St. John of the Cross Parish, Western Springs
St. John of the Cross Parish, Western Springs
St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 S. Wolf Road Western Springs, IL 60558 ▪ Parish Office: 708-246-4404 ▪ Called to be Holy through Prayer, Service & Sharing to Build Up the Kingdom of God. October 27, 2013 Praying ~ Serving ~ Sharing Stewardship is a way of life. It is an expression of discipleship based upon conversion of heart. When the Holy Spirit breaks into our lives our hearts become prayerful, our ministry joyful, and our generosity extravagant. When we recognize that God is the origin of all life, the giver of everything that we have and are, the source of our freedom and giftedness, the healthy person responds by thanking God through prayer, by serving God and His people through ministry, and by sharing our financial resources with those in need. stewardship mission: We, the faithful Catholic community of St. John of the Cross Parish, embrace stewardship as our way of life. Grateful for our abundant blessings and for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives, we generously share our faith and faithfully witness God’s love, compassion and mercy. As a family of believers we are united in the Eucharist. When we share the Word and celebrate the sacraments, grace transforms us into the Body of Christ. As individuals we strive to imitate the life of Christ. The Holy Spirit is calling each of us to serve one another through the vocation of married or single life, consecrated or ordained life. We rely on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, in union with the universal Church to bear fruit in works of charity and justice, in advancing God’s Kingdom here on earth. Last weekend we focused on the role of prayer in our lives and learned to pray The Examen by St. Ignatius. (This weekend we will have another handout for you with more information on praying this wonderful prayer that recognizes and invites God into our daily lives.) This weekend we take a closer look at Service, how we name and nurture our many gifts from God and share them with others. To deepen our understanding and appreciation of this dimension of stewardship, priests from our Sharing Parishes will preach at most of our Masses; there will be collages of pictures in the back of church depicting the life and work at each Sharing Parish; a new SJC Parish Ministry Directory will be available which details 46 ministries in which to participate and/ or serve. This directory is available in hard copy after all Masses and on our parish website. Also, if you were not able to join us last weekend, to show our gratitude to you, our parishioners, and to remind us of our call to live as disciples and stewards, we invite you to take a cling car decal after Mass to put in your car window. Join us as we celebrate our lives as stewards of Christ. 10-27-13 page 2 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Praying ~ Serving ~ Sharing stewardship of service We believe that every person is a unique child of God. Each one of us has been created with wonderful gifts to be used to bring us joy and to serve each other. The Epistle of St. Peter reminds us: “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve another as good stewards of God’s varied graces.” (1 Peter 4:10) The call to a life of commitment and service comes to us through the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. The Spirit empowers us to be Jesus in the world in our lifetime. If you recall, Jesus came not to be served but to serve and as his disciples, we want to imitate his life and his love. To be a steward of service means that we gratefully name and nurture our gifts. We then offer them to our Church and to the world. With this in mind, we are called to reflect upon our personal calendars and consider how we can best use our time and our gifts. Our Church offers unique opportunities to serve within our parish as well as promoting opportunities locally, nationally and globally. We believe that through our service, our Church is able to bring the love of Jesus to the world and to continue his work on earth. 10-27-13 page 3 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Lifelong Catechesis: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading Sirach 35:12-14,16-18 God hears the prayer of the poor. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 34:2-3,17-18,19, 23 The Lord hears and answers the cry of the poor. Second Reading 2 Timothy 4:6-8,16-18 Paul perseveres in faith, confident that God will rescue him. Gospel Reading Luke 18:9-14 Jesus tells the parable of the proud Pharisee who prayed from his selfimportance and the tax collector who prayed humbly. Background on the Gospel Reading The second parable that Jesus tells in Luke 18 addresses attitude in prayer. In contrasting the prayer of the Pharisee with the prayer of the tax collector, Jesus teaches his disciples to pray in humility before God. Jesus again surprises his listeners by showing the tax collector as the example of faith, rather than the Pharisee. Remember that Pharisees were members of a sect of Judaism active in Jesus' time. They taught an oral interpretation of the Law of Moses as the basis for Jewish piety. If anyone would be a model for prayer, a Pharisee was a likely candidate. In contrast, Jesus offers the tax collector as a model for prayer. Tax collectors were collaborators with the Roman authorities in a system that allowed the tax collectors to line their own pockets by charging in excess of the defined taxes. Yet, in this parable, Jesus offers the humility of the tax collector as a model for the prayer of a disciple. The parable reminds us that when we pray, we must remember our need for God in our lives. If we are too full of ourselves, there is too little room for God's grace to work in us. Reprinted with permission. © Copyright 2013 Loyola Press, Chicago, USA. Theme: God knows and sees our hearts. Breaking Open the Word Suggested text for faith sharing: Today’s Gospel Step One: Listen to the Word As you hear the word proclaimed today, what word or phrase strikes you? In this parable, what image comes to mind for you? Step Two: Look into Your Life Question for Children: Jesus teaches us to be humble – but what does that mean? How do you show you are humble? Question for Youth: God knows when we are doing things just for show, and when they come from the goodness of our heart. When have you caught yourself doing something just to be more popular or liked? How does it feel to do something that you know is good and just? Question for Adults: This Gospel reading suggests that we approach God and each other with humility. What does this mean, in practical terms? How do we "humble" ourselves? What does that mean? Catholic Basics—Confirmation: Gifts of the Holy Spirit Last week on October 22nd our parish 7th graders began their two year Confirmation journey with a Commitment Ceremony. On Saturday, October 26th our parish 8th graders took part in a parish retreat called Day of the Spirit during which they focused on the sacrament of Confirmation and the gifts of the Spirit. Listed below is a review of the 7 Gifts. In the Book of Isaiah 11:2-3, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are described. In the passage the gifts are considered ones that the Messiah would have possessed. Through Jesus, we also receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. Wisdom helps us recognize the importance of others and the importance of keeping God central in our lives. Understanding is the ability to comprehend the meaning of God's message. Knowledge is the ability to think about and explore God's revelation, and also to recognize there are mysteries of faith beyond us. Counsel is the ability to see the best way to follow God's plan when we have choices that relate to him. Fortitude is the courage to do what one knows is right. Piety helps us pray to God in true devotion. Fear of the Lord is the feeling of amazement before God, who is all-present, and whose friendship we do not want to lose. How are these gifts present in your life as an adult? Readings for the Week Monday Eph 2:19-22 Ps 19:2-3, 4-5 Luke 6:12-16 ———————————————————————————————— Tuesday Rom 8:18-25 Ps 126:1b-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-5, 6 Luke 13:18-21 Wednesday Thursday Rom 8:26-30 Ps 13:4-5, 6 Luke 13:22-30 Friday Rom 8:31b-39 Ps 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31 Luke 13:31-35 10-27-13 page 4 Saturday Rev 7:2-4, 9-14 Ps 24:1bc-2, 3-4ab, 5-6 1 John 3:1-3 MaƩ 5:1-12a Wis 3:1-9 Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Sunday Wis 11:22–12:2 Ps 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13, 14 2 Thess 1:11–2:2Luke 19:1-10 Remembering All Those Who Have Gone Before Us Remembering the Dead The feasts of All Saints and All Souls in November are part of the tradition of the Church to remember our beloved dead in prayer, especially when we gather to celebrate the Eucharist. During November we pray for all those inscribed in our Books of Life and Remembrance. If you would like your intentions remembered at our weekday Masses throughout the year, please inscribe their names on the All Souls envelopes and these will be placed in the basket under the altar. The Book of Remembrance During the month of November, the Month of All Souls, parishioners and visitors to St. John of the Cross are invited to write the names of their beloved dead in The Book of Remembrance found by the baptismal font. The Book of Remembrance will remain there until the final feast of the Church year, Christ the King. Please put their name on the envelope and they will be prayed for every week. Remembering all of those who have gone before us, “marked with the sign of faith,” helps us better understand and appreciate our faith in the Christ, our risen Lord, who conquers sin and death and brings new life to all. Unlike the Books of Life, which list only deceased parishioners of St. John of the Cross, our Book of Remembrance may include the names of all our deceased loved ones. Merciful Father, hear our prayer and console us. As we renew our faith in Your Son, whom You raised from the dead, strengthen our hope that all our departed brothers and sisters will share in His resurrection, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen Month of All Souls The origins of the solemnity of All Saints (November 1) and the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day, November 2) are connected. From the beginnings of the Church, Christians have cherished the m e m o r y o f t h o s e martyred for the faith and those who lived a life of virtue as icons of Jesus Christ. The martyrs and saints became venerated as disciples and imitators of Christ. All the saints are celebrated each year on November 1; however, most Christian traditions of honoring the dead are linked with All Souls Day on November 2. On this day, we remember our own loved ones who have gone before us in faith. These tributes extend beyond the day itself and last through the month of November, the Month of All Souls. The Books of Life In keeping with the important observance of this month, our parish Books of Life will be placed along the north wall of our church. These books, one for each month, list the names of every person who has been buried from St. John of the Cross Parish. As a parish that is rooted in faith in our Lord Jesus, let us prayerfully recall these deceased members of our community. Take time to look through the books. Find the names of those you know and offer a prayer for them. Please join us on Saturday, November 2nd at 11:15 a.m. to celebrate the Feast of All Souls. Our liturgy will commemorate parishioners and loved ones who have died during the past year. As the names of all deceased are read aloud, families will be invited to light a votive candle as we prayerfully remember them. After Mass, our bereavement ministers and priests will gather in the community room of church to share hospitality. Excerpts by Margaret Mary Brennan, Catherine Combier-Donovan, and LTP editorial staff © 2009 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago IL 60609; 1-800-933-1800; All rights reserved. Used with permission. 10-27-13 page 5 praying ~ serving ~ sharing We Pray For Our Parishioners and Their Loved Ones Who Have Entered Everlasting Life November 2011– November 2013 Elaine D’Andrea Dorothy Adamenas Thomas Baer Barbara Beauchamp Connie Blazek James Burns Bob Byerwalter Toni Callahan James Carroll, Jr. Pat Catezone Rita Cederholm Justin Chenelle Michael W. Collins Fr. John Collins Pat Conners Robert Cosgrove Carole Delaney Sean Diffley John DiMonte Msgr. John Dolciamore John Dolezal Mary Sue Donohue Daniel Anthony Donovan Nancy Drehdr Norma Duffy George Fanning Helen Fanning Dr. Casey Firlit Edward Flanagan Louise Flanagan Shirley Flanagan Rolland (Bob) Floch Sally Gage Donald Gallagher Jim Gallagher Terrence Gannon Woody Gauen John Gervase Dr. Cesar Giannotti Jack Gocke Dr. Silviano Gomez Dolores Grimaldi Jim Haggerty Eileen Hans Lawrence Hanson Robert Harazin Ryan Hartmann Joan Hemzacek Marie Heraty Margo Hermes Elizaia Hernandez Lawrence Hickey John Hill George Hoffman Edward Hussey George Jakicic Emma Jacinto 10-27-13 page 6 Julie Janowiak Mary Ellen Janowski Frank Jaros Theresa Jeziorski Mark Douglas Joyal Rose Kavanaugh Rose King Lillian Kopsa Colette Kowalik Dorothy Kreikemeier Virginia Kuchta Stanley Kulpa Frank LaGiglio, Jr. Edward Landahl Mary Landbeck Madeline Lanzendorf Joseph Leder Raymond Lifka Michael Lombardo Caroline Lupia Helen Mamola Leonard Mancioni Angela Mann Barbara Mann Kyra Victoria Martyn Katherine Mastandrea Martha Matrisciano Olga Matusik Ronald Mayar praying ~ serving ~ sharing We Pray For Our Parishioners and Their Loved Ones Who Have Entered Everlasting Life November 2011– November 2013 Jean McCabe Rosemary Pembroke Raymond Stanis Mike McCarron Teresa Baker Peterson Dr. Drew Starsiak Irene McGill Robert Pickell Social Steffen Ellen Marie McGowan William Plourde Leonard Sulak Maurice W. McGrath Lois Powers Norma Sumpay Susan McGuire Michael Powers RoseMary Supple Terrence McLaughlin Catherine Pozen Lawrence Szot Patrick McNamara Wence Prikaszky Julia Tarpinian Robert McNulty Bob Ptacek Dorothy Terrell Helen Middleton Sylvester Ptak Virginia Terrell William Mikes John A. Pusinelli, Jr. Nancy Tisa Harry Milani Patricia Rankin Judi Urban Laura Minotis Joseph Rejsek Luis-Armando Varela Alma Munoz Sylvia Riley Ed Veome Judy Nosek Markey Foley Ringwood Nora Walsh Dr. Norbert J. Nowicki Barbara Rovtar Joan Weyer Rita O’Carroll Richard Rumpf William J. White Donna O’Connor Kevin Ryan Evelyn Whitson Jean Oczkowski Joseph Saban Dorothy T. Willey William O’Donohue Virginia Saban Elizabeth Witek Thomas O’Hara Ramon Sanchez Elizabeth Wojtowicz Edward O’Malley Donna Jean Savitt Calvin Wright Maureen O’Malley Ronald C. Schalla Frank Yanez Mary Kay O’Meara Edmund Sebastian Victorino Yu Jean Onesto Ann Sheldon Oliver Yuen Sr. Nadine Ostdick, SND Stephen Siedlaczek Anne Zwarycz Dorothy Owens Jacob Silver Joan Padden Genevieve Smulski 10-27-13 page 7 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Rooting Your Life in Prayer Another Way to Pray: Keep a Prayer Journal Keeping a journal is most helpful when praying. The journal is for your eyes only and can become a rich spiritual treasure to which you can return months later. The purpose of journaling is not to replay your time of prayer minute by minute. Instead, after your prayer period concludes, consider the following: What were your feelings, reactions, intuitions, desires, emotions, thoughts, or insights? What was the prevailing mood of your prayer: peace, agitation, excitement, boredom, confusion, calm? Was your prayer more about the head or the heart, or about both? What word, phrase, image, or memory meant most to you during prayer? Is there some unfinished business that you think God is calling you to return to during another time of prayer? Is there something happening in your life that is becoming part of your prayer? Do you feel moved to do something concrete in your life? Is there anything you are doing or not doing that is getting in the way of listening to God? When we learn to enjoy and trust the presence of God, we will naturally turn to that presence in prayer. When the Church is no longer teaching the people how to pray, we could almost say it will have lost its reason for existence. Prayer is the ultimate empowerment of the people of God, and that may be why we clerics prefer laws and guilt, though they often disempower us and make us live in insufficiency and doubt. Prayer, however, gives us a sense of abundance and connectedness. An overemphasis on social prayer (i.e. attendance at services where the clergy happen to be in charge) has left many of our people passive, without a personal prayer life and comfortable with “handed-down religion” instead of first-hand experience. We don’t do God any favors by keeping the people passive and unaware. The review of prayer is not homework; do not feel bound to answer each of these questions every time you journal. Instead, consider journaling as another way of praying, of going deeper to sift through the graces. Write in a style that is comfortable for you. In your journaling, feel free to write directly to God the Father or to Jesus, as if you were writing a letter or an e-mail. If you are new to private prayer or the idea of journaling, try making your prayer journal simple. Begin your prayer by writing down 3 things that you are grateful for each day. When you are able to do 3 consistently, move to 5 things that you are thankful for. Recognize God’s gifts and blessings at work in your life. River of Love—Richard Rohr From Everything Belongs Prayer for Generosity Eternal Word, only begotten Son of God, Teach me true generosity. Teach me to serve you as you deserve. To give without counting the cost, To fight heedless of wounds, To labor without seeking rest, To sacrifice myself without thought of any reward save the knowledge that I have done your will. Amen. ~St. Ignatius of Loyola Excerpts taken from The Ignatian Adventure by Kevin O’Brien, SJ. Reprinted with permission. © Copyright 2013 Loyola Press, Chicago, USA. Let us pray for the grace of humility, and for the honesty to behave in ways that reflect our truest selves. 10-27-13 page 8 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Strong Catholic Parents Family Connection In the family, one sometimes observes a level of competition between children for parent attention, for acknowledgement of their abilities. Somehow, children seem to internalize that the attention given to one member of the family diminishes the attention given to another. In this way, children can often sound like the Pharisee in Jesus' parable. Parents who provide continual reminders to their children that they are loved for who they are, not for what they do, help children develop a healthy spirituality. As a family, talk about what it means to compare oneself to another. Discuss whether it is helpful to compare oneself to another. In what ways might this be positive? (when it motivates one to use one's talents) In what circumstances might this be unhelpful? (when it proves discouraging, when it prevents one from valuing the abilities of another) As a family, read today's Gospel, Luke 18:9-14. Discuss: What was wrong about the prayer of the Pharisee? How can we emulate the prayer of the tax collector? Feast of All Saints: November 1st On the feast of All Saints, we honor those men and women who—whether they’ve been canonized or not—have led lives of heroic virtue that set an example for all Christians. Saints are big dreamers. They believe that with God on their side, no one and nothing can stop them. Saints are gogetters. They don’t wait for someone else to do good first; they jump right in. Saints are love-bringers. They try to see Christ in every person and every situation. Saints tell us what matters most in life is not what we earn or own, not the job we have or the people we know. What really matters is how much we love God, others, and ourselves, and how well we show that love in all we do. Reprinted with permission. © Copyright 2013 Loyola Press, Chicago, USA. Jesus, Your mercy and goodness give us hope! We don’t want to watch life from far away. We want to invite you into our hearts So that our lives may be forever changed. Amen. Pray together as a family in thanksgiving for the blessing that is each member of your family. Pray that your family will be free from unhealthy competition. Pray in thanksgiving that God's love for us is unconditional. Reprinted with permission. © Copyright 2013 Loyola Press, Chicago, USA. Quiet Time for Kids Quiet, reflective time is an endangered species in our culture. For many families, every moment of life is filled with noise and activity, and “down time” is seen as empty rather than rich and full. “The importance of quiet time is something that our culture fails to respect,” says author Polly Berrien Berends. She sees an overemphasis on competition and social interaction that leads to children’s lives being over-scheduled. “We teach our children to fear silence and solitude,” says Berends. We also distract them from becoming acquainted with the voice of God within them. “The child whose private, quiet time is respected and protected benefits in many ways. She has a chance to develop her own individuality and sense of self, to follow her own creative passions, to learn that she is good company (if for herself, then also for others), to develop her imagination, and to discover deep inner resources for healing and inspiration. Such quiet time is also a very good preparation for prayer.” You can help your children to learn how to pray by teaching them traditional prayers, by praying with them, by letting them see you pray, and by protecting their times of quiet. Silence is an acquired taste—especially if we’ve been on a steady diet of noise and activity. But once gained, quiet time will feed your child for a lifetime. 10-27-13 page 9 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Parish News and Events Baptisms In October, 2013 we welcomed the following children into the Christian community through the sacrament of Baptism. Michael Donald Fiore, son of Joseph and Anna (Meyers) Caccitolo Bret Timothy and Myleene Elizabeth, children of Tim and Kathleen (Boland) Comstock William Riley and Jacob Ryan, sons of Stephen and Valerie (Fleishman) Perona Kameron Lawrence, son of Christopher and Becky (Hougesen) Walters Emery Grace, daughter of Paul and Kiley (Davis) Hanna Walter David, son of John and Megan (Hunter) Hepokoski Claire Anne, daughter of Douglas and Lauren (Petty) Stoltz November 1st is All Saints Day Holy Day of Obligation Mass Times: 6:30 a.m., 7:45 a.m., 9:15 a.m. All School, and 6:30 p.m. November 1st we celebrate the solemnity of All Saints, remembering all the saints known and unknown to us who enjoy the glory of heaven. In the Gospel we hear the Beatitudes, which are guidelines for true joy and the attainment of sanctity in our Christian lives. We hear how to live lives of holiness so that we may attain happiness in this life, but even more happiness in the next life as we strive to likewise be numbered among the saints in heaven. All Saints honors the “merits of all the Saints” who rejoice in God’s presence: the towering figures like Augustine, Francis, Therese of the Child Jesus, as well as the humble saints whose names are known to few or none, our own grandparents, friends, and teachers who lived their faith to the fullest. This is the day to celebrate them all. Source: sourcebook 2012 Evelyn Bernice, daughter of Jeffrey and Erin (Walsh) Wendt Isabella Peyton Maya, daughter of Jose and Gina (Iacopelli) Maya Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, Valentina Marie, daughter of Mark Jaskulski and Michelle Pucci today we rejoice in the holy men and women Maeve Lorraine, daughter of Michael & Marissa (Horenkamp) Cuttica May their prayers bring us your of every time and place. forgiveness and love. Hazel Marie, daughter of John and Terese (Bergmann) Shepley We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Mallory Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan and Veronica (Henning) Burk May we remember your light today when we see the radiant sun, a burning candle, or a shining lamp. Jesus, our light, we praise and thank you. Shine on us forever. Amen. Baptism Preparation Meeting Thursday, November 7 The Baptism preparation meeting this month will be held Thursday evening, at 7 p.m. in the Parish Center. Godparents as well as new babies are most welcome to attend with parents. Please call the Parish Center if you are coming or if you have any questions. John 12:46 10-27-13 page 10 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Crossroads Family Outreach Flyer Day Join us at the Parish Center at 9am on Nov. 9th to distribute Flyers to our neighbors that help us make Harvest Saturday such a success. Without this day Harvest Saturday could not be the huge success that it always is. CALENDER OF EVENTS Oct 27 Crossroads Pizza Party 6pm at PC Nov 3 Home Group meetings Freshmen Experience PC 6-7:30pm Nov 9 Flyer Day 9am For a complete calendar of Crossroad events for the year go to: events Look for a new question every Sunday evening on the Crossroad Facebook page. You could see your answer right here in the Bulletin! Stay connected with Crossroads through Facebook. All teens enrolled in Crossroads are encouraged to join us online for up to date information and easy way to stay connected. Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility. St. Augustine Steve Foody: [email protected] Katie Hayes: [email protected] “Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.” ― Mother Teresa 10-27-13 What’s Green, Lots of Fun and Guarantees Laughter and Smiles? Answer: The annual St. Patrick’s Day Party sponsored by Catholic Charities West Regional Office. If you love “wearing of the green”, being a part of a fun group that plans for a fun evening and brings laughter and smiles not only to the party guests but more importantly, the participants of the Catholic Charities programs that benefit from this popular event - -then this is for you! We will have our first committee meeting on Thursday, November 14 at FitzGerald’s, 6615 W. Roosevelt Road, at 6:30 p.m. Please contact Esmeralda Zepeda, Regional Service Director for more information at (708) 329- 4022 or [email protected] Note: The date of the party is March 6, 2014. OLPH Thanks SJC Parishioners Dear Parishioners, Thank you very much once again for your generous contribution of $700. We finally got a water leak at our Williamsburg parish repaired at least for the time being. It’s an old rusting pipe but we hope the rest of it holds for a long time. We just got a check from the insurance company so we can begin repairing all the vandalism damage to our church in Jellico.We hope and pray things are going well there. Greetings from Fr. Jesu, our new pastor. Sincerely, Sr. Joyce Moeller New to a Job Search? No Idea What to Do? Interfaith Career Network invites you to join us on Thursday, November 7 from 7-9 pm for a new workshop geared toward those new to the job search process. Our speaker, Jim Fitzgerald, is an experienced job coach who has mentored senior executives on their search. Come and learn some great tips to help get your job search off the ground. St. Cletus Education Building, 700 West 55th Street in La Grange. Look for the ICN sign outside and enter the school building at the flag pole entrance through door 3. page 11 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Parish School Youth Catechesis Parents: Go to our parish website to find a listing of upcoming area Catholic high school open houses. Honoring our Heroes Our kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students buddied up with our 7th and 8th grade students to learn about our saint heroes and to listen to a local heroes. Veterans Jack Schaus and Jim Boland spoke about how important prayer and the Mass was for them as they served our country. It was chilly, but it didn’t stop the kids from heading to the Parish Center for our Annual Book Fair hosted by our Parent Association. During this time, each student is given the opportunity to shop for books to take home. The book fair has been a long tradition at SJC to benefit our Parent Association. The first book fair was held in 1969. Last week, our eighth graders received a visit from Mr. Seedy Ulrich. Mr. Ulrich is a World War II veteran who shared his experiences about how it felt to be an eighteen year old sent overseas to fight a war. This proved to be a wonderful way for our students to learn about World War II. This Week at SJC Tuesday, Oct. 29, Parent Association Meeting 9 a.m., PC Parent’s Common Core Presentation 7-8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 30, Junior Achievement Day, 9 a.m. School Pre School Halloween Parties, 10:15 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 31, Pre School Halloween Parties,10:15 a.m. Grade 1 and 8 Halloween Parade, 1:30 p.m. All School Halloween Parties, 2:15 p.m. Friday, Nov. 1, Grades 7 and 8 Dance, 9 p.m. YC Schedule Classes K-6 FFC Jr Hi Groups Special Needs 10:15-11:30am 6:15-7:30pm Noon-1:30 pm Sunday, Oct 27, Nov 3, 17 Monday, Oct 28, Nov 4, 18 Sunday, November 3 Sunday, Nov 3, 17 Sunday, Nov 3, 17 Youth Catechesis Office [email protected] * 708-246-6760 Monday thru Thursday 8:30am- 4:00pm 10-27-12 page 12 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Parish News Please join us for a Thanksgiving Hoedown Father-Daughter Dance Friday, Nov. 15 Multipurpose Room of School from 7-9pm $25 per family Mail your check or drop it off at the YC Office or purchase tickets at the door. Hosted by the YC Council Each family is asked to bring a canned good (fruit, vegetable, or canned meat) to donate to those in need this Thanksgiving. Be On Time For Mass Next Weekend Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, Nov. 3. Turn your clocks back 1 hour. Last Weekend to Order Wreaths Boy Scout Troop 117 is taking orders for Christmas wreaths. Wreath orders must be received by October 30. Delivery will be made November 23. Go to our parish website for a look at the handcrafted wreaths, decorations and order form. Order forms can also be found at church exits and the parish center office. For your convenience, you can buy after Mass this weekend or buy online. Forms can be returned to the parish center. Thanks for your support! Join us in the parish center next Sunday after the 9:00 and 10:45am Masses for some old fashioned parish hospitality. It’s a great opportunity to see old friends and meet new ones over a cup of coffee. We’ll be looking for you! WOMEN'S CLUB ANNUAL COAT DRIVE To benefit St. Vincent De Paul Help keep others warm this winter! October 11 - November 3 Drop boxes are located at the Parish Center, school and in the Church narthex For more information contact Colleen Pabst at [email protected] or Amanda Collins at [email protected] Thank you for your support! Save the date for our Luminaria Sale Luminaria Kits....Light the way for family & friends this Christmas! Cash or checks accepted at the Parish Center or purchase online as of November 17th at SJC Cub Scout Membership Drive Moms’ Club Attention mothers of young children (6 and under)! Please email [email protected] to get added to our weekly no-obligation email list so that you can receive the most up-to-date information about our meetings. Our upcoming meetings are: Friday, Nov. 1st Parish Center 9:30-11am Friday, Nov. 8th Parish Center 9:30-11am Friday, Nov, 22nd Parish Center 9:30-11am Contacts: Ellen Twomey & Jennifer Van Wyck 10-27-13 VALUES – FAMILY – COMMUNITY - FUN ATTENTION all 1st through 5th Grade Boys and Families: It’s not too late to get involved in the SJC Cub Scout Pack this year. Learn skills, make friends and build character with other boys and in activities open to the whole family. Activities include camping, holiday parties, hikes, pinewood derby, and lots more. For more information, come to the meeting on November 20th, or call the Cubmaster, Ed Giles at (312) 532-1794. We hope you can join us! page 13 praying ~ serving ~ sharing The Academy and the Pew - A Strained Relationship between Theology and Catechesis There has always been an innate and healthy tension between theology and catechesis, between what's happening in theology departments in universities and the church pew. Theologians and bishops are often not each other's favorite people. And that's understandable. Why? Theology and catechesis have different purposes, even as both are valid and both are needed. Catechesis, in essence, is an effort to teach the fundamentals of the faith. Indeed, in its original Greek, catechesis means "echoing". Thus catechesis is not so much an effort to understand the faith as it is to simply "echo" it, namely, to transmit it as clearly as possible. A catechist then is not trying to prove the foundations of the faith, although he or she may be trying to give a certain apologetics or rationale for it. Catechesis does not search for intellectual difficulties or seeming contradictions in the doctrines it teaches, its intent is rather to teach those truths and dogmas to those for whom they are still relatively new. And its audience is precisely those for whom its truths are still relatively new, namely, the neophyte, the religious novice. Catechesis is therefore, by definition, an essentially conservative endeavor. Its aim is not so much to stretch minds to new places as it is to teach the basics, to impart principles that help hold minds together. Catechesis tries to build a foundation inside of person, not stretch that foundation. Theology, on the other hand, does not simply try to echo the faith, it seeks to understand it and articulate it in a language that makes it palatable to a questioning and critical mind. For more than 900 years, for the most part, Christianity has accepted St. Anselm's definition of theology as "faith seeking understanding". If Anselm is right, then the task of theology is to critically examine the Christian faith, both in terms of what faith itself is and in terms of what is contained in our Christian dogmas, so as to produce a vision of both faith and dogma that can handle all the questions that can be thrown at them both from inside the church and from outside skeptics. Hence, the audience for theology differs from the audience for catechesis. Theology has three, ideal, audiences: church-goers who are already catechized and are seeking a deeper intellectual grasp of their faith, the academy of learning (universities, colleges, the arts, intellectual centers) where faith and dogma are often questioned, and the culture and world as a whole where Christianity has to justify itself and justify itself intellectually. Theology therefore is an essentially liberal endeavor. Why? We say theology is liberal for the same reason that we never speak of a "Conservative Arts College". That would be an oxymoron. Institutions of higher learning, universities, schools of art, and the like are, as Cardinal Newman classically articulated in his book on education, The Idea of a University, by definition, liberal, namely, they are intended to stretch people, to make them deal with difficult and critical questions, to bring them to a level of maturity within their discipline (faith and dogma, in this case) so as to leave them unafraid to face whatever issues arise, and to help them to be leaders in their field. Catechesis seeks to produce an orthodox disciple; theology seeks to produce an informed leader. The church needs both. It needs to emphasize both catechesis and theology, focusing both on those who need to learn the essentials of their faith and on those who are trying to make intellectual sense of their faith. There is, admittedly, an innate tension between the two. The pew invariably feels that theologians are too liberal; while theologians tend to look wearily at the pew, concerned that the hard questions are not being addressed. However it should never be a question of either/or; but always both/and. The church needs people who are solidly catechized, who know clearly the essentials of their faith, even as it needs people who have tried to articulate that faith at a more critical level and have stared without fear or denial into the fierce storm of intellectual objections to, ecclesial angers at, and every kind of protest against the faith. Orthodoxy is important, but it's meant to be as much a trampoline from which to spring as it's meant to be a container that holds you. For example, the word "seminary" comes from the Latin, seminarium, meaning a "greenhouse". A greenhouse isn't a place to grow an oak tree. It's a place to put young, tender, seedling plants that need protection from the harsher outdoor climate. It's a place to protect a young plant or to grow a very tender plant, but it isn't a place to grow huge tree. The relationship between catechesis and theology might be characterized in the same way. Catechesis is the seminary, a necessary place to start and protect young and overly-tender plants, whereas theology is a lessprotected place where you ultimately grow the oak tree. Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, theologian, teacher, and award-winning author, is President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. He can be contacted through his website This Week at SJC Monday, October 28 10:30 a.m. Step 11 Christian Meditation 1:00 p.m. Little Rock 2:30 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration 2:30 p.m. Spiritual Journaling 6:30 p.m. Music Ministry ODW Event Tuesday, October 29 9:00 a.m. Parent Association Meeting 9:05 a.m. Rosary 9:30 a.m. Focus on Sunday Scriptures Group 1:00 p.m. Sacraments Study 7:00 p.m. Sacraments Study 7:00 p.m. Parent Meeting 7:00 p.m. RCIA Wednesday, October 30 9:30 a.m. Bible Study 3 2:00 p.m. Christian Meditation 7:30 p.m. Christian Meditation Friday, November 1 9:30 a.m. Mom’s Club Saturday, November 2 7:00 a.m. Christian Meditation Sunday, November 3 6:00 p.m. Freshman Experience Eternal Rest Grant unto These, O Lord Evelyn Whitson grandmother of Jessica Koch, Director of Music Dr. Silviano Gomez husband of Suzanne, father of Mary Michael Powers father of Nancy Grossi Terrence McLaughlin father of Mark McLaughlin Elizabeth Witek mother of Laura Olson and Larry Witek Robert McGee son of Sophia, brother of Tim, Tom, and Amanda Mass Intentions Monday, October 28, Ss. Simon and Jude 7:45 Walter J. Piszczor; Suzette Pertile Tuesday, October 29 7:45 Robert Etchingham; Dan Donovan Wednesday, October 30 7:45 Dorothy Rydzewski; Don Winkel Thursday, October 31 7:45 Our Beloved Dead; Fr. William Martin Friday, November 1, All Saints 6:30am Dolores Fiacable 7:45 Marie Capellani; Anthony Jacyno 6:30pm Raymond McCarthy; Dorothy DiSalvo Saturday, November 2, All Souls 8:00 Genrose Hlavin; Jean Oczkowski 11:15 All Souls Mass 5:00 Robert Plechaty; Jean Finn; David Snyder Sunday, November 3, Thirty-First Sunday Ordinary Time 7:30 Rose King; Donna O’Connor 9:00 Raymond & Margaret Cochran; Anne & Charles Ward 10:45 Deceased Members of the Jakicic Family Murray and Gerard Ferrill 12:15 Maureen O’Malley; John P. Ryan, Jr. 5:00 SJC & Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Ky) Parishioners Italics—Living Wedding Banns Caitlin Brase & Steve Sulak Amy Hochberg & Daniel Brewer Pray for our Sick Frank Accardi Dale Alm John Casey Paul Cervony Terry Cullen William Dwyer Melissa Morrissey Eldredge Bernadine Gordus Sally Hawkins Karen Hult Barbara Jacob Dee Kennedy Kelly Kennedy Kay Knowles Greg LaValle Fr. William Mannion Maddie Mayer Vickie McNally Jay Meehan Baby Meghan Hope Pacyna Marion Pascale Bob Pietras James Reilly Rick Reimer Dan Santucci Teresa Schaefer Charles Sugrue Guy Thomas Baby Kameron Walters Mary Catherine Warren Pam Wilson Trying to get in touch with us? More info is on our website: Rev. David P. Dowdle Rev. Joseph F. McDonnell Rev. Filbert F. Ngwila Deacon John Schopp Bill Bright Janet Caschetta Jim Clauer Kathleen Gorman Katie Hayes Jessica Koch MJ Martin Elizabeth Russell-Jones Pastor Pastor Emeritus Associate Pastor Deacon Outreach Youth Catechesis Worship School Principal Crossroads Music Operations Welcome [email protected] Contact Fr. Joe through the Parish Office [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] DUPLEX ELECTRIC 708-387-9400 Expert Troubleshooting Electrical Rehab/Repair Greg Fiflis – Parishioner JOHN C. SKREKO, DDS • PATIO • HOME • DECK Staining, Waterproofing Services From ENIOR GENERAL DENTIST Since 1981 CARE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY • Reconstruction • Root Canals • Extractions, Oral Emergency Indian Head Park 708-246-1263 ComForcare Home Care S UNTS DISCO FREE Gutter Cleaning with Gutter Topper Installation Handyman Service Repairs - Maintenance - Assembly 630-441-0648 Insured 708.937.9400 Valuable Coupon Save $10 Off Your Annual Furnace or A/C Tune-Up, Save $25 Off A Combo! Special Parishioner Discount General Dentistry Call Hoekstra Today! (630) 968-0896 Law Office of 930 N. York Rd., Suite 120 Kevin J. Moore, P.C. Hinsdale, IL 60521 (630) 455-1666 NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER Rev. James Watzke, Ph.D. Depression - Anxiety - Stress Family - Separation - Divorce Sub Abuse - Medicare - Español FUNERAL HOME FREE CONSULTATION SFX Parishioner Bonded Restorative and Implant COGLIANESE IF YOUR HOME’S EXTERIOR IS UNBECOMING TO YOU YOU SHOULD BE COMING TO US! • WINDOWS • SIDING • GUTTERS • SOFFIT • FASCIA Our Family Keeping Your Family Comfortable Since 1951 John F. O’Connell III, D.D.S. 630.691.1114 KEENAN ROOFING AND SOLAR We’ll turn your “Honey Do” list into a “Honey Done” list 708.261.0080 EMIL J. COGLIANESE, JR. FAMILY DENTISTRY Kevin E. Collins, DDS, PC Whole House Generators Installation 475 W. 55th St., La Grange Office 354-5575 Fully Insured and Bonded • 708.485.0766 After Hours Emergency – 354-2281 Supporting Independence, Dignity and Quality of Life Oakbrook Terr. (630) 789-3971 Tom [email protected] WE STILL MAKE HOUSE CALLS! Never Be Without Power Again – Rob’s on the Job • Alzheimer’s Care • Bathing and Grooming • Meal Preparations • Medication Reminders Licensed, Bonded & Insured • Family Respite 99.00 $ PC MD PC & MAC Sales & Service Networking • WIFI • Internet “I will bless every place in which an image of My Heart is exposed and honored.” Parishioner • Business Law • Civil Litigation 708.246.1595 4365 Lawn Ave., Ste 7 Western Springs 323-4610 Restoration & Collision Work 515 Blackhawk Dr., Westmont Al Machacek, Owner “Our Lady Calls” 7508 SOUTH COUNTY LINE RD. It is these the words of Our Lord BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 630-654-8484 to St. Margaret Mary on which the INTERIOR / EXTERIOR Fine painting of walls, ceilings & woodwork Wallcovering removal & installation Staining & varnishing woodwork Complete painting/staining of exteriors Installation of chair & crown moldings, baseboard & shoe moldings Enthronement of the Sacred Heart is based. Preparations and recommended format for the beautiful ceremony for the Enthronment of the Sacred Heart, Contact: [email protected] Drs. Battistoni + Beam Ltd. Practice specializing in orthodontics John Wilson [email protected] Cell (630) 337-8946 Office (708) 246-5604 Parishioner 708-352-4500 922 S. La Grange Rd. La Grange, IL 60525 Pilgrimage to Medjugorje 9-nights All-Inclusive With flights included For More Information, Dates & Brochure Please Call Ann Pancotto 630-479-4393 Call 708-947-2190 to arrange a tour of the most talked about Club in Chicago. 2 Bluebird Trail, Westchester Maloney & Company, Ltd. Certified Public Accountants & Consultants Specializing in Personalized Accounting, Tax and Consulting Services For Individuals and Family Owned Businesses 61 Ogden Avenue, Clarendon Hills, IL 60514 Email: [email protected] (630) 887-0500 Dan Maloney, Parishioner COMPASSIONATE HOME CARE State Licensed • Meals • Personal Care • Companionship • Light Housekeeping • Laundry • Errands 630.323.7231 Michael & Mary Doepke, RN • Parishioners Women’s high end Kitchens • Bathrooms • Additions Dan Madden Parishioner 708 CLEO Women’s Boutique Trendy Fashions from Head to Toe 246.8898 JC Unique & Trendy Open 7 Days A Week (630) 568-3281 49 S. Washington • Hinsdale HEATING & COOLING 708.352.3131 ASK FOR PARISHIONER DISCOUNT J. REDDING ASPHALT CO. • Asphalt • Sealcoating • Line Stripping • Stoning INSURED LICENSED BONDED Gregg Communications Systems, Inc. Telephone Equip. Voiceover IP (VoIP) 38 Years in Business Mary Dine 630-571-7000 009239 St John of the Cross Church (B) IN DOWNTOWN LAGRANGE 36 S. Lagrange Rd. 708-482-8770 FREE ESTIMATES 708-442-5556 COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL NEW MANAGEMENT UPDATED MENU QUALITY MEALS PREPARED DAILY 5545 S. LAGRANGE ROAD Your Chicagoland Asphalt COUNTRYSIDE • 708.352.3600 WWW.BEEFNBRANDY.COM Specialists for over 30 yrs. For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 CONBOY’S-WESTCHESTER FUNERAL HOME WINE TASTINGS • EVENT PLANNING • GIFTS On York • ½ Block North of Ogden Ave. 3821 S. York Road, Oak Brook • 630-325-6550 KARA KENNEDY O’CONNELL ZAWASKI & ZAWASKI ALLAN E. POWER Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants, Ltd. Plumbing & Heating Western Springs, IL 60558 Plumbing Repairs, Sewer Rodding Bathroom Remodeling Lic #058-132085 -----------------------------------3848 Lawn Avenue Office: (708) 784-1445 • FAX (708) 784-1446 804 Arlington, La Gr. 352-1670 Broker DIRECT LINE (708) 588-2067 CELL (708) 207-5311 WWW.KARAKOCONNELL.COM Val Vlazny Senior Home Care Services Licensed Insured Bonded Lorraine D. D’Asta, Ph.D. and Associates HINSDALE 655-9040 5412 S. LaGrange Rd. • 708-354-8884 WE DELIVER 708-352-0008 5440 S. LaGrange Rd., Countryside 708.246.2366 4365 Lawn Ave Western Springs LCSW, ACSW 708.514.1591 (708) 579-0488 Keith Sommers, DDS, Parishioner • 475 W. 55th Street, Suite 208, LaGrange • 3116 Oak Park Ave., Berwyn • 7234 W. North Ave., Elmwood Park CHOOSE A TRUE LOCAL PLUMBER GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS Family Owned & Operated Since 1947 ALL MAJOR BRANDS CUSTOM GLASS SECTIONS SALES & SERVICE FREE IN HOME ESTIMATE 708.458.2345 Ask For Parishioner Discount 1022 S. LaGrange Rd. LaGrange, IL 60525 CALL PHILIP 708.255.5651 Parishioner 915 BURLINGTON AVE. WESTERN SPRINGS, IL 60558 708-246-0380 Mon.-Fri. 8-6 - Sat. 8-5:30 Sundays (Seasonal) 10-4 LAWRENCE WIECZOREK Alexandria Z. Meccia, M.D. • Individual • Marital and SINCE 1989 AUTHORIZED Family Counseling ® GENERAC Many Insurance GENERATOR Plans Accepted Evenings and Saturdays DEALER Available JOE CANTELE, OWNER 630.969.2810 EMERGENCY 901 Burlington, Suite 3, Western Springs SERVICE Practice Limited to Endodontic Therapy and Dental Implants We Have Answers • You Have Questions Real Estate • Short Sales • Bankruptcy • Foreclosures Commercial • Corporate • Litigation • Zoning Pisa Pizza ENDODONTICS • 25 Years Experience Fully Vested and Educated Local Resident and Christian Teacher Lillian DeBartolo 630-279-4551 Flexible Hours Complete Psychological Evaluation & Treatment Individual - Marital - Family Lunch Buffet Mon-Fri 11am-2pm Hours: Sat 4pm-2am • Sun 3pm-9pm CAMEO Parishioner ED THE PLUMBER Guardian Angel Caregivers (630) 226 9514 DOWNERS GROVE 301-75th Street 630-964-6500 Accommodations for 20-400 • Funeral Lunches Weddings • Showers • Communions • Baptism Graduations • Quinceañeras • Catering KOZY HEATING & AIR COND. 708-562-5900 Attorney At Law ED THE CARPENTER ROOFING • Trusts • Wills • Taxes Best Work • Best Rate 708.253.2561 Parishioner 630-357-8668 Satisfaction Guaranteed As Cindi Brankin We Do All Our Own Work Lic# 055-026066 Broker Associate Parishioner Discount Residential Brokerage Parishioner PIANO INSTRUCTIONS 708-652-1444 Cell 708-267-7954 • Beginners to Advanced Level FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED PROVIDING DISTINGUISHED SERVICE SINCE 1923 COUNTRYSIDE 1025 W. 55th Street 708-352-6500 Peter Conboy Matthew Conboy Jean Conboy Hanson A Family You Can Rely On... Today and Tomorrow. 10501 W. Cermak Road, Westchester We Welcome Watching DERMATOLOGY ASSOCIATES OF LAGRANGE Parishioner 708.482.3213 5201 S. Willow Springs Rd. Suite 430 LaGrange VINCENT T. VERSACI, DDS, PC GENERAL DENTISTRY 4471 Lawn Ave., Ste. 200 Western Springs (708) 246-6006 ALLMAKE Since 1983 APPLIANCE REPAIR All Major U.S. Brand Appliances Repaired 708-579-5262 6934 Crest Road-Darien PAWSitive Dog Coaching and Consulting More PAWS Less Gnaws! HOOP DREAMS BASKETBALL INSTRUCTOR • Private Lessons Per Hour • Shoot Like a Pro • Drills to Make You a Better Player • 8th Grade thru High School Weekends and Evenings Personal One on One Dog Training All Breeds, 1 Hour Session Call Coach I travel to you, at your convenience Mark Heneghan Parishioner Email [email protected] 708.363.3266 708-732-0098 Like us on 708.417.8441 Get to the next level! “Help is just around the corner” 835 Burlington • Western Springs • 708-246-0892 Frank Tramontana, Parishioner MON. THU. 8 AM-8 PM; TUE. WED. FRI. 8 AM-7 PM SAT. 8 AM-5:30 PM; SUN. 9 AM-3 PM Western Springs Resident Attorney At Law, Parishioner The KIRSCHBAUM’S BAKERY 708.299.4364 Carol L. Klima Martin Village HARDWARE Lic.# J16531 - Bonded - Insured • On-Site Adult Care Facility • Homemaker Services • Senior Social Activities • Personal Care (At Home or At Our Facility) Alexandra Sulik, RN MSN NP Quality and Variety COMMUNITY BANK of WESTERN SPRINGS • Real Estate • Trusts • Probate Wedding & Party Cakes Licensed in Illinois & Florida A branch of Hinsdale Bank & Trust Company® 825 Burlington Ave. 1000 Hillgrove Ave., Western Springs, IL 60558 708-246-7100 (708) 246-7570 246-2894 Western Springs FOOD & LIQUOR 009239 St John of the Cross Church (A) Air Conditioned Restaurant & Carry Out-Seating for 200-Delivery Service CALL 354-4500 YOUR ORDER WILL BE READY 5525 LA GRANGE RD. OPEN DAILY 11:00 AM DAILY & SUNDAY 2:00 PM For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Get Ready for Harvest Saturday On November 9th Volunteers from Crossroads Youth Ministry will leave flyers at every home and business in Western Springs with details of this important program. On November 16th Start with a special Mass at 10:00 a.m. in the parish center. At 10:30 a.m., volunteers collect the goods from the front porches of those who wish to contribute. Or, stay at the parish center to sort food and pack boxes. From 3-6 pm unpack the trucks at St. Thomas of Canterbury. For those who live outside of Western Springs, we encourage you to bring a donation the week of November 9-16th to: St. John of the Cross School or Parish Center There will be a box in the lobby of each! This endeavor counts on hundreds of volunteers and the generosity of our parishioners and local residents to collect large quantities of non-perishable food, personal hygiene products, cleaning products, and even pet food! These goods are immediately distributed to a variety of local and Chicago-based food pantries to help the needy. As we prepare for our own Thanksgiving dinners, please keep in mind those who depend on us for their own holiday dinners. Single servings are preferred to bulk size. Also, many have microwaves but not stoves or ovens. Whether it is a can or two of soup, or a whole bag of non-perishables, please consider making a donation. If you are interested in driving on either day, please contact Fran Karas at 708-246-2612. Brought to you by our Crossroads teens, parents, leaders, and friends.