

52 Tips for
Healthy Living
by Gary Collins
52 Tips
for Healthy Living
Thanks for subscribing to the New American Nutrition newsletter! We would like to give
you 52 Tips For Healthy Living as a free gift. These straightforward, easy-to-follow tips
are what we are all about at New American Nutrition.
To jump-start your life with a proven, straightforward exercise and nutrition program go to for more details. Decades of experience have culminated in
this common sense, real results approach.
Be Consistent – It’s hard to stay on top of all your fitness goals. To stay ahead,
schedule workouts into your everyday routine, and keep a healthy eating log.
Eat Breakfast – Studies have shown time and time again that people who eat
breakfast consistently have slimmer waistlines. Drop the pop-tarts and start your
day with two whole eggs, some tomato slices and a piece of sourdough toast.
Eliminate Sugary Drinks – Sodas, fruit juices and other processed, sweetened
drinks equate to hundreds of empty calories and sugar every day. Replace them
with water or tea, and use natural sweeteners such as Stevia.
Use Stevia, Not Sugar – Stevia is an all-natural sweetener, has very few
calories and does not negatively impact your blood glucose levels.
Avoid White Flour – White flour-based products – think white breads, pastas,
and pastries – are overly processed and lack nutrients. They break down into
glucose and fructose in your body, wreak havoc on your health and increase the
size of your waistline. Just flat out avoid them.
Cut Out Trans Fats – Trans fats are typically man-made vitality-killers. They
cause a host of health problems from heart disease to insulin resistance (a
precursor to diabetes).
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52 Tips for Healthy Living
Get Some Resistance Bands – Resistance bands are the most versatile,
portable and user-friendly type of exercise equipment. We offer the best brands
on the market (the same ones we use ourselves). For more information go to
Surround Yourself With Like-Minded, Health-Conscious People – One of
the biggest hurdles in any workout or nutrition routine is inadvertent enabling
and subconscious sabotage by your family and friends. You have a far better
chance of achieving wellness goals when surrounded with fitness-conscious
Stay Positive – Negative feelings can drag down your heart – and your health.
Your mind-and-body connection is very powerful. Use it to your advantage and
stay positive.
Don’t Purchase Health Products That Make Unrealistic Claims – The only
thing so-called miracle weight-loss products make thinner is your wallet. Save
your money or use it toward a gym membership or healthy food instead.
Avoid “Reduced Fat” Products – If you read reduced fat, low fat, zero fat, or
no fat – it’s a no go! Such products have had their healthy, vitality-boosting fats
replaced with sugar and chemical additives. Bottom line: avoid them.
Prepare A Week Of Workday Meals On Sunday – This way you will not be
tempted to dine out or to raid the vending machine because you didn’t have
time to pack a healthy lunch.
Make Sweets From Scratch – To satisfy an occasional sweet tooth, cake and
ice cream are fine… when they are homemade. With this rule, it’s difficult to
cheat by eating sugary carbohydrates. Plus, homemade treats are made from
far healthier ingredients than something pre-made that sits for months on a store
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52 Tips for Healthy Living
Keep Healthy Snacks Handy – This tip is a lifesaver when you are on-thego. Stock your computer bag, purse, or gym bag with some nuts or a healthy
protein bar like the Jay Robb JayBar ( for
a far better eat-out option than the overpriced, processed pseudo-foods in a
convenience store.
Change Your Exercise Routine Regularly – You will definitely sacrifice
motivation (and results!) if you repeat the same workout over and over. Mix it
up and have some fun! Remember, playing with your kids or your dog is still
Break The Rules… Once In A While – Being in-shape does not mean you can
never nosh on a less-than-healthy treat. Make a date with your favorite food:
Pick one day during the week when you can enjoy it, guilt free.
Plant A Garden – It doesn’t take much space or time to plant a small garden,
even if it’s only a few herbs on your windowsill. An added bonus? You’ll get
sunshine-derived vitamin D and a bit of exercise at the same time.
Carry Water With You Everywhere You Go – Americans are full of sugar,
but somehow deficient in the one thing they can’t live without: water. To help
hydration and curb sugary soda intake, carry a stainless steel or BPA-free
plastic water container with you every day. Check out our BPA-Free multipurpose shaker bottle at
Keep A “Workout Survival Kit” In Your Car Or Workplace – Your go-to getfit kit should include a pair of workout/running shoes and exercise-appropriate
clothes. That way, no matter what the circumstances, you will always be able to
get a in quick workout– whether by going to the gym or by taking a brisk walk
around your office building.
Exercise Accidentally – Involve your family in fun games and take the tedium
out of exercise. Break the current computer-and-TV mold, and have a wiffle or
kick ball game in your front yard. You never know – your neighbors might come
over and join the fun!
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52 Tips for Healthy Living
Walk Or Ride Your Bike To Work – Be creative in your exercise goals and
trade four wheels for two. Hop on your bike and save some gas, help the
environment and get some exercise. It doesn’t get any better than that!
Stick To A Structured Sleep Schedule – For better, more consistent rest, get to
bed by 10:30 pm and strive for seven to eight hours of sleep each night.
Write Down Bad Health Habits And Come Up With An Action Plan – Putting
a purpose to paper boosts the odds you will follow up on it. So if you really want
to achieve your goals, you need to write them down. How often do you actually
acknowledge the habits you have that hold you back? You might be surprised at
how easy it is to eliminate or change them.
Take A Healthy Cooking Course – Most Americans are only familiar with
one cooking appliance: the microwave. To have a healthy lifestyle, you must
learn to prepare meals for yourself and your family, without nuking your food.
Homemade meals are cheaper and healthier. A few extra minutes in the kitchen
is one of the best investments you can make in your long-term wellbeing.
Don’t Stress Out If You Miss A Workout Or Have A Day Off The Diet Wagon
– Sometimes we all get off track. But, what is done is done. Don’t stress about it.
Stress-related hormones like cortisol encourage extra fat storage and can make
a bad day worse. Just get back on track as soon as you can and remember that
a Workout Survival Kit (see #19) will enhance your chances of success.
Rescue A Pet – Take home a furry friend from a shelter. You’ll be doing
something admirable. Plus, pets can bring you great joy and improve your
health. Trust me, you will definitely get some extra exercise since Fluffy likes his
Give To A Charity With A Cause You Believe In –This will not only make you
a better person, but will benefit your emotional wellbeing. Research has shown
that positive emotions (like happiness and fulfillment) help your body heal and
function better. Positive actions beget positive feelings, which lead to better
overall health.
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52 Tips for Healthy Living
Indulge In Daily Sunshine – Catching some rays helps release vitamin D in
your body, which is essential for health. You will also feel revived and ready to
tackle whatever the rest of the day has in store for you.
Get Grounded – Reinvigorate your feet by taking off your shoes and socks and
standing on ground or grass. As little as five minutes of outdoor barefoot time
can make a big difference in your day. Grounding helps eliminate free radicals
that promote inflammation in your body, and the best part is, it’s free! For
grounding products visit
Kick Your Caffeine Addiction – Constantly bombarding your body with caffeine
taxes specialized stress-triggering glands, leading to weight gain, belly fat
accumulation and irritability. Too much caffeine can also interfere with your
body’s absorption of essential minerals such as manganese, zinc, copper and
calcium. Try tea or water instead (see #32).
Join A Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Group – CSA’s make locally
harvested organic fruits and vegetables available easily and affordably. Contact
a CSA in your area and ask about their ongoing food delivery programs. Check
out or
Drink A Cup Of Green Tea Every Day – Trade health-sapping coffee and
sugary sodas for a revitalizing cup of green tea. This powerhouse drink has
many health benefits and contains age-defying antioxidants, enhances your
immunity and boosts your metabolism. We offer a great-tasting, 100% organic
green tea at
Stop The Fad Madness – Fad diets and exercise equipment have no place in a
true health program. They never work in the long-term, so unless you only want
to be healthy for a week or two, save your money! Plus then you won’t have to
worry about fitting that oversized, get-you-ripped, make-you-beautiful-like-themovie-star-endorsing-it, ab/butt/chest-crunching contraption into the depths of
your closet for the next 20 years!
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52 Tips for Healthy Living
Focus On Nutrition First, Then Exercise – Don’t get me wrong: Exercise
is important, but without proper nutrition you are just wasting your time. The
bottom line? Eighty percent of your wellness results come from proper nutrition,
so prioritize food choices accordingly.
Eliminate Stress – Let’s face it, most of the stress we experience today is selfcreated. Does it really matter one of your Facebook friends didn’t invite you
to her third cousin’s, uncle’s, sister-in-law’s, three-year-old daughter’s birthday
party? A constant release of stress hormones causes chaos to your health
and thwarts your exercise efforts. Take a deep breath, relax, readjust your
perspective, and your body and health will reap the benefits.
Banish TV And Internet Once a Week –You will be amazed how much free
time you have and how your stress levels will decrease without an ongoing
interaction with your TV, computer or smart phone. Eliminate mindless screen
time and you may just be able to fit in that training for the half marathon you
always wanted to do! Obviously this does not include using the computer for
job-related tasks– well unless you can pull off a mini-vacation too!
Set Realistic And Achievable Health Goals – There are two big reasons that
most people fall short of their weight loss and health goals. First, few people
take the time to write their goals down. Second, many folks make unrealistic
goals such as “I will have a supermodel’s body in seven days.” To dramatically
boost your chances of reaching your optimal health and weight, list your goals,
and make them simple and straight-forward. An example? “I will work out for
one hour, three days per week.” When it’s written down and within reach, it’s
Eat Small, Healthy Meals Throughout The Day – This is the best way to keep
blood sugar levels in check (and prevent excess fat storage!) This will also
prevent overeating and curb cravings for sugary snacks.
Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help – Changing your exercise or eating habits
can get complicated quickly. There is no shortage of conflicting information
out there. At New American Nutrition, we provide a plethora of free articles
and essential information on our website to
ensure you get research-backed facts to make your own, well-informed health
decisions. If you can’t find the answers you are looking for, check out our blog.
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52 Tips for Healthy Living
Celebrate Your Health Achievements – Once you reach one of your fitness
goals (see #37), reward yourself. This could be a simple as treating yourself
to your favorite dessert, or buying a new pair of slimmer jeans. An indulgence
gives you something to look forward to and keeps you motivated.
Toss Your Scale – In the beginning of a weight loss or health transformation it’s
a good idea to have a weight scale to measure your progress. However, once
you get on track and a healthy lifestyle becomes habit, a scale can become a
big distraction, and may cause unneeded anxiety. I’m more interested in your
fitness and wellness, not in a number on a machine. Instead, snap some photos
to chart your progress. Pictures give a visual representation of your progress.
Once you get rid of your scale, I’ll bet you will wonder why you ever had one.
Include Healthy Fats In Your Diet – Most Americans don’t get enough
healthy fats in their diet. Instead, most of us consume far too many unhealthy
fats (like trans fats and highly processed vegetable oils). The best fats for
your health are virgin coconut oil, virgin olive oil and real butter. The New
American Nutrition Program outlines exactly why and how. Find it at
Join A Fitness Social Group – There’s no better way to stay motivated and get
some healthy encouragement and competition. There are several health-related
social groups around the country, but one of the biggest and most well known
is It’s a great way to meet like-minded people and to find a
personal trainer in your area.
Choose High Quality Nutritional Supplements Specific To Your Needs –
There are literally thousands of dietary supplements out there (such as vitamins,
protein powders, and assorted wonder-pills). The majority are a complete waste
of money. Trust me – I used to make my living investigating the bad ones for the
federal government. That’s why I insist that New American Nutrition only carries
the best, all-natural, organic and non-genetically-modified line of supplements.
We are not an impersonal supplement warehouse. Instead, we only carry a
select number of professional-grade supplements – one’s we actually use
ourselves, that actually work!
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52 Tips for Healthy Living
Smile More – This sounds pretty simple, but you’d be surprised how few folks
actually smile anymore. You’ll notice a profound difference in how you feel and
how people react to you when you greet them with a grin. Plus, smiling lifts your
spirits: A study conducted by the British Dental Health Foundation showed the
act of smiling dramatically improves one’s mood and keeps stress hormones in
Use Moderation With Any New Exercise Or Nutrition Program – It’s a sad but
familiar story: Individuals are so motivated to change their health or start a new
exercise program they quickly burn themselves out. To avoid getting derailed,
start off slow and let your body adapt. People who follow a path of moderation
are far more likely to maintain their new healthy lifestyle.
Do What You Love – This is not only true for health and exercise, but for life
in general. Most of us have heard this advice from the time we were kids, but
how many ever follow it? Take it from someone like me who fought this principle
for years before finally seeing the light. I would never trade my work with New
American Nutrition for anything else, because I truly do what I love! Have you
ever noticed how happy people are who do what they love? Enough said!
Simplify Your Life – For some reason we seem to think that more stuff and
more outward prestige will bring us happiness. The truth is, inner joy may rest
with just the reverse. Simplify your life, get rid of never-use-it-anyways clutter,
downgrade the fancy car you can’t really afford, and your mood and health will
thank you for it.
Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously – Life is short. Should you really care that
you accidentally burped during a business meeting or tripped on the curb in
front of your friends? Honestly, what do small, embarrassing moments mean in
the context of life’s big picture? Dust yourself off, say “excuse me,” and laugh at
yourself. People will find it refreshing and laugh along with you! Look for more
ways to turn little lemons into laugh-filled lemonade.
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52 Tips for Healthy Living
Go Organic – Today most foods are either dowsed with, or grown in, a
chemical bath. This impacts our collective health tremendously. By eating
organic foods will you not only stop pumping your body full of chemicals, but
you will support small farmers and help the environment in the process – a winwin! Watch for our upcoming Phase 4 program on going organic at
Get Rid Of Things That Negatively Affect You – Emotions directly affect
your health and wellbeing, so if something is always dragging you down,
remove it from your life. If some social media website continues to consume
your time, but gives you little enjoyment, why bother? Delete the account and
move on! You have better things to do… like train for that triathlon you always
wanted to do.
Enjoy The Outdoors As Much As Possible – There’s no better way to clear
your head and get moving. When you are outdoors physical activity such as
walking is an innate reaction. Head into the open air and get some exercise
without even thinking about it.
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