Newsletter No. 47 - June 2014
Newsletter No. 47 - June 2014
Newsletter No. 47 - June 2014 Tenby’s Sixth Formers Celebrating the 450th Anniversary of Shakespeare Birth The Sixth Formers of Tenby Schools Ipoh have a special reason this year for staging their traditional Shakespearean plays. It is the 450th anniversary of the birth of the world’s most famous English bard and playwright. —> See next page for more stories... . <<<<< The cast of “Macbeth”, drawn from the A Levels students of Cohort 9, Tenby Schools Ipoh. “We hope to recreate something of the spirit of Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of Shakespeare,” said Nicole Fong (Cohort 9) who directs “Macbeth” this season. “We will not only be performing for audiences within our school but also move from school to school in the way itinerant theatre groups moved from town to town in those days.” “We have been rehearsing “Macbeth” every Monday since January,” says Ding Zu Ron who plays the main role of the Scottish usurper king.” This play, like Shakespeare’s other masterpieces, gives me a greater insight into human psychology.” Zu Ron is one of the 62 Sixth Formers doing the Cambridge A Level Programme at Tenby Schools Ipoh. Playing the part of Lady Macbeth is sixth former Chai Hoi Yeen who is making her debut on the stage. “It is my maiden foray into drama. It is an area of self-expression that seems so powerful and exciting to me. It is truly a new world of experience to me.” “Hail! King of Scotland hereafter,” proclaim the three witches to a perplexed Macbeth. (L-R) Macbeth (Ding Zu Ron), the three witches (Irsyad, Sanika and Foong Yee) and Banquo (Steve Lee) Tenby Schools Ipoh’s Sixth Formers will also be staging two other Shakespearean plays this year. They are “A Mid Summer Night’s Dream” and “The Merchant of Venice”. “The plays are mostly rendered in modern English so that that they make better sense to Malaysian school audiences,” says Tenby Sixth Form co-ordinator, Mr Louis Rozario Doss, who has written and taught drama for over 30 years at various schools in Malaysia. “They are also timed for an hour’s duration instead of the usual 2½ hours.” The drama tradition at Tenby Schools Ipoh is a central feature of the school’s Sixth Form programme. Since 2010, the year of the inception of the Sixth Form at Tenby Ipoh, every sixth form class has produced a Shakespearean drama production. It is part of the compulsory theatre practice experience that every sixth former undergoes at this school. Among the past plays produced were “Julius Caesar” (2010 & 2013), “The Tempest” (2011), “The Winter’s Tale” (2012), “Hamlet” (2012) and “As You Like It” (2013). Sanika Renganadan, the President of the Sixth Form comments: “Our drama projects this year are a fitting tribute to one of the greatest playwrights in history. Shakespeare’s plays are immortal classics that should be read by all not just for enjoyment but also for serious reflection.” Another comment comes from Muhammad Irsyad Handan, a former student of Dubai International School, UAE: “To me Shakespeare’s plays are excellent material for debates on moral issues. Many of his lines make excellent quotations such as his moving words expressing sorrow at the death of his wife in the poem “Tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow….” Adds Mr Louis: “Tenby’s drama tradition is another beautiful facet of Ipoh’s strong drama tradition. Indeed, Ipoh can arguably stake a claim to being Malaysia’s Stratford-on-Avon with the superb drama performances by Tenby Schools, SMK St Michael, SMK Methodist (ACS) and the Perak Society of Performing Arts.” For more details on performances for Ipoh schools, please contact [email protected] or call 010-3905011. (L-R: Prince Malcom (Chai Kai Yan), Lady Macbeth (Chai Hoi Yeen) and Macbeth (Ding Zu Ron). Getting -ready IISEYC Getting forready Production for Production Day Day With horses galloping, balancing of umbrellas and hoops, the children of IISEYC are getting ready to put up a superb performance for their upcoming Infant School Production 2014, which is scheduled to be on Saturday, 28th June 2014. The theme for this year: “ ” For more details on rehearsals and tickets purchase, please refer to the attached circular. On the other hand, students from Early Years and Key Stage 1 at our Meru Raya campus are going through the “measuring” session for their costumes for the Production Day. Arts Week Preparation Students have been working hard in their final preparations for Arts Week. The preliminary round of Tenby’s Got Talent has taken place, with the acts through to the final announced this Friday 13th June. Students have undertaken dress rehearsals for both the Evening of Dance and the Evening of Music. All look set to be exciting events showcasing our students’ talent! A reminder of the dates for the different events is below: Tuesday 17th June: Tenby’s Got Talent Wednesday 18th June: Evening of Dance Thursday 19th June: Evening of Music Students working hard in the rehearsal with Ms Nikki. Students in queue to get the tickets from prefects during their break. All events start at 7pm with refreshments available for purchase in the school canteen. There will also be an opportunity to see the Design & Technology and Art exhibition which is on display outside the Auditorium. The performances will start at 7.30pm sharp, so be sure to get to your seats on time! Arrangements have been made for the library to be open until 6.30pm in order that those students who want to study or complete homework can make use of the facilities before the performances begin. All events are ticketed and audience members will not be allowed in without a ticket so please make sure you bring it with you. To ensure the safety of all our participants, audience members will be required to show their tickets to security at the school gate. Then bring your ticket to the Auditorium with you to gain admission. The Evening of Dance is sold out, but there are a few remaining tickets for the Evening of Music and Tenby’s Got Talent so please ensure that you get your tickets in advance. Tenby’s Got Talent tickets can be obtained from our school prefects, and Evening of Music tickets can be obtained from Miss Nikki. We look forward to seeing some of you at the performances and sharing photos and articles in our next newsletter. Article by Ms Nikki Picture courtesy of Mr Harry Source & pictures courtesy of Tenby’s choir team The 12th Malaysian Choral Eisteddfod The 12th Malaysian Choral Eisteddfod was held from Thursday, the 5 th of June 2014 till Sunday, the 8th of June 2014 at Sri Kuala Lumpur School. Dr Jeffery and Mrs Louis alongside 17 members of the choir of Tenby Schools Ipoh took part in this event. The choir headed to Kuala Lumpur on Thursday after lunch. The members eagerly prepared themselves both mentally and physically for this magnificent trip that they were looking forward to for weeks. We arrived at Sri KL School at 6:20p.m. After registration, we were each given a file containing multiple music sheets and a name tag. We along with 7 other choirs (including SMK Seafield Subang Jaya and SMJK Sam Tet) were then ushered into the hall to wait for the opening concert to commence. The invited guest choirs performed remarkably on stage. Mr Thomas Caplin, a Professor of Choral Conducting and Management at Hedmark University College in Norway gave a brief introduction of himself and the upcoming programmes. To start off the Choral Eisteddfod, he got the crowd involved by playing a short and simple game with us. Soon after that, we returned to our hotel and went to bed early to prepare for the next day. Choir of Tenby Schools Ipoh at Sri KL. The events for Friday and Saturday were fairly similar. The schedule for these two days were very packed but well-planned. It started off with ice-breaking and warm-ups with all the other choirs. We were then separated into four groups (Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass) and coached by four experienced choral instructors. They were Tracy Wong for Sopranos, Cherrie Chai for Altos, Lee Shiak Yao for Tenors, and Mak Chi Hoe (co-director of this event) for the Basses. After that, we had lunch and continued our choral sessions until dinner. But the days ended in a flash as we were all enjoying ourselves. During those days, the event provided multiple workshop sessions which gave the choirs an opportunity to learn new things and to grow in music. One of the workshops included vocal percussion (Beat-boxing) which taught us the basics of using our mouths as a set of drums. It was obvious that none of the choirs wanted that session to stop, it was so fascinating to hear Cherrie Chai demonstrate. On the last day, we prepared ourselves for an upcoming concert. The concert was the product of all our hard work over the past few days. It was dedicated to both the instructors and the parents. Among the songs that were presented were “Gadis Kampung”, a hit song of Malaysia, “Vuelie”, from the soundtrack of Frozen and the crowd-pleaser, “Circle of Life” from the movie Lion King. The concert went as planned, and it turned out much more than anyone had expected it to be. This is because during the last song, the Circle of Life, every participating member dropped their music sheets and held hands as they sang the song their hearts out until the very end. Surprisingly, this song made Suzanna Saw (director of this event) shed tears of joy. The members of the Tenby choir thoroughly enjoyed the trip. We brought home lasting friendships, memorable moments and pure joy. This was clearly an amazing experience we would never forget. As Clement Lee of KBSM 5 said, “It was AWESOME!” What a fantastic experience to sing with choirs from various school! Prefectorial Board - Teambuilding Camp On Friday, 6th of June 2014, the Senior Prefectorial Board of Tenby Schools Ipoh carried out a meeting together with the Junior Prefects. The objectives of this event were to collaborate between the Senior and Junior Prefects, to foster better relationship between the Senior and Junior Prefects and to provide an avenue for the Senior Prefects to lead by good examples. Emily Ho of Yr 10 Green (Head Prefect) and Victor Ho of KBSM 4 (Deputy Head Prefect) conducted a talk about "Leadership" and the Teambuilding Games conducted by Wilson Yeap of KBSM 4 (Head of INSOH - Inter Society & Homes). “Straw & Rubberbands” - Calm Down & Be Steady! One of the teambuilding games: “Hot Lava” The session on "Leadership" was aimed at helping prefects realise the role and importance of being a leader in school. It also provided a guide on how prefects should react when they are facing students who are not abiding by the school rules by using proper communication skills and initiative that a prefect should have. After the session, there were 2 teambuilding games namely "Hot Lava" and "Straw and Rubberbands" The aims of these teambuilding games were to enhance leadership skills, communication skills and teamwork. All the prefects demonstrated good team work in order to win the games. We all had lots of fun and find this event educational and enjoyable. Group photos of all Tenby Prefects with Mrs Kumar, Pn Norfazilatun & Mr Ang. Source & Pictures: Wilson Yeap (SM4) Source and pictures courtesy of Mr Wong Kin Tung SPM Excellence Program 2014 KBSM 5 students were given a series of 2-hour dedicated sessions featuring on exam-style questions on popular topics, tips, and exam strategies for various subjects from 2 June to 10 June 2014. This workshop was under the Sekolah Tenby’s SPM Excellence Program 2014 to help students in facing their examinations with full confidence. All sessions were conducted by experienced examiners and excellent teachers. The students were actively involved in the workshops and were asked questions on a wide range of areas focusing on answering techniques and revision highlights. They were exposed on how to tackle exam questions and provide answers that could maximize their chances of getting higher marks. They also had the chance to seek clarifications on some difficult topics from the speakers. Apart from that, our teachers were also exposed to the latest marking criteria for subjects in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. (SPM). Pn Lim explaining topics on Physics. A workshop on History by Mr Sivanathan Tenby’s Youth Athletes, Way to Go! Chantelle A.Wyllie (Yr 10B) Girls U-18 Basketball MSSM, representing Perak Cavan Loh Qi Nam (Yr 8 Yellow) SUKMA U-21 Shooting – Reserved Tan Zen-Ferng (Yr 10 Blue) U-15 Tennis MSSM, representing Perak >>>>>>> 1st Floor of Block C displaying the information of the teams that are competing for the title in World Cup 2014. <<<<<<< World Cup 2014 match schedule outside the multi-purpose hall. Tenby’s students from Nursery - Primary in their football jerseys to mark the 1st day of the World Cup 2014 on Friday. Hello and welcome to... We are pleased to welcome the following admin staff and teachers to Tenby Schools Ipoh: Admission and Marketing Officer - Ms Janice Tan Ai Lee Facility Technician cum Driver - Mr Marcus Anthony A/L Anthony Dass Teacher - Mr Wong Kok Ken (Sekolah Tenby) Teacher - Pn Nora Idura Binti Othman (Sekolah Tenby) Janice Tan Marcus Anthony Wong Kok Ken Nora Idura Othman ...and we bid Goodbye to… Ms Lim Hwei Shan (Admission and Marketing Officer) Ms Ilaya Nanthini A/P Rengasamy (TIS Secondary Teacher) Ms Sarmila A/P Muniandy (Sekolah Tenby Primary Teacher) A big thank you for the service rendered and we take this opportunity to wish them all the best in their future endeavours. Road Safety Awareness Campaign by Tenby Schools Parents’ Association Of late, we have been very concerned about the way some parents/guardians are driving in the school compound. The speed limit of “20km” has not been adhered to and this is posing a danger to students in school. The Parents’ Association is running an awareness campaign on road safety to help alert parents to be more careful while driving in school. The campaign begins on 16th June and ends on 23rd June. Every student will be given a flyer in school “Kids Say Slow Down” to take home next week when the campaign is on. We hope all parents and guardians will co-operate to ensure the safety of our children in school. Upcoming Events 13 June 2014 - Prom Nite for the graduating class: Year 11 and KBSM 5 at Casuarina Hotel, Bandar Meru Raya. 14 - 15 June 2014 - Perak Society of Performing Arts (PSPA) Junior Associates Conference, 9.30am - 4.00pm at the school auditorium. 17 June 2014, 7.30pm - 9.00pm, Key Stage 3 Arts Week: Tenby’s Got Talent. 18 June 2014, 7.30pm - 9.00pm, Key Stage 3 Arts Week: An Evening of Dance. 19 June 2014, 7.30pm - 9.00pm, Key Stage 3 Arts Week: An Evening of Music including Battle of the Bands. 23 June 2014 - Year 8 Pastoral/Humanities Trip to Taiping. 23 June 2014 - Year 9 Science Trip: Visit to Sultan Idris Shah II Water Treatment Plant. 23 - 25 June 2014 - Year 10 Pastoral Residential Trip to Penang. 24 June 2014 - Year 7 & 8 Science Trip: Visit to Ulu Kinta Water Treatment Plant & Geoscience Museum. 25 June 2014 - Year 7 Pastoral Residential Trip at the Lost World of Tambun. 25 - 27 June 2014 - Year 9 Pastoral Residential Tour in Penang. 26 - 27 June 2014 - Year 10 Art Trip to Kuala Lumpur. 28 June 2014 - A Levels’ Team Building Camp at My Gopeng Resort, Gopeng. 28 June 2014 - TIS EYC & IISEYC Production Day in Dewan Leong Wan Chin (Perak Girls’ School Hall, Jalan Kampar, Ipoh.) Contact Us Tenby Schools Ipoh 16 Persiaran Meru Utama Bandar Meru Raya 30020 Ipoh, Perak T: 05 - 525 2628 F: 05 - 525 2881 [email protected] Visit us on the web at
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