Călăraşi County Police Inspectorate
Călăraşi County Police Inspectorate
MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS GENERAL INSPECTORATE OF THE ROMANIAN POLICE CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE Călăraşi county Country : Romania Residential City: Călăraşi County surface: 5.088 km 2 About 307 000 inhabitants: 36,2%- urban area; - 63,8%- rural area. - Ukraine Republic of Moldavia Hungary 1 residential city with over 73 000 inhabitants 1 City with over 25 000 inhabitants Ukraine Serbia DUNĂREA Bulgaria 50 Communes 160 Villages București Călărași county 3 Towns with less than 30.000 inhabitants BLACK SEA Călăraşi county Călăraşi county possesses a relief which has as a predominant characteristic: the plain, river meadows and swamps. The county belongs to the hydrological basin of Danube river, the main water flow of the county, which is divided into two (2) branches: The Old Danube and Borcea. Other important streams are: Argeş and Dâmboviţa rivers. The main natural richness are the agricultural fields which occupy about 84 % from the county surface. The lands have a higher fertility which allows the agriculture performance on a large scale, being predominant the cereal character of the vegetal production. MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS Vice prime-minister for national security, Minister of the Internal Affairs State Secretaries General Directorates Central Level The main subordinated institutions Romanian Police General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police Romanian Border Police Romanian Gendarmerie General Inspectorate of General Inspectorate the Romanian border of the Romanian Police Gendarmerie General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations General General Directorate Inspectorate of Antifor Corruption Immigration Romanian Immigration Office County Level Călărași County Police Inspectorate Călăraşi Territorial Department of Border Police Călărași County Gendarmerie Inspectorate Călărași County Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Călărași County Department for Anticorruption Călărași County Immigration Office CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE County chief inspector Deputy of county chief inspector and Chief of Public Order and Safety Police Deputy of county chief inspector and Chief of Crime Investigation Police Compartments County Departments Călăraşi Municipality Police 3 Rural Police Units (19 communal police stations) Fundulea Town Police 1 Rural Police Unit (4 communal police stations) Offices Olteniţa Municipality Police 2 Rural Police Units (12 communal police stations) Budeşti Town Police 1 Rural Police Unit (5 communal police stations) 3 independent communal police stations Belciugatele, Crivăţ şi Frumuşani Lehliu – Gară Town Police 1 Rural Police Unit ( 7 communal police stations) CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE Support Structures Operative Structures Cabinet Department and Operational Center Office/Dispatch Human Resources Department Călăraşi Municipality Police Public Order Department Legal Department Crime Asess and Prevention Compartment Road Police Department Special Actions Department Psychology Internal Control Compartment Security Structure IT&C Department Logistics Department Financial and Accounting Department Economic Crime Investigation Department Firearms, Explosives and Dangerous Substances Department Forensic Department Crime Investigation Department Center for Detention and Temporary Arrest Criminal Records, Statistics and Operative Records Department Olteniţa Municipality Police Budeşti Town Police Fundulea Town Police Lehliu-Gară Town Police 8 Rural Police Units 50 communal police stations, whereof 3 independents CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE C Ă LĂ RAŞ I COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE Călăraşi County Police Inspectorate represents the specialized public entity, whose activity is performed in the interest of persons and community and also in support of state institutions, based solely on law enforcement. The fundamental objective is to increase the level of citizens’ security and the primary attribute of maintaining the public order and safety, to prevent and combat crime phenomenon, to identify and counteract the actions addressed against life, liberty, health and integrity of people, private and public property, as well as other community’s legitimate interests. Main activities Performs studies and researches on the crime’s dynamic in the competence area and proposes measures in order to prevent it; Collaborates with educational institutions and NGOs in order to prepare the citizens on the anti-criminal issues ; Organisses and carries out activities in order to prevent and reveal the offences against life, bodily integrity, freedom and dignity of the person, against public or private property; Protects life, body integrity and liberty, public and private property and other legitimate rights and interests of citizens and state; Gathers, collects, processes, stores, analyses and exploits intelligence in order to discover, prevent and fight against delinquency and other illegal actions; According to the jurisdiction, carries out activities in order to discover criminal acts and to perform investigations concerning these matters. CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE It exerts the control, according to the law, regarding the weapons’ owners and the way used for owning, porting and use of weapons and ammunition, explosives and hazardous substances, assessing how the transactions are carried out with it; Co-operates with national and international organizations and bodies, foreign police structures in the field of migration, refugees, child rights protection, human rights, etc.; Uses procedures and technical scientific tools at the crime scene investigation and examines the evidences and the material means of evidence, through its accredited laboratories and specialists; Coordinates, guides and performs controls to the vehicles found in traffic; Cooperates with law enforcement authorities from other countries or international organisations in order to prevent and fight against crossborder crime. Specific issue in the police field at Călăraşi county level Multiculturalism is present in Călăraşi county in terms of ethnic composition and religious affiliation. Along with the majority population coexists a significant number of people belonging to the Roma ethnic group which imparts a special characteristic to illegal social acts, but at the same time requires a certain type of conduct from the authority actors’ part, especially the Police. „Human rights”, „equal opportunities”, „non-discriminatory attitudes” are and shall remain usual terms with a real content for each policeman. The weight of the rural population (61,25%) in the county is reflected in the quantitative and especially, qualitative composition of the crime. From this point of view, the judicial statistics is relevant: criminal acts against the person and property have weight in this environment: little violence and thefts from households. The priorities for prevention and fight against are the violent crimes, as well as the thefts, especially the burglaries and thefts from households. CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE PUBLIC ORDER DEPARTMENT Public Order Department is responsible for fulfilling the police specific duties in order to ensure and maintain public safety and order, to guide and control the activities regarding the guarding systems and to coordinate the rural police units and the communal police stations, which are within the area of competence. MAIN TASKS: coordinates, guides, supports and performs controls on the activity of knowing the population, ensuring the public order and fighting against streets’ crime, as well as the observance of the rules of social co-habitation on the territory of rural and urban localities; guides, supports and performs control activities to the rural police units in order to ensure the fulfilment of its tasks; periodically, assesses the streets’ crime phenomenon and after the reached conclusions, establishes actions and measures in order to be undertaken; organises and guides the protection activity of the monetary transports and establishes measures that must be undertaken by the policemen in the field of ensuring the public order. CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE CRIME INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT Its general objective is the development of operational and institutional capacity in preventing and fight against violence and protecting the patrimony. Crime Investigation Department has the following sectorial objectives: prevention and fight against criminality in its simple and qualified forms; prevention and fight against juvenile delinquency; protection of national cultural patrimony; prevention and fight against crimes which harm life, integrity and individuals health; protection of private and public patrimony; prevention and fight against crimes committed by Romanian citizens abroad. It performs collaboration and cooperation activities with similar structures from other countries in order to fight against cross-border crime. Under the prosecutors’ coordination, the police officers carries out investigative activities at the crime scene, informative operative activities, offers support and guidance, verifies the complex files in order to identify the authors in cases of serious crimes committed with violence. CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE ECONOMIC CRIME INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT It’s the specialized unit that is acting according to the law in order to combat economic offences, having as main objective fight against crime and prevention in the financial – economic field under the management and control of the assigned prosecutors, in accordance to the law provisions. The structure is: acting directly or in collaboration with other public authorities in order to protect people against corruption acts, smuggling and preserve public or private property; coordinating fraud prevention activities; assessing the economic crimes rate and is developing prevention measures related to it; CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE FIREARMS, EXPLOSIVES AND DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES DEPARTMENT Main objectives: prevention and fight against illegal activities of hunting and/or fishing; enforcing the legal provisions regarding the import, handling, holding and selling explosive materials; targeting, identifying and recording the illegal firearms and ammunition’s holders; ensuring the legal provisions regarding the dangerous and very dangerous substances, as well as the protection of plants products. CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE ROAD DEPARTMENT The structure is responsible of fulfilling the tasks that are assigned to the policemen with respect to a safety traffic on public roads. It’s main goals are: to organize, guide and control the activities of the subordinated traffic units in order to fulfill their tasks, working and acting together with local authorities to establish and take appropriate measures for ensuring an increased level of safety on county public roads; to investigate the crime scene of the traffic accidents with known and unknown authors with the aim of solving them, as well as to prevent and fight against the infringement of traffic rules; to organize and carry out actions on the area of competence, ensuring that the traffic norms are observed by the traffic participants, preventing at the same time road accidents; to take measures for informing and educating the traffic participants, using the newspapers, radios, thematic videos, promotional materials and other means. CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE FORENSIC DEPARTMENT It carries out the following tasks: technical and scientific investigation at the crime scene in case of crimes or other events that, according to the law, have to be solved by Police; o based on ordinances or justified resolutions, it carries out technical and scientific examinations as: chemical, physical, biological, ballistic and dactyloscopical in order to find out the truth in criminal cases; organizes, updates and develops identification activities in forensic collections and its data bases, in order to identify criminals, objects, unknown substances and means used in committing the crimes or to identify evidences as crime results; CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE DEPARTMENT FOR SPECIAL ACTIONS It exercises the tasks in accordance with law provisions in force concerning life, corporal integrity and individuals’ liberty protection. The main duty is the intervention through specific methods and procedures for: - catching the dangerous or armed offenders, the fugitives or dangerous armed deserters, as well as freeing hostages, kidnapped or sequestered persons. CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE CRIME ASSESS AND PREVENTION COMPARTMENT It has in its competence the activity of drawing up programs and projects in partnership, especially for eliminating the causes and conditions which generate or encourage the crime. It carries out its activity in social partnership in accordance with the legal provisions, respecting the human beings rights and the equidistance principles in partnership relations and through its undertaken activities tries to build a bridge between citizens and policemen. Cooperates with national and international organizations and bodies, foreign police units in the field of migration, refugees, children rights protection, human rights etc. CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE OB J ECTIVES: CRIME ASSES AND PREVENTION COMPARTMENT Working out periodically studies, analyses and diagnoses regarding crime dimensions and its tendencies; Drafting studies regarding the management perception and promotion of a modern police management; Drawing up surveys on citizens’ perception upon the level of the community safety and the quality of the police services; Drawing up local and regional programs for crime prevention; Reducing the victimization risks; Optimization the police – community relation, improving the social partnerships. Main way of action: 1. Schools’ safety; 2. Prevention the trafficking in human beings; 3. Promotion of best practices in multicultural police – community relation; 4. Prevention the illegal traffic of drugs and consumption; 5. Prevention the domestic/family violence; 6. Prevention the juvenile delinquency. CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE Crime Asses and Prevention Compartmentt PREVENTION CAMPAIGNS Călăraşi County Police Inspectorate, through Crime Asses and Prevention Compartment had carried out and is still running 2 national prevention programs: Prevention Program on juvenile delinquency and minors victimization; Prevention Program on crimes against patrimony, which is approached at local level on 3 ways of action, as: prevention of burglaries, prevention of animals and birds thefts and prevention of robberies (street crimes). The prevention programs have the aim of carrying out informative actions regarding the minimum self-protection measures, the consequences on embracing an anti-social behavior, as well as actions intending to discourage the potential offenders, by using specific police measures which have preventive effects. (actions, controls, patrols etc.) Member of European Traffic Police Organization (TISPOL), Romanian Police and its territorial units annually carries out preventive activities on public roads, in accordance with TISPOL Schedule, entitled: SEATBELT ALCOHOL/DRUGS TRUCK & BUS SPEED CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT The activity of Călăraşi County Police Inspectorate’s staff training is carried out decentralized, at county departments and sub-units level and individually, coordinated by the departments’ chiefs, direct chiefs and by the police officers responsible for the continuous training. The training curriculum consists of topics prepared and submitted by General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police, for general training, of specific themes framed by each Department of GIRP, according to its specific activity field, but also themes prepared at local level, according to the unit’s needs of training. Training is performed through individual study, monthly at training summons, by debates, workshops, by training modules organized and carried out by police officers and trainers and also by courses organized in educational institutions subordinated to GIRP and Ministry of Internal Affairs. Staff specific training on Schengen started in 2010 and the trainers’ activity on this field consist of: training sessions organized within training summons, attending interdisciplinary workshops between structures or units of MIA, drawing up themes, materials, power-point presentations, study cases, worksheets, tests, thus an information center on Schengen issues being created This specific training was received by operative policemen within the following Călăraşi County Police Inspectorate’s departments: Crime Investigation, Economic Crime Investigation, Fight Against Organized Crime, Road Police, Public Order, Firearms, Explosive and Dangerous Substances Cabinet department – Dispatch. CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE P R I O R I T I E S: Inter-institutional Cooperation Public Ministry GIRP Units S.R.I. Romanian DGJMB Intelligence Department GIRP M. CCPI JUSTIŢIEI MONITORING ACTIVITY AND JOINT ACTIONS JOINT ACTIONS, EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION JOINT ACTIONS AND EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION Information and Internal IGPR Protection JOINT ACTIONS AND EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION Gendarmerie, POLIŢIA Local Police LOCALĂ JOINT ACTIONS AND EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION Bordering ANAF county Police JOINT ACTIONS AND EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION School Inspectorate, Social I.T.M. Assistance and Children Protection INTER-INSTITUTIONAL COOPERATION JOINT ACTIONS AND EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION Organizing the activities based on data and information held with the aim of administering the complete evidences for the offenders, as well as reducing the phenomenon on the work field. International Cooperation Călăraşi County Police Inspectorate had carried out joint activities during October 2014 – May 2015 with law enforcement authorities within Ministry of Internal Affairs and Finance Ministry of Republic of Moldavia and within Ministry of Interior of Republic of Bulgaria in the implementation period of the project entitled „Together, fighting against smuggled cigarettes and tobacco”, which received a grant from the European Commission – European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), according to the Grant Agreement number OLAF/2014/D5/023. * Section no. 2 of No. 3 Directorate of Investigation National Inspectorate within Police General Inspectorate – Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republic of Moldavia * Section no. 2 of Special Investigation Directorate of Border Police Department – Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republic of Moldavia * Canine Center Directorate within Customs Department of Ministry of Finance of Republic of Moldavia General Directorate of Border Police within Ministry of Interior of Republic of Bulgaria Specialized Directorate "Countering organized crime", State Agency For "National Security", Republic of Bulgaria CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY POLICE INSPECTORATE Address: Romania, Călăraşi City, Republicii Avenue, no. 44, Telephone: +40 242 313 976, + 40 242 306 006 Fax : + 40 242 313 976 E-mail : [email protected]