These are La Poste Group


These are La Poste Group
These are
La Poste Group
Read the 2011 business report in full:
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Photo credits: Steffen Jagenburg, André Tudéla/La Poste Group photo library, Getty
Images, Corbis, DR.
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on paper from sustainably-managed forests.
Le Groupe La Poste – Communications Division
44 bd de Vaugirard – 75757 Paris Cedex 15 (France) – Tel.: +33 (0)1 55 44 00 00 –
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La Poste Group
Reinventing customer service was the first major project undertaken by La Poste Group. Changes
are plain to see! With the multi-channel system, there are additional ways of accessing the Group’s
services, especially those specific to La Banque Postale; the Mail sector published four customer
commitment charters; the Parcels sector now provides a broad choice; the Customer Service
Areas are fine-tuning their customer-focused approach; and Consumer Service is now dealing with
questions and complaints related to all sectors.
Fostering a service-oriented attitude is crucial when it comes to achieving the Group’s ambition for
service. This attitude is based on welcoming, listening and being efficient. Our employees strive to apply
these three key values to the postal worker-customer relationship and uphold them within the Group.
For instance, managers were the first to adopt such key values vis-à-vis their employees and sectors
and departments have joined forces to put customers first.
And now, it is being measured… With tools, training courses and support methods, the serviceoriented attitude is becoming increasingly central at La Poste and it has not gone unnoticed, with
Afnor-certified customer satisfaction surveys as well as citations in leading publications on service.
La Poste Group has even considered implementing performance indicators specific to the serviceoriented attitude… The close relationship La Poste enjoys with individual customers forms the basis
of the trust-based relationship it has with business customers.
These are La Poste Group customers!
A broad
of products
and services
To meet all customer needs (products, prices, channels, times, places,
etc.), La Poste Group offers a broad choice in every sector, i.e. Mail,
Parcels and Banking.
So Colissimo has been
operating for one year now and its
customer base already comprises
So Colissimo delivers
to your door or to
the nearest post office
to your workplace at
no extra charge.
e-commerce websites.
La Banque Postale services can be accessed either
in post offices or remotely, by telephone, via the
Internet or mobile Internet and the soon-to-belaunched “La Banque Postale chez soi” (La Banque
Postale at Home) service will provide advice remotely.
These are La Poste Group customers!
Send Priority Letters or
Green Letters, the cheaper,
more environmentallyfriendly option for delivering
letters within 48 hours.
You choose when you want
to receive your
online purchase…
Postpone your delivery
by text message with
DPD Polska.
Whether your marketing
campaign is in printed
or digital format, or both,
send it in just a few clicks
with Maileva.
These are La Poste Group customers!
your letters
and parcels
with La Poste
You would not believe the number of on-site and back-office
technologies we use – not to mention those our delivery teams are
using – so that you can track your mail or parcels step by step
and make sure we keep our promises.
Pickup is dealing with the
increasing Chronopost, ColiPoste
and Exapaq volumes through
its Relais points (5,500 by the end
of 2012). It has enabled
Chronopost to offer an express
service via Relais points.
Parcels are now scanned and
managed using the Surf
Nouvelle Génération system,
which speeds up and guarantees
your delivery.
Our commitments are
also monitored, from
Mail service quality to
post office waiting times,
including the Consumer
Service call centre (3631).
These are La Poste Group customers!
Exapaq’s real-time scanners are
used to track delivery rounds
and respond instantly should the
need arise.
of Priority Letters
were delivered
in 2011, setting a new record!
You can track
your Registered
Letter online
up until the
confirmation is
signed by the
These are La Poste Group customers!
Developing a
all customers
their needs
Whether they are an individual, business or local authority, customers
now want to be treated specifically. The way customers are welcomed
and taken care of in post offices is changing…
Self-service Chronopost!
Specific Chronopost options
(France, Europe, rest of the
world) are now available in the
“Envoyer-recevoir” (Sendreceive) area of post offices.
What about La Banque Postale?
Look for the the blue sign…
It appears on the front of all post
offices providing La Banque
Postale services and guides you
through to a dedicated area
or to La Banque Postale Advisors
These are La Poste Group customers!
of customers think that staff
are better at listening to their needs(1).
Welcoming business customers:
the Pro card makes it possible to
differentiate business customers from
individual customers straight away,
cater to their specific needs and
provide an array of specialist advice.
of customers think that they are better treated(1).
of customers think that they receive better advice(1).
(1) Statistics taken from a survey which was conducted as part
of the “Paroles de clients”(Customers Have a Say) drive.
Customer feedback: we are making progress!
The wide-scale survey conducted during
the summer of 2011 saw over 125,000 customers
provide feedback in 10,000 post offices.
These are La Poste Group customers!
We have
always been
to you
80,000 valued mail carriers continue to deliver mail to people in
France, with 17,000 retail outlets dotted all over the country: No other
postal service in Europe is as close to its customers as La Poste and
so it shall remain.
The “Bonjour Facteur!”
(Mr Postman Please) service.
A visit from a mail carrier can
really count for a lonely, isolated
elderly person. It is just one of the
many local services offered by
“Facteurs Services Plus” (Mail
Carrier Plus Services.
Mail carriers
deliver mail to
people in France
6 days a week
as part of
La Poste’s
duties and
as universal
service provider
which were
renewed for
another fifteen
years by the
postal law of
9 February 2010.
The 7,000th partnership has been
signed, securing La Poste’s local
presence, thanks to the post
offices managed in partnership with
local authorities in town halls and
Relais Poste outlets set up in local
small shops.
These are La Poste Group customers!
Priority is given to disadvantaged urban
areas as part of the 2011-2013 local
postal coverage contract, which plans
to invest €18 million per year to
renovate post offices and improve
access to La Poste’s services for
vulnerable people.
Petit Casino shops next door
to La Poste: this partnership
will initially see 40 or so
small shops set up in vacant
spaces adjacent to post offices
in towns with less than
12,000 inhabitants.
of the population
in France lives less than
5 km from a retail outlet
as opposed to the 90%
minimum legal
These are La Poste Group customers!
La Poste,
for all!
La Poste Group has always strived to cater to the needs of as many
people as possible. Accessibility also involves offering technological,
environmental and social innovations to a broad customer base.
Service accessibility
24/7 with mobile applications
from La Poste Group,
La Poste and La Banque
Physical and digital accessibility at La Poste,
with 2,600 post offices adapted to cater
for people with sensory disabilities and almost 800 post
offices accessible to people with reduced mobility,
and Internet pages dedicated to people with disabilities.
Accessibility to new services,
with post office staff who show
customers how to use self-service
Ce sont les clients du Groupe La Poste
La Poste Group
applications have been
digital solution
to enhance information
accessibility as well
as mail and parcel tracking
(Internet, mobile applications
and social networks).
Banking accessibility, La Banque
Postale’s public service mission
for low-income customers,
and La Poste Mobile, an affordable
mobile option with its “social
offer deal”, a special €10 monthly
Improving accessibility to writing
through La Poste Foundation,
which is backing the “Plaisir
d’écrire”(The Pleasure of Writing)
project in the Alsace region of
France, by helping people
following training courses and
reintegration schemes.
La Poste – Société anonyme (limited company) with a capital of €3,400,000,000 – 356 000 000 RCS PARIS –
Head Office: 44 BOULEVARD DE VAUGIRARD – 75757 PARIS Cedex 15 France