File - City of Atlanta, Watershed Management
File - City of Atlanta, Watershed Management
Customer Service Additional Location is coming! To better serve you, Watershed Management is opening several offices in the coming months. Walk-up Payment Windows, Customer Care and Meter Applications are opening at 2 City Plaza (72 Marietta St. NW) in addition to Atlanta City Hall. This location is easily accessed from the Five Points Marta Station. All additions are expected to be complete this fall. For more details, visit or follow our social media @ atlwatershed. City Council Ceasar C. Mitchell President City of Atlanta Kasim Reed Mayor Carla Smith Kwanza Hall Ivory Lee Young, Jr. Cleta Winslow Natalyn Mosby Archibong Alex Wan Howard Shook Yolanda Adrean Felicia Moore C.T. Martin Keisha Lance Bottoms Joyce Sheperd Michael Julian Bond Mary Norwood Andre Dickens Important Numbers to Remember Customer Service: 311 Customer Service Fax: 404-658-6637 Customer Service E-mail: [email protected] City of Atlanta • Department of Watershed Management 72 Marietta Street, NW • Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Insert produced by the Department of Watershed Management Office of Communications and Community Relations 72 Marietta Street NW, Atlanta GA 30303 November 2015 Keep Your Pipes FOG Free This Holiday Season! Did you know that over half of sanitary sewer spills in Atlanta are caused by grease? Fats, oils and greases, or FOG, can clog sewers and cause overflows that pollute streams and rivers. Substances that go down drains smoothly when warmed by hot water will cool, harden and coat the insides of sewer pipes. This accumulation of grease leads to blockages, which can cause sanitary sewer overflows in homes and into the waterways. Pay attention to what you pour into the sink and garbage disposal. Sources of FOG include cooking oil, dairy products, meat fats, salad dressing and mayonnaise. Even chocolate, gravy and butter can harden and cause backups! Do your part to keep your pipes fat-free this holiday season by placing your leftover oils in a can, scraping leftover food directly into the trash, or wiping greasy pots and pans before washing. Be a FOG Fighter! It is everyone’s responsibility to help protect the environment. To learn more about FOG and the DWM’s Grease Management Program, visit Watersense® at Work for Atlanta Restaurants The City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management is helping its commercial customers in the restaurant industry save water and energy. Through the WaterSense® at Work for Atlanta Restaurants program, City staffers perform on-site audits to determine how a restaurant is currently using water and to recommend water- and energy-saving options. Audits focus on: • Number and type of plumbing fixtures • Process water use • Hot water heaters • Commercial Dishwashers • Clothes washers (when applicable) • Ice Machines • Water and energy conservation practices For more information, contact Jennifer Carlile, [email protected], 404-546-1265. Don’t Believe The Hype Don’t Flush Your Wipes Manufacturers of so-called “flushable” wipes may advertise that their products are biodegradable when in reality they aren’t. Wipes and other non-dispersible items are causing a crisis to sewer pipes and treatment facilities. The flushable wipes craze is not only causing millions of dollars in equipment damage, but is increasing the amount of energy needed to treat wastewater. Wipes also add to the volume of solid waste that must be separated and disposed of. Watershed Management asks you to be responsible with these products and not flush them into the sewer system. Instead, throw them in the trash! Wipes PSA “For additional information about recycling in the City of Atlanta please visit Join us on the 3rd Saturday of every month at the Mall West End from 9am - noon to recycle electronics, paper for shredding, tires, clothing, polystyrene, and household single-stream recyclables. Like us on Facebook!
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File - City of Atlanta, Watershed Management
(surface, cosmetic, &
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