your guide


your guide
Super Fit Dad's Quick Health Hacks
Transform Your Life, Starting Now
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
THANKS FOR STOPPING BY! .................................................................................................................................. 4
SUPER FIT DAD FUNDAMENTALS - 5 EASY WAYS TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE ................................................ 5
1. WORKOUT TO SWEATING 5 DAYS PER WEEK ........................................................................................................................... 5
2. WALK EVERYWHERE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3. GREEN SMOOTHIE FOR BREAKFAST ............................................................................................................................................ 6
4. TAKE MAGNESIUM BEFORE BED ................................................................................................................................................... 6
5. 5-10 MINUTES OF MOBILITY / STRETCHING PER DAY ............................................................................................................ 6
6. AVOID SITTING WHEREVER POSSIBLE ......................................................................................................................................... 7
5 MORE HACKS TO GET YOU THROUGH WINTER................................................................................................. 8
1. PRACTISE GRATITUDE....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2. DRINK MORE WATER FIRST-THING ............................................................................................................................................... 9
3. WALK AND BREATHE IN THE MORNING ..................................................................................................................................... 9
4. EXERCISE AT LUNCHTIMES ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
5. ENTER SPORTS EVENTS ..................................................................................................................................................................10
6. BONUS TIP: GO GREEN IN THE MORNING ................................................................................................................................10
4 BARBELL COMPLEXES FOR HARDCORE DADS ................................................................................................ 11
1. 15-10-5 HANG-CLEAN, MILITARY PRESS, BICEP CURLS .......................................................................................................11
2. 3 X 10 DEADLIFT, SQUAT-CLEAN, MILITARY PRESS, FRONT SQUAT, BICEP CURLS ....................................................12
BONUS COMPLEX: ................................................................................................................................................................................12
FIVE 20-MINUTE KETTLEBELL WORKOUTS YOU CAN DO AT HOME ................................................................ 13
1. 15 SWINGS / 10 GOBLET SQUATS X 10 ROUNDS (1 MIN REST BETWEEN ROUNDS) ..................................................13
2. 7 SINGLE-ARM SWINGS L/R, 7 SINGLE-ARM SNATCHES L/R, 7 BURPEES X 7 ROUNDS .............................................14
4. 100 SINGLE-ARM SNATCHES FOR TIME (CHANGE ARMS AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE) ....................................................14
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
5. 40 SECS ON / 20 SECS OFF FOR 10, 15 OR 20 MINUTES ......................................................................................................15
HOW TO MAKE AN EXTRA $1M BEFORE YOU RETIRE ........................................................................................ 16
1. COMPOUND YOUR INTEREST ......................................................................................................................................................17
2. AUTOMATE MONTHLY SAVINGS ................................................................................................................................................18
WHY $500 AS A MONTHLY INVESTMENT AND WHY AUTOMATE IT?..................................................................................19
WHERE SHOULD I INVEST? ................................................................................................................................................................20
3. WATCH YOUR CHARGES ................................................................................................................................................................21
HOW DO YOU AVOID THIS? ..............................................................................................................................................................22
4. INVEST IN YOURSELF.......................................................................................................................................................................22
5. TOP UP YOUR PENSION .................................................................................................................................................................23
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for checking out the site, reading the blog and signing up. I appreciate it
This short guide distills some of the tips, tricks and hacks that have worked for me
as I negotiate what can sometimes seem like an impossible task in balancing
fatherhood and fitness with a full-time corporate job.
By adopting some of these methods and practicing them until they become habit,
I’ve been able to make huge improvements in certain areas. My general physical
fitness has increased, my body fat percentage has fallen significantly and my
dietary habits have improved beyond measure.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that it’s easy, though. Whilst most of these tips are
simple and easy to do, they are also easy not to do. Which is why not everybody
can stick to them.
But if you are able to do so, then there are some really quick wins here for you.
And that is what Super Fit Dads are all about: getting the maximum health and
wellness return for the minimum outlay.
That’s not to say we aren’t prepared to work hard and put in a shift, it’s just that we
don’t have time for inefficiency so we need to make every minute count.
So, without further time wasting, onto the tips.
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
Super Fit Dad Fundamentals - 5 Easy Ways to
Transform your Life
1. Workout to sweating 5 days per week
We know the Super Fit Dad minimum standards for working out – the sessions you
can’t miss. [If you missed that post, heck, go back and read it].
But if you have any wiggle room, move more than that: move every goddamn day.
It could be a single 4 minute Tabata every day: squats and push-ups. Since you
managed to slope off for 4 minutes, why not push the envelope and do a couple
of Tabatas? Benefits abound: mind, body, soul, love-life.
Tabata: The formula for a Tabata workout is simple: 20 seconds of all-out effort,
followed by 10 seconds of rest for 4 minutes (so that’s 8 rounds). Again, just
because it sounds simple and short, don't make the mistake of thinking that it's
easy. When you’re done, rest for 1 minute and go again.
These efforts will require max effort.
The intent of this routine is to pack as many repetitions as possible into 8 sets of
20-second work periods. As a result, when the sixth effort rolls around, your
muscles will be filled with lactic acid, making a simple exercise like lunges more
difficult that you could've imagined.
2. Walk everywhere
This is obvious, right? Well then do it. Take the stairs rather than the lift, walk rather
than drive. Even better, run. Walk the dog until he can’t walk any more and you
have to carry him up the hill or put him in the pram with the baby. Your body will
thank you for it, especially your back who just loves being mobile and dynamic.
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
3. Green smoothie for breakfast
For me this is the big one.
Every morning I throw a bunch of stuff into my jug and stick-blend it for a minute or
two. I drink half and pop the other half in the fridge or take it to work. By doing this
I’ve alkalised my body, made inroads into my daily fruit and vegetable
consumption, fuelled my body with nutrients and given myself a psychological
kick-start into the day.
My go-to recipe is a 10-ingredient extravaganza:
Frozen berries
Almond milk
Chia seeds
But the beauty of this is that you can use any combination of ingredients to kickstart the day full of goodness. Possible substitutes include: oats, cucumber, pear,
kale, coconut oil, coconut water, super greens powder, apple cider vinegar, lemon
juice…the list could go on and on.
4. Take magnesium before bed
They say that magnesium relaxes muscles and chills you out. I’m sure there’s some
kind of scientific explanation behind all of this. But, to be honest, I don’t really care.
I sleep tons better if I’ve taken my daily “maggers”. That’s all I need to know.
5. 5-10 minutes of mobility / stretching per day
If you’re a desk-jockey like me, chances are your back doesn’t like it very much.
Your shoulders will be the same. Ditto your hips and your neck. A little stretching
routine during the day or before bed can work wonders in undoing knots and
tension all over your body. I’ll post a routine of my favourite stretches soon.
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
6. Avoid sitting wherever possible
Linked to hack 5, actively seek ways to minimise the time you spend sitting down.
At the risk of repeating myself, your body will thank you for it.
I forget where I read this, it may have come from Supple Leopard, but in countries
where they don’t sit down to work, eat, take a crap, there is virtually zero incidence
of hip degeneration and much lower rates of lower back problems.
Seems like Tim Cook was right – sitting down for prolonged periods may well be
the next major health epidemic. I just got a new desk at work that comes with
hydraulics and I can crank that baby up to standing position. If you don’t have one
of these gizmos, be creative in findings ways to stand up more.
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
5 More Hacks to get you through Winter
1. Practise gratitude
This is a great habit to develop and comes more naturally to some than others;
some lucky souls do it without thinking whilst others have to work a little harder at
In today’s society, with so much information coming at us constantly through so
many mediums, it’s easy to get caught up in what you don’t have but should, what
you should’ve done but haven’t, and what you should’ve got but don’t yet.
The fact is, as a younger person in a developed society we are amongst the luckiest
2% of people on the planet. We have shelter, we have food, we have clothes, we
have healthcare, we have smartphones, we have mind-altering concoctions literally
forced upon us from an early age. When contrasted with the millions and millions
of people who don’t have any of those things (apart from maybe smartphones), it’s
easy to call us whingers. Big time.
But the principal of relative deprivation makes it hard for us to form impressions of
ourselves based on a global scale, instead leaving us to compare ourselves to
people in the same boat as us. This, if you live in affluent areas of cities like
Sydney, London or New York, can leave you harbouring feelings of inferiority, as
if you’re never going to make it.
To this end, if ever I find myself wallowing in puddles of self-pity, I make a play for
one of my happy places (either the Coogee dog park or Centennial Park in
Sydney). Here I can spend some quality time practising being thankful for all of the
good things in my life. Being outside for this really allows me to appreciate my
insignificance in the greater scheme of things, whilst, at the same time, focusing on
what really matters to me.
[P.S. Don’t hate me for the ‘happy place’ incident. It won’t happen again.]
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
2. Drink more water first-thing
As I tip this is as old as the hills but that still doesn’t make it any easier to stick to.
To make sure I do it, I go to bed with a full bottle of water by my bed. Sometimes
I’ll take a few sips during the night. Whatever is left in the morning I drink up before
I do anything else. Some people recommend lemon in the water but I’m too lazy
to go to the kitchen. The act of sleeping is majorly dehydrating. This stems the tide.
3. Walk and breathe in the morning
I love to exercise in the morning. It really is the best way to start the day. But, as
the years go by, I’m starting to feel more and more sluggish first-thing. This
especially applies in winter. So, if I know I have a tough training session later in the
day, I’m not going to kill myself getting out of bed at 5.15am. Well not every day,
I do want to get my body moving, though. And I have a dog. So walking the dog,
as briskly as he’ll allow, is a great way to wake up my body and my mind.
Whilst I’m about it, I do some breathing exercises. This usually consists of four
shallow breaths in through the nose, followed by four sharp exhalations out
through the mouth.
For five minutes.
This technique came from Tony Robbins and I like it because it jolts me awake
from that lethargy that sometimes lingers long after you’ve woken up. It brings a
real focus and clarity to the day ahead and because I’m completely focused on
my breathing there is no scope to dwell on insignificant stuff.
4. Exercise at lunchtimes
Winter lunchtimes are perfect for exercising: (slightly) fewer tourists about; perfect
temperature; clear blue skies. But in the morning rush, one thing that often gets left
behind is my gym bag. I know – it’s up there with the dog eating my homework as
a lame excuse. But it happens.
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
My ingenious trick to counter this malady? I pack my gym bag the night before so
I can simply grab it on the way out the door. Yes, that’s right. The. Night. Before.
Remember where you got this tip – it’s pure gold.
5. Enter sports events
Motivation can be hard to come by in the bleak midwinter. The idea of going for
an early morning run can be about as enticing as a trip to the dentist. However,
when a race or event looms large on your calendar, those biting early starts
suddenly seem that much more tolerable. Funny, huh? I’m always insanely jealous
of those doughty campaigners for whom running is simply a way of life. They train
all year round as if they’re training for a marathon. Invariably it’s because THEY
Alas, I’m not one of them. I need something in the calendar with the potential to
embarrass me to get my sorry ass out of bed to run.
6. BONUS TIP: Go green in the morning
I’m rehashing an old tip here but it’s more
necessary than ever during winter. Green
smoothies for breakfast. Wheatgrass for midmorning. Spinach cooler at weekends. Whatever
blows your hair back.
The greens alkalise your body and fill you with
vitamins and minerals to keep colds and manflus at bay. I’ve suddenly realised that kale in a
smoothie tastes horrible and am using spinach,
celery, cucumber, apple and banana as my base
now. Kale is reserved for my ‘signature’ kale
elixir (which has been known to contain vodka in
my pre-sobriety days).
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
4 Barbell Complexes for Hardcore Dads
Assuming you have access to a barbell - in the garden, the garage or the gym then barbell complexes will probably offer you the best fitness return on time
invested that I can think of.
Their beauty, despite the name, lies in their simplicity and time-effectiveness. They
are virtually idiot-proof and can have you in and out of the gym in half an hour
which gives you plenty of time to swing by the shops on the way home to buy some
nappies and a little treat for Tired Out Mum.
You pick up the barbell (or unrack it) and perform a set number of reps of multiple
exercises without putting the bar down. Then repeat. For Super Fit Dads it's the
next step along from the trusty kettlebell, requiring just a little more space and a
little more money to buy your barbell and weights.
I first got into them reading 'Intervention' by Dan John and would really
recommend reading his erudite musings on this subject (and pretty much anything
else). Since then I've played around with all kind of variations and would
encourage you to do the same. It's great fun and any combination you come up
with will help with torching fat and stacking on a bit of muscle.
Here are some of my favourites:
1. 15-10-5 hang-clean, military press, bicep curls
My go-to warm up for when time is scarce, this will crank the heart rate and have
you raring to go. I use an empty barbell (20kg), which is fine for me. Sometimes I
add stiff-legged deadlifts at the front the ‘plex.
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
2. 3 x 10 deadlift, squat-clean, military press, front squat, bicep curls
Depending on the weight, this can be a challenge. In fact, it can royally f*ck you
up. A couple of times doing this has had me sat on the floor seeing stars between
sets. But, if you get the weight right (i.e. you don’t go too heavy), it can be the most
time-efficient workout you’ll ever do. Warm-up, do this, cool-down, home. BAM!
3. 5 x 25 Stiff-legged deadlift, hang clean, military press, front squat,
jerk, reverse curls
Go back to basics and just work the barbell to start with on this. If it’s easy to begin
with keep in mind that it won’t feel that way after 750 reps. It will make you swear
and, quite possibly, cry. Feel free to scale back the last exercise if you think “curls
are for girls” or are short on time.
Bonus complex:
4. Snatch technique complex: 3 x 8 muscle snatch, overhead squat, snatch
balance, hang snatch
This one is courtesy of Keegan Smith and it’s a beauty for working through many
of the snatch components. Doing this with an empty bar will definitely raise your
temperature. Add more weight once you’ve nailed your technique but do so in
small increments.
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
Five 20-minute Kettlebell Workouts you can do at
The kettlebell: much feared and with good reason. Well, sort of.
Introduced to the West by a pretty heavy Russian Spetznaz dude and a whimsical
but ferociously strong American grandpa type (so the story goes), the iron ball and
handle is actually the perfect accoutrement for anyone wanting a super-quick,
super-intense workout. In short, this piece of kit was made for Super Fit Dads (and
In fact, there is nothing it can't do. Want
to build muscle and torch fat in 15-20
minutes? Sure, the kettlebell can help
you with that. Want to build strength
simultaneously? No worries, we've got
your back. Want to have more sex?
Well, actually, you can work up a
decent head of steam in a 10 minute
partner workout between putting the baby to bed and waiting for dinner to cook
with a single kettlebell (you do single-arm stuff whilst she does double). The
remaining time can be spent on "active recovery."
The permutations for a workout are infinite but detailed below are 5 of my go-to
kettlebell workouts for when time is short but I want to go hard.
1. 15 swings / 10 goblet squats x 10 rounds (1 min rest between rounds)
Dan John talks about this as a warm-up. I actually like it as a devious little finisher
but I get what he’s talking about. It’s also brilliant for crowbar-ing in between naps,
feeds, trips the the bedroom (or wherever you keep your KB). This will take 20
minutes but can be abridged. 150 swings will rev up your posterior chain and the
100 GS will open up your hips in a way they will thank you for.
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
Basic Kettlebell Swing technique
2. 7 single-arm swings L/R, 7 single-arm snatches L/R, 7 burpees x 7
I can credit myself with coming up with this one on the fly, although afterwards I
wished I hadn’t. Start this with a light-ish weight because picking up a heavy ‘bell
after burpees is no fun at all. Should take around 11 minutes.
3. 2-3-5-10 single-arm presses (reps are for each arm, switch between
sets) x 3 rounds
As with most things Dan John says, this one is super simple and just makes good
sense. Gives a really good pump in the shoulder, it can be done in blocks of 2/3
minutes so is great for when you’re sent outside or to the bedroom to do a “chore”.
Remember to lockin your core and your glutes.
4. 100 single-arm snatches for time (change arms as often as you like)
An approximation of the Russian Kettlebell Challenge (RKC) (which only allows one
change of hands in 100 reps and a 5 minute time cap), this gives a little more respite
but is still fiendishly tough. Start as light as 12kg and build from there.
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
The Snatch
5. 40 secs on / 20 secs off for 10, 15 or 20 minutes
[exercises selected from: body pass-arounds clockwise / anti-clockwise, halos
clockwise / anti-clockwise, good mornings, deadlift, double-arm swings, goblet
squat, single-arm swing L/R, windmills L/R, single-arm cleans L/R, single-arm press
L/R, snatch L/R, turkish get-up L/R]
Loosely based around some Steve Maxwell stuff, this 20-minute all-rounder will hit
everything and can easily be broken down into smaller chunks throughout the day.
You’ll be wearing a decent sheen by the end of it but, in the unlikely event it’s too
easy, you can skip the rest periods and do each exercise for the full minute before
moving onto the next exercise.
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
How to Make An Extra $1m Before You Retire
Do you know how much money you'll have to live on when you retire?
Do you know how much you'll need?
Do you care?
A figure of AU$1m is typically bandied around as being the amount you'll need in
your pension pot to afford to retire in the style to which you've become
However, this number is much-debated with some experts judging the amount
needed to be closer to $2m, reasoning that the time-resistant effects of inflation
will render $1m in today's money far less meaningful in 20 years time.
To the uninitiated and those without a Phd in Personal Finance, this can seem
really daunting and with good reason; it's freaking confusing.
If you fit into this category, then I'm going to help you out - BIG TIME.
I'm going to tell you exactly how to make $1m ON TOP of your current pension
By simply laying out the strategies that people far smarter than you and I have
developed and condensing them into a single resource that breaks down, step-bystep, the things you need to fast-track you to a more enjoyable and stress-free
This isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. I won't be identifying any unicorns for you to
invest in. There's no advice about how to start a business and then sell it for
It's much more prosaic than that. But therein lies the beauty; because it's so simple,
literally anyone can do it and reap the rewards.
[MASSIVE DISCLAIMER: I'm not a financial advisor so if you decide to act on any
of these tips, you're doing so at your own risk. I'll let you know where I'm
involved though.]
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
The absolute key to success here is taking action. Thinking about the future is
scary and saving for the future is boring, right? That used to be how I looked at it.
I'm now challenging you to change that mindset and think about investing for the
future as the most exciting thing in your life. Or one of them.
What I am reasonably sure of is that if you follow each of these steps, you'll be
well on the way to a better financial future.
1. Compound Your Interest
Albert Einstein called it the 8th Wonder of the World. Compounding your gains will
be the single most important factor in making an extra $1m before you retire.
Compounding simply means reinvesting the interest or dividends that an
investment pays into more of the same investment. For example, if your bank pays
you 10% interest on $1,000, at the end of year 1 you'll have $1,100. If you let the
interest compound at the same rate, at the end of year 2 you'll have $1,210 (which
is your $1,100 + 10% (or $110). Do this for long enough and you have a tidy sum.
Check out the example that I've created with A $5,000
initial investment has been left for 25 years and, assuming a 7% annual growth
rate, has grown into $27,137 at the end of the term.
Pretty neat, huh? That's compound interest doing its thing.
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
But wait, it gets better. Read on.
2. Automate Monthly Savings
Okay, I'm guessing you're probably thinking: okay, great, turning 5 grand into 27
large is pretty cool. But that's probably not going to help me retire. In fact, that will
barely cover the cost of the stair-lift that I'll need to have installed in my house. If
I've not been shipped off to a retirement home by then.
So here's where we're going to add the secret sauce. And fast-track the hell out of
this bitch.
By adding regular monthly savings to our Money Machine we can supercharge the
growth and put ourselves well on the way to that extra $1m.
I'm taking the same starting point - a $5,000 initial investment - but this time we're
going to thrown in a regular monthly contribution of $500 as well. Nothing else.
Just $500 per month.
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
See what happens:
Pretty neat, huh? Instead of the $27k return at the end of 25 years, we now have
a pretty chunky $433k - close to half a million dolllars.
Why $500 as a monthly investment and why automate it?
$500 is an arbitrary figure. It depends on your salary and, up to a point, what you
can afford. By automating it so it leaves your account on the same day each month,
you're baking it into your personal finance workflow so that, after a while, you don't
even notice it going out.
Jim Rohn talks about a 70-10-10-10 rule of thumb when it comes to directing your
70% is for living expenses. He then allocates 10% each to investing in your future,
investing in yourself and charity.
I like this model because its simple and covers all bases.
If your net salary is $6,000 per month, then $500 per month should be a pretty
conservative effort.
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
If $500 seems to much and you can't afford it, DO IT ANYWAY. You will always be
able to find other things to skimp on during the course of a month to enable you to
afford it. Try it for 3 months and see.
It will be the best habit you ever had.
Where should I invest?
This varies but if you're under 40 then a good answer is the share market. Why?
Because you want to become an 'owner' of companies, rather than just a
consumer. Apple gadgets are cool and fun, but it's Apple shares that will help you
But don't think you can beat the market; you won't.
Sure, you can swagger around telling everyone about doubling your money on
this-or-that red-hot stock. But you'll be keeping quiet about the other three you lost
out on. Professional fund managers - that's guys whose job is to manage money rarely make consistent long-term gains. If you find one who does, stick with him.
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
This is why you need to be invested in the stock market to make that $1m (Source:
Instead, buy the 'index'. This is an investment fund that tracks the performance of
the stockmarket or 'index' it is invested in. Index funds are so powerful that Warren
Buffet said this about his will and where his assets should be invested for his wife
after his death. The full article is here.
My advice to the trustee could not be more simple: Put 10% of the cash in shortterm government bonds and 90% in a very low-cost S&P 500 index fund. I believe
the trust’s long-term results from this policy will be superior to those attained by
most investors — whether pension funds, institutions or individuals — who employ
high-fee managers.
Index-funds are what's known as 'passive' investments. Because they simply 'track'
the index, they don't require expensive investment managers to run the funds.
Which means less of your gains are eaten up by fees and charges.
AMOUNT MADE: $433,195
3. Watch Your Charges
Hot on the heels of Tip #2 is
this beauty.
If your investment is earning
7% but your investment
manager is taking 3% then
you're down to a 4% net
annual return. That kind of
But if you invest in an Index
Fund that costs of 1% or less,
then you're going to hit the $1m
mark a lot sooner. Take a look
at this.
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
A funds manager charging you 3% p.a. delivers the same investment return as your
low-cost index fund charging 1%. Yet the total value of the investment at the end
couldn't be more different.
We're talking $500k versus $280k. That's the power of compounded charges. But
for no increase in performance. In fact, as the Warren Buffet article alludes to, fund
managers have actually under-performed the index over the past 30 years.
So if you transplant that into the graph below, you're actually paying $220k in
additional charges ON TOP of an underperformance in growth. That's CRAZY.
You're paying someone a lot of money ($220k) to mismanage your money. That's
has to be the definition of insanity, right?
How do you avoid this?
Invest in low-cost index-linked funds. Like Warren Buffett.
2 Check the fees of your superannuation or pension funds. And then see if the
performance is worthy of the fees.
AMOUNT MADE: $220,000 (At least)
4. Invest in Yourself
Jim Rohn was a farm boy from Idaho who became one of the world's greatest
personal development gurus and a mentor to Tony Robbins.
His knack for translating complex messages into seemingly simple aphorisms lives
on, as evidenced in his 70-10-10-10 rule (outlined above). One of his famous quotes
Income rarely exceeds personal development
Whether it's upscaling in your job, forging a little sideline or going full-bore into
business, you have to constantly BE more if you want to get more.
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
A lot of people graduate from university, learn a job for a couple of years and then
decelerate the learning process, opting to merely be competent and do an
average (or marginally above-average job in order to stay employed).
By up-skilling you're increasing your earning potential exponentially. New skills
could land a promotion that will easily cover the $500 per month we're investing
in an index-linked fund or generating enough from a side project to invest that
much (and maybe more).
It's also fun, interesting, challenging and rewarding to learn something new. Isn't
AMOUNT MADE: Unlimited
5. Top Up Your Pension
Your superannuation (or pension) is about the best investment around because its
slathered in tax breaks. Each $0.70 (or thereabouts) you invest is rounded up to
$1. Pretty cool, right?
By making additional pre-tax pension contributions you can charge ever closer to
the mystical $1m in additional earnings mark.
If you're 30 years old, earn $100k per annum before tax and have already accrued
$50k in super, by the time you're 60 you'll have a superannuation pot worth
$418,745, assuming 7% annual growth. This is with your employer's very generous
9.5% contributions (in Australia, anyway).
However, if you take that figure and chuck in an extra $400 per month pre-tax, the
figure leaps to $563,725.
Both numbers include charges of 1.5% per annum (fees under management). This
also factors in inflation and rises in living standards over the 30 years we're looking
at. Run your own calculations here.
If you run the same calculations on a salary of $150k and existing contributions of
$100k, then the numbers leap from $665,141 to $810,120 - that's $144,979 more at
AMOUNT MADE: $144,979
Super Fit Dad's Health and Wealth Hacks
That's it.
Does it put you $1m richer than before you started reading this article?
Nearly. The top-end totals come to $798,174 before we factor in the intangible
that is investing in yourself.
Have I told you anything you didn't already know? Possibly not.
Are you already doing this stuff? Probably not.
As Jim Rohn said, doing this stuff is EASY. But not doing it is also really easy, which
is why we don't all do it.
But this is the chance to make close to an extra $1m before you retire without really
changing too much or having a million-dollar idea.
Isn't it worth trying, just in case it actually works?