ABRSM Annual Review 2007-8


ABRSM Annual Review 2007-8
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Annual Review
The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
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About the Associated Board n 3
Who’s Who n 3
Highlights of the Year n 4
Chief Executive’s Review n 5
Message from the Chairman n 8
Exams and Assessments n 9
Online Innovation n 13
Commitment to Excellence n 15
Publishing n 16
Professional Development n 19
Nurturing Relationships n 22
Financial Summary n 24
New Diploma Holders n 25
Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards n 29
New CT ABRSM Holders n 30
Prize Winners n 30
Examiners n 34
CT ABRSM Course Leaders and Mentors n 36
Representatives n 37
Editor-in-chief n Leslie East
Editor n Ruth Garner
Design n www.9thplanetdesign.co.uk
Print n Caligraving Ltd
Annual Review for the year ended 31 January 2008
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About the
Associated Board
Who’s Who
The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music is a
charitable company established for the benefit of music
education by four Royal Schools of Music in the UK:
Her Majesty The Queen
Royal Academy of Music
Royal College of Music
Royal Northern College of Music
Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama
The Associated Board’s core activity is the operation of an
authoritative and internationally recognized system of
exams and assessments to encourage and motivate players
and singers at all levels through the provision of goals and
the measurement of progress.
As the world leader in its field, the Associated Board
conducts over 600,000 music exams each year in more
than 90 countries.
ABRSM Publishing is one of the UK’s leading music
publishers, whose publications support the exams, provide
additional repertoire and contribute to music education.
The Associated Board also provides professional
development services for instrumental and singing teachers
through its widely acclaimed Certificate of Teaching (CT
ABRSM) course and a range of other courses, seminars
and workshops.
Our principal objective is to maintain and develop the
services and products that we provide to music teachers
and students to the highest standards. We also seek to play
a significant role in influencing political debate in favour of
music education.
His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales
Governing Body
Lord Sutherland of Houndwood KT, Chairman
Professor Edward Gregson, Principal of RNCM
Dr Colin Lawson, Director of RCM
Professor Sir Curtis Price KBE, Principal of RAM
Philip Ramsbottom
Alan Smith
Tony Travis
Professor John Wallace OBE, Principal of RSAMD
Nicholas Ward
Richard Morris, Chief Executive
Timothy Leates, Secretary
Executive Directorate
Richard Morris, Chief Executive
Leslie East, Executive Director: Syllabus & Publishing
Timothy Leates, Executive Director: Finance & Administration
Tim Arnold, International Operations Director
Richard Crozier, Development Director
Penny Milsom, UK Operations Director
Eugene O’Donnell, IT Director
Nigel Scaife, Syllabus Director
Ben Selby, Publishing Director
Clara Taylor, Chief Examiner
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Highlights of
the Year
Exams – another strong year
Beethoven edition – we publish Barry
Cooper’s groundbreaking new edition of
Beethoven: The 35 Piano Sonatas
Anniversaries – we celebrate our 25th
anniversary in Thailand and 30th
anniversary in Indonesia
New syllabuses – new flute, clarinet
and violin syllabuses are launched
CT ABRSM – a further 100 students
successfully complete the CT ABRSM
course worldwide
Supporting schools: Nicola Benedetti at the CLIC Sargent Practice-a-thon launch
A groundbreaking edition: (left to right) Andrew Aarons, John Suchet, Barry Cooper, David Ward, Martin Roscoe
at the Beethoven: The 35 Piano Sonatas launch
Online briefing – we implement a new
online briefing system for international
exam tours
Music Medals online – the Music Medals
website is re-launched providing an
online learning environment for teachers
SoundJunction – nominated for the
international Webby Awards
Sponsorship – we agree enhanced
sponsorship with the Federation of
Music Services
Online communities – members of the
www.abrsm.org discussion forums produce
the inaugural forum members’ CD
CLIC Sargent – schools and music groups
around the UK benefit from our
continued support of CLIC Sargent’s
Practice-a-thon, for the first time keeping
25% of all funds raised for music
making activities
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Chief Executive’s
After many years of sustained growth, candidate numbers
were slightly below the all-time high in 2007 due to some
weakness, including demographic trends, in the UK
market. Internationally, we emerged a shade ahead of the
record number of entries in the previous year. Within these
overall results, both theory entries (around 145,000) and
entries for Associated Board diplomas (now over 3,000)
achieved useful growth. Sales of publications came in at
just over £5 million in a marketplace experiencing both
concentration and contraction.
learners of music. In April, in anticipation of the
retirement of Philip Mundey, Director of Examinations,
who had given outstanding service to the Associated
Board over 20 years, we carried out a significant
reorganization designed to further integrate all these
services. Leslie East took on a new role at Executive
Director level to oversee all Syllabus and Publishing
activity, and Clara Taylor, Chief Examiner, assumed
additional responsibility for Quality Assurance and
Examiner Panel administration. Along with Clara Taylor,
Tim Arnold, Penny Milsom, Eugene O’Donnell, Nigel
Throughout 2007 the Associated Board pursued its
Scaife and Ben Selby all joined the directorate of the
mission of ensuring excellence in its core assessment work, Associated Board, and Robin Barry was appointed a
whilst enhancing its services to support teachers and
director of ABRSM Publishing.
Music For Youth 2007 schools prom
C Nick Kent
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Supporting teachers and learners: participants at the CT ABRSM Fast-Track course, Kenilworth
Developing the syllabus
In July we published Selected Violin Exam Pieces, together
with CDs and volumes of scales and arpeggios, in
anticipation of the new Violin Syllabus 2008-2011. Then,
in September, we launched for the first time Selected
Exam Pieces for both flute and clarinet. Although this
caused some disturbance within the music publishing
world, we are sure that over time these volumes will not
only increase access to Associated Board exams but will
encourage more sustained learning of these instruments
worldwide. The publishing year culminated in December
with an outstanding launch at the Wigmore Hall of Barry
Cooper’s new edition of the Beethoven: The 35 Piano
Sonatas, the outcome of 12 years’ painstaking and original
Following on behind these new issues, research and
development work was completed during the year on new
syllabuses for piano, guitar and singing, including
significant revisions to the supporting tests within each.
New exam publications for these subjects will be launched
in July this year with the syllabuses taking effect from
2009. Work progressed on a range of other syllabus
developments, including Music Medals for electronic
keyboard and initial ideas for popular music, which we
expect to pilot in 2008-2009.
Supporting teachers and learners
SoundJunction, the Associated Board’s online learning
resource, continued on its way, being nominated for the
international Webby Awards and creating new tools to
support music teaching and learning. Further online
support was provided in the Music Medals programme,
which is accessed by over 120 Music Services across the
country and is now available also to schools. Any teacher
connected to these educational institutions may undertake
assessment training online. Alongside these developments,
the Associated Board’s website continues to provide the
UK’s principal online forum for the sharing of views on
music education, with the number of visits currently
running at over 100,000 per month.
Ninety-two teachers completed the CT ABRSM course in
2007, and our professional development programmes,
shorter courses and seminars all flourished across the UK
and South East Asia. Particular emphasis was given to
presentation of the new syllabuses for violin, clarinet and
flute, as well as to our introductory courses for jazz. We
also agreed enhanced sponsorship for the Federation of
Music Services, specifically linked to the delivery of
professional development courses in 2008 and beyond.
“…the Associated Board
pursued its mission of
ensuring excellence in its
core assessment work, whilst
enhancing its services to
support teachers and
learners of music.”
International focus
Despite global instability in political, economic and
environmental terms, the Associated Board continued to
expand its international operations, notably in South East
Asia and Europe. Entries grew strongly in Singapore,
Thailand and Indonesia, with both China and India displaying
their future potential. I was privileged to attend – along with
nearly 2,000 others – our silver anniversary celebrations in
Bangkok, while later in Jakarta our 30th anniversary was
marked by a superb concert and the launch of our course
Teaching Music Effectively for the first time outside the UK.
The Associated Board’s work is growing strongly from a
relatively low base in Italy, France, Germany and Turkey. It
was a particular pleasure for me to visit Turkey to celebrate
our excellent progress there over the past 15 years. The
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“…the integrity
and quality of the
Associated Board’s
work as delivered
by examiners,
mentors and
continue to be
held in the
highest regard.”
Kevin Robb, Representative for Madrid (left); Clara Taylor, Chief Examiner; and examiner Richard Dickins at the 2008
Centenary Travel Grant seminars in Madrid
Associated Board’s presence across Europe was given
further impetus by a lively and mutually supportive
conference of European representatives held in Frankfurt in
May. Altogether, we examined in 87 countries overseas and
our Portland Place staff visited 20 of them during the year.
Looking outwards
In November the UK government announced a new threeyear package for music education, which consolidated
former initiatives and set challenging national ambitions for
instrumental and vocal tuition in the future. Given the
Associated Board’s advocacy for sustained, progressive
tuition, we particularly welcomed the ambition that at least
50% of Key Stage 2 pupils should continue to learn and
participate in music after completion of a first year of free
tuition. We are now in discussion with the Department for
Children, Schools and Families to explore ways in which
the Associated Board can contribute to the attainment of
these ambitions.
“...the Associated Board’s
website continues to provide
the UK’s principal
online forum for the sharing
of views on music education,
with the number of visits
currently running at
over 100,000 per month.”
In view of this, it was particularly timely that the
Associated Board should have embarked on a
comprehensive brand review in 2007. This involved
thorough consultation with all our stakeholders, both
internal and external, about their perceptions of all
aspects of our mission. We are currently hard at work
with our expert consultants in evaluating the outcomes
and in implementing change where necessary. I am
hopeful that readers of this annual review will benefit
from improved communications with the Associated
Board as a result of this work.
Reverting to our stakeholders, I would like to express my
warmest admiration for all their contributions to the
Associated Board over the past year. A very special
mention must be made of the work of our Chief Examiner
and the panel of moderators and trainers, who bear the
prime responsibility for ensuring the quality and
consistency of our examining across so many levels,
subject areas and territories. It is already apparent from
the response to the brand review that the integrity and
quality of the Associated Board’s work as delivered by
examiners, mentors and representatives continue to be
held in the highest regard.
On behalf of the Associated Board, I pay tribute to the
Royal Schools of Music and their representatives on our
governing body and its
committees for their
unswerving support.
Finally, I offer my
warmest thanks to all
my colleagues at
Portland Place. In a
year during which the
BBC has been noisily
demolishing itself next
door, our staff have
continued to give total
commitment to the
achievement of the
Associated Board’s
Richard Morris
Chief Executive
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Message from
the Chairman
It has been a pleasure to share with colleagues in the vigorous and targeted efforts of
the past year’s work and progress.
The strength and success of an organization such as the Associated Board depends
upon three things. The first is a clear set of objectives. The second is its capacity to
adapt to the changing environment which it inhabits. The third is the quality and
commitment of those who work to give these objectives their practical expression.
The Associated Board is well positioned on all three counts.
The objectives are clear: to promote excellence in the performance and appreciation
of music in this country and far beyond. The means to do this are in place and
functioning very well indeed. The primary elements are examining to the highest
standards and publishing and providing courses to support the learning and teaching
which makes individual success in this possible. On all these counts we have had a
good year.
The environment in which we live does change and the Chief Executive and his
colleagues are clearly taking full measure of the implications of this. Two points merit
special mention. The first is the importance which they rightly attach to the UK
Government’s new commitment to music education in schools. We wish this initiative
well and stand ready to contribute our own distinctive experience of
the importance of excellence to its development. This is one
example of the recognition of the importance of music education.
Secondly, our international contacts indicate that this recognition is
shared in many other countries. The importance of this
international perspective continues to be well understood in the
Associated Board.
Of course any organization is as good as those who work in it. The
Associated Board is fortunate in its staff and their cumulative
experience. This has allowed a very effective re-shaping of the
senior directorate to take place without loss of pace and
momentum. In this our Chief Executive and his team are to be
congratulated and I wish well for the year to come all those who
have assumed significant new responsibilities.
Stewart Sutherland
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Exams and
produced, including Selected Exam Pieces
violin, flute and clarinet, volumes of
Graded exams
Pieces for recorder and recordings of
The major review of our piano syllabus
pieces for four of the five new
culminated in 2007, as we commissioned
and moderated several hundred sight-reading repertoire lists.
tests for the new specimen books and
Both the UK and international editions of
examiner tests, and also finalized new scale
our Examination Information & Regulations
requirements. Sight-reading was a
were thoroughly revised during the
prominent theme of the year, since we also
the information even clearer
prepared new tests for singers and guitarists.
and reflecting more
For singers, the new tests will offer a more
manageable progression up the grades and
candidates will now set the tempo
themselves, as there are no longer any piano
introductions. The new guitar syllabus
approaches were piloted during 2007 and
feedback from teachers led to a significant
revision of all aspects of the syllabus,
supported by a set of forthcoming
publications. Throughout this time, different
teams of selectors were at work on the new
repertoire lists for these three subjects, all of
which will take effect from the start of 2009.
Refreshed repertoire lists were issued for
violin and viola and on the woodwind front
we issued revised syllabuses for recorder,
flute and clarinet. Many support resources
that integrate with the syllabuses were
We undertook a review of the prep tests
and decided to refresh those for cello, flute
and clarinet. These volumes will contain
new musical material and engaging
illustrations to delight and motivate young
learners. For many at the prep test level,
the Music Medals ensemble books and
other resources now provide an additional
source of repertoire and musical activities.
“The ABRSM tries
hard to maintain a
‘gold standard’ in
Through Music
Medals it
encourages new,
less experienced
musicians to strive
for success and with
its CT course, it is
doing something
positive about
raising the
standards of
teaching. It offers
materials, guidance,
good practice and
is a voice for music
making – in short, it
has an invaluable
place, globally, in
the world of music.
Long may it
Music Medals
A series of five Music Medals ensemble books
for electronic keyboard were developed,
along with the other elements of the syllabus
– option tests and repertoire lists. Electronic
keyboard will be the first new instrument to
be added to the list
of subjects we
examine since the
introduction of
percussion in 1990.
Work also started on
a number of new
projects, including
the development of
Grades 6 to 8 for the a response to one of the
Associated Board’s 2007
jazz syllabus.
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“I wanted to express my real
appreciation for all the work our HLR
does on the Board's behalf in my local
area. I know I am speaking on behalf
of the vast majority of teachers in the
area who use the Board's exams when
I say that she is always prepared to go
'that extra mile' for us.”
from a letter of thanks from a satisfied teacher
Richard Morris and Stewart Sutherland with Honorary Local Representatives
receiving awards at the 2007 Annual Lunch
• 294 Honorary Local Representatives
helped with local organization
Candidate focus
We asked teachers what matters most to candidates when
Exam entries in the UK and Ireland totalled 354,000
they attend an exam. Their answers strongly supported our
during the year, with assessments taking place in a wide
range of locations, including 350 exam centres; schools and policy of putting the candidate first at all times, highlighting
that the human element is valued highly, with candidates
teachers’ homes, with exams conducted by visiting
appreciating the reassurance given by sympathetic
examiners; 16 regional diploma centres; and, for Music
examiners and stewards. The research also identified the
Medals candidates, in the comfort of their usual weekly
importance of the last few moments before an exam and
lesson, with teacher-assessors conducting the assessments.
led to the publication of new guidance for candidates,
including advice on what to expect on the day of the exam
Customer communication
and tips about warming up.
Asking our customers for their feedback, through surveys
and research, provided a spur to developments during the
year as we continued to seek improvements to the ways in
which we engage with teachers and learners. Applicants
for our graded exams contributed to a number of surveys
about our core assessments. Direct consultation with
The people who provide support
teachers of children just starting to play an instrument led
Our 294 Honorary Local Representatives continue to be
to enhancements to our Music Medals programme,
central to the success of our exam services, demonstrating
including online training for teacher-assessors and a new
great energy and commitment in helping to support
website. Availability of these assessments was also
teachers and learners at our exam centres. 2007 saw some
extended to all UK schools.
changes for the London-based staff supporting these
activities following an internal reorganisation designed to
Key communications
In addition to the Examination Information & Regulations improve customer service. This allowed us to retain the
personal approach valued by teachers whilst improving
booklet, teachers, parents and candidates also benefited
arrangements in areas such as the administration of exams
from the return of our popular Mini Guide to taking an
exam, this time featuring newly commissioned illustrations. for candidates with special educational needs.
• exams were held at 350 public exam
centres around the UK and Ireland
Online exam services
“The facility to apply and check results online is a great
improvement and saves time.”
The Associated Board’s online exam services are unique in
the field of graded music exams and customer feedback,
including this reply to one of our surveys, confirmed their
value to our teachers. In 2007 we expanded our online
results service to include an online archive of marks for all
exams taken from 1993 onwards and we continued to plan
and prepare for further online developments.
To thank HLRs for their valuable contribution in support
of local candidates and teachers, we made 38 long service
awards to those who had been in the role for periods of
five, 10 and 15 years. In addition, Burne Huttchins
(Leicester and Loughborough) and Marion Silvester
(Winchester) were presented with awards for their 20
years of service, and Pamela Gillan (Elgin) and Gary
Davies (Wigan) received awards for a remarkable 25 years
of service.
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Tim Arnold (back row, centre) and members of the International Department with representatives at the 2007 Annual Lunch
• almost 200 High Scorers’ Concerts and teachers’ meetings
took place during the year
During 2007, over 289,000 exams were
conducted in international centres around
the world, representing a consistent further
2% growth from 2006 and over 26% since
2000. As in the previous year, almost a
third were theory exams, with the
remaining figure comprising diplomas (just
under 2,000), practical graded and jazz
exams. Administering these exams involved
the participation of 236 examiners and the
organization of 397 examining tours.
• over 289,000 exams were
conducted in international
centres around the world
Online developments
The greatest change to the work of the
International Department this year was the
implementation of a new online briefing
system which provides examiners with easy
access to comprehensive information
relating to exam tours, ensuring that tours
run as smoothly as possible. The initiative
has been a great success: feedback from
examiners has been overwhelmingly positive
and the system has also resulted in the
reduction of administrative costs. In
another online initiative, online entries for
Malaysia continued to increase throughout
the year, reaching a total of 78%, and
almost half of Singapore entries were also
made online. Additionally, IT systems were
established in Indonesia to achieve linked
processing of entries. Overall, the time
taken to dispatch theory exam results was
also reduced.
In translation
The translation of promotional and exam
support literature continued in 2007, with
an increased number of resources being
made available online to assist and inform
teachers in their native languages.
• 236 examiners took part
in 397 international
examining tours
Working with representatives
A conference was held in Frankfurt for all
European representatives, attended by
Richard Morris; Tim Arnold, International
Operations Director; and members of the
International Department. Representatives
benefited from the opportunity to meet in
person and share ideas; in particular, great
enthusiasm was expressed for the continued
development of Associated Board activities
in European markets. With the support of
representatives, exams were reintroduced in
Sierra Leone and Nigeria (theory only), and
for the first time ever, both practical and
theory exams were conducted in Serbia.
New representatives
In 2007, new representatives were
appointed in Australia (Sydney and
Canberra), France (Nice), Italy (Rome),
Jamaica, Nigeria (Theory only), Qatar and
St Kitts.
International anniversaries
2007 was a significant year for international
anniversaries: celebratory High Scorers’
Concerts were held to mark 30 years of
Associated Board exams in Indonesia and
The Bahamas
British Virgin Islands
Brunei Darussalam
Czech Republic
Falkland Islands
Faroe Islands
Hong Kong
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Thailand High Scorers’ Concert
The Netherlands
New Zealand
The Philippines
Hong Kong Diploma Awards Ceremony 2007
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
South Africa
St Kitts & Nevis
Sri Lanka
St Lucia
St Vincent
Trinidad & Tobago
United Arab Emirates
United States of America
25 years in Thailand. The Professional
Development Programme was delivered in
Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan (Tainan and
Taipei), Indonesia (Surabaya and Jakarta),
Malaysia (Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Kuching
and Kota Kinabalu) and Singapore. PDP
also took place in Thailand (Bangkok) for
the first time and was enthusiastically
attended by over 60 teachers. Additionally,
Centenary Travel Grant seminars were
delivered in Kenya (Nairobi) and South
Africa (Johannesburg and Cape Town).
• exams were held in
87 countries overseas
Staying in touch
The Associated Board’s dedication to
maintaining contact with representatives,
teachers, parents and candidates was once
again a great priority during the year.
The invaluable programme of staff travel
also continued, with staff and
representatives meeting in person in
China, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland,
Indonesia, Italy, Kenya and Uganda,
Macau, Malaysia, Scandinavia, South
Africa, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand,
United Arab Emirates and the United
States of America. The Associated Board
exhibited at both the European Council of
International Schools conference and the
National Guild of Community Schools for
the Arts. New consultancy arrangements
for Hong Kong were implemented from
January 2007 and a consultative committee
convened in March.
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Online Innovation
Development of online resources continued to go from
strength-to-strength during 2007 in response to growing
customer demand for email correspondence and to have
more products and services delivered online.
The Associated Board discussion forums continued to grow
in popularity with 9,000 registered users logging on
worldwide to ask questions, share views and debate a wide
variety of music and education issues. In 2007, our forum
members started around 650 new topics each month and
these provoked approximately 17,000 responses per month
from other members. In total, forum visitors made over
200,000 postings last year and viewed over five and a half
million threads during their visits.
• over 200,000 postings were made
on Associated Board forums
To answer some of the more common questions relating to
Associated Board exams, syllabuses and general teaching
and learning issues, Chief Examiner Clara Taylor has now
started a regular ‘Ask the Chief Examiner’ slot on our
forums. Members can post their queries in a dedicated
discussion thread; once a month, Clara will log on and
address the key issues raised.
As online friendships continued to flourish, we were
delighted to see an increase in the number of informal
get-togethers organised by forums members throughout
the UK. Over 16 such events took place in 2007, ranging
from forum members’ concerts and ‘play days’ –
developed to offer members the opportunity to perform
in front of a supportive audience – and even a studio
recording session resulting in the first ever forum
members’ CD.
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• SoundJunction
was nominated for
the international
Webby Awards
“The Associated
Board seems to
be working hard
to keep up with
developments in
music and
a response to one of the
Associated Board’s 2007
Following a period of review and consultation, the Music
Medals website has been redesigned and relaunched. New
and improved features include:
• A dynamic repertoire search tool allowing teachers to
swiftly pinpoint the pieces and publications that they
• New video clips demonstrating how Music Medals
assessments work and providing teachers with a visual
guide to conducting their own assessment.
• Enhanced navigation and content. Improved search
facilities and a new, more logical site structure means
that visitors can now locate relevant information quickly
and easily.
• Single-click access to popular resources. From any
website page, registered Music Medals teacher-assessors can
now directly access our online entry and results resource,
token purchase system and new online training tool.
New online learning and training environments were
created in 2007 for teachers who need to train to use Music
Medals assessments with their pupils and for students on
the 2007-2008 CT ABRSM course. Users are given a
username and password to access these new online learning
resources and can benefit from video training footage;
training and support materials; and fast and easy contact
with Associated Board support staff, should they have any
In 2007 various new features were added to the ABRSM
Publishing website enabling users to view all titles, keep
up-to-date with news bulletins and to listen to selected
MP3 samples from ABRSM Publishing recordings.
SoundJunction continued to draw increasing numbers of
users, clocking up over 650,000 visits during 2007. The
site was nominated for a Webby Award, otherwise known
as the 'Oscars of the internet'. SoundJunction also now
hosts many resources specifically designed to support
GCSE students. New features have been introduced to the
site, including a Note Canvas tool, whilst the Explorer tool
now boasts an online demonstration and the addition of
new content.
•over 650,000 visits to
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to Excellence
To celebrate the achievements of diploma candidates in
South East Asia and Hong Kong, diploma awards
ceremonies were held in Singapore and Hong Kong.
“I have chosen the Associated Board
because of its reputation and tradition
of excellence.”
a response to one of the Associated Board’s 2007 surveys
Performance opportunities
High Scorers’ Concerts took place around the world
throughout 2007, providing opportunity for thousands of
students of all ages and levels – from prep test to diploma –
High Scorers’ Concert in New York
who excelled in their exams, to celebrate their
Ensuring excellence is one of the key objectives of the
achievements with friends, family, teachers and local
Associated Board. On an annual basis – through a range of communities, and also gain valuable performance
scholarships, bursaries and prizes, and performance
opportunities – we recognize, encourage and reward the
outstanding achievements of young musicians.
In the UK and Ireland, organized by Honorary Local
Representatives, a total of 16 concerts took place in
Scholarships and Prizes
various locations: Bolton, Chippenham, Darlington,
Thirty-five scholarships were awarded to musicians from a Doncaster, the Isle of Man, Northampton, Paignton,
diverse range of countries – Australia, Bulgaria, Brazil,
Swansea and Trowbridge. Internationally, concerts were
Japan, New Zealand, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South
held in India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Netherlands,
Africa, UK, and the United States – who are beginning
Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Uganda and the
junior, undergraduate and postgraduate courses at four
United States.
Royal Schools of Music. The scholars play a wide variety of
instruments: bassoon, clarinet, oboe, cornet, French horn,
saxophone, cello, harp, guitar, viola, violin, voice,
percussion, piano and piano accompaniment.
•over 400 prizes and awards were
given to outstanding candidates
Four Macklin Bursaries were awarded to existing scholars
to provide financial support for continued studies and the
launch of professional careers.
In recognition of outstanding achievement in graded theory
and practical exams, a significant number of prizes and
awards are granted on an annual basis. This year, well over
400 candidates received awards.
For young musicians studying on Associated Board
scholarships at the four Royal Schools of Music, our
Scholars’ Concert at the Royal Academy of Music in
October provided a showcase for their considerable
talents. Scholars from a variety of countries performed a
rich and varied selection of music for cello, harp, piano,
violin and voice.
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2007 was a highly productive year for ABRSM Publishing,
with the publication of an enormous range of exam-related
books alongside some significant other titles.
Selected Violin Exam Pieces 2008-11 were published, for
the first time available with optional CDs containing
recordings of the complete syllabus and minus one tracks
of each of the pieces. Alongside the repertoire, we
published new volumes of the violin scale books, splitting
the two-volume series into eight grade-by-grade, userfriendly books.
In July, we expanded the Time Pieces series to include four
volumes for recorder, providing repertoire from the 14th
Century to the present day presented chronologically
within each volume.
September saw the publication for the first time of Selected
Exam Pieces for flute and clarinet, with optional recordings
to accompany the sheet music for both instruments. These
flute and clarinet volumes not only act as a superb exam
resource, providing cost-effective, easily obtainable
repertoire for candidates around the world, but are also an
invaluable repertoire resource for teachers and learners.
In June, to coincide with the 150th anniversary of Elgar’s
birth, the Extraordinary Lives series of composer
biographies was enhanced by the addition of J P E Harper
Scott’s Elgar: an extraordinary life.
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• 1,960,785 ABRSM Publishing items sold in 2007
• 148 new titles produced
“Attractively produced and modestly priced, this is an edition which promises to
reach its aim to be faithful to Beethoven’s intentions, and should be widely used
by pianists, students, teachers and all those interested in the detail and wider
context of the canonic masterpieces.”
Arietta, Journal of the Beethoven Piano Society of Europe
Undoubtedly, the highlight of the publishing programme
occurred in December with the publication of the Barry
Cooper edition of the Beethoven: The 35 Piano Sonatas.
The Craxton edition of the sonatas is more than 70 years
old and a new edition was long overdue. Barry Cooper’s
groundbreaking edition – the culmination of 12 years of
research – is based on the most up-to-date scholarship and
knowledge about this most important canon of works.
Features include:
• Inclusion of the three previously named sonatinas.
• CDs containing spoken commentary and demonstrations.
• Critical commentaries for each sonata including history,
full assessment of the sources and detailed notes on
interpretation. The commentaries are detachable from
the music, enabling the pianist to lay the commentary and
music side-by-side on the music stand.
Published in three separate volumes and as a box set, the
edition received a fitting launch at the Wigmore Hall in
December introduced by John Suchet, with talks by Barry
Cooper and David Ward, and performances by Martin
Roscoe on piano and Andrew Aarons on fortepiano. The
edition has already been met with critical acclaim around
the globe.
Sales and Marketing
Members of publishing staff visited retailers in the United
States, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa,
Germany and exhibitions in Frankfurt, New York and
Shanghai. Distribution of our jazz titles in North America
was taken over by Hal Leonard, the world’s largest sheet
music publishers, and we made significant changes to our
distribution arrangements in Australia and Sri Lanka.
Back in the UK, a retailer open day was held at the
Associated Board’s offices in July, which provided
customers with the opportunity to hear more about the
range of activities undertaken by the Associated Board.
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Elgar: an extraordinary life launch:
(left) J P E Harper-Scott and
Leslie East
“Few general studies of this composer
offer so much food for thought.
Harper-Scott is an unusually perceptive
and persuasive advocate, who has
something fresh to say about most of
the composer's major works. The best
short book on the composer yet.”
Gramophone magazine
New titles published in 2007
Violin exams
Selected Violin Exam Pieces 2008-2011,
Score, violin part and CD, Grades 1-7
Score and violin part, Grades 1-7
Violin part only, Grades 1-5
CD only, Grade 8
Violin Scales & Arpeggios, Grades 1-8 (8 volumes)
Flute exams
Selected Flute Exam Pieces 2008-2013,
Score, flute part and CD, Grades 1-7
Score and flute part, Grades 1-7
Flute part only, Grades 1-5
CD only, Grade 8
Clarinet exams
Selected Clarinet Exam Pieces 2008-2011,
Score, clarinet part and CD, Grades 1-7
Score and clarinet part, Grades 1-7
Clarinet part only, Grades 1-5
CD only, Grade 8
Theory of Music
Theory of Music Papers 2006, Grades 1-8
Theory of Music Model Answers 2006, Grades 1-5
Musiktheorie in der Praxis, Stufen 2 & 3 (German edition
of Music theory in Practice, Grades 2 & 3)
Piano repertoire
Beethoven: The 35 Piano Sonatas (ed Barry Cooper),
3 volumes and boxed set
Instrumental repertoire
Time Pieces for Descant Recorder, Volumes 1 & 2
Time Pieces for Treble Recorder, Volumes 1 & 2
Time Pieces for Flute, Volumes 1 & 2, with SmartMusic
Books on Music
Elgar: an extraordinary life (J P E Harper-Scott)
Special Needs Aural Tests
Aural Repetition Tests
Braille Memory Tests
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Those teachers who wish to keep their teaching skills upto-date now welcome continuing professional development
courses as essential. The world of music education is as
fast changing as any other aspect of teaching and learning.
Globalization brings not only the necessity for a great
understanding of music from a diverse range of cultures
and genres, but also the need for familiarity with, and
understanding of, the contribution that information and
communications technology can make.
“Fantastic weekend! Specialist sessions
have been insightful and provided
invaluable opportunities to ask
questions and collate information.”
Suzanne Ross, CT ABRSM student
Throughout 2007, we have continued to support
instrumental and singing teachers through the provision of
a varied programme of professional development courses,
workshops and seminars. Our core range of courses
remains extremely popular with teachers who work in a
variety of contexts. Moodle – the Associated Board’s
favoured interactive software platform – continues to be
successful in facilitating contact between fellow students
and their course leaders and mentors, significantly
enhancing the quality of our professional development
“Very organized, interesting lessons.
Feedback from work during these
sessions has been of great value;
it's nice to talk to like-minded people,
to share ideas.”
Samantha Ball, CT ABRSM student
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“I thought this was a thoroughly worthwhile day. Richard Ingham was very
charming and put everyone at their ease really quickly. He helped to demystify
the whole jazz/improvisation myth. Thank you for a very informative and
enjoyable day.”
Linda Harland, Bristol 2007 jazz Taster Day
Malcolm Miles presenting at the 2007 London introductory jazz course
Core courses
Our CT ABRSM course remains popular with UK and
Hong Kong teachers, providing an opportunity for
individuals to benefit from in-depth analysis of their work,
and the support of subject specific mentors and
experienced course leaders. Now in its 13th year, the
course continues to cover many of the same issues as it did
during its inaugural year, 1995, and is also annually revised
to ensure that content is up-to-date and fully tuned to the
needs of the current music teaching workforce.
Shorter courses – such as Teaching Music Effectively and
the Introduction to Instrumental and Vocal Teaching – are
also proving popular with teachers in the UK and beyond.
Towards the end of 2007, teachers in Indonesia embarked
on a four-day Teaching Music Effectively course,
completing their studies in January 2008. It is pleasing to
report that a number have since signed up for the CT
ABRSM course, which will run towards the end of 2008 in
Jakarta. Much of this success is due to the dedication,
commitment and enthusiasm of our long serving
Representative for Indonesia, Denis Umar.
• 92 teachers were awarded the
Certificate of Teaching in 2007
“You couldn't fail to learn, with the
enthusiasm and energy used by both
the course leader and mentors.”
Trevor Horne, CT ABRSM Fast-Track student
Centenary Travel Grant programme
During 2007, the Centenary Travel Grant programme
visited various locations outside the UK. In May, Director
of Examinations Philip Mundey (now retired) and
examiner Angela Mundey visited Nairobi, Johannesburg
and Cape Town to give seminars focused on helping
teachers to improve their teaching of music theory and also
their understanding of the focus and purpose of our
practical examinations, with ‘a view from the examiner’s
chair’. Clara Taylor, Chief Examiner, and moderator
Richard Dickins gave seminars in Madrid later in the year
as part of the same programme.
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“I thoroughly enjoyed the taster day. It has really opened up many leads into
teaching jazz piano and has created a new enthusiasm for me to become more
immersed in jazz.”
a response to a 2007 jazz taster day survey
“It was wonderful to experience such clear and inspirational teaching.”
feedback from a 2007 introductory jazz course
• 200 music teachers came on a
jazz Taster Day or 4-day
introductory jazz course in 2007
Professional Development Programme
The Professional Development Programme focused on
three different but closely related topics. Seminars on
‘Improving your skills as a Performer’ were given at five
locations in Malaysia and also in Singapore during August
and September; the issue of ‘Achieving higher marks in
Grades 4-8 for piano’ was addressed at two presentations
in Indonesia in April; and ‘Introducing the new Piano
Syllabus 2007-2008’ was covered in a total of three
seminars in Hong Kong and Macau in March.
“Excellent. This has reinforced my
intention to go on further and gain
another qualification.”
Jazzing it up: course leader Charlie Beale provides an inspiring introduction
Other events
A series of one-day autumn seminars in the UK focused on
the new exam syllabuses for violin, clarinet and flute, and
remain very popular with teachers who use our syllabuses.
Other professional development events included the annual
summer school for Hong Kong based piano students, aged
12-17, which was once again held at the King’s School, Ely.
Meg Carroll, Introduction to Instrumental and
Vocal Teaching participant
Jazz courses
Following on from the successful Jazz Taster Days held at
the end of 2006 – which provided an inspiring introduction
to the basics of teaching jazz – two 4-day jazz courses took
place shortly afterwards in early 2007, providing
opportunity for teachers to delve further into the field and
benefit from training sessions with Charlie Beale, Martin
Hathaway and Richard Ingham – educators and jazz
musicians. In total, the courses enabled 65 teachers to
take and pass their Grade 1 jazz exam, with some 78% of
participants gaining a distinction.
• 78% of jazz course participants
gained a distinction at Grade 1
King’s School, Ely
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As well as supporting music teachers and learners through
the provision of exams and assessments, publications and
professional development opportunities, we also offer
support to other organizations with similar objectives. We
do this in many ways, from offering sponsorships, to
attending and participating in conferences run by a wide
range of music associations worldwide.
In 2007, we established a new sponsorship agreement with
the Federation of Music Services. The aim of this new
programme is to provide professional development
activities and opportunities for Music Service teachers all
round the country with a programme of events planned for
Our continued support for Music for Youth helped to
ensure that young musicians throughout England and
Wales have access to performance opportunities via
regional festivals. These took place in February and March,
with over 42,000 young musicians of all ages and levels of
ability taking part.
Music For Youth 2007 schools prom C Nick Kent
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
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Promoting CLIC Sargent’s Practice-a-thon: Linzi Stoppard and Ben Levi of Fuse launching
‘Share a Stage at Glastonbury’
“The support the Associated Board has
offered over the past few years has
been invaluable to CLIC Sargent and
the work that we do; Practice-a-thon
has grown tremendously as a direct
result. I have always found the
Associated Board a pleasure to work
with and cannot express enough how
wonderful their support is to the
charity. To be associated with such a
prestigious and trusted organization
has given Practice-a-thon a real boost
within the music education sector.”
Rachael Groom, National Events Manager, CLIC Sargent
In September we sponsored the National Association of
Music Educators conference and provided funding for their
latest publication, Ways into Music.
The Associated Board also supported the work of the
Scottish Association for Music Education by helping to
fund an ICT day, which took place at Stirling University.
Attended by around 100 teachers from all over Scotland,
this unique event offered delegates the opportunity to
discover the latest in music software and technology.
Once again, the Associated Board was pleased to support
and help promote the CLIC Sargent Practice-a-thon. An
annual event that is rapidly growing in popularity, the
CLIC Sargent Practice-a-thon encourages young musicians
to practise their instruments every day for two weeks,
whilst collecting sponsorship money to help improve the
lives of young people in the UK with cancer. For the first
time in 2007, schools and music groups were able to keep
25% of the funds their pupils raised to further their own
music making activities.
Meeting teachers and working with students
We continued to support learners as well as their teachers by sponsoring the Annual National Electronic Keyboard
Summer School, held in Chelmsford in August. In 2007, the Associated Board also strengthened links with a number of
music education organizations and the teachers that they also represent, by attending their annual conferences. In the
UK, we exhibited at:
February 2007
March 2007
European String Teachers Association forum day
Leeds Jazz Festival
April 2007
Incorporated Society of Musicians Annual Conference
May 2007
Federation of Music Services Annual Conference
Music Masters and Mistresses Conferences (regional and national)
June 2007
British Association of Symphonic Brass and Wind Ensembles Conference
July 2007
European Piano Teachers Association Conference
Music for Youth National Festival and Singposium
World Association of Symphonic Bands and Wind Ensembles Conference
September 2007
Scottish Association for Music Education Conference
National Association of Music Educators Conference
"The FMS very much values the partnership with the Associated Board. It is
good that the two organizations share the same vision for music education.
We very much hope that we will continue to work together for the benefit of
young musicians for many years to come."
John Witchell, Federation of Music Services
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Financial Summary
Professional development
& other
& donations
UK & Ireland
Administration &
Income 2007 – 2008: £30.2m
Expenditure 2007 – 2008: £29.9m
UK and Ireland exams (39%)
Exams (45%)
International exams (42%)
Scholarships and donations (17%)
Publishing (17%)
Staff (18%)
Professional development and other (2%)
Administration and development (12%)
Publishing (8%)
This financial summary applies to the financial year ended 31 January 2008.
These graphs indicate the approximate proportions of the Associated Board’s income and expenditure arising
from and applied to its different activities. They have not been taken from the full annual accounts and have not
been audited, independently examined or subject to a reporting accountant’s report. The most recent full annual
accounts, trustees’ report and external auditor’s report are available from both the Companies House and
Charity Commission websites.
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
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New Diploma Holders
The Associated Board’s diplomas are recognized and respected around the
world. Assessments are available at three levels, DipABRSM, LRSM and FRSM,
and in three subjects, Performance, Teaching and Direction. Congratulations
to the following musicians who gained their diplomas during 2007.
Diploma of the Associated Board
of the Royal Schools of Music
Catherine Mary Boscolo
Anna Buckeridge
Su-Yin Chan
Eunike Maharani Chandra
David Chen
Caroline Christenson
Laurence Albert Cummings
Evelyn Douek
Lam Hei Man
Leung Tan Hung
Maxine Huiting Szeto
Alexandra Elizabeth Tan
Steven Tanoto
Tay Kai Tze
Seow Yee Teo
Evie Yeap
Cheri Felicity Melissa Bend
Hascal Leeanda Stevenson
Rie Compton
David J Mason
Lilia Konstantinova Jekova
Ilia Zdravkov Mihaylov
Natali Angelova Petkova
Nok Ting Winnie Cheung
Shui Chun Fong
Chen Zhen Kai
Rico Long-Hin Fung
Gu Zi Wen
Julie Liang
Ou Zhi Yang
Lu Xuan Wen
Wong Yee Fei
Sha Wu
Melanie Cross
Stavros Hoplaros
Iosif Kartapanis
Ifigenia Mavrommati
Maria Papavasiliou
Marios Petsas
Stylianos Serghiou
Dawn Janice Sim
Spyros Spyrou
Czech Republic
Kristýna Kucerová
Sherif Milad Samoel Deif
Mohamed Ahmed Harb
Faroe Islands
Otniel Nygaard
Nicolas Piquet
Susanne Dalbert
Ayoade Olumide Akinduro
Hong Kong
Wong Alice
Au Tak Ching Angela
Chan Chung Yin
Cynthia Hiu-Yan Chan
Chan Fun Fun Jenny
Fung Yee Deborah Chan
Chan Hay Wan Dawn Helen
Chan Hei Ka
Chan Hiu Ki
Chan Kit Ying
Chan Leong Yi Bonnie
Man Chi Chan
Chan Man Fung
Man Yee Joyce Chan
Shui Ling Chan
Chan Shuk Yin
Chan Ting Yuen
Winny Chan
Chau Wai In
Chau Yu
Angela K Chen
Ding Hung Chen
Chen Stephanie
Andrew On Tao Cheng
Cheng Pong Man Reuben
Cheung Kar Kay
Cheung Mau Hong
Sze Wan Melody Cheung
Cheung Tin Yi, Tinny
Wai Lam Cheung
Cheung Wing Yiu
Cheung Yin Hung
Ching Hau Sze
Tsz Ching Chiu
Chiu Tsz Chun
Cho Wai Tsz
Choi Kit Yung Sonia
Siu Mei Choi
Yat Jun Chow
Chu Kam-Wing
Chung Cheuk Cheuk
Chung Choi Yi
Chun Kwong Eric Chung
Chung Lie
Chung Wing Kwan
Matthew Richard Entwistle
Fan Chun Mei
Fung Chui Mei
Doris Hin Wing Fung
Fung King Yin
Fung Kwong Ching Stephen
Lap Hei Hao
Ho Ching Yin
Ho Chun Leong
Ho Dick Ka
Ho Rebecca Sum Yee
Huang Mei Mei
Ching Ip
Maryellen Nga Yin Ko
Kwan Terence Tai-Lun
Kwok Kin Pong
Michelle Ming Sze Kwok
Kwok Pui Kwan Katherine
Tsz Kiu Kwok
Lai Hoi Ying
Lam Chui Shan
Lam Chun Kit
Lau Chung Yi
Ka Chun Gary Lau
Kin Ling Lau
Lau Ming
Pui Yan Lau
Suk Wai Lau
Lau Sze Ching
Lau Sze Kei Jessica
Valerie Wing Yee Lau
Yan Ho Matthew Lau
Law Yat Kei Godwin
Cheuk Yan Lee
Lee Man Hei
Phebe Lee
Lee Wing Yee
Leung Ah Fun
Leung Chun Ho
Leung Hong Yee
Leung Shu Ming
Leung Wai Yeung
Won Shing Andrew Leung
Leung Yuen Mei Amy
Leung Yuk Ting Yvonne
Ka Hei Li
Li Ki Yau
Li Tsz Ching
Yee Nam Ebony Ling
Hui Ying Liong
Lo Amanda Kar Hei
Lo Chun Him Eddie
Lo Hall
Lo Tak Lam May
Long Chi Hang
Luk Wai Hin Martin
Ma Chi Man
Woon Yee Ma
Mak Chun Yue
Mak Renata Kiri
Mak Wing Hung
Mak Yik Fung
Ng Chak Chuen Charles
Chantel Tsz Ying Ng
Ng Chi Fung Joseph
Ng Ho Tung
Jessica Chi-Yan Ng
Ng Lai Yi
Ng Po Kwan
Ng Pui Kei
Ng Sheung Yiu
Ng Yat Kan Kingsly
Ngan Wai Chi
Ngan Yik Hei Queenie
Ka Sin Jamie Or
Pang Chui Yan
Poon Lai Wah
Poon Tsz Chun
Sham Ching Toa Aristo
Sheung Wing Chit
Shum Ting Hin
So Lam Tsz Nina
So Yat Hin Edwin
Clarence Kit Man Tam
Ernie Tam
Tam Hoi Kei
Tam Sea May Cindy
Tan Willy
Tan Ying Ming Benjamin
Chi Kwan Tang
Tang Ko Yi
Tang Long Tao
Wing Kee Tang
Tin Siu Kuen
To Emily
To Yin Kan Jeffrey
Tong Wing Yu
Ka Ting Tsang
Kei Fong Mavis Tsang
Siu Wah Tsui
Yuk Tung Chanel Tsui
Natalie Tse Kei Tze
Wai Shan Evangeline So
Wan Cheuk Yin Jarita
Wan Chun Yip Johnny
Wan Wai Wah
Scott Chengyu Wang
Alice Wong
Wong Cheuk Chi
Wong Cheuk Kei Audrey
Wong Chi Kit
Wong Chien Loke
Wong Ching-Ching Jane
Wong Hong Kiu Queenie
Wong Ka Wai Nancy
Ka Yunn Wong
Wong Kayson
Wong Kin Yau
Wong Kit Mei
Wong Ming Chun
Wong Pak Ning
Wong Philippa Yu Wang
Wong Shee Wai
Wong Wei Sum
Windy Wai Lan Wong
Yin Lam Wong
Wong Yuen Ki
Woo Yin Lam Jacqueline
Ho Yin Wu
Wu Ming Wai Anita
Wu Tin Long
Wun Wai Ki
Chong Xie
Yam King Lam
Ngar Sze Cici Yau
Anthony Yeung
Yeung Yin Tung
Yeung Yun Sang
Yu Choi Kuk
Yu Hoi Ting Anna
Yu Joy Sze
Yuen Suet Ying
Yuen Wing Yee
Yip Kan Yuen
Yuen Yuk Ngan
Yung Yin Kwan
Gunnhildur Halla Baldursdóttir
Gudrún Árný Gudmundsdóttir
Magnús Gudmundsson
Rósa Jóhannesdóttir
Helga Magnusdóttir
Unnur Sigmarsdóttir
Eydís Sigrídur Ùlfarsdóttir
Vineet George Panikkar
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
Jimmy Joseph P
Shirish Daniel Malhotra
Robyn Louise Welsby
Michelle Kartika Bahari
Sandra Halim
Prajna Indrawati
Malonda Thimoti Bastian
Grace Dianita Oentoro
Aileen Valencia Raharjo
Eirene Soegijanto
Vincentia Suciati
Handy Suroyo
Regina Adelia Tanujaya
Valentina Ignatia Tjahjono
Mfx Metta Vijayanti Devi
Anggriani Winoto
Sindy Woe
Yuyun Yuniastuti
Davina Baker
Tara Breen
Jennifer Cassidy
Fionnuala De Frein
Brian James Gilligan
Aisling Kenny
Ciara Maccarthy
Laura Pamela Martin
Karen Mcdonnell
Catherine Mchale
Maud Ni Riordain
Mairead Nic An Fhaili
John Patrick O’Mahony
Aoife Sadlier
Louise Sheehan
Lara Rosemary Sullivan
Natalia Tretinnikova
Elena Colombo
Philip Andrews
Regnarene Brown
Jodi-Ann Wray
Yumiko Ito
Yuko Oi
Rania Hayel Ejeilat
Jafar Riad Hashem
Lola Akwabi
Annette Bryson
Ngaruiya Kariuki
Gacigi Kung’U
Sandy Morgan
Geoffrey Mukoto
Katina Williams
Hye Kyeung Cho
Kumwon Chung
Rachel Young-Mou Lee
Ciara Bridget Thornton Powell
Chong Hio Ian
Lao Chi Tong
Loi Nok Man
Tse Ka Yiu
Ching Eng Shen
Chong Yeng Huey
Choong Tien Huei
Goh Yan Li
Kwan San San
Page 25
Winston Mike Tze Chin Law
Lee Chai Fong
Wong Jia Hui Michelle
Karen Lye Pei Pei
Caroline Sim Kwang Leng
Soo Wei Sam
Lu Ging Adrin Teh
Angel Wong Pei Yee
Jean Noël Attard
Andrew Bugeja
Maria Daniela Farrugia
James Gauci
Kimberly Terribile
Carmelia Toledo
Daniel Benjamin Petit
Nikki Priyam Su-Ling Phoolchund
Désiré Kersley Pytambar
Percival Alvarez Perez
Julio Contreras Veana
Luis Fernando Lanza Castillo
Juan Pablo Luna Buchahin
Joaquin Olivares Martinez
The Netherlands
Sandra Burne
Hee Lam Chan
Nadia Tjahja
Mohammed Youmis (Khader)
New Zealand
Raymond Wing Lon Chan
Sunny Yewon Cho
Heather Easting
Dominica Finch
Lucy Maria Gijsbers
Jo-Ying Angela Huang
Tina Chia-Ting Ko
Cheuk Lam Sankie Ng
Chloe Schnell
Joey Cho Yee Siu
Eleanor Tagart
Stanley Chun Hung To
Ella Tunnicliffe-Glass
Pamela Wong
Jimmy Wu
Soo Hyun Yang
Saleh Hamed Bin Saleh Al Asmi
Darbiby Bint Mouladad Al
Hilal Bin Said Al Baluchi
Yousuf Bin Salim Bin Said Al
Saleh Bin Said Al Manji
Hassina Bint Abdullah Al Rashidy
Ahmed Bin Musabeh Al Salehy
Al-Naabi Jokha Said Khalaf
Neilroy Isac Miranda
Ksenija Basic
Ang Kai Jie Davin
Ang Yong He Thomas
Bi Ran
Chan Ka Yan
Cheah Wei Ling
Chen Xi Zi
Chen Yihui
Cheong Jia Sheng
Chia Hui Zhen Jolyn
Chong Hui Nah Catherine
Chong Ngok Yan Jeremiah
Chong Yao Feng Victor
Chow Hung Yin
Chung Qi-Yan
Pearly Chung I-Ching
Elizabeth Anne Devan
Eng Ling Ling
Eng Poh Chek
Feng Jianhua Kelvin
Foo Shuhua Wendy
Foo Yun Ping Jane
Mark Brian Foo Dun Wei
Goh Yu Xiang Wilford
Alexander F Greaves
Heng Jun Khee
Hew Sin Ying Dinah
Ho Sze Wei
Hoe Keen Loon Gabriel
Hong Yaw Chang
Khoo Tze Ting Audrey
Koh Jia Shan
Kwek Mu Yi Theophilus
Kwok Min Li
Lam Yin
Lau Kor Loong Alan
Lee Chia Chu
Lee Jing
Lee Song Chiang Sean
Lee Tse Tun
Lee Wei Sun
Leo Zhi Wei
Leong Soon Hong
Leow Zhi Wei Nicholas
Jared Liew Wei
Lim Siao Ferng
Lim Wei
Lim Xiao Wei Sherilyn
Gabriel Lim Jen-Wei
David Lim Yurui
Loh Wei Ken
Loh Yin Ching
Low Hsiang Hun Rebecca
Low Hui Xin
Lum Yiheng
Mitchell David Arthur
Mock Pei Chien
Mohamed Zulkiflee Bin
Mohamed Yasin
Ng Chet Wei
Ng Hwee Cheng Mary-Anne
Ng Peiyi
Ng Si Ning Tryphena Rachel
David Ng Zhihao
Pan Shixuan
Phee Siok Koon Mavis
Phoon Yu
Quek Chiew Kwee Evelyn
Seet Ming Wei Dominic
Seet Wen Kai
Seow Shen Ai Deborah
Sit Kwan Yee Queenie
Christina Suresh
Tan Boo Tong John
Tan Geok Teng Elizabeth
Tan Hong Yi Joshua
Tan Hui Jun Gwendoline
Tan Jia Hui
Tan Le En Joy
Tan Liyan Joanna
Tan Mei Hui
Tan Yue Wen Sharron
Grace Tan En Hui
Tang Xin Kai
Cheryl Tay Shu Ying
Teng Li Peng Margaret
Eugene Teo Jun-Kai
Debbie Valerie Thia Kim Ann
Thng Yi Ren
Winnie Tsin
Wan Ngan Ching
Kyoko Watanabe
Whang Yixiang Remus
Wong Shi Hui Sarah
Woo Zhi Yiming
Jennifer Wu Shuang
Yeo Yee Ying
Yong Zhiyi
Zeng Jingyin
Zhang Mengshi
South Africa
Hayley Altenkirch
Charles Michael Baggott
Conrad Calitz
Benjamin De Lange
Deborah Everard
Sarah-Jane Frith
David Christopher Gibson
Steven Grant Hussey
Elzahn Johnson
Grace Kim
Cynthia Kruger
Kirsten Macdonald
Melissa Joanne Marsh
Maxine Jessica Matthews
Heidemarie Elsa Meyer
Misha Meyer
Kate Bridget Moore
Gerrit Lukas Roos
Duncan Alistair Samson
Heiletta Schoeman
Katrin Mary Geneve Smith
Laura Katherine Stevens
Susara Margaretha Theron
Cornelia Maria A Van Oostrum
Hannelouw Van Staden
Yu-Chi Wei
Maria Casado
Sandra Castelltort
Alejandro Guillen Alcocer
Sergio Oramas Royo
Eva Rivera Gonzalez
Sri Lanka
Michiko Yoshihara Herath
Domitille Coppey
Lynne Daniel
Ong Puay Jian
Shunsuke Takemura
Sichen Wang
Ibrahim Kolunsag
Harun Bugra Yüksel
Kigenza Paul Africa
Mpandi John Susi
Job Ivan Tezigatwa
United Kingdom
Laura Adams
Alexander Aitken
Sophie Allan
David Allen
Marcia Allison
Maya Amin-Smith
Darren Anderson
Elizabeth Anderson
Mark Andrew
Fraser Arends
Emily Armour
Sebastian Armstrong
Jennifer Ashworth
Michael Atkinson
Rachel Ann Attwell
Callum Au
Claire-Louise Auguste
Elizabeth M Aylen
Hannah Balcombe
Diana Ball
Nikki Baudains
Jacqueline Baxter
Michael William Beaver
Robert Bedwell
Emily Bell
Andrew Bennett
Robyn Louise Beresford
Imogen Berman
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
Michaela Betts
Nandita Bhatia
Khattar-Joseph Bitar
Sarah Blackford
Paul Robert Blake
Alan Bond
Louise Heidi Bonneywell
Jenny Borrett
William Bosworth
Catherine Frances Boxall
Alyson Boyd
Linda Brann
Daniel John Brett
Martin William Briggs
Miriam Brod
Hannah Elizabeth Brook
Sarah Brown
Tanisha Brown
Julie Buckley
James Bumstead
Carline Bushen
Antony Camillo
Fiona Care
Sam Carey
Alison Elizabeth Cartlidge
Rory Cartmell
Mark Cartwright
Jonathan Carvell
Natalie Catren Major
Catherine Jane Cavan
Jill Chantrill
Lorraine Chapman
Neil Chapman
Alpesh Chauhan
Benjamin Tsin Lung Choy
Stephen Christmas
Sarah Clark
Hugo Frederick Clarke
Sam Clarke
James Andrew Cleeve
Jessica Coffin
Jeremy Coleman
Jonathan Coleman
Hannah Collings
Victoria Conlan
Georgia May Connolly
Rosalin Cooper
Elizabeth Cormack
Mary Cotes
Odette Cotton
Vera Coupe
Amy Cowan
Caroline Cowan
Lucinda Cox
Sarah Cross
Helen Crumpton
Miriam Curtis
Elsa Cusido-Muntada
Sarah Cuthbertson
Josef Czuprynski
Joanne Day
Keri A Degg
Naomi Dekker
Katie Dennis
Sarah Louise Denton
Joseph Devalle
Matthew Robert Di Capite
Emma Dickinson
Laura Rose Dickson
Jennifer Dingley
Rebecca Donkin
Gitte-Maj Donoghue
Jonathan Douglas
Anna Douglass
Susan Douglass
Gisella Doulton
Alison Downey
Clare Draycott
Lee Drew
Hamish Dustagheer
George Duthie
Carolyn Eaglen
Louise Marianne Edgar
Nick Edwards
Rhiain Isabella Elliott
Page 26
Mark Ellis
Rebecca Charlotte Ellis
Jemma Andrea Evans
Jeremy Evans
Poppy Helen Gordon Ewence
Peter Exley
Emma Charlotte Farrow
Richard Fegelman
Lucy Hannah Feldman
Amy Finch
Timothy Firmston-Williams
Sarah L Fish
Caroline Fisher
Theo Ford-Sagers
Amy Forshaw
Peter George Foster
Paul Fothergill
Robert Fox
Rosemary A Fox
Clifford John Frisby
Robert Huw Furness
Suzanne Gale
Francesca Galloway
William Gardner
Kenneth Garfield
Harry Geeves
Emma Gibbons
Philip Gibbs
Sophie Gilbey
Adrian Gilder
Rachael Elizabeth Gill
Amelia Gillingwater
Edward Goldsmith
Hannah Rose Gomersall
Bessie Graham
Amy Green
Claire Green
Suzanne Lipton Greenlees
Heather Elizabeth Greer
Simon Grisdale
Alicia Gurney
Jonathan William Guy
Lizzie Hale
Matthew James Hall
Rebecca Hallam
Lindsay Jayne Hammer
Natalie Harnett
Paul Harris
Rhian Hartshorn
Flora Harvey
Rachel Hayter
Emma Louise Hayward
Joanna Heath
Sally Heath
James Henderson
James Henshaw
Thomas Heslop
Jennifer Hicken
Steven Hickey
Rebecca J Hickie
B Hill
Alexander Hird
Johanna Hirst
Fong Ho Tsz
Rachel Mary Holland
Liam Holt
Jin-Bok Hong
Virginia Horten-Middleton
Emily Hotton
Lawrie Houghton
Rachel How
Michelle K Howell
Christina Yida Hu
Siriol Hugh-Jones
Ross Hunt
Christopher I’Anson
Yoshiyuki Iizuka
Amy Innes
Grant Irvine
Edmund Irwin-Singer
Estelle Jackson
Susannah Kathryn Jackson
Helen Lowri James
Naomi Emma Kate James
Catherine Jennaway
Kathryn Jermyn
Weifeng Jiang
Lu Jianjie
Catherine Frances Johnson
Christine Sara Johnson
Aled Jones
Alice Bethan Jones
Charlotte Jones
Joanna Lynne Jones
Michael Jones
Richard Jones
Richard Andrew Joyce
Alexei Kalveks
Misa Kawamura-Besser
David Kayente
Andrew John Keegan
Amanda Kibble
Harriet Kilvington-Shaw
Sung-Ho Kim
Helen Kinder
Sam Kinrade
Rachel Knoedler
Lavania Kumar
Will Kunhardt-Sutton
Tim Lai
Amrish Lakhani
Seamus Lally
Clarence Lam
Timothy Lambourn
Thomas Lane
Daniel Law
Tara Lawrence
Samuel Lea
Kate Ledger
Eunhye Lee
Hei Man Lee
Na-Rae Lee
Anthony James Tulip Lees
John Lether
Wai Yu Elliot Leung
Rebecca Lewis
Sarah Lewis
Martin Li
Edward Liddall
Izumi Kumi Liley
Jonathan Lilley
Bethany Lillig
Hannah Linney
Joy Sarah Lisney
Angela Liu
Adrian Lo
Susan Lord
Claire Lowe
Adam David Lownds
Flora May Lucas
Toby Lucas-Smith
Rebecca Luck
Chun Man Luk
Sharron Lusher
Lu Ma
Hollie Macdonald
Michelle Macdonald
Naomi Mace
Kirsty Macpherson
Ryan Madhok
Aisling Maguire
Laura Maidment
James Maltby
Louise Maltby
Christine Annette Mann
Andrew Marris
Laura Martin
Stephen Martin
Sagar Masani
Maria Mccarthy
Linsey Mccormack
Anthony John Mcdonald
Alison Mcevoy
Hannah Mcfarland
Michael Mcginty
John Mcgleish
Michael Mcgowan
Pamela Mcjannet
Paul Mckenzie
Abigail Laura Mcmillan
Delia Mcnally
Katherine Meadows
Nathan Mercieca
Harry Michalas
Joanna Michell
Eleanor Middleton
Hannah Lucy Miles
Robert James Miles
Graham Milgate
George Millard
Caroline Miller
Linda Mills
Daniel Milverton
Tristan Oliver Quentin Mitchard
Farhad Moayedi
Laura Monaghan
Huw Thomas Morgan
Rhiannon E Morgan
Shoko Morimoto
Thomas Morley
Imogen Morris
John Morrish
Georgia Morrison
Daniel Mort
Jessica Morton
Lucy Morton
Jennifer Sarah Mu
Richard Mulhearn
Christopher Muscillo
Akiko Nakano
Richard Newman
Joel Newsome
Alexander Nikiporenko
Abigail Nye
Okey Nzelu
Barbara O’Neill
Kevin O’Carroll
Katy Offord
Harry Ogg
Joseph O’Leary
Hinako Omori
David Onac
Josephine Organ-Jennings
Matthew O’Rorke
Katharine Mary Osborne
Anna Pack
Yong-Soo Park
Frederick Parker
Julie Parker
Laura C Parker
Amy Struthers Parkinson
Rebecca Clare Parrish
Jennifer Payne
John Pead
Jonathan Pearson
Pauline Pedlar
Benjamin Pennington
Lisa Pentecost
Daisy Perrin
Mark Pescott
Kate Lucia Philpot
Barnaby Philpott
Eleanor J Pike
Claire Pillmoor
Harriet Lesley Pitman
Sally Plummer
Joshua Poole
Daniel Pope
Charles Portas
Matthew Pountain
Emily Preston
Catherine Emily Price
David Price
Rebecca Emmy Price
Anthony Gordon Priest
Jonathan Radford
Ashvini Mercedes Ramoutar
Helena Rampley
Elizabeth Ramsey
Christopher John Raspin
Kathryn Rawstron
Dafydd Gethin Rees
Anne Renshaw
Nicholas Rhodes
Kaye Rice-Oxley
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
Sarah Richmond
Nathan Riddell
Maurice Rigby
Paul Christopher Ritchie
Catherine Roberts
Helen Elizabeth Roberts
Kate Roberts
Zacchaeus Rodwell
Luke T M Rogers
Jack Ross
Deborah Rothwell
Cheryl Roussel
Robert Garnet Ruddell
Katie Rumble
Deborah E Salmon
Thomas Salmon
Matthew Sandy
Andrew Saunders
Katie Jane Saunders
Anthony Scannell
Anthony Schneider
Maya Schueller Elmes
Adam Sealey
Dominic Sedgwick
Bethan Mair Semmens
Mark Soong Xian Seow
Joseph Shiner
Georgina Short
Jill Simpson
Laura Simpson
Wendy Simpson
Alexandra Sloan
David Sloan
Amanda Smith
Stefan Spencer
Christopher Stark
Colin Steele
Ewan Stephens
Anna Stephenson
Katherine Stewart
Alice Stobart
Jonathan Storey
Hannah Stuart
Richard Stuart-Matthews
Bethan Sutton
Jonathan Tan
Hideki Tanimura
Katherine Taylor
Nerissa C E Taysom
Josephine C H Teo
Chris Terepin
Nia Thomas
Penelope Ann Thomas
Andrew Thomson
Cameron Thomson
Lynn Threadgold
Sarah Thwaites
Sally Emma Tidbury
Ian Tindale
Lori Tingay
Evelyn Tinker
Alexander Tostdevine
Charlotte Trepess
Valerie Trudelle
Sara J Turnbull
Simon Twyford
Andrew Tyler
Dominic Richard Mark Tyler
Lorraine Tyler
Alison Vaughan
Chloe Frances Vincent
Lesley Elizabeth Vincent
Hannah Wallace
Matthew Wallen
Victoria Anne Waller
Robert Mark Ward-Penny
Michael Cameron Warner
Mark A Warren
Faye Watson
Naomi Watson
Lily Webster
Adam Harold Colin West
Ben Westlake
Allan Whatling
Catherine White
Page 27
Victoria M Willatts
Abigail Williams
Esther Williams
Gregory Williams
Nia D Williams
P Williams
Sarah Williams
Lyn Williamson
Emma Willson
Richard Peter Wilson
Stella Rose Wilson-Haffenden
Rachel Windsor
Michael Wood
James Woodrow
Emma Woodruff
Anna Wootton
Jennifer Wright
Matthew Wright
Melissa Wright
Helena Wu
David Richard Wynne
Yuanfan Yang
Frances Young
Bethany Jane Younger
Elizabeth Alexandra Zeisel
Jingyi Zhao
United Arab Emirates
Tristan Douglas Hamilton Brown
Bernard Pereira
United States of America
Marlene Po-Ngar Chan
Wayne Wei Chen
Ashley Marie Dellafiora
Lydia Falconnier
Jason Fong
Fong Man Hei
Pamela Forno
Andy Lai
Donovan Le
Kelsey Lederman
Dorrie Lee
Joshua Leung
Kwame Lewis
Chiahao Lin
Kevin Lin
Loh Shou-En Shawn
Jonathan S Lu
Julie Mueller
Natalie Riley
Miho Saito
Lucy Chiu Seifferth
Amy Jeanne Shafer
Andrea Sheafer
Michael Shen
Jeffrey Lyle Sprung
Justine Tiu
Evangeline Naomi Wong
Wan Wong
Helen Yao
Wenjun Zhang
Licentiate of the Royal Schools of
Music (LRSM)
John Au
Chu Sau Man
Ho Siew Yung Alice
Myfanwy Mary Mcindoe
Stephanie Sim
Chun Jan Young
Young Tun-Jan
Zhou Li Fei
Hong Kong
Au Samuel
Wai Man Au
Au Yeung See Kee
Ka Yan Chan
Chan Tsz Hei Fatima
Cheang Tik Ki
Chen Yuk Shek
Chen Yung Ling
Bernard Man Yung Cheung
Melanie Ka Yin Cheung
Cheung Tak Yan
Cho Yin Ming
Fong Ling Yuen Fiona
Ho Yik Sai
Ip Wing Wun
Yiu Kei Christopher Kwan
Lam Chun Fai
Lam Man Ki Jandy
Lam Yan Yan
Lau Siu Man
Lau Wing Hong
Leung King Fung Peter
Leung Man Hin
Leung Suet Man
Li Wai Tak Eric
Ng Lok Ping
Poon Sau Yuen
Sit Tsz Ho
So Pak Lun
So Wun Kan
Tam Sea May Cindy
Ting Chung Wai
Tsang Theodoric Yerk Bun
Wong Timothy Pak Hong
Wun Kiu Yuen
Yui Kiu Yuen
Hanna Björk Gudjónsdóttir
Dóra S Gudmannsdóttir
Gudrún Árný Gudmundsdóttir
Steinarr Magnússon
Jenny Ang
Marcella Yuwono Halim
Fenella Gladys Theodore
Colm Martin Connolly
Sinead Finegan
Shane Mcmahon
Salvatore Sangiovanni
Milos Sajin
Chang Seok Woo
Deryck Roger Worrell
Dana Alexander Tan Moult
Ngan Siok Yi
Chin Yew Anne Pauline
Shu Yew Nee
Wong Ching Soon
Emily Miller
Analiza Abdilla
Fergus Ho Yee Kung
Kwan Wai Florence Lau
Sylvia Yee
Marie Janette Man Pin
Lim Kee Chang
Isabel Arriaga Martinez
Jose Antonio Garcia Taborda
New Zealand
Gordon Lu
Chin Yeh
Tariq Mohammed Al Baluchi
Saif Bin Hamed Bin Majid
Al Hajri
Mohammed Bin Hamed
Al Hashmi
Khalid Bin Khalfan Al Jabri
Aida Bint Ali Bin Salim
Al Musallami
Sophia Al-Busaidy
Saleh Hadeed Almukhaini
Ilham Salim Altoqi
Chen-Ouw Mingtse
Chew Ming Xian Grace
Chin Jun Qi
Chong Xiu Min
Chow Wai Lin
Terence Chu Tailun
Chua Shan Jee
Foo Shi Rong
Gao Yuening
Goh Chian Yeh
Goh Zhen Yi Melissa
Balraj S O Gopalkrishnan
Khoo Yu Jie
Lee Ning
Jessica Leong Wai Yan
Li Ziting Serene
Lim Jia Hui Gerald Kendric
Liu Yi Na
Loh Ing Yiing
Muhamad Yusri Bin
Mohamed Ali
Pan Yi An
Jonathan Shin Zi Yang
Soh Yeng Lin
Tan Yuan Xin
Tay Zong Min
Teo Chunxi Melissa
Toh Shuet Wern Genevieve
Wong Yoke Hin Nicholas
South Africa
Vaughn Victor Fransch
Marelize Muller
Margot Smythe
Marian Van Duyker
Carlos Diéguez Beltrán
Andres Kaljuste
Tomas Segerson
Domitille Coppey
Furu Song
United Kingdom
Emily Claire Kateryna Andrews
Michelle Andrews
Rhoda Barfoot
Emily Barker
Gavin Anthony Barr
Laura Beardsmore
Eleanor Brooks
Ian Brown
Helen Burford
Natalie Catren Major
Jeffrey Lih Jen Chang
Kiyomi Choji
Adrian Cosker
Dorothy Couling
Mary K Daniels
Inga Davis-Rutter
David Dean
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
Joanna Debenham
Sarah Desbruslais
Alan Dodd
Benjamin Dunnett
Elfair Grug Dyer
Alexander Edmundson
Colin Friend
Laura Gardiner
Deborah Jill Gjeloshaj
David Goldsmith
Stephen Gregg
Adam James Greig
Elizabeth Hanks
Jill R Harris
Frances Heley
Michael Hickman
Anneke Hodnett
Adam Howcroft
Gaspar Hunt
Mary Jeanmaire
David William Johnson
Gemma Kateb
Gamal Khamis
Michael Kidd
David Kirby
Julian Kirk
Theofilos Lais
Sheung Sau Lee
Thomas Lidbetter
Brenda Lucas Ogdon
Luke Martin
Page 28
Joanna Clare Mattock
Ilona Mejia
Sarah Minchin
Ben Muskett
Matthew Norris
Vanessa M Nuttall
Robert O’Connell
Paul O’Reilly
Simon Passmore
Amanda Pomorski
Barbara Ann Potter
T Rawbone
Sarah Robinson
Kosuke Sahara
Marcus Schofield
Frederick J Scott
Michael Edwin Simcock
Frances Smith
Olga Sologub
Robert Stanley-Smith
Hannah Stone
Nancy Tomkins
Paul T Twine
Michael Ulph
Miho Wada
Lynora Welland
Rhiannon W-Hale
Victoria White
Abigail Wilkinson
Huw Williams
Rosemary A Willoughby
Janet Wright
Russell James Young
Jean Noël Attard
United States of America
Hannah Chan
Abigail Crouch
Elisabeth Gertz
Jitsuko Langmead
Ai Wei Lee
Yvonne Liu
Nadia Noor
Eva T L Sze
Alison Wilson
Cecilia Bercovich
Fellowship of the Royal Schools of
Music (FRSM)
H Nurtemel Tilki
Hong Kong
Cheung Chun Joe
Chu Hang Chun
Mark Lung
Wong Carson
Wong Chi Hin Andrew
Hugo Ticciati
Hendrata Prasetia
United Kingdom
James R W Crockford
Neville Jason Fahy
Daria Mikhailovna Gloukhova
Gareth Perkins
Peter T Rees
J S Stokoe
John Peter Traill
United States of America
Robert Lee Mahaffey
Nicholas Namoradze
Kim Yong-Sook
Scholarships, Bursaries
and Awards
Each year we award scholarships to
junior, undergraduate and
postgraduate students at four of the
Royal Schools of Music. The
following students were awarded
scholarships for courses of study
beginning in 2007.
Royal Academy of Music
Alice Toms (UK), Guitar & Bassoon
Diana Alexandru (Romania), Viola
Anna Hashimoto (UK), Clarinet
Raluca-Ioana Negrut
(Romania), Voice
Luis Teo (Singapore), Oboe
Lisa Ueda (Japan), Violin
Ellen Deverall
(New Zealand), Clarinet
Grace Yan-En Lee
(Singapore), Violin
Caroline MacPhie (UK), Voice
Jun Ishimura (Japan), Piano
Lachzar Stankov (Bulgaria), Piano
Konstantin Lapshin (Russia), Piano
Anne Jessamine Marshall
(South Africa), Piano Accompaniment
Samuel Panheleux
(UK), French Horn
Royal Northern College of Music
Joseph Jankinson
(UK), Saxophone & Oboe
Alexandra Dariescu
(Romania), Piano
Elfair Grug Dyer (UK), Harp
Vicente Espi (South Africa), Violin
Barry Luo (Australia), Cello
Yoshika Masuda (Australia), Cello
Adam Leftwich (UK), Voice
Anya Muston (Australia), Violin
Royal College of Music
Jordan Black (UK), Clarinet
Royal Scottish Academy of Music
and Drama
Erin McSporran (UK), Cornet
Oliver Blake (Australia), Percussion
Joel Farland (Australia), Percussion
Adam Howcroft (UK), French Horn
Artem Akopyan
(Russia), Piano/Voice
Bryan Benner (USA), Voice
Cristoff Johannes Fourie
(South Africa), Cello
Oles Klok (UK), Piano
Willem Mathlener
(South Africa), Violin
Gold and Silver Awards
These awards are made to
candidates in the UK and Ireland
who gained exceptional results in a
practical exam at Grade 6, 7 or 8.
Felipe Correia Oliveira
(Brazil), Voice
John Pumphrey (UK), Voice
Ian Watson (South Africa), Violin
Gold Awards
Christina Isobel Bodenes,
Grade 8 Flute
Jaymee Coonjobeeharry,
Grade 8 Flute
Isata Kanneh-Mason,
Grade 7 Piano
Isata Kanneh-Mason,
Grade 8 Piano
Charlotte Isabella Lynch,
Grade 8 Piano
David Potts, Grade 8 Clarinet
Vincent Webb,
Grade 6 Alto Saxophone
Macklin Bursaries
The following outstanding
Associated Board scholars were
awarded bursaries to assist with
further studies or the launch of their
professional careers.
Royal Academy of Music
Peter Limonov (Russia), Piano
Royal College of Music
Sijie Chen (China), Violin
Royal Northern College of Music
Rosemary Toll (UK), Percussion
Royal Scottish Academy of Music
and Drama
Bede Williams
(New Zealand), Trumpet
Silver Awards
Tom Baird, Grade 7 Flute
Christopher Roberts,
Grade 8 Singing
Roberto Ruisi, Grade 8 Violin
David Tobin, Grade 6 Violin
Martin Turnbull, Grade 7 Piano
Carla White, Grade 7 Violin
Michael Solomon Williams,
Grade 8 Singing
Tim Wright, Grade 8 Violin
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
Page 29
New CT ABRSM Holders
The Certificate of Teaching course gives participants an opportunity to spend
an extended period of time developing knowledge and skills, and refreshing
their personal approach to teaching. The course takes place either over one
year or, for the fast-track course, six months. Congratulations to the following
teachers who successfully completed the CT ABRSM course in 2007.
Hong Kong
Chan Ka Man Karman
Fung Wing Lei, Pamela
Gabriel Yanne
Ho Lai Shan, Kalie
Kin Pong, Patrick Cheung
Kwan Suk Yee, Rita
Lai Fan Estelle Cheung
Lam Kiu Wai, Linda
Lam Yuk Ching, Shirley
Lau Hiu Lam, Josie
Leung Pui Tin, Shirley
Mei Yan Chan
So Sze Tai, Cynthia
Tsang Siu Yan, Peggy
Wei Ching Winnie Choy
Wong Ka Ki, Kitty
Yuen Tsui Ying, Vince
Yuriko Takeuchi
United Kingdom
Rebecca Anderson-Deas
Elena Artamonova
Sue Bennett
Francesca Best
Samantha D Carter
Ian Cooke
Laura Diaz Abellan
Georgina Doswell-Truscott
Andrew Eggleton
Rachel Flemons
Alison Hart
Lucy Holt
Georgina Jones
Fern Nee Lee
Janferie S Lemos
Marie Leo
Evelyn Marshall
Janet Morley
Simon Morton
Denise M Murphy
Alison Orbaum
Susan Powrie
Daniel Price
Paula Rainsborough
John Steel
Elizabeth Trueman
Emma J Wade
Jane E Waters
Karen Wheatley
Nadia Yeghiazarian
Lorna Charnley
Kenneth Melvin Fyles
Sarah L Garrard
Jenny Grimshaw
Bernardette Hill
Selina Howell
Natasha Kellett
Jenifer M Lismore
Emma L Temporal
Penny Carter
Nicola Dancey
Sue Heron
Miranda King
Sue Laker
Sue McIntosh
Anna J O’Neill
Mary A Rogers
Claire Wallace
Fast-Track Course, Kenilworth
Sarah Bainbridge
Rebecca Baldesare
Clare Ballam
Heather Bentley
Susan Betley
Laura C Carvell
Hayley Clover
Lisa C Cox
Jane Doyle
Robert Foster
Jacquelyn Gridley
Ivan Hutchinson
John Lether
Jo Mayo
Debra A Mulligan
Duncan Newman
Simon Nicholls
Nicola Pennill
Jennifer Redfern
John Rouse
Aileen Shanks
Lucy Slane
Fiona Stone
Louise Turner
Benjamin Watson
Victoria Maria Wood
Prize Winners
Hedy King Robinson Prizes
These prizes reward high standards
in theory of music exams. Prizes are
awarded to candidates worldwide
who achieve 90 marks or above at
Grade 6, 7 or 8 and, additionally, to
those in the USA who achieve full
marks (100) at Grades 1 to 5. The
following candidates were awarded
Hedy King Robinson Prizes for exams
taken in 2007.
Grade 6
Demelza Lee Bursill
Grade 8
Lilia Jekova
Grade 7
Stefan Melovski
Valentina Pravodelov
Hong Kong
Grade 6
Chung Kin Yee
Grade 8
Chan Wing Kwan
Cheng Kam Hang
Lam Wai Ying
Lam Chak Fai
Lo Lok Sang Rosanna
Ng Wing Yin
Tam Catherine Wing Yan
Wong Lai Man
Grade 6
Erik Dominikus
Donna Enfi
Glicherrya Junica
Tan Tiauw Oen
Winnie Santia Soekojo
Jene Sulastri
Grade 7
Irene Wendelin Koeswoyo
Koslinda Novia
Catharine William
Grade 8
Ingrid Maryane Cahya
Grade 6
Aoife Kearney
Aidan Morris
Grade 6
Hiromi Shimada
Grade 6
Rauni Tanu
Grade 6
Kou Chon San
Kwah Hou In
Grade 6
An Hui Ling
Chin Mei Xin
Choo Ching Yi
Daniel Tham Je Wai
Deborah Yong Xinyi
Der Yi Shan
Diana Ng Pei Yi
Esther Yong Sheau Shan
Gan Lee Sin
Goi Jing Wey
Heah Li Yin
Heng Yi Cheer
Jeannette Kam Ji Lin
Jessica Lim Yi-Wen
Joey Wee Chu Ying
Joseph Chia Mhan Yuan
Juliana Heng Huijing
Julie Tye Wen Zhi
Kan Yi Wen
Khoo Wan Thien
Lee Wei Wen
Lee Neam Heng
Lim Tsu Min
Lim Wen Li
Ng Chun Kit
Ng Sue Huey
Ng Zhi Lun
Oh Coyin
Ooi Yit Tyse
Rebekah Tan Li Wei
See Sze Ung
Shaun Stanislaus Paiva
Shobha Ashwinie A P Subarau
Siow Yan Yeng
Quraisyia Binti Talib
Tam You Jin
Tammy Lim Mei Ern
Teh Tian Yoon
Teoh Jiah Sze
Theng Wai Khean
Tung Lye Yee
Wong Chee Yern
Wong Ai Wei
Yap Lok Lee Hillary
Yap Yi Xuan
Yew Jia Jay
Yu Fang Juinn
Grade 7
Chai Yi Ying
Cheryl Tan Eve Lynn
Kenric Ansel Lee Taylor
Kong Jye Ping
Lai Weijean
Lee Voon Foong
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
Lio Leek Yin
Ruth Teh Bang Yee
Saw Siew Wei
Soo Jin Yun
Soon Khai Wen
Tee Song Ci
Grade 8
Chen Jing Dao
Ching Wan Lih
Lee Sheng Yi
Lee Zcho Huey
Eleanor Felsy Philip
Christopher Tan Zhang Jie
Yeow Su En
Grade 6
Giuliana Torpiano
Rachel Marie Vella Baldacchino
Grade 6
Moises Ramos Ortega
The Netherlands
Grade 8
Sandra Burne
New Zealand
Grade 6
Craig Bott
Colin Clark
Salina Fisher
Naomi Sarah Hughes
Nicholas Kraenzlin
Nelson Lam
Gordon Lu
Jennifer Marie Newth
Jessamine Roguski
Rachel Alice Saunders
Jun-Yan (Ian) Tan
Ella Tunnicliffe-Glass
Holly Wang
Tony Zhai
Grade 7
Lucy Maria Gijsbers
Grade 8
Caleb Liu
Grade 6
Ang Kai Jie Davin
Ang Jing Jie
Aw Jia Ying
Chan Wei Sen Marvin
Chang Hwee Nee
Chee Ying Ying
Cheong Yu Jia
Chia Jie Sin
Chin Ping Ying Maria
Chong Kar Ann
Chow Li Yue
Fu Weihao
Fung Man Lok
Goh Xin Yi
Valerie Khoo Yu Hui
Kiew Jian Xing
Lee Si Ying
Lee Pei Shan Tricia
Leong Shi Min Jaime
Liew Chien En Ian
Lim Jin Ming
Lim Wenyun Renee
Joanna Lim Mei Ting
Lin Wei
Loh Yue Ying June
Long Shi Jie Terence
Low Lee Seng Magdalene
Mah Chen Zhong
Mak Ying Hui
Mak Wai Yong
Page 30
Ng Jia Hui
Ng Siang Lin
Sean Ng Tze Shen
Jacklyn Ng Xiao Shi
Benjamin Ni Weijun
Quek Hao Yong Gabriel
Seow Yang Terng
Gayle Sim
Soh Hui Ling
Tan Wee Siang
Tan Jie Xin
Tan Yuting
Tan Sui Linn
Levin Tan Chun Kiat
Chelsa Tan Hwei Yueh
Eunice Tan Yoke Si
Christopher Tay Joshua
Teng Hui Min
Teo Rong Sheng Steven
Teo Jue Luo Melinna
Teo Hooi Khee
Teo Jia Hui
Samantha Then Hui Ting
Thia Lijie Rachel
Thia Hui Ting
Danielle Joy Thio En Qi
Toh Wee Sze Edwin
Wen Jie Ying
Wong Shu Xian Lynnette
Yeo Weijie Jeryl
Yeo Mei Yi Mellissa
Yong Chun Bok
Grade 7
Frisca Chewandi
Radhika Gurumurthy
Patrick Koh Kok Tong
Lau Sze Kiat Larry
Lo Jia Hui Cassandra
Grade 8
Zara Chan Xian Wen
Chew Yi Hong
Pearly Chung I-Ching
Mark Brian Foo Dun Wei
Gu Wei
Sheena Hong Yu Mei
Rachel Lai Yan Fen
Lee Mei Yei
Lee Gek Khim
Lee Ee Lin Evelyn
Lo Jia Hui Cassandra
Felicia Ong Tze Jiun
Pek Teng Siew
Seah Ying Cong
Dominic Seet Ming Wei
Tan Hue Kay
Tan Tuan Hao
Yeo Yao Rui
South Africa
Grade 6
Gwendolyn Elizabeth Barnes
Petrus Johannes Loock Odendaal
Marinthea Richter
Cornelia Maria A Van Oostrum
Natasha Zlobinsky
Grade 6
Covadonga Fernández Martínez
Aurélia Pessarrodona Pérez
Vicenç Prunés Lloret
Sri Lanka
Grade 7
Nuwan Vithanagé
Grade 6
Tasi Shu-Chiung
Grade 8
Parinya Chucherdwatanasak
Trinidad And Tobago
Grade 7
Ethan Wyke
United Kingdom
Grade 6
Philip Ascott
Carl Austin
Rebecca Baker
Janet Barbour
Hugh Bennett
David Cane
Marianne Ruth Cant
Thomas Carter
Timothy Coombes
Kieran Higham
Francesca Kehoe
Roses Leech-Wilkinson
Sarah Leleux
Michael Ly
Rosie McMahon
Stuart Mitchell
Margaret R Outen
Julia Oxley
Ashley G B Peterson
Michael Robinson
Julian Warren
Naomi Watson
Jonathan James Whittaker
Benjamin G Wilson
Catrin Elizabeth R Woodruff
Grade 7
Christine Mary Barchard
Simon Billot
Danielle Brown
Sarah Clevely
Sarah Dyble-Kitchin
Matthew Fenech
Jane Hamilton
Robin Hughes
Rebecca King
Douglas Knight
Rory Marsden
Tim Millbank
Paul Riley
Elisabeth Bulbena Vela
Robert Mark Ward-Penny
Camilla Woodhead
Grade 8
Daniel John Barkley
William Cole
Iain Gibbs
Mark Gibbs
Julian Gregory
Edwin Hillier
Wai Yu Elliot Leung
Julian Newman
James Pelham
Roxanne Summerfield
Tara Thorn
Benjamin Wilson
United States of America
Grade 1
Jennine Abramsky
Nayil Arana
Destinee Cervantez
Matthew Chang
Howard Chen
Mitchell Cheng
Crystal Chiu
Haley Fetters
Sarah Gilchrist
Nooreen Hassam
Pavan Hedge
Janine Hunter
Mary-Stuart Irion
Pravek Karwe
Nicholas Langemeier
Olivia Li
Michael Li
Alex Lin
Amelia Lowry
Hanley Ma
Sonia Maximin
Jacquelyn Poulos
Sonya Priven
Kristine Rueter
Matthew B Shehata
Brian Shih
Marsha Tanare
Lawrence Tang
Elizabeth Tang
Sarah Elizabeth Thomas
Jasmine Truong
Katie Xu
Grade 2
Kimberley Africa
Kevin James Barretto
Rebecca Chubay
Steven Diep
Celine Guan
Joel Jun-Han Hong
Stefon Joseph
Chap-Kay Lau
Brian Lee
London Lee
Michael McGlathery
Melody Rohlin
Apoorva Shah
Grade 3
Lin Chang
Anthony Diep
Briana Lashkevich
Joanna Lee
Eugene Ng
Samuel Smith
Jocelle Valera
Kapil Wattamwar
Victoria Xiao
Norman Young
Grade 4
Emily Ruth Pennock
Molly Watkins
Grade 5
Kelly Yuen Ting Lau
Ilani Lee
Neha Teekappanavar
Cindy Tsui
Michael Zili Wang
Bryan Yao
Grade 6
Stephanie Nguyen
Grade 8
Anthony Newton
Parker Ramsay
UK and Ireland Prizes
The following candidates received
prizes in recognition of their
achievement in a practical or theory
exam. These prizes are made
possible by donations from a range
of organizations and individuals.
United Kingdom
Gina Dallas Harper Award
Grade 8 Piano
Amber Anderson
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Kirsty Lovie
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
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Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Natalie Burch
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Rebecca McNaught
Audrey Pass Memorial Prize
Grade 5 Piano
Emma Louise Hartley
Beryl Chempin Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Tom Lilburn
Laura Marco Prize
Grade 8 Flute
Christina Isobel Bodenes
Grade 5 Singing
Katie Skinner
David Riley Memorial Prize
Grade 3 Guitar
Dominic Bealby-Wright
William Henry Wilcox Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Jessica Kelly
James David Percival
Grade 8 Guitar
Francis Gardener-Trejo
Frances E Walker Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Matthew Thomas
Marie Earle Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Nathan Wood
Ada Ingham Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Mark Michael Danylczuk
Irene Martin Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Cheng Un Chan
Mr Jeffreys & Mrs Christina Jeffreys
Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Lloyd Robert Coleman
Amina Lucchesi Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Violin
Michael O’Sullivan
Philip F Walsh Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Clarinet
David Potts
Sylvia J Frost Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Julia Hwang
Grade 7 Piano
Martin Turnbull
Vivienne Scott Memorial Prize
Grade 3 Piano
Samantha Manning
Dorothy Grace Atkinson Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Charlotte Ruth Ashworth
Gary J Mullins
Grade 7 Piano
Hannah Cartwright
Emma Garnett
Gary J Mullins
Grade 8 Piano
Hyun Ah Kim
Henry, Edith and Constance Haddon
Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Gary J Mullins
ISM South Wales Centre Prize
Grade 8 Harp
Anne Denholm
Evelyn Rose Phillips Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Bethany Rose Lillig
Nora C Leggatt Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Amy Watson
Grade 7 Piano
Douglas White
Alice Calder Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Emily Tanton
Grade 8 Piano
Ann C Smart
Margaret Harle Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Oboe
Anna Weatherill
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Johanna Wilkins
Elizabeth J Ehrlich Prize
Grade 8 Singing
Esther Swift
Lindsay Lamb Memorial Bursary
Grade 8 Piano
Michael Brawley
Nivena MacDuff Prize
Grade 1 Piano
Marianne Gallanagh
Iris Dyer Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Chloe Bridgen
Alexander Dall
Thomas Percy
James Reith
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
William Percy
Alma Machin Prize
Grade 4 Piano
Madeleine Emms
Andrew Potterton
Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Cello
Joseph Butler
Lloyd Hartley Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Simon Smith
Grade 7 Piano
Jonathan Millican
Grade 8 Piano
Katherine Wadsworth
Bessie Brearley Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Stephanie Lauren Ifould
David Cawthra Memorial Prize
Grade 4 Piano
Jonathan Ward
Elsie Roberts Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Adam Greenhalgh
Huddersfield District Prize
Grade 5 Piano
Emma Jane Christofi
Ann Barbanell Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Rachel Hill
Peter & Elizabeth McEwan Memorial
Grade 4 Piano
Sally Catherine Mills
William Simpson Rickaby Memorial
Grade 7 Cello
Daniel Crompton
King’s Lynn
Saxton Noble Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Violin
Georgina Sargent
Alice Calder Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Alice Arnott
Lloyd Hartley Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Shaun Pirttijarvi
Vinnie Willis Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Violin
John Frederick Bowker
Lloyd Hartley Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Alexander David Proctor
Grade 7 Piano
Cameron Richardson-Eames
Grade 8 Piano
Jessica Huang
May Frizzel Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Charlotte Isabella Lynch
Miss Margaret Wethered Prize
Grade 4 Organ
Matthew Caine
Grade 6 Piano
Youngky Panjaitan
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Charlotte Isabella Lynch
London: Barnet
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Vincent Cheung
London: Blackheath
Philippa Nankivell-Aylett Memorial
Grade 4 Piano
Emily Hill
London: Croydon
Marjorie Baldwin Bequest
Grade 5 Piano
Phillip De Souza
Grade 6 Piano
Katherine Lambeth
Grade 7 Piano
Amy Roberts
Grade 8 Piano
Joshua Berstein
London: Enfield
Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Cello
Natsumi Sugimura
London: Finchley
Dorothy Fryer Memorial Prize
Grade 5 Piano
Talia Staszewski
Grade 7 Piano
Samuel Peterson
Su Ling Yeoh
Grade 8 Piano
Arisa Adachi
London: Hampstead
Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Cello
Yurie Lee
London: Muswell Hill
Dorothy Fryer Memorial Prize
Grade 5 Piano
Frederick Hinds
London: Sutton
Carshalton Music Prize
Grade 8 Cello
Joseph Rainer
London: Wimbledon
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Ken-ee Choong
London: Woodford
Philip F Walsh Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Clarinet
Gemma McHugh
Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize
Grade 4 Cello
Wendy Heaton
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
Page 32
Besso Memorial Prize
Grade 5 Piano
Joni Fuller
Florence Purdy Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Violin
Hannah Jane Brett
Mrs Hamilton Akaster Prize
Grade 5 Violin
Flora Zajicek
Derek Henderson Memorial Prize
Grade 5 Flute
Eleanor Downs
Horatio Waywell Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Clarinet
Samuel John Hawksley
Leslie Wheeler Prize
Grade 6 Violin
Jessica Louise Rhodes
New Milton
Edie Marr Prize
Grade 6 Singing
Katherine Daud
Newcastle upon Tyne
Sir William Bigge Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Young-Seo Yoon
Newport (Gwent)
Gwent Foundation Award
Grade 7 Treble Recorder
Sophie Grace Redmore
Grade 8 Piano
James Taylor
Mr Jeffreys & Mrs Christina Jeffreys
Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Joe Davies
Evelyn Rose Phillips Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Briony-Amber Roper
Frances M L Willden & Margaret D
Willden Prize
Grade 8 Violin
Ben Pant
Saxton Noble Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Alto Saxophone
Naomi Tyler
Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Cello
David McMenamin
Winifred Liversidge Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Andrew McEwan
Jennifer Osborne
Rachel Panniker
Sheila C Freeman Prize
Grade 8 Cello
Rosie Powell Davies
Beryl Chempin Prize
Grade 8 Piano
David Todd
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Motoko Riley
Frank Tiesing Memorial Prize
Grade 5 Violin
Vidya Shyam-Sundar
Amy Mills Robertson Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Sarah Shek
Grade 7 Trombone
Thomas Dunnett
Arthur Dickeson Memorial Prize
Grade 5 Piano
Jonathan Peter Green
Nellie Greenhill Memorial Prize
Grade 5 Piano
George Savage
Sutton Coldfield
Ivan Cousins Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Alexander Joseph Terry
Grade 6 Piano
Jayne Lingard
Don Preece Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Violin
Emily Earl
Grade 7 Piano
Isata Kanneh-Mason
Grade 8 Piano
Enpei Qu
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Jayne Lingard
Grade 7 Piano
Isata Kanneh-Mason
Grade 8 Piano
Isata Kanneh-Mason
Maxima Mercer Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Emily Branson
Cecilia Nelder Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Violin
Coranda Berry
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Joy Boole
Hamish Brown
Thanet Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Claire Hazelton
Vicars Close Prize
Grade 7 Violin
Nicola Kingston
Grade 8 Piano
Hannah Barker
Edith Oulton De Pauley Prize
Grade 7 Singing
Hugo Sever
Fred Southall Prize
Grade 5 Piano
Grace Lawrence
Grade 8 Theory
Joe Cooper
Ralph Bassett Prize
Grade 5 Cello
Deyashini Mukherjee
Grade 7 Violin
Simon Gomberg
Mimi Scharrer Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Singing
Sarah Denman
Vicars Close Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Wing Tung Maggie Leung
Grade 8 Violin
Shoko Iizuka
Philip F Walsh Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Clarinet
Amy Mathews
Philip F Walsh Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Violin
Carla White
Marguerite Swan Memorial Prizes
Grade 7 Cello
Kerry Walker
Vicars Close Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Hannah Beswetherick
Emily Owen
Grade 7 Violin
Hakimah Aziz
Grade 8 Violin
Felicity Kerr
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
Page 33
During 2007, 626 examiners undertook work on behalf of the Associated
Board with 176 of those examiners travelling internationally to conduct exams.
Examiners who conducted
exams in our international
Judy Allen
Juliet Allen
Bryan Anderson
e Elizabeth Angel
Mark Armstrong
e Paul Arnell
Helen Arnold
Timothy Arnold
Philip Aslangul
Janice Assersohn
Lynton Atkinson
Joy Austen
Marjorie Ayling
Michael Bailey
Dan Baker
Michael Baker
Dr Michael Ball
Patricia Ball
Graham Barber
e Penelope Barclay
e Bernard Barker
Andrew Barlow
e Charles Barnes
Vincent Barr
e Timothy Barratt
Neil Barry
Kenneth Bartels
Kerry Beaumont
Dr Colin Beeson
e Alison Beeson
Sally Bell
e Gaynor Bennion-Pedley
Quintus Benziger
Marion Best
e Michael Beynon
Martin Biggs
e Roger Bigley
Robin Bigwood
e Heather Birks
Virginia Black
Douglas Blew
Prof Timothy Blinko
Nicholas Blunn
Anne Boardman
e Andrew Bolton
Teresa Bond
Olivier Bonnici
Jane Booth
Joanna Borrett
e Elisabeth Boulton
Alan Bourne
Mark Bousie
Michael Bowden
e Timothy Bowers
Simon Bowler
Kevin Bowyer
Eric Boyd
Dr Sarah Boyer
Rory Boyle
Chris Brannick
Christopher Brayne
e Elizabeth Brazier
Charles Brereton
e David Brindle
e Deborah Brittain
Peter Broadbent
Rosemary Broadbent
Gerard Brooks
Roger Brooks
Alan Brown
e Christopher Brown
Helena Brown
e Lesley-Ann Brown
e Susan Brown
Stephen Browne
William Bruce
e David Bruce-Payne
Andrew Bryden
Alan Bullard
Patrick Burnham
Nicholas Burt
Russell Burton
John Byrne
Anthony-Benedict Cain
Timothy Caister
Susan Calvert
Robert Carey
e Stephen Carleston
e Samantha Carrasco
e Jeremy Carter
Neil Carter
Nicholas Carter
Mark Cartwright
e Helen Cawthorne
Myra Chahin
Dale Chambers
Sally Chappell
Julie Charles
e Pearl Chatfield
e Walija Chew
e Alan Childs
John Chillingworth
e Pamela Chilvers
Fiona Chryssides
e Judith Clare
e Barry Clark
e Susan Clark
Andrew Clarke
e Ian Clarke
Simon Clarkson
Peter Clements
Caroline Clemmow
Kenneth Cleveland
Lynda Cochrane
Dr Stephen Collisson
e Margaret W Cooke
David Cooper
Iain Cooper
e Jean Cooper-Smith
Martin Cotton
Mervyn Cousins
e Margaret Cowling
Rowan Cozens
Ian Crabbe
Libby Crabtree
e Guy Cremnitz
Roger Crocker
e Dr Anthony Crossland
Jane Crouch
Edmund Crutchfield
Annette Cull
Penny Cullington
Gillian Cummins
e Ian Curror
Alexander Curtis
Peter Dains
Muriel Daniels
Glyn Davenport
John Davenport
Harvey Davies
Hugh Davies
e Adrian S Davis
Dorothy Davis
Elizabeth Davis
e Michael R Davis
Rodney Dawkins
e Helen Deakin
Andrew Dean
e Ian Denley
Valerie Denny
e Andrew Dibb
Richard Dickins
Dorothy Dickinson
Kathleen Dickson
e Caroline Diffley
e Joan Dixon
Stephen Doughty
Gretel Dowdeswell
e Peter Downey
Elizabeth Drew
Tessa Drummond
e Helen Duffy
Kevin Duggan
David Dunnett
e Lesley Dunstan
Richard Dunster-Sigtermans
Michael Dussek
Mark Duthie
e Brenda Dykes
David Gatehouse
Martin Gatt
Dr Franklyn Gellnick
Michael George
e Ruth Gerald
Angus Gibbon
Fiona Gillett
e Jonathan Gleeson
Malcolm Goldring
Lauren Goldthorpe
Carol Goodall
Andrew Goodwin
Peter Gould
Rosemary Gould
Sharon Gould
e Timothy Goulter
Dr Geoffrey Govier
Christopher Gower
Robert Gower
Jean Graham-Jones
Christopher Grant
Ian Gray
Gareth Green
e John C Green
Christopher Green-Armytage
e Howard Gregory
Jonathan Gregory
Jane Gregson
Stephen Gregson
e Keith Griffiths
e Graham Griggs
e Christopher Gumbley
Kathryn Gunn
Frances Eagar
Alison Eales
Harold East
Graham Eccles
David Eccott
e Margaret Ede
e Michael Edwards
e Joanne Edworthy
Paul Ellis
e Richard Ellis
e Stephen Ellis
e Donald Ellman
Jonathan Enright
Euros Rhys Evans
Howard Evans
Robert Evans
Rosslyn Farren-Price
Robert Ferguson
Gordon Fergus-Thompson
Christopher Field
Eileen Field
Judith Fleet
Antony Le Fleming
Dr Peter Flinn
Dr Malcom Floyd
Prof Sebastian Forbes
Theresa Ford
e Christopher Foster
e John Foster
e Joan Foster
David Francis
David Frankel
e Kaye Fraser
e Anthony Froggatt
e Anthea Fry
Michael Garbutt
David Garforth
Benjamin Hall
Irene Hall
Dr Richard Hall
Rob Hall
Denise C Ham
Keith Hamilton
e Michael Hancock
Christine Hankin
e Andrew Hansford
Malcolm Harding
e Ian Hare
Glenville Hargreaves
Geoffrey Harniess
Norman Harper
Catherine Harper
e Clive Harries
Paul Harris
Michael Harris
Derek Harrison
Simon Harvey
Richard Haslam
Emma Hattersley
Patrick Hawes
Elizabeth Hayes
Michael Haynes
Dr Deirdre Hayward
e Moira Hayward
e Dr Julian Hellaby
e Tony Henwood
Corinne Hepburn
e Ita Herbert
John Heritage
Douglas Hewitt
Peter Hewitt
Timothy Hewitt-Jones
e Richard Hickman
Malcolm Hicks
Charlotte Hill
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
Lyndon Hilling
Janet Hilton
Nina Hirsch
Claire Hobbs
Richard Hobson
Andy Hodge
Eleanor Hodgkinson
e Rosalind Hoffler
Celia Holland
Sandy Holland
Leslie Hollingworth
e John Holmes
Alec Hone
Ian Hooker
e Manya Horn
Colin P Howard
George Howarth
Ailsa Howarth
e Gareth Hudson
Graeme Humphrey
John Humphreys
e Karen Humphreys
Amanda Hurton
Nigel Hutchinson
Marcus Huxley
Dr Peter Inness
Leslie Inness
e John Iveson
Stella Jackson
Peter Jacobs
Julian Jacobson
Michael Jacques
e Heather James
Richard James
Paul Janes
Michael Jeans
Rachel Jeffers
Michael Johnson
Nicholas Johnson
David Jones
David Leiher Jones
Grahame R Jones
Ian Jones
e Ieuan Jones
Robert Jones
Timothy Jones
Prof Skaila Kanga
Margaret Kay
Naomi Kayayan
Nicola-Jane Kemp
e Stewart Kempster
Dr Christopher J Kent
e Jeremy Kimber
e Bernard King
James Kirby
e Brigid Kirkland-Wilson
Helen Knight
Richard Knight
e Elena Konstantinou
Vivien Laird
Richard Lakin
John Lambert
Deborah Lammin
Barry Lancaster
e Robert Langston
Louise Lansdown
e Julian Larkin
Vanessa Latarche
Dorina Latawska
Peter Lawson
Peter Lea-Cox
Paul Leddington Wright
e Dennis Lee
e David Leeke
Kelvin Leslie
Alexander L’Estrange
Michael Lewin
e Richard Lewis
e Christopher Liddle
Nancy Litten
Ian Little
Page 34
Josephine Lively
Angela Livingstone
Richard Lloyd
Dr Marion Long
e Ian Lowes
James Lowry
Adrian Lucas
Peter Lynch
Christopher Mabley
Alexandra Mackenzie
e Patricia Macmahon
Peter Madan
John Madden
Margaret Madeley
Harry Malpass
Neil Mantle
Richard Markham
Corinne Marsh
Anne Marshall
e Mark Marshall
e Jonathan Marten
e Philip Martin
Ann Martin-Davis
Catherine Marwood
Hilary Mason
Phyllida Maude-Roxby
e Neil McFarlane
Colin McGuire
e John McLeod
Margaret Murray McLeod
e Julian McNamara
Anthony McNaught
e Russell Medley
e Delia Meehan
Simon Mercer
Rachel Meredith
e Mary Methuen
Morag Michael
Richard Michael
Beverley Miller
Sarah Miller
Andrew Millington
Alison Moncrieff-Kelly
e Jane Money
e Moyra Montagu
e Mark Monument
Christopher F D Moore
J Stephen Moore
Andrew Morris
Alan Morrison
Kathryn Mosley
Daniel Moult
Philip Mundey
Dr Hilary Murphy
Roger Muttitt
Robert Neden
Robin Nelson
David Nettle
Bernard Newman
Janet Newman
James Nicolson
Peter Noke
e Joseph Nolan
Andrew Norburn
e Antonietta Notariello
Carole Oakes
Rosemary O’Connell
Peter O’Hagan
Dianne O’Hara
David Oliver
Nicholas Oliver
Michael Omer
Bernard O’Neill
e Stephen Ostler
William O’Sullivan
e Anthony Ovenell
Jean Owen
Dr Andrew Padmore
Rosalind Page
e Neil Page
Robin Page
Christine Palmer
Simon Parkin
Christopher Pascoe
e Denise Patton
Janet Payne
Alison Pearce
Heidi Pegler
e Robert Pell
Mary Pells
e Valerie Perrett
e Muriel Phillips
Alan Pickard
Stephen Pinnock
Joseph Polglase
e Dr David Ponsford
Mary Porter
e Geoffrey Pratley
David Price
Gareth Price
Sarah Price
Scott Price
Malcolm Pritchard
Robin Proctor
Rebecca Prosser
Linda Pyatt
Elizabeth Randell
Peter Read
Jonathan Rennert
John Reynolds
e Martin Richards
Sharon Richards
Tim Richards
Michael Ridley
Max Ritchie
Emyr Wyn Roberts
Stephen Robertson
Philip Robinson
e Roy Robinson
Robert Rogers
e Brenda Ross
Pete Rosser
Neil Roxburgh
Keith Rusling
Graham Salvage
Martin Sanders-Hewett
Victor Sangiorgio
Robert Saudek
Ingrid Sawers
Philip Sawyers
Roger Sayer
Dr Nigel Scaife
Vanessa Scott
Christopher Seed
Margaret Semple
e Howard Seymour
Polly Sharpe
Robert Shaw
Luan Shaw
Anthea Shepherdson
Susan Sheppard
Aaron Shorr
Lesley Shrigley Jones
e Clive Simmonds
William Sivier
Philip Skelton
John York Skinner
Ruth Slater
e Rodney Slatford
e Iain Sloan
Jonathan Small
Catherine Smart
Michael Smedley
e Eleanor Smith
Mark Smith
Dr Sarah Smith
e Susan Smith
Susan Graham Smith
Vanessa Smith
e Brian Snary
e John Snook
Ashley Solomon
Christopher Sparkhall
Nigel Speak
Dr Alan Spedding
David Spencer
Grant Spencer
Nigel Spooner
e Peter Stearn
e Ralph Stenner
Christine Stevenson
Murray Stewart
John Stilwell
e Frederick Stocken
e Richard Storry
Kevin Street
Karis Stretton
Lynette Stulting
e Jennifer Sturgeon
e Paul Sturman
Philip Sunderland
Adrian Sutcliffe
Alison Sutton
Christopher Swann
Dr Mark Tanner
Stephen Tanner
Carol Taylor
e Clara Taylor
Jonathan Taylor
Karen Taylor
Matthew Taylor
Philip Taylor
e Andrew Teague
Raphael Terroni
Gillian Thoday
e Christina Thomas
e D Meurig Thomas
Christina Thomson
e William Thomson
Jasper L Thorogood
James Tibbles
Helen Tierney
e Christopher Tilbury
Colin Tipple
John Farquhar Todd
Dr Nicholas Toller
Barbara Tomlinson
e Philippa Topham
John Treherne
Paul Trepte
Graham Trew
Margaret Turner
Alison Uren
Matthew Vine
Clement Virgo
Rebecca Wade
Christopher Walker
e Colin Walker
Geoffrey Walker
e Martin Walker
Nicholas Walker
e Ian Wallace
e Alison Waller
Ann Ward
David Ward
Jane Ward
John Wardle
John Ware
e Edward Warren
David A Warwick
e Ian Warwick
Shuna Watkinson
Angus Watson
Jane Watts
Janet Way
e Malcolm Weale
Geoffrey Weaver
Hilary Webster
e Dr John Wells
Robin Wells
Timothy Wells
Martin White
Meredith White
Philip White
John Scott Whiteley
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
Anthony Whittaker
Joanne Wicks
e Mark Wildman
Dr Nigel Wilkinson
Jonathan Willcocks
Anthony Williams
David Williams
e Gillian Williams
J Martyn Williams
Andrew Wilson
Ross Winters
Christopher Wood
e Cynthia Wood
e Joyce Woodhead
John Worthington
e Steven Wray
John Wright
Ian Wright
Simon Wyatt
e Julia Wynn
Stephen Yeo
Michael Young
Robin Zebaida
Page 35
Theory of Music only
Eve Barsham
Diana Bell
Derry Bertenshaw
Hugh Bowman
Jean Burrow
Brian Bussell
Alan Cuckston
Amy Dann
James Eastham
Sheila Filmer
Terence Greaves
Graeme Hall
Philip Hamond Moore
Graham Ireland
Debra Jones
John Jordan
Nicholas King
Rayford Kitchen
Richard Lyne
Prof John Morehen
Angela Mundey
Michael Nicholas
David Patrick
David Pettit
David Pritchard
J Stuart Rees
David Robinson
Peter Shave
Dr Michael Smith
Derek Stevens
Alan Tait
Alan Taylor
Alexandra Teal
Teo Li-Lin
Malcolm Watts
Meurig Watts
Percy Welton
William Whittle
Wallace Woodley
Elizabeth Worthington
Thank you
The following examiners retired
or resigned from the examiner
panel in 2007.
Judy Allen
Diana Bell
Alan Brown
Edmund Crutchfield
David Gatehouse
Denise Ham
Peter Jacobs
Margaret Kay
Peter Shave
Angus Watson
We were saddened to learn of the
deaths during 2007 of the
following members of the
examiner panel.
Howard Davis
Dr Nicholas Toller
Course Leaders and Mentors
The Certificate of Teaching course lies at the heart of the Associated Board’s
professional development activities. The following members of our
professional development panel acted as course leaders and mentors on the
2006-2007 one-year courses and the 2007 Fast-Track Course.
Course Leaders
Hong Kong
Julian Hellaby
e Brian Ley
Emyr Roberts
United Kingdom
Joy Austen
e David Barnard
Prof Paul Cameron
Fiona Lau
Judith Mitchell
Mary Pells
Timothy Pells
Patricia Sabin
John Shayler
Karenna Caun
Peter Noke
Tim Rogers
e Penny Stirling
e Prof Helen Coll
Susan Dadley
Janet Way
Fast-Track Course, Kenilworth
Timothy Barratt
Ruth Harte
John Holmes
Luise Horrocks
Ian Lowes
e Nigel Mainard
Leo Turner
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
Page 36
During 2007, over 400 representatives were involved with the work of the
Associated Board around the world. Our International Representatives and
Contacts, and Honorary Local Representatives in the UK and Ireland have an
immensely important role to play: assisting with the local administration of
exams; liaising with teachers, pupils and parents; and organizing a range of
activities such as High Scorers’ Concerts and seminars.
International Consultants
Hong Kong & China
Prof David and Shirley Gwilt
South East Asia
Dr David Young
United States of America
Sue Terry, Jazz Consultant
International Representatives,
Contacts and Honorary Local
Joycelynne Ashby
Jean Esther Michael
Peter Baker
Ian Coss
Joan Earle
Carol Michel
Jessica Stewart
Judy Thönell
Joanne Klein
The Bahamas
Elizabeth Thornton
Capt Rod Taylor
Shantha P Gunasekera,
Milton Inniss
Vera Bishop
Alice R Williams
Andrea Hodson
The British Virgin Islands
Dr Charles H Wheatley OBE
Brunei Darussalam
Ministry of Education, (Dk
Hjh Mastoli Pengiran Seri
Indera Pengiran Hj Ismail)
Steve Todorov
Brent Campbell, Jazz
Patricia Rolston
Cayman Islands
Fred Speirs, (Contact)
Guandong Zinghai Concert
Hall, (Lin Pai Shi)
British Council, (Emilia
Fiakkou Hadjicharou)
Czech Republic
David Talacko
Kaj Nyvang, (Contact)
Catherine Daniel
Dr Mohamed El Tobgy
Karim Frege, (Contact)
Faroe Islands
Martin Mouritsen, (Contact)
Dr Atarah Ben Tovim MBE
Anne Trezise
Joanne Walker
C F Peters Frankfurt/Main,
Annette Jungjohann
Katharine Beatty
David Clarke
West African Examinations
Council, E N K Adenku
(theory only)
E B Takyi-Micah
(practical only)
Aurelio Gonzalez
Eftichia Adilini Bobis
Jerome McBarnette MBE
Daphne Rogers, (Contact)
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Examinations &
Assessment Authority,
(George Pang)
Petina Law, Administrative
Dorcas Wong,
Administrative Associate
Eszter Nemeth-Peterson,
Gardar E Cortes, (Contact)
Anthony Braganza
Gita Chacko
Homai Desai
Carlos Álvares Ferreira
Christine Marques
India: HLRs
Ravi Arthur
Darryl Atkinson
António Peregrino Da Costa,
Philomena D’Cruz
Sebastian Stephen D’Cruz
Dr Aswan Thomas Elias
Benita Fernandes
Minette Duncan Marbañiang
B Marthand
Sudhin Prabhakar
Sentic K Sam
Aleyamma Thomas
Veneeta Warrior
Denis Umar
Calogero Amodio
Maria Dolores
Amodio Chircop
Martin Biggs
Robert W Hix
Danilo Manto,
Northern Italy Development
Marie Clarke
Roland Foundation,
(Hiro Umano)
National Music
(Kifah Fakhouri)
Kenya National
Examinations Council,
(D Mwanyumba)
Kenya Conservatoire of
Music, (Atigala Luvai)
Shin Han Art Hall,
(Seungsil Chang)
British Council, Kashif
Chauhan, (Contact)
Jacqueline Fleming
Dr Chu Ching Hong
British Council,
(Doreen Kanjuchi)
Malaysia Examinations
Mohd Sabri Bin Salleh
Sukhaimi Bin Basar
Sanapi Bin Mat Aris
Juharani Bin Dollah
Daud Bin Kassim
Abu Latifei Bin Mohd Thani
Ismayuddin Bin Jaafar
Yahya Bin Talib
Abdul Jalil Bin
Abdul Hamid
Alias Bin Mohamad
Chen Lan En
Bong Johnny
Zaiton Bin Mohd Sari
Sabudin Bin Mustafa
Abdul Salim Bin
Abdul Karim
The Maldives
Department of Public
Exams, Abdul Hannah
Waheed, (Contact)
Maria Conrad
Mauritius Examinations
Syndicate, (Lucien Finette)
Dina M Potgieter
The Netherlands
Karin Hollreiser
Maureen Adams
New Zealand
Yvonne Chan
Heather Gummer
New Zealand: HLRs
Gladys Armstrong
Judy Barrett
Wendy Bloomfield
Marjorie Booth
Rachel Brownrigg
Vin Carey
Lois Dalton
Dianne Dellow
Joan Gaines
Helen Govan
Karen Hall
Erin Hall
Evelyn Hatfield
Judy Knox
Jenny McDonald
Janice McIntyre
Marilyn Murray
Jan-Maree Parker
Beverley Peach
Laurie Rogers
Jenny Smith
Marios Sophocleous
Olga Stancliff
Joan Stichbury
Bev Underwood
Cecilia Vincent
Isabel Worboys
Lirica Yamase
Phillip Stallwood
The Philippines
British Council, Aileen
Prof Fatima Vieira
Sierra Leone
Dr Kitty C S Fadlu-Deen,
Singapore Symphonia
Company, (Su-San Hay)
South Africa
Jill Eicher
Ayleen Radley
Meg Twyford
Ilse Van Der Walt
South Africa: HLRs
Dottie Conradie
Anne Eales
Runa Edeling
Mariela Engelbrecht
Leon Fouche
Hendrina Herbst
Elmien Mare
Lisa Markovic
Patty Metcalf
Beverley Moll
George Norman
Bernice Oberholzer
Geraldine Pennels
Pauline Roberts
Moira Schafer
Alison R Jackson
Maria J Martinez
Ismael Perera
Teresa Pont
Kevin Robb
Sri Lanka
Mano Chanmugam
Vivianne Vikersjö
David Smith
Shao I Shih
National Examinations
Council of Tanzania,
(C J O Morandu)
Aloys Ng’asi, (Contact)
Keiron White, (Contact)
Chorlada Bunnag
Trinidad & Tobago
Jessel Murray
Dr Ian Young
Margaret MacKenzie
Maria Rita Epik
St Kitts
Dr Louisa Lawrence
Simon Yiga
St Lucia
John Paul Bailey
United Arab Emirates
Ju Hua Zhu Li
Capt Richard Higgins
Nasrine Talog-Davies
Rhona Morris
St Vincent
Festus A Toney
Dr Dorian Leljak
The Seychelles
Bennett Accouche
United States of America
Sally & Jeff Chen
Paula Collins
Rose Marie Dunsford
Winnie S C Ip
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
Page 37
Gelene Johnson
Margaret E Knight
Dora Lee
Margaret Liu
Nancy MacLachlan
Susan Alexandra Mattson
Stephen Ng
Wesley Knox Ramsay III
Helga Swatzak
Dr Benita Tse
Belinda Wee
Blandford Forum
Brian Levy
Elizabeth Grinnell
Pamela West
Rosemary Stones
Bognor Regis
Helen Phillips
Chepstow/Forest of Dean
Rosemary Griffiths
Alexander Christie
Elaine Williamson
Chris White
Colette Sarson
Celia Garrick
Sue Lambert
Alan Munson
Owen Moorin
Christine Bishop
Barbara Bennett
Moses Gift Kalomo
Janet Allen
Margaret Lloyd
Christopher McNeilly
Zimbabwe School
Examinations Council,
Mr Murira
Malcolm Dyson
Sylvia Stables
David & Margaret Sandfield
Hazel Gedge
Brenda Ellis
Jonathan Buchan
UK and Ireland Honorary Local
Jean Bader
Robin Matthews
Janet Baldwin
United Kingdom
Susan Mascall
Richard Goodall
Gosport & Portsmouth
Neil & Karen Bennett
Kate Hewson
Richard Bennett
Carolyn Midgley
Vivienne Bott
Valerie Robinson
Colwyn Bay
Dafydd Lloyd &
Catherine Jones
Geoffrey & Valerie Dyke
Judith Baker
Jennifer Young
Roslyn Penny
Antrim, Ballymena &
Eric Boyd
Sheila Harman
Prue Forbes
Isabel Anderson
June Headland
Geraint & Meinir Lloyd
Bangor (Co Down)
Sharon Forte
Rita Currie
Rowland Chapman
Pauline Sparrow
Michael & Sheila Newland
Rupert & Jenny Brown
Carmel Gibson
Denise Wilman
Geoffrey & June Stephenson
Linda Martin
Bishop Auckland
Joan Johnson
Paul Greenhalgh
Marilyn Stewart
Blaenau Ffestiniog
Eirwen Langdown
Rodney Drew
Nigel Guzek
Roy & Patricia Page
Isle of Man
Alan & Avril Pickard
Isle of Wight
Peter Marchant
Malcolm Whittell
Mary Powney
Richard Wright
Jane Johns
William Wear
King’s Lynn
Sarah Felmingham
Great Yarmouth
Margaret King
Julie Paisley
Roger Weatherhogg
Amy McMillan
Dorothy Dickinson
Anne Holmes
Leamington Spa
David & Adrienne Lloyd
Jane Langlois
Clare Harris
Enid Walker
Nicola Bagnall
Jane Steer
Leicester & Loughborough
Burne Huttchins
Caroline Marriott
Leighton Buzzard
Barbara Springthorpe
Lyn Davies
Paul & Sheila Leddington
Brian Olver
Elaine Mills
Angela Moffat
Gwendoline Manley
Elizabeth Pass
Mavis Robson
Bury St Edmunds
Angela Dyball
Morwen Murray
Gillian Morton
Margaret Clarke
Karen Eley
Christine Brown
Karen Caddy
Dingwall & Inverness
Christina Cameron
Stephen Sild
Sybil Greed
Jean Stewart
Mark Napier
Liskeard & Plymouth
Victoria van der Vliet
Christine Jones
Jennifer Thornton
Heather Reed
Emma Halls
Rosalind Werner
Mary Organ
Elizabeth Weaver
Allan Charlwood
Llandrindod Wells
Petra Beresford-Webb
Yvonne Laurent
Kathryn Thorne
Fiona Watson
Haywards Heath
Gwyneth Paine
Hugh & Eirlys Roberts
Avril Ogilvie
Anne Binnie
London: Barnet
Myrna Edwards
Marilyn Richardson
Hemel Hempstead
Elizabeth Holliday
London: Blackheath
Mary Moore
East Grinstead
Pauline Maynard
Simon Morris
Rhian Morris
London: Croydon
Freda Lodge
Richard & Kathleen Lord
London: Ealing
Shirley Phimister
Anne Wallace
London: Enfield
Gordon Giles
Lisa Railton
London: Finchley &
Palmers Green
Janice Twiselton
Ann Warner
Mary Pilcher-Clayton
Miriel Griffiths
Sarah-Jane Jones
Elizabeth Reed
Gilmour & Elaine Davies
Brian Lynas
Sally Munns
Chandler’s Ford & Winchester
Marion Silvester
Valerie Akhtar
Sheila Boyes
Shirley Long
Pamela Gillan
Debra Cox
Sheila Colchester
Geoffrey Lunn
Dorothy Drinkwater
London: Hampstead
Maureen Keetch
London: Harrow
Hilary Holloway
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
Page 38
London: Streatham
Audrey Jones
Gemma McGregor
Anne Halcrow
Stella Martin
London: Surbiton
David & Pamela
Ruth Holleley
Grace Harvey
Michael Sadka
Jo Dolman
Janet D’Cruz
Tunbridge Wells
Veronica Austin
Douglas McBay
Pamela Dunkley
Molly Austin
Gillian Poznansky
Cynthia Swade
Catherine Poole
Sarah Safian
Cherrie Dutton
Sally Nicols
Richard Norwood
Jacqueline Over
Ann Ware
Alistair Macdonald
Gerry Rea
Judith Dutch
Anthony Veal
Elizabeth Dewhurst
Fiona Willsher
Glen Clayton
Susan Phillips
Douglas Powell
London: Sutton
Geoffrey Barham
Marjorie Utting
London: Wimbledon
Ann Durrant
Heather Buick
Anthony & Barbara Peebles
Marilyn Zipfel
Maureen Toyer
Eileen Wilson
John Reade
Peter Vale
Melton Mowbray
Elizabeth Sampson
Merthyr Tydfil
Maureen Prothero
Barbara White
Jean White
Milton Keynes
Joy Shirley
Vivien Irwin
Hilary Petrie
Liane Todd
Diana Robertson
Newcastle upon Tyne
Margaret Huntington
New Milton
Margaret Jarvis
Newport (Gwent)
Carol Read
Newport (Salop)
Penny Westgate
Nuala Curran
Newton Stewart
William Lindsay
Peter Dunkley
June Wright
Griffith Wynn Williams
Monica Roberts
Pamella Semm-Skrzypecka
Richmond (N Yorks)
Tim Jackson
Pauline Boyer
Jean Willimott
Michael Lucas
Norman Blow
Jane Harder
Susan Sale
Colin Faulkner
Kevin Bennett
Donald & Irene Hay
Trevlyn Thomas
Janet Gray
Geoffrey & Brenda Rainbow
Gerald Johnson
Charlotte Smith
Ann Edmonds
Welwyn Garden City
Daphne Barker
Philip & Margaret Hopes
Marilyn Mackenzie
Barbara Anderson
Thank you
The following representatives
stepped down during 2007. We
thank them for all their work
on behalf of the Associated
International Representatives
Jennie Begg, Australia
David Clarke, Germany
Robert W Hix, Italy
Nasrine Talog-Davies,United
Arab Emirates
Dr Ian Young, Qatar
Honorary Local Representatives
(UK and Ireland)
Janice Allen, Oxford
Peter Bell, Sheffield
Peter Boxall, Worksop
Peter Coughtrey-Wellsted,
James Eld, Stafford
Mary Field,
Southampton (theory)
Amy Jones, Cannock
Olivia Lee, Southampton
Gillian Lewis, Tenby
Kathleen Moore, Maidstone
Douglas Rome, London:
Crouch End & Muswell Hill
Norma Thomas, Southport
Janet Wilkinson, Keswick
Gary Davies
Graham Hart
Janet McCallum
Dorothy Morris
Sheila Mansfield
Richard Anderson
Josephine Hunt
Joan Williams
Janice Sugg
Maurice Ridge
Peggy Ann Crosskey
Representative for Australia
Peggy was a caring and
inspiring mentor for many
talented pianists. She taught
for over 25 years and had an
exceptional ability to bring
out the very best in each of
her students. Peggy
dedicated the last 11 years of
her life to the Associated
Board, promoting the
learning and enjoyment of
music. She was extremely
influential in building a
strong Associated Board
presence in Canberra and
south coast New South
Wales. Peggy will be greatly
missed by everyone who
experienced her musical joy
and passion.
Joy Crick
Laurence & Rosemary
Judy Price
Suzanne Barnes
Fedelmia O’Herlihy
Maurice Gordon
Representative for Jamaica
St Albans
Vera Tufnell
Moira Edwards
Miriam Halpin,
Irish Co-ordinator
St Andrews
Helen Russell
Anne Ward
St Austell
Ann Fleet
Sutton Coldfield
Barbara Howell
Helena Wright
Helen Hopkins &
Alex Lewis
Maurice will be remembered
for his energy, enthusiasm
and loyalty shown over his
many years working for the
Associated Board. In
combination with his deep
commitment and quick wit,
many examiners and
teachers were aware that
‘nothing was too much
trouble’ for Maurice. In
every respect, he took his art
seriously, and as a teacher,
he had a pivotal role to play
in Jamaican musical history.
Maureen Calvert
Jeffrey Blewett
Carmela Furniss
Anthony Joule
Selly Oak
Marjorie Palmer
Sheila Middleton
Helen Isom
Jacqueline Stretton
Edward Woodhead
Brenda Gillespie
Sheringham & Cromer
Norman Moor
Dawn Ball
Joanne Cater
John Davis
Anne Woodworth
Christopher Williams
Elizabeth Bell
Stuart Horsburgh
Michael Bryant
Keith Thompson
• ABRSM ANN.REV. 07-08
Page 39
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