forgotten.
What About Your NCM “Children”?
Many of you have not only invested in the
lives of your own children but have extended
your families by being NCM Child Sponsors.
These children are also part of your legacy.
And what a beautiful addition to your family
legacy they are! They have heard and seen
the gospel of Jesus Christ in action because
Stephen Gualberto is the Asia-Pacific NCM Coordinator
of your generosity. Their lives are
a living testimony to the power and
grace of God.
Create An Enduring Legacy.
By endowing your participation
in NCM Child Sponsorship your
legacy will continue until our Lord
returns. Each $7,500 of endowment
will sponsor one child. You can create
your endowment with a gift now or with
a bequest through your estate plan. Please
prayerfully consider creating an endowment
to continue your legacy of NCM Child
Heart for
NCM partners with the Church of the
Nazarene Foundation for our endowment
program. If you are interested in creating an
endowment for NCM Child Sponsorship, or
any other NCM program, please contact NCM
at 877.626.4145 or Ken Roney at the Nazarene
Foundation, toll-free 866.273.2549.
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Children have inherent value and worth before the Lord.
They not only represent the future but they also represent
the present. How we prepare them today will affect how
they perform tomorrow.
Bible College students, college professors, elementary teachers,
and church workers gathered in January at Luzon Nazarene Bible
with experienced trainers from other faith-based organizations
College in the Philippines for a workshop entitled Understanding
that work with children at risk. NCM is planning to facilitate the
God’s Heart for Children. More than 100 people participated in this
Understanding God’s Heart for Children seminar across the Asia-
two-day seminar because they believe that all children, regardless of
Pacific region, as well as provide additional training for those
color, culture, gender, educational background, or economic status,
are a gift from God.
Participants had an opportunity to hear and understand God’s
vision and purpose for children. Those involved expressed that
the seminar developed their deep passion to serve the Lord by
ministering to children.
*As of 01/01/06
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The workshop was sponsored by NCM Asia-Pacific in partnership
“One who loves the children of his fellow
will surely love his own children.”
-Liberian Saying
desiring to be involved in ministry to at-risk
Interspersed throughout this issue,
you’ll find facts about children at risk, activities
you can do with your church, and prayer requests.
alf of all the world’s children are at
• 40.3 million people are now living with
HIV, with one child dying of an AIDSrelated illness every minute.
• In 2000, 1.31 million babies were
aborted in the USA alone—worldwide,
there are approximately 46 million
abortions per year.
lan a prayer event with several of
your friends. Decide on a time and place
for the event. Include a variety of ways to pray
during the service, using both written and spontaneous prayers. Include both communal and
private prayer times.
If we are to have real
we must begin with the
-Mahatma Ghandi
• Plan a slide show to play silently
during the prayer service. You could use
pictures of children from around the world or
intersperse pictures with statistics about at-risk
ray for the causes of the poverty
that affects so many children. Pray for
fair trade, just government, a more balanced
distribution of wealth, and accessible education
for all.
The Compassion
of Mayuto
• L earn more about needs
specific to children on
Cory’s Compassion
“The story of Smokey is
about how God showed
me that He loves me ...”
NCM’s Needs List at
By Josh Sweeden
- Cory Kucey
• Around the world, over a
billion children live in
severe deprivation. Many
lack clean water, vaccines,
nutritious food, and education.
Jesus promises hope for the
Pray for children like
hopeless. Pray that the Church
Mayuto who
throughout the world will bring
have been forced to
the hope of Jesus to these
flee their homes due to
armed conflict and
• Over 15 million children
human rights violations.
have already been
Africa is a continent that is not naïve
to the realities of war. Many countries
throughout Africa have, in recent years,
experienced political instability resulting
in armed struggles and combat. This is
a story of one child’s compassion in the
midst of conflict.
Due to the ongoing war in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo,
many people have been forced to flee
quickly from their homes and
possessions. In 2004 one small girl,
Mayuto, was alone in her home with
her younger brother when the fighting
started. While hearing the gunshots
she made a decision; she would grab her
brother but leave everything else behind.
As Mayuto and her brother joined those
fleeing from the fighting, a man stopped
and took this picture of Mayuto with
her brother.
Later, when asked by a pastor why she
fled with only her brother, she answered
that, “It is better to die with family
than with things that can be lost.” The
words and actions of Mayuto impressed
people; how is it that an eight year-old
girl could have such a compassionate
Celestin Chishibanji, Field Coordinator of the French Equatorian Field,
identified the great lesson of Mayuto’s
story. “Mayuto has shown that
compassion is not only for adults. It is
not something we go to school to learn,
it is something God has put within
people. Compassion is a matter of
being connected to God and the Holy
Spirit so that we can be sensitive in love
to our neighbors. Compassion is not a
matter of age but a matter of the heart.”
Mayuto is now one of the Sunday
school kids at the Myabyobo Nazarene
Church on the North Kivu District.
Visit ncm.org and read the
March 31 Press Release to find
out how the church is being
affected by the war.
When Cory and his family moved to a new town, Cory was lonely in his new home.
Cory took his loneliness to God in prayer and God provided a new friend for him—
Smokey the cat! Shortly afterwards, Cory, with his mom’s help, wrote and illustrated
a short story about this answer to prayer. Cory writes in the introduction to his story,
“The story of Smokey is a story about how God showed me that He loves me and He
likes to answer my prayers. When you read it, I hope you will think about how God
loves you too.”
Cory and his family decided to publish the story and share it
with others. It has now been sold in every province in Canada,
across the U.S., Brazil, the Philippines, Korea, Indonesia,
France, England, Australia, and Sri Lanka. So far Cory has
sold 350 copies of his story, raising $3,000. Most nine year old
orphaned by AIDS: less than
boys could dream up a multitude of ways to spend $3,000;
10% of them receive public
many of their parents could dream up many good reasons to
support services. Make these
save $3,000. But Cory made the decision to send all the proceeds to help tsunami victims.
children a priority during your
Now Cory’s story has ministered to people both in its witness to answered prayer and in
prayer service.
the funds it has raised for tsunami relief.
Cory’s two ministries came together when a group from his church, led by his mom
• Pray for the one million
Pastor Tonya Kucey, took a trip to Sri Lanka for two weeks in April 2006. While they were
children who are forced
there, they shared Cory’s story with local orphans, encouraging them that God can help
into the commercial sex
them with their pain and loss, just as He helped Cory. One little boy’s answered prayer has
trade each year. Though these
now become a window into God’s compassion for people all over the world.
children are immeasurably
precious to God, they are treated
as though they are worthless
through cruel abuse. Pray that
governments will put an end to
the sex trade in their nations.
by Simone Finney
Simone is the Southeast Europe Field
Communications Coordinator
For ten mornings, a Nazarene youth team from various German cities
painted. For ten afternoons, they played with local children. During
this time, people in the small Bulgarian town of Vidrare saw Jesus.
The German youth renovated classrooms and boarding facilities
at a school in Vidrare, which had experienced flooding earlier in the
year. They played games and held Bible lessons with the local children.
Several years ago Shirley Miller, Director of Gracious Promise, a compassionate ministry
Philip Langer, one of the students from Germany, said the two weeks
center in Kansas City, was inspired with a vision for Grandma’s House. Grandma’s House is a
in Bulgaria made him more thankful for his life at home, and made
place for babies of incarcerated women to live while their mothers are in prison. When asked
about the name, Shirley shared, “I have such wonderful memories of my own Grandma’s
house. The swing on the porch was a place where we were welcomed and loved.”
Christians, business owners, and community volunteers donated time, services, and money
to see the house completed. Today Grandma’s House is a beautiful 5,000 square foot home
with a wrap-around porch. Prison mothers are allowed only 24 hours in the hospital to give
birth. Imagine a mother’s joy when Amy Miller, Director of Grandma’s House, tells her, “The
him think about his priorities in relation to how others live. “It has
changed my view about how people should live as Christians,” he said.
“I now recognize how easy it is for us to go to church and how blessed
we are with all we have.” He added, “Leaving the kids was the hardest
part because they grew into my heart. I came to love them.”
“The mayor of the village told us, ‘I don’t believe in God, but I see
here a faith expressed not just in words, but also by deeds,’” shared
Zhana Georgieva, NCM coordinator for Bulgaria.
The Vidrare site was chosen by Zhana, who was asked to select one
baby and I will see you tomorrow.” For six weeks after birth, “grandmas” take the babies to
visit their mothers in prison every day (except Sundays) in order to build mother-baby bonding.
Since six out of ten children follow their parent’s footsteps
into prison, the goal of Grandma’s House is to break that
generational cycle. When a mother comes out of prison, she
is assisted in finding a place to live, and forming a supportive
group of volunteers she can call on. Grandma’s House is
serving as a model for other states dealing with the issues of
inmates having babies.
Chantel was the first mom whose baby stayed at Grandma’s
House. “I’m a felon,” said Chantel. “We don’t trust people.”
That was before Amy showed up at the hospital with a bag of
school out of 100 in Bulgaria as the place where the team would work.
new clothes for Chantel’s baby, Alyssa. Amy spent the night and took photos of Alyssa’s birth
“I believe [the choice of] Vidrare was 100 percent God,” said Zhana.
for Chantel. “You can tell Amy really cares,” says Chantel. “I’m a prisoner, and they are doing
“All the relationships, the Bible studies, the permission, and the
this for me. It’s going to be hard, but they believe I can do it…I’m so ready to be a mom.”
openness - and this region is famous as the stronghold of communism!
So I have no explanation for that other than God!”
An article published in the Vidrare local newspaper closed with the
following line: “The initiative [of the youth group] proved that for
Gracious Promise, which oversees Grandma’s House, works with all aspects of prisoners’
lives, from pre-sentencing through release. They offer financial counseling, job placement,
and a visitation program for youth whose parents are incarcerated. In 2005 they served 7,669
clients with the help of 9,181 volunteer hours.
goodness and compassion there are no borders.”
by Susan McKeithen
Susan is a missionary and the South America
“When we become aware of how much
Region Child Sponsorship Coordinator
Loving the Least of These
Josefa and her four children
Because they had no water in
were street beggars only a block
their home, they did not know
away from our local Nazarene
how to use shampoo, how to
church in Pilar, Argentina.
brush their teeth, or how to
People from the church saw
scrub dirty nails and toes. Each
them each day on the corner of
had a very serious case of head
two major thoroughfares, and
several of them invited Josefa
and her kids to Sunday School.
After several Saturdays of baths,
The family came infrequently
hair treatments for lice, haircuts,
for about a year. Then, Josefa
and hygiene instruction, Josefa
began attending the New Life
and her children were able
Class for new converts. For four
to take showers on their own
months, she hardly missed a
at the church with minimal
Sunday! Though she cannot
assistance. They learned how
read, Josefa eagerly listened to
to clean and disinfect the
the teachings from the Bible.
bathroom after using it and also
Her desire to learn about Jesus
how to wash their own clothes.
was unmistakable.
Problems from poverty don’t go
When asked why he plays the piano,
J. Paul Pepper explains that playing is a way to
worship which can’t be expressed any other
way; only music can provide the “words”
for certain feelings and experiences. J. Paul,
a concert pianist and student at Nazarene
Theological Seminary, recently gave a benefit
concert at Kansas City Summit View Church
of the Nazarene to raise funds and awareness
for the AIDS orphans of Africa.
God has given us, it is impossible for a
real change not to occur that transforms
our receiving and our giving.”
-J. Paul Pepper
“This can’t be something that we miss,” J. Paul stated. “It’s
a crisis we need to deal with. The Church must be proactive.
AIDS Orphans Benefit
away in one day, but with God’s
We loved Josefa and attended
resources, life can change for
to her spiritual needs, but we
even the poorest of the poor.
also noticed her physical needs.
The Church can and should
Josefa and her children lived
be an agent of change for the
in a makeshift collection of
community in which it serves.
sheet metal panels. They had
no running water, no electricity,
Josefa’s story has only just
and no bathroom facilities. We
begun. We trust the Lord for
invited Josefa to use the shower
continued grace extended to her
in the church restroom every
and her precious children!
week. Three other ladies joined
me in washing the family.
J. Paul has had a burden and passion for orphans ever
since he visited the Bethel Orphanage in San Luis, Mexico.
Since his first visit to the orphanage, J. Paul has traveled to
San Luis on eight separate occasions to visit these children.
J. Paul’s concern and compassion prompted him to begin
holding piano concerts as a means to inform others about
the condition of orphaned children.
After reading about how the AIDS pandemic is
orphaning countless numbers of children in Africa, J. Paul
decided to hold a benefit piano concert to raise awareness
about this crisis. J. Paul was struck by the urgency and need
he discovered during his visits to Mexico and while hearing
about AIDS in Africa. He sensed the push to inform and
involve others in dealing with this crisis.
Secular organizations
are miles ahead of the
Church. We should be
the ones blazing this
J. Paul’s passion for creative expression has partnered
with his compassion for orphans. The concert pieces
which included well-known works by Frederic Chopin and
Hans Zimmer as well as original pieces written by J. Paul,
expressed the despair and desperation of those orphaned
and suffering. Indeed, if the orphans’ pain and struggle
could be expressed musically, it would sound similar to these
passion-filled piano movements. J. Paul’s music is fulfilling
the call of the Church by giving a voice to the voiceless.
By Lindi Wells
A Life of
“I believe that we must present Jesus personally to this
generation, to mobilize as many as possible to help in
this task, and to train and equip believers for their part
in fulfilling both the Great Commission and the Great
Commandment. As citizens of God’s kingdom, we are
called to present the whole Gospel for the whole person
throughout the whole world.”
– Derek Liebenberg
In July 2003 Derek and Heather
Liebenberg raised their own support
and moved from Canada to South
Africa to help with the AIDS crisis.
Derek, who grew up in South Africa,
had a passion for the hurting and
lost of his home country. Derek and
Heather moved into the community
of Bhekulwandle with the simple
intention of showing the love of
Christ to those who lived there.
They received permission to use a
Nazarene Bible College in the local
town of Bhekulwandle, which was
abandoned in the 1990s because
of heavy fighting during apartheid.
Over the years, the sewage backed
up, rooms were used as “barns” for
goats, and squatters inhabited the
run-down building. Undaunted,
Derek and Heather recruited
volunteers to restore the building by
cleaning, painting, and installing
burglar bars and steel doors. They
named the renovated building
“Center of Hope.”
This formerly abandoned building
gradually became just what its name
suggests—a place of hope for many
in the community. What made this
building hopeful was not its paint
or its security, but the people whose
lives were changed there.
Derek and Heather had their
share of challenges. The Center was
robbed repeatedly, windows were
smashed, and twice fire threatened
to destroy the structure. Through
these challenges Derek and Heather
persevered. Their neighbors saw
their commitment and Derek and
Heather continued to extend their
love. They focused their energy on
helping those suffering from extreme
poverty and AIDS. As they opened
the doors, children and adults
flooded in. Derek and Heather
developed a non-profit
organization and formed a
committee to help organize their
ministry. They structured a
children’s program twice a week.
This program included Bible stories,
drama, singing, basketball, soccer,
and a hot meal. Derek and Heather
felt that educating children was the
key to their future. The center began
an after-school academic program
and discipleship mentoring in 2004.
As they began to get to know the
children, the parents also became
interested in what was happening at
the center. They began programs for
adults that included classes on the
Bible, good nutrition, sewing, art,
and candle-making.
Under Derek and Heather’s
leadership, the center began to
explore more ways to reach out to
the community. Many of the families
did not have enough to eat, so the
Center of Hope staff brainstormed
about ways to help. Last year they
began “door gardens.” These gardens
are the size of a household door, and
are easy to manage for elderly folks
or children. Heather teaches how to
dig holes, compost, and plant. These
small gardens help to supplement a
family’s source of food and teach them
life skills for the future.
As the Center of Hope continued,
the possibilities of extending
compassion abounded. Their
compassionate hearts constantly saw
the needs of their neighbors and
they longed to help in any and every
way. There seemed no limit to their
creative passion for the Lord. Their
lives truly exemplified an honest and
passionate love for the Lord and their
neighbors. They genuinely lived lives
of compassion.
On December 28, 2005, Derek
suffered a sudden heart attack and
went to be with the Lord. Just 40 years
old, Derek was anticipating the longawaited birth of their first child who
was born on April 22, 2006. His wife
Heather is continuing the ministry of
the Center of Hope. The passion that
she and Derek began with continues
to live in this ministry. Truly, our
center of hope is Christ. This is the
gift that Derek gave to this
community. The hope and
compassion of Christ extends
throughout time through the very
lives of his servants. This could not be
more clearly exemplified than in the
life of Derek Liebenberg.
Derek was posthumously awarded
the Good Samaritan Award from
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries in
a ceremony in South Africa on March
12. At the ceremony, Heather
beautifully shared Derek’s passion and
legacy that continues in the center’s
work. An AIDS patient shared,
“Derek brought us Jesus and
compassion. He gave us hope.”
If you would like to contribute to
the work of the Center of Hope in
South Africa please mark your check
ACM1829—Center of Hope, South
ou can view a sample
service online for the World
Weekend of Prayer for Children
at Risk at viva.org/pray
Church has brought hope to Sri
If funds allow, future recovery
Lankan children. The Sri Lankan
plans include several English-
Nazarene Church is on the brink
speaking schools and Kids Clubs.
of finishing a rehabilitation
All efforts seek to facilitate family
Something of God’s glory and
His creation ref lects in the eyes
of every child. In less than 12
months, two major disasters hit
South Asia—the tsunami and the
earthquake in Pakistan. These
disasters greatly impacted hundreds
of thousands of children.
Some of the children have
partially recovered from these
disasters, but devastation and
loss have deeply affected many of
them. The children in Sri Lanka
suffered trauma from the tsunami
center which will give the children
involvement in special training
a chance to recover, play, sing, and
and long-range development. “I
experience the love of Jesus.
am sure in the near future we
At the same time, the Church
will see several churches started,”
is touching children in Pakistan.
explained a pastor while he walked
Nazarene pastors and laypeople
through the devastation. Children
supplied winterized tents and
chattered joyfully, not caring
rebuilt homes after the earthquake.
whether they were understood or
As the snow recedes, schools are
not. They readily share their love,
being rebuilt. Right in the midst
their smiles, and their open hearts.
of broken-down homes and tens
They are learning it is not just
of thousands of fatalities, the love
Nazarenes who have compassion,
just as much, if not more than
of Christ is being communicated
but also a wonderful God who
the adults. Despite the horrors
in meaningful ways towards the
pours His love into their hearts.
of the tsunami destruction, the
children in Pakistan.
Open Hearts
Four containers from NCM-Canada were shipped to Pakistan. Two contained medical
supplies and two contained items for children: clothing, scarves, school supplies,
shoes, toys, as well as quilts and baby blankets.
To help children affected by natural disasters in Sri Lanka and Pakistan, mark your
check “ACM1549 Pouring Hope into Open Hearts.”
BY steve creech
Steve is the Nazarene Disaster Relief
(NDR) Coordinator
Katrina and
For children in places like Slidell, New
The Slidell Nazarene Church in Louisiana
Orleans, Gulfport, Long Beach, Pahokee,
helped children choose shoeboxes filled
and a hundred places in
with Christmas gifts donated by Denver
Workers on the tea estates in Sri Lanka are
rehabilitation programs and other ministries. This Center aids in
between, Christmas 2005
First Church. When most children were
typically in the lowest-income bracket. Six
mobilizing local leadership to manage and administrate relief programs.
was their most
told they could choose a box, their faces
hundred families live in the Alteese tea region
memorable as they
brightened with excitement.
with only one primary school. In August
recalled the unforgettable
Over the Christmas holiday, 900 boxes
2004 NCM began a kindergarten school
hurricane season. Many
of food and 1,800 canned hams were
and a nutritional program in this region; a
of these children lost
distributed among Mobile First and Bayou
church soon followed. Today 239 children
their homes, their
La Batre churches in Alabama,
are benefiting from the program.
belongings, and, for
Crossroads Church in Mississippi,
Malnourishment has decreased, children’s
some, even family
and Pearl River and Slidell churches in
Louisiana. Since the hurricane struck,
Several Nazarene
more than 6,000 people have volunteered
harvest for us,” shared Kanthi, a local villager. “We were living in much
churches wanted to reach out to the
at disaster areas in Florida, Alabama,
difficulty until this program was started to help our children. We thank
children who were most impacted by the
Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. Thanks
you very much.” Kanthi is just one of the many mothers in the village of
devastation. Pearl River Church in
to a caring, compassionate church, last
Eluvankulam who has benefited from the NCM nutritional program.
Louisiana organized a toy drive for the
Christmas was memorable for thousands
Pregnant mothers learn about nutritional needs and children receive a
The Center also includes a tea plantation, a newly formed church plant,
local children who would otherwise have
of children—not because of the storms, but
nutritious breakfast. Local villagers contribute to the program by
and a kindergarten school that is in process. We are so thankful for
been without gifts on Christmas. Over
because of the love of Christian people
gathering firewood and donating coconuts.
generous contributors to the tsunami relief efforts that will help the
400 children were brought to the church
too numerous to count!
where they were each allowed to choose
two toys for their Christmas presents.
Tea and Thankfulness
behavior has improved, and learning and growth abound.
“My husband is a farmer and the weather conditions made it a bad
Recently, a Tsunami Counseling and Pastoral Training Center was
people of Sri Lanka for years to come!
formed which will provide training for the oversight of these nutritional
More Than
a Conqueror!
My biological mother was a
rebellious 16-year-old when she became
pregnant with me. She had no means
to take care of me, so my grandparents
decided to raise me as their daughter.
When I was seven years old, my
grandmother passed away and everything changed.
Fortunately, my aunt and uncle
adopted me and this is who I call my
parents. My dad is Pastor Cordeiro of
the Nazarene Church in Colombo. They are the best and most
beautiful parents I could have ever had. God spoke to me at an
NYI retreat where I was able to forgive my biological mother for
abandoning me.
BY Tais Terezinha de Andrade Cordeiro
Tais is a sponsored child in Colombo, Brazil
As a pastor’s daughter, I received money to help me in my
studies through the Child Sponsorship program of the Church
of the Nazarene. Ever since I was a young girl I was able to
attend a Nazarene Church. Today, for God’s glory, I am a
Sunday School teacher for kids.
I thank my sponsors for their great act of love. I thank God
for the way that He took care of me through my losses. I thank
my parents who taught me the ways of Christ, and I thank the
Church of the Nazarene where I grew and learned Christian
values and principles which have strengthened my faith in
Jesus. I thank Jesus for his sacrifice on the cross. He makes me
more than a conqueror!
New Hope
When I was seven years old I had nothing. Ten years later I
have Christ, wonderful parents, an education, a loving church,
and an amazing global church family. May God bless you all.
Past the swollen Coco
she was only one, and now lives with her grandparents. She
River, through thick and lush
felt that her life was missing something and decided to accept
vegetation, lies a tiny community
an invitation to Sunday School. She didn’t understand many
that is experiencing God in a
of the stories but continued to go because she had a desire to
wonderful way. La Carbonera,
learn more about God. One special day she accepted Christ.
Nicaragua, has no running water
Today, Yuri is one of the many children in La Carbonera
or electricity. The closest medical
who is benefiting from the Child Development Center.
clinic is 25 miles away. The local
“With the support of the Child Development program,”
school only goes up to the sixth
shares Yuri, “I can improve my learning and develop spiritual
values to grow in my faith. Through this, I can share with my
In 2003 a small group of
Nazarenes came to this community of farmers to share the
grandparents and the rest of my family about Jesus.”
The Child Development program is called “New Hope”. The
gospel. Since then, many children and adults have come to
name symbolizes the hope that the small mission Church of
know Christ through the outreach of this mission group. The
the Nazarene is bringing to the children of La Carbonera.
spiritual change in the lives of many people here is evident.
The mission church now has the opportunity to help impact
the physical and emotional lives of the children through a
To sponsor a child in La Corbonera, please contact
NCM at 877.626.4145 or [email protected].
Child Development program, which will provide education,
food, and clothing to children in the community.
Yuri, age 11, was abandoned by her mother when
BY Tami Buell
Dr. Buell is the MAC-South NCM Coordinator
In developing countries, every fourth child lives in abject
poverty, in families with an income of less than $1 a
About 30,000 children a day die before reaching their
fifth birthday, mostly from preventable causes. Of these
children, 4 million die in their first month of life.
An estimated 246 million children are engaged in
exploitative child labor, often working in hazardous
environments. Millions of them are actually slaves.
at risk
At any given time, over 300,000 child soldiers, some as
young as eight, are exploited in armed conflicts in more
than 30 countries around the world. More than 2 million
children are estimated to have died as a direct result of
armed conflict over the last decade.
Out of over 100 million disabled children in developing
countries, only 3% attend school. At least 10% of all
children—over 200 million in all—suffer some form
of physical and/or mental disability or developmental
More than 3 million children under the age of 15
are infected. Every day, almost 2,000 babies are
infected with HIV during pregnancy, at birth or through
breastfeeding. Without effective interventions, about
one third of infants born to HIV-positive mothers contract
the virus. Most of these infants will die before their fifth
Child sponsorhip is hope to children at
risk. To sponsor a child, go to ncm.org
Prayer Activity: Make small
cards with pictures on them
representing things many
children do not have. Place the
cards in a container and have
everyone take out a card and
reflect on life without that item.
Then have everyone write out
a prayer on the back of their
card. Read the prayers aloud.
Compassion, and
Child Sponsorship
In the midst of the harshness of cancer, Margarita had a dream.
She longed to see her two daughters, Ruth and Izel, sponsored in
the NCM “Pastor’s Kids” Child Sponsorship program.
Margarita Aguirre accepted Christ as
a young girl. She always appreciated the
Nazarene Church and married a fine
about the joy of serving Jesus and of His
The financial burden that accompanied
Christian man, Jose Blandon. Although
Margarita’s treatment prohibited
Jose had a good job as a merchant,
the Blandon’s two daughters, Ruth
they both felt called to serve the Lord
and Izel, from attending school. The
full-time. Two years ago they sold their
family decided to apply for the Pastor’s
business and stepped out in faith to
Children Education program so that
pastor the Upala Nazarene Church in
the daughters could continue their
Costa Rica.
education. The family waited anxiously
Shortly after assuming the
while sponsors were found. In October
responsibility of pastoring, cancer
when Margarita needed assistance to
began to consume Margarita. She
walk, she knew the end was near. She
took treatments, lost her hair, and was
asked if sponsors had yet been found
hospitalized many times. Several times,
for her daughters. Praise God, when
when on the brink of death, Margarita
compassionate people heard the need,
rallied and returned to church where
Ruth and Izel were sponsored and
she praised God for surviving another
began receiving assistance in November.
day. Whenever the pain was unbearable,
Margarita was able to be at peace.
she would sing her favorite choruses
On December 17, 2005 Margarita went
to be with her Lord. That same day over
300 people came together to celebrate
a life well lived. We will greatly miss
Margarita, but know that the Lord used
her in tremendous ways as a blessing to
the people she encountered.
Pastor Jose continues to pastor the church
and raise his daughters in Upala.
BY Jan brunk
Jan is a missionary serving in
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama
These statistics are adapted from UNICEF
by Audrey Dahl
about Jesus’ story. The children look
forward to the stories, games, and hugs.
They often arrive early, waiting outside,
their little faces bobbing up and down
as they jump to see in the window. They
call out excitedly: “Is it time to start?”
“What’s the snack for today?” “Can we
come in right now?”
Audrey is the Executive Director of Building
Hope in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
“I’ve got a Godbook at home!”
announced one hyperactive blondehaired boy to a Building Hope
volunteer who was reading a Bible
story. Not satisfied with just telling the
volunteer, he bolted out the door and
ran home. He returned a few minutes
later clutching a battered book with the
title Gods, Monsters, and Men – a book
about Greek mythology. In hearing
God talked about in the Bible story,
the boy automatically connected to his
previous experience and learning. It was
a sobering reminder that many children
in this high-crime, low-income section
of Edmonton know very little about the
story of Christ.
Althea is Associate Pastor of Bronx Bethany
Nazarene and Executive Director of BBCC
One afternoon during VBS Camp,
there was a murder on the front steps
of the building. Most people would
fearfully avoid the risk of working
in such a rough neighborhood, but
workers and volunteers know there are
precious children here who desperately
need to hear of God’s love. One young
boy made any risks worthwhile when he
said, “I really like coming here because I
feel close to God.”
Building Hope’s VBS camps are
inviting children to be a part of a new
story—one in sharp contrast to their
every day struggle among violence and
destruction. They are welcomed into
the story of Christ—a story which brings
grace and hope.
Building Hope, a Compassionate
Ministries Center, ministers to their
community through soup and sandwich
lunches, clothing exchanges, and
computer classes. For two years now
they have been reaching out to children
in this neighborhood through a VBS
Camp. Bible stories are shared in a
simple format, along with a snack, fun
games, and crafts. For many of the
children, it is their first time to hear
Jane’s* mouth stretched into a big grin as she plopped
down into a bus seat after a camping trip. “If God can do
miracles like this trip,” shared eight-year-old Jane, “then I
think I can love Him.”
The King’s
Jane, an expressive South African girl who had been
sexually abused by her father, was
one of 100 underprivileged children
from Soweto, South Africa, who
recently experienced the time of their
lives. Volunteers from Africa Child
Development Centers took the children
on a three-day camping experience. For
some of the children, it was their first
time to have three meals a day, to eat
with a knife and fork, or to have beds to
themselves. “We were treated like kings and queens!” said
12-year-old Thabisile. “I just loved meeting new people and
making friends.”
Chaltir is an impoverished town in
southern Russia. The Nazarene
Church here has begun a Kid’s
Club in their church building. At the
Kid’s Club, the children receive help with
their studies, as well as food and the love
of Christ. Svetlana Mamchits, the pastor’s
wife, is thankful because the Kid’s Club
gives the children many opportunities of
reaching out to their community. Even
though the children are poor, they go
to visit a local orphanage and take small
gifts to the children there. “I am blessed
with not only parents but a sponsor for
my schooling,” said one child at Kid’s
Club. “The kids in the orphanage have
The Kid’s Club has also given the
Nazarene church opportunities to build
bridges in the community. Sonya is one of
the children at the Chaltir Kid’s Club. She
loves attending and after every visit, she
shares the Bible stories with her parents.
After a year, her dad visited the church.
Though he struggled with a drinking
problem, he was amazed at the love he
found. Soon he accepted Christ and was
baptized. Two years later his wife also
accepted the Lord.
A Kid’s Club in the nearby town
of Peteemorsk is serving the local
talent show. A survival course taught life lessons. “I now
know that if I need help,” one boy stated, “It’s OK to ask
other people to help me.”
Activities included swimming, rappelling, caving, and a
community. At this Kid’s Club, a warm
and loving woman named Galina has
been volunteering for more than four
years. Galina’s daughter and grandson
started attending Kid’s Club, curious to
discover what their grandmother did while
there. After a few months, they too found
the Lord at Kid’s Club! Another Kid’s
Club participated in an Easter program,
inviting relatives who experienced their
first visit to church. Children are a vital
part of the growth of the churches in
Russia. “Church is a place for us to
grow and serve,” enthused one Russian
child. Many relatives of the children are
attending church, all because Kid’s Club
believes that children are important to the
Kingdom – they are the King’s Kids!
A visit by police and drug-tracking dogs helped teach the
children about the danger of drugs. “We learned that drugs
can ruin lives and even kill people!” shared
Nkosona, age 11. “I am going to stay away
from drugs!” All of the activities, interactive
presentations, and devotionals communicated
the message that every person is created in
the image of God. All children are beautiful
just as they are, and with God’s help, they
can all reach for their dreams.
Even the volunteers came away from
the experience changed. “When I used to see the
children in church,” shared 24-year-old Nothemba, “I saw
them only as children causing trouble. Now I’ve seen a side
of them I didn’t know. This event really broke down walls
between us.”
*not her real name
by Carla Van Hoof
Carla is a Child Development volunteer for NCM in South-Africa
Other children’s ministries on the CIS
field include Kid’s Clubs in Ukraine,
Tajikistan, and a children’s camp in
southern Russia. Our Child Sponsorship
Program allows Nazarenes to become
directly involved in these Kid’s Club
For more information about child
sponsorship contact us at 877.626.4145
or visit www.ncm.org/cs.
by Svetlana Khobnia
Svetlana is the Child Sponsorship
Coordinator for the CIS Field.
Children Reach for
their Dreams
My name is Zaffer. My father’s name is
Pastor Sarwar Masih. We are very poor.
Poverty greatly hinders us in our studies. I
am very thankful that my brother (Haroon)
and I were able to be sponsored. Now
we will be able to get an education. That
makes a great impact on our lives. God
bless you for securing our future.
My name is Mahwish Ashiq. I am 12
years old. My father’s name is Ashiq. We are
Afghan refugees in Pakistan. We don’t have
any resources to live a comfortable life. I was
working as a servant helping my mother.
I praise God that due to the NCM Child
Sponsorship Program, I received an
opportunity to continue my studies. God
bless you for supporting a refugee like me.
My name is Madhu. My father’s name is
Sawag Turkey. We are refugees in Pakistan
from Afghanistan. I had to work but now
thanks to NCM I received the opportunity of
a lifetime to continue my studies. I feel that
one day with this support, I will be able to
reach my goal of a respectable life.
…the Children Speak
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries
Church of the Nazarene
6401 The Paseo
Kansas City, MO 64131