Advertising on the leading economic and financial
Advertising on the leading economic and financial
cash Advertising on the leading economic and financial information platform in Switzerland. August 2016 F CH FORMS OF ADVERTISING REACH & USERS BRANDING CASES PRICES Users and reach Gender Age Education Household INCOME PROFESSIONAL STATUS TYPE OF SETTLEMENT 71% men 53% above 50 years old 42% highly qualified 40% more than CHF 10,000 79% city/agglom. 32% 30 to 50 years old 49% intermed. education 39% CHF 6,000 to 10,000 24% with management function 15% under 30 years old 9% obligat. education 21% to CHF 6,000 29% women 10% self-employed 21% rural 31% employees without management function user INTERESTS Cars Computer& Informatics EntertainmentElectronics Profession & Working Environment Foreign Countries & Travel Training *Interests: 46% **Affinity: 120 *Interests: 74% **Affinity: 115 *Interests: 64% **Affinity: 110 *Interests: 74% **Affinity: 106 *Interests: 82% **Affinity: 105 *Interests: 69% **Affinity: 98 *Interests: percentage of all users who are interestet highly or rather highly in this topic. **Affinity: cash users, who are interested in this topic / percentage of the Swiss poplation who are interested in this topic * 100 Source: NET-Metrix-Profile 2016-1, Basics: Unique Users per week 3 Reach Internet 235 000 Unique User per month 104 000 Unique User per week 38 000 Unique User per week 329 000 Unique Clients per month 15 000 000 Page Impressions per month 3 500 000 Visits per month 07:15 Use time per visit (minutes) Mobile Newsletter Video Magazine «VALUE» 3 600 000 Views per month Daily (Mo-Fr) 50 000 Recipients 25 000 Views per month 25 000 circulation Weekly (Sa) 50 000 Recipients Guru Alert (Mo-Fr) 8 700 Recipients Source: NET-Metrix-Profile 2016-1 and NET-Metrix-Audit (average figures for the months of April - June 2016), Newsletter and Video: self-assessment Up-to-date media data can be found at: 4 2x per year Competitive comparison clusive 72% exusers cash hed not reac They are r financial by othe s. platform 07:15 235 9.7 05:31 05:20 05:15 104 38 376 4.4 3.3 03:05 4.0 3.9 132 34 02:42 212 2.6 2.2 0.7 1.7 0.7 0.5 0.2 65 12 118 41 10 105 28 k.A. Source: NET-Metrix-Audit April - June 2016 5 Visits pro Monat (in Mio) Unique User pro Monat (in Tsd.) Visits pro Unique Client Unique User pro Woche (in Tsd.) Use Time Unique User pro Tag (in Tsd.) Visits per month (in millions) Unique User per month (in thousands) Visits per client per month Unique User per week (in thousands) Average use time (in minutes) Source: NET-Metrix-Profile 2016-1 Unique User per day (in thousands) t groups All targe binable m o c are ios h wit oc ic ph demogra rs paramete Audience Targeting Target group-specific marketing Should your advertising message reach a specific advertisingrelevant target group only? No problem. With the targeting solution from, cash only aims for the target group you have booked. Consequently, divergence-related losses can be significantly minimized. The targeting is based on state-of-the-art algorithms and two different data sources. On the one hand, we utilize data derived from the surfing behavior of users and, at the same time, also include survey data in order to determine product interest and social demographic parameters. Bookable target groups fashion & beauty victims very interested in fashion and personal care telecom. fans gadget freaks interested in telecommunications very interested in IT and consumer electronics interior designers education enthusiasts holiday travellers interested in design interested in further education very interested in tourism, vacationing and traveling in collaboration with 6 F CH REACH & USERS BRANDING CASES FORMS OF ADVERTISING PRICES DESKTOP – forms of advertising Wideboard Maxiboard Leaderboard Halfpage Ad Wallpaper Skyspraper Rectangle 994 x 250 994 x 118 728 x 90 300 x 600 994 x 118 + 160 x 600 994 x 118 + 300 x 600 160 x 600 300 x 250 Text Ad max. 400 characters image size: 456x260 Layer / Floating Ad SiTebar Ad Fishtank max. 500 x 500 dynamic 990 x 800 Special form of skyscraper that dynamically takes advantage of the entire right side of the page. Advertising material: HTML5, displays with video advertising, expandable ads Maximum weight per advertising material: 100 kb Possible additional functions: securities targeting & frequency capping, 8 Teaser with Advertorial Teaser on homepage linkig to advertorial or micro site Image: 456x260 Native Advertising Branding Day article sponsorship Wallpaper, rectangles & background colouring on our homepage Topics defined by customer and editors, makeup by journalists in editorial sty Forms of advertising for the financial industry Guest Comments cash clients of the derivatives and funds guide have the opportunity to publish their guest comments in the «INVEST» column. This offer is valid for other clients upon request. cash Infoboard With the cash Infoboard, clients are able to offer a broadbased, audience of interested investors access to an array of its publications such as bulletins, newsletters, market analyses and event news. PartnerIntegrations For special Partner Integrations for derivatives and funds providers, please contact our Advisory & Sales team. Basically a variety of multimedia content can be integrated to our website. 9 Mobile – forms of advertising Video – forms of advertising Optimized mobile site and apps Decisive opinion leaders cash’s mobile site is optimized for any key devices. So your advertising message reaches our users anywhere – in a multi-faceted editorial advertising environment with news, interviews, commentary, analyses and videos as well as price information for all the important relevant markets. Regular stock market talks. Interviews with CEOs and personalities from the economic and financial realm. cash users stay informed regarding the facts of today and trends of tomorrow through the opinion leaders – and ideal environment for your video advertising message. Channel «Video» 10 Homepage Banner Rectangle Wideboard Placements Video Ad 320 x 50 300 x 250 320 x 160 PreRoll & PostRoll Newsletter – forms of advertising HIGH OPENING AND CLICK RATES The cash newsletter is published even before the market opening and informs about the current financial affairs. On Saturday, the subscribers receive the top news of the week at a glance. And the Guru alert delivers the hottest news from the stock market rumors. Your advertising environment can hardly be more up to date. Also use the opportunity to address the readers personally. Banner Text Ad Rectangle Branding week 468 x 60 Title and text (max 279 characters) 300 x 250 two advertisements (banner, text ad or rectangle) Image: max. 150x116 11 Background colouring Print magazine «VALUE» Ideal prerequisites Our cash print magazine «VALUE» is published two times a year with a circulation of 25 000 copies. It’s aimed at any users interested in getting a “grasp” of the relevant economic and financial information, featuring analyses and interviews revolving around the topic of investments. Our magazine offers tangible facts and figures as well as the ideal prerequisites for your advertising. 12 PRINT MAGAZINE «VALUE» 13 2nd or 3rd cover page 4th cover page print space w x h: 189 x 261 mm edge aligned w x h: 210 x 282 mm (plus 5 mm bleed all around) print space w x h: 189 x 261 mm edge aligned w x h: 210 x 282 mm (plus 5 mm bleed all around) 1/1 page 2/1 page panorama print space w x h: 189 x 261 mm edge aligned w x h: 210 x 282 mm (plus 5 mm bleed all around) print space w x h: 398 x 261 mm edge aligned w x h: 420 x 282 mm (plus 5 mm bleed all around) 1/2 page across 2/2 page panorama print space w x h: 185 x 121 mm edge aligned w x h: 210 x 140 mm (plus 5 mm bleed all around) print space w x h: 400 x 121 mm edge aligned w x h: 420 x 140 mm (plus 5 mm bleed all around) 1/4 page across Mini print space w x h: 185 x 49 mm edge aligned w x h: 210 x 74 mm (plus 5 mm bleed all around) print space w x h: 58 x 74 mm (only possible with three-column break) 1/8 page across Banderole with backpage print space w x h: 185 x 12 mm edge aligned w x h: 210 x 37 mm (plus 5 mm bleed all around) edge aligned w x h: 460 x 120 mm (plus 5 mm bleed all around) F CH REACH & USERS FORMS OF ADVERTISING PRICES BRANDING CASES «Automobile» 15 «Automobile» i Facts Advertisers can reach out to at least 16% more men and appeal to at least 10% more unique users via cash that are interested in automobiles than in all the other business media sources.¹ The affinity of cash users for cars is 21% higher than at NZZ and 23% higher than at Tages-Anzeiger. In comparison with the swiss population cash users basically have a greater affinity for automobiles than the average for the Swiss population and spend more money as well2, 3: 48% of cash users have more than one car in their household. Swiss average: 32%. 58% of cash users drive a utility or luxury vehicle. Swiss average: 41%. 28% of cash users are contemplating definitely or possibly purchasing a car in the next 12 months. Swiss average: 22%. 15% of cash users intend to purchase a new car. Swiss average: 8%. 17% of cash users would be ready to spend more than CHF 50'000 for a new car. Swiss average: 6%. Reference clients Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Citroën, Fiat, Ford, Honda, Jaguar, Jeep, Landrover, Lexus, Mazda, Mercedes, Nissan, Opel, Peugeot, Porsche, Saab, Skoda, Volvo ¹ NET-Metrix-Profile 2015-1, business media:,,, on the Basis of Unique Users per week ² cash online user survey on consumer behavior, June 2015 3 Mach Consumer 2014 16 «Fashion» Kurzmeldungen Fonds Schweizer Firmen top in Wasser-Fonds Hat Bill Gross am Ende doch Recht? B E ei den AktienAnlagefonds mit dem Thema Wasser tauchen immer wieder Schweizer Firmen in den Top-Positionen auf. Der Pumpenhersteller Sulzer etwa wird beim Wasserfonds der belgischen Gesellschaft KBC am höchsten gewichtet. Die US-Firma Pentair, 2012 übernommen vom in Schaffhausen ansässigen Tyco-Konzern, ist prominent vertreten im Wasser-Index-Fonds von Lyxor und im Wasserfonds von Swisscanto. Der Sanitärtechniker Geberit und Georg Fischer, Spezialist für Rohrleitungssysteme, sind ebenfalls häufig in Wasserfonds vertreten. zvg teschwankungen. Die langfristige Aktienrisikoprämie gegenüber Obligationen beträgt im ganz langfristigen Vergleich (seit 1900) je nach Land zwischen 2 bis über 4 Prozent. Die vergangenen 20 Jahre waren für Obligationenanlagen aufgrund der anhaltenden Zinssenkungen eine Ausnahmesituation und haben im langfristigen Vergleich zu überdurchschnittlich hohen Erträgen geführt. Dies dürfte sich in der kommenden Dekade nicht wiederholen. Mit indexierten Anlagen (passive Anlagen), die einen Marktindex nachbilden, liegt man langfristig im vorderen Bereich des Konkurrenzuniversums, jedoch kaum an der Spitze. Und schliesslich: Der Einstieg nach einem Crash oder grossen Börsentaucher zahlt sich langfristig aus. Mit dem cash-Fondsguide hat man die Möglichkeit, selber gezielt nach geeigneten Fonds zu suchen und Ranglisten nach eigenen Selektions- und Filtermöglichkeiten zu generieren. r war einr der grossen Verlierer des Jahres 2013: «Obligationen-König» Bill Gross, Gründer der Fondsgesellschaft Pimco und Verwalter des weltgrössten Publikumsfonds namens «Pimco Total Return Fund». Anleger, die Sicherheit in seinem Fonds und Obligationen gesucht hatten, zogen im letzten Jahr über 40 Milliarden Dollar ab. Sie reagierten damit auf die NegativPerformance, die sich beim Fonds 2013 auf zwei Prozent belief. Gross setzte auf USBonds, sinkende Börsen, steigenden Inflationsraten, eine steigende brasilianische Währung. Alles Fehlanzeige. Vielleicht erwischte Gross einfach ein schlechtes Timing und war ein Jahr zu früh mit seinen Entscheiden. Ein Crash an den Börsen und ein Anstieg der Inflation kommen in der Regel ja ohne grosse Vorzeichen. Bill Gross würde dann einmal mehr lachen. Anzeige Ihr Kompetenzzentrum für medizinische Faltenbehandlung am Obersee Starre Gesichter oder sogenannte Frozen Faces sind hier kein Thema. Jahrelange Erfahrung und ganz viel Feingefühl machen die Arbeit von Petra Wohlfahrtstätter einzigartig, «punktgenau» eben. Aus Leidenschaft, mit ihrem Auge für Schönheit und ihren «magic hands» zaubert sie innert kürzester Zeit und mit wenig Aufwand jedes Fältchen weg und macht so viele Menschen glücklich. Schon ab 25 beginnt der Alterungsprozess. Man verliert durchschnittlich bis zu 5ml Hyaluronsäure pro Jahr. SwissArtofAge hat sich darauf spezialisiert, Gesichtern gezielt das Volumen zu ersetzen, wo es über die Jahre, altersbedingt oder durch Gewicht-, bzw. Fett- oder Wasserverlust, verloren gegangen ist. Ganz auf natürliche Art und Weise. Ohne Operation, Narkose und Schmerzen. Kein Arbeitsausfall! Ein bisschen Bäckchen, etwas Meso, die Brauen leicht angehoben, macht so manches Gesicht frischer und um Jahre jünger. Die Mimik soll belassen bleiben und die Konturen des Gesichtes hervorgehoben werden. Ganz nach der Philosophie «weniger ist mehr»! Petra Wohlfahrtstätter Geschäftsführerin, Expert non surgical facelift SwissArtof Age PUNKTGENAUE SCHÖNHEIT SwissArtofAge GmbH Sonnenbergstr. 12 CH-8645 Rapperswil-Jona T +41 78 949 75 99 [email protected] 29 17 «Fashion» Affinity to fashion cash users basically have a greater affinity for fashion, high-quality clothes and expensive brands than the average for the Swiss population.1, 2: 53% of cash users have spent more than CHF 1000 for clothes in the past 12 months. For the Swiss population in general it was just 41%. 47% of cash users like to be dressed accoring the latest fashion trends. Swiss average: 39%. For 83% of cash users quality plays a more significant role than price when purchasing clothes. Swiss average: 67%. 37% of cash users like to wear expensive brands. Swiss average: 20%. Reference clients Dilysocks, fashionhotel, Globus, h&m, Outfittery, Schild 1 2 18 cash online user survey on consumer behavior, June 2014 Mach Consumer 2014 «Finance» 19 «Finance» i Facts The number of cash users that are interested in obtaining stock market information on a daily or almost daily basis is at least 39% higher as at all the other financial media¹. The affinity of cash users for daily stock market information is 85% higher than at NZZ and 89% higher than at TagesAnzeiger¹. Roughly 41% of cash users hold assets amounting to more than CHF 250 0002. In comparison with the swiss population cash users basically have a greater affinity for finance than the average for the Swiss population2, 3: 92% of cash users invest in stocks and other securities. For the Swiss population in general it is just 30%. 34% of cash users carry out investment business frequently. For the Swiss population in general it is just 3%. Reference clients Aberdeen, Bellevue Asset Management, Blackrock, Carmignac, Commerzbank, Credit Suisse, Cornèrcard, EFG, GE Money Bank, Graubündner Kantonalbank, HSBC, Julius Bär, Notenstein, PostFinance,Raiffeisenbank, Scoach, Swisscanto, Vontobel, UBS, Zürcher Kantonalbank ¹ NET-Metrix-Profile 2015-1, financial media:,,, on the Basis of Unique Users per week 2 cash online user survey on consumer behavior, June 2015 3 Mach Consumer 2014 20 «Watches & Jewelry» 21 «Watches & Jewelry» i Facts Advertisers can reach out to at least 7% more unique users via cash that earn more than CHF 10 000 per month than in all the other business media sources.¹ 26% of cash users have spent more than CHF 500 for watches in the last three years. Swiss average: 10%.² 16% of cash users have spent more than CHF 1000 for high-quality jewelry in the last three years. Swiss average: 9%.² In comparison with the swiss population cash users basically have a greater affinity for watches and jewelry than the average for the Swiss population.2, 3: 22% of cash users like to buy watches or high-quality jewelry as a gift. Swiss average: 11%. 23% of cash users like to wear noble, expensive watches. Swiss average: 13%. Reference clients Breitling, Cartier, Christ, Les Ambassadeurs, Patek Philippe, Piaget ¹ NET-Metrix-Profile 2015-1, Wirtschaftsmedien:,,, on the Basis of Unique Users per week ² cash online user survey on consumer behavior, June 2015 3 Mach Consumer 2014 22 «Technology & Entertainment» 23 «Technology & Entertainment» i Facts Advertisers can reach out to at least 6% more unique users per week via cash that are interested in consumer electronics and computer than in all the other business media sources.¹ 73% of cash users are contemplating purchasing an electronic device in the next 12 months. Swiss average: 55%.² In comparison with the Swiss population cash users basically have a greater affinity for consumer electronics than the average for the Swiss population.2, 3: 31% of cash users admit – totally or to some extent – to the fact that they always want to own the most state-of-the-art technological devices. Swiss average: 20%. 50% are particularly interested in devices with state-of-theart technology. Swiss average: 25%. For 88% of cash users quality plays a more significant role than price when purchasing technical equipment. Swiss average: 73%. 54% pay special attention to the brand when purchasing technical equipment. Swiss average: 49% Reference clients AdNovum, Bang & Olufsen, Brack, Brother, Canon, Conrad, Digitec,, HP, Microsoft, Mobilezone, Nokia, Orange, Philips, Samsung, Sunrise, Swisscom ¹ NET-Metrix-Profile 2015-1, business media:,,, on the Basis of Unique Users per week ² cash online user survey on consumer behavior, June 2015 3 Mach Consumer 2014 24 «Travel» 25 «Travel» i Facts The number of cash users to book trips / flights online at least once a week is at least 17% higher than in all the other business media sources.¹ cash users favor traveling to big cities (46%), beach vacations (46%) and individual vacations (37%).² In comparison with the Swiss population cash users basically have a greater affinity for traveling than the average for the Swiss population and spend more money as well.2, 3: 38% of cash users take a minimum of three short trips per year. Swiss average: 23%. 50% of cash users spend a minimum of CHF 6,000 per year for their vacations. Swiss average: 22%. 65% of cash users are planning to spend vacation in Switzerland within the next 12 months. Swiss average: 50%. 82% of cash users are planning to spend vacation in one or more European countries within the next 12 months. Swiss average: 80%. 48% of cash users are planning a long-distance journey within the next 12 months. Swiss average: 28%. Reference clients Atout France, easyJet, Emirates, FranceGuide, Interhome, Singapore Airlines, SWISS,, Zermatt Tourism, Zurich Airport ¹ NET-Metrix-Profile 2015-1, Wirtschaftsmedien:,,, on the Basis of Unique Users per week ² cash online user survey on consumer behavior, June 2015 3 Mach Consumer 2014 26 F H REACH & USERS FORMS OF ADVERTISING BRANDING CASES C PRICES Prices valid from January 2016, in CHF Desktop PRINT MAGAZINE «VALUE» / minimum circulation 25'000 Format 4 160 x 600 Skyscraper 1,3 Halfpage Ad 3 300 x 600 Sitebar Ad 2,3 uses dyn. the entire right side Leaderboard 1,3 728 x 90 Maxiboard 1,3 994 x 118 Wideboard 3 994 x 250 Wallpaper 1,2,3 994 x 118+160 x 600/300 x 600 Rectangle 1,3 300 x 250 Text Ad max. 400 char. / image 456 x 260 Fishtank 990 x 800 Layer 1,3 max. 500 x 500 Teaser with Advertorial (Image: 456x260) Native Advertising Branding Day CPM RoS CPM Home, News, Börse & Märkte CPM Audience Targeting (RoS)'000.- flat per week 6'000.- flat 6'000.- flat NEWSLETTER Format Daily Newsletter (Monday-Friday) Banner 468 x 60 or 300 x 250 Text Ad No. of recipients 48'000 Text max. 279 characters / image max. 150 x 116 Branding Week Saturday Newsletter (Saturday) 48'000 Banner 468 x 60 or 300 x 250 Text Ad Text max. 279 characters / image max. 150 x 116 Guru Alert (Monday-Friday) 8'000 Banner 468 x 60 or 300 x 250 Text Ad Text max. 279 characters / image max. 150 x 116 Price 4'500.4'500.- 28 Edge aligned Price 4. cover page (back page) 2.+3. cover page 1/1 page 1/2 page across 1/4 page across 1/8 page across 2/1 page panorama 2/ 1/2 pages panorama Mini (only possible with three-column break) Banderole with backpage Print/online combination offer upon request 190 x 262 190 x 262 190 x 262 185 x 121 185 x 49 185 x 12 398 x 261 400 x 121 58 x 74 - 210 210 210 210 210 210 420 420 460 8'800.7'900.7'200.4'800.3'100.2'000.14'700.9'800.1'600.23'000.- Format 320x50 300x250 320x160 CPM RoS, Home 50.50.50.- Format PreRoll, PostRoll CPM RoS, Home 80.- 282 282 282 140 74 37 282 140 x 120 Guest comments Infoboard Platzierung Homepage Börse & Märkte homepage Partner integration Respective section homepage Preis Upon request (for derivatives and funds providers) DISCOUNTS 3'000.3'000.2'500.2'500.- x x x x x x x x EXCLUSIVE FORMS OF ADVERTISING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY Minimum booking internet gross CHF 3'000.- VIDEO In-Video Ad Print space 6'000.- MOBILE Banner Rectangle Wideboard Form of advertising Contract discounts and discounts for recurring advertising and free space are not cumualtive Budget in CHF 5'000.10'000.20'000.30'000.50'000.100'000.- Contract discount 3% 5% 8% 12% 15% 20% Internet general information No surcharge for display ads with video advertising and frequency capping. Share of Voice (SoV) = advertising print/share ad impressions on one placement. ¹ Expandable ads possible (mouse over), surcharge on CPM: CHF 20.–. ² Background coloring on homepage possible, surcharge on CPM: CHF 20.–. ³ Securities targeting possible, surcharge on CPM: CHF 20.–. The targeting is carried out through the securities number. The client’s advertisement is displayed when the user retrieves the price information page of the relevant securities designated by the advertising client. 4 Advertisement: max. 100 KB, gif, jpg, swf (Layer only swf) All prices in CHF, valid for clients in Switzerland, excluding value-added tax (VAT). Subject to changes. The General Terms and Conditions at apply. Your Contacts Our Advisory & Sales team is at your servic should you have any questions, desires or requests revolving around placing advertisements. We would also be happy to provide support in developing a media strategy suitable for you, in a non-binding client advisory meeting. Pascal Weder Marco Spadacini Senior Account Manager T M F +41 (0)44 436 77 30 +41 (0)76 332 28 30 +41 (0)44 436 77 78 [email protected] For curr ent med ia data, ad vertisin forms, g special offe etc. ple ase visit rs our website : www.c /werbu ng Urs Wolperth Head of Sales T M F +41 (0)44 436 77 21 +41 (0)79 685 15 20 +41 (0)44 436 77 78 [email protected] General contact cash zweiplus ltd | Bändliweg 20 | P.O. Box | CH-8048 Zürich T +41 (0)44 436 77 22 | [email protected] | Key Account Manager T M F +41 (0)44 436 77 20 +41 (0)79 174 89 71 +41 (0)44 436 77 78 [email protected]