NolinaGrowers with passion
NolinaGrowers with passion
Catalog 2015 Nolina Growers with passion Catalog 2015 pAsSioN foR PeoPlE, pASsion fOR plaNts propagation in order to supply products of excellent quality that also address the issue of sustainability. As a family business we are continuously involved in innovation. We work with the Danish plant breeding company Poulsen Roser A/S on the further development and improvement of our range of pot roses, garden roses and Clematis. We believe our passion for pot roses, garden roses and garden plants is worth sharing! This is why we enjoy devoting our every day to ensuring that you and your customers, wherever you are, can derive even longer and more intense enjoyment from our beautiful plants. We produce our plants year round within a ‘closed cultivation system,’ which means that we protect them as much as possible through the application of organic growing methods. We devote maximum attention to environmentally responsible We are furthermore also committed to investing in advanced cultivation technologies in order to provide excellent product quality in combination with the highest possible level of service! 02 Welcome Nolina Nurseries Pépinières Nolina Nolina Gärtnereien Unsere Leidenschaft für Topfrosen, Gartenrosen und Gartenpflanzen teilen wir gern mit der ganzen Welt! Aus diesem Grund setzen wir uns täglich mit viel Begeisterung und Energie dafür ein, dass Sie und Ihre Kunden unsere schönen Pflanzen noch länger und intensiver genießen können. Wir kultivieren Rosen das ganze Jahr über in einem „geschlossenen Kultursystem”, das bedeutet, dass wir unsere Pflanzen möglichst auf biologische Art und Weise schützen. Wir widmen uns mit maximaler Sorgfalt einer umweltschonenden Kultur, um so qualitativ hochwertige “grüne” Produkte liefern zu können. Als Familienbetrieb befassen wir uns kontinuierlich mit weiteren Innovationen. Wir arbeiten mit dem dänischen Züchter Poulsen Roser A/S an weiterführenden Neuerungen im Sortiment und – an der Verbesserung unserer Topf- und Gartenrosen und Clematis. Darüber hinaus ist unser Interesse stark auf die technische und kulturtechnische Weiterentwicklung ausgerichtet. Dadurch sind wir in der Lage eine sehr hohe und konstante Produktqualität zu erzielen kombiniert mit maximalem Service! Nous communiquons volontiers au monde entier notre passion pour les rosiers de jardin et en pot et les plantes de jardin ! C’est pourquoi nous nous impliquons chaque jour avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme et d’énergie pour vous faire profiter, ainsi que vos clients, de nos magnifiques plantes, plus longtemps et plus intensément. Vivai Nolina Il nostro lavoro è alimentato da un’immensa passione per le piante da giardino e le rose, tanto da vaso quanto da giardino, e condividiamo volentieri tale sentimento. Lavoriamo quindi ogni giorno con grande entusiasmo, affiché lei e i suoi clienti possano godere ancora più a lungo ed intensamente di piante straordinarie. Nous produisons toute l’année selon un système de culture fermé, ce qui signifie que nous protégeons le plus possible nos espèces de façon biologique. Nous consacrons une attention maximale à la culture écologique et pouvons ainsi fournir des produits “verts” de qualité supérieure. Pratichiamo la coltivazione a “ciclo chiuso” lungo tutto l’arco dell’anno. Ciò significa che per la protezione delle piante facciamo il più possibile ricorso a metodi di lotta biologica e prestiamo grande attenzione all’ambiente e alla sostenibilità delle nostre attività. Il risultato sono prodotti “verdi” di altissima qualità. Au sein de notre entreprise familiale, nous sommes en permanence axés sur le renouvellement. Nous travaillons avec l’obtenteur danois Poulsen Roser A/S à un renouvellement avancé de l’assortiment et à l’amélioration de nos rosiers en pot et de jardin, ainsi que de nos clématites. Par ailleurs, nous consacrons également une grande attention aux évolutions techniques et culturales. Nous réalisons ainsi une qualité de produit constante et particulièrement élevée, avec un service maximal ! La nostra è un’azienda a conduzione familiare, alla ricerca continua dell’innovazione. Grazie alla collaborazione con l’azienda danese Poulsen Roser A/S, specializzata nel settore della ricerca genetica, siamo in grado di ampliare e migliorare continuamente l’attuale assortimento delle rose da vaso e da giardino, e delle clematidi. Seguiamo inoltre con grande interesse gli sviluppi nel campo della tecnica e delle tecniche colturali. Solo così possiamo garantire prodotti di qualità elevata e costante, oltre ad un servizio senza pari! 03 Питомник Nolina В нашем цветоводческом питомнике мы с удовольствием делимся со всем миром любовью как к горшечным и садовым розам, так и к другим садовым культурам! Мы ежедневно работаем над тем, чтобы наши цветы как можно дольше приносили максимальное удовольствие их новым владельцам. Растения в нашем хозяйстве круглый год растут «в закрытой системе», подразумевающей минимальное использование защитных химических средств. Мы уделяем максимальное внимание экологически ответственным технологиям выращивания, позволяющим получать высококачественный «зеленый» продукт. Мы – семейное предприятие, постоянно работающее над усовершенствованием свойств наших растений и их сортовым разнообразием. Сотрудничество с датской селекционной компанией «Poulsen Roser A/S» дает нам возможность существенно обновлять наш ассортимент горшечных и садовых роз, а также клематисов. Кроме этого, мы постоянно работаем над улучшением технологий выращивания и применяемого в производстве оборудования. Плоды наших усилий – неизменно высокое качество наших растений и максимально высокий уровень обслуживания! Catalog 2015 Parade® Collection PatioHit® Collection A gorgeous series of mini pot roses in 10.5 cm pots. Plants with an excellent shelf life and available in a wide variety of colours, including some special colours. Especially fitting for indoor applications. Suitable for ornamentally arranging in a bowl. Pot roses in 13 cm pots for use both indoors and in containers on the patio. The glossy, deep green leaves of varieties in this series make a luscious contrast with their large, brightly coloured flowers. The PatioHit® pot roses have an exceptionally long shelf life. One advantage of this is that they can easily withstand several days in transport. pot size 10.5 cm pot size 13 cm Number per package: 12 Packages per layer: 5 Load per CC: 35 x 12 (with extensions) Apollo TM Number per package: 8 Packages per layer: 5 Load per CC: 30 x 8 (with extensions) Freja TM Lamy TM Poulpar068(N) Karina Poulpar065 (N) Poulpar068(N) TM Brandi Hit TM Poulpah084(N) Elouise Hit TM Noriko Hit TM Poulpah095 (N) Poulpah096(N) Poulpar029 (N) Isabel HitTM Poulpah053(N) Neza TM Gigi TM Dora TM Poulty019(N) Kerri TM Poulpar052(N) Poulpar071(N) 04 Poulpar087(N) Carmela HitTM Honora Hit TM Regina Hit TM Poulpah051(N) Poulac015(N) Poulpah086(N) 05 Catalog 2015 Palace® Collection Beautiful bushy pot roses in 17 cm pots. These pot roses, with their large double flowers, are perfect for a patio location or a plant container on the terrace, etc. Their exceptional shelf life lets you enjoy these ‘living bouquets’ for weeks on end. pot size 17 cm Number per package: 6 Packages per layer: 4 Load per CC: 16 x 6 Alicante TM Isabel TM Poulpah033(N) Poulpah053(N) Honora TM Poulpah051(N) Silvia TM Poulpah054(N) Rebekah TM Fahra TM Poulpah046(N) Poulpal041(N) 06 07 Catalog 2015 L LOvE iS tHe floWer You’Ve Got tO LeT gRoW 08 09 Catalog 2015 Clematis Evergreen Wisteria frutescens This Evergreen variety produces a veritable ocean of flowers from early springtime onwards. Perfect for use in containers placed in a sunny spot on the patio or terrace. Clematis Evergreen® needs no pruning. Simply remove any damaged leaves in the spring. A delightfully American Wisteria variety. This particular variety is the perfect candidate for planting in large tubs on the terrace. ‘Amethyst Falls’ produces flowers from spring to early summer. Unlike traditional varieties, this Wisteria starts flowering during its first year and even develops flowers on one-year-old vines. Except for maintaining the plant’s shape, pruning is unnecessary. Clematis Boulevard® Collection The varieties in this Clematis series - each in a gorgeous different colour - display a compact habit and feature many beautiful single flowers. What makes this series so special is that the plants combine a compact habit with a good shelf life, as well as being a flowering pot plant for use indoors. Clematis Boulevard® plants flower from early spring to late in the summer. pot size 15 cm Number per package: 6 Packages per layer: 5 Load per CC: 20 x 6 Amethyst falls pot size 19 cm Number per package: 1 Packages per layer: 21 Load per CC: 63 x 1 Tai YangTM EsmeTM Ooh la laTM Evipo048(N) Evipo041(N) Evipo045(N) pot size 15 cm Amethyst falls Number per package: 6 Packages per layer: 5 Load per CC: 20 x 6 NinonTM pot size 15 cm Evipo052(N) Number per package: 6 Packages per layer: 5 Load per CC: 20 x 6 Tai YangTM Evipo045(N) pot size 21 cm Amethyst falls Number per package: 1 Packages per layer: 17 Load per CC: 51 x 1 pot size 24 cm Number per package: 1 Packages per layer: 14 Load per CC: 28 x 1 GiselleTM ParisienneTM Evipo051(N) 10 Evipo019(N) 11 Catalog 2015 Clematis Regal® Collection The varieties in this Clematis series produce large double or semi-double flowers. The plants start flowering early in the summer and continue into the autumn. They make a wonderful climber on a pergola or on the terrace when planted in large pots and tubs with a flat or pyramidal trellis. pot size 21 cm Number per package: 1 Packages per layer: 17 Load per CC: 51 x 1 Crystal Fountain TM the secret of happiness Evipo038(N) Josephine TM Evijohill(N) Empress TM Evipo011(N) DiamantinaTM Evipo039(N) 12 13 Catalog 2015 Castle® Collection This series is composed of compact, bushy garden roses. The plants with mostly glossy, deep green leaves produce ample, lightly scented flowers. Pretty in garden beds and also useful in pots on the terrace or patio. pot size 19 cm Number per package: 1 Packages per layer: 21 Load per CC: 84 x 1 I feLl In LovE WitH A RoSe Dover TM Avila Poulcas049(N) Kailani TM TM Poulpal038(N) Poulcas031(N) Isla TM Poulpal066(N) Fleur TM Chambord TM Poulpal068(N) Segovia TM Poulpal024(N) Poulcs012(N) 14 15 Catalog 2015 Courtyard® Collection An assortment of climbing roses which, unlike traditional varieties, start flowering from the bottom of the plant all the way up to the top. A superb choice for use on pergolas or against fencing and walls. pot size 24 cm Number per package: 1 Packages per layer: 14 Load per CC: 28 x 1 Haka TM Poulcy023(N) The perfect match every time Balbo TM Poulcy022(N) Foxtrot TM Poulcy024(N) Kolo TM Poulcy033(N) Farruca TM Poulcy032(N) Collection continues at the next page 16 17 Catalog 2015 Courtyard® Collection An assortment of climbing roses which, unlike traditional varieties, start flowering from the bottom of the plant all the way up to the top. A superb choice for use on pergolas or against fencing and walls. pot size 24 cm Number per package: 1 Packages per layer: 14 Load per CC: 28 x 1 Mama Mia TM Poulcy013(N) Liwa TM Poulcy035(N) Redova TM Poulcy030(N) Pasillo TM Poulcy034(N) 18 19 Catalog 2015 Renaissance® Collection An exceptional series of roses with large, nostalgically shaped and marvelously scented flowers. Suitable for the garden or in large pots on the terrace where their wonderful fragrance can be enjoyed to the fullest. pot size 24 cm Number per package: 1 Packages per layer: 14 Load per CC: 28 x 1 National Parks® Collection Stunning shrub roses with an extra bonus: a heavenly fragrance. These roses produce flowers from early summer until well into autumn. The plants can be grown in pots on the terrace or planted in the garden. Capricia TM Poulren024(N) Bonita TM Poulen009(N) pot size 24 cm Ghita TM Poulren013(N) Number per package: 1 Packages per layer: 14 Load per CC: 28 x 1 Elaine PaigeTM Poulht008(N) Clair TM Poulsyng(N) love the scent of roses 20 21 Catalog 2015 Palace® on stem Collection Stunning standard roses sporting a well-filled crown. These plants develop beautiful flowers all summer long. Very suitable to use as an exclusive eye-catcher in large pots to lend an added dimension to any entrance way. pot size 24 cm Number per package: 1 Packages per layer: 14 Load per CC: 28 x 1 Amazing TM Topkapi TM Poulac014(N) Poulthe(N) Pride TM Poulpal020) Trakai TM Kailani TM Poulpal049) Poulpal038) 22 23 Growers with passion Reliability, Quality, Involvement, Service & Convenience For more information visit our website or send us an e-mail at [email protected] © 2015 Oudendijkseweg 11 2481 KE Woubrugge The Netherlands T +31 (0)172 518 265