WebAdvisor for Faculty
WebAdvisor for Faculty
WebAdvisor for Faculty WebAdvisor is located on the Casper College Home Page. Click on the Faculty & Staff menu link (in red), under “Quick Links”. https://bastion.caspercollege.edu/WebAdvisor/WebAdvisor is the direct link. The WebAdvisor Main page. Click Log In tab to begin (black arrow) This is the Login screen. Enter your Novell username in the User ID box and your Novell password in the Password box, then click submit. If your login doesn’t work, you’ll see this error. The username & password are the same as your Novell log in and both are lowercase If the error still occurs contact [email protected] or x3648 and tell them you can’t login to WebAdvisor with your Novell username & password. If your login works, you will see this screen. Click on the Faculty menu (black arrow). Close up of the Faculty Information section, which contains most of the links used. Class Rosters Important! If students are attending but are not listed on the roster, advise them to go to the Enrollment Services office immediately to correct the problem. Class Roster Select Section Pick the Section to see the Class Roster. The current semester is at the top (14/FA): Close up of 1 class – COTA*2210*01. Note that the column with Reg/Avail/Wait show 10/3/0. This is read as: 10 students are enrolled, 3 seats are available, 0 students are waitlisted. Click on the class roster (the blue link in the Section Name and Title Column) to view the students (names, ID#’s and emails redacted. Fake student used): On a real class roster the Student column and E-mail Address column are blue hyperlinks. To email 1 student, click on the E-mail address or click on the E-Mail test Students link above. Example of Send Email screen for a single student: Note in the E-mail Action menu you can add additional addresses and copy, bcc, etc. At the bottom of the screen there is a check box for sending a copy of the email to you. Clicking on a student’s name in a Class Roster will show the Student Profile. Note the Student Profile opens in a new window. Clicking Close Window goes back to the Class Roster. Class Picture Roster Click the Class Picture Roster link and select the class from Class Picture Roster Select Section page then click the Submit button: The picture roster is designed to be 4 pictures across and 3 down. If a student doesn’t have a photo, there is ‘No Picture’ place holder. Clicking OK at the bottom of the page returns to the main Faculty menu. My Class Schedule This shows a list of classes being taught. An example of selecting 14/FA is shown: The list of classes. Clicking on the class takes you to the Section Information page (not shown). Clicking OK goes back to the main Faculty menu. Grade Change Report, Final Grade; Faculty Initiated Withdrawal (FIW), and Retention Alerts (RAL). These maybe be accessed at the top of ANY class roster. Grade Change Report, Final grade will always be visible. FIW and RAL are turned on and off based on the current year’s Academic Calendar. Withdrawals You will be notified periodically of students who withdraw from class before the published withdrawal date. After that date, students may withdraw from a course with instructor permission only. Because of this, all instructors are asked to publish their withdrawal policy on the syllabus for each course they teach. The college administration will strictly follow these published guidelines when discussing potential withdrawals with students. Faculty-Initiated Withdrawals (FIW’s) and Retention Alerts (RA’s) A student is not automatically withdrawn from class due to non-attendance. Instructors wishing to withdraw a non-attending student or send a retention alert may do so any time after the fourth week of class and before the official college withdrawal date. This option can be accessed through the electronic grade rosters by selecting “FIW” next to the student’s name. Students will then be contacted by the Student Services office to determine if they would like to accept the faculty-initiated withdrawal. The FIW and RA forms will open in a new browser window (or tab) so the student information from the class roster is available to help fill out the form. You must enter your full email ([email protected]) to receive a copy of the FIW or RA. FIW’s open 4 weeks into a semester, so the link will not show up until then. FIW – Here is a blank form. Instructions are located at the top of the form: If you click Submit without filling out the required fields, an error screen similar to this will appear: Click the ‘X’ in the yellow box and continue to fill out the form: Note the green confirmation bar. To go back to WebAdvisor, close the FIW window (red circled ‘x’). An example of filled out RA form – click submit when finished. Again, close the RA window to return to WebAdvisor: How to enter WebAdvisor Midterm grades: Log in to WebAdvisor and select the Faculty Menu. Click on Grading (black arrow): Choose Fall Semester 2014 from the drop down menu. Note it is the only choice. Click submit. Do not use the Start Date or End Date boxes (black arrows). All classes you are the instructor of record for will show up on this list (not all shown below): Pick Midterm from the drop down list (it is the only choice) and then choose the class to grade (radio button). Only one class at a time can be chosen. Then click Submit. Error if Grading Term is not selected: Term picked but no class selected error: Here is an example of the Midterm Grading Roster: Type the grade letter in the Midterm Grade field. All the grades can be entered at the same time. Click Submit when finished. Valid grades are A, B, C, D, F; AUD for audit; S & U (if applicable). Last Date Attended or Never attended check box are NOT REQUIRED for midterm grades. Case does not matter (either “A” or “a” will work). Contact Nita Romero if you have any questions, [email protected] or x2499. If an invalid grade is entered (for example an ‘E’) here is the error message: Here is an example of Midterm grades being entered: Here is the Grading Confirmation Form. There is no email notification. A copy can be printed from the web browser if desired. Clicking OK goes back to the main Faculty menu page. The Midterm Grading page will show which students still need grades entered if not done all at once. For example the first 5 out of 8 students had grades entered, so Satchel Pooch, Fred Flintstone, and Rob Wilco all still need grades entered: Unlike Final Grades, Midterm Grades can be fixed in WebAdvisor. To fix an incorrect grade, go back to the student and enter the correct grade. An incorrect grade example: Go back and enter the correct grade. Here is an example of the new Grading Confirmation Form: Again, these can entered one a time or all at once. For example, five grades were entered and each was off by one student so all were incorrect. All can be fixed at the same time by entering the correct grades and clicking the Submit button.