Prayer Guide for February 2016
Prayer Guide for February 2016
2016 4746 SW 21st St., Topeka KS 66604 ‘Rev Up’ with Rev Kate Rev. Kate Huddelson Cell phone # 231-459-5010 Minister’s Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Fridays SABBATH DAY For PASTORAL CARE EMERGENCIES or DEATHS Call Rev. Kate @ 231-459-5010 Thank you! CLIP AND SAVE Prayer Guide for February 2016 Week of January 31-February 6 The King of kings deserves honor, as do those who serve well Scripture: 1 Timothy 5:17, Revelations 17:14 Prayer focus: There’s a Scripture in the Bible that admonishes us to honor the elders of our churches and lives. And, there is no greater one to honor than God, Himself. So, let’s rejoice together and thank God for several things this week: All our Elders and Deacons for their wonderful work and love poured out in this congregation for many years … and we honor Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords. God deserves all of the honor we can pour out at His feet. So let’s pray with grateful hearts. “God, we honor … Continued on Page 2 MORE INSIDE Prayer Guide for February 2016 ......................................................... 1-2 You Are Invited ........................................................................................... 3 In Memorian ................................................................................................. 3 Baptism........................................................................................................... 3 MLK Day ......................................................................................................... 3 Endowment Committee .............................................................................. 4 Topeka JUMP ............................................................................................... 4 Mission Committee ..................................................................................... 5 Finance Matters .......................................................................................... 6 Session Highlights ...................................................................................... 6 Shepherd’s Center ...................................................................................... 6 2016 Trinity Staff ..................................................................................... 7 Liturgists for February ............................................................................ 7 Looking Ahead .............................................................................................. 7 January & February Birthdays & Anniversaries ................................ 8 Worship Scripture/Attendance ............................................................. 8 Ask the Nurse Time Change..................................................................... 8 Vespers at Presbyterian Manor .............................................................. 9 Mary Ruth Circle .......................................................................................... 9 Sanctuary Flower Ministry ....................................................................... 9 Parish Nurse - Spotlighting .................................................................... 10 February Calendar ......................................................................................11 Where in the World.. ......................................................................... 12-13 Elder & Deacon Training/Installation ................................................. 14 2016 Session, Deacons, Endowment Cmt & CNC .............................. 15 See up-to-date information on Trinity’s website at: Church office phone: 272-2620 Email: [email protected] Page 2 TALKING TRINITY FEBRUARY 2016 Week of February 7 – 13 Super Bowl Sunday is all about love of the sport, but Lent is all about love Scripture: John 3:16-18 Prayer focus: Christ gave all so we can live! “Hallelujah!” Or, should we say “Happy-lu-jah!” as some do when they’re overcome with joy and reverence for Christ’s sacrifice for our sins and lives reborn in strength and purpose and love overflowing. It’s a fun week for many with the Super Bowl upon us, but it is deadly serious, too, with the Lenten season beginning. So let’s pray that both, those who love Jesus and those who don’t, know what it is to be loved by Him, for He died for all. “Oh, God, as we pray we remember all ... Week of February 14 - 20 Love is a very splendid thing, and Jesus is Love personified Scripture: John 3:16, 1 John 4:7-8, John 13:35 Prayer focus: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son” is only the beginning of the greatest love story ever told. As we worship and we pray this Valentine’s Day and all through this Lenten season, let us remember to love one another because Christ loved enough to save us from our sins. It is not just a day, love, it is a mindset and a reality that we are called to live as Christians. “They will know us by our love” is another expectation. So, let’s pray that the love of Christ be born again in our hearts with love overflowing … Week of February 21 - 27 May Jesus’ heart to serve be manifest in all that we do Scripture: Philippians 2:5-8 Prayer focus: “Christ as King” is an oxymoron to some people. Of course Christ is a ruler. That’s what Christ means! But to be King and to serve others in all that You do is something very special indeed. So this week, let’s pray along those lines. We know Christ came to serve and He served extremely, exceedingly well. But let’s pray that that servant heart be manifest through us as well. “Oh, God, it is our heart’s desire to love like You loved and to serve with the same heart. That you bent your knee and washed feet is amazing, and I … Week of February 28 - March 5 As we rise up in the zeal of the Lord, let the world see righting the wrongs Ii’s Jesus Scripture: John 2:13-17 Prayer focus: The fire of God is not to be messed with, and neither is righteous anger. We need to get angry at times and do what Jesus did … make wrongs right by taking the bull by the horns and doing the hard work of confrontation. Some are better at this than others, but we all must to some degree have that fire and zeal that drove the Lord’s anger to manifest in strength in the midst of adversity. So, let’s take the bull by the horns this week as Lent progresses and remember those situations where we need to be like that, like Christ … JANUARY 2016 TALKING TRINITY You Are Invited To the Installation of Reverend Karen Huddelson on Sunday, Feb, 28, 2016 Page 3 Rev. Kate and Phyllis Todd at MLK Day celebration 2016 at 2:30 in the Afternoon. Topeka Area Clergy are encouraged to attend and participate in the service by wearing cleric robes. Praises and blessing to Madeline Snepp on her baptism at Trinity January 17, 2016 In Memoriam SHIRLEY BURNETT JANUARY 10, 2016 DORA STARKEY JANUARY 19 2016 At our Baptism service, Rev. Kate gave a candle to Madeline. Out of an old Orthodox Tradition, a candle was given to a baby at baptism "their baptism candle" to serve as a reminder of the auspicious event. The candle was to be lit at any significant religious moment during that child's Christian journey, ie. first time taking communion, ordination to a church office, as part of the lighting of a wedding candle, etc. The final use of the candle would be at the funeral service when the candle would be placed at the head of the casket, to remain burning after the casket was removed to remind worshipers that eternal life began at baptism and does not stop with physical death. Page 4 TALKING TRINITY FEBRUARY 2016 ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE Give Generously “Give generously to God and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.” In our busy world, there are so many places that tempt us to put our money where our wants are. And sometimes it is so hard to resist. They all look and sound good. They fit our needs. They fulfill our wishes. But when we stand in God’s presence, we re-examine where we would put our wealth. If Trinity Presbyterian Church has played a vital role in your life—in times of joy and difficulty—you can help to continue its vital ministry and mission. Your generosity—gifts made during your lifetime and bequests from your estate to the Trinity Endowment Fund—enables Trinity to meet those goals. The Endowment Committee invites you to learn more at its website: Topeka JUMP Trinity’s Justice Ministry In October, Trinity held house meetings where concerns about our community were expressed. Thank you to those who participated in surfacing concerns about access to public transportation and housing. Our justice ministry has been hard at work trying to understand the concerns many of you shared in our House Meeting process. After 5 research interviews, we have learned: Topeka Metro staff often ride the bus with their clients and bus riders say, “You get me to work, but you don’t get me home.” Topeka Metro is working on an innovative Workforce Initiative to provide transportation for the Industrial Park on Forbes Field. However, transportation for the 5,000 families in Montara Village is still a major concern. Low-income families often do not report code compliance violations because they will be forced to move out without an affordable alternative. Karen Hiller, City Councilmember for District 1, wants to see a code compliance structure that is consistent, reliable and fair. The Research Committee is also examining the area of predatory lending, which was identified as an area of concern in the house meetings. The committee is working on mapping the industry, identifying the number of licensed vendors in Shawnee County and the percentage rates being charged. Research also continues with last year’s issue in the area of mental health. The committee has met with the new CEO of Valeo Behavioral Health, Bill Persinger. He has 32 years of experience in the Mental Health field and has worked in Hiawatha and Emporia. The committee has also met with Kristin Stock, supervisor of the supported employment program and more meetings are being scheduled. The need for our community to come together is already very apparent. Please, support our work to advocate for the neglected and forgotten in our community by attending our next meeting right here at church after worship on March 6. JANUARY 2016 TALKING TRINITY Page 5 MISSION COMMITTEE Mission Needs You! The face of Mission has changed. We are missing the most important part --- YOU. Will you be that new face we are missing that is willing to give a small amount of time? This is the year of our new theme “Here I am Lord”. Step up and serve God’s people. need Event Captains, Volunteers, and Committee People. We Event Captains……………...Adopt an event from the Mission Pamphlet —select the activities— gather volunteers—advertise the event, serve only for that one activity—unless you adopt another event. Volunteers…………………….. select an organization that Trinity serves once a month and GO! Committee Member……, select, voice ideas, serve once a month a designated time and date. J UNE : EVENTS VBS J ANUARY : Captain: NEEDED Souper Bowl & Doorstep Captain: Deacon and Pam Oroke with Jurahee Shriver Valentine Cookies & Rescue Mission M ARCH : Clothing Room & Doorstep Captain: NEEDED A PRIL : Eggstravaganza Captain: NEEDED Trinity serves on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 4:45PM. This month it is February 9th. (no activities planned) Crop Walk F EBRUARY : Captain: Susan Burris S EPTEMBER : O CTOBER : Captain: NEEDED N OVEMBER : RAKE Captain: NEEDED QUESTIONS? Contact Jurahee Shriver,at 271.1099 or [email protected] or anyone associated with the Mission Committee. Trinity works on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 1PM. This month it is February 23rd. Trinity serves on the 3rd Friday of the month at 9AM. This month it is February 19th. Page 6 TALKING TRINITY FEBRUARY 2016 FINANCE MATTERS 2015 donation tax statements were mailed in January. If you did not receive one or have questions, please contact Financial Secretary Susan Bozeman at 272-3568 or [email protected]. If you did not get a box of Pledge envelopes for 2016 but would like one, contact me and I will get you a box. Thank you for your faithful financial support of Trinity’s programs, building and ministries. HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE JANUARY 16 JOINT ELDER/DEACON LADERSHIP TRAINING WORKSHOP AND SESSION MEETING Rev. Kate led a joint Elder/Deacon training workshop on how to be a responsible and effective church leader. New Elders and Deacons were welcomed. The new Elder Class includes: Judy Messenger, Susan Stickley, Brandon Wallace, and Dennis Williams. The new Deacon Class includes: Rhonda Ross, Lynn Weaver, and Julie Friedstrom. Tamara Hampton was elected as the new Clerk of Session. Committee Chairs were selected for 2016. They are as follows: Mission – Jurahee Shriver Christian Education (Adults) – David Ross Christian Education (Youth) – Brandon Wallace Personnel – Greg Lee Worship – Judy Messenger Property – Craig Neuenswander Evangelism – Jan Allen Stewardship – Ross Freeman Peacemaking – Susan Stickley Finance – Dennis Williams Visioning – Kelly Voigt Clerk – Tamara Hampton Note: The Fellowship Committee is disbanding for a period of one year, until a new chairperson or new configuration can be put into place and their responsibilities will be split between the Christian Education Committee, Deacons, and the Evangelism Committee. Approval was given to the expenditure of an estimated $2,150 for mold mitigation and painting in the Creation Station Classrooms. SHEPHERD'S CENTER 2016 WINTER SESSION Shepherd's Center Winter 2016 session "Adventures in Learning" will be each Friday in February (5, 12, 19 and 26). from 9 to Noon at Lowman UMC, 4151 SW 15th 15th & Gage (NOTICE CHANGE OF LOCATION) Great speakers and performers are slated. First time guests may attend one Friday for FREE which includes a choice of two classes, brunch and a choice of music or exercise. Please see the hallway bulletin board or visit with Rosetta Casselle at 272-3354, our Church representative. Trinity Presbyterian is one of 28 congregations and 21 community partners who sponsor the Shepherd's Center. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!! JANUARY 2016 TALKING TRINITY Page 7 2016 Trinity Staff 7th Braden Smelser 14th Felishity Blubaugh 21st Jen Tauer 28th Becky Bollinger If you would like to be a liturgist, please contact Alice Langley at [email protected] or Marvin Burris at [email protected]. LOOKING AHEAD FEBRUARY 7th - Souper Sunday 10th - ASH Wednesday Worship 14th - First Sunday in Lent TBD - Youth Sunday MARCH 20th - Palm Sunday Worship 24th - Maundy Thursday Worship & Prayer Vigil 25th - Good Friday Worship 27th - Easter Worship TRINITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH LITURGISTS FOR FEBRUARY TRINITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH From left to right. Back row: Jaron Marcus, Theodore Musick, Andy Huff, Karen Meenen, Susan Bozeman, Kathy Welch Front row: Mary Nestor, Sheryl Daniels, Rev. Kate Huddelson, Becky Bollinger, Becky Crowl Page 8 TALKING TRINITY If your birthday or anniversary does not appear on these lists, please contact the office. Date information may be needed. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 01-Feb 02-Feb 04-Feb 06-Feb 08-Feb 08-Feb 10-Feb 11-Feb 11-Feb 11-Feb 12-Feb 13-Feb 15-Feb 17-Feb 18-Feb 18-Feb 20-Feb 20-Feb 22-Feb 27-Feb 27-Feb 28-Feb Jace Brake Wilma Weckerling Isaac Anabe Sheri Daugherty Shirley Linn Lauren Degraff Kathy Welch Jess Danner Rose Fritz Mary Nestor Terrance Barger Jim Watt Haven Ashley Gabriel Stanley Don Burns Milton Winter Marcia Groth Debbie Musgrave Jenny Lee Kay Howard Carol Shannahan Lee Langfitt NOTE: Birthdays & anniversaries were not available for the January TT issue. We are still experiencing issues with that data. Our apologies if any one has been omitted. FEBRUARY 2016 HAPPY BIRTHDAY 01/03 01/04 01/04 01/05 01/08 01/08 01/09 01/11 01/13 01/13 01/14 01/14 01/18 01/19 01/19 01/19 01/19 01120 01/20 01/20 01/21 01/21 01/21 01/21 01/21 01/22 01/26 01/26 01/27 01/27 01/28 01/30 Jurahee Shriver Sheryl Daniels Meaghan Ricks Debra Ricks Elaine Alexander Ruth Jenkins Jan Waide Joyce Adcock Marvin Burris Clare Higgins Thoman Michael Stufflebean Eric Hampton Kim Geist Evelyn Amthauer Beverly Thompson Kelly Voigt Will Brubaker Jill Greer Andy' Huff Reed Schoffelman Kem Sloop Carl Rundell Chuck Pullen Zarif Botros David Ross Muriel McClenny Madison Loschke Amyah Perez Fern Freeman Jan Barger Meredith Higgins Ann Fincham W O RS H I P S C RI PT U RE F E B R UA R Y 2016 7th Mark 6:1-29 Psalm 122 10th (Ash Wed) Mark 9:30-37 Psalm 32:1-5 14th Mark 10:17-31 Psalm 19:7-10 21st Mark 10:32-52 Psalm 34:11-14 28th Mark 12:1-12 Mark 12:13-17 Trinity Worship Attendance 12/24 61 12/24 215 12/27 128 01/03 131 01/10 116 01/17 161 01/24 146 Change of time. Ask the Nurse/ B/P Checks 14-Feb Judy & Carl Rundell 14-Feb Barbara & Alex Wales 05-Jan 06-Jan 07-Jan 16-Jan 25-Jan Susan & Marvin Burris Stan & Peggy McAdoo Martha & Duane Huizenga Marjie & Harvey Marrs Jurahee & David Shriver Will occur after Sunday Services from 11:30a - 12:15p Beginning in February Blessings in Christ, JANUARY 2016 TALKING TRINITY Page 9 Vespers at Topeka Presbyterian Manor Led by Trinity Volunteers every 1st Sunday at 4:00 pm Contact Susan Bozeman to join in! Mary Ruth Circle meets the first Wednesday of the month at 1:30 pm. We would love to have you join us! HAVE YOU BEEN HOSPITALIZED OR MOVED TO A CARE FACILITY? You or your family need to call the church to let the church office know. Hospitals and other Care Facilities WILL NOT give out that information because of HIPPA (government) guidelines. If it's an evening or weekend admission, please call Parish Nurse Kathy Welch. ALSO CONTACT THE OFFICE WITH ANY OTHER CHANGE OF ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, OR EMAIL ADDRESS. SANCTUARY FLOWER MINISTRY JANUARY 2015 Flowers were provided to the glory of God on the: 10th by Stan & Peggy McAdoo in loving honor of their family. 17th by Chuck McClenny to celebrate Muriel’s birthday on January 22nd. Page 10 TALKING TRINITY FEBRUARY 2016 JANUARY 2016 TALKING TRINITY Page 11 FEBRUARY Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 31 9:15 AM Nursery Open 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM WORSHIP 11:30 AM ANNUAL MEETING & ALL CHURCH POTLUCK (F,K,P) 4:00 PM THE HEAT (YOGA) (FH) 1 12:00 PM THE HEAT (ZUMBA) (FH) 12:05 PM Brown Bag Bible Study with Rev. Kate (P) 1:00 PM Sticks 'n String (P) 5:30 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 6:15 PM Men's Bible Study (P) 6:15 PM The HEAT-Pilates Fusion (FH) 7:00 PM Square Dance Lessons (FH) 2 10:00 AM Staff Meeting (p) 12:00 PM The HEAT Yoga (FH) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm 13/14) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-ZUMBA (FH) 5:45 PM Deacons Mtg (P) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 3 9:15 AM Rebekah Circle (Lexington PK Ind.lvg) 12:00 PM THE HEAT (Kickboxing) (FH) 1:30 PM Mary Ruth Circle (P) 6:00 PM Family Fit Class age 4-7yrs (FH) 6:00 PM Property (Rm. 12) 6:30 PM Family Fit Class age 8-11yrs (FH) 6:45 PM Esther Circle (rm 14) starts at 7 7:00 PM Evangelism (P) 4 12:00 PM The HEAT-Pilates (FH) 1:15 PM Bible Connections (P) 5:00 PM Yoga (Rm 13/14) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval Low(FH) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 6:30 PM Bell Choir (Rm 9) 7:30 PM Choir (Ch Rm) 5 12:00 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm13/14) 6 8:00 AM The HEATKickboxing (FH) 9:00 AM Terminex 7 Souper Bowl Sunday 9:15 AM Nursery Open 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM WORSHIPCOMMUNION 11:30 AM Ask the Nurse/BP Checks 3:30 PM Vespers at Presby Manor 4:00 PM THE HEAT (YOGA) (FH) 8 12:00 PM THE HEAT (ZUMBA) (FH) 12:05 PM Brown Bag Bible Study with Rev. Kate (P) 1:00 PM Sticks 'n String (P) 5:30 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 6:15 PM Men's Bible Study (P) 6:15 PM The HEAT-Pilates Fusion (FH) 7:00 PM Square Dance Lessons (FH) 9 10:00 AM Staff Meeting (p) 12:00 PM The HEAT Yoga (FH) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm 13/14) 4:45 PM Serve at Rescue Mission 5:30 PM THE HEAT-ZUMBA (FH) 6:00 PM Worship Cmte (Parlor) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 7:00 PM Peacemaking Cmte (Parlor) 10 12:00 PM Lunch Bunch (P) 12:00 PM THE HEAT (Kickboxing) (FH) 2:00 PM Mission Cmte (P) 4:00 PM Visioning Cmte (Parlor) 6:00 PM Family Fit Class age 4-7yrs (FH) 6:30 PM Family Fit Class age 8-11yrs (FH) 7:00 PM ??Finance Cmte (P) 7:00 PM WORSHIP - ASH WEDNESDAY 11 12:00 PM The HEAT-Pilates (FH) 1:15 PM Bible Connections (P) 5:00 PM Yoga (Rm 13/14) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval Low(FH) 6:00 PM JUMP Board Mtg (P) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 6:30 PM Bell Choir (Rm 9) 7:30 PM Choir (Ch Rm) 12 12:00 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm13/14) 13 8:00 AM The HEATKickboxing (FH) 6:00 PM (set up) 7-9:30pm Friendship Squares-Dance (FH) 14 1st Sunday in Lent 9:15 AM Nursery Open 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM WORSHIP 11:30 AM Endowment Cmte (Rm 12) 11:30 AM Valentine's Day Cooke Decoration (F, K) 4:00 PM THE HEAT (YOGA) (FH) 15 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED PRESIDENT'S DAY HOLIDAY TDC STAFF EDUCATION DAY (CENTER CLOSED) 12:00 PM THE HEAT (ZUMBA) (FH) 12:05 PM Brown Bag Bible Study with Rev. Kate (P) 1:00 PM Sticks 'n String (P) 5:30 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 6:15 PM Men's Bible Study (P) 6:15 PM The HEAT-Pilates Fusion (FH) 7:00 PM Square Dance Lessons (FH) 16 10:00 AM Staff Meeting (p) 12:00 PM The HEAT Yoga (FH) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm 13/14) 5:30 PM TDC Board Mtg (Rm 12) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-ZUMBA (FH) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 17 12:00 PM ROMEOs-Coyote Canyon 12:00 PM THE HEAT (Kickboxing) (FH) 6:00 PM Family Fit Class age 4-7yrs (FH) 6:30 PM Family Fit Class age 8-11yrs (FH) 7:00 PM Session (Harvesters) 18 12:00 PM The HEAT-Pilates (FH) 1:15 PM Bible Connections (P) 5:00 PM Yoga (Rm 13/14) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval Low(FH) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 6:30 PM Bell Choir (Rm 9) 7:30 PM Choir (Ch Rm) 19 9:00 AM Serve at Let's Help 12:00 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm13/14) 20 TALKING TRINITY ARTICLE DEADLINE 8:00 AM The HEATKickboxing (FH) 21 2nd Sunday in Lent 9:15 AM Nursery Open 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM WORSHIP 11:30 AM JUMP Network Meeting (FH) 4:00 PM THE HEAT (YOGA) (FH) 22 12:00 PM THE HEAT (ZUMBA) (FH) 12:05 PM Brown Bag Bible Study with Rev. Kate (P) 1:00 PM Sticks 'n String (P) 5:30 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 6:15 PM Men's Bible Study (P) 6:15 PM The HEAT-Pilates Fusion (FH) 7:00 PM Square Dance Lessons (FH) 7:30 PM Personnel Cmte (Pastor's ofc) 23 10:00 AM Staff Meeting (p) 12:00 PM The HEAT Yoga (FH) 1:00 PM Harvester's (215 SE Quincy) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm 13/14) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-ZUMBA (FH) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 24 12:00 PM THE HEAT (Kickboxing) (FH) 6:00 PM Family Fit Class age 4-7yrs (FH) 6:30 PM Family Fit Class age 8-11yrs (FH) 25 12:00 PM The HEAT-Pilates (FH) 1:15 PM Bible Connections (P) 5:00 PM Yoga (Rm 13/14) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval Low(FH) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 6:30 PM Bell Choir (Rm 9) 7:30 PM Choir (Ch Rm) 26 12:00 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm13/14) 27 8:00 AM The HEATKickboxing (FH) 28 3rd Sunday in Lent 9:15 AM Nursery Open 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM WORSHIP 2:30 PM Rev. Kate's Installation & Reception (FH, P, S, K) 4:00 PM THE HEAT (YOGA) (Cr.St.) 29 12:00 PM THE HEAT (ZUMBA) (FH) 12:05 PM Brown Bag Bible Study with Rev. Kate (P) 1:00 PM Sticks 'n String (P) 5:30 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 6:15 PM Men's Bible Study (P) 6:15 PM The HEAT-Pilates Fusion (FH) 7:00 PM Square Dance Lessons (FH) 1 10:00 AM Staff Meeting (p) 12:00 PM The HEAT Yoga (FH) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm 13/14) 5:00 PM Mission Committee (Pastor's ofc) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-ZUMBA (FH) 5:45 PM Deacons Mtg (P) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 2 9:15 AM Rebekah Circle (Lexington PK Ind.lvg) 12:00 PM THE HEAT (Kickboxing) (FH) 1:30 PM Mary Ruth Circle (P) 6:00 PM Family Fit Class age 4-7yrs (FH) 6:00 PM Property (Rm. 12) 6:30 PM Family Fit Class age 8-11yrs (FH) 6:45 PM Esther Circle (rm 14) starts at 7 7:00 PM Evangelism (P) 3 12:00 PM The HEAT-Pilates (FH) 1:15 PM Bible Connections (P) 5:00 PM Yoga (Rm 13/14) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval Low(FH) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 6:30 PM Bell Choir (Rm 9) 7:30 PM Choir (Ch Rm) 4 12:00 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm13/14) 5 PNK RALLY - Manhattan 8:00 AM The HEATKickboxing (FH) 9:00 AM Terminex Page 12 TALKING TRINITY FEBRUARY 2016 ???? W H E R E I N T H E W O R L D A R Awards for being peacekeepers! Congrats Natalya Thomblison and Felishity Blubaugh! First Presbyterian Church Salina. TRINITEENS AT WINTER JAM 2016 At Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast, KS. JANUARY 2016 TALKING TRINITY Page 13 R E W E R E T H E T R I N I T E E N S ? ???? At the Sprint Center Page 14 TALKING TRINITY FEBRUARY 2016 ELDER AND DEACON TRAINING. INSTALLATION OF NEW ELDERS AND DEACONS IN WORSHIP. JANUARY 2016 TALKING TRINITY Page 15 Trinity Presbyterian Church 4746 SW 21st Street Topeka, Kansas 66604-3592 Phone: 785 272-2620 [email protected] RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED ASH WEDNESDAY Worship February 10, 7:00 PM SUNDAYS OF LENT February 14, 21, 28; March 6, 13 PALM SUNDAY March 20 MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP March 24, 7:00 PM GOOD FRIDAY WORSHIP March 25, 12 Noon PRAYER VIGIL March 24 - 25 8:00 PM - 6:00 AM EASTER March 27 SonRise Worship - 8:30 AM Easter Breakfast - 9:30 AM Traditional Worship - 10:30 AM ALLELUIA !!