December 2009 - State of Mississippi Organization – Omega Psi Phi
December 2009 - State of Mississippi Organization – Omega Psi Phi
OMEGAPS IPHIF RATERNI TY , I NCORPORATED F l or i da-Ge or g i a-Al a b a ma-Mi s s i s s i p p i Ke i t hR. J a c k s on 7 t hDi s t r i c tRe p r e s e n t a t i v e De c e mbe r2009 T HES E V E N T HDI S T RI C TU PDA T E Da r r onT os t on 7 t hDi s t r i c tDi r e c t orofPu b l i cRe l a t i on s I ns i deThi sI s s ue Fo r me rDRSe s s i o n, 2 ,Ho no r i ngBr o Pe o pl e s ,3 He a l t hI ni t i a t i ve s ,4 The t aTa u Sc ho l a r s hi ps EKK Uni f o r m Do na t i o n,5 The t aTa u Ce l e br a t i ng6 0 Ta l e nt Go l fTo ur ny ,5 ye a r so fOPPF , HuntNe ws , Dr i veo ne4HBCU, OPPFt ot he 8-9 Mi s s i o nMi l i t a r y ,6 Re s c ue ,7 Pr e s i de nt i a l Re c e pt i o n,9 Fo unde r ’ sDa y Pr o gr a ms , 1 0 1 4 Unde r gr a dua t e Summi t , 1 5 7 3 r dDi s t r i c t Me e t i ngI nf o . , 1 6 1 9 Re a dt oSuc c e e d, 2 0 Cong r a t ul a t i onst oJ udg eMa l c ol m Ha r r i s on TheMi g ht yS e v e nt hDi s t r i c twoul dl i k et oc ong r a t ul a t eBr ot he rMa l c ol m Ha r r i s onwhowa sr e c e nt l ya ppoi nt e da sCi r c ui tCour tJ udg ef ort heS e v e nt hDi s t r i c t , S ubdi s t r i c t4, s e r v i ngHi ndsCount y . Br ot he r Ha r r i s onwi l l bes e r v i ngt hee xpi r i ngpos i t i onoff or me rJ udg eBobb yDe L a ug ht e rwhos et e r m wi l l e nd J a n ua r y3, 2011. Br ot he rHa r r i s oni sapa r t ne ri nHa r r i s ona ndF l owe r sPL L Ca ndha ss e r v e da st hepr os e c ut i nga t t or ne y f orBol t ona ndowne dt heHa r r i s onL a wOf f i c e s . Whi l et hea ppoi nt me ntofBr ot he rHa r r i s onme a nst ha t hewi l l nol ong e rbes e r v i nga sour7t hDi s t r i c tCouns e l orwel ookf or wa r dt os e e i ngt hec ont i n ue d s uc c e s sofBr ot he rHa r r i s on. Thea ppoi nt me ntofBr ot he rHa r r i s ons e r v e sa st hef i r s ta ppoi nt me ntofa nAf r i c a nAme r i c a nt oaj udi c i a l pos tb yMi s s i s s i ppi Gov e r norHa l e yBa r bour . 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THE SEVENTH DISTRICT ‘UPDATE’ Page 4 NU EPSILON BLOOD DRIVE By Detrick L. Black The Nu Epsilon Chapter hosted a Blood Drive conducted by the Life South Community Blood Center, October 7, 2009 from 11a.m. to 2p.m. Life South is a community blood supplier for local hospitals in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama. Life South is committed to meeting the blood supply needs of hospitals in the communities they serve by providing the highest quality blood components and services. They supply approximately 45% of the nation's blood supply. About 80% of the blood donations given to the Red Cross are collected at mobile blood drives set up at community organizations, corporations, high schools, colleges, places of worship, and military installations. The remaining 20% are collected at fixed Life South donor centers. The goal Life South set for Nu Epsilon was 25 donors, but our chapter lives by the phrase “Never Enough”, so we encouraged more than 35 people to donate. It was a very successful event! Life South presented Nu Epsilon Chapter with a Life South Community Service Award. The Brothers of Nu Epsilon are greatly appreciative of Life South for their partnership. EKK HEALTH INITIATIVES By Sherwin Johnson Canton, MS - Saturday, April 18, 2009 The brothers of the Epsilon Kappa Kappa Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated held a Health Care Initiative at the Joe Pritchard Homes. During the event, Dr. William Truly, a member of Epsilon Kappa Kappa, performed free blood pressure tests to several residents and others in the local community. Members of the fraternity passed out pamphlets and brochures to area residents about HIV/AIDS awareness, women’s health, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and sickle cell anemia awareness. “Mississippi often leads the nation in deaths from preventable diseases such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and kidney failure,” says Dr. Truly. “This is an opportunity for us to reach out to those who may not know about these health problems as well as to promote healthy living,” adds Basileus Alvin Jackson of EKK. This event is part of Omega Psi Phi’s annual International Mandated Programs. Chapters are required to coordinate programs that will encourage good health practices. / ' '' ! " - " -4 % 5 # J" ! " ! 3 # < " " ! F ' . % - < ! ' ) D ! - ! ( D 2 ' ! ( / !0 - & ' 0 ! 0 ' " ! -.- 4 " (' ( 0 ' 0 ; -! 9/ '' - %' ( ! !'" ! ! < " 4# 5" / '! 0 ' ! 0 ' $ ' ' % % "0 ! .- & & ( %' ( - ". - : / !0 '! - ! ' ' - : / ! ! - %' . / # . & > '" / '" ? " ! A (' '" 5 ! -.- ' (3 ! ! ' ! %' # " ' D ; D ' 0 ' '" / ' - ! 0 ' ' ! ' '( !' '' ! (" OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY, INC. THE SEVENTH DISTRICT ‘UPDATE’ Page 6 THETA TAU CHAPTER HOST FIRST ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP GOLF TOURNAMENT IN ANNISTON , ALABAMA By Brother Anthony Burdell Anniston, Alabama - Friday, August 14th the Brothers of Theta Tau Chapter hosted their first Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament at Silver Lakes Golf Resort in Glencoe, Alabama. There were approximately 37 two-man scramble teams that assembled in front of the clubhouse prior to the start of the golf tournament at 8 a.m. There were individuals from surrounding counties, Birmingham, and Montgomery areas. Kenneth Cunningham and Willie Duncan, chairpersons for this year’s event, stated that “we are extremely pleased with the turnout and the participation from the local companies, organizations, and citizens that participated in our tournament”. The first place winners were Joe Weaver and Derrick Daugherey with their score of 67. The second plane winners were Billy Curry and David Gilley with a score of 70. Rounding up in third place was Willie Duncan and Chadd Yarbrough with a score of 71. The winner of having the ball closest to the pin was Rex Keeling. The longest drive shot went to Brad Yarbrough. Each golfer that participated stated that this was one of the best organized tournaments that they have participated in. Brother Johnny Harris, Basileus of Theta Tau Chapter stated, “That this was an enormously successful event and that this sets the stage for our Second Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament. Proceeds from the event will be used to provide scholarships to high school students within the Anniston and Talladega area. ! (; ' = # "% ! - @ ! .#0 A ( .#0 " > '! !' ( ! !' > ' " / < 0 '' 0 #' / ) 0 < ! $ ( % 2 ' ( B C @ ! .#0 " 3 - A ' ( "; ( '' 2 1 : ! # $ ! ' !- ' & ! ?< "K 3 ' ' ' - ' ! - ' ( ! '( ! - & # 0 < ! D 0 '' - # -B C ( ! '$ ! (, " 9.#0 " ! ' " 8 - ' ! % (; ! ' '% ! 8 ' <! 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He recalls the spirited competition between other fraternities on campus; Alpha Phi Alpha and Kappa Alpha Psi. The Omega Man really took an interest in the fraternity after learning about the founding members Edgar Amos Love, Oscar James Cooper, Frank Coleman and especially Ernest Everette Just. He, like Just had a strong interest in chemistry. In fact, chemistry was Whisenton’s major in college. After joining Omega Psi Phi, he became very active in recruiting new members and upholding the principles the fraternity was built on; Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance and Uplift. Upon graduating Whisenton realized he wanted to dedicate his life to uplifting students; so he became a chemistry teacher for the Canton School District. It was there he developed a passion for mentoring at risk boys who were attracted to gangs and drugs. He was able to reach many of them through his teachings. He instilled character traits of commitment and dedication to thousands of students throughout his teaching career. “I wanted to uplift students. In fact that’s what I did with my life. I tried real hard to uplift students from a life away from the streets, gambling, etc., said Whisenton.” After many years apart from the fraternity, Whisenton was reclaimed by Epsilon Kappa Kappa Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. after an invitation from his brother-in-law Herb Anderson. Since that time he has been extremely active and involved in various activities sponsored by Omega Psi Phi. One of Whisenton’s biggest wishes is that EKK receives a facility of its own to control and operate; a place for the fraternity to meet and carry out various community based programs and initiatives. On a national level he encourages Omega Psi Phi to continue recruiting respectable young men for membership and develop additional programs to steer kids away from a life of crime and poverty. OMEGA PSI PHI TO THE RESCUE By Herb Ford Douglasville, GA - Brothers and members from various chapters of Omega Psi Phi fraternity, Inc. (Chi Gamma Gamma & Phi Kappa Kappa) answered the call for help on Friday, Sept 25th and Saturday Sept 26th in Cobb, Paulding, and Douglasville County Georgia. Five days of rain from earlier in the week caused riverbanks to overrun and sewage to overflow causing local schools, highways and roads to close. Nearly 250 million dollars in damage was caused by the storm. The email went out Friday indicating members of Turner Chapel AME Church were affected heavily by the storm and flood water. The Omegas mobilized teams of brothers to various areas of the flood stricken community. The clean up process began Friday with the removal of water logged furniture, padding, and carpet. Saturday continued with the gutting process. Tons of wet drywall, flooring, and insulation was removed as the Omegas brought manpower in organized teams of brothers to the various areas of the community to help. The recovery process will be a long and costly one; however the Brothers will continue to provide support throughout the process. DECEMBER 2009 Page 9 TALENT HUNT The Talent Hunt program of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. is one of several national programs designed to identify and support the youth of our nation and the world. The original idea was created by Brother J. Austin Atkins of Winston Salem, North Carolina, and Brother Dewey Duckett of Rock Hill, South Carolina. While the idea was conceived in 1945, the first District Talent Hunt program was held in the Sixth District in Charlotte, North Carolina, on April 19, 1946. The need for such a program was born out of the unequal opportunity afforded to some American youth to develop and give full expression to their talents. The Talent Hunt Program of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity has touched thousands of students, many of whom have gone on to make outstanding contributions to their communities and our world. Many have earned scholarships, awards, and recognition through exposure from this program. It is our quest as Omega men of substance to continue to grow in our unyielding commitment to support our youth. GEORGIA STATE TALENT HUNT 1ST PLACE WINN ER ANGELICA HAIRSTON By Cantrell Watts Decatur, GA - Angelica Hairston, an eleventh grader and harpist from Chamblee High School represented the Kappa Alpha Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Decatur, GA in the 2009 State Talent Hunt Competition held on Friday, October 2, 2009 in the Ballroom of the Marriott Hotel, Augusta, GA. Angelica was one of fourteen (14) contestants competing at the state level with all contestants having won their local Talent Hunt competitions in their hometowns. One overall first, second and third place winner was awarded among talent displayed in the areas of dance, instrumental or vocal selections. Angelica was awarded the 1st Place trophy and will represent Kappa Alpha Alpha and the State of Georgia in the 7 th District Talent Hunt Competition to be held in Atlanta March of 2010. There she will compete with Talent Hunt winners from the States of Florida, Mississippi, and Alabama which make up the 7th District. Winners from the 7th District Talent Hunt Competition advance to the National Talent Hunt Competition to be held in July 2010. Angelica is one of six harpists from around the world, who attended the Young Artists Harp Seminar at Boston University’s Tangle wood Institute held this past summer. This year marked Angelica’s second summer on scholarship at the music conservatory, which is designed for top high school musicians. Angelica’s musical resume is seemingly endless. Angelica was selected for the Georgia All-State Orchestra as a violinist in 2006 and 2007, as a harpist in 2008 and 2009. She attended the Interlochen Summer Arts Camp in Michigan in 2007. She is a member of the Chamblee High School Orchestra and the Chamblee Chamber Ensemble, the Phoenix Strings Quartet, and a featured performer with the DeKalb Youth Symphony Orchestra. Among these honors, Angelica performed at Maya Angelou’s 80th Birthday Celebration, Arthur Blank Foundation Fundraiser at the Georgia Aquarium, and at the Musica Ardiente Festival at the Woodruff Arts Center. She was most recently selected as harpist for the National High School Honors Orchestra to be held proud member of the Greenforest Community in Santa Clara, Calif. February 2010. Angelica is also a Baptist Church Orchestra. OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY, INC. THE SEVENTH DISTRICT ‘UPDATE’ Page 10 TALENT HUNT PROGRAM ON THE CAMPUS OF ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY By Cantrell Watts Normal, AL - Sunday, October 4, 2009, on the campus of Alabama A&M University the Brothers of Xi Omicron, Nu Epsilon, and Psi Kappa Kappa Chapters of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated held their Annual Talent Hunt Program. The Xi Omicron Talent Hunt Committee responsible for upholding this longstanding tradition of over 63 years were Bro. Shoan Franklin and Bro. Daryl Bowden. The distinguished panel of adjudicators were James A. Plenty, Chris Jordon, and Anns Vanoukia. Tabulation was done by the beautiful ladies of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (Delta Delta Chapter). There were two intermission non-competitive performers, and six contestants. The Talent pool for the event was nothing less than phenomenal. Three dancers, one pianist, a theatrical performer, and a vocalist graced the stage in the spirit of competition with their artistic gifts from God. The performers were: Ms. Dion Bowden is a sophomore at Sparkman High School and she performed what was categorized as a dance routine, but it included tap dancing with some vocal and theatrical elements. Ms. Lily Deng, a sophomore at Westminster Christian Academy, performed a classical piano piece that wowed the crowd with her flawless performance. Ms. Lauren Croom a dancer and sophomore at Bob Jones High School expressed her love for dance through her tranquil and articulate movements that brought a sense of calmness to the audience as they enjoyed her artistry. Ms. Lawren V. Riggins a senior at Lee High School, a Hip Hop dancer that showed off her moves to contemporary Rap and R&B songs. Mr. Justin S. Jordon a junior at Lee High School and a very talented vocalist with an operatic tone that commands appreciation from those with a trained and untrained musical interest. Ms. Markeitra M. Gilliam is a senior at S.R. Butler High School. She performed a passionate and heartfelt theatrical skit that gave the audience an account of the pain of being a victim of Hurricane Katrina. All of the contestants were winners, but the judges awarded first place to Ms. Lily Deng, second place to Ms. Markeitra M. Gilliam, and third place to Ms. Lawren V. Riggins. Ms. Deng went on to place first at the Alabama State Talent Hunt, Ms. Gilliam, and Ms. Riggins performed at the Alabama State Talent Hunt and represented the Rocket City (Huntsville, Alabama) well. Left to Right: Lawren V. Riggins, Markeitra M. Gilliam, and Lily Deng DECEMBER 2009 Page 11 ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY PRESIDENTIAL RECEPTION By Huntsville, Alabama - September 17, 2009, Dr. Andrew Hugine, Jr., joined the Alabama A&M University (AAMU) family on Thursday, July 16, 2009, as the school’s new President. He is an Alumnus of South Carolina State University (SCSU), where he earned a B.S. of Mathematics and a Masters of Education in Mathematics, Dr. Hugine also received a Doctorate of Philosophy in Higher Education Institutional Research from Michigan State University. Dr. Hugine presided over SCSU when they became the first HBCU to host a Democratic Party Presidential Candidate Debate in 2008. So we look forward to the history he will make at AAMU. Brothers Gerald Vines, Walter Alexander, and JesHenry Malone (left to right). As the eleventh president of Alabama A&M University, Dr. Hugine holds the distinction of being the first Omega Man to serve as the President of Alabama A&M. On September 17, 2009, the Brothers of Xi Omicron Chapter, in Huntsville, Alabama, officially welcomed Dr. Hugine and his lovely wife, during a reception held at the Omega Center. The Basileus of Xi Omicron, Brother Rentz II, presented the Alabama A&M University President with gifts and hospitality that were humbly and graciously received. The welcome and sincere outpouring of well wishes from the Normal Hill, the Rocket City, and Stakeholder Communities made this event an overwhelming success. Dr. Hugine has pledged his commitment to Alabama A&M University and the Xi Omicron Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated. Bro./Dr. Andrew Hugine FOUNDER‟S DAY PROGRAM By Cantrell Watts Hattiesburg, MS. - November 17, 2009, Phi Rho and Nu Eta Chapters conducted their monthly meeting and a Founder’s Day program. Also that evening, Brothers assembled to watch the first joint probate of Phi Rho (Graduate Chapter) and Nu Eta (Undergraduate Chapter) 2009 lines. The Phi Rho Chapter neophytes consisted of six brothers: Curwin Burk, Edward Middleton, Slovakia Griffith, Robert Johnson, Shannon Keener, and Gabe Willis. The Nu Eta Chapter neophytes consisted of three brothers: DeRandy Butler, Timothy Halton and Jasper Spires. The general Hattiesburg public and students from Southern Mississippi were in attendance to view the probate show. Phi Rho & Nu Eta Neophytes and Advisor (Willie Davidson) in Middle OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY, INC. THE SEVENTH DISTRICT ‘UPDATE’ Page 12 WORKING HARD FOR OMEGA By Marc Styles East Point, GA--- “No group of men could have a stronger adhesive to bind them together than men of Omega”, Honorable Edgar A. Love. That adhesive bond would be friendship and this same saying can be said about the men of the Phi Kappa Kappa Chapter, as we get ready to celebrate the 98th Anniversary of our great Fraternity, as part of our Annual Achievement Week celebration. The hard work of the brothers in the chapter was recently rewarded on October 3, 2009 during the Founder’s Banquet of the 46th Georgia State Workshop held in Augusta, GA. It was there that chapter Basileus, Brother Eric Woods, and chapter delegates learned that it was a very good year for the chapter. As the Georgia State Representative, Brother James Cistrunk, began to announce the winners of the various awards handed out during the banquet, it was apparent that Brother Woods, would not be taking his seat soon. The chapter won a total of six awards including: Graduate Chapter Of The Year; Scholarship Chapter Of The Year; Social Action Chapter Of The Year; Region 1 Chapter Of The Year; History and Archive Display Winner; and March Down Winners. So after that the only things to do were conduct chapter elections for the upcoming fiscal year and have a successful Achievement Week (Nov. 15-21, 2009). As with all things in the Fraternity, the week started with a church fellowship service, a fun night of watching Monday Night Football, a forum and Founder’s Day Celebration, a brief walk back in History with the 33 rd Grand Basileus Brother Moses Norman, who told those in attendance that we need to be “Trans-formative Agents with in our communities. And that the work of the chapter should be known outside of the chapter and inside the local community. Several brothers participated in a Mentoring Day at a local Middle School the next day, the chapter then hosted a Greek Social mixer, and ended the week with the banquet. The brothers choose Brother Doug Stewart, as this years keynote speaker for the banquet that was held inside of the spacious ballroom of the Renaissance Concourse Hotel located in College Park, GA. A surprise guest Brother Ryan Stewart was also invited to introduce his brother. The brothers are known over the radio airways as the “2 Live Stews”, as part of their sports reporting show. Brother Stewart, started his speech by using the theme, “Unity Through Friendship, Brotherhood, and Fraternity”, where he talked about how his time involved with various sports teams reminded him of how much those teams bond with each other like members of the Fraternity bond together. He went on to mention that he learned about community service by watching his father do it when he was a young man growing up in South Carolina. “That service is often overlooked by others but that was one of the main reasons, why I was drawn to the Men of Omega while I attended South Carolina State University, said Brother Stewart. He was proud of the fact that he and his brother were members of the Big Brothers & Sisters of America Program for the past six years, and during their time they have helped register over 200 mentors in the Atlanta area. “We also try to visit various schools in the area at least once a month and to use their influence to help the communities around those schools”, was another statement made by Brother Stewart. He went on to talk about how much he missed his sports teams because of the unity they shared over the years. “Those men in the locker room become your friends and a select few become like brothers over the years, but the friends you make as Omega men last a lifetime”, he stated. Brother Stewart, kept his word by not giving a long speech and thanked the chapter, which he is a member, for allowing him his time in the spotlight, which drew a laugh and standing ovation from the audience. Awards were presented to Brother Johnnie Green – Superior Service; Brother Arnold Plesant – Colonel Charles Young; and Brother Alonzo Upshur – Citizen Of The Year & Omega Man Of The Year. DECEMBER 2009 Page 13 FOUNDER‟S DAY REDEDICATION SERVICE By LaMarcus Griffin The Brothers of Beta Alpha and Upsilon Epsilon Chapters held a Founders Day Rededication Service at Jackson State University in The New Student Union, commemorating the Fraternity’s 98th anniversary. Beta Alpha Basileus Fredrick Burns presided over the program’s coordination, focusing upon our Founding Fathers reflections of the Fraternity’s Cardinal Principles. Brother Lee A. Bernard, Jr. provided encouraging words and led the Brothers in attendance in the rededication oath. At the conclusion of the Founders Day Rededication Service, the Brothers joined their wives, honored guests and significant others for an Omega Social hour. 2009 SCHIEVEMENT WEEK AND FOUNDERS DAY PROGRAM By Huntsville, AL – On November 17, 2009 the Brothers of Xi Omicron (Huntsville, Alabama Graduate Chapter) and Nu Epsilon (Alabama A&M University Undergraduate Chapter) Chapters of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, celebrated their 98th Anniversary on November 17, 2009 at the Omega Center, located at 181 Import Circle, Huntsville, Alabama during their 2009 Founders’ Day Program. There were over sixty Omega Men in attendance. It was an eventful occasion that was facilitated by the immediate past Basileus of Xi Omicron, E.C. Rentz, II, and the current Basileus of Xi Omicron, Joe Winston. The Basileus of Nu Epsilon Chapter, Christopher Aninye, gave the welcome. As the men of Omega convened to celebrate, they were also treated with the pleasure of hearing a panel of Omega Men speak of their life and love for the Fraternity. Thomas Hereford, Delano Hyter, Claud Martin, and Gerald Vines all gave outstanding testimonies as they expressed their history, perspectives, and vision of what they all consider to be “the greatest Fraternity in the world;” Omega Psi Christopher Aninye giving welcome 2009 Achievement Week/Founders Day Program Phi Fraternity, Incorporated. Several awards were presented to those in attendance and acknowledgements of Awardees were announced for those who were not present. The Omega Man of the Year Award was presented to E.C. Rentz II, Claud Martin received the Founders’ Award, the Superior Service Award was earned by Charles Howard, and the recipient of the prestigious Citizen of the Year Award was Dr. Julius R. Scruggs, the Pastor of First Missionary Baptist Church and the President of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. Dr. Scruggs was not present at the Founders’ Day program, but the Basileus of Xi Omicron presented Dr. Scruggs with the Award during the 8:00am worship service at First Missionary Baptist Church on November 22, 2009. The evening concluded with a song, but not just any song, “Omega Dear,” the Fraternity’s Hymn. Omega Men stood in place while singing in harmony. One verses states “to all thy precepts make us true, live nobly as all real men do.” These words from “Omega Dear,” communicate insight to what Omega Men strive for and the 2009 Xi Omicron and Nu Epsilon Founders’ Day program was a reflection of that. Joe W. Winston (left) presents Rev./Dr. Julius R. Scruggs (right) with the 2009 Citizen of Joe W. Winston (left) presents E.C. Rentz II (right) with the 2009 Omega Man of the Year the Year Award, at First Missionary Baptist Church, on November 22, 2009 Award OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY, INC. THE SEVENTH DISTRICT ‘UPDATE’ Page 14 ACHIEVEMENT WEEK BANQUET By LaMarcus Griffin Beta Alpha Chapter held its annual Achievement week banquet, the chapter was honoring The Provine High School's best essay contestant Elizabeth Bradley. The Beta Alpha Chapter's Citizen of the year was Brother Femi Daramola and the Chapter's Omega Man of the Year was Brother Andre Brown. Pictured left to right Brother Lee A. Bernard Jr., Guest Speaker Brother John W. Campbell, Inventor of Shaver's Choice and author of "Day Dreaming on my Cotton Sack" and Beta Alpha Basileus Fredrick Burns. ACHIEVEMENT WEEK DINNER By Ted Anderson Moss Point, MS - The men of Sigma Alpha Alpha Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. held its Achievement Week Dinner Theater on November 21, 2009 at the Pelican Landing Conference Center. The Achievement Week Dinner Theater centered its program around its honoree, Mrs. Franzetta Gladney Sanders, who was the lone petitioner in the lawsuit, Gladney VS the Moss Point Schools in the 1960’s. She was cited for her community involvement, courageous efforts, and contributions to education in Moss Point. The program format gave a biographical and chronological view of the honoree’s life and works and was interspersed with talents from local artists Lady Patrice Green, the Coleman Sisters, David Chapman, and Badrae Hannah. Special entertainment, choreographed by Angela Haynes, was also presented by the young men of the Omega PREPS. It is customary for the chapter to recognize its Citizen of the Year and its Omega Man of the Year during its Achievement Week Observance. The 2009 observance recognized dual Citizens of the Year – Ms. Aniece Liddell, Mayor of Moss Point, was recognized for outstanding accomplishments in the area of politics and Jimmy O’Banner of the MS Highway Patrol was recognized for law enforcement. Ms. Liddell became the first female mayor of the City of Moss Point when she was elected in the June elections. Mr. O’Banner was recognized for his elevation to Captain of the MS State Troopers’ Troop “K,” the first African-American to be promoted to this position with the MS State Highway Patrol. Four of the chapter members were selected as Omega Men of the Year for their successful efforts to reactivate the chapter. They were Dr. Dunk Ellis, Freeman Richmond, Raynard Roberson, and Terrence Packer. Raymond Davis of Moss Point was awarded the Superior Service Award, an award given to the member who exhibits continuous selfless acts of service to the chapter during the year. J.B. Carter served as Dinner Theater Chairman. DECEMBER 2009 Page 15 2010 UNDERGRADUATE SUMMIT The Annual International Undergraduate Summit will be held on Thursday through Saturday, January 21 – 23, 2010, at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside. The entire Brotherhood, both Undergraduate and Graduate, is invited to attend. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss issues concerning undergraduate affairs and to provide an opportunity for the National Undergraduate Brotherhood to assemble and fellowship TOGETHER IN UNITY. It is required that two (2) representatives from every Undergraduate Chapter attend for the duration of the National Undergraduate Summit. We are asking and encouraging all Undergraduate brothers, both Prophytes and Neophytes, to attend. Furthermore, Undergraduate Chapter Advisors are required to register and attend. In the event that conflict arises with Undergraduates and/or Advisors, please contact our 2nd Vice Grand Basileus, Bro. Jamin A. Powell, at [email protected]. Pre- Registration is $100 Dec. 1st – Jan. 11th, 2010. All On-site registration will be $175 beginning Jan. 21st – 22nd, 2010. Please register by January 11, 2010, to ensure that your registration is received and processed. If you encounter any problems, please email us at [email protected]. Lodging accommodations should be arranged directly with the Hilton New Orleans Riverside. The hotel reservation deadline is Monday, December 21, 2009. Click the link below to make your hotel reservations, if making reservations by phone please reference group name Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. 2010 Undergraduate Summit. Hilton New Orleans Riverside 2 Poydras St New Orleans, LA 70130 1-800-HILTON (1-800-445-8667) $99.00 ROOM RATE TRANSPORTATION Public Shuttle: Approximately $38.00 round trip to and from airport Taxi: Approximately $30.00 one way ONLY ($60.00 roundtrip) Hotel Shuttle for Omega Psi Phi Fraternity ONLY: FREE This courtesy shuttle will only be provided by the Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel during the hours of: 12:00 noon – 12:00 midnight on Thursday January 21, 2010 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. on Sunday January 24, 2010 This courtesy shuttle may be found in the Shuttle Center directly across from baggage claim. Roll call will begin promptly at 9:00am on Friday January 22nd. The dress code is suit coat, dress shirt, slacks, dress socks, and tie. If there are Brothers who own more than one dark suit, and are willing to give or loan it to a brother, please bring such garments with you. Please note that the dress code will be enforced. Each Chapter is responsible for the cost of lodging and meals. You are encouraged to contact your District Representative for information regarding possible financial assistance. OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY, INC 73rd Seventh District Meeting Atlanta, Georgia March 25th – March 28th, 2010 Hosted By: TAU and BETA PSI Chapters Atlanta, Georgia Location: Renaissance Atlanta Hotel Downtown- Atlanta, Georgia District Marshal: Brother Reginald Harris The 2010 District meeting promises to be the best ever, with various presentations, tutorials, networking events and activities for your family. Exchange ideas with brothers across the district and learn about innovative solutions covering multiple aspects of fraternity operations. If you have any questions, contact Brother Reginald Harris (District Marshal) at (770) 363-8377 or [email protected]. REGISTRATION: The Registration site for the Seventh District Meeting is now open and can be accessed on On-line registration closes March 5th, 2010 at midnight. Any brother wishing to register after that will have to register on-site. Meals and rooms cannot be guaranteed for late or on site registrants. All brothers are required to register for the 2010 District Meeting and pay the appropriate fee in order to participate in any aspect of the meeting. Registration Fee Summary: After Feb. 28th , 2010 Graduate Brother (Initiated prior to April 1st , 2009) Graduate Delegate (Initiated prior to April 1st , 2009) Graduate MSP Delegate (Initiated after to April 1st , 2009) Graduate MSP Brother (Initiated after to April 1st , 2009) On or Before Feb. 28th , 2010 $135.00 $135.00 No Cost No Cost Undergraduate Brother (Initiated prior to April 1st , 2009) Undergraduate Delegate (Initiated prior to April 1st , 2009) Undergraduate MSP Brother (Initiated after to April 1st , 2009) Undergraduate MSP Delegate (Initiated after to April 1st , 2009) $110.00 $110.00 No Cost No Cost $160.00 $160.00 $50.00 $ 50.00 Registration Category $185.00 $185.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 The following forms are included in the registration package: Hotel Information Vendor Form Credentials Form 36 MarchDown Registration Tentative Agenda Golf Registration Souvenir Book Ad Form Quette Registration CORPORATE SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES There are various corporate support opportunities for your Company/Foundation to support our scholarship and community out reach programs while maximizing your exposure in the African American community. There are Purple and Gold Levels as well as specific support opportunities OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY, INC 73rd Seventh District Meeting Atlanta, Georgia March 25th – March 28th, 2010 PRE-REGISTRATION FORM Please print or type – Use black ink only! (A separate form must be completed for each Brother) First Name: _________________Middle Name: __________ Last name: ___________________ Control Number: ____________________________ Home Address: _____________________________ City: __________________________ State: ________________ Zip Code: ________________ Home Number: __________________Work Number: ________________ Fax Number: __________________ Email Address: _________________________________ Current Chapter Location: _______________________ Chapter Initiated: __________________ Quette Name: ______________________________Child(ren)’s Name(s): __________________ (Check one) Graduate Status: *Chapter Delegates ($135) __ *MSP Delegate (Initiated after 4/1/2009) (No Fee) __ *MSP Brother (Initiated after 4/1/2009) (No Fee) __ Visiting Brother ($135) __ Host Brother ($135) __ Undergrad Status: *Chapter Delegates ($110) __ *MSP Delegate (Initiated after 4/1/2009) (No Fee) __ *MSP Brother (Initiated after 4/1/2009 (No Fee) __ Visiting Brother ($110) __ Host Brother ($110) __ *District Council (No Fee) __ Supreme Council (No Fee) __ *Delegate must also complete FORM 36 CREDENTIALS. FORM 36 must be received by the DKRS on or before Feb. 15th, 2010. Quantity Activities Amount Basic Pre-registration fee includes (Souvenir Portfolio, Admission to Undergraduate Luncheon, Life Membership Luncheon, Marchdown Competition, and Founders Banquet) Additional Founder’s Day Banquet Ticket @ $40.00 each Marchdown Competition – Free Casino Night (Friday, March 26th) @ $25.00 each Dance (Saturday, March 27th) @ $20.00 each Grand Total Remittance Request for refunds must be sent to the DKRS in writing or via email by March 5th, 2010. Form 36 Credentials is to be mailed to and received by DKRS by Feb 15th, 2010 Bro. Andrew Ducksworth, Dist. KRS 5150 Coventry Creek Cr. Cumming, GA 30040 Phone: 678.520.3410 Email: [email protected] OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY, INC 73rd Seventh District Meeting Atlanta, Georgia March 25th – March 28th, 2010 HOTEL INFORMATION Reserve your room now for the 73rd Seventh District meeting! Rooms have been blocked for Wednesday, March 24th – Sunday, March 28th, 2010 for the Seventh District’s meeting attendees. The hotel will release these rooms on Monday, February 22nd 2010. Your hotel reservations can be made online using or you can call 1-800-228-9290 and reference the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity District meeting. Renaissance Atlanta Hotel Downtown- Atlanta, Georgia 590 West Peachtree Street NW * Atlanta, Georgia 30308 Phone: 404-881-6000 Fax: 404-815-5010 Reservations: 800-228-9290 e Guest Room Rates: King or Double, City View: $109.00 On-Site Parking, fee: $ 11.25 per day. (This includes a 25% discount) OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY, INC 73rd Seventh District Meeting Atlanta, Georgia March 25th – March 28th, 2010 FORM 36 CREDENTIALS FOR SEVENTH DISTRICT DELEGATES Please print or type – Use black ink only! First Name: ________________________Middle Initial: _______Last Name: ______________________________ Control Number: _________________________________ Home Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________State: ______________________ Zip Code: ________________________ Home Number: _(____)________________Work Number: _(____)________________ Fax Number: _(____)________________ Email Address: _______________________________________________ Delegate Status: Chapter Delegate Alternate /Replacement Delegate TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that the Brother listed is a bona fide member of our chapter and is in good financial standing. He has been duly elected as a Delegate to the 73rd Annual Seventh District Meeting and is to have all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto. Please note that ________________________________________ Chapter, has reviewed its records and we show no outstanding insurance payments due to the National Organization as of ____________________ (date). Fraternally Yours, _____________________________________ Basileus Name (Please Print) ____________________________________ Basileus Signature _____________________________________ Keeper of Records and Seal (Please Print) ____________________________________ Keeper of Records and Seal Signature Note: This form is to be received by the DKRS by Feb. 15th, 2010 73rd Seventh District Meeting Brother Andrew Ducksworth, KRS 5150 Coventry Creek Drive Cumming, Georgia 30040 IN ORDER FOR CHAPTERS TO HAVE VOTING PRIVILEGES DURING ANY CONCLAVE OR DISTRICT MEETING, THE CHAPTER’S ANNUAL INSURANCE & CEF OBLIGATIONS MUST BE PAID TO NATIONAL PRIOR TO THAT MEETING 7th District’s “Read To Succeed” Book Program Goal: Present 2,000 2nd Grade Level books to the local school system during the 73rd District Meeting which will be held March 25-28, 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia. We are encouraging each chapter to purchase at least one box of dictionaries. We are also encouraging you to purchase your books as soon as possible. 2nd Grade Dictionaries can be purchased and drop shipped A box of 24 dictionaries can be purchased for $30.00 To place your order, log on to: Select “The Best Dictionary for Students” (For your convenience, they will ship the dictionaries for you) Please use the following 7th District address for shipping: 73rd Seventh District Meeting C/O Bro. Troy Huffman 1035-B Research Center Atlanta Drive Atlanta, Ga. 30331
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