Catholic schools are communities of faith
Catholic schools are communities of faith
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS DIOCESE OF AUSTIN Education to the Highest Power CELEBRATING CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Dinner & Awards Ceremony JANUARY 25, 2014 CELEBRATING SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS PROVIDING TUITION ASSISTANCE INSPIRING SPEAKERS Special Supplement SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT Diocese of Austin January 2013 'LRFHVHRI$XVWLQ-DQXDU\ Catholic schools are communities of faith, knowledge and service BY NED VANDERS, ED.D. SUPERINTENDENT OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS National Catholic Schools Week — Jan. 26 to Feb. 1 — marks the 40th anniversary of celebrating Catholic schools. The week celebrates what makes Catholic education distinctive and exceptional. During the week, the celebration focuses on the value Catholic education provides to young people and its contributions to our church, communities and nation. The activities build community awareness of and involvement in Catholic schools throughout the country. The schools honor the students, families, faculty and staff, clergy and religious, volunteers, community supporters, and local and national leaders who contribute to their success. The 2014 theme for Catholic Schools Week is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” The theme encompasses several concepts that are at the heart of Catholic education. Not only are schools communities themselves, they are part of the larger communities of home, church, city and nation. Faith, knowledge and service are integral components of a Catholic education, and the measure by which any Catholic school can be judged. The theme for the annual observance of Catholic Schools Week complements the year-round theme of “Catholic Schools: The Good News in Education.” Indeed, the good news is that there is a strong demand and enthusiasm for Catholic schools. Waiting lists exist in a third of the Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Austin (CSDA). Why Catholic School Matters For parents and guardians seeking high-quality, faith-based education, their children will experience academic excellence in a community grounded in faith and Catholic tradition. Students receive daily instruction in religion, attend daily or weekly Mass, and participate in spiritual retreats. They encounter a balanced curriculum with an emphasis on moral development and service to others. Students also experience a disciplined environment with a strong preparation for leadership and further education. 6WDWLVWLFVVKRZWKHVLJQLÀFDQWUROH&DWKROLFVFKRROV play in the lives of students, their families, and communities. There are more than two-million students enrolled in approximately 7,094 Catholic schools in the U.S. Enrollment in Catholic schools in the Diocese of Austin has increased 9 percent over the last 10 years. A total of 5,238 students are currently enrolled for the 2013-2014 school year. Our student population is GLYHUVHHWKQLFDOO\ÀQDQFLDOO\DQGE\UHOLJLRXVGHQRPLQD tion. Twelve percent of our students are non-Catholic. The average tuition in the diocese for high school is $9,655 and for elementary school is $5,122. To help make Catholic schools accessible, the Catholic schools LQWKH'LRFHVHRI $XVWLQSURYLGHPLOOLRQLQÀQDQFLDO assistance for 23 percent of its students this school year. Based on the average public school per pupil cost of $10,652, Catholic schools provide approximately $21 billion a year in savings for the nation. Achievement test results for the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) and the Assessment for Catechesis in Religious Education (ACRE) are above national averages. In looking at the national high school graduation rates, Catholic school are the highest with 99.4 percent, which is higher than other religious schools, non-sectarian and public schools. The six Catholic high schools in the Diocese of Austin mirror the national average and have a 99 percent college acceptance rate. Learn More About Diocesan Catholic Schools The Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Austin website is Please visit the website for LQGLYLGXDO VFKRRO SURÀOHV LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ WKH GLVWLQ guishing features of Catholic education, and links to view videos that allow one to “Hear from our Students, Parents, and Faculty” in their own words why Catholic education is special. In addition to the website, there is the opportunity to follow Catholic schools on Facebook. Catholic schools alumni have the opportunity to post their positive memories on the Facebook page. Support Catholic Schools and Honor Volunteers As part of the observance of National Catholic Schools Week, Celebrating Catholic Schools, scheduled for Jan. 25, is the “kickoff ” to the week. The celebration honors a person from each school and raises much needed funds for tuition assistance that are returned to the Catholic schools in the diocese. This year, Sister Carol Cimino, SSJ, will be the keynote speaker. A nationally recognized speaker, Sister Cimino is currently the Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Buffalo and former Jeopardy! champion. For more information, or to become a sponsor, visit www. or contact Jean Bondy at [email protected]. Did You Know? /DVW\HDU·VVHQLRUFODVVRIZDV RIIHUHGPRUHWKDQ0LQVFKRODUVKLSV 7KHUHZHUH1DWLRQDO0HULW6FKRODUV LQ SHUFHQWRIRXUVWXGHQWVDUH&DWKROLF VWXGHQWVIURPIDPLOLHV HQUROOHGLQIDOOKLJKHVWHQUROOPHQW LQ\HDUV 'LRFHVHRI$XVWLQ SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT -DQXDU\ &DWKHGUDO6FKRRORI6DLQW0DU\ AUSTIN {PK3-8TH} CATHEDRAL SCHOOL OF SAINT MARY HAS HAD A BLESSED YEAR! We began the school year learning together as we implemented the blended learning model in which we integrated technology into every class. Third through eighth graders received laptops to use during the school day and have very quickly adapted to the use of technology. At the end of October, the school hosted its annual Fall Festival. It was a wonderful community-building event in which our students, parents and parishioners came together to celebrate fall while raising funds for our school. On Nov. 2 our flag football team went on to win their second consecutive championship in a hard fought game against Santa Cruz Catholic School in Buda. We are very proud of our Eagle athletes! CONTACT: Esme Hoang, (512) 476-1480, [email protected] ZZZVPFVFKRRODXVWLQRUJ6DQ-DFLQWR%OYG$XVWLQ7; +RO\)DPLO\&DWKROLF6FKRRO AUSTIN {PK4-8TH} HOLY FAMILY’S MISSION IS TO WORK WITH PARENTS TO NURTURE THE GROWTH OF THE WHOLE CHILD — SPIRITUALLY, INTELLECTUALLY, SOCIALLY, EMOTIONALLY AND PHYSICALLY. We are a regional school, serving nearly 500 students primarily from seven supporting parishes. Known for our strong faith community and Catholic identity, Holy Family students are actively engaged in service projects. In addition, all students enjoy the presence of a Dominican Sister who teaches middle school religion and adds great spirit and holiness to our community! Holy Family offers a curriculum stressing a challenging standards-driven academic program that seeks to prepare graduates for the most rigorous courses in the high school of their choice. In 2006, Holy Family was honored as a Blue Ribbon School from the U.S. Department of Education. Most recently, we celebrated the incredible success at PSIA competitions — winning state the last two years with our elementary and middle school teams. This academic excellence, plus our dedication to service and our community, makes Holy Family Catholic School a great place to be. CONTACT: Ellen Vento, (512) 246-4455, [email protected] ZZZKRO\IDPLO\FVRUJ1HHQDK$YHQXH$XVWLQ7; +RO\7ULQLW\&DWKROLF +LJK6FKRRO TEMPLE {9-12TH} HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL’S YEAR IS OFF TO A GREAT START. Our ACT and SAT scores continue to be well above the national and state average, and three current students have been selected for National Merit Scholar honors. The current senior class is beginning to receive their college acceptances and scholarship offers from universities across the country, such as Barry University (FL), Franciscan University of Steubenville, Mississippi State, Texas A&M, Savannah College of Art & Design, and many more. Our Forensics and Academic Team is well on their way to another TAPPS championship, and the volleyball team ended their season as Bi-District Champions. Come and experience how we are preparing the Christian Leaders of Tomorrow, or visit us at CONTACT: Dr. Veronica Alonzo, (254) 771-0787, [email protected] ZZZKRO\WULQLW\FKVRUJ:$GDPV$YH7HPSOH7; 'LRFHVHRI$XVWLQ SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT -DQXDU\ 5HLFKHU&DWKROLF+LJK6FKRRO WACO {9-12TH} AT REICHER CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL, FAITH MEETS RIGOROUS ACADEMICS. Together, St. Louis Catholic School in Waco, St. Mary’s Catholic School in West, and Reicher offer the greater Waco area an opportunity for seamless, Catholic college preparatory education, Pre-K through 12th grade. The Reicher community is guided by four charisms — respect, discipline, excellence and service. Influenced by these charisms, Reicher’s immersive and comprehensive curriculum transforms young people into analytical thinkers and leaders, concerned with advancing the greater good. Reicher’s holistic approach toward education has a proven 55-year track record of academic and athletic excellence. All Reicher graduates are accepted to college and/or choose to serve their country by enlisting. 13 percent of the graduating class of 2013 will be pursuing athletic careers at the collegiate level, including at Division I schools. At Reicher, “Your future is our mission.” CONTACT: Jayne Tooker, (254) 752-8349, [email protected] ZZZUHLFKHURUJ1RUWKUG6W:DFR7; 6DFUHG+HDUW &DWKROLF6FKRRO LA GRANGE {PK3-6TH} SACRED HEART CELEBRATES 83 YEARS OF PROVIDING A CATHOLIC EDUCATION FOR OUR STUDENTS. We welcome new prinicpal, Mary Lou Anderle, upon the retirement of Elmer Faykus. There have been exciting technology advances made possible by donations and grants — eight Smart Boards have been installed and 40 handheld devices were recently added to be used for classroom instruction. Students, parents, school board members and teachers partipcated in a float in the local Fair Parade and earned a second place “Most Original” trophy. The PK3 class presented its annual All Saints Day program at church, and the first Veterans Day Program was presented on Veterans Day with many military family and guests present. Military items were displayed, patriotic songs sung and poems read by students. The sixth grade class created a Wounded Warrior Mosaic. As part of the Thanksgiving Mass, students brought and donated 561 pounds of canned goods for the local AMEN Community Pantry. CONTACT: Mary Lou Anderle, (979) 968-3223, fl[email protected] ZZZVDFUHGKHDUWVFKRROOJFRP(3HDUO6W/D*UDQJH7; 6W$XVWLQ&DWKROLF6FKRRO AUSTIN {PK4-8TH} LOCATED IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN, ST. AUSTIN IS COMMITTED TO PREPARING LIFE-LONG LEARNERS IN THE CATHOLIC TRADITION. With direct access to the State Capitol, University of Texas, museums and local community establishments, teachers have an extended classroom to enrich the curriculum. This year, students and parishioners celebrated the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, by praying, singing and reciting Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech on the UT campus. Students also donated $1,361 to the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry and Catholic Relief Services (CRS). The 7th/8th grade 2A and 4A girls’ volleyball teams had undefeated seasons, with the 4A coming in first place in the AIPL tournament, along with the boy’s 4th/5th grade flag football team coming in first in their tournament. Our community came together for the Advent Cantata to celebrate the Christmas season and contributes to the Christmas basket project with the parish. During the spring, we look forward to Catholic Schools Week, Father/Daughter Dance, band and choir concert, PSIA competition, soccer and track seasons, sport’s banquet and eighth grade graduation. We are proud of our history of educating generations of community leaders since 1917 — “non scholae, sed vitae” — not just for school, but for life. CONTACT: Keili Smith, (512) 477-3751 ext. 311, [email protected] ZZZVWDXVWLQVFKRRORUJ6DQ$QWRQLR6WUHHW$XVWLQ7; 'LRFHVHRI$XVWLQ SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT -DQXDU\ 6W'RPLQLF6DYLR &DWKROLF+LJK6FKRRO AUSTIN {9-12TH} OUR HIGH SCHOOL — NOW IN ITS FIFTH YEAR — IS GROWING WITH STUDENTS, ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND SO MANY BLESSINGS! Our fall semester found students busy with sports, studying, service and fun, including Savio Cuts for Cancer, a blood drive, and our third annual Halloween Trunk-R-Treat. Eleven of our seniors were recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Competition for their tests scores and three of them are identified as Semi-Finalists for National Merit. In addition, our Quiz Bowl team has excelled in competitions, recently winning first place at the Metroplex Challenge in Dallas and qualifying for the State competition in April. We look forward to a spring of sports, music, robotics, academic contests and lots of excitement! We are committed to our school vision of “Forming Servant Leaders in the Image of Christ.” CONTACT: Holly Bologna, (512) 388-8846, [email protected] ZZZVDYLRFKVRUJ1HHQDK$YH$XVWLQ7; 6W*DEULHO·V&DWKROLF6FKRRO AUSTIN {PK4-8TH} WHAT IS THE MEASURE OF A SCHOOL’S SUCCESS? AT ST. GABRIEL’S CATHOLIC SCHOOL, IT’S THE SMILING FACES OF OUR STUDENTS. These smiles are the first things you will see when you visit St. Gabriel’s. You will experience an environment of civility and kindness, a welcoming attitude and an authentic spirituality. These school hallmarks reflect the total commitment we have to our students and our school community. With a challenging curriculum, extraordinary teachers, small classes, and a focus on service and leadership, St. Gabriel’s helps children excel academically, grow in virtue, and acquire the leadership skills, experiences and confidence required to form the foundation for successful and meaningful lives — with lots of smiles along the way! CONTACT: Kippi Griffith, (512) 327-7755, [email protected] ZZZVJVDXVWLQRUJ:LPEHUO\/Q$XVWLQ7; 6W+HOHQ&DWKROLF6FKRRO GEORGETOWN {PK4-8TH} FAITH, ACADEMICS AND SERVICE ARE THE BUILDING BLOCKS UPON WHICH ST. HELEN CATHOLIC SCHOOL BUILDS A FOUNDATION FOR STUDENTS WITH ACTIVITIES AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS. In addition to weekly Mass, students practice their faith with activies like celebrating the Exaltation of the Cross and Benediction, reconciliation, a fifth grade “Living Museum of the Saints,” All Souls Day prayer clouds and decorating Jesse Trees for Advent. To promote academics, the school recently installed Mimio Teach® and iPads in classrooms and are enjoying a $30,000 Challenge Grant to the Annual Fund. Service is evident through our parish fall festival Basket Raffle, NJHS collecting more than 225 scarves for “Coats for Kids,” collecting toothbrushes for The Caring Place and drink tabs for the Ronald McDonald House, preparing the church for weekend Masses and serving as altar servers/cantors/lectors. Recent student extracurricular activities honors include flag football (ACAA Championship), volleyball (second place ACAA trophy) and more than 90 students registered to compete in PSIA. By working together to serve God and others, we in turn strengthen our faith, our family, and our parish community as well as our school! CONTACT: Linda Holmstrom, (512) 868-0744 , [email protected] ZZZVKFVOLRQVRUJ(DVW8QLYHUVLW\$YHQXH*HRUJHWRZQ7; 'LRFHVHRI$XVWLQ SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT -DQXDU\ 6W,JQDWLXV0DUW\U&DWKROLF6FKRRO AUSTIN {PK4-8TH} ST. IGNATIUS HAS BEEN DEVELOPING CURIOUS MINDS, PASSIONATE HEARTS AND COMMITTED LIVES SINCE THE 1940s. We believe that a Catholic school offers young people the means to gain knowledge and develop understanding and wisdom. On a daily basis, our children are provided with a challenging and broad-based curriculum; religious values; daily prayer and weekly Mass; a caring family environment; a highly qualified faculty and staff; an after school care program; and extracurricular sports program (grades 5-8). When children are provided with these, they gain hearts that are compassionate and nourished by Catholic teachings and values, minds that are curious and well-trained in the humanities and sciences, and lives that are active and committed to citizenship, service and social justice. CONTACT: Todd Blahnik, (512) 442-8547, [email protected] ZZZVWLJQDWLXVRUJ6FKRRO:2OWRUI6W$XVWLQ7; 6W-RVHSK&DWKROLF6FKRRO BRYAN {PK4-12TH} ANCHORED BY THE ROOTS OF NEARLY 120 YEARS IN CATHOLIC EDUCATION, ST. JOSEPH BALANCES TRADITION AND INNOVATION TO PROVIDE THE BEST EDUCATION AND FORMATION. A combination of spiritual routine and faith-infused curriculum helps create a culture that promotes holiness and leads students to their most important vocation, sainthood. New contributions include the celebration of a St. Joseph Altar, First Friday Mass and Devotion to the Sacred Heart, and Stations of the Cross during Lent. Our curriculum challenges students to open their minds and stretch their intellects. The outcome of this approach is evident in the waiting list of families hoping to begin their children’s education at both the elementary and secondary campuses, where we boast a prestigious list of colleges to which our students are accepted. The formation of the spirit and education of the mind merge in the formation of our student athletes who bear witness to their call to holiness. This year, the middle school volleyball A-team played an undefeated season; the high school football team advanced in the play-offs; and students of all skill levels enjoyed hearty competition at our annual kickball tournament. CONTACT: Patty Blaszak, (979) 822-6641, ext. 12, [email protected] ZZZVWMRVHSKVFKRROEFVRUJ6&RXOWHU%U\DQ7; 6W-RVHSK&DWKROLF6FKRRO KILLEEN {PK3-5TH} ST. JOSEPH IS COMMITTED TO EDUCATING STUDENTS IN CATHOLIC VALUES AND TRADITIONS, DEVELOPING A FIRM FOUNDATION IN ACADEMICS, AND FOSTERING RESPECT AND SERVICE. The school will honor the students, staff, and parent volunteers during Catholic Schools Week. Everyone looks forward to the annual school Mass on Saturday evening followed by a Spaghetti Dinner. CONTACT: Becky Kirkland, (254) 634-7272, [email protected] ZZZVWMRVHSKVFKRRONLOOHHQRUJ(DVW5DQFLHU$YH.LOOHHQ7; 6W/RXLV&DWKROLF6FKRRO AUSTIN {PK4-8TH} ST. LOUIS IS COMMITTED TO INSTILLING THE CATHOLIC FAITH IN EVERY ASPECT OF THE DAY WHILE PREPARING STUDENTS TO BE FUTURE LEADERS BY FOCUSING ON EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION. Bishop Joe Vásquez’ visit at the beginning of the year highlighted this commitment through student participation at Mass, discussions with him and everyday demonstrations of class activities and technologies used to complement the educational experience. Instituting Notre Dame’s “Play Like a Champion Today” program has created a positive environment in which nearly all middle school students participate in sports and accolades have followed — 5th/6th flag football (undefeated regular season), 5th/6th 4A volleyball (first in season/tournament) and 7th/8th 2A volleyball (first in season). CONTACT: Rosalie Dowling, (512) 454-0384, ext. 245, [email protected] ZZZVWORXLVVFKRRORUJ6W-RVHSK%OYG$XVWLQ7; 'LRFHVHRI$XVWLQ SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT -DQXDU\ 6W/RXLV&DWKROLF6FKRRO WACO {PK3-8TH} CHRIST IS OUR MODEL AND WE ARE DEDICATED TO THE FORMATION OF CHILDREN IN FAITH, MIND AND BODY BY FOSTERING PERSONAL EXCELLENCE WITHIN THE CATHOLIC TRADITION. StuSAINT LOUIS dents have participated in many service projects—visiting nursing homes and pet rescue CATHOLIC SCHOOL centers, participating in Food for Families and donating items to the Family Abuse Center. The eighth grade class sponsored two families at Christmas by raising money, purchasing and delivering items to help these families. The students have also enjoyed attending retreats on topics such as bullying and peer pressure. CONTACT: Peggy Herbert, (254) 754-2041, [email protected] ZZZVWORXLVZDFRRUJ1UG6W:DFR7; 6W0DU\·V&DWKROLF6FKRRO TAYLOR {PK4-8TH} WITH THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY, EMPHASIS IS PLACED ON ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT,TEACHING AND PRACTICING GOSPEL VALUES, AND HONORING CATHOLIC TRADITIONS. Students in eighth grade may earn high school credit in Algebra and Spanish. Extracurricular activities include athletics, PSIA, hand bell choir and vocal choir. Bus service is available to St. Mary’s from St. William Parish in Round Rock, Dell Diamond and Hutto, and there are several car pools servicing the surrounding area. CONTACT: Dr. Barbara Gibson, (512) 365-1431, [email protected] ZZZVWPDU\VWD\ORURUJ:DVKEXUQ6WUHHW7D\ORU7; 6W0DU\·V&DWKROLF6FKRRO TEMPLE {PK4-8TH} ST. MARY’S CONTINUES TO PRIDE ITSELF ON ACADEMICS. Our students score above the national average on standardized testing as they also perform well on the Assessment for Catechesis/Religious Education Exam taken by our fifth and eighth grade students. Our elementary and middle school won the PSIA district level competition! While academics remain strong, St. Mary’s has also turned its attention to meeting the needs of the whole student mind, soul and body, with the completion of our new gym and band hall facility. Additionally, we began the tradition of a vocations walk-a-thon to strengthen our Catholic identity. Through the support of the Guardian Angel campaign, a total of 30 new computers are available to students. Even our parents continue to rally and support the mission of St. Mary’s as the Father Club formed with the purpose of meeting to serve the needs of the school. St. Mary’s continues to thrive in its 115th year! CONTACT: Nisa Lagle, (254) 778-8141, [email protected] ZZZVWPDU\VWHPSOHRUJ6RXWKWK6W7HPSOH7; 6W0DU\·V&DWKROLF6FKRRO WEST {PK4-8TH} ALONG WITH A STRONG CORE CURRICULUM, INCLUSIVE OF RELIGIOUS FORMATION, STUDENTS CONTINUE THE TRADITION OF PARTICIPATING IN A VARIETY OF SERVICE PROJECTS. These include: collecting canned goods at Thanksgiving and baby items at Christmas, making Christmas ornaments for nursing home residents, annual fundraising to donate proceeds to Brookhaven Boys Ranch, helping with the schoolwide beautification/landscaping day amid others. The school continues to grow and develop, with eight new students added to the junior high this year. The area of technology has also expanded, now with the Discovery Education online resource and Study Island subscriptions for teachers and students to use in research and skills reinforcement, as well as new computers for the school lab and new technology textbooks. Extracurricular activities include NJHS, athletics, student council and more. Middle school students participate in the Diocesan Science Fair or the Heart of Texas Regional History Fair at Baylor. CONTACT: Ericka Sammon, (254) 826-5991, [email protected] ZZZVWPDU\VZHVWFRP:6SUXFH6W:HVW7; 'LRFHVHRI$XVWLQ SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT -DQXDU\ 6W0LFKDHO·V&DWKROLF$FDGHP\ AUSTIN {9-12TH} IT’S BEEN BUSY AT ST. MICHAEL’S. As part of our annual Community Day and service projects, students worked together to collect food for Capital Area Food Bank, load trucks at Mobile Loaves and Fishes and volunteer with Catholic Charities. The drama department performed a wonderful rendition of “The Last Night of Ballyhoo,” — a TAPPS State One Act Play contest fourth place finish. The drum line continues to entertain fans and the visual arts students worked in cooperation with “The Memory Project” organization to create portraits for disadvantaged youth around the world. Three highly recruited SMCA scholar-athletes have committed to playing college athletics at University of Richmond, South- ern Methodist University and Texas State University. Likewise, the school celebrated 34 students earning induction into the National Honor Society. SMCA scholar-athletes have rallied the school community with successful fall seasons in Crusader football, volleyball, swimming and cross country. Homecoming Week included Future Crusaders and alumni visiting the campus, a pep rally and beautiful dance. CONTACT: Aaron Stancik, (512) 328-2323, [email protected] ZZZVPFDFRP%DUWRQ&UHHN%OYG$XVWLQ7; 6W7KHUHVD·V &DWKROLF6FKRRO AUSTIN {PK4-8TH} LEARN, SERVE, BELIEVE — THAT IS THE HEART OF THE STUDENT EXPERIENCE AT ST.THERESA’S CATHOLIC SCHOOL. We continue to emphasize high academic standards and values that build character, integrity and compassion. We recently moved into a beautiful new state of the art building on the St. Theresa Catholic Church campus. This new space has enhanced the learning environment for both intermediate and middle school. Students, faculty and staff take part in monthly All-School Virtue assemblies promoting a chosen virtue each month. In November the virtues of mercy and compassion were exemplified in our students — a canned food drive for the Capital Area Food Bank, Coats for Kids service project, Advent Giving project supporting Foundation Communities and each grade level sponsored a family for the holidays. With more than 13 after school activities and clubs available, every Tiger is able to learn, grow and enjoy time with their classmates outside of the classroom. Our fall sports season was very successful for our student athletes. Our golf, volleyball, basketball, and football teams did well. And, cross country earned an AIPL Championship for the boys’ team. Our STCS Annual Fund Campaign “Party Season” wrapped up after 10 grade-level specific parties were held celebrating our Catholic community and dedication to Catholic School education. CONTACT: Suzanne Leggett, (512) 451-7105, [email protected] ZZZVWWKHUHVDRUJ6PDOO'U$XVWLQ7; 6DQ-XDQ'LHJR&DWKROLF+LJK6FKRRO AUSTIN {9-12TH} SAN JUAN DIEGO CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL (SJDCHS) IS A UNIQUE CATHOLIC, COLLEGE-PREPARATORY HIGH SCHOOL LIKE NO OTHER IN CENTRAL TEXAS. Founded in 2002 by Archbishop Gregory Aymond, SJDCHS delivers more than the typical high school experience. SJDCHS promises every student the opportunity to excel — spiritually, academically and professionally. SJDCHS focuses on preparing students for lifelong success. Students volunteer many hours of service in their communities, are challenged with a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum, and are encouraged to participate in a number of extracurricular activities including athletics, after-school clubs and academic enrichment. The cornerstone of SJDCHS is the innovative Corporate Internship Program. Students intern one day a week for more than 25 of Austin’s leading employers including, Seton Healthcare Family, Dell Inc., and the Diocese of Austin. Students learn real-world skills they’ll need for future success. SJDCHS students graduate with confidence, strong business relationships and impressive resumes that garner them college acceptances and scholarships. CONTACT: Gerard Cisneros, (512) 804-1935, [email protected] ZZZVMGFKVRUJ+HUQGRQ/Q$XVWLQ7; SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT 'LRFHVHRI$XVWLQ -DQXDU\ 6DQWD&UX]&DWKROLF6FKRRO BUDA {PK4-8TH} SANTA CRUZ IS IN ITS SEVENTH YEAR AS THE ONLY CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN HAYS COUNTY. The school continues to experience significant growth each year since its inception. Currently, we have 212 students in grades PK4 through eighth. Besides a rigorous academic program, the school offers a Gifted and Talented program, enrichment classes in music, art, and computers, athletics, Destination Imagination and National Junior Honor Society. We also participate in various academic competitions, such as PSIA and Math Pentathlon. And, we are proud to have several Dominican Sisters serving as teachers. CONTACT: Susan Flanagan, (512) 312-2137, sfl[email protected] ZZZVFFVW[RUJ0DLQ6WUHHW%XGD7; 6WV&\ULO0HWKRGLXV &DWKROLF6FKRRO GRANGER {PK2-KINDERGARTEN} STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS CATHOLIC SCHOOL IS DESIGNED FOR OUR YOUNGEST LEARNERS IN PRE-KINDERGARTEN AND KINDERGARTEN WHO ARE BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18 MONTHS AND 5 YEARS. Our program teaches the whole child and is centered around building a relationship with God. Our focus during Catholic Schools Week is on faith, knowledge and service. CONTACT: Angela Warner, (512) 859-2927, [email protected] ZZZVVFPHGXRUJ1*XDGDOXSH6W*UDQJHU7; CATHOLIC SCHOOLS DIOCESE OF AUSTIN Education to the Highest Power CELEBRATING CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Dinner & Awards Ceremony JANUARY 25, 2014 CELEBRATING SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS PROVIDING TUITION ASSISTANCE INSPIRING SPEAKERS Hyatt Regency Town Lake, Austin 208 Barton Springs, Austin, Texas 78704 KEYNOTE SPEAKER Sr. Carol Cimino, SSJ, EdD Superintendent, Diocese of Buffalo & Former Jeopardy! Champion HONOREES Brother Joseph Harris, C.S.C. Cathedral School of Saint Mary, Austin Donald Whittenberg St. Joseph Catholic School, Killeen Christy McNaughton Holy Family Catholic School, Austin Darlene Howard St. Louis Catholic School, Austin Renee and Bruce Matous Holy Trinity Catholic High School, Temple Msgr. Mark Deering St. Louis Catholic School, Waco Kenneth Young Reicher Catholic High School, Waco Agnes Nowaski St. Mary’s Catholic School, Temple Msgr. Harry Mazurkiewicz Sacred Heart Catholic School, La Grange Janice Hutyra St. Mary’s Catholic School, West Lisa and Scott Carruth St. Austin Catholic School, Austin David Koch St. Michael’s Catholic Academy, Austin Emily Hurlimann Darla Christman St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School, Austin St. Theresa’s Catholic School, Austin Laura and Tim Keyes St. Gabriel’s Catholic School, Austin Geronimo Rodriguez San Juan Diego Catholic High School, Austin Ray Sanchez St. Helen Catholic School, Georgetown Paul Curtin Santa Cruz Catholic School, Buda John Vondrak St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic School, Austin Joanne Selucky Sts. Cyril & Methodius Catholic School, Granger Jeff Blaszak St. Joseph Catholic School, Bryan Proceeds from this event are returned to schools for tuition assistance To purchase tickets, become a sponsor or donate online visit: